Edition 64 - February 2000

Artwork by: Peter Rothwell

Artwork: Judie Weedon


"Drink in this beautiful place and leave refreshed"

Lorna B's apt words - the inscription on our Millennium Fountain, depicted on the cover of the first issue of 2000 by Peter Rothwell. Thank you, Pete, and thank you for your vision, together with Be Barten, which finally came to fruition on New Year's Eve, at the official opening of the fountain by Lorna Price. Thanks, too, to the many people involved in its erection - all of whom are mentioned elsewhere in this edition.

On behalf of everyone, thanks must go to all members of the Millennium Committee, their helpers and supporters, for the lasting reminders - the Fountain and the two Plates inscribed with the names of the children of the Parish - and all the wonderful celebrations and activities organised for us, they will long be remembered.

This Christmas will also be one remembered, especially by those who suffered the brunt of the results of the excessive rain. Our sympathy went out to you and thanks are due to Alan and Nora who, in spite of considerable damage and personal inconvenience, kept the Post Office and Shop open to provide our needs. The obstacle course and the need for 'wellies' was not a new experience!

Thank you to this issue's contributors - it is YOU who make our Newsletter. So, for the menfolk who describe it as 'mawkish', let's be having something less 'schmaltzy' from YOU!! Please have items for the April and Easter issue ready any time before but by WEDNESDAY, 15TH MARCH, at the very latest. Thank you. Please note my new e-mail address.

Judie - Ed




A well-attended meeting on the 7th December greeted our genial Post Master, Alan Rowlands, who gave us an interesting insight into the preparation for a Royal Visitor to the RAF Station where he was an Officer. Catering, of course, is very important, and in between the talk, members were given a wine tasting which made a really great start for the festive month! Alan was, as always, an excellent speaker and time went all too quickly. After this 'spirited' part of the meeting, a cuppa and home-made mince pies and shortbread were on the menu. Kay Webber won the competition for the former and Inge Richardson for the latter, but all entries were very tasty. Lots of good wishes and a wee present to take home brought a very jolly meeting to a close.

Twenty-three members met at The Globe Inn for the annual dinner on the 20th December. Sadly, Edna Barnes who was suffering from 'flu, was missing for the first time, and also new member Sheila Larssen - but both were well for the January meeting. The meal was, as always, excellent and what a wonderful atmosphere - all credit to Phil and Lynne and their staff. A little sing-song always rounds off a great occasion!

The first meeting of the new Century, on 4th January, saw attendance down a little, but this was to be expected as it was so near to all the Millennium activities, which in the Village were a huge success. The Committee and helpers must be congratulated and THANKED for their hard work. We had a very entertaining afternoon with Mr. Hesman giving us a guided tour around Great Britain with the aid of slides and a graphic talk. As we journeyed back to a beautiful sunset nearer home, it was cuppa time but not before our very own photographer - Kath - gave the Vote of Thanks, fully appreciative of the time and patience that it takes to prepare such a programme. Margaret Andrews's photograph of the Hangman Hills won the competition.

At our February meeting, another local resident, Len Coleman - [Chairman of our Parish Council], will talk to us about the R.N.L.I. Visitors are always welcome at our meetings which start at 2.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall. We shall be holding our Birthday Tea at the Sandy Cove Hotel on the 7th March, but for this meeting it is members only.

Vi Kingdon - President

Thought for the New Year
Years may come, and years may go,
With lots of hopes and dreams in tow.
Resolutions and promises made,
That with each day do somehow fade.
So relax, enjoy each day,
For it is Fate the Decider -
On Life's Way.


New Year Resolutions of Yesteryear

  • Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
  • Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
  • Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.
  • Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.
  • Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
  • You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
  • Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
  • With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.

Found in Old Saint Paul's Church, Baltimore, dated 1692.

Esme Ferris





Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you planned:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.

Christina Georgina Rossetti

It is with sadness we report the death of Julie Richards' mother, Mary Cook, on the 25th November at the age of 82. Our thoughts are with Julie, her sister and all the family.


Berrynarbor has been saddened by the death of Edward Jesson just before Christmas.

A former RAF radar specialist, he retired to Brambly Hedge with his wife, Chris, six years ago from Suffolk, where they had spent several years restoring an old schoolteacher's cottage near Bury St. Edmunds. The move to North Devon meant the couple could fulfil some long-held sailing ambitions, including Edward's largely single-handed voyage round Britain in the summer of 1998.

A much-loved family man, Edward will be missed by his many friends and relatives, especially by his five grand-daughters.

After Edward

I just want to say a sincere 'thank you' to everyone for your support and comfort over the past few weeks. I shall never forget how much you helped to cushion the blow of losing him. Very best wishes,

Chris J.

Our thoughts continue to be with Chris and all the family at this sad time.


Although he did not live here in the village, many people will be sorry to Iearn that Herbert, husband of Beryl, of Maddox Down Farm, Combe Martin, lost his battle and died just before Christmas, on the 17th December.

Herbert's father, also Herbert but known as Bert, lived for many years at Bowden Farm. After his death, his grandson, Michael, took over and he and his family live there today.

We send our best wishes to Beryl; to Michael, Julie and grandchildren Robert and Katrina; to Alan and Anthea, at Berry Down, and their daughter Hayley and to Herbert's other son and two daughters. We are thinking of you all at this time of sadness.

JENNY FERMOR [nee Hinchliffe]

Ann and Peter Hinchliffe wish to thank all the kind friends whose words of comfort have supported them following the death of their daughter Jenny. Jenny, the much loved wife of Noel, died of cancer at the age of 35, leaving two young children.

Before her marriage and living in Sevenoaks with Noel and her children Heather and Alex, Jenny was brought up in Devon and worked at Bicclescombe Park Zoo.

Ann and Peter, we continue to feel for you and Jenny's family through the sad weeks ahead.



A sincere 'thank you' to everyone who so generously bought Christmas Cards to support the Leonard Cheshire Foundation Home at Westmead, Braunton. You helped to raise the magnificent total of £220.00.

I shall now be delighted to collect your old cards - Christmas and all other greetings cards - so that they can be made into new ones.

Greetings cards - Birthday, Anniversary, etc. - will be on sale throughout the year.

Eunice Allen - Bali Hai, Sterridge Valley Tel: 882491


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Warm, Welcoming and Well-attended Christmas Eve: late afternoon I arrived on the village square about to go up to the church to prepare the altar for the Midnight Service. It was already quite dark and the scene was devastating - sandbags, lorries, flashing lights, workmen rushing about still pumping away flood water. With some misgiving, I pushed open the door of the Church, but everything was well: peace and calm, the bright lights of the tree, the lights over the crib and over the new Millennium plates, cheerful flowers in every corner and on every window sill. Soon everything was ready for the congregation to arrive and for the magical, timeless service to begin.

A great number of visitors came and joined us in church over the holiday period and here are some of their comments:

  • 'A lovely experience.'
  • 'Lovely church, beautiful flowers.'
  • 'Wonderful service' [2nd January] 'Great bell-ringing'.

So who is saying that all our churches are neglected and empty?

A Few Changes Have Taken Place . . . Reg Gosling has retired after many years as Church Organist and a presentation was made to him at the Carol Service. Stuart Neale kindly agreed to take over and he will be joined by others from the village to play on a rota basis.

Bell-Ringing Thanks to the Millennium celebrations, more volunteers have come forward to join in the bell-ringing and it is hoped that a regular practice night will be re-established. We could have a village team once again and bells before the service every Sunday.

We are settling in to our new pattern of Services which is as follows:

  • 1st and 2nd Sundays in the month - Sung Eucharist [Communion Service]
  • 3rd Sunday - Family Service followed by a short Holy Communion
  • 4th Sunday - Village Service [no Holy Communion]
  • 5th Sunday - Sung Eucharist


Illustration by: Steven Angold [Aged 10]

There is time for coffee and a chat afterwards every week. Everyone should feel free to come and join us and take part in any of the services. We always begin at 11.00 a.m.

Looking Forward: Ash Wednesday is not until 8th March this year and Easter is very late [Good Friday is 21st April]. Mothering Sunday will be on 2nd April - so more of that next time and please look out for posters.

Mary Tucker


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends,

True Christian love is sometimes very difficult to find, but when we come across it, it can change our lives. I love the story about a little girl who was dying of a disease from which her eight-year-old brother had recovered some time before.

The doctor said to the boy, "Only a transfusion of your blood will save the life of your sister. Are you ready to give her your blood?"

The eyes of the boy widened in fear. He hesitated for a while, then finally said, "All right, doctor, I will do it."

An hour after the transfusion was completed, the boy asked the doctor, "Doctor, er, please, er, when do I die?"

It was only then that the doctor understood the momentary fear that had seized the boy - he had thought that in giving his blood, he was giving his life for his sister.

It was that kind of love that Jesus revealed when he did die on the cross for his brothers and sisters [i.e. you and me]. Makes you think, don't it?

With all good wishes.
Your Friend and Rector,

Keith Wyer




Eyes as clear as summer skies, breath as sweet as spring flowers
hair like whispy clouds, lips soft as rose petals, little arms
making a loving garland around me. Downy necks to nuzzle into,
tummies to tickle, fingers and toes to count and countless
places to kiss better. They are much-loved.

From The Nature and Natures of Children - Wendy Barber

A warm welcome to twins Macy and Oliver, born on the 8th December 1999 weighing in at 6 lbs 6 oz and 5 lbs 5 oz. Macy and Oliver, a brother and sister for Daisy and Jemma, are the children of Kate and Joe - both of whom have taken part in our Village Shows as members of the BBC. Kate and Joe are Stewards at Ilfracombe Golf Club.

Congratulations and very best wishes to you all.

From the last babies of the old millennium to the first baby of the New Millennium - Congratulations to baby Spear born on the 18th January 2000. Congratulations, too, to Emma and Iain, the proud parents, on the birth of their second son, Hugo, who tipped the scales at 6 lbs 4 oz, a brother for Oliver. Mother and baby are reported to be doing well and we send our very best wishes.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Belated congratulations to Sheila Brain on her excellent [interesting and very informative] article in the 'Village Spot' of Devon Life in October 1999. You did us proud! Thank you.

Congratulations and best wishes to Julie and Michael Richards of Forty Winks who celebrated their Silver Wedding on the 7th December 1999.



Bakau, The Gambia 17.12.99

Dear Judie,

Although I have made brief visits to Devon, usually en route elsewhere I'm afraid, and consider myself very much a Northerner, and proudly so if you'll forgive me, I have, over the last couple of years, been eagerly awaiting news from Berrynarbor. I feel, in a strange way, part of a very thriving village community. I am aware of strangers being welcomed; rites of passage being celebrated; troubled folk being supported and comforted; a huge variety of talents; many interesting events and not least that rare quality of being a close knit community without falling into the trap of insularity. If ever I return to the UK to live, I feel I would be welcomed to live among you. I live in the Gambia, West Africa, and it's because Sue Paul receives the Berrynarbor Newsletter that I know all about you - she passes your excellent publication on to me. I am very happy living here but it is nice to have a regular 'dose of Englishness' !!

With all good wishes to you and Berrynarbor for the coming year.

Pamela Bah

To all who make the Berrynarbor Newsletter a success. Happy New Year.

Thank you so much for including the story of Captain William Daniel [my great-great-grandfather] in December's issue. I recently had the pleasure of a two week visit to Berrynarbor and enjoyed it very much. I came back to Canada with a lot of family information that I will be including in my book on the Daniel Family. While in Berrynarbor and surrounding areas, I met some truly wonderful people who helped me with my research as well as history of the area. To them I am very grateful and will remember them always. I hope to someday be able to visit Berrynarbor again. Thank you.


Lynda Porter [nee Daniel] - Brampton, Canada



Post Office Christmas Raffle - Thank you to everyone for your support. Two cheques for £25.00 were sent, one to the Salvation Army and one to the Children's Hospice South West.

World Cancer Research Fund - Many thanks to everyone in the Valley who contributed to the street collection for WCRF - a sum of £60 was sent to support the fund in its research and education programme.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


November was a pretty average sort of month with 109mm [4 3/8"] of rain, which was slightly less than November last year, although the temperatures were similar.

December, however, was just a bit damper! In fact, with a total of 378mm [15"], it was the wettest month since we started keeping records in 1994. When we listened to the weather watchers' reports on Radio Devon on Christmas Eve, we thought the rain gauge must have gone up the spout as only about 17mm [3/4"] was recorded at Woolacombe, whereas we had recorded 53mm [over 2"] overnight. In fact none of the weather watchers reported anywhere near that amount. When we saw the devastation in the village, however, we decided that the reading must have been pretty accurate after all!

As well as being wet, December was generally windy, getting up to 44 knots on Christmas Eve. There was also a sharp frost on the 20th when the temperature fell to -4.8 Deg C - finishing off our geraniums! On Christmas Day it felt colder, with a wind chill factor of -11 Deg C.

Despite December, the total rainfall for the year was only marginally higher than 1998, 1675mm [67"] as opposed to 1658 [66 1/4"].

We wish everybody a happy, healthy and sunny year.

Sue and Simon


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Charity Christmas Card delivery took place after a very well attended Coffee Morning on the Saturday before Christmas. Thank you to everyone who used the service and/or helped deliver cards. The sum of £120 was raised.

I should like to congratulate the Millennium Committee and their helpers on the decoration of the Hall for the New Year festivities. It looked absolutely fabulous.

John Hood - Chairman



On the day after the day after Boxing Day
Santa wakes up, eventually,
puts away his big red suit and wellies,
lets Rudolph and the gang out into the meadow
then shaves his head and beard.
He puts on his new cool sunglasses,
baggy blue Bermuda shorts [he's sick of red],
yellow stripy T-shirt that doesn't quite cover his belly
and lets his toes breathe in flip-flops.
Packing a bucket and spade,
fifteen tubes of Factor Twenty suncream
and seventeen romantic novels
he fills his Walkman with the latest sounds,
is glad to use a proper suitcase instead of the old sack
and heads off into the Mediterranean sunrise
enjoying the comforts of a Boeing 747
[although he passes on the free drinks].
Six months later,
relaxed, red and a little more stubbly,
he looks at his watch, adjusts his wide-brimmed sunhat,
mops the sweat from his brow and strokes his chin,
wondering why holidays always seem to go so quickly.

Paul Cookson


Illustrated by: Nigel Mason



Sadly we had to put our beloved Sophie to sleep. Fifteen years of great fun and devotion she gave us and because of the character she was, we miss her very much. Not a harmful bone in her body, loved so much by the grandchildren who could do what they liked to her - the only response was the frantic wagging of her crooked tail that she had broken so many times. Thank you to the people who have expressed their sorrow. Sleep well pal.

Valerie and Neil



May we take this opportunity to say 'thank you' - once again - to everyone for their help and kindness when once more we got more than our feet wet! Dare we believe that with the present work/improvements the flooding might not happen again? We shall just keep hoping and our fingers crossed!

Richard and Angela

Would you please allow us to use the pages of the Newsletter to thank all the people of Berrynarbor and the civil emergency services of the Fire Service and Devon Highways who came to our help so promptly during our recent flooding incident.

During the night/early morning of 24th December, many, many people helped with water and debris clearance, and then with safeguarding measures for our furniture and belongings. The emergency crews worked all night and most of the following day to clear the culvert and vent the water flow. During the following days we received numerous offers of help with accommodation and evening meals and comfort. It was quite overwhelming.

We were able to have a very enjoyable Christmas and Millennium New Year, most especially by the generosity and friendship of John and Joyce at The Lodge and Mick Jones of Whitley Cottage, but also due to the help and comfort from all round.

Yours with thanks.

Alan and Nora


To: Alan and Nora

IF [with apologies to Rudyard Kiplingl]

If you can keep your head when all about you
Is confusion, and Christmas is not very far away;
If you can make yourself turn out and see to
Your customers receiving morning papers every day;
If whilst wearing 'wellies' you can gossip
And open up for business just the same,
Or can meet with South West Water and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same.
If you can make one heap of all your goodies
Awaiting the insurance for your loss;
And lose the sale of useful Christmas presents
And never breathe a word about the cost;
If you can talk with locals 'bout the damage
And move into Whitley with ne'er a blink,
Then you have earned the thanks of Berrynarbor
And - what is more - their signatures I think!

IF you've not done so already, please sign to save our Post Office - we need it!

PP of DC



In the South it will be a dowdy clay
with some shattered scours.
Further North there'll be some hoe and snail
with whales to the Guest.
In the East the roaring pain
will give way to some psalmy bun.

Trevor Millum



Some months ago I attended a couple of meetings in the Manor Hall to prepare for the then forthcoming Millennium Celebrations. Many suggestions for events were put forward and supported. I thought, "We'll never be able to bring all this together", but I had not reckoned on the strength of the newly formed Committee - not forgetting their gallant band of supporters.

A wonderful programme of events was arranged for our enjoyment -- what a way to start the New Year 2000. Many other residents of Berrynarbor will want to join me in saying "Thank you and Congratulations." Well done Berrynarbor!

Kathy Arscott

I should like, through the Newsletter, to take the opportunity to congratulate the Committee who were responsible for the three day Millennium events that were organised for our village. I think it was undeniably the best show in North Devon, and very well supported by all parishioners.

Bob Richards

On behalf of the village, I, and the members of the Parish Council, should like to take this opportunity to thank, most sincerely, all members of the Millennium Committee [and their helpers] for their excellent organisation and presentation of all the activities arranged to celebrate the Millennium, and in particular for the lasting memorials - the Millennium Fountain and Plates.

Len Coleman - Chairman, Parish Council




Didn't it go well? To write individually to the people who gave so much would give me double writer's cramp and involve a bank loan for stamps! So here is a big



  • The Millennium Committee for their endless hours of work - Tom Bartlett, Lorna Bowden, Mary and Gordon Hughes, Maurice [Mr. Fix It] Lane, Alan Rowlands, Bill Scholes and he who was 'just about everywhere at the same time', Gary Songhurst.
  • The Drinking Fountain:
      Peter Rothwell [original design], Be Barten, assisted by Debbie Cook [fountain creation], Gary Songhurst [main builder], Michael Bowden [stonework], John Fanner [roof tiling], Richard Lewis [plumbing] and Gerry Marangone [inscription carving]. The Headmaster - Simon Bell - Denise Lane and the children of the Primary School for their 'Time Capsule'.
  • Parish Children's Plates: Julie Richards of Napps [production of plates], Debbie Cook [illustrations] and Malcolm Wilkinson [calligraphy]. These beautiful plates are on view in St. Peter's Church.
  • Sally Barten for her magnificent Millennium Tapestry.
  • The Ozelton Family of The Sawmills who organised the whole of the Children's Party, raised money and paid for the entertainer - so much enjoyed by the children, and judging by their faces, the parents as well! Also for paying for the Scottish Piper and providing the disco at all the Manor Hall events. Such generosity!
  • The Manor Hall Management Committee who provided all facilities free of charge. Daphne Darlington and Family and the staff of the Sandy Cove Hotel for superb buffets. Pyrotechnics - Fairy Queen Elise [nee Fanner] and her husband Paul, for their bravery and for obtaining the fireworks at a discount price. Lynne and Phil at Ye Olde Globe for hosting the Senior Residents Lunch. Graham Andrews and Yvette Gubb for obtaining a grant from the N.D.D.C. The Parish Council for their donation. The Kemp Family for their donation. The Haines Family of Watermouth Castle for their great generosity. Judie and Ken Weedon for their 'behind the scenes help' and generosity. The Parcel of Rogues, who with other bands donated their fee at the Picnic in the Park, and Doreen Prater and the W.I. and all the helpers at this event. John Boxall of Sloley's Farm for the donation of the Christmas Trees. Nora Rowlands and the staff at the Post Office, who have never refused any request! Our Rector, Keith Wyer, and Mary and Tom Tucker, and those who fetched and took home the Seniors from their lunch - Ivan Clarke, Hilary and Mark Adams and Sue Wright.
  • Ernest Baker of Birdswell Lane who, after the New Year's Eve celebrations, spent the following morning sweeping up the square. Everyone who donated decorations, decorated the Manor Hall and cleaned up after each event. Clive Darch and the many helpers who put up the marquee.
  • Our Bell Ringers - Michael Bowden, Jim Brooks, John and Norman Fanner, Bill Huxtable and Joyce and Gary Songhurst -- whose hours of practice produced a first-class performance on New Year's Day.
  • Medieval Fayre: What an afternoon! Wendy and Colin Applegate of Bessemer Thatch, Glynis and Graham Hatcher of Miss Muffets, Joyce and John Mabin of The Lodge, June and Bernard O'Regan [who made the pennants], Jackie and Ray Pierpoint of Langley House, Roger Luckham and all their families, friends and helpers, and not forgetting those fair maidens in the stocks - Ann Davies and Jane Jones.
  • Those two exceptional people, Michael Bowden and Danny Lloyd who walked from Berry to Simonsbath and raised over £1,600 in sponsorship, together with their back-up team of Diane Lloyd, Derrick Phillips and John Clarke, who gave so much help. The Berry Broadcasting Company for their donation of £1,000, and Mary and Brian Malin and Family of Mill Park for the 'Great Duck Race'. And to Valerie, the best 'Girl Friday' going!
  • And finally, to you, the people of Berry, for your great support and donations.

On Wednesday, 23rd February at 7.00 p.m., a public meeting will be held in the Manor Hall to present the fund raising accounts, which will then be independently audited [service free] by Chris Walden. Please be there as we need sufficient people to sanction the accounts and as there will be a surplus of funds, we shall announce the parish projects to which they will be donated.

Community spirit is alive and well and Judging from the support of our younger citizens, it's in safe hands for many years to come.

With very sincere thanks,

Neil Morris - Chairman

[And a very sincere thank you to you, too, Neil. Well done!]

Millennium Mugs

There are quite a lot of ordered but unpaid for Mugs awaiting collection from the Post Office. Please arrange to collect these as soon as possible and by the end of February at the latest. Mugs remaining then will be sold to fill requests made since the original deadline order date.



Small sheltered vegetable garden and greenhouse available on share basis.

Apply in writing to:

Mr. R.L. Haines, Watermouth Castle, llfracombe EX 34 9SL



And in the frosty season, when the sun
Was set, and visible for many a mile
The cottage windows through the twilight blazed,
I heeded not the summons: - happy time
It was, indeed, for all of us; to me
It was a time of rapture: clear and loud
The village clock tolled six; I wheeled about,
Proud and exulting, like an untired horse,
That cares not for his home. - All shod with steel,
We hissed along the polished ice, in games
Confederate, imitative of the chase
And woodland pleasures, the resounding horn,
The pack loud bellowing, and the hunted hare.
So through the darkness and the cold we flew,
And not a voice was idle; with the din,
Meanwhile, the precipices rang aloud,
The leafless trees, and every icy crag
Tinkled like iron, while the distant hills
Into the tumult sent an alien sound
Of melancholy, not unnoticed, while the stars,
Eastward, were sparkling clear, and in the west
The orange sky of evening died away.

From: The Prelude - Childhood and School-Time

Illustrated by: Debbie Rigler Cook



On the 4th December, the Men's Institute members and guests enjoyed an excellent meal and evening's entertainment at The Globe Inn. Special thanks to Lynne, Phil and their staff, and Stuart Neale tor his musical entertainment during the evening.

The Berry-Z Snooker Team 1974-1975

Triple Winners of the llfracombe & District Snooker League,
the Meredith Cup and the Hutchinson Trophy.

Left to Right:

  • Ray Toms, Gary Songhurst, Paul Evans, Dennis Mitcham, John Huxtable [Capt.], Gordon Hughes, Jim Brooks, Keith Walls

John Huxtable



We were sorry to learn that Ray Bolton, who with his wife Marion, have been regular visitors to the village from Birmingham, had fractured his skull in an accident in December. Fortunately, he was able to be home in time for Christmas and it is good to know that he is progressing slowly, but well, and we look forward to seeing Ray and Marion again later in the year.

Following fame with her photograph in the Western Morning News, Lilian Knowles took a nasty tumble, and Margaret Tyrrell and Lorna Price have also been unwell. Best wishes to you all. Good wishes also go to those who have succumbed, not to the Millennium bug, but the 'flu bug [or any other ailment] - get well soon.




With flooding and the current campaign by the Western Morning News and others to highlight the problems of pensioners and other people who receive benefit payments, a rumour has spread that your village stores and post office are to close. THIS IS NOT TRUE.

However, as with all 'corner shops', it is becoming increasingly difficult to remain competitive. The current moves by supermarkets to provide home delivery and by the Benefits Office to phase out payment books and pay through bank accounts, are increasing the pressures. If you believe that losing the village shop would be a disaster for the village or even only be a serious inconvenience for yourself, then please consider the following actions:

  • sign petitions against the Benefit Office plans
  • have your benefits paid through the Post Office
  • use the free cheque cashing and paying-in services for Lloyds and Co-op Banks at the Post Office
  • consider the village shop first for your newspapers, groceries, wines and spirits, bread and creamery
  • pay Council Tax and other bills at the Post Office and not by direct or other debits



Saturday, 11th March

2.30 p.m., Manor Hall

Refreshments Raffle Cake Stall

have any donations of jumble, bric-a-brac, toys, etc? phone Vi Davies [882696] to collect, or bring along to the Manor Hall on the morning of the Sale

Proceeds in aid of the Carnival Float and
Berrynarbor in Bloom

Illustration by: Debbie Rigler Cook


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Michelle Beaumont, Clerk to our Parish Council, has for personal reasons resigned as from the end of January. We thank her for all her hard work and support and wish her well. Stepping in to the breach, we welcome Susan Squire. Susan, who comes from Bratton Fleming, takes over from the beginning of February and we look forward to working with her. Her address is: Haxlea, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, Barnstaple, EX31 4TG Tel: [01598] 710526.

As promised in the last Newsletter, we extend a very warm welcome to Pat Perry and Maureen Scott-Nash, the newcomers at Fuchsia Cottage. But let them introduce themselves .

As the new owners of Fuchsia Cottage we should like to introduce ourselves through the Newsletter. We are Pat and Maureen and we are delighted to have found our holiday retreat in this beautiful village, although we must admit that it was more by chance than careful planning!

The early summer of '99 saw us spending weekends at gorgeous Bessemer Thatch as we viewed what seemed to be endless cottages within a 40 mile radius of the village. We were searching for a second home for us and our families to spend time in and to enjoy the delights of this wonderful area of North Devon. Many of the places we visited seemed to suit our needs but were in isolated spots or lacked a village shop, post office or even a pub, and a sense of 'community'. We were always comparing other areas to Berrynarbor and quickly realised that this village was just what we were looking for.

We sought advice from Colin at Bessemer Thatch and learned that Fuchsia Cottage was for sale and went to look straight away. We were disappointed that no one was 'at home', and as we were due to return to Hertfordshire within the hour, we left a note explaining our interest and drove home. We were delighted to receive a phone call from Michael that evening, even more so when we realised that Michael and Joy were due to go off to America on the Tuesday - we had just caught them in time. After a visit to view the next week-end [thanks to the help of Anita who showed us around], we had fallen in love with the cottage and the sale was complete by mid-September. So, it's all thanks to Colin and Wendy.

Pat is a qualified Environmental Health Officer, employed within local authorities until ten years ago when she set up her own Environmental Health Consultancy, which now has a staff of over 25 and a large client group within the restaurant, pub and hotel trade. Pat is able to work from the cottage when we are in Devon.

I am a social worker and spent years working in the field of specialist fostering and adoption before training as a Play Therapist. I currently work at a Macmillan day hospice working with children who have cancer or who have lost a parent or close member of their family. I have two sons, the younger is married and has two children Danny [91 and Chloe [7]. My eldest son is engaged.

Both of our families have managed to visit the cottage and all want to come back as much as possible, preferably after we have completed the decorating. Could this be because we put a paint brush in their hand and give them a list of jobs to do the moment they walk through the door?!

We should like to thank all of you who have made us feel so welcome in the village and we look forward to spending as much time as possible in our new home.



Part 5

Answers to Part 4:

Do you recognise three of our village personalities in uniform?

Image 1.

Image 2.

Image 3.


Answers in Article 37.

Alan Rowlands




Some of you will know me but many of you won't, as I lived in the village during the 70's and 80's. But something very special happened on New Year's Eve, which may also be special to some of the villagers today. For me, New Year's Eve saw the fruition of a 25-year promise, a promise given between friends, between people who had shared so many things together and had spent their growing years in your tiny village.

These people, my friends, knew that as the years passed we should inevitably go our own ways, find our own families, new jobs, new places to live and so we decided to make this promise that whatever happened and wherever we were, we would meet again in the village on December 31st 1999. Looking back I can still remember, as we sat in the bus shelter, how we laughed and joked as we calculated how old we would be. I don't think any of us really believed that we would ever be that old!

Now this promise had lain dormant for nearly 25 years - shelved in the back of our minds, often nudging to the front when we would wonder where in the world everyone was and remember with fondness the times and places we had shared. As I walked in to the Globe on New Year's Eve, I was very anxious about what I should find. Was I the only one to remember? Had everyone else felt differently and moved on? Had the memories dimmed with time to such an extent that they would no long recognise or know me?

Needless to say, as the evening progressed more and more of my childhood pals arrived and we spent hours just being friends again, wiping away the years and honouring our promise to one another!

In the years in between, I had often travelled through the village, visiting areas where I had played as a kid, hoping that by some chance meeting I might hear something of how everyone was. On one occasion I sat on the bench in the park below the church, where we had spent many hours playing football and 'hanging out', and wrote the following poem in memory of those earlier years. It is tinged with sadness and regret, and maybe even some guilt at losing touch, but now, because of the keeping of that promise, those feelings have changed.

The Child I Used To Know

I sat and rested
In a place I used to play.
Memories danced around me
and they eased me from today.
For they drew back the curtain
and wiped the dusty pane,
Beckoning me to see
the child I was again.
I peered through the past
and tried to push the time aside.
I wrestled through the moment
when the child had grown and died.
Excited sounds erupted
and I could tell from who they came,
for their voices now were calling,
calling out my name.
And for a moment I was there
it felt so very real.
I wasn't in a dream
it was life that I could feel.
And they greeted me as if
the years had never passed.
So again we played together
with a ball upon the grass.
But soon the game was over
and I was woken by the rain.
But it couldn't quench the longing
for those time to be again.
But a token now they left me
for I could see the leather ball.
But when I went to kick it,
it wasn't there at all.

So, to all of you, whoever and wherever you are, thanks for being there! !!!

Bill xx



You may remember my devolved friend in Dundee, the Tesco advice lady who had given me a name to write to regarding the much-wanted Christmas lights. How was I to know the name she had given me [I must admit with a detectable note of scarcely hidden glee in her voice] was that of Mr. Tesco himself!

So in innocence and ignorance I dashed off a 'slightly' sarcastic [as is my wont] note, enquiring how in this new century Tesco-technology remained in the dark ages [a little unfair I know - but nothing ventured!!]

Imagine how awful I felt when the very next day I had a call from Mr. Tesco's very own P.A.! - nice as anything, telling me that my lights would be in Barnstaple the very next day -- so there was light! I even had a thank-you note thanking me for my thank-you note!

So all's well that ends well, but I still maintain that I shouldn't have had to make a fuss. In this day and age there should be the means for people who don't live in the metropolitan areas to obtain what they require. It may be by means of mail order or the Internet, but we shouldn't have to jump up and down or beg favours just because our stores may not be the largest or 'most important' !

Flopsy [Ann Anderson]




A Happy New Millennium from all at Berrynarbor Primary School! After a hectic end of term, and even more hectic holiday, we are back for an exciting term! The children are involved in several projects this term - they are performing in The Landmark Theatre at Ilfracombe on February 8th and 9th as part of the local schools' Millennium Concert. Some tickets may be available from the school and I am sure the evenings will be very special.

We have an artist in residence working with a group of children for another performance at The Landmark in April. This musical piece will be using sounds drawn from the environment, music created on the computer and improvisational pieces created by the children themselves.

Artwork by: Poppy Bell [Aged 10]

The school site has undergone some major building work to counter any potential flooding that may occur before new drainage is put in place. We are trying to make the best of our new situation.

A big thank you to all those who supported our Christmas events - we look forward to seeing more of you in the new year.

Simon Bell - Headteacher



Success at last - a plea has been answered! Following Kathy's request in the December issue for information, a call was received from Ena and Gerald Walters of Combe Martin. Having checked that we were on the trail of the right branch of the Huxtable Family, it was established that Kathy and Ena are cousins - second cousins once removed to be precise! Ena's grandmother was Alice Jane Huxtable, sister of John Perrin Huxtable, who married Albert John Lovering. The following is Kathy's e-mail reply to the good news!

Tell cousins Gerald and Ena that it IS the right family! Yippee. I even have Ena on my family list. My information shows that Alice Jane married an unknown Lovering and had two sons, Jack and Albert. Albert would be Ena 's father and it shows her having a sister Tina. I had heard about two Huxtable brothers coming to Australia at some time - I have a photo of them but no idea who they are. It is true that John Perrin died of injuries sustained whilst working on the railway. He left my great-grandmother with 6 children [my grandfather was the eldest]. Later she married her deceased husband's brother [Ernest Forest Huxtable] and had another 6 children by him [only 3 survived into adulthood]. Makes the genealogy' confusing! The second child John Perrin was named Roger Turpie Huxtable and I have some notes written by his eldest daughter! Also, one of his daughters [Adelaide] was taken back to Devon to be educated - apparently Roger and Elizabeth Turpie didn't have children at that time. Thank you so much for your help.

I think this is where I back out but it is good to know that cousins have been united through the Newsletter.




The architectural definition of the word 'boss' or 'bossing' is ornamental stonework knobs or protuberances projecting from a flat wall or ceiling or places over the intersection of ribs in vaulting.

The following photographs were found by Michael Lane [63 The Village] in "Devon Notes and Queries Vol. 5 Jan. 1908-October 1909" in which a Mr. T. Charbonier writes that 'in approximately 1870, these three Early English bosses were removed from Berrynarbor Church during a period of 'restoration' and now reside in the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington.

Could this be Berrynarbor's equivalent of the 'Elgin Marbles'?






Following the article on Christmas Safety Tips in the last newsletter, the Devon Fire and Rescue Service have sent a series of articles [matching a national campaign] for publication in local magazines.

These articles, which from necessity will need to be abridged, will be appearing in the next few editions and cover most subjects of interest. Take heed! If, however, there is a particular fire safety or community fire safety on which you would like more information, please contact:

Fire Safety Officer Farrell on [01271] 334400.

  1. If you have a fire in your home:

    Get Out - Get the Fire Brigade Out - Stay Out!

    Raise the alarm [so everyone in the house hears], stay calm and leave immediately together by the nearest safe exit. Use a neighbour's telephone to call, dial 999, the Fire Service. DO NOT enter the house until you are told it is safe to do so.

  2. Smoking Materials [cigarettes, pipes, lighters and matches] account for more fires, even than cooking appliances. Never leave a cigarette where it can ignite any flammable material; Never smoke in bed or when sleepy; Always make sure that smoking materials are properly extinguished and CHECK ashtrays before emptying. ALWAYS keep matches and lighters out of children's reach.

    Would you be aware of a fire at night in YOUR home? Wake up, get a smoke alarm!

  3. 21st - 27th February 2000 is National Chip Week one of our traditional foods, there's nothing like a chip! However, accidents with chip pans are all too frequent. Firstly, never fill the chip pan over 1/3rd full of oil or fat and NEVER go away and leave the pan on the cooker - mind that telephone call or someone at the door. If you discover a chip pan fire, call the Fire Service at once. Taking care to protect yourself, turn off the source of heat, do not move the pan and cover it with a dampened tea towel. NEVER use water on a chip pan - it will explode! Leave the pan for at least 30 minutes to allow the oil to cool and do not remove the damp towel - this will almost certainly cause re-ignition.

Smoke alarms are cheap at less than £5.00 and available from DIY stores or supermarkets [yes, even our less important one!]. Make sure they meet BS5446 Part 1 standards, have a kitemark and are fitted correctly. Smoke alarms should be maintained and tested regularly: once a month press the button to check it is working; once a year clean and dust to ensure that the sensor is clear and once a year change the battery.



"I come from haunts of coot and hern" - Tennyson

The route which had been devised for a special 'Millennium Walk' included a path along the banks of the Rive Isle. From Beacon Hill we crossed a field to Winterhay and passed a court of substantial cottages called Chinatown. It was at Winterhay in 1685 that Monmouth and his followers had encamped at the time of the Rebellion. There were later reports of 'lively mobbings' and bread riots, when a red flag was hoisted on the green.

By a series of quiet lanes and farm tracks, we reached the meadows beside the river. A startled sandpiper rose abruptly from a secluded bend of the river - a graceful and elegant wader. A female kestrel hovered above, fanning out her tail feathers.

It was mid-autumn and among the tangle of blackthorn, brambles and briars there were still plenty of berries. The blend of colours and shapes - the blue of the sloes, the shiny blackberries and scarlet rose hips - made an attractive display.

The river was broad, slow moving and overhung with branches but later when the path took us close to the weir and river hatches, it was more dramatic with a roar and rush of water. "Where the river runs swiftly and the fields are rich and the hills beyond most pleasant" - a description of the area written a hundred years ago.

Soon we reached Eame's Mill, once the home of flax spinning, cloth weaving and sail-cloth making - "the soil congenial for the growth of flax; water from the Ile abundant." In 1900, corn grinding replaced cloth making. The miller, a Mr. Mullet, was aptly named.

In 'With Walking Stick and Note Book', the Reverend James Street in 1904 wrote: "All is picturesque hereabouts. The artist loves it; the student of bird life too, may find here in air, water and marsh, rare chances for study."

He described in touching terms how a little auk had dropped there, suffering from exhaustion on its long flight from Greenland to the South of France, and the efforts to revive it. "... through the wintry Sunday its little life was wooed on a rug before the Fire. As though to acknowledge the stranger's hospitable care, it hopped about and shewed life but . . . the morning found it dead." The auk was preserved by the miller "in its rarity and some of its beauty". It is still a good place to observe birds.

In a field near the mill was a flock of lapwings and we were able to watch simultaneously a heron fly past and a circling buzzard. Seeing these two big bird favourites together made me recall Hamlet's remark:

I am but mad north-west:
When the wind is southerly,
I know a hawk from a handsaw.

An odd claim until you realise that 'handsaw' was an old nickname for the heron, derived from 'heron-shaw'.

We made our way up the muddy track to higher ground. Here there were skylarks and a group of red legged partridges moved about the furrows. The field had recently been harvested and as well as unearthing potatoes, hundreds of ammonites had come to the surface - some small and intact, other fragments of larger fossils.

The field was the site of an old quarry and a dismantled lime kiln. Now in it's place is a mobile phone mast. In a prominent position three miles away, a mobile pylon mast had recently been disguised as a traditional windmill. Brick built and complete with sails, when seen against the sky it looks surprisingly authentic. The phone company had wanted to disguise it as a tree but planning permission for this was refused!

From the top of the 'fossil field' there is a view of Sedgemoor and the Mendip Hills, which the Reverend Street suggested is a "view which should be seen in an autumn dumpsy, when the red glow lingers and the light smoke goes up..." Dumpsy - now there's an old but evocative word that could be ripe for revival.

Coming across the word DUMPSY reminded me that it was in common use when I was a child. It made me wonder whether older readers, in particular, would like to share words and expressions they remember from the past, which seem to have fallen into disuse or are rarely heard nowadays, for example from the '50's - dainty, natty [as in that's a natty hat], vexed and flabbergasted.

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes

Sue H

How about it folks? Can you think of words you used to use or even local colloquialisms? Jot them down and share them with us. The word I miss being able to use is gay, such an expressive adjective mirthful, light-hearted, bright-coloured - but today it sadly has another connotation.




I first heard those three words in 1968 at the funeral of my mother-in-law, Dorcas Eveline Kingdon [nee Street]. Born and bred in Berrynarbor, there were many who came to pay their last respects - Treetops was overflowing and I was kept busy with the refreshments. It was not until I was sorting out names for floral 'thank you's' that I got a chance to ask "Who are the Bendles?" "Oh, they are the Welsh connection", and more than that I never found out.

Not until 1999 when a couple - Mr. and Mrs. King from Neath stopped and asked permission to photograph the cottage and enquired if I knew anything about the Street family. Over coffee we discovered that Pauline King's great-grandmother, Mary, was the youngest sister of Derrick's grandfather, Ephraim Street, and that Mary married a Mr. Bendle and went to live in Wales where she had nine children.


Mary Jane Bendle [nee Street]


Ephraim Street [1843-1918]

William Street [Derrick's great-grandfather and Pauline's great-great-grandfather] and his wife, Elizabeth, lived at Marwood where the children were born - Ephraim and three brothers and two sisters, Mary being the younger of the two. After William died, Elizabeth moved to Hagginton Row with her three unmarried sons.

How I wish that Derrick had been here to learn so much about the family - something he had always wanted to do. Pauline is researching further.

So, thirty years later and going into a new Century, I have at long last linked up with the Welsh connection!

Vi Kingdon



The Three Personalities were:

  1. Vi Kingdon
  2. Dennis Collins
  3. Olive Kent


Quick Quote
from Bernard Allen

"It is unwise to pay too much but it is worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money ... that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the things it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot ... it cannot be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to add something for the risk you run. And if you do that you will have enough to pay for the something better."

John Ruskin [1819-1900]


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Down on the Farm Part 2 - Threshing

Once a year a firm from Braunton would send two men with a steam traction engine and a threshing machine out to Berrynarbor. They would start threshing perhaps at Barton Farm, then go on to Moules and later to Old Claude Richards's and Lester Bowden's. At each farm the men would stay the night and be given a good breakfast to start the next day, which began at about 6 a.m. They would have to align the two machines so that the wide drive belt between them would stay in place. Then they would have to get up steam and put a fine wire mesh around the area. The machines stood between two roofed but otherwise open buildings -- one side was full of the cereal to be threshed and the other empty. The men would start loading the thresher from the very high stack. There was a great deal of noise, smoke and dust, and straw particles flew everywhere. Grain would pour out of holes in the back of the machine to be caught in hessian sacks, whilst elsewhere loose straw would appear. Some of this went to the Government and some was kept for fodder.

When the height of the unthreshed crop got down to 1 or 2 feet, the rats would start running out - terrier dogs, people with pitch forks, and in some cases children with sticks or catapults, would all have a go and lots of rats were killed.

Because of the high cost of agricultural machinery in the early 1940's, the Government set up 'pools' of equipment from which the farmers hired their needs. In those days the farming community helped each other through harvesting and at other times when a bit of extra muscle was needed. On the small farms though much of the work had to be done by hand - planting potatoes with a two bill or scything a field of thistles or docks. Again my thanks to Bob, Ron and Rosslyn for their help.

Tony Beauclerk - Colchester

In wishing everyone a Happy New Year, Rosslyn Hammett writes:

I have remembered another little story and I wondered if anyone else can recall the incident? Pat Thirkell [his name is on the War Memorial in the churchyard], his mother and brother, Donald, lived in the Sterridge Valley during, and for a while after, the War. Apparently Pat was reprimanded by his C.O. after 'looping the loop' in his aircraft over the Village - he did it especially for his mother and it made headlines in the local paper!

You said you could not recall my aunt, Lily Chapple, to whom Ron Toms sends the Newsletter. Lily hasn't lived in Berrynarbor since her marriage. She was born Lilian Huxtable at Lower Rows Farm in 1916 and was married to George Chapple at St. Peter's in 1937. George was a 'Family Butcher' at 4 Portland Street, Ilfracombe, and later the business moved down to the High Street -- it is now Mike Turton's shop. My aunt kept the business going through the war years when George was in the RAF. She drove the delivery van, etc., and also nursed her crippled mother.

Sadly George died in 1998. My aunt, at 83, seems to enjoy hard work and despite two replacement hips and arthritis, is a very brave and independent lady who loves to read and hear of any news from Berrynarbor.



2000 - A New Year - A New Millennium!

The Ilfracombe and District Volunteer Bureau needs volunteers for its own direct services and also aims to help other voluntary organisations in the area find volunteers.

If your organisation needs volunteers, please contact us - we may be able to help.

Whether you are looking for work experience or wanting to use some spare time to meet new people or use your life skills to assist other people - we aim to find volunteering opportunities to suit you. Why not make a special New Year's resolution to spare a few hours to make new friends while helping people less fortunate than yourself.

The Bureau particularly needs car drivers who would be willing to drive people who have difficulty using public transport; befrienders for elderly or housebound people; gardeners for elderly and disabled people; and volunteers who could help on our reception desk for a morning or afternoon.

Out of pocket expenses are paid and any benefits you receive are not affected.

Just an hour or two can make all the difference if you can help, please contact
Jan Knight on [01271] 866300 or call in at

The Volunteer Centre, 148 High Street, Ilfracombe.



Studio Theatre, Ilfracombe College - The next production will be 'Dancing at Lughnasa' by Brian Friel on Wednesday to Saturday, 22nd to 25th March, inc. Please see posters for further information.

W.I. Coffee Morning - a Coffee Morning will be held at Southerley, Castle Hill on Thursday, 6th April, 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon - everyone welcome!


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Whitecote, 33 Pitt Hill

"In Berrynarbor 21" is yet another fine photographic postcard taken and published by William Garratt, the Bristol photographer.

Whitecote was described in the 1920 Watermouth Estate Sale as: "LOT 62", "All that Slated Cottage, Stable, Trap House, Piggery, Potato House, Large Garden and Premises situate and being No. 33 Pitt Hill, in the occupation of Mr. W Nicholls as a Quarterly Tennant. Note: the garden of this Lot is a very fine building Site. The Apportioned Tithe on this Lot is 1s. 9d. This Lot gets its Water from a Tap in the road."

At the sale on 17th August 1920 at Bridge Hall, Barnstaple, the cottage was sold for the relatively high price of £260 with completion on 25th March 1921.

Externally the front of Whitecote has seen little change since the picture was taken c1908 and the cottages on Hagginton Hill can just be seen in the background. William Garratt, quite unusually, took two pictures of Whitecote and for this reason I often wonder if it was where he possibly stayed during his visits from Bristol on his motorcycle and sidecar, to take and sell photographic postcards of our village.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, January 2000



1stW.I. Meeting, Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m. The RNLI - Len Coleman
2ndMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
8thParish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
Primary School - Landmark Millennium Concert [and 9th February]
16thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
Wine Circle, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. - Testing Your Tastebuds! Tony Summers
21stTo 25th College and Primary School: Half Term
23rdMillennium Celebrations - Public Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
1stMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
7thW.I. Birthday Tea, Sandy Cove Hotel - Members Only
11thJumble Sale, Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m. [Berry in Bloom and Carnival Float]
15thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
Wine Circle, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. Some of the Best- Jolly's Wines
22ndTo 25 Studio Theatre, 'Dancing At Lughnasa'
26thBritish Summer Time Begins - Put clocks forward 1 hour
29thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
31stand 1st April: BERRYNARBOR at 60's & 70's, Manor Hall
2ndMothering Sunday
4thW.I. Meeting, 2.30 p.m., Manor Hall: 30 Years Running a Bird Sanctuary, Talk and Slides - Doreen and Michael Cubitt
6thW.I. Coffee Morning, Southerley , 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon
13thW.I. Chichester Group Meeting, Bratton Fleming, 7.30 p.m.

Manor Hall: Whist Drive - Thursdays, 7.30 p.m./Yoga - Tuesdays, 7.00 p.m.


Berrynarbor Broadcasting Company present their Show 2000

BERRY AT 60'S & 70'S

Manor Hall, 7.30 for 8.00 p.m.

Friday, 31st March and Saturday, 1st April 2000

See Posters for Details Tickets on Sale shortly at the Post Office and Sawmills



It is hoped to hold a Display of the work of our Newsletter Artists,

Debbie Cook, Peter Rothwell, Nigel Mason and Paul Swailes, at the

Manor Hall on Saturday, 6th May, 2000. Please try to keep this date free!