Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Philippa Sidebottom and Jonathan France

Once upon a time not so very long ago, four little girls started school on the same day. During their many services in the church they all decided they would one day like to get married there, but only one of them did!

On a sunny Saturday, the 11th of October, my daughter Philippa followed in the footsteps of many of our family and walked up the cobbles to marry Jonathan France.

Following the service bride groom and their guests walked to the Manor Hall to enjoy tea and the rest of their wedding day.

Friends and family descended on Berrynarbor from all over the counry to enjoy a proper 'village' wedding, that won't be forgotten in a hurry! So all that remains for me to do is to extend our thanks to everyone who helped Philippa realise her perfect day and give the happy couple a wedding day in a million.

Jill Sidebottom

Our congratulations to Philippa and Jonathan and we wish them every happiness in their life together.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Adam and Beth Dennis were married on the 3rd May at Berrynarbor Church. It was also Adam's Mum and Dad's wedding anniversary, Steven and Jillian Dennis, on the very same day. The weather was good, the reception held in a beautifully decorated Manor Hall and many were there to help celebrate their day.

Beth and Adam would like to say thank you to everyone in the village who helped with the wedding and to all those who came and waited outside the church to see them both.

And we should all like to congratulate you both and wish you every happiness in your future together.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


St. Peter's Church on Saturday, 10th September was the setting for the marriage of Lynsey Day and Ashley Bryant. Lynsey was given away by her mother Sue Sussex and attended by four bridesmaids and three flower girls. Ashley is the son of Sean and Tracie Bryant of Ilfracombe.

The Sandy Cove Hotel with its magnificent views was the venue for the afternoon and evening Reception.

Lynsey's photograph wish came true when, in her bridal gown and white wedding wellies, she posed with her new husband and pet brindle boxer Bentley on Newberry Beach! Lynsey, a Sales Office Manager and Ashley, a Web Designer, spent their honeymoon in Canada before returning to their home in Leamington Spa.

We wish them both health and happiness in their future life together.

Sue would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made it such a perfect day: organist Stuart, the choir, the bell ringers,

Teresa Crockett for her beautiful solo, Pie Jesu, during the signing of the register, Sue Neale and Liz Goodenough for the stunning flowers in the church and the bridal bouquets, Chris Steed for a lovely and moving service, the Sandy Cove Hotel for a wonderful reception, and all the great guests.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


St. Peter's Church on the 29th May saw the wedding of Sue Wright and Stuart Neale. Sue was attended by a fellow golfer and flower arranger, Barbara [Clatworthy], and Bobby [Bowden] was Stuart's Best Man. Following the service, the reception was held in the Manor Hall. Their honeymoon holiday was spent on the Greek island of Kefalonia where they enjoyed swimming on the beautiful beaches used during the filming of Captain Corelli's Mandolin. Now home again, they are busy sorting two homes into one!

We wish them both every happiness.

Sue and Stuart would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody for their kindness, but especially Keith Wyer - they feel very privileged that their wedding was the last he conducted before his retirement - and the choirs of both St. Peter's and St. Peter ad Vincula, who sang during the signing of the register.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Saturday, 8th May, was overcast and chilly, but at St. Peter's Church and surrounded by family and friends, the warmth and happiness at the wedding of Peter Pell and Jean Ede was palpable. Jean was escorted up the aisle by her two sons, Darren and Ben, and attended by her four granddaughters - Jasmin, Maddie, Lily and Lottie. Peter's Best Man, Tom, did a grand job even if it was the first time he had undertaken such a duty and that photo he had of Peter's past . . . well!

The reception took place at Ash Barton House at Braunton and surprise, surprise, the newly weds spent a few days away at a golfing spa at St. Mellion!

Our congratulations and best wishes to you both.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The wedding of Jancy, only daughter of Ann and Brian Davies, and Simon, only son of Yvonne and John Overell of Ilfracombe, took place on the 12th September at Barley Town House, near Hitchin in Hertfordshire. It was a glorious day and a perfectly happy occasion. Congratulations from both families who wish them a very happy future together.

June Coleman is delighted to announce the safe arrival of her third grandson, William Giles, who was born on 8th October in Surrey. A second son for Charlotte and Ian, and baby brother to George Henry and cousin to Max-Lucas, he weighed in at 9lb 7oz. June says it's going to be an expensive Christmas!

It was open day at Lee Lodge to help Amy celebrate her 99th Birthday on the 11th November - one year to go for that special birthday card!

We also add our congratulations and very best wishes to Jancy and Simon, June and all her family and Amy.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Ann and Brian [Davies] are very happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Jancy Lee to Simon Overell of Ilfracombe. The engagement took place in Barcelona on Valentine's Day.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Saturday, 6th September, was the wedding day of Melanie, daughter of Dave and Ann Harris, and Lee Allen. Following the ceremony at St. Peter's church, the
wedding party celebrated in true style at Sloley Farm. We send you both our congratulations and very best wishes for your future happiness together.

We should like to say thank you to the following for all the very kind help and much appreciated help to make our wedding in Berrynarbor on 6th September such a memorable occasion, for so many reasons:

John [I'm too sexy for my shorts] and Fenella [I'm not drunk, the floor is uneven] Boxall, Phil [Kind Hearts and Coronets] Bridle, Roger Luckham, Richard Gingell, Martin Belitho, Reverend Keith Wyer, the Bellringers, the Olde Globe, and finally all the villagers who turned out and sent their best wishes. We hope it wasn't too noisy as our rabble of guests wended their ways back to their various accommodations.

Most of our guests had to make a 400plus mile round trip and many have commented on the beautiful setting and friendly community in Berrynarbor. We both feel very privileged to have been able to choose Berrynarbor as the venue for our wedding week-end.

Just one last mention must go to Mum and Dad [Dave and Ann], you pulled out all the stops, THANK YOU!

Melanie and Lee 'Whathisname'


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


How nice to be able to report a wedding! With an appalling week of weather, and a Wednesday that was wet, wet, wet, fingers were firmly crossed for the Saturday. The 12th July was the wedding day of Tim, son of Wendy and Chris Jenner of Little Gables. and it turned out fine and sunny! Tim and his wife Jackie,who are currently living in Switzerland, chose St. Peter's Church for their marriage ceremony with a reception in the Manor Hall followed by a barn dance and hog roast. They will be returning to Switzerland at the end of August.

Our congratulations to the happy couple and we send our very best wishes for their future happiness together.

We also send our best wishes and good luck to Tim and hope to be able to report on his success in the next Newsletter. Read on ...


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Caroline Bartlett, youngest daughter of Inge and Tom, was married to Otto Kummer in November 2006. The well-attended Blessing Service was held on Saturday, 26th May 2007 at The Mayflower in Bermuda, a truly magnificent setting with a backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean. Caroline has been living and working in Bermuda for eleven years, where she met Otto.

Otto, who originates from Bavaria, Germany, has been living in Bermuda for 20 years and was last year granted Residency. A well-known Master Chef, he has prepared meals for Tony and Cherie Blair as well as Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. Caroline set up and manages the spa, La Serena, for the Reefs Hotel, and in its second year was awarded the coveted Gold Medallion for the best spa in Bermuda.

Married at St. Peter's Church on Saturday, 26th May, were Tania Morris and Jonathan [Tom] Trinder. Tania, Neil's daughter, is a Marketing Manager who comes from Devon and Tom, who is in publishing, comes from Essex. The bridesmaids included Val and Neil's granddaughters, Ella, Lucy, Eve and Alice. Following a reception at the Woolacombe Bay, the newlyweds flew off to Thailand before returning to their home in Bourne End, Buckinghamshire.

The bells of St. Peter's rang out again on the afternoon of 20th June to celebrate the marriage of Michael Richards of Napps and Sue Cowie.

Having lived overseas for many years and working in an administrative capacity, Sue met Michael whilst visiting her parents here. Given away by her father and with Bernie Newton, a lifelong friend of Michael's since childhood, the newlyweds returned to Napps for the reception on an appropriately decorated tractor and trailer! With the season underway and with Sue helping with the administration of the site, plans for the honeymoon holiday have been postponed until September.

Saturday, 14th July, was the Wedding Day of Elaine Gubb and Geoffrey Barnett. Elaine, who arrived at St. Peter's by Standard Fordson tractor and trailer, is the daughter of Chris and Barbara of South Lee, and Geoffrey son of Pat and Richard Barnett of Whitney. A big thank you to Bobby Bowden for his expertise as driver and Michael Bowden for his 'whispering technique' for the tractor's 'crank' start outside the church, also Vic who was their back-up team with his grey 'Fergie'. The reception was at South Lee and the couple are now touring Scotland for their honeymoon.

We send you all our very best wishes for health and happiness in your future lives together.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The Fox and Hounds at Eggesford on Saturday, 13th January, was the setting for the small, but with family and friends, wedding of Jenny Bailey and Lee Beer. Jenny, the youngest daughter of Brian and Ann, and Lee were attended by Elaine Gubb with their two-year-old son Louis as pageboy. A lovely day finished by guests enjoying the music of the Make Me Smile band.

Jenny and Lee are enjoying a holiday in Rome, whilst Brian and Ann are 'sitting' Louis, or is it, as Ann says, vice versa?

Jenny and Lee, we wish you both health and happiness for your future life together.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Louise & Karl - Our congratulations to Louise and Karl on their marriage at St. Peter's Church on the 10th June - a lovely day enjoyed by family and friends. Louise is the younger daughter of Alan and Susan Richards of East Hagginton Farm, and Karl the son of Edith and Don Ozelton of The Globe. The bride was attended by her sister Nicola and cousin Kaitlin, Karl's nephew Callum was the pageboy, and Louise's brother Jamie flew in from Australia to complete the family.

The service was followed by a reception at the Barnstaple Hotel and the newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Mauritius. Louise, a Community Support Worker on the District, and Karl, Chef at the Sawmill Inn, live at Sawmill Cottage. Best wishes to you both for your future happiness.

Kelly & David - A reception at the Sandy Cove Hotel and a honeymoon in Las Vegas and Hawaii followed the wedding of Kelly Gilson and David Cresswell at St. Peter's Church on the 8th July. Kelly, who is the daughter of Richard and Dawn of Sandy Cove Hotel, was attended by four bridesmaids - Naomi, Michelle, Gemma and Becky - and pageboy Daniel. David, son of Steve and Sue Cresswell of Braunton, was supported by his Best Man Matt. Kelly and David are both accountants and live in Westaway Heights at Pilton.

Congratulations and very best wishes to you both.

Paul & Chris - Congratulations and our very best wishes to Paul, our Newsletter Illustrator, and Chris on their marriage on the 15th July. The simple ceremony was attended just by their five children and followed by an informal gathering of family and friends.

Wedding Anniversaries - Our very best wishes and congratulations to Arline and Bernard Lewis on their Diamond Wedding. Arline and Bernard were married on the 29th June 1946 having met when they were in the Army. Arline was a driver - of a 3 ton lorry - with the ATS and Bernard in the Tank Corps. They lived in Woodford for 26 years before moving to 'Alberta', here in Berrynarbor in 1972, where, says Arline, they spent the happiest 28 years of their 60-year marriage. Sadly they left in 1999 to move to Martock in Somerset. The day was spent quietly but their daughters, Susan and Merilyn, surprised them with a champagne and strawberry breakfast!

Our very best, but I'm afraid belated, good wishes and congratulations to Mary and Brian Shillaker on their Golden Wedding.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


On a sunny day in April, the marriage took place of Alan Richard Froud, youngest son of Dorothy and Bob, and Victoria Louise Pearson at the ancient hillside church of St. Mary and St. Julian at Makee, near the Cornish village of Kingsand.

Radiant Tori was attended by four bridesmaids, a tiny flower girl and pageboy Sam. John, Karen and Sam flew home from New York and Tori's brother flew in from Antigua to complete the families.

Following a reception at the Edgecumbe Arms at Cremyll, the happy couple went on honeymoon to the Maldives. Alan and Tori have bought a house in the Turnchapel area of Plymouth.

Our congratulations and belated good wishes to you both.

Our best wishes and congratulations also to Norman and Brenda Richards whose marriage took place at St. George's Church, Dunster, on the 6th August, followed by a reception for family and friends at Reeves Restaurant, Dunster.

St. Peter's Church, on the 24th September, was the scene of a real Scottish kilted wedding when Vicky Jones, eldest daughter of Zoe and Peter Bowden married Martin Hayes.

Martin, son of Theresa and Colin Hayes, originates from the Isle of Bute and his family and friends travelled south of the border to wish the happy couple well.

Vicky was attended by two bridesmaids, Becky and Rosie, and a flower girl Chloe and Martin's Best Man, Paul, also travelled down from Scotland. Following a reception at the Sandy Cove Hotel, the newly-weds are spending their honeymoon in the Dominican Republic before returning to Edinburgh where they both work in the food industry.

Our congratulations and we wish you both every happiness in your future together.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It is good to have a wedding to include in this issue. The village, on Easter Saturday, 26th March, was truly the setting for the marriage of Adam Stanbury and Natalie Wheelan. The service took place at St. Peter's on a lovely sunny day, and the Manor Hall was the venue for the reception.

Adam, youngest son of Joy and Gordon, is carrying on the family farming tradition, running Stapleton Farm. Natalie, from Barnstaple, second daughter of Graham and Lin - who was responsible for all the catering - teaches at the Pre-School here in Berrynarbor.

Thailand was the destination of the honeymoon. Now back in the village, we wish them both every happiness in their future together.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Saturday, 30th October, was the wedding day of Katie Bridle and Adrian Beer. The service, held at St. Peter's Church, was followed by a reception at the Sandy Cove Hotel. Katie, the youngest daughter of Phil was attended by her sisters - Lola and Rosie and Sarah, Lynne's daughter - Elyse [Fanner] and Holly, a good friend from Manchester. Also in attendance were four page boys - Callum, Dylan, Connor and Callum. Adrian's Best Man was Matt Bacon and the newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Thailand. Katie, a prison officer, and Adrian, a tree surgeon, live in Manchester. We send you both our congratulations and best wishes for your future happiness.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The marriage of Claire Emma O'Regan, daughter of Bernard and June of Pink Heather, and Justin William Pickford took place at St. Margaret's Catholic Church in Epsom on Saturday, 31st July. The bride was attended by her childhood friend, Catherine Milner, and the groom's sister, Joelyne Pickford. The Page Boy was Louis O'Regan, Claire's four year old nephew, who performed his duties very well, managing at the same time to entertain everyone during and after the service. The happy couple honeymooned in Antigua.

Prayer of the Couple:

Lord we ask you that our love continues to grow and that in our old age we may love and cherish each other as much as we do at this very moment.
May we be blessed with children and be granted the ability to love and teach them under your loving guidance.
May you grant us the strength and courage to support each other during times of struggle and grant us gratitude in times of great joy.

St. Peter's Church has been the setting for four wedding over the summer.

Congratulations to all the happy couples. We send our very best wishes for your future happiness together.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


And the wedding party came from down under! St. Peter's Church on the 5th June was the venue for the marriage service of Jamie, son of Sue and Alan Richards of East Hagginton, and Julie-Ann, daughter of John and Linda Roberts, formerly of Pinehurst Residential Home, Ilfracombe, and now of Queensland, Australia. Jamie and Julie-Ann, who also live in Australia, returned to the village for their wedding, setting off again for their honeymoon and home.

The date - 12th June, the place - St. Peter's Church, Berrynarbor, the event - the wedding of Tom and Luan. Tom is the eldest son of Mary and Brian Malin of Mill Park, and Luan the daughter of Ian Sturman and Cindy Rich. Tom, who helps out with the family business at Mill Park, and Luan, who also helps with her family business, Richmond Engineering, live in llfracombe. Their honeymoon - a wedding present - was spent as VIP's at the Glastonbury Festival.

The wedding of Lloyd and Paula took place at St. Mary the Virgin Church at Pilton on Saturday, 19th June. Lloyd is the only son of Penny and Geoff Gove [On-a-Hill] and Laura the third daughter of Jim and Jenny ten-Bokkel of Barnstaple. Lloyd, the Service Manager of the family business Workshop in Barnstaple, and Laura, keeping it in the family, the Forecourt Manager at Lynton Cross, spent their honeymoon in Cuba and live in Milltown.

The 17th July was the wedding day of Christian and Laura, the marriage service taking place at St. Peter's Church, followed by a honeymoon in Thailand. Christian is the eldest son of Pat and Graham Rice of Combe Martin, and Laura the second daughter of Ann Pennington [late of Ducky Pool] and David Hookway. Christian, an electrician and Laura, who will be taking up her first teaching post at llfracombe College in the Autumn Term, live in Combe Martin.

To all the newlyweds, we send our congratulations and very best wishes for your future happiness.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The wedding of Tanya, eldest daughter of Keith and Margaret Walls, and John Lihou, a Guernsey-man born and bred, took place at St. Peter Port on 11th May 2004.

Tanya and John were supported by their families, including Imogen and Lance and Tanya's sister, Louise, and her children, Nathan and Isaac, who were over from Canada.

Our congratulations to you both and very best wishes for your future happiness.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The week-end of the 4th October saw another influx in Berrynarbor. Visitors who came from all over, many of whom had not been to this part of the country before, enjoyed the hospitality of the village. The reason for their visit? To witness and enjoy the marriage at St. Peter's of Hannah Grinnall and Richard Fulton.

Dorothy Grinnall has roots in the village going back probably as far as any other family, so it seemed appropriate that her granddaughter, Hannah, who spent a lot of time in Berrynarbor as a child, be married from the family cottage, Hillcrest. The bride, her father Andrew and her two bridesmaids walked down the hill to the church, but a Rolls Royce transported them up the hill to Sandy Cove for the wedding breakfast. A disco at the Manor Hall, where The Globe put on a fantastic spread and everyone danced the night away, topped off the day!

Hannah is currently studying for a B.Sc. in Psychology at Goldsmiths College and Richard works for HMV in South London.

Our congratulations to you both and our very best wishes for the future. We look forward to seeing you in the village again soon, and understand that this is a certainty since the parents of the bride, Sally and Andrew [Grinnall] hope to move to Hillcrest in the not too distant future.

The date: 11th October; Location: Sydney

Some 40 family members and guests from the UK joined Ann and Sandy Anderson in Sydney for the marriage of their eldest son, David, to Amy Lapointe of Sydney.

The wedding took place in the crypt of Sydney Cathedral and the reception held in a marquee in front of the Opera House. On the Sunday, Ann and Sandy were hosts to the guests for a Luncheon Cruise around the Harbour.

The newlyweds enjoyed an Australian honeymoon before returning to their home in Singapore, where David is an IT Specialist and Amy is setting up a juicing business.

We send them our congratulations and wish them health and happiness in their future life together.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A Red Indian Wedding Prayer

Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other
Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other
Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you will be companion to the other
Now you are two persons, but there are three lives before you:
His life, her life and your life together
Go now to your dwelling place to enter into the days of your life together
May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years
May happiness be your companion to the place where the river meets the sun
And may your days together be good and long upon this earth

The sun certainly shone on the three brides at the recent village weddings.

St. Mary's Catholic Church in Barnstaple, on the 6th September, was the setting for the marriage of Philippa Anderson and Benjamin Hann. A happy and joyous service was followed by a lovely reception held in the delightful garden of the bride's home, Beech Leigh.

Pip, the youngest daughter of Sandy and Ann - who jointly gave their daughter away - has recently completed her articles and is now a fully qualified Solicitor - well done, Pip! A new job in Leicester is due to start soon. Ben, youngest son of Valerie and David Hann, late of Croft Lee, is a member of the Police Force, but with the impending move to Leicester is contemplating a career change.

After a couple of days staying in Bath, followed by house hunting, Pip and Ben are off around the world - a trip which will culminate in Australia tor Pip's brother David's wedding in Sydney in October, and, of course, the Rugby World Cup!

Two weddings on one day and the village, guest houses and car parks were overflowing! The 6th September was also the day of the marriage at St. Peter's Church of Nicholas Hooper and Sarah Hodges of Lower Court, Ruggaton.

Sarah, eldest daughter of Jane and the late David Hodges of Uffculme near Tiverton, was brought up in a farming family, so is very much at home at Ruggaton. Nicholas, who has been in this country for several years, comes from Canada and is the son of Peter and Sally Hooper of Toronto.

Sarah, who works in public relations and Nicholas, in investment banking, have spent their honeymoon in the Ionian Islands off Sicily.

Following their civil wedding in France, Lynne Wilson and Philippe Delaye's marriage was Blessed at St. Peter's Church on the 13th September, on another day of glorious sunshine.

Lynne, a self-employed art dealer and Philippe, a financier, chose Berrynarbor as it is the home of Lynne's half- sister, Alice Wilson and her husband Simon Browne. Alice and Simon live at Top Shippen, Home Barton. Simon, a chef, and Damien Hirst are partners in the new restaurant in Ilfracombe but due to the fact that it was not quite ready, the reception had to be relocated to the Manor Hall at the last minute! However, it proved a great venue with guests from all over the world - Japan, the Philippines, Germany and, of course, France - appreciating the hospitality of the village and its guest houses.

Congratulations to all three couples and we wish you health and happiness in your future life together.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


On the 31st May, our daughter Isobel was hitched at St. Peter's church, Berrynarbor, to Captain [Church Army not Navy, as some had supposed] Paul Tyler, who came from his Huntingdon Parish with a fine crowd of friends and relatives to enjoy the most perfect country wedding. The sun shone, birds sang, bees buzzed, the ringers rang and the bride blushed on cue at the Vicar's merry quip [you know, the wedding one]. No one having accepted his kind offer to step forward and give reason to object before it was too late, our gifted friend Marilyn sang gloriously. The Manor Hall, like the church, had been beautifully decorated with flowers by friends in the village, whilst others had prepared a most splendid line of dishes for guests at the reception. To those people who worked so hard and generously, we give our deepest thanks. They enhanced an already happy occasion with their skills.

Paul endeared himself to us by only speaking briefly in response to the toast to bride and groom, but notably failed to apologise for not producing the five fat kine demanded from him as a bride price.

In the evening we danced to a local folk band and were delighted by the number of people who were able to join us and help our new friends from Huntingdon feel even more welcome. Many said that they were so impressed with the village that they will be sure to come again on holiday.

Isobel and Paul now live in a vicarage in the middle of the parish where he works and she is learning what it means to be a parish wife. Always busy! She says that after the hills of Devon, the flat country of Cambridgeshire takes some getting used to, but they both hope to come back again, even if only for a short visit.

Peter H.

Isobel and Paul, our congratulations and we wish you both every happiness in your future together.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


St. Peter's Church on Saturday, 10th May, was the setting for the marriage of Angela Peddle and Ian Cunningham.

Ian comes from Barnstaple, but originally Scotland, and Angela from Berrydown Cross, where they now live. Blackpool was the honeymoon destination.

Congratulations and very best wishes to you both.

A nine-week business trip to St. Lucia in the Windward Islands of the West Indies for Chris Townsend, accompanied by Sarah, seemed an ideal time and place to tie the knot. And where do you think they spent their honeymoon ...

Now home again, they are slowly but surely making Woodland Cottage more comfortable.

And what of Mushroom and her passport?

Sarah is hoping to visit Amsterdam shortly to see how things are progressing.

We wish you both health and happiness and success with the DIY.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Sue and Clive of Court Cottage are delighted to announce the marriage of their youngest daughter, Heather, with Alan Fordham, of llfracombe.

Heather and Alan were married in the Caribbean on the 4th November, with 15 family members and friends flying out to witness their special day. The honeymoon was also spent there, 'en famille', since others stayed on too!

On their return and on the 16th November, a Reception was held at the Saunton Sands Hotel, with many guests staying in the village, which they all agreed was 'a beautiful place'.

Heather, a computer analyst at the North Devon District Hospital and Alan, a carpenter with Sharman, live in Barnstaple.

We send them both our congratulations and very best wishes for the future.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It is some time since we had a wedding to celebrate, so it is with great pleasure we announce the marriage of Samantha Bailey and Matthew Ayres. The wedding took place in Bath on the 7th September.

Matthew and Samantha, eldest daughter of Brian and Anne of Broad Meadow, are both with Avon and Somerset Constabulary, and not surprisingly they met through their jobs. Matthew is a Police Inspector in Bristol and Sam a Detective Sergeant in Weston-Super-Mare.

Their honeymoon has been spent in Mexico and they live in Wedmore, not far from Cheddar.

We send them our congratulations and very best wishes for the future.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Congratulations and best wishes to three newly-married couples.

The 1st September was the big day for Rachel Ann, daughter of our Rector Keith Wyer and Mark Norman. The service took place at St. Peter's, Combe Martin, when Keith happily juggled his 'official' duties with those of proud father, both turning his back on and facing the congregation! The reception and barn dance, with Fred Ward and his Merry Men [with whom Mark plays], was held at the Lee Bay Hotel and Rachel and Mark are currently on honeymoon in Florida.

Following a Psychology degree at Exeter, Rachel has for the last year been working with children with hearing difficulties, communicating with them using sign language, and hopes to make her career working with the hard of hearing. She and Mark, a member of the Technical Staff at Plymouth University - and whose 'spooky' tales appeared in our Newsletter - live with their menagerie of animals at Exwick.

The Eggesford Country House Hotel on the 7th September, was the setting for the marriage of David, son of Norman and Angela Richards, and Louise, daughter of Barbara and Dave Mock of Combe Martin.

The groom just 'dropped in' - by helicopter! and the bride was attended by David's twin daughters, Kayleigh and Kirsty, and Louise's godson, Jason. The celebrations continued the next day with an evening reception for their many friends and family held at the Bottom George.

David, who helps Norman run the farm, and Louise, a member of the Accounts Department at Philip Dennis, live at Moules Cottage.

Married in Marakesh! Pip and Tony Summers are delighted to announce the marriage of their younger daughter, Angela, to Graeme Ogilvie. Angela and Graeme became engaged two years ago but decided they did not want a 'fancy wedding'. However, they surprised everyone on their return from holiday in Marakesh this summer by announcing, 'By the way, while we were there we got married'! They have also moved house and now live in Bristol but continue to work in Bath.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The marriage took place on 9th June of Kim, youngest daughter of Rainer and Jill to Mark Barber. Blessed with glorious weather, the bride was transported to and from St. Peter's Church in a carriage - as used in the series of 'Pride and Prejudice' - drawn by a pair of extremely well behaved horses. The reception was held in a marquee in the field opposite Hillside Cottage, and was a resounding hit with guests who included family and friends from England, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, U.S.A., Turkey and Germany! Kim, who has been employed by B.A. since completing studies in Buckinghamshire, had a double celebration - her 30th birthday. She and Mark spent their honeymoon in Southern Italy and are now settling down to married life in Oxfordshire.

Meanwhile, sister Tanja has moved temporarily from Australia to the United States to set up and run her joint computer business, The system is now available on all Microsoft systems and will be the official language translator for the World Cup in Japan.

Parents, Rainer and Jill, like so many local people, have been experiencing the knock-on effect of the foot and mouth epidemic at the Brass Rubbing Centre in Lynmouth. It is good, therefore, that Rainer's flowerpot men who have lifted and raised a few smiles with locals and visitors for many years, but particularly this year as they have become a feature for Britain in Bloom.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The bride drove to her wedding in a breakdown pick-up truck!

Emily Gove, daughter of Penny and Geoff of On-a-Hill Garage, Lynton Cross [formerly of Berrynarbor], having helped in the garage when she was still at school, thought it would be a bit different to arrive at the church for her wedding in a pick-up truck. With no breakdown on the way, Emily and her father arrived at Brookdale Church, Ilfracombe, on time for her marriage to David Thubron.

David, who comes from Newcastle, is in the Royal Marines, stationed at Plymouth, where Emily, a qualified Occupational Therapist works and the couple are living. The wedding, on the 31st March, was followed by a honeymoon in Mombasa.

Rita and David Duncan are very proud and happy to announce the marriage of their youngest daughter, Rebecca Ann, to David James Pike, youngest son of Hazel and Brian Pike of Staines. The wedding took place on the 7th April at Weybridge Registry Office and afterwards at the Warren Lodge Hotel, Shepperton-on-thames. A wonderful day, enjoyed by everyone.

Rebecca and Daniel, who spent a short honeymoon in Dorset, will make their home in Sunbury-on-Thames.

Rita and David send their very best wishes to all friends in Berrynarbor.

Easter Saturday, 14th April, was the wedding day of Kate Neale and Joe Barnes, who were married at St. Peter's Church, followed by a honeymoon in Lanzarote.

Joe, who comes from Ilfracombe, is currently serving with the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, and Kate, daughter of Stuart and Ginny, having graduated from Oxford Brooks University, is teaching at a primary school in Guildford, near where they live at Lightwater.

Stuart and Ginny would like to thank their friends in the village for their kindness and support for Kate and Joe on their wedding day and to thank them for their generosity in giving the couple some wonderful gifts.

Our congratulations to Emily and David, Rebecca and David, and Kate and Joe. Our very best wishes to you all for your future health and happiness.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Many readers will remember Sylvia O'Gorman [Cataldo] and her spaniel Kim and white cat, Sam [who used to sunbathe in the middle of the road at Wood Park!] Sylvia has just returned from Australia, having been to the wedding of her granddaughter, Helen Michael, who lived with Sylvia and attended Ilfracombe College. Helen met her husband, Philip Kettlewell, when she became his P.A. in order to earn money to supplement funds for her travels in the east - Kuala Lumpur and on to Australia. They now live in Balmain, Sydney, not far from the Anzec Bridge, together with their kelpi dog, Harry.

It was lovely to hear from you, Sylvia, and please pass on our congratulations and best wishes to Helen and Philip.

Friday, 16th February, was the wedding day of Tom and Inge Bartlett's son, Roland, and Jessica Lee, who were married at a civil ceremony held at Dietzenbach Town Hall [Rathaus] not far from Frankfurt am Mainz, Germany. Jessica, who comes from Singapore, where she and Roland met seven years ago, and Roland are now living in Germany. Roland works as Art Director for Jung von Matt, one of the largest advertising agencies in Germany who employ over 400 people in their Hamburg offices, but only 36 in Frankfurt. Jessica is currently learning German, attending classes twice a week. Roland is determined that she will continue her studies to an advanced level before thinking of working there!

Congratulations to you both and health and happiness in the future.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Emmanuelle Church, Ilfracombe, was the setting for the wedding, on the 16th September, of Helen, eldest daughter of Nicky and Colin Purdue of Berry Down, to Steve Jones from Bath. Helen, attended by her sisters Amanda, Katie and Hailey with her brother David an Usher, is a financial adviser and Steve a retail manager. They live in Swindon and their honeymoon was spent in Cyprus.

St. Peter's Church has seen four weddings recently - Nina Draper and Darren Collacott, Gerald Marangone and Kerri Dennis, Tony Rowlands and Kate Adams and Charlotte Allsford and Shaun O'Driscoll.

Nina, youngest daughter of Joe and Christine Draper of Grey Squirrels, Old Coast Road, and Darren from Combe Martin, were married on the 23rd September and spent their honeymoon cruising the Caribbean and touring America. Nina, who helps with the family business, was attended by Gemma Bacon, Emily Stackhouse, Jody and George Gaddes, Shannon and Rocky Lethaby and Josh and Jake Harris. Darren is a qualified mechanic and Fire Station Commander at Combe Martin, where they live.

A honeymoon in Hong Kong and Bali followed Gerald and Kerri's wedding on the 7th October. Gerald, youngest son of June and Gerry Marangone, is a civil engineer and Kerri, the only daughter of Jill and Mick Dennis - who came to Combe Martin from Oxford some twelve years ago - is a qualified equine instructor. Andy, Gerald's brother was his Best Man and they, too, live in Combe Martin.

The village saw an influx of visitors the following week-end, 21st October, as guests attended Tony and Kate's wedding - a joint service taken by Father Jeffery Ingram and the Reverend Jones - which took place on the third anniversary of their introduction to each other by Katie, their Matron of Honour. Kate was also attended by Katie's daughter and Tony's niece and nephew. The honeymoon was spent touring Devon and Cornwall, including stops at Burgh Island and Rick Stein's Fish Restaurant. Kate, who comes from Salisbury, teaches English at secondary level, and Tony, eldest son of Nora and Alan, is an aeronautical engineer with Rolls Royce. They live in Bristol.

The last Saturday in October, 28th, was the wedding day of the granddaughter of Anna Allsford, Verger at St. Peter ad Vincula. Charlotte and Shaun, who both work for Pall Ilfracombe, live in Ilfracombe and spent their honeymoon in Paris, including a visit to Disneyland.

Sunday, 22nd October, saw the 'family' of Berrynarbor Park at St. Peter's to celebrate with Paul and Theresa Crockett the Blessing of their marriage [which had taken place in a Registry Office three years ago], and the Christening of their daughter, Katy Jane.

To you all, our congratulations and best wishes for your future happiness.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


This beautiful scene on the banks of Loch Lomond was the setting for the wedding of James Weedon and Emma Pearson, who comes from Giffnock near Glasgow. The ceremony and reception were held at the Cameron House Hotel on Sunday, 13th August. The bride was 'piped' in on her father's arm and the groom's father was his Best Man!

A lovely family wedding with a few close friends and a quarter of the guests ranging in age from eight months to eight years!

James and Emma, who are both in the software business - James with his own company and Emma with Abbey National - have recently moved into their new home in Milton Keynes.

Congratulations and very best wishes to you both.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Holy Trinity Church, Dartford, was the setting for the wedding of Neil, second son of Maureen and Keith Cooper, and Jackie Leek on the 27th May. Younger brother, Dean, was Best Man and older brother, Shaun, was an Usher and read the lesson.

Neil and Jackie live in Dartford. Keeping it in the family, Neil works for his brother Dean in his building business based in Gravesend, but Dean and Vanessa, who were married four years ago, live in Upminster in Essex.

When this newsletter comes out, Maureen's father, who has recently celebrated his 93rd birthday, will be over from Australia.

Health and happiness in the future to the newly-wed couple, and congratulations and best wishes to you all.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Congratulations and best wishes for your future happiness to our newly-wed couples.

Geoff and Andrea Smith of Goodleigh House celebrated their marriage and sprung surprises on Andrea's parents! Their civil wedding at Barnstaple Registry Office took place on her mother's birthday, 16th February, and the Blessing at St. Peter's on the 25th March was also a celebration of her father's 80th birthday, when Andrea's sister came, as a complete surprise, from America. A wonderful family week-end. We wish you all health and happiness.

All the best fairy stories begin 'once upon a time' and finish with the prince and princess getting married and in this tale it is Diane Gouldbourn and Antonie Haines who celebrated their marriage at Northcote Manor, Burrington, on Leap Day, the 29th February 2000! Antonie, a partner at Watermouth Castle, and Diane first met in 1989 when she came down from Bolton to help at the children's theme park at Mortehoe. Antonie, Diane and their son William, born on the 8th August 1999 and christened at St. Peter's on the 6th May, live at Watermouth.

Sue Constantine and Andy Graham celebrated their marriage at St. Peter's Church on the 25th March, followed by a reception at the Woolacombe Bay Hotel and a honeymoon in America. Sue, daughter of Jean and Jim, and Andy live in Buckinghamshire and both work in the Prison Service - Sue as a Governor in London and Andy in Milton Keynes. Sue's brother, Nick, was an usher and he and his wife, Alyson, manage a hotel in Alcester near Stratford-on-Avon.

Jean and Jim plan to return to take up full residence in the village again next year. In the meantime, our best wishes to you all.

The Roebuck Hotel, Wychcross, East Sussex, was the setting for the wedding of Ben Fanner and Sara Bridle on the 20th May. Ben, son of Elaine and John, and Sara met when he was studying for a Civil Engineering degree at the University of Surrey and she was at the Guildford School of Acting. Ben and Sara are spending their honeymoon in Mexico before returning to their home in Exeter.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Saturday, 9th October, was the Wedding Day of Gemma Richards and Matthew Bacon. Gemma, who arrived at St. Peter's, Berrynarbor, by horse and carriage, is the daughter of Michael and Julie Richards of Forty Winks, and Matthew, son of Anne and Alan Bacon of Combe Martin.

Very much a 'family' wedding, Gemma, granddaughter of Bob and Betty Richards, was attended by three more of their grandchildren - Kelly and Jody Richards and Charlotte Coombs - and by Nina Draper, daughter of Christine and Joe Draper and two of their grandchildren - Jody and George Gaddes. Matthew's Best Man was Paul Wilkinson and on duty as Ushers were Justin - Gemma's brother over from Australia - Chris Hill, Martin Bacon and Ian Gaddes.

Guests, some of whom had travelled from as far as Australia, South Africa, America, Sweden and France, enjoyed a reception 'at home' at Napps.

Gemma and Matthew have returned home to Combe Martin after honeymooning in St. Lucia and Florida [including 3 hurricanes!]. Gemma helps her parents to run the family business and Matthew is a Scaffolder.

Congratulations to you both and best wishes for the future.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


'Pete Rothwell would like to announce that he no longer lives alone at Treetops, Goosewell, with Hardy his dog - he now lives with his new wife Sally and her three boys, James, David and Robert. Who's a lucky boy?'

Congratulations, Pete, and our very best wishes to you and Sally for your future health and happiness and our thanks for your artistic contributions to our Newsletter.

We also send congratulations and best wishes for every happiness to the following brides and grooms.

A honeymoon in China followed the marriage of Becky Delve and Adrian Green at Exeter Registry Office on the 31st July. Becky, youngest daughter of Marian and Ron Delve of Yeoford [late of Bessemer Thatch] was attended by her sister Rachael and Adrian's sister Danielle. Becky, who teaches the nursery class of autistic and children with moderate learning difficulties at Hatton School, Redbridge, and Adrian, an assistant curator at the Museum of London at the Barbican, live in South Woodford, London.

Angela and George Powell of Green Leas were delighted that St. Peter's and the village were the chosen place for the marriage of their son James and Victoria Johnson on the 4th September. James's elder brother Robin was the Best Man, and his younger, identical twin brothers, Dominic and Christian, ushers. A honeymoon in Portugal followed the reception at the Fo'c's'le in Combe Martin. James, who works for Ikea, and Victoria, a sales supervisor for a car rental company, live in Burton Latimer near Kettering.

The 11th September, a beautiful autumn day - the colours reflected in the bridal theme of gold and beige - was the wedding day of Kevin Mundy and Caroline Bruce of Roborough, Barnstaple. A Blessing at St. Peter's followed the ceremony at Barnstaple Registry Office, with a reception at Sandy Cove rounding off the day. Kevin, a car refinisher, and Caroline, also in the motor trade - working for Pat Williams live at Croft Lee.

Peter Bowden and Zoe Jones
For your marriage on the 2nd October.
Good luck in the future
Love from Vicki, Becky and Daniel


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Congratulations and best wishes to Louise Webber and Peter Howard who were married at St. Peter's Church on 15th May. Peter, who is with British Telecom, and Louise, a secretary with a local firm, live at Wood Park and are spending their honeymoon in the Canary Islands.

Our very best wishes to Saffron Alcock and Keith Green who will be celebrating their marriage at St. Peter's at 12.00 noon on Saturday, 19th June. Watch out for Saffron, who, in true romantic fashion, will be making the journey from Woodlands House in the Valley to the church by horse and carriage.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Richard and Angela Lewis are proud to announce the marriage of their daughter, Amy, to Stephen Law, from Bishops Tawton, at St. Peter's Church on the 8th August. The service was followed by a Reception in the Manor Hall and the honeymoon was spent in Xanthi in Greece, Amy, a Trainee Supervisor with Marks and Spencer, and Stephen who is employed in agricultural sales, now live in Landkey.

Rita and Dave Duncan were very proud parents at the wedding of their daughter, Fiona, to Nick Lynch at Sir Christopher Wren's House Hotel, Windsor, on the 28th August, when Joanne Williams, of Ilfracombe, was bridesmaid and Ella, Fiona's niece, was their flower girl. Fiona and Nick spent their honeymoon in Madrid and are making their home in Maidenhead.

June and Len Coleman celebrated their marriage with a Blessing at St. Peter's, and Karen and Wayne, from the Sawmills, were married whilst on holiday at the end of August.

Congratulations and best wishes to you all for your future health and happiness.

Illustrated by: Debbie Cook


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Congratulations and best wishes
for your future happiness
to our newly-wed couples


Cathy and Shaun Cooper who celebrated their marriage at St. Peter's Church on Saturday, 23rd May, followed by a honeymoon in Cornwall


Louise Walls and David Powers who were married on Roatan, a small island off the coast of Honduras, on the 16th June. Louise has now completed her voluntary service in Belize, and she and David, an RAF pilot, are currently based in Anglesey but following a short move in the near future to Scotland, hope to take up a more permanent posting in Norfolk

and to

Nathalie Denzey and Chris Draper, from Ilfracombe, on their marriage at St. Peter's on Saturday, 18th July.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Celebrations were in order when Guy Harding and Caroline Mee were married at St. Brannock's Church, Braunton, on the 3rd August. Following a honeymoon in the Caribbean, Guy, a 2nd Officer with Cable and Wireless, is now off to Singapore for a couple of months, leaving his new bride at home teaching English at a Junior School in South East London.

Also honeymooning in the Caribbean are Dean Cooper and Vanessa Heather who celebrated their marriage at All Saints Church, Cranham, Essex, on Friday, 6th September. Neil was Best Man and Shaun, who was an usher, read the Blessing. Dean, a partner in a building company based in Gravesend, and Vanessa, a secretary with Barclays in the City, live in London.

We were happy to welcome Sam and Em to Cutts End in the August Newsletter and delighted to be able to congratulate them on their marriage on the 7th September. A family celebration is planned for next year when Em hopes to take all Sam's family on a visit to meet her family in Thailand.

Congratulations and very best wishes for a healthy and happy future to you all.

Congratulations and very best wishes to Audrey and Tom Tucker of Cambridge Grove, Ilfracombe, who will be celebrating sixty years of marriage, their Diamond Wedding, on the 10th October.

Tom and Audrey were married in Ilfracombe Christ Church [sadly now no longer], twenty-five years - almost to the day - after Audrey's parents, and fifty years on from the marriage of her grandparents.

Audrey and Tom will be celebrating the occasion quietly at home but hope that their many friends will accept their invitation to drop in and join them in a glass of sherry and a piece of cake - all are welcome. Or please give them a ring on 862568.

A day celebrating with family and friends at Moules Farm marked the Ruby Wedding [40 years on!] of Norman and Angela Richards. Congratulations and best wishes to you both.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Saturday, 18th May, was the BIG day for Lisa, eldest daughter of Laurel and Celia Draper, and Mark Willis of Combe Martin. The ceremony was at the Registry Office in Barnstaple and the honeymoon spent in the Canary Islands. Lisa, a Supervisor at Sussmans, and Mark, who works for Rawle, Gammon and Baker, live in Combe Martin. Congratulations and best wishes to you both.

June 29th was the Golden Wedding Day of Arline and Bemard Lewis of Alberta, Barton Lane. Congratulations to you both from your neighbours and friends in the Village.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Our best wishes to Sue Day [of Meakings, Combe Martin, who kindly delivers Newsletters for us] on her recent marriage to Richard Sussex. Congratulations and happiness to you both.

News has filtered through from Singapore that Angela, eldest daughter of Tom and Inge Bartlett, was married to Jaynel on the 7th March. Our love and best wishes to you both.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


And the bride walked to the church! But it was only a few steps for Miska to St. Peter's when she married Gary Branch on Saturday, 2nd December. However, the newly-weds flew off for their honeymoon when they spent twelve days in Phuket in Thailand before going on to Bangkok where they met up with Heather and Les Levi.

Miska, who comes from Rayleigh in Essex, and Gary, from East Barnet, Hertfordshire, met 'on board' six years ago when Gary was Head Waiter and Miska a dancer, and it was the village's good fortune when they moved to Berrynarbor in April, 1994. Our congratulations to you both and best wishes for your future happiness.

Gary and Miska would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their kindness and help and for making them both feel so welcome in Berrynarbor.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The Blessing, at St. Peter's Church was, for Helen and Peter West, part of a wonderful week-end when family and friends from all parts of the country joined them to celebrate their marriage. It was a truly 'village' affair - the reception held at the Manor Hall with excellent catering by Judith [of The Lodge] and the lovely floral arrangements for the Church and Hall created by Anne Gosling and Sue Clarke.

Helen is into Property Management and Letting, whilst Peter, who has retired after 22 years in the Army and 20 years with the M.O D. at Instow, is busier than ever, amongst other things studying European History and Politics.

Members of the North Devon Ramblers and Exmoor Walkers, Peter and Helen, with their love and knowledge of Exmoor and its flora and fauna, are well into walking! If you want to know 'where to go' and 'what to see' on Exmoor, give them a ring - they'd be delighted to help.

A week later, on the 14th October, St. Peter's was, as the guests all agreed, "the perfect setting, on a perfect day, for a perfect wedding", when Loma Bradley of Berrynarbor Cross married Vincent Serradimigni from Exeter.

Loma, an ex-student of Ilfracombe College, whose school Work Experience placement in an old people's home set her off on a career that she loves. Training "on the job", Loma is now a Care Assistant at a Charity Home for the elderly in Exeter, and Vincent is a builder in Exeter, where they live.

Loma and Vincent are surfing fanatics and spent their honeymoon visiting the surfing beaches of Cornwall, for which the beautiful autumn weather was a real bonus, although they are both prepared to "go blue" in pursuit of their pleasure and even the buffet at the reception was displayed on two surf boards!

Peter and Helen, Loma and Vincent, our congratulations to you all and very best wishes for your future happiness.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Congratulations to Iain Spear and Emma Jewell, from Ilfracombe, on their marriage at Ilfracombe Parish Church on the 12th August, followed by a honeymoon visiting Singapore, Hong Kong and the Far East. Iain and Emma, who both work in the family fishery business in Barnstaple, have moved in to Manor Cottage, Birdswell Lane. A warm welcome to you both.

On Saturday, 16th September, Geoff and Ginnie Potts [formerly of Hillside Cottage, Sterridge Valley] made a welcome return to the village for the marriage of their daughter, Carolyn, at St. Peter's Church, where she had been Confirmed. Carolyn and her husband, Simon, who comes from Ashford in Kent, met through their jobs in computing - she demonstrating and he selling. Following their honeymoon on Safari in Africa, they will continue living in London. Our congratulations and best wishes to you all.

The bells at St. Peter's were again ringing on Saturday, 23rd September, for the wedding of Theresa, daughter of Peter and Margaret Hiscox of Cross Park, to Mark Rollason of Ilfracombe. Theresa is a nurse at the North Devon District Hospital and Mark a hairdresser at 'Hairport' in Ilfracombe. Theresa and Mark are spending their honeymoon in the Canaries at Lanzarote, after which they will return to live in Ilfracombe. Congratulations and every good wish for the future.

Warm congratulations to two Barnstaple readers, Celia and Harry Weedon [guess whose in-laws?] who will be celebrating their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on the 3rd November.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook



Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


With six weddings in April and May, and more to follow during June, July and the rest of the year, St. Peter's Church has been a happy and busy place! Congratulations and best wishes to you all for your future health and happiness.

On the 29th April, Gail and Graham Davis celebrated their marriage at Barnstaple Registry Office with a blessing at St. Peter's. Gail, who comes from Cambridge, and Graham, son of Betty and Reg, live here in the village where Graham was borne. An 'old boy' of the Primary School, Graham now works as a motor engineer for Motorhaven.

Don and Edith Ozelton, of the Old Sawmill Inn, were delighted to give their daughter, Karen's, hand in marriage to Mr. Sean Watts of Ilfracombe, at St. Peter's on the 6th May. The reception was held at the Victorian Restaurant, Ilfracombe, and Sean, son of Vic, & Beryl Watts kept the honeymoon destination a secret until the wedding day! Karen and Sean, now enjoying themselves in Amalfi, Italy, will be living in the cottage at Sawmills.

V. E. Day celebrations took on a different meaning when Dorne, eldest daughter of Jim and Sandra Jackson, married Andy Satchwell from Ilfracombe. Dorne, who is a care assistant at the Susan Day Home, and Andy, a barman at the Fortescue Arms, Mortehoe, live in Ilfracombe. Panic was averted, when the zips of the bridesmaids dresses went, by Jim's neat sewing! They were 'stitched in' for the dayl

On the 13th May, Sarah, daughter of Dot & Lionel Adams of Lower Trayne Farm [just on our Parish boundary] married Roger Mortimer of Brendon. Sarah is a riding instructress and Roger works for Warwick's. They will start their married life living in Brendon.

The 19th May saw a truly international wedding! Tanya, eldest daughter of Jill and Rainer Jost, and Mark Hill of Brisbane, were married at St. Peter' s. Mark is now working in Fiji, where he and Tanya will be living, at least for a while. Guests came from all over the world - Australia, Fiji, the Solomon Isles, New Zealand, America, South Africa, Europe and, of course, Berrynarbor!

Brian Boyd and Angela Hawkins celebrated their wedding at the Civic Centre, Barnstaple, on Saturday, 20th May. Angela, who comes from Barnstaple, met Brian at the office of the Inland Revenue, where they both work.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Congratulations to Bobby and Jane Bowden (nee Rottenbury) on the birth of their son, Samuel Edwin, on the 5th August, weighing in at 6 lb 7 oz. Congratulations, also, to Samuel's proud grandparents - Lorna and Michael, Barbara and Dennis - and great-grandparents, and not forgetting great, great Aunt Lorna [Price]. Best wishes to you all.

Laurie and Peggy Harvey are to be congratulated on their latest grandchild. Young Ethen, 8 lb 7 oz, arrived on the 31st August, a brother for Lloyd. Best wishes to both boys and the proud parents, Liz and Andrew [Harvey-Bryant].

St. Peter's Church will again be the setting for two weddings in October.

Julia Hannam and Robert Fairchild will be getting married on the 2nd October. Julia is a veterinary nurse at the Mullacott Hospital and Rob helps with the family gift trade business in Ilfracombe. They are off to honeymoon in Italy before settling down in Ilfracombe.

Saturday, 9th October, will be the wedding day of Rachel Haines of Watermouth Castle and Peter Busch of New Zealand. Peter, who is in hotel management, and Rachel met in London. Over the summer they have been helping at the Castle and Once Upon a Time but will be off to New Zealand after the wedding.

Good luck, health and happiness to both couples.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


I am delighted [and proud!] to announce the arrival of Ken's and my first grandchild - Joshim weighed in on the 13th June at 7 lb 5 oz. Congratulations and best wishes to Helen, Kamal and Joshim.

St. Peter's is to be the setting for two weddings in September. On Saturday, 4th, Rachel Clark of [Combe Martin] will be marrying Ian Hilton. Rachel is a Bank Clerk and Ian, who comes from Cornwall, is a Policeman, having served in the Force in Barnstaple and Ilfracombe. Ian and Rachel will begin their married life in Cornwall.

Clare Pool of Higher Trayne, Ilfracombe, will be marrying Jan Hanousk, from Prague, a week later on Saturday, 11th September. Clare teaches English in Prague and Jan is just finishing his studies in medicine. They will be returning to live in Prague.

To both couples, our congratulations and very best wishes for health and future happiness.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The summer months have been busy wedding-wise. Congratulations to:

Good luck and best wishes for your future happiness to you all.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Our congratulations and best wishes for the future to Michael Johns [Lower Leigh Farm] and Tina Sanger, who were married at Combe Martin Baptist Church on the 14th September.