Edition 78 - June 2002
Artwork by: Mary Hughes
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
The Queen Mother

Artwork by: Debbie Rigler Cook
You can shed tears that she is gone
Or you can smile because she has lived
You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back
Or you can open your eyes and see all that she has left
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
Or you can be full of the love that you shared
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday
You can remember her and only that she is gone
Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
Or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

A new artist's work on our cover - the view of Hangman across Combe Martin Bay from Widmouth is the skilled work of Mary Hughes. Mary - winner for the last three years of the George Hippisley Cup for Art at our Horticultural & Craft Show - is probably better known for her delightful and delicate watercolours and I only wish funds would allow for more coloured covers. Thank you, Mary.
Talking of art, following the success of A Country Collection two years ago, arrangements are now in hand for a second exhibition of the work of Debbie, Nigel, Peter and Paul - not just the beautiful illustrations they contribute to the Newsletter. On display will also be the work of pupils from our Primary School and cards from the Tom Bartlett Postcard Collection.
A Country Collection II will be held in the Manor Hall for a week this time, from Monday, 22nd to Saturday, 27th July. There will be two sessions daily, with refreshments, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 2:00 to 4.30 p.m. A poster giving details is enclosed with this Newsletter and posters will be displayed around the village nearer the time.
I do hope you will ALL find the time to come and see - perhaps even buy - what I feel sure will be another fascinating exhibition. If you have guests, either paying or friends and relatives, please encourage them to come, and everyone else you know, too! Thanks, I hope to see YOU there.
Thank you for all the contributions, which have continued to flow in - keep them coming! Especial thanks to Debbie for her tribute to the Queen Mother. For the August issue items will be needed by Friday, 12th July at the latest please, The earlier date is to give time for A Country Collection and for the Newsletter to still be out for the 1st August.
Judie - Ed

The 2nd April saw a late President creep sheepishly into a well attended meeting entertaining our Guest Speaker and his wife. Apologies to one and all, yours truly had not progressed into Summertime ... well time goes quickly enough anyway!
The Audio Video shown by Mr. Tovey was of the holiday he and his wife had spent touring through the Canadian Rockies. The views were majestic, beautiful and colourful and it was a pity that our journey had to end. However, a few slides of Glorious Devon brought us back home again. A most entertaining afternoon, as Rosemary echoed in her Vote of Thanks. Mrs. Tovey kindly judged the Competition entries, with class wins for Linda, Beryl and Sallie.
A party of us went to the Chichester Group Meeting at East Down on the 16th of April - Arlington being the hosts. I felt at home straight away, the Hall clock had not progressed into Summertime! So there was no heating but with a good attendance the room was soon cosy. The Speaker was most amusing and attracted attention from outside - a cow and her Phoenix-look-a-like calf. The speaker even turned some of the props that she had brought round so that they would not get bored. However, with the sky darkening, off they went to bed whilst we were served with a mouth-watering supper. Arlington were the worthy Competition winners but all entries were excellent and the judges had a difficult task. All credit to Linda and Beryl for their hard work which earned good remarks from the judges, and Rosemary and Josie won raffle prizes. Thank you, Arlington, it was a really enjoyable evening.
The Chichester Group is the collective name for 5 North Devon Institutes - Arlington, Berrynarbor, Bratton Fleming, Kentisbury and Shirwell. There is a Group Secretary and we meet two or three times a year, to compare notes, compete and have a speaker or entertainment.
Our May meeting held the day after a Bank Holiday, usually means a few absentees, but the Discussions, to be brought forward as Resolutions at the Federation General Meeting in Brighton, were well thought through and voted on unanimously.
Doreen gave an interesting account of the Spring Council Meeting at Exeter which she, Marian and Win had attended and at which one of the Speakers was Jennie Bond, the Royal Correspondent.
Reviewing our future programme, and hoping for full support at the Coffee Morning on the 16th May, it was with regret that I had to tell members that we should not be entertaining members of the llfracombe Disabled Association this year - a tradition for many years. Owing to illness, depletion in numbers and the serious lack of carers, it was felt that they could not make it. Great disappointment was expressed but we wish them well and a speedy recovery of membership. I'll keep in touch. A speaker has been booked so we shall meet as usual that Tuesday. Win Collins won the Competition with a flamboyant parrot tulip and Joyce won the raffle.
There will be no meeting in August but we shall resume meeting on Tuesday, 3rd September.
Vi Kingdon - President
June - the month for roses
Their perfume fills the air,
'Elizabeth', 'Jubilee' bursting forth
In gardens across the nation.
A colourful duo just right
For a Royal Jubilee occasion.
Have fun everyone.


It was with shock and sadness that the village learnt that Grace had died peacefully in her sleep on the 21st April, whilst staying with her daughter in Wales.
Our thoughts are with Gerald [Nipper] and his family, and with Grace's children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren at this time of sorrow.
My Grace
If it had not been for the heavy rain and my going into The Globe instead of going back to Combe Martin, I should never have met Grace - never have met the lady I had noticed in the village.
From that night on our relationship blossomed into a partnership that lasted for twenty happy years. 13 years were spent at Beech Hill in Berrynarbor, and 5 at Combe Martin, where it sadly ended. Together, Grace and I built a gosling breeding business which supplies the South West area, and made preserves from our own produce, at which Grace was an ace! Her strawberry jam was well renowned far and wide.
When at Beech Hill, visitors used to queue for strawberries, jam and eggs and ask Grace to be allowed to take photographs of her wonderful garden, which reflected her personality - colourful and beautiful.
Not a lot of people may realise that Grace was the lady responsible for the high standard of cleanliness in the 'conveniences' of Berrynarbor. She was always so pleased when people left notes commenting on this.
Grace could often be found sitting on Holdstone Down with Bobby, her little dog, watching for skylarks, and she would comment on their decline with unease. She loved butterflies and dragonflies and all things free, and the memory of Grace will never leave me.
Nipper would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their kindness - for the many cards and messages of sympathy and all those who attended the service.
Our thoughts are also with Inge, Tom and their family in their sadness following the death, in Germany, of Inge's mother.

Two well-attended services were held at the end of March. On Palm Sunday we were joined by the Choir who sang 'The Lord's My Shepherd' to the 'Vicar of Dibley' tune. The Palm Crosses were distributed to the congregation and in the final hymn, the Sunday School joined us and processed around the church with their crosses.
Celebrations on Easter Day were somewhat subdued as the news of the Queen Mother's death had just been announced. Nevertheless, we continued with our planned Family Service, all going up to the altar together at the end. The children's contribution was much appreciated, as always. Once again Sally and her helpers had composed a lovely Easter Garden and had arranged a new display in the Children's Corner, which is much visited and admired and gives pause for thought. Thank you once again to all those who gave donations and flowers in memory - the lilies were exceptionally beautiful this year - and not least to the arrangers who deserve special mention.
At the Village Service on 9th April, a muffled peal was rung and prayers said for the Queen Mother and the Royal Family.
The Coffee Morning held on 2nd May raised £95. Thank you to all helpers and everyone who supported us, and to those who, being unable to come on the day, gave generous donations. The PCC have decided to use the money to decorate the Church for the Golden Jubilee when there will be a Family Service of Celebration on 2nd June at 11.00 a.m.
June promises to be a busy month and special dates are:
Sunday, 16th June Father's Day - We are planning a special Village Service with the Sunday School at 11.00 a.m. and all families are invited to come along.
Wednesday, 19th June - Gift Day. A bit earlier this year. As usual, letters and envelopes will be delivered around the village and the Rector and members of the PCC will be at the lychgate all day to receive donations and have a chat.
Sunday, 23rd June - Songs of Praise, Christians Together. This will take place at 6.30 p.m. and we shall be joined by all the Combe Martin churches and there will be tea, coffee and biscuits in the Manor Hall afterwards.
A reminder of the monthly pattern of Sunday Services:
- 1st - Family Service with the Sunday School followed by a short Holy Communion
- 2nd, 4th [& 5th] - Sung Eucharist
- 3rd - Village Service with the Choir [no Holy Communion]
All Services being at 11.00 a.m. and coffee and biscuits are served afterwards. A warm welcome is extended to everyone.
Looking forward to July ... The Rector is hoping to hold another Pets' Service on Sunday, 7th July. Please look out for posters giving time and details.
The St. Peter's Summer Fayre will be held on Tuesday, 30th July. As always, we shall be most grateful for help, contributions, etc., and hope for a bumper evening.
Mary Tucker
Friendship Lunches
The June Friendship Lunch has been booked provisionally for Wednesday, 19th. Once a decision has been made about whether to meet through the summer, in July and August, 'Lunchers' will be notified.

The 'pretend' Christening of twin dolls was carried out with great assurance by the children - congratulations especially to Juliet who played the Rector and organised us all so well! Thank you also to Tia, who stepped in at the last moment to be a Step-Mum - Shanya, who was playing the Mum unfortunately developed chickenpox - get well soon, Shanya.
The Children's Corner carries on the Baptismal theme with some thoughtful artwork and photographs of christenings. One photo shows Rector Blake in 1962 christening about 20 children of all ages. Other photos of babies show their babies now being christened!
Our next projects are the Jubilee Celebrations on 2nd June, Father's Day on 16th June, the Pets' Service on 7th July and followed by the Teddy Bears' Picnic on 21st July - so quite a lot going on before our summer break.
Twin Tales
Minister to little boy: 'l hear that God has brought you two lovely twin brothers.'
Little boy: "Yes, and what's more, He knows where their school fees will be coming from, I heard Daddy say so.'
The Vicar announced that they would be having an additional font placed in the church so that babies could be baptised at both ends!
Bye for now.
Sally B, Val, Julia, Sarah, Becky and Jessica
'Traditional' Devon Butcher and Licensed Game Dealer
Corn-fed Free Range
Home-made Pies,
Cooked Meats and Sausages
Locally farmed and slaughtered Meat
Meat sent by Post
Regular Deliveries to
Berrynarbor and Combe Martin
146 High Street, Ilfracombe Tel: [01217] 863643

Following last month's AGM, our Committee now comprises:
- John Hood [Chairman]
- Debbie Luckham [Treasurer/ Bookings]
- Anne Davies [Secretary]
- Chris Jesson [Minute Secretary]
- Mary Malin [Parish Council Representative]
- Linda Brown
- Brian Mountain
- Ann Hinchliffe
- Julia Fairchild
There is always room for anyone else to join and we shall
definitely need help for the Berry Revels on Tuesday, 13th August. This will be our main fundraiser, which will then be
followed by the Horticultural and Craft Show to be held on the 7th September. So that you will have all summer to prepare, here are the
six subjects for the Photography Section -
It has been decided to give the Homemade Wine another
chance. As well as the classes for Red & White, Sweet & Dry, there will
be a class for 'Any Other Alcoholic Drink'. The size of bottle is optional, but
contents must be named. John Hood - Chairman * Please note that although Tom Tucker's name has been
mentioned in the Newsletter as being involved with the finances of the Manor
Hall Management Committee, this is no longer the case and queries regarding
invoices and payments, etc., should be addressed to Debbie Luckham. Tom was, in
the past, Treasurer to the Committee and we thank him for his past services. 8
22nd and 23rd June, 2.00 to 6-00 p.m.

Eleven venues throughout the village.
Two of the new ones this year, at either end of the village, will be serving delicious homemade refreshments.
Programmes will be on sale at least 3 weeks ahead of the event [£2.50] from outlets in the village, including the Tourist Information Centre.
Any queries, please telephone 882244.
Owing to a misunderstanding, the concerns of parishioners regarding the behaviour of youngsters in the village was not dealt with properly during the meeting held on 22nd April 2002.
Both Sgt. Holmes of the llfracombe Police and myself are anxious to rectify this situation. A frank and open discussion [initiated by the Police] on the failings of the first meeting have shown the following:
- The impression that little or nothing can be done to combat antisocial behaviour is NOT CORRECT
- The Police have the power to help providing we collate information and tackle the problems in a way that will assist them
- It is not inevitable that the situation will deteriorate in the future
A meeting has been convened on Wednesday, 5th June at 7.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall to discuss in detail the various procedures that can be evoked to deal with the anti-social situation and problems that have been encountered. It will deal specifically with the issues, it will be constructive and it will be helpful. PLEASE COME.
Michael Lane - Parish Council

The last two months seem to have flown by and it is time again to review the weather records.
March was a fairly dry month with only 62mm [2 1/2"] of rain compared with last year's total of 135mm [5 3/8"] for the same period. On Monday, 17th, we had quite a deep depression move across - the barometer fell 15 millibars in 8 hours, resulting in 11mm [7/16"] of rain and wind gusting in the Valley to 34 knots [43 mph]. Temperatures were quite warm, reaching a maximum of 18.3 Deg C on the 29th, though they slipped back at night to near freezing. The lowest wind chill was 10 Deg C on the 14th, compared with 11 Deg C on the 20th March 2001.
April was set to be a really dry month, but was spoilt by heavy rain in the last few days, 28mm [1 1/8"] fell on the 29th. The total for the month was 96mm [3 3/4"] compared with 148mm [6"] last year, and 171 mm [6 3/4"] in 2000. The 21st produced the warmest day of the year so far when the thermometer touched 20.9 Deg C. Although it was quite a pleasant month, winds reached 20 knots or over on 10 days and we recorded a wind chill of -6 Deg C on the 7th. Last year was similar with -5 Deg C on the 18th.
The days are drawing out, the boat is back in the water and we are hoping for some excellent weather in the next few months.

Artwork by: Peter Rothwell
Sue and Simon

Oops! A belated welcome to Lynne and Brian Johnson who came from Lincoln and have been living at Berrynarbor Park for some time, moving into their home there last October!
Brian, a retired Prison Officer, has left his family, including the six grandchildren, back in Lincoln. Lynne, however, will now be able to watch her two young great-grandchildren growing up, as her family, including four grandchildren, live in llfracombe.
There will soon be a new arrival at No. 12a - Lynne and Brian's cocker spaniel puppy - to be called Cassie, we believe - will shortly be old enough to leave her mother and come to her new home. We hope she will settle in as well as her 'Master and Missus' have.
Apologies, you slipped through the net and have only just been caught! However, we hope you will all be very happy here in Berrynarbor.

On the second Tuesday in May, your Parish Council held its Annual Meeting, i.e. the meeting when it makes its appointments for the next Municipal Year.
Graham Andrews was re-elected Chairman; Paul Crockett became Vice-Chairman and all the other appointments continue to be held by the same post holders.
These appointments will hold until the fourth day after the election to be held on 1st May 2003, except for the Chairman who remains in office [re-elected or not] until his successor is elected.
The Council welcomed various road works completed in the Parish, including some pipe work which should clear the 'ponding' just north of Bodstone Barton. The Council also agreed some minor traffic calming near the top of Hagginton Hill after receiving the support of the nearest residents.
Unusually, the June and July meetings will be held on Mondays, the 10th June and the 8th July. The public is always welcome.
Graham E. Andrews - Chairman
Dear Berrynarbor!
I've heard on the grapevine that many of you are busy gathering supplies for me here in Blantyre, and I am incredibly grateful and want to say a big, big THANK YOU!
Just now - as you have probably heard on the news - things here are particularly bad. I thought I'd drop you a few lines to tell you about the place to which you're sending teddy bears, baby bonnets and blankets.
Malawi comprises a narrow strip of land about 119,000 sq.km in area, wedged between Mozambique, Zambia and Tanzania. It has a population of approximately 10 million.
Malawi was ranked 169th out of 179 countries in a recent WHO health standards survey. The number of live born infants who die in their first year is 134 out of every 1000 [UK rate is 6/1000] and average life expectancy, which is falling sharply, is between 35 and 40 years. Health problems are largely related to poverty and malnutrition, immunocompromise [HIV/AIDS], and infectious diseases [malaria, T B, diarrhoeal illnesses, pelvic inflammatory disease and pulmonary infections]. Trauma and complications in childbirth also contribute to the workload in all healthcare facilities.
I've been working in Intensive Care, operating theatres and I'm now running the maternity theatres. It's incredible how dangerous childbirth can be in a country with so many problems and no antenatal care service. We do what we can ... but are short of even the most basic things like antibiotics and blankets in which to wrap sick new-borns. Usually, a mother will wrap the baby next to her in her own blanket. It works well unless the baby has to be separated from her because it or the mother is too sick.
It may be hard to believe that in such a hot climate our sick babies are hypothermic by the time they get to the special care baby unit. The mothers are too poor to even own a second blanket and the hospital too under-funded to buy any.
Having your warm bonnets and baby blankets will make a huge difference to each baby's chance of surviving. For the mothers ... just knowing someone gives a damn is incredible ... and a new experience.
The first consignment of 'cuddlies' has arrived [to the bemusement of the customs men!] and been distributed to the kids on the cancer ward. For a child in Malawi, a cuddly toy, of your very own ... yes ... actually to keep is unimaginable.
So, a huge thank you from Blantyre to Berrynarbor!
Mary O'Regan - c/o Pink Heather

Illustration by: Peter Rothwell
As you are aware, the Bureau has been struggling of late to survive. But, thanks to the support of so many people, particularly everyone who signed the Petition, and funding which has now been received from Devon County Council, Lloyds TSB and a particularly welcome Home Office Rescue Package, it will be able to run for the next year to 31st March 2003. However, long-term funding will need to be secured if it is to continue to run in the future.
llfracombe & District Volunteer Bureau exists to promote, support and develop volunteering for the benefit of those in need within the local communities of llfracombe and the surrounding coastal and rural areas of North Devon. It supports other organisations and community projects and is an open service available to everyone. Sadly, the funding received has not been sufficient to reintroduce direct services - those opportunities for people to use their free time to make new friends and meet people and to share and learn new skills to the benefit of others: by driving, befriending, shopping, gardening, dog walking and many more activities. However, to raise money to re-establish this aspect of volunteering is the Management Committee's No. 1 priority. In the meantime, the Wheelchair Loan Scheme will continue to operate.
Support for the work of the Bureau is most important and the Management Committee invites YOU to help by becoming a member. Membership is open to individuals over the age of 18 years, as well as organisations. The annual subscription for the year to March 2003 is only £1 and new members are welcome to join at any time of the year.
If you would like to support the Bureau in this way, please ask at the Post Office for a Membership Form or speak to Judie Weedon, who would be happy to give you further details of the Bureau's activities. We look forward to hearing from you.
Yvonne Davey - Chairman
of the Management Committee
The Volunteer Centre,
148-149 High Street,
Tel: [01271] 866300

This term the children are getting out and about in the locality and making the most of the fine weather. We visited Broad Sands beach to do a beach clean up, and we are studying the impact of human activity on the environment with the help of the Devon Wildlife Trust. More beach visits are planned, including Combe Martin, where we shall be studying the rock pools and their inhabitants!
The children are working with artists from Appledore Arts Festival to produce some display pieces for the Quay in Appledore. The stimulus for the work is the sea, sea shanties and poems inspired by the wind and the waves!
Pupils are working hard this term on their national tests and when these are out of the way, we can get on with enjoying the rest of the summer - sports day, a residential visit to Bristol, visiting artists and friends from overseas.
We hope you all enjoy this issue's artwork by Class 3.
Simon Bell - Headteacher

Fox - Cassie Lumb [Year 6]

Hedgehog - Mischa Smith [Year 6]

Ant - Julian Smith [Year 5]

Rabbit - Gregg Clarke [Year 5]
The following photograph of our Primary School has been sent by Jen Stuckey from Teignmouth. It shows the Head Mistress, Miss Veale, with her class in c1924.

[With thanks to Brenda and Ron for naming all their peers!]
- Back Row: Lewis Smith, Ron Toms, George Irwin, Alfred Nichols, Reg Ley, Bill Huxtable, Ernie Manning and Leonard Dummett.
- Middle Row: Leslie Irwin, John Hockridge, Rachael Irwin, Verna Richards, Vera Ley, Lily Huxtable, Frank Huxtable and Reg Toms.
- Front Row: Honor Irwin, Vera Dummett, Lily Tucker, Miss Veale, Freda Richards, Brenda Richards, Vera Richards.
Jenny, whose mother is Lily Tucker, was herself in the Christmas Party photograph in the April Newsletter and a phone call from Rowena Mason filled in a few questions marks on that photo.
First, my apologies to the Sledmar family for referring to them as 'Sledman'. The little girl being held by Lorna Sledmar is her niece, Jacky Butcher, daughter of Lorna's sister, Kathy, who lived at No. 2 Wood Park - home now for many years to Ivy and Walter White. It is also understood that it is not Alastair Crighton but his younger brother Malcolm.
What memories Lorna's photographs of the Children's Christmas Parties brought back! Yes, it was hard work fundraising - dances every Tuesday, whist drives on Thursday and funfairs on Fridays during the summer season. All were well attended as the camp and caravan parks did not have their own entertainment in those days. Buying presents for each child, from infancy to 15 years of age! We were fortunate in having Mrs. Cowperthwaite [Head Mistress] and Muriel to give us the ages of each child at the school. So all had a suitable present. And then ... Ron Toms as Father Christmas!
Recalling other memories in this, the Queen's Golden Jubilee year. I wonder if many small villages can claim to have four generations of one of its oldest families having been invited to Buckingham Palace as guests of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh?
My father, Fred Richards, was invited to one of the Garden Parties at the Palace in recognition of his long service as Parish and District Councillor and Alderman of Devon County Council.
My husband, Sq.Ldr. Charles Layton and I were also invited to a Garden party. Charles had been awarded the MBE medal in 1944 and in that capacity was invited to the July Garden Party in 1963.
My daughter Cheryl accompanied her daughter, Lucy, to Buckingham Palace when Lucy received her Gold Award from the Duke of Edinburgh in 1997.
Brenda Layton
P.S. You can see I got there through no merit of my own!
This event is taking place thanks to a number of organisations and individuals in the Village, who have been wonderfully supportive in all aspects of arranging Berry's Jubilee 'Do':
Berry Broadcasting Company's donation of £250, supplemented by a further £40 from the participants at the Show's party; £20 from the Easter Raffle and Grand National Sweep at The Globe; other fundraising events - too many people to mention, you know who you are! The Manor Hall Management Committee for the use of the Hall as a venue; John and Fenella Boxall for arranging the Beacon and Fireworks at Sloley Farm; Brian Malin of Mill Park for donating a very large firework! Phil Bridle for providing the music speakers, and everyone who is helping run the event it couldn't happen without you.
Street Party
Venue: Car Parking Area - Manor Hall [if wet, in the Manor Hall]
Time:- 3.00 to 6.00 p.m. [ish]
- 3.00 - 4.00 Games, stalls, music, face painting, etc.
- 4.00 - 5.00 Children's Entertainer
- 5.00 - 6.00 Traditional Tea Party and BBQ
Beacon & Fireworks
Venue: Sloley Farm
Time: 8.30 p.m. [ish]
A torch procession will walk around the village. Everyone is welcome to join in and walk up to Sloley Farm. For anyone having difficulty walking, transport can be arranged, please 'phone Vi Davies on 882696.
The Manor Hall area will be decorated with bunting, flags, balloons, etc. and we are asking everyone if they can to dress in red, white and blue to add to the atmosphere. A toast will form part of the celebration - you are welcome to bring your own beverages if you wish!
This is the time of year when the Sanctuary receives increasing numbers of animals, particularly young birds, but many of these creatures should have been left alone - it is hard to know if they are in difficulty or not.
Adult animals suffering from obvious injuries, perhaps from a road traffic accident, are likely to need your help.
Baby birds that appear to be lost are often being watched by the mother and before taking any action it is wise to wait for about an hour unless the bird is in danger or injured. If it has no feathers, it is likely that it does need your help. But, before taking action, always stop, look and listen from a concealed position. Similarly with mammals - do not disturb a young individual or nest unless you are absolutely sure they have been abandoned.
Young rabbits are often taken to the Sanctuary when they should be left alone. Baby rabbits are born in dead-end passages called 'stops' and the mother closes the stop with nesting material and unblocks it each time she returns to feed the young. When about 3 weeks old, the youngsters dig through this nest and this is when they are thought to be abandoned. By now they are being weaned and can eat plant foods. They should not be disturbed - if taken away it is usually impossible to return them and it is then extremely difficult to find them an alternative home.
If you decide an animal does need rescuing remember that all wildlife casualties will be suffering from shock, even if they are not injured. So, put the casualty somewhere warm, dark and quiet. Do not be tempted to cuddle or talk to them, and do not attempt to feed them. Incorrect feeding can cause damage and may even be fatal. It is more important that they get over the shock first.
The next step is to work out what to do. Telephone the Sanctuary on 01237-451550 for guidelines or directions to take the casualty to the Sanctuary.
For more information or if you would like to help raise much needed funds, feel free to contact them. You can also check out their fledgling website on www.winslade-wildlife.org.uk.
Rudyard Kipling
- 1936]
Seventy years ago.
Weather and rain have undone it again,
And now you would never know
There was once a road through the woods
Before they planted the trees.
It is underneath the coppice and heath,
And the thin anemones.
Only the keeper sees
That, where the ring-dove broods,
And the badgers roll at ease,
There was once a road through the woods.
Yet, if you enter the woods
Of a summer evening late,
When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools
Where the otter whistles his mate,
(They fear not men in the woods,
Because they see so few.)
You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,
And the swish of a skirt in the dew,
Steadily cantering through
The misty solitudes,
As though they perfectly knew
The old lost road through the woods.
But there is no road through the woods.

Illustrated by: Nigel Mason

[or Motorcyclists of

On the 10th April, a group of 5 riders set out from The Globe for an evening ride. The oldest machine was a 1962 Norton 650, a lovely example of this proud marque, and the largest a 1200cc Triumph of the modern era. Our ride took us over Exmoor to Dulverton and then by lanes and secondary roads to the Little Chef at South Molton. Food, drink and a good chat completed our evening apart from the final run up the valley, arriving back in Berrynarbor about 9.00 p.m.
It was agreed that we should do the same thing while we had good weather, so a further ride took place on 8th May.
Unfortunately, some members could not make it, but a very nice ride was enjoyed, going via Wistlandpound Reservoir, Barnstaple, Chittlehampton and the ubiquitous Little Chef. We should very much like more riders to join us, regardless of experience, machine, age or sex! There is always a notice in the Post Office window - thanks, Alan - and the meeting is always on the 2nd Wednesday in the month. Thus, our next ride is planned for 12th June, followed by one on the 10th July. Both rides begin at 6.00 p.m. meeting at the rear of The Globe.
Alex's reference to 'coincidence' in the February issue brought the following to light:
Kennedy was elected in 1960
Lincoln's Secretary was called Kennedy,
Kennedy's Secretary was called Lincoln
Both Secretaries advised their superiors against going to the places where they were assassinated
Both Presidents were shot in the presence of their wives
Their successors were both named Johnson -
Andrew Johnson born 1808, Lyndon Johnson born 1908
As for the two assassins,
Booth was born in 1839,
Oswald was born in 1939
Both were slain before they could be brought to trial
Both Presidents were deeply concerned with the Civil Rights issue
Written by an Aboriginal in his English for us Whites
Dear white fellow, couple things you should know:
When I born, I black.
When I grow up, I black.
When I go in the sun, I black.
When I cold, I black.
When I sick, I black.
And when I die, I still black.
You white fellow, when you born, you pink.
When you grow up, you white.
When you go in sun, you red.
When you cold, you blue.
When you scared, you yellow.
When you sick, you green.
And when you die, you grey,
And you have the cheek to call me coloured.
Dame [Jean] Iris Murdoch was born in Dublin in 1919, and educated at the University of Oxford, where in 1948 she was appointed a Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy.
Her first non-fiction work was published in 1953 and then followed a successful career as a writer of both fiction and nonfiction. Her style of writing is complex, combining naturalism and the macabre, the familiar and the magical. Certainly not a writer to suit everyone's taste!
Iris Murdoch died in 1999, after suffering, in her latter years,from Alzheimers.
Her struggle with the disease, supported caringly and devotedly by her husband, John Bayley, has recently been portrayed in the film 'Iris'.
I had doubts about going to see this film but was glad I did. It was a moving experience, not as harrowing as I had perhaps expected, and acted and filmed with great sympathy and sensitivity.
Loss - A Journey Through Alzheimers

Illustration: Peter Rothwell
I lost a companion.
He lost the ability to manage simple daily tasks -
I lost a helpmate.
He thought I was his deceased sister -
I lost a husband.
He could not understand my anguish -
I lost a lover and comforter.
He lost time: days and nights became muddled -
I lost my diurnal rhythm
He wanted to be elsewhere; at work, with a long lost parent -
I lost an anchor.
He does not know his own home; our past, our present -
I lost the continuity of our marriage.
He stares at me blankly as I hold his hand.
I cannot understand his mumbling.
I am lost.
Dorothy Yellowlees
That I would find no peace of Mind
In the country of my birth;
They said ...
That there would be no comfort here for me,
Nothing of any worth.
They said ...
That times had changed -
That now no longer would I see
The things that in the past were dear to me.
So they said.
And so, in fear lest they be right,
I came again to England,
And breathed the sweetness of her summer night.
And heard the song of birds at dawn again
All summer long.
I walked in fields where the white clover lies,
And trod the moors where the lone curlew cries,
I touched the mossy stones of centuries,
And knew
That they were wrong.
Our very best wishes to everyone who has been ill or is presently not too well, especially those who have been in hospital and anyone currently still there. We hope you will be feeling better soon and that you are well on the way to recovery.
Alice Dummett would like to thank everyone for the cards, flowers and good wishes following her admittance to hospital. Especial thanks to the Alarm Service who acted so promptly and the paramedics, as well as the staff and doctors at the Tyrrell and District Hospitals.
Sincere thanks to the BBC team for the very welcome donation of £100 to the Newsletter following the very successful show 'Past Yer Eyes' last March. Also benefiting from the funds raised were: Our Sunday School who received £100, the Jubilee Celebrations [as mentioned earlier] who received £250 and £500 went to CLIC. The cheques were presented at a Post-Show Party at The Globe and thanks must go to Edith and the staff for veritable feast they laid on.
Ann and Jancy Davies would like to thank everyone who has sponsored them on the Marie Curie 28 Miles Bike Ride, and the Cancer Research UKs Race for Life. Marie Curie received £63 for the Bike Ride and the Race for Life takes place on Sunday, 30th June. If you would like to sponsor them to raise money for Cancer Research UK, it's not too late! Alan and Nora have kindly allowed a sponsor sheet to be left in the Post Office, or you can 'phone us on 883837. To date, over £160 has been pledged. Thank you - Thank you.
DC Mick Fry would like to thank everyone who assisted him with his enquiries regarding the car that crashed in the village and the theft from a car in Birdswell Lane. The suspect has, at the Crown Court, admitted guilt and received a 21 months' custodial sentence for these and other crimes.

Over the past few months, fundraising events have been held in the village to raise funds for Josef's bench. Thanks to the tremendous support, over £300 has been raised and the bench has been ordered. Once it is in place, we are intending to have a ceremony, so please look out for details.

The Rectory
Combe Martin
Dear Friends,
I expect we all know the saying in Ps.46:10. Well, I came across an Anthony de Mello meditation the other day, which made me stop and think. What do you make of it?
A woman was in a coma dying. She suddenly had the feeling that she was being taken up to heaven and was there before the Judgement Seat, when a Voice said to her:
- 'Who are you?"
- "l am the wife of the Mayor," she replied.
- "l did not ask you whose wife you are, but who are you?"
- "I'm the mother of four children."
- "l did not ask you whose mother you are, but who are you?" "I'm a schoolteacher."
- "l did not ask what your profession is, but who are you?"
And so it went on and on, and no matter what she replied, she got the same response, "Who are you?"
- "I'm a Christian."
- "l did not ask what your religion is, but who are you?"
- "I'm the one who went to church every Sunday and always helped the poor and needy.
- "I did not ask you what you did but who you are."
She evidently failed the test, for she was sent back to earth. When she recovered from her illness, she was determined to find out who she was. And that made all the difference.
Antony de Mello goes on: Your duty is to be. Not to be somebody, not to be nobody - for therein lies greed and ambition not to be this or that - and thus become conditioned - but just to be.
By the way, just in case you forgot, Ps.46:10 goes: "Be still and know that I am God". [Antony de Mello's book is entitled 'Taking Flight' and is published by Doubleday.]
With all good wishes,
Your Friend and Rector,
Keith Wyer
These Nature Prints by Debbie Cook and Views of the Village by Helen Armstead, Nigel Mason and Peter Rothwell are now available as Notelets from the Post Office and cost £3.00 for 10, with all proceeds going to the Newsletter.
However, if you would like to make up your own pack of 10 by choosing your favourite prints, a quick call to Judie on 883544 will place your order.


When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin,
When he smiled, I realised I'd pass it on to him.
I thought about that smile, then realised its worth,
A single smile just like mine, could travel 'round the earth.
So if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected
Let's start an epidemic quick and get the world infected!

Having watched the television news - it was about 10.30 p.m. and time for bed. We had just got into bed, settled down and were talking about the day's events when there was a 'bleep' that seemed to come from the hall. "What was that noise," Betty whispered. "I know," I said, "It must be the smoke alarm, it must want a new battery. Although thinking about it, it's supposed to be a mains one, I'll have a look in the morning."
The next morning, the alarm was 'bleeping' away merrily, at a rate of about once every 30 to 45 seconds - an irritating noise, though quite faint.
Better put the power off in the garage, I thought. The 'bleep' did not stop. We found a leaflet which indicated that there was a small drawer in the alarm which you pulled out to change the battery. [It was both mains and battery.] Well, I couldn't pull the drawer out, because on reading further you needed a special key. This had not been left behind by the previous owners, but by poking in a small screwdriver, out came the drawer complete with the old battery. The alarm continued to 'bleep'! What could I do next? I know, I thought, I'll call my electrician friend, he's sure to know. He thought the alarm might have retained sufficient electricity to make it 'bleep' and suggested turning off the mains altogether as the negative side of the supply could cause the thing to continue to work.
I got a bit short with him and explained that in no way was the thing connected in any way to either a battery or the main, and I had also dropped it by now, so it was probably broken anyway. "I'll take it apart." "No, don't do that!" he replied, "It could be dangerous." Exasperated, I took the alarm into the lounge and sat down to think. The 'bleep' continued, but not quite as loud. I called to Betty, who was still in the hall, although the door to the lounge was shut. "Can you still hear it?" "Yes, it's just the same. But wait a minute, Tony, when we moved here about a year ago, we did bring one of our own battery alarms with us." Before I could reply, she called out, "Hang on a minute, it's coming from the drawer in the hall desk."
Sure enough, it was a battery alarm we had brought with us and forgotten, and it was calling out for a new battery. Talk about feeling a couple of mugs!
Tony B
Reg. Charity No.
Patron: Nick
WAND's Telephone Support Line celebrated its third anniversary on 16th April this year. WAND is a user led mental health charity based in North Devon and provides a valuable service for people throughout Devon. The line is run by a dedicated group of trained volunteers who give up some of their time to make a difference in the lives of others, by offering emotional support to anyone affected by mental health, including mental health service users, carers, relatives, friends and professionals.
If you feel it would help to talk about what you are going through, the Support Line currently operates on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday evenings, from 8.00 p.m. until midnight on Freephone 0808 800 0312.
WAND also operates a Befriending Scheme in the North Devon area, matching trained volunteers with people who have experienced mental health difficulties, with the aim of providing social contact and companionship, on a one-to-one basis.
Both schemes are currently looking for volunteers, who would be offered full training and plenty of support, as well as out-of-pocket expenses. If you feel you would like to make a difference to the lives of others by volunteering for either of these schemes, please contact Karen or Becky on [01271] 372830.
Rugged Rocks and Rascals

It is said that Martinhoe church was once used to store smuggled spirits. It presents an innocent enough picture nowadays, in its secluded setting high above the Bristol Channel, but an entry in the parish register tells of Dick Jones 'the last of the smugglers' who died the age of one hundred and three.
We took the steep track, just beyond the village, which leads down towards Woody Bay. There was a cold east wind but it was sunny with a clear blue sky. Over the stony bank we noticed a red deer hind standing perfectly still in the middle of a small field, her back glowing orange brown in the sun; her long neck stretched and her ears turning to catch every sound. We left her to graze in peace.
The large amount of red bell-like flowers on the bilberry bushes along the path promised a good crop of berries later, they are lovely combined with raspberries in a traditional summer pudding, and contain a high concentration of vitamin C.
We had intended walking to Highveer Point but when we passed Hollow Brook waterfall and the scree slopes to reach the first exposed point the wind was so forceful that we had difficult keeping upright. In view of the almost sheer drop below, we thought it sensible to retrace our steps and head for the shelter of Woody Bay itself.
The row of white cottages near the beach was once the homes of the lime burners. Limestone and coal were brought to Woody Bay from South Wales. As we sat above the restored lime kiln enjoying the view over the turquoise sea, a pair of slate grey falcons swept towards us.
The peregrines put on a wonderful aerial display above Crock Point - so called because during the eighteenth century clay dug from the crock pits, at the cliff top, was sent to Holland where it was prized by Dutch craftsmen.
In 1895 an entrepreneur called Benjamin Green Lake decided to develop Wood Bay for tourism. He started to build a pier with the idea of attracting pleasure steamers from Bristol and Wales. He obtained money fraudulently for the venture and was sentenced to twelve years in prison.
The pier was badly damaged during storms in 1900 and was demolished two years later. So it remains a quiet, natural place; a rocky boulder-strewn bay with a glorious coastal waterfall at its center, which rushes down the eight hundred foot high cliffs and onto the beach.
We returned via Inkerman Bridge, through oak woodlands. My old 1930's Ward Lock guide book calls Woody Bay 'a charming glen with a rushing torrent'!
Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
Sue H

After some surprisingly good weather over the May Bank Holiday, we are all hoping for some more during the next few months. Edith and Karl are settling in to the village well, although Karl is still getting used to the church bells and low ceilings!
With plenty going on through June, let's hope that the visitors come down to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee with us, and watch England conquer all in the World Cup - let's not hold our breath on that last one!
At the Sawmills for Jubilee week-end, we have a karaoke on Saturday, 1st June, with a midnight licence. We shall be open for breakfast, 9.00 to 11.00 a.m. from 1st June - 9th June. Why not join us on the 2nd for a full English Breakfast and watch England's first World Cup match? On Friday, 7th June, we shall be showing the England v Argentina match live and with a 12.30 p.m. kick-off, we shall be able to serve beer and will be doing a Budweiser Promotion during the game, so make sure you come along for a chance to win many different goodies.
At the Globe & Sawmills Look out for our guest ale over the Bank Holiday week-end, being brewed especially for the Jubilee - available at The Globe only. Commemorative bottles of ale will be available from the Sawmills.
June 16th is Father's Day, so book up your roast Dinners and treat your fathers to a special day. We are taking bookings at both pubs for that day - as we do every Sunday - but make sure you 'phone soon to guarantee availability.
The Exmoor Border Morris Dancers will be at the Sawmills at 9.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 5th June, and the Red Petticoats will be dancing at The Globe on Thursday, 20th June, at 8.30 p.m.
Well that's all for now - we hope to see you all soon.

Boys will be Boys
Prior to 1939, I went to an independent school where fighting was frowned upon, indeed not allowed. When I changed schools, my first experience of being provoked was on the school bus, when others sitting behind me would persist in flipping my ears. I would turn round and ask them to stop, only to be giggled at and told, "It wasn't me." As time went on, the provocation would become more and eventually end up with, "Fight, fight, fight!" Fists would be put up, which I simply grabbed and held. I was quite strong in the arm and after a while things would calm down. [By the way, this can also work with grandchildren!]

How do fights begin? Nobody seems to remember what they were about! One fight I had at school was with Paul Vellacott. Paul hit me on the jaw and a tooth came lose. I took it out with my handkerchief and the fight stopped. Paul and I became good friends after that and the strange thing was that although the tooth was a second one, it grew again!
Of course, boys fighting are a part of growing up, but I took a lot of stick before I would fly. When I did, the other lad would get the worst of it, but being asthmatic, I would always end up out of puff!
One summer Saturday afternoon, my pal Don and I were out walking near the top of Hagginton Hill and looking through a field gateway saw two lads walking towards us. Without any provocation, one called across to Don, "Want a fight?" Don shouted back, "Yes!", and they were soon at it like a couple of terriers.
The other lad and I did not fight but out of nowhere, or so it seemed, appeared two more boys, both with airguns. They stood there with their guns with the obvious intention of letting the fight run its course. Now fisticuffs are one thing, but airgun dangerous. By now the larger lad was getting better of Don, but you can hardly intervene when you've got airguns pointing at you!
Soon the larger lad had knocked Don to the ground and was kneeling astride him, putting mud in his mouth. Fortunately, at that moment a voice called out, "Stop that at once, or I'll call the police." It was Don's mum who had heard the commotion and luckily had just the right intonation to stop things in their tracks. All four boys ran off in the direction of llfracombe, leaving Don, his mother and me aghast.
At school on Monday, Don's face was still swollen and he told me he had had to feed through a straw over the week-end. His mother didn't report the matter to the police, although Don told me he'd had several more fights with the lad, eventually getting the better of him.
Don never gave up!
Sadly, Don, who was always interested in wildlife and so knowledgeable, died last year after sixty years of friendship.
Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
Tony Beauclerk - Colchester

Our next production is 'Abducting Diana' by Dario Fo. This playwright, an Italian Nobel Prize winner, also wrote 'Accidental Death of An Anarchist', which played to an appreciative full house at The Landmark recently. In the play, Diana Forbes-McKaye, a millionairess media boss, is kidnapped. Madly crazy farce follows as the ruthless press baron struggles to out-wit her clumsy captors. Nothing is quite what it seems, apart from the riotous hilarity provoked by this surreal drama.
Come and see 'Abducting Diana' at the Studio Theatre, llfracombe College, from Wednesday to Saturday, 26th - 29th June, at 7.45 p.m. Tickets £5 [£4 and students £2.50] may be obtained from the College [864171] or Alan Jackson, Shoe Repairer, High Street, llfracombe, or, if available, at the door.
This Government Office fund gives grants of between £50 and £2000 to individuals and organisations in the South West who have ideas about things that would benefit their local community, or who want to develop their skills. The money can be used in lots of ways, for example to pay for training, travelling, childcare, visiting groups in other parts of the country, setting up community newsletters or websites, or establishing a volunteer scheme.
How to apply: you can get an application form and pack from South West Forum on 01392 383443, or you can download the information at: www.southwestforum.org.uk [click on funding on the lefthand side of the page]. Applications are normally processed within one month. You can download the application pack by clicking on: www.southwestforum.org.uk/champion/.
If you feel that this fund could be for you - unfortunately, our Newsletter is too well established now! - but do not have the facilities to go on line, please contact Judie on 883544.
June | |
2nd | St. Peter's Church: The Golden Jubilee, Family Service of Celebration, 11.00 a.m. |
3rd | Golden Jubilee Bank Holiday - Celebrations in
Village, afternoon and evening Primary School & College: Half Term Week |
4th | Spring Bank Holiday |
5th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m. Meeting with Police, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. Exmoor Border Morris Dancers at the Sawmill Inn, 9.00 p.m. |
10th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. Manor Hall [NB - Change of day] |
12th | MOB Evening Ride Out - The Globe, 6.00 p.m. |
16th | St. Peter's Church: Fathers' Day, 11.00 a.m. Village Service |
19th | St. Peter's Church: Gift Day Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m. |
20th | The Globe: Red Petticoats, 8.30 p.m. |
22nd | & 23rd: Combe Martin Parish Church Open Gardens Week-end, 2.00 to 6.00 p.m. St. Peter's Church: Christians Together, Songs of Praise, 6.30 .m. |
26th | to 29th, Studio Theatre: 'Abducting Diana', llfracombe College, 7.45 p.m. |
July | |
2nd | W.l. Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Manor Hall: 'Magic',changing a hobby into a business - Mr. Hendy |
3rd | Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m. |
7th | St. Peter's Church: Pets' Service - details to be announced |
8th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall [NB - change of day] |
10th | MOB Evening Ride Out - The Globe, 6.00 p.m. |
16th | Berrynarbor School Fete, 6.30 p.m., Manor Hall |
17th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m. |
18th | North Devon Hospice: Walk of Fire |
19th | Primary School & College: End of Summer Term |
21st | St. Peter's Church: Sunday School - Teddy Bears' Picnic |
22nd | to 28th A Country Collection, Manor Hall |
30th | St. Peter's Church: Summer Fayre, Manor Hall, Evening |
31st | Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m. |
Mondays | Badminton, 7.30 p.m. |
Tuesdays | 2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners Yoga, 7.00 p.m. |
Thursdays | Whist Drive, 7.30 p.m. |
Fridays | Short Mat Bowls, 7.00 p.m. |
Sundays | Short Mat Bowls, 2.00 p.m. |
Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)
11.30 - 11.45 a.m. | Sandy Cove |
11.50 - 12.05 p.m. | Barton Lane |
1.15 - 1.40 p.m. | The Square |
1.45 - 2.05 p.m. | Sterridge Valley |

North Devon Hospice
Thursday, 18th July, 8.00-10.00 p.m.
It will be the most memorable, the shortest, the most challenging sponsored event that you will ever have had the chance to take part in. All you have to do is contact the 'Hospice Hot Line' on 01271 344248 and ask for a registration form. It is guaranteed to be safe so there will be no BBQ'd toes, just buckets full of admiration for you when you complete your walk! As well as challenging yourself, you will be helping local families living with life threatening illnesses. We help over 500 patients a year and your support in this great event will help us to help them. Ring NOW to get involved. As a local charity, we have to raise over £900,000 a year.
6.30 p.m. Manor Hall
Please Come and Support Our Village School
Public Transport Information - 0870 608 2 608
For all bus, rail or National Express Coach timetable information,
please call Traveline on the above number,
from 7.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. every day [except Christmas Day]

North Lee
Another fine photographic postcard taken by William Garratt, the Bristol-based photographer, around 1930, or even earlier.
The picture shows Mrs. Huxtable with her dog and a young lad, possibly related, outside North Lee Farmhouse, which she and her husband had purchased at the first Watermouth Estate Sale on 17th August 1920, for £1,100.0s.0d.

North Lee Farm is situated at the foot of Hagginton Hill and is home to Edna Barber, who has lived there since the early '70's.
Opposite the farm can be seen the outbuildings and old linhay with slate and stone steps leading up to a loft used for storing hay and straw.
The outbuildings and linhay were removed in the late 1970's to make way for the building of two houses, Lynwood and Berry Home. Beyond North Lee Farm can be seen several other cottages up Hagginton Hill.
The Huxtables were still listed as living in North Lee Farm in the 1939 Kelly's Directory, but I am still unaware of when they moved out, and wonder if there is anyone who might be able to inform me when they left and who lived there until the early 1970's when Edna moved in.
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, May 2002
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com