Edition 80 - October 2002

Artwork by: Samuel Bowden [Age 8]

Artwork: Judie Weedon


For the Children's Class sections at the Horticultural and Craft Show, pupils of the Primary School were given the project to produce a black and white cover for the October Newsletter. From the full selection displayed at A Country Collection, the judge chose one for the front cover and another for the back. The front cover of this issue was designed by Samuel Bowden [Age 8] and the back cover by Gareth Howell [Age 5]. Thank you both for your lovely pictures of autumn trees and leaves.

It has been another sad time in the village, but happily we are able to welcome some new babies and congratulate a bride and groom.

I must apologise to readers - and William Brighty Rands - for omitting the first line of the poem 'Lavender Beds' in the August issue.

The first verse reads:

The garden was pleasant with old fashioned flowers,
The sunflowers and hollyhocks stood up like towers,
There were dark turncap lillies and jessimine rare,
And sweet thyme and marjoram scented the air.

Many readers answered my plea to help cover the cost of printing and your response and generosity, together with the funds raised at A Country Collection and the Parish Council's generous annual grant, has put - bucking today's financial trends - the Newsletter fund in its best ever situation. Thank you.

I have also been made aware of an alternative printing facility should the situation arise again in future - and this issue is being printed, on a trial price basis, by Len Goddard of Combe Martin. I shall, however, continue to use the facilities of llfracombe College, and Colin, to whom I am most grateful for their continued help and support.

As I write we are enjoying a really beautiful spell of weather, if touched with an autumnal feel, but the days are shortening and the next issue will be December and Christmas! Items for that will be needed please by WEDNESDAY, 13TH NOVEMBER at the latest. In the meantime, my thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue.




As things stand at present, it looks unlikely that the December issue will be delivered with the newspapers from the Village Store.

Copies of the December Newsletter and future issues will, however, continue to be available for collecting at the Village Store, and at The Globe and Sawmill Inn. Copies are also available from Sue's of Combe Martin, who will continue to deliver them with the newspapers to households in the village on their round. They would also be happy to accept any new customers - papers are delivered early morning, 7 days a week, 364 days a year [not Christmas Day!].

If you would like to discuss this, please ring them on 882214.

Readers who would like to receive future copies by post are welcome to add their names to the mailing list. This can be done by putting your name and address on an envelope and enclosing the sum of &1.20 - to cover the stamps - plus a donation towards the cost of envelopes and the newsletter itself, and handing it in to the Post Office or Chicane. This will take you through to December 2003.




it was nice to see a few more members at the September meeting when the speaker was Mr. O'Leary, whose subject was 'Ship in a Bottle'. He explained how this was accomplished and brought numerous exhibits of his work. Nimble fingers are necessary for this skill!

Apologies were once again received from our President, Vi Kingdon, who is still in the Tyrrell Hospital. A number of members have visited her and she keeps cheery. We were sorry to hear Eunice Alien has broken her wrist and wish her a speedy recovery. Our exhibit in the North Devon Show W.I. marquee came 10th out of 23 entries. The title was 'Glorious Devon', so it was decided to take as our subject 'Apple Day at Rosemoor'. All the groups made a tremendous effort.

The competition for an unusual bottle was won by Win Collins and the raffle by Edna Barnes. The next meeting will be on the 1st October when Chris Jesson will be speaking on Arts and Crafts, in particular on the art of Weaving. The November meeting, on the 5th, will be the Annual General Meeting.

Doreen Prater


The following appeared in the Girls' Own Paper dated January 15, 1887

Woman's Sphere

They talk about a woman's sphere as though it had no limit.
There's not a place in earth or heaven,
There's not a task to mankind given,
There's not a blessing or a woe,
There's not a whispered 'yes' or 'no',
There's not a life, or death or birth,
That has a feather's weight of worth
Without a woman in it.





Christina Georgina Rossetti 1830-1894

Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you planned:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than you should remember and be sad.


Having just printed Bob's warm and caring tribute to his sister, Brenda in the August issue, it was with sadness and disbelief that we learnt that he himself had passed away peacefully on the 27th July at the age of 79, and when his family were planning a surprise 80th birthday for him.

A devoted husband, father and grandfather, Bob overcame health problems to enjoy life to the full to the end. He will be sadly missed and never forgotten, not only by his family but also by the village, and our thoughts are with Betty and all the family in their sorrow.

Betty and the family would like to take this opportunity to thank relatives and friends for the many letters of sympathy and kindness extended to them at this time of sadness.


After two very happy and carefree years at Pinehurst, Una passed away peacefully on the 1st August, in her 100th year.

Una was born near Huddersfield in Yorkshire and in her early teens met Stanley Warburton, her childhood sweetheart, through their church in Altrincham, Cheshire. Due to family commitments, their lives went separate ways and Stanley married Sybil, a friend of them both.

Stanley retired to Berrynarbor in the early 1960's and took an active part in the life of the village. After Sybil's death, he and Una happily met up again and they were married in 1981. Sadly, Stanley died in June 1995.

Una, too, took an active part in village life and will be remembered by many with affection - how often she could be seen walking round the village, visiting her cats at Middle Lee!

Our thoughts are with her family, particularly Brian and Brenda.


Jean, who with her late husband Bill came to llfracombe some 40 years ago, had been a reader of the Newsletter for many years, so it was with sadness that many of us in the village learnt of her sudden, but peaceful death on the 16th August.

Jean was a most unassuming person who was always willing to help others and give of herself; who if you met in the street, made your day better, brighter for having bumped into her.

Testament to this was the number of people who attended the service at llfracombe Parish Church - many from our village - to celebrate her life, for Jean, as a dinner lady, had seen numerous pupils pass through llfracombe Junior School; for very many years she was a 'back room' mum giving support to Betty Blackmore, particularly with the shows; she had been an active member of the College PTA, was a member of the llfracombe in Bloom Committee and a staunch friend and member of the Parish Church. Latterly, Jean assisted in the charity shops and was a pillar of strength at Susan Day Residential Home, acting as Vice Chairman of the Management Committee, running their fund-raising events and visiting and shopping for the residents. A lovely lady who will be remembered with affection and sorely missed by many people.

Happily Jean met her youngest grandchild, Toby, born only a couple of months ago, and our thoughts are with her son Peter, daughter Katrina and both their families.


It was with sadness that the village learned that after a short illness, Bill had died peacefully on the 6th September. To the end he remained cheerful, more concerned for Janet, his family and his adored 4-legged family, than for himself. A beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, he will be sadly missed by his family, friends and neighbours, and our thoughts are with Janet and all the family.

Janet, Dave and family would like to thank all who attended Bill's funeral. Thanks also for the cards, donations and support given. Please accept this as a personal thank you.


Artwork: Steve Angold [Aged 10]


A good time was had by all at the Summer Fayre. As always, there was an atmosphere of friendliness and goodwill and even the vagaries of the skittle board were greeted with good humour! Our sincere thanks to all who made a special effort and to everyone who helped in any way to make the evening such a success. £911 was raised on the night towards church funds, which at present are going towards essential electrical work.

Following the Harvest Celebrations, services will resume their normal pattern during October, with the Sunday School joining us on the first Sunday of each month, and the Choir on the third. We look forward to seeing everyone after the summer break.

Remembrance Day falls on Sunday, 10th November, this year and we shall be holding a special service, meeting in the Church at 10.45 a.m. and proceeding to the War Memorial for 11.00 a.m.

Friendship Lunches at The Globe will take place on Wednesdays 30th October and 27th November, 12.30 p.m. onwards. Anyone is welcome to come and join us and thank you to Edith and all the staff for everything they do on our behalf.

Mary Tucker




Children are back at school and Sunday School, after a busy summer holiday.

The Church was crowded for the Teddy Bears' Picnic, a service thoroughly enjoyed by all ages. Bears of all shapes and sizes, carried or dragged by their owners, also of all shapes and sizes, processed around the church and after a talk by Chief Bear, we all tucked into teddy bear biscuits. The music played by Stuart and his pack of musical bears entertained us with their skill on the kazoo, aided and abetted by Mic and Silke, a couple of Hanover bears who padded into Berrynarbor for a fortnight of madness - no car, barely a change of clothing, but carrying between them a tenor horn, saxophone, accordion and guitar, and voices. Their reputation spread rapidly and they entertained visitors to A Country Collection in the Manor Hall.

The Sunday School then switched their attention to Combe Martin Carnival - our entry being Noah's Ark. This was very ably organised by Sarah Darch and following her instructions we painted, stapled, stitched, drilled and papier mache'ed - if you stood still too long you could be turned into a giraffe, dove or raven. Some of us returned home completely plastered! Sadly, the flour and water kind. Sally from Ducky Pool in conversation with Sally from Berry Home, let slip that she was a painter. Within minutes a paint brush was thrust into her hand, and she found herself painting the Ark - it later emerged that she is an artist of the oil and canvas sort!! A big thank you to her, Gary and Joyce, Graham and Tania for the loan of the trailer and Graham for towing the float with all the children dressed as animals in the Ark, carefully and safely along Combe Martin's long main street. Thanks also to Edith and Don at The Globe, who on our triumphant return to Berrynarbor [we won first prize in the original entry section] tired, cold and very hungry, provided us with hot food. Never has anything tasted so good! So well done Berrynarbor Sunday School, and especially to Sarah, a great community effort. I have just been informed that Combe Martin Carnival Committee is donating £50 to us, so a very big thank you to them too.

Harvest will soon be here, so we are busy working on that theme. A very good attendance, but always room for more children. We do have a lot of fun, so join us if you can - 11.00 a.m. in the Penn Curzon Room every Sunday, except the first one in each month, when we meet in church.

A child's observation of Noah: 'Noah was the man who danced before the Ark, but first sent the bird away.'

A child's letter to God: 'Dear God, It rained for our whole holiday and is my father mad! He said some things about you that people are not supposed to say, but I hope you will not hurt him anyway. Your friend. But I am not going to tell you who I am.'

Bye for now

Sally, Val, Sarah and Julia


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It is some time since we had a wedding to celebrate, so it is with great pleasure we announce the marriage of Samantha Bailey and Matthew Ayres. The wedding took place in Bath on the 7th September.

Matthew and Samantha, eldest daughter of Brian and Anne of Broad Meadow, are both with Avon and Somerset Constabulary, and not surprisingly they met through their jobs. Matthew is a Police Inspector in Bristol and Sam a Detective Sergeant in Weston-Super-Mare.

Their honeymoon has been spent in Mexico and they live in Wedmore, not far from Cheddar.

We send them our congratulations and very best wishes for the future.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Before autumn really sets in, let me report on the two events which were presented in the name of the Management Committee.

First was the Berry Revels in the middle of August. We were blessed with excellent weather and a good crowd of friends and visitors turned up to enjoy the fun and games laid on outside the Manor Hall, all to the sound of the Watermouth Castle organ. Then, as darkness fell, we all went inside to continue the revels with barn dancing.

This is the second year running that the evening has continued after dark with dancing and the formula seems to work. For the first time ever, we made over a thousand pounds!

The Horticultural and Craft Show was held at the beginning of September, on the 7th. Sadly, too late for some flowers and vegetables, but too early for others. Yet, congratulations to all the gardeners who rose to the challenge. The standard set by the exhibitors was very high indeed.

The number of entrants was slightly down in some sections but it was pleasing to see that it was up in others and particularly pleasing was the increase in the Wine section.

The judges take their role very seriously indeed, and whilst we may not always agree with their decisions, it is good to see so many of you taking an interest. And interest there was in plenty. The number of people who looked in during the afternoon was really gratifying.

The Management Committee Cup for Best Horticultural Exhibit in the Show went to Ken Gosham for what the judge described as 'the best almond wine you could make'. The Ray Ludlow Award for Best Non-Horticultural Exhibit went to Sally Barten for her magnificent Millennium Tapestry. Well done to all winners.

While the people who helped with these two events are too numerous to mention by name, particular thanks must go to Debbie Luckham and Ann Davies for organising the Revels, and to Linda Brown and Margaret Ludlow who prepared and presented the Horticultural Show. But mainly thank you to all who supported, attended and, hopefully, enjoyed the events. Now we can do it all again next year!

John Hood - Chairman

Awards were:

  • Globe Cup Floral Art - Judie Weedon
  • Walls Cup - Home Cooking - Angela Legg
  • Davis Cup Handicrafts - Sally Barten
  • Watermouth Cup - Handicrafts - Colin Harding
  • Watermouth Castle Cup - Wine - Ken Gosham
  • George Hippisley Cup - Art - Joan Wood
  • Vi Kingdon Award - Photography - Colin Harding
  • Derrick Kingdon Cup Fruit and Vegetables -Hedi Belka
  • Lethaby Cup - Potted Plants - Vi Davies
  • Manor Stores Rose Bowl - Cut Flowers -Maureen Scott-Nash

Winners in the Children's Section were:

  • Class 4 - The Manor Hall Cup -Danny Ellis Fuller
  • Class 3 - The PTA cup -Ryan Beal
  • Class 2 - The Men's Institute Cup -Daisy Ivan
  • Class 1 - The Mayflower Dish -Kayleigh Hinsley

Grateful thanks to Judie Weedon for printing the schedules, Margaret Ludlow for helping with the competitors' entries, Debbie Luckham and Marion Hood for the refreshments, John Hood for clearing the decks, Ann and Peter Hinchliffe for stoically selling raffle tickets all afternoon and Tom Bartlett for acting as auctioneer. Thank you, too, to the competitors who were brave enough to enter the Show, and of course everyone who attended in the afternoon. Especial thanks to my husband who didn't have a decent meal for 3 days!

Linda Brown


Community News Co-ordinator

Linda Brown is now our Co-ordinator for Community News for the North Devon Journal. If you have anything of interest to report - coffee morning, jumble sales, Berry in Bloom, etc., please contact her at Devon Cottage on 882600.



Dogs - your indiscriminate 'dumping' around the village and up the Valley has become quite unpleasant. Please ask your owners not to allow you to roam freely and to please 'Scoop the Poop'. Thank you.



For Philip Hobsbaum

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
Late August, given heavy rain and sun
For a full week, the blackberries would ripen.
At first, just one, a glossy purple clot
Among others, red, green, hard as a knot.
You ate that first one and its flesh was sweet
Like thickened wine: summer's blood was in it
Leaving stains upon the tongue and lust for
Picking. Then red ones inked up and that hunger
Sent us out with milk-cans, pea-tins, jam-pots
Where briars scratched and wet grass bleached our boots.
Round hayfields, cornfield and potato drills
We trekked and picked until the cans were full,
Until the tinkling bottom had been covered
With green ones, and on top big dark blobs burned
Like a plate of eyes. Our hands were peppered
With thorn pricks, our palms sticky as Bluebeard's.
We hoarded the fresh berries in the byre.
But when the bath was filled we found a fur,
A rat-grey fungus, glutting on our cache.
The juice was stinking too. Once off the bush
The fruit fermented, the sweet flesh would turn sour.
I always felt like crying. It wasn't fair
That all the lovely canfuls smelt of rot.
Each year I hoped they'd keep, knew they would not.
Seamus Heaney


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Quite a lot of movement has taken place in the village over the last few weeks.

Graham, Sarah and Ben Sanders, having worked so hard all year, have now moved from Lee Cottages into their new home at Greenacre in the Valley.

No. 1 Lee Cottages is now home to Sylvia and Cyril White, who have retired here from Stokenchurch near High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, where Cyril was in the furniture trade and Sylvia an auxiliary nurse. Cyril and Sylvia have holidayed in Devon for some years and their love of the area has prompted a move by the rest of the family as well! Their elder daughter, Joanne, is living at Seaton in South Devon, whilst their younger daughter, Melanie and their granddaughters, Carly and Nicole, have recently moved into North Challacombe Farm at Combe Martin. This only leaves their son, Tony, back in Buckinghamshire, but he hopes to come west in the foreseeable future.

Also having holidayed this way for about 17 years are Jill and Geoff Brown who have decided to leave Cannock in the West Midlands and take semi-retirement at No. 6 Berrynarbor Park. Geoff, a Gardener, and Jill, a qualified Nursery Nurse, are both keen walkers and Jill is flexing her bowling arm and joining the Globe Skittle team - a new venture for her. They have left two daughters back in the Midlands.

Margaret and Peter Kerr, having left No. 6 the Park, are hoping to move into No. 3 Lee Cottages in the near future.

We were sorry to say goodbye to Joyce, John and Tim Mabin who have left The Lodge for a new home in Spurway Gardens, Combe Martin. Just popping across the road, the Lodge is now under the new management of Phil and Lynne.

Louise and Mike Baddick, Francis and Chris, have moved from Barton Lane to join Louise's parents at Crackelands, Woodlands - just on the boundary of our Parish. Mossfield is now home to Simon and Karen Williams and their family, Reve and Fay, who are at the Primary School, and not forgetting Pepe [pronounced Peepee] the rabbit! Simon, who is the world of electronics and Karen, in the business world of the internet, have moved here from Dolton near Torrington.

Little Sanctuary on Rectory Hill is now the home of Ian and Jo Masters. Barnstaple was home and is where Jo works as a Secretary, whilst Ian is currently working on a self-build project! They have two daughters - no longer at home - Clare and Tammy. Paul, their first grandchild, is Tammy's son. Ian has no time for hobbies at present - work on their new house is in progress and he says that the old Little Sanctuary will be demolished on completion of the ground floor, now being built at the rear of the property.

We were so sorry to say goodbye to Sue and wish her well in the future. Sue, herself, would like to send her thanks to everyone who contributed to her leaving gift of gardening tools.

Finally, a belated and very warm welcome to Barbara and John of Little Haven, Berrynarbor Park, and best wishes on the 10th Anniversary of your arrival here!!!

A warm welcome to all newcomers, we hope you will be happy here in Berrynarbor and good luck and best wishes to everyone in their new homes.



The second Country Collection, which ran for six days this time, was another resounding success, but hard work!

After deducting expenses, the profit for the week was £680. From this, as advertised, a £100 gift was sent to Dr. Mary O'Regan for Babies in Malawi, and a donation of £25 was collected and sent to the Brian Ellis Memorial Fund.

Obviously, the biggest thanks must go to the artists - Debbie, Nigel, Peter and Paul - to Tom Bartlett and to the pupils of the Primary School without whom there could not have been a Show. An added bonus was the display of Helen Armstead's watercolours, kindly lent by Debbie Luckham, and the wonderful banners made by pupils of the Primary School depicting scenes of the village.

However, it could not have been the success it was without the help of so many people [too many to mention personally]: those who helped serve refreshments, the cake and biscuit makers, llfracombe College and llfracombe & District Volunteer Bureau for the loan of their display boards, the raffle prize donators and Peter, Ann and Ron who manned the door and sold raffle tickets all week. Thank you all.

Although we had quite a few 'grockles' call in, it was nice that the raffle prize-winners were, with only one exception, locals. The one exception was the winner of the garden shears, who, on contact, was found to be en route for home and kindly re-donated the prize which was won on the second draw by Jill McCrae!

Although it would have been nice to have seen more villagers [but July is a busy time for so many], there were some interesting visitors!

During the week, the house martins nesting by the light in the porch became very active - the parents teaching the young to fly, often in the hall - making it necessary to keep the tables well covered when the hall was left empty! By the end of the week, they had learnt their lessons well and had all taken off.

It was lovely to see the second flying visitor, John Weaver, who called in briefly whilst on a quick trip back to the UK from Australia. The third did not stay long either; after a quick look round, 'Batty' Bat was unimpressed and went on his way.

Tuesday, the judging of Berry in Bloom, was wet, very wet. However, the afternoon when the judge called in for a cup of tea with Ann and Vi was brightened by the musical talents of Mic and Silke from Hanover, who came with their instruments and delighted everyone with their playing and singing.

The Friendship Lunch group called in to see the display and in spite of having lunched very well at The Globe, were able to tuck in to further refreshment! Among them was Olive Kent and it was a treat to see her looking so well and happy.

So, to everyone who came and to everyone who helped, supported or encouraged in any way, a big THANK YOU - a great Show.

Illustration by: Paul Swailes

Judie Weedon




It seems incredible that two more months have gone by and it is time for another weather report. This one will only go up to 0800 hours on the 29th August, as we shall be away after that.

July started well with 25 mm of rain on the 2nd. It was quite a wet month with some precipitation on 23 days, though the total rainfall of 90 mm [3 5/8"] was only slightly up on last year, when we recorded 80 mm [3 3/16"]. The temperatures were reasonable, ranging from a low of 8.4 Deg C on the 12th to a high of 27.2 Deg C on the 19th. This was not as extreme as last year when July produced a low of 6.6 Deg C and a high of 30.5 Deg C. The wind seems to have been about the same, blowing force 5 [17-21 knots] or more on 9 days, compared with 7 last year.

August was a dry month with only 39 mm [1 1/2"] of rain compared with 124 mm [5"] in August 2001, and 80 mm [3 1/4"] in August 2000. It was generally quite settled apart from a depression which started to show on the barograph on Wednesday 7th, when the pressure dropped from 1020 mb to 1005 mb by midday on the Friday. This produced 21 mm [7/8"] of rain in the two days and winds up to 23 knots in the Valley. Apart from this dip, the pressure remained pretty steady through the month.

It was a pleasantly warm month with a maximum temperature of 25.8 Deg C on the 14th. Looking back over the records though, this was not particularly high for August. In 1995, the hottest day of the year was 11th August when the temperature soared to a sizzling 32.4 Deg C. In 1997 and 1998, the 9th August reached 29.8 Deg C and 29.6 Deg C respectively.

Summer started a bit late, let's hope that it hangs on for a while longer yet.

Sue and Simon

In the August Weather Report, Sue and Simon mentioned that they had no equipment to measure hours of sunshine. Although not accurate since they are not positioned to get sunshine from the first to last part of the day - our solar panels do give a comparative reading of sunshine hours. These have been recorded since the 11th July. The lowest recorded figure was on the 9th August with 0.28 hours and the highest 8.25 on the 15th July. It is interesting to note that the sunshine recorded for the 4 days following the depression on the 7th August fell considerably and did not pick up until the 12th.





A new 'light touch audit regime' has been introduced by the District Audit in respect of auditing the Parish Council's accounts.

The Parish Council is obliged to appoint an internal auditor in the near future and invited applications from suitable candidates.

Individuals must be competent, not related to a Parish Councillor and have a sound knowledge of accounting practice and risk management.

Further details can be obtained from the Parish Clerk on [01598] 710526 or the Chairman on [01271] 883385.

A suitable remuneration will be paid according to the time spent on the accounts.

Applications in writing, giving details of experience, should be sent to

    Mrs. S. Squire,
    Parish Clerk, Berrynarbor Parish Council,
    Haxlea, 2 Threeways,
    Bratton Fleming,
    Barnstaple, EX31 4TG

to be received by Monday, 14th October 2002 at the latest.



Tenders for 2003/2004

The Parish Council will be inviting tenders in October for

[a] Maintenance of Seats and Shelters, and

[b] Grass Cutting, Garden Maintenance, Footpath Clearance, etc. for the year commencing 1st April 2003

Suitably experienced contractors who wish to tend should write to Mrs. Sue Squire, Clerk to the Council,
Haxlea, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, Barnstaple, EX31 4TG for tender documents by Friday, 18th October 2002

It should be noted that contractors intending to quote for footpath clearance must, on the stipulation of Devon County Council, have Public Liability Insurance in force for a Limit of Indemnity of £5,000,000




As many readers will know, the future of the Village Post Office and Store is currently under discussion.

Following a public meeting held in the Manor Hall on the19th August - attended by over a hundred parishioners - the future of the village Post Office and Stores was raised at the Parish Council Meeting held on the 10th September, with just over a dozen people attending the public session.

The Chairman of the Parish Council outlined the current situation and reported on a meeting with a representative of the Village Stores Association and Countryside Agency, and the availability of grants.

Alex Parke, Keith Walls and Jim Constantine agreed to act as a Committee to look further into ways of providing the village with shopping and postal facilities and to initialise a business plan. They would be joined by Paul Crockett, representing the Parish Council. This matter would, for the foreseeable future, remain as an Agenda item for future meetings of the Parish Council.

You would be welcome to contact either Alex [883758], Keith [883762] or Jim [882797] to let them know your feelings and ideas.



'Traditional' Devon Butcher and Licensed Game Dealer

Corn-fed Free Range Chickens
Home-made Pies, Cooked Meats and Sausages

Locally farmed and slaughtered Meat
Meat sent by Post
Regular Deliveries to Berrynarbor and Combe Martin

146 High Street, Ilfracombe Tel: [012171 863643



Anyone who would like an evening of not too strenuous exercise is invited to join us on Monday evenings in the Manor Hall, from 7.30 to approximately 10.00 p.m. £1.00 per session. See YOU there!

If you would like to know more, please contact Mary Hughes or ring Jill McCrae on 882121.




Greetings from the Primary School. A new year, new classes and lots of new and exciting events to look forward to this term!

We hope you enjoyed the displays of children's work at the Manor Hall during the summer. Some of their work is featured here and on the covers.

We are making the most of this glorious weather and getting out and about to enjoy the countryside with sports and games and taking time to do our bit for the local environment by cleaning up the beach at Broadsands. The beach has reverted to a terrible state over the holidays.

The children are practising for the Harvest Festival and are planning a special fundraising dinner for parents in October, to raise money for the African Orphanage appeal we are supporting,

Arrangements for Christmas have begun with plans for our pantomime. Casting and rehearsals are to take place soon. We will keep you posted.

Best wishes,

Simon Bell - Headteacher

The Mayflower Dish
Kayleigh Hinsley Aged 4 [Class 1]

The Manor Hall Cup
Danny Ellis Fuller Aged 7 [Class 4]

The PTA Cup
Ryan Beal Aged 10 [Class 3]



After months of uncertainty, the Bureau has been given a new lease of life.

Much of the Bureau's work had to shut down last November, but with some very welcome funding and a new, lively and enthusiastic staff team, it is up and running again!

The Bureau is now manned 4 days a week Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon, and 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. It may be contacted during those hours on [01271] 866300, or by calling in, and there is an answerphone out of hours.

It now offers once again help with shopping, gardening, dog walking, supporting carers, befriending, wheelchair escort, transport to hospital and other appointments, and many other services. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this kind of help, please do contact the Bureau or call in at the office situated at 149 High Street, llfracombe.

On the other hand, if you would like to help others less fortunate than yourself and have a little time to spare, the Bureau is always happy to recruit new volunteers. Ring or speak to Margaret Blundell who will be happy to tell you more. "Giving with a Smile"


Artwork: Helen Weedon


The other day I took my two faithful black Labradors, Bourton and Gifford, for their last walk of the day. Together, we strolled along the country lane that meanders alongside the Wilder Brook and heads up through the Score Valley. It was coming up to eight o'clock, the time we usually set off of a summer's evening - except it no longer seemed like summer, for a strong breeze was rustling through the trees, bringing with it an autumnal chill.

As they rustled, so the occasional leaf parted from its branch and glided through the air before gently landing on the ground beneath. Detail on the trees higher up on the hillsides seemed harder to make out tonight; soon, they were mere silhouettes displaying only their outlining shapes for me to see.

The sky, stripped of any bright light it may have got from a sun now set deep beyond the horizon, filled itself with grey, threatening clouds that were tipped at the bottom with a thin strip of deep pink. It seemed only a while ago when the valley was not only greeted of a morning by the sun rising over its hilltops, but was also then bid farewell by the same sun, setting so westerly it was sending deep evening rays streaming through the valley. This evening, though, even the hills' highest peaks were without sunlight.

Hedgerows too seemed bland, now stripped of the multitude of colours once bestowed upon them by wild flowers.

In the coming months, of course, not all the shortening evenings will seem gloomy. For soon our woodlands will be resplendent in varying shades of gold, the trees' leaves flickering in the auburn rays of autumnal sunsets. It allows us to feel that the dark days of winter are still far away; as though nature is in remission.

Before we know it, however, the weather vanes will change direction, depicting the arrival of strong winds from the east and the north. Soon, these will have stripped the trees bare, leaving no visual traces of summer.

Yet hard as the dark, cold days of winter may try to depress us by disrobing nature of all its beauty, the one thing they can't eradicate is our memories. For though the countryside may soon look bland and hostile, at least it's still there to act as a reminder of how things were.

Yes, the fields may soon seem featureless, but look hard enough and you'll remember when they were packed with buttercups and full of the sound of newly born lambs bleating away. Yes, the woods may soon seem naked, but look hard enough and you'll remember when they were covered in carpets of snowdrops and bluebells. Yes, the hedgerows may soon seem forlorn, but look hard enough and you'll remember when primroses, campion and, foxgloves made them look so merry. And yes, your garden too may soon seem unadorned but think hard enough and the memories of how lavish and ornate it was through spring and summer will fill you with warmth once again.

The cycle of life within our countryside runs a close parallel to our own lives. During the summer I sadly lost two close relatives who meant a great deal to me. Like the shorter days of winter that are approaching, I too know I have some darker days ahead of me; but I also know that the lovely memories I have of them, and how they enriched my life, will fill me with the warmth and comfort I'll need.

Illustrated by: Peter Rothwell

Steve McCarthy


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends,

An unusual letter this edition. It is in two parts really. The first part is a very short illustration, the second part is from a Greek Theologian of the fourth century who may shed some light on that short story I wrote about some time ago on "Who am l?", and has had some of us guessing ever since!

First Part: never underestimate the insight of a child, and always be prepared to learn: A bishop was questioning the suitability of a baptism/confirmation group. "By what sign will others know that you are Christians?" There was no reply. Evidently no one was expecting this question. The bishop repeated the question, then he said it once again, this time making the sign of the Cross to give the others a clue to the right answer. Suddenly, one of the candidates sprang to life, "Love" he said. The bishop was taken aback. He was about to say, "Wrong", then checked himself in the nick of time.

Part Two: "... people look at themselves and what they see is strength, reputation, political power, an abundance of material possessions, status, self-importance, bodily stature, a graceful appearance and so forth; and they think that this is the sum of whom they are ... each of us must know ourselves as we are, and learn to distinguish ourselves from what we are not...

Remember the extent to which the Creator has honoured you above all the rest of creation. The sky has not been created in an image of God, nor has the moon, the sun, the beauty of the stars, nor anything else in all creation. You alone have been made the image of Reality that transcends all understanding, the likeness of beauty, the imprint of true divinity, the recipient of blessedness, the seal of the true light. And when you turn to God you become what he is.

There is nothing so great among other beings that it can be compared with such a vocation. God is able to measure the whole heaven with his span. The earth and the sea are enclosed in the hollow of his hand. And although he is so great and holds all creation in the palm of his hand, you are able to hold him, for he dwells in you and moves within you without constraint, for he has said, 'l will live and move among them."' from a homily of Gregory of Nyssa.

I hope Gregory's letter is helpful.

With all good wishes,
your Friend and Rector,

Keith Wyer




On the 14th August, we enjoyed a very pleasant and warm ride around the coastline. This evening saw the largest gathering of machines yet - a total of 7 riders. We had hoped to have some visitors join us, but perhaps there were none on the local camping sites during that week. The traffic was quite heavy through Woolacombe, Croyde and Saunton, but this type of riding all adds to the skills which we try to develop. Thanks to Dave for planning our ride.

A lovely sunny evening in September saw six riders on five bikes set out for a superb ride organised by Steve. The route took us mainly over Exmoor where the heather was at its best and the views magnificent. The setting sun in our eyes made for some interesting riding, and a good time was had by all. We finished up at Cook Island for a chat and something to eat and drink. It was good to have Darren and Tracy, and Maurice join us for the first time

Diary Dates:

  • 16th October - Maybe a ride out, but check with Brian on 882388
  • 13th November - Meet at The Globe, 7.30 p.m. for a social evening
  • 11th December - Christmas Meeting, meal together, 7.30 p.m.
    • Brian


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Belated best wishes for Happy Birthdays to Ivy Richards and Margaret Kemp on reaching the big Nine O!

Berry in Bloom - Heartiest congratulations to Anne and Vi and their band of committed planters, waterers and carers, and all the individuals who made their gardens colourful, catching the eye of the judge and impressing him such that the village was awarded the Mary Mortimer Cup, for small villages in the South West, and in addition were group winners and gold medallists. Well done!

Jill and Bill Jones are delighted and proud of the achievement of their grandson, Daniel Green, on becoming the World Junior Karate Champion at this year's World Karate Association [WKA] Championships held in August at Massacarara in Italy. To achieve this he beat numerous high quality contestants from all over the world, including Japan, USA, Canada and all Europe.

Congratulations to the Berrynarbor Carnival Club on their achievements with their superb float "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", which came 1st in the Topical Class at Combe Martin and Best Overall at llfracombe. Now Barnstaple, and who knows!




After quite a while, it is lovely to be able to welcome three new babies - all boys! Congratulations and very best wishes to them, their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.

Brian and Angela Boyd of Cherry Dene are delighted to announce the arrival of Jack Ryan on the 1st August, who arrived a couple of weeks early and weighed 5 lbs 14 oz.

We then waited for news of the two Karen's ...

Karen and Wayne Rudd from the Old Sawmill Inn are happy to announce that Callum and Morgan have a baby brother. Roker Mallory Glasper was born on the 14th September weighing 7 lbs 15 oz.

Karen and Matthew Walls, Becky and Alex are proud to announce the arrival of their son and brother, Sam Robert. Sam, who was in no hurry to arrive, was born on the 17th September and tipped the scales at 9 lbs 11 1/2 oz,

Poser: Why are baby boys dressed in blue and girls in pink?
Answer: [according to Brewers' Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, Edition 151] 'Blue is a colour popularly associated with a boy, and pink with a girl. Blue has a link with the sky and with heaven, and hence in some cultures with males, who are or were regarded more highly than females. Pink, on the other hand, has more down-to-earth associations of flesh, warmth and gentleness, and as such has been linked with motherhood. The two colours are also complementary, representing the natural division of the sexes.



Brian Wright

Solution in Article 34.




The Wine Circle begins its 2002-3 Programme on the 16th October, when Andy Cloutman will be presenting Quay West Wines.

Meetings of the Wine Circle are held on the third Wednesday of each month, from October to May, at the Manor Hall and commence at 8.00 p.m. Further information can be obtained from Alex Parke, Chairman [883758], Tony Summers, Secretary [883600], Jill McCrae, Treasurer [882121] or Tom Bartlett, Publicity [883408].

At the AGM in May 2002, the retiring officers were re-elected 'en bloc' for yet another year, and it was agreed to increase the evening entrance from £3.00 to £4.00, leaving the Annual Membership fees at the same level.

The meeting on the 20th November will be Laithwaites Wines Premier Presentation by Barney Dustan and on this occasion the entrance charge will be £6.00.

Tom Bartlett



  • Ann and Vi would like to thank everyone for helping Berrynarbor win the South West in Bloom's Mary Mortimer Cup, which was presented at the Bath & West Show on 6th September.

    The standard of the competition is extremely high and to win shows the commitment and support of many people. We hope you will all come and celebrate with us on Saturday, 9th November, when we can say .... THANK YOU!

  • Just to say a big thank you to everyone [locals and visitors] who have bought plants in aid of The Children's Hospice South West from Higher Rows in the Valley. I am so pleased to tell you that I have been able to give £400 to the Hospice this year, due to your generosity.

    I love growing the plants but the only thing is I am getting short of plant pots - larger ones especially. So, if anyone has any lying about in sheds, etc., that are surplus to requirements, I should be very glad of them.

    Thank you again and here's to next year when I hope it will be an even larger donation for the Children.


  • I should like to express my thanks to all the Fellowship members in Berrynarbor for their kind wishes during my stay in hospital. Also, for the lovely flowers and plants I received.

    Ida Gilbertson

  • 30

Thomas Hood

Summer is gone on swallow's wings,
And Earth has buried all her flowers:
No more the lark, the linnet sings,
But Silence sits in faded bowers.
There is a shadow on the plain
Of Winter ere he comes again, -
There is in woods a solemn sound
Of hollow warnings whispered round,
As Echo in her deep recess
For once had turned a prophetess.
Shuddering Autumn stops to list,
And breathes his fear in sudden sighs,
With clouded face, and hazel eyes
That quench themselves, and hide in mist.

Thomas Hood [1799-1845] was born in London, the son of a bookseller. From 1821 to 1823 he was Assistant Editor of the London Magazine, and he also edited various periodicals. Hood wrote a lot of humorous and satirical verse, making use of his talent with puns, although his satire lacked bite.

Amongst his serious poems are the very successful 'Song of the Shirt' and the 'Plea of the Mid-summer Fairies', which includes the lines:

I remember, I remember,
The house where I was born,
The little window where the sun
Came peeping in at morn;
He never came a wink too soon,
Nor brought too long a day,
But now, I often wish the night
Had borne my breath away.

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Towing for 125 miles

It was about 1957 and I had only been married a few years. Like most young couples, Betty and I were glad of any chance of extra money. This chance came up in the following extraordinary form.

My mother owned and let a caravan on the cliffs at East Runton, near Cromer in Norfolk. However, the caravan had to be taken off site for the winter as the land was 'half year' land and had, by law, to revert to common land during the winter. Her caravan 'wintered' at a garage block in Sheringham.

In November there was a 'phone call from Mr. Ginby who had an Estate Agents in llford. He was selling a house in llford to a client who was not happy about the decorations and his client fancied a caravan holiday whilst the work was carried out, and as mother had a caravan, could we help? He put his client directly in touch with us to see what could be arranged.

I told Mr. Short, the gentleman in question, that our family car was all right for short towing distances, but not for long journeys.

"No problem," said the Mr. Short, "I'll lend you my Armstrong Siddeley, it's got six cylinders. So, if you would like to collect your mother's caravan, I'll arrange to hire a site at Hulbridge for a couple of weeks and I'll pay you £10 and, of course, your mother for two weeks' hire."

Mr. Short had a tow bar fitted to the Armstrong Siddeley and told me that he had provided a gallon can of oil, 'just in case we needed it'!

On the Saturday morning, Betty and I set off and things seemed to be going well until we got to Long Melford. The car had a preselected gear lever on the steering column - that is you selected the gear, then depressed the clutch and released it, and hopefully you were in the required gear [i.e. if you were approaching a hill].

Well, I pushed the clutch down and let it up again, and up it came, about six inches out of the floor! Leaving Betty in the car I walked to the nearest garage, where the man didn't seem to be interested in my problem, but sent me on to another garage further down the road.

"Bung yer foot down 'ard on it, mate", the man said, "It'll go back inter place." This I did on my return, and all seemed OK. However, I thought it wise to check the oil whilst we were stopped only to find the dipstick showed half the amount it should. Thank goodness we had that can with us!

Since the AS was on its last legs, we arrived at the Sheringham garage just as it got dark, so we decided that the best thing was to sleep in the caravan in the garage.

In the morning I tried to start the car, but the battery was flat. I said to Betty, "If we push it down the road and I jump in, hopefully I can put it in gear and it will start." This we did, and fortunately the engine fired just before I ran out of road and went over the cliff! Now, I noticed, the petrol gauge showed almost empty! We hitched on the caravan and just made it to Mr. Crow's garage and filled up.

Now, the oil was up and the petrol was up, all should be well. But no! Every hill had to be climbed in first gear, that is until we came to Halstead Hill. This time everything ground to a halt. Whilst I held the handbrake on with both hands and my foot hard on the brake, Betty got out and walked to the garage, the sign of which we could just see on the road ahead. She soon arrived back in a van, driven by the garage owner. He hitched on to the AS and between us we managed to haul the caravan up to the top of the hill.

By this time it was raining hard and to add to our troubles, we had a puncture! There was no spare, so I lay in the fast-flowing gutter and jacked up the caravan with a bottle jack. Putting the tyre in the car, I detached and left Betty in the caravan, whilst I went to get the tyre repaired.

Luckily this did not take long and we were soon on our way again.

There were no lights on the caravan - in those days they were not required by law if you were only towing in daytime. However, the daylight was fading fast and so we pulled into a pub with a large car park. "Yes, you can pull in for the night," said the landlord's wife. She lit a fire for us to dry out by and the next morning sent us on our way after a really good breakfast.

So we were on our way again, but the darned car was so slow we couldn't see us getting to our destination at Hullbridge that day, so headed for my mother's at Billericay, where we stayed the night.

The next morning dawned and it was still raining! But, we had a job to do and set off once again.

To get to the caravan site, we had to go down a narrow road, called Watery Lane. It was well named! It was more like a river with only the sides visible, but fortunately it wasn't very deep as you could not turn back. Eventually we arrived and were directed to where the caravan was to be left. The ground was saturated and as we stopped, the caravan sank with a noise rather like when you finish a drink with a straw!

We had been accompanied on the last leg by my mother and half-brother, Gerald. So off we set to return to Billericay for a nice cup of tea!

I returned Mr: Short's car to him and believe you me, was I glad to see the back of that Armstrong Siddeley!

Some days later, I rang Mr. Ginby to ask how Mr. Short and his wife were enjoying their holiday. "Oh," said Mr. Ginby, "Short's wife got the 'flu and they went home after two days"!

The caravan was later collected and taken back to Sheringham by a man with a Land Rover, but I think you will agree that Betty and I earned our £10!

Tony Beauclerk, Colchester



Our Choir is now a year old and we are rehearsing once again now that the summer holidays are behind us. We meet in the church every Monday evening at 7.30 p.m. for an hour's enjoyable singing.

Our repertoire is wide ranging and spans popular, classical and church music. We really need to expand our numbers - our current tally is 12, comprising of tenors, contraltos and sopranos - especially as sadly one or two of our members will be leaving Berrynarbor.

So, whatever your age - young, old or in between - if you would like to join us on a Monday evening, please come along or give me a call on 882447 any evening! Please do not be put off if you cannot read music - half the choir can't but they're jolly good singers for all that! Our Rector, Keith, welcomes us to sing at the monthly Village Service, and of course at Easter, Harvest, Remembrance Sunday and Christmas.

So, turn off the square box in your room, pick up the 'phone, or just come along on Monday evening for an hour - you will be assured of a warm welcome.

Stuart Neale - Organist and Choirmaster




A well-attended public meeting was held on the 22nd April to discuss the reinvigoration of the village Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. To explain the requirements and implications, we had the pleasure of welcoming our local policeman, PC Mike Walker, and his two civilian colleagues, Kate Johns, the Watch Development Manager, and Kevin Dale, the CPO.

The meeting began with a vigorous discussion of local concern about the increasing level of hooliganism, unreported crime and crimes which had been reported but had resulted in little more than note taking. PC Walker recognised the problem and the reasons for the concern but pointed out that the Police also had considerable success, much of which was associated with help from the public. He responded to direct questioning by pointing out the difficulty of obtaining Antisocial Behaviour Orders and the need to obtain evidence and the extent to which community involvement could both assist the Police and act to reduce the social problem of juvenile disorder. He went on to point out the risk to property posed by bogus callers and the vulnerability of theft to houses left empty. These and other instances showed the value of an alert and informed community and he explained the nature of the Community Watch as it would work in Berrynarbor.

Information is now available and it should be possible to make a real start on getting the Neighbourhood Watch scheme going again. First of all it is vital to have people willing to act as Co-ordinators within their own immediate group of neighbours. This is not as onerous a task as you might fear, as all it means is that you will be expected to receive messages from the Police Early Warning message system, and pass them on to your neighbours. These messages are intended to inform people of such things as the presence of 'con-men' in the area who are possibly calling at houses practising frauds on the vulnerable, or perhaps of the theft of or damage to cars parked in local driveways. This does not mean that because there has been an early warning there is an immediate presumption of risk to anyone, or that we should be out on the streets expecting trouble. An early warning is just that. It is a way to raise awareness when necessary and, given the relatively low crime rate locally, they may be quite infrequent. A happy side effect of being in the Neighbourhood Watch is that people will get to know each other better and that we shall be expected to keep an eye on anyone who might be especially vulnerable.

It is hoped that as many people as possible will be prepared to act as co-ordinators. If you are among them, please will you let either Ann Hinchliffe [883708], who is the Parish Councillor with responsibility, or the Police know. Ann has the necessary forms.

Peter Hinchliffe



An example of cruel and thoughtless vandalism

For several weeks, a pair of house martins had been raising a second brood in a mud nest securely fixed by them to a roof timber in the 'Ladies' in the public car park. Their first, in the 'Gents', having perished when someone closed the door overnight, thus stopping the parents feeding their young for several vital hours. That was almost certainly done in ignorance of their presence, or perhaps by a gust of wind, but this, sadly, was not the case the second time.

On the morning of Tuesday, 20th August, the broken nest was scattered on the tiled floor with one dead nestling in the ruins. Where, one wonders, were the others? Around it were dozens of stones which had clearly been thrown at the roof. There was also a three-foot branch of ash which had been used as a lever to break the nest, with its contents, from its place in the roof. The branch was too short to have been used except by someone who had scrambled onto the top of a partition from which they could easily hack away the nest.

Presumably this was the work of children, also, presumably boys. Hopefully not local children. What was done was not done in an instant. It appeared to have been done by more than one child or person and could not have been in silence or without visible activity. The car park is well used and there is every likelihood that someone saw something a little unusual but did not think it important and left without doing or saying anything. Or perhaps you did say something and received abuse, and told your friends how ill behaved youngsters are nowadays. One wonders if the people who commit the frightful crimes we read of and which touch us all so profoundly, may not have served an apprenticeship in callousness which was not seen and stopped in time when they were young.

Peter H.



Wash Day Blues

Paul and Theresa Crockett from Berrynarbor Park have kindly let it be known that there is a coin-operated commercial washer/dryer in their laundry, and anyone who is stuck with a washing/drying problem would be welcome to make use of the facility.

If you would like to take them up on their offer, please give them a ring first on 882631


The BBC [Berry Broadcasting Company] is seeking help with their wardrobe department. After ten years, they have accumulated a considerable selection of costumes and accessories and are hoping that someone might come forward to act as custodian. Help with either listing, setting up a loan scheme or providing storage space would be extremely welcome. To assist with the costuming for their forthcoming new season, the company would be delighted to hear from anyone who could help with sewing, etc.

If you could help in any way at all, or would like to learn a little more, please ring Gary on 883244, he'd be delighted to hear from you!

Get Well Wishes to everyone who has been or is in hospital, we hope you will be home again soon. Those wishes also go to anyone who has not been feeling too good. Our special wishes go to Betty and Les Parker [late of Higher Rows] as we understand that Betty has been unwell and in hospital.

Dogs for the Disabled Three of the Christmas Cards for Dogs for the Disabled this year have been designed by Debbie Cook. If anyone is interested in purchasing these cards and helping with this very worthy cause, 'flyers' of the pictures and order forms are available at the Post Office and Chicane.


Rosslyn Hammett [nee Huxtable] recalls from her childhood at North Lee Farm that the fields her father farmed had names, and she wonders if those names still exist. There was, she says, Pugsleys Meadow, Pitt Meadow, Peter's Meadow [which was supposed to have a curse on it!], Alfie's Meadow, Dry Meadow, Little Oakland, Stoneage, Square Field, Long-close, Sheary field, Rosy Park and Lag. One of the fields behind the farmhouse was called Betsy's Field, where in early autumn you could always find mushrooms and where the two cart horses, Prince and Tidy, usually grazed. Does this jog a memory or two? If so, please let us know.



The Institute's Presentation Night was held on the 12th September when the Chairman, Gordon Hughes, presented prizes.

Winners were:

WinnerRunner Up
Summer LeagueMaurice DraperTony Summers
Winter LeagueTony SummersMaurice Draper
Doubles WinnersGerry Marangone and Brian BoydMark Adams and Phil Bridle
Scratch SinglesKevin BrooksJim Constantine
Handicap SinglesPhil BridleMark Adams

Congratulations to everyone.

John Huxtable



"Once upon a time in the West"

"Here are trees and bright green grass and orchards full of contentment." John Ridd describes the sheltered setting of his home and compares it to the surrounding countryside. "How pleasant and soft the fall of the land is round about Plover's Barrows Farm. All above it is strong dark mountain, spread with heath and desolate."

Plover's Barrows Farm is a fictitious place but it is thought that R.D. Blackmore, the author of Lorna Doone, may have based it on Oareford, near Robber's Bridge. His grandfather was vicar of Oare from 1809 until 1842, and while spending boyhood holidays there, R.D. Blackmore was introduced to stories about characters like the Doones, reputed to have lived in the area during the seventeenth century. [Legends relating to savage gangs of robbers had been circulating throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.]

R.D. Blackmore was impressed also by the dramatic landscape and continues to visit as an adult, eventually writing his famous and popular novel in 1869. Some accounts suggest that he wrote much of it at the rectory in the village of Charles, near Brayford, others that it was written while staying at the Royal Oak Inn, Withypool.

Starting out from Malmsmead to walk along the course of the Badgworthy Water and the valley forever associated with the Doones, the countryside is at first gentle and friendly. In a field by the river opposite Cloud Farm, there is even a chamomile lawn, soft and springy, the aromatic leaves spreading to form a carpet which exudes a pleasant scent when walked over. The herbalist Culpeper said that the use of chamomile 'takes away weariness, eases pains, comforts the sinews and mollifies all swellings.' It is still widely used as a calming and soothing tea and to brighten fair hair. Further along the large damselflies, known as beautiful demoiselles, flitted over the water; the females iridescent green, the males a metallic blue.

Small, but colourful, treats were to be a feature of the walk that day. As we left Badgworthy Wood, with its twisted and contorted oak trees, quick movements among some thorn bushes turned out to be a pair of redstarts, bobbing up and down, constantly quivering their rusty red tails. The male stunning with his black throat and cheeks, pink breast and blue-grey crown and back - a handsome summer visitor, always a delight to see.

We came across several green hairstreak butterflies. They like the outskirts of woods, boggy heaths, gorse filled valleys, bilberry moors and warm hillsides, so Exmoor provides plenty of suitable habitats for them. The undersides of their wings are bright green and they are often to be seen perched on leaves with their wings folded so that the green underside is shown and blends with the colour of the leaves. They fly swiftly in short flights, frequently returning to the same perch.

Badgworthy Water, strews with boulders and home to dippers, wagtails and herons, traces the border between Devon and Somerset. The valley becomes progressively wilder and lonelier, certainly atmospheric as R.D. Blackmore demonstrated in his vivid descriptions. A little sinister when there are no fellow walkers about but extraordinarily beautiful so that you are always conscious of being somewhere very special and distinctive. John Ridd explained the circumstances which led him, aged fourteen, to explore the Badgworthy Water. His mother had been in poor health and he hoped to revive her loss of appetite by presenting her with some of her favourite fish. He remembered bringing from Tiverton a jar of pickled loaches, caught in the River Lowman and baked with vinegar, bay leaves and peppercorns.

So he hoped to find loaches in Badgworthy Water. However, on that occasion he was,"affrighted often by the deep dark places and feeling that every step I took might never be taken backward. Then says I to myself, 'John Ridd, these trees and pools and lonesome rocks and setting of the sunlight are making a gruesome coward of thee.'"

Shortly after John Ridd's father had been killed by the Doones as he rode home from Porlock market, John's mother bravely went to confront the Doones. She was led blindfold to their stronghold. When her eyes were uncovered, she saw that, "she stood at the head of a deep green valley, carved out from the mountains in a perfect oval, with a fence of sheer rock standing round it, eighty feet or a hundred high, from whose brink wooded hills swept up to the skyline. By her side a little river glided out from underground with a soft dark babble."

The combe called Hoccombe, branching off to the west of the main valley is thought to most closely match the glen occupied by the Doones. At the entrance to Hoccombe, mounds covered with bracken and grass are the remains of a medieval village. It is possible that a farm and cottages on the site were inhabited until the time of the Black Death.

On a waterlogged stretch of the path, we found a patch of the downy white heads of cotton grass. This fluffy grass is common on the boggy parts of Exmoor. As we turned a corner, we were surprised to see three motorcycles roaring towards us. This coincided with a steep and narrow section of the route, so we had to scramble up the bank fast.

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

In 1865, R.D. Blackmore went on holiday to Lynmouth for a month, "to have some beautiful trout fishing and magnificent scenery". While there, the idea for Lorna Doone began to take shape. For three years after it was published, the book did not sell well, then suddenly it took off and for the next forty years it was one of the most read English novels [although the author once rather testily complained, "l have an especial dislike of the practice called interviewing"]. Thomas Hardy wrote congratulating him on the book. It also had the effect of increasing the popularity of Lynmouth, Porlock and Minehead and of bringing additional visitors to the moor itself.

Sue H



An e-mail from Anne Phipps told me that she, her older sister Winner and her twin brothers, Gordon and Alex, lived here at Berry View with their parents, Charles and Ellen [or Nellie] Renny in the late 1930's. Following her father's sudden death in October 1938, the family returned to London.

Charles [William] Renny was buried in St. Peter's Churchyard the funeral service conducted by the Rev. Churchill - but the family have been unable to find his grave. Anne asks that if anyone can help locate it or remembers the family, she would love to get in touch with them.

So far, the whereabouts of the grave remain elusive but Ivy Richards remembered the family well, since they rented Berry View from Ivor's parents, and hopefully there will be an opportunity for her to meet with Anne's sister when she visits here at the end of October. However, if anyone else can throw some light on either the family or the grave, please get in touch with the Editor on 883544.

A second e-mail from John Belcher read: "l have recently spent a short holiday at Mill Park. One of my interests is researching names on local war memorials. I saw the memorial in the church and made a note of the names there. Since returning from holiday, I have looked into the names and have attached my notes."

These notes are fascinating and the plan is to put them on display in the Church for anyone interested to read. If anyone has any additional information or photographs that could be added to the notes, these would be most welcome. Again, please contact the Editor on 883544.

The names on the Memorial are:

  • 1914-18 - Albert Trump, Arthur Snell, Albert Latham, Samuel Trump*, William Huxtable, Sidney W. Toms, Albert J. Snell*, Herbert E. Richards [John Beer of llfracombe, born Berrynarbor]
  • 1939-45 - Jane Malcolm, Erik Zapletal, Peter Meadows, Trevor Meadows, Patrick Thirkell, Raymond Brookman

*         No Notes


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Both pubs are now back to winter opening times, continuing to serve food daily, lunchtimes and evenings. We have begun the Sunday Roast at the Sawmill again, with adult's, children's and 'tot's' portions available. Booking is advised. Roasts are still available at The Globe every Sunday too. The Globe will be restarting Quiz Nights on 13th October at 8.00 p.m. and this will run fortnightly.

On 5th November, Derek will have his annual Bonfire and everyone is welcome to come up to the field [Sloley Park] to watch the fireworks. We usually find if we all chip in, we can buy quite a few fireworks, so we have boxes at both pubs for you to make a contribution if you wish. Please note, this is NOT an organised firework/ bonfire display - more like taking a box of fireworks round to your neighbour's house. Afterwards, everyone is welcome back at The Globe to warm up with hot soup and baked potatoes.

Both pubs will be doing a Christmas Fayre menu from 1st to 24th December. Bookings only.

We should like to welcome Andy to our team at The Globe - he is taking over as Chef so that Karl can spend more time with you in the bar. We hope to have a new menu available soon and will be opening the dining room as a 'Table Service Restaurant' on Friday, 1st November - booking advised. Look out for Specials on both the restaurant and bar menu.




Christmas is a special time for remembering loved ones no longer with us. From now until December, the North Devon Hospice and Children's Hospice South West are jointly organising Light Up a Life that enables you to make a donation and dedicate a light in memory of someone you have loved on a special Christmas Tree of Light. Any one can be remembered, they may not have recently passed away, but their loss is still with us. The name of your loved one is then recorded in a book of remembrance. There will be services of remembrance and support across the North Devon and Torridgeside areas, details of which can be found in our leaflet and in the Gazette and Advertiser from the middle of October. If you would like to support the work of the Hospice and dedicate a light please ring Alison or Jane at the North Devon Hospice for more information on [01271] 344248.




2.00 p.m.



In aid of Berry in Bloom and the Village Carnival Float



With the days beginning to shorten, now is the time to get out the jigsaw puzzles again! I wonder if anyone else in the village is addicted to this interesting pastime - compulsive and time consuming!

The thing about jigsaws is that once completed, you seldom do them again - so, what do you do with them? And do you have to keep buying new ones? [By the way, if you do, there is one of the best selections in North Devon at Sue's of Combe Martin.]

The idea came to me, therefore, of starting a jigsaw lending library. By making a small charge of 25p a puzzle, funds could be raised for the Newsletter. If anyone has any puzzles [any size, any shape, but complete please] they would be willing to donate to help start this library, I should love to hear from you. Please contact me on 883544. If there is sufficient response - I have quite a collection myself - a list could be made available for addicts to choose and take out on loan. I look forward to hearing from you.




The presentation of the Plaque for Josef's Bench
Berrynarbor winning the Mary Mortimer Cup for

South West in Bloom

Manor Hall Berrynarbor
2.30 to 4.30 p.m.
Cheese & Wine/Tea & Coffee




5thJumble Sale, Manor Hall, 2.00 p.m. Proceeds to Berry in Bloom and Village Carnival Float
9thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
15thParish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
** Please note change from 2nd Tuesday in month
16thBikers of Berrynarbor: Contact Brian [882388] to check on ride
Wine Circle, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. Quay West Wines Andy Cloutman
23rdMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
25thCollege and Primary School: Non-Pupil Day
28thto Friday, 1st November - College & Primary School: Half Term
30thFriendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.30 .m.
5thW.l. Meeting, Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m. A.G.M.
6thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
9thBerry in Bloom Celebrations, 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. Manor Hall
10thRemembrance Sunday, St. Peter's Church: Service 10.45 a.m., War Memorial, 11.00 a.m.
12thParish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
13thBikers of Berrynarbor: The Globe, 7.30 p.m.
Deadline for articles for December Newsletter
20thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
Wine Circle, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. Laithwaites Wines Barney Dunstan. Entrance £6.00
27thFriendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.30 p.m.
4thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.

Manor Hall Diary:

MondaysBadminton, 7.30 p.m.
Tuesdays2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners
Yoga, 7.00 p.m.
ThursdaysWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m.
FridaysShort Mat Bowls, 7.00 p.m.
SundaysShort Mat Bowls, 2.00 p.m.

Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)

11.30 - 11.45 a.m.Sandy Cove
11.50 - 12.05 p.m.Barton Lane
1.15 - 1.40 p.m.The Square
1.45 - 2.05 p.m.Sterridge Valley



A business man is dynamic; a businesswoman is aggressive.
A businessman is good on details; a businesswoman is picky!
He loses his temper; she's bitchy.
He's a go-getter; she's pushy!
When he's depressed, everyone tiptoes past his office;
- when she's moody - its that time of the month.
He follows through; she doesn't know when to quit.
He's confident; she's stuck-up.
He stands firm; she's hard as nails.
He has the courage of his convictions; she's stubborn.
He is a MAN of the world; she's 'been around'.
He can handle his liquor; she's a lush.
He isn't afraid to say what he thinks; she's mouthy.
He's human; she's emotional.
He exercises authority diligently; she is power mad.
He is close-mouthed; she is secretive.
He can make quick decisions; she's impulsive
He's a stern taskmaster; she's hard to work for.
He climbed the ladder of success; she slept her way to the top!


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Berrynarbor Village 15

With the fate of our village Post Office in all our minds, I thought it apt to share this view of Berrynarbor taken by William Garratt, the Bristol Photographer, around 1904.

In 1904, the building we know now as the Post Office was just plain and dilapidated No. 62 Silver Street, the home of Mrs. C. Huxtable. If you look carefully, you will see that near the centre of the building there are outside wooden steps with a handrail leading up to the first floor level. Much of the left-hand side of the building was over the years demolished, removed and in some cases replaced.

This fine photographic postcard depicts an ivy-clad St. Peter's church tower, with the roof and chimneys of 51 The Village [Tower Cottage] just to the left, as well as the Manor House, with a small part of Manor Cottage showing. This was where Betsy Leworthy lived. The Manor Hall itself was not built until later in 1913-14.

In the village centre, the splayed cobbled steps give an impressive entrance to the lych gate and church. The building on the corner, No. 53 [Dunchideock], of which the small building directly on the corner was known as the 'paintist'. This was where the large wooden coach wheels made by Tom Ley, the carpenter and wheelwright, would have had white hot iron 'tyres' shrunk on to them. The work was carried out on a large circle or iron set into the yard floor. To the right of No. 54 can be seen the corner of a large, thatched 'Jacobswell', where Lewis Smith's mother, Edith Huxtable, was born in 1881. Jacobswell was later turned into the small row of cottages as we know them today.

In the bottom right-hand corner, the then thatched roof of 63 Silver Street [Brookside] can just be seen. Brookside was home to Ben Draper and his wife Polly, who had been previously married to a Mr. Courtney, and her three children - Polly, Lucy and Ephraim. At the bottom left, we catch sight of the roof and dormer windows of 61 Silver Street, where Jim and Betty Brooks live. Beyond No. 61 can be seen the large doors to the village Smithy, where Sam Harding kept the forge fire alight most of the time, and carried out all kinds of iron work and horse shoeing. It is quite surprising sometimes how much information can be gleaned from just one picture.

I should like to appeal once again for any further pictures or information from those people who read these articles with interest.

My thanks to Rosslyn Hammett, who gave me such help with the article on North Lee Farm - Newsletter No. 78, and supplied me with further copy pictures. I must also thank Moira Allsford, Commodore of Watermouth Yacht Club for information and pictures relating to the Harbour and PLUTO.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, September 2002
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com


Artwork by: Gareth Howell [Age 5]