Edition 143 - April 2013

We have 'sprung forward' and put the clock on an hour but where is the spring? As I write this the South West is suffering from torrential rain [but fortunately not us!] and parts of the country are under six inches of snow!
However, spring is on the cover and thank you Debbie for illustrating a favourite poem of our first-ever centenarian contributor to the Newsletter - Trev.
I am also delighted to be able to wish Debbie, on behalf of myself and all readers, health and happiness in the future, for by the time you read this Debbie will have married Pete Rigler at St. Olaf's at Exeter. Thankfully she says she will continue to illustrate the Newsletter for us!
Faces come and go in the village and to all newcomers and those who have left, all good wishes for happiness in your new homes. All good wishes go, too, to everyone who has been or is not well - 'flu seems to have struck many and thank you Paul for continuing to illustrate articles for this issue whilst not feeling at your best.
And where would the Newsletter be without the regular contributors? Thank you all.
. . . and the usual plea, articles for the June issue will be welcome as soon as possible and by Tuesday, 7th May at the VERY LATEST. This is a special plea as our printer is taking a well-deserved holiday towards the end of May and has asked for copy earlier than normal. No pressure for me then!
Judie - Ed
Oh, to be in England
Now that April's there,
And whoever wakes in England
Sees, some morning, unaware,
That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf,
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough
In England now!
And after April, when May follows,
And the whitethroat builds, and all the swallows!
Hark, where my blossomed pear-tree in the hedge
Leans to the field and scatters on the clover
Blossoms and dewdrops - at the bent spray's edge -
That's the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over,
Lest you should think he never could recapture
The first fine careless rapture!
And though the fields look rough with hoary dew,
All will be gay when noontide wakes anew
The buttercups, the little children's dower
Far brighter than this gaudy melon-flower!
Robert Browning [1812-1889]

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes

At the end of January Karen treated
everyone who comes to the Friendship Lunches at The Globe to a beautiful meal. Our thanks go to her and her staff who
welcome us every month. We have been
joined recently by more people and
numbers are increasing again. Please
ask if you would like to come along - it is very informal and we order whatever
we should like from the menu and pay as we go.
The next lunches will be on Wednesdays 24th April and 22nd May, 12.00
noon onwards. Contact me on [01271]
Berrynarbor was well represented at the Women's World Day of
Prayer Service held in Combe Martin Parish Church this year. The service had been written by Christian
women in France and the theme was based on welcoming strangers into our
churches and communities.
As we celebrate this occasion
we are aware that this same service is being re-enacted not only across this
country but all around the world, drawing Christians of all denominations
It has been lovely over the last few weeks to see so many
families and children in church. There
were baptisms on Sundays 24th February and 3rd March and of course 10th March
was Mothering Sunday when we were joined by children from the School with their
parents. The children read out tributes
to their mothers and Rev. Chris and Teresa Crockett enacted a modern version of
the story of the Prodigal Son. During
the last hymn, the children took round posies of spring flowers, first to their
mothers and then to the other ladies present.
Special thanks to Sue Neale for making up the posies and to everyone who
put so much time and effort into preparing the service. Needless to say, our congregation has
trebled over these weeks and the average age fell somewhat - would it could be
the same during April and May.
Having said that, there will be another village baptism on
Sunday, 7th April. Another special
service - Whitsunday [Pentecost] is early this year and falls on the 19th
May. There will be a Family Service at
11.00 a.m. when we hope to be joined by the school children once again.
The annual Meeting of the PCC was held on Tuesday, 12th
March. All members of the PCC were
present but disappointingly no other members of the congregation were able to
attend. The meeting began with the
election of churchwardens. Stuart Neale
has decided to stand down after ten years of service but has agreed to remain
as Deputy. Teresa Crockett was elected
as churchwarden and we wish her well as she takes up her duties in May. Ideally we should have two churchwardens and
once again this matter needs to be addressed.
The PCC then looked back on all that had been achieved over the year and
the Rector reported on the progress being made in the North Devon Coast
Team. Growing links with the school
were particularly well received. The
PCC were re-elected and are: Marion
Carter - Secretary, Mary Tucker - Treasurer, Sue Neale and Doreen Prater with
the Rector in the Chair. David Steed
has decided to stand down from the Council but will remain an active member of
the congregation. Our thanks to David
and Stuart for all their service over the past few years.
Mary Tucker

Following the joyous occasion of reaching her 100th
birthday, it was sad to learn that Ivy had passed away peacefully on the 22nd
January. A loving and much loved
mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great grandmother, she will be
sorely missed not only by her family but also all those who had the pleasure of
knowing her as was testament to a full St. Peter's church on a beautiful day
with sunshine to see her leave the village she loved so much - a fitting
service for a lovely lady.
I thank thee God, that I have lived
In this great world and known its many joys:
The songs of birds, the strongest sweet scent of hay,
And cooling breezes in the secret dusk;
The flaming sunsets at the close of day;
Hills and the lovely heather-covered moors;
Music at night, and the moonlight on the sea,
The beat of waves upon the rocky shore
And wild white spray, flung high in ecstasy;
The faithful eyes of dogs, and treasured books,
The love of Kin and fellowship of friends
And all that makes life dear and beautiful.
Elizabeth Craven [1750-1828]
Ivy's family would like to thank everyone who sent messages
of support and sympathy following her death on the 22nd January. They were much appreciated. Her 100 years had been happily lived in
Berrynarbor and her funeral service was a celebration of her long life - thank
you to those who celebrated with us.

Kevin was, in fact, the first illustrator
of our Newsletters in 1989 when it was produced on an inky duplicator and
stencils and so it was with sadness I learnt that following a long illness
bravely born, he had lost his battle and died peacefully on the 20th January.
Pupils, parents and many others involved with Ilfracombe College will remember him fondly and our thoughts are with Suzanne and all his family at this time of sorrow.
Illustrations by Kevin for articles by Preb. Eppingstone on the Bells of St. Peter's [left] and Patricia Gale on Dobson's Ducks at Watermouth [below].


Reporting in the February issue that she had fallen on ice
and was receiving medication and medical treatment, Sue Squire, our Parish
Clerk, has had a rough ride including a stay in hospital to treat pneumonia and
a collapsed lung. She has, therefore,
been unable to attend meetings and Councillor Linda Thomas has kindly stepped
in to take the Minutes and these can be seen on the notice boards in both the Shop
and bus shelter.
We wish Sue a speedy recovery and hope she will soon be back
on duty and thank Linda for stepping into the breach.
Also having a rough ride is Councillor Gary Marshall who has
sadly been diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain tumour. Our thoughts are with him and his family at
this very difficult time.
The diagnosis and then prognosis hit Gary and his family
hard and out of the blue but with his positive attitude and love of his family
and friends he is determined to beat this!
An appeal has been set up to raise funds for Gary to have
specialist treatment to save his life, only available in Texas USA.
How YOU can help! A
simple donation will really help enormously - any amount over £1. Visit the website: www.garysjourney.net and donate by card or text
QAMI55 £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070.
Why not do it NOW. There will also be collection boxes for 'spare change'
donations in The Globe and Village Shop.


Oh dear - time for reminiscing? They say nostalgia isn't what it used to be
but I was thinking recently about the Easters of my childhood!
Not coming from a church family with any
discernible Christian upbringing, the significance of Easter was a bit lost on
me. I do remember getting steamed up
about an illustrated article in an educational magazine we had, and that's all
we had! The magazine to feed the hungry
young mind was called 'Look and Learn'.
The edition one Easter had a feature on the importance of Good Friday
and its miscarriage of justice. How I
wanted to bash those Romans for putting Jesus on the cross!
Every Good Friday we went for a family
walk. Invariably the primroses would be out and I
smile every time I see a primrose now. The
shops were not open, of course, and most entertainments and attractions were
shut. Now it seems a travesty and
tumult when Good Friday is a day like any other and most likely that is because
I have since come to faith. But perhaps,
too, it is because Good Friday is no longer special. The Christian content on
TV was always building up to being a marker of faith for a Christian legacy in
our country. Those were the days!
And of course there were the Easter eggs?
Did you gorge and feed on chocolate as I
did? Church didn't come into it then so
what the reason was for all the fuss I couldn't have told you.

But then came my conversion. The day I realised very clearly that God was
for real will always be a day to be remembered in my life - October 21st 1970! I
always say that if you dare to take the risk and ask God to show himself to
you, you may be 'surprised with joy' as C.
S. Lewis wrote. Anyway, that affected my attitude towards
Easter. And how! Good Friday became the day when my Lord was lifted up to die
for the sins of humanity. Easter day
became suffused with new meaning as the return of the King, back from the dead
in earth-shattering triumph.
As later I veered towards Anglicanism,
one feature that made me realise I was changing my churchmanship and not just
my outlook was that Holy Week became increasingly meaningful and full of
Those are my memories of Easter. What are yours?
Rev Chris


total rain for the month was 123mm - 1mm less than last year. The average
maximum temperature was 8 Deg C with a peak of 13.1 Deg C on the 29th. The lowest temperature was -0.5 Deg C on the 24th,
which was the only night when the temperature dropped below freezing although
there was a ground frost on several nights. The strongest gust of wind was 37 knots and
only 8.56 hours of sunshine were recorded, well down on the previous four
In February a high pressure system set
in and the weather finally became drier although it was often overcast. The total rain for the month was only 82mm
making it the driest month since May 2012 and from the 13th we recorded no rain
at all. With a predominately strong
easterly it was often bitterly cold with a wind chill down to -11 Deg C. The maximum day temperature was 11.1 Deg C but for
most of the month the temperature stayed in single figures with a minimum
temperature of -1.7 Deg C. We are sheltered
from the easterly wind so the maximum gust was 29 knots.
The combination of lack of rain and
drying wind has dried the ground up quite a bit; it is lovely to see the fields
looking less like quagmires. The sunshine hours of 28.11 were down on last year
but otherwise fairly average for the month.
and Sue

Pat and Malcolm of Woodvale are
delighted to announce the safe arrival of their first grandchild. A son for their eldest daughter
Karen and her husband Nick Hawke, Rhodri James was born on the 6th March weighing a healthy 8lbs.
Our congratulations to the proud
parents and grandparents and a very warm welcome to young Rhodri James.

What a wonderful day!
Saturday, 16th February for a change was
a dry day, and the Manor Hall was a veritable hive of industry. Everyone was busy 'doing it themselves'
under the guidance of local very talented craftspeople.
Entry at only £1, which included coffee
and biscuits or tea and cakes, participants, both young and older, were soon hard
at work. Under the watchful eye of Lani
Shepherd, colourful stained glass boats, butterflies and birds emerged. Sue Neale's group left with delightful posy
table arrangements and the menfolk as well as ladies sat down to make special
occasion cards with Margaret Walls.
Delicate sugar paste flowers and leaves will soon be decorating cakes
thanks to the expertise of Jan Quinn, whilst Penny Armitage helped the
stitchers produce a blue patchwork and spring daffodil, and others were
'stabbing' away making felt pictures with Sarah Davey.

Providing the workers and others who had
called in to see what was going on with teas, coffee, biscuits, cakes and soup
and roll lunches, Jan and Denny did a stalwart job with no time to relax at all
in the Berrynarbor Soup Kitchen whilst Lesley did a grand job manning the raffle
- always a good fund raiser.
All this was in aid of raising needed
funds for the Newsletter and thanks must go to everyone involved in any way for
the fantastic support which raised a healthy and much appreciated profit of

What a pleasure to see a gentleman
diligently stitching away at his daffodil, a young man having a very successful
go at arranging flowers and a birthday girl and guests all going home with
floral arrangements.
A great day thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Manor Hall was again the scene of activity on the Monday afternoon when the
Craft Group and friends nattered whilst knitting a quantity of colourful strips
raising over £150 for the North Devon Hospice.
you to everyone who has knitted strips and baby vests and bonnets - keep

It has been something of a time for
taking stock at the Manor Hall. We are
progressing a number of sizeable repairs to the roof, gutters and replacement
of one of the fire doors, which are expenses we shall just have to meet. We are also considering bringing in an
accredited historic building surveying consultancy to give us a detailed view
of the Hall's condition, particularly the old Manor House wing.
Meanwhile some time has been spent
reviewing the position of Committee Members as charity trustees and updating
the Hall's constitution which remains unchanged from 1947 when the building was
purchased by the Parish Council for the 'benefit of the inhabitants of the
Parish'. We wonder how many people in
the village actually realise that the Manor Hall is indeed a registered charity. We have also wondered if the charity has
ever actually been formally given a name, and therefore propose The Manor Hall
Trust and hope to adopt both the new name and new constitution in April, using
powers in the Charities Act 2011.
We shall continue, or rather revive, the
practice of asking the main users of the Hall to nominate a member of their
group to the Committee, and will be in touch with the user groups to try to get
some nominations before our AGM in May.
The AGM is set for Wednesday 8th May at
7.30 p.m., and this year we'll provide a bit of hospitality for those who
attend. Remember the Hall belongs to
the village and the Committee will be largely nominated to and elected at the
AGM. Afterwards, I'm sure some of us
will retire to the Globe for a bit more taking stock!
Hope to see some of you that evening.
Narborough and the Manor Hall Committee


As a celebration of a forty year
friendship that began when we were both five years old, my friend bought two
copies of the same book.
Whilst one had been inscribed by him the
other had blank pages for me to complete. Entitled 'Dear Friend, from You to Me', each
page was headed with a question, the same as my friend's book to me, I had
to answer each of the questions at the top of the page. Having accomplished the task I then
discovered I had created, just as the subtitle stated, 'a journal of a lifetime'.

Illustration by: Debbie Cook
Initial questions asked about my early
past, such as my first childhood memories and my favourite toys and games. Others related specifically to my friend
including what I liked about him and whether there was anything about him I
would change. Some were to do with both
of us, like recalling the funniest things that had happened to us and what I
would love us to still do together.
There were also questions that needed
personal reflection including whether I had any regrets and if in hindsight
there was anything in my life I would have done differently. Deciding what I would like my epitaph to read
also required great deliberation. Yet the page that took the longest to
complete was the one with the heading 'Tell me about the things that make you
happy or laugh'.
After much contemplation I concluded
that whilst laughter brings with it happiness, happiness alone does not require
laughter. As a result I drew up two
lists, the first relating to the things that make me openly laugh. These range
from the specific, such as a particular sketch or script in a comedy programme
to the generic, including being in the company of my friends.
Before drawing up my second list I
considered what my own definition of happiness was and how this differed from
contentment. Happiness, I decided, was 'an
inner feeling that brings about an uncontrollable smile'.
then began making a list of all the sights, smells and sounds that brought this
about. When I looked down at my completed list I was
surprised to discover that almost all of it related to nature.
Entering a cottage garden when all its
herbaceous plants are in full flower is one such example. Taking in
the scent of an old fashioned rose is another. As is the sound of a trickling brook on a hot
summer's day or the sight
that comes into view when turning a bend in a road and discovering a beech or
oak woodland displaying its autumnal
golden splendour on a hillside. Also
the magnetic visual pull of flickering flames on an open fire in mid-winter,
coupled with the occasional hissing and cracking of the wood, and pulling back
the curtains to discover heavy snow falling or the dramatic scene when the
clouds disperse allowing a low winter sun to glisten upon the virgin
snow. Then there's that day in late
winter when I look up at the sky and first realise that the evenings are just beginning
to pull out once more, and that day in early spring when I walk the dog and
feel for the first time that year
the warmth of the sun penetrating through my jacket. As spring progresses, so my mouth
uncontrollably smiles more frequently. A
cherry tree laden with blossom, a huge splash of daffodils on a roadside, a
carpet of bluebells
on a woodland floor, bleating lambs skipping in a field, trees transformed by
fresh green leaves and the beautiful
sound of the dawn chorus - so much to look forward to as spring progresses.

We have decided to enter the Best Kept
Village in Devon competition again in 2013.
Although we tried to keep the village tidy last year we did not actually
enter the competition.
Sunday, 24th February saw our first
litter pick of the year and we had a really good turn-out of Berrynarbor
villagers and managed to collect about 20 bags of rubbish!

We try to cover as much of the village
as we can from Diggers Cross to Watermouth Harbour, the Old Coast Road,
Sterridge Valley, Goosewell and Slew Lane - not much escapes us, BUT would you believe it, the next day you
can always see fresh litter that has been thrown from cars.
One of the most annoying problems is
with dog owners who neatly pick up and bag the poo only to decoratively hang it
from bushes or trees. Can we please
plead with dog owners to take their dog waste home with them for disposal OR if
caught without a bag it is better to flick with a stick into the hedge where
eventually it will naturally degrade?
Don't forget - if you put up posters for
an event, to take them down again afterwards!
February we ran a very successful Fun Quiz and Supper Evening in the Manor
Hall, raising over £500.00. Thanks to
Phil the Quizmaster and his lovely assistant 'scores on the doors' Tracey and
Gilly who organised a great raffle and, of course, the ladies who cooked the
tasty food.
are planning a car treasure hunt in April so keep an eye out for our blooming
Also a last reminder that we shall have
taken most of the hanging baskets over to Streamways for re-fill by April but
it is not too late if you want to join the scheme, just let me know on
07436811657 or 01271 883170.
Wendy Applegate

Chocolate & Banana Cake
Wendy Jenner let me have this recipe and
I can recommend it. Easy to make and
very moreish I hope you enjoy it.
- 100ml/3 1/2 fluid oz sunflower oil, plus extra for the tin
- 175g/6oz caster sugar
- 175g/6oz self-raising flour
- 1/2 tsp. bicarbonate of soda
- 4 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 100g/4oz chocolate chips or chunks
- 175g/6oz very ripe bananas (peeled weight)
- 3 med free range eggs, 2 separated
- 50ml/2fluid oz milk
For the icing
- 100g/4oz milk chocolate
- 100ml/3 1/2 fluid oz soured cream
- Handful dried banana chips, roughly chopped
Heat the oven to 160 Deg C/140 Deg Cfan/gas
3. Oil and line a 2lb loaf tin with
baking parchment - allow it to come 2cm above the top of the tin.
Mix the sugar, flour, bicarbonate, cocoa
and chocolate in a large bowl. Mash the
bananas in a bowl and stir in the whole egg plus the 2 yolks, followed by the
oil and milk. Beat the egg whites until
stiff. Quickly stir the wet banana
mixture in to the dry ingredients, stir in a quarter of the egg white to loosen
the mixture and then gently fold in the remaining egg white. Carefully scrape the mix in to the loaf tin
and bake for 1 hour 10 minutes/1 hour 15 minutes or until a skewer comes out
clean. Allow to cool in the tin on a
wire rack.
To make the icing melt the chocolate and
soured cream together in a heatproof basin over very gently simmering
water. Chill, in the fridge until
spreadable. Remove the cake from the
tin and roughly swirl over the icing.
Then scatter over the banana chips.
If you have a favourite recipe to share
please just let me know.
Wendy Applegate

First of all, a belated welcome to the
newest member of our team: Karen. You
have no doubt met her during the last four months either behind the post office
counter or 'beavering away' in the shop. She is being trained as sub-postmistress and
successor to Anita, and Deb is now in charge of the shop. Karen has now been given a temporary contract
with the post office, but the wheels grind very slowly there and to date she
still waits her final interview to make the contract permanent. We wish her well.
In the past few months there have also
been several new faces behind the counter - new volunteers. We thank them for joining and extend a welcome
to anyone else who is willing to give us 1/2 day to help. Please ask Deb or Karen
for details.
With Mothering Sunday and an early
Easter now over, there is nothing special on the card front until Fathers' Day
on Sunday June 16. Cards are now on sale in the shop, together with a wide
selection of cards for all occasions.
We now have a range of Westgate Angus
meats in the freezer, so if your favourite is not in the chiller, don't despair
- look in the freezer. Jigsaw has produced an exciting range of new plants and
we sell multi-purpose compost to grow them in our gardens and planters - £6.99
per bag or £12.50 for two.
And talking of plants reminds me of a
date for your diary:

The shop is doing quite well but it
needs the backing of these fund-raising events to make it even more secure, so
please come. Admission is free as usual
and there will be lots of stalls selling everything from trees and shrubs to
indoor plants and plants for your baskets and window boxes, as well as garden
gifts. Tea, coffee and cakes will be on
sale as well as a generous raffle.
If you have spare plants or seedlings
these will be very welcome at the Hall from 10.00 a.m. onwards. If you would like a stall to advertise and
promote your business, please 'phone Kath Thorndycroft on [01271] 889019 for
details. Again, if you can spare any
plant pots larger than 5", please take them to the shop beforehand. Finally, volunteer helpers on the day will
be very welcome
We'll now all look forward to a sunny and warm spring. Happy shopping and gardening.
PP of DC
Due to the impending retirement of the current incumbent, there is a vacancy for an
To join the Committee that manages the village Shop and Post Office.
The job involves overseeing the legal and statutory requirements of the organisation and, as a Committee Member, being fully involved in the strategic running of the Shop.
The right person may, but not necessarily, have had some relevant experience, probably be retired or semi-retired and want to contribute to this very important village enterprise.
If you are interested or want to know more about the job, please apply by phone or e-mail to: Tony Kitchin, Chairman Tel: [01271] 883129 e-mail: tony@maisonmaigret.com
There is also a vacancy for somebody to oversee the dual tasks of
- fundraising
- circulation of news via e-mail and posters
The right person will have some IT skills and, most importantly, want to fully contribute as a Committee Member to this very important village enterprise. Again, if you are interested or want to know more, please contact Tony Kitchin as above.

Well, what a busy half term we are
You may be aware that work is due to
start on the roof of the Parish Room. We have had to rehouse 18 children and two
adults in a very short time! We are
pleased to say that Mill Park have kindly offered the use of their function
room for the time needed, we are very grateful.
The children love their new
surroundings, especially the play area!
The 'Berrynarbor Restaurant' has once
again been open for this year's Parents Meal.
The children worked hard all day
to prepare the food; even the bread and pasta were homemade! The
food tasted delicious, the waiting staff looked very smart and were very
polite. Well done Class 4 and Mrs Lucas.
The whole school celebrated World Book
Day by dressing as Pirates. Parents were
invited into school to take part in Pirate activities; a fun morning was had by
A team of children entered the recent
inter schools swimming gala. They all
competed very well, what great swimmers we have.
This term Strawberry and Cranberry [Years
Reception, 1 and 2] classes have been learning about 'people that help us' and
have been on a trip to Ilfracombe Fire Station to learn about fire safety and
have a look around a fire engine.
Here, with original spellings,
etc., are their thank you letters.
I learned that any fire is dangeros. Thank you. from Thomas
I learned that if theres a Fire you haft go out side. Thank you. Love Amber xxx
I learned today the fan blows the smoke out the way. Thanc yoo.
From Sam
Dear Fire Men
I learned that you have to put a fire gard in front of a log fire.
Thank you Katelyn
I learnt today that in the night if there is a fire the smoke alarm will go
off and I will shout fire so everyone else knows. Thank you. Laura
I learnt that you used a fan to blow away the smoke. Thank you. Edie
I learned that the fire fighters have to wer a speshul. sut on them.
Thank you from Summer. xxx
I learned their boots had metal in the boots. Thank you from Zinnia
Dear firefighters,
thank you for letting Berynarbor School come to the fire stashone. I learned that one of the pieces of equipment is called a branch. The best bvit about going to the fire stashone was when I learned stop, drop, role. Thank you. Amelia
Dear Firmen
I learned not too touch machis. Thank you. Olivia.
I learned what the fan doos. Thank you. Zac
I learnt today when the smoke alarm hurts your ears it wakes you up.
Thank you from Arthur
To Day I learnt abowt how the firemen use the fire hoses. Thank you.
From Vincent
I learnt not to play wif machis. I learnt to stop drop rol. Amber
I learned abot fire engins. Thank you. Danielle
I learned to not play with fire. Thank you. Sophie
I learnt today that some fires are bad and some fires good. May
I learned ti should not tuch ftry. Thank you. Alex
I learnt that a fan blows the smoke Jed
I learnt the ladr gos up. Fergus
I learnt the branch gos on the hos Dulcie
I learnt not to play wif machis. I learnt to stop drop and rol. Ruby
I lirnt that the branch dus clip on the hows. fyt you. Ben Beer
I lernt that matches are dangerous
I learnt when there is a fire on your cloths this is what you do. Stop, drop and role. I learnt what a branchy of a hoes is called. I learnt a fireman has a fan to blow away the smoke so they can see people. I learnt firemen do other things too other than takeing fires out.
Blueberry Class have been able to
experience a trip to Combe Martin beach and a talk with Tania Mugglestone, who
has just qualified in 'Coastal Schools'.
This has been a great opportunity for the children given the area in
which we live.
Blueberry Class will also be performing
their Easter performance of 'Resurrection Rock' on Thursday 28th March in the
Church at 2.00 p.m. All welcome.
We hope everyone has an enjoyable Easter
break and look forward to the start of our summer term on Monday 15th April.
Sue Carey - Headteacher

Brocholes is a field belonging to the church in the
Glebeland beneath the Rectory. I was
amazed to find it mentioned in an ancient charter from King Stephen's reign
1135-1154, which Gary trawled up for me.
"Ralph de Siccavilla, to all the faithful,
both clerks and laymen, future as well as present, greetings. I wish to bring notice to you all, that I
have granted to the church of Biri in the honour of God and the blessed
apostles Peter and Andrew, a certain furlong of land lying around Brochole,
next to the house of Robert the Clerk, on the south [the old parsonage at Wild
Violets] at whose request we have done this, concerning the land of Biri, which I received from King Stephen, in fee
and inheritance for my services [the feudal system at work again] at a
convenient proximity, in exchange for another furlong, more remote, that is to
say of Stapledun, free and discharged from custom. Also as to *bannos [?] and other customs, if
there be any, there will be returned a certain furlong of **buneduna [?] that
Osbert, brother of Robert the Clerk, exchanged with his same brother for the
furlong of Stapledon, which is now mine, the arrangement being made in my
presence and with my concurrence."
Sealing clause.
Witnesses - Richard the
chaplain, Turgis de Paracumbe, Maius and Robert de lurtune - clerks, Geoffrey
the priest, Hugh son of Hamund, Osbert Bugaduna, Algar de le iete and Osmer,
laymen and the whole hundred.
I'm fascinated to learn that not only our old farm names but
some field names have a very long history, certainly to Saxon times. In fact people have been travelling here,
living, loving, worshipping, working and dying in this place for a very long
time - but where did they bury them all?
* bannos,
possibly from 'bannam' - Anglo Saxon = to
summon. I wonder if Ralph de Siccavilla
was Ralph the Knight who, with his son Richard, took the surname Berry whose
ancestors lived as lords of the manor until 1708? Many Berry off-shoots are living in the area
** buneduna
- Osbert Bagaduna? possibly - Bowden today?
"Butting through the Channel in the mad
March days"
John Masefield
Downend is a headland of low cliffs at the southern end of
Croyde Bay. On the road from Saunton,
just beyond the third layby, a narrow opening beside a derelict lookout
station, gives access to the coast path. The
castellated lookout station is a bizarre building with wooden outshots
supported by brackets and stilts. This
is the only steep section of an otherwise level walk.
Illustrations by: Paul Swailes
Below is a wave-cut platform of rock, formed in the Ice Age
and known as a 'raised beach'. Although
the rocks are grey and black the patches of sand between them are pinkish cream
and in one area of beach, almost pure white.

From here in the winter sea going ducks may be
observed. I was told that in
mid-December a large flock [more than a hundred] of common scoter was seen off
Downend and just two eider duck.
But as we scanned the shore in early March all we found were
'the usual suspects' - cormorants diving, a curlew flying past, a few active
rock pipits, great black backed gulls and most plentiful of all, oyster
catchers noisily announcing their arrival as they landed to join those already
on the rocks.
This was the location of the wreck of the Ceres; a ketch built at Salcombe in 1811 to take
supplies to Spain where the Duke of Wellington's troops were fighting in the
Peninsular War. In 1852 it was bought
and enlarged by a Bude ship owner. But
in 1937 the Ceres foundered off Croyde and its crew was rescued by the
Appledore lifeboat.

In several places the edge of the coast path had been
severely eroded but is still passable.
The neat yellow flowers of coltsfoot sparkled along the cliff top. The dandelion-like blooms appear before the
large leaves. The stems bear overlapping
fleshy, purplish scales.
These stems were boiled with brown sugar to produce a cough
syrup. The plant was also used as a
herbal tobacco. Coltsfoot's Latin name
is Tussilago farfara, tussis being Latin for a cough.
We descended to the beach where the sand
was firm underfoot and resembled a colourful mosaic with the fragments of blue
mussel shells mixed with tiny orange and red pebbles. The bulky white shape of a cargo vessel of the Grimaldi Lines
loomed on the horizon; an Italian
shipping company based in Genoa.
At the stream which dissects the beach we found, in the company of pied wagtails and a male stonechat, a small plump wader, a sanderling - Calibris alba. Alba because in winter plumage it is the whitest of the smaller waders having a white head and underparts, pale grey back, straight black bill and black legs. Darting back and forth along the water's edge it feeds on molluscs, insects and crustaceans and travels to breed in Greenland and Siberia. We scrambled up over the sandhills, following the coast path route, to reach the track leading to the village.
Sue H
Berrynarbor Parent and Toddlers Group would like to sincerely thank Karen at The Globe for the kind donation of £107, money raised at the Boxing Day Quiz, some of which was kindly donated by the 0078 Team [thanks Mitch and the rest of the team!] The money will pay for this year's insurance and much needed craft supplies which are in constant use. Many thanks.

Hazel and Skittle arrived just in time for Christmas and are happily settled in on Easter Lane. You may even have heard them hee hawing! Hazel is 8 and Skittle 3 and both are meant to be expecting but they are very cagey about the expected dates of arrival - watch this space for 'Just Hatched'!Be

What a wet winter we've had! Even the so-called drier counties here in
the east it has been bad. Roads flooded,
fields soaked with lakes of water and rivers overflowing.
However, it has not really been that cold. My first experience of ice was oddly enough
when I was around eight or nine.

by: Paul Swailes
The family was taken over to Harringay
ice rink - a huge building with skate hire, restaurant and shops and a
six-piece band which played all the time.
There were two kinds of session - one being for people to race around -
though the more serious skaters would practice their figures of eight or do a
figure three in the middle. The other
session would be for dancers. There
were instructors who would teach you the correct way to skate and also how to
Apart from falling over and cracking your head, breaking
bones, etc,, the ice itself was very safe.
It was relatively thin and supported by concrete underneath in which the
freezing elements were embedded.
Moving on to 1939, when we spent the War in Berrynarbor,
there was a very cold winter. Standing
on the ice on the Mill Farm lake, I should have liked to walk out to the island
to have a look at the heron's nest but fortunately, common sense prevailed and
I did not venture out!
The subject of ice skating came up and I knew of a pond
which might have been frozen. Up
Hagginton Hill and turning down the road on the left there was a pond in a
field on the left. Off we, all the
family, went with our skates and bikes and sure enough the pond was frozen and
we all had a great skate without mishap.
When the War was over and we moved back to Essex there were
still some very cold winters. On one
occasion we went to a lake near Chingford.
It was extremely cold and early in the afternoon a small part was not
completely frozen over in fact there were a few ducks swimming around. By the end of the afternoon this patch was
completely frozen over and people were skating over the lake - but not us!

venue was a lake in Weald Park near Brentwood and by the time we visited there
I could cut a figure three. We took
along our gramophone and just about managed the Skaters' Waltz! Later, my half-brother Gerald took a nasty
fall and cracked his head badly - a horrible and frightening sound.
I remember skating at a pond in Hornchurch where there had
been no snow but a real freeze and the ice was clear and when you looked down
you could see the fish swimming about below.
On to Billericay where we skated on the park lake. Nearby was a large pond and farm, here
skating was going on but the farmers were playing curling. Akin to bowls but with large flat stones
with handles and as the stones travel the ice, the players 'polish' in front of
them with a brush to make them go further.
The last time I skated was at Essex
University where a shallow flooded area had frozen. As I skated I went over backwards causing a
lace cracking of the ice in the shape
of a spider's web whilst the students from abroad looked on in amusement,
probably thinking 'mad dogs and Englishmen' or something similar.
After all that, may I say that if you ever think of skating
on natural ice, my advice is just one word, 'DON'T'!
With the current spell of bitterly cold and snowy weather,
let's hope and look forward to a nice spring and a lovely summer.
Tony Beauclerk - Stowmarket
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome will become bankrupt. People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance."
Cicero, 55 BC
Evidently we've learnt nothing at all over the past 2,068 years!
29th June 2013
Remember that fantastic party for the Jubilee
last summer? Well thanks to Beaford Arts, Sound UK and the Parish
Council, Berrynarbor will be partying again this summer.
Please put the date - Saturday 29 June -
in your diary and then look out for details of 'Playing the Field' which is
already being advertised in the Beaford Arts spring programme.
This will be the village fete to end all
fetes, organised by the Primary School PTA it is all about sound. There
will be specially commissioned sound installations in the recreation field and
you will be able to record your own track by playing the bean bag toss.
Have you ever wanted to play a
musical instrument? Well now is your chance by creating a junk
instrument and performing in the Berrynarbor Junk Orchestra. In addition
the school children will be taking part in sound workshops to create a unique
sound trail of special bird houses and telephones.
For further information, or if you would
like to get involved - all ideas with a theme of sound will be happily considered
- please contact Fenella Boxall on 01271-882675.

"When it is covered in snow my garden is as tidy as anyone else's."
Trevor Beer
Trevor Beer, MBE, is a wildlife artist, author, naturalist and columnist He was awarded the MBE in 2002 for Journalism and Environment] and has an impressive string of letters after his name! FBNA [Fellow of the British Naturalist's Association], FRES [Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society], MBOU [Member of the British Ornithological Union] and FZS [Fellow of the Zoological Society].
He is the author of several nature books, including Tourist Guides of Natural History subjects and produces nature, farm and urban trails, book illustrations including finely detailed black and white line drawings. He is a leading authority on the sightings of Big Cats in Britain and on Folklore and Legend generally and has led hundreds of guided walks over many years.
Over 4000 sick and injured wild birds and animals since the 1960's have been taken in and healed by Trevor who also set up the North Devon Oiled Bird Rescue Group following the Christos Bitas oil spillage incident in 1978.
Trevor currently writes on natural history as a wildlife writer for the Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, North Devon Journal, Exmoor Magazine and Dartmoor News.
Winner of the David Bellamy Award for Conservation given by the British Naturalist's Association [BNA] in May 2001 he was made an Honorary Member of the BNA in 2002 for his work in nature conservation and is an Elected Fellow of the BNA.
Trevor has served, founded and is a member of a plethora of groups and societies, particularly in North Devon, and was elected Wildlife Champion for the North Devon Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in 2005.
Illustration by: Trevor Beer
You One and All
Many thanks to those dozens of friends and neighbours who
popped in to help celebrate my 100th Birthday [Sunday February 10th in case
you've forgotten!], also for the lovely cards and presents. To those who didn't come, I can only say you
missed a treat. It was a wonderful event, if a bit tiring, and I enjoyed
myself thoroughly. Great to see you
I mustn't forget a special thank you to Kath and her family who arranged the refreshments, liquid and otherwise.
Cock a Doodle Do
My dame has lost her shoe.
The master's lost his fiddling stick,
And doesn't know what to do.

Artwork: Debbie Cook
Old Wooden Walls of England
I held the helm, and ne'er ran foul of shore;
In pitch-dark nights my reck'ning prov'd so true,
We rode out safe the hardest gale that blew.
And when for fight the signal high was shewn,
Thro' fire and smoke old Boreas straight bore down;
And now my timbers are not fit for sea,
Old England's wooden walls my toast shall be.
From age to age, as ancient story shews,
We rul'd the deep, in spite of envious foes;
And still aloft, tho' worlds combine, we'll rise,
If all at home are splic'd in friendly ties.
In loud broadsides we'll tell both France and Spain,
We're own'd by Neptune sov'reigns of the main.
Oh! would my timbers were now fit for sea!
Yet England's wooden walls my toast shall be.
from The
Fair American, a comic opera in 3 Acts by Frederick
Pilon, 1750-1788. Performed to
universal applause at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.
The first
two lines were used in a murder pamphlet in England, 1606, which seems to
suggest that children sang those lines, or very similar ones, to mock the cockerel's "crow". The first full version
recorded was in Mother Goose's Melody,
published in London around 1765. By the
mid-nineteenth century, when it was collected by James Orchard
Halliwell, it was very popular and three additional verses, perhaps more recent
in origin had been added [Wikipedia]:
Cock a doodle do!
What is my dame to do?
Till master's found his fiddlingstick,
She'll dance without her shoe
Cock a doodle do!
My dame has found her shoe,
And master's found his fiddling stick
Sing cock a doodle do!
Cock a doodle do!
My dame will dance with you,
While master fiddles his fiddlingstick,
And knows not what to do.

DOWN ... and OUT?

Having thoroughly enjoyed Trevor's 100th birthday with all the family and friends and neighbours, it was terrible to learn that Kath's beloved Barney, a Patterdale X terrier, had gone missing.
Where could he have gone? Hunting high and low by members of the family and all the Valley dog walkers produced no sightings and after an anxious week, all hope was given up.
In his past, before Kath took him on from the Dogs' Trust, Barney had been used for badger hunting, so was he down a hole? If this was so and he'd got stuck, it would be some time before he would be thin enough to get out again!
Imagine Kath's delight when early one morning ten days after his disappearance, Barney came back to leap on her bed! Thinner, covered in ticks and with a sore paw, he was apparently none the worse for his escapade.
It would seem that domestic pets in the Valley like to go missing, but fortunately return!
Kath would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their help and support during those worried days - where had he been?


Sip Some, Tip One!
Pam and Alex Parke used 'Can we Trust a
Newspaper Guide?' as their theme to present to February's Circle gathering. Aided and abetted by Victoria Moore, Daily
Telegraph Wine Correspondent since 2010, they referred to her 'Wines for the
Festive Season' article featured last December.
Following usual format, six wines were
purchased via 'off the shelf' and 'on the web'. Majestic, M & S,
Sainsbury's and Tesco's supplied; prices ranged between £5.99 and £13.99.
Tesco's Finest Albarino 2011 was voted
favourite white; Mont Milan Corbieres 2010 was a 'very good value' red:
Majestic's £5.99 for two or more; and the Finest Via Mara Rioja Gran Reserva
2004 was also thought to be 'very good, but pricey': Tesco's £13.99. Riojas are never 'cheap', but any wine that
deserves a 'Gran Reserva' and is 8 years old has been looked after and is
'aged', and, therefore, is always going to be dearer than your daily 'plonk' -
a special occasion perhaps?
Hunter Valley, two hours north of
Sydney, is one of the New World's famous producing areas: home to numerous
wineries, including Lindemans and McGuigans.
Another is 'award-winning winery' McWilliam's, producer of our 3rd
white of the evening, a 2006 Taste the Difference Semillon, £9.99 from
Sainsbury's. 'Taste the
Difference'? We certainly did!
... and it proved to be the tipping
point for more than 40, as it was sipped then tipped. Descriptions included that it was 'like
diesel', had an 'unpleasant, industrial, metallic taste' and others wondered if
it was 'off'.
'Off' or 'corked' is a possibility, but
an 'e' conversation between the Parkes and Ms Moore revealed others too. She wondered if it was a 'stylistic thing' as
she drinks 'loads' of Semillon at home and knew many others in the wine trade
did too; however, another email revealed she had 'Twittered' colleagues and
learned that wine shop owners had 'stopped showing it at consumer tastings as
no one liked it or bought it.'
Jancis Robinson, described as the
'world's most prolific wine author', which includes ' The Oxford Companion to
Wine', is a 'Master of Wine' and has been 'writing and broadcasting since
1975', should know a thing or two, but she can be quoted as saying that she
thinks 'Hunter Valley Semillon is Australia's unique gift to the wine
world'. Mmm, perhaps we should email her
and ask what we've missed!
'Fabulous' Finale . . .
Brett Stephens, has been the face of
'Fabulous Wines', for the last seven years: three at St John's Garden Centre,
then four as an internet outlet. His
training began as a part-time job at 'Bottoms Up' many years ago because he was
a musician. He informed us at our March
presentation that this was his last; he returns to music.
We wish him well, particularly as
evenings with him and his choice of wines have always been most enjoyable. His final choice included surprises; they
were all foil clad! Time at the Wine and
Spirits Education Trust in London meant blind tastings, so we did too.
Many members admit to being 'ABC':
anything but Chardonnay; however, we were all surprised when we sampled his
first: 'Deer Point', a non-oaked, Bulgarian Chardonnay, 13% at £6.39. Many around me thought this was 'lovely',
atypical and great for a summer's sipping.
He admits to being a Francophile, but
only two of his six were French and none were dearer than £8.00 a bottle. Thanks to the internet age, all wines can be
purchased electronically, so, Brett, 'If music be the food of love...play on!'
Finally, our penultimate event is
Wednesday April 17th at 8.00 p.m. entitled: 'Judith's Mystery Evening' and it
doesn't include a Semillon!
Judith Adam - Secretary and
Promotional Co-ordinator

Having returned from a year away and then a trip to Spain,
Jean has still got itchy feet and is off cycling the length of the
country! Her solo cycle ride began on
the 2st March in Cornwall.
As this issue goes to print, Jean will have arrived in
Exeter and by the time of its publication date will be up in the Lake
Taking Route 1 she plans to cycle
approximately 30 miles a day, staying at youth hostels and b-and-b's on the
way. Her route takes her up through the
Wye Valley, the Lake District, Glasgow, Fort William and Thurso before reaching
John O'Groats on the 19th April. She
has already organised her return trip by train from Inverness to Tiverton on
the 20th!
This has been a long-held challenge for Jean who has been
training locally, something she wanted to do for herself rather than as a
sponsored event and having to ask family, friends and neighbours for
sponsorship. But people have been asking if she is cycling for charity. Her reply is that if you would like to
support her in this adventure, please give a donation to your favourite
Good luck Jean, we'll be pedalling with you - safe journey
and we look forward to seeing you home again at the end of April.
Ilfracombe Floral Art Club are having a competitive show of Flower Arranging entitled Spring Fever on Sunday, 5th May, 12.30 to 4.30 p.m. at St. Philip and St. James church Hall, St. James Place, Ilfracombe. Admission Free - Light Refreshments available.
The Club is also arranging a coach trip to Hestercombe Gardens, Taunton, in the morning and Kia-Ora Gardens, Cullompton, in the afternoon of Thursday, 23rd May. The approximate inclusive cost, including a cream tea, is £25.00. The coach will pick up at Ilfracombe [8.30 a.m. start!], Braunton, Barnstaple and South Molton. Non-Club members are very welcome. For further details or to book a place please contact Sue Neale on [01271] 883893.
Monday, 27th May, 2.00 - 4.30 p.m. at Lee Village Meadow and Memorial Hall. All the fun of a tradition fayre with stalls, raffle, entertainment and games, including skittles and coconut shy and a children's fancy dress competition. - dress up as your favourite hero! Refreshments in the hall from 12.00 noon onwards including light lunches, cream teas and delicious homemade cakes. Ample car parking. An enjoyable afternoon for all ages - whatever the weather, we have weather protection come rain or shine - all in the idyllic setting of Lee Village and Fuchsia Valley. We look forward to seeing you there!
While researching my family
history I came across an article in your Newsletter about the 100 year old
visitors book which was kept by Mrs Bray at The Old Globe public house in
Berrynarbor. My grandmother was Mabel
Bray and family history passed down had mentioned The Globe as having been run
by my grandmother's cousins, William and Harriett Bray [nee Huxtable] and later
on by their only child Rosina Bray. I believe there are still many of the Bray
family in Berrynarbor and wondered if it would be at all possible to put a
small article in your online publication appealing for any family history.
Eugenie Rice
If anyone can help Eugenie please contact her on
or telephone 07985 400082,
or contact via info@berrynarbor-news.co.uk
or ring Judie on 01271 883544.
A community car service, which transports people to health appointments, is calling for more drivers to come forward. Combe Martin and Berrynarbor Community Car Service is a voluntary scheme, aimed at helping people who would otherwise struggle to get to their appointments. The service currently has a small pool of drivers, but desperately needs more volunteers to come forward to help meet growing demand.
To become a volunteer driver, all you need is:
- A current driving licence
- Your own car, in good condition, fully insured, taxed and MOT'd
- A willingness to have a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check
- Time - as much or as little as you are able to offer
If you're interested and would like to find out more about becoming a volunteer car driver, please phone Dave Coomber on 01271 883429 or Carol Crawford on 01271 882050.

Photograph by: Judie Weedon
in aid of St. Thomas Church, Kentisbury
at Blackmoor Gate Market
Sellers 10.30 a.m. £5.00 per car,br>
Buyers 11.00 a.m.
Refreshments available


Welcome Home from Australia our two girls, Saffron Danielle and Georgina Monique. They will be here at The Woodlands with Nige and Janice from 21st March - unfortunately only a short stay, but exciting!
Founder of Chas. N. Pedlar 27 High Street, Ilfracombe

mid-November, 2012, you may have read in either the North Devon Journal or
Gazette that Ilfracombe's favourite 'department store', Pedlars, was
celebrating its 90th birthday.
Today Nick and his daughter Helen are
the 3rd and 4th generation of this remarkable family that have served so many
households - and generations - with
supplies. I promptly 'beetled off' to ask Nick for more details about the
founder, his grandfather, Charles Nicholas Pedlar which he kindly passed on.

Nick and Helen
are still people", he says, "Who come into the shop and remember being served
by my grandfather". He puts this loyalty
down to customer service from his staff, many of whom are long-serving. Margery Turner was the longest: 65 years,
leaving only in 2005 and still enjoying a well-deserved retirement. But
others have served for 55 years, three for 40 years and three for 20 years - a
credit, too, to good management over the years, and a store where you can buy
supplies and get advice and product knowledge, not available elsewhere in the
back to Charles Pedlar. He was born in
Swimbridge in 1881, where his mother ran the village shop. She sent him as an apprentice to his uncle,
William Pugsley, who ran a furniture and drapery
store, Pugsley and Son, at 26 High Street, Ilfracombe [now McColl's]. William then bought next door, Number 27
[today's Pedlar's] that was a china and hardware store and combined them.
Having learnt about the trade over a
number of years, on 1st January 1922, Charles bought the store from his uncle
and changed the name to Chas.N.Pedlar, a name we are all familiar with to this

Charles Glanville Pedlar
Nick mentioned a wartime family story
about Charles. He was unloading a batch
of chamber pots from a delivery van when a passer-by shouted that he should be fighting
in the war - at 60 years of age?! Quick
as a flash, Charles retorted, "I'll bet I've seen more 'jerries' in this war
than you have my man!". The man slunk
is obviously in the family blood. Nick's
father, Charles Glanville, joined Charles in 1946, and then it was Nick's turn.
Before joining the family
business in 1967, he trained at Dingles in Plymouth, then Simpsons of
Piccadilly. From the age of 12 he knew what he wanted to
do, but neither he, nor his brothers John and Richard, were ever pressurised
into joining the business.
In the year Nick joined, Pedlars became
one of six founding members of the Home Hardware cooperative of independent
retailers. Now with 400 members, its
combined buying power enables these stores to compete on price and quality with
big High Street names and DIY superstores. Professional buyers source the globe looking
for quality up-to-the-minute goods at excellent
prices, to pass on to their members, which has to be good for everyone.
Nick and his wife Vicky have two
daughters, Helen and Sarah. Helen has returned to the business after maternity
leave and hopefully her son will want eventually to continue in the business. As
Helen says, "I am passionate about Ilfracombe and its High Street and as a
business I really do enjoy it, from buying products through to watching them go
out of the store." Her
great-grandfather would be proud of her!
Over the years, the departments have changed slightly. No longer does it sell carpets and furniture,
but it still sells quality china and glassware, kitchenware and cleaning
materials, menswear and has added the popular gardening products to its range.
It's also sold commemorative china and memorabilia for every royal occasion since 1935. Said
Nick last November, "We still have a 1935 jubilee flag and last week we even sold
an Andrew and Fergie goblet!"
What a good thing that Charles Pedlar
chose to open his department store in Ilfracombe in 1922. Through his
enterprise, Ilfracombe has continued to benefit from a first class store over
the generations. It has done so much to keep alive the spirit of the High
Long may it continue!
PP of DC
The Gardens, Tea Room and Plant Centre are now fully open daily from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. and already there is plenty to see! Don't forget that Season Tickets are available so that you can visit often over the spring, summer and autumn months - just £25 for a single ticket or £40 for two people living at the same address and not only will you be able to enjoy special events specifically for ticket holders but on every visit you can enjoy a free coffee or tea.
During the winter months, in spite of the appalling weather, paths have been improved and new ones laid on the far hillside. In the next few weeks, the magnolias and camellias will be coming in to their best.
Early Notice: Folksy Theatre will be performing Romeo and Juliet in the Garden on Wednesday, 31st July.

Illustration by: Debbie Cook

Take part in the Sweepstake at The Globe for the Grand National. The Sweepstake will start on Wednesday 3rd April ... then come and watch the race here at The Globe on Saturday 6th April.
The Sawmill Annual Duck Race: Sunday 5th May. The fun starts at 3.00 p.m., so come along nice and early:
- Della and James from Zamba will be playing from 3.00 - 3.45 p.m. and then again after the race from 4.15 - 5.00 p.m.
- The duck race will start at Mill Park at 4.00 p.m. and the finish line is at the Sawmill Beer Garden. Ducks will be on sale well in advance from Mill Park, Sawmill, Globe, Berrynarbor Shop and Disneypops Delights at £1.50 per duck . . . First Prize: £50, second prize £20 and third Prize £10.

The Sawmill Beer Festival is on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th June. Put the dates in your diary! Full details to follow but confirmed so far for Friday 14th June we have: Wayne Green, followed by Zamba and to finish: The ElderBerrys. Then on Saturday we have Vince Whale, Such & Vincent plus more to be confirmed . . . and finishing up the night with Parcel of Rogues.
. . . and finally if you have friends or family coming to visit and they need a place to stay; we have just re- decorated the rooms at the Sawmill so check out the new decor on our website: www.thesawmillinn.co.uk. Booking is easy, you can check availability and book on-line.

Berrynarbor Looking Seawards

This photographic postcard was
originally published by Francis Frith & Co. Ltd. of Reigate in 1934. This particular card was produced during the
Second World War and on the reverse side is printed: T.N.T - Today, Not
Tomorrow - The Minister of Production.
The card has been sent to Dulwich, London S.E. and has a 14th July 1944
postmark. The card makes interesting
You'd like it here. We have another low window and wobbly
floor. Lots to eat and have to walk
miles to get anywhere. There are no
ancient ruins to "gooh" over! It has
rained most of the time so far but we lay on the beach yesterday and found I
had some tar on my arm with pebbles adhering.
What a mess. The sun burn so far
accounts to sore faces. Be seeing you
too soon!
So we can assume it was a normal
summer! Now to the card.
On the right we have Orchard
House alongside which we have the long roof of the Temperance Hall. This hall was used for all the village
activities and dances up to the time the present Manor Hall was completed in
1914. Then we have Rectory Cottage and
continuing up to the village Beech Lea, built in 1902 for the Reverend E.G.
Hibbert and his family. Top right we
can see part of Moules Farm and behind St. Peter's Church the new buildings on
Barton Lane - Berrivale, Chatsworth and Berri View, all completed in 1933.
To the left of the picture are the
Lees: South Lee, Middle Lee and North
Lee. To the right of North Lee we have
Ellis Cottages [30 & 31 Pitt Hill] as well as Ducky Pool [Rose Cottage, 32
Pitt Hill].
Tower Cottage, March 2013
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com
9th | Annual Parish Meeting followed by Parish Council Meeting, 7.00 p.m. Manor Hall. |
15th | College and Primary School: Start of Summer Term |
17th | Mobile Library in Village from 10.55 a.m. Wine Circle, 8.00 p.m., Manor Hall: Judith's Mystery Evening |
24th | Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon onwards |
27th | Coffee Morning with Stalls for K9focus, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. |
MAY | |
1st | Mobile Library in Village from 10.55 a.m. |
5th | Spring Fever Flower Arranging Show, St. Philip & St. James, Ilfracombe, 12.30 - 4.30 p.m. |
6th | Bank Holiday Car Boot Sale, Blackmoor Gate, 10.30 & 11.00 a.m. |
8th | Manor Hall A.G.M., 7.30 p.m. |
14th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.00 p.m., Manor Hall |
15th | Mobile Library in Village from 10.55 a.m. Wine Circle, 8.00 p.m., Manor Hall: AGM and Jonathon Coulthard |
19th | St. Peter's Church, Service for Pentecost |
22nd | Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon onwards |
26th | Plant Sale & Garden Fair, 2.00 p.m., Manor Hall |
27th | Bank Holiday College and Primary School: Half Term all week |
29th | Mobile Library in Village from 10.55 a.m. |
Manor Hall Diary:
Mondays | Upholstery, 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Craft Group, 1.30 p.m. onwards Badminton, 7.30 p.m. |
Tuesdays | 2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners Yoga, 7.00 p.m. |
Wednesdays | Pilates Body Workout, 9.00 a.m. School p.m. |
Thursdays | Zumba, 7.00 p.m. |
Fridays | Toddlers Soft Play and Activity a.m. School p.m. * |
Penn Curzon Room | Monday - Friday Mornings: Pre-School * |
*School, Pre-School and Toddler Group - Term Time only
Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)
10.45 - 11.30 a.m. | Village Shop |
11.45 - 12.15 p.m. | Sterridge Valley |