Of This and That

Miscellanous snippets of news that don't fit in other sections!


Saturday, 20th May 2017

Walks from Barnstaple and Bideford 11 miles, Instow 3.5 or 7 miles, Tamar Lakes 3 or 6 miles. Registration £20 Sign up now at nightwarlk.co.uk


There have been quite a few dogs loose, lately, in the village, and we at the Shop spend a lot of time trying to get them back to their homes. So, we thought this might be a good idea - a Dog Directory.

If you send a picture of your dog with its name and telephone number to berrynarborshop@onebillinternet.co.uk we can keep them in the Shop, so when a dog appears without its owner, we shall know to whom they belong and who to contact.

Christmas at the Manor Hall

Sheila Twose [Torquay] tells us that she is in the picture of the party at the Manor Hall in the 1950's shown in the December 2016 issue. Sheila is in the third row back, second from right with her arms folded!

Like many others, she enjoyed seeing the village in the TV programme Escape to the Country in January.



Arts and Crafts Exhibition, Saturday, 27th July - Sunday 11th August to be held in Lee Memorial Hall from 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. each day. Come and visit us in our delightful village and browse a wide selection of beautiful arts and crafts, all created by local artists, with an opportunity to purchase unique and unusual items whether as a gift or as a treat for yourself!

Delicious refreshments available throughout the exhibition and there will be a wonderful patchwork quilt offered as first prize in the grand draw, along with other lovely prizes. Free admission and ample parking next to the Memorial Hall. Everyone welcome - we look forward to seeing you there!

Cream Teas in the Garden at Beachborough, Kentisbury Kentisbury W.I. is holding this event on SUNDAY, 23RD JUNE, from 2.00 p.m. in this beautiful garden. Entry and Cream Tea £4.50

Combe Martin Museum

Sea Shore Safaris 10th June at 1.00 p.m. and 24th June at 12.30 p.m. Price £2.00 per child or adult less a child. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult and wear foot-wear suitable for scrambling over rocks and getting into the water. Seashore guide provided.

Meat Raffle every Sunday 2.00 p.m. at the Royal Marine, tickets on sale at the Museum.

llfracombe Parish Church presents: The Cedars Big Band Concert TOMORROW, 31st May, at 7.45 p.m. Tickets E5.00 from Tinker Tailor Party Shop or Tourist Information Centre, or 'phone David Beagley on [012711 866647. Wonderful Music - Count Basie, Glen Miller, Duke Ellington and Others

Craft Group Don't forget, the Craft Group meets on Monday afternoons, 1.30 p.m. onwards - just an informal get-together to indulge yourself in your favourite craft. Members have recently been knitting for babies in Africa During the last year 277 vests, 49 teddies, 36 blankets, 134 hats, 14 pair; of booties, 14 pairs of mittens, 9 cardigans and 4 jumpers have been sent out to Africa and some of those came from Berrynarbor!



Macmillan Afternoon Tea

A Huge thank you to everyone who supported us at the end of September when we hosted a fund raising event for Macmillan at Lee, serving coffee, cream teas and delicious home-made cakes. There were local crafts for sale, a raffle and fun things to do for the children as well and it was lovely to see so many locals and visitors enjoying a chat over a cuppa and cream tea! We raised a fantastic £408.98 - thank you all so much, we could not have done it without your help!

British Red Cross

The Red Cross operating in the North Devon area is desperately short of volunteers and struggling to keep up with demand. The charity is appealing for people to help especially in the Ilfracombe area. Service Co-ordinator, Jen Kirk says, "We're actually having to turn people away. We don't ask for a huge time commitment from our volunteers and all expenses are paid so no one's out of pocket."

Care and Support Service volunteers offer practical support to people after a stay in hospital and can often prevent people going into hospital by offering similar support. The volunteers take clients home, settle hem in and help with such things as shopping or collecting prescriptions. The service is free but donations to the Red Cross are always welcome.

If you can help for just a few hours a month and really make a difference to some please contact Jen Kirk on [01271] 326662.

Don't Miss Out on your Bus Pass!

Please contact DCC if you have moved home since your pass was issued or if you would like a new photograph on your pass. The Majority of passes issued by DCC will expire on 31st March 2013. We are in the process of issuing replacements. If we do not know where you live then you will not receive new bus pass and if your photo does not look like you [!], drivers may refuse you free travel.

Contact us on [01271] 383688.

North Devon Theatres

On target to be the Queen's Theatre best ever Christmas Show - Robin Hood will be riding in to Barnstaple with much merriment and mirth from the 15th December. Based on the much-loved English folk tale, Robin Hood is to be an action packed show with stunning new costumes, fantastic live music, brand new script and the usual comedy mayhem you would expect from the Queen's Theatre Pantomime. Tickets are £12-£19, young person £11-£14.

For further information or to book, call the box office on [01271] 324242.



Escape to the Country - On Tuesday, 13th September, two men with professional-looking camera and a microphone muffle were noticed in the Square photographing the bus stop and our awards' sign. They repositioned themselves, stood at the corner of Miss Muffet's, facing the Village, and shouted 'Action'; a couple began to walk up the hill towards them. Equipment, crew and couple repositioned, standing on The Globe's car park. As they were feet away I asked them what they were filming. 'Escape to the Country' was the reply. Their participation will be shown 'sometime next year'.

No date can be supplied by those interested viewers of this programme. The Beeb's Customer Services don't have the relevant schedule for that series yet. All they could advise was to wait and watch.

Judith A. Flowerdew Cottage

The Men I Love - Diary Date: Wednesday, 23rd November, 7.00 p.m. Manor Hall - Beaford Arts production Barb Jungr 'The Men I Love'.

Another great night is expected when Barb Jungr, courtesy of Beaford Arts, takes to the stage of the Manor Hall and turns it into a candle-lit cabaret of love. Hot from New York, Jungr will give her unique rendition of an eclectic mix of popular classics including Dylan, Diamond, Cohen and more. Doors open at 7.00 p.m. with dinner and show starting at 7.30 p.m. Tickets £12 from the Shop.


Middle Age Texting Codes

  • ATD - at the doctor
  • BTW - bring the wheelchair
  • FWIW - forgot where I was
  • GHA - got heartburn againLMDO - laughing my dentures out
  • ROFLACGU - rolling on floor laughing and can't get up
  • BFF - best friend fell
  • BYOT - bring your own teeth
  • GGPBL - gotta go, pacemaker battery low
  • IMHAO - is my hearing aid on?
  • OMMR - on my massage recliner

Sea View [Newsletter No. 133] - Rosslyn Hammett has written to say that she understands that her father, Stanley Huxtable, was born there, but doesn't think that her family is the same as that in the article. She says her grandfather was William Henry and he farmed at Lower Rowes farm, where her aunt Florence Lilian was born, and then later at North Lee which he had bought from the Watermouth Castle Estates sale.


Can anyone put a date to this early photograph of Lower Rowes Farm?




There are Coffee and Browse mornings at the Museum when you can look at all the books we have for sale at very cheap prices and meet people. Alternate Tuesdays: 8th and 22nd February, 8th and 22nd March.

Shake off those winter blues by enjoying a
with friends and neighbours
Sunday, 20th February
from 9.00 to 11.30 a.m.
Kentisbury Village Hall
[proceeds to St. Thomas's Church]


Calling all budding Sir Frances Drakes!

We are looking for new members, so come on ladies and gents, join a club with a friendly atmosphere, great social side and cheap beer. What more could you want? If you are interested, please contact either Dave Collins [882223] or Alan Hogan [882080]




Next year the plant sale will be held on Bank Holiday Monday, 2nd May 2011. Please save some of your plants to donate to the sale. If you would like to book a table to sell your own items, please call Kath Thorndycroft on [01271] 889019.

[Proceeds to Berrynarbor Community Shop]


Can you help? John Broom of Roborough, Torrington, has become the owner of a 1957 Ford Thames Van. He is interested in researching its history. He knows that it was bought from Taw Garages in Barnstaple by a Berrynarbor Butcher. The cottage in Silver Street was, in 1957, a butcher's shop and the owner at that time was Les Thomas. Les was followed in the business by Reg Davies, Paul Lethaby and lastly Ivan Clark. What colour was the van, did it have any sign writing on it, etc? Can anyone help, or does someone by any chance have a photograph of this vehicle? If you have any information, please contact Judie on [01271] 883544. Thank you.


The two photographs in the October 'Old Berrynarbor' had some interesting and strong connections. There were at least four sets of parents and children: Ron Toms and Raymond, Frank Huxtable and his daughter Rosemary, my Aunt Brenda Richards and her daughter Cheryl Layton, and my mother Vera Richards and her son John Sidebottom. Are there any more?

Jill Sidebottom


The Mobile Library will be off the road for the whole of December. Jacqui and the Library will be round again in the New Year on Wednesday, 12th January.

Please note that as from the New Year, the times of arrival will change. In future the Library will be at the Shop and Post Office from 10.45 to 11.30 a.m., and the Sterridge Valley from 11.45 to 12.15 p.m.


The last class for the current term takes place on Wednesday,15th December. Classes will start again on Wednesday, 5th January.

If you feel like getting into trim again following over indulgence at Christmas, why not come along and give this class a go! Taken by an experienced and qualified leader, everyone works at their own level [it is not aerobics!]. To join in, you do not need any special gear, just wear loose clothing.


There are 2 one-day courses at the Two Lanes Centre in Ilfracombe during December. Christmas Table Decorations on Monday, 6th December, from 1.30 to 4.30 p.m., and Christmas Beaded Angels on Wednesday, 15th December, 6.00 to 9.00 p.m. Both cost £19. For more information and to reserve a place, telephone the Two Lanes Centre on [01271] 864171.



BERRYNARBOR TODDLER GROUP meets every Friday between 9.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall. For just £1.50 per child [aged 6 months to 3 years], mums and dads get a cup of tea while their children get a snack and play with children of a similar age.

For further details, please ring Naomi on [01271] 883708 or pop in one Friday morning and see for yourself what the toddlers are up to.

THE FIRST FARMER'S MARKET held At the Manor Hall on Easter Saturday was a great success and congratulations to organisers Louise Richards and Jane and Bobby Bowden. A sum of £134 was raised which will be split between the School, the Pre-School and the Toddler Group as well as the Community Shop.

Jane, Bobby and Louise would like to thank everyone for coming in their hundreds to support the event - some of the stall holders said it was the best farmers' market in which they had taken part and hopefully there will be another one, perhaps towards the end of May.

A VILLAGE SOCIAL & DANCE will be held at the Manor Hall on the evening of Saturday, 5th April, from 8.00 to 11.00 p.m. With proceeds going to the Manor Hall, tickets in advance are available at the Shop at £4.00 or on the door at £5.00. There will be dancing of all kinds - modern, rock and roll, ballroom, old time, etc. - to the live music of Alan Yates [guitarist and vocalist with backing tracks] from Ilfracombe. Please bring your own 'picnic' refreshments, drinks and glasses, and come along and have a good time!

'DRIVING MISS DAISY' - No, Driving Joyce Clay! Are you reliable, have preferably at least 10 years driving experience and are prepared to drive Joyce around locally? In return for giving your time, you would have the free use of Joyce's car for your own personal needs. The car would be taxed, insured, serviced and topped up with petrol and could be kept either at Lee Lodge or at your own home. The regular runs Joyce would require are: to Braunton and back for church each Sunday, to Woolacombe for bridge every Monday afternoon and to Lunch Club every other Tuesday.

There would, of course, be the occasional shopping trips and visits to the Medical Centre in Woolacombe or appointments in Barnstaple. If you think you could help Joyce, please make a call, in the first instance, to Shane Stevens on 07769 653 477.

Combe Martin Parish Church Open Gardens 28th and 29th June 2008

In our 8th year, we look forward to meeting friends and visitors from far and near. Our villagers open their gardens for the public's pleasure and monetary benefit of the Parish Church funds. Of course, alongside the garden attractions, there will be Cream Teas provided at least at two venues!

Programmes will be on sale at Sue's Newsagents and the Combe Martin main Post Office early in June. Any enquiries, please contact either Janet on 882244 or Pam on 883469.

This year's Knit In: The Craft Group were joined by members of Berrynarbor Ladies' Group on the 11th February to knit strips for the North Devon Hospice, each knitter making a donation rather than seeking sponsorship.

Well refreshed during the afternoon, a bag of colourful strips was collected and taken with £100 to the Hospice.

A letter of thanks has been received thanking all the knitters for their support.