Edition 90 - June 2004

Artwork by: Debbie Rigler Cook

It's amazing how quickly one issue follows another! No. 90 and June - where does the time go?
Talking of time, whilst up-dating the 'en suite' recently, we came across, tightly rolled and packing the space between the bath and the wall, an old newspaper, which unravelled turned out to be a copy of The Sun dated Monday, 29th December 1969. The headline of that day? "Solo British Pilot, Sheila Scott, landed her tiny Piper Comanche at Darwin yesterday, tired and distraught after 'seven days of sheer hell.' Her main concern was whether her plane, Myth Too had been sabotaged before the staff of the London-Sydney Air Race."
Sheila Scott [1927-1988] was the first pilot, male or female, to fly directly over the true North Pole in a light aircraft. She accomplished this 34,000-mile trip in a Piper Aztec in 1971 , traveling from the Equator, over the North Pole, back across the Equator and completing the journey by crossing the southern hemisphere. Although few Americans had heard of her, the U.S. Navy had orders: "Don't lose Sheila!" Their job was to keep her tracked via the American polar satellite Nimbus.
Does this bring back some memories? Memories were stirred by the April Newsletter, particularly by Tom's postcard of Lower Rows Farm, which are shared later in this issue. It was also exciting to be able to find information for Sally Moldrich, which again will feature later.
Thank you for those memories and thank you to all contributors to this issue - Debbie for the cover featuring a 'Yorkie', Paul and Peter for their illustrations and all the faithful regular contributors. Our next issue will be August and items will be needed by the middle of July, by Wednesday, 14th July at the latest, please.
However, before that the event which raises the most money for the Newsletter will have taken place. A Country Collection [No. 3] will be held in the Manor Hall from Monday 31st May to Saturday, 5th June, inclusive. Fuller details will be given elsewhere. Please do try to call in at one of the sessions and encourage friends, relatives and holiday makers to do likewise. If anyone feels they have the time and would able to help at one or more of the sessions or would be able to help supply home-made cakes or biscuits, I should be most grateful - just give me a ring on 883544.
The Yorkshire Terrier falls within the Toy Group of dogs, which were first created over two thousand years ago in Europe and the Far East. They were specifically bred as pets and companions and most are related to larger breeds in other groups. In spite of their size, toy dogs are very robust and just as healthy, active and formidable as their standard-sized relatives! Many have appeared in famous portraits including masterpieces by Reubens, Rembrandt and Gainsborough.
The Yorkshire Terrier was bred originally in the mid-19th Century in the North of England, where a sturdy yet small terrier was needed by miners to keep down the number of rats underground. This early dog has since been refined by breeders to be a smaller, prettier terrier today, with many pet and exhibition varieties.
The lifespan is about 14 years, the height 9" and the weight 5-71bs. The coat, which is perfectly straight and silky, needs regular brushing, bathing and oiling. Conveniently sized for urban houses, it is spirited but even tempered, with good guarding instincts, although not easy to train. The larger pet Yorkie is more like the original breed and makes a good sporting companion.

At our April meeting, Janice Quinn gave an interesting demonstration of sugar craft using gelatine and sugar paste to make beautiful flower decorations. The vote of thanks was given by Margaret Andrews. Birthday gifts were given to Edna Barnes, Linda Brown, Liz Paget and Janet Steed, and the raffle was won by Maureen Wannocott. At our Group Meeting held at Bratton Fleming Village Hall on Thursday, 1st April, we came joint third in the competition. Several members also met at the President's home to watch the video of 'Calendar Girls', which we all enjoyed.
On the 4th May, 15 members and a guest met at the Manor Hall to discuss the Resolutions which prompted some lively discussion and our decisions will now go forward to the Annual General Meeting in June. Birthday gifts were given to Eunice Allen, Rosemary Gaydon and Marion Carter and the competition for a spring flower was won by Maureen Wannocott.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, 1st June, at 2.30 p.m. when Judie will be talking about the Newsletter. The competition will be for six small decorated cakes which will be consumed at the meeting. On the 6th July, we shall have a speaker from the North Devon Volunteering Development Agency and the competition will be for the oldest coin from the U.K. Our President will also be holding a Coffee Morning at her home, Cherry Hinton, on Tuesday 15th June, 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon.
So, Ladies, please come and join us.
Marion Carter

It is sad to report that Freda Sharp, wife of the late John Sharp of Combe Mattin died peacefully at Castle Dene on 5th May. We send our condolences to all her family and her many friends. "She lives in the hearts of those who loved her."
Freda was born at Home Barton Farm, Berrynarbor, sister to Vera, Brian and Noel, and the late Bob and Claude Richards and Brenda Layton. She was educated with her brothers and sisters at Berrynarbor Primary School, and she and her husband John were married here at St. Peter's.
Freda, who trained as a nurse and spent time nursing in Birmingham, returned to Combe Martin to live in the 1950's. She always maintained strong links with our village, supporting its many events over the years. To celebrate their Golden Wedding, Freda and John had the board in the church listing the Rectors of St. Peter's re-gilded.
It was with much sadness that we learnt that Julie had lost her short battle against cancer and with her family beside her, had passed away peacefully during the evening of Monday, 10th May. A loving wife, mother and grandma, she will be sadly missed by her family and friends.
Our thoughts are with Michael, Justin and Gemma and all the family at this time of sorrow.
Farewell my Friends
- It was beautiful as long as it lasted, the journey of my life.
- I have no regrets whatsoever save the pain I'll leave behind. Those dear hearts who love and care. . . and the strings pulling at the heart and soul.
- The strong arms that held me up when my own strength let me down.
- At every turning of my life I came across good friends, friends who stood by me even when the time raced me by.
- Farewell farewell, my friends, I smile and bid you goodbye. No, shed no tears for I need them not, all I need is your smile.
- If you feel sad, do think of me for that's what I'll like. When you live in the hearts of those you love, remember then you never die
Rabindranath Tagore
To lose two of your family within a week is unbelievably sad and our sympathy goes out to every one of the Richards' family.

The service on Mothering Sunday, attended by some 40 adults and over 20 children, was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who came. Sunday School members gave bunches of flowers to their mothers and then distributed the remainder around the rest of the congregation. Their lively song, 'Every day with Jesus', put a smile on everyone's face.
So many things happening at the Family Service on Easter Day! The Choir sang, the children sang and said prayers they had composed themselves, Easter eggs were given out and flowers were placed around the Easter garden. The old, familiar, joyous hymns were sung and, on a more serious note, we all went up to the altar for communion or a blessing.
Our special thanks to all the ladies who helped to decorate the church so beautifully and to those who made such generous donations: the lilies were truly splendid.
One special service coming up: 29th June is St. Peter's Day and our celebration will take place on Sunday, 27th June, 10.00 a.m. as usual.
As always, the Coffee Morning held on 6th May proved to be a happy social event. Altogether £106 was raised to go towards the cost of the Flower Festival to be held the first week-end in August. Our thanks to everyone who gave a hand.
The next fund-raising event will be Gift Day to be held on Wednesday, 30th June. A letter from the Rector and an envelope will be delivered round the parish and we shall be at the lychgate all day, from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. to receive your gifts. Plans for the rewiring of the church and enhancement of the lighting are making good progress. At present we are waiting for a Faculty to be granted and the work should be carried out in early autumn.
A provisional date of 14th July has been set for a Safari Supper and the annual Summer Fayre will take place on Tuesday, 27th July. Gifts for the various stalls will be most welcome. Please let Mary Tucker know [Ter. 883881] if you have anything to be collected.
The next Friendship Lunch will be at The Globe on Wednesday, 30th June, 12.30 p.m. onwards.
Mary Tucker

At Sunday School we are well into our spring/summer term. With a joyous Easter behind us, we are looking forward to a summer break, but for now we are working hard learning about Jesus's disciples - what a mixed group the first 12 were, like us all really, but gathered together, a strength and unity emerges. Each child is playing a disciple - Kiefer in particular is a very dramatic Judas. We shall be producing a play for our Patronal Festival on the 27th June, at 10.00 a.m. in church, with the emphasis, of course, on Peter. So do come along and see the children in action, I can promise you 15 minutes of delight!
Anna and Gemma have joined us and are showing great enthusiasm. There is always room for more, so any boys and girls out there who would like to give us a try, do come along. You will receive a warm, noisy welcome!
Not a True Story!
A man was caught in a flood and was sitting on the roof of his house. Two men came by in a boat to rescue him, but he waved them away shouting: "No, the Lord will save me." One hour later, another boat came along, but again the man said: "No, the Lord will save me."
Eventually, a helicopter arrived, but the man insisted: "The Lord will save me." Unfortunately he drowned and at the gates of Heaven he asked St. Peter: "Why didn't the Lord save me?" St. Peter replied: "For crying out loud, he sent two boats and a helicopter, what more do you want?"!
Love from all of us at the Sunday School

The wedding of Tanya, eldest daughter of Keith and Margaret Walls, and John Lihou, a Guernsey-man born and bred, took place at St. Peter Port on 11th May 2004.
Tanya and John were supported by their families, including Imogen and Lance and Tanya's sister, Louise, and her children, Nathan and Isaac, who were over from Canada.
Our congratulations to you both and very best wishes for your future happiness.

We were sorry to learn that Derek Brooks had moved to llfracombe and wish him well in his new home.
Three Ways is, however, the new home of Clive and Anita Abbott and we wish them a very warm welcome and hope they will be happy here in the village.
Having wanted to live in North Devon, Clive and Anita moved down from Fradley, just outside Lichfield in Staffordshire, on the 'off chance' of finding somewhere suitable to live. The only place they could find that would accommodate themselves and their three dogs was with Paul and Theresa at Berrynarbor Park. So, their hunt began from here and when Three Ways became available, they jumped at the opportunity of remaining here.
Both self-employed professional Landlords and Property Developers, they have two grown-up daughters, Charlotte and Michaela, who have remained in the Lichfield area. Their other family are Alesi, a German Shepherd, Clady, a Red Setter and the 'babe', Elliott, an English Setter.
Although there is much D.I.Y. work to be done over the next few months, Anita and Clive enjoy walking, golf and socialising - particularly good wining and dining!

Our trip to Hartland Quay Hill Climb on the 28th March proved to be most enjoyable. The weather was warm and pleasant and we watched some interesting bikes performing on the hill.
Mid-April was our usual evening run and a ride to South Molton, Dulverton and then to Exford was stimulating and set us up for some refreshment at the White Horse. A ride home in the dark finished off a very pleasant evening.
The weather was far from kind when we set out for Wadebridge on the 17th and after running through some pretty torrential rain we questioned whether there would be any racing in those conditions. After consultation we decided to head south to Launceston and on to Okehampton for lunch. After that the weather improved and the journey home via Honiton, Cullompton, Tiverton and South Molton was on dry roads. When we reached Berrynarbor, we found that the weather here had been dry all day!
During the next three months we'll get in as many rides as we can, so watch the poster in the Post Office. In conclusion, a big welcome to Kevin who joined up with us in April - we look forward to his company on future.
- 9th June, Evening Run, 6.00 p.m. at rear of Globe;
- 19th June, possible All Day Run [watch for poster], and
- 14th July, Evening Run, 6.00 p.m. rear of Globe.
Once again we have seen how very fortunate we are in Berrynarbor. Not only do we have a Manor Hall with suitable staging to allow for a village show, but an amazing supply of talent for such a small village to make it a show of which to be proud. Scriptwriters, Gary, Alison, Debbie and Nick, the musical talents of Gary and Stuart, professional sound engineers, Paul and Nick, plus a cast of singers and actors all prepared to put in hours of work over several months and potentially, but seldom, making fools of themselves.
Last, but not least, we have a receptive audience of up to 200 who clap, cheer, barrack and generally encourage us all to feel it is worth while and to 'have one more go next year'! This is most important as without an audience it would all be a waste of time. So to everyone who came to watch, a very big thank you. Please come again next year and bring a friend as well! Let's make both nights complete sell outs.
Illustrated by: Debbie Rigler Cook
But what really makes it all worth while is the benefit it generates for the village and local community. Although a dozen or more years from the first show, once again over £1000 was raised after allowing for production costs. This year £700 has been given to Berrynarbor School and £300 to the Caroline Thorpe Ward at the North Devon District Hospital. Causes that are certainly worth the effort. Well done to all.

March started with -4 Deg C of frost at 07:42 on the 1st but on the 31st we recorded 20.2 Deg C, the warmest day of the year so far. During the month we collected 99mm (4") of rain which was slightly more than last year when we recorded 61 mm (2 3/8"). The wettest day was the 18th with 20mm (3/4"), this was considerably dryer than the wettest March day on our records which produced 54mm (2 1/8") in 1994. The total rainfall for the first quarter of the year is 372mm (14 3/4") compared with 259mm (10 1/4 ") in 2003. The month saw a variety of weather with snow flakes in the air on the 11th and 12th and winds gusting up to 38 knots (48mph) on the 20th. The sunshine hours were well down on last year with only 60.01 as opposed to 94.6 in 2003.
April seemed to be somewhat warmer than usual with temperatures ranging between 0.2 Deg C on the 9th and 21.3 Deg C on the 25th. We had a wind chill factor of -5 Deg C on the 6th not as low as April 1998 when the wind chill reached -10 Deg C or April 2000 when it was even colder at -13 Deg C. The month lived up to its reputation of showers, some of them rather heavy! On the 3rd 27mm (1 1/16") fell in 8 hours (it was the wettest day of the month) and on the 6th 8mm (5/16") fell in only half an hour. The total rainfall was 93mm (3 3/4") about average for April. The maximum wind speed was 30 knots on the 4th. The barograph took a bit of a tumble from 1028mb on the 13th to 984mb on 18th. Although this was quite a drop in pressure, as it was spread over several days it didn't adversely affect the weather. Again Chicane recorded fewer hours of sunshine with 109.38 compared with 121.38 last April.
Towards the end of the month we had a taste of summer with glorious blue skies, no rain between 23rd and 28th and temperatures up to 21.3 Deg C, for five of those days we also had well over 6 hours of sunshine each day. May has started off rather disappointingly but we will have more of that in the next magazine.
Simon and Sue

The Annual General
Wednesday, 5th May 2004
Chairman's Report:
Our Hall continues to be very well supported. The premises are pretty well booked for each available session. During the past year, it has been redecorated, the curtains cleaned and the windows in the Parish Room repaired, the latter at no cost to the Committee.
The painting of Watermouth Castle has been repaired, restored, cleaned and returned to its original position. The painting of Mrs. Penn Curzon should be returned soon after undergoing similar treatment. Work has been carried out to improve the kitchen area and thanks are due to Sure Start for their contribution towards the cost.
Last year's Horticultural and Craft Show was disappointing in the number of entrants and it was doubted whether there was sufficient support within the village for another show. However, a small group has been set up and the situation is more hopeful.
Undoubtedly, the most significant item to report is the receipt of a large financial gift from the late Bobbie Hacker. Currently enquiries are being made to seek grants for improvement which will make her gift even more beneficial.
The Committee has worked hard throughout the year, for not only a successful Berry Revels and Christmas Card Distribution, but also with the general running of the Hall and my thanks go to every one of them.
That brings me to the final point. For various reasons the following are leaving the Committee: Linda Brown and Chris Jesson. They will be greatly missed. l, too, am standing down. After seven years on the Committee, four as Chairman, it is time for someone else to take forward the development of the Manor Hall. Thank you.
John Hood - Chairman
The Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank John for all his hard work over the last seven years. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 9th June at 7.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall, when a new Chairman and Committee will be elected.
Please remember that all Hall bookings should be made through Vi Davies on 882696.
The North Devon Spinners meet in the Manor Hall on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in the month. There are morning and afternoon sessions: 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 to 4.30 p.m., but spinners may and do stay all day, taking a packed lunch. Facilities are available for making hot drinks.
Newcomers are always very welcome. Do call in and see what it is all about and if you would like to try your hand, you can take advantage of a wheel on free loan for 3 months before you have to buy your own equipment. Further details can be obtained from Kath Arscott on [01217] 883278, who will be delighted to help.
Whilst going through my Aunt's [Bobbie Hacker] effects, I came across much of her husband's past. He was a BSc and taught, among other subjects, Mathematics and Latin. This brought to mind a story he once told me.
Taking his dog for an evening walk down the Old Coast Road in Berrynarbor, he saw two figures walking towards him wearing cloaks with hoods. He took them to be monks and as they passed he greeted them in Latin and they replied in Latin. At this, the dog flew out of the bushes, hackles up and barking furiously. Uncle turned round, but there was nobody in sight. Has anyone else seen the 'Monks'?
Beryl Lake - Isle of Wight
Have just come across your website by accident and it brought back many happy times spent with my aunt and uncle - Alice and John Mott who used to own Langleigh House in the 60's, 70's and early 80's before they retired to North Wales. Unfortunately they have both died, in 2002 and 2003 respectively, but I know they both loved the area and the local people very much indeed.
It was lovely to read all your news and all the old familiar names a real 'blast from the past'. Best wishes.
Frieda Curnow [nee Mott] - by e-mail
I was very interested to see the photograph of Lower Rowes farm. My aunt Lilian Chapple was born there on the 7th April 1916. She recently celebrated her 88th birthday and still does all her own cooking and cleaning, but sadly cannot manage the garden these days due to arthritis.
The photo also reminded me of Mr. Lerwill, whose nickname was 'SCAT'. I am not sure why, but he was a bit of a character and he and my grandfather, William Huxtable, were drinking buddies. They often fell into the mill stream by Ducky Pool, no doubt due to having drunk too much cider! I also heard that on his wedding day they were married in the morning - in the afternoon he went ploughing. Life was hard back then.
Rosslyn Hammett
Affectionately known as Farmer Will
Lower Rowes was farmed by my great-grandfather, Joseph Bowden, followed by my grandfather, Samuel Bowden, who then moved to Ruggaton. I think Farmer Will took over the tenancy or bought the property when the Watermouth Estate was sold in the early 1920's.
His wife never enjoyed good health and was rarely seen in the village. She died at a young age. They had no children and he worked the farm alone with the help of his faithful pony and a large cob.
He was a good farmer and gardener but as the years advanced, his health declined until he was not able to look after the farm as he always had. When he was too ill to look after himself, he went to live with his nephew Melvyn Tucker at West Down, but died shortly afterwards.
Most people who remember Farmer Will have an image in their mind of an oid man, short in stature with twinkling blue eyes, sat on a 'tetty' sack astride his pony, plodding up to the village and home again, with 'dug' in tow.
He would tether the pony in Great Oaklands at Turnrounds and make his way to the pub for his Guinness. He would then collect his pony and walk it down to the footpath across Little Oaklands, from which he could launch himself on to the pony's back with the instruction, "Homewards". By the time he reached The Rocks, his eyes were closed and his chin on his chest to all appearances fast asleep!
Most evenings would find him sat on the corner bench in The Globe, with Jimmy Huxtable, Jan Hockridge and my father, Leonard, discussing [sometimes arguing] about the pros and cons of the farming world, in a broad Devon dialect which sadly is rarely heard anymore and would certainly not be understood by most of the patrons of The Globe today!
He some times referred to his horse as his 'scooter'. One day Tim Gubb gave him a lift on the back of his motor bike. At each turn in the lane, as the bike leaned over, Farmer Will was shouting, "Hold the be.... een boy!"
As a younger man he went to Blackmoor Gate and bought a pig. He tied the pig to a drainpipe outside the Top George whilst he went for his Guinness. When he came out, pig and drainpipe had disappeared! He also enjoyed an evening out at Hele Bay with Parky Smith and Clifford Passmore. The pony also knew his way "homewards" via Goosewell from there!
On New Year's Eves he was persuaded to sing. He had a lovely clear voice and sang old local dialect songs - what a pity no one had the foresight to record these.
Dear old Farmer Will, fondly remembered.
Michael B

Lower Rowes Farm taken c1970 [from the north, the opposite direction to Tom's postcard] before being restored by the late Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tyrrell.

Will Lerwill on his pony - with 'dug' in tow - at the junction of Jan Bragg's Hill, The Lawn and Wood Park Lane.
Farmer Will's weekly grocery bill from the Manor Stores, 15th September 1926. 1 lump [salt], cheese and his St. Julien 'baccy'.
Photos and bill
kindly shared with us by:
Brian and Viv Fryer - Lower Rowes

Jane and Keith Jones are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their seventh grandchild. Laureen Emma, a second daughter for Mark and Emily Jones and a sister for Katie, was born on the 3rd April weighing 81bs 20z.
Rainer and Jill Jost are very happy to announce the arrival of their second granddaughter on the 18th April. Sally Francesca Barber, a daughter for Kim [nee Jost] and Mark, weighed in at the John Radcliffe at Oxford at 7 lbs 13 oz. Rainer and Jill are delighted to have a grandchild living a little closer to home!
Congratulations and best wishes to you all.
Doreen Damsell, who has nine grandchildren and has just welcomed her fifth great granddaughter, Lily, has sent in this poem, dedicated to all the new grandmothers - not forgetting the grandfathers!
To My Grandchildren
The joy that every sunrise brings.
View the world through different eyes,
The starry studded winter skies.
No diamond ever could replace
The smile upon a baby's face.
Try to see that every tree
Is fashioned for eternity.
The hum of bees,
The butterfly,
The rainbow after April rain,
The earth has been refreshed again.
The sweetest song you'll ever hear
Is when a bird sings loud and clear.
If ever you have been denied,
Some peace of mind,
Then look outside,
And you will see,
That all these things are yours
For free...
Doreen Damsell - Oaklands
The Parish Council has received a letter and brochure from the Government on 'broadband'.
Simply put, broadband gives us exceptionally fast access to the internet. Your computer is constantly connected, so you can conduct business or access information and entertainment instantly. With broadband you can use your telephone at the same time. You pay a flat fee for the service, so you don't run up a large internet bill.
If you want broadband - and many computer users in the village do - action is required! You will need to register with British Telecom or your service provider. Currently about 150 people have registered for BT to convert the Combe Martin exchange - our exchange. The number to register for before they will take action is 450.
By registering you make absolutely NO PERSONAL COMMITMENT, but even if you don't want this facility yourself, registering will help others who do. So, please REGISTER NOW and bring the benefit of Broadband to Berrynarbor. Thank you.
Anyone wishing to see the full letter and brochure can contact Jim Constantine on 882797 and further information is available on www.bt.com/broadband. See also article on Page 9 of Issue 87, December 2003.
Combe Martin Parish Church
26-27TH JUNE 2004
2.00 to 6.00 p.m.
Cream Teas available at two Venues
Programmes: £2.50 available throughout Combe Martin and at the local TIC
"Doubts unite us. Convictions divide us."
Peter Ustinov
Rosemary is for remembrance,
but I don't need it to remember you.
For you are always in my mind,
and in my heart too.
Then there is another flower,
it's called love in the mist,
It helps me to recall,
the first time we kissed.
And what about the bluebells,
they are a pretty hue,
They remind me that I love you,
I do, I do, I do.
Regal is the red rose,
it is the symbol of my love,
A dozen I will give to you,
my very special dove.
Honeysuckle is the flower,
That I have always loved the best,
It reminds me of when we first met,
of course you know the rest.
And if you chose a flower for me,
please let it be forget-me-not,
It will signify your love for me,
of which I know you have a lot.
Terry Waite

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
With thanks to Esme Ferris and written by her friend, no, not the Terry Waite!
Sally Moldrich's e-mail seeking family information printed in the last Newsletter actually prompted some response!

Tony Beauclerk remembered the family. He said the mother was known as 'Mumsie' and the house Tree Tops was in Barton Lane. Due to wartime direction of labour, Sally's mother became a bus conductress for the Southern National Bus Company, and he would chat with her on the journeys to and from Ilfracombe.
Ivy White and her brother Gerald also had memories of Maire and her bus conductress days. They also remembered her working at the jewellers in Combe Martin and were able to identify the house as that now called 'Wythenmead', the home of Sally and John Baddick.
Last Monday, visitors called at Chicane - Sally, who was born in New Zealand and now lives in Perth, Western Australia, her sister Linda from New Zealand and their friend and chauffeur, Ronnie, originally from Australia but now living in Watlington in Oxfordshire.
I was delighted to be able to show them all round the village and thanks to Sally and John, we were able to take a look at Wythenmead from the garden with its views over to Haggington Hill. And they enjoyed visiting Ivy and learning at first hand memories of their mother. A meal at The Globe and a night at The Sawmill Inn completed their visit to Berrynarbor.
Their travels were then taking them on to Clovelly, where it was understood Maire had been at school, and Cornwall before returning to Oxfordshire and back home.
Photo: Linda, Ronnie and Sally
Retirement - Jill and Rainer Jost have sold the Exmoor Brass Rubbing Centre at Lynmouth and we wish them health and happiness and their retirement. However, Rainer is only semi-retired as he continues with his successful flowerpot men, which can now be purchased at 'The Potting Shed', alias the 'Creamery and Dairy' opposite the church, or by mail order on www.flowerpot.man.com, or telephone [01271] 883785.
Rainer would like to thank the kind people who have dropped off corks and bottle tops!
Hunting Huxtables! David Burrows has e-mailed the following: 'l read your newsletter with interest when the name Huxtable came to light. I am researching my family tree and have traced the family back to the Fremington, Holmacott, Barnstaple area.
Richard Huxtable [1821] of Holmacott married Ann and they had at least six children, one of whom was John. He married Lydia [nee Mock] and had two children, Samuel and Charles. At this point they moved to Swansea and had a further five children. I am the great grandson of Alice Huxtable. I have traced the line back to 1769 but should be grateful if anyone can help me further.
[If anyone can throw any further light on David's family, please do contact me. Thanks. Judie]
Get Well - Feeling down, in spite of the beautiful weather? Not so good, then we send you our very best wishes and hope you will be feeling better soon.
If the Cap Fits, Wear it! With judging taking place for the Best Kept Village over the next few weeks, gardeners are asked to please remove the grass cuttings, etc., after they have strimmed or cut their roadside grass and banks, and everyone is asked to please pick up any litter lying around.
Thanks. And one other quick reminder - although much of the village falls within derestricted speed areas, please Kill your Speed, not someone or something.

Our very warmest congratulations to Karen Crutchfield, Head of our Primary School, her Staff, Governors and Pupils for the excellent Ofsted Report received recently. After a few difficult years, the Report said that weaknesses had been very successfully dealt with and praised Mrs. Crutchfield for her 'outstanding leadership'.

To celebrate the School's recent Ofsted success, we thought you might like to read some extracts from the report [the full report is available on the OFSTED website.]
"This is a good school, still improving but already achieving high standards and developing real strengths in provision. It provides good value for money and is making much better use of its resources than it did in the past.
The school has made a very good improvement in the quality of education it provides thanks to the efforts of the new management team and staff. Serious weaknesses identified during the last inspection have been successfully dealt with.
Overall achievement is good. Children in their foundation year are achieving very weii and almost ail will reach the goals children are expected to reach well before the end of reception. Overall standards in Year 2 are average with pupils making good progress in Years 1 and 2. Pupils in Years 3 and 6 are achieving well in literacy, mathematics and science, and standards in Year 6 are well above average. The much better use of resources is seeing very good gains being made in ICT with above average attainment among younger pupils, but older pupils are still catching up. Progress in other subjects is good, notably in music where standards are high throughout the school. Boys and girls have developed very good attitudes, values and behaviour with the youngest children responding very well in their class. Relationships are very good throughout the school and pupils are always ready to use their initiative and take any responsibility offered.
Berrynarbor School provides a good quality of education. Teaching overall is good with strengths in the Foundation stage and music.
The school is very well led and managed with the Headteacher providing outstanding leadership. The school is very well managed. The governance of the school is good.
Parents are very pleased with the school, notably the recent improvements to the learning environment and the renewed sense of purpose. Pupils are very happy with the 'safe and friendly' school, particularly enjoying their relationships with their schoolmates and all adults, but they would like to have more space to work and play in.
The most important things the school should do to improve are:
- To seek to develop the accommodation so as to minimise the impact it has on inhibiting teaching and learning.
- Build up provision in information and communication technology so that older pupils can make the gains necessary to catch up with pupils in other schools."
Note for your diaries: The Friends of Berrynarbor School Fete will be held on Tuesday, 13th July, 6.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall grounds.
Class 3 recently visited the Science Museum in Bristol and here are extracts of pupils' views:
In Explore my favourite part was the simulator. The simulator was a big Space Rocket, when the doors opened everyone piled in to get the front seat, like a stampede of animals racing to get to the nearest water supply. I managed to get to the front, sitting next to my best friend Becky. The man who operated the simulator came and told us safety rules, then set it off. There was a big screen in front of us and we were on a rollercoaster in space, which kept going off track. Everybody was screaming their heads off, with laughter and fear at the same time. Soon the ride was over and everyone came off happy.
Also my other favourite was the human size hamster wheel. There was a handle at the front of the wheel inside that you held on to to stop you falling over, then I ran it as fast as I could seeing how many buckets of water I could tip in to the pool. Because there's a rope which goes to a line of buckets full of water, which goes round when you run on the hamster wheel. As it goes up it tips the buckets of water over in to a big pool below. I went on it again with Becky, to try and beat Bradley's score of four buckets, but got just as much.
As we had lunch we looked at the cathedral. We then had ten minutes to do what we wanted, so I went on the bit where you had to pull the string. Me and Scott W got to the top.
Scott D
Mrs. K. Crutchfield - Headteacher
Friends of Berrynarbor Primary School
Tuesday. 13th July,
6.30 to 9.00 p.m.
Manor Hall
Children Performing,
BBQ, Lots of Stalls and Games
Bar, Raffle and Tombola
Money raised will go towards Playground Improvements

Lucky to be Alive
It was 1934 and I was five years old and starting school. Fortunately there was a little school not far from our house and one day my mother took me there so that I could meet Miss Currie, who was not only the Headmistress but the proprietor. It was a corrugated iron building, boarded inside and probably a former billet for soldiers in the 1914-18 war.
My mother told me I would start the next day and to make a good impression I was to get there early. I had to wear shorts, collar and tie, school blazer and cap.

The next day I arrived very early! I knocked on the door and Miss Currie told me to come in. She was just in the process of lighting one of the Valor paraffin heaters, which proved to be the only form of heating the school had. I was told to sit on a small stick-back chair and wait for the other boys and girls. Soon they arrived and we all sat on these small chairs around a table, waiting for our teacher Miss Ansell to arrive. The girls were dressed in pinafore dresses, white blouses and black stockings. My new friends were Gordon, Colin and Roger.
In the road outside the school were narrow gauge railway lines which disappeared into bushes and foliage on the other side. We decided to scramble along where the rails ran and for some distance people's back gardens backed on to it. The rails stopped where the gardens met so our little railway came to an end. It was many years later that I found out that our mystery railway had been about three miles long and ran from a brickworks to Upminster station. Our little railway really fascinated us!
Colin, Gordon, Roger and I soon found a piece of waste land and after school we would go there to play cricket or catch newts in a nearby pond, usually getting our feet wet in the process. One of our games was to loosen our shoes and then kick forward, our shoes flying nicely through the air - it was great fun!, Until .. the back door of a passing van was hit with quite a bang. The driver stopped and got out, looked at his back door, which fortunately had not been dented, shouted at us for being so stupid and told us he'd give us a good hiding if we ever did it again. We all slunk off with our tails between our legs.
Our school only had three teachers - Miss Currie, Miss Ansell and Miss Smith who was a very good pianist. Miss Currie must have thought that plenty of publicity was good for the school and was very keen on school concerts. These involved a lot of rehearsals, which we didn't mind as it meant we got off lessons.

The girls performed various dances in their tutus, ballet and tap shoes whilst we boys were only allowed to exercise to music, recite poems, and act short plays. In our grey shorts, white shirts and grey pullovers, we were allowed to join in with the piano, playing triangles and cymbals.
After all the preparation and rehearsals, the concerts were held in various church halls, no doubt boosting the pupil numbers at the school! One Christmas we were giving a concert at a church hall which had been decorated with paper chains, etc. The photographer arrived to take a picture of us on the stage. Thinking back, his equipment must have been antiquated for it was an old mahogany and brass camera on a stand. He had a small amount of magnesium powder on a metal plate. After removing the camera lens cap, he lit the magnesium which flared into the very bright light required [equal to today's 'flash'] but unfortunately he set the decorations alight! Someone jumped up and pulled them to the floor, stamping out the flames.
Once a year the tailor visited the school to supply us with caps, badges, ties, hats for the girls and, of course, blazers. These we always had too big so we would l grow into them'.
Now you may ask, "Why the lucky to be alive bit?" Well it was this:
Next to the playing field, with only a simple fence between, was the District line to London, with 750 volt electrified rails. Having finished our lunch and whilst the teachers were finishing theirs, we boys would go out for a game of cricket. The ball would get hit over the fence and on to the railway line. One of us would climb over and gingerly step between the rails to collect the ball. This happened several times before a teacher came out and caught us."Don't you ever do that again!", she shouted. And we didn't.
In July 1939 the school holiday started and in August we went on holiday to Ilfracombe and bought a house at Berrynarbor and stayed there until January 1946, when we returned to our house at Upminster.
Tony Beauclerk - Colchester

The Rectory
Combe Martin
Dear Friends
Summer has arrived and don't I know it! You see, next door the family have invested in chickens and a cockerel. Each day as it gets lighter earlier, so my feathered friend from next door greets the day with open lungs and tonsils gyrating! I don't really want to be woken up at 4.50 a.m., but I am. I'm just about to drop off again and once more the dawn herald alerts me to a new day! Oh, the joys of summer!
Quite often in life we get a 'wake-up' call - when we realise politicians 'spin', when we are faced with a crisis, illness or the loss of a friend. Jesus went around trying to wake up people to God's presence and kingdom all around us. To discover this 'presence' or 'kingdom', we have to be awake. So often, like me in bed in the morning at 5.00 a.m., we don't want to be woken up. We would rather just carry on in our safe little world without realising the great riches all around us. It's rather like working in the kitchen all day without realising that there is a beautiful Berrynarbor and Watermouth Bay right outside our front door, waiting to be experienced and enjoyed.
It's like the man who found an eagle's egg and took it to a farmer to look after. He put it in with the chickens where it hatched and grew up like a chicken. All its life it pecked round the farm like the other chickens, but one day it looked up and saw an eagle flying effortlessly around the sky.
"What's that?" he asked. "Oh, that's an eagle, the King of Birds. It has the freedom of the skies, but we are just chickens and belong to the earth."
Jesus' 'wake-up' call to us is to reveal that we are like that eagle. We are the children of God and his kingdom of love is within and around us, if we should but wake up and see.
With all good wishes.
Your Friend and Rector
Keith Wyer

Our new production is a play by Edward Bond, "Bingo". Set in the early 17th century, it features Shakespeare at the end of his life, a meeting with Ben Johnson and also deals with the iniquituos field enclosures of that time.
The performances will be at the Studie Theatre, Ilfracombe College, in the week of 21st June. Please look out for further details in the press and on posters. We do hope you can come.
Upon a western breeze,
Mast by mast, sail over sail,
She rises from the seas,
And sights the hills of Devon
And the misty English trees.
She comes from Easter islands;
The sun is in her hold;
She bears the fruit of Jaffa,
Dates, oranges, and gold;
She brings the silk of China,
And bales of Persian dyes,
And birds with sparkling feathers,
And snakes with diamond eyes.
As white as an gull;
The East is gliding with her
The shadow of her hull.
A ship sails up to Bideford
Upon a western breeze,
With fruits of eastern summers
She rises from the seas,
And sights the hills of Devon
And the misty English trees.
Herbert Asquith
Illustrated by: Peter Rothwell
This photograph was taken from the old stone-faced bank, bounding the lane from the Valley to Woolscott. One of the old parish tracks linking farm to farm, village and town.
I've chosen this view because, sadly, it is one that is fast disappearing. The woodland, recently planted on Smallacombe, will curtain this prospect for ever.
Berry Narbor has a beautiful visual aspect, not only due to its quaint cottages, ancient buildings and proud church, but also for its situation in the natural landscape which over thousands of years man has modified to meet his needs.
In the photograph there is plenty of evidence that we were still a nation of gardeners. Many households relying on their garden produce to feed their families.
Tractors and machinery were just coming into common use but the carthorse and pony still played a part in the farming year. People who worked the land still retained the manual skills necessary to maintain a good field system. Keeping the fields clean and in good heart, the hedges, stoned banks and stone wails in good stock-proof order was the sign of good husbandry, of which they were rightly proud and still are.
When hedge growth is allowed to escape into large trees, they shoot up high competing for light. Their roots push out the old ditched banks and stone walls and their shade discourages the rich diversity of hedgerow flowers, indigenous to this area, which need sunlight and space to flourish. And they rob us of the view!
I am sure I'm one of many who have seen the gradual transformation and sympathetic restoration of the old garden at Harper's Mill. Thank you Tim and Tim for the pleasure in watching your labour progress. More power to your elbows!
Lorna B.
A language teacher was explaining to her class that in French, nouns, unlike their English counterparts, are grammatically designated as masculine or feminine.
For example. 'House' in French is feminine - La maison. 'Pencil' in French is masculine - Le crayon."
One puzzled student asked: "What gender is a computer?"
The teacher did not know, and the word was not in her French dictionary, so for fun she split the class into two groups, appropriately enough by gender and asked them to decide whether 'computer' should be a masculine or feminine noun. Both groups were required to give four reasons for their recommendation.
The men's group decided that the computer should definitely be of the feminine gender [la computer] because:
- No one but their creator understands their internal logic
- The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else
- Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible review later, and
- As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheque on accessories for it.
The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be masculine [le computer) because:
- In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on
- They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves
- They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem, and
- As soon as you commit to one, you realise that if you had waited a little longer, you could have got a better model.
The women won!


I once knew a lady who had great difficulty in walking through having severe arthritis and for her, just getting around her home was a major task. Naturally, going out required immense effort, something she only did on special appointments or engagements. Despite this, her loss of contact with the outside world was substituted by regular visits from local family and frequent letters from others living further away.
The letters were pages and pages long. Being presumptuous, I assumed they were full of details of foreign holidays, days out and local events. How wrong I was! She told me that the letters told her of a friend's shopping trip on market day or her niece's afternoon spent gardening. This way, she told me, she could be kept informed of how the greengrocer's mother was doing, now back at the stall after her hip replacement; and tales of the old Qualcast mower having to be dragged out from the back of the shed because the new electric one had packed up.
For those of us fortunate to be able to get out and about, such snippets no doubt seem trivial, but for this dear lady they kept her informed of aspects of life in which she herself was involved.
Her letters came to mind only the other day whilst walking with the dogs up the Score Valley. What, I wondered, would I write about if I were to send such a letter about this short, seemingly uneventful walk to an imaginary aunt? After all, a stroll up the lane hardly makes gripping reading, or does it?
My dear Auntie,
Well, it might be the start of June but when I walked the dogs this morning I still had to wear my big coat - would you believe it? There was quite a breeze blowing too. The morning air needed the warmth of the sun, that was the problem, but looking up I could only see the occasional blue hole about the sky. They seemed to be trying their best to move over towards the sun but for now the clouds were winning the day.
Just up the lane the tall sycamores were reaching up from either side of the hedgerow. How triumphant they looked, like tall cathedral pillars whose tips meet and interweave on the high ceiling above. And, just like when you enter a cathedral, my eyes had to momentarily adjust to the reduction in light caused through the abundance of the sycamore's leaves.
Ferns now shroud the high banks, the obscured light allowing their smooth, verdant leaves to be prominent. High above, the branches of the trees were full of birdsong, so varied it was hard to pick out any one tune. Amongst all their chitter-chatter, a low pitched warble began. On and on it went without the warbler seeming to take breath.
Suddenly I got a scent of garlic. Strange, I thought, as the white ramson heads that had once dominated this shady lane were now gone.
Then I noticed a tyre mark, so I think a car might have brushed up against some late flowers. Still, by bruising them a lovely garlic aroma now filled the air. So absorbed was I in discovering the source of the smell, I failed to notice the sun had come out and fearing it might soon disappear behind a cloud again, I quickened my pace to get out of the shade of the sycamores. Luck, it seemed, was on my side, seeing a good patch of blue above me. I stood there for a moment with my head tilted towards the sun, lapping up its warmth.
This, as you know, is a spot where I often stand, listening to the babbling water of the brook nearby. Of course the view of the brook is now hidden by leaves of surrounding bushes, but I still know it's there, the sound of its water tumbling over rocks. I think the little tributary has dried up as I couldn't make out the sound of my little waterfall.
The steep fields either side of the tributary are empty now, so I will have to wait until next spring to hear the sound of lambs bleating again. Today, flocks of jackdaws stand in the fields, pecking and squawking away. The gorse in the top field has gone over now, but boy did they produce some dazzling yellow bushes earlier this year!
No sooner had I looked up to the top of the gorse hills when large clouds came from behind them. Before long, the sun had gone in again and a cool breeze got up and I quickly walked on down the lane.
Here the lane is narrow again and I can only see the wood higher up, most of its trees green. Gazing across them all, I suddenly noticed a buzzard, chased by two jackdaws - I think. It swirled and swirled in an attempt to gain height and it was some time before the jackdaws finally left it alone. Happy that it would no longer be of danger to them, the jackdaws headed back whilst the buzzard soared high above me. Eventually it headed towards the Cairn and out of my sight.
As the buzzard disappeared so the sound of a rusty old saw began. I assumed it was Percy working away in his old yard nearby. Walking past, though, there was no sign of him. His old metal gate was padlocked and I could see no movement except a great tit bobbing about on some logs that were ready for chopping. Seeing me, the startled bird flew into the hedge. I did my best to look for it but it was too well camouflaged and then as I started off it began once again whistling its tune. What did it sound like? A rusty old saw going this way then that way - I'll never make a twitcher! As ever, the hedgerows alongside Percy's yard were awash with colour, with clumps of deep pink campion and sweet little blue spots of birdseye.
A few yards on, by the old farmer's gate, the sun came out again. A bigger patch of blue this time, so I stopped to lean against the rusting gate. I'd timed it just right and was able to watch cows enter the field across the brook on the far side. Gifford stood to attention, his eyes so transfixed on the moving beasts you would have thought he'd never seen cows before! Bourton, however, just looked at him with a 'seen it, done it, worn the collar' type of glance. He was missing out on a lovely scene. Well, I think so. Picture it: buttercups and clover swaying in the field, cows crossing a brook, and a robin close by singing a melodic tune. What more could one ask for?
It reminded me, auntie, of when I used to come and stay with you as a child. Do you remember how we would stroll through the fields, me asking you what this flower was and what that insect was? I tried so hard to stump you, didn't l? You always seemed to have the answer, although I have a sneaky suspicion that if you didn't know, you would make up a name. I've looked in all the books and I can't find the 'fruit salad butterfly' or the 'blackjack spider' in any of them!
These rural reflections were then suddenly shattered as a jet plane roared frighteningly low down the valley. Its sight and sound went as fast as it came, evidence of which shown only by Bourton who was still looking in the sky for it. Even Gifford, laid back as he is, wondered what had happened. The cows, however, continued their lazy walk into the field oblivious.

Illustrated by:Paul Swailes
Peace disturbed, I walked on and was soon aware that as in previous summers, the campion and birdseye were less evident along this part of the lane, giving way instead to wild flowers of the white variety. There are always a great number of white flowers along this part of the hedgerow, but I am never sure which is which. I recognised the fading flowers of stitchwort, and cow parsley, but there were others just starting their seasonal flowering. Were they yarrow or hogweed? Perhaps they were hemlock. I really must bring my wildflower book with me, next time.
Soon we were at the gate that leads up to the creepy old chapel. We were fortunate today to have the eeriness taken away by a couple of ducks that were waddling down the pathway. The shock of seeing us soon sent them into a quacking and flapping frenzy and within moments they were airborne, one duck tucked in behind the other. Off they flew, quacking in time to the flap of their wings. Where the chapel's boundary wall meets the lane, the most delicate and tiniest of walled flowers were appearing out of the cracks. Another one I must look up in my book! And, as always along this part of the lane, I was then greeted by the fragrant smell of meadowsweet.
As I stood and took in a deep breath, the sound of children's laughter caught the air. Seconds later, a family with three young children, evidently sharing a joke between them, appeared around the corner ahead of me. Before I could say anything, Gifford was off, the sight and sound of children meaning fun and games for him. I scarpered after him but the father called out that everything was alright - his children were used to dogs and had seen Bourton and Gifford before. Then I remembered meeting the family last year.
Fussing over, the dogs made haste knowing that around the corner was the gap in the hedge where they could get down to the stream. As usual, Bourton just lay down in it and drank his usual supply of spring water. And as usual, Gifford had a mad five minutes running upstream and then downstream, stopping only to go down on his front legs to bark at Bourton. You could see he was desperate for a game, but like he always does, Bourton just gave him back that look that said, 'I'm the sensible one, mate. I'm saving my energy for the walk back!'
Well, my dear aunt, I must go now so that this letter catches the post. Sorry I haven't told you about much goings on.
[Well! The letter may have only been about a short walk, but look what detail can be gained from it. Why not try it yourself sometime?)
Steve McCarthy

Exmoor Border Morris will be dancing on:
- Wednesday, 2nd June, 9.00 p.m. at the Old Sawmill Inn
- Wednesday, 21st July, 9.00 p.m. at The Globe
- Wednesday, 28th July, 9.00 p.m. at the Old Sawmill Inn
And the Red Petticoats will be at:
- the Old Sawmill Inn on Thursday, 1st July, at 9.00 p.m.
We shall be opening from 6.00 p.m. now at both pubs and later the Sawmill Inn will be open 'All Day' with food from 12.00 noon to 9.30 p.m. daily.
Hoping you have a lovely summer.
Best wishes from all at The Globe and the Old Sawmill.

In her article following last year's Show, Linda Brown suggested that it should either be 'put gently to rest' or a 'new, fresh team' take up the challenge!
A new team has been found and we intend to take up that challenge! But our first task is to thank everyone who has been involved over the years for their enthusiasm and dedication, especially Linda and John.
Illustrated by: Debbie Cook |
This year's Show will be on Saturday 4th September. We know this does not suit all prospective participants, but after discussion a more suitable date was not forthcoming. For fruit and vegetables to be ready, the alternative could be August, but with the Church Summer Fayre at the end of July, the Berry Revels a fortnight later, the Flower Festival at St. Peter's and education's clamp down on children being taken out of school - so holidays need to be taken during late July and August - August does not seem a better alternative. So, we're sorry, but for this year it is September again! So start planting now! 'Crafty' folk should be preparing their entries, photographers snapping and floral artists designing in their minds. Home cookers will, however, have to wait until nearer the time!! Below we give a provisional list of the sections and subjects, but the full achedules giving all details will be available from the beginning of August. Our aim this year is to attract not only more adult entries but entries from the young people as well. With this in mind, there will be a new Junior level of entry - a junior must be under 14 on the 1st of January 2004. ALL classes are open to them to compete alongside their elders [and we hope they do] for the cups and awards, but in addition there will be two new awards: The Best Junior Exhibit in the Show and the Junior with the Best Cumulative Score, points being gained for every entry a junior submits. The possibility of other prizes for all entrants is under review. Provisional subjects are:
In addition, there will be 3 classes for the Primary School Children who will work art projects under the supervision of teaching staff and judged and exhibited in the first place at The Country Collection to be staged in the Manor Hall from 31st May to 5th June, inclusive.
Please make a note of the date of the Show - 4th September - and give thought to YOUR entries and JUNIOR entries NOW! And please encourage everyone you know to think about entering - we are not looking for perfection, just what we in the village can produce.
Vi, Janet, Pip, Tony, Yvonne and Judie

Rowes Farm 97 - View No. 89
Following on from View 88 in the last Newsletter, this photographic postcard was again taken by Garratt and shows Rowes Farm and outbuilding [barn] in Sterrage Valley. The card is postmarked 8th July 1930, but the picture would have been taken by Garratt many years earlier.
Now the home of Keith and Margaret Walls, the outbuilding [barn] has been tastefully converted to a holiday cottage. In the lower left side of the front garden, a group of people can be seen sitting and standing, probably enjoying the "Real Cream Teas" being offered by Mrs. Bowden, as indicated on the advertising board in the garden.
The farm was sold as Lot 18 in the Watermouth Estate Auction Sale held on 17th August 1920 at Bridge Hall, Barnstaple, and was listed as:
Higher Rows Farm
Comprising A good
Tiled Dwelling House,
Slated Outbuildings,
and about 12a. 2r.11 p. of Meadow,
Pasture and Arable Lands,
in the occupation of Mr. F. Lancey as a Yearly
Lady-day Tenant.
The Apportioned Tithe on this Lot is £l.19s.3d.
A Right-of-Way at all
times for carting and removing Timber
and other Wood from Ruggaton Wood through
Ordnance No. 975 is reserved for Lot 11.
The Lot realised £1,450 that day and I believe was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Bowden who lived there until moving to Sloley Farm in the early 1930's.
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, May 2004
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com

12 noon SUNDAY 27TH JUNE
Pre-School will be hosting this event to raise money for outside play equipment in the pre-school garden. We should like to have a range of activities and stalls running throughout the afternoon and are looking for volunteers who would like to join in and raise money for their own charity. A donation of £5 to pre-school funds would be gratefully received from any group who would like to do this
Please contact: Chair Person - Katie Simpson [862675] or Secretary Debbie Noall [882672] with your suggestions for activities and stalls.
A Bar-B-Q and A Putting Competition - sponsored by Mark Davies,
Ilfracombe Golf Club's Professional
A Village Tug of War
To place your entry for the Tug of War please contact Karen Rudd at The Sawmills [882259]. Teams to consist of no more than 6 people.
Entry Fee for this will be £5 per person. We shall be putting up a trophy with the hope that this event will become an annual feud!
Please put this date in your diary and invite your friends and family to come along - your support would be greatly appreciated
'Along the cliffs
under the furze-hills, crossing combe after gorsy combe'
Rudyard Kipling
We were walking in the footsteps of Rudyard Kipling, taking the coast path west of Westward Ho! and starting appropriately at Kipling Tors. From 1878 until 1882, Kipling was at school in Westward Ho! at the United Services' College and he drew on his time there for his school story 'Stalky & Co.'
The first section of the path is broad and level because it follows the route of the old Westward Ho! to Bideford railway line. This did not operate for long; opened in 1908, it had closed less than ten years later. We passed through the remains of cuttings and embankments to Cornborough Cliff where the former railway line branched inland. From here the coast path began to rise and fall more typically.
Kipling wrote, "Stalky led them at a smart trot west away long the cliffs under the furze-hills, crossing combe after gorsy combe. They took no heed to flying rabbits or fluttering fritillaries... 'Are we going to Clovelly?' he puffed at last and they flung themselves down on the short, springy turf between the drone of the sea below and the light summer wind among the inland trees."
A narrow strip of pebble beach stretches below Abbotsham Cliff and Green Cliff. The pebbles are large and grey. When the tide is out, extensive flat rock platforms are revealed. In the early 19th century, the two lime kilns on Abbotsham beach were fired by anthracite from a seam on the face of Green Cliff.
Illustrated by:Paul Swailes
In 'Stalky & Co.', Kipling described "the young jackdaws squawking on the ledge; the hiss and jabber of a nest of hawks... The heavy scented acres of bloom alive with low-nesting birds." A century and a quarter later the blackthorn and the coconut and pineapple scented gorse in full bloom were lively with linnets and gold finches. Larks rose from the short grass and swallows swept past while a kestrel hovered.
We crossed a stream and the path began to climb more steeply at Westacott Cliff and Higher Rowden. A pair of red-legged partridges rattled out of the undergrowth. As we reached a high point we found that the fields below were peppered with countless partridges busily foraging. These had been bred for a nearby shoot.
We encountered an elegant dalmatian. She was very beautiful and sleek. Her owner gave us a lot of useful information about the area. We mentioned that we had read that the rock platforms east of Peppercombe are the place to search for the purple sandpiper, an uncommon winter visitor to the North Devon coast. We thought it was probably the wrong time of year though. It was mid-April. The dalmatian's helpful owner phoned an ornithologist friend who told him that he had seen a purple sandpiper on rocks at the western end of Westward Ho! that week.
So, on our return, we scanned the rocks and there near the water's edge was the dark wader with its leaden grey plumage and short yellow legs and yellow-based bill. It is very much a bird of rocky coasts and gets its name from the purplish sheen in winter. It breeds on the northern tundra, usually leaving our shores in May, but birds occasionally stay in Britain through the summer.
As a lovely bonus to the conclusion of our walk, the purple sandpiper was sharing the rock platform with a small group of turnstones. These were gorgeous in their summer plumage; the late afternoon sun illuminating the russet, black and chestnut of their tortoiseshell patterned backs; their undersides gleaming white. Their heads were white with black stripes. A broad black breast band and short orange legs completed the colourful ensemble.
Their short bills are adapted for use as a shovel, overturning pebbles and seaweed in search of molluscs, crustaceans, insects and worms. Both species of wader tend to be rather tame and these birds were ignoring the presence of people fishing nearby. Eventually the turnstones flew off together to land on a rocky outcrop.
Although not a lot has changed in terms of landscape and wild life on the cliff tops west of Westward Ho! since Kipling's day, there was one difference, satirized in a passage from 'Stalky & Co.' which made us thankful for the free and easy access all around the peninsular, made possible by the South West Coast Path.
The boys reached an area of open grass which, "fairly bristled with notice-boards. Fee - rocious old cove this', said Stalky, reading the nearest. "Prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law. G.M. Dabney, Colonel, J.P." an' all the rest of it. Don't seem to me that any chap in his senses would trespass here does it?"'
Fortunately, one does not need to trespass these days to enjoy this walk!
Sue H.

The Great Berry
Litter Pick UpsThe dates for June
and July are:
Sunday 27th June
Sunday 18th July
Meet at Langleigh
House at 3.00 p.m.
Don't forget to bring
your black bag and gloves Tea and Cakes on your return!
Fund Raising Event

the ELDERLY BROTHERS plus other entertainment!
8.00 p.m. till Late
Manor Hall
Bring your own drinks
and glasses
£3.00 entry includes
bread and cheese supper

[open gardens]
Sunday 11th July The
Village Gardens
Sunday 1st August -
Sterridge Valley Gardens
2.30 to 5.30 p.m.
£3.50 includes Devon
Cream Tea
Details .and
programmes will be available from early July
Many thanks to
everyone who sponsored Ann's 12 mile trek
Over £100 has been
raised for the Mazzard Orchard which will be planted in the AutumnIf anyone wishes to
make a contribution it is not too late,
please contact Vi on
SCHEMEfrom June the Village
will have its own community compost area thanks to
Jackie and Roy at
Langleigh House
If you have any waste
and wish to take advantage of the scheme, please contact Jackie or Roy on
Berrynarbor compost -
potting for the future!
Thursday, 10th June,
7.30 p.m. in The Globe
MAY | |
30th | Whit Sunday |
31st | May to Saturday 5th June, A Country Collection, Manor Hall [see poster] Primary School & College: Half Term to 4th June, inc. |
JUNE | |
1st | W.I. Meeting, 2.30 p.m., Manor Hall: Judie Weedon - Newsletter |
2nd | Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m. |
6th | Bikers of Berrynarbor: Classic Scramble, Slolely Farm |
8th | North Devon Spinners, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. onwards Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
9th | Bikers of Berrynarbor: Evening Run, 6.00 p.m. rear of Globe |
10th | Berry in Bloom Meeting, 7.30 p.m., The Globe |
11th | Village Dance with Elderly Brothers, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. |
15th | W.I. Coffee Morning, Cherry Hinton, Barton Lane, 10.00-12 noon |
19th | Bikers of Berrynarbor: All Day Run? - Watch for poster |
22nd | North Devon Spinners, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. onwards |
26th | and 27th Combe Martin Open Gardens Weekend, 2.00-6.00 p.m. |
27th | St. Peter's Church: Patronal Service, 10.00 a.m. with Sunday School Play. Great Berry Litter Pick Up, 3.00 p.m. Langleigh House. Berrynarbor Pre-School, Community Fun Afternoon, Playing Field from 12.00 noon |
29th | St. Peter's Day |
30th | St. Peter's Church: Gift Day, 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.30 p.m. |
JULY | |
6th | W.I. Meeting, 2.30 p.m., Manor Hall: North Devon Volunteering Development Agency |
11th | Village Garden Trail: The Village Gardens, 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. |
13th | North Devon Spinners, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. onwards Primary School Fete, Manor Hall, 6.30 p.m. Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
14th | St. Peter's Church: Safari Supper [provisional date] Bikers of Berrynarbor: Evening Run, 6.00 p.m. rear of Globe |
16th | Primary School & College: End of Summer Term |
18th | Great Berry Litter Pick Up, 3.00 p.m., Langleigh House |
27th | North Devon Spinners, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. onwards St. Peter's Church: Summer Fayre, Manor Hall |
1st | Open Garden Trail: Sterridge Valley Gardens, 2.30-5.30 p.m. |
6th | to 9th - St. Peter's Church: Flower Festival |
Manor Hall Diary:
Mondays | Badminton, 7.30 p.m. |
Tuesdays | 2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners 10.00 a.m. onwards Yoga, 7.00 p.m. |
Thursdays | Whist Drive, 7.30 p.m. |
Fridays | Short Mat Bowls, 7.00 p.m. |
Sundays | Short Mat Bowls, 2.00 p.m. |
Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)
11.30 - 11.45 a.m. | Sandy Cove |
11.50 - 12.05 p.m. | Barton Lane |
1.15 - 1.40 p.m. | The Square |
1.45 - 2.05 p.m. | Sterridge Valley |

At the May meeting we were rewarded with a large turnout of enthusiastic Berrynarbor people. Most of them had played an important part in bringing a Gold Award to the village in the national Britain in Bloom competition. Their dedication is obvious to us all and should inspire everyone's efforts this year.
This meeting in May each year marks the start of the municipal year and all the appointments are made at this time. The full list is set out below.Unfortunately, the Council did not have a full council from which to make its selection. We had received a resignation from Mary Malin, who had four years' service. She will be missed.
So we have a vacancy and that sets in motion a whole series of legally required bureaucratic procedures to select a new councillor. First a notice must be displayed which not only advertises the vacancy but also gives an opportunity for 10 electors to give the Returning Officer [the postman will find him in the Civic Centre, BarnstapleJ an instruction to call an election.
In practice, this very rarely happens which is a great pity. If no election is called, the Council will co-opt a new member. Anyone who would be prepared to serve should write to the Clerk with their contact details, and such interests they may have and with whatever information they feel would help the Council choose a new colleague. The Clerk's address is: Mrs. Sue Squire, Haxlea, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, EX31 4TG.
Please don't ask a present member to deliver your letter for you as it may prejudice that member's right to vote on the appointment. We shall deal with applications in public at the start of our meeting on Tuesday, 13th July at 7.30 p.m. Applications should reach the Clerk by Friday, 2nd July.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, 8th June, 7.30 p.m. at the Manor Hall.
Cllr. Graham Andrews | Chairman Combe Martin & District Tourism Association |
Cllr. Jim Constantine | Vice Chairman Deputy Highways Liaison Officer Checking of Invoices |
Cllr. Len Coleman | Footpath Warden Deputy Home Defence & Emergency Officer |
Cllr. Paul Crockett | Representative Claude's Garden |
Cllr. Richard Gingell | Deputy Footpath Warden Tree Warden Highways Liaison Officer |
Cllr. Ann Hinchliffe | Berrynarbor Neighbourhood Watch Ilfracombe & District Crime Prevention Panel North Devon Police Liaison Group |
Cllr. Sue Sussex | Home Defence & Emergency Officer Berrynarbor Community Sure Start Representative - Primary School Governing Body Manor Hall Committee Best Kept Village/Berry in Bloom |