Messages of appreciation from one (or more) villager(s) to one (or more) other villager(s)!
Val and Neil Morris thank all friends and neighbours for their kind messages during Neil's recent [long] spell in hospital. Hopefully, he's on the mend.
Thank you all for the donations for Alan's bench which is now in place next to the telephone box and was very nicely made locally, with wood kindly donated by John and Fenella, and a big thank you to Paul for arranging the collection of the money for me, which amounted to nearly £2,000.
I had funds left over, so I have given donations to the things Alan loved in the village - Berrynarbor Newsletter, Berry in Bloom, the Manor Hall and Berrynarbor Horticultural and Craft Society.
Many thanks.
One of the very many things Alan did for the village, was to bring the telephone box from Berry Down, and refurbish it ready to be today's information centre.

behalf of Lee and myself, we should like to thank everyone who sent well wishes
and prayers following on from Louis' accident back in June. A super big thank you to Jim, Jenny, Scott
and Linda for helping out when it happened.
after eight weeks of intense rehab, Louis is now back in a pair of rugby boots
and had his first game under the Exeter Chiefs Academy last week.
It was
quite overwhelming to have so many people ask after him which makes part of
living in a lovely village so special.
We should both like to say a big huge sincere thank you to all our lovely neighbours and many friends in Berrynarbor and Combe Martin for all the love and help shown to us since I have been unwell.
The generosity of you all has been very overwhelming. The cards, good wishes and flowers, along with the goodies and meals have been so much appreciated.The ladies down at the shop have been so very good to us and nothing is too much trouble.
Thank you to all our many friends in the churches for your love and prayers. Lastly but not least our loving family, so patient and always here for us both. Our love and appreciation,
June and Gerry
Mike and Jo Lane would like to thank
the many people who have helped them in these difficult times. The Parish Council have set up a great
scheme for collecting and delivering prescriptions for older villagers - they
deserve a great deal of credit.
First of all I should like to say
well done to Be and Richard for organising another fabulous Soup and Pud Evening. A wonderful village night, full of fun,
laughter and good food and all the more amazing as they had only just got back
from their travels.
The do was really well attended and raised over £900. We were asked for suggestions on how this
money should be allocated. Well I am
delighted to report that it has not gone towards the Gingell's
next travel project but they have been kind enough to donate £200 to Read Easy
This is a very worthwhile local charity that I have been
working with for the last two years. It provides free, one-to-one tuition for
adults who struggle with reading. Sadly,
in the Barnstaple area alone there are about 1,500 adults who have a reading
level that makes it difficult to cope with life. Everyday tasks and most employment are a
challenge. Imagine not being able to catch a bus or
train, fill in a form for a prescription, read a menu, find the right aisle in
the supermarket, and apply for a job. Not being able to read is life limiting and
Our coaches are all volunteers, who have been trained to
give individual, non-judgmental help for however long it takes. Ideally meeting twice
a week for 30 minutes the learner sets the pace. Meetings are held in specially selected,
discreetly staffed venues to safeguard both learners and mentors.
To find out more about this life changing charity please
check out the Read Easy UK website - Better
still, spread the word. Word of mouth is our greatest tool. If you know someone who is struggling to
read, please help and encourage them to phone 07471332096 . It
could literally change their life.
Thank you. Do call
me on [01271] 882675 if you want further information or would like to help Read
Easy Barnstaple
Manor Hall Trust
CIO 11619090
Well, our first venture into women's fashion was a great success with ticket sales being over subscribed for the Ladies Night which was held on the 6th of November. Over 90 jolly ladies [helped by a glass or two of Prosecco!] squeezed into the hall to enjoy a very entertaining show of clothes, jewellery and handbags, along with treatments from Beauty at the Beach from Combe Martin and skin care from Tropical. The whole evening raised just under £650 for the hall so thank you to all who attended.
A big thank you must also go to Bernadette and her team from Clathers of Ilfracombe who worked so hard and gave us a very generous £250 donation along with some lovely raffle prizes. Well done to all our brilliant models, some of whom were familiar village faces and who really got into the spirit of things. There is no doubt they will be receiving phone calls from Dolce and Gabbana before too long!
Lastly, we must once again thank all our hard-working Hall Trustees and including their partners, for all their help and especially our chef de cuisine, Caroline, for her delicious canapes. We very much hope to be putting on a Spring/Summer Ladies Night, so look out for the date in the New Year and buy your tickets early!
Sadly, we are bidding a fond farewell to Alison our Bookings Clerk who has been part of the Hall management for many years. Alison has been such a hardworking, dedicated and well-liked member of the team, going down to the hall all hours of the day and night, rain or shine to let people in or to sort out any problems. She will be sorely missed. We send her and Trevor our grateful thanks and best wishes.
Lastly on Saturday 14th December we have our Christmas Coffee Morning between 10.00 a.m. and 12 noon. Please join us for a coffee or mulled wine and mince pie.
A very Happy Christmas and New Year to you all
Julia - Chairman & Bookings
I noted in August's edition, Judie's thanks
to her contributors to the Newsletter over the past 30 years. I have read with interest, amusement
and at times sadness, most editions during that time. I should like to express my, and I'm
sure for many other readers, our sincere thanks to Judie herself for her
commitment and work in editing the Newsletter over those years.
Keep up the good work, Judie!
Anne Bailey
February and another successful Soup and Pudding evening, raising over £900. Many
thanks to all those who attended, who tried and tested the variety of soups and
puds we had to offer.
another big thank you to those who kindly made soups and puddings, who donated
raffle prizes, and those who gave their time to help out, put up, pack away,
stir, wash up, clear away. What a great
village we live in!
this year include: Berrynarbor School, Berrynarbor Pre-School, The Manor Hall
Trust, Bosom Buddies, Over and Above and Chemo Heroes.

Thanks again, from the Soup and Pudders
many thanks to Barry, Nic and the team at The Globe for providing a fantastic
Christmas Lunch in December for over 30, Jigsaw Project people - the food was
great, the venue fabulous, the atmosphere was just right to get everyone in a
festive mood - Ho! Ho! Ho! Also a huge thank you to Lynney
Bridle, Sandra Richards and Pat Martin - dressed as Santa's little elves - for
giving up their time to serve the meal, clear up and make the day very special
for everyone.
thanks and appreciation to everyone in Berrynarbor who donated wrapped
Christmas presents to give people who were unfortunately in a position whereby
they would have received very little.
The joy on people's faces, when the presents were delivered, showed the
true meaning of Christmas and for me, was a moment in time that is very
difficult to describe - their joyful tears will stay in my memory for a long
time. Thank you so much to you all for
making a difference.
Ann [Davies]
The Save
Our Newsletter plea in the June issue has had an incredible response and my
very sincere thanks to everyone who has rallied to the cause, with donations
both large and small. In the words of
a certain supermarket, 'Every Little Helps'!
Thank you, the Newsletter is definitely going into its 30th year! This does not, however, imply complacency,
donations will continue to be essential and very welcome!

Especial thanks for the legacy from Ron
Toms and the proceeds from the Dog Show.
You will all, I am sure, have noticed
the lovely new bench by the bus shelter in memory of Ron and placed there by
his daughter Sheila and Tony in June.
They hope it will give a lot of people a lot of pleasure to sit on for
many years to come. The money left over
from the donations given at Ron's funeral has kindly been donated to the
Ron was a great supporter of the
Newsletter, always putting his hand in his pocket every time I visited him and
sending copies off to his friends and relatives.
Thank you, Ron, Sheila and Tony.
The only wet day in weeks and yes, it
was the day of the Dog Show! However,
dogs large, small and very small, turned up, wagging their tails and bringing
their well-behaved owners on short leads with them.
The rain that began gently, became
torrential and even those sheltering under the trees got wet through and through,
the raffle was hidden under umbrellas and paperwork became soggy, but everyone
entered into the spirit of the day, with the winners delighted with their
rosettes and prizes.
Thanks to Judge Yvette Gubb, to the
sponsors of the class prizes and donators of raffle prizes, but a very big and
sincere thank you to Sian and Julia for organising and running the event on
behalf of the Parish Council and in support of the Newsletter.
Another great evening of delicious soups and scrumptious puddings. A massive Thank You to those who helped to make this evening so special. Wonderful food and raffle prizes donated, a smashing quiz by Phil and lots of help with setting up and putting away. It wouldn't have happened without you generous people.
The following donations have been made: £200 to Berrynarbor School, £250 to the Manor Hall Trust, £100 to Berrynarbor Pre-school, £250 to the Devon Air Ambulance and £125 to Amigos Charity [for 2 bicycles].

February the 9th was another successful and fun quiz and supper evening which raised a wonderful £745 for Berry in Bloom. Thanks to Phil for the Quiz, the cooks for the delicious food, the raffle prize donators and everyone who came to enjoy the evening.
A big thank you to everyone who joined the Craft Group in an afternoon of knitting and nattering in aid of the North Devon Hospice. 3 large bags of colourful knitted strips and a cheque for £230 were delivered to grateful staff at the Hospice.
"Success has
a thousand fathers but failure is an orphan."
origins of this quotation are believed to be attributed to Julius Agricola as
written by the Roman historian Tacitus about 98AD. Translated from the Latin, "This is an
unfair thing about war: victory is
claimed by all, failure to one alone."
In 1961,
responding to a question from a journalist about the Bay of Pigs invasion, John
F. Kennedy said, "There is an old saying, victory has a thousand fathers and
defeat is an orphan."
"thousand" is often quoted as "a hundred" or "many", and "failure" as "defeat".

A very big thank you to all who supported our fund raising event in the Manor Hall.
We made £500 - a fantastic amount and more than we had hoped. Thank you to all those who donated raffle prizes, plants, cakes, etc.
We'll be having another fun-raising do in the autumn, a Quiz at the George and Dragon, Ilfracombe - date to be confirmed.
Our next demonstration will be in September, so enjoy the summer break!
Sue Neale

We should like to say a huge Thank You to
everyone who came to Fuchsia Cottage for our Coffee Morning on 14th October.
We are delighted to have raised £220
for both the Newsletter and Berry in Bloom and to have had the opportunity for
everyone to raise a glass and celebrate Wendy and her Team of Berry Bloomers
for winning the Gold Award. A special thank you to everyone who donated
cakes and helped with the big pile of washing up!
Maureen and Pat
Dear Ed
may Alex and I, through the Newsletter, thank friends who have helped so much
in speeding up my recovery from the knee operation by phoning, bringing or
sending cards, fruit and flowers and popping in for a chat?
Tony has
been my mentor having had a similar operation two weeks earlier, and I am very
grateful to him. We send special thanks
to Janet who has been a true friend having supplied us with delicious suppers, puddings
and cakes. What a lovely village we all
live in.
Thank you everyone.
Just to say that there will be
no little plant stall outside Higher Rows this year.
I have, however, many plants still for sale in aid of the Children's Hospice and you are so welcome to either come to the house or give me a ring to come and look at what is here. Thank you all for your loyal custom in the past years.
Margaret [Tel: 01271 883762]
Firstly I should like to wish everyone a
very Happy New Year!
I am running/stumbling the London
Marathon in April in memory of my amazing dad, George Camplin, who was first
the milkman and then the postman for our beautiful village.

Dad passed away in March 2015
from prostate cancer and I should like to raise awareness and as much money as possible
for the Prostate Cancer Research Centre to try and prevent this dreadful
So, I am writing to ask for your
help in order to raise as much money as possible and I shall simply run/stumble a few
miles around London! If you would like
to sponsor me, you can do so by logging on to Thank you all for your
support. Let's hope that we shall soon
make Prostate Cancer a thing of the past!
Tracy [Burgess]
F is for February but also Finance and
once again it is time to look at the financial situation of the Newsletter and
its funds.
must go to all those who sent Christmas good wishes in the December
Newsletter. Your generosity supported
both the Manor Hall and the Newsletter to the tune of £150 each.
costs have continued to rise over the last year, Newsletter funds are in good
shape. The subscription rate for postal
readers for the coming year will, therefore, remain the same at £6.00 [February
to December, inclusive]. Although the
Newsletter is technically a 'freebie', the postal rate only covers the cost of
postage and stationery, so it is very much hoped that those readers will
include a donation to help keep the Newsletter coffers well stocked.
This plea also applies to readers who
receive their copy with their paper, or collect a copy from the Shop, Globe or
Sawmill Inn.
With all the costs involved in
producing the Newsletter - our Printer, my stationery, printing inks,
telephone, petrol, etc., [but not my
time!] - the cost of EACH newsletter is
approximately £1.50, that is £9.00 a year. It is only by financial support from all
readers that it is able to continue.
However, I must thank you all for your past donations as well as the
continued financial support of the Parish and the Parochial Church Councils.
Some postal subscriptions have now run
out and if you are someone to whom this applies, a letter is enclosed with your
My thanks to Sue's of Combe Martin and
our paperboys, Terry and Mick, who deliver copies with the newspapers, the
Shop, The Globe and the Sawmill Inn for having copies available and for
collecting donations.

Well our summer is at an end once more, not a wonderful one so must look forward to next year.
Gardens are being put to bed for the winter so people have stopped buying plants and I must put the tender ones somewhere warmer for a few months.
Sales have been good this year and I have been able to make a £800 donation to The Children's Hospice. Without the great support from villagers and visitors on their holidays, this would not have been possible.
All the caring and help which the Hospice gives to children and their families is wonderful, having seen their work on visits to Little Bridge House. Giving short holidays for the whole family of a sick child whilst that child is receiving the care and treatment of a totally caring staff, is a lifeline which I'm sure is something we all hope will continue. This donation is just a drop in the ocean but I am certain you will feel as I do, that it is helping if only in a small way.
Visitors and people from our village all buy plants, many while on holiday come each year to take something home from Berrynarbor.
So my thanks to everyone who has helped to make this donation possible. Thank you everyone.
Congratulations to Margaret on raising another great amount from her plants, but even more so for raising over the years a grand total of £8.000 for this very worthwhile cause.
Congratulations also to Ann Davies on being awarded the Community Involvement Award.
Falklands War veteran Simon Weston OBE was an inspiring guest of honour at a South West housing group's annual WestAwards ceremony.
Westward Housing, who provides support services across Devon, held the event at Exeter University - with a Bideford project scooping one of the top prizes.
Simon gave a motivational speech on his triumph over adversity and spoke of embracing change, the need to lead a fulfilling life of purpose and helping others.
"The work you do is so important to a lot of people's lives, so keep doing it as you are heroes to those you help," said Simon.
Ann Davies, Team Leader at Westward Housings Horticulture Grow@Jigsaw Project in Bideford, won the Community Involvement Award. This was for building on the success of the Grow Project taking motivation and enthusiasm to the wider community in the area and inspiring growers at Morwenna Park, Northam and Forches Community Garden.
I should like to thank everyone who was
involved with the planning of the event to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of
the end of WWII. You (we) were a great
Thank you also to the helpers who turned
up on the Friday to set up and those who helped set up and clear up on the
Saturday too. It really is lovely living in such an amazing village with such
fantastic community spirit.
hope that everyone who came to the lunch and/or the evening dance had a great
time - I know I did.
So, who is going to organise a street
party for next year? It will be the
Queen's 90th birthday.
We should like to thank everyone who
helped and all of you who came to the Pig Roast at South Lee on the 25th July. Your efforts and generosity has helped
raise £800 for the North Devon Hospice and £800 for the Macmillan Nurses.
and Barbara Gubb
girls at Lee Lodge put on another wonderful afternoon of music and refreshments
to celebrate Ron's Birthday, his 99th!
would like to thank them all for making it such a wonderful occasion and all
those who joined him to celebrate this special day would like to thank them
too. Ron would also like to thank
everyone who came, sent him cards and gave him presents - so many cards it was
hard to find somewhere to display them all!
During the afternoon there was a raffle,
flowers, fruit and vegetables for sale and a bric-a-brac stall.
The staff would like to thank everyone
for their support in helping to raise £170 which will go to providing the
residents with Christmas celebrations and Lunch.
I was absolutely delighted with how the
exhibition went. It certainly exceeded
my expectations in so many ways. The
Manor Hall was a fantastic venue and I felt thoroughly supported by everyone
who helped both in the run up to the weekend and during the exhibition
itself. I had no idea how many people
would be likely to attend - I just hoped I should not be on my own! In all well over 100 people came along and
enjoyed home-made cakes, tea and coffee whilst viewing my work and that of the
Berrynarbor Art Group. Many even went
away with raffle prizes! Through their
generosity we have been able to support both the Manor Hall and the North Devon
Chemo Appeal.

It was good to see people both from our
area and further afield. I spoke to some
who had come from as far away as Bideford and Chittlehampton and even
Western-Super-Mare! It was so rewarding
for me to see all my pictures together and interesting to talk to people about
my work. I have always painted because
I enjoy it and find it relaxing but it was good to share my thoughts with
others and hear what they had to
say. It has really encouraged me and
just makes me want to paint more and more.
It made me feel like an Artist!
I am pleased that some of the pictures brought back memories for many of
past holidays, walks and our area's seafaring history. Some of the conversations have given me so
many great ideas for future pictures.
should like to thank everyone who came along to the exhibition, all those who
gave their time to make it possible, my wife Chris for her patience and all she
did and Judie for all her help, support and enthusiasm.
If you have any questions about the
exhibition or would like to chat about my work please contact me.
Pictures: Devon Sailing Trawler in Full Sail [acrylic]
and The South West Coast path above Watermouth [ink and wash]
Paul Swailes
01271 866075

Barbara and Chris Gubb and family thank everyone who helped to make the Pig Roast on 26th July a great success.
£2,000 was raised. £1,000 to be donated to the North Devon Macmillan Nurses and £1,000 to be shared by Berrynarbor School and Pre-School.
The pig was delicious, the burgers cooked to perfection. The Knowleberries entertained us. The cider and beer went down a treat and the vintage tractor rally was great fun. Thank you Berrynarbor for turning out and donating so generously.

Yet again I must say thank you to all the people of Berrynarbor and the many visitors who buy plants from me in the Sterridge Valley.
As you probably know, the proceeds go to our Children's Hospice at Little Bridge House in Fremington, a wonderful place looking after terminally ill children and their families. The care and understanding which takes place in this hospice is unbelievable - it is a place of happiness rather than sadness and I am always so pleased to be able to help by the donation you all enable me to give.
This year because of my late start, it is a little lower than last year at £700, but without all your custom this would have been impossible.
So thank you again so much.
Margaret Walls at Higher Rows
The girls at Lee Lodge put on another wonderful afternoon of music and refreshments to celebrate Ron's Birthday, his 98th, and those who joined him for this occasion would like to thank them.
Ron, too, would like to say a very big thank you to them for doing him so proud yet again and also to everyone who came to join him, sent him cards and gave him presents. So many cards it was hard to find somewhere to display them!
During the afternoon there was a raffle, flowers, fruit and vegetables for sale and a bric-a-brac stall. The staff would like to thank everyone for their support in helping to raise £200 which will go to providing the residents with Christmas celebrations and Lunch.
I should like to thank everyone who
attended my 40th Birthday Party at Ye Old Globe on the 14th March, and made it
such a special evening. I had a
wonderful time! I should also like to say thank you for all the lovely cards
and very generous gifts.
Also a big THANK YOU to Karen and the staff at The Globe for a delicious buffet and for making it such a wonderful atmosphere. I have lots of lovely memories.
I am on the mend now after a long and troublesome illness
and wish to express my thanks for all the messages which I received, in person
and by lovely cards, and to those of you who made the long trip to visit me at
The family have been very supportive and helpful during this
difficult time. Mother couldn't have
done it without them. Thanks to Mark Dalgleish who gave up his time to help with the driving,
and Pat and Malcolm for the trip to Taunton for scans. I cannot speak highly enough of the staff at Derriford -
they are very dedicated folk.
Let's hope we have a good summer ahead of us to help with
the healing process.
Thanks and God Bless. Michael [Bowden] I cannot believe how many cards, flowers and best wishes I
have received. What a lovely village I
live in, and what lovely people! Thank you all so very much. Joan [Wood]
Many thanks to all those people who ordered their Berrynarbor Christmas trees through the village shop thus supporting their local community. Next year the shop will be taking orders from an earlier date and there will be the opportunity to purchase even bigger trees!
Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Easter Barton
The Berrynarbor Toddler group would like to say a big thank you to Songbird for making our new toy cupboard in the Bassett Room so well and so swiftly.
Happy New Year Gary from the "Smalls"
We wish to thank EVERYONE who helped to make the Pig Roast and Barbecue at South Lee at the end of July such a great success.
A special thank you to son-in-law Geoff who stood basting and turning the pig all day, then cooking the burgers in the evening!
We are very grateful to all the folks who turned out to support us. Due to your generosity we were able to send £1,250 to the North Devon Hospice, a very worthy charity.
Chris, Barbara and all the Family

Once again the girls at Lee Lodge put on a splendid afternoon with wonderful refreshments to celebrate birthdays for Ron and Ursula and those who joined in the celebrations would like to thank them.
Ron, too, would like to say a big thank you to the girls at Lee Lodge for making his birthday so special, and everyone who came to see him, the friends, relations and neighbours, and for the cards and gifts - it's quite hard to find somewhere to display 64 cards! A special thank you to the children from the School who came to sing 'happy birthday'.
Ursula, who celebrated her birthday just a day later than Ron, would also like to say a big thank you to everyone involved in making her day so special.
Richard Patterson and his family would like to thank everyone for their kind words and cards at this sad time. It was nice to see all who were able to attend the funeral service and afterwards to meet in The Globe. Michael loved the time he spent living in the village and all the friends he made while here.
The collection amounted to over £200 and this will be donated to The North Devon Hospice - thank you for your donations.
A thank you must also go to Karen at The Globe who took care of organising the refreshments and Keith Wyer who kindly took the service.
I should like to thank everyone who sent get well wishes and all the lovely flowers. I do feel a lot better but progress is slow. Special thanks to Tom for looking after me and being with me all the time in Plymouth.
Inge [Bartlett]
It is very good to know that Inge is feeling better and was able to be home and enjoy Christmas with their daughter Caroline over from Bermuda. Slow and steady is the best way to progress!
Hopefully progress is being made by everyone in the village who has been unwell of late - we are thinking of you and send our best wishes.
Ivy Richards had a wonderful 100th Birthday on the 8th
August. She would like to thank
everyone for their good wishes, cards and gifts. Special thanks to the ringers who rang the
church bells so joyously to celebrate her 100 years.
She was delighted to greet the many family and friends who
came to see her - especially her great, great grandson George, just five days
It was a joyful, memorable day. Thank you.
Ron would like to thank everyone, so many people, who helped him celebrate his 96th birthday at Lee Lodge, and for the very many cards and gifts he received. His family came to join him over the week-end of his special day.
The wonderful party put on by Shane and all the staff at Lee Lodge also celebrated Ursula's 93rd birthday and both she and Ron would like to thank Shane and the staff not only for the fantastic spread they put on but for the wonderful care they take of them.

Hello to all my friends and
neighbours. I am back to Barn Cottage!
I want to give my thanks to everyone who
sent me lovely cards and enquired about my well-being - it was so encouraging
to me. I look forward to meeting you
all soon. Kind regards,
Kath Arscott
Following my recent accident, we should like to thank all the kind people of Berrynarbor, our family, Val and Neil, Sarah and Graham, Paul and Clair, Shirley and Don and Penny.
A big thank you, too, to all the pupils at our school in Classes 1 and 2 for all their love and get well wishes sent to me. Thank you for all the flowers, get well cards, phone calls and so many offers of help in so many ways.
The people of Berrynarbor are so caring and thoughtful and our sincere thanks to you all.
June and Gerry
Once again summer has come to an end and people will no
longer be buying plants for their gardens, so I must bring them in from my
front gate and get propagating ready for next spring!
Sales have been so good this year that I have been able to give the Children's
Hospice £700, which is absolutely wonderful - £100 more than I achieved last
year. Without the great support from
our villagers and visitors on their holidays, this would be impossible.
The caring and help which the Hospice gives to children and
their families is quite beyond belief, having seen their work during a visit to
the Hospice. Giving short holidays to
the whole family of a sick child and that child having the care and treatment
of their totally caring staff, is a lifeline which I am sure is something we all
hope will carry on. This gift is just a
drop in the ocean but I am certain you will feel as I do that it is helping if
only in a small way.
Visitors and locals all buy plants and some people come each
year while on holiday in the village.
So my thanks to everyone who has helped to make this donation possible.
Thank you everyone.
P.S. Please
may I ask if anyone has any 5-6 inch pots to spare? I can make good use of them! I am OK for other sizes.
Ron would like to thank everyone
for coming to his 95th Birthday at Lee Lodge and for the many wonderful cards
and presents he received. He was
delighted that his daughter Sheila and her husband Tony were there to help him
celebrate his special day.
His biggest thank you goes to Shane
and all the staff at Lee Lodge not only for the wonderful spread and cake
provided for his guests, but also for the wonderful care they take of him - he
is very happy and at home with them all.
Morning at Nethercombe
We should like to extend special thanks
to all those who came and supported our Easter Coffee Morning at home. An estimated 100 people attended in just two
hours raising an incredible £615 for the North Devon Hospice. The warm, sunny day was a bonus,
allowing the morning to take place in the garden in a relaxed and friendly
Particular thanks go to all those who
donated cakes, plants and items for the bric-a-brac stall and, of course, the
army of volunteers without whom it would not have been possible.
and Dean
Pancakes at Easter Barton
Dear all,
With the
weather perfect, a great day was had by all at Easter Barton for the Pancake
Day on the 23rd of April. Many thanks
to all those who attended, bought copious pancakes, raffle tickets and thought
hard to guess the number of tadpoles in the jar.
Thank you
to all those who donated raffle prizes.
We made a grand total of £215 pounds for the Berrynarbor Toddler group
which will be spent wisely. Many
The Great Berrynarbor Plant Sale
Once again we had a very successful day thanks to all the keen gardeners of Berrynarbor who so generously grew, tended and potted up their excess plants. Our reputation seems to be spreading as parking in the village became almost impossible after 2.00pm. The Manor Hall was full to bursting as the plants were enthusiastically snapped up. The raffle was popular as ever and thanks to the generosity of local sponsors the prizes were attractive and varied. The total profit for the day exceeded £550.00. We must also thank all the people who helped on the day from setting up stalls to taking the money, making the tea and clearing up afterwards. We look forward to another sale next year so please continue to keep all your cuttings, seedlings and unwanted plants as there will always be someone else who would like them.
Kath Thorndycroft
Bikey's Bash
What a great afternoon and the final total I am able to send to the North Devon Hospice is over £700. My thanks to all who came and those who gave donations - it was an amazing result. Special thanks to 'the team': Alan and Issy who do so much and always with a smile, Marion who was in the chilly position this year - hope you've thawed out! Margaret who was the kitchen maid, and Sharon and Geoff who make the long trips and enjoy being part of it. Here's to next year! The Hospice deserve all the help we can give them.
Di Hillier
Michael and Jo Lane would like to thank everyone for supporting Mark when he ran the Marathon. Mark also says:
To the kind people of Berrynarbor,
A very big thank you for all your support during the London Marathon.I managed to complete it in 5:51m, a little slow but then I did have 'man flu' and a chest infection!With all your help, we managed to raise approximately £1,700.Thank you for your generosity, considering most of you will not know me; you kindly gave through mum's networking.
May you all have a healthy, happy rest of 2011.
& light
Mark xx
Rose Cottage
Pitt Hill
We should like to thank all the people in the village who have sent cards and get well messages and offered help during Keith's recent stay in hospital.
Keith and Jane
A Berrynarbor Knight in Shining Armour came to the rescue of four WI ladies stranded on their way from Combe Martin to Barnstaple at 7 a.m. on the morning of 22 October. A number of vehicles had passed our broken down car without stopping, then out of the Berrynarbor turning a handsome young man, driving a large black van, stopped and offered to take us to our coach pick-up point at Tesco in Barnstaple. What a relief. However, as we approached the pick-up point, to our horror, we saw the coach pull away. Unperturbed, the young man followed the coach a number of miles down the road towards Tiverton until he eventually flagged the driver down who pulled into the lay-by and we were able to eventually board the coach and continue our journey to Plymouth where we could enjoy our Annual Autumn Council Meeting. Whoever this young man is, we four WI ladies sincerely thank him from the bottom of our hearts for saving the day.
Liz Young
At the end of September I lost my car keys in Barton Lane. I foolishly left them on the bonnet of Stuart's car whilst I did the gardening and he drove into Ilfracombe without noticing them. After he had gone, I suddenly realised what had happened! We scoured the road to Ilfracombe and notified the police. Then, to my relief, the next day I had a phone call from Tesco's to say that someone had handed them in [identified by the Tesco fob]. Whoever you are, a very big thank you. Please make yourself known to me so I can thank you personally!
Sue Neale
I should like to say thank you, once again, to everyone who
has bought plants from me throughout the summer, making it possible to give a
donation to the Children's Hospice of £500.
We all know that this is a drop in the ocean to the cost of caring for
these children who have such a short time here with us. The care at the Hospice is also taken of the
siblings of the sick children, helping them to come to terms with the illness
of their brother or sister and their eventual loss.
Many people will have seen this in the programme 'The Secret
Millionaire' which took us into the hospice to see some of the wonderful work
they do.
Thank you all again.
The plants, all being well, will be outside Higher Rows from next
Easter, when I do hope you will 'stop and buy one' as you pass.
Pat at Fuchsia Cottage has sent this letter from
her mother, Rose Perry.
I should like to take the opportunity
through your wonderful newsletter to say 'Thank You' to everyone in
Berrynarbor who has sent me their kind thoughts and best wishes following
my accident at home in March. After
surgery and many weeks in hospital, I am now at home and making slow but sure
I always love my visits to Fuchsia
Cottage and your beautiful village and enjoy reading all about village life in
your newsletter. It brings back wonderful memories of my
childhood growing up in the
I shall always remember
that very special day as I accompanied him to
I left the village at 14 [we left
school early in those days] to work at the Russian Embassy in
Millionaire's Row, Kensington and later on married my husband, Ernest. We moved to the
Following my parents' death,
I visited the village infrequently.
Then my brother, who had also moved away, died seven
years ago and Pat, Maureen, my three sons and I went back to scatter his
ashes in the village we both loved.
We stayed at The Mill Inn, where
for so many years my father had spent his evenings drinking a pint by the
inglenook fireplace after his long working days. We visited the church and stood proudly at
the stone wall plaque installed in his honour and generally walked down memory
lane with me telling my children all the tales of my childhood. We returned once more last year and,
health permitting, I hope to visit both Withington and Berrynarbor again in the
near future,
Thank you again for all your best wishes
and excellent newsletter.
Rose Perry,
The British Empire Medal [BEM] rewarded both civilians
and military personnel for 'meritorious service'. The recipient was still entitled to wear
the BEM if promoted to a higher grade of the Order of the British Empire. The BEM replaced the Medal of the Order of
the British Empire for Meritorious Service in December 1922.
The medal no longer forms part of the British honour system. It is silver and has a red ribbon with three
vertical, grey stripes. A British
Empire Medal for Gallantry was also awarded from 14th January 1958 until its
replacement with the Queen's Gallantry Medal in 1974.

As they
have done for at least 450 years, the bells of
To date,
7th May, the amount raised has been £6,480.
The bell repair bill of £3,162.50 has been paid and the balance will be
held by the
Kevin, Michael and the repaired tenor bell
John and Kay Webber, Kevin Brooks, Ryan Darch, Beth Wilkinson, Ron, John and Sarah Phillips, Bill
Huxtable, Colin Trinder, Elaine Filer, Trevor Selleck,
Gary Songhurst, Chris Bowden, Michael Bowden [Captain]
54 years
ago, Jim Brooks, Ivan and Bill Huxtable and I decided literally 'to learn the
ropes' and began bell ringing. We had
very good teachers: Percy Thorn, Reg Ley, Long Jack Draper, Frank Melhuish,
George Diamond and Jack Dummett.
carrying on a centuries-old skill and tradition, it gave us the opportunity to
travel to many village churches in North Devon, North Cornwall and
No peal of
bells is the same. Some are very light,
others very heavy;
then there's the range in between. The draught of rope from the bell to the
sally can make all the difference to the ease of ringing. Our peal has one of the longest draughts in
the country and is one of the most difficult to ring.
weather can also affect the ropes. On
rainy, damp days the ropes stiffen and shrink, sometimes rising the sally by a
foot, making it necessary for some ringers to stand on boxes. When the weather's warm and dry, the ropes
become very floppy and tend to dance about when being rung. The use of nylon in modern ropes has
alleviated a lot of these problems.
The art of
'call change ringing' is to keep the bells cart-wheeling at a constant rhythm
and pitch. The ringer has to listen to
and count each bell. when
a change is called, the ringer has to cut in or lie off so the bell changes
place in the sequence, without altering the pitch or rhythm of the
cart-wheel. That's the aim!
the most memorable day for me was ringing out the last thousand years and
ringing in the next. A thousand years
ago there was a little Saxon church in the village. I dare say the volks
then was celebrating like us and perhaps the priest was ringing a little hand
Michael Bowden
Remembering good ringing friends:
late Jim Brooks, Ivan
[Aggie] Huxtable and Derek Jewell.
Walter White of
is good to have him home again, and
and Jill would
like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their good wishes, cards and support. Bill is making a good recovery and hopes to
be able to thank you all personally in the very near future.
We, at Lee Lodge would like to thank everyone who supported us with our Children In Need Coffee Morning, when we raised £200 for this very worthy cause, and those who came to our Christmas Coffee Morning with mince pies and clotted cream when sufficient money was raised to purchase a small stereo system. Thank you all.
I should like to
thank each one of you villagers and visitors to our village who have bought
plants and shrubs from my plant stall at Higher Rows.
Your generous support has once again
enabled me to donate £500 to the Children's Hospice at Little Bridge House, Fremington, which I am sure helps to make the most of the children's short and
precious lives.
P.S. I could use 5" - 7" plant pots if
anyone has any lying around. Thanks.
should like to thank my kind neighbours and friends for their good wishes and
help to me after my stay in hospital over Easter.
I was
indeed sorry not to be able to help with the 'big move' to the new shop and I
do congratulate the Committee, the Shop Managers and the volunteers on a
wonderful achievement. It is a super
asset to our lovely village and long may it continue to flourish. I am glad to be back on the rota again!
Jill McCrae
We are
also glad to know that you are fit enough Jill to be back in our shop and hope
that your recovery continues.
would like to thank everyone, but especially the helpers in the shop for their support and encouragement during
her son Tom's six month tour of
A big thank you
once again to villagers and visitors who have bought plants from my stall
outside Higher Rows. I am pleased to
say that I have again been able to give a donation of £500 to our Children's
Hospice at Fremington, which I hope will in some small way help the children
and their families at Little Bridge House through such sad times in their
Thank you all.
Margaret Walls
should like to thank all my friends in Berrynarbor who prayed, visited and sent
me cards. I am getting better now that
I am at the Tyspane Nursing Home. I
should especially like to thank Yvonne, my wonderful neighbour and friend who
is my 'rock' and looks after Sherrards.
Love to all.
you to everyone who remembered my 91st birthday - your kind cards, gifts and
thoughts are much appreciated.
to say thank you to all my friends who made my 90th Birthday such a happy
event. Special thanks to Chris and Pat
and the 'Marigold' girls. With
all the presents, flowers, bottles, chocolates and cards, I considered opening
a shop in opposition to the village emporium!
Phyl W - Cherry Tree Cottage
and Graham [Goodenough] would like to thank the two drivers who stayed with lurcher Ben and comforted him following his accident at the
corner of
should like to thank everyone - locals and our summer visitors - who have
bought plants from me during the last few months. My
donations to the Children's Hospice South West this year have amounted to £400. This
sum, added to the donations of the last 4 years, makes a grand total of £2,100.
behalf of all the children and their families who are cared for by the Hospice,
thank you most sincerely for your help and generosity.
What an
achievement! Congratulations and well
done, Margaret.
We should like to thank the man driving
a silver-grey Volvo estate car, who stayed with our son Robert after his
accident with a fallen tree at the bottom of Sterridge Valley on the 31st
October until we arrived to take him to hospital. Robert has made a good recovery. Thank you.
Michael and Julie Parkin
again I should like to thank everyone [both local residents and our visitors]
who have supported our local Children's Hospice by buying plants from me. I
was able to give the Hospice £400 last year and I am well on my way to the
first £100 for this year. Please
continue to support the wonderful work that is being carried out at Little
Bridge House for these children by such a dedicated team of people.
you again. Margaret Walls
P.S. If
anyone has any spare 5-6" dia. plant pots lying around in sheds, etc., I
should be very pleased to have them at Higher Rows.
A big Thank You to all my friends and neighbours for the gifts and cards given at my surprise 80th Birthday Party.
Best Wishes,
Ivy White
On our return from abroad after Christmas, we found awaiting us a thank you letter from the Professor in charge of the children's ward at the hospital our daughter Mary worked in until eighteen months ago. Mary had recommended that our last year's fund raising be sent to her direct.
It would seem from the Professor's letter that the situation is still dire at the hospital. The monies that we have sent, she tells us, will be used for antibiotics as well as even basic items like cotton wool and gauze.
In the end, the sum of £650 was raised by individual donations, the sale of fresh vegetables by ourselves and others and special events in the village.
On behalf of the medical staff at the hospital in Blantyre and more especially the children, who without knowing, will benefit from your largesse, many thanks for your generosity.
June and Bernard - Pink Heather
Thank you all for your wonderful support following Keith's death - for your cards, letters and flowers, which were all of great comfort to me and the family. I take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year,Maureen Cooper
We should like to thank all of those who attended the 'Coffee and Cakes' Morning at Fuchsia Cottage in January. We are delighted to have raised £165 to be shared between the Village in Bloom fund and Little Bridge House Children's Hospice. A big thank you also to everyone who donated wonderful cakes to share, prizes for the raffle and helped with the washing up!
Pat and Maureen
Fuchsia Cottage is, of course, the subject of the cover for this issue and sincere thanks to Nigel Mason for once again sharing with us another view of our lovely village.
Combe Martin Carnival Committee would like to express their most grateful thanks to all who helped to make this year's Carnival such a success. From the opening night on the beach to the closing firework display, we could not have wished for more support.
Special thanks to all those who helped with donations to get this year's Carnival off the ground and to Damien Hirst who kindly paid for the firework display. The biggest thanks, however, must go to all the people who entered or attended the various events and brought such a great atmosphere to the week - you really put Combe Martin on the map. See you next year!
Sue Sussex - Combe Martin Carnival Committee
A 2 1/2 hour video of Carnival Week is now on sale at the Main Post Office and Sue's at £7.99. A copy will be running at Sue's, so call in for a preview. DVD's may be ordered at a price of £9.99. There will be a Carnival Club meeting on 7th October, 7.30 p.m. at the Bottom George and the AGM will be held on 18th November, 7.30 p.m. at the Village Hall Annexe.
Sue Sussex and Arthur Yelton would like to thank everyone who voted for them at the recent elections.
Neither was successful, but Sue came very close and lost by only 29 votes to Julia Clark. Sue would like to thank you all for the wonderful reception given to her in your area when she called, and can assure you 'She will be back'!
Again thank you for your vote and confidence in us both. The Conservative Party Candidates
Thank you to all those people in Berrynarbor who voted for us in the recent elections and to the good friends who supported us throughout the campaign, we are very grateful.
Don't forget, that whether you voted for us or not, our job now is to represent each one of you on the District Council. If you wish to get in touch with us for any reason, our 'phone numbers are: Julia [883611] and Yvette [882364]. We shall do the best we can for you over the next four years.
Julia and Yvette
I should like to thank the many friends and neighbours for their kindness and support over the last two months. Telephone calls, cards, lunches, dinners, bottles of wine, home-made pies and cakes all were much appreciated! Keith is now home and gaining his strength after nine weeks in hospital.
And we all wish you both well and also send our get well wishes to everyone who is in hospital or has been, and to anyone not feeling their best at present. We hope you will all be better very soon.
to the Village of
Berrynarbor & It's Friends
As many of the villagers know I have been working in Malawi for the past year and a half. Many of you have sent donations of money, cuddly-toys, baby-clothes and blankets which I have had a lot of fun directly distributing. I hope this article will show you how your generosity has really made a difference to some of the Malawians that I have met.
First a bit of background...
Malawi comprises a narrow strip of land about 119,000 sq Km in area wedged between Mozambique, Zambia and Tanzania. It has a population of approximately 10 million. It was recently ranked 169th out of 179 countries in a World Health Organisation health standards survey. Two out of five children do not survive to their fifth birthday and the average life expectancy, which is falling sharply, is between 35 and 40 years. Health problems are largely related to poverty and malnutrition, immunocompromise (HIV/AIDS), and infectious diseases (Malaria, TB, and diarrhoeal illnesses.) Trauma and complications of childbirth also contribute to the workload in all hospitals. Countrywide shortages of qualified staff, basic equipment and drugs hamper health service delivery. Insufficient and delayed investment in infrastructure further exacerbates this problem. The country has an annual income of approximately $705 million, of which $260 million comes from international donors. To put this in perspective, its annual income is about a third of the amount spent by a large pharmaceutical company on drug research and development each year. Malawi spends approximately $763 million a year of which $40 million goes on health. Most of this $40 million is spent on drugs. There is a lot of corruption and it is claimed that 60% of the medicines purchased 'disappeared' from government hospitals last year. Health care is provided by village health centres and dispensaries, together with community and district hospitals, and the central hospitals in Blantyre, Zomba, Lilongwe and Mzuzu. Around 30% of rural health care is provided by church charitable organisations.
Villagers often have no income and survive only on what they can grow. As you will have read in the press, recent weather conditions in Malawi have resulted in a dramatic fall in the yield of the staple food Maize. The government has not made up the shortfall (its reserves were sold for cash to other countries last year) and so millions of Malawians face malnutrition and starvation. In small towns and villages across Malawi there are queues of people lucky enough to have some money and hopeful of buying maize.

Mr. Lingo, a Malawian doctor, trained by Mary,
with an American volunteer midwife
There are other queues at feeding centres where international aid agencies have moved in to distribute food. The international effort is impressive but it can't reach everyone, the vulnerable slip through the net. Orphans, elderly folk struggling to care for their orphaned grandchildren and the sick simply can't make it from their remote villages to take advantage of the rations.
Now, imagine you are a Malawian living in a remote village where the crop has failed. When you become sick you would first consult the village 'African Doctor'. Some of their remedies are very powerful, and some of their patients do recover. If your illness gets worse, however, your family will probably take you to the nearest community health centre for 'injections' (Western medicine). Unfortunately these health centres have almost no facilities or medicines but they are close enough to home that your family can visit you, bring you food and nurse you under the watchful eye of a medical attendant.
If you are still getting worse and your condition is obviously serious, your family are faced with a very difficult decision. Should they leave the village (and all their many dependants) and try to take you (at immense expense on the back of a truck, or roof of a lorry) to a bigger hospital in the hope of a cure, or, should they simply accept that you will die and concentrate on looking after their other relatives. It's a tough one. If they think you have a chance and you survive the journey, you will arrive at the central hospital probably already at death's door, proper treatment may have been delayed too long, you'll have travelled hundreds of miles in the heat without food or water, you'll be weak and will now be completely abandoned by your family who can not afford to stay. They have no money, no source of food in the city and a distant family to look after. They have to go home. On a good day you'll be seen and treated quickly by a clinical officer or doctor, on a bad day you'll be one of 250 admissions and won't get seen, or the drugs you are prescribed will turn out to be 'out of stock'. You'll get a bed on the ward or maybe just a space on the floor between the beds. There will be 100 patients crammed into the ward with 60 beds and just one nurse. She can't possibly nurse everyone and since you have no relatives with you, you won't get food or drugs. If you need an urgent operation you'll join a queue outside the operating theatres lying on the floor or on a hard metal trolley. If you need a blood transfusion you won't get one because you have no relatives around to donate blood. After the operation you'll be taken back to the ward with little chance of getting any painkillers. If you are lucky you'll get antibiotics and a drip, but only if the hospital hasn't run out. This situation is the same even if you are a baby or a small child. It's the same if you are a pregnant woman in obstructed labour or bleeding after a miscarriage. Amazingly, many patients survive the ordeal and return to their villages, but it's a grim lottery and explains why many Malawians see western medicine as a last resort.

Due to lack of space, two babies - not twins - in one cot!
I am an anaesthetist (a 'gas-man'!). I worked at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH), the largest hospital in Malawi. For six months I ran the intensive care unit and for another year I ran the anaesthetic service in the maternity theatres. It was very busy; emergencies were being rushed in 24 hours a day. I had to do the job and train students from other hospitals all over Malawi to become anaesthetists. It was stressful, often very frustrating, but also very rewarding. As I settled in I realised there were some simple things that could be done to give the patients a better deal.
When my mum phoned one evening and said that people in Berrynarbor were asking if there was anything they could do, I didn't realise how much help was coming our way.
The first things to start arriving from Berrynarbor were baby clothes. It might seem a bit odd worrying about hypothermia in Africa but it's a big problem for newborn babies, especially the premature and sick ones. You sent us hundreds of bonnets and baby-grows and by recycling them we were able to clothe every baby born by caesarean section in the operating theatres. We let especially needy mothers take their baby clothes home. They were a bit surprised and some couldn't quite believe their luck. You also sent loads of baby blankets for wrapping up the babies as they waited for their mothers to recover from anaesthesia. I sent some of the blankets to the special care baby unit. Next several consignments of cuddly toys arrived. I sent some to the intensive care unit to cheer up the kids recovering from operations, and some to the children's wards and nutrition stations. We kept some in theatres for distracting little ones while we were trying to give them injections and anaesthesia. Along with the small baby things came some clothes for Older babies. I took those down to a local orphanage that cares for infant Orphans. It's called 'Open Arms' and is run by a British couple called Rosemary and Neville. They have their hands full with about 35 babies many of whom have contracted HIV from their deceased mothers. Rosemary and Neville were very grateful to receive such good quality nearly new baby-grows.
Money started arriving, some of it from personal donations and some from fund-raising events in Berrynarbor, and beyond. I bought 40 baby mattresses for the special care baby unit and around 20 bigger mattresses; enough to make sure that every patient recovering from anaesthesia and surgery could do so in comfort. I bought 20 thick blankets to cover patients after operations. Anaesthesia blocks the body's normal ability to stay warm so the blankets give the new mothers a lot of comfort. We had an epidemic of Cholera and suddenly had hundreds of children and babies coming to the hospital with severe dehydration. The hospital quickly ran out of drips for the small children but I was able to buy enough to see us through. Later in the year the Malaria season brought us over a hundred new children a day, all needing drips. Again, I was able to buy the equipment needed. Our hospital only provides a few basic antibiotics, and many of the infections we treat are resistant to them.

Mary holding a very new-born baby that was crying with no one to look after it, whilst instructing a student doctor, Mr Kunje, on how to give a spinal anaesthesia for an imminent caeserian.
A more modern antibiotic called Ceftriaxone is available in Malawi but is too expensive for the hospital to buy. Many children die every week because they don't get this treatment for meningitis, septicaemia and pneumonia. I was able to buy a huge supply of ceftriaxone for the children's department to use over the next year. One of the student anaesthetists who we had been training for 6 months started to lag behind the class. We realised that after a recent bout of meningitis he had become very deaf and was finding it impossible to work safely. His base hospital was depending on him returning after his training to be the only anaesthetist in that area. Without him there would be no emergency caesarean sections and women and their babies would die in childbirth. With money you sent I was able to buy him a second hand hearing aid and he should graduate to serve his community in April this year. In his career as an anaesthetist he will save hundreds, maybe thousands of lives by getting patients safely through operations. A good investment I think!
One of our student anaesthetists sadly died of HIV/AIDS. Some of our department went to his funeral, which was at his home village at the very southern tip of Malawi on the Mozambique border. It was a difficult journey, the road finished long before we reached the area. We found villages there that had been devastated by floods in recent years and were now suffering crop failure due to poor rains. People were starving and we discovered that our student had been one of the only wage earners in his whole village. He had been sending almost all his wages home. The village chief and his family were distraught at the loss of their son and their only hope. With some of the money you sent I was able to load up a vehicle with essential food supplies and go back to the area. We gave some of the food to his immediate family and another larger supply to the village chief to distribute amongst the village people. I met with the chief; and was invited to sit with him on a small stool under a huge tree in the middle of the village. After many traditional greetings and introductions he said I should take a message back to my home. He asked me to thank the donors who had never met his people but had given them so much.
On behalf of all the Malawians who have enjoyed your generosity I would like to thank everybody in and around Berrynarbor who has contributed in any way. I hope this article has shown you how much comfort and hope your gifts have given. More than that, you have simply saved hundreds of lives.
Note. The babies in all the photos are clad in clothes and blankets from Berrynarbor,
Thank you.
Dr Mary O'Regan - Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Malawi
A very big thank you to all my friends in Berrynarbor for the very generous gifts you donated towards my leaving the Post Office. Nora and Alan converted them into Garden Gift tokens which I have already spent on tools and bulbs.
I am settling in at Ilton, near Ilminster - it's not as pretty as Berrynarbor, but the people very friendly and welcoming.
I've joined a new golf club - Taunton Vale - which is very pleasant no sea views, but water hazards aplenty! [So, Graham, if you want a Mixed Open next year, please get in touch.]
We went to the Harvest Festival Service on Sunday - the hymns were recorded on CD. [In your spare time, Stuart, Ilton needs a good organist! By the way, did you find the book of music I left at your back door?]
Once again many thanks for my present, I shall think of you all often as I dig through the very heavy clay soil in the garden.
Love and best wishes,
Sue Wright
Thank you to everyone who attended, and those who generously contributed to the Macmillan Cancer Relief Coffee Morning my sister and I hosted at Mill Park on the 27th September. 63 people attended [this was recorded as the event was aiming to go in the Guinness Book of Records for the world's biggest coffee morning, being hosted all over the country that day. £252.07 was banked and requested to be allocated to North Devon District Hospital's fund for Macmillan Nurses.
Many people from the village, local traders from llfracombe and Barnstaple gave raffle prizes totalling 32 in all. One person gave £50 cash specifically as the 1st Prize in the raffle to attract sales. It was much appreciated. £176 was additionally raised for the Children's Hospice South West and North Devon Hospice as well as Macmillan Cancer Relief from the sale of Christmas cards.
We hope to run another event next year and thank Brian and Mary Malin for offering us the venue.
Diane Lloyd
I should like to express my grateful thanks to everyone who has shown me so much kindness and support, not only during my stay in hospital, but always at other times too.
Doreen Siviter
I should like to say thank you to everyone who has sent me cards, flowers and fruit during my stay at the Tyrrell, where I am now convalescing following a few days down in Plymouth.
I have been delighted to see so many visitors - thank you for coming - everyone has been so kind.
Vi Kingdom
- Ann and Vi would like to thank everyone for helping
Berrynarbor win the South West in Bloom's Mary Mortimer Cup, which was presented at the Bath & West Show on 6th September.
The standard of the competition is extremely high and to win shows the commitment and support of many people. We hope you will all come and celebrate with us on Saturday, 9th November, when we can say .... THANK YOU!
- Just to say a big thank you to everyone [locals and
visitors] who have bought plants in aid of The Children's Hospice South West
from Higher Rows in the Valley. I am so pleased to tell you that I have been
able to give £400 to the Hospice this year, due to your generosity.
I love growing the plants but the only thing is I am getting short of plant pots - larger ones especially. So, if anyone has any lying about in sheds, etc., that are surplus to requirements, I should be very glad of them.
Thank you again and here's to next year when I hope it will be an even larger donation for the Children.
- I should like to express my thanks to all the
Fellowship members in Berrynarbor for their kind wishes during my stay in
hospital. Also, for the lovely flowers and plants I received.
Ida Gilbertson
- 1st - Stilton and Port - Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Smith, Rectory Cottage
- 2nd - Bottle of Wine - Graham and Glenys Hatcher, Miss Muffets
- 3rd - Box of Chocolates - Mr. Lane, Brookside
- 4th - unclaimed - so was eaten by our customers!
Alice Dummett would like to thank everyone for the cards, flowers and good wishes following her admittance to hospital. Especial thanks to the Alarm Service who acted so promptly and the paramedics, as well as the staff and doctors at the Tyrrell and District Hospitals.
Sincere thanks to the BBC team for the very welcome donation of £100 to the Newsletter following the very successful show 'Past Yer Eyes' last March. Also benefiting from the funds raised were: Our Sunday School who received £100, the Jubilee Celebrations [as mentioned earlier] who received £250 and £500 went to CLIC. The cheques were presented at a Post-Show Party at The Globe and thanks must go to Edith and the staff for veritable feast they laid on.
Ann and Jancy Davies would like to thank everyone who has sponsored them on the Marie Curie 28 Miles Bike Ride, and the Cancer Research UKs Race for Life. Marie Curie received £63 for the Bike Ride and the Race for Life takes place on Sunday, 30th June. If you would like to sponsor them to raise money for Cancer Research UK, it's not too late! Alan and Nora have kindly allowed a sponsor sheet to be left in the Post Office, or you can 'phone us on 883837. To date, over £160 has been pledged. Thank you - Thank you.
DC Mick Fry would like to thank everyone who assisted him with his enquiries regarding the car that crashed in the village and the theft from a car in Birdswell Lane. The suspect has, at the Crown Court, admitted guilt and received a 21 months' custodial sentence for these and other crimes.
A big thank you to everyone who supported 'An Audience with the Elderly Brothers' at the Landmark Theatre in aid of funds for llfracombe & District Volunteer Bureau. A great evening was had by all and the Bureau should benefit by over £600. My sincere thanks to everyone who helped, but especially Gary and the boys for their support.
By now, the Saturday Concert Goers will have experienced a short audience with the Brothers - aren't they great!
Congratulations to Philippa Anderson and Ben Hann on their Engagement at the end of January. Ben, the youngest son of Val and David Hann of Croft Lea, is a Youth Officer with the Devon and Cornwall Police, based in North Devon. Pippa, youngest daughter of Sandy and Ann Anderson of Beach Leigh, is a Trainee Solicitor in Exeter. Very best wishes to you both.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Too many of us hear without heeding, read without responding, confess without changing, profess without practising, worship without witnessing, and seek without sharing.
William Arthur Ward
Berrynarbor Village Garden Trail, 8th July 2001
Ann and Vi would like to express their thanks to all the helpers at the above event and those who made cakes, gave raffle prizes and donations and opened their gardens to the public.
Thanks also to Wendy and Colin of Bessemer Thatch, whose idea it was; Jeane and Bob of Miss Muffets, who came to the rescue with emergency provisions; Lynne and Phil at The Globe and Nora and Alan at the Post Office. Especial thanks to Phil and Chris Walden for their hospitality in rounding off the day with a barbecue at Cherry Tree Cottage. All helped to make this a very successful day. We hope to do the same again next year anyone interested, please get in touch!!
The Retreat, Sterridge Valley
May I, through the newsletter, say thank you for the many cards, flowers and presents I received on my 80th Birthday from family and friends.
Special thanks to my niece Joan, Marlene, Tracey, Paula and Alex [I much enjoyed your very humorous card, Alex - so you think I'm a little fat cuddly bear with a saucepan on my head! Congratulations on getting your very own front door and key - good luck, I love you lots]. Last but not least, Mary and Tom Tucker and June and Gerry Marangone, for all their TLC, and the local ambulance crews for their on-going help and care. What a great lot of folks they are, never grumbling!
Alice Dummett
I should like, through the Newsletter, to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has been so kind to me since the loss of my beloved Len. As I am now severely disabled, I'm afraid this is the best I can do, and I shall always be indebted to each and every one:
Mary Tucker - what a
lady! - and her husband Tom for his patience
Marlene Slocombe and
Alex, Ivy, Tracey, Paula, Kerri and Dave Yeo
My nieces Joan, Pam
and Maureen
June and Gerry
Marangone and my neighbours Peter and Louise
Andy, Garry and
Monica, Mike Turton, Mike Edmunds and Barbie of Trims
Betty and all the
Church Ladies for arranging my flowers
Boots the Chemist,
the Hele Bay Hotel, Sue and Richard, John and Noel
Rachel Freeman of the
Tyrrell Hospital, the Ambulance Crews, Jackie Fenner, Adrian and Lyn
Dr. Martin Mather of
the Waterside Practice, and Lesley Hodgkinson & Co.
Our Rector, Keith
Wyer and my Lady and Man Friday, Linda and Robert
My sincere wish is for you all, and everyone else, to have a peaceful Christmas and a healthy New Year.
Alice Dummett
The Retreat, Sterridge
I should like to thank the Rev. Wyer for sharing 'his letter' with us in the last edition of our Newsletter. I think it expresses what many of us think but could not pen so well.
May I also say how pleased I am that the Primary School are sharing their news with us. Yes, I did enjoy your display at the Horticultural Show and thought 'what clever children you are and what good teachers you must have'!
It was also good to see some of you in Claude's Garden when Mr. Joy planted the mazzard tree kindly donated by the W.I.
Thank you for sharing your time and gifts with the village and congratulations to Eloise, Tim, Jessica and Alice for their artistic efforts in the magazine.
Brenda Layton
Berry in Bloom
Ann and Vi would like to thank everyone in Berrynarbor who helped to make the village so 'blooming' wonderful!
Below is a copy of a letter of thanks received by Ann Hinchliffe for the Card sent on behalf of the village, together with the village booklet and a copy of the newsletter to mark Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother's 100th Birthday on 4th August 2000.
Clarence House
6th September 2000
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother wishes me to thank you for your kind message and the gift you have sent on the occasion of her 100th birthday.
The Queen Mother has asked me to say that the greetings she has received from all over the world have meant a great deal to Her Majesty, who is most appreciative of them.
During her long life Queen Elizabeth has always been encouraged by, and felt grateful for, the friendship and support of many people, and would like now to send you her best wishes and thanks.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Firstly to the Millennium Committee for accepting the Tapestry so graciously and for the magnificent bouquet of flowers delivered to me by Michael Bowden - I have never seen him carrying flowers before: potatoes, soil, stone and logs maybe, but flowers? He carried it off with great aplomb and charm.
Secondly to the Millennium Committee for the £50 donation to the Sunday School Funds from the monies left after the Celebrations.
And thirdly, to the Millennium Committee itself, to Chairman Neil Morris for his dedicated hard work and organisation, and to everyone who made the events and celebrations so special for us all. Thank you.
Sally B.
Colin and Doreen Harding would like to thank everyone for the help and support given to them and Lisa and her family when their son-in-law, Kim, suffered a very nasty accident this time last year. They are delighted to report that Kim has made a complete recovery and is now flying again.
May we take this opportunity to say 'thank you' - once again - to everyone for their help and kindness when once more we got more than our feet wet! Dare we believe that with the present work/improvements the flooding might not happen again? We shall just keep hoping and our fingers crossed!
Richard and Angela
Would you please allow us to use the pages of the Newsletter to thank all the people of Berrynarbor and the civil emergency services of the Fire Service and Devon Highways who came to our help so promptly during our recent flooding incident.
During the night/early morning of 24th December, many, many people helped with water and debris clearance, and then with safeguarding measures for our furniture and belongings. The emergency crews worked all night and most of the following day to clear the culvert and vent the water flow. During the following days we received numerous offers of help with accommodation and evening meals and comfort. It was quite overwhelming.
We were able to have a very enjoyable Christmas and Millennium New Year, most especially by the generosity and friendship of John and Joyce at The Lodge and Mick Jones of Whitley Cottage, but also due to the help and comfort from all round.
Yours with thanks.
Alan and Nora
Our thanks to all our supporters and helpers who returned us as members for the Berrynarbor and Combe Martin Ward of the North Devon District Council, and we apologise that they are late - we missed the deadline for the June issue! We shall do our best to represent you and the concerns of our two villages.
Peter Spencer [882634] and Yvette Gubb [882364]
Claude's Garden, Berrynarbor
[International Quiet Garden
Thank you to everyone who supported the Coffee Morning and gave donations and prizes. The £175 raised will be of great help in providing the garden with a box and laminated prayer cards.
Jill [Claude's
Family], Margaret [St. Peter's] and Paul [Parish Council]
Garden Support Group
Letter from Jacqui
Firstly I should like to congratulate Saffron and Keith on their marriage on the 19th June. We hope all went well and that you will both be as happy as Simon and me, and of course Sophia! We should like to thank Alan and Nora for sending us the photographs that they took of us on our very special day - it was very kind.
As some may know, Simon, Sophia and I were down over the last Bank Holiday and it was lovely to see some of our family and old friends of the village - sorry that we did not get to see all of you. It was just a shame that we could not stay longer. We wish you all a wonderful summer... that is if we have one! To finish, we send our love to our family and we are really looking forward to the arrival of the new addition in August - thinking of you Karen. See you all soon, hopefully.
Jacqui, Simon and Sophia
Just a Thank You
On Saturday, 17th July, I completed my retirement from public life at the AGM of the Devon Association of Parish Councils.
As many of you will know, my diabetes has very adversely affected my eyesight and l have decided it would be better if I do not drive. From that decision it follows that it would be better if I left the Councils' activities. So last May my name was not amongst those nominated to stand for the election. I was lucky, I could retire, my term of office completed - I had no need to resign.
My colleagues on Berrynarbor Parish Council were very kind indeed and my garden now has a birdbath and sundial in a prominent position. My thanks to them for their generosity.
My thanks also to all those people who have written to me, sent cards or just stopped to speak. It has been a pleasure to serve for 32 years in many various places. Thank you all for the privilege.
Graham E. Andrews
Alberta - Barton Lane
Having spent 27 happy years in beautiful Berrynarbor, we have reluctantly decided that as the years are beginning to take their toll, we are moving to a more manageable place with a 'pocket handkerchief' garden and five minutes level walk to the local shops. Also, we shall be a bit nearer our family which will be more convenient for them and us.
So, we say farewell to all friends and acquaintances and would like to thank everyone for their good wishes and lovely cards. We won't be forsaking Berrynarbor altogether, as we shall be making visits from time to time and hope to keep abreast of all events, etc., via the newsletter.
Arline and Bernard Lewis
Doone Way - Ilfracombe
I'm writing to say thanks for the latest Berry magazine. I find it really interesting and thought you'd be surprised to hear it is also widely travelled. I send it on to my second son, Dennis, who lives near Spalding in Lincolnshire, working for a garden centre making plant containers of various kinds.
We have lived here since 1983 and enjoy our wee bungalow. Don now has 7 grandchildren and I have 6, as well as 3 great-grandchildren.
Don has had two new hips of late and I had one eight years ago, but recently had a new left knee. So we are both bionic!
Rowena Mason
Good to hear from you, Rowena [or 'Mitch' to many of us here], and best wishes to you and Don.
A sincere thank you to everyone who so generously bought Christmas Cards to support the Leonard Cheshire Foundation Home at Westmead, Braunton.
You helped to raise the magnificent sum of £270.70.
I shall now be delighted to collect your old cards - Christmas and all other greeting cards - so that they can be made into new ones. Cards - Greetings, Birthday, Anniversary, etc. will be on sale throughout the year.
Eunice Allen - Bali-Hi, Sterridge valley Tel: [01271] 882491
Thank You for
supporting the
Christmas Raffle at
the Post Office.
We have sent £20.00 to the Children's Hospice and £20.00 to the Salvation Army. The Prize winners were:
Nora and Alan
Following our retirement from business in the pharmacy in Combe Martin, we should like to thank all our customers for the support they have given during the past twelve years. We hope our services have been satisfactory to all. Thank you, too, for all the good wishes so many of you have expressed.
We wish our successors, Sarah, Trevor and Karina Kibble, from Coventry, all the very best, and hope that they will enjoy the same support that we have experienced from the residents of Combe Martin, Berrynarbor and surrounding communities.
Nicki and Brian Ball - Little Firs
Berrynarbor Great Ambassadors for the Holiday Trade
To the guest houses, hotels and The Globe, we should like to extend our thanks to all who accommodated the guests attending the Wedding of Louise Martin to Martin Lancey on the 19th September and for their hospitality. Everyone, without exception, was delighted with the reception given them - all promising to return! You all helped to make it just the most perfect Wedding Week-end. Thank you, Berrynarbor!
Val, John and Family [Swiss Cottage Cafe, Ilfracombe]
World's Biggest Coffee Morning with Nescafe
Thanks to everyone who supported the Coffee Morning which raised £112 for Macmillan Cancer Relief.
Janet Knight would like to thank everyone for items and support for the Jumble Sale [one of four on that day] that raised £130 for the new Clinic in Barnstaple. It is hoped to open a shop in Combe Martin in the new year, but this will depend on volunteer helpers being available. If you have some time to spare and would like to help, please contact Jane on 01237-474486 or Janet on 882901.
The RSPCA will be having a 'barrow' in Green Lanes on the 18th, 19th and 20th December. Items and support are again needed and if you can help or would like items collected, please contact Janet as above, or drop them in to Summerhill, Hagginton Hill. Thank you. All proceeds to the Barnstaple Clinic.
Richard and Angela Lewis and Peter and Sheila Roach would like to say a very big 'thank you' to everyone who helped them on the day of the flood. Many thanks to you all.
I should like to convey my thanks to all who supported the Sale held in the Manor Hall on 27th June and for the generous donations received. The sum of £305.67 was raised and this has been donated to several animal charities.
Mrs. K. Bond - Ludleigh House
Marion and Ray Bolton of Stockland Green [Birmingham] would like to thank everyone for making them feel part of our village family. They were so happy on their recent visit to see Miss Muffet 'on the go again' and wish Graham and Glenys luck, and to have been able to share in the happiness of Shaun and Cathy's wedding. They look forward to their next visit and in the meantime, keeping in touch through the Newsletter.
May I, through the Newsletter thank everyone who joined with me in celebrating my retirement and 65th birthday - to Edith and Don and their staff at Sawmills, the Maurice Lane Trio [Stuart, Gary and Maurice], Karen, Vince and Wayne for their music and the lovely 'Spice Girls' [Joyce, Edith, Denise, Debbie and Alyson], but my especial thanks to the best family in the world!
John Clark - Birdswell Cottages
I should like to express my sincere thanks to all the residents of Berrynarbor who voted for me in the Devon County Council Election on 1st May, and for all the support and help I received during the campaign. I am sorry that I was unsuccessful in winning the seat on the Council but feel that the anti-government tide was against me. I would love to have had the chance to be your Representative, and can assure you that I would have given it my all had I been elected. Nevertheless, many thanks for your confidence in me, and I wish Mike Knight well as he serves the people of Combe Martin Rural Ward over the next four years.
Maureen Lovering
A big THANK YOU ... firstly to 'Town Crier' Alan. I had a word in his ear that I was desperate for a driver whilst I was 'wristicapped' recently. This brought instant response from Alan, John and Tony, who, in tum, for the next few weeks drove me safely and with kindness and courtesy around the far reaches of the south west. Thanks to all. Thanks, too, to Pat, Marion and Marilyn for their forbearance in allowing their husbands to skive [sorry, drive!] instead of gardening, decorating, car cleaning and other sundry chores. And, of course, thanks too to Doreen who also 'chaufeurred' me. It's great to be independent once more, but in my solo drives I can't help remembering the interesting conversations and chivalry of these modem-day Sir [and Lady] Galahads. Now I'm reduced to talking to the dog!
PP of DC
I should like to thank everyone who supported the Spring Sale held in the Manor Hall on 26th April, and for the generous donations received. The sum of £210 was raised which has been donated to animal welfare.
Mrs. K. Bond - Ludleigh House
Many thanks for the cards, the phone calls keeping in touch with us whilst Toby was in hospital. It did help to know so many friends were thinking about us and wishing Toby well.
Our many thanks
Joan, Toby and Family
My thanks to everyone for your messages, cards, flowers and best wishes following my recent operation - they were all very much appreciated. I am around and about and making good progress. Thank you.
Since my return from hospital I have been assured of prayers, received get-well cards, many presents and had visitors almost every day. I am most grateful. I see the surgeon on the 10th March, and shall ask for permission to go back to work - I look forward to serving the Parish again. Allow me to use this opportunity to remind you that neither the Rector nor I can visit you in hospital or at home, which we would very much like to do, unless you ask a friend or relation to tell us. On admission to hospital, you should put a tick against the question: Do you wish a Priest or Minister to visit you.
Preb. Epp.
P.S. Permission granted!
Tom and Audrey Tucker, and not forgetting Kathleen, would like to thank all relations, friends and neighbours for joining them and making their Diamond Wedding a very special day.
Send a Grannie to Oz
This has to be one of the best kept secrets ever! I have been totally oblivious to any 'goings on' apparently for six months! A card arrived the other day with a cheque for £800.73 telling me this was a gift from my friends of Berrynarbor to enable me to visit my daughters, Wendy and Rachel, and my little grand-daughter, Molly, whom I have yet to meet - I shall in fact be there to celebrate her 1st birthday.
I am so touched [many of you will agree with that] and overwhelmed by this wonderful gesture - I cannot begin to thank all of you who took part in this subterfuge - I know some of you, I am finding out about others and some of you I shall never now, but you have all made me a very happy lady. My flight is booked and I am off to Australia for a month - two weeks in Darwin with Rachel, John and Molly, and then I fly down to Brisbane for the remaining time with Wendy and Jon and my brother, David, and his family. It is like a dream come true and for the first few days I thought I should wake up, but now, as my plans are falling into place, I feel it is really happening, and so to all you wonderful people of Berrynarbor, this time for me has to be one of those lifetime memories - thank you.
Sally B.
27th June saw the sun shine and the coffee flow! The Annual Coffee Morning at Fuchsia Cottage garden raised £273 for the Chapel. A special 'thanks' to everyone who came along and supported this event. We did have a great time, didn't we?
Joy Morrow
The 'Stars of the '50's', and all those involved in the staging of this event, thank the Ozelton Family and staff of the Sawmills for all their kind help and support.
Thank you, first to Debbie, and then to those of you who ordered prints of her cover illustrations, resulting in the Newsletter funds being swollen by £50 and allowing the village to send a donation of £55 to the local branch of the R.S.P.C.A.
Ron Toms thanks all the friends and relations who attended his 80th Birthday Party in the Manor Hall on Saturday, 13th July, arranged as a surprise by daughter, Sheila, and son, Raymond. A special thank you to both of them for all the work involved and to their willing team of helpers; thank you, too, for all the presents and cards.
Village Cream Tea Update: Sincere 'thank you's' to one and all in Berrynarbor who helped in any way towards our special SURPRISE village project. Words are just NOT ENOUGH!! A total of £800 was raised and the gift has been posted with Berrynarbor's love and best wishes.
Ilfracombe College P.T.A. would like to thank everyone who contributed to and supported the recent very successful "Promises Evening" when £1,000 was raised.
The Barten Family would like to thank all the very kind people who visited, sent cards, fruit and chocs. during Dick's stay in hospital, following a nasty fall. He is back home, not quite firing on all cylinders yet, but getting there!
This contribution to the newsletter should have been in the form of a report on our Australian holiday, however, 48 hours before we were due to fly out from Heathrow, I was rushed into hospital for an emergency operation. I certainly have a guardian angel watching over me, because it would have been a totally different story if we had started our journey.
In the twenty years that we have lived in Berrynarbor, Doreen and I have experienced such warmth and friendship, and this was certainly demonstrated during my three weeks in hospital and subsequent convalescence, and in particular the love and affection shown to us when we managed to attend the Christmas Carol Service.
We both wish to say a big 'thank you' for all your cards, prayers and get well telephone calls, and we are pleased to report that I am continuing to make steady progress.
Our trip to Australia has understandably been put on hold, but we are optimistic that we might be able to take this holiday in the not too distance future - watch this space ... !
Best wishes for 1996.
Alan and Doreen Prater
Our thanks to everyone for your kind messages of concern for Elise, who was taken ill in Athens while Inter-railing. She's been in hospital there on her own for over a week, needing oxygen and antibiotics to fight a chest infection, and will hopefully be flown home next week. It has been an ordeal, as no-one there speaks English and there is a chronic shortage of nurses. It took them 4 days to realise that she needed a shower [which was impossible while connected to all the paraphernalia, drips, etc.]!! She had planned to travel the world for a year or more and had booked a flight to Bangkok, on her own, later in October - then on to Bali, Australia, New Zealand and possibly the U.S.A after that - but this may now have to be postponed.
Elaine and John [24.9.95]
Elise is now home again and progressing well, but this experience has not dampened her enthusiasm for travel and she hopes to be off again at the end of October!
Barbara would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their good wishes, cards and flowers, not only when she was in hospital, but also for her 91st birthday.
Bobbie Hacker would also like to say "Thank you to all friends from Berrynarbor, Combe Martin and Ilfracombe, for the lovely cards and gifts sent to me on my 90th Birthday - very much appreciated." She also sends this little ditty which she hopes will amuse:
Mumps are rather bad,
Scarlet fever's dreadful, but
Toothache drives you mad.
It takes you and shakes you
And your face is twice the size,
Your cheek is round the corner
And you haven't any eyes.
I would go and take it out,
Put it on the table
And turn it round about.
I'd smother it with toffee
And sticky currant cake,
And then for twenty hours
I would sit and watch it ache!
Joy Morrow thanks one and all for going along to the Garden Coffee Morning at Fuchsia Cottage, when £265 was raised for Chapel funds. Village support is wonderful, she says, as are dear friends, and a special thanks to Ray and Margaret Ludlow on behalf of the U.R.C.
We would sincerely like to thank all our relations and many friends of Berrynarbor for sending us so many messages of sympathy, telephone calls and kindnesses shown to us at the loss of our Mum. Our most grateful thanks to the two Johns, Ivan and Bill for their services as Bearers, which was Mum's wish. Sincere thanks to all who gave donations in her memory to the Cancer Care Centre at the N.D.D.H. which amounted to £300. Many, many thanks to you all.
June and Gerry
The family of the late Mrs. Hilda Melhuish would like to thank everyone for cards, letters, messages of sympathy and all who attended the funeral. Our thanks for donations for the Tyrrell Hospital League of Friends in her memory.
Vera and Tom Greenaway:
May I express my sincere thanks to all the Residents of Berrynarbor who voted for me at the North Devon District Council Election on 4th May, and for all the support and help I received during the campaign.
I am sorry I was unsuccessful in winning a seat on the Council, but again many thanks for your confidence in me.
Maureen Lovering
Thank you to the Ladies who supported my Fashion Day Invitation and who raised £185 for the Church.
Good wishes,
Margaret Andrews
[Hon. Sec.]
St. Peter's Parochial
Church Council
Many apologies for the delay, but nevertheless my thanks to everybody who contributed to my sponsored Startrek Walk. The final sum raised was £60 and I thoroughly enjoyed the event notwithstanding the mud which made it heavy going in places! I have always wanted to see Badgeworthy by moonlight, and it was up to expectations. Finally, I must make the point that the turnout of the younger generation, boys and girls, was magnificent. If we ever, in the future, have another national emergency like 1939-45, rest assured they would emulate their parents and do their duty.
Peter West - Hilarion
I should like to say a very big thank you to all the kind and caring folk who sent so many lovely cards during my sojourn in hospital. Grateful thanks, also, to those staunch friends who so diligently shopped, cooked and kept the house tidy both whilst I was away and during my convalescence: how could we have managed without you? Lastly but by no means least, thank you to Ron Toms who took over the toilet cleaning. You did a super job, Ronnie.
I hadn't realised how many good friends I'd made in Berrynarbor - your help greatly aided my recovery. Thanks one and all.
We should like to thank everyone who has shown such care and
concern over the last few months.
So many of you have supported us over the time I have been
off work, it would be impossible to list you all, but please understand how
grateful we are.
I intend to go back to work, all being well, at the start of June. At least that will give me a chance of a rest!! Thank you.
Peter and Mary-Jane Newell and Family
Three days after Peggy's operation, I retired to bed with a stomach virus, going without food for 16 days. Our neighbours, the village, the two Churches, the Buffs, the Royal British Legion [Combe Martin] and people from Ilfracombe were magnificent. We had cards and flowers and you gave up your time to visit and visit. I felt rotten, but I knew before long someone would be there. So I say, thank you, with all the feeling there is. Good old Berrynarbor.
Preb. Eppingstone
My dear Friends,
I can think of no words which would fully express my gratitude for all the prayers, cards, flowers and gifts which I received from you whilst in hospital. How they cheered those three-and-a-half weeks. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Peggy Eppingstone
V and A of B in B want to say 'thank you' to Les [Jack] Levey for "going up the hill and down with his can of water".
Many congratulations to Ron Toms on the magnificent sum of £540.00 raised by him for the Historic Churches Trust, surpassing last year's total by some £40.00. Ron would like to thank everyone who sponsored him and his especial thanks to Josef Belka for taking him around.
May we thank everyone concerned with Tracy and Darren's wedding on the 3rd July, for their help in making it such a success. We should also like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience caused to anyone due to photographs being taken in the Sterridge Valley.
Linda and George Camplin
Rita and David Duncan and family would like to thank all their friends in Berrynarbor who helped to make Angela and Lance's wedding day such a happy occasion.
Well done, contributors, you kept 'em coming and we continue our bumper issues. My thanks, and, I am sure, your thanks too, to Debbie for more of her talented work on the front cover; and to Paul Swailes for illustrating the poem for me.
August will be the next issue [let's hope we'll be enjoying some summer - at the time of typing this, it is wet and wintry outside!], and it would be appreciated if articles and items for printing could be in at the Post Office or direct to Chicane a little earlier than usual - by Monday, 12th July [latest], as our printing facilities are due to 'break up' on the 23rd!
I very much hope you will find time to pop in to the Management Committee's Coffee Morning for funds for the Newsletter and my best wishes to all readers.
Ron Toms would like to thank everyone who sponsored him for his Historic Walk for Devon Churches and for all the friendship and kindness he received on his travels round the village seeking sponsorship.
Phil and Lynne would like to thank everyone who has helped with this year's Globe carnival float, especially Mr. and Mrs. Mountain [to whom we extend a very warm welcome to the village] who allowed the float to be kept dry in their barn at Sloley Farm. The float gained the Best Pub Entry in the Combe Martin Carnival and First Prize in their class, Topical, in both Ilfracombe and Barnstaple Carnivals. Any ideas for next year's float would be very welcome. Watch out, Bridgewater Carnival, we're on our way!
My continued thanks to all contributors, but especially David Duncan for the Capel Cottage front cover, our anonymous Local Walker, Debbie and Paul for their illustrations and the backroom boys - the collators, folders, staplers and deliverers!
The many financial contributions and donations are also most welcome.
Apologies - who spotted the deliberate mistake? Cllr. Bowden's missing word [last issue] was "preserve"!
To all the people of Berrynarbor who kindly helped me to raise the money to go to Lourdes at Easter, thank you very much. The trip was a complete success - one of the most touching weeks of my life so far. Although it was hard work looking after the handicapped children, it was a very fulfilling experience and a real eye-opener to life. It puts one's own worries in life into perspective.
I went to Lourdes with a group of students from college and was placed in a group to help both physically and mentally handicapped children. Each day we took the children to see the sights in and around Lourdes - the Grotto, the Baths, etc. on several occasions we simply took them to a forest and the village of Garvania up in the mountains, where we had fun and games which the children thoroughly enjoyed.
Once again, thank you for making such a rewarding experience possible.
Fiona Duncan
Miss Muffets Coffee Morning June and Roy would like to thank all the helpers and the many people who supported the Coffee Morning, and the donators of raffle prizes and bring-and-buy items. £140.50p was raised for the Children's Hospice South West. Thanks to all.
Fiona Duncan would like to say a big 'thank you' to everyone who gave her 'jobs' and helped her to raise the deposit [plus] for her forthcoming trip at Easter when she will be helping to take handicapped children to Lourdes.
The Christmas Card Charity Distribution 1991 raised just over £60 for Manor Hall Funds. Many thanks to all those who helped:
- Sorters - Keith Walls, Stan Linehan, Alex Parke and Tom Bartlett;
- Deliverers - The Camplin family, the Anderson family, Kath Arscott, Toby and Joan Wood, Peter and Anne Hinchliffe, Jill Jones, Ann Pennington and Laura, Pam and Alex Parke and Iain and Jill McCrae.
There are a lot of 'Thanks' for this issue, but may I personally start by saying a very big
to Ivy Richards for offering her home and organising the very successful Coffee Morning in aid of the Newsletter. The incredible sum of £72 was raised. and with thanks for the many donations and contributions, over £100 was paid into the Newsletter Account with Nationwide Anglia.Thanks must also go to all the helpers and everyone who supported the event, but especial thanks to Ivy's sister, Phil, to Anita Cornish, Edna Barnes, Margaret Kemp, Joan Berry, Vi Goodman, Gladys Toms, Margaret Parkin, VI Kingdon and members of Berrynarbor W.I.Thank you all.
Len Coleman tells us that Broadsands Beach is now reopen to the public thanks to the wonderful work of the Royal Marines, and takes this opportunity to thank everyone for their confidence in him as a Parish Councillor and to wish villagers the compliments of the season.
Ron Toms would like to thank everyone who sponsored him on his walk in aid of The Historic Churches Trust who benefited from his sore feet by £456, half of which go to the United Reform Church.
Thank you to Paul Swailes for his design for the cover of this and other issues; and for his Illustration of articles. They are much appreciated, especially by the Editor! Thank you, too, to our 'deliverers' Graham and Maureen, and Sue and Melvyn.
Paul and Jackie Lethaby thank all their customers who have supported them [as our village butcher] over the last eighteen years, and wish everyone a Happy Christmas. They hope everyone will continue to support Ivan and June [and helper, Rita] whom they wish every success for the future.
Thank you, everyone, for your contributions and news - keep it coming! Lots of items and articles please for the February Issue at the Post Office by 15th January.
Lynne and Phil would like to thank everyone who donated flowers and helped with the Globe's Carnival Float, which was a great success taking a First Prize in Combe Martin and a Third in Ilfracombe.
Very many thanks to Betty Davis for all she has done for the village. Her services as Clerk to the Parish Council, as a member of the Manor Hall Management Committee and a stalwart [and latterly Warden] of St. Peter's Church are just some of the many ways she has so generously given of her time to the benefit of the whole village. Heartfelt thanks Betty. Get well soon, we miss you and look forward to seeing you about the village again before too long.
Once again the Parish Council has kindly given financial support to our Newsletter. This is greatly appreciated since it is the only real source of income. To date we have been very lucky, with minimal costs covered by donations from private advertisers. However, as the last few issues have shown, duplicating is becoming less efficient and out-dated as the equipment gets older and nearer retirement! New methods of printing vastly improve the quality but also incur higher costs. The intention was and still is that the Newsletter is both FREE and free of advertising [except to the benefit of residents]. So now comes the crunch!
Donations to help with the costs would be very welcome and Maureen and Graham have kindly agreed to a collecting box for this purpose being available in the Post Office. Would anyone be willing to hold a Coffee Morning or similar event to help? If so [and don't all rush!], please 'phone 883544.
Also available in the Post Office in future will be a clipboard. Please use it for your 'snippets' and other interesting news items.
Thank you to all this month's contributors and keep up the good work! October items should be in by the 15th September.
May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support for the Newsletter - keep the contributions coming! Very special thanks, however, to: Maureen and Graham at the Post Office and Sue and Melvyn at Combe Martin, for distribution; Barbara Pickup and Marion Billett for help with collating and stapling; Alan Bacon and Ilfracombe College for the use of facilities and encouragement; and to the'regular' contributors, particularly the "Country Contributor" for our Local Walks and other interesting articles. Thank you.
Articles, etc., for the June issue please in the box at the Post Office or with me by Wednesday, 15th May.
Thanks to Daphne Challacombe [of Combe Martin] and her aunt, Vera Lewis, for the photographs of Bessemer Thatch and the Western Morning News write-up's following the fire that destroyed the thatch on the evening of 5th May, 1937.
Our thanks and congratulations to Edward Bowden [10] for this month 's delightful autumnal Front Cover.
May I also thank Paul Swailes for his illustrations, both in this issue and the August issue. Paul, who teaches Geography at Ilfracombe College has kindly agreed to be the Newsletter's 'artist in residence'.
Ron Toms would like to thank everyone who sponsored him on his walk for the Devon Historic Churches Trust enabling him to raise the magnificent sum of £376!
Many thanks for the kind concern shown by the people of the village over Toby's heart-attack.
Joan & Toby Wood
Thanks have been expressed to Ray Carter for getting rid of the nettles and providing the village with a new 'duck pool'!
Very many thanks to Helen Armstead for the delightful 'wrap-around' cover of this issue depicting Watermouth Castle and harbour, and for her other 'covers', which are much appreciated. Last issue's drawing of the heron at the edge of the Sterridge at Sawmills attracted many compliments, especially since with the recent work, the once tree-lined stream looks very different today.
Thank you to the readers who heeded the plea for contributions - an excellent response and if your article doesn't appear this issue, please don't be offended and keep the articles coming!
On behalf of Eden Davies, Ben Fanner and Andrew Neale, we should like to thank all those who supported the recent jumble sale - which as you may recall, was in aid of their forthcoming expedition to the Pyrenees.
The expedition, which involves 26 Devon school children, has been largely financed by the parents of the participating students, and the object of the jumble sale, therefore, was to raise additional funds for specialist equipment [such as ice axes, cooking equipment, etc.] for ALL those on the expedition.
The sum of money raised in Berrynarbor was £92.87. Once again we thank you for your kind support and we shall endeavour to keep you all informed as to how the expedition fared in the near future.
Stuart and Ginny Neale
The COFFEE MORNING held at Mandalay, Sterridge Valley, in aid of the ROMANIAN ORPHANS APPEAL raised the sum of £64.
May I thank everybody who supported this event for their kindness and generosity.
Vida Butler
"My family and I should like to thank everyone for the recent kindness to Mother, especially whilst she has been so ill.
We have found all your gestures of sympathy most warming and supportive."
Graham Andrews