This website provides an archive of all 200 Editions of the Berrynarbor Newsletter, as circulated from August 1989 to October 2022. It provides a rich tapestry of over 30 years of social history and local knowledge. We hope you enjoy exploring the content.
December 2000 - Edition No.69
Reading through back issues of the Newsletter, I was fascinated that in my editorial of five years ago, I said, "Christmas is coming but at the time of writing, the weather has only just become more seasonal after a wonderful summer and an incredible 'Indian summer'"! Certainly, Christmas is coming, but there any similarity ends! In fact, as I write it is, surprise, surprise, raining again!
Due to the many generous donations, particularly from Napps, it has been possible to have another coloured cover for Christmas and I'm sure you'll enjoy Debbie's 'little angel setting off for her nativity play' as much as you did last year's nativity scene. Thanks again, Debbie.
Thanks must also go to everyone who has contributed, not only to this issue but throughout the year - some old, some new and some regulars and, of course, our artists, Debbie, Paul, Peter and Nigel; also our deliverers, the Post Office and Sue's; Kingsley [Litho] Printers who print our colour pages; Colin who does our printing and Ilfracombe College for allowing us to use their printing facilities.
No sooner will the festivities be over than it will be time to think about the February issue. Please submit items to the Post Office or Chicane as soon as possible and by Monday, 15th January 2001 at the latest. A contribution from YOU would be very welcome!
Featured Articles...
Letters to the Editor (21)
Letters, emails and communications sent to the Editor regarding the Newsletter.
Craft Group (21)
Meeting every Monday to explore a love of all things crafty!
Tony's Tales (106)
The tales and musings of a wartime Berrynarbor Evacuee.
Movers and Shakers (102)
Notables and noteworthies - tales on those making waves.