Parish Council

Regular updates from the Parish Council...


On behalf of the Parish Council, I should like to reiterate my sincere condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, our longest reigning monarch.

The nation has come together to mourn the loss and acknowledge the lifelong service given by the Queen.

With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, we welcome King Charles III. The Accession Council met at St James's Palace on Saturday 10th September 2022 to proclaim our new Sovereign. The Accession Council also made an order requiring High Sheriffs to cause the Proclamation to be read in the areas of their jurisdiction, following which many local Proclamations have been read in North Devon.

"God Save the King."

Following the passing of the Queen, the Parish Council's September meeting had to be cancelled as periods of national mourning cannot be included within the legal notice.

Unfortunately, this issue of the Newsletter will be the last as the long serving Editor, Judie Weedon, has decided to retire and a replacement has not been forthcoming. As Chairman of the Parish Council, I should like to offer my wholehearted thanks to Judie for all her work in producing so many Village Newsletters.

Cllr Adam Stanbury - Chairman

  • Chairman: Adam Stanbury
  • Vice Chairman: Adrian Coppin
  • Clerk to the Parish Council: Victoria Woodhouse>
  • County Councillor: Andrea Davis
  • District Councillor: Joe Tucker



It seems a while ago now but how lovely was it to see the community come together to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Thank you to all those involved directly and indirectly for organising, supporting and volunteering their time to put on these events and make it a memorable celebration. 

The Parish Council has recently hosted its annual defibrillator training which was delivered by the Assistant Community Responder Officer from the South Western Ambulance Service whom we must thank for such informative and potentially lifesaving training and thank you to those that attended and supported the training.     

The Parish Council has recently adopted a Policy for Pre-Planning Application Meetings with Developers and has already received presentations from two developers looking at potential development sites within the village.  The first was land off Pitt Lane and the second was at Moules Farm.  These proposals were in their infancy and whilst the Parish Council will not express any views at pre-application stage, it does provide an opportunity for the community to raise concerns and ask questions at an early stage in the planning process.

The Council is pleased to be able to continue to provide small financial donations and grants to local charities and community causes and has recently agreed a donation of £100 to Go North Devon which provide and operate the Cancer Care Car service in the area.  The service supports patients who need to get to hospital for chemotherapy and other oncology appointments and is a safety net for those that need and use the service.  Go North Devon are looking to raise £61,000 to ensure the service continues throughout 2022/2023 and are looking for any volunteers who might be able to undertake some fundraising in aid of the charity, if that is you, please do contact Go North Devon - they are happy to help with promotion.

Parish Clerk - Berrynarbor Parish Council

  • Chairman: Adam Stanbury
  • Vice Chairman: Adrian Coppin
  • Councillors: Gemma Bacon, Sian Barten, Jenny Beer, Andy Burch, Martin Johns, Jody Latham, Bernadette Joyce
  • Clerk to the Parish Council: Victoria Woodhouse -
  • County Councillor: Andrea Davis
  • District Councillor: Joe Tucker

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    As you will be aware, this year marks the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, the Parish Council was pleased to be able to support the Jubilee Committee and its organisation of the celebrations in the village. 

    In addition, with funding from Devon County Councillor Andrea Davis, they have planted a Mazzard tree as part of the Queen's Green Canopy.  Cllr. Adam Stanbury, Chairman of the Parish Council, was joined by 4 children from Berrynarbor School and Kate Stephenson representing Berry in Bloom to plant the tree in Claude's Garden.

    The Parish Council has recently held its Annual Parish Council Meeting where Councillor Adam Stanbury was re-elected as Chairman for the forthcoming year and Councillor Adrian Coppin as Vice-Chairman.  Many of the roles have remained the same with Councillor Gemma Bacon continuing as Footpaths' Officer, responsible for Play Area checks and checking planning applications, and Councillor Adrian Coppin remaining as the Highways Liaison Officer & Tree Warden and Emergency Plan Officer along with Councillor Adam Stanbury.  Full details of the roles appointed can be found in the Minutes of the May 2022 meeting on the Parish Council's website.

    The Parish Council has recently replaced the rotten bench in the Manor Hall Play Area with a brand-new bench purchased with funding from North Devon Councillor Joe Tucker. The Council and has several ongoing projects - it is still pursuing a lease on the car park and transfer of the freehold of the toilets but is clarifying its liability and insurance cover for any additional risks which could arise.  The Parish Council has agreed to submit an expression of interest to hopefully secure Section 106 funding to deliver the Bouledrome and is currently in discussions with Devon Communities Together about undertaking a survey on the future of the Recreation Field.

    The Parish Council would like to express its thanks once again to Cllrs. Davis and Tucker for their continued support and funding.

    Parish Clerk, Berrynarbor Parish Council



    Planning in and around the village has been a concern for many residents of late.  At the February Parish Council Meeting, we were lucky enough to receive a presentation followed by discussion from the Service Manager [Development Management], Strategic Development & Planning Place Services, North Devon Council.  The Parish Council was informed that the Planning Department had been under-resourced; there has been a 30%-40% increase in applications since the pandemic which has resulted in a backlog, However, there is a new structure now in place and an aspiration to increase staff.  The website is out of date and the Service Manger has asked for it to be updated and clearer on the information and guidance it provides.  The Service Manager explained that, although enforcement is not a mandatory function of the Council, enforcement staff has increased and there are two apprentices.  The Parish Council was informed that when commenting on planning applications, the comments should relate to 'material considerations' to be valuable comments.  There was a real desire from the Service Manager to improve the planning department at NDC.

    The Parish Council has recently approved a request to hire the Recreation Field for a fundraising event in July 2022 with proceeds going to K9 Focus and the North Devon Animal Ambulance. 

    This year marks the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The Parish Council has purchased a Mazzard Cherry Tree and Jubilee plaque to be planted in Claude's Garden to mark the occasion as part of the Queen's Green Canopy.  The Parish Council is also pleased to support the Jubilee celebrations for the village by way of a donation towards the organisation and costs of the events.

    The Parish Council has agreed to submit an expression of interest to trial a 20mph speed limit in the Village and the Devon County Councillor is supportive of expressions of interest. However, the Council is also aware that several applications are being submitted and only 5 will be chosen for the trials. If not successful this time, the Council can try again if the program is a success.

    Finally, the Parish Council will be undertaking some maintenance in the near future on the play equipment within the Manor Hall Play Area and Recreation Field to preserve the life of the equipment, and is also reviewing the signage on the dog exercise area.  

    Parish Clerk - Berrynarbor Parish Council 

    Parish Council Meetings: Tuesdays 12th April and 10th May, at the Manor Hall at 7.00 p.m. Villagers are welcome to attend.



    We shall start by wishing everyone a Happy New Year! We hope you were able to enjoy the festive period with your families. 

    You may have noticed that the Parish Council was able to build on the village festivities this season with the addition of further lights.  This was made possible with the support of our County and District Councillors, by way of grant funding towards the purchase, and the local community for providing an electricity supply. The Parish Council would like to say a big thank you to County Councillor Andrea Davis and North Devon Councillor Joe Tucker for their financial contributions, the residents of Berriview for providing an electricity supply for the new lights in Claude's Garden and the Church for once again allowing the Parish Council to light up the village. Our final thank you is to Chris Townsend and Matt Walls for erecting the lights, it really has been a community effort and we hope you enjoyed the display.

    The annual Defibrillator Training with South West Ambulances was due to take place in January. Unfortunately, this has had to be rearranged and we hope to be in a position to advertise a new date in the near future. 

    The Parish Council understands that proposals for development can be contentious and there are occasions when a developer may wish to present proposals to the Parish Council prior to submitting a planning application. The Parish Council is currently working on a policy to ensure this process, should it arise, is transparent.

    The Parish Council has been pleased to support the Manor Hall in obtaining just over £3,300 in Section 106 funding towards upgrades and refurbishment and we hope the community will benefit from the recent improvements.

    Finally, the Parish Council would again like to show its appreciation and convey a further thank you to our County and District Councillors. County Councillor Andrea Davis has agreed to fund the purchase of a tree, a Mazzard Cherry, which we understand to be a local tree, and accompanying plaque to celebrate the Queen's Green Canopy.  District Councillor

    Joe Tucker has further agreed to fund the replacement of a bench in the Manor Hall Play Area.

    The Parish Council is grateful for the support it receives from the County and District Councillors. 

     Parish Clerk 
    Berrynarbor Parish Council 



    Chairman: Adam Stanbury [01271] 882252
    Gemma Bacon, Jenny Beer, Andy Burch, Adrian Coppin, Bernadette Joyce, Jody Latham, Nic Wright
    Parish Clerk:
    County Councillor: Andrea Davis
    District Councillor: Joe Tucker
    Snow Warden: Adrian Coppin

    Defibrillator Training

    The Assistant Community Responder Officer North and East Devon from the South Western Ambulance Service will be running the annual defibrillator training session on 24th January 2021. The training will take place from 6.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall.  Social distancing will be maintained throughout the session. Please contact Cllr. Jenny Beer for further details.

    Festive Lights

    The Parish Council has purchased further lights for this year's festivities, and would like to say thank you to our County Councillor. Andrea Davis and North Devon Councillor, Joe Tucker, for their funding towards the purchase of the lights.  These are on order and it is hoped to take delivery and install them before December.

    The next Parish Council meeting will be at the Manor Hall at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 14th December. Villagers are welcome to attend.

    Adam and all Councillors wish all villagers a Happy Christmas and a safe and peaceful New Year.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Parish Clerk



    Chairman: Adam Stanbury [01271] 882252
    Gemma Bacon, Jenny Beer, Andy Burch, Adrian Coppin, Bernadette Joyce, Jody Latham, Nic Wright
    Parish Clerk:
    County Councillor: Andrea Davis
    District Councillor: Joe Tucker
    Snow Warden: Adrian Coppin

    Congratulations to our Parish Council Clerk, Vicki Woodhouse, on the early but safe delivery of a son.We send our best wishes to the family.

    Vicki will continue working as Clerk for the Parish Council, but will not be attending meetings at present.Please continue to contact her with any items you wish to bring forward or questions that she can answer.

    If you have any items that you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please in the first place direct your query to the Chair or Clerk,

    The Parish Council would like to remind all property/land owners with road-side frontage, that it is your responsibility to maintain these.

    We have had a number of complaints about the lack of visibility and impact on road safety due to overgrown hedges and banks, and we politely ask you to ensure that your hedges and banks are in good order and cut back.

    The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, 12th October, at 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall.Members of the public are welcome to attend.



    Chairman: Adam Stanbury [01271] 882252
    Gemma Bacon, Jenny Beer, Andy Burch, Adrian Coppin, Bernadette Joyce, Jody Latham, Nic Wright
    Parish Clerk:
    County Councillor: Andrea Davis
    District Councillor: Joe Tucker
    Snow Warden: Adrian Coppin

    We are pleased that the repairs to the steps on the footpath leading to Broadsands Beach have now been completed and the path re-opened. The bollard appears to be working well preventing unauthorised parking. We have not yet seen the same issue with litter on the beach as last year and hope people will continue to respectfully enjoy the area.

    We welcome Councillors Andy Burch and Sian Barten who have recently been co-opted to the Council.


    We have been notified of several bonfires that are taking place during the hotter weather. The Parish Council ask that when planning a bonfire, you consider your neighbours and the impact that the time of day you choose may have on those around you.
    If a bonfire is a statutory nuisance which is having an unreasonable effect on someone's enjoyment of their home or garden, the North Devon Council could take enforcement action.
    Thank you for your co-operation

    A Reminder: If you are having a bonfire, please remember to check carefully for sleeping hedgehogs or other small creatures.

    The next Parish Council Meeting will take place at the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 10th August, at 7.00 p.m.

    Members of the public are welcome to attend. The first item on the Agenda is Public Participation when members of the p ublic can make representations. Items will be heard, but please note that decisions cannot be made during this part of the meeting and will be discussed later in the meeting. Representations are limited to three minutes, in line with Devon County Council and North Devon Council.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Parish Clerk


    Chairman: Adam Stanbury [01271] 882252
    Councillors: Gemma Bacon, Jenny Beer, Andy Burch, Adrian Coppin, Bernadette Joyce, Jody Latham, Nic Wright
    Parish Clerk:
    County Councillor: Andrea Davis
    District Councillor: Joe Tucker
    Snow Warden: Adrian Coppin

    Chairman's Report

    The year 2020/2021 will always be remembered as the year of the pandemic and Berrynarbor Parish Council has not been immune to the problems it has created. All meetings throughout the year have been conducted via zoom which has caused a few challenges, but on the whole they have been successful.

    It is great to be back here this evening in the Manor Hall and I should like to thank the Manor Hall Committee for making the Hall available for us to use tonight.

    Several resignations and appointments happened over the year including those stepping down, Councillors Sian Barten and Lesley Lowe. and Councillor Adrian Coppin replaced Sian Barten as Vice Chairman. Our Clerk, Victoria Woodhouse, resigned and was replaced by Sue Petters. have recruited Victoria once again. On behalf of the Council I should like to thank Sue for all her hard work from a demanding Parish Council and wish her well in her new full time job.

    Although the past year has been challenging, the Council did manage to make some improvements for the Parish, notably new play equipment in both playing fields, making use of 106 Funding Grants. The fence between the recreation and dog walking fields was replaced with support funding from our District Councillor. was planted in the recreation field and a willow tunnel feature looks great in the Manor Hall play field. roundabout and the water fountain in the Square was brought back to life. Bollards have been erected at either end of the path leading to Broadsands beach to prevent general vehicle access and parking, which could hinder the emergency services accessing the area. Unfortunately, one of the bollards has recently been driven into and will need re-erecting to a higher standard.

    The Rural Housing Enabler joined a zoom meeting and detailed a survey conducted of Berrynarbor parishioners' affordable housing requirements. The survey indicated a need of 2 affordable dwellings but experience shows that the need is likely to be more. It was resolved to request a drop-in session to enable individual parishioners to discuss their affordable housing needs. This would then aid the Council when considering future planning applications.

    Grant funding was allocated by the Council during the year to organisations including Berrynarbor in Bloom and the Newsletter.

    The Council is frustrated that the planned lease of the car park from NDDC has not yet materialised, but understand that NDDC have likely been busy elsewhere during the pandemic. We continue to press them to conclude the deal.

    Parking is a real problem in the village and representations have been received from concerned parishioners who need parking spaces. This issue has been discussed in depth over the year without solution. Such solutions are not obvious, but efforts will be made to try and ease the situation going forward.

    Throughout the Covid period, NDDC have witnessed a massive increase of unlawful development and their enforcement team have been extremely busy dealing with this problem. Berrynarbor Parish has witnessed several complaints of alleged breaches of planning law and these are currently being investigated by NDDC.

    Hopefully we have now turned the corner of the pandemic and our Council can return to some normality and we look forward to serving the community over the next year.

    On behalf of the Council, I should like to thank all parishioners for their support, especially those who have taken the time to write and join the zoom meetings over the past year. I should like to thank our Councillors, past and present, and in particular those who have worked tirelessly over the past very difficult year to support our wonderful parish and all those who live within it.

    Adam Stanbury - Chairman

    Parish Council meetings are held on the second Tuesday in the month at 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall. The next two meetings will be held on the 8th June and the 13th July. Everyone is welcome but please note that masks are necessary.

    The first item on the agenda for each meeting is Public Participation where members of the public can make representations. Items will be heard, but decisions cannot be made during this part of the meeting and will be discussed later. Representations are limited to three minutes, in line with Devon County and North Devon Councils.



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Adrian Coppin - Vice Chariman [882647] Mill Park Touring Site, Mill Lane, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SH

    Bernadette Joyce

    Lesley Lowe

    Jenny Beer [882171]

    Martin Johns

    Jody Latham

    Nicholas Wright

    Parish Clerk - Ms Sue Petters -
    Rose Cottage, Higher Slade, Ilfracombe, EX34 8LH.
    County Councillor - Andrea Davis
    District Councillor - Joe Tucker
    Adrian Coppin - Clive Richards [882647]

    The Roadmap out of Lockdown is very much on everyone's mind. Berrynarbor Parish Council is waiting for confirmation on when we can start meeting in person again but it may take a while still. In the meantime, just a reminder that all the meetings, agendas and minutes are published on the website at . Anyone is always welcome to join the virtual meetings via the zoom link printed on each agenda and we look forward to welcoming everyone back face to face in due course.

    Spring is also around the corner and Berrynarbor Parish Council is inviting Tenders for the grass cutting, garden maintenance and footpath clearance for 2021 - 2022.If you are interested in submitting a tender, please contact the Parish Clerk for the Tender Application Pack. Completed tenders must be received by 5.00 p.m. on Friday 2nd April 2021.

    "Lifestyle Spring Clean Week" took place from 12-21 March in response to the national climate emergency declared across the UK by local authorities. You can still sign up for Carbon Savvy's tips on reducing your carbon footprint at

    Residents and businesses are currently being invited to have their say on the draft Resource and Waste Management Strategy for Devon and Torbay. The Public Consultation runs from Wednesday 3rd March to Wednesday 14th April, and the responses will help shape how local authority collected Waste is managed in Devon up to 2030. The strategy and to give your view can be found at

    If you would like further information, please email: Should you need any guidance or an alternative format, email with details of any preferred format and the assistive technology you use.

    And finally, Covid-19 local information, including the number of confirmed cases throughout Devon, can still be found on Devon County Council's website: Berrynarbor is a very safe place to live but please do follow the Covid-19 guidelines, take care and stay safe.

    Sue Petters - Parish Clerk



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Adrian Coppin - Vice Chariman [882647] Mill Park Touring Site, Mill Lane, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SH

    Bernadette Joyce

    Lesley Lowe

    Jenny Beer [882171]

    Martin Johns

    Jody Latham

    Nicholas Wright

    Parish Clerk - Ms Sue Petters -
    Rose Cottage, Higher Slade, Ilfracombe, EX34 8LH.
    County Councillor - Andrea Davis
    District Councillor - Joe Tucker
    Adrian Coppin - Clive Richards [882647]

    Information, help and support during latest lockdown:

    Please remember that the dedicated NDC phoneline and webform is still in place. Please spread the word and ensure that anyone who might be vulnerable or elderly knows how to contact the team at North Devon Council. The number to call is 01271 388280 and the online form is on the website.

    You can still find the latest Covid-19 local information, including the number of confirmed cases throughout Devon, on Devon County Council's website:

    The cold weather is upon us and so thoughts go to snow and ice. Please be aware that Cllr. Coppin is co-ordinating grit bins and would happy to hear from anyone about additional bins. His contact details are on our website or you can email

    Even in the cold weather, work continues in the Berrynarbor play area and you might notice new saplings which were planted by Cllrs. Bacon and Latham. They will quickly grow to form a lovely new willow screen.

    Finally, you might have seen publicity on a couple of consultations, an opportunity to influence:

    Please stay safe.

    Sue Petters - Parish Clerk



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    Bernadette Joyce

    Lesley Lowe

    Jenny Beer [882171]

    Martin Johns

    Jody Latham

    Nicholas Wright

    Parish Clerk - Ms Sue Petters -
    County Councillor - Andrea Davis
    District Councillor - Joe Tucker
    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    Due to current restrictions, the Parish Council continues to meet virtually. All Agenda and Minutes of the Parish Council meetings are published on the Council's website and Agendas include a link to the Zoom meeting. Members of the public are always most welcome to join the zoom meetings.

    Information, help and support during lockdown:

    Please remember that you can find the latest Covid-19 local information, including the number of confirmed cases throughout Devon, on Devon County Council's website:

    Working alongside local community support organisations and town and parish councils, NDC is helping to co-ordinate a range of services for those most in need.

    To help people access services, there is a dedicated NDC phoneline and webform and councils are urging people to ensure that their vulnerable and elderly friends and relatives are aware how to contact the team at North Devon Council. Call on [01271] 388280 and the online form is on the Council's website.

    The weather has been challenging with the heavy rain recently and good news from our County Council is always welcome. The Government has given a seal of approval on £60m for the North Devon Link Road improvements, and nearer to home, the Sawmills £50k drainage scheme has also been approved. Work on both will take place next year.

    Meanwhile, work continues to enhance the Manor Hall Play Area and equipment in the Recreation Field, and there are new plans to plant a willow screen near the slide in December.

    And finally, please be aware that there has been a number of Avian Influenza cases in the UK, one of which is in Devon. This has resulted in a National Protection Zone being put in place for all poultry keepers, including those who only keep a few birds in their back yard. Please see the Defra information opposite for guidance. This is also on the Parish Council website.

    Sue Petters - Parish Clerk

      Adam Stanbury - Chairman. Highway Liaison Officer. Tree Warden
      Gemma Bacon - Checking Planning Applications. Footpath Office. Play area Inspection
      Adrian Coppin - Vice Chairman. Emergency Plan Officer. Highway Liaison Officer. Tree Warden
      Martin Johns - Representative on Manor Hall Management Committee. Deputy Planning Lead
      Lesley Lowe - Invoice Checking. Combe Martin & District Tourism Association, Deputy Planning Lead. Defibrillator



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    Bernadette Joyce

    Lesley Lowe

    Jenny Beer [882171]

    Martin Johns

    Jody Latham

    Nic Wright

    Parish Clerk - Ms Sue Petters -
    County Councillor - Andrea Davis
    District Councillor - Joe Tucker
    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

      Adam Stanbury - Chairman. Highway Liaison Officer. Tree Warden
      Gemma Bacon - Checking Planning Applications. Footpath Office. Play area Inspection
      Adrian Coppin - Vice Chairman. Emergency Plan Officer. Highway Liaison Officer. Tree Warden
      Martin Johns - Representative on Manor Hall Management Committee. Deputy Planning Lead
      Lesley Lowe - Invoice Checking. Combe Martin & District Tourism Association, Deputy Planning Lead. Defibrillator

    Berrynarbor Parish Council is pleased to welcome Sue Petters who has been appointed as the Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer and after a handover period will take up the reigns at the end of the month. 

    Most of you will now be aware that the Manor Hall Play Area and equipment in the Recreation Field is now open. The Council asks you to remember to follow Government guidance when using the play areas and maintain social distancing throughout your visit.  The Parish Council has also re-opened the public toilets. 

    A reminder that from Monday 14th September 2020 until further notice, it will be against the law to meet indoors or outdoors in groups greater than 6. You can find the latest local information, including the number of confirmed cases throughout Devon, on Devon County Council's website:

    The Parish Council is still pursuing the possible lease on the car park in Berrynarbor and will hold a public consultation in due course as agreed. However, in the meantime the Parish Council has been asked to consider requesting exemptions within the car park from the North Devon Council to allow residents without parking to park in the car park.  The Parish Council discussed this at its recent meeting and felt that if the Parish Council was to agree it would need to be fair for the whole parish and therefore the Parish Council will be investigating the need for exemptions.

    Concerns have been received that the hedges in and around the village, especially in the Sterridge Valley, are overgrown and the Parish Council would ask Landowners to consider cutting any hedges overhanging the highway.

    Due to current restrictions, the Parish Council continues to meet virtually. All Agendas for the Parish Council meetings are published on the Parish Council's website and include a link to the Zoom meeting.  The Parish Council looks forward to the day it can hold physical meetings but until then stay safe and follow the latest guidelines.



    With more of us returning to the new "normal", we hope you are managing to stay safe and up-to-date with the latest information.  Devon County Council, and NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group and the Police and Crime Commissioner's Office, recognise that not everyone has access to the internet and digital information and have therefore commissioned a one-off newspaper, for news and information related to coronavirus.  It will be delivered to around 300,000 households across Devon over the next week or so, delivered door-to-door to households that they know are less likely to have digital access to news and information.  There is also a digital copy and further information on DCC's website The Government has now advised that play areas can re-open, the Parish Council has completed risk assessments which are available on the website and is awaiting appropriate signage for the Manor Hall and Recreation Field Play Areas which, once erected, will allow the play areas/equipment to be re-opened.  The Parish Council is also investigating how it can safely re-open the public toilets and is seeking advice on cleaning regimes.

    The Parish Council has received complaints about the cars parking along the bridleway and blocking access to Broadsands Beach along with the amount of litter that is being discarded on the beach by those visiting.  These concerns have been discussed with the County Councillor and the Public Rights of Way Officer and it is the intention under the P3 scheme to instalLbollards for public safety to enforce RTA S34(1) 1998* and provide safe access for emergency vehicles at all times to BridlewayNo13, Old Coast Road, Berrynarbor. 

     *RTA S34(1) 1998 states it is a criminal offence to drive a mechanical vehicle on a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway without lawful authority. 

    It is with regret that our Clerk, Victoria, has decided to resign.

    Victoria is already the full-time clerk at Fremington and together with her family commitments, feels that she no longer has the time to commit to an additional parish.

    Victoria has had a profound effect on the way our Council operates. She has been instrumental in implementing so many positive changes and as a result enabled us to win the foundation level under the local council award scheme for the way the council is run. She has been successful in winning grant funding which, in turn, has improved the fabric of our parish.

    Her knowledge of the workings of parish councils is second only to her professionalism and she will be sorely missed by all of us.

    We wish Victoria all the very best in her future career and family life and thank her for all her help.

     Berrynarbor Parish Council is seeking a


    Berrynarbor is an active Parish Council looking for someone with a 'can do' attitude who is self-motivated and conscientious.  Applicants will need to be computer literate and able to prepare council agendas and record minutes; they should also be familiar with financial procedures and able to communicate effectively with a range of organisations and members of the public.  The ideal candidate will have prior experience or knowledge of Local Government. The salary is in line with NALC's scales and is dependent on experience and qualifications.  The position is 25 hours per month to include attendance at monthly evening meetings [currently held virtually]. For an application pack or informal chat please contact: Cllr Adam Stanbury, Chairman on 07788668903 or e-mail


    Chairman: Adam Stanbury [8822522]

    First of all, we hope you are all staying safe and well during this difficult and uncertain time.  The Parish Council is trying to provide relevant information and links to useful pages on its website, so if you haven't already, have a look. There are also contact numbers if you require any assistance with tasks such as shopping or collection of prescriptions.

    Play Areas - The Government's latest guidance is clear that parks can open, however, playgrounds and equipment must remain closed.  The Manor Hall Play Area and the equipment in the Recreation Field remain closed and we would urge you to adhere to social distancing and Government guidelines when using any facilities and when undertaking your exercise.  If you do observe congregations of people or mass gatherings, we would urge you to report these to the Police on the 101 non-emergency number or e-mail facility.

    Public Toilets - For the time being the public toilets will also remain closed whilst the risk in re-opening is assessed.

    Parish Council Meetings - At the beginning of April, the legislation was altered to allow Parish Councils to hold virtual meetings. The Parish Council is continuing with its meeting schedule and holding virtual meetings via Zoom.  Agendas for the meetings are published on our website and displayed on the notice boards in the village.

    Play Equipment -   The Parish Council has agreed to proceed with the section 106 funding and installation of new equipment for the Manor Hall Play Area and the Recreation Field. Unfortunately, the manufacturer is not working at the moment but we hope this may change in the near future so we can proceed with the project.

    Councillors - Sian Barten recently resigned as a Councillor and the Parish Council would like to express its thanks to Sian for her service and commitment to the Council.  Following the resignation, the Parish Council has co-opted Jenny Beer to the Council, and would like to welcome Jenny and to working with her again.

    Mrs Victoria Woodhouse BA (Hons) - Parish Clerk
    Firstone, Yarnscombe, Barnstaple, EX31 3LW
    07815 665215



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    Bernadette Joyce

    Lesley Lowe

    Martin Johns

    Jody Latham

    Nic Wright

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse [07815 665215] -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillor - Joe Tucker [328890]

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    Housing Needs Survey 

    As explained in the last Newsletter, the Parish Council wishes to establish the extent of housing need in the Parish and the support for small affordable housing development.  A Housing Need Survey in partnership with Devon Communities Together, has now been posted to every household in the parish.   It is really important that as many households as possible complete and return the form so that the Parish Council can be given as comprehensive a picture as possible of housing need. The figures obtained will help to plan for the future and ensure that, if a need is identified, the correct number and size of homes are built in the parish for local people.

    The survey is being administered by the Rural Housing Enabler at Devon Communities Together. They will process the information and all personal details will remain confidential. No individual will be able to be identified from the survey report.


    The Parish Council's lease for the defibrillator comes to an end in April 2020 and the Parish Council is pleased to confirm that it has agreed to renew the assisted defibrillator package with the South Western Ambulance Service for another four years.

    Grass Cutting, Garden Maintenance and Footpath Clearance Contract 2020-2021 

    Berry Arboriculture has again been awarded the parish Grass Cutting, Garden Maintenance and Footpath Clearance Contract for 2020/2021. The Contractor continues to provide an excellent service to the Parish Council.

    Police Crime Commissioner's Communications and Engagement Officer 

    The Parish Council received a short presentation from the Police and Crime Commissioner's Communications and Engagement Officer at its March meeting.  The Officer has said that if any community groups would like to receive a presentation he is happy for his details to be passed on. The main items to note were that Police numbers are increasing, they are trying to address the issues with the non-emergency telephone number 111 by introducing a facility to report this via a web-chat. It was explained that those Officers answering 111 are also the same Officers that answer the 999 calls which obviously take precedent and the Crime Commissioner was currently looking for a temporary building to house Barnstaple's force following the announcement of the closure of Barnstaple's station whilst looking to build elsewhere.  

     Devon County Council's Road Warden Scheme 

    The Parish Council is considering joining Devon County Council's Road Warden Scheme and ask if there is anyone in the community that would like to nominate themselves to become a Road Warden.  Devon County Council will provide training and following the training you would be able to carry out pothole repairs, clean signs and drainage and set up road closures for special events. Further information can be found via DCC's website

    Annual Parish & Council Meetings

    The Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 14th April 2020. The Parish Council is monitoring the situation and the Government's Guidance but it might be that the meeting and some Council meetings will need to be postponed. Updates will be available on the Parish Council's website and noticeboards. The Parish Council ask that if you do experience any symptoms, a new or persistent cough or a temperature, you do not attend Parish Council meetings.  The Government's latest advice can be found via Public Health England's website and the Parish Council urge you to stay up-to-date with the latest advice, and also urge any vulnerable members of the community to minimise any risks to themselves.     

    Finally, Sian Barten has recently resigned from the Parish Council. The Council would like to thank Sian for her commitment, enthusiasm and knowledge over the last few years and wish her well for the future.

    Mrs Victoria Woodhouse BA (Hons)  - Parish Clerk 



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    Bernadette Joyce

    Lesley Lowe

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Martin Johns

    Jody Latham

    Nic Wright

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse [07815 665215] -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillor - Joe Tucker [328890]

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    The Parish Council would like to welcome Councillor Bernadette Joyce to the Council having recently been elected through a non-contested election and welcome back Mrs Victoria Woodhouse as the Parish Clerk following Maternity Leave.

     Dog Area 

    The Parish Council would like to thank Cllr. Tucker for providing grant funding through his North Devon Council Community Cllr. Grant for the purchase of a dog bag dispenser in the Dog Area. The dispenser has been ordered and we must extend further thanks to Cllr. Wright who has agreed to install the dispenser in the near future.

    Water Fountain

    The Parish Council hopes to restore the Water Fountain in the centre of the village. It is fed by mains water and will hopefully just require a new tap to bring it back to life as a drinking fountain

     Lynton Cross

    At its January meeting, the Parish Council received updated proposals for the Lynton Cross scheme.  The latest consultation plan is a 4-arm roundabout, which is proposed not to be street lit due to the environmental sensitivity of the location.  The Parish Council believe this is an improved scheme and has agreed to support it in principle.  The scheme also includes some minor improvements at Hore Down Gate and reviewing the white lining layout on the A3123.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Parish Clerk [Tel: 07815 665215]



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Martin Johns

    Jody Latham

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    Lesley Lowe

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillor - Joe Tucker [328890]

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    Parish Councillor Debbie Thomas has stepped down from her position, resulting in a vacancy on the Council. If you are interested in joining the Parish Council, please contact Kate Graddock via email or 07703 050496.   The Council thank Debbie for giving her time over the past few months.


    Members are keen to hear positive and negative comments from the recent installation from Airband.  There are concerns regarding their conduct and councillors will be discussing at the next meeting whether to lodge concerns with the company.

    Berrydown/Lynton Cross Junction: 

    Members were presented with a proposed scheme for Berrydown and Lynton Cross by County Councillor Andrea Davis.   Members were positive in that there will be improvements but there were items raised that could help improve the schemes, such as the possibility of solar powered street lights and reducing the speed limit to 20mph at Berrydown and widening the existing roadway and keeping the road to Two Pots open at Lynton Cross.   

    Section 106 Money: 

    The Parish Council has just over £20,000 available from 106 money from the Fold Yard Planning Application and will be allocated funds potentially to 3 projects: The Manor Hall Play Park, Manor Hall refurbishment and improvements to the Recreation Field.

    Manor Hall Play Park: 

    A new toddler swing seat has been fitted and the rotten bench removed thanks to Councillor Coppin. 

    Car Park and Toilets: 

    Members agreed to continue discussions with North Devon Council on taking over the toilets and Castle Hill Car Park.

    Ash Tree in Recreation Field: 

    This has been confirmed as having stage 2 Ash Dieback, and will, therefore, be felled in the very near future.

    New Litterbin at Pitt Hill: 

    The Council agreed to purchase a new cast iron litterbin to replace the broken bin on Pitt Hill. This will be installed in January 2020

    Council Grants:

    The Parish Council would like to make residents aware that there are Council grants available from North Devon Council to help vulnerable residents remain in their homes.

    North Devon residents who need to make home improvements, repairs or adaptions will soon be able to apply for enhanced grants to help them get the work done, thanks to a funding injection of £2 million to North Devon Council.

    The Council's new policy has been made possible thanks to an allocation of money from the Better Care Fund [BCF], a government initiative that brings existing resources from the NHS and local authorities into a single budget. The BCF seeks to join up health and care services so that people can manage their own health and wellbeing and live independently in their communities for as long as possible.  Grants are means tested and will be subject to eligibility criteria. Information about the grants, when they become available, will be posted on North Devon Council's website and social media pages.

    Kate Graddock - Acting Parish Clerk [07703 050496]



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    There was no Parish Council Meeting in August.At the September meeting:

    Kate Graddock - Acting Parish Clerk [07703 0050496]



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]


    The Council welcomed 3 new councillors on to the Parish Council: Councillors Jody Latham, Debbie Thomas and Martin Johns. Applicants that also applied for the vacancies but were unsuccessful were thanked. We are lucky to have many great people in the community.

    The Planning Application for Brackenbury House was discussed and Councillors recommended approval subject to a condition that the wall is set back using existing stone and methods to the same appearance, height and width that is already there.

    The Annual Governance and Accountability Return of 2018/19 was approved and submitted to the external auditors, although the Council is exempt from a full review.

    The following grants were awarded: [1] £500 for Berrynarbor Pre-school towards an Early Talk Boost pack which is a new targeted intervention aimed at 3-4 year old children with delayed language development, and [2] £500 for Berrynarbor in Bloom towards planting in the village.


    An application for a dwelling on land off Birdswell Lane was recommended for refusal due to access concerns.

    Councillors discussed and approved to attend a Neighbourhood Planning training course to see if it is something that the Council could complete to benefit the village in the future.

    Possible landing sites for the Air Ambulance night flights was discussed and the Clerk to investigate whether there are any possible locations to be used in the village.

    Councillors agreed a wildflower area to be planted by Berry in Bloom in a part of the dog exercise area and look forward to watching it grow and hope villagers will enjoy seeing what can be achieved.

    There are a number of play area repairs that need to take place. The Council will be investigating this and actioning repairs as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the baby swing has had to be taken down but Cllr. Joe Tucker has kindly offered to donate some of his District Councillor grant towards a new one. Thank you Joe!

    Kate Graddock - Acting Parish Clerk [07703 0050496]



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    The Annual Parish Meeting was held on the 9th April when the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 10th April 2018 were approved. Following the Chairman's report, reports were given from the Police, Finance, Primary School, Pre-School, Claude's Garden, Manor Hall and Berry in Bloom.

    This was followed by the April Parish Council Meeting.

    Last Meeting of the Current Council

    This meeting was the last of the current Parish Council as elections are due on the 2nd May. However, as Berrynarbor's Council is uncontested, an election is not necessary. It was the final meeting for the two District Councillors, Yvette Gubb and John Lovering. Yvette will be standing for a different ward due to boundary changes, and John Lovering will be standing down as a District Councillor. Also standing down are Councillors Jenny Beer, Julia Fairchild, David Kennedy and Denny Reynolds.

    New Parish Logo

    It was agreed to adopt a new logo for the Parish Council which will be produced by The Berrynarbor Community Enterprise.

    Replacement of Bus Shelter on the A399 - Update

    The replacement bus shelter on the A399 has been sited and the Parish Council would like to thank County Councillor, Andrea Davis, for facilitating the replacement and providing grant funding towards the purchase.

    Litter Bin at Pitt Hill

    The litter bin at Pitt Hill is in need of repair and the Council are working on providing a repair or a replacement and this to be discussed at the May meeting.

    At the meeting held on Tuesday, 14th May, the Chairman gave a brief report of the year and welcomed Councillors Joe Tucker, the new District Councillor for Berrynarbor and Lesley Lowe a new Parish Councillor.

    Unfortunately, no co-option applications had been received, so if you are passionate about Berrynarbor and feel you could make a difference, please contact the Clerk for an application form.  Co-options will take place at the next meeting on Tuesday, 11th June 2019.  More information is available on the Parish Council's website.  There are currently 3 spaces available on the Parish Council.

    Litter Bin at Pitt Hill

    Following discussion at the April meeting, Councillors approved the replacement of the bin at Pitt Hill which is broken and beyond repair.

    Grants were awarded to:

    Defibrillator Training

    There will be a Defibrillator Awareness Training evening on Tuesday, 25th June, at 6.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall. This is in conjunction with The South Western Ambulance Service and the Parish Council, who invited you to attend. The Assistant Community Responder Officer from the Ambulance Service will be leading the training and showing you how to use the defibrillator in the event of an emergency. Please do come along, you could save a life!


    Although there is no bonfire law, there is, however, a law against any subsequent nuisance that having one might cause. Can we please ask keen gardeners and bonfire lighters to think before lighting a bonfire, particularly on sunny days when your neighbours could be enjoying being in their gardens.

    Kate Graddock - Acting Parish Clerk [07703 050496]

    Illustration by: Paul Swailes



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    Adoption of the Public Toilets and a Lease for the Car Park - Update:

    Following the public consultation held in January, the Parish Council considered the adoption of the public toilets and a lease on the car park in the village at its full Council meeting in February 2019. There was a large amount of community support to pursue the proposals, subject to clarification of some of the details and liabilities which may be placed on the Parish Council. The Council has therefore agreed, in principle, to adopt the toilets and lease the car park and to continue negotiations with the North Devon Council. These negotiations are still in the infant stage and the Council will continue to update the community through the Newsletter, Website and Parish Council meetings.

    The Parish Council has been asked by the North Devon Council to consider any updates to its 121 list. This is a list of community projects that can be included in legal agreements for Section 106 money [where appropriate], relating to developments. If there are any projects you would like to see included in this list, please let the Parish Council know.

    Berrynarbor Parish Council holds the Foundation Level of the Local Council Award Scheme which highlights that, not only does the Council meet the requirements for operating lawfully, it also goes beyond its legal obligations, leading its community and continuously seeking opportunities to improve and develop further.  The achievement confirms that Berrynarbor Parish Council achieves good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement. To build on this award the Parish Council has agreed to work towards and apply for the Quality award which is the next level, the aim is to apply following the May 2019 elections.

    Elections: Parish Council elections are due to take place on Thursday, 2nd May 2019. If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, a nomination pack can be obtained from the Parish Clerk or from the Returning Officer at the North Devon Council, Lynton House, Commercial Road, Barnstaple. Completed nomination papers must be returned to the Returning Officer between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. and no later than 4.00 p.m. on Wednesday 4th April 2019.

    Finally, I shall be commencing Maternity Leave shortly. Mrs Kate Graddock will be providing cover during this time and will commence with the Parish Council on the 1st April 2019 to allow a handover and induction period. Mrs Graddock can be contacted via the Clerk's email address or on 07703 050496.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Parish Clerk

    Our best wishes go to both Vicki and Kate during the time of Vicki's Maternity Leave.



    Berrynarbor Parish Council is considering an outline proposal offered by the North Devon Council [NDC] to take on the Freehold of the Public Toilets and a 25-Year Lease of the Car Park located by the Village Shop. In short, if the Parish Council accepts the NDC's proposal, they will be able to ensure the continuity of the provision of these services/assets to the village. However, it will come at financial cost to individual Berrynarbor parishioners by way of an increased Council Tax bill. If the Parish Council does not accept the NDC proposal, the village may lose the use of these assets.

    The Berrynarbor Public Toilets and Village Shop Car Park are currently North Devon Council assets. The NDC currently manages and maintains the car park, the Parish Council maintains the public toilets via a grant it receives each year from the NDC. These assets are considered "non-statutory services" by the NDC, as such the NDC's financial obligations for supporting these assets are coming under continued pressure in an effort to redirect NDC funds towards other "statutory services".

    The concern the Parish Council faces is primarily one around securing the continued provision of the toilets and car park for the benefit of the village. There is a precedence set by the NDC to close, sell or outsource these types of assets, where public toilets in other local parishes have been closed and some car parks sold to property developers or outsourced to commercial parking companies to manage, which has resulted in increased tariffs and enforcement.

    The Toilets and Car Park are obviously important village assets, utilised frequently by the parishioners and the visiting public, encouraging trade to the Village Shop, Cafe and Public House, as well as providing useful parking spaces for visitors utilising the parish amenities, including the school, church, manor hall, etc.

    Within the NDC's lease offer to the Parish Council, the Council would incur a financial obligation to maintain and manage the Car Park during the period of the lease [25 Years]. With the transfer of Freehold relating to the toilets, the Parish Council would incur the financial obligations of managing and maintaining the toilets, without the benefit of the annual NDC grant.

    The NDC is offering the Parish Council a one-off payment of £12,000 [£7,500 for the toilets and £4,500 for the car park] by way of financial contribution to the Council's future financial obligations that the Parish Council would incur managing and maintaining the assets. This contribution falls short of meeting the Parish Council's forecast costs related to maintaining and managing these assets. Should the Parish Council decide to move forwards with the Lease of the Car Park and Freehold of the Toilets, it would be required to increase the precept. Further information and costings can be found on the Parish Council's website at  

    The Parish Council will be voting on whether to accept the NDC's proposal at the Parish Council meeting in the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 12th February 2019 commencing at 7.00 p.m.

    The Parish Council would appreciate hearing feedback from the Berrynarbor parishioners on whether they would like the Council to reject or accept NDC's proposal.

    Replacement of Bus Shelter on the A399 - Update

    We are pleased to report that the replacement bus shelter for the A399 has been ordered and is due for delivery in April 2019. The Parish Council would like to thank the County Councillor for facilitating the replacement and providing grant funding towards the purchase.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Parish Clerk

    Venue for the March Parish Council meeting to be confirmed. Please see notice board.

    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]



    Berry in Bloom is quiet at the moment although up to the beginning of the new year the weather has been so mild that the spring flowers in the tubs are' blooming lovely' and the bulbs are well up. Our team is having a well earned rest.

    We give our appreciation to our Parish council for the Christmas tree and decorations in the centre of the village and their valiant attempts to keep the tree upright in the windy weather before Christmas.

    Each newsletter, the heading to this article is Berry in Bloom and Best Kept Village although there is no longer a Best Kept Village competition. This competition was previously run by the C.P.R.E [Campaign for Protection Rural England]. I believe Berrynarbor started entering this competition in 1985 and its organiser was Joy Morrow who lived at Fuchsia Cottage. After winning several times, Berrynarbor was put in to the Previous Winners group but still managed to win in this group as well. As the criteria for the Briton in Bloom competition was almost the same, the village started entering that competition too. Also, with great success, culminating with Berrynarbor being asked in 2011 to represent the South West in the National Competition where we won GOLD but came 2nd overall. Not bad when that is against villages our size throughout Great Britain!

    So, this year 2019, we shall again be entering Britain in Bloom and trying to keep up the good work around the village. If anyone new wants to join us, we should love to meet you. We will be having our annual meeting inThe Globe at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 19th March.

    Wendy Applegate



    The Parish Council has recently received a presentation from the company Airband, which is providing Government sponsored broadband and connecting rural communities.   The service requires line of sight and up to 130 houses can be serviced by one pole. Phase one has been completed with phase two due for completion by the end of January 2019, which includes 18 postcodes in the area.

    At the recent Parish Council meeting, concerns about the consultation process and timeframe for responding to planning applications were raised.  The Parish Council is a statutory consultee and as such is given 21 days from notification to respond to a planning application.  If the Council meeting falls outside this time, then an extension to the consultation period is always requested from the Planning Officer.  Where possible the Planning Officer will agree to an extension; however, sometimes it is not possible to grant an extension due to the determination period of a planning application.

    The festive season is fast approaching and the Parish Council will be erecting the Christmas lights in the centre of the village shortly, along with additional lighting for the bus shelter, as we look forward to the festive celebrations.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Parish Clerk

    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    August is generally a recess for Local Councils and although it has been a quieter time, Councillors have still been working hard on local projects.

    A site meeting was recently held with Devon County to discuss the replacement of the bus shelter on the A399. A wooden style one has been agreed and it is hoped to place the order for it shortly, but funding streams are still being pursued at this time.

    A Working Party has met with the North Devon Council to discuss the possibilities of either transferring or a long lease on the public toilets and car park in Berrynarbor. The Parish Council is still awaiting the options from the North Devon Council and it is hoped these will be presented in early October.

    The Parish Council has raised concerns with the MP about the lack of internet speed and mobile phone and tv signal in the parish. Work is being undertaken to look at improvements and the Parish Council is in the process of organising a meeting with the MP to discuss these matters. The date will be advertised on the Parish Council's website in due course.

    Now that the bird nesting season is over for the year, the Parish Council would ask landowners to ensure their hedges are cut. The Council has received several complaints about overgrown hedges especially in the Sterridge Valley area.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Parish Clerk



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    It has been a busy few months for the Parish Council. The Berrynarbor Dog Show was held on Sunday 1st July 2018 which, despite the torrential rain, saw an amazing turnout of people, a total of £225 was raised to support the Berrynarbor Newsletter.  Thanks, must be given to Councillor Mrs Sian Barten for organising the event, Councillor Mrs Julia Fairchild who did a sterling job of organising and stewarding on the day in the pouring rain and our esteemed judge, Mrs Yvette Gubb, who did the most amazing job of judging and we are truly grateful to her for coming out in such awful weather and undertaking the task with her usual good humour and charm.  Jennifer Barten also judged two classes and thanks must be extended to her too.  The Parish Council hopes to hold an annual dog show for a different cause each year and hopes to build on this success.

    The defibrillator awareness training was held in June and the Parish Council would like to thank all those that attended and the Assistant Community Responder Officer from the South West Ambulance Service for leading the session. This is an annual awareness training to show the public how to use the equipment in an emergency so if you missed this year's, please do keep an eye out for the date next year.

    At the beginning of the year the Parish Council reported that it had received complaints about the storage of large vehicles and motorhomes in the village car park. Enforcement was carried out by the North Devon Council, which owns the car park, to remove the vehicles; however, the Parish Council has received further complaints that the car park is once again being used to store large vehicles and motorhomes. Not only is the abuse of the village car park unfair on those who pay to store their caravans and motor homes, but it also prevents the community from being able to park to attend functions and use the facilities within the village. This continuous abuse could lead to charges being introduced to manage the facility and prevent long term usage.

    The Parish Council has once again received complaints about hedgerows overhanging highways. If you are a landowner please consider your responsibility to maintain your hedgerows and although bird nesting season prevents some hedge cutting from March - August, safety should be maintained. Any overgrown hedgerows affecting highway safety can be reported via Devon County Council's website

    As reported in the last newsletter, the new village signs are in situ, the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty signs have been added and the stone planter has been built around the Barton Lane sign and planted by Berry In Bloom and thanks must be given to them for the lovely display. The Parish Council would like to say thank you to County Councillor Andrea Davis who contributed £2,000 from her Devon County Council Locality Fund, the AONB which contributed £1,726.37 in grant funding, Councillor Adam Stanbury who donated the stone for the planter and Mr and Mrs Richards who contributed £300 for the creation of the stone planter. The Parish Council would also like to thank North Devon Wrought Iron Design for creating the signs, A&B Contractors for installing them, Berry Arboriculture for building the stone planter, Really Red for the AONB signs and the landowners who have allowed us to install the signs on their land. The Parish Council has received some lovely feedback and comments from residents about the signs and we really do hope that they will help to promote the area and traditions of Berrynarbor, especially the importance of its setting within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Parish Clerk



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    At the recent Annual Parish Council Meeting, Cllr. Adam Stanbury was again voted in as Chairman with Cllr. Mrs Sian Barten voted in as Vice-Chairman. There has been little change in the appointments of representatives and officers but these can be found on the Parish Council's website. The Parish Council's website is designed to keep you informed and up to date with your Parish Council. If you haven't yet visited the site please do have a look: See:

    We are averaging around 800 views per month with which we are very pleased. If you have an organisation or news you would like us to share on the website, please contact the Parish Clerk.

    Village Signs

    The new village signs are now in situ and will be complete once the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty signs have been added. There is still a stone planter to be built at the Barton Lane sign and we hope this will take shape very shortly. The Parish Council would like to thank the AONB and County Councillor once again for the funding and support received.


    Unfortunately, our Village Newsletter is struggling with costs and a lack of funding/donations. Although the Parish Council provides a considerable donation to the running costs each year, the donations received have fallen. There are many demands on Parish Council funds and it is unable to wholly subsidise the costs associated with producing the newsletter. The Parish Council would encourage those of you who enjoy reading the newsletter and being kept up-to-date with local information, to donate towards the cost of its production. There are donation tins available in the Village Shop, The Globe, Sawmill and Central Convenience in Combe Martin, or donations can be sent direct to the Editor. If donation levels are not increased it might be that a charge will need to be introduced and this in turn might mean that the Editor would no longer be willing to produce it. The Parish Council will be looking to hold an event to help raise funds for the newsletter, and we would urge you to support the running costs by providing regular donations for your copies, we do not wish to risk losing this local publication!

    Defibrillator Awareness Training

    Each year the Parish Council, in conjunction with South Western Ambulance Service, organises a Defibrillator Awareness Training Event open to all members of the parish. This year's event will be held on Tuesday 26th June 2018 from 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall and will be led by the Assistant Community Responder Officer. You are all welcome. Please do come along and learn how to use this lifesaving piece of equipment.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Parish Clerk



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    This winter has seen its fair share of extreme weather. First, we had the flooding followed by the 'Beast from the East' and with it heavy snowfall. We hope you all managed to stay safe and warm during these periods. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped during the inclement weather with a special thank you to our Flood Wardens, Councillors Julia Fairchild and Jenny Beer, our Snow Warden, Councillor Adrian Coppin, and the Chairman of the Parish Council, Councillor Adam Stanbury, who have all been out during these periods helping to manage the effects. Our Wardens try to help those in need or areas severely affected by the extreme weather first, if you consider yourself vulnerable please do get in touch with the Parish Council so our Wardens can identify and prioritise those in need of assistance during these periods.

    The Parish Council has recently supported an application from the Manor Hall Trust to the Town and Parish Fund for money towards the purchase of a sound system and we are pleased to say that the application has been successful.

    As reported in the last Newsletter, we can now confirm that the Parish Council's Project to replace the old bus shelter on the A399 came third place under the Tesco Bags of Help Scheme and we have been awarded £1,000 towards to the project. We are in the process of applying for further funding and hope to be able to start the project in the near future. Thank you to everyone that voted in the Ilfracombe Tesco Store.

    The Parish Paths' Annual Surveys have once again been completed by our Footpath Officers. We are pleased to say that most of our Footpaths have passed and any issues observed have been reported to Public Rights of Way at Devon County Council.

    It was noted at the recent Parish Council meeting that the benches in the Manor Hall Play Area are looking a little tired. If anyone is considering the purchase of a Memorial Bench and would like to site it within the village, perhaps you might consider the replacement of a bench in the Manor Hall Play Area with the Memorial Bench.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Parish Clerk, March 2018


    Report from the Parish Council

    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    The Parish Council would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.We start the year with an update on outstanding Council projects.

    As reported in the last newsletter, the winner of the Flag Design Competition has been chosen, the winning design has been made into a flag and will be flown from the flag pole outside Ye Olde Globe Inn.Thank you to all those who took part and please do have a look at the winning flag.

    Thank you to everyone that voted in the Ilfracombe Tesco Store for the Parish Council's project to replace the old bus shelter on the A399.We are awaiting confirmation but believe the Parish Council was in third place.We shall continue to pursue further grants to complete the project.

    The basket swing will be relocated from the Recreation Field to the School before the end of January and we should like to thank those that have pledged donations towards the installation at the school and welcome any further donations from anyone wishing to assist.

    The new wrought iron village signs have been completed and are due to be installed at the three main entrance points to the village by the end of January and we really hope they will be a welcome addition that reflects the history and character of the village.The Parish Council would like to thank the North Devon AONB for the grant to install the signs.

    Moving forward the Parish Council considered and set its precept and budgets for the forthcoming financial year at the December meeting.The Parish Council was disappointed to learn that the District Council has reduced the Parish Grant the Council receives by 50% in 2018-2019 and the Council Tax Support Grant has also been reduced.When considering the precept for 2018-2019 the Parish Council had to take these reductions into account along with an increase in costs. Therefore, the Parish Council has decided to increase the precept for 2018-2019 and the agreed increase is approximately £2.11 a year [or 0.04p a week] based on a Band D property.

    Unfortunately, the Parish Council has received complaints about the storage of large vehicles and motorhomes in the village car park.The car park, which is currently owned by the North Devon Council, is free of charge to help service the village.The Parish Council is saddened by the abuse of the car park which is not a storage facility and has also prohibited members of the community from being able to park when attending functions in the village, such as funerals.The District Council has been made aware of the complaints and is taking enforcement action where necessary.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Parish Clerk, January 2018



    Update on the Play Equipment in the Recreation Field

    It is with regret that the Parish Council has been left with no choice other than to permanently remove the basket swing and frame from the Recreation Field.Having followed the professional advice from play installation companies prior to the purchase, the current location was found to be the most appropriate position for the equipment.However, not all residents were in agreement and unfortunately the equipment has been the subject of a nuisance claim.

    Prior to the claim, and following initial complaints, the Parish Council sought further advice from the company that provided and installed the play equipment on its position, and, although there was one location that was found to be suitable by a Chartered Survey during the process of the claim, this was not found to be suitable by the professional play installation company. The Parish Council did not feel it could ignore the advice of the play installation company, therefore, in the Parish Council's opinion, there is no alternative position for the basket swing within the Recreation Field and the basket swing will be removed in its entirety.The Parish Council is pursuing a donation of the swing and frame to the Berrynarbor Primary School in the hope that those attending the school can still enjoy the equipment. Unfortunately, the school cannot afford the cost to install the basket swing at this time and the Parish Council is looking to fundraise to assist.The Parish Council is in receipt of pledges for private donations and would welcome any further donations.

    We know the basket swing was a successful piece of equipment that was enjoyed by a number of children from the parish and surrounding areas.The Parish Council is also saddened by the loss of this equipment.

    Festive Lights for Village Centre

    On a brighter note the Parish Council would like to say thank you to the District Councillors Mrs. Yvette Gubb and John Lovering for contributing funds from their District Council Community Councillor Grants towards the purchase of lights to enhance the celebrations and festivities that already take place within the village.The lights are on order and should be installed around the centre of the village in time for this year's festive period.

    Village Signs

    The new wrought iron village signs are almost complete and should be installed at the three main entrance points to the village in the near future.We would again like to thank the County Councillor Andrea Davis for the contribution from her Devon County Council Locality budget which has made the project possible.

    Flag Design Competition

    The Parish Council would like to thank all the younger members of the community that took part in the Flag Design Competition, there were a number of creative designs and the Parish Council found it difficult to choose a winner.However, after much consideration, a winner has been chosen who will have their design printed onto a flag and presented to them in the near future.

    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]



    Council Achieves Award

    Berrynarbor Parish Council has received a prestigious award as part of the Local Council Award Scheme. The Scheme highlights that not only does the Council meet the requirements for operating lawfully, it also goes beyond its legal obligations, leading its community and continuously seeking opportunities to improve and develop further. The achievement confirms that Berrynarbor Parish Council achieves good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement.

    Defibrillator - Can you help?

    The Parish Council needs to ensure that the Defibrillator is in good working order and is looking for members of the community to help carry out visual checks of the equipment and report any issues to the Council. If this is something you feel you can help with, please contact the Parish Clerk.

    Parish Council Website

    The Combe Martin, Berrynarbor and East Down Police produce monthly newsletters which can be found on the Parish Council's website at along with other parish related information. If you are part of a community group within the parish, and would like to add your group's information and contact details to the website, please do let us know.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Clerk to the Parish Council

    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    Snow & Flood Plans

    The Parish Council has updated its Snow Plan and is in the process of producing a Flood Plan for the parish. To aid us with routes that need to be cleared during periods of adverse weather, we are asking that if you consider yourself a vulnerable person or are aware of a vulnerable person that may need access to and from their property, you let us know so the route can be highlighted in the plans.

    Village Signs

    The three, new wrought iron village signs, funded by Devon County Council and the Parish Council, have now been ordered and we look forward to seeing them at the main entrance points to the village in the near future.

    Flag Design Competition

    We have had several entries for the competition. The Parish Council would like to thank those who have entered and look forward to judging your entries in the near future.

    North Devon Link Road Consultation

    A public consultation is now open on the proposals for improvement, South Molton to Bideford. Further details can be found on Devon County Council's website The consultation was open

    until the 28th July 2017 when you were able to have your say and share your views at

    Transform Aging Community Event

    Devon Communities Together would like to hear from as many people as possible on their thoughts about the challenges people face as they age.

    Transform Ageing [funded by the Big Lottery Fund], is a pioneering programme taking a design-led approach to improving people's experience of ageing. Over the past couple of months, they have brought people in later life, their carers and families, together with Social Entrepreneurs to explore some of the challenges people face as they age, with the aim of creating design briefs that Social Entrepreneurs can work from to deliver innovative solutions.

    There is an invitation to attend the Community Day at Barnstaple Library on Friday 4th August 2017, 11.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. [Drop-in]


    With all the lovely dry weather we are having, we are seeing an increase in bonfires. The Parish Council would ask that when planning a bonfire you consider your neighbours and the impact the time of day you choose may have on those around you. If a bonfire is a statutory nuisance which is having an unreasonable effect on someone's enjoyment of their home or garden the North Devon Council could take enforcement action.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Clerk to the Parish Council



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Adam Stanbury [Chairman] 882252

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Victoria Woodhouse - Parish Clerk -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    Well it's a new year for the Parish Council and our first report must be to congratulate Councillor Adam Stanbury on his re-election as Chairman for 2017-2018 and Councillor Mrs Sian Barten on her re-election as Vice-Chairman. Following on from these elections, it might also be useful to note the election of the following representatives for the year:

    County Councillor

    Congratulations to Andrea Davis on her recent re-election as our representative on the County Council.

    Flood Wardens

    Councillors Julia Fairchild and Jenny Beer have recently undertaken Flood Warden training.There are properties in Berrynarbor Parish at risk of flooding and the Flood Wardens hope to develop a flood plan to identify potential risks.

    The Parish Council has been looking at the condition of the sand bunker in the car park in Castle Hill, is aware that the condition of the container is not ideal and is hoping to procure something a little more substantial and waterproof.


    The Parish Council is pleased to be able to continue to support local groups with grants and donations and has already this year agreed to a grant of £1,000 towards the Berrynarbor Newsletter and is providing a stone planter by way of a donation to Berry in Bloom.

    Vicki Woodhouse - Clerk to the Parish Council



    Appointment of Clerk

    As you may have seen the Parish Council has recently undertaken a recruitment process for the position of Parish Clerk. Berrynarbor Parish Council is pleased to welcome Mrs Victoria Woodhouse as its Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer. Victoria can be contacted on , Tel: [07815] 665215 or postal address: Firstone, Yarnscombe, Barnstaple, EX31 3LW.

    Defibrillator Awareness Training

    You are all invited to attend the Defibrillator Awareness Training being held in the Manor Hall at 7.00 p.m. Tuesday 25th April 2017. The Assistant Community Responder Officer from the South Western Ambulance Service will be leading the event and showing you how to use a Defibrillator in the event of an emergency. Please do come along!

    Flag Design Competition

    The Parish Council is launching a flag design competition for the community. The Council would love to see your designs, which should reflect the character, history or community of Berrynarbor Parish, on an A4 sheet of paper. Entries should be sent to the Parish Clerk on the above contact details or handed to a Berrynarbor Parish Councillor. The closing date for submissions is Friday, 26th May 2017. There are three categories, Under 12's, Under 18's and Over 18's, so please don't forget to include your age, name and address on your entry. A winner from each category will be picked by the Parish Council.

    Berrynarbor Village Signs

    We should like to say thank you to County Councillor Andrea Davis who has secured funding to provide new wrought iron village signs which will be erected at the three main entrance points to the village. The designs have been agreed and it is hoped to be able to place the order soon.

    Local Council Award Scheme

    The Parish Council is pleased to announce that it has agreed to apply for the Foundation Level of the Local Council Award Scheme. This is a prestigious award that recognises the Council achieves good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement. Furthermore, the award confirms that the Parish Council goes above and beyond its legal obligations. It looks forward to submitting the application and hopefully receiving confirmation of the award in due course.

    Keeping You Up-to-date

    A second noticeboard has recently been purchased which has been erected on the wall of the public toilets in Castle Hill. You can find a list of Councillor Contact Details on the notice boards and Agendas for meetings will also be published on the notice boards prior to the meetings. The Parish Council also has a website and all Agendas, Minutes and the latest news can be found on the website.

    Waste and Recycling

    Please see the article from the North Devon Council following this report.

    New E-mail Addresses for Parish Councillors

    Please note the new e-mail addresses for Parish Councillors given below:

    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Adam Stanbury [Chairman] 882252

    Gemma Bacon [883341]

    Jenny Beer

    Julia Fairchild [882783]

    Denny Reynolds

    Sian Barten [882222]

    Adrian Coppin [882647]

    David Kennedy [07791 781283]

    Clare White [882959]

    Victoria Woodhouse - Parish Clerk -

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]



    We need your thoughts!

    Community Renewable Energy - The Parish Council is considering undertaking a feasibility study for Community Renewable Energy. If any schemes are found to be viable the process would be very much community led and would require local investors who would gain a percentage return on their investment through selling renewable energy to the community. There is funding of up to £20,000 for the feasibility study; however, the Parish Council is reluctant to proceed if there is no community support. If you are interested in such a scheme, or would like further information, please contact your local Councillor or the Acting Parish Clerk.

    2017 Festivities - You may all just be recovering from the festive period and think it a little early to look to the celebrations of 2017, however, the Parish Council would like to add value to the festivities that already take place in and around the parish and would like your views on how this can be achieved. Please do contact us with your thoughts and ideas for discussion.

    New Look Website - The Parish Council is pleased to announce the launch of its new look website which can be found at the same address of , please do have a browse. Council Agendas and Minutes of meetings can also be viewed on the website. If you are involved in, or know of any groups within the local community and would like the groups details on the Parish Council's website, please either go to the website and complete the form under 'Community' or contact the Acting Parish Clerk.

    You will notice on the website that there are an array of lovely photographs taken throughout the parish, if you are a budding photographer or just a happy snapper and would like any of your photos included on the website please send them to the Acting Parish Clerk, Mrs Victoria Woodhouse . Each photograph will be attributed so please include your name.

    Footpaths - Berrynarbor Parish has a network of beautiful footpaths which are an asset to the village for both locals and visitors. The Parish Council Footpath Wardens, Councillors Mrs Clare White and Mrs Julia Fairchild have been working hard to monitor the footpaths and keep them in good useable order. We have been successful over the last year in obtaining a small grant and having several improvements including 3 new galvanized self-closing gates and other repairs.

    The Council would encourage you to use the footpaths, which are clearly marked on the local maps, if walking with a dog please be aware that there could be stock grazing in the fields and your dog should be on a lead in these areas. Please enjoy your walk and remember to stick to the countryside code.

    Hedgerows - Unfortunately the Parish Council has received concerns about overgrown hedges in and around the Parish which can hinder the safety of road users including vehicles, walkers and riders. The nesting season is due to start in early March until the end of August making now an ideal time to think about trimming.

    The Parish Council would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

    Victoria Woodhouse - Acting Parish Clerk

    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Adam Stanbury [Chairman] 882252

    Gemma Bacon [883341]
    Jenny Beer []
    Julia Fairchild [882783]
    Denny Reynolds []
    Sian Barten [882222]
    Adrian Coppin [882647]
    David Kennedy [07791 781283]
    Clare White [882959]

    Victoria Woodhouse - Parish Clerk - []

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]



    The Parish Council received a very interesting presentation at its October meeting on Community Energy and Hydro resource within the parish. The concept of Community Renewable Energy and whether or not it would be appropriate for the Parish is something the Parish Council will be investigating further. There is funding available, which we hope to be able to secure, to produce a feasibility study. We know there is a lot of hydro resource within the parish and the study will help to identify whether or not this could be utilised for a scheme. The feasibility study will also be used to ascertain whether or not there is community support, if there are suitable sites available and would a scheme be technically and financially viable?

    An offer from Communities Prepared of free support to increase the communities' resilience has been made to the Parish Council. Communities Prepared is a partnership, between Cornwall Community Flood Forum (CCFF), Groundwork South and Cornwall College, supported by the Environment Agency, Devon County Council and Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service. This project has the capacity to:

      Work with communities to assess the risks in their local environment

      Help communities complete a community emergency plan and exercise it or review your existing plan

      Give support to recruit volunteers

      Fund equipment to support resilience activities

      Run presentations about preparing for emergencies like flooding to local groups, businesses and schools

      Signpost communities to information on insurance for Flood Wardens

    In addition, this project has developed a series of community resilience training modules. We cover six key topics in the training, each with a focus on flood resilience:


      Understanding Flood Risk

      Flood Risk Awareness

      Emergency Response

      Personal Protective Equipment

      Role Profiles

      Use of Sandbags

    Councillors Mrs. Fairchild and Mrs. Beer have shown a keen interest in this area which will be progress in partnership with Communities Prepared.

    For those of you that are not aware the Your Future Care Consultation is now open for comment. If you have not seen the consultation document please contact the Devon CCG on 01392 267642 for a copy.

    The Parish Council wish to thank Chris Wassall for his donation towards the playing field equipment.

    The Parish Council would like to contribute in some way to the festivities of the Parish and is considering how it could add value to those arrangements already in place for Christmas 2017. If you have any suggestions please do let us know.



    The Parish Council has had a busy year dealing with various issues within the parish. The Fountain at Sawmills has been repaired and the defunct Berry Down phone box is now in place next to the shop. A new Parish Council notice board will soon be going up on the wall of the public lavatories next to the post box in the car park. The old notice board will also remain in use. The new dog run area has garnered many thanks from dog owners in the village and the new football nets and posts now mean that the village is a step closer to the creation of a Berrynarbor Junior Football team. The existing scramble down short cut path that had been causing considerable erosion to the bank for some years has been made safe by the provision of a proper path but vehicle, pushchair and disabled access is still by the usual existing route at the other end of the field. The replacement benches with backs should provide a welcome place to rest while watching others be more active!

    Looking to the rest of the year, the Parish Council will be considering how it can improve and benefit the community.

    Councillors have spent the last few months looking at the finances and gathering advice from various associations that support and advise the parish Councils in their work.

    Parish Councils are required to ensure that its funds are used to

    It is not good practice for a Parish Council to keep large sums of money it its bank account for no reason, but it must ensure that a reserve is kept for unforeseen circumstances and that running costs can be met at all times. The Council has accrued a substantial amount of money over the past years and, while £10,000 has been earmarked for the refurbishment of the Manor Hall and £5,000 has been agreed as the Council's minimum reserve level, it has been noted that the Council should be using the monies saved for the benefit of the Parish.

    It is therefore important for the Parish Council to identify areas that need improvement within the parish, to balance the monies spent on all ages and sectors of the community and to ensure that the work is carried out to a sufficient quality.

    There are various grants and funds we shall be accessing to help finance certain projects that we have on our 'wish list' - these include a refurbishment of the lavatories, enhancement of the Barton lane entrance to the village, new village signs and planters [working in conjunction with Berry in Bloom] and we welcome any suggestions from parishioners to add onto the list. Some of these are priorities and others are things we can, at present, only wish for!

    The Parish Council is tentatively looking at Neighbourhood Plans and if it decides to move forward with this project a public meeting will be held with the village in due course. It involves a considerable amount of time and work and the Council is discussing its merits at the moment. We shall keep you updated.

    A lavatory refurbishment is part of our long term plan, in the meantime a deep cleanse and a repaint will be carried out shortly.

    Tenders are invited for the internal painting of the public lavatories. Apply to the Clerk

    Sian Barten - Vice-Chairman

    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Adam Stanbury [Chairman] 882252

    Gemma Bacon [883341]
    Jenny Beer []
    Julia Fairchild [882783]
    Denny Reynolds []
    Sian Barten [882222]
    Adrian Coppin [882647]
    David Kennedy [07791 781283]
    Clare White [882959]

    Victoria Woodhouse - Parish Clerk - []

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]



    The Parish Council has some administrative changes to report. We have said goodbye to Mrs. Sue Squire who has clerked the Council for the last 16 years and we welcome Mrs. Victoria Woodhouse who is covering the role.   Please note that any communication should now be to the Clerk who is contactable on  

    As a consequence of these changes agendas and minutes for the July meeting were not available by e-mail but were advertised on our usual noticeboard.  

    The Parish Council is working hard to get its website up and running in the meantime all the Parish Council agendas, minutes and other Council information will be found on 

    For those who have been on our e-mailing list please now access the agenda and minutes at your own convenience from this site.

    The recreation field will soon have its replacement benches in place along with steps down to the field and a lock up shed for the school to store all their equipment in to save lugging it up and down Pit Hill.

    The Parish Council is delighted to announce an extension to the existing dog walking area into the neighbouring field. This was decided upon after a massive response in favour from our questionnaires in the shop and pub. Works have been requested to be done to make the field secure and safe for this purpose. We shall announce when these are completed and the field is open.

    We are looking into different funding/grant sources to improve various amenities around the village and will keep you posted.  

     Sian Barten - Vice-Chairman

    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Adam Stanbury [Chairman] 882252

    Gemma Bacon [883341]
    Jenny Beer []
    Julia Fairchild [882783]
    Denny Reynolds []
    Sian Barten [882222]
    Adrian Coppin [882647]
    David Kennedy [07791 781283]
    Clare White [882959]

    Victoria Woodhouse - Parish Clerk - []

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]



    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Adam Stanbury [Chairman] 882252

    Gemma Bacon [883341]
    Jenny Beer []
    Julia Fairchild [882783]
    Denny Reynolds []
    Sian Barten [882222]
    Adrian Coppin [882647]
    David Kennedy [07791 781283]
    Clare White [882959]

    Sue Squire - Parish Clerk - [01598 710526]

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]


    Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and reports given.The Chairman of the Manor Hall Trust addressed the meeting regarding the proposal that the Trust become a Charity Incorporated Organisation, on which Sian Barten was to seek legal advice.

    Tenders regarding the refurbishment of the public toilets were discussed but no decision made although it was acknowledged that the work needed to be carried out.

    Planning applications were considered and discussed. DCC Public Rights of Way had awarded £300 towards the upkeep of Parish footpaths. The two adopted telephone boxes and defibrillator had been included on the insurance policy.


    Adam Stanbury and Sian Barten were re-elected as Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively and Parish representatives elected as follows:

    Adrian Coppin was co-opted as a Parish Councillor, bringing the Council up to full strength.The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and reports given. The proposal that the Manor Hall become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation was again discussed.

    The Newsletter and Berry in Bloom were awarded £500 each and £200 given towards the Street Party to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday.

    The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday, 14th June, 7.00 p.m. at the Manor Hall.

    Sue Squire - Clerk



    February and March Meetings

    Regarding the application route, I can confirm that as the situation currently stands, it has no recorded public status.

    Consequently, the County Council does not have the power to seek the removal of any obstructions. This could only occur if the Order that Devon County Council has been directed to make, is confirmed.

    If the Order were to be confirmed, then as a public right of way the surface of the route would be vested in the County Council as the relevant highway authority.

    The relevant landowner(s) would retain ownership of the subsoil.

    If the Order the County Council has been directed to make is confirmed, it would then become a public right of way, which the Parish Council would have the capacity to maintain under the County Council's P3 Scheme.

    The removal of any obstructions would be the responsibility of the County Council.

    The deadline date for items to be included on the Agenda and discussed at the next Meeting is Monday 4th April. Late items will be added to the May 2016 Agenda. There are posters in the village informing members of the public of the date.

    ** There will be a meeting at the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 19th April at 7.00 p.m. for instruction on using the defibrillator. Everyone welcome

    Sue Squire - Parish Clerk



    Brief notes from the December and January Meetings

    The Parish Council has a website where the names and phone numbers of Councillors are given: It is hoped that parishioners will find it interesting and informative.

    Reports were received at both meetings from the Police and County and District Councillors as well as Councillors who inspect the play areas and walk the public rights of way.

    The vacancy created by the resignation of Steve Hill has been filled by the co-option of Gemma Bacon.

    Planning: The Council recommended approval for plans at Treetops, Old Coast Road, Brinscot Farmhouse and Summerhouse, Birdswell Lane. Approval was also recommended for the Planning Application for the Manor Hall.

    The two telephone kiosks at Silver Street and Berry Down have been adopted by the Parish Council.

    Donations were given to the Community Shop towards the running and maintenance of the sewage plant and the Citizens Advice Bureau.

    Sadly the Memorial Fountain at the junction of Mill Lane and the main road at Sawmills has been damaged by a van.

    A talk was given by Mr. Hancock, a representative of Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, who covers the area including Ilfracombe, Lynton, Woolacombe and Combe Martin. Visits are carried out free of charge, advice given about home safety and smoke alarms fitted free if necessary. The service is concerned about vulnerable people about whom they are unaware, and hopes that neighbours would look out for such people. Mr. Hancock stressed that it was important for fire fighters to be able to gain access to a property easily, both internally and externally. Property landlords, including holiday homes, should provide smoke alarms and the Fire Service will provide these to keep tenants safe. Blocks of flats come under a different criteria and are visited on a referral basis.

    Sadly there are 300 deaths a year in the South west alone from fires.

    The service is also involved in parking, although there is nothing they can do legally except to put leaflets on windscreens where cars have been parked irresponsibly.

    A defibrillator has now been purchased and villagers will be advised where it will be located.

    Parish Council Meetings are normally held on the second Tuesday in the month. Those for February and March are on the 9th and 8th respectively, at 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall. Villagers are welcome to attend.

    Sue Squire - Parish Clerk

    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Adam Stanbury [Chairman] 882252

    Sian Barten [862222]
    Jenny Beer []
    Julia Fairchild [882783]
    Gemma Bacon [883341]
    David Kennedy [07791 781283]
    Denny Reynolds [882724]
    Linda Thomas [883345]
    Clare White [882959]

    Sue Squire - Parish Clerk - [01598 710526]

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]



    The Parish Council has a website:

    As time goes on, it will get more populated and Parish Councillors hope that parishioners and visitors will find it interesting and informative.

    The public participation item was extended to allow time for questions which residents and Councillors had in connection with the Planning Application for Moules Farm. When the time came for Councillors to consider it, it was proposed to recommend approval in principle subject to the conditions being addressed, which are drainage, location of the site of the properties back from the road as discussed at length with the Agent and Drainage Engineer at the meeting,.

    The Application for the conversion of barn to residential use and access improvements at Eckerlands Farm was recommended for approval. North Devon Council has since issued a refusal notice.

    Other Planning Applications were considered as were Application for a lawful Development Certificate.

    Reports were received from County Councillor Andrea Davis, District Councillor Yvette Gubb, play area and playing field inspections and the Manor Hall.

    The Local Risk Manager from Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service will be giving a talk at the January Meeting.

    The dog area and Parish Field were discussed as was signage for the play area and partnership working with the Primary School and parishioners.

    Councillors supported the further draft recommendations from the Local Government Boundary Commission, and agreed to have a defibrillator in the village, more details will follow.

    Councillor Steve Hill tendered his resignation due to moving from the village. North Devon Council has been advised of the vacancy.

    November Meeting

    Reports were again received and three Planning Applications were recommended for approval.

    Councillors were very appreciative of the offer by a parishioner of £500 towards new goal posts.

    The tenders for grass cutting and seats and shelters were awarded.

    The 2016/17 Budget and Precept were set. Councillors decided not to increase the Precept from £14,980.

    Councillors decided to rescind the letter of support which was given in the 2014 Public Rights of Way Application in respect of the Byway at Sterridge Valley. The decisions made by DCC twice have been accepted by the Parish Council.

    Sue Squire - Parish Clerk

    Berrynarbor Parish Council
    Adam Stanbury [Chairman] 882252

    Sian Barten [862222]
    Jenny Beer []
    Julia Fairchild [882783]
    Steve Hill [882647]
    David Kennedy [07791 781283]
    Denny Reynolds [882724]
    Linda Thomas [883345]
    Clare White [882959]

    Sue Squire - Parish Clerk - [01598 710526]

    County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
    District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

    Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

    The Parish Council normally meets on the 2nd Tuesday in the month, 7.00 p.m. at the Manor Hall


    Adam Stanbury - I live at Stapleton Farm with my wife Natalie and three daughters Lucy, Emily and Daisy. My family have lived and worked as farmers in the parish for 3 generations. We currently have 300 organic dairy cows supplying milk to Dairy Crest.

    I attended Berrynarbor Primary School and then went on to West Buckland. After school I studied at the Royal Agricultural College, where I gained an HND in Farm Management after which I travelled around Australia for six months before returning home to help and later take over the reins of our family farm.

    I joined the Parish Council three years ago with a view to playing a part in our fantastic local community. So far it has been a very interesting and sometimes challenging pastime which I have thoroughly enjoyed.

    I have met some wonderful people whom I feel I can now call my friends.

    I am looking forward to the future and hope that as a Committee, we can really make a difference to our village and the wider parish.

    Sian Barten - I live at Watermouth with my husband and two children. Our children were so lucky to attend the wonderful Toddler Group, Pre-school and Primary School. I enjoyed being Vice-Chair for the Pre-school Committee and also served as a Parent Governor at the Primary School. We are all privileged to live in such a beautiful part of the country whether born and bred locals or newly arrived. Berrynarbor deserves a community that works together helping preserve its uniqueness but also keeping it strong and vibrant in this day and age. The Parish Council has a great team on board who want to serve the whole community and it is a real pleasure to be part of this.

    Jenny Beer - Having lived in the village for 38 years I'm delighted to be part of the Parish Council and have been made to feel very welcome since joining last May, I have 3 gorgeous boys who all attend the school and I have been on various committees within the village for the last 5 years. Being the only female in our house, I do have a small addiction to chocolate mini eggs and of course the odd glass of wine! 

    Julia Fairchild - Having been brought up in the village from 5 years of age I attended our lovely school and returned with my own family 17 years ago, and so our two daughters have also enjoyed going to the school. I helped run the Toddler Group when the girls were small then went on to be the Pre-school Leader for 3 years. I chaired the PTA and was on the Manor Hall Committee for a number of years- so I do quite like to get involved with village life!

    My husband Rob and I have a seasonal business in Ilfracombe. We live in Sterridge and you may well have seen us walking around the village with our funny faced labradoodle, Dora!

    I have had a few years off from being involved in village activities so I'm keen to get back helping keep this village what it is - beautiful!

    David Kennedy - My wife Ros, daughter Bella and I moved to the village in April 2011. We live in Brackenberry House having bought the Grattons Cedar Lodges site up Hagginton Hill after falling for the beautiful village of Berrynarbor. We had previously lived in London and Hong Kong working in professional careers.

    Bella started school in September 2015 after benefiting from the local Pre-school for the past few years. We enjoy outdoor activities, walking, running, cycling and gardening and also love to host visiting guests, eating out and general socialising.

    I'm pleased to be part of the Parish Council and seek to contribute further to the village we call home.

    Denny Reynolds - I live in the Sterridge Valley with my husband and our daughter who attends our wonderful school here in Berrynarbor. Our adult daughter and her entourage visit regularly on their rounds.

    I am a Trustee of the Manor Hall and member of the Management Committee, and believe this wonderful and historic building is one of our greatest assets.

    I believe that this Parish Council collectively bring great strengths, qualities and experience to the table, and together with my fellow Councillors, I look forward to working hard for the benefit of all within our community.

    Linda Thomas - I attended Ilfracombe Grammar School until 1966, then Newton Park Teachers' Training College in Bath.  My first teaching job was in a school in Southampton teaching a class of 48 pupils.  In 1969 I married local boy Stuart Thomas in Berrynarbor Church, got a post in Combe Martin School then emigrated to Canada in 1972 where I worked as a Mortgage Officer and Assistant Branch Manager. We returned to England after bringing up our children in 1990, and moved back to Berrynarbor in 1997.   I retired in 2012 after 15 years' teaching in Pilton Infants' School in Barnstaple.

    Clare White - I have lived in the village for 9 years, currently in the Sterridge Valley. I have 2 children, Amelia who is 9 and at the village school, and Elana 16 has just started her A Levels.

    I am a Nursing Sister at the North Devon District Hospital, and also work for the Care Quality Commission.

    Sue Squire, Parish Clerk - I am a North Devonian and have lived in Bratton Fleming since our marriage nearly 39 years ago. I am a Christian and regularly attend

    St Peter's Anglican/Methodist Church in the village where I am a Worship Group Leader and play the pipe organ, keyboard and electric piano. Our first son is in Heaven aged 27 days and our second son, aged 29, was born on his father's birthday, so I feel very blessed. 

    I was appointed Parish Clerk at Berrynarbor in 2000 and am Parish Clerk to a number of Parish Councils - the best job in the world!



    Items brought forward from the Parish Council:

    1.  Parishioners are invited to make suggestions as to how to improve the facilities at the public toilets in Castle Hill.

    2.  There is to be a Consultation on the Dog Area and Parish Field.  

    3.  Representations by members of the public at Parish Council Meetings:

      To facilitate future Meetings and to ensure that the 3 minute speaking time by members of the public under the Public Participation slot is respected, the Public Participation Slot will be the first item on the Agenda. 

      If representations are in connection with a Planning Application, it will be the Chairman's discretion as to whether the representations are heard during Public Participation or, as is the practice in some other Councils, heard immediately before that particular Planning Application is considered. 

      If members of the public have written representations, it is respectfully suggested that these are sent to the Clerk ahead of the meeting so that they can be e-mailed to Councillors to give sufficient time to read digest it ahead of the meeting.  You will appreciate that representations on 2 or 3 A4 pieces of paper take time to read. Councillors cannot be expected to digest all that is said during the time it is being read out.  This will be to the advantage of Councillors and those making representations.

      When Planning Applications are received in a timely way from North Devon Council, the Clerk will send them to a Councillor for studying ahead of the meeting and they will be circulated to Councillors as far as possible so that as many as possible will have seen the details beforehand, as well as viewing the Applications on the North Devon Council website.

      Councillors volunteer themselves for the good of the community and the meetings need to be shorter: 

      Granted there was a Public Rights of Way presentation and an additional presentation from the Manor Hall Chairman at the August Meeting which would not normally be the case, but after over 4 hours of sitting around the table when members of the public have left some time before with still a lot on the agenda to discuss, and most Councillors having to be at work the next day, to be able to give of their best for the Parish, meetings should be a maximum of 2 1/2 hours.

      Your Parish Councillors are passionate about the village as are many other parishioners and are committed to always assessing each initiative or issue in the interests of ALL in our community as a whole. 

      However heated a debate may become, a level head and respect for others is expected.

    4.  The Parish Council is working with the Primary School to encourage people to go to a lunch club and after school clubs.

    5. If you would like to receive the Agenda and draft Minutes when they are sent out, please let the Clerk, Sue Squire [] know and she will add you to the circulation list.  If you don't have e-mail and would like a copy of the Minutes, please ask Sue on [01598] 710526, and this can be arranged.

      Sue Squire - Parish Clerk

      Berrynarbor Parish Council
      Adam Stanbury [Chairman] 882252

      Sian Barten [862222]
      Jenny Beer []
      Julia Fairchild [882783]
      Steve Hill [882647]
      David Kennedy [07791 781283]
      Denny Reynolds [882724]
      Linda Thomas [883345]
      Clare White [882959]

      Sue Squire - Parish Clerk - [01598 710526]

      County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
      District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering []

      Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]



      Reports at both the June and July meetings were given by the Police, County and District Councillors and matters concerning the Play Areas, Footpaths, Manor Hall and School were discussed.

      Items receiving attention included the bus shelter at Barton Lane, the Millennium Fountain, the public toilets, the purchase of the telephone boxes at Berry Down and Silver Street and the bus service through the village.

      With regard to the siting of the play equipment in the recreation field, a sub-committee was formed and this matter was discussed at length at both meetings. The Council voted in favour of the temporary removal of the basket swing and hedge planting for screening. This matter is on-going.

      Agendas and Minutes - Agendas and Minutes of Parish Council Meetings are displayed in both the bus shelter in the Square and the Shop. However, if parishioners would like to receive copies of these by e-mail, they can be included in the circulation list by contacting the Clerk, Sue Squire, either by e-mail: or telephoning [01598] 710526.

      Emergency Plan - The Parish Council, and Councillor Steve Hill in particular. has spent many hours compiling an Emergency Plan in liaison with the Environment Agency.

      As a result, there are now various facilities in place to assist parishioners when there is a risk of flooding.

      At the entrance to the car park at Castle Hill, on the left hand side there is a bunker containing a dumpy bag of sand. This is for use to fill sandbags in an emergency and not for general use. Behind the Community Shop, there is a store containing a shovel and a cone to use to help fill the sandbags [when up-turned]. The sandbags are also in the store. Near the emergency sand bunker there is a grit bin containing salt to be used when conditions are slippery. It is not for the private use of individuals to clear their paths and driveways.

      For icy conditions throughout the Parish, there are various grit bins for use and our Snow Warden, Mr Clive Richards, will also ensure that gritting takes place.

      Contact number for Steve Hill: [ 01271] 882647.

      Wish List! - Parishioners are invited to submit to the Clerk or any Councillor, items they would like to see in the village.

      The next two meetings of the Parish Council are on Tuesdays the 11th August and 8th September to which parishioners are welcome.


      • ADAM STANBURY, Stapleton Farm, Combe Martin, EX34 0NY. Tel: 01271 882252. e-mail:
        Chairman. Emergency Plan Officer

      • MRS SIAN BARTEN, Lydford Farm, Watermouth, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SJ. Tel: 01271 862222 e-mail:
        Vice Chairman

      • MRS JENNY BEER, 2 Woodpark, Sterridge Valley, Berrynarbor, EX34 9TD. e-mail:
        Recreation Field Play Area Inspection Officer

      • MRS JULIA FAIRCHILD, 1 Woodpark, Sterridge Valley, Berrynarbor, EX34 9TD. Tel: 01271 882783 e-mail:
        Deputy Footpath Officer. Officer appointed to check Invoices

      • STEVE HILL, Mill Park Touring Site, Mill Lane, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SH. Tel:01271 882647. e-mail:
        Emergency Plan Officer. PC Rep. on the Combe Martin & District Tourism Association

      • DAVID KENNEDY, Brackenberry House, Hagginton Hill, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SB. Tel: [Mobile] 07791 781283.
        Emergency Plan Officer

      • MRS DENNY REYNOLDS, Venture Cottage, Sterridge Valley, Berrynarbor, EX34 9TB. e-mail:
        Representative on the Manor Hall Management Committee

      • MRS LINDA THOMAS, Long Acre, Barton Lane, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SU. Tel: 01271 883345. e-mail:
        Highways Liaison Officer & Tree Warden. Manor Hall Play Area Inspection Officer

      • MRS CLARE WHITE, Copper Beech, Sterridge Valley, Berrynarbor. EX34 9TB. Tel: 01271 882959/07825314475.e-mail:
        Parish Paths Partnership Footpath Warden

      • PARISH CLERK: MRS SUE SQUIRE, Haxlea, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, Barnstaple, EX31 4TG. Telephone: 01598 710526.e-mail:

      • COUNTY COUNCILLOR: Mrs Andrea Davis, Southwinds Cottage, Kentisbury, Barnstaple, EX31 4NH. Telephone: 01271 883865. e-mail:


        • MRS YVETTE GUBB, Homeleigh, Woodlands, Combe Martin, EX34 0AT. Telephone: 01271 882364. e-mail:
        • JOHN LOVERING, Woodlands Court, Woodlands, Combe Martin, EX34 0AS. e-mail:

      • SNOW WARDEN: MR CLIVE RICHARDS, Home Barton Farm, Barton Lane, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SU. Telephone: 01271 883406.

      The Parish Council normally meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall.



      May I, through the Newsletter, thank everyone who voted for me in the recent election, your belief in me is very much appreciated? I hope to serve you all as well in the coming four years as I have in the past twenty. I should also like to take the opportunity to thank Julia Clarke for all her help and support during the two terms she has served as a District Councillor with me. I shall miss Julia, but I must congratulate John Lovering on his election and I look forward to working with him for the benefit of our community.

      Yvette Gubb

      I should like to thank all who had confidence and voted for me with such an excellent result in the recent election, and my thanks also for the votes received for my partner David Barker who gave me such support.

      I can assure you I shall do my best to serve you all to the best of my ability. Thank you all most sincerely,

      John Lovering

      We, the people of Berrynarbor, should also like to thank Julia and the retiring members of our Parish Council, Lorna Bowden, Dave Richards and Clive Richards, for the commitment you have given to our village.

      We congratulate Yvette and John on their election as District Councillors, and Andrew Davis as our County Councillor, for the forthcoming term of office.

      Our good wishes to the newly elected Councillors on our Parish Council - to Sian Barten, Julia Fairchild, Steve Hill, Denny Reynolds, Adam Stanbury, Linda Thomas and Clare White.



      At the April meeting a letter of resignation was received from Lorna Bowden which was regrettably accepted and Councillors wished to thank Lorna for the many years' service she had given to the Parish Council,

      Reports were received from the Police, County Councillor Andrea Davis and District Councillors Yvette Gubb and Julia Clarke, and Councillor Linda Thomas.

      The placing of the new play equipment was discussed and a site meeting is to be arranged.

      5 Planning Applications had been received and approval recommended. Approval by the North Devon Council on 3 applications was noted, as was the application from Hempster Farm.

      Requests for donations by Berry in Bloom and the Newsletter were considered and approved.

      A meeting of the PC with the members of the Manor Hall Trust to discuss the plans for the Hall was fixed for the 1st June.

      Finances were discussed and approval for the Accounts for the Year to end of March 2015 agreed.

      There was no Parish Council Election as there were only 7 nominees for the 9 seats. The remaining 2 seats to be filled by co-option.

      Parish Councillors at the time of going to print are:

      • Mrs. Sian Barten - Lydford Farm, Watermouth, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SJ
      • Mrs. Julia Fairchild - 1 Wood Park, Sterridge Valley, Berrynarbor, EX34 9TD Tel: 882783
      • Steve Hill - Mill Park Touring Site, Mill Lane, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SH Tel: 882647
      • Mrs. Denny Reynolds - Venture Cottage, Sterridge Valley, Berrynarbor, EX34 9TB Tel: 882724
      • Adam Stanbury - Stapleton Farm, Combe Martin, EX34 0NY Tel: 882252
      • Mrs. Linda Thomas - Long Acre, Barton Lane, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SU Tel: 8833445
      • Clare White - Copper Beech, Sterridge Valley, Berrynarbor, EX34 9TB 882959
      • Parish Clerk:
        • Mrs. Sue Squire - 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, Barnstaple, EX31 4TG Tel: 01598 710526
      • County Councillor:
        • Mrs. Andrea Davis - Southwinds Cottage, Kentisbury, Barnstaple, EX31 4NH Tel: 883865
      • District Councillors:
        • Mrs. Yvette Gubb - Holmleigh, Woodlands, Combe Martin, EX34 0AT Tel: 882364
        • John Lovering - Woodland Court, Woodlands, Combe Martin, EX34 0AS Tel: 883613


      February and March 2015

      Reports were received from PCSO A Drury, County Councillor Andrea Davis, District Councillors Julia Clark and Yvette Gubb, Councillors Linda Thomas (Play Area Inspection), Lorna Bowden (Manor Hall), Steve Hill (Emergency Plan, new play area equipment) and Sue Squire, Parish Clerk (attendance at 'Preparing for Elections training course').

      Planning Applications in February and March were considered and approved, including the crown lifting and selective removal of 1 branch of beech tree at St. Peter's Church.  

      North Devon Council Decision Notices were noted for various planning applications at Wheel Farm, Moules Farm, Sandy Cove Hotel, Yellaton Farm and Smythen Farm Holiday Cottages. Representations were made from the Parish Council to the Planning Officer regarding the refusal of a planning application at Hempster Farm.

      Various payments were authorised.  

      A Community Toilet Grant Application had been submitted to North Devon Council.

      Compliance.  The following were reviewed and adopted:  Statement of Internal Control, Financial Risk Assessment, Freedom of Information Act Publication Scheme, Equal Opportunity Policy, Grant Giving Policy, Complaints Procedure and Asset Register.

      There is one more Meeting in the life of the current Council before the Parish Council Election on 7th May to be held on the same day as the General Election and District Council Elections.   There are 9 seats on Berrynarbor Parish Council to be filled.   The Parish Clerk has nomination forms which can also be downloaded from the North Devon Council website.

      These have to be delivered by hand to the Elections Department of the North Devon, Civic Centre, Barnstaple by 4.00 p.m. on Thursday, 9th April.  If you would like a pack sent to you or more information, please contact the Parish Clerk: or telephone 01598 710526.  Meetings are held on the second Tuesday in each month at 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall.

      Sue Squire - Clerk


      December 2014 and January 2015 Meetings

      No letters of co-option had been received to fill the remaining two vacancies.

      Councillors declared the relevant Declarations of Interest where appropriate when discussing various Planning Applications.

      Reports were received from the Police, County Councillor Mrs Andrea Davis, District Councillors Mrs Julie Clark and Yvette Gubb, Councillor Mrs Linda Thomas for the Play Area Inspection and Councillor Mrs Lorna Bowden on behalf of the Manor Hall Trust.

      Councillor Steve Hill had attended a Flood Planning Meeting on 25 November and would be attending a two day Meeting in January.

      The Parish Clerk, Mrs Sue Squire, had attended a parish Forum organised by North Devon Council and her written Report had been circulated to Councillors.

      Six Planning Applications were considered at the December Meeting.

      Five Planning Applications were considered at the January Meeting.

      Councillor Steve Hill gave further details regarding the Emergency Plan. A grit bin was agreed for the entrance to the car park.

      Councillor Steve Hill had obtained four quotations for the Play Area.. It was decided to go with Wickstead Leisure for the equipment and claim TAP [Town and Parish] fund allocation with partner Parishes Combe Martin and Bishops Tawton.

      The usual payments to Mr Brian Davies for the toilet cleaning contract, the Parish Clerk's salary and expenses and HMRC for PAYE were approved.

      Councillors also approved a request for a donation of £105.50 for the School to purchase 'A' frame signs and a banner to prevent parking problems near the School.

      Arrangements were being made for a further supply of grit salt to be delivered to Snow Warden Councillor Clive Richards.

      DCC. Various Road Closures:

      • 26/02/15 - 04/03/15. Ridge Hill, Rectory Road. For patching.
      • 02/02/15 - 13/02/15. A399 Newberry Hill, Combe Martin. For drainage work.
      • 11/03/15 - Temporary Speed Limit south of Newberry Road junction and south east of Berry Lane junction. For surface dressing and associated works including carriageway preparation and road markings.

      PCSO Drury advised there was a very great problem regarding telephone and paper scams, so much so that she and her colleague, PCSO P Grantham, had been tasked to investigate at Combe Martin, Ilfracombe and Braunton. Efforts were being made to get the information across to potential victims and their families.



      Councillors co-opted Clare Sampson on to the Parish Council following her letter of application. There are now only two vacancies to fill and if anyone is interested in being co-opted, please contact the Parish Clerk, Mrs Sue Squire [01598] 710526 or email:

      • Reports for October and November were received from PCSO A Drury, County Councillor Mrs Andrea Davis and District Councillors Mrs Julia Clark and Mrs Yvette Gubb. Councillor Mrs Linda Thomas confirmed that following an inspection of the play area, all was in order.  Councillors had been circulated with a written Report on the Clerk's attendance at a DCC Highways Conference and a Finance for Local Councils Course.
      • Councillor Steve Hill had produced a further draft copy of the Emergency Plan which had been sent to the Environment Agency and further details will be given in the village by way of laminated posters as to where and who to go for help and assistance.  The Clerk had collected 100 sandbags from the Waste and Recycling Centre at Brynsworthy and these were taken by Councillor Hill.   Arrangements were being made for two dumpy bags of sand to be positioned on the verge of the car park within a screened area.
      • Councillor Hill to have a site meeting at the Recreation Field with a second play equipment manufacturer and a third quotation is to be obtained so that a decision can then be made by Councillors, hopefully at the December Meeting.
      • Planning Applications were considered and approved:  Change of land use from agricultural to parking for cars & domestic curtilage at The Farmhouse, Bodstone Barton Farm and Demolition of flat roof garage & erection of new single storey extension at Southerley, Berrynarbor. An Approval Notice from North Devon Council had been received in respect of the retrospective application for stone track at Mill Park Touring Site, Mill Lane.
      • The 2015/16 Budget was set and agreed and Councillors agreed for the Precept to remain unchanged.  Councillors were extremely grateful to District Councillors Julia Clark and Yvette Gubb for giving funding of £100 each towards the refurbishment of the War Memorial.
      • Road Closures to take place in February in Barton Lane and on the A399 were noted.

      The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 9th December, at 7.00 p.m.

      Sue Squire - Clerk to the Council

      The full Minutes of the Parish Council Meetings are displayed on the notice board in the bus shelter in The Square and can be read at the Community Shop.



      There still remain 3 vacancies on the Parish Council. These will be filled by co-option by the Parish Council.

      Reports were given at the August and September meetings by County Councillor Andrea Davis, District Councillors Julia Clark and Yvette Gubb and the Police who reported that crime rate was 75% less than last year. Linda Thomas reported on the Play Area, Lorna Bowden on the Manor Hall and Steve Hill on the Emergency Plan.

      Planning applications were considered and approved.

      A Parish Council website, to include pictures, to be constructed by Mr. T. Squire.

      The bad quality of the road from Turnarounds to Wild Violets and the Pothole on the road from Diggers Cross to Bodstone had been reported and the pothole repaired.

      A replacement Berrynarbor sign in the Sterridge Valley at a cost of £45 plus VAT was considered and agreed that 3 new signs be ordered to replace it and two other village entrances.

      Accounts and payments were approved and authorised and the 2014 Annual Return had been received back from the Auditors.

      DCC Highways had written in connection with the closing of Barton Lane from 22nd September to 24th October for the renewal of water pipes.

      Correspondence and publications were received and considered.

      The next meetings of the Parish Council will be held in the Manor Hall at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesdays 14th October and 11th November, Members of the public are warmly invited to attend.


      June and July 2014

      No applications for co-option to the Parish Council had been received and due to the disqualification of Cllr. Lethaby for non-attendance, there are now 3 vacancies.

      Reports at both meetings had been received from the Police, County Councillor Andrea Davis, and District Councillors Yvette Gubb and Julia Clarke. Councillors Lorna Bowden and Linda Thomas and Councillor Steve Hill reported on Manor Hall matters and the play area respectively.

      The initiative of a Parish Council website was again deferred to be discussed at the August meeting.

      Finance - balances were given and budgetary figures circulated for May and June.

      Investigations are on-going regarding the ownership of a triangular piece of land at Pitt Hill, and five planning applications were discussed.

      The Environment Agency had written with regard to the dumping of shillet and been informed of the work at Harpers Mill.

      Councillors agreed to send a letter of support to DCC Public Rights of Way Department in connection with the Sterridge Valley Schedule 14 Application submitted by Graham Sanders.

      A donation had been made to the WWI Centenary Exhibition and Councillors acknowledged the sterling effort and work put in by Wendy Applegate and the Berry in Bloom team.

      The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Tuesday, 12th August, 7.00 p.m. at the Manor Hall.


      February and March 2014

      Reports were received from County Councillor Andrea Davis, District Councillor Yvette Gubb, the Police and the Parish Clerk, Sue Squire.

      Plans to commemorate the centenary of WW1 were discussed and it was agreed to give a donation of £250.

      Councillors were informed of the work required on the Manor Hall and agreed to give financial support once the total cost was known. It was also agreed that a Commuted Fund at North Devon Council go to the Manor Hall and an annual donation of £1,000 be made.

      Planning applications for Fuchsia Cottage and Rookery Nook were considered.

      Bus shelters: the shelter at Sandy Cove to be dismantled and the location of the shelter on the A399 at the top of Barton Lane to be reviewed.

      The Public Toilets - it is expected that the North Devon Council will award the full amount following an application for a grant.

      The necessary repairs to the War Memorial will be carried out by Bobby Bowden and the Council has written to the Vicar offering to replace the fox weather vane on the church tower, damaged in the recent gales.

      Councillor Steve Hill continues to work hard on the Emergency Plan and it is hoped that a representative of the Environment Agency will contact Steve in the near future.

      It was reported at the March meeting that Councillor Charlotte Fryer had found it necessary to resign. She will be missed not only for her sound opinions but in practical ways as well. It is not known if a co-option will be necessary to replace her, but a co-option is currently necessary to replace Councillor Gary Marshall, and posters are in the village giving details. Please speak to a Councillor or the Parish Clerk [01598 710526] if you would like more information.

      The next meeting on Tuesday, 8th April, in the Manor Hall at 7.00 p.m. will be the Annual Parish Meeting when Councillor Andrea Davis has arranged for Ben Pyle of SW Highways to address the meeting. Members of the public will be very welcome and we expect him to be asked a lot of questions. An Annual Parish Meeting is just that - a meeting of the parish on an annual basis. It is not a Parish Council Meeting even though the Parish Council convenes it, the Chairman chairs it and the Clerk clerks it. This meeting will then be followed by the April Parish Council Meeting. The meeting to be held on the 13th May is the Annual Meeting [or AGM] of the Parish Council

      Sue Squire - Clerk to the Parish Council



      A representative from the Environment Agency gave a talk regarding a flood plan for Berrynarbor.  Initially it involves calling a meeting of interested people to compile a draft plan, trying out a 'dry run' and keeping it up to date.

      The Police would appreciate assistance from anyone who can help with the poaching problem which is extensive at the present time, with particular concern about firearms shooting at night.

      Details of the decision made by Devon County Council Public Rights of Way Committee who met in November who, among other items, made a decision not to make a Modification Order to the Definitive Map in respect of Proposal 3.

      Reports were received from County Councillor Mrs Andrea Davis and Councillor Mrs Lorna Bowden on behalf of the Manor Hall Management Committee.

      The state of roads and paths around the Parish were discussed.

      A number of items under Matters Arising were discussed and progressed.

      6 Planning Applications were considered.

      Under Finance, payments were approved and Tenders awarded for the 2014/15 season in respect of Grass Cutting and maintenance of seats, bus shelters and garden maintenance.

      The 2014/15 Budget was set and approved and also the Precept which is to remain unchanged at £14,980.00.

      Since the Meeting, we have heard the very sad news that Councillor Gary Marshall lost his fight against cancer on the day of the December Meeting.  We have lost an excellent Councillor who always had a balanced view of things, was always kind, courteous - a true gentleman.  Councillor Dave Richards and I represented the Parish Council at Gary's funeral at St Brannock's Church, Braunton, on Monday 23rd December.  

      At the January meeting, Councillors, Clerk and members of the public stood in silence to the memory of the late Councillor Gary Marshall who died on 10 December.  The Clerk brought the Order of Service for members to see and the Chairman invited her to give a short account of the service.

      Reports were received from PCSO A. Drury, County Councillor Andrea Davis and District Councillors Julia Clark and Yvette Gubb.

      Councillor Linda Thomas reported on a meeting held with a North Devon Council officer regarding Berynarbor's car park. Councillors agreed that it should remain in the ownership of the North Devon Council.

      There were no planning applications to consider.  Approval notices had been received for Forge Cottage and Hawksridge.

      A number of items were discussed under Matters Arising.  Certain highways work could not be carried out due to budgetary constraints and Councillor Steve Hill gave an update regarding the Emergency Plan.

      Under Finance, various payments were authorised including a donation to the Citizens Advice Bureau.  The Clerk reported she had arranged for a change in supplier for electricity to the public toilets after a better deal had been identified.

      Sue Squire - Clerk to the Parish Council



      Reports were received from the Police, District Councillor Yvette Gubb and the Parish Clerk.
      An application form had been completed and submitted in respect of a DCC Locality Grant from County Councillor Andrea Davis and Community Councillor Grants from District Councillors Julia Clark and Yvette Gubb in respect of repairs to the War Memorial.
      Councillor Steve Hill was pleased to report that interest had been shown by parishioners in respect of assisting the preparation of an Emergency Plan, the first draft of which was available.  A wire cage had been generously offered for the storage of emergency equipment.
      The Clerk to make arrangements for sandbags to be available for collection from the Civic Centre by District Councillor Yvette Gubb.  

      Post Meeting note:  This had been done.
      Discussions were on-going regarding sports facilities at the Recreation Field.
      An Expression of Interest had been submitted to the Fullabrook Wind Farm Company in respect of a local housing need.
      Issues were being addressed at the public conveniences following an inspection by North Devon Council.  Door closures and a more user friendly handle for the disabled toilets were being purchased.
      The Parish Council was in dialogue with North Devon Council regarding signage in the car park and arrangements to be made to have a site meeting to obtain more information with an official following an enquiry as to whether the Parish Council had an interest in managing the car park.
      Councillor Mrs Thomas had attended a Planning and Environment School organised by North Devon Council.
        Finances were approved. A Planning Application at Bountree, Smythen Farm, was recommended for refusal on highway grounds, also the plans do not reflect the accuracy of the existing building, and concern was expressed about the original horseshoe bat population.
      Details of a temporary closure of Footpath 20 were given.
      Parishioners are reminded that Parish Council Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.00 p.m. now in the Parish Rooms, not the Penn Curzon Room of the Manor Hall.

      Sue Squire - Parish Clerk

      Emergency Plan

      As you will see from the Clerk's report, the Parish Council are putting together an Emergency Plan for the village. The main objective is to let people know they are not alone in an emergency and can call upon others to help.

      The first port of call would always be the Emergency Services on 999, and we suggest that no one puts themselves at risk of danger. But sometimes we can call upon villagers to assist as well. They will be co-ordinators who hold a list of people who can help.

      What we are seeking is volunteers, maybe with first aid experience, access to a 4 x 4 vehicle or a chainsaw, and volunteers to put sand in the bags, or if they have another skill that can be used.

      If you think you can help please contact me, Steve Hill on [01271] 882647 or e-mail me at Thank you.



      We now have a new venue for our meetings which is the Parish Rooms.  

      At the August Parish Council Meeting, reports were received from the Police, County Councillor Andrea Davis and District Councillor Yvette Gubb. The Parish Clerk had attended a Clerk's Event at The Cedars in Barnstaple organised by the Devon Association of Local Councils, an opportunity to meet up with other Clerks, both experienced and some less so...  

      There were a number of matters arising at the previous meeting and Councillors continue to press for action in regard to road defects and awarded the contract for a replacement bus shelter at Pitt Hill to Gary Songhurst.

      A review of the Clerk's salary took place, guidelines having been received from the Devon Association of Local Councils and it was agreed to increase it by 1% as per the agreement with the regulatory bodies. Three Planning Applications were considered and a reply sent to North Devon Council.

      The part night lighting of street lights came into force in Berrynarbor on 12th August.  The street lights will go off at approximately 12.30 a.m. and on again at approximately 5.30 a.m.  This programme is being rolled out across Devon for two reasons (1) to save money on electricity and (2) to reduce CO2 emissions.

      Councillors have been invited to a Parish Forum being held in the Civic Centre, Barnstaple on 9th October. A Green Infrastructure Survey has been completed and sent online by the Clerk.

      The following road closure was noted: from 11th to 18th November at Barton Lane for South West Highways to carry out drainage works. It is hoped to progress an Emergency Plan in the near future.

      Representations were made regarding the odour from the stream and this is being progressed by District Councillor Mrs Gubb, Environmental Health Department at North Devon Council and the Environment Agency.

      At the September meeting, reports were again received from the Police, County Councillor Andrea Davis and District Councillors Julia Clark and Yvette Gubb. Councillor Lorna Bowden gave a report on behalf of the Manor Hall Management Trust.   

      Councillor Yvette Gubb has been dealing with the Environment Agency and Environmental Health at North Devon Council regarding odour emanating from the stream. The advice for parishioners is that if there is a re-occurrence, people should telephone the Environment Agency so that this can be logged and dealt with.  

      District Councillor Yvette Gubb has kindly offered to assist with an Emergency Plan for Berrynarbor and this was welcomed by Councillors, who would like members of the public to be involved. You are invited, through this Newsletter, to contact any Parish Councillor or the Clerk to register your interest in being part of the preparation of this important document.   No date has yet been fixed for the Meeting and this will be advised as soon as feasible.

      Sue Squire - Clerk [01598 710526]



      At the June Meeting, we received reports of thefts from vehicles which were secured but had items on display.   People are advised to remove anything from sight as it can take an offender just a few moments to break in and take items.

      County Councillor Mrs Andrea Davis advised that she had been elected on to the DCC Cabinet with responsibility for Health and Well Being, and is the Chairman of that Committee.
      District Councillor Mrs Julia Clark advised that North Devon Council were now collecting trade waste at competitive prices.
      District Councillor Mrs Yvette Gubb spoke about the 'Get set for Summer' programme of activities for children during the summer holidays.
      Councillor Mrs Lorna Bowden gave a report on behalf of the Manor Hall Trust.
      A number of parishioners were present to make representations regarding the retrospective Planning Application in respect of change of use of land to wolf research, education and conservation centre, associated fencing/engineering works and erection of wolf enclosure at Newberry Farm. The Parish Council's response was to recommend refusal on the grounds that it is in the wrong position, the applicant has already had a retrospective application on this and another site already refused and he should have known this before the work was commenced. Strong representations have been received from residents who have to endure howling. It is in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a Conservation Area. Furthermore, the access to the site is not suitable.   
      Councillors were pleased to donate £50 towards flowers for the Flower Festival in conjunction with the Beaford Arts event 'Playing the Field'.

      Please note that future meetings of the Parish Council will be held in the Parish Rooms.

      Sue Squire - Clerk to the Parish Council

      Parish Plan Questionnaire

      North Devon Council and Torridge District Council are preparing the local plan for all areas of North Devon and Torridge. As part of that process the Councils have set out guidelines for the parish of Berrynarbor. The Parish Council has been asked to liaise with the residents of the parish to seek their views on the Council's proposals as well as any suggestions they may have for the next 20 years development of the Parish.

      To this end, the Parish Council held a special meeting on Wednesday 8th May at which they put forward their proposals and distributed a questionnaire to which everyone was asked to respond.

      Questions covered such items as future housing and its location, employment, parking, tourism, sport and other facilities and responses were graded on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being strongly disagree and 10 strongly agree.

      One-third of households, that is 83 respondents, completed the Questionnaire and the results have been collated. A Summary of those results is available and may be viewed at the Community Shop and in the Square Bus Shelter.

      Please take time to look at these results that relate to the future development of our Parish.



      On Tuesday April 9th 2013, the Annual Parish Meeting was held prior to the regular monthly meeting of the Parish Council. There were some members of the public present who were welcomed by the Chairman, Cllr. Adam Stanbury. Reports were received from the Chairman, Police, Footpath and Snow Warden, the Manor Hall, Berrynarbor Pre-school and a report on Claude's Garden. District Councillors Mrs. Julie Clarke and Mrs. Yvette Gubb gave their reports on the year 2012/2013, and County Councillor Mrs. Andrea Davis was pleased to report the improvements now made to the Parish Rooms for the children.

      Funding is now in place to improve the South West Coastal Footpath running alongside Watermouth Harbour, with work commencing on September 9th for approximately 12 weeks. Traffic limitations will be in place between 7.00 p.m. and 7.00 a.m.

      The provision of a super-fast broadband connection for residents of Devon and Somerset is being rolled out which aims to connect 90% of premises by the end of 2016.

      Funding of £2.5million has been secured towards the cost of temporary repair and clean up following last year's floods. Comments were welcomed from members of the public.

      Len Narborough pointed out that there was a change of name from the Manor Hall Management Committee which would now be known as the Manor Hall Trust.

      Wendy Applegate and her committee for Best Kept Village have been awarded £250.00 towards their admirable team efforts who do so much to make this village such a lovely place to live and visit. And we look forward to the results of the Best Kept Village competition this year.

      Plans were made to call a public meeting on Wednesday May 8th to invite parishioners to give their views and ideas for a Parish Plan to take Berrynarbor forward in the next 20 years. Our thanks go out to all those who attended and to Mr. Narborough and the Manor Hall Trust for allowing us to combine the meeting with their AGM and share their hospitality with some delicious cheese, wine, and good company.

      The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Tuesday, 11th June, 7.00 p.m. in the Penn Curzon Room of the Manor Hall.




      Reporting in the February issue that she had fallen on ice and was receiving medication and medical treatment, Sue Squire, our Parish Clerk, has had a rough ride including a stay in hospital to treat pneumonia and a collapsed lung. She has, therefore, been unable to attend meetings and Councillor Linda Thomas has kindly stepped in to take the Minutes and these can be seen on the notice boards in both the Shop and bus shelter.

      We wish Sue a speedy recovery and hope she will soon be back on duty and thank Linda for stepping into the breach.

      Also having a rough ride is Councillor Gary Marshall who has sadly been diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain tumour. Our thoughts are with him and his family at this very difficult time.

      The diagnosis and then prognosis hit Gary and his family hard and out of the blue but with his positive attitude and love of his family and friends he is determined to beat this!

      An appeal has been set up to raise funds for Gary to have specialist treatment to save his life, only available in Texas USA.

      How YOU can help! A simple donation will really help enormously - any amount over £1. Visit the website: and donate by card or text QAMI55 £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070. Why not do it NOW. There will also be collection boxes for 'spare change' donations in The Globe and Village Shop.



      Firstly, the Parish Council wish a Happy New Year to all parishioners.

      It was not possible for me, as Parish Clerk, to attend the December meeting due to a fall on ice the previous day, from which I am still recovering and receiving medical treatment and medication.   Thank you to all those who have enquired about my health and to Councillor Mrs Linda Thomas for taking the Minutes on my behalf at short notice.
      Since the Meeting, you will all be aware of the flooding in the Parish, particularly in the Sterridge Valley.  The Parish Clerk has been in contact with the Chairman in this regard and as a result, the culvert at Wild Violets has been cleared to the satisfaction of many residents.  We are very fortunate that the contractor was able to attend to this, at the expense of the Parish Council, within a very short time.   It was decided not to ask DCC Highways to add the work to their very long list due to the situation at that location. Other areas within the Parish which have suffered flooding have been advised to Highways. County Councillor Mrs Andrea Davis has invited anyone to report potholes to her: e-mail:

      During the icy weather, Snow Warden Councillor Clive Richards put in many hours spreading grit salt on the roads to make the surfaces as safe as possible and thanks go to him for all his efforts.

      Councillors voted not to increase the Precept for the 2013/14 financial year when setting the budget.

      At the January Meeting, Mr Martin Rich from the Community Council of Devon gave a presentation on a Community Led Plan.  Mr Colin Savage, Rural Housing Enabler also gave a presentation on affordable housing.

      County Councillor Mrs Andrea Davis advised that all roads had been inspected and defects logged following the flooding. Enquiries are being made regarding obtaining a supply of sandbags.  When these are obtained, parishioners will be advised where they are stored so that they can be accessed for easy use.

      Sue Squire - Clerk to the Parish Council



      There were 24 members of the public at the October Meeting concerned with the issue of the Parish Road in the Sterridge Valley.  The Parish Council have not submitted an application for this to be made a public right of way, nor does it have any plans to do so.

      Claude's Garden is at present closed due to essential garden work being carried out by Chris Townsend, who is funding the planting of soft fruit trees himself and for which Councillors are extremely grateful.

      Councillors Clive Richards and Lee Lethaby represented the Parish Council at a Planning School organised by Barnstaple Town Council.

      The Parish Clerk represented the Council at a Meeting regarding the Parish Grant.  Small Parishes will not have the Grant withdrawn but Parishes with a population of 500 - 1,000 [Berrynarbor] will see the Grant reduced by 20% over three years from the 2014/15 financial year.
      A Site Meeting is being organised between Councillors and the Churchwarden/PCC Members of St Peter's Church regarding the War Memorial and Churchyard wall.

      Ilfracombe Town Council has approached the Council regarding the TAP [Town and Parish Grant] Fund.  Parish and Town Councils are eligible for £1.10 per electorate towards something to benefit towns and parishes and the idea is for one or more parishes to work together and submit a bid.  Ilfracombe Town Council wishes to submit a bid for an all- weather pitch and asked Berrynarbor if the sum allocated to them could be included with Ilfracombe.  Other parishes have agreed and Councillors were also in agreement to help boost the fund for this facility.

      Tenders for the 2013/14 financial year were awarded at the November Meeting in respect of Grass Cutting and Seats and Shelters.  The successful tenderers were Chris Townsend and Gary Songhurst.

      Sue Squire - Clerk to the Parish Council



      August and September 2012

      At the August Meeting Reports were received from the Police and District Councillors Julia Clark, who advised that the Customer Service Department at North Devon Council is now open for longer hours on Tuesdays, from 8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., and Yvette Gubb who reported that 47% of all household rubbish is now being recycled instead of being sent to landfill.  Councillor Lorna Bowden, as Parish Council Representative, gave a Report on behalf of the Manor Hall.

      A request for a donation was made from Berrynarbor Pre-School and Councillors unanimously agreed to donate the sum of £2,000 to include the purchase of a printer, ink cartridges and a dongle for internet connection.  This part of the Meeting was chaired by Vice Chairman, Councillor David Richards, the Chairman, Councillor Adam Stanbury having declared a pecuniary interest, left the room and did not take part in the discussion, decision or voting due to a family connection.

      Councillors have adopted the Model Code of Conduct to mirror the Code adopted by North Devon Council in connection with the Localism Act which came into force on 1 July 2012.  Councillors Linda Thomas, Lorna Bowden, Clive Richards and Lee Lethaby attended Code of Conduct training in Ilfracombe and the Parish Clerk, Sue Squire, attended a similar training session at the Civic Centre, Barnstaple.

      Councillors Clive Richards and Lee Lethaby will represent the Parish Council at a Planning Seminar in October, the day-long event being organised by Barnstaple Town Council.

      Councillors spoke at length regarding the state of the road surfaces, particularly those with potholes.  The telephone number to report road defects and potholes is 0845 155 1004 [My Devon Customer Service Centre]. They were pleased to hear that the Millennium Fountain in the Square had been repaired and was now in working order.

      A Working Party was formed to inspect the Parish Council assets with a view to preparing and issuing Tender documents which were expected to be awarded at the October Meeting.

      The 2012 Annual Return has been signed off by the Audit Commission as satisfactory with no issues arising.

      Sue Squire
      Clerk to the Parish Council



      At the June and July meetings, the Police reported just 4 crimes but asked villagers to be aware that anyone looking for scrap metal might not be all they are taking!

      Reports were given by County Councillor Andrea Davis and District Councillors Julia Clark and Yvette Gubb. These focussed on:

      • Fostering Service to support young children
      • Jerry Brook, the new Chairman of Devon County Council
      • Berrynarbor School premises
      • Programme of Activities for young people during the school holidays
      • Olympic Torch Relay
      • Parish Grant Meeting at the Civic Centre

      Parishioners are encouraged to go, where possible, to the DCC website [] and complete the survey form to help bid for faster broadband, and to complete and return the forms registering to vote.

      22 Active Villages forms have been returned to support the PC's application for new nets, goalposts, basketball hoop and other sports equipment for the Recreation Field.

      As an adjoining parish, the Council was consulted on the proposed sculpture in Ilfracombe. They were in favour of a sculpture, but the subject was not felt to be appropriate for the location.

      Details have been received advising of a road closure at Pitt Hill from 5th-7th September to enable utility works to be carried out.

      The Council adopted the new Code of Conduct as a result of the Localism Act.

      Sue Squire - Parish Clerk



      Councillors were pleased to welcome Charlotte Fryer as a Parish Councillor.  With her co-option the Council is now up to full strength with 9 active and fully involved members working hard for the Parish. The May Meeting was the Annual Parish Council Meeting [AGM].   Councillor Adam Stanbury was voted in as Chairman, with Councillor Dave Richards as Vice Chairman.

      Parishioners who have children under the age of 16 are reminded to contact the Clerk if they have not already done so to register their child or children to receive a £5 Jubilee Coin to commemorate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.  The Parish Council are very grateful to County Councillor Mrs Andrea Davis and District Councillors Mrs Julia Clark and Mrs Yvette Gubb for their assistance in funding the bulk of the cost from their Locality and Community Councillor Grant.

      Councillors voted to donate the sum of £1,000.00 to the Manor Hall and £500.00 to the Berrynarbor Newsletter.

      The Parish Council has been awarded the maximum grant towards the upkeep of the public toilets from North Devon Council as a result of an application being made by the Clerk with full details of running expenses supplied.  All three public toilets will shortly have a dedicated sharps box, an item which is becoming more familiar in public toilets.

      Councillors are pursuing grants from the Active Villages scheme for new goalposts and nets in the recreation field, footballs and a basketball hoop and ball.   Berrynarbor is one of 19 villages chosen to benefit from this project.  Other organisations are welcome to apply as well.  If you would like to see additional facilities such as table tennis, judo, netball, keep fit, craft or similar activities please get in touch as the funding also provides coaching facilities.

      Sue Squire - Clerk to the Council



      The Parish Council now has only one vacancy following the co-option of Lee Lethaby and Steve Hill of Mill Park.If you would like to be considered to fill this vacancy, please contact the Clerk, Sue Squire, on [01598] 710526 or e-mail her on

      The Active Villages project is gaining momentum with involvement from the School and Manor Hall Committee.

      Commemorative Diamond Jubilee Mugs will be presented to children under the age of 16 years on the 2nd June 2012. Parents and carers of eligible children are invited to give their names to the Clerk, as above. Ahead of the March meeting, more than a couple of dozen parishioners met to discuss plans for celebrating the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and a Committee was formed. A donation of £200 will be made by the Parish Council to help towards the cost of the planned events.

      Brief questionnaires will be circulated around the village regarding Parish Plans which will give all residents the opportunity to have their say.

      Tenders for cleaning the public toilets are invited and details are available from the Clerk, as above.

      The April meeting of the Parish Council will be preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting.



      Since the report in the December issue, two new Councillors have been co-opted on to the Parish Council - Adam Stanbury and Brian Lethaby - bringing the number to 7 with 2 vacancies. If there is anyone interested in filling either of these two places, please contact me. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday in the month at 7.00 p.m.

      Active Villages: Berrynarbor has been chosen as one of the 19 villages to benefit from this project and Louise Harris, the Co-ordinator, will make a return visit to the Parish Council meeting on 14th February. It is hoped that a Public Meeting can be organised so that Councillors can get parishioners thoughts on what they would like to see in the village. Without input from YOU the parishioners, the Parish Council won't know what you want. Please make sure you tell us.

      Is there anyone out there who would like to be responsible for the CPRE and Mole Valley Farmers Best Kept Village competition? The object of the competition is to encourage villages possessing a real sense of community to improve their local environment by caring for buildings, clearing litter and promoting schemes to improve the general appearance of the area or to develop, enhance or sustain village amenities. Judges do not look for architectural merit, prettiness or an abundance of flowers but the absence of unsightly litter, refuse dumps on verges and the condition of village greens, playing fields, school yards, public seats and noticeboards and other village facilities, and evidence of community spirit and usefulness of Village Map which needs to be supplied with the entry form. Please contact me if you are interested.

      [A reminder, however, that the group who for their love of our village have been carrying out very many of these requirements, will be continuing to do so. As said in the December Newsletter, they 'will be digging, planting, litter picking, etc., and keeping the village bloomin' beautiful'!]

      The Queen's Diamond Jubilee: Councillors have agreed to purchase a commemorative item to mark this unique occasion. If you are the parent or carer of a child living within the Parish who will be under 16 on the 2nd June 2012 and would like them to be included in the list to receive an item, please again contact me so that their name is added. Any member of the village who would like to register their interest to purchase an item is also invited to contact me for further details.

      Sue Squire - Parish Clerk
      Tel: [01598] 710526 or e-mail:

      The next meetings of the Parish Council will be: Tuesday, 14th February and Tuesday, 13th March. Penn Curzon Room, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.

      Berrynarbor offers very little organised activities for the youth of our village and parish, out of school hours. This is a very important time for young people to meet and socialise in a safe and healthy environment.

      In this year of the Olympics, the government has been backing many initiatives to support children in sporting activities. As mentioned in the Parish Council report, Louise Harris, who has met and will be meeting again with the Council, has identified £3,500 available to the parish.

      We could think bigger and explore the possibility of obtaining grants to support building an all-weather sports facility to benefit all ages - North Molton and Atherington has. This is a fantastic project run by young farmers.

      We also fall into the area which can be supported with grants from the Fullabrook Wind Turbine Fund. With thanks to those folks who give up their time to oversee the management - we did it for the shop, can we do it again?

      Lorna Bowden

      It is important that the Parish Council are aware of YOUR view on how this money should be spent, so please watch for details of when and where the public meeting will be held.



      The Budget for 2012/13 has been set with the Precept being unaltered.  Tenders for work on Parish Council assets around the village have been awarded to Gary Songhurst, Terry Squire and Chris Townsend.

      Parish Councillors have sent a letter of no confidence in the Planning Department of North Devon Council.  As a result, District Councillor Mrs Julia Clark has arranged a meeting between Councillors and Mike Kelly, Planning Manager and Bob Pedlar, Senior Planning Officer, to discuss a number of issues with which Councillors are concerned.

      Berrynarbor is one of 11 villages to be selected for the Pilot Phase to participate in the Devon Active Villages programme.  The Co-ordinator is attending the December Meeting to give more details and parishioners will be very welcome to come along and hear more for themselves.   Each village in the pilot has the opportunity to receive up to £3,500 of funding to deliver a variety of sports opportunities for the community which Councillors have welcomed.

      Councillor Clive Richards has been appointed as the Parish Snow Warden under Devon County Council's Snow Warden Scheme.   He has received training and as a result the Parish will get 5 tonne of grit salt to help keep the roads clear.  At the November Parish Council Meeting, Councillors agreed to purchase additional salt which Clive will bag up for purchase by parishioners for use at their properties.   Please look out for signs giving more details. The grit salt provided by Devon County Council is to ensure the highways are kept as clear as possible and not for individual drives and pathways.  

      The Police ask people to keep their eyes open for any suspicious behaviour and to report this immediately on the new 101 Police number, or 999 if the matter is urgent.   Metal thefts are occurring, as are quad bikes from farms and with the run up to Christmas coupled with the dark evenings, it is important that properties, sheds, garages and vehicles are secured with nothing on display to attract the attention of a thief.

      The Parish Councillors and Clerk would like to take this opportunity of wishing everyone a Happy Christmas with peace, health and happiness in 2012.

      Sue Squire - Parish Clerk [Tel: 01598 710526]

      101 is the number to call when you want to contact your local police, call it when the matter is less urgent than a 999 call. 101 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and replaces 08452 777444. You should continue to call 999 when it is an emergency, when a crime is in progress or if there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened. Calls will cost 15p per call, no matter what time of day or how long the call, and will be answered by call handlers in the control room of the local police force.



      Councillors were very pleased to receive a letter from Linda Thomas to advise that she was interested in being co-opted on to the Council.  Her co-option took place at the August Meeting and we now have 5 Councillors with vacancies for 4 more.  If you are interested in being co-opted all you need to do is send me a letter expressing your interest and saying a bit about yourself.  It would be really good to have the vacancies filled by the end of the year and even better if it was earlier so that the Parish Council can work at full strength once again.

      We are grateful to the Police for providing a Report for each Meeting and in most cases they are able to attend, despite the enormous pressure on them to be out and about on their patch.  Their presence at meetings is much appreciated, even if it is only for 10 minutes, and the demands on their time is fully understood.  As you will have probably heard, there was a large theft in the village recently and everyone is advised to be on the look out for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary, and keep sheds, vehicles and other property securely locked and nothing left lying about for organised or opportunist thieves.  If the Police are required to attend in an emergency, the number to ring is 999 but as from 5th September there is a new number to dial for all non-emergency calls, which is 101.  It will get you through to Devon and Cornwall Police Headquarters at Middlemoor, Exeter and they will direct your call in the most appropriate way.

      There has been a lot of discussion about the running costs of sewage treatment plant at the Community Shop where the Parish Council has agreed to pay one third of this on an annual basis.  We are waiting to hear if an application made by the Parish Council to North Devon Council for funding to help with the cost of running the public toilets has been successful.  Other items regularly discussed are signs, the state of the roads, the playing field, vehicular obstructions and invasive growth of weeds such as Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam.

      We hope he will never be needed, but after the last two winters, who can tell? Councillor Clive Richards has offered to take on the role of Snow Warden.  We don't know when the training for this will be at the time of writing.

      As part of Devon County Council's commitment to reduce CO2 emissions and reduce the cost of electricity, a consultation is in progress regarding part night lighting of street lights in towns and villages across Devon.  The proposal for Berrynarbor is that the lights will go off for 5 hours from 12.30am [the same as in other places] but the lights at the top of the hill on the A399 will remain on.  Councillors voted in favour of this at the September Meeting.

      A Working Party was formed to inspect the Parish Council assets and as a result, Tender documents are being prepared for the work to be carried out during the 2012/13 financial year.

      Please note that the October Meeting will not be on the 2nd Tuesday as usual, but for that month only, on Tuesday, 25 October at 7pm in the Penn Curzon Room of the Manor Hall.

                          Sue Squire, Parish Clerk
      Tel: 01598 710526, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, Barnstaple, EX32 4TG



      At the June Parish Council Meeting, one letter of application had been received for co-option from Mr Gary Marshall, and he was duly co-opted onto the Parish Council.  Councillors were very sorry to receive the resignation of Councillor Sue Sussex, both as Chairman and a Councillor, and this is an ideal opportunity to thank her for all her hard work and efforts while she has been a Councillor. Currently serving as Acting Chairman is Dave Richards.

      This leaves 5 vacancies still to fill on the Parish Council.  We meet on the 2nd Tuesday each month in the Penn Curzon Room of the Manor Hall and Meetings usually end by about 9.30 p.m.   A Working Party of 3 Councillors is formed to inspect the assets in September which involves a walk around about an hour before the Meeting and two Councillors come to my home in late October to work out the Budget for recommendation to the Council.   If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, please send a letter to me [e-mail will be fine] to say you would like to be co-opted. Representations were received from the Community Shop regarding the sewage treatment plant and Berry in Bloom.  The Accounts had been audited by Mr K Abraham, the internal auditor, and no issues had been raised with the accounts being found in satisfactory order.

      We welcomed Councillor Gary Marshall to his first meeting in July.   There were further representations from the Community Shop regarding the sewage treatment plant and from Judie Weedon on behalf of the Newsletter.  A grant of £1,000 was agreed for the Manor Hall and £500 for the Newsletter.   If your organisation would like to apply for a grant from the Parish Council, the criteria, laid down by the Audit Commission and which we have to follow, is that a letter of request be sent together with a copy of the latest set of Accounts.  This has to be minuted and is subsequently checked by the internal auditor.   As it is public money which is being donated, naturally we have to abide by the rules to ensure that everything is open and transparent.

      During the Police Report given by PC Nic Gould, he reminded parishioners to ensure that vehicles and properties are secured, even if only left for a short time.   With more people in the area for the summer holidays, don't give the opportunist thief an opportunity!

      The Meeting was very sorry to hear that District Councillor Mrs Julia Clark had suffered a slight stroke and a get well card was signed by those present.   I am sure I speak for everyone when I say that we all wish her a speedy recovery and will be glad to see her back in Combe Martin again and round and about at meetings.

      Sue Squire, Parish Clerk.
      Tel: 01598 710526



      Berrynarbor continues to enjoy minimal crime with only one crime being reported at the February and March Meetings.  Long may it continue.

      Reports have been received from the County and District Councillors.  

      There are several ongoing items:  repair of the War Memorial, the Play Area where Councillors remain unsatisfied with an Inspection which is the reason why the swings are chained back to prevent use until a quotation has been agreed for the replacement of the top bar, as corrosion has been noticed with the present one.  The Play Area is due to be inspected by a RoSPA Inspector during March, whose Report will follow shortly after.  Many of you will have noticed a new Play Area sign which has been fixed to the gate.

      Following a request by Lee Lodge, the leylandi trees at the Playing Field have been either felled or the branches trimmed to let more light into the windows.

      The Electricity Supply provider for the public toilets has been changed from EDF Energy to E-On for a more competitive tariff.

      County Councillor Mrs Davis is making arrangements for a sign to be fixed at Birdswell Lane to prevent large lorries from accessing this who at present experience difficulty in turning.

      As always, Highways feature at Meetings and all potholes and other issues are promptly advised to DCC Highways.
      There have been a number of Planning Applications to consider, for which a response has been sent to North Devon Council Planning Department.

      The village has once again been entered into the Best Kept Village Competition.  There are also details about the Pam Parker Map Award for individual children aged 5-11 years, the Primary School and Sunday School. Please contact me or a Councillor if you would like more details.

      We are in the process of revising our Standing Orders.

      Ahead of the Meeting on 8th March, there was a Public Meeting at which Alison Smith of DCC Public Rights of Way gave an illustrated talk regarding the Definitive Map Review.

      The April Meeting will be the last in the life of this present Council, with Parish and District Council Elections being held on Thursday 5 May.  There are 9 seats to fill and if you would like a Nomination Pack, please let me know.  Alternatively the forms can be downloaded via the North Devon Council website:   The deadline date for the return of the forms to the Electoral Services Department is 12 noon on Monday, 4 April.  This is the perfect time to thank Councillor Mark Adams and Councillor Mrs Worth for all their input during the time that they have been Councillors and it is very much hoped that their departure is not permanent

                    Sue Squire - Parish Clerk



      At the December and January meetings, reports were received from the Police, County and District Councillors.

      The Parish Council continues to be in dialogue with the company who installed the play equipment regarding the poor workmanship. Arrangements have been made for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents to inspect the equipment when they carry out annual inspections in Devon during March, and it is expected that this will be an on-going arrangement. Quotations are being obtained for a new sign for the play area incorporating the Lottery logo to acknowledge the generous grant awarded by them for the project.

      Other long standing items on the Agenda continue to receive attention with a view to satisfactory resolving matters in the near future. Responses have been made to Planning Applications.

      The Council is in the process of revising the Standing Orders, a model copy of which has been obtained from the National Association of Local Councils.

      There is to be a Public Meeting at 6.30 p.m. in the Penn Curzon Room of the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 8th March, at which Devon County Council Public Rights of Way Officer, Alison Smith, will talk about the Definitive Map Review. It is expected that the meeting will last about half an hour

      with the scheduled Parish Council Meeting commencing at 7.00 p.m. Alison will be available after the Public Meeting to discuss issues with members of the public.

      Arrangements are in hand to change the energy supplier for the power at the public toilets, for which the Parish Council is responsible. It had been noted that the Standing Charge and amount per kilowatt was high and a more competitive price has been given and accepted with another company.

      Sue Squire - Clerk [01598 710526]



      At the meeting on 9th November, we were pleased to welcome Mr. James Bate, Strategic Conservation Officer for the North Devon Council in connection with the draft appraisal of Berrynarbor Conservation Area on which he reported, together with proposals for boundary revisions.

      Mr. Bate is arranging a Public Meeting at the Manor Hall in this connection, so please look out for more details for you to have the opportunity to give your views and opinions.

      Reports were received from the Police, County Councillor Mrs. Andrea Davis and District Councillor Yvette Gubb.

      Designs for signs for the Play Area are awaited. A number of on-going items were discussed and parishioners can be assured that Councillors will seek to obtain a satisfactory conclusion to these matters.

      The task of reviewing the Standing Orders is to be undertaken early in the New Year. The National Association of Local Councils has produced a draft model from which Councillors will work.

      The Budget and Precept for the 2011/2012 financial year was agreed and parishioners will be pleased to note a reduction in their Council Tax as a result of the Precept being reduced.

      Sue Squire - Parish Clerk



      I am pleased to report that the Council is now up to full strength following the co-option of Councillor Mrs Lorna Bowden.  Many of you will know that Lorna already has an enormous amount of experience as a Parish Councillor, having held this post in the past, together with invaluable knowledge of the area, being a resident in the village for many years, and without doubt, she will be an excellent member of the team.
      Councillors were extremely pleased to hear that Berrynarbor has won the Past Winners Category of the Campaign for Rural England and Mole Valley Farmers Best Kept Village in Devon Competition.  Congratulations to everyone who works so hard to ensure the village looks perfect, not only for when the Judges come, but for holidaymakers and residents as well.
        There has been a lot of discussion regarding the War Memorial recently and the expectation is that it will be cleaned and refurbished in time for the Remembrance Sunday Service on 14th November.  The shrubs which are growing around the memorial have grown to the extent that they are causing a damage to the area around it and I have been asked to advise those who planted them that it is necessary for them to be removed.   Please let me know if you would be willing to move them if you planted them, or have any objection to their removal.
      Councillors received a report from the Police that there had been 4 crimes in total since the last Meeting, up from this time last year, involving a burglary to holiday chalets and domestic related incidents involving tourists from out of the area.   Parishioners were asked to be especially vigilant as rural communities appear to be targets, particularly farms from where quad bikes and farm machinery are being stolen.
        Tenders for the upkeep of Parish Council assets were discussed and. If contractors would like to submit a quotation, please contact me for tender documents to be sent to you.
        I am booked on to the Extreme Events Conference at the Met. Office in Exeter to hear about Devon County Council's plans for dealing with emergencies in the future.   No doubt there will be a lot of talk about lessons learned from the snow and ice last winter.

        Sue Squire - Parish Clerk

      Councillors may be contacted on the following numbers:

      • Mark Adams - 882191
      • Angela Boyd - 882619
      • Richard Gingell - 882885
      • David Richards - 882707
      • Madeleine Worth - 883485
      • Clerk: Sue Squire [01598] 710526
      • Lorna Bowden - 883559
      • Paul Crockett - 882631
      • Clive Richards - 883406
      • Sue Sussex - 882214

      The Parish Council normally meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.00 p.m. in the Penn Curzon Room of the Manor Hall.



      Berrynarbor Parish Council would like to congratulate the Berrynarbor News on its 21st Birthday.  Councillors appreciate all the work which is done to ensure that each edition is prepared, printed and goes out on time, and for the valuable way it keeps villagers in touch with what is happening, or has happened, especially those who are not able to get out and meet folk quite so much these days.   The importance of a publication such as this is valued and sincere thanks go to Judie for all her time and effort over the years in this connection.  Judie - we hope you will continue to infinity - and beyond!

      It cannot have escaped villagers' notice that we have been experiencing enormous problems with the company who have supplied and the contractors who installed the Play Area.   It would not be an understatement to say that it has been a nightmare from start to finish with the Parish Council repeatedly contacting the manufacturers, arranging 2 site meetings with the South West Representative, and two very strong letters being sent by the Parish Council to the manufacturers.   I won't bore you with the details, suffice to say that the matter continues to be ongoing with negotiations now taking place regarding the finished product and compensation for all the hassle caused, disruption to village life, lack of amenities for residents and visitors, failure to clear rubbish away and reimbursement for sand and turf purchased by the Parish Council in an effort to speed up the completion when it was found that the area was far from satisfactory.  Councillors would like to thank everyone for their patience over the months and wish to assure everyone that everything that could be done to speed up the completion was done.  It is realised that this was a major project for the village and one which should have been celebrated and we are truly sorry that it did not work out as we had hoped and planned.   We do, however, hope that people are enjoying the new facilities and that the problems encountered since the beginning of the year will soon be a distant memory.

      This is a good place to advise that there is a vacancy for a Parish Councillor on the Parish Council, following the resignation of Ann Hinchliffe.   We are a friendly team who meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.00 p.m. in the Penn Curzon Room of the Manor Hall. The Meetings usually last for approximately 2 hours.  If you are interested and would like to know what the role involves, please contact me and I shall be pleased to answer any questions.   If you are interested and haven't got any questions, please send a letter to me either by post or e-mail saying you would like to be considered for co-option.   It's important that you don't give the letter to a Councillor as this would prevent them from taking part in the voting process.   We very much hope that the Council will soon be up to full strength again.

      Sue Squire
      Parish Clerk.  01598 710526



      The Annual Parish Meeting was held on 13th April and Chaired by Councillor Sue Sussex. In her Chairman's report she gave an update on the playground and refurbishment of the Millennium fountain.

      She thanked Councillors for all their hard work and members of the parish who had helped with the installation of the playground equipment. She also expressed thanks to Judie Weedon for her hard work in connection with the Newsletter, the Manor Hall Committee, Berry in Bloom for ensuring the village looks lovely for visitors and locals, the Police - this Council is grateful to have a Police presence at meetings - and finally to the Parish Clerk for keeping Councillors up to date.

      She paid tribute and gave sincere thanks to the community of Berrynarbor, whether they had been paid to do work or work carried out on a voluntary basis. She felt there was a lot of goodwill in the village, with people giving a lot of their time. She concluded by saying the village has a very good community spirit, quite a rarity these days.

      Other reports were received from the Police, Footpath Warden, the Manor Hall Management Committee, the Primary School Governing Body, County Councillor Andrea Davis and District Councillor Sue Sussex. The Clerk presented the Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2010.

      At the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 11th May, Councillor Sue Sussex sent her apologies and advised the meeting that she wished to resign as Chairman. This post was not filled at the meeting and Councillor Richard Gingell, who was elected Vice Chairman, agreed to act as Chairman until the post was filled. Parish representatives were elected 'en bloc'.

      Councillors were continuing to resolve the problem with the play area surface, realising that it is waiting to be used, and assure residents that every effort is being made to get the work completed to a satisfactory level.

      There is still a vacancy on the Council following the resignation of Ann Hinchliffe. If you would like to serve your community in this way, please send a letter of application to the Parish Clerk who would be pleased to answer any questions you may have about the role, as would any of the Councillors.

      Sue Squire - Parish Clerk



      During the Parish Council meeting held on the 9th March, various planning applications were discussed, including the refusal by the North Devon District Council for a retrospective planning application for the lion enclosure at the Combe Martin Wildlife and Dinosaur Park. This property is within the Parish boundary of Berrynarbor. Having discussed this application at length at previous meetings, Councillors were unanimous in their decision to write to the planning authority and voice their disappointment that this decision had been made and to demonstrate their support when eventually an appeal is made to the Planning Inspectorate.

      The children's playground by the Manor Hall is, as I write this report, nearing completion. Thank you to all those in the village who have helped and to the BBC for their generous donation. An official opening will be held and the date will be advised when all the work is complete.

      There is still a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. Anyone who has the time and interest to join YOUR Parish council would be very welcome to apply, either to myself or in writing to the Parish Clerk.

      The April meeting, on Tuesday 13th, is the Annual Parish Meeting at which the past year will be summarised and plans for the future given. to which parishioners are warmly welcome - please do attend if you can. This will be followed by the April Parish Council meeting. The May meeting, on the 11th, is the Annual Parish Council Meeting at which officers for the coming year are elected.

      On behalf of the Parish Council I wish you all a Happy Easter.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman
      District Councillor, North Devon District Council



      The January Parish Council meeting was held on the 20th, postponed from the previous week due to the weather conditions.

      During this meeting, the Council was informed of Councillor Anne Hinchliffe's decision to resign as a Councillor for this Parish for personal reasons. Anne has been a very loyal and supportive member of this Council, as she has with other organisations in the village, and I should like to say thank you to her for her many years of work and commitment on behalf of the Council and the village.

      There will obviously now be a vacancy on the Parish Council and the relevant notices will be displayed shortly.

      Thanks also go to the Parish Clerk, Sue Squire, for 10 years of service to this Council, her knowledge and advice during this time has been greatly appreciated.

      The Manor Hall playground will shortly be closed temporarily to allow refurbishment of the playground to take place. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

      The next Parish Council meeting will take place at the earlier time of 6.30pm on the 7th February, this will be to discuss The North Devon and Torridge Joint Core Strategy. This document will set out the future development that is needed across northern Devon up to 2026. Public consultation will take place from 21st January to 4th March 2010. Exhibitions and information will be at many various locations but will be at the Lantern Centre in Ilfracombe on Saturday 6th February and Sunday 21st February, from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. This document will be available to view and comment via

      Sue Sussex - Chairman

      North Devon Councillor [Combe Martin Ward] 01271 882916



      Thank you to all who attended the Public Enquiry on the 8th and 9th September, and on the 6th November, regarding the footpaths at Watermouth Cove. And to those who braved the weather to walk around the headland with the Inspector on the 5th November. This was a very informative afternoon with a lot of local knowledge coming forward. My thanks also go to Councillor Paul Crockett for all his time and effort in joint assisting me in preparing and putting forward our case, also County Councillor Andrea Davis for her part in taking the lead role in the Enquiry and to County Councillor Rodney Cann for all his help and advice. We await the Inspector's decision.

      I have been very fortunate in securing a £10,000 grant from The Lottery Awards for All fund for the refurbishment of the Manor Hall children's playground. The order has been placed and this project will be done in the New Year.

      Finally, I should like to thank Richard Gingell and all other members of the Parish Council, the Parish Clerk Sue Squire, the Manor Hall Committee, Judie for the Newsletter, various contractors and anyone else who has contributed in the running and success of our village this last year.

      On behalf of the Parish Council I should like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      The Council, chaired by Councillor Richard Gingell, met on the 14th July.

      It was noted that Councillor Andrea Davis had been appointed to the Cabinet of Devon County Council as member for Children's Health and Wellbeing. She is the only cabinet member from the North Devon area.

      Enquiries were made about the garden area adjacent to Birdswell Lane and the entrance to the Manor Hall. A low maintenance scheme was approved to upgrade the area.

      The erection of a fence round Claude's Garden had been completed and the grass area cut. The work to continue this for next season would be put to tender in the autumn. Trees in the vicinity of Lee Lodge had been inspected and the owners contacted.

      Of late there had been a spate of vandalism, particularly damage to vehicles parked in the area outside the Shop, and incidents of petty theft. Residents are asked to be vigilant and to report any suspicious behaviour.

      The Parish Council will be meeting on the 11th August and 8th September, and all villagers are welcome to attend - 7.00 p.m. in the Penn Curzon Room.



      At the Annual Parish Meeting held on 12th May, Councillors Sue Sussex and Richard Gingell were re-elected Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively. Councillors were re-elected to offices as follows:

      • Mark Adams [882191]: Member to Check Invoices for Payment at Each Meeting
      • Angela Boyd [882619]: Member to North Devon Police Liaison Group, Ilfracombe & District Crime Prevention Group and Berrynarbor Neighbourhood Watch
      • Paul Crockett [882404]: Home Defence Adviser & Emergency Officer, Member to Combe Martin & District Tourism Association, Member to receive Planning Applications for Clerk to study ahead of the Meeting
      • Richard Gingell [882885]: Highway Liaison Officer, Home Defence Adviser & Emergency Officer, Tree Warden
      • Ann Hinchliffe [883708]: Member on Manor Hall Committee
      • Clive Richards [883406]: Footpath Warden, Deputy Highway Liaison Officer
      • Dave Richards [882707]: Deputy Footpath Warden
      • Sue Sussex [882916]: District Councillor, Home Defence Adviser & Emergency Officer
      • Madeleine Worth [883485]: Member of Berrynarbor Community [Sure Start]
      • Yvette Gubb [882364]: District Councillor
      • Andrea Davis [[883865]: County Councillor
      • Sue Squire [01598 710526]: Clerk to the Parish Council

      It was noted that crime figures in Berrynarbor remained the same as for last year and that the lengthsman will be visiting during July, October and next January.

      The new railings for Claude's Garden have been fixed, a new post and gate will be fixed shortly.

      Councillors would like to thank John Huxtable for all his commitment to the community, ensuring that the War Memorial and bus shelters have been kept clean and tidy, and wish him well for the future.

      Parishioners are reminded that they are most welcome at Parish Council Meetings, held on the 2nd Tuesday in the month at 7.00 p.m. in the Penn Curzon Room. At the beginning of each meeting, the public are invited to raise any issues or matters of concern.

      Sue Squire
      Clerk to the Parish Council



      Items of particular interest discussed at the last two meetings in February and March were as follows:

      • Watermouth Cove: The Public Meeting/Enquiry originally scheduled for June has been postponed until the 8th and 9th September. An Inspector, appointed by the Secretary of State, will be present to hear the evidence from all parties.

      • Playground: A specification for the refurbishment of the new playground has finally been agreed by the Council. I have, however, applied for a grant of up to £10,000 towards the cost of it. This project will go ahead, but obviously the addition of a grant would be very beneficial to the Parish.

      • Claude's Garden: The new metal perimeter fencing has been commissioned and we hope will be ready for installation soon - then the rest of the works can go ahead.

        David Farwig of Digital UK, who was due to give a presentation at the December meeting on the digital switchover due to take place this July, will now be joining us at the April meeting on Tuesday 14th at 7.00 p.m. Please remember that this will also be the Annual Parish Meeting. It should be a busy but interesting one, so please do attend if you can.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      David Farwig of Digital UK was to give a presentation at the Meeting on the 9th December regarding the switchover in July 2009. Unfortunately, due to illness, he had to cancel at the very last minute. Apologies to those of you who came to hear his talk and it is hoped that he will be able to give his presentation in the near future.

      The January meeting was held on the 13th in the Manor Hall, with County Councillor Mrs. Andrea Davis and District Councillor Mrs. Yvette Gubb in attendance.

      Thank you to all who completed the Local Housing Needs Questionnaire which has been evaluated and Mr. Colin Savage, the local housing needs enabler will be attending the February meeting to discuss the analysis of the survey. Mr. Savage will address the Council at the start of the meeting, at 7.00 p.m. Do please try to attend as this is very important and concerns the future of the village.

      PLEASE NOTE that the next meeting, the February meeting, will not be on the usual second Tuesday, but on the 4th Tuesday instead, that is TUESDAY, 24TH FEBRUARY, at 7.00 p.m.

      Watermouth Cove: A Public Meeting/Enquiry has now been arranged for the 11th and 12th June 2009 in the Manor Hall. An Inspector, appointed by the Secretary of State, will be present to hear the evidence from all parties.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman
      [01271] 882916



      Items of concern raised and discussed at the last Parish Council Meetings were:

      • Flooding at Birdswell Lane - this was discussed at length and measures put in place to alleviate the problem, together with a letter to the County Council Highways Department requesting them to investigate the flooding.

      • Claude's Garden - due to weather conditions and the fact that all the work done so far in the Garden has been voluntary, the Council has not been able to proceed with this project as far as it would have liked. Councillor Clive Richards, after consultations with the Council and the Trustee of the Garden, is endeavouring to arrange for ornate railings, in keeping with the village and also to conform to safety standards, to be erected. So hopefully by next spring and working with the Berry in Bloom group, this Garden will be restored to its former glory.

      • No Smoking Signs - the signs in the bus shelters are continually being removed. We are obliged because of government legislation to replace them, and this is an added cost to the Parish.

      • The Children's Playground - revised plans have been drawn up and will be submitted to the Council for their approval at the next meeting.

      • Housing Questionnaire - thank you to everyone who completed the questionnaire. Answers are currently being evaluated but we have received an apology from the Housing Officer for the delay in receiving the results.

      • Digital Switchover- David Farwig of Digital UK will be giving a presentation at the Council Meeting on Tuesday, 9th December at 6.30 p.m. regarding the switchover in July 2009. Please come and listen to this and air your views because as I understand the situation at present, Combe Martin and Berrynarbor will only receive half of the free channels to which we should be entitled.

      Finally, I should like to thank all Councillors, especially Richard Gingell who as Vice Chairman has stood in for me, Sue Squire, our Parish Clerk, and District and County Councillors Yvette Gubb and Andrea Davis. Thank you, too, to Council Contractors for their services, Judie for her work [and patience!] with the Newsletter and anyone else who has worked for the benefit of our community in this last year.

      With my best wishes to you all for Christmas and the New Year.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      The July meeting began with a minute's silence by all present to pray and reflect on the life of Len Coleman - he was a valued member of this Parish Council for approximately thirty years and we thank June for her support which enabled him to continue almost to the end. He will be greatly missed.

      The Manager and Operations Manager of First Bus gave a presentation concerning company policy and the reasons for not operating a service through Berrynarbor. Councillors were clearly angered by their responses and so they have agreed to yet again review the situation and report back to us.

      The Public Rights of Way Committee met on 10th June and recommended that the claimed public rights of way at Watermouth Cove were valid. As a result of this decision, the County Council will be making an Order within the next few months to record public rights of way on the claimed routes. Notice of the Order will be advertised and served on the landowner affected, whilst giving anyone the opportunity to object or make representation. If objections are made to the Order and not withdrawn, the County Council will be required to submit it for determination by an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, which could result in a local public enquiry.

      Thank you to County Councillor Andrea Davis for representing the Parish Council at the Committee Meeting, and to everyone who provided the evidence in support of the claimed routes.

      Lastly, thank you to Tony Summers for the lovely new Castle Hill sign he made for the village.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman [882916]



      This past year has been quite eventful for Berrynarbor Parish Council and for the village. The new Community Shop will, by the time you read this, be operational due only to the tremendous effort and enthusiasm of its Committee, the local community and the North Devon District Council, the Parish Council has also been pleased to support this project wherever possible.

      The Council was pleased to welcome Mr. David Richards and Mrs. Angela Boyd who have joined the Council. We were sorry that due to ill health, Councillor Len Coleman resigned after many years and we thank him for his commitment and loyal service over many years.

      The closure to the general public of footpaths at Watermouth Cove has caused great concern and we await the outcome of the Footpath Committee in June when the public consultation period has closed.

      The Council has two projects which it would like to see underway shortly:

      1. Claude's Garden - we shall be working closely with the Berry in Bloom group. This garden has previously been very expensive for the village to maintain and so our aim is to make it as maintenance free as possible.
      2. The Children's Playground - is high priority and I should hope to have something more conclusive to report by the next Newsletter.

      Finally, I should like to thank our Parish Clerk, Mrs. Sue Squire, and all the Councillors for their support, hard work and commitment, who have the good of Berrynarbor and its parishioners at heart, and also to those who have either worked for or helped this Council in any way.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman [01271] 882916



      The last Council meeting was held on the 15th January but due to illness I was unable to attend, so Vice Chairman Councillor Gingell chaired the meeting. The Council welcomed a new member, Mrs Angela Boyd of Cherrydene, Sterridge Valley, to the meeting.

      Councillor Crockett and I attended an Affordable Housing seminar on Saturday 19th January. We were urged by Councillor Andrea Davis, the North Devon District Council Portfolio holder for housing, to enforce our need for affordable housing in our community. Anyone in this category should ensure that they are registered with the local authority. There will also be a local housing needs survey distributed in the very near future, which will be very important for this community as the authority will then be able to ascertain the needs of Berrynarbor, allowing the village to move forward.

      The District Council are also keen to bring any properties that have been totally empty for a considerable time into the letting market, so if you know of any properties that fall into this category, please let me know and I will forward the information to the relevant department.

      The District Council Parks Department are being extremely helpful regarding the refurbishment of the children's playground and have requested suggested designs and costing from 3 different companies for the village to consider, along with help in securing some funding.

      Councillors Gingell, Crockett, Richards and myself are trying to compile an emergency plan for the village. Although this may seem to some unnecessary, it is a requirement of this Council, so if you have any machinery that could be used or any relevant skills, would you please contact me as soon as possible. This information would remain confidential.

      As a result of the request in a previous newsletter, I am pleased to report that Don Thirkell of St Columb Major, Cornwall has offered to donate a new bench to go outside the Manor Hall in memory of his parents who lived in Berrynarbor for many years. Thank you Don.

      If you have a problem or need to discuss anything, please contact me on 882916. The answer 'phone is always on, so leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can - if I don't know about a problem, I can't deal with it!

      Sue Sussex - Chairman

      Your local North Devon District Councillor



      The last Council meeting was held on the 13th November, when all Councillors were present; also attending were District Councillor Yvette Gubb and County Councillor Andrea Davis.

      It is sad to report that Parish Councillor Len Coleman has now resigned due to ill health. The Council would like to say thank you to Len for his many years of service to this village and also to June for her support in enabling him to carry out his various duties.

      As a result of Len's resignation, there is now a vacancy on the Council. Anyone wishing to apply to fill this vacancy should please contact the Clerk, Mrs Sue Squire, telephone 01598 710526.

      County Councillor Andrea Davies told the Council that there will shortly be a traffic questionnaire delivered to every house in the village to determine where the 30m.p.h. speed limit should start.

      Plans are in the process of being drawn up for the children's playground and these will be shown to the public before any decisions are taken.

      For the winter months only, the disabled toilet will be the only public toilet open in the car park, which will save money that can be spent elsewhere in the village.

      The report in the North Devon Journal regarding North Devon District Council and Torridge District Council merging is untrue. There maybe future discussions regarding some services merging if there is a possibility of reducing costs and improving services.

      Finally, as we come near to the end of 2007, on behalf of the Parish Council thank you to all who worked for the Council and also those who give their time voluntarily, a special mention must go to Sue Squire the Parish Clerk and to Judie for the ever popular newsletter.

      Sue Sussex -Chairman



      August was a fairly quiet month. The Council met to determine the various planning applications and deal with correspondence and it was agreed unanimously to request a Parish Survey to determine local housing needs. This will take place in the near future.

      Claude's Garden The new lawns have been seeded by Councillor Clive Richards, our thanks to him; we now look forward to the next stage.

      Would anyone like to donate a bench in memory of a loved one? We have had to remove the bench from the Manor Hall as it was unsafe and beyond repair.

      The Public Toilets have caused problems this last month. I apologise for any inconvenience and would like to thank those people who allowed others into their own homes to use their facilities. Thank you to Richard Lewis for sorting out a very unpleasant situation and Brian Davies for all his help.

      Hedges encroaching onto the highway are in some places a danger to both walkers and motorists. Please look at your own property and take the appropriate action.

      Thank you to the Berry in Bloom Group for all their hard work. The village looked lovely, and it was disappointing not to be placed this year, but I understand from other competitors, that the judging was rather unusual!

      Sue Sussex - Chairman

      District Councillor Sue Sussex will be holding a surgery at Combe Martin Parish Hall on Saturday, 27th October, from 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon, together with District Council Leader Michael Harrison. They will be there to answer your questions and help with any problems that you feel you have regarding council matters.



      Claude's Garden - remains an on-going project, with this weather not helping at all. It is hoped that the first stage, the reseeding of the grass area, will be done A.S.A.P. Thanks to Councillor Clive Richards who has undertaken to do the job.

      Watermouth Footpaths - We are waiting to be informed as to the progress from the Public Rights of Way Section at County Hall, Exeter.

      Councillor Richard Gingell had a meeting with the Highways Officer and County Councillor Andrea Davis to discuses the on-going problems on our village roads, the majority of the issues have been addressed with others still in the pipe line.

      The Dog Exercise Field - Would all dog owners using this area please clear up after their dog as cutting the grass has become a very unpleasant task.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      The first meeting of the new Council was held on the 15th May. I was very pleased to be re-elected as Chairman and to welcome a new Councillor, David Richards of Barton Lane.

      The Council would like to thank Keith Walls, who stood down at the Election, for all his hard work, commitment and enthusiasm over the last four years.

      As villagers will have noticed, major landscaping of Claude's Garden has started and an open meeting, to discuss plans and formulate ideas, was held on the 22nd May. Present were members of the Council, the family, the Berry in Bloom group and villagers.

      Jill Sidebottom, one of the Trustees, gave details of the terms of Claude Richard's will: the land was left to the village for the creation of a quiet garden; it could not be sold, built on or otherwise used.

      The five main issues were:

      • Low Maintenance
      • Safety
      • Funding
      • Privacy to Neighbours
      • Access

      The first phase will be to erect fencing and grass the whole area. A landscaping scheme will then be drawn up and displayed in the village shop and villager's comments will be welcome. It is hoped to provide additional access from the corner by the bench at the bottom of Castle Hill.

      The next Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, 19th June [a week later than normal], at 7.00 p.m. in the Penn Curzon Room. Remember, Council Meetings are open to the public and you are welcome to attend.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 10th April, 7.00 p.m., prior to the monthly Parish Council Meeting. Everyone is welcome.


      This past year has been very rewarding: Councillors have been actively working together with other organisations for the benefit of the village. We are at present working with the Berry in Bloom group on the redesign of Claude's Garden. Over the past few years, the maintenance costs have been very high. The new layout will be low maintenance and will allow once again a view down into the village from the seating area. Congratulations must again go to the Berry in Bloom group and helpers who this year won two separate awards. The Manor Hall Committee, together with Councillor Gingell, has sorted out the trees around the Manor Hall and thanks to them and anyone else who helped.

      We have actively been trying to get a regular bus service resumed through Berrynarbor, and continue to fight. To date we have only been able to get Stagecoach to agree to a service from Barnstaple to Combe Martin, at half hourly intervals, Monday to Saturday, starting on the 8th April. Stagecoach will also put on a bus between Combe Martin and Woolacombe. The buses will be 78-seater double-deckers, and will have a low floor to make them more accessible to everyone.

      Councillors have been inundated with complaints concerning access to the headland at Watermouth Cove. Whilst I cannot go into detail, the matters are being addressed with the Public Rights of Way Committee now being involved.

      The parking problems outside the school have now been resolved with all parties involved and we are waiting for the formal traffic order.

      The Council would like to express its thanks to Judie, who has edited and produced the Berrynarbor Newsletter so well over so many years. She always includes points from the Parish Council minutes - all this takes so much of her time at no expense to the village.

      Finally I should like to personally thank all the Councillors and the Clerk for all the hard work and time they put in to the running of our village. As you know May brings with it Local Elections, so if there is anyone who thinks they might like to stand for Parish Council, please do have a word with one of the existing Councillors or our Clerk as soon as possible as nominations should be in by noon on Wednesday, 4th April.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      The meeting on Tuesday, 9th January began with a presentation by Alex Parke and Sandy Anderson to explain the new proposals for the village shop, and the recent planning application. This was a very interesting and informative discussion in which Councillors were given the opportunity to ask questions. Our thanks to Sandy and Alex for attending the meeting.

      Claude's Garden - This year the Council are working in partnership with the Berry in Bloom group to renovate the garden. The idea is to make it a low maintenance garden and something of which we can be proud. Money saved could then be used elsewhere in the village. Depending on the weather, the garden will be closed for a period of time in the spring to enable this work to be carried out.

      Yellow Lines (Silver Street) - Further discussions with all the parties concerned have taken place and it has been decided that yellow lines will be placed immediately outside the school but will only be enforced for 30 minutes at the beginning and end of the school day.

      Hedges - The Council has been advised that under the Highways Act 1980, landowners and occupiers can be prosecuted if their roadside vegetation is found to be a contributory factor to an accident. No trimming should take place during the main bird breeding season of March to July, unless unavoidable. As complaints have been made to the Council that some hedges in the Parish are causing visibility problems, could I ask you please to check your own property.

      Parish and District Council Elections - These take place on Thursday 3rd May. If you would like to be more involved with your community and can spare one evening a month, please consider becoming a Parish Councillor - either come to a meeting and see what is involved, talk to existing Councillors or telephone me on 882916 to discuss it.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      Due to the small fire in the Manor Hall, the November Council Meeting was held in The Globe and our thanks to Don and Edith.

      Mrs. Kriteman, from the C.P.R.E., presented the Berry in Bloom Group with the Runner Up Shield in the Best Kept Village [Devon] Award. Following this, a discussion took place with the Group regarding Claude's Garden and it was agreed to work together in its refurbishment.

      A meeting took place between the School and Council representatives regarding the yellow lines in Silver Street and it was decided that white lines only would be put outside the school, the two bollards that used to be there would be replaced and warning signs would be painted on the road either side of the school.

      To save money, the Council agreed that only the disabled toilet would be left unlocked during the winter.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      August and September have been busy months for the Council due to the various issues concerning our village.

      • BUSES or rather the lack of them!

        A meeting was held at the Manor Hall on Wednesday 13th September organised by County Councillor Andrea Davis. The General Manager and Operations Manager representing First Bus were present, together with 6 Parish Councillors and about 35 parishioners. Various proposals were suggested to First Bus, and many complaints were voiced.

        I spoke with the General Manager Steve Grigg on Thursday. 28th September when he was addressing Combe Martin residents concerning their problems. I was told that various surveys, etc., had been carried out, they realised mistakes had been made and were working to resolve the problem. I shall notify you as soon as I have anything conclusive to report, but please remember if we do get a reasonable bus service resumed then use it or we will lose it.

      • YELLOW LINES in Silver Street

        The Council understands the School's concern for the children's safety but does not agree with the proposals that parking restrictions in Silver Street would make any difference, but believes that parked vehicles do have a traffic calming effect. A meeting is scheduled shortly with representatives from the School, Parish Council, County Councillor Andrea Davis and Mr Mike Newcombe, the School Safety Officer. Residents' comments will also be considered.


        A series of meetings have taken place with the new owners of Watermouth Cove and relevant County Council authorities to discuss the footpaths over the headland.

      Congratulations to the Berry in BloomTeam and all their helpers for achieving two separate awards. The first being 2nd place in the C.P.R.E. Best Kept Village Award. This award will be presented by Mrs R. Kriteman, the local organiser of this event, to the Team on the 14th November, at 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall before the start of the Parish Council Meeting. The second award was for the South West in Bloom competition and was a Silver Gilt in the Mary Mortimer Trophy.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      The Parish Council has been requested to consider placing the words 'KEEP CLEAR' printed in yellow with zigzag markings on either side on the road outside the School.

      This will be approximately 25 metres long [the minimum distance permitted by the regulations]. This is felt to be necessary by the School for obvious safety reasons, but the Council would appreciate the thoughts of the village on this matter, Please make your feelings known either to a Councillor or come to the next Council Meeting on

      THURSDAY, 17TH AUGUST, at 7.00 p.m.

      Note change of day.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman

      The September Parish Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, 12th



      I was honoured at being elected as Chairman of Berrynarbor Parish Council for the next year, and I am very much looking forward to the challenge, to working closely with my fellow councillors and to continue working for the best interests of the parish.

      We were all extremely disappointed and concerned about the vandalism in the village, especially after all the effort and hard work put in by the Berry in Bloom committee and their helpers. I hope that whoever was responsible is reading this and feels thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

      Councillor Coleman has now stepped down as Footpath Warden to deputy warden, after holding the post for in excess of 20 years. Our thanks go to him for all his years of service and hard work in this role, his knowledge, experience and help will be of the utmost importance to the new footpath warden, Councillor Clive Richards.

      The information shelter on the Old Coast Road at Sandy Cove has now been repaired, the damaged village road signs are to be repaired or replaced as necessary, and the County Council has advised us that plans to reinstate the footpath at Watermouth Cove are being drawn up.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman

      Your Parish Councillors

      ChairmanSue SussexHenstridge House, Berry Down[01271] 882916
      Vice ChairmanRichard GingellEaster Barton[01271] 882885
      Mark Adams Capel Cottage [01271] 882191
      Len Coleman Swan Cottage [01271] 883763
      Paul Crockett Berrynarbor Park [01271] 882631
      Ann Hinchliffe Castle Hill [01271] 883708
      Clive Richards Home Barton Farm [01271] 883406
      Keith Walls Higher Rows [01271] 883762
      Madeline Worth Thistledew [01271] 883485]

      Parish Council Meetings are held in the Penn Curzon Room of the Manor Hall at 7.00 p.m., normally on the second Tuesday of the month.

      The next two meetings will be held on: Tuesday, 13th June and Tuesday, 11th July.



      The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 11th April at 7.00 p.m. In attendance will be Sergeant Sean Harris to discuss and listen to any police issues raised and to give a report on our village and surrounding area. Mr Joe Deasey, the local service officer of the Environment Directorate of Devon County Council, will also be attending. He will try to answer any questions put to him regarding highway issues in connection with the Parish.

      County Councillor Andrea Davis should have some answers regarding issues raised at the December public meeting. Mr Bob Hobson, Chairman of the Manor Hall Committee, will also give a brief report.

      This should be a very informative meeting and the Council requests that as many parishioners as possible attend. To go forward we need your support.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman

      Chairman's Report for Annual Parish Meeting 2006

      The past year has been one of great change for Berrynarbor Parish Council. For the first time in its long history, there have been three Chairmen in one year. Last year at this time, Graham Andrews wrote this Report and he had already signalled that he would not be seeking re-election. Jim Constantine was elected in his place and served for just two short months before resigning due to a move from the area. I was voted in as Chairman in August and have spent the following months getting used to my role and the very many varied issues which come with being a Parish Councillor. In order to better myself as your Chairman, I have enrolled on an Effective Chairman's course organised by the Devon Association of Parish Councils in July.

      This Report would not be complete without me now mentioning the sadness I and the other members of the Council and the Clerk felt upon the passing of Graham in September, and it was a fitting tribute to him that many of us were able to be present at his funeral and all sit together in St. Peter's Church, Combe Martin. Due to the removal of Jim and the resignation of Graham in August, two vacancies occurred on the Council within a very short time. We have been delighted to welcome Councillor Mrs. Madeleine Worth and Councillor Clive Richards on to the Council, both of whom are a great asset and help to strengthen the Council into an effective Team.

      There was also a change on the County Council with Mike Knight retiring and Andrea Davis taking up the reins in his place. We are very glad that she has time, among her many other commitments, to attend as many Council Meetings as time, other meetings and circumstances permit.

      It is pleasing to see the Community Shop gaining popularity and continue to be well supported by local people. The Parish Council has now assumed responsibility for the public toilets and we thank Peter Hinchliffe for his efforts as caretaker until ill health forced him to relinquish this post in September. We are indeed very fortunate that Brian Davies was willing to step into his shoes at a moment's notice and ensure that they are as they should be for the benefit of residents and visitors alike.

      You will recall that a Public Meeting was held in December with Devon County Council official Mr James Anstee in attendance. The Councillors are still in dialogue with him as a result, and are determined to get all the outstanding problems ironed and sorted out sooner rather than later.

      Other items which have been regularly discussed have been trees at various locations in the Parish, the footpath at Watermouth, refuse and recycling collection, Claude's Garden maintenance, Manor Hall valuation and opposition to the BT payphone at Berry Down becoming cashless.

      It was a very proud moment again to hear of the success of the Best Kept Village Team being awarded another accolade and thanks go to them for their interest and efforts in ensuring that the high standard is kept up. As a Parish Council, we lobbied the powers that be regarding the location for the North Devon Gateway and were extremely pleased when it was announced that the Aller Cross site had been chosen, which had been our preferred option.

      We have responded to all Planning Applications received, have participated in the annual Remembrance Sunday wreath laying and service in the Parish Church and were delighted to support and congratulate the Berrynarbor Newsletter on its 100th edition printed in February. It was encouraging to hear from District Councillor Mrs. Julia Clark that a free bus service is shortly to be introduced for the over 60's supported by the North Devon District Council, and it is hoped this will have a positive impact on our residents, not only for being able to get out and about, but on the environment too, with fewer cars on our roads.

      On a personal note, shortly after being elected Chairman of this Parish Council, my fellow Councillors supported a nomination for my name to be put forward for a place on the Devon Association of Parish Councils County Committee. I feel very honoured to have been asked to stand and was subsequently co-opted on to the Committee. I am following in the footsteps of my predecessors Graham Andrews and Jim Constantine who were both members of this Committee. In October I, along with Councillor Paul Crockett, attended a day and a half Planning School organised by Barnstaple Town Council which, although very intense, provided great insight into this sometimes complex subject. Our Clerk unfortunately had some health matters last year requiring surgery, which meant that she was unable to attend two of our meetings but she sent a very able substitute to take the Minutes in the form of her husband who is Clerk to another nearby Parish. There was, therefore, no disruption at all to the satisfactory running of the Council.

      Finally, I should like to take this opportunity of thanking all the Councillors for their support, hard work, interest and commitment who have the good of Berrynarbor and its parishioners at heart. I believe we have a very strong Council and look forward to it going from strength to strength for the benefit of the residents of Berrynarbor.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      Thank you to those who attended the public meeting, on the 15th December 2005, regarding traffic issues. A response to the questions raised by the public and Councillors has been received and is in the process of being replied to. Councillor Gingell and I do not agree with the report concerning work that has supposedly been carried out on our village roads, and we shall continue to try to resolve this.

      Traffic calming is being addressed but no decision can be reached until D.C.C. has carried out the speed checks at the locations suggested by residents and Councillors. Full consideration will be given to their report.

      Berrydown Cross - Conflicting statements have been received regarding a request for a new road to the north of the bend and these are in the process of being investigated. Thankfully the drainage improvements are now almost complete and hopefully there won't be a recurrence of the flooding experience of a year ago.

      A copy of the Council's questions resulting from the public meeting, and the reply received from D.C.C., together with comments from Councillor Gingell and myself, will be available for anyone to read in the Post Office. We welcome any written comments regarding this report.

      County Councillor Andrea Davis requested in her report that all residents should examine any hedges that encroach the roads or footpaths, and to trim them back before the bird-nesting season. We requested that D.C.C. do the same on any hedgerows that they maintain.

      Ilfracombe College - Late buses are now available on Mondays and Thursdays, for any student wishing to stay on at school for after-school activities. Please contact Mr Paul Swailes for more information.

      Sponsorship - One of our many benches in the village is now past repairing, after many years of service. Would anyone like to sponsor the life of a bench in memory of a family member or friend? Please contact any Councillor if you would like to do so.

      Welcome to our new Councillor Mr Clive Richards. As you probably know, Clive has lived in the village all his life. I feel sure his local and practical knowledge will be an asset to this Council.

      And finally, the Council would like to congratulate the Editor and her supporters on reaching the 100th edition of the Berrynarbor Newsletter.

      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      Important Notice

      A meeting has been arranged with Mr. J. Ansty representing County Council Highways, Mrs. A. Davis our County Councillor and District Councillors Mrs. Y. Gubb and Mrs. J. Clark. The meeting will take place in the Manor Hall on THURSDAY, 15TH DECEMBER at 2.00 p.m.

      The object of the meeting is to discuss possible traffic calming, etc, throughout Berrynarbor and at Berrydown Cross. The problem of traffic is constantly being raised at Council Meetings, it is now time for you to have your say at this open meeting with those people who can possibly do something about it. It would be helpful if you could write down your areas of concern and hand them in on arrival, so that we can discuss one issue at a time. This is your chance to express your views, please support your Council by attending.

      I recently attended a meeting of the Devon Association of Parish Councils, where we were advised to warn our parishioners that there is a real threat of a severe winter and that we should stock up on things like candles and dried milk, etc. The reality of being cut off is a possibility so please be prepared for the unexpected. In the case of any difficulties, please ring and I shall endeavour to help or get help. [882916]

      Finally, thank you to all the Parish Councillors and the Clerk for all their help and support in my first few months as Chairman.


      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      The meeting held on the 20th September began with everyone present standing for a minute's silence in respect for Councillor Graham Andrews who had died the previous day. It was a very solemn moment in which we all had time to reflect on the legacy Graham has left behind for us as a Council to continue to work for the village he loved. The knowledge and wisdom he shared with us can never be replaced.

      Madeline Worth has filled Jim Constantine's position on the Council and we welcome her. There is now, however, another vacancy and if you would like to serve your community, please write to our Clerk, Sue Squire, at Haxlea, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming.

      Village Toilets: The position of caretaker of the village toilets has become vacant. Anyone interested in the post should please write to the Clerk at the above address. Thank you to Peter Hinchliffe for all his years' service.

      Traffic Calming: Speeding is a problem throughout the village - something that is always being complained about. A meeting is being arranged with Mr. Netherway from Devon County Council Highways Department to be held in the Manor Hall. The date has yet to be fixed so please watch out for posters giving details.

      This is YOUR chance to express your concerns, so please support your Council. At this meeting, we shall also be discussing the possibility of changing the road layout at Berrydown Cross.

      Police Liaison Officer: Cllr. Ann Hinchliffe is the Council's first line of contact with the Police. Any problems regarding vandalism, etc., please inform Ann on 883708.

      Chairman's Pigeon Hole: I have kindly been given a pigeon hole in the village Post Office if you wish to leave correspondence for my attention.

      Dog Fouling: Whilst the majority of dog owners clear up after their dogs, it has been pointed out to me that there are a few who are not. May I point out to them that it is an offence, they are breaking the law and are liable to prosecution. Please look after our beautiful village and clear up what your dog leaves!

      Sue Sussex - Chairman



      The bus shelter at Ducky Pool has just about reached the end of its life. Councillors inspected it following reports of its parlous condition. Gary Songhurst has carried out some minor works to make it safe and hopefully eke out a final 12 months' life from it. A replacement will be considered at the pre-budget meeting of the Council.

      Following an extraordinary growing season, footpaths quickly became in need of urgent attention. All have now been dealt with and are in good order thanks to appropriate action from our contractor.

      A report from the Council's Manor Hall representative indicated a possible dilemma as the Chairman of the Management Committee had resigned due to an impending, and what proved to be extremely stressful and eventful, move to a new home away from Berrynarbor. This left a vacancy that was potentially difficult to fill. I can now report, however, that a new leader has materialised to carry on the good work of this vital Committee.

      The agenda of the next scheduled meeting of the Council will contain an item on possible traffic calming measures for the village. A meeting has been requested with the appropriate officer of Devon County Council. If you have concerns on this subject then get along to the September meeting.

      Unfortunately my time on the Council has come to an end due to my move from Berrynarbor. This will cause a vacancy and I hope that someone within the parish will come forward and take my place. Although my time on the Council has been relatively short, I have found the position rewarding.

      Jim Constantine



      The May meeting started a new 'Parish Council' year. The first business of the meeting was to elect a Chairman. This year, the Chairman of the last few years, Graham Andrews, declined to be nominated for a further term of office due to his failing eyesight. Berrynarbor has been fortunate to have had a leader of such experience and knowledge and his undoubted wisdom has served the Parish very well indeed over the years. Graham will continue as one of the team as an active backbencher. The other Councillors and their respective areas of responsibility are listed below, together with the address of the Clerk.

      Parishioners are welcome to attend our meetings and can raise matters that concern them. If you cannot get to one of the meetings but have an issue you want to draw to the Council's attention, then you can write to our Clerk, Sue Squire: Haxlea, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming [01598 - 710526]. Meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of each month. Exceptions to this during the year are July 5th[one week early] and August [no scheduled meeting].

      I look forward to meeting some of you during the year.

      Jim Constantine - Chairman

      Appointments for the Municipal Year 2005-2006

      • Cllr. Graham Andrews - A member of the Combe Martin & District Tourism Association. A member to check Invoices for payment at each meeting.
      • Cllr. Len Coleman - Footpath Warden. A Home Defence Adviser and Emergency Officer.
      • Cllr. Jim Constantine - Chairman. Deputy Highway Liaison Officer.
      • Cllr. Richard Gingell - Deputy Footpath Warden. Highway Liaison Officer to work with Area Environment Officer and his staff. Tree Warden.
      • Cllr. Ann Hinchliffe - A Member of the North Devon Police Liaison Group. A member of Ilfracombe District Crime Prevention Group. A member of the Berrynarbor Neighbourhood Watch.
      • Cllr. Sue Sussex - Vice-Chairman. A Home Defence Adviser and Emergency Officer. A member of Berrynarbor Community [Sure Start] A member of Berrynarbor Manor Hall. A member of the Governing Body of Berrynarbor Primary School



      Chairman's Report for Annual Parish Meeting
      Manor Hall, Tuesday, 12th April, 7.00 p.m.

      It has been a very varied year for your Parish Council. From time to time we have to discuss the flooding of properties in the village, but this year our floods were at the top of the hill at Berrydown. The fire brigade dealt with the initial problem but we have some spectacular photographs of the water flowing across the fields to invade and damage properties. The Highway Authority [Devon County Council] are going to carry out works which hopefully will keep excess water out of the properties..

      One of the earlier problems that merited consideration was the planned retirement of the village shopkeepers and the possible closure of the shop. Over the period of this debate we have convened a couple of parish meetings and thank you to everyone who attended or expressed an interest. The outcome, as everyone will know, was a small working party who successfully created a limited company which now operates a thriving post office and village stores. They are now laying plans for a long-term future and the Committee, Manager and huge team of volunteers deserve every congratulation for their efforts. Doesn't it just show what a village can do when the need is clear.

      During the year we welcomed Mark Adams who has joined the Council. In two years' time, there will be an election and some new blood will be welcome. If you want to see what the work is like, all our meetings are open to the public and start at 7.00 p.m. in the Penn Curzon Room at the Manor Hall.

      A recurring feature of the year has been our discussions with the Highway Authority. Changes to speed limits on the A399 are imminent and as an experiment, the County Council will be erasing the yellow lines from The Square down Pitt Hill. The present traffic order only restricts parking for four months of the year but the road markings remain all year round. The restriction in summer will be indicated by roadside plates and the success of the scheme will be reviewed next autumn. The success of the village in the Best Kept Village competition prompted the Highway Authority to review the impact of the yellow lines on Berrynarbor's streets, and so there is a real reward for all those people who worked so hard to win the village its national reputation.

      Staying for a moment in the village centre, your Council has received complaints about youngsters playing football in The Square and a sign is to be erected to prohibit ball games in that area. The lads concerned, whose politeness has been exemplary, have been told about the sign and asked not to play football on the highway.

      For several years the Parish Council has held a contract for cleaning the public toilets in Castle Hill car park. We were shocked to learn that the District Council, who had themselves constructed the facility, now were contemplating closing it down. The Parish Council knew that this was a well used convenience and have negotiated to keep it open. We shall now get a small grant from North Devon District Council but we have had to increase our precept [the Parish share of the Council Tax] to the highest level ever. We were most grateful for the letters of support that our action has brought forth and will explore ways of reducing the financial demand in future years.

      At the May meeting of the Council, which will take place on the first Tuesday in the month [rather than the usual second Tuesday], the law requires that the officers of the Council are elected. This year your Chairman will decline nomination for any office and therefore this is an opportunity for me to thank everyone in the village, and most particularly my colleague Councillors, for the help and guidance I have received over the time I have held office in the Parish. In the sure and certain knowledge that no one is indispensable, I am confident that the Council will be able to elect new officers and the continuity will be provided by our very knowledgeable Clerk, Mrs. Sue Squire.

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman, Parish Council



      It is often said that 'no man is an island'. Your Council, before its January meeting, stood in honour of the thousands who died in the tsunami in the Indian Ocean. The Bristol Channel enjoys the second highest tides in the world. Ironically, the highest are in Sumatra, the worst hit of the ravaged countries.

      As reported in the December Newsletter, the Parish Council had its own tidal wave when it was told that the North Devon District Council would no longer fund the public toilets in our car park. The Parish Council was gratified to receive a wonderful, unsolicited letter of support from the Berrynarbor Women's Institute, who were applauding the Council's decision to take over the provision of this vital service.

      We will now put the cleaning work involved out to tender and the successful contractor will be expected to keep the conveniences in good condition throughout the week, but we will not be imposing strict attendance times as these proved so expensive under the NDDC regime.

      The major task at the December meeting of the Council was to set the budget for 2004-5. We have had to make provision for the lavatory service as well as replacement of the bus shelter at Saw Mills. Substantial work is also required in the recreation field but fortunately some voluntary work is keeping these costs to a very reasonable figure. We must thank all who have contributed to the volunteering scheme.

      When you receive your Council Tax demand this year, the Parish Council element will have more than doubled - not a matter of pride for members of the Council, but we want to maintain this village to the standard it has always been.

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman of Parish Council.




      District Councillors' Shock for Parish

      During our November Meeting, we were given a major shock! Our District Councillors told us that the District Council intended to close the Public Lavatory in the Castle Hill Car Park at the end of the financial year, in March 2005.

      As you can imagine, fury poured from the Berrynarbor Councillors, one even called the proposal obscene.

      Some years ago, the Parish Council was offered the facility with a dowry. When we asked how much was the dowry and what other expenses would come our way - water bills - non-domestic rates, and as so often with the District Council these days, no reply was received!

      If the Parish Council operates the service, it will mean yet more increase in the Council Tax, which is already looking bad for 2005-2006.

      Graham Andrews

      Chairman - Berrynarbor Parish Council



      New Councillor - After the resignation of Mary Malin, no by-election was called and so the Parish Council had the duty of co-opting a new member. I am delighted to say we had three volunteers - any of whom would have been an asset to the Council.

      After the voting by ballot was complete, the new Councillor emerged Mark Adams, who lives in Castle Hill and is an optician, practising in both Ilfracombe and Braunton.

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman

      N.B. There is no meeting scheduled for August. The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, 7th September- a week earlier than normal.



      At the May meeting we were rewarded with a large turnout of enthusiastic Berrynarbor people. Most of them had played an important part in bringing a Gold Award to the village in the national Britain in Bloom competition. Their dedication is obvious to us all and should inspire everyone's efforts this year.

      This meeting in May each year marks the start of the municipal year and all the appointments are made at this time. The full list is set out below.Unfortunately, the Council did not have a full council from which to make its selection. We had received a resignation from Mary Malin, who had four years' service. She will be missed.

      So we have a vacancy and that sets in motion a whole series of legally required bureaucratic procedures to select a new councillor. First a notice must be displayed which not only advertises the vacancy but also gives an opportunity for 10 electors to give the Returning Officer [the postman will find him in the Civic Centre, BarnstapleJ an instruction to call an election.

      In practice, this very rarely happens which is a great pity. If no election is called, the Council will co-opt a new member. Anyone who would be prepared to serve should write to the Clerk with their contact details, and such interests they may have and with whatever information they feel would help the Council choose a new colleague. The Clerk's address is: Mrs. Sue Squire, Haxlea, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, EX31 4TG.

      Please don't ask a present member to deliver your letter for you as it may prejudice that member's right to vote on the appointment. We shall deal with applications in public at the start of our meeting on Tuesday, 13th July at 7.30 p.m. Applications should reach the Clerk by Friday, 2nd July.

      Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, 8th June, 7.30 p.m. at the Manor Hall.

      Cllr. Graham AndrewsChairman
      Combe Martin & District Tourism Association
      Cllr. Jim ConstantineVice Chairman
      Deputy Highways Liaison Officer
      Checking of Invoices
      Cllr. Len ColemanFootpath Warden
      Deputy Home Defence & Emergency Officer
      Cllr. Paul Crockett Representative Claude's Garden
      Cllr. Richard GingellDeputy Footpath Warden
      Tree Warden
      Highways Liaison Officer
      Cllr. Ann HinchliffeBerrynarbor Neighbourhood Watch
      Ilfracombe & District Crime Prevention Panel
      North Devon Police Liaison Group
      Cllr. Sue SussexHome Defence & Emergency Officer
      Berrynarbor Community Sure Start
      Representative - Primary School Governing Body
      Manor Hall Committee
      Best Kept Village/Berry in Bloom


      Your Annual Parish Meeting

      Each year on an evening in March, April or May, every local Council, that is to say every Parish, Town or Community Council in England and Wales, is required by statute to hold a meeting at which every elector may vote and at which the Parish Council reports on its work over the past twelve months, takes questions and present the Accounts.

      The Chairman presents the Annual Report, and it now follows:

      Berrynarbor Parish Council Annual Report 2003-2004
      To be presented at the Annual Parish Meeting
      Tuesday, 13th April, 7.00 p.m. at The Manor Hall

      2003 was an Election Year for Parish Councils across the kingdom and there was very real disappointment that when nominations closed, we had attracted just nine candidates for the nine seats on our Council.

      One of the principles of our democracy is that the people living in our community - the electors - actually elect the Councillors who exercise the power to levy taxes upon them, and it is sad indeed that so many years have passed since there was a contested election in Berrynarbor. Do not criticise the serving councillors who by submitting their nominations showed themselves willing to participate in the electoral process.

      Amongst those who did not stand must be many with the skills required to serve the village. Hopefully in 2007, they will offer themselves so that the electors may have a real choice.

      Thanks for past service now go to Bobby Bowden, Mike Lane and Bud Rice. Their replacements are Jim Constantine, Sue Sussex and Keith Walls. The six continuing members are Graham Andrews, Len Coleman, Paul Crockett, Richard Gingell, Anne Hinchliffe and Mary Malin.

      The principle concern for your Council for some time now has been the future of retailing in the village. The attention of the Planning Authority has been engaged. There is much still to be done and vigilance will be needed over a long period. We shall do our best to answer questions at the Parish Meeting but the situation is widely known in the village.

      Planning in the countryside around the village centre has become even more difficult. The policy for 'areas of outstanding natural beauty' [AONB] used to be development is not normally permitted in these areas, but the government has now removed the word 'normally' and the ban is now much stronger.

      Meetings of the Council are open to the public and we have an opportunity for them to contribute any views early on our Agenda.

      Correspondence should be sent to The Clerk, Sue Squires, at Threeways, Bratton Fleming, EX31 4TG, Tel: [01271] 710526 or fax 01271 710107. Please send letters to her and not via council members, who by carrying such letters in these days of standards legislation, may find themselves prejudiced.

      I look forward to seeing you all at the Annual Parish Meeting.

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman



      Just lately, the media has run many stories about the funding of Local Government, even to the extent of forecasting that a range of new taxes may soon replace the Council Tax, which is much criticised now that it has reached new heights. The advice must be the old adage, "Don't hold your breath". The Government have no firm proposals to put before Parliament, certainly no Bill is ready for debate and a major change in the arrangements for taxation to pay for local government [or indeed anything else] takes a long while to put in place.

      So the unloved Council Tax bill will arrive as usual in March!

      Most of the money we pay is spent by Devon County Council who also receive a lot of cash from the Government. All the cash is collected from us by the North Devon District Council and they, too, receive grants from the Treasury in Whitehall. Devon and Cornwall also takes some Council Tax and some money from Central Government.

      That only leaves Berrynarbor Parish Council. Unlike the other council tax users, Parish Councils receive nothing from the national Government and rely almost totally on their residents to fund their activities. We work on the budget from September to December for the next financial year, which will start in April.

      Our demand, which is called a Precept, will this year be unchanged from the past two years and will be for £6,700. Your Parish Council is very conscious of the need to avoid sudden increase and also the need to hold a small balance for the expenses we have not foreseen. We are obliged these days to receive our money in one precept and may no longer send for supplementary money later in the year, as once we could.


      The Council continues to explore the different services that exist for keeping our streets and lanes clean. We had quite a shock when we were quoted nearly £1,000 a bin per year by one operator. His offer has not been taken on board.

      Really, we are most grateful for all the caring dog owners who clean up after their pets. Sadly, some pet walkers have put the plastic bags into the hedgerow, which is not acceptable practice. Most people are much more thoughtful and it is our request that more care is taken over the disposal of this material.

      Happy new year to you all.

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman



      The December meeting of the Parish Council will be held a week later than normal, on TUESDAY. 16TH DECEMBER, 7.30 p.m. at the Manor Hall.

      TENDERS - Anyone wishing to tender for work from the Council - grass cutting, repairs, hedging, maintenance, etc. - is asked to contact the Clerk, Sue Squire, as soon as possible on 01598 710526.


      It has been a busy time for both of us over the past seven months. Yvette was elected Chairman of the North Devon District Council, so her duties have taken her all over the County, and it is acknowledged by everyone that she is excellent in her new role. We are all very proud of her.

      As a newly elected District Councillor, I have set off on a very steep leaming curve, not only in the Civic Centre but also as one of the Council's two representatives on Exmoor National Park. The roads to Barnstaple and Dulverton are imprinted on my brain!

      We have been involved in looking at the level of policing and other areas of particular interest to us are recycling [especially of trade waste which unlike recyclable household waste is going to land fill sites] and the issue of affordable housing for our young families.

      Our job is to represent each of you and if there is something that concerns you, please do get in touch with us - Yvette on 882364 and myself on 883611. In the meantime we both wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

      Julia Clark



      Jubilee Fountain, Mill Lane

      The Fountain in Mill Lane, near its junction with the A 399, was erected to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. It is now a listed building and has been in need of repair and renovation.

      The inscription was so weathered and worn as to be nearly unreadable. After receiving comment, the Parish Council has placed a new tablet over the old and made the restoration their project to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll.

      On the mown bank behind the memorial, a new tree will be planted by Berrynarbor in Bloom.

      A ceremony will be held on the site at 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 25th June. The Rector, Keith Wyer, will bless the newly restored fountain which will remind us all of our ongoing heritage.

      Fouling of our Streets by Dogs

      A couple of years ago the Parish Council placed a notice in the Newsletter requesting dog walkers to take a more responsible attitude to dog fouling and to remove their animals' excreta in a plastic bag carried for the purpose.

      The Council was delighted at the positive response to their request and the consequent improvement in our streets and lanes. It was the more sad, therefore, to receive complaints of a recent increase in the incidence of dog fouling. Surprising, too, because one North Devon dog owner was fined £100 by the magistrate not very long ago.

      We usually love to see our dogs enjoying the same lanes and streets that we do. Thinking, responsible and caring owners will help that pleasure to continue for all of us.

      No Election Again!

      Very sadly indeed, there were insufficient nominations to enable an election to take place on 1st May. We had nine nominations for nine seats and there is always for all of us the nagging doubt - do we have the support of the electorate, the people of the village?

      At the next scheduled re-election in 2007, Berrynarbor will have completed sixteen years without a vote.

      Recently, the government has created a new opportunity for Parish Councils. We qualify on every front bar one. We cannot apply to be officially recognised as a Quality Parish Council because that status demands contested elections. Perhaps next time.


      The nine Councillors are: Graham Andrews, Len Coleman, Jim Constantine, Paul Crockett, Richard Gingell, Ann Hinchliffe, Mary Malin, Sue Sussex and Keith Walls.

      The first duty of the Council at its Annual Meeting each year is to make the appointment of its own officers and those representatives to serve on outside bodies. The full list is as follows:

      Graham AndrewsChairman
      Combe Martin Tourism Association
      N.D.D.C. Standards Committee
      Paul CrockettVice Chairman
      Len ColemanDeputy Footpath Officer
      Home Defence Adviser and Emergency Officer
      Richard GingellHighways Liaison Officer and Tree Warden
      Ann HinchliffePolice Liaison Group
      llfracombe &District Crime Prevention Group
      Neighbourhood Watch
      Northern Devon Rural Transport Forum
      Sue SussexPrimary School Governor and Berrynarbor Community
      Sure Start
      Keith WallsFootpath Warden
      Member of llfracombe Community Alliance



      Chairman's Annual Report to the Annual Parish Meeting at the Manor Hall, 8th April 2003 at 7.00 p.m.

      Regular readers will be aware of my custom to publish in advance of the Annual Parish Meeting a brief report of the Council's activities during the past twelve months, but this year we had a well-attended special meeting in mid-year to discuss the possibility that Berrynarbor could lose the vital facility of the Post Office and last remaining general store. That special meeting ended with an appeal for those who might be able to help to come forward. The Parish Council was delighted when three people did offer their expertise and Paul Crockett, the Council's Vice Chairman, represented the Council. They have shown due diligence, consulting the District Council's Planning Officer and I joined them to hear that feed-back. They will report to this Annual Parish Meeting so that you may hear the situation first hand.

      Retailing in Berrynarbor in recent times has not been a happy experience, with the Manor Stores and the Butchers both closing, and now we are aware that Miss Muffet's is on the market.

      Another regret that I must share with you is that the Council goes into May's Election [on the 1st] one member short. Mike Lane felt that his domestic commitments should take first place and he resigned his seat. In thanking him for his service, freely given, I must say that he was very 'hands on' and the Council can ill-afford to lose hard working member of his calibre.

      By the time of the Annual Parish Meeting we shall know if there are sufficient candidates for an election. We desperately need one. It would be the first for 12 years and it is important that the Council is picked by you, the electors, and not self-selected like the Jockey Club!

      Nevertheless, the members have all been active on your behalf. They make good use of the expertise that exists in the population of our village and elsewhere. Whilst debates are occasionally heated, the underlying theme is one of compromise, seeking the best for their village and the spirit is always good. For my own part, I thank them for their support and hopefully those who attend the Parish Meeting will show their gratitude as well.

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman, Berrynarbor Parish Council

      Publication Scheme Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

      Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, every Parish is required to adopt and maintain a publication scheme setting out the types of information it will make available to the public, how that information can be obtained and whether a charge will be made for that information.

      The purpose of this publication scheme is to be a means by which the Parish Council can make a significant amount of information available routinely.

      The scheme will ensure that the Parish Council will publish more information and help it to develop a greater openness and transparency.

      The Parish Council's key responsibilities are to represent the electorate of its area, to take action within the legal framework and to provide a leadership focus for the community.

      The Parish Council will make the information available in one of the following ways:

      • available for inspection on request from the Parish Clerk - Mrs. S. Squire, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, Barnstaple EX31 4TG Tel: 01598 710526
      • A hard copy of the information may be supplied on request from the Clerk who is responsible for maintaining the scheme

      Where a copy of the information is provided, a reasonable charge may be made.



      1st May 2003

      Elections take place every four years to give an opportunity for the electors to choose who shall serve on their Council.

      It should be your choice of volunteer who serves on your Council.

      Unfortunately, at the last two elections in Berrynarbor, the number of candidates has equalled the number of seats available that is NINE. So no poll was required and everyone was returned unopposed. It is twelve years since there was a contested Parish Council Election in Berrynarbor.

      In my view that is terrible!

      The 2003 Election is on 1st May and the Nominations will close at noon at 1st April.

      Nomination Papers are very simple to complete and will be available from 10th March. They can be sent to the Civic Centre at any time from the 10th March to noon on the 1st April.

      The work, should you be elected, is neither difficult nor complicated. Debates take place in a friendly and courteous manner. Decisions, once taken are usually respected by everyone.

      The Council normally meets on the second Tuesday in every month, except August. From time to time, members will be asked to do other things, but the entire time commitment is not huge.

      If you can persuade a dozen or more people to offer themselves for election, that would enrich our village and create real interest.

      Don't forget, you can vote by post rather than go to the polling station. Applications for postal voting close on 23rd April.

      Graham E. Andrews
      Berrynarbor Parish Council



      Hedges -A major part of our Parish's beauty is the magnificent hedges we have both in the countryside and in the village itself.

      The rain in early summer, followed by weeks of warm weather, gave a huge growth and magnificent colours to enrich our lanes. As ever, the downside of the summer growth is that the hedges grow across the tarmaced highway. Most of these are narrow at the best of times, but with the growth seem frighteningly so to many drivers.

      Most of our farmers have already had their autumn hedgerow cut, but in the village itself, the job is only partly done. So the message to householders that have still to cut their hedge is please arrange for it to be completed as soon as possible. Thank you.

      New Year's Council Tax Bill - These bills are a composite of the requirement of several different bodies, but Parish Councils have to provide their figures very early to the District Council who send out the demands.

      Their decision is already made for 2003-4 and our precept - the amount that will be paid to Berrynarbor Parish Council and raised from Berrynarbor householders - will be unchanged from the present year. If only others would hold their charges too, wouldn't that be nice!

      Elections - 1st May 2003 is Election Day for Parish Councils - and indeed district councils. The cost of these elections is a part of the Parish Council precept referred to above.

      The money will be raised anyway, so it would be a good thing if we had a contested election in 2003. It would be the first one for 12 years.

      It is important for our local democracy that the Parish voters elect their Councillors, and that your village leaders are not returned unopposed or co-opted.

      Offering oneself is very simple - the job is not too demanding and any existing Councillor will explain the workload if you ask them. There is a good sense of comradeship from solving problems together.

      Mike Lane - A bombshell was dropped by Mike Lane at the November meeting, when owing to a number of domestic reasons, Mike told us that he now found it necessary to resign his seat on the Council. He will be missed as his contacts around the village centre are many and he often asked the searching questions. We wish him well in the years ahead.

      The Law provides that when a Council Vacancy occurs within six months of the next scheduled election, then it will not be filled. So now we are 8.

      On behalf of my fellow Councillors and myself, I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman



      A new 'light touch audit regime' has been introduced by the District Audit in respect of auditing the Parish Council's accounts.

      The Parish Council is obliged to appoint an internal auditor in the near future and invited applications from suitable candidates.

      Individuals must be competent, not related to a Parish Councillor and have a sound knowledge of accounting practice and risk management.

      Further details can be obtained from the Parish Clerk on [01598] 710526 or the Chairman on [01271] 883385.

      A suitable remuneration will be paid according to the time spent on the accounts.

      Applications in writing, giving details of experience, should be sent to

        Mrs. S. Squire,
        Parish Clerk, Berrynarbor Parish Council,
        Haxlea, 2 Threeways,
        Bratton Fleming,
        Barnstaple, EX31 4TG

      to be received by Monday, 14th October 2002 at the latest.



      On the second Tuesday in May, your Parish Council held its Annual Meeting, i.e. the meeting when it makes its appointments for the next Municipal Year.

      Graham Andrews was re-elected Chairman; Paul Crockett became Vice-Chairman and all the other appointments continue to be held by the same post holders.

      These appointments will hold until the fourth day after the election to be held on 1st May 2003, except for the Chairman who remains in office [re-elected or not] until his successor is elected.

      The Council welcomed various road works completed in the Parish, including some pipe work which should clear the 'ponding' just north of Bodstone Barton. The Council also agreed some minor traffic calming near the top of Hagginton Hill after receiving the support of the nearest residents.

      Unusually, the June and July meetings will be held on Mondays, the 10th June and the 8th July. The public is always welcome.

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman



      Tuesday, 9th April, 2002, 7.00 p.m.

      Parliament legislated in 1894 to create Parish Councils and Berrynarbor, like a great many other communities up and down the Kingdom, elected its first Council by a show of hands at a Parish Meeting in December 1894.

      It started meeting in January 1895 and continues to this day. Major Local Government Acts were passed in 1933 and 1972 and the governments at those times did not seek to vary the roles of Parishes.

      The 1972 Act allowed Parishes to call themselves 'Towns' if they wished and formed new Parish/Town Councils where some of the former Urban Districts and Municipal Boroughs had been previously.

      It also designated councils at that level as 'Local Councils' and County and District Councils as 'Principal Councils' - a nice distinction which has not really reached the media everyday language. There are therefore nearly 10,000 local councils and around 100,000 local councillors, the sort of number of voluntary unpaid workers that most sensible people would not wish to antagonise. However, we now have a Government willing to risk that. The Local Government Act 2000 does a number of things:

      In the first place it requires every councillor [and there are a number of these] to register their personal interests in a register open to public inspection - local holdings, share portfolios, etc.

      There is a review of the rules about 'Declaration of Interest' which is aimed at making councils better informed. The Code of Conduct that stands alongside these changes has been adopted by your Council with effect from 1st May.

      Another change is that some Parish Councils may apply to be designated 'Quality Councils'. It is perhaps divisive for councils with the same powers and duties to be treated differently. Berrynarbor will not become a Quality Council because one of the criteria is that it must budget to spend at least £30,000 per annum. We do not spend that sort of money, and have no ambitions so to do - Council Tax payers will be glad to hear!

      The other criteria which we do not meet is really much more important. The Government, quite rightly in my view, has declared that better treatment will be given to those councils which have freely contested elections at each 4-yearly election of the council.

      We have not had a contested election for, I believe, some eleven years. Only four members out of the current nine have ever been elected, the rest having been co-opted or returned unopposed. No blame attaches to those who are serving now, but others who could seek election and have not, might reconsider their position before the next election in 2003. By the time next year's Annual Parish Meeting is held, nominations will have closed, and so now is the time to appeal for candidates for a task which is not very onerous anyway.

      As to the work of the Council this year: we have had much routine, and some good news. Barton Lane has been resurfaced at the higher end and the road from Diggers Cross to Cross Park is expected to be done this summer.

      Your Council has defended the Village Plan against applications in the 'Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty' that surrounds us. They have supported unreservedly applications for accommodation for the disabled on our tourist sites.

      We have been unable to insure Claude's Garden against the danger of landslip and will now have to take professional advice.

      May I invite you to attend the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00 p.m. in the Penn Curzon Room on Tuesday, 9th April. The Manor Hall is not available to us and we have asked that in future, it be reserved for us so that more electors have the opportunity to question the Council.

      An increase has been reported in dog fouling and the exercise area has been refurbished. Please use it. We shall be erecting some dog bins but the company who were to supply us are in liquidation, so there will be a further delay.

      My thanks go to all the members and to the Clerk for their work.

      We are, on the whole, a friendly bunch and a good team!

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman

      A Personal Statement

      As most people know, Margaret and I have left Treetops and relocated at Moory Lodge, Moory Meadow, Combe Martin, where the 'phone number remains [01271] 883385.

      My membership of the Council continues and I shall complete my term of office. As I reside within 3 miles of the Parish Boundary, I shall be eligible to contest the next election. Already I have been asked to do so, and if the signs are right, I probably will.

      The District Council have offered me the chance to represent Parish Councils on the new Standards Committee and indeed serve until 2007, provided I remain a Parish Councillor.

      Very many thanks to all of you for making us welcome in Berrynarbor for so many years. We should both be happy to remain a useful part of the Village life.




      At its meeting in May, your Parish Council is required to elect its Officers, and this year the members have asked me to resume the post of Council Chairman, from which I had retired in 1999.

      The main task of a Parish Council in a small village such as ours, is to ensure that we take full advantage of the services provided by the two principal Councils, i.e. Devon County Council and the North Devon District Council, and to motivate voluntary groups to use the wide variety of Agencies that are active in the area.

      I follow, in this office, Ann Hinchliffe, who has been an enthusiastic office holder, setting a challenge to those who follow her.

      My 'phone number is 883385 and there is a separate Fax line on 883375. As ever, I shall be pleased to hear from anyone about the Council's business.

      Graham E. Andrews



      2000-2001 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT

      The past year has, I believe, brought the village closer together not only because of the start of a new century, but because of the regular contributions made by people throughout the Parish, as can be seen from the many reports in the Newsletter. As you know, our Parish covers a very wide area and your support has helped to achieve a good year's work.

      As a Council we have been looking to find ways to make it safer for the school children to arrive at and leave the village school. The evenings are of particular concern because of the increased traffic at that time.

      This year flooding was not quite as bad as last year, but we still have considerable concern about it and are working closely with the authorities to have on-going improvement made. Some of which will be in the Wild Violets/Sterridge Valley area. Some work has been carried out in Birdswell Lane. There is still, however, concern in that area as well as Barton Lane and when Mr. Knight [DCC] attended a County Council debate on flooding, he was brought up to date on the situation and was able to convey our village concerns.

      Vandalism has occurred again this year, mostly to the bus shelters but also to the Manor Hall, the children's play area and the lower playing field, the entrance to which we have had to keep padlocked to keep cars out. Please tell someone on the Council if you see vandalism, but on no account put yourself at risk by intervening.

      This year two new Councillors have been co-opted, Michael Lane and Graham Andrews. The vacancies arose by the resignation of Matthew Walls and the sudden tragic death of Ray Ludlow, who was a great loss to our Council because of his work with the Police Authority and his knowledge of planning policies.

      A new fence has been erected at the boundary of the village car park and the stream, the steep bank to which is a recognised hazard. The toilet doors have been repainted and the recycling shed has been repaired. We have also obtained permission for large vehicles, such as removal vans, to use the car park for a limited time so that the main roads through the village are not blocked. We need to be told when such parking is required.

      We have had a meeting with the Trustees of Claude's Garden and it was agreed that we should have regular meetings in future to discuss maintenance and the use of the garden. Three Councillors have formed a sub-committee are are looking to improve the area of grass which has become mossy.

      Parish Council members have been to meetings in North Devon to discuss the Rural White Paper and to ensure that we are kept up to date and can take advantage of any part of it which will be to our benefit.

      Planning - this year, wherever possible, we have notified people with planning applications of the date of the review to enable them to attend and hear the discussion.

      We have had a visit from Mr. Tucker, the NDC tree expert, who gave us a great deal of information and our Parish Clerk a list of trees most suitable for growing in this district. As a Parish, we have a large area of tree preservation and we do need to be told by the public if they see damage being done to trees.

      Our Parish Precept for the coming year has been set at £5.678 and the accounts are with the Audior. Both the accounts and the Council minutes can be seen by any interested parishioner on request.

      Ann Hinchliffe - Chairman

      The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Penn Curzon Room on Tuesday, 10th April 2001 at 7.00 p.m. This will be followed by the normal monthly Parish Meeting. Everyone is welcome.



      On the whole, this has been a good year for our Village, although sadly a number of properties have suffered flood and storm damage. It is hoped that future risks have been reduced by new drainage works and now, for anyone who feels they might need them, sandbags are available for collection from Len Coleman at any time.

      Apart from this, the strongly supportive character of Berrynarbor has been seen in the festive Millennium celebrations, which were a very successful start to a year in which parishioners again put a lot of hard work and effort into a wide variety of village pursuits. These contribute to a very strong community atmosphere, which is the envy of many other communities today.

      West Country Ambulance have offered to run a First Aid Course in the village if enough people are interested. Please ring me if you would like to attend such a course.

      As a Parish Council, we appreciate your support this year and look forward to carrying on a close working relationship with you all in the new year. so, please let us have any information that you feel will help us to keep Berrynarbor the perfect place to live, for work and retirement.

      A Happy Christmas and a successful New Year to you all.

      Ann Hinchliffe - 883708



      As is normal, the Council did not meet in August although a planning meeting was held on the 3rd. Eight members of the public were in attendance and our first act was to invite them to join the members of the Council present in a minute's silence as a tribute to and in remembrance of our friend and colleague, Ray Ludlow. The planning applications discussed were for the installation of mobile 'phone equipment on the transmitting tower and the erection of wind turbine generators on Hore Down - details of which are given in the Minutes of the meeting.

      Minutes of the September meeting are not yet to hand but at that meeting we were sadly obliged to co-opt a new Councillor. Three very good candidates had put themselves forward for selection and Graham Andrews was voted in. We now look forward to being able, once more, to make use of his years of valuable experience.

      Ann Hinchliffe - Chairman



      Before the meeting on Tuesday 11th July opened officially, a very interesting talk was given by Mr. Tucker, the NDDC tree expert. He told us that Berrynarbor was one of the first parishes to have preservation orders put on trees and, as we are in an area of outstanding beauty, he went on to explain the rules which govern preservation decisions. He has promised to send us a list of trees suitable for planting locally, which can be passed on to anyone in the parish who has the space and wants to do their bit towards making this an even more green and pleasant land.

      A full Council was present and a warm welcome was given to our newly co-opted member, Mike Lane, who is now the Council's representative on the Primary School Board of Governors. In this role, his long and wide experience as a teacher should be of great value. With the Chairman, he has since attended the annual meeting of the Playing Fields Association, at which they were both given a lot of useful information.

      The Parish has also been represented at the North Devon Rural Forum, the Parish Consultation Forum and by Ray Ludlow at the Ilfracombe and District Crime Prevention Panel, of which he is a very active member.

      Earlier we had a meeting with the Trustees of Claude's Garden to discuss maintenance in the coming year, and it was agreed to meet them annually at their request.

      A box will be put in the Post Office in which you can put any correspondence you would like the Parish Council to consider. It will be emptied a week before each council meeting. We do not meet in August, except to consider planning applications and for emergencies, but look forward to meeting as many of you as care to attend in September. Have a good summer break.

      Ann Hinchliffe - Chairman


      Parish Council Election

      Due to the resignation of Councillor Matthew Walls, there is a vacancy on the Parish Council. This will be re-filled by Co-option at the meeting to be held on Tuesday, 13th June.

      Parishioners are invited to apply for this position in writing, stating why they would like to be a Parish Councillor. Letters of application should be sent to the Clerk or Chairman and be received by Friday, 9th June 2000 at the latest

      Clerk: Sue Squire, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, Barnstaple, EX31 4TG


      Chairman: Ann Hinchliffe, Castle Hill, Berrynarbor, Ilfracombe, EX34 99 SX



      Following the change of Chairman and Vice-Chairman at the Parish Council Annual Meeting on the 9th May, the Council would like to thank Len Coleman and Ray Ludlow who served the Parish so well in those posts for the last twelve months. They have been succeeded by councillors Ann Hinchliffe and Bud Rice.

      The Parish Council's new year begins with the sad news that the creeping tide of vandalism has reached our village. The children's playing field has been damaged by someone who first broke through the gate and then drove a vehicle over the ground. A number of roadside drain covers have been found to have been lifted, putting people walking along our lanes in danger, especially at night. We should be grateful if you would keep your eyes open and report any incidents you see to a member of the Parish Council. The co-operation of parents would be particularly valued but please, if you see adults committing offences, do not put yourselves at risk by trying to stop them. We, as a Parish Council, should also be appreciative if you would let us know if you see anything such as dangerous trees or uneven road surfaces that need attention.

      On a happier note, consideration is being given to the planting of a small orchard for the Millennium with public access. If successful, this should give pleasure to future generations as well as ourselves.

      Coincidentally, at the Parish Council meeting on 11th July, we shall have the pleasure of a talk by Mr. Tucker, the NDDC tree specialist who will tell us about tree preservation and new plantings. He will expect, and welcome, questions from the public and we look forward to seeing interested people at that meeting.

      Ann Hinchliffe

      Chairman, Berrynarbor PC

      Further to the vandalism reported above, the following note has been received: We were recently very sorry to find that our electric fence activator had been stolen from Pixie Dean Meadow [opposite the forestry entrance]. This is alarming news to us all. If anyone can help with information about this theft, please contact Jannie Alcock on 882332. Thank you..



      Tuesday, 13th April, 1999, 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall

      Chairman's Report

      Ever since 1894 when the legislation creating Parish Councils was cleared by Parliament, it has been a requirement for each Parish to hold an Annual Meeting so that the public can hold the Council to account for their actions. Nowadays, most councils give an opportunity for electors to raise matters at their monthly meetings and Berrynarbor Parish Council has followed that practice for many years.

      The Annual Meeting will start at 7.00 p.m. and the Parish Council Meeting will follow it.

      So what of the Municipal Year 1998/1999? There have been two significant changes of personalities. Our Clerk, John Vince, moved to Teignmouth and Michelle Beaumont has filled his seat. Her knowledge of the village, gleaned when she lived here, is proving invaluable.

      Brian Fryer found work commitments were not enabling him to make the contribution he would wish, and so he stood down. No election was claimed [10 electors have to do so for there to be an election] and the Council co-opted Richard Gingell from Hempster Farm. We are fortunate to have a number of young members on our Council.

      New goalposts have been erected in the Playing Field and three members visited a composting scheme at Chagford. If there is sufficient support, it might be possible to create one here.

      Whilst the Council are unable to control the weather, it has been very concerned about the flooding which has occurred in the Parish. Wheel Farm Cottage has a problem with water running off neighouring fields, and in Silver Street, two properties were rendered uninhabitable. The Council is concerned that proposals for drainage improvement do not as yet provide any guarantee against a recurrence. We shall continue to press Devon County Council to correct this situation.

      Arrangements have been made for Claude's Garden to be admitted to the Quiet Garden Scheme. In future it will be managed jointly by the Parish Council, the Parochial Church Council and a representative of the late Claude Richards' family.

      Negotiations have taken place with the District Council for overnight parking in the Castle Hill car park and with the County Council for a funding package that will contribute to our Footpath Maintenance.

      A new Council will be voted into office on 6th May if sufficient candidates are nominated.

      To all my colleagues, my grateful thanks.

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman



      The last few meetings of the Parish Council have debated the effects of recent storms on the village, and in particular the flooding in Silver Street and in some other properties in quite remote locations.

      The Council is far from convinced that the County Council's proposals for the village centre are robust enough to prevent more problems in the future and are arranging further discussions with County Council officials in order to achieve a permanent solution.

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman



      Negotiations have been held with the North Devon District Council Car Park Management. From now on, there will be no restriction on Overnight Parking in the Free Car Park at Castle Hill.

      This should bring an end to night parking on our roads and by the Manor Hall, where parking is really for the use of people actually using the Hall.

      Following the resignation from the Council of Brian Fryer, with no election being claimed, Richard Gingell has been co-opted to the Parish Council.

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman


      Tuesday, 14th April, 1998, at 7.00 p.m.

      Last December there was a Special Parish Meeting and the Manor Hall was packed. Thank you for attending in such numbers.

      Every year there is an Annual Meeting of the electors of the Parish and it is our custom to hold it on the evening of our April Parish Council Meeting. [Those who do attend are welcome to watch the Council following the Annual Meeting.] Its main purpose is to hear about the activities of the Parish Council during the year just past.

      The highlight has to be the Parish Poll that followed the Special Meeting. Both sides of the question had good support, but the result was quite clear. If the Manor Hall scheme is to be completed there will have to be other funding schemes. Parishes much smaller than Berrynarbor have recently opened village halls where the total cost reached around £500,000. It will be interesting to follow progress in this parish.

      There was some confusion about the Council Tax Banding system, and a further table appears below:

      BandProperties in VillageCriteria for Band by 1991 ValueCharge split into 9ths and amount
      A29Up to £40,OOO6/9 £490.38
      B27£40,001 - £52,0007/9 £572.11
      C69£52,001 - £68,0008/9 £653.84
      D81£68,001 - £88,0009/9 Base Charge £735.57
      E89£88,001 - £120,00011/9 £899.03
      F30£120,000 - £160,00013/9 £1,062.49
      G16£160,000 - £320,00015/9 £1,225.95
      HNilOver £320,00018/9 Twice Base £1,471.14

      You will see there are no H Band properties in Berrynarbor. There are very few in North Devon, but Castle Hill at Filleigh is one example.

      One feature of the year's work has been a high number of planning applications upon which we are always required to comment. The consultation period is now shorter than once it was, and there have been a number of extra Council Meetings to deal with the workload. Fortunately, none of the applications have been of such a nature as to introduce massive change to our community.

      When the URC Chapel came onto the market, the Council monitored the local interest that had various schemes for the building's public use. In the event, the sale realised a figure way beyond the public purse and it will become residential in the near future.

      Then we have some farewells to say. Jenny Taylor, the last Chairman, is expecting to go overseas in the near future and has resigned her seat on the Council. Over many years she gave tremendous service and has always been a leading voice in our debates. We wish her well in the future.

      No By-election was claimed and after a vote of the Council between two volunteers, Mathew Walls was co-opted. We are most fortunate to have so many Councillors well below the average age.

      Elsewhere in the Newsletter readers will see an advertisement for a new Parish Clerk. John Vince, who has revolutionised your Council's administration during his period as Clerk, is returning to South Devon, where his family have settled and will leave us, probably in August. We shall be searching, not only for a diligent officer, but for someone who can bring word processing and computer skills and equipment to the task.

      Our lives will not be dull this summer, but then who would want to be part of a dull council? I hope to see you on the 14th April.

      Graham E. Andrews - Chairman



      New Parish Councillor - Following the resignation of Jenny Taylor from the Council, no request was made for an election and, at its meeting on the 10th February, the Parish Council co-opted Matthew Walls of Pink Heather, Sterridge Valley, to fill the vacancy.

      Local Advertising Leaflet - A suggestion has been made to the Parish Council that it would be helpful to residents and visitors if there was a leaflet advertising local services and businesses. If anyone is interested in organising such a leaflet, or advertising in it, they are asked to contact any one of the Parish Councillors.


      Best Kept Village Competition 1997

      The Parish Council wishes to make it clear that the judges' criticisms of certain footpaths, verges and hedges, which were reported in the October Newsletter, did not refer to the many footpaths maintained for the Council by Gerald Bray, but to one particular path which is not the responsibility of the Parish Council. The Council is more than satisfied with the standard of maintenance undertaken by Mr. Bray.

      With regard to the criticism concerning overgrown hedges, the County Council's Divisional Surveyor has pointed out that these are not the responsibility of the Highway Authority, but of the various landowners. Residents could help maintain the standard of footpaths, and other areas, by reporting any litter, fallen trees, broken fences or signs, to the Clerk [862362] or to any member of the Parish Council.



      Donation of Seat in the Manor Hall Playground

      The Parish Council is pleased to acknowledge the gift of a seat for the children's playground from the United Reformed Church, which held its last service on the 3rd August, 1997. The seat has been given in memory of Margery Hobbs and the Church and has been sited so that the Chapel can be seen from the seat.

      Fouling by Dogs

      This is a continuing problem In some parts of the village. The solution is dependent on the dog owners becoming more considerate and responsible. If you know of anyone who regularly allows their dog to foul an area, please contact the District Council on 388318, and they will arrange for the Dog Wardan to speak to the person concerned. Dog owners can overcome the problem by taking a plastic bag with them and removing the offending material.

      Tenders for 1998/1999

      The Parish Council will be inviting tenders in October for
      [a] Maintenance of Seats and Shelters, and
      [b] Grass Cutting, Garden Maintenance, Footpath Clearance, etc.
      for the year commencing 1st April, 1998.

      Suitably experienced contractors who wish to tender should write to
      John Vince, Clerk to the Council, Holly Lodge, Horne Park Road,
      Ilfracombe, EX34 8JT, or telephone him on 862362.
      Application must be made by Monday, 13th October.


      Best Kept Village Competition 1997

      Although many areas of the village maintained their usual high standards, marks were lost in certain elements of the judging and we must seek to overcome these problem areas next year. Marks are out of possible 100, with 8 'features' taking 10 points each, and l, 'clear evidence of local commitment and initiative in the care and maintenance of the village' worth 20 points. On this final point, we only managed 16/20, and also lost 5 marks apiece on 'absence of litter and unsightly refuse dumps on verges' and 'state of footpaths, stiles, field gates, signposting, ponds and streams'. We received an excellent report on the section covering churchyards, cemeteries and war memorials, with 10/10 and the comment 'beautifully kept'. Our public lavatories were 'excellent'! [Thank you, Grace, for keeping them so clean.] The general comments of the judges were: 'Individual homes superbly kept and the village clearly well loved, but marks were lost by ill-kept verges right through the length and breadth of the village - verges full of brambles and nettles with walkers finding it difficult to keep back for traffic without getting stung.'


      Tenders for Construction of Cobbled Channels

      The Parish Council has received grant approvals to enable further lengths of cobbled channels to be constructed in the Village centre. Suitably experienced contractors who wish to tender for the supply and laying of cobbles are invited to submit their names, by the 31st August, to the Clerk to the Parish Council, John Vince, at Holly Lodge, Horne Park Road, llfracombe, EX34 8JT.



      Chairman: Graham Andrews
      Vice-Chairman: Brian Fryer

      Northern Devon Community Mediation

      The Parish Council has received details of this new service provided by Dartington North Devon Trust. The scheme offers help where there is a dispute between neighbours, and where both parties are willing to accept mediation by a trained volunteer. The mediator will listen to what both parties have to say about the problem, but will not judge who is to blame or tell people what to do. Instead, he or she will assist both parties to negotiate over the issues that divide them. Mediation is quicker and cheaper than going to court. The service is free to all users. Experience has shown that nine out of ten mediations end in agreement. Enquiries can be made by post to Dartington North Devon Trust, 4 Taw Vale, Barnstaple, EX32 8NJ, or telephone 475280 asking for 'Community Mediation'.


      The Parish Council has for sale a petrol-engined Tandu PRO 255 Brushcutter,
      with 'cowhorn' handle. It may be inspected at the home of Cllr. Len Coleman
      Swan Cottage [opposite The Globe], telephone 883763. The Council gives no
      warranty as to its condition, and it is offered for sale 'as seen'

      Sealed tenders must be delivered to John Vince, Clerk to the Council,
      Holly Lodge, Home Park Road, lifracombe, EX34 8JT, to arrive no later than Tuesday, 17th June, 1997.
      Envelopes must be endorsed 'TENDER FOR BRUSHCUTTER'



      Berrynarbor Community Enhancement Projects

      The Parish Council would like to express its thanks to all those who responded to the consultation letter delivered to all households. 168 replies were received, which is a response of over 50%, far better than most questionnaires receive. Note has been taken of all the comments made, and various matters which are outside the control of the Parish Council have been referred to the County and District Councils or other bodies concerned.

      Other comments will be considered by the Working Party dealing with the Enhancement Projects, and will be incorporated wherever possible.

      Some respondents commented on the lack of facilities for young people, and the Parish Council is concerned also at the anti-social behaviour of another generation of youngsters, who congregate in the village during the evenings, with little to fill their time or challenge their energy. The Council is not in a position to make judgements on the reports and complaints received, but is willing to address the problem by listening to the youngsters concerned, and their parents, with a view to discussing any constructive ideas which will keep the youngsters safe and out of trouble.

      The natural exuberance of youth is something we have all experienced, and needs to be viewed with a special sense of humour and a great deal of tolerance. On the other hand, the "exuberant youth" need to practise self restraint and behave in a manner which can be tolerated. The Council invites any youngsters, or parents, to contact any member of the Council, or the Clerk, with any suggestions for consideration. If you prefer to put your ideas in writing, they can be sent to the Clerk at Holly Lodge, Horne Park Road, Ilfracombe.

      Sport and Recreation for 8-14 Year Olds

      On the mornings of the 2nd, 9th and 23rd August, the North Devon District Council will be holding Sport and Recreation sessions for 8-14 year olds in the Manor Hall, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. There is a charge of £1.50 per head, but a reduction of 50p for additional members of one family. Sessions will take place both inside and outside, depending on the weather, so please wear trainers and suitable sports clothing for running around.

      Garden Refuse

      If you have difficulty in disposing of your garden rubbish, there is a special skip for this at the Recycling Centre at Killacleave in Ilfracombe.

      Fouling By Dogs

      Certain areas of the village seem to be more affected by this than others. The Council would be grateful if dog owners would clear up after fouling by their dogs and would also remind owners of the Dog Exercise Area at the top of the Recreation Field in Pitt Hill.

      Telephoning the Police

      If you have difficulty contacting the Police through their 0990-700400 Helpline, or the 0990-777444 Police Switchboard, there is now a direct number for the Ilfracombe Police Station between 9.00 a.m. and I .00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. The number is 863634.


      St. Peter's Church, Berrynarbor by Hetti, Year 1



      Devon and Cornwall Constabulary - Cutting Crime in Rural Areas

      Devon and Cornwall Constabulary have received a grant which will enable them to help elderly and vulnerable persons whose homes may need additional security, but whose financial circumstances do not allow them to have the work carried out. Anyone needing advice or financial help for such work should contact the Crime Prevention Officer in Barnstaple, on 335233.

      Annual Parish Meeting

      Another reminder that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 9th April, commencing at 7.00 p.m. Do come and find out what YOUR Parish Council has been doing and what it plans to do, or to say what you would like it to do!



      Use of Grid References by Emergency Services

      Westcountry Ambulance Service NHS Trust is constantly seeking ways of reducing response times when ambulances are requested in an emergency. On the whole they are able to locate property addresses in cities, towns and even villages without too much delay, even at night. Isolated farmsteads and hamlets are not always so easily identified and, In these instances, an accurate grid reference would be of considerable assistance. The Trust will supply cards, to be kept by the telephone, on which the full address and grid reference of rural properties can be recorded. These can be obtained from John Vince, Clerk to the Parish Council, free of charge, by phoning 862362. Help can also be given, if needed, in establishing the grid references of properties.

      Annual Parish Meeting

      An advance note for your diaries - the Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 9th April, commencing at 7.00 p.m. If you have an interest in the Village, or a concern you wish to express, please come.



      Best Kept Village and Britain in Bloom: Berrynarbor again reached the Finals in the judging for the Best Kept Village competition run by the Devon Branch of the Council for the Protection of Rural England. First place this year, however, went to East Budleigh, with Ogwell as runner-up. We scored maximum points in the section for "local commitment and initiative in the care and maintenance of the village", so congratulations to everyone who helped in this effort. Mrs. Vi Davies and her band of helpers are to be congratulated on the displays they produced this year for the Britain in Bloom contest - their hard work was rewarded by the award of an Abbiss Certificate. The Parish Council wishes to thank all who played any part in the village's entry into these two competitions.

      Manor Hall Car Park: Please note that the Manor Hall car park is solely for the use of drivers attending events in the Manor Hall. The Parish Council seeks residents' co-operation in not parking there unless attending a function, and not directing visitors to use it. The village is fortunate in having a large, free, public car park, only a short distance from the village centre.



      Neighbourhood Watch - Acting Inspector Hunter from Ilfracombe Police Station reported at the March Parish Council Meeting that crime figures in the last 3 months covered by Ilfracombe [which includes Berrynarbor] had fallen from 215 in the previous corresponding period 12 months ago to a total of 156, with burglaries falling from 74 to 37. The local Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator is Bill Berry who can be contacted on 882577.

      Western Morning News Calendar - Photographic Competition. To have Berrynarbor represented in the 1997 or future Calendars [1996 will be available this Easter!], pictures need to be selected from a photographic competition held between Easter and the end of August each year. The competition is open to anyone and the First Prize is £250 and £25 for each photograph used. Rules and entry forms are printed at regular intervals in the Western Morning News and Evening Herald, or copies can be obtained, after Easter, from the Western Morning News Office, telephone 01752 765500.

      Annual Parish Meeting - The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 11th April, at 7.00 p.m., followed by the regular monthly Parish Council Meeting. All residents are very welcome to attend.



      • Best Kept Village and Britain in Bloom

        The Parish Council values and supports both competitions and warmly congratulates all those involved in this year's achievements.

      • 50th Anniversary of V. E. Day - 8th May 1995

        The Parish Council feels that this day should be commemorated in the Village, and is open to suggestions as to how this should be done. If you have ideas, please pass them on to one of the Councillors or to the Clerk, John Vince (862362). Similarly, if any individual or organisation would like to be involved in arranging an event, please let us know as soon as possible.

      • Vandalism

        There has been a spate of minor vandalism recently, particularly in the children's playground, the bus shelter and the public conveniences. If you see anything of this nature taking place, please telephone the Police immediately. It's your money that pays to repair any damage!



      Recyclinq Pavilion - Further congratulations to all the village recyclers! The recycling pavilion is performing so well that the authorities want to exchange it for one double the size. Hopefully this should happen within the next couple of months, meanwhile, please keep up the good work. The pavilion is normally open from 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. If you do find it closed, please do not leave newspapers, etc., outside.

      Bulky Household Rubbish - A skip for the disposal of bulky household waste will be in the car park in Castle Hill over the week-end commencing Friday, 11th November, and again on Friday, 10th March.

      Parish Council Grants in 1995 - Any local organisation wishing to be considered for a grant from the Parish Council is invited to make application by the 31st October 1994. A copy of the latest accounts should be submitted, together with current levels of income and expenditure, details of the sum requested and the purpose for which it will be used. Applications should be made to John Vince, Clerk to the Parish Council Holly Lodge, Horne Park Road, Ilfracombe, EX34 8JT.



      The Chairman of the Parish Council for the new Municipal year is Mrs. Jenny Taylor, last year's Vice-Chairman, and last year's Chairman, Graham Andrews, will now serve as Vice-Chairman.

      Claude's Garden, at the junction of Barton Lane and Castle Hill, was officially opened on Friday, 22nd April, by Cllr. Mike Edmunds, Immediate Past Chairman of the North Devon District Council. The Parish Council and members of the Richards Family hope that it will be a quiet spot, in the centre of the Village, which will be enjoyed by both residents and visitors.

      There has been an excellent response to the Emergency Plan questionnaires and thank you to all who completed and returned them. If you have not done so, can we urge you to do so NOW. It is hoped that there will never be an emergency in the Parish, but should there be so, the more information that is available, the better we shall be equipped to deal with it. If you did not receive a questionnaire, or have lost it, please contact one of your local Councillors or 'phone the Clerk, John Vince, on 862362.



      It has been the custom of Berrynarbor Parish Council for some years to afford an opportunity to residents of the Parish at the commencement of the monthly meeting to ask questions of the Council.

      However, that facility does not release the Council from the obligation placed upon it by Parliament to hold annually a meeting to which every elector may come and receive reports from the Council and other Village organisations.

      This year's meeting will be at 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 12th April. My Chairman's report will be:

        "Ladies and Gentlemen,

        One of the duties of a Parish Council is to work with others to attract resources from outside the Parish and this year we have several instances of success.

        1. We were able to attract a grant from the N.D. D.C. for a lighting scheme and passed that on to the Parochial Church Council to assist in their scheme to floodlight the Church Tower - and what an excellent job they have made of it. Many thanks.
        2. Again from the N.D.D.C., and the Community Council of Devon, we have attracted sufficient cash to engage - following a tendering exercise - St. John' s Nursery to lay out Claude's Garden, and we hope to see a good crowd at the Official Opening at 7.00 p.m. on Friday, 22nd April.
        3. We are now exploring an enhancement scheme in the Village Centre which will restore some of the cobbles which are covered by tarmac. Again the N.D. D.C. will be asked to fund it.
        4. The Heritage Coast Officer - Tim Adkin - has been most helpful in finding resources for several local tasks and is a powerful advocate of the Marine Nature Reserve off our coast.

        Highway matters, as usual, occupied much of our time. Work on the road to Berrydown has hopefully brought an end to the spring which gathered so many pot-holes. Another junction improvement at Coil Cross will soon be completed.

        The Local Government Commission has started work in Devon and the Council has supported the N.D.D.C. scheme for a new Council in the Northern part of Devon, to carry out work that is now done by the County and the District. The Commission will deliver its proposals to every household before anything is finalised. Locally, the Council has expressed a wish for its own boundaries to remain unchanged.

        The contract we held with the District Council to clean the car park toilets has expired and we were unsuccessful with our tender this time. Many thanks to Grace for her superb work.

        My thanks go to my Vice-Chairman, Jenny Taylor, and to the rest of the Council Members for their work and their good humour.

        A special appreciation for John Vince, our Clerk, whose paperwork is immaculate and whose knowledge is encyclopaedic. He is so keen on the village he even came on Christmas Day - for lunch!!"

      Graham Andrews - Chairman
      Berrynarbor Parish Council



      Disposal of Bulky Household Items

      A skip will be provided again in the Car Park in Castle Hill during the week-end commencing Friday, 11th March, for the disposal of any bulky household items. The Parish Council would also like to remind residents of the Recycling Pavilion, in the Car Park, for the disposal and recycling of glass jars and bottles, food tins and drink cans [washed!], newspapers, magazines, textiles, aluminium foil and plastic bottles [squashed].

      North Devon Police Consultative Committee

      This Committee meets quarterly in various parts of North Devon and on Tuesday, 15th March, 1994, it will be holding its meeting in the Manor Hall in Berrynarbor, at the invitation of the Parish Council. The meeting starts at 7.00 p.m. and the public are warmly invited to attend. If you would like further information on the topics covered at the quarterly meetings, the Parish Council 's representative on the Committee is Councillor Jenny Taylor, whose 'phone number is 862205.

      Britain in Bloom Competition

      Up until 1992, Berrynarbor entered the Britain in Bloom competition, with a fair degree of success and obvious benefits to both residents and visitors from the various floral efforts. The small committee which had been responsible for the village's entry, and for co-ordinating and maintaining displays, felt that the time had come for others to share the task. No-one came forward and the village was unable to enter in 1993. Unless a new committee can be formed, this will happen in 1994 and a substantial grant which is available from the District Council will not be able to be taken up.

      If you would be willing to be a member of a small committee, without necessarily taking full responsibility yourself, or if you would like more information, please ring the Clerk of the Parish Council, John Vince, on 862362.



      The Chairman of our Parish Council for 1993-4, elected at the A.G.M. in May, is Graham Andrews, with Jenny Taylor as Vice-chairman.

      At the meeting on 13th July, Mr. E. Farwell, District Manager of the Social Services Department, will be speaking and answering questions on 'Care in the Community' Interested residents are invited to attend. 7.30 p.m.

      Free Health Service HELP Line For the answer to YOUR Health Service queries, telephone Freephone 0800 616190, for a confidential service for everyone in this area, during office hours.

      The Watch-a-Box B. T. scheme has now come to an end as they feel there is no longer a need. However, should you notice damage or lack of cleaning in either of the boxes in the village, please either inform a Parish Councillor or report direct to B.T. by calling 151 [foc].

      Council Tax Banding If you wish to appeal against the banding of your property, the number to ring is Barnstaple 326274 - District Valuation Office.

      Appeal to Dog Owners Dog owners are asked to help overcome the problem of 'fouling' the village roads, and are reminded of the dog exercise area in the Recreation Field.

      Parish Council Meetinqs Residents are reminded that the Council meets in the Penn Curzon Room at 7.30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month, except August. The Agenda and Minutes are always available in the Post Office. The public are welcome to attend and there is an opportunity at the beginning of each meeting for the public to raise any matters which may concern them.



      A third each contribution from NDDC, DCC and the Countryside Commission has been put to establishing a Heritage Coast running from the Exmoor Heritage Coast at Combe Martin to Barnstaple. Three staff will try to enhance the paths, create informal recreation and conservation areas, plant trees and liaise with parish councils. Berrynarbor has a sizeable length of coast which could benefit.

      South West Water are to have a 2-day exhibition in the Town Hall of their proposals for a new sewage works for Combe Martin. Berrynarbor Parish Council took part in the early consultations and welcomed the proposals subject to a high standard of design. They are right to do so - the works will be just inside the Berrynarbor Parish!

      The clay pigeon shooting planning application at Ettiford Farm was deferred pending a report from environmental health officers regarding noise levels. [We should be pleased to hear from anyone who wishes to say something about this application.]

      The replacement of Poll Tax - the Council Tax - under way. This will be the third change to local government taxation in 1100 days. Based partly on property valuations with a personal element, we hope that there will now be some period of stability. The District Council have set up a 'help line' - Barnstaple 326134 - but calls are already running high, so please be patient! If we can help, we shall.

      The bus shelter on the new road provided by the DCC may have to be turned around to seek more shelter from the prevailing winds, but the PCC are to study this. Soon the site of the workmen's compound on the new road, next to Little Firs, will be planted with native broadleafed trees to replace those lost during the roadworks. We hope that Southwest Water will live up to its promise to flush out the mains to the properties on the Old Coast Road, which have suffered discoloration of water supplies. We, and MP Nick Harvey, wrote to SWW after residents were told the water was alright. After Camelford, who would drink discoloured water?!

      We wish all Berry-ites a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

      Mike Knight - 882692
      Peter Spencer - 882634



      We are pleased that members of Berrynarbor Parish Council are going to inspect the new parish recycling centre in Combe Martin. It takes glass bottles, aluminium cans, newspapers and magazines, food tins (rinsed out please) and silver foil. It is housed in a wooden hut next to the car wash in Kiln Car Park, on the seafront, and is operated as a partnership between the District and Parish Councils and South Molton Recycle.

      After waiting a number of years for a bottlebank, it was one of the things made a priority for the District Council and already 16 parishes - a quarter of North Devon District - have parish recycling centres. They cannot work without the help of parish councils and that is why we welcome Berrynarbor Parish Council 's interest. Presently it is a round trip of about 50 miles to dump Berrynarbor's rubbish, so it is important to recycle as much as possible.

      We support the Parish Council 's planning application to turn Claud's Garden into a small, informal open space and this has now been approved. The Parish Council will decide what it plans to do next, but we hope it will be a pleasant, quiet spot, in the village centre, for villagers and visitors alike. A new District Council scheme to encourage parish councils to undertake their own small enhancements could provide up to £500. We hope this will promote more small parish schemes rather than the large ones which, so far, have only benefited Barnstaple and Ilfracombe.

      It was helpful that the Parish Council supported calls for a study before a licence is granted to dredge up to 17m tonnes of gravel over the next 20 years from the Bristol Channel. Cllr. Lorna Bowden pointed out that Berrynarbor has a coast which is important to. Congratulations to new Chairman, Cllr. Len Coleman - he takes on a busy time.

      Mike Knight [882692] Peter Spencer [882634]

      Don't Forget!

      Until such time as we have a permanent recycling centre, all the items mentioned above may be taken to the area outside the Penn Curzon room on the FIRST WEDNESDAY of EVERY MONTH [next date, 3rd June], before 11.00 a.m. for collection by South Molton Recycle.

      Anyone who cannot get up on the Wednesday, may leave items on the Tuesday evening. Please leave them as tidily as possible and make sure that newspapers, etc., are covered [plastic bin liners] to prevent them getting wet or scattered.



      May I take this opportunity to thank once again the Parish Council for their continued generous support with financial help towards the cost of producing the newsletter. Funds at present look very healthy, but a coffee morning may be on the cards for later in the year. [J.W.]

      For the new Council year, Councillor Len Coleman has been voted in as Chairman, with Councillor Graham Andrews as Vice-Chairman.

      The Parish Council has found it necessary to close the playground for the time being, until the Parochial Church Council have had repairs carried out to the unstable walls. Hopefully this work will be commenced in June and completed by early August.

      The Parish Council has made arrangements for a skip to be available in the village [car park] for the disposal of bulky household waste during the following week-ends commencing:

      Friday, 13th November & Friday, 12th March

      Please make a note of these dates

      I am very honoured and pleased to be your new Chairman of the Parish Council. I shall, with the Council 's support, do all I can for the good of the village and would ask you not to hesitate to contact me with any queries or problems, which I shall do my best to sort out. I am available at most times on 883763.

      Len Coleman



      The Parish Council has recently deposited, for safe-keeping, in the Archives at the Record Office in Barnstaple, the first edition copy of the Ordnance Survey map of Berrynarbor Parish 1889, together with other documents. The map, which is to a scale of 25" to the mile, may be viewed by contacting the Record Office, but be prepared, it is like a large carpet when unfolded. The Record Office is open from Monday to Friday and the charge is £1.50 [per day's research] or free if you have a letter giving the Parish Council 's agreement to view.



      Great Changes

      The Parish Council now has a new Clerk.

      Outgoing Clerk, Denise Lane, has set very high standards for her successor to follow. To the great regret of the Council, she found it difficult to fit our work in with her many other commitments, and has left our service with our gratitude for her help.

      Advertisement of the post brought forth no applicant from within the village, but five excellent candidates from neighbouring communities. The Parish Council interviewed them all and have appointed JOHN VINCE, a retired engineer, to the post. He has a wide knowledge of local government and clearly will be a considerable asset to our deliberations.

      Please contact him with any Parish Council business. his address is:

        J.F.L. Vince,
        Holly Lodge,
        Horne Park Road,
        ILFRACOMBE. EX34 8JT.
        Tel: Ilfracombe 862362.

      Graham E. Andrews



      The big news is the new coast road - work is due to start in the latter part of November following the rerouting of essential services. Residents on the route have received full details of what will be happening.

      We are happy to support the proposals made for a number of pilot schemes for parishes to improve the level of recycling carried out.

      It is important that parishioners make their views on planning known to the Parish Council and local District Councillors as well as the Planning Office at the Civic Centre.

      Parishioners are again asked to report any faults in street lighting to the Clerk [862362] or by dialling 100 and asking for Freefone Devon Street Lights.

      Mike is delighted to report that, and not before time, the Primary School's awful outside loos are to be updated and replaced INSIDE!

      Mike Knight [882692]
      Peter Spencer [882634]



      In the last Newsletter we spoke of the shock of the enforced retirement of Betty Davis, and now her successor can be announced.

      The Council is fortunate to have obtained the services of Denise Lane, who will be known to very many families through her work as Secretary at the Primary School. She has a super family in husband, Maurice, and two youngsters, Ashley and Melanie. It is our hope that she will find the job interesting and fulfilling.

      Design work on the A399 diversion proceeds apace and costs have risen already. There will be little change from a £million by the time it is all finished, I suspect.

      Perhaps the greatest disappointment with the present proposals is that it has not yet been possible to find a frontage on the new route for On-A-Hill Garage. Your Parish Council are of a single mind that there should be such a facility, and are grateful to those who supported the recent petition.

      Another on-going saga is the repair of the walls around the children's playground. It is to be hoped that a way forward can be found so that we can avoid yet another closure next winter.

      The two Parish Councillors elected for the first time have attended a Training Day and all those re-elected are showing all their familiar enthusiasm.

      Graham E. Andrews
      Chairman, Berrynarbor Parish Council



      Owing to the sudden illness and resignation of the Clerk, a vacancy exists for the post of Clerk to the Parish Council. This interesting part-time post attracts a salary currently around £400 p.a. Further information may be obtained from the Chairman on 883385. Applications should be made in writing to: The Chairman, Berrynarbor Parish Council, Treetops, Old Coast Road, Berrynarbor, llfracombe. EX34 9RZ by Friday, 7th June, 1991. Preference will be given to a suitable applicant resident in the Parish.

      Graham E. Andrews - Acting Clerk



      When I wrote my piece for the Christmas Edition, the debate was about the selection of a new Prime Minister, and perhaps we did not expect the change to have a great impact on Local Government.

      However, in the event, there has been a very dramatic opportunity for quite fundamental re-thinking. Michael Heseltine in his campaign made an issue of the Community Charge. When appointments were made, this was to the Dept. the Environment, with a remit to carryout a review of the charge and of Local Government generally.

      Just after that was announced, there was a meeting of the District Council Finance Committee and a request for even more staff to work in the Revenue Department which determines the rebates and collects the money. The cost of collecting this charge and the Business Rate is nearly £1,000,000. A quite horrific sum for North Devon. The straw that broke the camel's back had landed and it was my motion that the District Council should advise the Review that the charge should be abolished that won the vote in that Finance Committee and later at the Policy Committee and finally at Council.

      But the issue cannot be left there and I have been able to address a meeting of group leaders of my party in the West Country and then go on Friday, 18th, January to Birmingham to a National Group Leaders' Meeting with both Michael Heseltine and Michael Portillo.

      There are plans for further support by way of relief in the new financial year, but no amount of tinkering will suffice, there must be some amputation!

      Meetings attended 19th November to 20th January - 54.

      Radon At a recent Parish Council Meeting I was asked if Radon Gas was suspected in the village. I am pleased to say that a test has been carried out and the result was negative. It seems we are a low-risk area.

      Graham E. Andrews
      Tel: 883385
      District & Parish Councillor



      Street Lighting If you see a street light that doesn't work, or requires attention, help us do something about it - either contact the Clerk on 883541 or dial 100 and ask for FREEFONE DEVON STREETLIGHTING giving the exact location of the light.

      The Council are asking for tenders to cut and strim the Children's Playground, also land owned by the Council at the corner of Castle Hill and Barton Lane - further information can be obtained from the Clerk.



      Although the next financial year starts on the 1st April and like spring seems a long way away, Councils are already addressing the budget for 1991-2.

      At the District Council there has been heated debate right from the outset. There was a move to aim Community Charge of £100.76, but I am pleased to say that a reduction to £98.72 was eventually carried. It remains to be seen if it can be achieved. Each Committee has its own battle!

      Of course, there is more to the Community Charge bill than the District Council's expenditure. For this year the bill was split three ways, thus:

      Devon County Council£685.35 per head
      N.D. District Council94.86 per head
      Berrynarbor P. Council2.85 per head
      less Central Govt. support & Business Rate466.00
      so that our demand in Berrynarbor was for£317.06

      At its November meeting, Berrynarbor Parish Council reduced its precept - which falls entirely on the Community Charge - by £130, which should reduce the level by about 22p. Clearly we must look to others to make a bigger impact on this expensive impost.

      Meetings attended 17th September to 18th November - 79.

      Good news on the roads front. The N.D. Highways have set their priority list for 91/2 and a scheme to improve the A399 just west of Watermouth should be completed in this period. This is a notorious Accident Black Spot and should be a lot safer for us all soon.

      An M.P. spends so much time in London that he does not reach every village in a huge country area very often. I was very grateful that Tony Speller made it, although he was suffering from a sore throat at the time.

      May I extend to everyone, the Season' s Greetings. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 1991, but perhaps most of all in these anxious days, a peaceful festive season and year to follow.

      Graham E. Andrews - District & Parish Councillor
      Tel: 883385



      Congratulations to the Committee of Britain in Bloom. Once again they have been successful in gaining an award, the Mary Mortimer Trophy, which was presented by Mrs. Preece at the Horticultural Show. Without the help and support of many parishioners, we realise this result could not have been achieved. The Council wish to express their thanks to all who helped make our village so attractive, which, in turn, has given pleasure to so many people.

      As in previous years, a Refuse Skip will be sited on the Car Park for the disposal of unwanted household items on Friday, 26th October, until Monday, 29th October.

      Neighbourhood Watch

      A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, 20th November, at 7.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall, when a member of the Police Force will attend to explain what is required to establish a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. It is hoped everyone will make an effort to attend.



      You will have seen in the last edition of the Newsletter, a request for some new items for inclusion. My intention is to make this a regular report on my activities in the District Council and on some of the other public bodies I am privileged to have been appointed to.

      What better time to start than at the Annual District Council Meeting in May, when all the Chairmanships and other positions are elected for the year ahead. My job last year was to Chair the Board of Works that runs the District Labour Unit and it was pleasing to be reappointed.

      In the widest sense, perhaps two of the more interesting days were:

      1. A meeting with Michael Portillo, the Minister with responsibility for the Community Charge. There is a gap between the views of Local and Central Government on this charge, but while we both agree it is far too high, there is hope that a way can be found to reduce it.
      2. The Government have appointed me as one of only 10 members of the South West Water Company's Customer Service Committee, and we gathered to hear the results of trials held in various venues across the country on the metering of water supplies. There is a long way to go yet on this exercise and as yet no commitment has been made to any new way of charging us all for our water services.

      From a local point of view, the most important issue to arise was a prolonged debate on the future of the Big Meadow Camping Site. The present proprietor is anxious for touring caravans to be allowed on the site.

      District Councillors on a site visit called for an Officer Report and that came out against the admission of caravans.

      Our own Berrynarbor Parish Council were strongly supportive of the Officer view, but a District Council Working Party meeting on Friday, 13th July, are to recommend the Parent Planning Committee change the long-standing policy.

      My view is that the present policy is correct in this very important and highly visible place. Your opinion is important and I should be delighted to hear from you or, of course you could write to the Director of Planning at the Civic Centre, Barnstaple.

      Graham E. Andrews
      District & Parish Councillor
      Tel: Combe Martin 883358

      Meetings attended 21.5.90 to 15.07.90: 69



      The Parish Council has recently purchased a photocopier. This facility will be available for use by parishioners at a cost of 10p per copy. For larger quantities, a smaller charge will be made.

      If at any time you wish to take advantage of this services please contact the Clerk: Mrs. Betty Davis, Chatsworth , Barton Lane [883541]



      A well-meaning parishioner has written to the Parish Council regarding builder's rubble dumped on Smythen Hill.

      Although the Council were given the description and number of the lorry - TCO 167 - this does not provide them with sufficient evidence to take any action.

      It would, therefore, be appreciated if the writer of this letter would contact the Clerk in confidence.

      Betty Davis
      Clerk to the Parish Council



      Woolscott Cleave [Sterridge Valley]

      For several months the Council has received complaints that a person, or persons, have been depositing builders' rubble in the above woods.

      To try and overcome this problem, the Forestry Commission fenced off the area. Unfortunately, the offenders are very persistent; failing to remove the fencing although it- has been severely flattened - they are now tipping rubble through the other access.

      The Council are asking for the co-operation of parishioners in trying to trace the owner of any vehicle seen depositing rubbish.

      Betty Davis
      Clerk to the Parish Council
