Welcome and Farewell

Coming and goings amongst the villagers.

Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Welcome Home from Australia our two girls, Saffron Danielle and Georgina Monique. They will be here at The Woodlands with Nige and Janice from 21st March - unfortunately only a short stay, but exciting!


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Hazel and Skittle arrived just in time for Christmas and are happily settled in on Easter Lane. You may even have heard them hee hawing! Hazel is 8 and Skittle 3 and both are meant to be expecting but they are very cagey about the expected dates of arrival - watch this space for 'Just Hatched'!



Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It is sad to report that Mary and Brian Shillaker have now finally left Rockton and moved to be with their daughter and family in Stogursey near Bridgwater. They say they will 'miss all the lovely people we got to know and please give our regards to everyone'. They are already busy working on their new garden, which is large, with both a flower garden and vegetables. The only drawback is that they have had to wire fence the vegetables to keep the rabbits out!

We will miss them and send them our very best wishes and hope they will be really happy in their new home.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A somewhat belated welcome to Brendan and Emma Noad of Ellis Cottage. Brendan, who runs a scaffolding company, and Emma, who makes glorious cakes, have three daughters and a son. Jessica is now at college but Sophie [in the Sixth Form], Isabella and Sebastian are all at school. Bringing the family up to nine are their three dogs.

We are gone! It's goodbye to our welcome spring visitors.

Photo by Wendy, North Devon Spinners


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Although their leaving was on the cards, Fred and Linda's sudden departure has left a hole in many of the village activites, but we wish them well in their new home in Farnham, Surrey, where they will be nearer all their family and extended family.

Devon Cottage on Hagginton Hill had been their home here for 14 happy years and Linda's floral skills have been much appreciated during that time - not only the regular decorating of St. Peter's Church, but also her work in organising and helping with the Flower Festivals. A stalwart of the W.I., Linda was disappointed at its demise - hopefully there will be an active institute near her new home - and from 1996 until 2003, Linda chaired the organising committee of our Horticultural and Craft Show, running seven excellent Shows. Whilst Linda was in the fore of village events, Fred was always there for support, his enjoyment being in more solitary pursuits - music, books and beautiful woodcarving - but he also played a mean game of golf and was a one-time member of our Badminton Club. You will be missed!

Devon Cottage is now home to Nick and Zoe Williams from Highgate, London. We welcome them and hope to do so more fully in the next issue.

Sally Barten has moved next door! Now settled in her new, smaller home, Poppies, she says housework only takes five minutes! Please would visitors now call via the gate to the side. We all wish you well in your new cosy home.

Berri Home will be the temporary home of Mike Floyd, a member of the Prison Service, who comes from London. Mike's family - his parents and brother - live in Ilfracombe. His father used to help Paul and Jackie Lethaby in the butcher' shop and his grandparents are buried in St. Peter's churchyard. He is, therefore, virtually a 'local'!

Also not moving very far, we wish Stuart Neale well in his new home at No. 23 Berrynarbor Park.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A belated but nevertheless warm welcome to Malcolm and Rachael Woodhead who moved in to Croft Lee earlier in March having lived in the area for a year although they originate from Newcastle. Malcolm is an Arts Technician and Rachael has been covering for a Maternity Leave in the Drama Department at Ilfracombe College. In the autumn she will be commuting to a teaching post in the Bristol area.

When they have time they enjoy walking and outdoor pursuits, particularly surfing, but are currently having to spend some DIY time on their home.

There are newcomers at the Park: Phil and Christine Pocock and Ellen Acutt.

Ellen, at No. 12a replacing Lyn and Brian who have gone to Barnstaple, has in fact been here since April having come from Hampton in Middlesex for a more leisurely way of life - not so, she is currently working for the season at Stowford Meadows! Ellen has, she says, done many jobs but latterly she was a Receptionist for Social Services.

She has two children - Robert and Ashley. Robert lives in New Zealand and has two sons, whilst Ashley is living in Surbiton.

For hobbies Ellen enjoys pottering in her garden, walking, reading, needlework [especially embroidery], socialising and a nice glass of wine!

Phil and Christine, friends of Theresa and Paul for more than thirty years, are the new residents at No. 22. Phil, a retired electrician, and Chris, whose working life has mainly been in the retail trade, have come from Shepton Mallet, where they have lived for the last six years.

The family comprises of their son Owen, his wife Jacqueline and their two daughters Jemma and Lauren, and their daughters Trudi and Emma. Visiting the family means trekking to Hampshire, but fortunately they all live within a few miles of each other.

Phil and Christine's favourite pastime is walking - we can offer them plenty of good walks! - and they enjoy gardening and a bit of DIY.

Lisa and Mark Eggleton have forsaken windswept Baggy Point for a more tranquil residence in the Sterridge Valley. Lisa, a nurse in the Intensive Care unit of the North Devon District Hospital and Mark, a landscape gardener whose work covers the NHS sites, are now living at Brookvale.

A local lad from Braunton, Mark is a keen surfer, riding the waves, whilst Lisa, who comes from Winchester, Hampshire, prefers to ride with a saddle!

The last week in July will see a house 'swap' underway. Sadly, Martin and Louise Lancey and their daughters Holly and Willow, will be leaving Cedar Lodge in Birdswell Lane and moving to Shortacombe Lodge in East down, where Martin plans, we understand, to rear livestock - pigs, etc. However, they assure us that they will remain part of the village with Holly still attending the Primary School and Martin attending to the many jobs that need doing here!

Moving from Shortacombe Lodge to Cedar Lodge, we welcome Penny Bonvoisin. Penny and her late husband, Tony, who sadly died last year, were in the bottled water business, running Dartmoor Water. Now sold and renamed, bottles of Devon Hills can be seen on most supermarket shelves.

With three step-sons, who live in Simonsbath, further off in Wales and further still in Switzerland - each with two children - Penny has six grandchildren. Her constant companion is her wonderful cat Tiwe [pronounced Teewee]. This venerable old gentleman will be 18 in August.

Although she hasn't done any latterly, Penny is an ardent sailor and loves sailing, as well as enjoying walking and gardening. Skittles is also a favourite pastime, so if you are short on your team she would love to hear from you.

To all our newcomers and to Martin and Louise, we wish you luck and happiness in your new homes.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A warm welcome to the first two residents at Lee Lodge, Bill Kieff and Walter Canham.

Bill, who originally comes from Essex, has been living at Woolcombe, where his family are. In his working days he was in the retail trade, running shops selling from groceries to hardware and Do-it-Yourself stores.

Walter has not moved far - just from Goosewell, where for the past few years he has been living with his son Malcolm and Sue.

Walter, who celebrated his 90th birthday in May with a party at Burrow House, comes from a family boasting longevity - both his mother and father lived to 96 and Walter says he is going to break that record!

Ex-Rotarian [and President for the Portslade Club in West Sussex in 1973, and founder member of the Sussex Film Society], Walter's career was in Chartered Accountancy, so he was the obvious man to be Treasurer of the British Automobile Racing Club for 12 years.

From the age of 7, a keen collector of stamps, mainly from Scandinavia and Great Britain, he also collected coins and is a very keen gardener. He has great plans for the garden at Lee Lodge and hopes that next year they will be able to take part in the Open Garden events as well as participating in Berry in Bloom.

We wish both Bill and Walter every happiness in their new 'home from home'.

Farewell to You All

I shall always have such happy memories of Berrynarbor. Bernard and I came here 28 years ago and we found paradise at Bali-Hai and the beautiful Sterridge Valley. We were always happy helping at the various activities in the village - growing the plants and manning the stalls, winning prizes at the Horticultural Show, doing the book stall, and many others.

We decided to move nearer to our children before Bernard's death and I have now found a bungalow close to them in Burgess Hill near Brighton.

I shall miss all the friends I have made in the village, but look forward to beginning again in my new surroundings where I hope to find some more very nice people. I shall keep in touch and read all the village news through the newsletter.


We shall miss you too, Eunice, but wish you every happiness in your new home with the family nearby.

Last August we welcomed Debbie and Stuart, their two dogs and two cats and wished them well in looking for a home in the village. Achieved! Together with three inherited goldfish [!] they are all now the new residents at Bali-Hai. We wish you every happiness in your new home and good luck with the gardening!


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It was with sadness that, after ten years living here, Hazel and Ken Gosham left Bowden Farm Cottage just before Christmas to move to Hampshire to be nearer their son.

Hazel and Ken were keen bowlers at Combe Martin and enjoyed art classes but will, perhaps, be remembered more for their wonderful support of and entries in the Horticultural and Craft Show. Ken was renowned for his home-made wine and walked off with the Watermouth Castle Cup five times and the Best in Show Cup twice - and his fruit and vegetables took a lot of beating! Meanwhile, Hazel's green fingers secured her the Lethaby Cup for Potted Plants twice and the Manor Stores Rose Bowl for Cut Flowers three times.

They will be keeping in touch via the Newsletter but would like to thank villagers for their friendship, especially their very good neighbours Maddy, Julie and Mike.

We are also sorry to have lost Gail and Graham Davis and family who have moved to Ilfracombe. Chris and Geoff Taylor are also off to pastures new. Chris says that their new 'compartment' in Pilton will only be an interim measure as their intention, hopefully, is to return to the village.

Bowden Farm Cottage is now home to Lyn and Holly; Penrose to Katie Rowles and Michael Lyne, and Venture Cottage to Denise Inskip and Daniel Reynolds.

Denise and Daniel, who come from Ampthill in Bedfordshire, have been renting a place in Lower Loxhore for the last year whilst looking around. It did not take them long to decide that Venture Cottage was the place!

Denise, a florist by trade, and Daniel, a builder and landscape gardener, are keen gardeners and plan to follow Chris and Geoff's footsteps and take part in the Open Garden days. Denise is temporarily, in her words, 'pre-occupied' as they expect their first baby in late February early March. However, they already have a large family: dogs - springer spaniel Liz and Jack Russell Basil, cats - Abbie, Tach, Mouw and Trouble, two rabbits and a guinea pig, not to mention the chickens and ducks! I think we can tell they are country folk and we look forward to hearing of the baby's arrival.

Cairn Cottage at Goosewell has been home to Catherine and David Allen for some time now and we are sorry not to have welcomed them sooner!

They have come to the south west from Stokenewington in London and David, who is an I.T. Project Manager, still spends some time working in London. Catherine was Head of a Special Needs School but is now teaching 'out of school' pupils on a part time basis for Devon.

Their twins have now 'grown and flown' - their son is in Brisbane Australia and their daughter works for the London Estate Agents Frank Knight.

Both enjoy a variety of hobbies. David is in to motor bikes, cycling and walking and is a keen musician, playing an assortment of instruments and would, we understand, have liked to have made music his career. Catherine also enjoys walking and is a keen gardener, currently creating their own cottage garden, but she also derives pleasure from the indoor hobbies of sewing, knitting and both dabbles in and looks at art.

To everyone leaving and everyone coming to the village, we wish you luck and happiness in your new homes.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


We are sorry to have lost Rosemary Gaydon from Barton Lane but fortunately she has not gone far, just to Belmont Road in Combe Martin. We wish her well in her new home and know that she will continue to visit us!

After several years in the process, the chalet bungalow, Fernlea, designed and built by themselves - with a little help! - is now home to Iris and Andrew Carrington.

Having spent time in North Devon as an evacuee during the War, Andrew was well aware of the delights of this part of the world, so he and Iris moved from Seaford in Sussex to Ilfracombe some 25 years ago. A 5-year stop in Woolacombe preceded their move to Berrynarbor a few months ago.

Andrew is a retired Research Engineer Draughtsman and Iris was employed in a variety of office and retail posts. As one would expect, a major hobby is DIY but in the past, Iris and Andrew have very much enjoyed walking in our lovely countryside. We wish them both every happiness at Fernlea.

There has again been movement and newcomers at The Park. Paul and Theresa have moved in to Mandalay and Saddlestones is now home to Joan and Malcolm Garbett.

Having slipped through the October 'net', it is lovely to welcome Elaine Filer, who has already become part of the village, singing in the choir and ringing the bells at St. Peter's. The Park is her new home. She says she loves the peace and quiet and is very content, "It's as if I have died and come to heaven!"

Elaine has come from the East Midlands, having been acquainted with the area as her sister lives in Ilfracombe. Three years ago when she was thinking of retiring to North Devon, she saw The Park and fell in love with it, counting the days from then until she could retire last August.

It is no wonder Elaine finds it peaceful, having worked, as she says, for twenty long years of 'busy, busy' at East Midlands Airport. She says the television programmes are true, only it's actually worse! Apart from bell ringing and singing, Elaine enjoys walking and swims regularly.

Next door to Elaine are our newest arrivals, Mike and Joyce Simpson who have only just moved in to The Park. Having been born and bred in Hayling Island, Hampshire, and holidaying on Exmoor, they decided to take retirement and move somewhere quieter and thus found Berrynarbor!

Mike, who was a motor mechanic and says his hobbies are fishing, photography and motor racing, and Joyce who, in the past has been a keen sportswoman playing netball and badminton, etc., and has had various jobs in shops and schools, have two children. Their son Colin and his wife Jackie live on Hayling Island with their son Bradley. Their daughter Clare is currently in Tenerife.

Mike and Joyce are looking forward to becoming part of the village and being keen walkers, have already explored walks up the Valley.

Pat and Jo Carlaw, whilst staying in Dormer Cottage last spring, decided they would like to spend Christmas in Berrynarbor. They have now sold their home in Maidenhead, Berkshire, and move to Dormer Cottage with their two cats at the end of November. Jackie and Roy wish them every happiness in the new home, and we do too!

We warmly welcome all our newcomers and wish them luck, health and happiness in their new Berrynarbor homes.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Lots of movement in the village to report this time. To everyone, either coming or going or moving, we wish you luck and every happiness in your new home.

Dennis and Win were sad to leave Red Tiles and we were equally sad to see them go. However, after down sizing and trying, as Win says, to 'get a quart into a pint pot', their new home - the first floor of a cottage - sounds delightful and they are settling in well.

Win writes: "The Trust [set up by W.D. and H.O. Wills] runs this complex for about 200 people, centred on a lovely old listed house in about 30 acres of beautifully maintained gardens and grounds. The house itself has within it a library, an indoor heated pool, a beautiful chapel and a huge dining hall where we can get a good 3-course lunch for £3.50, so there is little else we need. There is a hairdresser on site too. What more can we possibly want, except a good pair of legs!

"We miss 'Berry' very much and send our fondest good wishes to our friends in Berrynarbor and around."

Win and Dennis, we return your good wishes and hope you will both be happy in your new home - it sounds so good I think some of us would like to join you!

Red Tiles will now be home to Dawn and Gerrit of Sandy Cove Hotel.

Observant people will have noticed the demise of the large poplar tree at Alwyns. This was the first job for Paul and Clare White, the new residents there. Not, because it was blocking out the light, but because it was diseased and likely to die in the next couple of years.

Paul, Clare and eight month old Amelia [Millie] have moved from Braunton. Paul, who hails originally from the Channel Islands but has lived in North Devon since the mid-70's, is in the Police Force, a Traffic Motorcyclist at Barnstaple. Clare, who is more local - her family farming at Ashford - is a Nursing Sister at the North Devon District Hospital.

Completing the family are three cats - Sylvester, their original one, and Minou and Zoe who they have recently inherited. Clare, understandably, has little time for hobbies but Paul enjoys giving Advance Motor Cyclist Training to the public. A warm welcome to you all.

After 17 years, Alan and Christine Parr have retired from Watermouth Cove Holiday Park and have moved to Knowle House, Easterclose.

They are now enjoying a more peaceful and relaxed way of life, gardening and growing their own vegetables. After working hard for so long, they are also taking time to enjoy the beautiful local countryside. We wish them both happiness in their new life-style.

It was sad to say goodbye to Hilary and Roger when they moved to Braunton, and rather belatedly we welcome Debbie Bott and Stuart Radley to Brambles on Hagginton Hill.

Although the cottage belongs to Debbie's parents, Judy and Geoff, who hope to move down from near Oxford in the near future, Debbie and Stuart are currently in residence, together with their two bearded collies - Poppy and Ozzy - and their two cats - Casper and Mini-me. Debbie and Stuart, from Woolacombe where they ran the Headlands Hotel, are in the process of converting the hotel into apartments and looking for somewhere, perhaps in the village, to live. Good luck in your 'hunt'!

Vera and Tom Greenaway, their daughter June and their son Tony, have now left Newberry Farm and have moved to Little Stowford at Hore Gate Down. Before moving to Newberry Farm, Tom, Vera and their family lived first in one of the cottages opposite The Globe, later moving to Lee Haven.

We wish them all well in their new venture and look forward to hearing from them soon.

27 The Park is the new home of Verona Hardy. Verona has moved here from Roundswell, Barnstaple, but has lived in the North Devon area for a long time now. She was, before retirement, a Nurse working at Tiverton Hospital and the North Devon District Hospital.

One reason for moving was to be nearer her younger son John, his wife and son and daughter, who live in Combe Martin. Her older son, Robert and his wife, who also have a son and daughter, live in Henley.

We hope you will soon settle in, Verona, and become a part of not only The Park but also the Village.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Briarwood [Sloley Farm] is now home to Debbie and Gavin Denyer and their family, having moved here recently from Braunton. Gavin, who comes originally from Brickett Wood, St. Albans in Hertfordshire, is an IT Technician at Ilfracombe College. Debbie, from Radlett, also in Hertfordshire, is what is now called a Domestic Engineer - to you and me, the most commendable post of Housewife! She is currently educating their two youngest children at home. Both Gavin and Debbie enjoy walking, with Gavin enjoying music and art and Debbie knitting and needlework, in particular patchwork and quilting.

The family are Ellie, 22, a Receptionist at the Saunton Sands Hotel; Mike, 20, who is working in Barnstaple and is a skim boarding [surfing] enthusiast; he is followed by John, 17, a keen guitarist and a student at the North Devon College; then Kathryn, 15, and Ross, 11. Kathryn is a horse lover and Ross an animal lover, having sponsored wolves at the Combe Martin Wildlife Park with his birthday money.

Completing the family are their three dogs - Sam and Skye, two collies, and Archie, an English springer spaniel. The family have already become part of the village, having been roped into a litter pick on their first week-end, and thoroughly enjoying the barn dance at Sloley.

It is so nice to see Kathleen's home, Maryvale, lived in and loved once more. Tony and Maggie Kitchin are the new residents and they've moved only a short way, from Prixford, although coming some years ago from the South East. Maggie is an accountant and if you are thinking of buying a property in France, then Tony is the man to consult! Jack and Tom, their two black Labradors, make up the household.

Maggie and Tony have four children and five grandchildren. Their son Adam, wife Donna and little girl Caitlin, are in South Africa; Claire and her husband Nigel and their two boys are in Australia; but nearer, in Sussex, are Matthew and Pam and their son and daughter, and Rob and Jo are in London. Both keen golfers, Maggie says they are currently attacking work that needs doing around the house and she is looking forward to seeing the end of the chaos!

Having spent many years holidaying here with their caravan at Napps, Trevor and Val Walton have moved into the recently converted barn, Millwood, on Hagginton Hill, next to East Hagginton Farm. The barn conversion and their moving here from Hatfield Heath in Hertfordshire, came about when Trevor's early retirement left him needing a project! Now they have the conversion of the second barn to complete.

Val and Trevor have three children, two married daughters Kate and Victoria and a son, Stuart. An architect, Kate from Kingston Upon Thames, helped with the plans; Victoria is a school secretary and has two sons, Samuel and Rory. Stuart has just returned from France where he was a ski instructor. Val, who enjoys floristry, is a pre-school teacher at Lynton and they both enjoy walking and travel, Trevor is a crossword addict and they have enjoyed participating in the Globe quizzes. Ruling the roost is Tinker, their tortoiseshell cat.

Juliet and Pyers Cameron have exchanged the 'smoke' of North London for fresh Devon air! 3 Lee Cottages is currently home to them and their two interestingly named cats - Somer and Kodai. Somer because Juliet was born in Somerset and Kodai because Pyers was born at Kodai Kanal, India!

Juliet, a physiotherapist at the North Devon District Hospital, and Pyers a self-employed property and garden maintenance contractor, found and fell for Berrynarbor whilst visiting friends in Georgeham. They are both keen scuba divers and Pyers enjoys sailing and fishing, but hobbies may soon be curtailed as they are expecting their first baby in August. We wish them both well.

To all our newcomers, some newer than others, a warm welcome and every happiness in your new homes.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A very warm welcome to our new and not-so-new newcomers! We wish you all every happiness here in our Village.

Derrivale in the Valley is now the 'pad' of Sam, a ten-year-old Golden Retriever and his owners, Paul and Julie Lightfoot. Paul, who is Devon born and bred, and Julie, a Wiltshire lass from Salisbury, have a retail business in Honiton. Paul's past surfing acquainted him with North Devon, but unfortunately he doesn't have time to pursue this hobby at present. Currently time is short except for work and walks with Sam. We hope that they will find time before too long to come and join us in village activities.

A rather belated welcome to Mike and Gail Pascoe who moved in some time ago to the newly named Maple Cottage [Dene Cottage] in Birdswell Lane. Mike and Gail found Berrynarbor by accident! Retiring and wishing to move from near Glastonbury in Somerset, they initially looked at South Devon, but were then attracted by the rugged look of North Devon and seeking a village with character off the main road, where else could they come? Mike is a retired lawyer and Gail's work and hobby was breeding cats. Not just ordinary cats but Bengals. Bengals were originally bred from Asian Leopard Cats - small, shy wild cats - and Abyssinians, Egyptians and even domestic short hairs [I hope I've got this right, Ed.]. They are intelligent with soft coats with dark spots. Mike and Gail have one of their own, Jamakas, and Gail's cats have found homes all over the world.

Originally from Sussex before going to Somerset and now here, Gail and Mike have two grown up sons who both live in Southampton. Hopefully, Gail will tell us more about her breeding of the delightful Bengal cats!

It is with sadness that we say goodbye to Diane and Danny Lloyd who have moved from Cross Park to Molland. Having been part of our village for many years, we wish them well in their new home.

May Tree Cottage is now home to Debbie and Keith Thomas, who have moved down here from Billericay in Essex. Both Debbie and Keith spent time holidaying in North Devon as children, and when their son, Neil, came along, they brought him down for family holidays too. Debbie and Keith are lucky to have their grandchildren nearby, as Neil and his wife Romana and their two children, Jeremy and Elinor, moved down here to Ilfracombe from Billericay at the same time.

May Tree is also home to Jake, a border collie and Labrador Sasha. Walking the dogs, photography, craftwork and in the near future archery, keep Debbie and Keith busy when they are not gardening. Gardening is both a hobby and a business.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


It is sad to say goodbye to Doreen Prater and Hilary and Roger Stevens, but rest assured, they will all continue to be part of our village life; but it is good to welcome Yvonne in from the outskirts.

Doreen has left Cherry Hinton for the 'Big Apple', where she will be nearer her family - in future reversing the trips from Berry to Barnstaple! Hilary and Roger are leaving Brambles and going to Stallards in Braunton, where although they will be nearer Angela, they will be further form Lisa in Combe Martin, but Roger will continue skittling with the Globe team!

All three have lived here for nearly thirty years and they will be missed. We wish them every happiness in their new homes and look forward to seeing them at village activities.

Exchanging the wonderful views of Combe Martin Bay from the isolation of Ropes End, for equally beautiful ones, Yvonne is delighted to be nearer in to the village, and Cherry Hinton is now home to herself, Misty and Bluey. We hope she will be very happy there.

By the time this 100th edition of the Newsletter is 'off the press', I shall have moved to 9, Wayfaring, St. John's, Barnstaple. I have purchased a house with a small garden, built in 2001, quite close to Tesco, St.John's Garden Centre and my family!

I have spent twenty-nine happy years in Berrynarbor - twenty of which were at The Lodge with Alan, and Andrew, Richard and Judith until they 'flew the nest'. But you have not seen the last of me as I shall still be attending Church and the W.I.!

I thank my friends for their friendship and support over the last few years and shall be pleased to welcome any of you to my new abode.

As some of you already know, Yvonne Davey is now living at Cherry Hinton and I hope she will enjoy living there as much as I have. Happy New Year to you all.



Artwork: Paul Swailes


It was a pleasure to chat to Mike Patterson on a beautiful sunny, crisp day outside our shop and to welcome him, somewhat belatedly, as he has been here now since April!

Mike, his late wife Iris and their two boys visited North Devon and particularly Berrynarbor, several times a year for nearly forty years. Their son Richard and his wife Sheila moved here in early 2002 to Sloley Cottage, so it is no surprise that Mike is now here too, at home in Stable Cottage.

Mike retired as an Assistant Bank Manager for Nat West after being in banking for forty-two years. His eldest son, Andrew, lives in Launceston and he has two granddaughters, Jenna [19] and Laura [17].

Mike has already become a familiar figure around the village, enjoying the Friendship Lunches and taking part in the taxing pleasure of the fortnightly Quiz at The Globe, as well as attending many of the other functions in the village.

A very warm welcome, Mike, we all wish you happiness here in Berrynarbor.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Following last issues' farewell wishes to Betty and Colin and Annie, we hear that Betty has happily settled in to her new residential home at the Old Rectory in Gloucestershire, and Colin and Annie have settled into their new home. Annie is spinning again and has formed a group in the village, with a patchwork group to follow shortly! Colin is bell ringing with a local group and has lined up five towers for Berrynarbor bell ringers when they visit on the 15th October. Ann and Dave are settling in to their new home.

Although we welcomed Mike and Wendy Amos-Yeo to the Old Rectory back in April, we are delighted that they are now in full residency and we look forward to meeting them at village activities. We must, however, wish a warm welcome to Wendy's mother, Phyllis, who has moved in to the Glebe House. Phyllis, who was born in Fulham, London, some 70 plus years ago, has lived with Wendy and Mike for the last ten years. An animal lover who enjoys jazz and music of all kinds, Phyllis confesses to being a Frank Sinatra fan, having a collection of all his records and photos and other memorabilia - 'You Make Me Feel So Young'! We hope that like Mike and Wendy, you too will be very happy here in Berrynarbor.

A belated welcome to Sallie and David Nochar who moved into Woodside, Goosewell, a year ago!

Originally from Oxfordshire, they moved to Torrington four years ago before retiring here. Sallie, who was a Special Needs teacher and David, a General Manager in the motor trade, have four children - 3 boys and a girl. Both are keen gardeners and David enjoys the dubious pleasures of the golf course and volunteering with the CAB.

Jackie and Roy have now retired - or so they say! - leaving Langleigh House in the capable hands of Carole and David Rodgers to whom they send their best wishes and hopes that they enjoy running the guest house as much as they have. And we add our best wishes and welcome to them both too. Jackie and Roy are, of course, staying in the village at Lee View and will continue running their two holiday cottages. Their new telephone number is 882396.

For Carole and David from Sheffield, taking over a guest house is a completely new way of life. Both have previously been very busy people and their jobs have meant that they have been like ships passing in the night! David was in company accountancy and IT, whilst Carole covered over 40,000 miles a year travelling for a national sawmill company. Although they are looking forward to the challenge of running their own business, they will still be kept very busy! In their spare time, David enjoys walking their Brittany spaniel, Baggins, and 'real' ale, and they are both looking forward to tending the beautiful garden at Langleigh House and trying out the many local eating places!

As mentioned in the August issue, Linda and Adrian Hughes have moved from Hayes End in Middlesex to No. 30 Berrynarbor Park. Adrian fell in love with Berrynarbor when he camped here as a Cub Scout some years ago and for the last three years they have spent their holidays at Mill Park. So, when they discovered the park homes, it was the obvious place for semi-retirement. Adrian, an ex-military man and a National Express coach driver is seeking employment but keeping busy helping out with local jobs, whilst Linda has found a part-time job with Combe Martin Parish Council. The family consists of three sons and two grandchildren - a boy and a girl - and not forgetting Sophie the cat!

Linda and Adrian say they are really enjoying life here and feel very settled and Linda, whose hobbies are craft and decorative painting has already joined one of the Globe's skittle teams, and Adrian enjoys walking. A very warm welcome to you both.

About to slip through the net is Mike Patterson who has moved into Stable Cottage and we hope to welcome him more fully in the next issue.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Over the last couple of weeks and in the weeks to come, many changes will have taken place. To everyone who is leaving the village, we wish you every happiness in your new homes; to those who have moved in, again we wish you luck in your new homes and hope you will be happy here in the village; and to those who've just changed the view, good luck and happiness too!

We are sad to say farewell to Jim and Jean Constantine who are off to be nearer their family. Thank you both for all you have done for the village, but especial thanks to Jim for his work on and Chairmanship of the Parish Council and, of course, for all the time and expertise he has given to ensure that we still have a thriving village shop.

Moving up the hill from Combe Martin to take up residence at Fir Croft are David and Jane Bramhill. David, the Managing Director of an oil company hails originally from the Bath and Bristol area, Jane was a secretary in London before moving down here from Surrey in 1969, and for some time ran the restaurant at the Exmoor Wildlife Park. She has two sons, one of whom has yet to fly the nest, and they have a mad Scottie dog named Lady, who is far from being that! Hobbies? Well, David collects stamps and Jane collects clutter, but together they are in to horse racing, owning two horses and having shares in five others. It is understood that they are still waiting to hit the jackpot!

It is almost home from home for Mick and Jill Blower who have moved into Berrynarbor Park, having holidayed in this part of the south west for nearly 30 years and spending the last 15 Christmases in Berrynarbor. Originally from Wolverhampton, they both moved to Stafford on their marriage and have now decided to take up semi-retirement here. Mick, a gas fitter, and Jill, a conveyance executive, enjoy the countryside, particularly walking their dog Cassie.

Carol and Chris Saunders are also new to Berrynarbor Park, having moved here from the Derbyshire Peak District with retirement in mind! Chris is a builder and Carol has been in the teaching profession for more than thirty years, but has now taken up and qualified in holistic therapies. They have two sons. Daniel and his wife Janet live back in Derbyshire with their two grandchildren, Megan and Josh. Carol and Chris, who love walking and enjoy the countryside, conservation and birds [the feathered variety], have two dogs, Monty and Max.

Adrian and Linda Hughes have also moved in to the Park from Hayes End in Middlesex, and we hope to be able to welcome them more fully in October.

18 Hagginton Hill - way up towards the top! - is now home to Kay and Richard Barry and their baby daughter Eve. Eve celebrated her first birthday just days after their arrival. Kay is no stranger to Devon, having been born in Woodbridge and having lived on Exmoor, whilst Richard is from Wiltshire. Both teachers, Kay at Primary level and Richard at Secondary, they have just returned after living in Christchurch, New Zealand for the past six years. Emigrating with them are their two cats, Tim and Schroedinger! Kay and Richard are looking forward to exploring the local countryside and beaches and hope to renew their enjoyment of wind surfing. We wish Richard luck in his new job - he will be joining the staff at Ilfracombe College in the autumn, teaching Physics.

So, having left No. 18, Anne and Dave [Harris] are temporarily homeless, but will be moving in shortly, to Halldene - on a lesser incline and nearer the village centre!

That means another move and it is with profound regret that we have to say 'goodbye' to Betty [Dudley-Ward], or 'Matron' as she has been affectionately known in the past. She leaves us in August to move nearer her family. We'll miss you Betty and will look forward to hearing that you have settled in to your new home.

I am leaving Berrynarbor to go to a residential home in the village of Longhope, which is between Gloucester and Ross-on-Wye where my niece lives. I was in charge of the Susan Day Home in Ilfracombe - a resident post - so on my retirement I had to make a home somewhere. As I had friends here and there was a bungalow available, I decided to come to Berrynarbor.

I have spent many happy years here and have made many friends. As I have become old - 92 now - I have appreciated these friends very much. Everyone has been so kind and helpful to me.

I am very sorry to be leaving the village but feel it is right to go near my family at this time. Goodbye to you all. Berrynarbor is a lovely village to live in and look at.

Betty Dudley-Ward

Colin and Annie Trinder have left to go to East Devon, near Axminster, and Sheila and Gary Andrews are now running Grattons and the Chalets.

We are sorry to see Annie and Colin leave and wish them well and thank them for all they have done for our village, particularly Colin's Chairmanship of the Manor Hall Committee.

We welcome Sheila and Gary who, after running a retail shop in Bexley Heath, Kent, for some time, have decided to have a change. Moving with them are their daughter, Poppy, who is eleven and starting at Ilfracombe College in September, and Lewis, seven, who will be joining our Primary School. The family is currently completed by Dusty the cat who is shortly to have life disturbed by the arrival of a puppy - a Hungarian Vizsla, a pointing and retrieving gun dog originally bred to hunt the great plains of Hungary. Sheila enjoys swimming and gardening but Gary says there's no time for hobbies for him, he's got his work cut out for the time being!


Artwork: Paul Swailes


The nets have been trawled and some newcomers, who have slipped through, have been caught and need belated welcomes!

Overdue by just a few months, eighteen in all, is a welcome to Lynsey and Paul Phillips and their daughter Ellie, who moved in to Goosewell a year ago last October! They both come from this neck of the woods and before coming to Berrynarbor lived at Combe Martin and Bickington. Paul, who comes from West Down and was a student at Ilfracombe College, is a builder; Marion, from Ilfracombe and a student at Edgehill, is a nurse in Intensive Care at the North Devon District Hospital. Ellie, who is six, is a happy pupil at our Primary School.

Since October, Paul and Lynsey have become keen scuba divers and are members of the Ilfracombe Club. Paul, the villainous Bill Sykes in 'A Twist on Oliver', is also into martial arts. Completing the family is Lettice the cat.

A year later, and so only six months overdue, are welcomes to Paul Moth and Mike and Wendy Amos-Yeo. All three are from Shirwell.

Paul now lives at the Coach House at the Rectory and says, "If you want a job done, he'll do it"! Caretaker, handyman, decorator, he is a jack of all trades.

Mike and Wendy are the new residents at the Old Rectory and say they are retiring after 25 years in the self-catering cottage business in Shirwell. They have two sons, one living locally at Croyde and the other in Buckinghamshire. Fishing, golf and relaxing in Portugal are their favourite pastimes, to which sea fishing is hopefully soon to be added.

No one walking up the Valley can have missed the wonderful and sympathetic renovation of Derrivale [or Vi's cottage to so many!], and the transformation of the gardens by Paul and Marion Coles - you must both be congratulated on your achievements. Having come the long way from Barton Hill, we can now welcome them to the Valley.

Paul is a local, having come originally from South Molton, whilst Marion [ex of the Pack of Cards] originates from Norfolk. Paul and Marion have four children: twenty-year-old twin daughters, Kate and Laura, who are both at university - Kate at Guildford taking a Tourism and Management degree, and Laura at Brighton, studying Product Design [Engineering]. Robert, who is fifteen and Jenny, thirteen, are both at Ilfracombe College.

Our very best wishes and welcome to you all.

Editor's Plea: [yet again!] Please DO let me know if you are new to the village, or are leaving us, so that we can either welcome you or say farewell - and preferably not eighteen months too late!


Artwork: Paul Swailes


I am not aware of any newcomers to the village and no-one has let me know that they have new neigbours! So, if you have just moved in to the village, we welcome you and hope you will be happy here. However, it would be lovely to hear from you so that we can give you a 'proper' welcome! Please give me a ring on 883544. Thanks, Judie [Editor]


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Having become part of our village from her many visits and spending Christmas with her daughter Fenella, we were delighted when Ursula [Rouse] moved here permanently at the end of September.

After living 55 years in her previous home in Reigate, Surrey, Fenella and her sister Susan, who lives in Sydney, Australia, were concerned about Ursula's move. They need not have worried! She is thrilled to be here and has completely settled in to village life. A very staunch supporter of our new Community Shop, Ursula also listens to the pupils at our primary school when they read, as well as joining in village activities.

Following Vanessa and Ian's hasty return to Hertfordshire, from early October No. 3 Lee Cottages has become home to Celia Braund and her daughter Flora. Completing the household are their blue-eyed dog, Teasel, and the inherited cat, Holly. Sadly, Flora's father - from Ghana - is only allowed a Visitor's Visa.

Celia, who has spent most of her life in North Devon and was a pupil at Ilfracombe College, and Flora have moved from a National Trust cottage in Churchill. They have settled in well: Celia has in the past been a North Devon Spinner and hopes to take it up again, and Flora attends the village Parent and Toddler group. Although she is a full-time mum and is retraining as a spiritual healer [both for humans and animals], Celia finds time to follow her creative interests, art and nature, and is also a proficient horsewoman.

From December, Jill and Gerry will be living at Berry Mill House. No, they are not leaving us! Mill Park House will be reverting to its original name, by which it will be known in future.

Neighbours in the Valley were sorry to see Alan and Wendy - and Meg - leave. However, they are keeping their ties with the village - keeping shop and keeping fit! We wish them luck and happiness in their new home in Mortehoe.

And still they keep coming! Yes, new residents at Berrynarbor Park, and we are now able to welcome three new households. Two have managed to slip through the net and should have been welcomed in previous issues, but now they've been caught!

Philip and Carol Mason - at No. 33 - have been here since April. Carol, a clerical assistant, and Philip, a toolmaker, retired here from Redditch in Worcestershire, having holidayed in North Devon for some 30 years, 20 of which have been spent on what was originally called Berrynarbor Caravan Park! Their hobbies are gardening, walking and reading, and Carol has recently added shop-keeping, being a very regular helper in our Community Shop.

Just next door, at No. 32, are Alex and Jean Stone and their two cats, Oliver and Cassie. They have come from Alvechurch in the Midlands - unbeknown to them all, only 4 miles away from Philip and Carol! Alex is currently looking for employment, having been an anodiser, whilst Jean is into 'hobbies', not work! They have two sons, two daughters and twelve grandchildren. Alex, who originally came from Burnham-on-Sea, always intended to return to Somerset but Jean, from Birmingham, found the Somerset Levels too flat and so began a six-year hunt which ended here in Berrynarbor.

Pam and Pete McKinnon, at No. 31, are the latest newcomers, although they have known and holidayed in the village since 1983. Pete, a long distance driver for Tesco, and Pam, a school assistant, have retired here from Milton Keynes and have brought Pete's mother with them to be at Fernbank in Ilfracombe. They have a daughter, two grand-daughters and a great-grandson. A couple of years ago, whilst walking their dog Amba on the beach at Hele, Pam slipped on the rocks and broke her ankle and had to be air lifted to Barnstaple - there are not too many of us who can claim that distinction! - where she spent eight days, but that didn't put her off moving down.

To all our newcomers we extend a very warm welcome and wish you happiness in your new homes.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


With Lindsay and Martin leaving, Bob and Eileen Hobson have become the new residents at Lynwood and we welcome them to their new home and wish them every happiness here in Berrynarbor.

Bob and Eileen's move was not far, having come from Combe Martin where for 17 years they ran a hardware shop and managed holiday flats. During that time, Eileen also worked as a local Health Visitor. Having retired three years ago, they decided to 'down-size', so here they are!

Their son and his family, two daughters and a son, emigrated to West Vancouver three years ago, whilst their daughter and her family, two sons, live at Weston-Super-Mare making two granddaughters and three grandsons!

Golfers both! There is now more time to indulge in their favourite pastime, through which they had already made friends in the village. Although she has not been for several years, Eileen was a 'spinner' again meeting villagers and she hopes to find time to take up this hobby once again.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


It was with regret that we learned that Keith and Maureen Cooper were, after living here in Berrynarbor for some years [and one-time owners of our village shop and post office], on the move.

Maureen wrote at the time:

After spending many happy years in Berrynarbor, we are returning to our roots in Essex to be nearer the family. We shall miss the village but will have the Newsletter to keep us up to date. We also hope to visit in the future, when seeing Shaun and Cath in Pilton. Our thanks for the many cards. Health and happiness to you all.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It was sad to say goodbye to Chris Jesson who, after ten years in the village, has moved to Alverton in Nottinghamshire, where she will be nearer to her family.

Brambly Hedge is now home to Rosemary Evans and her husband Ralph, an American who works for General Motors. They are moving here from the Middle East where Rosemary was teaching English as a foreign language. She is now teaching at the North Devon College. Hobbies include reading, especially detective novels, walking and now there is plenty of garden to keep them busy. Brambly Hedge is also home to their five, well-behaved 'rescue cats', who have come with them from overseas, together with their quarantine certificates and clean bills of health!

Glenbridge has been home to Margaret Ludlow for fifteen years, but she has now decided to move back to her roots and family in Salisbury. Margaret would like to thank all her friends and neighbours for their help, support and friendship and wishes them well for the future.

Returning to the village and the new residents at Glenbridge are Claire and Michael Prentice, who have been living in the llfracombe area since they left Summerhill a few years ago. The family has grown and now consists of daughters Olivia and Sarah, seven and five, and son Samuel, who is two. Bringing the household to seven are their two black Labradors, Freddy and Jackson.

Also returning to the village are Joan and Malcolm Garbett who left Berrynarbor Park to return to Lichfield some four years ago. Now, after a brief stop-over in Combe Martin, they are back here living at Corfe Cottage.

Having sold their home in Henley-on-Thames, Alan and Wendy Lord and their dog Meg have 'squeezed' themselves into Brookvale, whilst looking for somewhere a little larger to live! We wish them luck and hope they will keep in touch with the village.

Terry and Jackie Young have moved to Middle Marwood, leaving Rookery Nook available for Mike and Ann Williams who fell in love with it when they first saw it.

Originally from the Midlands, Mike - a retired engineer for Powergen and Ann - a retired general manager of a hygiene company - spent several months in Filleigh before finding their new home. They have two sons and two daughters, all of whom have flown the nest. Snow, their white [surprise, surprise!] cat, who adopted them ten years ago, has coped with the moves and has now settled in very happily. Mike and Ann enjoy walking and pottering in the garden.

After some time travelling backwards and forwards, Anna Stevens has finally moved to Farnham and Alwyns is now the home of Susan and Paul Wilkins.

Paul, a retired pharmacist, and Susan, a retired midwife, have come from the Cheltenham and Gloucester area. Their daughter, Anna, is completing her final year as a Medical Student at Leicester, and their hobbies include walking and country pursuits, having had and bred both dogs and horses.

To everyone who has left, we wish you every happiness in your new homes, and we wish the same and a warm welcome to all the newcomers to the village.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


We were sorry to learn that Derek Brooks had moved to llfracombe and wish him well in his new home.

Three Ways is, however, the new home of Clive and Anita Abbott and we wish them a very warm welcome and hope they will be happy here in the village.

Having wanted to live in North Devon, Clive and Anita moved down from Fradley, just outside Lichfield in Staffordshire, on the 'off chance' of finding somewhere suitable to live. The only place they could find that would accommodate themselves and their three dogs was with Paul and Theresa at Berrynarbor Park. So, their hunt began from here and when Three Ways became available, they jumped at the opportunity of remaining here.

Both self-employed professional Landlords and Property Developers, they have two grown-up daughters, Charlotte and Michaela, who have remained in the Lichfield area. Their other family are Alesi, a German Shepherd, Clady, a Red Setter and the 'babe', Elliott, an English Setter.

Although there is much D.I.Y. work to be done over the next few months, Anita and Clive enjoy walking, golf and socialising - particularly good wining and dining!


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Val and David Hann, having moved from Crofts Lee last August, have now settled into their new home at Bognor Regis in West Sussex. David, who celebrated his 70th birthday [belated good wishes, David] in September and Val, were delighted to welcome their latest grandchild. Poppy, a second daughter for Simon and Philippa and sister for Millie and George, was born on the 28th November. Congratulations to you both and best wishes for happiness in your new home.

Our 'Locum' Postmaster and Postmistress, Tony and Marilyn Mascall [late of Berrynarbor Park] have moved home within Corby, Northants, and we wish them well in their new abode.

We were sorry that after such a short time here, and due to circumstances beyond their control, Christina, Simon and Oscar have had to leave Church House and return to London. We send them our best wishes.

Belmont Grange in Ilfracombe is currently home to Doreen Siviter and we wish her well in her new surroundings. She writes:

Eve and Dave Walker have now settled in to life at Miss Muffets, which they plan to reopen the Sunday before Easter. Miss Muffets will, in future, be a chip-free zone [!], and Dave and Eve will be concentrating on morning coffees and afternoon teas. They will be open from mid-morning to approximately five o'clock, for home-made cakes, and Devon cream teas, with a few 'specials' at lunchtime.

Dave, a bank manager, and Eve, a bank cashier, retired from banking some eight years ago and moved from South East London to Mortehoe, where they have been busy running a B & B and working part-time in a pub at Lee. They are 'retiring' a second time and plan to take life more easily at Miss Muffets.

Their daughter Sue, her husband Alex, and their three little girls are now living in Dave and Eve's old home at Mortehoe. Their son, Jamie, and his American wife live in the States, not far from Boston. Completing the family are their two cats, who after having acres of land to roam in are feeling the restrictions of village life!

We welcome you again and wish you luck and success with your new venture.

There have been changes at Lee Cottages lately - Clare and Dave have moved to Combe Martin and Vanessa and Ian are the new residents at No. 3, having moved in very recently. Good luck to you all in your new homes and we hope to welcome Ian and Vanessa more fully in the June issue.

Having watched, over the last few months whilst living in Barnstaple, their bungalow taking shape, it is lovely to welcome Rob, Shirley, Charlotte and Sophie Mummery to the extension at Holmleigh. Of course it is a 'return home' for Rob who spent his primary school and teenage years here with Jan and Derek, leaving when he and Shirley were married.

Rob, who works in the world of motoring and is a keen ex-Rugby player, now enjoys running and cycling and has taken part in two London Marathons. Shirley is a busy lady, running her home and working for Alpharma in Barnstaple, but finds time to enjoy swimming and embroidery. Charlotte and Sophie are both at Pilton College and, like their dad, enjoy cycling and running and Sophie is a keen member of St. John Ambulance. Bringing the family to five is Flossie the rabbit. We wish them all every happiness in their new home.

It is nice to welcome Pat and Dave Martin back to their home at June Cottage. Pat and Dave have retired as 'mine hosts' at the Ring O'Bells at Prixford. Thank you both for the great meals and hospitality so many of us from the village have enjoyed over the last few years and enjoy your less hectic life style and time to enjoy your boat.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A very warm welcome to all newcomers to the Village we hope you will be happy here in your new homes and look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Barbara and Alan Gibson and their springer spaniel, George, have after many happy years holidaying in North Devon, decided to retire here and have moved into Berrynarbor Park. Alan, an electrician, is a keen angler who also dabbles in DIY, and Barbara, a secretary, now has more time to enjoy cooking, reading and embroidery. They have two daughters and a son, who have all now flown the nest!

The left hand side of the old Chapel is now called 'Church House' and is home to Christina and Simon Reynolds and their two year old son, Oscar.

Christine, originally from a farming family at Fifield, near Ongar, and Simon from Cambridgeshire [although with a father in the RAF he moved all over the country as a young boy], have moved here from Greenwich in South East London. Simon is an IT contractor and Christine a specialist cake maker. So, if you have any special cake requirements, please do contact her on 883945 she would be happy to hear from you. Christine is also [take note the BBC!] a keen needlewoman.

As mentioned in the October issue, Bobby Hacker has settled into Park View in llfracombe, and Longsawte is now home to Michael Bain and his collie Dodie. Michael has lived in North Devon most of his life at Woolacombe and West Down, where he and his family ran the Foxhunters Inn.

Good luck to you all!


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Having said our goodbyes to Jenny in the August issue and welcomed the newcorners to No. 6, it is nice to hear from Gill and Rob Lomax:

Having decided to move from Somerset to North Devon, our only obstacles were finding new jobs and a new home.

The new home found us, from the pages of the North Devon Journal. One morning Rob declared that he had found us a home. Still being rather sleepy, my comment was to phone quickly. Only when an even sleepier lady asked to be phoned back in twenty minutes did we realise that it was only 7.30 a.m. and that we had probably blown any chance of securing the house!

Luckily for us, Jenny Taylor saw the funny side and allowed us and our dog Meg to move into No. 6 Goosewell at the beginning of August. The jobs both fell into place later that same week, with Rob working as a manager in a hotel in Woolacombe, whilst I am taking a break from teaching to work in a training and consultancy firm in Barnstaple. We hope to spend our spare time surfing, walking the coast paths and enjoying being part of the community here. We have already been made to feel very welcome by everyone we have met and feel very lucky to be here. Gill and Rob

Welcome home Brian and Mary! Could there be anything worse than returning home from a New Year cruise to be confronted with water pouring down the stairs and your home awash? No! But that was in January and it was six months later, at the end of July, that Brian and Mary were able to move back into Rockton.

We have been concerned for you and although you will have been comfortable in your temporary home at Middle Lee, it must be great to be back in your own home again. We wish you both well.

Following the fall that meant a stay in the Tyrrell Hospital, Bobbie Hacker has now moved to Park View Residential Home in Ilfracombe. We send her our love and best wishes, and hope that she will be happy there.

A warm welcome to Craig Brown, Head Waiter at the Sandy Cove Hotel. Craig, who has moved into Lee Side from llfracombe, is football crazy, having played for Ilfracombe but now a member of the Woolacombe Team.

Having moved from Ilfracombe, David and Christine Burbridge are the new residents at Ashcroft.

After many years living in the North Devon area, Val and David Hann, who in the past have worked at llfracombe College and Luscombe House, have decided to leave Croft Lee and live nearer the south coast, probably in the Chichester area of West Sussex. We are sorry to say goodbye, but wish you both well in your move.

We were sorry to lose Shane and Sandra Roach and their children, Peter and Shayana, when they moved to Combe Martin, but Parson's Pightle is now home to Chris and Melanie Ayres. Melanie, who grew up in Combe Martin and is a lecturer at the North Devon College, and Chris, an electrical designer, have moved, not far, just from Braunton.

The nice coincidence is that Parson's Pightle - renamed such by the late Preb. Eppingstone and his wife Peggy - was built in 1970 by Melanie's grandfather and father, who also built Chicane and Holmleigh.

Highlands is the new home of John and Kath Thorndycroft and their son Chris. For the past 11 years they have lived in The Hague, Holland, but spent a few months in Georgeham whilst looking for a permanent home. John and Kath have both retired from teaching, and Chris has just started his second year at Bangor University studying for a degree in Psychology. Making up the household is their nosey, Kath says, cat called Zoe. Keen sailors, they hope to bring their boat over from Holland for next summer, but in the meantime are being kept busy in the house and garden.

To all newcomers to the village, we extend a very warm welcome and wish you every happiness in your new homes here in Berrynarbor.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


After finding the web-site for Berrynarbor Park and checking out the opposition, Chris and Jenny Caswell decided to replace their Bristol home for one here in Berrynarbor, No. 37 Berrynarbor Park, arriving at the end of June.

Having retired three years ago from chocolate production with Cadbury's, Chris and Jenny, who has recently retired as a Sales Assistant with the House of Fraser, plan now to continue their hobby of walking, particularly the coastal paths.

They have two children - daughter Sheryl who lives in Brighton, and son Matthew and his wife, who live in Bristol.

Chris and Jenny look forward to becoming part of the village and have already taken part in the Open Garden trail and the Musical Evening at the Manor Hall. We wish them a happy retirement and good luck and joy in their new home.

After Channel-hopping over the last few years, Jenny Taylor has decided to make her 'almost permanent' home in France. At the end of July, Le Bois Belloir, Montreuil l'Argille in Normandy is to replace her home at Goosewell. Jenny will not be severing contact completely, as she will be returning to visit her mother and family.

Jenny, we wish you every happiness in your new home and thank you for all that you have done for the village, particularly your years on and Chairmanship of the Parish Council and your Governorship of the Primary School.

No. 6 Goosewell will be home to Rob and Gill Lomax and their dog, Meg. Rob's line of business is hotel management and Gill is a teacher. We extend a very warm welcome to you both and hope that you will enjoy living here in Berrynarbor.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A belated warm welcome to David and Carol Bowes, who took over one of the new lodges, No. 48, at Berrynarbor Park last autumn. David and Carol have moved, together with their toy poodle, Ollie, from Weymouth in Dorset. David is a semi-retired computer consultant and Carol no longer works as a professional hairdresser.

Gardening, David says, and he do not agree, so he is delighted that they do not have a garden to tend!

Photography is a hobby they share and David is into video production. He recently made a video of the Berry Broadcasting Company's highly successful "'Allo, 'allo, tiz the Sound of Music" and is currently working on one of the North Devon Coast and its attractions for Keith Wyer. One of 'Berry in Bloom' is to start shortly.

We wish them both well and hope they will continue to enjoy living here and joining in village life.

If anyone is interested in obtaining a copy of the BBC video, please contact the Editor on 883544.

There are more newcomers at The Park and arrivals expected in the next few weeks.

Rob and Jenny Cookson, together with Bonnie their rough collie, have moved from Redditch in Worcestershire into No. 35. Not really newcomers, as they have owned a caravan at the Park for the last five years, Jenny and Rob are well 'in' with the village and its activities. Rob has now retired as a self-employed landscape gardener and Jenny was lucky to be able to transfer her job with British Telecom to work in Barnstaple.

Hill walking was a popular pastime, but now they enjoy relaxing and less strenuous coastal walks. Rob is a self-confessed football fanatic and enjoys watching all sports - except motor racing!

Good luck and happiness to you both now this is home, not a holiday retreat and we hope that Rob's back which has been giving him problems since they arrived - will soon be more comfortable.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A very warm welcome to Sheena and Chris Norris who moved into No. 2 Lee Cottages back in January.

Chris and Sheena write:

Our best wishes to you both, we hope you will be very happy here in Berrynarbor.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook

to our new, young arrivals

With work nearly complete, the new Monks Path is now home to Gemma and Matt Bacon, who moved in just before Christmas.

Gemma, who helps with the family business at Napps, and Matt, who runs his own scaffolding company, are expecting their first baby in February. We wish you both every happiness in your new home and look forward to hearing about the new arrival in the April issue.

With Olive happily settled in her new home, it is good to be able to welcome Sarah and Chris Townsend to Woodlands Cottage. Sarah and Chris have a job on their hands, renovating and repairing, but are looking forward to the challenge.

Chris has come from Devon - his parents farm at Tiverton - whilst Sarah hails from Birmingham. They have, however, moved here from Holland, where their cat, Mushroom, is waiting for her passport to enable her to join them.

Chris is with Marconi and Sarah is currently a lady of leisure [!] - learning to drive is her no. 1 priority!

Welcome to Berrynarbor, we hope you will be very happy in your new home here.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Quite a lot of movement has taken place in the village over the last few weeks.

Graham, Sarah and Ben Sanders, having worked so hard all year, have now moved from Lee Cottages into their new home at Greenacre in the Valley.

No. 1 Lee Cottages is now home to Sylvia and Cyril White, who have retired here from Stokenchurch near High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, where Cyril was in the furniture trade and Sylvia an auxiliary nurse. Cyril and Sylvia have holidayed in Devon for some years and their love of the area has prompted a move by the rest of the family as well! Their elder daughter, Joanne, is living at Seaton in South Devon, whilst their younger daughter, Melanie and their granddaughters, Carly and Nicole, have recently moved into North Challacombe Farm at Combe Martin. This only leaves their son, Tony, back in Buckinghamshire, but he hopes to come west in the foreseeable future.

Also having holidayed this way for about 17 years are Jill and Geoff Brown who have decided to leave Cannock in the West Midlands and take semi-retirement at No. 6 Berrynarbor Park. Geoff, a Gardener, and Jill, a qualified Nursery Nurse, are both keen walkers and Jill is flexing her bowling arm and joining the Globe Skittle team - a new venture for her. They have left two daughters back in the Midlands.

Margaret and Peter Kerr, having left No. 6 the Park, are hoping to move into No. 3 Lee Cottages in the near future.

We were sorry to say goodbye to Joyce, John and Tim Mabin who have left The Lodge for a new home in Spurway Gardens, Combe Martin. Just popping across the road, the Lodge is now under the new management of Phil and Lynne.

Louise and Mike Baddick, Francis and Chris, have moved from Barton Lane to join Louise's parents at Crackelands, Woodlands - just on the boundary of our Parish. Mossfield is now home to Simon and Karen Williams and their family, Reve and Fay, who are at the Primary School, and not forgetting Pepe [pronounced Peepee] the rabbit! Simon, who is the world of electronics and Karen, in the business world of the internet, have moved here from Dolton near Torrington.

Little Sanctuary on Rectory Hill is now the home of Ian and Jo Masters. Barnstaple was home and is where Jo works as a Secretary, whilst Ian is currently working on a self-build project! They have two daughters - no longer at home - Clare and Tammy. Paul, their first grandchild, is Tammy's son. Ian has no time for hobbies at present - work on their new house is in progress and he says that the old Little Sanctuary will be demolished on completion of the ground floor, now being built at the rear of the property.

We were so sorry to say goodbye to Sue and wish her well in the future. Sue, herself, would like to send her thanks to everyone who contributed to her leaving gift of gardening tools.

Finally, a belated and very warm welcome to Barbara and John of Little Haven, Berrynarbor Park, and best wishes on the 10th Anniversary of your arrival here!!!

A warm welcome to all newcomers, we hope you will be happy here in Berrynarbor and good luck and best wishes to everyone in their new homes.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Oops! A belated welcome to Lynne and Brian Johnson who came from Lincoln and have been living at Berrynarbor Park for some time, moving into their home there last October!

Brian, a retired Prison Officer, has left his family, including the six grandchildren, back in Lincoln. Lynne, however, will now be able to watch her two young great-grandchildren growing up, as her family, including four grandchildren, live in llfracombe.

There will soon be a new arrival at No. 12a - Lynne and Brian's cocker spaniel puppy - to be called Cassie, we believe - will shortly be old enough to leave her mother and come to her new home. We hope she will settle in as well as her 'Master and Missus' have.

Apologies, you slipped through the net and have only just been caught! However, we hope you will all be very happy here in Berrynarbor.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It was a sad day when we waved goodbye to John and Jacqui Weaver, off to live down under. Ragstone Cottage, their former home and home for just a short while to Judy, Nigel and their three dogs, is now occupied by Nigel and Elaine Waters. Nigel and Elaine, who come from Cranleigh in Surrey, have chosen the village because of its proximity to Exmoor and the North Devon coast - of which they are very fond - and it is also significantly nearer to relatives in Cornwall. Nigel works with the Highways Agency on motorway systems and Elaine is a Home Care Provider working with the elderly. Also at home is Pippa, the family black cat.

After five years at Thistledew, Birdswell Lane, Sylvia and Ernest Baker have moved to Grange Over Sands. They would like to take this opportunity to say 'goodbye and thank you' to all their friends.

Newly arrived at Thistledew are David Hubbard and Madeline Worth. David and Madeline have been living in Winchester but in fact are returning this way, since they used to live in llfracombe. David, a Project Manager in London, says he is too busy for hobbies at present, but, whilst taking a break from teaching, Madeline will enjoy working in her new garden - weather permitting! It is another of Alex's coincidences that Dorothy Hubbard [but no relation] who taught so many of the young of the village to play the piano, lived here and nice to know that Madeline has brought her boudoir grand with her - there is a piano again at Thistledew!

We have said goodbye to Ann and her family who have lived at Ducky Pool for many years, but it is now home to Sally and Mark Ellis and their three children - Barnaby, Polly and Kitty. Mark, an officer in the RAF, and Sally used to live in Plymouth and Truro and have felt the pull back to the West Country ever since! In Sally's words: 'We absolutely adore Ducky Pool, so hope that I can reassure Ann that the cottage is well loved, although with three noisy children, its poor old walls shake somewhat!'

To all those who have left, you take with you our best wishes for happiness in your new homes, and to all our newcomers, welcome! We hope that you will be very happy here in your new homes.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Although they are not moving far, Graham and Margaret Andrews will be leaving our Parish when they move, later this month, to Moory Meadow in Combe Martin.

After living in the Valley for nearly six years, Peter and Louise Howard and baby Annie, who will be celebrating her first birthday at the end of January, have also moved to Combe Martin, to Buzzacott Lane. We wish you all every happiness in your new homes.

John and Jacqui Weaver's long awaited visa has now arrived and they are off, at the end of February, to Oz to live in Australind 180kms south of Perth, Western Australia - just up the road from Bob and Judy in Bunbury [who in their Christmas card say 'Hello and Happy New Year to all the folk in Berry']. John and Jacqui are looking forward to warmer lazy days, eating alfresco, swimming and fishing in the ocean, walking in the bush and being nearer to family for a while; but they will miss tranquil Berrynarbor and the friends they have made over the past sixteen years and hope there will still be a place for them in four years' time when their visa runs out.

The good wishes of everyone in the Village go with you both and we hope to have news of you, from time to time, for inclusion in the Newsletter [which will now be winging its way to another destination 'down under'!]. We can, however, welcome some newcomers:

Richard and Sheila Patterson originated from Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, but moved west three years ago and have come to Sloley Cottage via Arlington and Chapelton. Richard is a gardener and handyman and Sheila works in Barnstaple for Quay Events.

Glenthorne, Cross Park, is now home to Trudy Draper, her daughter Shannon and son, Rocky. Shannon is currently at school in Ilfracombe, but hopefully she and Rocky will start at our Primary School next September.

A very warm welcome to you all. Good luck in your new homes, we hope you will be very happy here in Berrynarbor.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Following Keith and Yvonne's departure for Ilfracombe, Rookery Nook is now home to Terry and Jackie Young who have come from Whitstable in Kent. Jackie is a Health Visitor working in Barnstaple and Terry tells us that he is currently 'between jobs' and enjoying himself! Completing the household are two cocker spaniels Lottie and Dolly - and two ginger toms - Arthur and Dudley!

We understand that Michael and Win Wicks have left Randy Cleave and are waiting to move into their newly built home in Ilfracombe and we wish them well. Settling in on Barton Hill are Sarah and Frank Fry, who with their little Westie, Laddie, have moved from over the water from Fremington. Frank, who has retired, enjoys fishing and the necessary DIY and gardening, whilst Sarah enjoys such artistic pursuits as flower arranging. Their two daughters and five grandchildren live in the Bridgewater area, from where they themselves originally emigrated.

We extend a very warm welcome to you all - the two-legged and four-legged! and hope that you will be happy here in Berrynarbor.

It was nice to hear from Ann and John Vince [our late Clerk to the PC] who have now moved from Teignmouth to Exmouth where, they say, they have less garden and its on the flat! They send their best wishes to everyone and we in return wish them every happiness in their new home.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


We are delighted to extend a warm welcome to the village to Liz and Graham Goodenough and Chris and Wendy Jenner. We hope you will all be very happy here. However, we also have to say farewell and best wishes to the Mildenhall-Wards, Kris, and Keith and Yvonne who are leaving Rookery Nook to live in Ilfracombe.

Liz - who is assisting with the Pre-school and Graham have moved from North London to Lee Copse.

Goodbye and good luck to Kris of Rose Cottage who, after six happy years in Berrynarbor, has gone back to Surrey to be near his young nephews and nieces. Kris hopes to be helping his brother Ben, who has set up his own company to supply flying effects to the entertainment industry. Rose Cottage seems very quiet!


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A warm welcome to our newcomers to the village - we hope you will all be very happy here.

To Cecil and Ina Hodkinson, Pip's parents, who have moved into the extension that we have built on the house in Barton Lane. Originally from Coventry, Cecil and Ina have lived in North Devon since 1952, in Georgeham, Braunton and more recently [for about 32 years] in Ilfracombe.

They ran their own business, Studio Ceramics, in Braunton for 43 years, designing and making their speciality gold lustre pottery, until finally being persuaded it was time to retire two and a half years ago at a sprightly 88!

Cecil has always taken a keen interest in classical music, particularly the piano, having been a very good pianist himself. His other deep interest is photography, as he was one of the pioneers in the art of colour printing before the advent of colour film. Unfortunately, he suffered a slight stroke 18 months ago which makes walking difficult, except for very short distances, so we are hoping that living next door will make life much easier for them both, keeping their independence but with us available to help whenever needed.

Pip and Tony

To Shane and Sandra Roach and their two children, Peter and Shayna, the new incumbents of Parson's Pightle.

Shane, son of Peter and Sheila at Cutts End, returned to this country from Port Elizabeth, South Africa, in January, followed shortly by Sandra and the children. Shane has spent the last 25 years out in South Africa, dividing his time between Pretoria and Port Elizabeth, and where he met and married Sandra.

They are all settling in well. Peter and Shayna have enjoyed their first few weeks at the Primary School and have already joined the Sunday School; Sandra, a nursing sister, is about to take up a post at Tispane, and Shane is working as a Warehouse Supervisor. They are enjoying living here and intend to stay!

To Freda Hillier, step-mother of Brian, who has moved next-door-but-two, to No. 12 Berrynarbor Park. Freda, who moved in at the end of June, has come, together with her small, elderly poodle, Muffet, from New Milton in Hampshire. A dog-lover - she is a qualified dog trimmer - Freda is now retired and enjoying indulging in her hobby of water-colour painting.

Also new to the Park are Brian and Judy Jones from Sandhurst, Camberley in Surrey, who have moved into No. 11. After holidaying in Kentisbury some four years ago, followed by a stay on Hagginton Hill, they have decided to retire here.

Judy has retired from her career as a secretary, but Brian will continue in semi-retirement with his building, painting and decorating business.

Their family consists of three daughters and a son, and three grandchildren. They both enjoy walking and whilst Brian hopes to fit in more fishing, Judy will be getting out her paints and easel. Ticky, their black and white cat, is hoping to re-join them soon.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A very warm welcome to Mick and Sandy Gadd who moved into Atalanta, Barton Lane, on the 1st May. They have moved from Hagley in the West Midlands where they have lived the past 16 years. Both have now retired from the Fire Service and are looking forward to spending many happy years in Berrynarbor, an area of North Devon that they have visited and enjoyed many times. Although they have many jobs to do in their new home, they still hope to find time to enjoy their hobbies. [Mick is especially keen on golf and hopes to encourage Sandy to join him!]. They both look forward to walking this lovely area with their dog, Bonnie.

John and Jackie Weaver have left Ragstone Cottage and are in temporary residence at Corfe Cottage - once home to Jackie's mother - whilst applying for a visa for transportation to Australia! We wish them, whenever that is, health and happiness down under.

Ragstone Cottage is now home to Judy and Nigel and their three dogs and we look forward to welcoming them more fully in the August issue.

After just three years, Vincent and Pat Hitchman are on the move again and High Bank [formerly Laurel Dene] has become home to Jane Vanstone and Brandon Turk, the children Simon and Emma and fierce [!] hound, Arnie.

Simon and Emma attend the Primary School where, when she is not busy decorating, Jane gives a hand a couple of days a week; and Brandon is a Logistics Manager at Pall Ilfracombe. Before settling at High Bank, Jane and Brandon have spent time at Middle Lee and Combe Martin following their move from Burton-on-Trent in the Midlands. We wish you both and the family good luck and happiness in your new home.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


After a brief sojourn in Combe Martin, Betty Weekes has now moved into her new home nearer her family in Robin Hood's Bay, near Whitby in North Yorkshire. She is busy trying to fit the six rooms of her cottage at Goosewell into four, but is beginning to feel more settled and 'at home'. We wish you every happiness, Betty.

Although Clifford Johnson, Nicky and the family have been over at Hunters Inn for a while now - and we wish them all well in their new enterprise - Middle Lee has only just become home to Jenny and Robin Downer, who have moved from Camberley in Surrey. This is an entirely new venture for them, too, having run their own company supplying testing equipment to the petrochemical and aerospace industries. Jenny and Robin have five daughters and five grandchildren, left behind in the Surrey area. Looks like visitors a-plenty to Middle Lee!

In the last newsletter we said that Manor Cottage and Harper's Mill were due to be home to Mr. and Mrs. Harte, and Tim Jones and Tim Davis.

Joan and Mike Harte, and their two Old English Sheepdogs - Josie and Jessie - moved from Maidstone last year, but spent some time in Barnstaple whilst looking for the right home - in Manor Cottage they have found it! Together they run their own business, a Consultancy for Construction Contractors Overseas. They have three sons, Craig, Stephen and James, who are looking forward to some surfing! Craig is into computing and he and Wendy are expecting their first baby later in the year; Stephen lives in Bath and is into drumming [watch this space!] when not accounting, part-time; and James is currently at Southampton University where he is studying for a Ph.D., his subject being Acoustic and Vibrational Engineering. Unlike Stephen, his qualification is for helping with hearing disabilities.

The Tims are now also in residence and thrilled to be here in spite of the months of internal decoration amidst plaster dust and paint, etc., ahead of them!

A very warm welcome to you all and we wish you every happiness in your new Berrynarbor homes.

About Tim and Tim of Harpers Mill

Tim Davis and Tim Jones moved into Harpers Mill at the end of January, having returned to the UK after seven years working for international conservation organisations in Switzerland: Tim D for the international secretariat of the World Wide Fund for Nature [WWF] and Tim J for an intergovernmental treaty dealing with the conservation of wetlands [the Ramsar Convention]. The pair now run a small environmental consultancy DJEnvironmental - providing a range of technical and support services to national and international environmental non-governmental organisations.

Before moving to Switzerland in 1994, both Tims worked at The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Headquarters at Slimbridge, near Gloucester, and prior to that for the British Trust for Ornithology [BTO]. Tim D spent his formative years in Barnstaple, while Tim J, born in Devon, was raised in Gloucester.

After living at three and a half thousand feet in the Jura mountains bordering the lake of Geneva, the Tims, who are keen naturalists, especially birdwatching, are looking forward to life at sea level and to enjoying the garden and woodlands around Harpers Mill and the Sterridge Valley. A pair of grey wagtails prospecting for a nest site along the stream, and four tumbling ravens are sure signs that spring is almost here.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


As mentioned in the last newsletter, Alan and Patsy Caffrey have taken over from Diane as the residents at Sheaves. Alan and Patsy, who have moved from Ilford, Greater London, have loved North Devon, and especially Berrynarbor, since their first visit some eight years ago, and have been holidaying here every year since.

Patsy worked for many years as the Personal Assistant to the Senior Partner of a Patent Agency in Chancery Lane, London. Following Alan's enforced retirement from the Royal Mail after a stroke, they are delighted to have found such a beautiful home here and look forward to meeting people and making new friends. They really enjoyed being 'at home' to their daughter, Lisa, and grandsons, Danny and Jake, at Christmas.

Hello again to Jean and Jim Constantine. It is good to have you back with us once more at Fircroft, Barton Lane, following a few years' exile in Exeter!

Emma and Iain Spear are 'in the pink' to be in their new home. Together with sons Oliver and Hugo and the family lurchers, Flashman and Polly, they have just moved 'over the road' from Manor Cott to the Old Court.

The newcomers to Manor Cott are Mr. and Mrs. Hart, whom we hope to welcome more fully in the April issue.

Ian and Jan Hay, Felix, Phoebe and Evie have left Harpers Mill for a higher elevation at Goosewell. They have taken over No. 12 from Brian and Caryll Holland who have moved to Combe Martin. The family is somewhat depleted at the moment as Lucy and Alfie are now in Bournemouth, where Lucy is studying Scriptwriting at the University, and Rosie is reading BioMedical Sciences at Southampton University. Jan will be continuing her piano lessons and if anyone is interested in learning [both young or older], please give her a ring on 863444.

Harpers Mill will shortly be home to Tim Davies and Tim Jones from Geneva, and again we hope to be able to welcome them in the next issue.

Filling the gap left by Betty Weekes' departure from No. 7 Goosewell are Sue Shrimpton and Malcolm Canham. Sue, a Learning Support Assistant at an autistic unit in Barnstaple, and Malcolm, a toolmaker at West Down, have moved from Barnstaple where they have lived for several years.

Court Cottage, previously home to Helen Armstead is now home to Clive and Sue Watson-Harrison. Friends of Angela and Richard Lewis, they have moved formerly from Oxford and latterly from Mortehoe, where they have lived for two years.

An industrial electrician by trade, Clive is now at St. John's Garden Centre in Barnstaple and studying for a qualification in horticulture in the evening; Sue is a Senior House Care Assistant in the Stroke Unit of the North Devon District Hospital. They have two daughters, Laura and Heather, both of whom live in Devon.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Heather Wehner has now left June Cottage, Cross Park, to return to Germany, and she will be much missed in the village, particularly by some of our more 'senior' residents. June Cottage is now home to Pat and Dave Martin and their son James, and we welcome them back after a brief stay at Marwood following their leaving Watermouth Holiday Villas.

A very belated, but warm, welcome to Betty and Ernest Furze and their daughter Lindsay, who have been living at Newberry Bank, Newberry Hill for some time now! Moving from Lapworth, near Stratford on Avon, to be near the sea, Betty is a care assistant in Braunton and Ernest a retired aeronautical engineer who trained apprentices. They picked on this part of the country after holidaying both at Napps and Sandaway.

We were sorry to see Diane Mayo leave Sheaves in Birdswell Lane, but are happy to know that Patricia and Alan Caffery have moved in. We hope to be able to welcome them more fully in the February issue.

We welcome to Fallbrook, Barton Lane, Barbara and Rob Jordan who have moved from Beaminster in Dorset. Rob, General Manager of Barnstaple Motors, and Barbara, a Personal Assistant, have five children - two girls and three boys, all of whom have flown the nest. Rob is a football fanatic while Barbara enjoys gardening and house decorating. They love the area and their new home and are settling in well!

We wish Heather and Diane well in their new ventures and hope that all our newcomers will be happy here in the Village.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Our best wishes to Don and Edith Ozelton from Sawmills. Don has begun a two year contract based in China, and Edith left in mid-August to join him. Although they will miss their grandson Callum's first birthday at the end of October [happy birthday, Callum!], they will be back for a brief visit at Christmas.

We should like to say a big Thank You to everybody who made us feel so welcome in Berrynarbor The last five years have been a very happy time for us both and we shall look back on it with lovely memories. We shall continue to visit Berrynarbor as we still have our caravan there, and look forward to seeing you all again soon. Our very best wishes.

Marilyn and Tony

We should like to thank you for the kinds words of welcome in the August edition Berrynarbor News. It is the first time that we have ever been welcomed anywhere, although, in fairness, we have never lived in a proper village environment before.

Our appreciation must also go to the many people who have made us feel so 'at home' here in Berrynarbor. We already seem to know so many folks to pass the time of day with or to stop and have a chat about dogs or what have you. It is true to say that in 3 months here we know more people than we did in 5 years at our last home!

Now, what can we say about the village? There is something indefinable about Berrynarbor that makes one feel that you have 'come home'. It would be easy to wax lyrical about the enfolding arms of the surrounding hills, or the sweet tinkling of the brook as it winds its way down the valley, not to mention the buzzards soaring majestically overhead, but in plain simple terms it just feels 'right'. We love the place and so do our family members who have visited

Brian and Di Hillier

Although we welcomed Mary and Brian Shillaker at the end of last year, we are delighted that they are now in full residence at Rockton in the Valley. Mary and Brian have retired here from Washingborough in Lincolnshire and have already been spied partaking of one of their favourite pastimes - walking!

After an interim stop at Parson's Pightle, Mick and Lorna have moved into their new home at Wood Park, and Lorna [senior] has now settled in to her beautiful new auntie-annexe. Happiness to you all in your new homes.

Movement has continued up at Berrynarbor Park. Marion Carter and her mother, Daisy, have now moved into No. 10. They have retired here from Norfolk via Weston-Super-Mare, where Marion was an Administrator with North Somerset Council. Previously she was a school librarian and a secretary. It is understood that Daisy has been retired now for a little while - no longer hot off the press printing magazines, diaries and calendars! The family includes a daughter and son - brother and sister - who live in Bristol and Essex. Completing the household here are Charlie, a Cavalier King Charles, and Thomas, a large fluffy ginger Tom!

No. 2 [ex Tony and Marilyn] is now home to Liz and Roger Paget, whilst No. 3 [ex Joan and Malcolm] is home to Lisa Shelley.

Although moving from Swindon, Liz and Roger have spent more time in Malmesbury, where Liz's family had a pub and where she was brought up.

Roger was born in Wales and later went to boarding school in Trowbridge. Until his retirement, he was originally a welder but latterly a supervisor for motorway maintenance. With a husband spending a lot of time away to work on 'M's' all over the country, Liz stayed at home to look after their three children: Jill and her husband Keith have two children - Evie and Rowan, brother Jeremy and his wife Sue also have two children - Samuel and Lucy and younger brother Robin, and his partner Alison, are currently wandering the Far East on a year's back-packing trek of the world.

After twenty-five years in Germany - and saying that she would not return to the UK, but if she did it would have to be to the West Country - Lisa has retired here via a brief sojourn in Cornwall! She was born in Colchester and with her father in the RAF, spent much time on the move. Lisa's line of business was computer documentation for a company with its head office in Swindon. Her son, and his German wife, live in Germany.

A warm welcome to you all - we hope you will be very happy here in the village and wish you long and healthy retirements.

No. 2 and No. 3 the Park are, however, really the stamping ground of the canine and feline members of the households, and Lisa will, with her own illustrations, tell you all about them. Thank you, Lisa.

Poem and Illustration by: Lisa Shelley

Berrynarbor Park numbers two and three -
A spaniel settlement one can see. 
Three cats are also residing there
So an introduction is only fair.
Two American cockers named Meg and Max,
Are cute little Yankees should you ask.
Their cat's a girl, for goodness sake
But to confuse they call her Jake.
Paget is the family name,
Liz and Roger from Swindon came.
Now they're a familiar sight,
Those Yanks pull Roger with such might.
He growls at them but they grow bolder,
Show no concern for his injured shoulder.
Liz calls to them their meal is ready,
How can he hold those beasties steady?
Next door lives Purdy and two Siamese
And Lisa Shelley if you please.
Purdy is an English cocker,
Savka and Cika, two Siamese shockers.
This wicked pair enjoy it when
They hide from Lisa seeking them.
With eyes turned in two directions
She has no chance in cat detection.
A cat-sure fence has been erected
And by these felines well inspected.
All spaniels have appealing eyes,
And Purdy is becoming wise;
Though very young she knows the gaze
Will bring her praise for 'winning ways'.
It works on us who have two legs
But I'm not so sure with Max and Meg.
When they meet they think, "Cor blimey,
Look if it ain't our littley Limey"!
So now we've made our presentation
And I hope some humour shown,
We say then without hesitation
"We really all do feel at home'."


Artwork: Paul Swailes


It is 'goodbye' and thank you to Pastor Peter Ellis of the Methodist Church and the Rev. Alan Edwards [both of whom have contributed to the Newsletter] and we wish you both long, happy and healthy retirements.

The Old Rectory has seen some changes lately and we are sorry to see Gilly and Richard leave and wish them luck in the future. Taking up residence at the Rectory are Malcolm and Jane Davidson. We welcome you both and hope you will be happy in the Village.

Jane and Malcolm's removal van took an hour to reverse through Berrynarbor to reach the Old Rectory, and the Glaswegian driver was not happy when he faced the prospect of continuing his backward progress through the Rectory gates! When the dust has settled, the Davidsons hope to make the Glebe House and the Coach House available for holiday lets, and to offer overnight accommodation in the Old Rectory itself. For the past ten years they have been hoteliers on the Isle of Mull and will happily pass on their knowledge to anyone planning a trip to the west of Scotland, particularly the Isles of Mull and Iona. Family links have enticed them back south and they look forward to getting to know Berrynarbor and its surroundings.

There have been a lot of changes, too, at Berrynarbor Park, with departures and new and future arrivals.

We are very sorry to be losing both Malcolm and Joan Garbett and Tony and Marilyn Mascall. Joan and Malcolm are returning to the Lichfield area to be nearer the family and we shall miss seeing them setting off together for one of their country walks, but they hope to remain regular visitors. Marilyn and Tony are off to Corby in Northants, again to be nearer the family but also to give them more room for Tony's latest venture of making dolls' houses and furniture. They will be retaining a link with the Park. We shall look forward to seeing all four of you again before too long and our best wishes go with you.

Tony and Marilyn would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the friendship they have received since they came in December 1996 - they will be back!

A very warm welcome to No. 9 to Brian and Di Hillier. Brian and Di, and their two golden retrievers - Jasmine and Heidi - have come to North Devon from the Midlands and for the past five years their home has been a narrow boat on the waterways of Bedford. The love of Brian's life is motor cycling, so having retired early as a director of his own engineering company, he indulged himself and took to motor cycle instructing on a part-time basis - like 6 days a week! Di is a trained nurse, but has also retired. They have two children - a son Geoff, who with his wife and daughter is currently in Uganda, although they are shortly off to Mongolia; and a daughter Sharon, a teacher who has a son and a daughter, and lives near Leicester.

So taken with the Park, on a recent visit, was Brian's stepmother, that she, too, will be moving to Berrynarbor to take up residence in either No. 11 or No. 12! This, however, is a few months off yet.

Moving into No. 10 in the not too distant future, are Marion and her mother Daisy and we hope to be able to welcome them more fully in the October Newsletter.

Alan and Diane Whittaker have departed from Grattons and gone to Exeter, where, we understand, Alan plans to play more golf! We wish them well. Grattons, and the holiday accommodation business, are a new way of life for Colin and Annie Trinder [no, no relation to Tommy!], who having originated from Oxford and Surrey, have spent the last 20 plus years in Chalfont St. Peter in Buckinghamshire. Annie has been working in administration for the National Society for Epilepsy and Colin has been Marketing Director of a pharmaceutical company specialising in dermatology; he plans to do some consultancy work, particularly during the winter. A warm welcome to you both and good luck with the new venture.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


We were sorry to see Glenys and Graham leave Miss Muffet's to go further west to Polperro, on the south Cornish coast. Piskey's Pantry, where you can get an all-day breakfast and food for the family on holiday, is keeping them 'on the go', but also allowing more time for themselves in the evening. We wish them every happiness and success in the future.

A restaurant serving lunches, cream teas and evening meals is a new way of life for Jeane and Bob Hackney, the new folks at Miss Muffet's. Bob and Jeane, who previously ran their own specialist decorating business, have come from Sevenoaks in Kent. They have three daughters and a son, three of whom are living in Sevenoaks but one daughter and their two grandchildren live in America. All the best with the new venture!

We also extend a warm welcome to Pat and Brian Thorpe from Torquay, who are helping at Napps for the summer, and thank you, Pat, for kindly baking cakes for 'A Country Collection' - could we please have the recipe for the scrumptious lemon drizzle cake!?

Another warm welcome to John and Carol Hill who, with their two daughters and their families have taken over Watermouth Holiday Villas. Sara and her husband, Michael Hodgkiss, have 3 children - Jessica, Charlotte and Samuel - and Jane and her husband, Mac Gray, have 2 children - George and Ellie. The family have come down from Staffordshire in the Midlands, and have left two sons/brothers, Andrew and Steven, to run the family industrial estate.

To all newcomers, good luck and we hope you will be very happy here.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A very warm welcome to all our newcomers.

Moving into the village itself, to Whitecote, are Jill and Tim Massey. Jill and Tim, who originally came to North Devon in 1984 from Stoke-on-Trent, via London, Scotland and North Wales, have been running the very successful Wheel Farm Country Cottages. They are currently taking a well earned break and drawing breath before deciding on their next venture!

Wheel Farm is a totally new venture from supermarket, delicatessen and florist businesses for John and Christine Robertson. John and Christine, who have come westwards from Potten End near Berkhamsted in Hertfordshire, have two daughters one living in London, the other in Hemel Hempstead.

'A dream come true' is how Jeremy Sanson described the move he, his wife Liz and 3-year old daughter Jessica have made from Esher in Surrey to Widmouth House and Cottages. The 'holiday business' is a new enterprise for them too - Liz was in Management Training before motherhood and Jeremy an IT Consultant in London.

Green Leas, of late home to Angela and George Powell who have returned to Towcester, Northamptonshire, is now home to Naomi and Nick Carter. With their family Nathaniel, Elysha and baby Joshua, they moved from Bicester in Oxfordshire to Combe Martin a year ago, and have now moved here to Berrynarbor. Nick is a self-employed plumber specialising in bathroom installations.

Our best wishes to you all in your new homes and ventures - we hope you will be very happy here in Berrynarbor.

We were sorry to lose Mary Leckie of Deane, Barton Lane, in February, but she has not moved far. We are glad to know that she is now in 'Caring Hands' and happy in her new home. We wish you well, Mary.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Michelle Beaumont, Clerk to our Parish Council, has for personal reasons resigned as from the end of January. We thank her for all her hard work and support and wish her well. Stepping in to the breach, we welcome Susan Squire. Susan, who comes from Bratton Fleming, takes over from the beginning of February and we look forward to working with her. Her address is: Haxlea, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, Barnstaple, EX31 4TG Tel: [01598] 710526.

As promised in the last Newsletter, we extend a very warm welcome to Pat Perry and Maureen Scott-Nash, the newcomers at Fuchsia Cottage. But let them introduce themselves .

As the new owners of Fuchsia Cottage we should like to introduce ourselves through the Newsletter. We are Pat and Maureen and we are delighted to have found our holiday retreat in this beautiful village, although we must admit that it was more by chance than careful planning!

The early summer of '99 saw us spending weekends at gorgeous Bessemer Thatch as we viewed what seemed to be endless cottages within a 40 mile radius of the village. We were searching for a second home for us and our families to spend time in and to enjoy the delights of this wonderful area of North Devon. Many of the places we visited seemed to suit our needs but were in isolated spots or lacked a village shop, post office or even a pub, and a sense of 'community'. We were always comparing other areas to Berrynarbor and quickly realised that this village was just what we were looking for.

We sought advice from Colin at Bessemer Thatch and learned that Fuchsia Cottage was for sale and went to look straight away. We were disappointed that no one was 'at home', and as we were due to return to Hertfordshire within the hour, we left a note explaining our interest and drove home. We were delighted to receive a phone call from Michael that evening, even more so when we realised that Michael and Joy were due to go off to America on the Tuesday - we had just caught them in time. After a visit to view the next week-end [thanks to the help of Anita who showed us around], we had fallen in love with the cottage and the sale was complete by mid-September. So, it's all thanks to Colin and Wendy.

Pat is a qualified Environmental Health Officer, employed within local authorities until ten years ago when she set up her own Environmental Health Consultancy, which now has a staff of over 25 and a large client group within the restaurant, pub and hotel trade. Pat is able to work from the cottage when we are in Devon.

I am a social worker and spent years working in the field of specialist fostering and adoption before training as a Play Therapist. I currently work at a Macmillan day hospice working with children who have cancer or who have lost a parent or close member of their family. I have two sons, the younger is married and has two children Danny [91 and Chloe [7]. My eldest son is engaged.

Both of our families have managed to visit the cottage and all want to come back as much as possible, preferably after we have completed the decorating. Could this be because we put a paint brush in their hand and give them a list of jobs to do the moment they walk through the door?!

We should like to thank all of you who have made us feel so welcome in the village and we look forward to spending as much time as possible in our new home.



Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It was sad to say farewell to Joy and Michael Morrow. Their departure happened very quickly and after a holiday in South Africa they have travelled to Boston to meet their new granddaughter, Eva Grace - a daughter for Benedicta and Jerry - born on the 22nd September, weighing 6 lbs. Congratulations and best wishes to you all! Now Joy and Michael are in the sunshine in Texas and plan to return to the UK, where they hope to have a permanent base, in late April/early May. Thank you, Joy, for all that you did for the village for your stalwart work and support for the Management Committee, especially with the Best Kept Village and Britain in Bloom projects, as well as the annual Horticultural and Craft Show. Good luck to you both and we look forward to your visit in the spring, and we also look forward to welcoming the new owners of Fuchsia Cottage in the next edition of the Newsletter.

Whilst it is 'goodbye' to David, Julie and Adam Earls, who have moved back nearer the Metropolis, it is a very warm welcome to the new folks at The Cedars - Jean Ede and Peter Pell. Jean and Peter have moved from Newberry in Berkshire. Jean, a nurse, has two sons - Darren and Ben - living in Reading; and Peter, who is in the business of all-weather surfaces for equestrian events, has three daughters - Sarah, Emma and Becky - and five grandchildren - Jack and Lottie, and Oscar, Dennis and Lily. We hope you will both be very happy here and that the family will enjoy visiting.

We wish Geoff and Penny Gove, Emily and Lloyd, every happiness and success, having taken 'On-A-Hill' to Lynton Cross. O-A-H is now Cleave House and home to Graham and Manay Hendley and their daughter, Nissa. Graham and Manay, who have moved from Fleet in Hampshire, are both industrial chemists and Nissa is currently attending the primary school at Combe Martin. A very warm welcome to you all and good luck and happiness in your new home.

Lorna and Mike Bowden have moved 'over the garden wall' and are now settling in to their temporary home at Parson's Pightle, awaiting developments at Wood Park. Rockton is to be home to Brian and Mary Shillaker, who are retiring here from the hotel business in Washingborough, Lincolnshire. Mary and Brian, who have two children a son Nicholas and a daughter Helen and son-in-law Richard, enjoy gardening, quizzes, crosswords and walking.

Leighton Lodge, Birdswell, is no longer home to Olinda and Brian Holden, who have moved to Stoke Rivers - it is home to Martin and Louise Lancey, now returning to Devon from London. Louise and Martin, whose parents both live in Ilfracombe, were married here at St. Peter's, with a reception in the Manor Hall, a year ago last September. Martin runs his own carpentry and property maintenance business and is into golf, fishing, motorbikes and Guinness! and Louise works in public relations for the gas emergency company, Transco. Her hobbies are interior design, arts and crafts, country walks and shopping. Martin and Louise look forward to many happy years in Berrynarbor.

We wish Brian and Olinda every happiness in their new home and extend a very warm welcome to the village to Louise and Martin.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


We wish Alan and Linda Denzey [Lee View] and family good luck in their new home in Ilfracombe, and extend a warm welcome to Alan and Wendy Lord, John and Helen Williams, Phil and Lanie Shedden and Graham and Carol Lucas.

Alan and Wendy, who have taken over Brookvale, come from Henley-on-thames where Alan, together with their son Matthew, is a Director running the family business; Wendy is a member of the teaching profession, currently 'on supply' and their daughter Melanie and her husband live in Winchester.

Also in the teaching profession is John Williams. He and Helen have moved in to the Coach House at the Old Rectory from Ramsey in Cambridgeshire where John taught History and he is now teaching at Ilfracombe College. Helen has been an administrator with the Police Force, but is currently on the look-out for new employment.

Phil and Lanie have moved to Beech Hill from Northolt, near London. Phil is a sports injury therapist. They have a son Danny who works for the local authority in Hillingdon, and their daughter, Melanie, works in telecommunications in Swindon.

Graham and Carol Lucas have arrived from Gravesend in Kent, where they lived for 27 years, and moved into Brinscott Farmhouse. They have five children, the youngest two, Ivan and Colette have moved down with them. Their eldest daughter Eleanor has recently qualified as a doctor of medicine, Catherine is studying Educational Psychology at Lancaster University and Oliver will go to Manchester University next year. Graham has been involved with bananas all his life. He had his own business for many years but before his retirement was a Director of one of the big banana importers. Carol has had wide experience as a teacher, specialising in children with special needs. They plan to run the 16th Century farmhouse as bed and breakfast accommodation, converting the stone outbuildings into holiday cottages.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Meet [with apologies for the lateness of this introduction] the Mugleston's, who moved here from Muddiford more than two years ago! Chris and Audrey, retired farmers and ex-owners of Broomhill, are now living at Bodstone Barton, together with their two sons, Graham and Neil and their families.

No longer a tourist attraction, Graham continues to farm the complex, whilst his wife, Tania - a teacher - has been 'on supply' at our Primary School and took to the boards in this year's BBC's Show in March. They have three children, Sophie, Kate and baby Joe [who we met earlier]. Neil works for Cox's Pharmaceutical and his wife, Llywen, also works in Barnstaple. Their children, Hannah and Alan, have continued their primary education at Marwood School. A belated but very warm welcome to you all.

We are very happy to welcome Martin and Linsay Clayton, who with their daughter Verity, have moved in to Lynwood, Pitt Hill. Martin, a carpenter/joiner [see advertisement], Linsay, who works in the Medical Centre in Ilfracombe, and Verity, a student at Ilfracombe College, have moved here from Ilfracombe.

It will be holidays at Croft Lee for the Waterhouse family of Ashbourne, Derbyshire - Steve and Hannah, their three children, Rebecca, James and Laura, and Cassie the dog. Steve is a director of an UK transport company and Hannah is a trained nurse and fish doctor! Greetings to you all - we hope your holidays here will be very happy.

We also wish Kim and James, who are moving from Croft Lee, good luck and every happiness in their new home at Coastguard Cottages.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Jackie and John Weaver are home again after their extended stay in Australia and Bob and Judy, our temporary residents, have returned 'down under', but before going they left this message:

We exchanged our surf, sun and sand
To come to explore this far-off land.
All our friends thought us insane
To leave the sun to come to rain.
As luck would have it, the weather's been great,
Staying light till half-past eight.
We had cold days as well, you know,
But what a thrill to see the snow!
We loved your village, pub and steeple,
Most of all we loved the people.
All so friendly and quick with a smile,
Always happy to talk for a while.

The scenery here is second to none,
Which makes your village Number One!
The sea is close and hills abound,
Fields of green are all around.
But, alas, our time has come
And although we're rather glum,
We'll wear a smile, not a frown
When we leave your lovely town.
As they say, for where you roam
There is no place like sunny home.
Goodbye to you all, our new-found friends,
We'll think of you at our journey's end.

Thank you for your hospitality.

Bob and Judy [Aussies]

Illustrations by: Debbie Cook

Sadly, we also say goodbye to Arline and Bernard Lewis who are moving to Martock in Somerset, and Art and Dawn Jameson, now living in Wiltshire. We hope you will be happy in your new homes.

We extend a warm welcome to Ian and Christine Smith, who have come westwards from High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, where Christine ran a coffee shop and Ian was an accountant. With a change of life style in mind, they have moved in to Mill Park House and the 'B and B' business. We wish you both happiness and success in your new venture.

Apologies for not welcoming Simon Bell, the new Headmaster of our Primary School, in the last issue. Congratulations, Simon, on your appointment and very best wishes for the future.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


There has been quite a lot of 'moving' of late. To those coming we extend a very warm welcome and hope that you will be happy here in the village, and to those going, you take with you our best wishes for happiness in your new homes.

Jilly Loosemore has moved into Brookmead, Castle Hill, whilst Robin and Emma Pickering and Jack have gone far afield, to Newcastle-under-Lyme.

Ellis Cottage, Pitt Hill, is now home to Peta Haines and her daughters, Emma and Katie.

Sam and Chris Bowden and baby Jonathan, after a brief stay in the Valley, have moved into their new home in Combe Martin.

Andrea and Geoff Smith are leaving the Coach House at the Rectory to move in to Goodleigh House, the home for many years of Elizabeth and Ray Robbins and formerly their daughter, Maria.

By the time the Newsletter is out, Bill and Jill Jones hope to have moved into Riversdale. They, like Eric and Marion before them, have moved down from Cheshire and have been staying in Combe Martin since last August. Bill, a retired electronics company director and Jill, who has latterly been involved in adverse reactions to drugs, have 8 children and 10 grandchildren.

We are delighted to welcome to the village Bob and Judy who are temporary residents at Ragstone Cottage. Bob and Judy, who come from the Perth area of Australia, have exchanged homes for three months with Jackie and John Weaver. They met through Jackie's sister, Jane, who emigrated 'down under' and now works with Bob in the prison service. It is lovely to have you with us and we hope you will enjoy your stay.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A very warm welcome to Roy and Jackie Pierpoint who moved into Langleigh House in early December. Roy and Jackie, who have 'retired' here from Ascot, have five daughters and eleven grandchildren - Langleigh House will be full at holiday time!! Jackie originally trained as a nurse and Roy's interest has always been in cars and motor racing, from which he made a living in the 1970's driving sports cars and saloons. Also residing at Langleigh House are Roy's two pre-war cars - an Austin 7 and a [police type] Wolseley.

Having, for a while, allowed others to enjoy living in their home in the Valley, Julia [nee Hannam] and Rob Fairchild and their daughters, Ella and Lucy [and the 2 cats and a dog!], moved in to Wood Park just before Christmas. For Julia it is a return to the village she loves and grew up in and we welcome you all and wish you every happiness.

It is farewell to Nick and Stephanie Long who have left Fuji to move to Braunton. Good luck in your new home.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


There has been a lot of movement since the last Newsletter!

The house that Jim built is now nearly complete and Jim and Sheila McDonald hope to move into their new home before Christmas. Alice and Simon's barn conversion is also nearly complete and they, too, hope to move in shortly.

A belated welcome to Stuart and Linda Thomas, who have moved from Bideford and are now the new residents at Long Acre, Barton Lane.

Things have been happening to the folks up the hill at Berrynarbor Park. Kate and Mole have now taken up full-time residence at Mole Hill and we wish them both a happy retirement. Kate's 'hair do's' will be missed by many. Sue and Simon will, at least for a while, continue to help Theresa and Paul Crockett, who have taken over the Park. Theresa and Paul and their family, Jack and Rosie, have moved from Alton in Hampshire, where they ran a motor cycle franchise.

Norma and Tony Holland, who for some years have had a caravan on the site, are retiring down to Berrynarbor from Bristol and hope to move into their new Park Home in the very near future, as will Margaret and Peter Kerr from Glastonbury.

Alf and Alan have moved to Corfe Cottage, next to The Globe, from Bowden Farm Cottage, which is now home to Ken and Hazel Gosham. Ken, who originates from the Isle of Wight, and Hazel from Surrey, have retired down to Devon from Ash Vale in Surrey, where they have both been Managers at two separate Garden Centres.

Jacqui [Stavrinou] and Simon, following their marriage and Blessing at St. Peter's on the 14th November, have moved to Bulford near Salisbury, where Simon is a Sergeant in the Army. Congratulations and best wishes to you both.

It is lovely to be able to welcome Maureen and Graham Jones who have returned to the fold and will be living at Sandpiper in the Sterridge Valley. Having sold the riding stables at Dean, Samantha, Chris and baby Jonathan will be taking up temporary residence in the Valley whilst they are looking for a new home.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A warm welcome to Geoffrey and Andrea Smith who have moved in to the Coach House at the Old Rectory. Geoffrey, who is a Chiropodist in Ilfracombe, and Andrea have moved from Egham in Surrey. We hope you will both be very happy here in Berrynarbor.

Happiness in your New Home wishes to Karen and Matthew Walls and Becky and Alex who have moved into their new home at Lane End and a very warm welcome to Bernard and June O'Regan who are moving from Lowestoft in Suffolk to Pink Heather.

John [our Parish Clerk] and Ann Vince will be returning shortly to South Devon to live at Teignmouth where they will be nearer to their families at Brixham, and Colyton. We thank John for all his hard work on behalf of the village and wish him and Ann every happiness in their new home. John's position as Clerk will be taken by Michelle Beaumont, to whom we send congratulations and good luck wishes.

David Chaplin, Headteacher of our Primary School, is moving on to new climes. We congratulate him on his new appointment to the County Advisory team, wish him well and thank him most sincerely for his superb stewardship of our school. Together with his staff, his loving care and encouragement of the pupils and support for the parents have put us well and truly on the map! Thank you, David, and good luck.

Best wishes to Barbara Johnson who will be taking over as Acting Head in the Autumn Term.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It was sad to say 'good-bye' to Gary and Miska but lovely to have cream teas and a warm welcome once again on the menu at Miss Muffet's. Graham and Glenys Hatcher, who have moved from a small village near Dover in Kent, intend to put Miss Muffet back on her tuffet [and the map]! This is a new line of business for them - Glenys has given up her clerical job and Graham his job as a Sales Representative. They will shortly be opening up the lounge as a restaurant for early evening meals and Sunday lunches. We welcome them both and wish them every success in their new venture.

Breezes, Barton Lane, is the new home of Nicola and Michael Cornish who have moved, with their two children - William and Charlotte - and two cats from Stoke Rivers. Nicola is a Vet at the Mullacott Vetinary Hospital and Michael a Land Surveyor, who from necessity has now become a keen DIY man! We wish you all a very warm welcome and hope you will be happy here.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A rather belated welcome to Malcolm and Janet Knight who have moved Into Summerhill, Hagginton Hill. Malcolm and Janet have moved, after three years, from Lynton, but originally came further west from Basingstoke in Hampshire. Malcolm is a self-employed builder and Janet an enthusiastic volunteer for the R.S.P.C.A. and they have two married daughters and a granddaughter. Their present family of 'other animals' includes 4 dogs, 5 cats and 2 ponies, and Janet is currently caring for I stray - a collie called Clyde'.

We should like to thank all who helped us move from Lynton to Summerhill and for everyone's kindness since. It's a long way from Basingstoke where we were involved with animal rescue - we still try to help if we can. We should like to wish everyone a belated Happy New Year.

Malcolm and Janet

Again a belated welcome to the Morris's now at Wood Park; to Joy and Paul, a customer liaison officer in Plymouth, and their family, Adam, Annemarie and Kayleigh, and their son, Jamie, and daughter, Kerry, who live in Ilfracombe.

After scouring the South West for a house with a view, near the sea and accessibly inaccessible, Ed and Debbie Hillier have found their ideal home at Channel View. Ed and Debbie, who is Chinese, have come from afar - Hong Kong to be precise where they worked for the Government as Police Officers. A very warm welcome to you both and our belated congratulations and best wishes on your marriage last June.

Ed and Debbie would like to thank everyone for making them so welcome and especially the helpers who assisted the power-less Ed during a stormy move!

Vincent and Pat Hitchman are the new residents at Laurel Dene. They have moved to the north of the county from Lustley on Dartmoor, having come to the West Country from North Watford. Now retired Vincent was with British Telecom and Pat an engineering draughtswoman, and they have a married daughter, Patricia, son-in-law John, and two grandsons, Paul and Robert. Not to be left out of our welcome is Suzy the cat!

Alan and Caroline Forward are currently moving in to Berridale, Barton Lane, and we extend a warm welcome to them both. Alan is a self-employed builder and Caroline works for a well-known supermarket! They have two children - a son Keith and a daughter Terri-Anne.

Warm wishes to you all.
We hope you will be very happy in your new homes here In Berrynarbor


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The removal men have been quite busy in the village lately! It is always sad to say 'good-bye', but nice to welcome newcomers.

Our best wishes go with Jean and Jim Constantine who have left Haggington Hill to move to Exeter, where they are still looking for a permanent home. Moving in to Ragstone Cottage are Jacqui and John Weaver - not a long distance from Cedars in the Sterridge Valley! Continuing the chain and taking up residence at the Cedars, we welcome David and Julie Earls and their son, Adam, who have moved from near Guilford in Surrey.

If you have driven up Castle Hill of late, you will have noticed the recent conversion near Hammonds Farm. Now complete, this is the new home of Scott and Linda Balment. Newlyweds, Scott - who comes from Ilfracombe - and Linda - who comes from Barnstaple - run Go Carts, the North Devon Carting Centre In Barnstaple. Our congratulations on your recent marriage and best wishes for the future. We hope you will both be very happy here in the village.

Having welcomed Rachel, Peter and baby Thomas to Wood Park in the last Newsletter, we must now say 'farewell' as they are off to Buckinghamshire where Peter will be taking up a new job as a Chef.

Last time we were able to briefly 'welcome' the Wellers to Berrynarbor Park, but now we can be more personal and wish Dan and Margaret every happiness here, having found our idyllic village after three years' nomadic existence in the West Country. Having both retired, Dan and Margaret's journey began in East Anglia where they ran a charter boat on the River Cam.

Bessemer Thatch is under new ownership, Heather and Les having moved to a temporary home at Roundswell. We shall miss them both [what about the Show?] and wish them well in the future. Taking over, and new to the hotel business, are Wendy Burchell and Colin Applegate from Wootton Bassett in Wiltshire. Wendy, a Health Service professional, has a family association and a lot of experience in the catering world, and Colin was a Customs Officer. Welcome - we hope you will both be happy and successful here.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It is with much sadness that we say 'goodbye' to Laurel and Celia Draper who have moved to Braunton, and Peggy Eppingstone who has returned to Beer in East Devon. We shall miss them and wish them every happiness in their new homes.

Farewell, but only temporarily, to Elaine Gubb who is off to 'au pair' in America. We hope she will be very happy and look forward to hearing her news in due course.

We welcome Rachel, Peter and baby Thomas to Wood Park and the Wellers who have joined the 'folks who live up the hill' at Berrynarbor Park, and hope you will be happy here in the village.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A warm welcome to the new owners of the Rectory, Gillian and Richard who come from Essex and are both helicopter flying instructors. They plan to offer cream teas and bed and breakfast facilities in the near future. Good luck to you both!

Good luck to the Mildenhall-Ward family who are moving to Woolscott Barton, and a warm welcome to Jo, Mike and Ted Lane who have moved into Brookside Cottage. Jo, a Receptionist, and Mike, an ex-teacher, have also moved from Essex. We hope you will all be very happy here in the village.

Paul and Jacky Lethaby have recently moved house and we wish them well in their new home, Glen Coe, also in Kentisbury.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A belated warm welcome to Jeremy and Julia Stark who moved into Hagginton Hill from Ashford, Barnstaple, in February.

Jeremy is an accountant working in Barnstaple and Julia, who used to be a teacher, is now fully occupied looking after their three daughters and doing up the house.

Reluctant to leave their friends and having settled in well, Jessica [8] and Juliet [6] continue to attend Southmead School at Braunton, and Eloise [3] is now attending Berrynarbor Pre-School. We hope you will all be very happy in Berrynarbor.

We wish Grace and Nipper every happiness in their new home at Withycombe, Combe Martin, but it is not 'good-bye' as Grace will continue to keep our loos spotless and both will be regular visitors to the village.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A 'warm welcome to all newcomers to the Village:

To Val and David Hann who have moved in to Croft Lee. Val, who taught at Ilfracombe College, and David both work for the Social Services, and have lived in North Devon since 1973 when they moved to Wheel Farm and opened their home to many successful events for the Primary School P.T.A. After leaving Wheel Farm, they have lived in Combe Martin, Lynton and Ilfracombe, but are happy to be back in the village again. They have three sons: Jeremy - a doctor, Simon - a teacher [both members of the Berrynarbor Football Team - see February's newsletter last year] and Ben, who is with the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary based in Barnstaple.

A belated welcome, since they moved in to Croft Lee in May last year, to Janet of Reynolds Florists of Ilfracombe, and Lee who works for Pall Ilfracombe. Lee and Janet have moved from Ilfracombe and both attended Ilfracombe College. With no other information available at the moment, we also welcome to Croft Lee, Kim and James.

Mill Park House is receiving some welcome t.l.c. from its new owners, Dawn and Art Jameson. Dawn and Art have moved from West Sussex, near Gatwick Airport, where they ran a large and very busy guesthouse, and are now thinking in terms of semi-retirement taking in a few bed and breakfast guests! Art was born in Scotland but lived in Canada for thirty-five years [hence the accent] and was a Chief Steward for Canadian Airlines. He and Dawn met through their work, as Dawn, too, worked for Canadian Airlines at Gatwick. Their joint family includes six children [with a son and a daughter in Canada and the United States], nine grand-children, and not forgetting their two dogs. Art enjoys making home-made wine and picture framing and relaxes by making Canadian Quilts. We hope that you will both be very happy and that your family will enjoy visiting you here in Berrynarbor.

It is sad to say good-bye to Joan Adams who has moved to South Devon. We shall miss her and wish her every happiness in her new home.

"Dear Friends and Neighbours,

After living in Berrynarbor for 30 years I am leaving to live in a small flat in Exmouth near to my son, John. Thank you all for your friendship and help and I wish you all a Happy New Year for 1997. I expect to visit Berrynarbor as often as possible and hope when you come to Exmouth you will visit me at 27 Chester House, Imperial Road, Exmouth."

Cherry Hinton will be the new home of Doreen and Alan Prater and we wish you, too, every happiness in your new home.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A warm welcome and congratulations to Claire and Michael Prentice who have moved in to Summerhill, Hagginton, following their recent marriage and honeymoon spent in the Canary Islands. We also welcome Tony and Marilyn Mascall who have come to live at Berrynarbor Park from Northampton; Jim and Linda McDonald who will be exchanging a busy life in London for one of active retirement at Hole Farm, Goosewell and Thistledew, Birdswell Lane, is now home to Sylvia and Ernest Baker who have come from Berkshire.

Best wishes to you all, we hope you will be very happy here in Berrynarbor.

Residents of the Sterridge Valley were sorry to say 'good-bye' to Sandra and Jim Jackson, Michael and Alyson, plus their 4-footers - we wish them well.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Puttick and family who are leaving Mandalay, on Hagginton Hill, for the 'wilds' of Wales, where Mr. Puttick hopes to resume his engineering career.

We are pleased to welcome Peter and Kathleen Waller to 'Seaview', Barton Lane, who have moved from Essex, and also another new arrival to Barton Lane, Mrs. Williams who has moved in to 'Breezes'.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


To Em and Sam, the new residents at Cutts End. Em, who comes from Thailand, is in the world of advertising, and Sam, who hails from Cheshire, is employed in hotel management.

Brookside is now home to Bryan and Wendy Mildenhall-Ward and their three children, Luke, Daniel and Bethany, and mother, Joan Mildenhall. The family have come from Hayes in Middlesex.

Jane Elstone and Derek Thompson have exchanged their jewellery business in the London area for self-catering Holidays at Smythen Farm Coastal Cottages, previously set up and run by Maud and Brian Irwin who have moved to Smythen Farm, from where they will continue to run their farming business.

A warm welcome to you all - we hope you will be very happy here in Berrynarbor.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The 18th April was moving day for Anne and Dave Beagley, who have had to leave Brookside Cottage, now on the market, and return in the Ilfracombe direction as no other suitable accommodation was available in the Village. However, they will not be far away and will continue to use our Post Offce, so if anyone wishes to contact them, messages left at the Post Office will be collected on Tuesdays. Their new phone number is 866647.

We thank Anne and Dave for their support and Dave for his Crosswords, and wish them both well.


Artwork: Paul Swailes

A warm welcome to all newcomers to the Village, to:

Ellen [Mrs. Norman's granddaughter] and Paul Maloney who have moved from High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, to Highgate Lodge, together with their family Eloise, Lydia and Nathaniel.

Paul and Trina Bebbington, and daughters Danielle and Kirsty, whose new home is at Harper's Mill. Paul, who works at Foxhunters Garage, and Trina, caring for the elderly in Mortehoe, have come from Wolverhampton.

Also from the Midlands - Birmingham - are the new residents at Besshill, Michael and Bernadette Joyce. Michael is a dentist in Barnstaple and Bernadette a teacher at Bideford.

Liz Coleman, a teacher at Ilfracombe Infant School, has just returned from a year in Canada and is now living at Cutts End. Liz hopes to return to Canada in the not too distant future.

Henry and Jane Goldsmith didn't have far to move from Combe Martin to Spindrift Lodge, formerly Three Steps. Henry is a retired R.A.F. Warrant Officer and Jane a part-time Casualty Nurse at the Tyrell Hospital.

Sadly we said good-bye and good luck to Terry and Mel Chantler who have moved to Milltown, but we welcome to Little Firs Brian and Nicky Ball. Brian and Nicky moved from Farnborough to Combe Martin nearly ten years ago and Brian is the Pharmacist and Chemist at Combe Martin. Like Henry and Jane, they were already 'locals'.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A warm welcome to the new residents at Mill Park House - Leona Ludford and her children Sean, Mark and Fay, and Earl Bramley and Adell Simms.

Leona, whom we congratulate on the birth of a new grandchild, Shotzi, is interested in art and design [especially decoupage] and teaches aerobics and dance [shall we be seeing a new class in the village?]. Earl is a talented pen and ink artist [another contributor for the Newsletter?] and Adell and her friend, Brian, share an interest in "real" motorbikes. We hope you will all be very happy here in Berrynarbor.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


We say goodbye to Hilary and John Tossell and best wishes on your move - to be nearer the world of antiques - to Somerset.

Mr. and Mrs. Puttick have moved into Mandalay, Hagginton Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Jones to Rose Cottage. Roger and Debbie Luckham, and William and Rachel, are the new residents at "Prospect", Birdswell. We wish you all a very warm welcome to the Village.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A warm welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Powell who have moved to Green Lees, Barton Hill, from Northamptonshire, where for the last 30 years they have been running their local Post Office and Stores, and to Sue and Derek Brooks who have arrived at Threeways, Hagginton Hill, from Oxfordshire.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Our good luck and best wishes go with Ken and Jenny Holly and Marcus on their move to Knowle. Happily, they will be continuing their ties with the Village - Jenny with her hairdressing service and helping at The Globe, and Ken as Caretaker at the school.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Farewell to Viv and Gerry Osmond who have moved to Barnstaple, and welcome to Fred and Linda Brown who have moved from Aldershot to take up residence at Devon Cottage, Hagginton Hill.

Brookmead, Castle Hill, is the new home of Emma and Robin Pickering who have moved down from Stoke on Trent for Robin to take up his post of Lecturer at the North Devon College

It is understood that Mark and Hilary Adams have moved to Combe Martin but are hoping, at some stage, to return to the village. Their house at Croft Lee is now home to Julie, Harvey and Charlotte.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffon have moved in to Gloria, Amanda and Esther's old home at Bramley Hedge, Barton Lane.

We wish all those leaving good luck in their new homes and extend a warm welcome to all newcomers to the village.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It is lovely to see Lorna Price back home again following her successful hip replacement operation and we look forward to seeing her out and about very soon.

Best wishes, too, to Bob Adams after his recent spell in hospital and Margaret Andrews who has now had the plaster off her leg following her recent accident.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


By the time you receive this Newsletter, Pam Cruse who has been Headteacher at our Primary School for the past nine years, will have left to take up her new post at South Molton. We thank her for her enthusiasm, involvement with the village and the wonderful work she has done at the school and wish her all the very best in her new appointment. We hope she will keep in touch. At the same time, we look forward to meeting David Chaplin and beginning a new school year in September under his guidance.

John Williams, who has served as our Rector for nearly twelve years, will be leaving the Parish to retire on the 31st October. We are grateful to him and his wife, Dorothy, for all their help and support over the years and wish them well when they move to Exmouth.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


It was with sadness that the village said a fond farewell to Sid and Flo Russell on their recent move, but we wish them all the very best in their new home in Ilfracombe and look forward to their visiting the village.