Horticultural and Craft Show

All the latest from the Comittee for the Annual Village show.


For this much-loved and long-standing village event to carry on, we need a new committee of at least 4. The event is usually held late August/early September each year, on a Friday evening and morning and afternoon on the Saturday.

You may be worried about what is involved, so here is a brief rundown:

  • Put together and print a Programme
  • Ask individual experts to judge [there is a list]
  • Posters to advertise the Show
  • Get people to enter - usually no problem!
  • Write out entry cards the week before
  • Buy vouchers from Shop for winners
  • On the Friday evening, set up the hall and accept entries
  • On the day of the Show:
    • accept and help display entries, meet the judges
    • write out certificates, drinks and biscuits for afternoon
    • arrange raffle and, finally, sell unwanted produce

See, it's not too scary and there is enough money to run the event so no fundraising is required. And, of course, you would have help from the old committee and villagers who are always willing to help.

If you would be willing to volunteer, please do come and see me in the Shop, or just come and have a chat.

Karen Loftus



Sadly, due to the current circumstances this village event has not been able to be held for a couple of years - it has been missed!

However, so that this popular event can carry on into the future, a NEW COMMITTEE is needed.Could YOU help?

There are sufficient funds available, so no fund-raising is necessary now, and help will be available to show what is needed to be done and how the event has run in the past.

So that this event can be held next year, please put your name forward at the Community Shop, or speak to me if you would like more information.

Karen Loftus



Due to the ongoing pandemic there will, unfortunately, be no Show this year, but keep your fingers crossed for next year!

Crafters and artists, what have you been doing during lockdown?

Would you like to display it? We are having an area/table at the Manor Hall Fete on the 22nd August and hope to display a selection of items that would normally be in the Show, so let's show what good crafters we have in the village. Please give names to me at the Shop.

If you are still holding any of the cups or trophies, these should be returned to me, also at the Shop - thank you.




With many villagers currently self-isolating, there should be time for crafters to indulge in their art, knitting, embroidery, etc., and if the weather would improve, gardeners can still tend to their plants and gardens!

However, even if restrictions are lifted, this great village event cannot carry on without a group of volunteers to run it. Sadly, so far, my plea has fallen on deaf ears!

If you could give a little time to help run this event, please do get in touch with me. If you have been put off by the list of what running the show involves, don't worry, the jobs can be split between members of the group and I am prepared to help as much as I can.

As I mentioned in the last newsletter, there is enough money in the kitty to run another show, so no fundraising is necessary. Please give serious thought to helping out, it would be such a shame to see this well-supported long-standing show disappear.

Please speak to me in the Shop or ring me on [01271] 889131. Thank you.





Due to my taking over the running of the Shop, I shall be unable to organise the Show this year and a new Committee is needed so that this long-standing great village event can carry on. 

Please, if you have the time to help, do put your name forward. The following is a brief breakdown of what has been done in the past to run this event.

Before the event:

  • Arrange a date and book the Manor Hall.
  • Decide on the Classes and Subjects [some do not change and choosing a theme helps]
  • Write letters to proposed judges, asking for their assistance
  • Produce and print the Schedule for them to be available in the Shop
  • Put out posters advertising the event
  • Get raffle prizes
  • A week before the event, collect in Entries and complete entry cards

The Event

  • On the Friday [the day before the Show], late afternoon, evening set up hall and receive entries
  • Saturday, Show Day, in the morning receive remainder of entries, and set up for judging. Judging takes place
  • After judging, fill in and complete award cards and prepare to open Show
  • 2.00 p.m. Show opens for public viewing

The Committee will work together and I shall be happy to advise and help as well.

There is enough money in the account to run the Show, so no fundraising should be necessary.




This year's Horticultural & Craft Show, held at the Manor Hall, was a great success and thank you to all who entered and attended on the day.

For those of you who asked about the judging, no one on the Committee is allowed to judge.All the judges are from outside the village, unless a judge cannot attend and we have to commandeer someone.No judges are allowed to enter the competition.

For next year's Show, a new Committee is needed, so please put your names forward so this great village event can continue.

This year's results are:

  • The Globe Cup for Floral Art - Sue Neale
  • The Walls Cup for Home Cooking - Karen Narborough
  • The David Cup for Handicrafts - Needlework - Judie Weedon
  • The Watermouth Cup for Handicrafts - Tee Phillips
  • The George Hippisley Cup for Art - Phillipa Ellam
  • The Vi Kingdon Award for Photography - Judie Weedon
  • The Derrick Kingdon Cup for Fruit & Vegetables - Mike & Louise Baddick
  • The Lethaby Cup for Potted Plants - Kath Thorndycroft
  • The Manor Stores Rose Bowl for Cut Flowers - Rose Arnold
  • Grow Your Own Potatoes - Alan Eales
  • The Biggest Sunflower - Jackie Pierpoint
  • The Manor Hall Cup for The Best Horticultural Exhibit - Kath Thorndycroft
  • The Ray Ludlow Award for The Best Non-Horticultural Exhibit - Judie Weedon
  • The Watermouth Castle Cup for the Best Exhibit on Theme of the Show - Karen Narborough

The organising group would like to congratulate all the winners and thank everyone who took part or helped run the event in any way.

Don't forget: Cups are held for one year and should be returned by the 1st August 2020.




This year's Show is on Saturday, 17th August.

There is a new Facebook page for this event with all the information you need to enter and attend. You can even send your entries in by e-mail to berrynarborhorticultural@gmail.com.

Apologies for the delay in the availability of the programs, but these should shortly be available in the Shop.

So get those entries in!

If you are the holder of any of the trophies, please return them to me at the Shop. Thank you.




A reminder that this year's Show will be taking place

Schedules will be available from the Shop in early June, so pick one up and see what YOU can enter. There are many classes to choose from. Entries will be able to be placed in the Hall on the evening of Friday,

16th August and again in the morning of Saturday, 17th August. The Hall will be open for everyone to view the entries from 2.00 p.m., when there will be refreshments and a raffle.

Keep the date free, give thought to what you could enter and support this village event.

Illustration by: Paul Swailes



The Show this year will be held on Saturday 17th August, 2019. Subjects for the Art and Photography are as follows:


  1. Spring shoots and buds
  2. Glorious Summer
  3. Autumn Tree Scene
  4. Winter Scene [Painted item on any surface other than Paper, Card or Canvas]


  1. Spring shoots and buds
  2. Glorious Summer
  3. Autumn Tree Scene
  4. Winter Scene
  5. Rainbow of Colour - anything goes may be enhanced in any way.

Please keep the date free and give thought to what YOU can enter - crafts, flowers, fruit, vegetables and, of course, home cooking. Subjects for the categories will be available shortly.



The organising group would like to congratulate all the winners and thank everyone who took part or helped run the event in any way. Although entries were down on last year, it still turned into a good day.

Watch out for next year's event as we'll be trying something different!

  • Floral Art - The Globe Cup: Joan Lupton
  • Home Cooking - The Walls Cup: Kim Beaver
  • Handicrafts [Needlework] - The Davis Cup: Judie Weedon
  • Handicrafts - the Watermouth Cup: Tee Phillips
  • Grow Your Own:
    • Sunflowers: Jackie Pierpoint
    • Potatoes: Kim Beaver
  • Art - The George Hippisley Cup: Judie Weedon
  • Photography - The Vi Kingdon Award: Judie Weedon
  • Fruit & Vegetables - The Derrick Kingdon Cup: Kim Beaver
  • Potted Plants - The Lethaby Cup: Julia Fairchild
  • Cut Flowers - The Manor Stores Rose Bowl: Karen Narborough
  • Best Horticultural Exhibit - The Manor Hall Cup: Kim Beaver
  • Best Non-Horticultural Exhibit -
  • The Ray Ludlow Bowl: Judie Weedon
  • Best Exhibit on the Show Theme -
  • The Watermouth Castle Cup: Kim Beaver
  • Overall Children's Winners
    • 6 - 9 years - The Wine Goblet: 1st Salah Gingell
    • 10-13 years - the Mayflower Dish: 1st Georgina Clare Kellaway

Note: Please remember that cups have to be returned, to Berrynarbor Village Shop, by the 1st August 2019.




Sunflower plants and seed potatoes will be on sale from Berrynarbor Village Shop in April, so come and buy them to enter the Show. We shall be aiming to get the full Show Programme out by the beginning of May and hope to get it online on the Village website.



A reminder that the Show this year will be held on Saturday, 18 August 2018.  Subjects for the Art and Photography are as follows:

1. Under the Sea
2. The Shoreline
3. This Lovely Planet
4. Painted item on any surface other than paper, card or canvas

1. The Shoreline
2. This Lovely Planet
3. True Blue
4. Food from the Sea
5. Nature Fights Back
6.Doing My Bit [anything goes, may be enhanced in any way]

Children's Section

Photography - This Lovely Planet

Please keep the date free and give thought to what YOU can enter - crafts, flowers, fruit, vegetables and, of course, home cooking.



This year's Show will be held on Saturday, 19th August. The theme is in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the first Heart Transplant. The Programme and Entry Forms will be available from the Shop at the end of June.

Seed Potatoes are already selling well, so if you would like to have a go at producing the best haul, go to the Shop and purchase one for £1.00. Jigsaw have already started growing your Sunflowers and they will also be available from the Shop for £1.00.

To inspire your creativity, here are the subjects of the Floral Art, Art, and Photography sections:

Floral Art

Accessories allowed in all classes.Maximum space allowed for classes 1, 2 and 3 is 16" x 16" x 18" high.

  1. True Love based on a Love Poem
  2. In Celebration of Vera Lynn - the Forces Sweetheart
  3. Queen of Hearts
  4. A heart-shaped Table Decoration, miniature 6" x 6" x 6"


  1. A Romantic Landscape
  2. Lovely View
  3. The One You Love
  4. Painted item on any surface other than paper, card or canvas


Photographs must be maximum 5" x 8", to be affixed to white card or paper size A5 for display. Entries limited to 2 per class.

  1. A Romantic Landscape
  2. Lovely View
  3. True Love
  4. For the Love of Food
  5. The Coastline
  6. Romance [anything goes, may be enhanced in any way]

In Aid of the British Heart Foundation

Design a Save your Heart Hanging Mobile to be judged by everyone visiting the Show. The winning entry will be the one which attracts the most money from the general public by 3.00 p.m. on the day of the Show. All money will go to the British Heart Foundation.



Thank you to everyone who entered, supported and helped on this year's Show. A new committee is required to carry this event on, so please come forward and volunteer or the Show could end!

In the afternoon there was a good turnout which was great, and we raised just under £160.00 after costs, so a big Thank You.

The organising group would like to congratulate all the winners. The awards for this year were:

  • Floral Art - The Globe Cup - Lyn Wheelan
  • Home Cooking - The Walls Cup - Sue Owen
  • Handicrafts - The Davis Cup - Chris Jesson
  • Handicrafts - The Watermouth Cup- Tony Summers
  • Grow Your Own [Potatoes] - Kim Beaver
  • The Largest Sunflower - Sloley Farm
  • Art - The George Hippisley Cup - Judie Weedon
  • Photography - The Vi Kingdom Award J- im Constantine
  • Fruit & Vegetables - The Derrick Kingdom Cup - Tony Summers
  • Potted Plants - The Lethaby Cup - Sloley Farm
  • Cut Flowers - The Manor Stores Rose Bowl- Barbara Eales
  • The Manor Hall Cup for Best Horticultural Exhibit- Barbara Eales
  • The Ray Ludlow Award for Best Non-Horticultural Exhibit - Tony Summers
  • The Watermouth Castle Cup for Best Exhibit on Theme of Show- Sloley Farm
  • Overall Children's Winner Rose Bowl - Roxanne Barrow

Children's Cumulative Totals:

  • Under 5 years
    • 1st Roxanne Barrow - 28 points
    • 2nd Emily Stanbury - 14 points
    • 3rd Poppy Townsend -13 points
  • 6- 9 Years
    • Joint 1st Ruby Barrow and Salah Gingell - 21 points
    • 3rd May Townsend - 7 points
    • 10-13 Years 1st Witold Zajac - 6 points

The Charity Wheels raised £52 for Devon Freewheelers. Well done to those who entered and helped raise this donation.

Hall Centenary Artwork [1914-2014]

'The Show Judges would like to especially commend the Hall Collage. Wonderful skills and example of bringing the community together!'

On behalf of everyone who entered the Show and those who came along in the afternoon to see the exhibits, a big thank you to the organising group, especially Karen for all her hard work.




Photos by: Karen Loftus



Saturday, 3rd September

Schedules and Entry Forms for the Show are now available from the Shop;the Show is open to residents and non-residents of Berrynarbor.

The overall theme of the Show is Year of the English Garden.

The Show of entries in the Manor Hall is from 2.00 p.m.
Admission££1.50 [children 50p]
Light Refreshments - Raffle
Auction of Exhibits: 3.15 p.m.
Presentation of Cups: 3.45 p.m. [times are approximate]

Please keep the date free and give thought to what YOU might enter - crafts, flowers, fruit, vegetables and,of course, home cooking!



A reminder that the Show this year will be held on Saturday, 3rd September. Subjects for the Art and Photography were given in the April newsletter. Schedules will be available for collecting from the Shop at the end of June.

There will be a change this year with separate sections for Children as follows:

Section L Children's Section [Must be child's own work]

Note:Please state age of child on the entry form in years and months.

5 Years and under

  • 51. Draw a picture of the seaside
  • 52. A decorated pebble
  • 53. Four flowers in a jar
  • 54. A collage picture [max. A4]
  • 55. A hand-made crown for a queen

6-9 Years

  • 56. Four gingerbread men [see recipe]
  • 57. A pasta picture on a paper plate
  • 58. A hand-made greeting card
  • 59. A hand-made party hat
  • 60. An animal made from egg box/es

10-13 Years

  • 61. Four squares of Mars Bar cake [see Recipe]
  • 62. A hand-made greeting card
  • 63. A hand-made party hat
  • 64. A pasta picture on a paper plate
  • 65. A model made from egg box/es and yoghurt pots

1st place in every class will receive points and the overall winner in each age group will receive an award.

Floral Art

Accessories allowed in all classes.Maximum space allowed for classes 1,2 and 3 is 16" x 16" x 18" High.

  1.        Year of the English Garden
  2.        By the seaside
  3.        A table arrangement to be viewed all around
  4.        In a Shell - miniature 6" x 6" x 6"

Please keep the date free and give thought to what YOU can enter - crafts, flowers, fruit, vegetables and, of course, home cooking!




Overall Theme:  Capability Brown, Year of the English Garden


To get your juices flowing, Art and Photography details are given below.

Categories for the following groups are as follows:


1.            Year of the English Garden
2.            To be beside the Seaside
3.            A Water Scene
4.            Painted item on any surface other than paper, card or canvas, e.g. glass, pottery, stone, wood, slate etc.  Any subject.

Maximum size for all classes must not exceed A3 (297mm x 420mm)


1.            Year of the English Garden
2.            To be beside the Seaside         
3.            A Water Scene  
4.            Railways & Trains
5.            Your Pet
6.            A Sporting Event
7.            A Sporting Event [Enhanced in any way]                  

Photographs must be maximum 5 x 8 to be affixed to white card or paper size A5 for display purposes.  Entries limited to 2 photographs per class.



Sadly, the Entries for this year's show were fifty per cent down on last year. With the fundraising necessary for the show, we need to consider whether it is worth carrying on as a yearly event, change to a 2-yearly event or should it fold? The answer lies in the hands of the villagers!

Would you like to join the Committee? If you would like to bring new and fresh ideas to the event, please contact Karen in the Shop.

The Committee would like to thank all those who made an effort and supported us. On the afternoon there was an excellent turnout which was great, and we raised just under £330.00 before costs, so a big thank you.to everyone who came along.

The results for this year were:

  • The Globe Cup [Floral Art] - Pip Summers Junior: Shannon Hill
  • The Walls Cup [Home Cooking] - Sue Owen Junior: Shannon Hill
  • The Davis Cup [Handicrafts, Needlework] - Judie Weedon Junior: Daniella Hill
  • The Watermouth Cup [Handicrafts] - Sylvia and Dave Mason Junior: Lucy Stanbury
  • Grow Your Own -
    • Potatoes: Tony Summers No Junior entries
    • Sunflowers: Sue Owen Junior: Shannon Hill
  • The George Hippisley Cup [Art] -Linda Camplin Junior: Caitlin Burgess
  • The Vi Kingdon Award [Photography] -Judie Weedon Junior: Shannon Hill
  • The Derrick Kingdon Cup [Fruit and Vegetables] -Pat Weston Junior: Salah Gingell
  • The Lethaby Cup [Potted Plants] -Tom Bartlett Junior: Caitlin Burgess
  • The Manor Stores Rose Bowl [Cut Flowers] -Tom Bartlett Junior: Caitlin Burgess
  • Home Made Drinks -Colin Applegate Junior: Shannon Hill
  • The Manor Hall Cup - Best Horticultural Exhibit: Tom Bartlett
  • The Ray Ludlow Award -Best Non-Horticultural Exhibit: Judie Weedon
  • The Junior Cup [Cumulative Total] -
    • 1st Caitlin Burgess 70pts
    • 2nd Shannon Hill 63pts
    • 3rd Salah Gingell 20pts
  • The Sally Barten Bowl [Junior Handicrafts, Needlework]: Daniella Hill
  • The Watermouth Castle Cup Best Exhibit on Show theme of Cities - Towns and Villages: Judie Weedon

The organising group would like to congratulate all the winners and thank everyone who took part or helped run the event in any way.

First, on behalf of everyone who entered the show and those who came along in the afternoon to see the exhibits, a big thank you to the organising group. As a member of a past organising group, I know how much hard work goes into running this event - and it is a lot! How disappointing to have only half the previous entries. As a winner, it is always nice to have your work rewarded, but with so few entries that achievement is rather hollow.

Where were you all? Hopefully, this was just a one-off and you'll be back!

The Horticultural and Craft Show was pioneered by Jenny Taylor and Derrick Kingdon and the first Show, under the auspices of the Manor Hall Management Committee, was held in September 1978.

Since then it has run every year except for 1984 when due to the lack of an organiser the event didn't get off the ground, and 1997 when due to the untimely death of Princess Diana, the Show was cancelled at the very last minute as her funeral took place on the day in question.

Following on from Jenny and Derrick and their group and from 1986 to 1994 the event was chaired by Joy Morrow. In 1995, Dave Beagley and the Committee organised an event which in spite of high temperatures and drought, was a great success.

From 1996 to 2003, Linda Brown Chaired the organising Committee, running seven excellent shows in the face of falling entries.

2004 saw a new independent organising group taking over, with record entrants and entries in its first year - 93 entrants and over 600 entries. In excess of 250 people viewed the display and the sum of £325 was raised for future events. A new category for juniors was established and monetary prizes awarded. This group ran the Show successfully until 2010 in spite of the strange weather in 2007 and 2008,

Since then, successful shows have been run by the organising group, the make-up of which has changed several times.

Can we let this first class event, with its diverse classes - of which everyone must surely be able to enter at least one - no longer be one of the village's annual events? I sincerely hope not.





Schedules and Entry Forms for the Show to be held on Saturday, 29th August in the Manor Hall are available from the Shop, Sue's of Combe Martin and The Globe.

Open to residents, non-residents and visitors, we hope that everyone, including all the youngsters, will try to put in at least one entry, but more preferably!    Importantly, no one is looking for perfect items, just the enjoyment of joining in this village event.   Remember, just because you have ticked a class on the entry form, it does not mean that you have to  submit an entry - so, go on, tick as many as you can!    Whether you enter something or not, do come along on the day of the Show, from 2.00 p.m. to view all the exhibits and to take part in the raffle.

How are your spuds and sunflowers going?     Hopefully OK.   Bring your potatoes, still in the pot but minus any foliage, and your sunflower head placed in a jar or vase, along to the Hall, either on Friday evening, from 7.00 to 8.30 p.m. or Saturday morning, from 9.00 to 10.30 a.m. Please make sure your pot or jar is clearly labelled with your name and stating if you are a junior.    Your haul [and pot] may be collected, for later consumption, during the afternoon, and your sunflower!   Uncollected potatoes will be deemed free to sell. 

So, LOTS and LOTS of entries please, and lots of visitors for the Show, Prize Giving and Raffle. See you there.    

Linda, Karen, Yvonne, Pip, Charlotte, and Debs - The Organising Group


Saturday, 30th August 2014

Schedules and Entry Forms for the Show to be held on Saturday, 30th August, in the Manor Hall are available from the Shop, Sue's of Combe Martin and The Globe.

Open to residents, non-residents and visitors, we hope that everyone, including all the youngsters, will try to put in at least one entry, but more preferably!    Importantly, no one is looking for perfect items, just the enjoyment of joining in this village event.   Remember, just because you have ticked a class on the entry form, it does not mean that you have to submit an entry - so, go on, tick as many as you can! Whether you enter something or not, do come along on the day of the Show, from 2.00 p.m. to view all the exhibits and to take part in the raffle.

How are your spuds and sunflowers going? Hopefully OK. Bring your potatoes, still in the pot but minus any foliage, and your sunflower head placed in a jar or vase, along to the Hall, either on Friday evening, from 7.00 to 8.30 p.m. or Saturday morning, from 9.00 to 10.30 a.m. Please make sure your pot or jar is clearly labelled with your name and stating if you are a junior.    Your haul [and pot] may be collected, for later consumption, during the afternoon, and your sunflower!   Uncollected potatoes will be deemed free to sell. 

So, LOTS and LOTS of entries please, and lots of visitors for the Show, Prize Giving and Raffle.   See you there.    

Linda, Karen, Yvonne, Pip, and Charlotte - the Organising Group



Firstly, we should like to thank everyone for supporting the Coffee Morning which has raised valuable funds for the Show and Berry in Bloom.   Thank you once again to everyone who helped.

Schedules for the Show will be available from the Shop, Sue's of Combe Martin, The Globe and Sawmill Inn from the beginning of July, so make a point of looking out for them and organising your entries.

To get your creative juices flowing, the Floral Art, Art and Photography details are again given here.

Berrynarbor Horticultural & Craft Show, 30th August 2014
Overall Theme:  Year of The Storms

Floral Art:

  1. Take 3 glasses 16" x 16" x 18" high
  2. 1914 in Memoriam 16" x 16" x 18" high
  3. Junkyard 18" x 18" x 24"
  4. War Medal - miniature 6" x 6" x 6"


  1. Sunrise or Sunset
  2. Stormy seashore
  3. Garden life
  4. Painted item on any surface other than paper, card or canvas, e.g. glass, pottery, stone, wood, slate etc. Any subject.

Maximum size for all classes must not exceed A3 (297mm x 420mm)


  1. Reflections
  2. Animals at play
  3. Watersports
  4. Flowers
  5. Farm Life
  6. Anything goes
  7. Stormy Seas [humorous] may be enhanced in any way

Photographs must be maximum 5 x 8 to be affixed to white card or paper size A5 for display purposes. Entries limited to 2 photographs per class.

We look forward to seeing you all at the Show on the 30th August.

Linda and the Committee


News for 2014

Advance Notice: Coffee Morning and Easter Fayre Saturday 19th April 2014

Categories for the following groups are as follows:

Floral Art:

  1. Take 3 glasses 16" x 16" x 18" high
  2. 1914 in Memoriam 16" x 16" x 18" high
  3. Junkyard 18" x 18" x 24"
  4. War Medal - miniature 6" x 6" x 6"


  1. Sunrise or Sunset
  2. Stormy seashore
  3. Garden life
  4. Painted item on any surface other than paper, card or canvas, e.g. glass, pottery, stone, wood, slate etc. Any subject.

Maximum size for all classes must not exceed A3 (297mm x 420mm)


  1. Reflections
  2. Animals at play
  3. Watersports
  4. Flowers
  5. Farm Life
  6. Anything goes
  7. Stormy Seas [humorous] may be enhanced in any way

Photographs must be maximum 5 x 8 to be affixed to white card or paper size A5 for display purposes. Entries limited to 2 photographs per class.



Another well supported Show. The Hall was buzzing with activity in the afternoon as villagers and holiday makers viewed the exhibits.

The results for this year were:

  • Floral Art - The Globe Cup - Sue Neale, Junior: Caitlin Burgess
  • Home Cooking - The Walls Cup - Yvonne Davey, Junior: Matthew Rumson
  • Handicrafts - Needlework The Davis Cup - Wendy Duffin, Junior: Shannon Hill
  • Handicrafts - The Watermouth Cup - Susan Branch, Junior: Shannon Hill
  • Grow Your Own
    • Potatoes - Jackie Pierpoint, Junior: Caitlin Burgess
    • Sunflowers - Sloley Farm All Stars Junior: Edie Maytum
  • Art - The George Hipppisley Cup - Wendy Duffin Junior: Shannon Hill
  • Photography - The Vi Kingdon Award - Alex Parke, Junior: Harry Weedon
  • Fruit & Vegetables - The Derrick Kingdon Cup Bett Brooks, Junior: Caitlin Burgess
  • Potted Plants -The Lethaby Cup - Lee Lodge, Junior: Caitlin Burgess
  • Cut Flowers - The Manor Stores Rose BowlGillian, Junior: Caitlin Burgess
  • The Manor Hall Cup : Best Exhibit: Sue Neale
  • The Ray Ludlow Award : Best Non-Horticultural Exhibit: Susan Branch
  • The Junior Cup [Cumulative Total]
    • 1st - 212 points Caitlin Burgess
    • 2nd - 46 points Harry Weedon
    • 3rd - 34 points Shannon Hill
  • The Sally Barten Bowl [Junior Handicrafts, Needlework: Shannon Hill
  • The Watermouth Castle Cup Best Exhibit on theme Wonders of the World: Alex Parke

The organising group would like to congratulate all the winners and thank everyone who took part or helped run the event in any way and they look forward to seeing you next year!




Firstly, we should like to thank everyone for supporting the Coffee Morning which has raised valuable funds for the Show and Berry in Bloom. The cake stall was a huge success and although numbers were down on last year, we raised approximately the same amount. Thank you once again to everyone who helped and all the donations from the stalls.

Schedules for the Show will be available from the Shop, Sue's of Combe Martin and The Globe and Sawmill Inn from the beginning of July, so make a point of looking out for them and organising your entries.

To get your creative juices flowing, the Floral Art, Art and Photography details are given here.

Berrynarbor Horticultural & Craft Show
24th August 2013
Overall Theme: Wonders of the World

Floral Art

The Exotic East: 16"x16"x16"
The Beauty of the English Garden: 16"x16"x16"
Rustic Charm: 16"x16"x16"
An Alpine Scene: [miniature] 6"x6"x6"

Accessories may be used in all four classes


Beautiful Gardens
Christmas in Berrynarbor
A Wonder of the World
What a Surprise!
A Statue and/or Monument [this may be digitally/computer enhanced, so let your imagination run wild!]

Photographs must NOT exceed 8" x 5" and MAY NOT be computer or digitally enhanced


Statues and/or Monuments
A Wonder of the World [to be painted on any surface but paper/card/canvas, e.g. glass, pottery, stone, wood, slate, etc.]

Exhibits should not exceed A3 [297mm x 420mm]

We look forward to seeing you all at the Show on the 24th August.

Linda and the Committee



The Organising Group would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Also, to let you all know that one of the photographic categories for next year will be: Christmas in Berrynarbor. So, get those cameras clicking, as if you need an excuse, and we'll look forward to seeing them next year. Remember - they are not to be enhanced in any way. Thank you.



Another well supported Show. In spite of the inclement summer's weather, the horticultural entries were good and not that much down in number. The Hall was buzzing with activity in the afternoon as villagers and holiday makers viewed the exhibits.

Sue Neale made a clean sweep in the Floral Art class winning the Globe Cup and Sarah Lee-Pettifer's beautifully decorated cupcakes walked off with the Walls Cup for Home Cooking. Angie Rumson went home with an armful of cups - The Davis Cup for Handicrafts, the Ray Ludlow award for the best Non-Horticultural Exhibit and the Watermouth Castle Cup 'Jubilee Year', all with a fantastic counted cross-stitch embroidery. The Watermouth Cup for Handicrafts was won by Judie Weedon and the George Hippisley Cup for Art by Judith Adam. From a varied and interesting set of photographs, one of Jim Constantine's won him the Vi Kingdon Award. Back on form was Tony Summers but this year carrots not onions! The Derrick Kingdom Cup for Fruit and Vegetables is back where it has been so often of late. The Lethaby Cup for Cut Flowers was won by Tom Bartlett and the award - the Manor Stores Rose Bowl - for Cut Flowers went to the Sloley All Starts and Ron Toms, whilst the Manor Hall Management Cup for the best Horticultural Exhibit went to the Sloley All Stars for their very decorative large marrow!

Some sunflowers and spuds defied the weather and the widest sunflower went to Sloley Farm and the Junior prize to Matt and Josh Rumson. The heaviest haul of spuds was grown by Sylvia and Dave Mason, and for the juniors by Louis Beer.

The Rose Bowl for the Junior Entrant with the most points was again awarded to Caitlin Burgess, with a massive 244 points. Caitlin took honours in Floral Art, Handicrafts [The Sally Barten Bowl], Art, Fruit and Vegetables, Potted Plants and Cut Flowers. Shannon Wedlake took the honours for Junior Home Cooking, Jack and Tom Thorne for Handicrafts and the Junior Photographer was Shannon Hill.

The organising group would like to congratulate all the winners, thank everyone who took part or helped run the event in any way and they look forward to seeing you next year!


25th August 2012

For all florists, artists and photographers the details for your sections are:

Floral Art

  • Red, White and Blue - 16" x 16" x 18"
  • Coronation Crown - 16" x 16" x 18"
  • Olympiad - 16" x 16" x18"
  • Rock Garden - 6" x 6" x 6"


Paintings should not exceed A3 [297mm x 420mm]

  • Red, White and Blue *
  • Exmoor *
  • Spring *
  • New Category - A painted item on any surface but paper/card/canvas. e.g. glass, pottery, stone, wood, slate, etc. Any subject

    * Work may be in any medium in any of these subjects


Photographs must NOT exceed 5" x 8" and may not be computer enhanced

  • Red, White and Blue
  • Crowning Glory
  • Sunshine
  • City Life
  • Roof Top
  • Movement
  • New Category - Anything Goes! This may be digitally/computer enhanced, so let your imagination run wild!



Due to Mick and Sandi's departure from the village and others unable to commit this year, the Committee is currently looking rather 'thin'.

We are looking for eager volunteers to help to organise this village Show. If you are able to help in any way, please contact me on [01271] 883322. Thank you.

Linda Camplin



The committee would like to thank everyone who entered and supported our first Show!

The planning has already started for next year and we should love to hear from you if you have any suggestions for categories that you would like to be included.  Please get in touch with Linda Camplin, Barton Hill, Berrynarbor.

Congratulations to all of this year's winners!  There was a shock defeat in the Vegetable category when Tony Summers' onions were beaten by Mick and Sandy Gadd - let's hope Tony will come back fighting next year!  Best in Show Horticultural was won by Sylvia Mason with her fantastic raspberries; the Best Non-horticultural exhibit was won by Judie Weedon with a stunning embroidery and Kate Rees won the 'Village Life' category for her superb photograph.  Congratulations to Caitlin Burgess who won the Junior Award.

Again, could we just thank each and every one of you for supporting the Show and making it a success.  We look forward to seeing you all next year so get your cameras and paint brushes out, start organising those vegetable patches and let's see if we can continue the success of this year's event. Many thanks

The Committee



We hope that you are all busy getting your entries ready for the Show on Saturday 20th August, and we are really looking forward to seeing your fantastic displays.

Schedules are now available from the Community Shop, The Globe and Sawmill Inn and Sue's of Combe Martin.

Just a quick reminder that if you have not already done so, all cups should be returned to Linda Camplin, Barton Hill, Berrynarbor, as soon as possible.

We look forward to seeing you on the 20th!


The Committee



Firstly we should like to thank everyone for supporting the Coffee Morning which has raised valuable funds for the Show and Britain in Bloom. Secondly, we hope you all enjoyed our fun quiz and would like to congratulate Michelle and Carol who were the first names pulled out of the hat on the day. A special well done to the 3 teams who scored a perfect 20: Pip and Tony Summers, C. Burbridge and Keith, Gill and Pam. Well done to everyone who entered and we hope you all enjoyed your Easter Eggs.

Schedules for the Show will be available from the Shop, Sue's of Combe Martin and The Globe and Sawmill Inn, from the beginning of July, so make a point of looking out for them and organising your entries.

We look forward to seeing you all at the Show on the 20th August.

Linda and the Committee



We are having a Coffee Morning to raise funds for the Show and Berry in Bloom on Saturday, 16th April, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon. There will be stalls and a raffle, as well as a chance for you to collect your sunflower seeds and potatoes to grow for the Show.

It's time to get those cameras out and sharpen those pencils ready for the Show, which this year will be held on Saturday, 20th August. We are pleased to announce the art and photography categories as follows:

Photography [maximum size 8" x 5"]

  1. Village Life
  2. Beachscape
  3. Flowers
  4. The Colour Red
  5. Weather
  6. Expressions

Art [any medium, any size, but not TOO large please!]

  1. Village Life
  2. Flowers
  3. Coast

We really look forward to seeing your artwork and photographs in August!

See you all at the Coffee Morning on 16th April.



Newly formed Committee are:

Linda Camplin [chair],
Tracy and Darren Burgess,
Kate Rees,
Keith Thomas,
Mick and Sandy Gadd

We should like to take this opportunity to thank the previous committee for their hard work over the past few years in keeping the Show a success.

Date for your diary: 16th April - Coffee Morning in the Manor Hall in association with Berry in Bloom. Please come along and support the Show. Buy your sunflower seeds and your 'Grow a Spud' potatoes.

Please keep checking the Newsletters for further information. Feel free to give Linda a call on 883322 if you have any queries.



Blessed with another dry and sunny day, following a week of torrential rain, the 31st annual Horticultural and Craft Show took place at the Manor Hall on Saturday, 28th August.

Despite the good weather early in the year, followed by heavy rain latterly, there was an excellent display of flowers, fruit and vegetables. The judges took their time deliberating over the hard task of judging more than 500 entries from some eighty entrants - not only the many horticultural items but floral art, home cooking, handicrafts, art and photography too.

Around 200 people visited the Show in the afternoon, appreciating the many and varied skills and efforts of the exhibitors, partaking of light refreshments, supporting the raffle and applauding the award winners, making the Show another enjoyable and successful occasion and raising £430 as well!

Cups and trophies were presented to:

The award for the Best Horticultural Exhibit was won by Sue Neale for 3 perfect potatoes; the best Non-Horticultural Exhibit by Jill Reynolds for her outstanding textile art work, and the award on the theme of the Show, 'This Changing World', was won by Tim Massey with a fascinating photograph of the Millau Viaduct in France, the longest and highest in the world. With an incredible 40 entries, nine year old Caitlin was a very deserving winner of the Junior Rose Bowl. Other Junior prizes were won by Miles and Ellis Rees, Millie Gray, Isabel Astill-Chandler and Oliver Ivan.

Another great day, another great Show thanks to everyone who supported it in any way.

As you know, this was the last Show to be organised by the current group and we should like to thank everyone who has supported us in any way over the last seven years, far too many to mention you all by name. We are delighted that the Show will continue in the capable hands of Linda and her new group - if you would like to be part of that group, please give her a ring on 883322 - and we wish them every success.

Yvonne, Vi, Jack, Pip, Tony, Janet and Judie




Saturday, 28th August 2010

Schedules and Entry Forms for the Show to be held on Saturday, 28th August, in the Manor Hall, are included with this Newsletter. Extra copies are available from the Shop, Sue's of Combe Martin, The Globe and the Sawmill Inn.

Illustration by: Debbie Cook

Open to residents, non-residents and visitors, we hope that everyone, including all the youngsters, will try to put in at least one entry, but more preferably! Importantly, no one is looking for perfect items, just the enjoyment of joining in this village event. Remember, just because you have ticked a class on the entry form, it does not mean that you have to submit an entry - so, go on, tick as many as you can! Whether you enter something or not, do come along on the day of the Show, from 2.00 p.m. to view all the exhibits and to take part in the raffle and auction.

How are your spuds and sunflowers going? Hopefully OK. Bring your potatoes, still in the pot but minus any foliage, and your sunflower head placed in a jar or vase, along to the Hall, either on Friday evening, from 7.00 to 8.30 p.m. or Saturday morning, from 9.00 to 10.30 a.m. Please make sure your pot or jar is clearly labelled with your name and stating if you are a junior. Your haul [and pot] may be collected for later consumption during the afternoon, and your sunflower! Uncollected potatoes will be deemed free to auction.

So, LOTS and LOTS of entries please, and lots of visitors for the Show, Prize Giving and Auction. See you there.

Yvonne, Jack, Pip, Tony, Linda and Judie
The Organising Group

As mentioned in the June Newsletter, Linda, together with her family, have agreed to take on the running of the Show from the present group, so this long-standing and special village event looks set to continue. Thank you Linda, Tracy and Darren. However, they are anxious that it does not become a 'family affair' and would like to hear from one or two people who would be happy to join them. They are prepared to do the admin. donkeywork but hope to have other people to put in ideas, etc. If you think you could help, please do contact Linda on 883322, she would love to hear from you!




Ellie G - Year 6

To give our artists and photographers time to get working for the Show, here, as promised, are the details:

ART - This will be wider-based with subjects of your own choice. The section will be divided into the use of different mediums and where possible size should be kept to a maximum of A3 [297 x 420mm].

  1. Oil
  2. Watercolour
  3. Any Other Medium
  4. Collage


  1. This Changing World
  2. Watching
  3. Travel
  4. In the Garden
  5. Sky Scapes
  6. Street Scene

As you are probably aware, the current organising group will be stepping down after this year's Show - a breath of fresh air is needed! But all are more than willing to give help and support to a new group. It seems we may be lucky and this year's event won't be the last.

Linda Camplin, together with a couple of friends, is interested in forming a new group. So, if you think you could help too, please do give Linda a ring on 883322 and keep this long-standing village event alive.

Schedules and Entry Forms for 2010 will be available with the August Newsletter or from the Community Shop.



Sadly, our plea for help with this year's Show and the possibility of a new organising group coming forward seems to have fallen on stony ground, or deaf ears! If you think you might be able to help, do please contact one of us to at least have a chat about what it entails - you might be surprised how little, especially when everyone knuckles down together. It would be a great shame to see this long-term village event hit the dust, but as the saying goes, 'cho[use] it or lose it'. Come on, let's be hearing from YOU!

Commercial over, let's talk about this year's Show. The Grow a Spud competition, which was a great success, will be repeated together with another new competition, Sunny Smiles. This will be to produce the largest diameter sunflower head. So, make a note of the date and buy your seed potato and sunflower seeds at a Coffee Morning to be held at the Manor Hall on Saturday, 10th April, from 10.30 a.m. Indulge in coffee and cakes, participate in the raffle and purchase items from the produce, plant and craft stalls. Spuds and seeds must be purchased either at the Coffee Morning or by 'phoning 883544 to reserve yours. These are simple and fun competitions for all the family - get them all, kids, parents, aunts and uncles and grandparents to 'grow their own'.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the Coffee Morning.

Yvonne, Pip, Tony, Jack and Judie



After a 7-year stint, we feel that the Show, an enjoyable, successful and important event in the Village calendar, will be ready for a further injection of fresh blood and new ideas, and 2010 will be our seventh year of running the Show!

Before we took over, it was run under the umbrella of the Manor Hall Management Committee. The present Committee feel unable to take it back under their wing.

We are sorry to have lost two of our group this year, but have been fortunate to be able to take Jack, with his previous experience of such events, on board. We are, therefore, looking for new recruits to come forward to join us for this year with a view to perhaps forming a group to take over for 2011.

If you would like to know more, please contact us or come along and join us when we next meet some time in March.


Please give positive thought to helping and give any one of us a ring. We look forward to hearing from you.

Yvonne [Davey - 882822], Jack [Gingell - 883306]
Pip and Tony [Summers - 883600], Judie [Weedon - 883544]



In spite of the poor summer weather, entries in the fruit and vegetable and cut flower sections of the Horticultural and Craft Show were plentiful and of good quality. Judges for the non-horticultural sections were impressed by the high standard of floral art, cookery, handicrafts, photography and art.

Luckily the weather on the day was once again favourable, staying dry if not sunny. During the afternoon, over 200 visitors viewed the 400 plus exhibits, partook of tea and cakes, purchased raffle tickets and participated generously in the auction, putting some £420 in the funds ready to cover the costs of next year's event and prizes.

The 'Grow A Spud' competition proved great fun - a must again for next year - with varying degrees of success. Mike Amos-Yeo's 24 potatoes weighed in at 5lbs 3 3/4oz, whilst the lowest weight of 2oz came from just 4! Junior entrant Morgan Rudd's pot yielded only 3 potatoes but they were all big 'uns with the largest weighing in at a healthy 1lb 10 3/4oz! The heaviest haul for a junior came from Miles Rees whose 27 potatoes weighed 2lbs 1 3/4oz.

And so to the other prize winners. Taking the Junior Rose Bowl with the highest cumulative score of 97 was Caitlin Burgess, closely followed by sisters Sarah and Olivia Prentice. Caitlin was awarded the junior prize for Floral Art, Cut Flowers, Fruit and Vegetables and Photography. Hazel Rees, just 4 years old, won the Cookery with her cheese straws, Sarah Prentice the Handicrafts and Art and the Sally Barten Bowl for Junior Needlework, presented by the family in Sally's memory and awarded for the first time this year, was won by sister Olivia.

On to the 'oldies'. Stanley Dart took the Vi Kingdon Award for Photography and the Lethaby Cup for Potted Plants. Once again Tony Summers's onions proved unbeatable, regaining him for the sixth time running, the Derrick Kingdon cup for Fruit and Vegetables. The Walls Cup for Home Cooking went to Kim Hodgen with a mouth-watering mocha meringue. A delightful watercolour of boats gained Audrey Lewis the George Hippisley Cup for Art, whilst Iris Hopkins' needlework and Mavis Bird's beading won them the Davis and Watermouth Cups for Handicrafts. Taking the Globe Cup for Floral Art with 'Ding Dong Bell' and also the Ray Ludlow Award for the best Non-horticultural Exhibit was Judie Weedon, and Laurie Harvey's beautiful white and pink tipped gladiolus took both the Manor Stores Rose Bowl for Cut Flowers and the Management Committee Cup for the best Horticultural exhibit.

The Men's Institute Cup, the Manor Hall Cup and the Mayflower Dish, presented to pupils of the Primary School for art work, were won by Dylan Bacon, Miles Rees and William Haines.

All that remains to be done is to thank everyone who helped or supported the event in any way and the judges for their unenviable task of choosing the winners. Thank you all.



Saturday, 29th August 2009

Schedules and Entry Forms for the Show, which this year will be held on Saturday, 29th August, in the Manor Hall, are included with this Newsletter. Extra copies are available from the Shop, Sue's of Combe Martin, The Globe and the Sawmill Inn.

Open to residents, and non-residents and visitors, we hope that everyone, including all the youngsters, will try to put in at least one entry - more preferably! But do come along on the day of the Show, from 2.00 p.m. to view all the exhibits, to take part in the raffle and auction.

If the 70 plus spuds sold earlier are all growing well [let's hope they are], we are going to be very, very busy on the morning of the Show, weighing and sizing them all up! Bring your potatoes, still in the pot but minus any foliage, along to the Hall, either on Friday evening, from 7.00 to 8.30 p.m. or Saturday morning, from 9.00 to 10.30 a.m. Make sure it is clearly labelled with your name and the official' Show sticker. Your haul [and pot] may be collected for later consumption during the afternoon. Uncollected potatoes will be deemed free to auction.

So, LOTS and LOTS of entries please, and lots of visitors for the Show, Prize Giving and Auction.

Yvonne, Vi, Janet, Pip, Tony & Judie The Organising Group



This year there will be a new competition for the Show - Grow a Spud!

Buy your seed potato at the Gardeners' & Crafters' Lunch and plant it in a container of up to 10 litres of compost or soil. Prizes will be awarded at the Show, to be held this year on 29TH AUGUST, for the largest [heaviest] potato and the best [heaviest] crop, in both the Overall and Junior classes. Potatoes cost £1.00 each and must be purchased either at the Lunch or by telephoning 883544 to reserve your spud.

A simple and fun competition for all the family. Get them all - kids, parents, aunts and uncles, and grandparents to grow their own lunch! Further details will be available with each purchase.

Subjects for the Art and Photography Classes of the Show should, as in the past, be available in the April issue of the Newsletter and it will soon be time to think about planting those flowers, vegetables and fruit.



Blessed with a rare beautiful sunny day and with over 450 entries and lots of visitors, young and old, in the afternoon, the Show was a great success. Thank you to everyone who helped or supported it in any way.

'How nice it was to see the involvement of the children, so many wonderful entries, and so many there in the afternoon', was a comment heard over and over again.

It was a pleasure to welcome Sue, the Chairman of our Parish Council, who presented the cups and awards.

Sue Wright won the cup for Floral Art with her arrangement for 'Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness', which also won her the Watermouth Castle Cup for the best exhibit on the Show's theme of The Four Seasons. Florry Braund won not only the Junior award, but took 1st place in the Class for a lively arrangement entitled 'Summertime'.

Once again the Home Cooking table groaned with goodies, with the judge complimenting the entries which she felt were of a very high standard. Dena Denham, from Kentisbury, took the Walls Cup with her Apple Crumble Cake [with the 2 eggs!] and the Junior award went to Olivia Prentice.

The wide-ranging and very professional display of handicrafts was impressive! Joan Wood and Ellis Rees won the Davis Cup and Junior award in the needlework section, whilst Colin Harding's scale model of an aeroplane not only took up much space, but also gained him the Watermouth Cup! Five-year old Florry Braund's mobile 'Bug' won her not only the Junior award but the judges felt it was deserving of the Ray Ludlow award for the best non-horticultural exhibit in the Show - well done Florry!

And so for the Art section. A good display but not too many adult works of art! Lisa Shelley's lovely ethnic 'Portrait' regained her the George Hippisley Cup she won in 2005 and 2006, and six-year old Samuel Prentice took the Junior prize.

'Through the Window' was the subject of Alex Parke's photograph from a train that won him the Vi Kingdon Award and Caitlin Burgess's 'Little Pony' dressed for spring, summer, autumn and winter gave her the Junior award.

In spite of this year's weather, there was an excellent display of fruit, vegetables, potted plants and cut flowers. How does he do it? Once again Tony Summers' onions took the Derrick Kingdon Cup [for the 5th year running], and the Manor Hall Management Committee Cup for the Best Horticultural exhibit, and Sam Walls was the winning Junior.

The green-fingered Bartletts took the Lethaby Cup for Potted Plants and the Manor Stores Rose Bowl for Cut Flowers - Inge for the magnificent and enormous plumbago and Tom for his beautiful roses.

The Rose Bowl for the Junior with the highest cumulative score was hotly contested this year with excellent scores from Poppy Andrews, Caitlin Burgess, Florry Braund and Sam Walls but once again the Prentice family reigned supreme with between them over 70 entries. In third place was Samuel Prentice, sister Sarah was second but this year Olivia took the honours. Congratulations to all our junior entrants.

So, another Show over and another Show to remember. We'll be back again next year - so keep up the good work!

The Organising Committee



"Come up to the Manor Hall for lunch," said mum. So we did. Little did we know it would be so entertaining!

It was the Gardeners and Crafters Lunch, organised to raise funds for the Horticultural and Craft Show in August. When we arrived, the hall was pretty busy, though I guessed we were some of last to arrive to eat. We ordered our lunch and drinks and all seemed fine - the food was good and wholesome and I was enjoying the light chit chat with locals I'd not seen for a while. Over in the corner dad was busy helping Sally sort the raffle tickets ready for the big draw, and this is when the fun started. There seemed to be several books of tickets being used, at least two of the same colour ... hmmm. Sally had been writing the names on the backs of the top ticket but not all the way down the strips ... hmmm. The prizes had all been allocated a specific number ... hmmm.

Well the draw began and the gentleman who was invited to draw the first ticket drew ... hmmm ... his own ticket! Oh well, it's just a little village raffle, no bother and he took his prize. Next up, 'Oh it's a blue ticket', 'Oh there seem to be two winners' ... Oh there are 2 sets of blue tickets! Don't panic, they are slightly different, look the numbers are printed differently. There then followed a steady stream of tickets, consultations, 'It's mine, oh no it's not', that went on for quite some time, there were loads of prizes. On my table Doreen was getting quite anxious, she didn't seem to be winning anything, then hey she did, a pink pig in a bath thing-um-er-me-whotsit!

It was wonderful, I laughed and laughed, I felt as if I was in a scene from a pastoral sit-com, a sort of Vicar of Dibley, Jam and Jerusalem mix up. Thanks Berry folk, I thoroughly enjoyed my Saturday lunch in the Manor Hall.


Another successful Lunch - in more ways than one it seems! Thank you to everyone who supported the event - a very welcome sum of £250 has boosted the Show's account. Thank you, too, Jan and Sally for your help, and Jackie and Anita for donating the beautiful basket of fruit.

Have you made a note of the date of the Show? Saturday, 30th August in the Manor Hall. Details of the Art and Photography classes were given in the April newsletter [if this has been mislaid and you would like details, please ring Judie - 883544] and the full Schedules and Entry Forms will be available with the August newsletter or from the Community Shop.

The Show is open to residents and non-residents of the village and we hope there will be lots of entries and prizes for the Junior Sections - for which entrants must be under 14 on the 1st January 2008.

Remember, we're not looking for perfection, just some fun, so go on have a go and think about what YOU might enter.

Vi, Yvonne, Pip, Tony, Janet and Judie



As promised, details of the Art and Photography Sections are now available.

ART: Any medium may be used for all classes - watercolour, oil, acrylic, pen and ink, pencil [even collage], etc. Other than class 3, which is obviously smaller [A5], maximum size must not exceed A3 [297 x 420mm].

1.       A Seasonal Subject
2.       'Fruit and Flowers' - A Still Life
3.       'Merry Christmas' - a Greetings Card
4.       'All at Sea'
5.       A Portrait
6.        An Abstract Picture or Design

PHOTOGRAPHY: maximum size 5" x 8"

1.       My first ... .
2.       'Fruit and Flowers' - A Still Life Composition
3.       Four Seasons: A set of 4 photographs [1 entry only] to be mounted together on paper or card 24" x 24" maximum
4.       Through the Window
5.       Caught!



"It can't be that time again!" you can be heard to be exclaiming, but the organising group are already thinking ahead to this year's event - contacting judges and gleaning ideas for classes - which will take place on


Details of subjects in the Art and Photography classes should be available in the April Newsletter, giving you all time to start painting, drawing, etc., and getting just the right photograph.

Also in April, on Saturday 12th, to raise money to help with the costs involved in running the Show, there will be another Gardeners' and Crafters' Lunch at the Manor Hall. Come along for a coffee and stay on for a lunch of home-made soup and a roll and filled jacket potatoes.

Please make a note of this date in your diary and keep it free. Look out for posters nearer the time.



Summer is past and so is another Show! In spite of the strange weather this year - from spring right through - and the 'I've nothing in the garden' mumblings of our regular horticultural entrants, it turned out to be as colourful and well supported as ever. Thank you all!

The Home Cooking table was literally 'groaning' with goodies and the Art and Handicrafts sections were also well supported, particularly by the Junior entrants, whose models and other work, especially using recycled items, were most imaginative. Well done! Mention must be made of the Prentice family - Sarah, Olivia and Sam - who between them put in over 50 entries!

It was a pleasure to welcome Sue Carey, the Headteacher of our Primary School, who presented the awards.

An arrangement, entitled Nutcracker Suite, of pink rosebuds and white chrysanthemums, together with a 'sugar plum' by Judie Weedon won the Globe Cup for Floral Art. In her first show, Barbara Jordan won the Walls Cup for Home Cooking with a mouth-watering chicken terrine, whilst Flora Braund's 4 fairy cakes - beautifully decorated with a bird, a bee, a bat and a butterfly - gave her the Junior Prize. And they were good, I know I ate them!

The array of handicrafts, from knitting and embroidery to model making and woodwork, was most impressive. The Davis Cup was won by Margaret Mangnall with her applique work Japanese Lady, whilst Olivia Prentice's little Ladybird won the Junior prize.

Jack Gingell's chair made of oak, sweet chestnut and tulip wood was the undisputable winner of the Watermouth Cup, as were Poppy and Lewis Andrews model 'Heads' in the Junior Section. However, Sheila Stanley's model fancy cakes [1st in their class] looked good enough to eat:

"Cooking is really not my thing
Maybe the worst you ever tasted
Give me paper, some paint and string
And my skills will not be wasted.
Can't Bake - Can Fake!"

Slightly down on artistic entries this year, the George Hippisley Cup was awarded to John Thorndycroft and the Junior Prize to Jasmine Pearce.

Bruce Roberts - a regular visitor to the village - took the Vi Kingdon award for Photography with his close up of a bee on a purple thistle [his stag beetle on a pink rose was equally special], and Samuel Pearce the Junior Prize.

For the fourth year running, the Derrick Kingdon Cup for Fruit and Vegetables went to Tony Summers for his Tomatoes - what happened to the onions this year, Tony? - and Sarah Prentice's apples gave her the Junior award.

With an incredible and fierce-looking cactus, Tom Bartlett is the proud owner of the Lethaby Cup for Potted Plants and Dave Vincent's magnificent Dahlias gave him the Manor Stores Rose Bowl for Cut Flowers. Sarah Prentice's entry of roses won her the Junior Award.

The Primary School winners, whose pictures are on the cover, were:

The final awards:

Following the presentation of awards, flowers, fruit and vegetables, cakes, jams and home-made wine went under the auctioneer's hammer, raising £70 for the Community Shop.

So, thanks to all the entrants, the judges who gave time and thought to every entry, the afternoon visitors and the auction bidders, as well as everyone who stayed on to help clear away - another Show to remember!

The Organising Committee



Saturday, 1st September 2007

The beautiful weather in April has brought plant growth forward, but hopefully there will be the usual fine array of flowers, fruit and vegetables - you might put in a second planting to ensure your entry!

Details of the Art and Photography were given in the April issue and they are:


Any medium may be used for all classes - oil, watercolour, acrylic, pen and ink, pencil [even collage], etc. Other than Class 3, which is obviously smaller, the maximum size must not exceed A3 [297 x 420mm].

1. 'Music'
2. Harvest - a Still Life
3. An invitation to . . . an event of your choice. On A5 [A4 folded] card
4. 'Songs of the Sea'
5. 'In the style of an Old Master'
6. A design suitable for printing on fabric


All photographs must be maximum size 5" x 8" and mounted on A5 card or paper.

1. Happiness is . . .
2. Falling Water
3. The Sound of Music
4. Entrances
5. In the Pink
6. At Close Range

Home-cooking, Handicrafts, Fruit and Vegetables, Cut Flower and Potted Plants will follow the pattern of previous years with a few 'tweaks', and the Schedule will be available a month in advance of the Show, with the August issue of the Newsletter.

So, please make a note of the date and give thought to what YOU can enter. The Show is open to residents and non-residents of the village and we hope to have lots of entries for the Junior Sections and Prizes [you must be under 14 on the 1st January 2007].

Remember, we're not looking for perfection, just some fun, so go on have a go!

Vi, Yvonne, Pip, Tony, Janet and Judie



The Gardeners' and Crafters' Lunch on the 24th March was a great success, with lots coming for soup and jacket potatoes, eating 'al fresco' in glorious March sunshine. Thanks to everyone who 'lunched', a profit of £215 will help towards the cost of prizes and printing for the Show.

As promised in the February Newsletter, details are now available for the Art and Photography Sections of the Show, giving you all plenty of time to work on your entries. The general theme this year is 'Music' and some of the classes reflect this.


Any medium may be used for all classes - oil, watercolour, acrylic, pen and ink, pencil [even collage], etc. Other than Class 3, which is obviously smaller, the maximum size must not exceed A3 [297 x 420mm].

1. 'Music'
2. Harvest - a Still Life
3. An invitation to . . . an event of your choice. On A5 [A4 folded] card
4. 'Songs of the Sea'
5. 'In the style of an Old Master'
6. A design suitable for printing on fabric


All photographs must be maximum size 5" x 8" and mounted on A5 card or paper.

1. Happiness is . . .
2. Falling Water
3. The Sound of Music
4. Entrances
5. In the Pink
6. At Close Range

Get working and good luck!



Cries of 'Oh no, not that time again' can be heard! But yes, the organising group are already thinking ahead to this year's event which will be on - please make a note - SATURDAY, 1ST SEPTEMBER.

Details of the subjects for classes in the Art and Photography Sections will hopefully be available in the April Newsletter, giving artists and photographers plenty of time to work on their entries.

In the meantime, to raise money to help with the costs of running the Show, there will be a Gardeners' and Crafters' Lunch at the Manor Hall on
SATURDAY, 24TH MARCH, from mid-morning.

Come along for a coffee and then stay for lunch:

Home-made Soup and Crusty Bread
Filled Jacket Potato and Salad Garnish

Look out for posters giving more details nearer the time, but please keep the date free. Your support for this 'Fun Lunch' and the Show will be very much appreciated.



Saturday, 2nd September, saw another enjoyable and successful event in our busy village. The annual Horticultural and Craft Show attracted over 400 entries from more than 80 entrants, of which 75 were entered by 15 youngsters all under the age of 14. The afternoon Show of exhibits drew in villagers, other locals and visitors - as well as the entrants - to admire the displays and enjoy tea and home-made cakes and the prizes were presented by Ron Toms.

The displays ranged from beautiful floral art to mouth-watering cakes, flans, fudge and sloe gin! The colourful and skilled needlework and handicraft items were eclipsed by a 3 foot carved wooden hare, whilst the art, particularly from the youngsters, showed imagination and mastery of various mediums. In spite of first the long drawn out winter, the hot dry summer and latterly wind and rain, the excellent horticultural efforts - cut flowers, fruit and vegetables - defied the elements. No such problems, however, for the array of potted plants. A beautiful, pale mauve orchid exhibited by Pip Summers, won her not only the Best in Section award but also the Best in Show award for a Horticultural item.

The Globe Cup for Floral Art, for the second year running, went to Linda Dovell with Jasmine Pearce taking the junior prize. Linda Brown's Bakewell Tart took the Walls Cup for Home Cooking and Megan Jones' 4 fairy cakes gave her the junior award.

The Davies Cup was won by Eileen Hobson for her tapestry weaving and the Watermouth Cup went to Laura Matthews's magnificent hare. Sisters Olivia and Sarah Prentice took the junior prizes and Sarah also won the junior Art Section. The George Hippisley Cup for Art was won, also for the second year, by Lisa Shelley whose picture of a rowing boat on the shore was also voted by the judges to be the Best in Show for a non-horticultural item. Tony Summers certainly knows his onions - for the third year running, the Derrick Kingdon Cup for Fruit and Vegetables will be adorning his mantelpiece! Martin Oliver's marrow secured him the junior award. There were no junior entries in the Cut Flower section but the Manor Stores Rose Bowl was awarded to Maureen Jones for a vase of beautiful dahlias. Slightly down on photographic entries this year, the Vi Kingdon Award went to Colin Harding for his charming depiction of 'Helping Hands', and Jasmine Pearce took her second prize of the day for the 'Sport for All' entry.

The Men's Institute Cup, Manor Hall Cup and Mayflower Dish [awarded to pupils at the Primary School] were won by Oliver Ivan [Class 1], Lucy Fairchild [Class 2] and Henry Dallyn [Class 3] for art work on the theme of Brunel 200. Finally, the Rose Bowl for the Junior Entrant with the Highest Cumulative Score was awarded to Sarah Prentice, with Olivia Prentice second and Martin Oliver third.

Yvonne, Vi, Janet, Pip, Tony and Judie would like to thank all the entrants for their participation and enthusiasm; the judges for all their hard, and often difficult, appraisals; everyone who came in the afternoon to the Show itself, and to the many people who contributed in so many ways to the success of the event.



Included with the Newsletter is a copy of the Schedule for the Show - open to residents and non-residents of the village - which will be held in the Manor Hall on SATURDAY, 2nd SEPTEMBER. Entry Forms need to be returned by Monday, 28th August, 6.00 p.m., and exhibits can be staged either on Friday 1st in the evening, or on the Saturday morning itself. The Hall will be open for everyone to view from 2.00 p.m. and light refreshments will be available.

We hope you will all 'Have a Go!' and enter something - there are many classes to choose from - and support the event. No one is seeking or expecting perfection but the best entries in each section are up for a prize!

We hope to see YOU and LOTS of entries! And please encourage the kids to have a go too.

Yvonne, Vi, Janet, Pip, Tony and Judie



Saturday, 2nd September 2006

The funds for running this year's event were boosted on the 21st May thanks to everyone who supported the Coffee Morning, and we shall again be awarding prizes for all the different Sections of the Show.

We look forward to lots of entries again, particularly from youngsters in the Junior Sections, who must be under 14 on the 1st January this year.

The provisional schedule, as promised, is given below and one or two items have been included to reflect the celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the birth of Brunel. Paul, who gives so generously of his time to regularly illustrate many articles in the newsletters, has done us [and Brunel] proud with his cover for this, the June issue. The final Schedule and entry forms will be included with the August Newsletter, but will also be available at the Shop, at Sue's in Combe Martin and from members of the organising group.

May we remind the holders of Cups and Trophies that these should be returned to one of the organisers by the 1st August please.

So, make a note of the date: SATURDAY, 2ND SEPTEMBER; look at the list of classes and give thought to what YOU will be able to enter; and get to work sowing, sewing, knitting, painting, etc., and encourage all friends and relations and everyone you know [don't forget, the Show is open to non-residents as well as residents of the village] to have a go. Let's make it another show to remember. But remember too, that no one expects perfection, just the best that we can all muster.

These follow last year's pattern and a reminder that potted plants that have been purchased, must have been bought before the end of December 2005.

In the Potted Plant class only, items that were entered last year, having been nurtured for a further year, may be re-entered.

Good Luck!

Vi, Yvonne, Pip, Tony, Janet and Judie



"No, it can't be that time again" you're saying, but it is time to just let you know that this year's event will take place on SATURDAY, 2ND SEPTEMBER. So keep that date free, please.

The provisional schedule will again be given in the June Newsletter and it is not expected that there will be too many changes. In the meantime, however, start sewing those seeds, plant out the cuttings and keep working on those craft and embroidered items.



Once again we were blessed with a beautiful September day for another quality Show.

The Hall was packed in the afternoon with villagers and visitors viewing the wonderfully colourful, tasty looking, first class exhibits and staying for the presentation of cups and awards and the auction.

How nice it was to see so many of the children from our Primary School collecting their prizes. Working under the supervision of staff, all the pupils had produced black and white drawings on the theme 'SeaBritain'. Those judged the best in each Class were on display and are reproduced on the covers of this Newsletter. Class 1 and the Men's Institute Cup was awarded to Oliver Ivan; Aimee Hunter took the Manor Hall Cup for Class 2, and Simon Hopkins and Kyle Chivers shared the Mayflower Dish for Class 3.

The Globe Cup for Floral Art was won by Linda Dovell with her 'Take Five' exhibit of yellow gerberas in a glass vase. Linda also won the Ray Ludlow award for the Best Non-Horticultural exhibit in the Show, gaining high praise from all the judges. The judge for the Home-Cooking and Walls Cup deliberated hard and long, tasting every item [!] with Maureen Scott-Nash's 'naughty but nice' cake taking the honours, and Hayley Parkin's quiche the Junior Prize. A framed crewel embroidery of a vase of flowers, worked by Judie Weedon, won the Davis Cup for Handicrafts, with Megan Jones's tapestry bumble bee taking the Junior award. Everyone was intrigued with Poppy and Lewis Andrews' recycled 'New Globe' and they were awarded both the Watermouth Cup and the Junior Prize. Lorna Bowden's delightful Scrap-book of 'Watermouth Castle for my Grandchildren', beautifully illustrated with drawings and photographs, walked away with the newly designated Watermouth Castle Cup. The late George Hippisley - Head of Art at Ilfracombe College - would have approved of the varied and excellent works of art vying for his cup! Emma Vanstone's pencil portrait was judged the best Junior entry, and Lisa Shelley's charming picture of hellebore [Christmas Roses] took the George Hippisley Cup. 'These Precious Things', a mother and son photograph, gave Judie Weedon the Vi Kingdon award.

Tony Summers certainly knows his onions! For the second year running his onions took not only the Derrick Kingdon Cup for Fruit and Vegetables, but also the Manor Hall Management Cup for the Best Horticultural Exhibit in the Show. Pip Summers' beautiful magenta orchid won her the Lethaby Cup for Potted Plants, and five year-old Callum Rudd won the Junior prize with his home-grown seedling.

From the wonderful, colourful display of cut flowers, Tom Bartlett's dahlias gave him success and the Manor Stores Rose Bowl.

Lots of entries from juniors [under 14 on the 1st January 2005] and for the second year running with the highest cumulative score and the Rose Bowl, Olivia Prentice just pipped Emma Vanstone by one point.

Thank you to everyone who came to view, partake of refreshments and buy raffle tickets. The sum of £335 has been banked in readiness for 2006!

Finally, thank you to Bob Hobson for presenting the prizes; the judges who gave time and thought to every single entry; the bidders at the auction; the people who helped set up and kindly stayed on afterwards to clear the Hall, and finally to everyone who entered - another Show to remember!

The Organising Committee

With the first hint of autumn, it's a good time to reflect on this year's Horticultural and Craft Show. Once again a great success - lots of entries in all the different classes and an especially good number of junior entries. Lots of certificates and prizes for those juniors too.

The recipe for the date and walnut loaf brought a great number of entries - what a task to judge the best!

Germination of seeds for flowers and vegetables was a problem for many this spring, lots just didn't appear! But Tony's onions were magnificent again. It's good fun to try and produce the best and I read that there is a new record for a prize onion - 16lbs 8oz - but with my three weighing in at 1lb for all three, I've a long way to go.

All those cups and prizes were presented for beautiful craft items, floral displays and plants, and as the weather was fine we were able to enjoy our tea and cakes outside and catch up with friends.

I look forward to next year's Show.




Manor Hall


It's that time again when all the contributors to the Berrynarbor Horticultural and Craft Show have to start checking out their gardens, rushing to finish their tapestry or painting and checking for photographs that fit the categories for this year's Show.

Last year was the 25th Anniversary and we set out to make it the biggest and best of recent years. I think we were successful. Now we must move on and make this year's Show even better!

Once again we shall be awarding prizes in all categories and with a separate Junior Section in each Class. Similarly, we have tried to make the sections fairly wide-ranging so that everyone can find something that they can enter. Most categories have a section for 'any other', so there should be no excuse that you can't find a class suitable for what you have available.

The weather - and don't forget we all suffer the same - so far has been fairly kind to the gardeners so unless we have a disastrous August we look forward to some outstanding entries. Personally, my parsnips that did so well last year have failed totally to germinate, so I'll have to hope that I can repeat the success of the onions!

A copy of the Schedule, together with two entry forms, is included with this Newsletter, but if you need another one or more entry forms, please contact me on 883600 or Judie on 883544 - we will ensure that you get a copy.





The first thing we must do is to thank everyone who supported, in any way, our Coffee Morning on the 21st May. Fortunately everyone had come - and most gone - before the heavens opened and we got the much-needed rain for the gardens! Thanks to your generosity, the fantastic sum of £196 was raised. This will go a long way towards providing the prizes for the different sections. It had been our hope that this year we should be self-sufficient and not have to go on bended knee to sponsors. We've done just that! So, yes, there will be prizes again.

We were delighted with the response to the inclusion of a junior level of entry and hope that the word has spread and even more youngsters will enter this year. Just a reminder that they must be under 14 on the 1st January 2005.

There is one major change to the Schedule. After several years of a poor level of entry in the Home-made Wine section, we have included this under 'Home Produce'. Consequently, the Watermouth Castle Cup, presented by the Haines Family, has become superfluous. With Richard's blessing, a new concept has emerged and for this year the subject will be: A Representation of Watermouth Castle

How you interpret this is up to you! It could be, for example, a sewn item, an artist or photographer's view, poetry, prose, even a cake. So see how imaginative you can be.

May we remind all the holders of cups and awards that these should be returned to a member of the organising group by the 1st August please. Thank you.

This year is SeaBritain 2005, a national maritime celebration marking the bi-centenary of the Battle of Trafalgar and the death of Nelson and we have tried to reflect this in one or two of the items in the schedule.

The provisional list of sections and subject is given below, but the Schedule giving full details will be available from the beginning of August and will again be distributed with the August Newsletter.

For now, make a note of the date: SATURDAY, 3RD SEPTEMBER and give thought to YOUR entries and JUNIOR entries. Start sowing, sewing, snapping, drawing and designing, and encourage everyone you know to have a go - we are not looking for perfection, just what we, in our village, can achieve. Let's see if we can surpass last year's bumper crop of entries!

Maximum two entries per class.

Working under the supervision of teaching staff at the School, pupils will enter the 3 classes specifically for pupils at Berrynarbor Primary School.

Vi, Yvonne, Pip, Tony, Janet and Judie



"What?" you are probably saying, "Already!" Well this is just to give you lots of advance notice of the date: SATURDAY, 3RD SEPTEMBER!

Last year's organisers have already met to start planning the schedule - there will be a few minor changes. The provisional schedule will once again be given in the June issue of the Newsletter, but in the meantime, sew those seeds, plant out those cuttings and keep working on all those craft items!

To help cover the costs involved, a COFFEE MORNING to raise funds will be held on SATURDAY, 21st MAY at the Manor Hall. Please make a note of the date and look out for posters nearer the time.



Pioneered by Jenny Taylor and Derrick Kingdon, the first show was held in September 1978, since when it has run every year except 1984, when due to the lack of an organiser, it didn't get off the ground.

So 2004 marks the 25th Show, but this is not strictly true as due to the untimely death of Princess Diana, the Show in 1997 was cancelled at the very last minute - her funeral taking place on the day in question.

Following on from Jenny and Derrick, the event was chaired by Joy Morrow, Dave Beagley and latterly Linda Brown, who has run the Show for the last seven years. 2004 saw a new organising group 'having a go' in the face of falling numbers of entries and entrants.

It would certainly seem that the day was a great success, with over 600 entries from more than 90 entrants. The afternoon was popular and attended by in excess of 250 people, who were happy to view the displays, buy raffle tickets, partake of refreshments and finally bid for the items left for sale. The afternoon's efforts raised £325 to which must be added over £100 received from the Berry in Bloom Open Gardens' raffle in July. After expenses have been paid, the money will be put towards prizes for next year. A cheque was also sent, from the donations received in the afternoon, to the Red Cross Beslan Appeal.

A good day and the organising group thanks everyone who supported the event - the sponsors, the entrants, the judges, the helpers on the day and everyone who came in the afternoon.

Congratulations to all the prize winners and especially the Cup Winners, who were presented with their awards by Linda Brown.

The Globe Cup - Floral Art Pip Summers
The Walls Cup - Home Cooking Jane Gray
Junior Olivia Prentice
The Davis Cup - Handicrafts - Dorothy Froud, Junior Olivia Prentice
The Watermouth Cup - Handicrafts - Colin Harding, Junior Charlotte Cornish
The Watermouth Castle Cup - Wine Ken Gosham
The George Hippisley Cup - Art Samuel Pearce, Junior Samuel Pearce
The Vi Kingdon Award - Photography Jim Constantine, Junior Jonathan Bowden
Derrick Kingdon Award - Fruit and Veg. Tony Summers, Junior Becky Walls
The Lethaby Cup - Potted Plants Hazel Gosham, Junior Jonathan Bowden
The Manor Stores Rose Bowl - Cut Flowers Hazel Gosham
The Men's Institute Cup - Class 1 Ellie Gray
The Manor Hall Cup - Class 2 Charles D'Anger
The Mayflower Dish - Class 3 William Matthews

The Management Committee Cup for Best in Show Horticultural Exhibit - Tony Summers
The Ray Ludlow Award for Best in Show Non-Horticultural Exhibit - Colin Harding
The Rose Bowl for the Best Overall Junior Entrant - Olivia Prentice

Roll on next year!

The Organising Group

Was it really 26 years ago that I made a rash suggestion at a Manor Hall Management Committee Meeting that a Horticultural Show could be FUN, a fund raiser for the Hall and a Village event in which everyone could take part? The reaction of the rest of the Committee was 'What a good idea, you will run it of course?" Why didn't I keep my mouth shut!

I knew nothing about running a Show and had many consultations with the Secretary of the Ilfracombe Show who helped me to prepare the Schedule. Then there was the advertising, judges to arrange and also some cups. I think we had three to begin with.

At last everything was in place. It had taken months! The entries poured in. The night before the Show, the laying out of the tables went on into the wee small hours. On the day the Hall was filled with fruit, vegetables, flowers, arts and crafts, and looked wonderful. The Show was a success which made all the hard work very worthwhile. It was, as I had hoped, a truly village event.

For some years I continued to run the event and exhibit. I am so pleased that the Show continues and would like to congratulate everyone who takes on the huge amount of work which makes it possible. Long may it continue.

I am now gardening in France and learning to cope with heavy clay and flint and the climate, which although I am only in Normandy, is very different. At the moment we are in drought situation and it was 90 Deg F in the shade the other day. I have a vegetable plot which is always a talking point for French visitors. I am growing some very English crops - runner beans and parsnips, neither of which the French understand. Imagine not eating parsnips, they don't know what they are missing!

Can I suggest a new class in the vegetable section? Un tệte d'ail [one head of garlic]. Mine are huge!

Jenny Taylor - Le Bois Belloir

How time flies another Horticultural and Craft Show, this one celebrating 25 years. Well done, sending the schedules and entry forms for us with the Newsletter. Three jars of redcurrant jelly stood cooling on the shelf, so taking courage in both hands, I entered 'jar of jam', and later wandering round the garden, I added beans and carrots, onions and shallots, a picture for the handicraft section.

Show day arrived, everything was ready. I went to the Manor Hall to be greeted by calm. Tickets were all made out for me, tables organised, lots of advice and help to put entries in place. Returning later, the Hall was packed; so many handicrafts, floral arrangements, potted plants, flowers, fruit and vegetables, good things to eat, photographs and so many items from the children. It was wonderful to see so many happy people there.

The raffle, the teas, the Community Shop Enterprise team were there. The elusive band of judges had been and left certificates, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and even Highly Commended! My shallots did very well, but my onion only made the majestic trios look even more magnificent. The picture took a First and I was very proud to be awarded the Davis Cup for Handicrafts - I still can't believe it.

As I scrape a carrot or slice a bean, I smile and think what a good show this village and its children put on this year. Look forward to next year, I shall be there.


Readers may recall Dorothy's article 'More Fruit and Vegetables' in last December's issue. It obviously became a reality in 2004 - well done, good on you, Dorothy!



Yes, it's not a misprint, the Berrynarbor Horticultural and Craft Show is in its 25th Year. Not bad for a sleepy little village. It is just another sign of the skills and interests that are here, just below the surface, striving for an opportunity to shine [he says, tongue in cheek!].

As it is the 25th Anniversary of the Show, the organisers are trying to make it the biggest and best ever, with some additional categories and a Junior Section to each one. The Juniors will also have their own Cup for the highest overall points winner. Not only this, but in each category there will be not just the usual certificates, but prizes. Yes, you've read it correctly - PRIZES!

We have done some sweet-talking [and arm twisting] to local and even national enterprises, who have very kindly agreed to sponsor the various categories to provide prizes for both adult and junior winners. There is also a new panel of Judges.


The full 2004 Schedule is included with this Newsletter, but should yours be missing - or you would like an additional copy - please contact either Judie on 883544 or myself on 883600, or call at one of the other outlets given in the Schedule to which entries should be returned. We will ensure that you get a copy,

The categories are fairly wide-ranging so that everyone should be able to find something that they can enter. Remember, its not just flowers, fruit and vegetables, it's also art, crafts and photography, with a 'catch all' category in most sections for items not actually specified.

We are not looking for outstanding entries, just the best you can do. And gardeners, if the weather has been too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, your neighbours have suffered as well.

WE WANT EVERYONE TO BE INVOLVED. so, if you can find a few flowers, or fruit, or vegetables in your garden; something you made that you are proud of; a photograph you took that you feel really works - find a category and put it in. It doesn't cost anything to enter and who knows, you could end up one of our 25th Anniversary Prize Winners.



In her article following last year's Show, Linda Brown suggested that it should either be 'put gently to rest' or a 'new, fresh team' take up the challenge!

A new team has been found and we intend to take up that challenge! But our first task is to thank everyone who has been involved over the years for their enthusiasm and dedication, especially Linda and John.

A picture containing text

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Illustrated by: Debbie Cook

This year's Show will be on Saturday 4th September. We know this does not suit all prospective participants, but after discussion a more suitable date was not forthcoming. For fruit and vegetables to be ready, the alternative could be August, but with the Church Summer Fayre at the end of July, the Berry Revels a fortnight later, the Flower Festival at St. Peter's and education's clamp down on children being taken out of school - so holidays need to be taken during late July and August - August does not seem a better alternative. So, we're sorry, but for this year it is September again!

So start planting now! 'Crafty' folk should be preparing their entries, photographers snapping and floral artists designing in their minds. Home cookers will, however, have to wait until nearer the time!!

Below we give a provisional list of the sections and subjects, but the full achedules giving all details will be available from the beginning of August.

Our aim this year is to attract not only more adult entries but entries from the young people as well. With this in mind, there will be a new Junior level of entry - a junior must be under 14 on the 1st of January 2004. ALL classes are open to them to compete alongside their elders [and we hope they do] for the cups and awards, but in addition there will be two new awards: The Best Junior Exhibit in the Show and the Junior with the Best Cumulative Score, points being gained for every entry a junior submits.

The possibility of other prizes for all entrants is under review.

Provisional subjects are:

  • Floral Art: Autumn Glory [dried flowers], Foliage Feast, Floral Bouquet and Eastern Promise [a miniature].

  • Home Cooking: Jam, Jelly, Chutney, Bread/Rolls, Celebration Cake, Butter Iced Cake, Savoury Tart, Sweet Tart, Home-rnade Sweets, Shortbread.

  • Handicrafts: Item made from wool or cotton thread; embroidery, countedcross stitch, tapestry; a cushion, an item made of wood, metal or mineral, including pottery, ceramics [either made or decorated], or a model.

  • Home-made Wine: Remains the same - Red/White Fruit [sweet], Red/White Fruit [dry], any other Alcoholic Drink.

  • Art: A Sketch, a Painting [in any medium] and a collage entitled 'Seascape'.

  • Photography: 'Whiskers'; 'Red is the Colour'; 'My Pride and Joy; 'Glorious Devon!'; 'Up Close!'

  • Fruit and Vegetables: As before - potatoes, shallots, onions, beetroots, carrots, tomatoes, runner beans, lettuce, parsnips any other vegetable, pumpkin, marrow; eating apples, cooking apples, any other fruit, herbs.

  • Potted Plants also remain the same but the pot size increased to 12" dia. and only I entry per class, as will be the case of Cut Flowers: annuals, a single rose, spray chrysanthemums, asters, fuchsia blooms, gladiolus, dahlias, flowering shrub, wild flowers.

In addition, there will be 3 classes for the Primary School Children who will work art projects under the supervision of teaching staff and judged and exhibited in the first place at The Country Collection to be staged in the Manor Hall from 31st May to 5th June, inclusive.

Please make a note of the date of the Show - 4th September - and give thought to YOUR entries and JUNIOR entries NOW! And please encourage everyone you know to think about entering - we are not looking for perfection, just what we in the village can produce.

Vi, Janet, Pip, Tony, Yvonne and Judie


Artwork by: Debbie Rigler Cook


Artwork by: Debbie Cook




Open to Residents and Non-Residents of Berrynarbor
All Age Groups


2.00 p.m.


Admission: Adults - 50p Children - Free
Light Refreshments - Raffle

Artwork by: Debbie Cook

3.45 p.m. [approx.]

Entries Close: Wednesday, 2nd September, 1998
Schedules and Entry Forms available from and Entries to:
The Post Office, Berrynarbor
Willis & Sons, High Street, Combe Martin
Glenbridge - Sterridge Valley, Devon Cottage - Hagginton Hill



Illustration by: Paul Swailes

As you will all be aware, the Show, scheduled for 6th September, was cancelled for the saddest of reasons. I'm sure the Management Committee will wish the show to continue next year, although I have decided to stand down as Chairman. I should like to take the opportunity of thanking Ray and Margaret Ludlow and Vi Kingdon for all the help and guidance they have given me during the last four Shows, and to thank everyone who supported the Show at all times.

Best wishes for 1998.

Linda Brown - Devon Cottage







[Times are approximate]



Illustration by: Paul Swailes

The Committee are looking forward to entries from a wide range of interests - if you can't cook, surely you can take photographs! or, if you can't grow veg. surely you can knit! It's difficult to encompass everyone's hobbies, but the intention of the Show is to bring the villagers and visitors together for a pleasant afternoon. Please don't let us down - be brave, we'd love to see you all.

Schedules will be available in early August.

Linda Brown - Chairman



It's strange how the calendar works - two years ago the Show was the same day we took over the Post Office and the event passed us by completely. Last year, Nora and I entered and even won a number of classes, having drummed up entries, at the last minute, from our 'bottom drawers'! This year we managed to plan ahead to specifically generate various entries. It seems from this that we're gaining time for leisure, but in fact the show has slipped a week due to 365 being a peculiar number - specially with the odd 366 thrown in!

The organisers did 'their thing' really well. Programmes and entry sheets were out well in time, the hall was bedecked and nicely arranged to show the exhibits to their best advantage, and the sun shone for a marvellous day out. Overall entries were down, but nevertheless standards were pretty well maintained, with the flower classes particularly colourful and interesting. The Baddick family and Chris Jesson seemed to have entries in all classes and they showed the way - if you don't enter, you can't win. If you do enter, you can, and they did!

The vegetable and fruit classes had their share of giant examples, but for the most part colour, appearance and impressive similarity won the day. Josef did his thing as usual - especially in influencing the raffle draw - and David Beagley handed out free wine from his championship stock. The entries from the school showed how excellently free ranging arts and crafts are encouraged and developed among our school children, while Stuart Neale's signal box was a model example of skilled craftsmanship and perfection in miniature.

The photographic section completed the Show with an excellent selection of classes and entries. The Toms' Family portrait won their class, and my planning ahead with a picture of spring time flowers also produced the desired result. Next year Nora intends to start her knitting a week earlier!

Thanks are due to everyone who supported this event, whether organising, entering, attending, serving, donating their produce for Manor Hall funds or buying at the auction, they all help make the Show a high spot of the village year - and long may it remain so.

Alan R.

The Globe CupFloral ArtChris Jesson
The Walls CupHome CookingMrs. Judges
The Davis CupHandicraftsChris Jesson
The Watermouth CupHandicraftsStuart Neale
The P.T.A. CupSchool - Class 3Tom Harrison
The Men's Institute CupSchool - Class 2Kiri Courtney
The Mayflower DishSchool - Class 1Eleasha McDonald
The Watermouth Castle CupHome-made WineDavid Beagley
The George Hippisley CupArtLouise Baddick
The Vi Kingdon AwardPhotographyDavid Beagley
The Derrick Kingdon CupFruit and VegetablesRon Toms
The Lethaby CupPotted PlantsRon Toms
The Manor Stores Rose BowlCut FlowersJill Mountain
The Management Committee CupBest Exhibit in ShowChris Jesson

Another year, another Show, and although visually a pretty one, the number of entrants was down on previous years, which was a disappointment. My thanks to those stalwarts who turn up each year and save the day!

We have over 600 people living in the village and unbelievably only 30 people entered the Show. The small sub-committee that run this event work extremely hard, and it is questionable whether their commitment is warranted. If the residents of the village feel that the Show is part of village life and would like it to continue, they must give it the support it deserves, and hopefully the Management Committee of the Manor Hall can come up with some new ideas.

Linda Brown - Committee Chairman



MANOR HALL, 2.00 p.m.




[Times are approximate]





Illustration by: Paul Swailes



After weeks of drought and high temperatures, we were all amazed [including the judges!] at the exhibits which came to the show bench - the vegetables were up on last year but flowers, owing to scorch, were down, but everyone pulled together and made it a lovely Show. My grateful thanks to all exhibitors and helpers for a very happy afternoon, enjoyed by everyone who attended [and 160 pounds was raised for Hall funds].

Linda Brown

The Prize winners were:

The Globe CupFloral ArtSally Johnson
The Walls cupHome CookingVi Kingdon
The Davis CupHandicraftsChristine Jesson
The Watermouth CupHandicrafts - wood/mineralsJohn Weaver
The Watermouth Castle CupWineBernard Allen
The George Hippisley CupCollageCharlotte Fryer
The Vi Kingdon AwardPhotographyAlan Denzey
The Derrick Kingdon CupFruit and VegetablesMargaret Ludlow
The Lethaby CupPotted PlantsEunice Allen
Manor Stores Rose BowlCut FlowersGill McCrae
Management Committee CupBest in ShowBernard Allen*
The P.T.A. cupChildren's ArtPhoebe Hay
The Men's Institute CupChildren's ArtKirsty Richards
The Mayflower DishChildren's ArtMichael McCormick

* for a superb bottle of red fruit wine!


Saturday, 2nd September


Please enter and support this Show. Entry Forms and Schedules will be available from the Post Office, Willis & Sons [Combe Martin], Glenbridge [Sterridge Valley] and Devon Cottage [Hagginton Hill] from Monday, 14th August.

Support for such local village shows has been declining of late, but entries for OUR last year's Show, however, were GOOD, and this year we hope they will be even better! If you are unable to exhibit, please come along and support the event, buy a raffle ticket and enjoy a cup of tea, even bid at the Auction - you will be sure of a warm welcome. Hope to see you all there.

Linda Brown - Show Chairman

Illustration by: Peter Rothwell



The 1994 Show had over 363 entries - 52 people joined in the fun by entering. Mr. Brian Mountain, Chairman of the Manor Hall Management Committee, presented the following awards:

Globe Cup [Floral Art] - Sue Wright
Walls Cup [Home Cooking] - Vi Kingdon
Davis Cup [Handicrafts] - Mrs. A. R. Parkhouse
P. T. A. Cup [Class 3] - Loanna Chugg
Men's Institute Cup [Class 2] - Kelly Brearley
Mayflower Cup [Class 1] - Christopher Baddick
Watermouth Castle Cup [Wine] - Bernard Allen
George Hippisley Cup [Art] :Nigel Mason
Vi Kingdon Cup [Photography] - Tom Bartlett
Derrick Kingdon Cup [Fruit & Veg] - Josef Belka
Lethaby Cup [Potted Plants] - Eunice Allen
Manor Stores Rose Bowl [Cut Flowers] - Joy Morrow
Management Committee Cup [Best in Show] - Mrs. A.R. Parkhouse

This Show has been running since 1978, with the exception of 1984, when no-one came forward to organise the event. PLEASE support the Show in any way you can. The Manor Hall Management Committee assists in the co-ordination of the event, but at the end of the day it takes many people to get it underway. Since 1986 I have 'Chaired' the organisation and this was my last Show. It has been a lot of fun - and hard work - but the rewards of being part of a truly 'village' event are wonderful and make it all worthwhile. So, remember this show is for fun and friendship and think about what YOU can do to ensure its continuity. This year the Village Hall Funds benefited by over £177 raised through the event thanks to your generous support. Thank you to everyone involved.

Joy Morrow

Our thanks to you, Joy, for all that you have done and do, not only for this Show but in so many ways.



[Open to Residents and Non-Residents of Berrynarbor]


2.30 p.m.


Admission: Adults - 50p, Children - Free

Light Refreshments - Raffle

PRESENTATION OF CUPS: 3.30 p.m. [Approx.]

2.30 p.m. AUCTION OF EXHIBITS: 3.45 p.m. [Approx.]


Entry Forms (no Entry Fees) should be collected from and returned to:

  • The Post Office, Berrynarbor
  • Willis & Sons, High Street, Combe Martin
  • Swifts, 83a High Street, llfracombe




(Open to Residents and Non-Residents of Berrynarbor)

2.30 p.m.


Admission: Adults - 40p, children - 10p

Light Refreshments * Bring and Buy * Raffle

PRESENTATION OF CUPS: 4.00 p.m. [approx.]
AUCTION OF EXHIBITS: 4.15 p.m. [approx.]
ENTRIES CLOSE: Thursday, 3rd September, 1992.

Entry Forms [no Entry Fees] should be collected from and returned to:

The Post Office, Berrynarbor
Ivan Clarke's [the Butchers], Berrynarbor
Willis & Sons, High Street, Combe Martin




Well done Berrynarbor! Another record set of entries - 546, topping the previous record in 1986 of 471 entries. 91 people entered into the "fun" this year.

Mr. Alan Beer, Parks Officer, N.D.D.C., presented the 1991 Britain in Bloom Award - the Mary Mortimer Trophy [for villages under 800 population]. This is the second year running we have been awarded this trophy - the highest in our division. Mr. Beer also presented the following Show cups:

Thanks to everyone's kind generosity in supporting the Show - by coming, drinking tea, buying raffle tickets and produce, etc. - we should see a profit of over £200 for Hall funds.

If you would like to be involved in any way in the planning of the 1992 Show, please contact me before 1st January, as it takes time and thought. We should like some new ideas and new people to be involved in this village event - even your comments in writing would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you to everyone who helped in any way - the list would be endless. It takes a lot of willing hands to mount a show like this every year!

Joy Morrow
on behalf of the Manor Hall Management Committee

Perhaps the BIGGEST THANK YOU of all should go to Joy herself. Joy puts such a lot of hard work and effort into events run in the village and it is often her enthusiasm that makes things happen. We all appreciate all that you do, Joy. Not only does Joy help organise and run the Horticultural Show, she puts tremendous effort into the Best Kept Village and Britain in Bloom entries. Thank you, Joy.



Saturday, 7th September, Manor Hall

Please SUPPORT this VILLAGE event! Schedules will be available from 13th August at: the Post Office, Butchers and Willis and Sons, Combe Martin.

Wanted desperately: floral arrangements, crocheted and knitted items, wood items, art work and home-made wine. There is also a non-competitive exhibition for those who would like to share an item with all of us - just for fun.

Last year three cups could not be awarded - please don't allow that to happen again. The Show is for fun and sharing, so please 'join in'. There will be a Bring and Buy stall so bring something along - plants, cakes, a white elephant etc.



355 items were entered this year, slightly down on last year's entry. Come on, Berrynarbor, let's surpass the 1986 record entry of 471 in 1991! The show is "for the fun of it all" and a very enjoyable day for one and all, so please join in next year. The cups for Floral Art, Wine and Handicrafts were not awarded due to lack of support.

The cup winners were as follows:

In addition to the Management Committee, special thanks to: Maggie Allen, Josef Belka, Frank Billings , Les Blakley, Ann Davies, Reg Davis, Vi Kingdon, Norman Richards, Alan Richardson, Judie Weedon for making this event happen.

Joy Morrow



Saturday, 2nd September in the Manor Hall, 2.00 p.m. Schedules will be available on the 16th August in the Manor Stores, Post Office and Willis i s of Combe Martin. ENTRIES close on Thursday, 31st August. Please enter just for the FUN of it let's make this a real VILLAGE EVENT.