Edition 171 - December 2017

We extend, as always, a warm welcome to all newcomers to the village, and wish all those not feeling too well at present, to get better soon.
Here we are in December and the weather report does not make good reading, but on the few sunny and crisp days, the autumn colours of the trees have been beautiful.
So, Christmas is nearly upon us and the festive rush is about to begin - cards, cakes, puddings, presents! If you are stuck with ideas for gifts, why not visit Fortythree in Ilfracombe. Paul, our artist in residence, currently in South Africa, explains it all on Page 5, and I thank him for continuing to enhance our Newsletter with his illustrations.
It was lovely to hear from Tony and Norma [Holland] from Chippenham, who continue to enjoy their choir singing - in Malmesbury Abbey during December. Unfortunately, Norma has not been well but is continuing to get stronger, whilst Tony remains fit, swimming regularly, averaging 280 lengths a week over 3 days.
Thank you to everyone who has sent Christmas messages to go in the Newsletter, your generous donations will benefit both the Manor Hall and the Newsletter.
I thank everyone who has not only contributed to this issue but throughout the year, your support is very much appreciated. Especial thanks to the Regulars and Debbie for her covers and borders for the Messages. It is also lovely to once again include a Letter from the Rector.
There are many events planned over the coming weeks, so make a note of them in diaries or on calendars and enjoy!
Items for February 2018 will be needed as soon as possible once Christmas and New Year are over, but by Wednesday, 10th January at the latest. Thank you.
In the meantime, I send you and your families very best wishes for Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Judie - Ed
My apologies for a couple of errors that crept in to
the October issue and which readers may have noticed.
The first is in the article about
Bowden between pages 32 and 33, the first line on page 33 should read: author of the . . .'Apology of the Church of England'. which so
delighted Queen Elizabeth that she commanded it to be read . . .
The second, and my apologies to PP of
DC, is in her Movers and Shakers article about Thomas Burton, when a sentence
in the first paragraph was left out.
The first paragraph reads: This
month, I had in mind to write about the friends Judith Ackland and Mary Stella
Edwards, who used as their art studio The Cabin at Bucks Mills. As I knew there was a connection with The
Burton Art Gallery, Warren Collum, the Collections and Exhibitions Officer,
agreed to see me and offer help. Ed.
I halve a spelling checker
It came with my pea sea.
It plainly marcs four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say,
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.
It nose bee fore two long,
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased to no,
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My checker tolled me sew.

My name
is Sam Walls, I am 15 and going on a fundraised expedition to Cambodia with
Ilfracombe Academy in the summer of 2019.
Whilst there, I shall be giving much needed help to Cambodia by
undertaking projects that will make a huge difference, such as:
- Education -
helping the children of Cambodia by building new schools and classrooms.
- Housing -
constructing vitally needed housing for the most impoverished families.
- Environment protection - replanting saplings in areas affected by
- Food, water and security - installing new water supplies to ensure school
children have access to fresh, clean, drinking water.

I am
currently selling things such as kindling nets outside our house [Lane End,
Barton Lane, by the church], as well as plants that my Nan Margaret [Walls] had
previously been selling at Lower Rows in the Sterridge Valley. All the earnings will go towards funding the
expedition. If anyone has any spare
plant pots, around 5-6", please let me know.
I am also
looking for any suitable items I could sell at a car boot sale to raise
funds. So, if you have any unwanted
items that you think would be suitable and would be willing to donate, please
let me know. I shall be happy to come
and collect them from you or you could drop them off at Lane End.
Or, if
you simply wish to donate towards my fundraising, I have a GoFundMe page at https://goo.gl/Nkn3Zo. Contacts
details are: sam.walls17@gmail.com,[01271]
883764/07388 044480.


Looking for an unusual and original
gift this Christmas? The artisans at
FORTYTHREE have just the answer.
I am amazed at the wealth of artistic
and creative talent in our local area and so I am pleased to report that there
is now a new shop in Ilfracombe which offers a showcase for a wide range of
original work. FORTYTHREE at the top of
Fore Street has been open since July and is fast making a name for itself as a
great place for unique and interesting work.
The shop is a co-operative space full
of beautifully handmade products from local makers. Originally the concept was devised by four
local artisans, Gill, Jenny, Lucy and Heather who previously had organised the
Ilfracombe Artisan Market. They have
now been joined by five other artists, the mix of which ensures an
ever-changing and eclectic mix of work with the ethos being an emphasis on
quality and handmade original items.
Textiles, including children's clothing and decorative pieces, ceramics,
woodwork, paper, sculpture, glasswork, painting. both traditional and modern,
and jewellery are all well represented.
The shop is open Tuesday to Saturday,
from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. and is staffed by the artists who are always happy
to talk about their commissions.
For more information you can follow
developments at @fortythreeshop
or e-mail:fortythreeshop@hotmail.com
Paul Swailes


much sadness, the Village learnt that Michael had passed away on the 19th
October following a short spell in hospital.
St. Peter's Church was filled to
capacity with family and friends from the village, locally and further afield
for the Thanksgiving Service for his life on the 3rd November, an indication of
the love and respect in which he was held.
What a fitting floral tribute from the family! 'Michael's Tractor' was known to everyone,
but especially to the many children and visiting grandchildren. He will be sadly missed by so many.
Our thoughts are with Lorna, Bobby,
Christopher, Richard and all the family at this time of sorrow.
A Family Tribute
Dad was born on the 24th December 1935
at Ruggaton Farm, son to Leonard and Maud Bowden. At the age of 5, his mother left home and he
was brought up by his father and step-mother, Valerie.
Dad went to Berrynarbor Primary School
and then Combe Martin Secondary Modern, finishing at the age of 14 when he went
straight into full time work on the farm, which he loved - ploughing, tilling,
combining and thrashing. He used to milk
20 cows by hand in the '40's, '50's and '60's, then the milking machine came in
which made life a little easier. He had
a large milk round in the village, which doubled when the campsites
opened. He would deliver milk in the
morning, then go back to the farm to dig potatoes, bag them and then deliver
them to the campsites and shops. There
would be a few choice words when he got to the last customer and he was a pint
short, meaning another trip back to Ruggaton.
customer stopped him one day and said, "Mr. Bowden, there are bits in my
milk!" Dad took the pint, drank it down in
one, beat his chest and said, "If I'm not here tomorrow, I won't charge you."
Dad and Mum met at the local dance and
were married in November 1962 in Berrynarbor Church. Children soon followed - Bobby, Christopher
and Richard.
As Leonard and Valerie's family grew,
circumstances changed and he decided to leave the farm to work on his own -
logging, contracting, stone walling.
There aren't many places in the village where dad hasn't left his mark!
Bell ringing was a big part of his
life, starting when he was about 20 and hardly ever missing a Sunday morning,
Christmas Eve or Thursday practice night for 60 years. He never liked change and when somebody asked
him if he could cancel Thursday's practice because there was a function in the
Manor Hall, he looked him straight in the eye and said, "Ringing night is
ringing night!" And they were rung.
Dad and Mum were big supporters of the
village shops and in the '60's, '70's and 80's, the village had two shops and a
butcher's, and they did all their shopping within the village. Dad said, "No need to go over the border to
Combe Martin, everything you need is here" and that is what they have done up
to a few weeks ago.
Gary Songhurst and friends decided to
put on a village show every year to raise money for the Manor Hall and Dad
enjoyed taking part. One year, he,
Danny Lloyd, Derek Phillips and Johnny Clarke were the group The Village People
- Dad was the cowboy and they sang YMCA.
He was out of tune and all the actions were wrong, but it was priceless!
Gary also decided to raise money for a
big Millennium party for the villagers and a fountain to be built next to the
bus shelter. Dad and Danny decided to
do a sponsored walk from Berrynarbor to Simonsbath which they achieved in under
8 hours. It would probably have taken
longer if there had been a few pubs on the way! They raised £2,000.
Dad took great pride in his family,
especially when his grandchildren came along - Samuel, Anna, Jonathon, Tom, Tyler
and Archie. He would help with the
school run, baby sit and take them for rides on his tractor. He was always checking to make sure we were
all alright. Even when he was so very
poorly in hospital.
Dad wasn't a great traveller. When he went to Cornwall for a few days he
would phone home after about 2 hours and ask if everything was alright. When it was the last day, he would be back
in the village by 9.00
a.m. and Mum said he broke all speed limits getting home. After much persuasion, Dad's sister Sheila
managed to take him to France for a holiday - we were amazed!When he got back he said he had enjoyed it
and it was like going back to the 1960's there were a lot of vintage tractors
still being used.
At Christmas he would order the biggest
turkey he could. If it didn't fit in
the oven, he was pleased, he knew he had got enough for everyone until
February. The trouble was, his birthday
was on Christmas Eve. So, after he had
rung the bells for midnight mass and then been to celebrate his birthday in The
Globe, it's a miracle we had Christmas dinner at all.
But we
did and it was always ready by one o'clock, with a lot of help from Mum, of
Everybody was welcome in Dad's home and
if we were having dinner and somebody knocked on the door, he would day, "Come
in, sit down and have something to eat."
If they didn't, he'd be offended.
Roast dinner on a Sunday was very important to him and if you couldn't make
it there'd be a court enquiry and woe betide you if you missed the next one!
Dad didn't like fancy food, he was a
meat and two veg man. He tried Chinese
and Indian once, and once was enough.
Bob and he called into a service
station on the way back from a sale and the waitress said to him, "What would
you like sir, cappuccino, latte, Americano?"
Dad paused for a second or two, and said, "No thanks, I'll have a
Dad was a generous man and if anybody
had any problems and needed somewhere to stay, he and Mum would take them in
until things got sorted. A roast dinner
was a good start.
Sadly, he suffered from emphysema for
15 years and then in 2014 underwent an operation for oesophagus cancer, which
knocked him for six. He made the best
of it and when he was strong enough, he even went back to hedge trimming.
Straight talking and not very politically
correct, Dad's heart was in the right place.
He lived life to the full.
We shall all miss him greatly.
The family have been overwhelmed by the
number of messages and cards received, even from as far away as Australia.
Michael would be very humbled.
The 30th September was the wedding
day of Charlotte, daughter of Rob and Shirley Mummery of Holmleigh, and Russell
Llewelyn, son of Karen and Andy and step-son of John and Daphne. The
ceremony and reception took place at Sandy Cove Hotel, with Charlotte's sister,
Sophie, as bridesmaid. The honeymoon
was spent in Gran Canaria. Charlotte
and Russ live in Bristol where Charlotte organises the hospitality for King
Lifting Ltd. and Russ is in accounting.
Charlotte was one of the first three babies to be welcomed in a very
early issue of the Newsletter in 1989, so it is particularly pleasing to be
able to wish her and Russ every happiness and good health in their future
On a very wet and blustery day - the
tail end of hurricane Brian -
We wish them, too, health and happiness
in their future together.
Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other
Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other
Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you will be companion to the other
Now you are two persons, but there are three lives before you:
His life, her life and your life together
Go now to your dwelling place, to enter into the days of your life together
May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years
May happiness be your companion to the place where the river meets the sun
And may your days together be good and long upon this earth

We've had a busy time at school this
autumn with many different activities alongside the regular curriculum. Here
are some of them.

Thursday 5th October we had our Harvest Festival. The whole school really enjoyed singing their
songs and doing group performances. Personally, I enjoyed singing "Conkers" the
most, and we raised the roof of the church! It was one of the best Harvest Festivals
Big Bang

6th October Elderberries (Years 5 & 6) went to Torrington.First,
we went to the big hall where there were numerous people with lots of
inventions. Thomas almost won a Lego
building competition. Then we went to
another hall where a crazy scientist showed us magic tricks using science. Afterwards we went to a classroom and did
tests such as blood pressure. We saw a
cow's heart, ugh, and made slime out of glue, borax and food colouring. Alex A
children from Year 6 went to West Buckland School to an event organised by
teachers there. Bray Lino, an
advertising company, were there and helped us to build and code robots. We then put the robots in a maze to see which
robot could go fastest. Zac
Treasure Hunt
school on 6th October we had a Treasure Hunt at Watermouth Castle. It was comprised of lots of questions placed
around the castle grounds and marked by balloons. Participants had to write the answers down on
one of two sheets of paper (one for adults and one for children). The children
had to look for clues to answer the questions. The adults' questions often included trivia
about the local area. Afterwards there were jacket potatoes and soup. (leek and
potato made by Mr. Newell, and tomato and basil made by Tia, both equally
scrumptious!) As an end to the lovely
day, the children crowded on to the merry-go-round and begged for 20p's from
the adults to make it go round! Altogether
it was a fab time, and I hope it will be held again next year. Isabel
School Choir
school choir sang at the wedding of Tia and Michael. We sang our own version of "Hallelujah" with
special words for a wedding and Mrs. Gill played the church organ. There were 12 people in the choir, and the
church was full of people. We all felt
very nervous when we were about to sing because everyone was listening to us.It
went well, though, and we had a great time singing at the wedding. Ruby B
and Rosie T
Art Week
The children enjoyed taking part in an Escher
Style Art week. We had help from Ruth
and Doug Burton, both established artists and parents to two of our pupils. Ruth has had work displayed at an Escher
The children were able to experience
tessellation whilst making their own pictures using Escher's intricate shapes
and designs. Each class produced a
large design that will be varnished and then displayed in the outdoor
classroom as we are making this into a Maths learning area. Doug also worked with the children to make
'brush bots'. These robotic brushes
created their own designs and were battery powered.
We should like to wish you all the best
over Christmas and into the New Year. Many
thanks to you all for the support given to the school throughout 2017.
Carey - Head Teacher

For younger readers and those young at heart
Do you remember our mermaid friend
Marina who swam about the beaches of Combe Martin, Sandy Cove and
Broadsands? She would often spend the
night in that little cave at Broadsands.
Well, Marina had a little cousin who
lived at Swansea across the Bristol Channel in Wales. Her cousin was called Seagal and was a
pretty little mermaid with fair hair.
Now, Marina had not seen her cousin for
quite a while and so she decided to swim across the channel to see her so they
could talk about old times and have some fun together.
The sun was shining and it was going to
be a fine day, so off she set. On the way she met a whale.
"Marina," he asked, "Where are you
going and what are you doing here?"
"Well, I'm going to see my cousin at
Swansea."She replied.
"Jolly good," said the whale, "Jump on
my back and I'll take you the rest of the way."
"Oh, that would be lovely, you are so
They soon arrived at Swansea where
Seagal was waiting for her. She told
Marina that she had got her usual dolphin race arranged for the next day.
They slept together on a beach until the
next morning when lo and behold, their dolphin friends were just a few yards
out treading water as though they were standing.
The mermaids wiggled their way down the
beach into the water and had soon climbed on to the dolphins' backs. The race was to be around a nearby island
and back.
"One, two, three, go," called Marina
and off they sped.
Marina's dolphin was the fastest and
she won the race with ease.
"Well done!" said Seagal, "Now I have a
lovely meal for you.
"It's so good to be with you," Marina
The meal consisted of scallops,
mussels, oysters, welks and winkles, dressed with a seaweed sauce.
The next morning, it was time for
Marina to return to her cave at Broadsands, but it was a long way home and
would make her very tired. Soon she
spotted what must have been one of the few coal boats taking coal across from
Swansea to Ilfracombe. Trailing behind
it was a rope and Marina was able to grab hold of it. Her journey home was much quicker and as
soon as she spotted the white coastguard houses, she let go of the rope and
swam back to the shore.
What a lovely time she had had, and it
had been so nice to see her cousin again.

Illustrated by: Debbie Rigler-Cook
. . .
and now for a junior mini quiz:
- What is twice the half of seven and five eights?
- Every day a man runs once around the recreation ground. One day he gets short of breath so turns around at the halfway point. When he gets back how far has he run?
- What
is 1/6th of 60?
- What
is the Westminster clock known as?
- [a] Twice as far [b] half as far [c] the same
In which direction is the north star?
What are your father's brother's
children known as?
- On
which river do the Houses of Parliament stand?
What sound do sheep make?
- What
is the name of the mint with a hole?
- How
many wheels does a tricycle have?
Tony Beauclerk -
Note: The answers to Tony's mini quiz are
given in Edition 171, further on.

A First Taste of Education
Our Open
held our open day on Saturday 16th September at the Pre-school.
was very successful, meeting new families, allowing children to explore the
setting and see all the different learning opportunities we have.It was
an opportunity to meet the existing committee members and staff. We drew the winning tickets for
our Grand Prize Draw which raised a total of £399.55
October we had our Bag2School collection and are very grateful to all who
supported this clothes recycling fundraising event. We raised £120.00 which will go towards new
resources for the children.
held our AGM on Monday 2nd October. Tim
and Leah Stedeford, Imogen and Jon Lisle, and David Skedgwell all stepped down
from their positions and we thank them for all their voluntary time, work and
contributions in supporting and running the Pre-school.
both Tim and Leah extended their position for a month to enable a new Chair and
Treasure to step forward which has now been done.
As of
Monday 6th November, Ben Heath was voted in and has taken on the role as
Chairperson and Diana Norman as Treasurer. We have a new Secretary, Natalie Heath, and
they look forward to working with the rest of the Committee to ensure our
unique and much-loved Pre-school continues to run and provide the happy
child-care that the children enjoy so much.
autumn term has got off to a good start with children excited to learn, make
new friends and share their play ideas.
They have learnt our Pre-school rules; what we can and can't do as well as how to
stay safe. The Topic of Fire Safety and Fire
Officers has been very successful and enjoyed by all. This is alongside autumn walks though the
village and celebrating harvest time with the School at the Church Service.
was lovely to be invited to watch Mrs. Wellings' Reception Class's [Years 1 and
2] celebration of learning, Once Upon a Time, in the Hall and see how well
previous Pre-school children have settled into primary school.
this is being written, the Pre-school children are preparing for a short
Christmas performance of the Nativity and being very creative making seasonal
crafts, gifts and cards.
year we shall be holding a fundraising evening at the Sandy Cove Hotel.
still have spaces available for children to start, so if you would like to book
a place for your child/children then please visit us or call us on 07932
or email preschoolberrynarbor@gmail.com
for more information.
opening times are 8.30am - 4.00pm Monday to Friday.
are flexible and have a range of session times to meet your needs and these are
given in the Manor Hall Diary later in this Newsletter.
We are Ofsted registered and in receipt of the 2-year-old
funding and Early Years Entitlement. We are offering 30 hours free childcare to eligible families.
Further information in regards
to this funding can be found at www.gov.uk/government/publications/30-hours-free-childcare-eligibility
So, from
all the Committee, the children and staff, we wish you all
A Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year

A special joint service with Combe
Martin was held at St. Peter's on 5th November and for a pleasant change, Maureen
Richards on clarinet, Jenny Cole playing guitar and yours truly on keyboard,
presented the hymns in a pleasant new light!
Rev. Bill Cole took the service
which was attended by a good-sized congregation.
Our Antiques Fair regretfully had to be cancelled
with only a few tickets being sold.Our Guest Valuer, who was coming up from Exeter, has kindly offered his services in
2018 when we hope to hold this event in the summer.
Our Harvest Supper was attended by over
40 people and everyone enjoyed themselves with a superb buffet provided by the
ladies, who are to be congratulated once again.
The evening was rounded off with a music and general knowledge quiz,
enjoyed by all! After expenses we made
a profit of £92 - which will be sent to the Shelter Box charity.A generous collection of tinned food, fruit
and vegetables was donated and this will be given to the Food Bank in
Ilfracombe to help those in need.
We mourn the passing of Michael Bowden
who had been poorly for some considerable time and we send our sincere
condolences to his wife Lorna and all the family. Michael was Captain of the Bellringers at St. Peter's for many years and
not only was he a great character, but an inspiration to the whole team!He
will be greatly missed by all the Bellringers and Parishioners here in
Remembrance Sunday will have passed by
the time this article is read and we are hoping that once again a good-sized congregation
will attend this very important service.
The Choir will have sung the
beautiful song Bring Him Home from Les Miserables, the words of which are so
appropriate for remembering not just those who did not return from these two
major conflicts, but to those who were badly injured surviving to be reunited
with their families.
There will have been a special Holy
Communion service held at St. Peter's Church, Combe Martin,
on Sunday 26th November when we shall have welcomed parishioners from the whole
'Mission Community' covering Combe Martin, Berrynarbor, Ilfracombe, Woolacombe,
Mortehoe and many others in the surrounding area.
Christmas is only just around the
corner and. as highlighted in the October issue, our first event in December
will be a special Concert given by the Exmoor Carolers in our Church on Sunday
10th, commencing at 4.00 p.m. The Exmoor
Carolers have a very high reputation for presenting Carols in an entertaining
way, and the evening will close with mulled wine and mince pies.Tickets are available from the village Shop
priced at £7.50.As previously
mentioned, do not miss this special event!
A reminder to all that, for the very
first time, pupils from our Primary School will be walking around the village
singing Carols and songs to the community on the evening of Wednesday, 13th
December, starting from the Shop car park at 6.00 p.m.We
welcome parents and friends to what should be a really fun evening!
Our Christmas Carol Service will be held
this year on Monday, 18th starting at 5.45pm for the
really young ones, followed at 6.30pm by the main Carol Service.Do come and support this wonderful evening
which usually attracts over 100 people. As always, mulled wine and mince pies will be
served after the service with soft drinks and chocolates for all the children!
Since Christmas Eve is on a Sunday there
will be no morning service because our traditional Christmas Eve Service, which
although entitled Midnight Mass, starts, as always, at 9.30 p.m.We welcome everyone from Berrynarbor as well
as visitors from other parts of the country and also dear friends from overseas
to this annual celebration.
Our Christmas Day Service will be a
short Family one, commencing at the usual time of 11.00 a.m.Mums, dads and children are most
Since there are five Sundays in December,
we are not quite sure [at going to press] whether there will be a service on the
31st, which is, of course, New Year's Eve, but we'll inform everyone nearer the
Berrynarbor PCC wish to thank Karen and
her team for providing the Friendship Lunches throughout the year - but since
Christmas is a very busy time at The Globe, there will be no Lunch in December.
We wish all Berrynarbor residents a very
Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Stuart Neale
An informal lunch-time [12'ish]
gathering in The Globe on the last Wednesday of the month - usually the 4th
Wednesday, but sometimes there are 5 Wednesdays in the month.
Come and join us.
Jill McCrae [01271] 882121

walrus, the carpenter and the wine circle

Shop committee members, Karen Loftus [aka
our village postmistress] and Vicki Elden, recently presented some of the shop's
finest wines and cheeses to the village Wine Circle - you can read the Circle's
report in article 24.
During the evening the oenophiles were
asked to complete a short survey about our village shop. In their response, several of the members
seemed to agree with Lewis Carroll's walrus [and the carpenter] when they said
'a loaf of bread is what we chiefly need'.
They were making the point that
sometimes the shop runs out of bread or doesn't have the loaf that they want. Shop Manager Debbie
Thomas, has 'risen' to the challenge.
"We try not to over-stock bread," she
explains, "For every loaf we waste, we have to sell seven to make up for it. So, you see our dilemma.
"So, we've decided to offer people an
ordering service. If you want bread in the week you can either set up a
permanent order, or for our regular bread you can call us from 8.30 in the
morning on [01271] 883215 to have a loaf put by for you. We hope this new ordering service will
Overall the response to the survey was a
huge endorsement for the shop, its products and its staff.Everyone
agreed that it was vitally important to the village; they said they love the wide range of local
produce on offer and the warm and friendly service made visiting the shop a
real pleasure.
hamper draw

Not one but three! The shop has put together three very special
hampers for this year's Christmas draw - a wine and cheese hamper; a port, mince
pies and Christmas pudding hamper, and an After
Christmas curry kit hamper. Tickets are
just a £1 so don't miss out - make sure you get your tickets now. The draw will take place on Thursday, 21st
A big thank you to all those who bought
tickets in the recent Rotary grand draw. It raised nearly £100 for the shop.
dates for your Christmas mail
UK post:last date for 2nd class and 2nd
class signed for is Wednesday, 20th December.
For 1st class and 1st class signed for Thursday, 21st December. Special delivery guaranteed is Friday, 22nd
December. For international, airmail,
the latest dates for some countries start on Saturday, 2nd December.If you have mail to go abroad, enquire at
the Post Office for the dates.
orders and holiday arrangements
Our popular order forms are now
available for all your Christmas meat, vegetables and dairy orders. Orders this year can be picked up on Saturday
23rd December. Because the Bank
Holidays fall on the Monday and Tuesday, the shop will close on Saturday, 23rd,
and re-open
on Wednesday 27th December.
The Shop Management and Committee would
like to thank all customers for their loyalty in 2017 and look forward to
seeing all of you again soon.

Fresh Christmas trees will again be available from the Shop. They will be delivered there for you to
There is
no need to order and there will be various sizes to choose from.
These trees are, of course, village
grown by Richard and Be, who are kindly donating £3 from
each sale to the Shop and £1 to the Newsletter.

on the Play Equipment in the Recreation Field
is with regret that the Parish Council has been left with no choice other than
to permanently remove the basket swing and frame from the Recreation
Field.Having followed the professional
advice from play installation companies prior to the purchase, the current
location was found to be the most appropriate position for the equipment.However, not all residents were in agreement
and unfortunately the equipment has been the subject of a nuisance claim.
to the claim, and following initial complaints, the Parish Council sought
further advice from the company that provided and installed the play equipment
on its position, and, although there was one location that was found to be
suitable by a Chartered Survey during the process of the claim, this was not
found to be suitable by the professional play installation company. The Parish Council did not feel it could
ignore the advice of the play installation company, therefore, in the Parish
Council's opinion, there is no alternative position for the basket swing within
the Recreation Field and the basket swing will be removed in its entirety.The Parish Council is pursuing a donation of
the swing and frame to the Berrynarbor Primary School in the hope that those attending
the school can still enjoy the equipment.
Unfortunately, the school cannot afford the cost to install the basket
swing at this time and the Parish Council is looking to fundraise to
assist.The Parish Council is in receipt
of pledges for private donations and would welcome any further donations.
know the basket swing was a successful piece of equipment that was enjoyed by a
number of children from the parish and surrounding areas.The Parish Council is also saddened by the
loss of this equipment.
Lights for Village Centre
a brighter note the Parish Council would like to say thank you to the District
Councillors Mrs. Yvette Gubb and John Lovering for contributing funds from
their District Council Community Councillor Grants towards the purchase of
lights to enhance the celebrations and festivities that already take place
within the village.The lights are on
order and should be installed around the centre of the village in time for this
year's festive period.
new wrought iron village signs are almost complete and should be installed at
the three main entrance points to the village in the near future.We would again like to thank the County
Councillor Andrea Davis for the contribution from her Devon County Council
Locality budget which has made the project possible.
Design Competition
Parish Council would like to thank all the younger members of the community
that took part in the Flag Design Competition, there were a number
of creative designs and the Parish Council found it difficult to choose a
winner.However, after much
consideration, a winner has been chosen who will have their design printed onto
a flag and presented to them in the near future.
Berrynarbor Parish Council
Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]
Gemma Bacon [883341]
Jenny Beer
Julia Fairchild [882783]
Denny Reynolds
Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]
Adrian Coppin [882647]
David Kennedy [07791 781283]
Clare White [882959]
Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse - clerk@berrynarborparishcouncil.org.uk
County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering [john.lovering@northdevon.gov.uk]
Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]




Berrynarbor has won GOLD
[the highest award] in the R.H.S. Britain in Bloom Competition 2017.The
village was also awarded joint top place for the size of our village in the
South West. Obviously, the Berry in
Bloom team is thrilled to bits!
The judges came on the 5th July and spent 2
hours driving and walking around the village, from Watermouth Harbour to the
Sterridge Valley, but concentrated mostly around the centre of the
village.They chatted to several of the
team over a cup of tea in the Lodge garden.
Areas they commented on of special
achievement are:
- The
village Website and Newsletter.
- The
village Shop with the new red telephone box Information Centre.
- The
renovation of the garden at the Pre-school undertaken by the team and the
encouragement to the children to pick up litter in the playground by giving
gloves and litter pickers for them to use.
- The
thriving village activities, from the Church Choir and Bell Ringers, the
village Pub Skittle Teams and Quiz Nights and the numerous activities
undertaken in the Manor Hall.
- The
Berry in Bloom team is commended for their fund-raising activities and their
partnership with Jigsaw who supply the village with almost all the plants used.
Areas the judges felt could be improved are:
- Claude's
Garden where there could be some flower borders.
- The
shrubbery in the car park could be renovated.
We shall be entering the competition
next year and striving for gold again. Meanwhile,
the bulbs for the new year are planted and we look forward to spring again.
We held a very successful 'soup and pud'
fund raising evening on Friday 10th November. After expenses £820.00
was raised. Many thanks to everyone involved and for the donations of
homemade soup and yummy puddings.
Wendy Applegate

Christmas trees
year I am making these sweet little gingerbread Christmas trees to go in the
hampers that Colin and I make for our many nephews and nieces. Colin is King of the chutneys and jams and my
contribution is sweets, cakes and biscuits.
- 250g/9oz unsalted butter
- 200g/8oz dark muscovado sugar
- 7 tbsp golden syrup
- 600g/1lb 5oz plain flour
- 2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 4 tsp ground ginger
- white water Icing and silver balls to decorate
Heat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6.
Melt the butter, sugar and syrup in a pan
slowly.Mix the flour, bicarbonate of soda and ground
ginger into a large bowl and then stir in the butter mixture to make stiff
dough. If it won't quite come together,
add a tiny splash of water.
Put a sheet of baking paper on to your
work surface and roll out the mixture, then use a cookie cutter to cut out the
biscuits [if you don't have a Christmas tree cutter, you could use a star,
reindeer or whatever you fancy]. Slide
the sheet of baking paper on to a baking tray and bake for 10/12 minutes until
golden and just a little darker at the edges.
Leave to cool on the tray for a few minutes and then finish cooling on a
wire rack.
When cool use your imagination to
decorate.For my Christmas trees I shall use the white
icing to look like tinsel and then use the silver balls to look like Christmas
I shall make these a week before Christmas
and keep them in an airtight tin. I shall then put them in cellophane bags and
tie them up with Christmas ribbon.
Happy Christmas baking!
Wendy Applegate
More often heard than seen
I've never seen a nightjar. This elusive summer visitor spends the day
crouched motionless on the ground or along a branch. Cleverly camouflaged;its grey-brown plumage resembled a piece of
bark making it difficult to spot. But at dawn or dusk it takes to the
wing to hawk for insects, mainly moths.
It appears long-winged and narrow tailed, its flight agile and buoyant.
Heath and moorland and clearings where
conifers have been felled are its typical habitat. It arrives from Africa late April 'til May
and departs from mid-August 'til September. Each summer North Devon bird
enthusiasts meet at Welsford or Bursdon Moor near Hartland, for an evening
field trip, hoping to see a nightjar or at least to hear its distinctive
'churring' call.
But it is possible that nightjars occur
closer to Berrynarbor. Last year an
attractive and informative book, The Birds of Exmoor and the Quantocks, was
published and one of its authors, David Balance, told me nightjars had been
recorded on Trentishoe Down in the past but there had been no records recently
because he did not think anyone had gone in search of them. [The last record was in 2012.]
So, he suggested I might like to go
there just after sunset or just before dawn.
Tempting! But although we
frequently walk over Trentishoe Down, we confine our visits to daylight hours. It would be nice though to know whether
Trentishoe Down does still host the nightjar.
A challenge for next summer perhaps?

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
A historical note:The Reverend Gilbert White was intrigued by
the usually cryptic bird and in his 'The Natural History of Selbourne'
published in 1787 described an encounter with a nightjar [which he also called
a churn-owl].
Up a steeply wooded hill he had made a
zig-zag path leading to a place for holding summer picnics. He wrote:
"An uninvited guest one evening was a nightjar. As my neighbours were assembled in a
hermitage on the side of a steep hill where we drank tea, one of these Churn-owls came and settled on that edifice and began
to chatter and continued his note for many minutes. "We were all struck with wonder to find
that the vocal organs of that little animal, when put in motion, gave a sensible
vibration to the whole building."
Sue H

is better than to sit at the table at the end of the day and drink wine with
friends'? James Joyce
Some time ago, the Wine Circle was
treated to a presentation by the shop's Managers: Debbie and Karen.It was an excellent evening, so much so that
we had no hesitation to offer the shop a 'slot' for our current season.
Karen, supported ably by Vicki Elden, a Shop
Volunteer and Wine Circle member, delivered, literally, a Wine and Cheese
Evening, with all products from our marvellous village shop.Wine prices sit between £4.50 and £14.99, so
a bottle needn't break the bank either.
There were some 'stars' on the night and they deserve the following
We began with a Tanti Prosecco Spumante
Extra Dry. The Glera grapes were from the banks of Lake Garda and produced by a
leading family-owned vineyard. It would be good with fish, shellfish,
appetisers and snacks, or cheeses, and was!
Its price, just £7.99, matches
equivalents from local supermarkets, but without the mileage!
Our third, the dearest white, is £11.59,
but it's dearer online. It was English but, actually, Devonian.Sharpham Dart Valley Reserve 2015 comes from
the banks above the Dart, near Totnes. It was described as off-dry with rounded
mellowness.Mmmm, I agreed with that; it was lovely. It deserved its award for the Best Dry White
Wine in the South West vineyards completion 2017. The Sharpham Estate has been producing wines
and unpasteurised cheeses for more than 20 years.
We had their Sharpham Brie too; this was good, extremely good! It was voted runner up in the Best Soft
Cheese category in the Great British Cheese Awards this year.On a
personal note, we love our cheese and would eat this one every day of the week, if it wasn't for
feeling we should watch the cholesterol intake.
Running Duck, Cabernet Sauvignon,
£7.99, is a South African organic, and familiar with many Circle members,
because we've had it before.Its unusual and memorable name relates to the
Indian Running Ducks used by the Trawal vineyard to eat the vineyard's pests. It's a popular purchase from the shop because
being organic it, unusually, doesn't contain the sulphites, a preservative,
believed to cause RWH. That's red-wine hangover to you and me.It
would go well with a punchy pasta dish, pizza and dare I add, duck!As a red wine drinker, I think this is great
value and the fact that its makers have created wine without the sulphur
dioxide has proved to the industry that you can create wine without the
inclusion of chemicals!
Our other white was a Brancott Estate Marlborough
Sauvignon Blanc 2016, £8.49, less than Majestic's. Our 1st and 3rd reds were a
Louis Jadot Beaujolais Villages, £10.99 and a Barefoot. The latter was a Californian Merlot, £6.99,
and has been a gold medal winner.
In addition to the Sharpham Brie we tried
and tested goats' cheese: a Ticklemore
Goat, also from the Sharpham dairy and the West Country Billie Goats'
cheese.The former was semi-hard, but moist, slightly
crumbly.The Devonshire Devil is a great-tasting mature
Cheddar. Many people don't like goat's
cheese, but, on the other hand, many present liked these.The Devonshire Cheddar was devilishly good: a rich, creamy cheese with a slight
The shop's shelves boast 30 varieties of
wine.Up to 50 different cheeses, all from the south
west, are in their chilled cabinet, throughout
the year! That's a staggering number and
very impressive for a rural village
shop! Some of the wines are not found
on large retailers' shelves, such as the Running Duck range.Local
produce has travelled fewer miles than many mass-produced products and small or
family-owned producers always seem to manage to include a certain 'je ne sais
quoi': an indefinable quality.They are well worth a try!
in His goodness sent the grapes to cheer both great and small;'Anonymous
Once upon a time there was a wine
company whose business was entirely wholesale.
Thankfully, that has changed, because Bray Valley Wines of South Molton
are a friendly, professional, knowledgeable, privately-owned company who give great
personal service. They claim that their
aim is: quality, value and excellent service; it is.They sell easy drinking wines at everyday
prices to everybody.
Basa, was produced in Rueda,
north-western Spain, from local Verdejo and Viura grapes, in what Peter
Rollinson described as a beautiful but barren landscape.Bray Valley described it as packed with
crisp, clean flavours; members described
it as very drinkable and could be enjoyed without food.This provides strong competition to a good
Sauvignon Blanc.I wasn't the only one
who loved it!BVW retail it at £8.49.
Muscadet once suffered at the bottom of
the market but our second white was lovely, atypical of what many expect from
this wine type and would be even better with food.Muscadet Sevre et Maine sur Lie is a Loire
wine.It was dry and full-flavoured but
still delicate and would be good with fish and seafood.Made with Melon de Bourgogne grapes on vines
aged between 15-30 years old, it retails at £8.69.
Chardonnay makes many groan and induces,
often," I can't stand it. ABC: Anything
But Chardonnay!" Peter produced another
atypical wine, as it didn't smell oily, nor did it taste greasy, as many
Australian and Californian Chardonnays can, but usually, their wines are
heavily oaked; however, Montagny 1er Cru les Saint Morilles is a 2015 White
Burgundy, pure Chardonnay and French.
Part of its maturing process occurred in oak
barrels; the other was in stainless steel tanks at controlled temperature,
which made an obvious difference and many agreed that they would drink it
again; however, it retails at £16.99, so
it may not be considered as a daily tasting!
Our first red was Beaujolais.Domaine Romy produced the Vieilles Vignes Les
Pierres Dorees.It was a light and
fruity wine and light red in colour.It
was a good example of a Beaujolais, grown on old vines, hence its name and was
nicely aromatic, with a refreshing finish.
It retails at £8.99.
Californian wine doesn't, usually, have
a revered reputation, perhaps the Blossom Hill label has affected that, but in
my opinion, and many others, our second red was the obvious winner of the reds'
contest. Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon comes from the Wente Vineyards' in
California.At 2013, it was the oldest
wine of the evening, but it wasn't the dearest!
Its grapes come from the valley floor and southern hills of the
Livermore Valley in California, located close to San Francisco Bay.Sunshine, warm sea breezes and gravelly
alluvial soils make wine-making heaven.
It was smooth, sweet and delicious, a big wine, perfect with a steak or
other grilled red meats, and a great partner to your Christmas roast beef,
Another French product finished our
evening, Chateau La Tour de By is a Medoc, 2014. This was the dearest red at £15.99 and a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon,
Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot grapes. It is oak matured for 14 months
and comes from a Cru Bourgeois estate and one of the leading Cru Bourgeois
properties in the Medoc.It was Cabernet-dominated
and packed with lively, spicy blackcurrant tastes and would work well with
grilled and roasted meats or cheese, but, sorry, France, you've been beaten by
a Californian on this occasion!
Our Christmas meeting is traditional:
Committee's Choice.Six wines are
presented by our six enthusiastic committee members.Presenting one only means that we all enjoy
the festive food and fun.
January's Call My Wine Bluff, on the
17th, is another high point.Its
hilarity is created by three, straight-faced committee members; however, they all
present a plausible description for our six wines.Only one is correct, obviously!
The Wine Beer Supermarket, in Roscoff,
Brittany, will make their first presentation to the Circle, although, it's a
known wine outlet to many members.
Unusually, this will be the fourth Wednesday of February, as the 28th
is more convenient for WBS as transportation involves a ferry crossing.
Judith Adam - Promotional Co-ordinator and

3. Christmas, 8. Beer, 9. Scenting, 10. Robert, 13. Green, 14. Epizoic, 15. Ifs, 16. Nascent, 17. Roles, 21. Harris, 22. Commerce, 23. Bone, 24. Inanimate.DOWN
1. Aborigine, 2. Redbreast, 4. Haste, 5. Icecaps, 6. Tote, 7. Acne, 11. Foolproof, 14. Eft, 15. Interim, 18. Sheet, 19. John, 20. Omen.26
[907 - 28 September 935]
Celebrated "Good King Wenceslas"
Christmastide again! How quickly it comes around - and ever more
quickly the older one gets.As a friend said recently, "It doesn't seem
worth putting the decorations back up in the loft"!

Wenzeslaus, probably by Peter Parler
St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague
Peter Parler (?)
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
But who should I write about this year with a Christmas
theme? I thought of St Stephen of 'Good King Wenceslas looked out, on the
Feast of Stephen' fame. That, also
known as St. Stephen's Day in most of the
west. is to those who don't know, December 26th.. This is of course our Boxing Day, so
named in the mid-19th century because tradesmen would go around their various
employers of that year with a special Christmas box into which said employers
would give a gift of money. Nowadays,
folk come home with their boxes from the sales on that day!
spent some considerable time researching and writing about St Stephen however,
I became so depressed by such a sad tale that he didn't seem the right subject
for such a joyous occasion. So, I
turned to Wenceslaus, who turns out to be a real 'mover and shaker' even though
on this earth for only 28 years.
The name Wenceslaus is the Latinised
name of the Czech Vaclav, where he was
known as Vaclav the Good.
The popular carol Good King Wenceslas
was written by John Mason Neale and published in1853. The tune he selected dates back to 1582 when a
spring hymn thought to originate in Scandinavia was published. The carol's
popularity is in spite of there being no reference whatsoever to the Nativity!
Mr. Neale referred to him as Wenceslas,
I will add the extra 'u' to conform with Wenceslaus Square in Prague Centre.
Wenceslaus was born in Prague, the son
of Vratislaus l, Duke of Bohemia [a Christian], and Drahomira, [daughter of a
pagan chief]. In 921, when Wenceslaus
was 13, his father died and his paternal grandmother, Ludmila, who had been
responsible for his education, became regent. His mother became jealous of grandma's
influence over her son and later that year, on September 15th, arranged for
assassins to kill her.It's said that she was strangled with her
veil. She was buried in Tetin, one of
the oldest villages in Bohemia, but later Wenceslaus arranged for her remains
to be removed to the church of St. George in Prague, which had been built by
his father.
Drahomira, in her new role of regent,
took measures against the Christians, but when Wenceslaus came of age, he took
control of the government and by 924 or 5 had exiled his mother. To avoid
family disputes, he divided the country between himself and his younger
brother, Boleslaus - later known as Boleslaus the Cruel, for reasons you will
read about.
Over the years, apart from fighting
numerous wars, he founded a rotunda dedicated to St Vitus within Prague Castle
which is still there today as St Vitus Cathedral. Within the castle are displayed his armour
and helmet.
He was on the whole a kindly and pious
ruler. This is borne out in 1119, by Cosmas, a Prague chronicler, who states
"...rising every night from his noble
bed, with bare feet and only
one chamberlain, he [Wenceslaus] went
around to God's
churches and gave alms generously to
widows, orphans, those
in prison and afflicted by every
difficulty, so much so that he was
considered, not a prince, but the father
of all the wretched."
This, no doubt, gave rise to our popular
carol, which could be based on facts, although no-one knows why Mr. Neale gives
Wenceslaus the job of taking pine logs to a man who lives by the 'forest fence'
nor how in the last but one verse can one understand how 'Heat was in the very
sod which the Saint had printed'. He must have been very hot-footed! But I still love the carol, and like his last
Christian men, be sure
or rank possessing,
Ye who
now will bless the poor,
yourselves find blessing."
These days, it will apply to women, too!
Several centuries later, this story was
said to be true by none other than Pope Pius ll, although one wonders how much
more he knew of Wenceslaus's life.

Statue of St. Wenceslas in Wenceslas Square
Sculpture by Josef Vaclav Myslbek
Polyparadigm~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims).
CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
But this makes his ending even sadder. On 28th September 935, his wicked brother
Boleslaus and a group of nobles arranged to kill him. He was invited to a feast where three of
Boleslaus's companions pounced on him and stabbed him to death. As he fell, Wenceslaus was run through with a
lance from his brother. September 28th
is now his Saint's Day.
Shortly after his death, Wenceslaus was
declared a martyr and saint, and a cult of Wenceslaus grew up in both Bohemia
and England. Within a few decades,
several popular biographies added to his reputation for heroic
goodness by declaring that he was a monarch whose power came from "piety and
princely vigour".
Although only a duke during his lifetime, he
was posthumously declared a king by the Holy Roman Emperor Otto l and hence
Good King Wenceslas emerged. [This man
is not to be confused with King Wenceslaus l of Bohemia who lived three
centuries later.]
Wenceslaus's influence wasn't yet
finished. In Wenceslaus Square a
communal meeting place in the centre of Prague, you can see a statue of him on
horseback.He has a chapel dedicated to him in St Vitus
Cathedral, where his remains lie; in the
same place is a statue of him. Although
the head looks far too big, it is apparently the same size as his skull.And a
12th century Czech popular religious song, Saint
Wenceslaus Chorale, was in1918 considered a possibility for the Czechoslovak
National Anthem. During the Nazi
occupation it was often played with the official anthem.
In 2000 Wenceslaus was declared Patron Saint
of the Czech Republic. After so many
centuries, what a legacy - and a justifiable mover and shaker.
With the hopes of none of us suffering 'the
rude wind's wild lament', Happy Christmas everyone!
PP of DC
November 2016, the village was treated to Women, Song and Wine, the Military
Wives' voices reverberated around our wonderful church for the first time. They were ably accompanied by our adult and
children's choirs.It was a marvellous,
memorable, melodious evening.
Wives loved the look of our village and asked to return here on a summer's evening, so they could see it!They're coming back -
Friday, 6 Th July,
hundred people had managed to purchase tickets for this historical,
fund-raising concert.This number is the maximum that the church
can hold, so look for the posters next year if you want tickets!
Judith Adam

Enjoy an evening with friends with a grand selection
homemade soups and puddings. You won't go home hungry!
Bring your own drinks and glasses. Raffle.
All proceeds to Charity.
Tickets will be available shortly from Berrynarbor
Village Shop or contact Be and Richard on [01271] 882885
Junior Mini Quiz Answers
- Seven and five eights
- [c] the same
- 10
- Big Ben
- North
- Cousins
- The Thames
- Baa
- Polo
- 3

hope our regular users are enjoying the new lighting and have worked out how to
use them - it is easy when you know how!
present we are unable to use our one remaining gas heater, this somewhat
antiquated heat source is due to be serviced this month so we hope to get it up
and working again soon. In the mean-time
though, please let us know if your user group needs the heating put on for a
time before you start your session as well as during. Of course, we are desperate to change our
heating to a more efficient and user-friendly system but until we can secure a
large amount of funding it will not sadly be happening this winter so we must
accept big heating bills to keep our loyal users warm.
funding news - we are still ploughing our way through this complicated process
but are hopeful that various applications will be in place by the beginning of
the new year.
We have lots of ideas for fundraising
and general socials in the pipeline, our first, to get you feeling festive will
be a
10.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
Lots of lovely Cakes, Mince Pies and Mulled Wine
Christmas Hamper Raffle
and if the weather is kind,
Joseph the Donkey, a cute village resident,
will be joining us for a pat!
Please join us for this friendly
village get together.
May we all wish you a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The Manor Hall Trustees

Dear Friends
I am amazed to realise that I have been Priest-in-Charge of
Berrynarbor for over a year now. During
that time, I have met a number of you at various events and have always been
warmly welcomed. I hope I shall meet
more of you during this coming season.
Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year for me,
and yet I love it. Since I was ordained
42 years ago I have led Christmas Services, including lots of Carol Services,
every year except one. That one year I
was on sabbatical and it felt very strange to go into different churches and
have no responsibility for leading anything - to be honest, I felt a little
guilty!I think I know all the most common carols by
heart because I've sung them so many times!
In one of my favourites, O little town of Bethlehem, we sing
the words O holy Child of Bethlehem descend to us, we pray. Although Jesus does not come as a child
today, of course, it is my experience that his presence is real, and in my ministry,
I try to help others to know him and the help he brings. It is, of course, a free choice, and I should
never dream of forcing anyone; but I should like you to know that I and my
colleague, Bill Cole, are available to talk and pray with anyone who asks us.
I wish you all God's blessings and a very happy Christmas.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Rogers
there will be a
Tuesday, 19th
from 2.00 p.m.
Cake Stall, Raffle, Tombola
Tea and Entertainment
Any donations towards the stalls would be much


Daisy Ashford's The Young Visiters or
Mr Salteenas Plan gives a different meaning to childhood literature. It was written when she was 9 years old but
not actually published until 1919, preserving her juvenile spelling and punctuation
and with a Preface by J.M. Barrie.

Daisy Ashford as a child
No picture credit
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
In The Young Visiters she tells of the
love triangle between Mr Salteena, "an elderly man of forty-two", and his
friends Ethel Montecue and Bernard Clark.
Ethel and Mr.Salteena visit Bernard's house:

Daisy Ashford - 1919
George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
"Well said Mr Salteena lapping
up his turtle soup you have a very sumpshous house
Bernard. His friend gave a weary smile
and swallowed a few drops of sherry wine. It is fairly decent he replied with a bashful glance at Ethel
after our repast I will show you over the premisis. Many thanks said Mr Salteena
getting rather flustered over his forks."
Margaret Mary Julia Ashford, known as
Daisy, was born in Petersham, Surrey in April 1881, the daughter of Emma and
William Ashford. Education mainly at
home with her two younger sisters, Maria Veronica [Vera] and Angela Mary
[Angie], she dictated her first book, The Life of Father Swiney, to her father
when she was just four. It was
published in 1983.
1889 to 1904, the family lived in Lewes where she wrote The Young Visiters, as
well as several other stories, a play and another short novel or novella.
She stopped writing during her teenage
years and in 1904 moved with her family to
Bexhill and then London, where she worked as a secretary. During the First World War she ran a canteen
in Dover.
When published in1919, The Young Visiters
was an immediate success. It was
reprinted 18 times in the first year, dramatized for the stage in 1920, adapted
into a musical in 1968, filmed twice, in 1994 and for television in 2003.
In 1920 she married James Devlin and
settled in Norfolk running for a time, the Kings Arms Hotel in Reepham, later
farming at Hellesdon, Norwich, as well as bringing up their four children. James died in 1956.
Daisy did not write in later years but
in old age began an autobiography which she subsequently destroyed. She died, at Hellesdon, in January 1972 at
the age 90.
Judie Weedon

year's Christmas Carols in the Square will be on Christmas Eve. Meet at 6.00 p.m. in good voice to enjoy
singing as well as mulled wine and mince pies.
Should the weather be wet, meet in the Function Room at The Globe. Donations
of wine would be gratefully received!

Christmas 2017 and New Year 2018
Not really old Berrynarbor, but like
last year I have chosen two Christmas and two New Year greeting postcards from
my collection.
The first is a very early postcard
published by Raphael Tuck & Sons, chromographed in Germany and numbered
3534. The card has an un-split back and
a squared thimble ILLFRACOMBE 5.15 PM DE 24 [19]04postmark.
It was sent to Miss W. Creek, Hotel Montebello, Ilfracombe. The fact that it shows a Father Christmas in
blue shows how early the card was published.*

*Father Christmas was originally clothed in
either green or blue, but in the 1930's, a certain American soft drinks company
decided he should be dressed in red as part of a marketing campaign. And that has stuck!
second, over-printed Christmas Greetings, shows the view looking down Fore
Street, Ilfracombe, and is from the original painting by the famous artist H.B.
Wimbush, and numbered 7461. The
postmark over a green halfpenny stamp is SAFRON-WALDEN 10PM DE 24 [19]06.
On the
address side it states:Fore Street,
Ilfracombe, once a seaport of some importance, is now a rapidly increasing
watering place, whose popularity is as well-established as the reputation of
its mild winters. Fore Street used to
be its main street, but there are many new squares and terraces now.
The first New Year postcard has not been
posted but is again a fairly early greetings card.
As well as the verse by William Luff,
it shows a goldcrest, which is the smallest of all European birds. It weighs just 5 to 6 grams and 8 to 11 eggs
are incubated by the hen for 14 days.

fourth and final card - A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - shows a pretty
young lady with a feint message:
I was going to send
you a letter
To you whose memory
is dear
But instead I will
wish you by postcard
Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year
Again, the card has been printed in
Germany and has a 1912 postmark over a green halfpenny stamp of George V.
Cottage, November 2017
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com

Here are our events for the Christmas period:
- Regular weekly Quiz Nights: Sunday 3rd and 10th December. Arrive 8.00 p.m. for 8.30 p.m. start.
- CHRISTMAS QUIZ: Sunday 17th December. Please book your table in advance as it gets very full. Slightly earlier start so arrive 7.30 p.m. for an 8.00 p.m. start. There will be a music round, tasting round, lots of Christmassy questions and a Christmas Picture round PLUS bonus points for your team if Everyone in the team is wearing something festive.
- End of Year Quiz: Boxing Day, arrive 7.30 for 8.00 p.m. start. Lots of questions on events that occurred during 2017. Booking is strongly advised again as its usually fully booked.
- Our Fabulous Fun Music Nights: Saturday 9th December with Such & Vincent playing in the bar from 9.00 p.m. Friday 15th December with Wayne Green returning for the annual Christmas Sing-a-long. It is also National Christmas Jumper Day so there's a prize for Best Christmas Jumper and have a go at winning our Annual Cream Cracker Eating Contest.
- Our Christmas Draw Tickets are now on sale and the prizes will be drawn on Christmas Eve following the Church Service.
- On Christmas Day the bar will be open from 11.30 a.m. - 2/2.30 p.m. Looking for something to do between Christmas and New Year? Then join us on Thursday 28th December for our fun Games Night. Please put your names down in advance.
- . . . and the theme for this year's New Year's Eve Party is The Wild West. The party starts at 8.00 p.m. There'll be games and activities with a Wild West Theme in the Function Room with Music, and Dancing and a bit of Karaoke in the bar. The buffet is 'on us' as a thank you for your custom throughout the year. Please just let us know how many are in your party so that we can make sure we cater for enough.
We look forward to being able to serve you soon. Have a wonderful Christmas from
Karen, Don, Edith and our Team here at The Globe
6th | Primary School: Christmas Fayre, Manor Hall, 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. |
7th | Primary School: Senior Dudes' Meal at Manor Hall |
9th | Manor Hall Christmas Coffee Morning, 10.30-12.30 p.m. |
10th | Exmoor Carolers Concert, St. Peter's Church, 4.00 p.m. |
12th | Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m. |
13th | Primary School: Walking Nativity, 6.00 p.m. Car Park. Wine Circle: Committee's Choice & Festive Food, Manor Hall, 8.00 pm |
14th | Pre-School: Hog Roast & Casino Night, Sandy Cove Hotel |
15th | Ilfracombe Academy: End of Autumn Term |
18th | St. Peter's Church: Annual Carol Service, 5.45 and 6.30 p.m. |
19th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.00 a.m. Christmas Party/Fete at Lee Lodge from 2.00 p.m. Primary School: End of Autumn Term |
24th | St. Peter's Church: No morning Service, Midnight Mass, 9.30 p.m. Carols in the Square, 6.00 p.m. |
25th | CHRISTMAS DAY St. Peter's Church: Family Service 11.00 a.m. |
26th | Boxing Day |
31st | New Year's Eve |
JANUARY 2018 | |
1st | New Year's Day |
3rd | Ilfracombe Academy and Primary School: Start of Spring Term |
9th | Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m. |
17th | Wine Circle, 8.00 p.m., Manor Hall: Call My Wine Bluff |
28th | Soup and A Pud Evening, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m. |
31st | Friendship Lunch at The Globe from 12.00 noon |
Manor Hall Diary | |
Mondays | Upholstery, 9.00 to 1.00 p.m.Craft Group, 1.45 p.m. Badminton, 7.30 p.m. |
Tuesdays | N.D. Spinners [2nd & 4th] 3rd: Craft Art Group, 9.30 a.m. |
Wednesdays | Pilates Body Workout, 9.00 a.m. Primary School p.m. |
Thursdays | Watercolour Painting 10.00 a.m. [10 week
terms] Pilates, 7.00 to 8.00 p.m. |
Fridays | Toddlers Soft Play and Activity a.m. Primary School p.m. |
Penn Curzon Room | Pre-School: Daily - Term time only Morning Session: 8.30/9.00 - 12.00 p.m. Afternoon Session: 12.00 to 3.00/3.30/4.00 p.m. All Day: 8.30/9.00 a.m. to 3.00/3.30/4.00 p.m. |
Mobile Library | |
Village Shop: 11.40-12.10 p.m. Sterridge Valley: 12.25-12.55 p.m. |
School, Pre-School and Toddler Group - Term Time only