
This website provides an archive of all 200 Editions of the Berrynarbor Newsletter, as circulated from August 1989 to October 2022. It provides a rich tapestry of over 30 years of social history and local knowledge. We hope you enjoy exploring the content.

Original Newsletter Artwork - Edition 158

Artist: Miscellaneous - Click image to view in Hi-res.

April 1999  - Edition No.59

A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to this 'bumper' issue - to Debbie for the cover and the 'big furry bear', Paul and Peter for their illustrations, to first-time contributors and to the 'regulars', whose help has been the mainstay for so long. Thanks, too, to everyone who has recently given very generously to the funds, which were beginning to look a little sick following the colour photographs in the last issue!

You may like to know where your contributions go. We still print a run of some 400 copies at an approximate cost of £63.00, about 15p per copy, a rise from 12p in 1993. Since then, mailing costs have also increased, with an increase in postal rates and a doubling of recipients, now 58, with several copies going overseas. There are, of course, incidental expenses - staples, envelopes, telephone, etc. The cost of the coloured insertions is around £1.50, putting the cost of those issues up a further 38p! In spite of this, we are keeping our heads above water -just - but that is all that is necessary, we do not need or want to make a profit. So, your contributions at the Post Office and elsewhere are very welcome! Hopefully there will be some new Newsletter Notelets on sale soon.

Our next issue will be June, by which time we shall be nearing the longest day! Let's hope we'll be basking in warm, sunny weather as well. With a busy May and Spring Bank Holiday ahead, it would be very helpful to have contributions as early as possible please, and by WEDNESDAY, 12TH MAY, at the latest. Many thanks.

With best wishes for Easter.

Judieff Weedgrow - Editor C16th!

Website Stats - 200 Editions, 76 Series, 7849 Articles, 7566 Images
Editions Verified - 177/200 (88.5%)

Featured Articles...

Berry Millennium Committee (15)

Working on behalf of the village to great the new millennium in style.

Letters to the Editor (21)

Letters, emails and communications sent to the Editor regarding the Newsletter.

Tim Davis (17)

Nature Notes series and more from Berrynarbor's resident ornithophile.

Virginia Evans (9)

Original poems and compositions.