The Newsletter

Following a local initiative for villages to produce their own newsletter/magazine and with the blessing of the Parish Council, the Berrynarbor Newsletter was launched in August 1989.
The first issues of this bi-monthly A5 booklet publication contained 20 pages produced with stencils and an erratic and inky duplicator, the 300 copies being collated and stapled by hand.
Over the years it has increased in size to a usual 48 pages, with colour, photographs and original illustrations. It is now produced on a Konica Minolta laser printer, collated and stapled by a local printing service.
Not only does it contain news of local interest, forthcoming events and reports of events past, but articles on the village history and topics of general interest, together with a crossword to keep the puzzlers happy! Many of these articles are illustrated by the four willing local artists who have enhanced it from the very beginning. Only by the wonderful support of the contributors, especially the regular ones and the many readers, does it continue in such a healthy way.
A "freebie" publication, it is not only financed by a continued generous grant from the Parish Council but by a generous donation from the Parochial Church Council and readers themselves, some 100 of whom receive it by post for which they pay an annual subscription. Advertising, the policy for which is to keep it to a minimum and for local businesses only, and some occasional fund raising events also help boost the coffers.
The Newsletter has for some years had its own website '' on which can be seen the latest issue and a number of past issues. Although not shown in its entirety, many of the photographs, etc. can be seen more clearly so it is always worth taking a look. Full copies are always available from the Editor on request.
Published in February, April, June, August, October and December, items of interest and articles are always very welcome and should be received before the end of the first week of the preceding month, either at the Community Shop or via e-mail to
Newsletters produced on this web site are abridged versions and do not contain all the illustrations and photographs. Full copies are always available from the Editor on request.