Edition 15 - December 1991

Artwork by: Paul Swailes
There are a lot of 'Thanks' for this issue, but may I personally start by saying a very big
to Ivy Richards for offering her home and organising the very successful Coffee Morning in aid of the Newsletter. The incredible sum of £72 was raised. and with thanks for the many donations and contributions, over £100 was paid into the Newsletter Account with Nationwide Anglia.Thanks must also go to all the helpers and everyone who supported the event, but especial thanks to Ivy's sister, Phil, to Anita Cornish, Edna Barnes, Margaret Kemp, Joan Berry, Vi Goodman, Gladys Toms, Margaret Parkin, VI Kingdon and members of Berrynarbor W.I.Thank you all.
Len Coleman tells us that Broadsands Beach is now reopen to the public thanks to the wonderful work of the Royal Marines, and takes this opportunity to thank everyone for their confidence in him as a Parish Councillor and to wish villagers the compliments of the season.
Ron Toms would like to thank everyone who sponsored him on his walk in aid of The Historic Churches Trust who benefited from his sore feet by £456, half of which go to the United Reform Church.
Thank you to Paul Swailes for his design for the cover of this and other issues; and for his Illustration of articles. They are much appreciated, especially by the Editor! Thank you, too, to our 'deliverers' Graham and Maureen, and Sue and Melvyn.
Paul and Jackie Lethaby thank all their customers who have supported them [as our village butcher] over the last eighteen years, and wish everyone a Happy Christmas. They hope everyone will continue to support Ivan and June [and helper, Rita] whom they wish every success for the future.
Thank you, everyone, for your contributions and news - keep it coming! Lots of items and articles please for the February Issue at the Post Office by 15th January.

The pupils and staff at the Primary School would welcome anyone from the village as well as parents and friends, to their Christmas Songs and Carols in the Manor Hall at 1.45 p.m. on Monday, 16th December; and at their Church Carol Service at St. Peter's on Wednesday, 18th December in the morning.
For their Spring Term project, the pupils are looking at the life and work in Berrynarbor in Wartime [1938) and beyond. If you can help them with information, either for a chat with the children or photographs, etc., please contact me at the school [883493). Any help would be much appreciated.
Pam Cruse
The Inn
There was a great crowd that night;
In spite of taxes to pay
People had money for spending
The Inn turned many away.
After the long journey
We were glad of rest and food;
The host was a genial fellow
And the local wine was good.
Someone noticed a star,
and strangely bright
And wondered why the shepherds
Were in town so late that night.
Christina Rainsford
A sincere THANK YOU to all who supported our Autumn Fayre. The remarkable sum of £750 was raised within 4 hours!
Join us for the 'Christmas Story' and Carol Singing on Saturday, 21st December, at 7.30 p.m. in the Stable at the Pack of Cards, and/or on Thursday, 16th January at the Combe Martin Methodist Hall for Soup and Ploughmans between 12.00 noon and 2.00 p.m.
Pamela Irwin
Devon's Half Fare Travel Scheme
Countywide passes can be used on all buses and trains within Devon [single or day returns] after 9.00 a.m. every day. Eligible residents are men over 65 and women over 60; students [in full-time education] between the ages of 16 and 18; those suffering from disabilities or unable to drive for medical reasons, and companions of severely disabled people. Passes last for 3 or 12 months and cost £3.25 or £12.00. Leaflets and application forms [and the Pass] may be obtained from the Post Office.
Further details may be obtained from the Clerk to the Parish Council [862362] or the Transport Co-ordinator at County Hall [0392-383688].

- Monday, 23rd December - Christmas Draw 10.00 p.m.
- Tuesday , Christmas Eve - Carol Singing round the Christmas Tree, extension until 11.30
- Christmas Day - 11.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
- Boxing Day - Pictionary & Quiz Night at 7.30 p.m.
- New Year's Eve - Party with free buffet and sing-song. Theme for Fancy Dress: Rock 'n' Roll. Extension until 12.15 a.m.
Phil & Lynne
would like to wish all their customers a
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year
There will be a Coffee Morning for Children's hospice, South West, at Miss Muffet Tea Rooms on Friday, 13th December, from 10.30 a.m. to 12 0'clock.
Christmas Bring and Buy, Raffle, Coffee and Mince Pies.
- AEG Freestanding 'slot-in' Cooker, 600mm x 600mm. Brown and fawn - 4 solid hobs, 2 with automatic control. Thermostatically controlled fan oven, with automatic timer, variable grill and drop-down glass door. Heated warming drawer. £150 o.n.o. 'phone 882491

Family Butcher & Delicatessen
The Village, Berrynarbor Tel: 882361
For all your meat:
Home made Sausages & Burgers
Wide Selection of Delicatessen Produce
Cheese, Creams, Fish, Fruit & Vegetables
and more
Weekly Opening Times [Winter]:
- Monday, Wednesday and Saturday: 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Christmas Opening Times:
- Christmas Eve: Open until 2.00 p.m.
- Christmas Day, Boxing Day and Friday, 27th December - CLOSED
- Saturday, 28th December: 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
- New Year's Day: CLOSED
Ivan began butchering with the Co-op in Ilfracombe when he was 10, delivering by bicycle. He left school at 16 to work full-time with the Co-op, and two years later was made Relief Manager. After three years he then moved on to Dewhursts and managed their Ilfracombe shop for 3 years. During this time he studied and took exams to become a Master Butcher. In 1986 he opened his own shop in Lynton. When Jackie and Paul Lethaby retired, it presented Ivan with a golden opportunity to run a similar shop in the village he loves and in which he lives.
Ivan will endeavour to give the village good service and hopes that local people will, in turn, give him their support.


The big news is the new coast road - work is due to start in the latter part of November following the rerouting of essential services. Residents on the route have received full details of what will be happening.
We are happy to support the proposals made for a number of pilot schemes for parishes to improve the level of recycling carried out.
It is important that parishioners make their views on planning known to the Parish Council and local District Councillors as well as the Planning Office at the Civic Centre.
Parishioners are again asked to report any faults in street lighting to the Clerk [862362] or by dialling 100 and asking for Freefone Devon Street Lights.
Mike is delighted to report that, and not before time, the Primary School's awful outside loos are to be updated and replaced INSIDE!
Mike Knight [882692]
Spencer [882634]
A farmer won half a million pounds on the pools. His neighbour asked him, "What will you do now Jan?" He replied, "Oh, I shall just bide yer farmin till tis all gone."
John Huxtable
At the end of a 50 page letter, George Bernard Shaw wrote : "I'm sorry this letter is so long. I didn't have time to write a short one.

Our best wishes and congratulations go to Len Bowden's grand-daughter, Susan [Dinnicombe] and Derek King on their marriage at Ste Peter's on Saturday, 16th November.
Our commiserations with Anita Cornish who has unfortunately broken her ankle. We hope it mends soon.
3 INTO 2
You may have noticed school buses trundling their way back and forth to Ilfracombe College and commented on how they are overflowing with kids - will they ever make it up the hills? This is because the current LAW states that pupils aged 14 and under may travel 3-to-a-seat - Devon County Council implements that law.
The only way to prevent the practice of 70 youngsters travelling on a 42-seater coach is to press for the law to be changed. If you feel that the law should be changed and in the case of our locality should take into account the distance and type of route travelled under these conditions, PLEASE write to our Member of Parliament, Tony Speller, making your views known. The more voices heard - the better the chance of changing this potentially very dangerous practice.
Ilfracombe College P.T.A.
The charity distribution of Christmas Cards will take place this year as usual. There will be a collecting box at the Post Office from 9th December to 14th December and sorting and delivery will be made on 15th December. A 10p contribution must be paid for each card.
Radon gas occurs naturally from the types of rock formations in Devon and Cornwall. The result of a 3 month check in a house on higher ground in Berrynarbor has shown radon levels of 1/4 the concentration which requires any action. Any residents wishing to check their own property should apply for a free testing kit crom Radon Survey, National Radiological Protection Board, Chilton, DIDCOT, Oxon. OX11 0RQ.
For their 11th annual production, Ilfracombe College Musical Society is bringing Iolanthe to the stage of the Pavilion Theatre, Ilfracombe, nightly at 7.30 p.m. from the 4th to 7th December, inc. Tickets, £3.00 and £2.00 concessions, may be obtained from the College or Chocolate Box, High Street, Ilfracombe.
Support our village fairy friends' - Elaine Fanner as Phyllis and Peter Hinchliffe as Private Willis - in this humorous and entertaining Gilbert & Sullivan operetta.
BOOK NOW and don't be disappointed.

On behalf of the Rector and the Congregation, I thank everyone concerned with the Harvest Thanksgiving - the gifts and arrangements of flowers and the generous harvest produce [sold for charity], the decoration of the church, the preparation and serving of the Harvest Supper [while the rest of us sat and enjoyed the food!], and the children's entertainment.
SUNDAYS: The Eucharist is always celebrated at 10.30 a.m.
8th December is Bible Sunday. This day we thank God for revealing himself to us. There is nothing man-made in our faith: the Bible is God's very word, and God and the Holy Spirit have taught and led us into all truth in the tradition of the church. May all Christians of the Parish worship together on this day to bear witness.
15th December [Advent 3] - The Christingle Service takes place at 3.00 p.m. in our other church, St. Peter ad Vincula in Combe Martin and supports the Children's Society. This has become a very popular occasion, and the ladies prepare a very large number of decorated oranges for the children - the decoration symbolising love, faith and unity. All children and parents are invited - it would help me to hear who is coming to make sure of enough oranges.
18th December - The Primary School Carol Service this morning.
22nd December [Advent 4] - For some time now the four churches of Combe Martin and the two churches of Berrynarbor have used the new title "Christians Together" in lieu of "United Churches" . This is now a nationwide custom and Christians Together have their Carol Service in Combe Martin at 6.00 p.m. in the Parish Church.
CHRISTMAS EVE - Midnight Mass, 11.30 p.m.
CHRISTMAS DAY - The Eucharist 10.30 a.m. [we have a 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion in Combe Martin]
BOXING DAY - St. Stephen's Day No Holy Communion
29th December - [Sunday after Christmas] The Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. and the Carol Service at 6.00 p.m.
My wife and I take this opportunity to wish you all a Very Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
R.O.H. Eppingstone

- 2 oz butter or margarine
- 6 oz ratafias, finely crushed
- 2 oz caster sugar
- 1 tablespoon rum
- 12 oz full fat soft cheese
- 3 eggs [separated)
- Few drops of rum essence
- 1 oz plain flour
- 1/4 pt double or whipping cream
- 2 oz glace cherries, chopped
- 1 oz nuts, chopped
- good pinch ground mixed spice
- 4 oz caster sugar
- 1 tbs ground almonds
- 2 oz chopped mixed peel
- 1 oz sultanas
- Grated rind of 1 orange
- 8 oz icing sugar
- 1 egg white, lightly whisked
- small sprigs of holly
Melt the butter or margarine and sugar in a saucepan over a gentle heat and stir in the ratafia crumbs and rum. Press evenly over the bottom of a greased loose-bottomed 7-8" round cake tin. Chill while you make the filling.
Soften the cheese in a large mixing bowl. Beat in the egg yolks, mixed spice, rum essence, 20z of the caster sugar, the flour, ground almonds and cream. Whisk the egg whites until stiff, then whisk in the remaining sugar. Fold lightly but thoroughly into the cheese mixture, together with the peel, fruit, nuts and orange rind. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and smooth the surface.
Bake in a pre-heated oven for one and a half to one and three quarter hours or until firm but still spongy to the touch. Turn off the oven, open the door and leave the cheesecake to cool in the oven for one hour.
Sift the icing sugar into a bowl. Add the egg white and beat to give a stiffish smooth icing. Ease the sides of the tin carefully away from the cheesecake and lift it out on the tin base. Spoon the icing over the top of the. cheesecake and chill for 2-3 hours. Decorate with small sprigs of holly or a similar Christmas decoration. Serves 8 - 10.

"Christmas Greetings", Watermouth Beach [c.1911]

Apt for the Christmas Newsletter, this coloured postcard was printed in Belgium for The Knight Collection of British View Cards. The young man in the centre of the picture is holding the line from one of the then several boats used for ferrying the many visitors over to Broadsands Beach, eliminating the long trek and then over 200 steps down to and later up from the Cove!

The second card was taken about 1908 by or for Mr. A.J. Vince of Ilfracombe and shows Broadsands and Egg Rocks, so named because the large three rocks have the appearance, from a distance and particularly at high tide, of being the top of three eggs.
The third card shows the T.G.Speedwell moored in Watermouth Cove. I would appreciate any information that anyone can give me about this vessel. I believe it was moored in the harbour for over two years, but other than that there was an article in the North Devon Journal-Herald in the form of a letter to "Viewpoint" in one of the January 1957 issues, I have no further information

The fourth card, showing Watermouth Harbour around 1903-4, was produced by Peacock, the Pictorial Stationery Company Limited of London. A sailor and a number of children, probably local, can be seen looking out towards the open sea beyond the wooden slatted screen protecting the oyster beds belonging to Squire Bassett of Watermouth Castle. Indeed, my friend Bill Stevens of Ilfracombe, who died at the beginning of this year, was able to give me the following information he gleaned from the Barnstaple Records Office in February 1990.
North Devon Journal, 12th May, 1870
"Oyster Breeding at Watermouth"
- ... Mr. Arthur Davie Bassett, of Watermouth Castle, resolved
to try the experiment of breeding oysters In North Devon. With this view he constructed
a large reservoir on the sea beach as an oyster bed, communicating with the sea
by means of a canal, and in such a manner that the water might be kept in or
let out at low tide by the use of traps. A number of the small, ovate, deep
shell variety of oyster, generally known as "natives", were then
procured and placed in the artificial bed. Mr. Bassett found considerable
difficulty at first in keeping the bed in good order, and many persons were
somewhat incredulous as to the success of the experiment; but, after a great
deal of perseverance, the attempt to make a spawning bed has been attended with
the most interesting results. A quantity of broken pots and similar articles
were placed in the reservoir, and on these the "natives" have
deposited their spat, which had gradually arrived at maturity. Breeding is now
going on to a remarkable extent. Mr. Bassett has kindly forwarded to us
some specimens in their various stages of development, from the minute spat to
the full grown oyster of four or five years. Anyone feeling an interest on the
subject, may inspect them at the office of this Journal."
Happy Christmas to you all.
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, November 1991
On FRIDAY, 13TH DECEMBER, 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon, there will be a short Christmas Play. Coffee and Tea and Mince Pies will be served, and there will be a Cake Stall, Raffle and Bulk Buy. Everyone welcome!
We should like to thank everyone who came to the Bonfire Barbecue and Firework Night at Bowden Farm, which raised £50 for funds.
Thanks should also go to Martin Worth for the scaffolding; Peter Warren and Phil & Lynne at the Globe for the donation of raffle prizes; Ben Bowden, Jane Bowden and Tina Johns for the excellent job they did with the cooking; Michael Johns, Peter Bowden, Alan Parkin, Andrew Dinnicombe for all their hard work, and anybody else whom we have missed out! We should also like to thank Wigmore's for all the wood donated to the bonfire.
Michael & Julie Parkin

October 1st, and after welcoming two visitors to the well-attended meeting, it was time for nominations for next year's Committee. Doreen Prater kindly judged the competition entries and it was decided that Brenda Walton [apple tart] and Joan Berry [knitted hat and mittens] be the representatives at the Group Meeting at Shirwell. Peggy Gingell volunteered to do the flower arrangement. Members then gave their accounts of early days in the W.I., and Past Presidents did us proud!
October 8th found most of us at Ivy Richards for the special coffee morning in aid of the Newsletter. The sun shone and over £70 was raised at this delightful venue for a very worthy cause. 8 of us joined Combe Martin members to visit Shirwell on 24th October. Mrs. Hookway's wonderful floral Christmas displays held everyone's attention. We came 4th in the Competitions, so thank you Brenda, Joan and Peggy for all your hard work. Mrs. J. Cobley - the Federation Chairman - was present, finding out for herself how far we are from everything, but don't think that it has put her off her proposed visit to Berrynarbor in December!
At our Annual Meeting in November, 'yours truly' was re-elected Chairman, Jean Priest as Secretary and Rosemary Gaydon as Treasurer, with Margaret Kemp, Ivy Richards, Margaret Parkin, Betty Turner and Ann Hinchliffe making up the Committee. After thanking the retiring Committee for all their hard work, a special welcome was given to Ann, a 'new face' on the 1992 Committee.
After a busy few months, members can relax at the Christmas Party on 3rd December - it is hoped that everyone will bring a small gift for the Lucky Dip - and the Lunch at the Globe on the 17th December brings a very good year for the Institute to a close. May I on behalf of' the ladles wish all readers the Compliments of the Season.
Vi Kingdon - President
Christmas is - a faith to be kept,
A hope never to be surrendered,
Something lovely to be shared.
This year the Youth Club will be holding a Coffee Morning in the Manor Hall to celebrate the Festive Season with all its village friends, on Saturday, 14th December from 10.30 a.m. onwards. The children will serve coffee and Christmas cake, with no charge, and provide a short Christmas entertainment programme.
Please come along
I am pleased to inform Youth Club members and parents that following the wonderful offer of support from Phil and Lynne, the Christmas Party will be held at the Globe on Friday, 13th December, 7.30 p.m. onwards, with entertainment from Phil and Gary and a visit from Father Christmas! Parents are welcome 8.30 p.m. onwards. All our thanks to Phil and Lynne.
Pat Martin
Services are now held at 3.00 p.m. for the winter months and until May. Everyone is welcome.
There will be a Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, 7th December, at the Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m. Various Stalls, Raffle and Refreshments.
Historic Churches Sponsored Walk
Our good friend, Ron Toms, has surpassed his efforts of last year - has covered the whole of Berrynarbor and elsewhere - to raise funds for the maintenance of all historic churches of Devon.
In company with other walkers from Combe Martin, he walked between the churches and has raised £456 for this very worthy cause.
Well done, Ron - Berrynarbor is proud of you.
Win Collins
HAPPY 110!
Last December's issue featured the 109th birthday of Rebecca Hewison. We send Berrynarbor's oldest ex resident our congratulations and best wishes on making it five score and ten, and hope that her wish to meet the Queen comes true.


Great Changes
The Parish Council now has a new Clerk.
Outgoing Clerk, Denise Lane, has set very high standards for her successor to follow. To the great regret of the Council, she found it difficult to fit our work in with her many other commitments, and has left our service with our gratitude for her help.
Advertisement of the post brought forth no applicant from within the village, but five excellent candidates from neighbouring communities. The Parish Council interviewed them all and have appointed JOHN VINCE, a retired engineer, to the post. He has a wide knowledge of local government and clearly will be a considerable asset to our deliberations.
Please contact him with any Parish Council business. his address is:
- J.F.L. Vince,
Holly Lodge,
Horne Park Road,
Tel: Ilfracombe 862362.
Graham E. Andrews
In the last issue we wished Fiona Duncan [and other students] well as they started their Higher Education.
One of the college clubs Fiona has joined is taking a party of disabled children to Lourdes at Easter. Fiona plans to go along as a helper, but will need approximately £200 to do so. She is, therefore, hoping to raise the money and so far has been involved in a Cyclathon and Carol Singing in London. She hopes to raise money during her Christmas vacation, so: if you have any shopping, household chores or baby-sitting you would like her to do, please ring 882141. Her charge will be £2.50 per hour. So, please let Fiona help you to help her!
And all I ask is a
windy day with the white clouds flying.
John Masefield
At Velator Quay, on the outskirts of Braunton, go left over the bridge onto the path which brings you alongside the River Caen. The elevated path leads around Horsey Island. After a mile and half you reach the Taw Estuary and views of Isley Marsh and Horsey Ridge.
At the White House climb down from the path, turn right and return along the lane parallel to Boundary Drain, which borders the Braunton Marsh dissected by dykes. One of these, Inner Marsh Pill, broadens out near the Toll House and is a favourite location for swans to build their nests. At the road junction a quarter of a mile from the Toll House, turn right and arrive back at Velator via Marstage Farm, on the edge of the famous Braunton Great Field.
The line taken from Masefield's Sea-Fever' serves as a warning, because this is an exposed walk and if there is any wind, you do tend to get the full impact of it on the causeway.
At Velator in mid-October, we were greeted by a multitude of mallard ducks, vocal and sociable, all sitting facing the sun. Among them five moorhens were darting in and out of the water. These shy birds are very pretty and compact, with slate blue black plumage, a white along the flanks and conspicuous white plumage under the tail [which is held perkily aloft like a wren's]. The bill is vivid scarlet with a bright yellow tip and the legs [and long toes] are green with a red garter above the joint. When moving on land the moorhen constantly jerks its tail and while swimming, its head is jerked rhythmically backwards and forwards. [The juveniles are brown with dullish coloured bills.]
Near the boats, a redshank was flying in low circles, piping shrilly. On landing, it was bobbing rapidly, a sign of alarm. A pair of swans made steady progress down the river and a heron stood motionless on the opposite bank.
Over on the ox-bow lake, beside Chivenor Airfield, by an island of reeds, was a large party of coots. They are larger and bulkier than the moorhen, with grey black plumage and white forehead [frontal] shields and bills.
Just before the White House there is a small, irregularly shaped pond with an island in the middle, favoured by swans. When a small group of them flies along the river, with necks outstretched and powerful wings thundering, it is a majestic sight.
On one visit to the marsh we met an old man who cycled over each day to keep a special eye on a pair of swans he knew as Claude and Hilda! Swans mate for life and he was very familiar with the family history of this particular couple. The young are not fledged until they are four or five months old and are not fully adult until their fourth year.
An attractive feature of the marsh is the presence of a lot of stone barns and linhays of various styles and sizes, many now without roofs, scattered about the small fields where cattle and sheep graze.
More moorhens on a dyke by the Toll House disappeared quickly into the dense reeds with a sharp 'kirruk' as we approached, but a pair of adult swans, with six young of nearly mature size and shape, but still with the beautiful soft lavender blue grey plumage, calmly remained for us to admire them. Meanwhile, a little further away, a heron took off and flew over our heads.
Like a tall grey sentinel, the heron stands in the shallows, poised to wade forward and strike with its pick-axe bill at a fish, frog or water-vole. Small fish are swallowed whole, head first, and larger ones are stabbed repeatedly then taken to the bank to have the flesh picked from their bones.
Herons will range more than 12 miles for food. Sometimes they raid garden ponds for goldfish. Once a heronry has been established, birds will return to the same site year after year.
Yes, I'm tired. For several years I've been blaming it on middle age, poor blood, lack of vitamins, air pollution, saccharin, obesity, dieting, under-arm odour, yellow wax build-up, and another dozen maladies that make you wonder if life is really worth living.
- But find out t'aint that.
I'm tired because I'M overworked.
The population of this country is 51 million: 21 million are retired. That leaves 30 million to do the work. There are 19 million in school. That leaves 11 million to do the work, of this total 2 million are unemployed, and million are employed by the Government. That leaves 5 million to do the work. 1 million are in the armed forces, which leaves 4 million to do the work. From that total, 3 million are employed by County and Borough Councils, leaving 1 million to do the work. There are 62,000 people in hospitals and 937, 998 in prisons. That leaves 2 people to do the work.
You and me. And you are sitting on your arse reading this. No wonder I'm bloody tired!
PP of DC
Find the local placenames - answers in article 32.
- House of Lords
- Chanticleer's Patch
- Shout a lot
- Mats galore
- Needs darning
- Field for a Saint
- Water for big birds
- Musical grinder
- Bit steep for a boaster
- Spade-handlers junction
- Chirper's Feeling Fine
- A Worldly place
- Busy beavers here
- Strange place for shellfish
- Tiny metal clip, weighing heavy
- Lines - up or down?
- Campanologist's home
- Prickly place
- Small lake for quackers
- Certainly not fast
- Place to spin
- Metal writing
- The French sleep here?
- Frults fallen
- A holey Incline
Lorna Bowden
3rd | W.I. Christmas Party |
4th | W.I. Craft Class [1 day] 10.30 am - 3.30 p.m.
Shirwell Combe Martin Liberal Club Bingo, 7.00 p.m. Town Hall |
4th | - 7th I.C.M.S. Iolanthe, Pavilion, llfracombe 7.30 |
7th | U.R.C Christmas Bazaar, Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m. |
8th | Bible Sundays St. Peter's Church |
9th | - 14th Christmas Card Collection Box at Post Office |
10th | Parish Council Meeting |
11th | - 14th Young Studio Theatre, Bugsy Malone,
Pavilion Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 a.m. |
12th | U3A Luncheon, Woolacombe Bay Hotel, Christmas Party |
13th | Berrynarbor Toddler/ Playgroup Christmas Play, 10.30
a.m. - 12.00 noon Children's Hospice, S.W., Coffee Morning, Miss Muffet, 10.30 a.m. - 12.00 noon Youth Club Christmas Party, The Globe, 7.30 p.m. |
14th | Youth Club Coffee Morning, 10.30 a.m. Manor Hail |
15th | Christingle Service, Combe Martin Parish Church,
3.00 p.m. Delivery of local Christmas Cards |
16th | Christmas Songs & Carols [Primary
School], Manor Hall, 1.45 p.m. Ilfracombe College Carol Service, Ilfracombe Parish Church, 7.30 p.m. |
17th | W. I. Christmas Lunch at The Globe |
18th | Primary School Carol Service, morning College and Primary School Break Up Wine Appreciation Group - Sainsbury's Wine for Christmas: Tom Bartlett. Manor Hail, 8.00 p.m. Contribution £3.00 |
21st | C.M. Hospice Care - Christmas Story & Carol Singing, Pack of Cards, 7.30 p.m. |
22nd | Christians Together, Carol Service, Combe Martin, 6.00 p.m. |
24th | Christmas Eve: Carol Singing at The Globe Midnight Mass, 11.30 p.m. St. Peter's |
25th | CHRISTMAS DAY Holy Communion, Combe Martin, 9.00 a.m. Eucharist, St. Peter's, 10.30 a.m. |
26th | Boxing Day: Quiz Night at The Globe |
29th | St. Peter's, Eucharist, 10.30 a.m., Carol Service 6.00 p.m. |
31st | New year's Eve: Fancy Dress Party at The Globe |
1992 | |
1st | New Year's Day [Bank holiday] |
7th | Primary School & College - Start, of Spring Term
W.I. Meeting "No Age Limit to Keeping Fit" - Joan Draper |
8th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. |
9th | U3A Luncheon, Carlton Hotel, Ilfracombe: Roger Dean, Sculptor/ Artist in Residence, Ilfracombe |
14th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. |
15th | Wine Appreciation Group, 8.00 p.m. Manor Hall: Tasting of Members' Own Choices of Wine, Contribution £1.00 |
16th | C. M. Hospice Care Soup and Ploughmans, Methodist Hall, 12.00 to 2.00 p.m. |
22nd | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. |
4th | W.I. Meeting, Holiday Memories, Kath Arscott |
- Manor Hall
- Cockhill
- Yellaton
- Ruggaton
- Hole
- Peter's Meadow
- Goosewell
- Harper's Mill
- Jan Bragg's Hill
- Digger's Cross
- Birdswell
- The Globe
- The Lodge
- Limpet Lane
- Stapleton
- Rows
- Ding Dong
- Thornlands
- Ducky Pool
- Sloley
- Turn Round
- Iron Letters
- Dormer Cottage
- Berry Down
- Pitt Hill
Please remember, don't forget, South Molton Recycling will be in the village on WEDNESDAY, 4th DECEMBER and again on WEDNESDAY, 8TH JANUARY, 1992, to collect all your recyclable items, especially all the tins and bottles collected over the Christmas period!