Edition 155 - April 2015

Postcard: The Tom Bartlett Collection

Artwork: Judie Weedon


Firstly, a warm welcome to all newcomers to the village wishing you happiness in your new homes. We are also sad to say some goodbyes, and again we wish you well in your new homes.

Secondly, get well wishes to those who have not been feeling too well lately and those who have succumbed to the lingering 100 day coughs and colds!

Finance - the generous donations following the February issue are very welcome as are the subscription renewals and donations from the mailing readers, whose kind words are also much appreciated: "I always enjoy reading it - every page is interesting.'

The uncertainties of running a Pamper Day were, on the day, soon blown away! The response was incredible - both girls and guys - and the pamperers were all kept busy from start to finish, taking appointments to fit everyone in. Sincere thanks to them - Lesley, Mary, Jenny, Louise, Delphine, Jane and Mo. A big thank you, too, for help in the kitchen and keeping the event running smoothly to Fran, Denny, Wendy, Jane and Jan.

Although no more pampers could have been fitted in, a few more people enjoying cake and coffee, light lunches and cream teas, a net profit of £300 was raised, with £200 going to the North Devon Hospice and £100 to the Newsletter.

Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed the day. That also goes to everyone who joined in the Knit In. Along with many colourful strips, the Hospice will benefit by a further £130.

The recommended book to read following the Local Walk in the February issue unfortunately got lost in the printing! It is: Wild Flowers of Braunton Burrows by Mary Breeds.


The Newsletter has had a website - www.berrynarbor-news.co.uk for more than ten years now and again I must emphasise that pictures and photographs are so much better when viewed this way.

But now the Village also has its own new look Website; www.berrynarborvillage.co.uk, with new features for use by parishioners, namely a Village Noticeboard to display Hot News and a further page for Village News. There will be pages on Holidays with links to holiday business sites as well as a Services Director for other village businesses.

Thanks are due to Jim Constantine for getting this on-line and he would like to hear from anyone with suggestions for a more informative content or any other comments [01271] 882928.

My thanks, as always, to everyone who has contributed to this issue. It would also be nice to hear from some new contributors for the June issue, for which items will be required as soon as possible and by Monday, 11th May, at the latest please.

Judie - Ed




ALVINA IRWIN [nee Richards]

It was sad to learn that Alvina, a long time reader of the Newsletter, who spent the last couple of years at Lee Lodge, had passed away on the 17th February.

Alvina was born just before the end of WW1 in October 1918 in Combe Martin, but spent the first 11 years of her life with her grandparents at Hammonds Farm. She always looked upon Berrynarbor as her home village and spent her school days here being taught by Miss Veale, Miss Balkwill, Miss Lily Richards, Miss Jones and later by Miss Muriel Richards.

After the death of her grandfather, she went home to live with her parents, four sisters and brother at Kentisbury.

In November 1949 she married Maurice Irwin, who was born in Appledore in 1911, and they lived all their married life in Combe Martin. Maurice was a keen bridge player and introduced Alvina to the game. Although they both enjoyed playing bridge, they did not partner one another! After retiring as a haulage contractor, Maurice spent time boating and fishing. Sadly, he died in May 2009.

Alvina's funeral took place at the North Devon Crematorium on the 5th March.

Although she and Maurice had no family of their own, our thoughts are with their many relatives at this sad time.

For those of you who keep past copies of the Newsletter, Alvina wrote of her memories of the village in August and October 2003, unfortunately just before the Newsletter went on line! Ed.



February and March 2015

Reports were received from PCSO A Drury, County Councillor Andrea Davis, District Councillors Julia Clark and Yvette Gubb, Councillors Linda Thomas (Play Area Inspection), Lorna Bowden (Manor Hall), Steve Hill (Emergency Plan, new play area equipment) and Sue Squire, Parish Clerk (attendance at 'Preparing for Elections training course').

Planning Applications in February and March were considered and approved, including the crown lifting and selective removal of 1 branch of beech tree at St. Peter's Church.  

North Devon Council Decision Notices were noted for various planning applications at Wheel Farm, Moules Farm, Sandy Cove Hotel, Yellaton Farm and Smythen Farm Holiday Cottages. Representations were made from the Parish Council to the Planning Officer regarding the refusal of a planning application at Hempster Farm.

Various payments were authorised.  

A Community Toilet Grant Application had been submitted to North Devon Council.

Compliance.  The following were reviewed and adopted:  Statement of Internal Control, Financial Risk Assessment, Freedom of Information Act Publication Scheme, Equal Opportunity Policy, Grant Giving Policy, Complaints Procedure and Asset Register.

There is one more Meeting in the life of the current Council before the Parish Council Election on 7th May to be held on the same day as the General Election and District Council Elections.   There are 9 seats on Berrynarbor Parish Council to be filled.   The Parish Clerk has nomination forms which can also be downloaded from the North Devon Council website.

These have to be delivered by hand to the Elections Department of the North Devon, Civic Centre, Barnstaple by 4.00 p.m. on Thursday, 9th April.  If you would like a pack sent to you or more information, please contact the Parish Clerk:  susan.squire@virgin.net or telephone 01598 710526.  Meetings are held on the second Tuesday in each month at 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall.

Sue Squire - Clerk



The Centre will be having an Open Day on Sunday, 5th April, from 11.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. 'Celebrate Easter with the Exmoor Ponies'. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt, Refreshments, Kids Activities, Pony Rides and, of course, you can meet the ponies.

The Exmoor Pony Centre, Ashwick, Dulverton [01398] 323093


Artwork: Helen Armstead


Firstly, Berrynarbor PCC warmly welcomes three new members with Jean Pell taking on the important role of Secretary, plus two committee members, Jill McCrae and Yvonne Davey.

As mentioned in the February edition, we on the PCC are continuing to work very hard indeed to maintain regular Church and other related services throughout the interregnum - which could last up to nine months!

The North Devon Coast Team comprises of nine parishes of which Berrynarbor is one, and we - Berrynarbor and Combe Martin - have been advised that the 7 remaining parishes, which include Lynton & Lynmouth, are breaking away to form their own team! This action will have serious consequences for Berrynarbor and Combe Martin with respect to obtaining full time clergy. It is very likely, despite much lobbying from both PCC's, that we shall have an allocation of what is known in church parlance as a .5 vicar, which putting it bluntly means a part-time one!

Both Berrynarbor and Combe Martin PCC's have been working very hard to rectify this situation and Joint Parish Profiles, together with lobbying letters have been sent to the acting Archdeacon of Barnstaple and we are currently awaiting his reply.

Because of the current situation, but still maintaining our individual identities, it is looking very likely that both Berrynarbor and Combe Martin will be linking with one or other of the churches in Ilfracombe in the hope that we may achieve a full time Rector or Vicar.

Things have not been on our side in many ways and were not helped recently by the fact that the Church Insurance Premium has been increased from £2,300 in 2014 to a whopping £3,487 for the current year!

However, we assure the residents of Berrynarbor that we shall do everything in our power to maintain the role of the Church in this beautiful village.

At this point, we must convey our sincere thanks to 'Our George' Billington - a retired Rector - and to Celia Withers from Combe Martin for taking two services each per month. Furthermore, sincere thanks to John Roles of Ilfracombe and Giles King Smith of Woolacombe for offers of help in taking some services this year.

Keith Wyer, who very many of you will recall was our Rector here and at Combe Martin, has offered to take several weddings this year at both churches and we are extremely grateful for his dedication and commitment. It was especially poignant that he officiated at the recent funeral of Vic Cornish with so many attending. Our sincere thoughts, of course, must go to Anita and her family at this sad time.

Berrynarbor PCC is urgently seeking a new Churchwarden to take my place as I am retiring after 10 years in the post. Volunteers please step forward!

The Berrynarbor Choir will be having a somewhat forced rest following orders from my Doctors to ease up over the next six weeks as a result of my continued illness since Christmas.

Easter Services:

  • Good Friday 3rd April: Hour of Devotion, 2.00-3.00 p.m.
  • Easter Sunday 5th April 11.00 a.m.

On the 31st May there will be a Joint Service with Holy Communion, 9.30 a.m. at St. Peter's Ad Vincula, Combe Martin. Friendship Lunches in The Globe will be on Wednesdays 29th April and 27th May, from 12.00 noon. Everyone welcome.

Stuart Neale



Any enquiries for Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms and other Church matters - please contact Mr. Stuart Neale on
01271-883893 or by email:
This request is purely temporary whilst we await the arrival and installation of a new Rector for the Parish of Berrynarbor.



Artwork: Paul Swailes



Illustrated by: Paul Swailes

January was wet and windy for most of the month although we did escape the worst of the 'weather bomb' [cyclogenesis] which hit Scotland bringing winds of up to 113 mph in Stornaway on the 8th/9th.

Fortunately here we experienced only 35 knots [40 mph] which was the strongest wind in the month. The wind did calm down in the second half of the month before picking up again at the end.

There were only three days without any rain falling at all, making a total for the month of 184 mm. Some of the showers were wintry with hail, sleet and snow though the snow didn't settle or last for long. The maximum temperature was 13.4 Deg C with a minimum of 0.9 Deg C and a wind chill of -12 Deg C on the 31st. There was only one day when we recorded a ground frost and the sunshine hours were higher than average at 16.67. Overall, though, it was a fairly average January

By contrast February had a lot of dry days interspersed with some very wet days, two giving 23 mm and the wettest day giving 29 mm. The total rain for the month was 123 mm.

The first weekend of the month was glorious though with a cold wind, Then on the 23rd there was a sudden thunderstorm which caused the electricity to flick on and off several times in the night. Like January it was a fairly average month with a maximum temperature of 2.9 Deg C, a minimum of -1.7 Deg C and a wind chill of -10 Deg C. The brighter days were reflected in the sunshine hours of 57.70, a record for February since 2003. The wind gusted up to 32 knots [37 mph] on the 1st. Generally January and February were a lot calmer and kinder than in 2014 and now it is beginning to feel as though spring is on its way with the snowdrops starting to go over and the daffodils coming on.

Simon and Sue





It's time to split your perennials, time to sow some seed
We ask you - please support your shop, donated plants we need


Plant donations welcome from 10.00am - Manor Hall
Sale Doors Open 2.00 p.m.
Trees & Shrubs, Herbaceous Perennials, Fruit & Vegetables,
Indoor & Pot plants, Bedding & Annuals.
In aid of your Berrynarbor Community Shop

Find this delicious ice cream in your village shop


Farmer Tom's Dairy Ice Cream - local ice cream from Dunstaple Farm

"Dunstaple Farm manufacture and supply quality ice creams and sorbets; we are based near Holsworthy, Devon and have outlets throughout the region.

"Our ice cream is made on the farm using our own fresh, whole milk, clotted & double cream which is sourced from local dairies. All the ingredients used, including flavourings and colours, are natural and of the highest quality." www.dunstaple.co.uk

If you haven't tried Farmer Tom's Ice Cream yet then you are in for a treat; we stock a wide range including award winning Clotted Cream Vanilla, Double Chocolate and Strawberry!!!

We also have many other delicious flavours: Banana, Oreo, Banoffee, Black Cherry, Chunky Ginger, Irish Chocolate Cream, Maple & Walnut, Mint Choc Chunk, Malty Munch & Lemon Meringue.

Remember to check out our special offers at the end of the £1 aisle!



Congratulations to Be and all her helpers for a really souper evening at the Soup and Pud evening at the Manor Hall raising over £979 for the Chemotherapy Appeal at the North Devon District Hospital and Berrynarbor School.

As well as a great raffle, diners sat down in a beautifully decorated Hall to enjoy bowls of steaming soup with a choice of 12 varieties, served with a selection of bread rolls and croutons, followed by a choice of 25 delicious and mouth-watering puddings - and there were seconds as well!

A fantastic evening.



Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Behind the scenes!

While from the outside perhaps nothing much seems to be moving in terms of the restoration of the Manor Hall, a lot is taking place behind the scenes regarding the preparation of our submission for funding from the Lottery and other sources.


Local surveyors Abercorn have now prepared scale drawings of the entire existing building, which are required for planning and listed buildings consents (extract on left). The next step for Abercorn is to prepare a full schedule of the essential repair work in order that costings can be obtained.

In addition, the drawings also enable us to consider the various options available to enhance the building's facilities to meet users' requirements; these will form the basis of future group consultations prior to a final plan being drawn up.

Work Groups

As there are several specific internal components of the building that need to be considered, we have set up a number of 'Work Groups', each tasked with looking at particular issues and how best these can be addressed. The areas under consideration are: Kitchen Facilities; Heating and Insulation; Lighting and Electrics and Internal Layout. Discussions are underway, with much more to do, but the findings of these groups will be part of the wider Open Forum consultation process that will take place within the next few months.

As we've said before, if you are interested in joining any of these discussions, please contact us on our new email address: berrynarbormanorhall@gmail.com

'Blooming' Useful Feedback!

The opportunity was taken during the recent Berry in Bloom Quiz Night in the Manor Hall to circulate a questionnaire to gather feedback from those attending in order to understand how the current facilities are viewed and to identify where improvements can be made. More than 66 questionnaires were returned.

Well over half the respondents consider the present facilities provided overall to range from poor to adequate, with a similar number considering improvements need to be made. The main areas of dissatisfaction are the heating (90%), lighting - natural and artificial (85%/79%), toilets (82%), the kitchen and its facilities (82%/75%). Access and parking were also of concern.

Although not a scientific survey, the feedback is extremely useful as we go forward into the final stage of preparing the formal questionnaire ahead of the Open Forum and other public meetings.

Thank You to all those who participated.


Manor Hall Management Committee





Congratulations to Gill and Andy at Langleigh House who are justly proud to have been awarded a 4 Star Silver Award from Quality in Tourism Visit England.

Gill and Andy moved here from Leigh on Sea, Essex, just three years ago and took on Langleigh Guest House as a new venture, having previously worked for RBS and the Wine Trade. They have worked tirelessly to renovate and improve all the facilities and are ranked the No. 1 place to stay in Berrynarbor, with 5 stars from Trip Advisor and a Certificate of Excellence.

The pictures show what a wonderful job they have done - the only reason for not making it a gold award - ham and cheese were not on the normal breakfast menu! The garden, too, has had a makeover and makes a perfect view from the dining room and the majority of bedrooms.





Well done!


Artwork: Harry Weedon


Spring has sprung with March winds and April showers and the Berry in Bloom gang have leapt into action to bring forth May flowers. We started the year with a well-attended meeting in The Globe when we decided to enter both the R.H.S. Britain in Bloom and the Best Kept Village competitions for 2015. The dates were set for the garden open events; Sunday 14th June for the Village and Sunday 6th September for the Sterridge Valley.

On Friday 6th March we held a Fun Quiz at the Manor Hall and raised just over £600 to help fund the purchase of flowers, hanging baskets, compost etc.

On Sunday 8th March we had our first litter pick of the year and as usual the first is the worst and we collected 22 bags of rubbish, mainly from the main roads - some of the items picked up were unmentionable! But weather wise it was a lovely afternoon and the tea and cakes went down a treat afterwards.

We shall be holding a Coffee Morning and Seed & Plant Swap on Saturday, 18th April, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon in the Manor Hall, and look forward to seeing you all there.

We are always looking for villagers to join our group so for the dates of the next litter picks and work parties please ring me on 01271 883170 or keep an eye on the blackboard in the bus shelter in the centre of the village.

Wendy Applegate


Artwork: Angela Bartlett

Carrot Cake

I know there are hundreds of carrot cake recipes but I made this one for our first litter pick this year and several people asked me for the recipe. It is nice and moist with walnuts and sultanas.

  • 125g self-raising wholemeal flour
    [or if you find it hard to get ordinary S/R flour will do]
  • 1tsp ground mixed spice
  • 1tsp baking powder
  • pinch salt
  • 150g softened unsalted butter
  • finely grated zest of an orange
  • 150g golden caster sugar
  • 3 free range eggs
  • 75g ground almonds
  • 250 g finely grated carrot
  • 75g sultanas or raisins
  • 75g chopped walnuts

Pre heat the oven to180 Deg C/gas mark 4. Sift the flour with the spice, salt and baking powder.

Put the softened butter and orange zest in to a large bowl and beat either with a wooden spoon or a hand held electric mixer, then add the sugar and continue to beat until the mixture is light and fluffy.

Add the eggs one at a time with a little flour in between to stop curdling. Use a large metal spoon to fold in the rest of the flour followed by the almonds, carrots, sultanas and walnuts.

Spoon the mixture in to an 8 inch well-buttered loose bottomed cake tin lined with baking parchment. Smooth the top and bake for 45-50 minutes until the cake is well coloured and springs back when pressed in the centre. Mine took almost an hour. Allow to cool for 10 minutes in the tin then remove from the tin and allow to cool completely on a wire rack.

The cake can either be topped with a cream cheese frosting and decorated with tiny marzipan carrots or split in two and sandwiched with an orange butter cream icing. Either way this is a yummy cake to eat after a walk in the fresh air.

Wendy Applegate



A reminder that our Breakfast Club, for children up to the age of 11, runs from Monday to Friday, 8.00 to 9.00 a.m. at just £2.50 a session including breakfast. All the children are walked over to the Primary School in time for registration. We also have limited space left for the rest of this term and are taking bookings for September 2015. We run daily, 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon, and 12.00 noon to 3.00 p.m.

By the time this newsletter is published, the children will have been taken on the annual farm visit to see lambs being born - an outing the children really enjoy.

To raise money for the Pre-school and for the adults, we are running a Spiritual and Wellbeing Evening at the Manor Hall on Friday, 24th April, 7.00 to 10.00 p.m. There will be Tarot Reading, a Clairvoyant, Reiki and more, £5 per reading/therapy. For more information or to book a place, please call [01271] 889108.

Spiritual & Wellbeing Evening
Friday, 24th April - Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.



Michael Bowden

  • Rattling it back - getting on with it
  • A towser - an apron made from a corn sack
  • Steeping an adge - laying the hedge and casting it up
  • Ow be ee? - how are you?
  • A gawk - a fool
  • Ot's about - what are you about?
  • Scravling - scrambling over a hedge or roof
  • Girt tettie - a large potato
  • O't say - what did you say?
  • Backsy fore - back to front
  • In comer - someone new to the village
  • Her - often used for 'she'
  • No tan no - definitely not [Jimmy Huxtable]
  • Dimpsy - twilight
  • Tay - tea
  • Nistle draught - born before time, very small
  • Dowse - dust when grinding corn
  • Pitcher - large jug
  • Clat - a sod of earth
  • Coose - cold weather
  • Coopies - hens
  • Bittle ade - done something stupid


Artwork: Angela Bartlett



It was sad to learn in the December Newsletter that Don had passed away. During the Second World War I made his acquaintance, a most likeable lad of a very practical nature.

I believe he and a lad called Derek Alltree were responsible for turning an old disused Austin Seven into a form of tractor!

I think Don liked to be his own master. At one time he constructed at his home a number of small stables in which he kept British Toggenburg goats and understand that he had a small milk round for a while.

Don was very good with car engines. At the end of 1945, as a family we were preparing to return to our home in Upminster and my mother had an old Ruby Austin 7 which had been laid up throughout the war years and was reluctant to start. The cylinders had been filled with oil to prevent rusting.

Don came to help. He cranked it over by hand [cars had cranking handles in those days!] in order to lose some of the oil. Then after fiddling with the electrics, he managed to get it going. This was near his home in the Sterridge Valley and amid clouds of thick smoke he drove to our house in Barton Lane. Eventually after a while the smoke cleared and out he stepped with a very satisfied grin on his face.

He also riveted a plate of metal over a rusted hole on the wing of another car for us.

Don was always helpful and one of those people you have been glad to know.

The Toggenburg, nicknamed Togg, is a breed of milk goat, named after the region in Switzerland where the breed originated. It is considered the oldest registered breed of goat. Toggenburgs should have straight or dished faces, but never Roman noses and are generally a friendly, quiet and gentle breed, good as pets, although they are classed as dairy goats. Arguably the hardiest of all goat breeds, they are often extremely curious and inquisitive animals.

Note from the Editor:

Before sharing Tony's piece about Don with readers, I felt I should contact his daughter, Jenny, who was delighted and said she felt proud on reading it and how, even as a boy, he left his mark helping others.

She told me that she and her mother, June, came to the village on the 10th February, which would have been Don's 86th birthday, to scatter his ashes. Arriving at lunchtime, they decided to have lunch first at the Globe, where they were made so welcome and enjoyed a delicious sandwich and a chat.

Jenny says that the sun was shining and everything so quiet as she scattered the ashes on the ground around the war memorial that she felt as if she was the only person in the place, it was so still.

Feeling upset she decided to sit in the church and was delighted to find it unlocked. The smell and stillness comforted her, and looking at the beautiful stained glass window, she felt so peaceful and able to spend some time thinking about the wonderful and loving Dad that she misses so much.

She says: "Thanks to you and your wonderful readers, Dad's memory goes on."

A while ago Don sent me the following photographs of the village.


This first one actually appeared in the February 1996 newsletter and was sent in by the late Terry Babbington. He wrote:

This old AEC charabanc parked by the lych gate has the registration number T6970 and judging from the solid tyres is from around the time of WW1. It has apparently been nicknamed Jumbo and the sign on the side reads: Shapcott, Combe Martin Phone 3X1. The man at the front and lady at the side appear to be locals. The passengers, all ladies, appear to be a sight-seeing group, possibly from a local W.I. or something similar. Can anyone shed any light on the charabanc or its owners?

A reply in the April issue said that Ben Richards of West Seven Ash Farm was convinced that the man is John Bowden, c1916, who moved to Kentisbury.


A visit to Ron and he told me that this is the school, taken in the 'big yard' around 1924. He and Noel Reeve [nee Richards] who was visiting Ron, were able to name many of the pupils.

  • Back Row: Reg Ley, Leslie Irwin, Lewis Smith, Ron Toms, Fred Spear and 2 along, Will Huxtable
  • The girls standing are Brenda Richards, behind Lily Tucker, Vera Ley, Verna Richards and Lily Huxtable, beside Brenda is Fred Richards and Vera Dummett.
  • Seated 2nd is Lorna Draper and in front of her Frank Challacombe and beside him Kenneth Draper
  • Ron and Noel both thought that the man in front of the charabanc could be Reg Huxtable.

The final photograph of the blacksmiths has drawn a blank although it was felt that it might be from Combe Martin rather than Berrynarbor.

Can anyone help further on any of these photographs please?




"Come on Joan, stop arguing, you look absolutely ugly when you get like this."
"Fred, it's alright for you to talk, you started it. You are going red in the face."
"Well, you chose me in the first place so that was your fault. I thought you liked the name Joan."
"I only like the name Joan because the last two letter of your name are A and N and an reminded me of an old girlfriend. I might 'phone her up."
"Yes, Fred, that's about what you should do. Good night!"
"Well," said Jane, "I'm glad we've got our parts right, word perfect I should say."
"Yes, indeed," John replied, "I'm glad we joined the drama group. It's a good play."


You can't always have your own way
If you did, you'd be hated someday.
It would be a good trend
When that came to an end
And all have a new friend today.
So come on, I insist I must say,
It's sunny and the merry month of May.
So put on a smile
The stack's half a mile
And then we can play in the hay.


Illustrated by: Paul Swailes

Tony Beauclerk - Stowmarket



Paul's artwork will be familiar to most regular readers as he has been illustrating the Berrynarbor Newsletter for the past twenty five years. He says, "I have thoroughly enjoyed it. The Local Walks and Rural Reflections have allowed me to find out about all manner of wildlife and our area past and present."

Last year he retired from his position as Assistant Headteacher at the Ilfracombe Academy, where he had taught Geography and Art since moving back to North Devon in 1986. Paul said, "I decided with more time on my hands I should get back into painting. I did not have far to look for inspiration and over the past few months have put together two collections of images based on our local environment."

The first collection, 'You Can't See the Wood for the Trees' is a series of ink drawings of his favourite local woodland walks. The style and subject matter will be familiar to readers of this Newsletter. The second, 'The Turning of the Tide' are acrylic and mixed media images based on the North Devon coastline.

These two collections are now nearing completion and Paul is delighted to have been given the opportunity to exhibit his work at the Manor Hall. Paul said, "It is always nice to have a focus to work towards and I look forward to being able to chat about my work."

The exhibition entitled Under Western Skies takes place at the Manor Hall, Berrynarbor on Saturday April 25th from 2.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. and on Sunday April 26th from 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. It is hoped that some of the work of the Berrynarbor painting group will also be displayed. There is an admission charge of £2.50 to include light refreshments and in support of the Manor Hall and the North Devon Hospital Chemotherapy Appeal.

The Manor Hall, Berrynarbor
SATURDAY, 25TH APRI, 2.00 to 6.00 p.m.
SUNDAY, 26TH APRIL, 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.


Dave Beagley

Solution in Article 25.


Artwork: Helen Weedon


I have a friend who has what could be regarded as rural claustrophobia. Although I have known her for some years her condition, if it can be deemed as that, only came to light when she came to stay with us after we had moved to North Devon; and even then, not until the day of her departure. Over one final brew, she said how much she had enjoyed her stay, but then concluded with complete honesty [like only true friends can] that she could not live in North Devon. It was far too enclosed for her liking and did not compare with the open countryside of the South Downs close to her Brighton home.

I argued that the vastness of the Downs stripped away the many layers of detail that North Devon had to offer, the patchwork quilt fields, undulating valleys, busy streams and wooded slopes. She conceded the point but reiterated that the steep contours within my local peninsula still made her feel hemmed in. Arousing a need to defend my home soil [note: this was in BST time - Before Soaring Turbines], I remarked that one might feel justifiably unnerved driving, for example, through the narrow passage of Cheddar Gorge or within the precipitous mountains of Glencoe. But hardly up and down the rolling hills surrounding us.

My friend then emphasised that it did not matter how shallow or steep the valley may be. She needed to be in the open. To feel free. And it all related to her childhood; more specifically growing up on an island and being acutely aware from a young age that, with water surrounding her in whatever direction she looked, her adventures and explorations were limited. Put simply, she felt trapped - a feeling which, every time she ventured onto the Downs, she could expel.

Like my friend, I too use the countryside to take me back to my youth, though unlike her I seek out the complete opposite in order to invoke a pleasurable childhood memory, one I made reference to in my last article. It relates to the hideaways my school pal and I would seek out in the local parks, woods and alleyways; or camps as we called them, even though all the items one would expect to find in a survival camp were imaginary.

I came across one such hideaway when I discovered a path running adjacent to a stream in a deep recess - just the sort of place in which my dear friend would feel undoubtedly trapped! The path was rarely explored, as making it part of a circular walk required using the farm road at one end and then taking a significant and strenuous detour. Yet the path was at the same time exceedingly well maintained and for the third of a mile or so that it ran, it had plenty of variation. I soon grew fond if its quirkiness and began to think about what names my school pal and I would give the path's notable stops en route.

Jacob's Junior was the first to be christened, a small flight of steep wooden steps that descended from the tarmacked road. A sheer bank neighboured the path's right hand side as it headed off from Jacob's Foot, whilst on its left a young river ran below having emerged from under the farm road's cattle grid. Its clear water rushed over the large grey and mauve boulders, deflecting splashes against a tall bank on the left. Initially the path ran faultlessly straight, its uniformity dictated by embedded symmetrical logs. Tumble Bridge was soon reached, a basic wooden structure enabling water to flow underneath it and into the river from an adjacent fierce yet narrow waterfall. Before long the hastening river's passageway was dictated by deep concrete embankments steering it 90 degrees beneath the path at Borderbay Bridge. An exact replica of the previous bridge, its name reflected the river's destination after darting off within a natural dip in the bank by the path; for this river would now act as a border between two farms and then head underground, occasionally re-emerging to greet local inhabitants, before flowing out and into a little bay.

Although my path was now devoid of running water I soon reached The Glue, an area so boggy that another walkway had been created on a small embankment in order to bypass the main path. Looking around I could see gullies cut into the high sided banks allowing water to run off the sloping fields; hence the area being so wet under foot. It also validated the sound of something I could hear close at hand but was unable to confirm with my eyes. For the squelchy ground around me was the embryo of a stream about to begin its infant life just around the corner, one that would develop into adolescence as it followed the remainder of the path's course.

Together both track and waterway would provide different environments in which a wide variety of wildflowers are able to flourish. But I will save that for next time. For now, I will leave you with a wildflower I observed just beyond The Glue. It grew unaccompanied yet quite content, making the most of an unpretentious opening that allowed sunlight to reach the base of the bank by the path. There, in all its glory, grew a perfectly formed primrose; or to call it by its Latin name, prima rosa, the first rose of spring. Happy Easter.


Illustration by: Paul Swailes

Stephen McCarthy



Whilst in the Manor Hall I have often admired the wonderful portrait that hangs over the old fireplace and wondered if others are aware of it and if they know who the lady is. She is Mrs. Edith Penn Curzon [nee Bassett].

Born Edith Bassett Williams in 1862, she married Captain Ernest Charles Penn Curzon [1856-1938] on the 18th October 1882 at the Curzon Chapel, Mayfair, London. Ernest was the son of Col. Hon. Ernest George Curzon, son of Richard William Penn Curzon-Howe, 1st Earl Howe. The couple had three children, one son and two daughters.

In 1908, after the death of her father, Edith inherited from him all the Bassett Estates including Watermouth Castle, the Manor of Berrynarbor and Umberleigh House, where she had lived.

During World War I Watermouth Castle was used as a military hospital and at the same time, Edith was beginning to sell off the ancient Bassett lands, including Umberleigh House and the manor. In 1918 she was awarded the C.B.E.

In the 1920's many of the village farms and cottages were sold off and in 1942, most of the contents of Watermouth Castle.

Edith died in 1948 and to this day her portrait hangs in the Manor Hall.

And so to the picture! Interested, I noticed that it was signed 'B. Bright 1897'. The internet came up with an artist of that time called Beatrice Bright. Enquiries of a local fine art dealer and Bearnes Hampton and Littlewood of Exeter, suggested that I contact the National Portrait Gallery in London, and Robin Francis was extremely helpful:

As you are probably aware we have two portraits by Beatrice Bright signed and dated 1897. Both are not presently on display but I have checked on one on screen the signature which is in much the same place as yours and as far as I can tell from extremely dark images of both portraits may be the same hand. At least there seems no reason to presume that your portrait is by another artist than Beatrice Bright.

Beatrice was born Annie Beatrice Bright in London in March 1861, the daughter of Sir Charles Tilston Bright, an engineer. She studied under Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope, a distinguished portrait painter who established an art school in South Kensington. She maintained an address in London although living in Aberdeen in the 1890's. In 1897 she became an Associate in the Society of Women Artists with whom she frequently showed. She also exhibited at Liverpool, the Royal Academy [1896-1928], the Royal Institute of Oil Painters and the Walker Art Gallery. From 1909 to 1914 she studied for periods in St. Ives, primarily marine painting with Julius Olsson, another distinguished marine and landscape artist. Beatrice died in 1941.

Next time you are in the Manor Hall, look again at this beautiful portrait of one of Berrynarbor's many worthies.


The painting in the Manor Hall, including what appears to be its original and lovely frame, is approximately 10' x 4'. A big picture!

Judie Weedon




'Good wine ruins the purse, bad wine ruins the stomach.'
Spanish proverb

The ever-popular 'Call My Wine Bluff' was the February topic for the Circle. Teams heard 18 descriptions for 6 wines and decided between the bluffs and the truths. Wine Masters Summers, Hobson and Thorndycroft presented the evening's delights.

For the first white, it could have been from Thailand or Austria, but proved to be an Essex Blonde'! It was a Bacchus, 2013, from the New Hall Vineyards, Purleigh, in Essex. Bacchus is a great grape for our English climate and, even though Purleigh's soil is London Clay, members described it as lively and a real fruity one! For a white, 10.5% alcohol level is low, and for an English wine its price was too: £8.65.

The Essex then a Spaniard, were well received, but the last was the most expensive: £12.90 and disappointed. It was agreed, generally, that the Sandstone White, from Walker Bay in South Africa, 2009, was quite old for a white . . . past its best. Perhaps a much younger version would have delighted palates, but may have been dearer...

Pictures of Australian, Spanish, Italian, French and New Zealand producers and wines followed. Obviously, the real origin was there somewhere! The first red was an Auzzie: a 2012, Wild Paw Cabernet Sauvignon and at £6.55 it was very popular or 'bonza' you might say!

Spain produces some brilliant wines that often pack a punch. Ribero del Duero is less well-known than the Rioja area, but members enjoyed a Crianza from here, but it was £13.60 a bottle.

The final wine of the evening was unusual: a Pinot Noir from Italy; most are produced in France, particularly Burgundy. Even with the vat, this was only £6.60. It was regarded as very good value and excellent, which sounds to be an accurate description of yet another Wine Circle evening!

All wines were purchased via Brett Stephens of Hallgarten Druitt Wines, who, after the AGM, will preside over our final meeting of this season on 20th May.

LIDL AND LARGE or Lidl and ASDA - March meeting

It was felt, sometime ago, that wines from the cheaper supermarkets should be tested, so Geoff Adam and John Hood researched, then presented.

Geoff bought 3 Pinot Grigio from ASDA: Chile, California and Italy, with prices of £4.00, £7.25 and £9.00. ASDA's most expensive wine appeared to be £12. All of these were 2013 or 2014.

The cheapest was described as light, whereas the next, a Barefoot from the US, had more character, deeper taste. It has won numerous awards, American of course; however, it can be purchased in other supermarkets including Waitrose. It seemed that I wasn't the only one who would drink it again, because it was good summer drinking.

Many, I'm sure, assume that if one wine is the dearest of a selection offered that it will be best. Wine is subjective, but, I described the dearest, the Italian, as wincey, or should I say highly tannic. It was as if I was sucking a lemon - and I wasn't the only one to pull faces!

Lidl's reds proved to be an interesting investigation! John's French were all £8.99. Generally, I am a red drinker, but the first two, a 2012 Bordeaux, then a 2011 Medoc, did not appeal. Bordeaux, described by experts such as Jancis Robinson, has the Quality Factor and is the 'world's biggest resource of fine wine'. Mmmm, don't think she'd include this one! Medoc's label described it as perfectly balanced but perhaps the Bordeaux and the Medoc would have been easier on the palate with a meaty meal! Food makes a tremendous difference...

The last was a Vacqueyras Serabel, 2012, which was worth the wait - smoother tasting. It, like the Bordeaux, were both awarded Appellation D'Origine Protege status, once the French had removed the Cotes du Rhone Villages label in 1990, but Protected designation of Origin is also applied to French food. The criterion is four-fold: a. geographic and historic origin b. a craft or form of expertise c. a link with the region and d. quality control.

Banter and laughter abounded. You do only get what you pay for, but it proved that Wine Circle nights, can, obviously, be wincey or tasty!

Judith Adam - Secretary




Soup and Pudding Evening - We should like to say a massive thank you to the organisers of this event in January and also to each one of you who supported it and helped to raise so much money for the Chemotherapy Unit and the School. This donation will greatly help the development of our outdoor learning space, such a useful resource for our younger children.

Assembly - Thanks to Graham Lucas who, since the departure of Rector Chris Steed, has taken on the Monday School Assemblies. The children really appreciate them. Class 3 write:

"Mr Lucas has done really fun stories and has had us interacting by getting us to be characters in the story. Reuben was Goliath and George was David."

Swimming - Years 1 - 6 have been enjoying their weekly swimming lessons at the newly refurbished pool in Ilfracombe.

Bloodhound event - Year 6 visited Ilfracombe Academy to take part in an event aimed at promoting and inspiring children to develop in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. It was run by scientists from the Bloodhound Super Sonic Car Development Team. This car has been designed to break the world land speed record and is now being built. The goal is to achieve speeds in excess of 1000mph! The children were shown a full size model of Bloodhound. They used telemetry equipment and studied the data produced. Then they built and raced their own rocket cars.

Over the course of the day they discovered how jet engines work, how rocket motors are fuelled by rubber, and then even experienced a sonic boom. Everyone had a fantastic day investigating, exploring and learning about the ways in which science, technology, engineering and maths impact our everyday lives. We have some budding engineers!

World Book Day - In the first week of March we celebrated World Book Day with a book based competition. The children were asked to design a sash based on a book they enjoyed, or on their favourite character. They could choose how many items, drawn or real, to put on to their sashes. We also had a bring and buy book sale. During the day a team of three children represented the school at an interschool Book Quiz. One of the team, Hazel, reports back:

"Three of us from Berrynarbor School went to a Book Quiz in Barnstaple Library. It was Berrynarbor's first time competing and we came fifth out of the fourteen schools taking part. We hope to compete again next year and come home with the trophy! We had great fun working closely together as we were tested on our knowledge of books."

Sue Carey - Headteacher


North Devon Coast U3A

U3A groups are learning cooperatives for people who are retired or semi-retired, that draw upon the knowledge, experience and skills of their own members to organise and provide interest groups in accordance with the wishes of the membership. The teachers learn and the learners teach. U3A's offer the chance to study different subjects such as art, crafts, local history, garden visits, opera, geology and walking and many others. The approach to learning is - learning for pleasure. There is no accreditation or validation and there are no assessments or qualifications to be gained.

Joining a U3A is a great way to meet new like-minded people and make new friends.

Our North Devon Coast U3A Group covers the area from Lynton to Woolacombe, including Combe Martin, Berrynarbor, West Down, Ilfracombe and Mortehoe.

We warmly welcome new members to our friendly group. If you enjoy company and would like plenty of interesting things to do, or maybe you have a skill you could share, why not join us and see what we offer?

Monthly Coffee Mornings: 1st Thursday of the Month - On the first Thursday of the month we have a coffee morning meeting from 10.30 to 12.00 noon at Ilfracombe Golf Club. £2.50 includes entry, tea/coffee with unlimited top-ups and biscuits.

Each month one of our Interest Groups hosts the meeting and tells us what they do by a talk or a display.

If you would like to find out more about us why not come along? All you have to do is contact our Membership Secretary Bev Connell on 01271 867965 or e-mail u3amembershipdevon@btinternet.com.





Illustration by: Paul Swailes





[31st January 1873 - 6th July 1933]

10th Baronet of Mount Wolseley, County Carlow, Ireland
Former 'Lift Boy'!

I wasn't too sure of Sir Reginald's Mover and Shaker title, until, tongue in cheek, I considered that his job as an elevator operator [in American-speak] in a large US office certainly made him a mover, and he shook America and other parts of the world in 1930 when it was discovered that he'd inherited his baronetcy - but still preferred to keep his day job!

This is the extraordinary tale of a man born on 31st January 1872, the son of physician and surgeon Dr Cadwallader Brooke Wolseley of Dublin and Katie Maria Beatty. He was a cousin of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Beatty. Yet, in 1897 at the age of 25, he left England for the United States and after wandering for many years, ended up as a lift boy at a hotel in Waterloo, Iowa. He stayed there for 14 years. Half way through his time there, in 1923, he inherited his title on the death of his cousin, Sir Capel Charles Wolseley, but kept it secret because he so enjoyed his work in Iowa, where he preferred just to be known as 'Dick'.

Asked why he never found a better-paid job, he replied, "Fallen arches! I might have been a go-getter, but my poor feet wouldn't stand any rushing about."

Dick's secret came out in 1930. Miss Marion Elizabeth Baker, a Devon nurse, visited him in Iowa, as a messenger from his mother who had just died. Mother's deathbed wish was that her son should marry Miss Baker and return to England to claim his inheritance. A few days after Miss Baker arrived, they married. He was 58, she was 40.

The next day, she left for England on the understanding that he would follow as soon as he'd sorted out his job affairs. It wasn't so easy. He stayed put! What's more, he sued for divorce on the grounds that his wife harassed him with telegrams trying to persuade him to return to England and had deserted him. She was obviously a determined woman. Returning to Iowa in December 1931, she finally won. The divorce was set aside and they sailed for England on the steamship Baltic in January 1932.

When asked why he had changed his mind about the baronetcy, he replied, "I took the title for my wife on marrying her out of gratitude for what she did for my mother. The title will be of advantage to her in English society. A lady is a lady over there." Later he added, "A title in itself is all right, but without something to back it up it's sort of empty." Maybe here he was alluding to the fact that there was no money, no land, no chattels.

Sadly only 18 months after their return, he died, here in Berrynarbor, at their home, Capel Cottage. It was 6th July 1933 and he was only 61.

The news, firstly in 1930 of his baronetcy and continuation of working as an 'elevator operative' and then his death in 1933 in "Berry Harbor, Devon" swept the billboards in the United States, Canada, Singapore and Australia. The Montreal Gazette of July 11th 1933 stated that "Only a few villagers attended the funeral service at which his widow, the former Marion Baker, dressed entirely in white. Twelve farmers acted as bearers." The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser goes further, describing Marion's clothes in detail and ending that "a flower covered mound separated only by a low hedge from the garden of his best friend Mr R Lincey marks his grave."

When he had arrived in Berrynarbor, a local person [could this be Mr.Lincey?] who knew him well said, "When he first came amongst us, Sir Reginald's strong American accent made him a little misunderstood but he soon won his way into everyone's heart. He would say sometimes "I am a democrat. Titles mean nothing to me. I do not care two pence for them."

After the funeral, Lady Wolseley never used her title, preferring to be called Mrs Marion Wolseley. She didn't have much time for this, however, only 11 months later, on 20th June 1934 she fell from her bedroom window, again dressed in white, and according to local legend, thinking she could fly. She died later of multiple spinal injuries.

Sir Reginald Beatty Wolseley former Iowa elevator operator, has gone to England to assume the baronetcy left him by his brother, who died in 1923. After inheriting the title, Sir Reginald discarded and kept his elevator job at Waterloo until his wife persuaded him to assume the title and estate.

[Apologies for the poor reproduction from this newspaper cutting.]

I was curious to find their grave, and thanks to Judie and Marlene, who had surveyed the graves and their epitaphs in the old churchyard, I did. If you come down the path through the top gate from Barton Lane, you will find it first on the right. It looks very sad and weather-beaten, but it is now over 80 years old. I could just identify ". . .Beloved . . .Reginald Beatty. . . 10th Baronet. . .." and on the length of the grave "Marion Elizabeth. . .", but Marlene gave me the whole epitaph:

AGED 61.


I think his grave deserves a tidy up! Many thanks to JC for giving me much of this information.

PP of DC

In April 2013 I wrote about Charles Nicholas Pedlar, his son Charles Glanville who joined the business in 1946 and then about Nick and his daughter, Helen. The years roll on: Charles Glanville sadly died on 4th February this year, just 150 days short of his 100th birthday. He had an illustrious career, not only at the helm of Pedlar's, but also working for the community, including acting as Secretary of the United Reform Church for 25 years and as a local Magistrate for 30.

We send our sympathy and condolences to Nick and his family.



The area of woodland up the Sterridge Valley, often referred to as 'the forest' is an area of approximately 75 acres, of which 45 acres are known as Woolscott Cleave and the other 30 as Molton Woods.

Much loved by dog walkers it is also used by Berrynarbor Primary School for their annual Forest School.

Originally the area was rough farmland with at least ten quarries, the stone from which was used extensively for building works in the village. In the early 1900's, the land was part of the Watermouth [Bassett] Estate owned by the Curzon family. Following Edith Penn Curzon's death the land was sold in 1947 to the Norman family.

Kathleen Norman, who died in 2005, sold the land in 1960 to the Forestry Commission, when it was designated part of the Eggesford Forest. The original field walls, planted with beech date back some 200 years, were retained by the Commission and they planted a mix of Japanese Larch, Western Hemlock, Sitka Spruce, Norwegian Pine, Douglas Fir and Lodge Pole Pine. Wood from the latter was planted for pit props, but with the demise of the mines and the introduction of more modern methods, it was no longer required.

In the 1980's, the Government ran a scheme whereby the purchase of woodland could be off-set against income tax. A time when many of the country's and Forestry Commission woodlands were purchased as private enterprises by such people as Rod Stewart and the Boxalls!

At that time, Fenella and John were in Hong Kong and learnt of the 'Woodlands for Sale' through the Financial Times. A woodlands expert to the Money Exhibition, organised by Fenella, waxed lyrical about the scheme and in particular of some woodland in Berrynarbor. And so it came to pass, site unseen, in the Dickens Bar in Hong Kong, they found themselves proud owners of Woolscott Cleave in North Devon, a place they had never visited!

There were and are no Public Rights of Way over the land although at the time of purchase the late Maurice Fry, of Sloley Farm and later Little Oaklands, rode extensively in the woods with his niece Elizabeth. This right to ride was renewed for the princely sum of a Queen's Shilling! In return Maurice kept a wary eye on the woods reporting if a blade of grass had been disturbed or a stone overturned, so intimately did he know it. When he passed away in 2010, his mantel was taken over by Tom Tucker who walked there on a daily basis. No fly tipping or rubbish went unreported. Great custodians both.

In 1988, the management of the plantation was in the hands of Fountain Forestry. A first thinnings was carried out and the Lodge Pole Pine, which had died, was left as skeleton trees, or standing deadwood much loved by woodpeckers and insects.

John and Fenella did not return to the UK until 2001. However, John's sister Jill and her husband Brian visited the woods on a regular basis and over time were captivated by the charms of Berrynarbor.

Although the plantation should have undergone a second thinnings in 2008, the recession and the low price of timber meant a contract to carry out the work was not signed until 2012. It has taken a further 3 years for it to become effective. So, this explains the large, timber carrying vehicles currently going up and down the Valley!

Work, under the agency of Euroforest, began in January with the felling licence stating that all the Japanese larch must be cleared due to the larch die back disease, Phytophthora Ramorum. The rest of the woodland will be maintained as continuous cover with just 20% of the trees being felled. Specialist halo thinning, ie thinning around selected trees, will allow natural regeneration and expansion of the hardwoods.

The heavy duty, computerised harvester machinery is operated by just two men, and the wood is cut to order. 2,000 tons of soft woods, some 90 lorry loads [about 40% of the woodland] are being removed. Their destinations? The larch is going to the Duchy sawmills in Cornwall, the rest either to Yelland Quay for onward transmission by boat to Belgium, or overland to South Wales and a Hereford sawmill. Unfortunately, the size of wood makes it too large to be taken to local sawmills.

Future replanting plans are to change, and expand, from soft to native hardwoods, including oak, beech, ash, hornbeam, crab apple and wild cherry. There will continue to be no public right of way and dog walking may be restricted to the area adjacent to the main ride, with the area along Sterridge Stream becoming an environmental reserve.



A complementary therapy for better health, naturally. Based in Goosewell, Berrynarbor. Home visits available.

For more information or to book an appointment, please contact: Lesley Symes MAR IIR [01271 865580] 07534 838202 or reflexology@holefarm.plus.com

A big thank you to everyone who tried a Reflexology taster session at the Valentine's Pampering Day. I was delighted that so many people were interested to find out more about Reflexology and experience it for themselves. It meant that I was able to raise £75 for Bosom Buddies, a support group for people affected by breast cancer in North Devon.

Many thanks.




The Gardens are now fully open for the 2015 season:

The Gardens and Tea Room from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. and the Plant Centre from 12.00 noon.

Admission £6.00, 12-16's £2.50 and Under 12's free

There will be an EASTER EGG TRAIL, with prizes, for Children on Easter Sunday and Monday.

Come and see the new look Plant Sales Area. With the early spring flowers now over, it is time for the camellias, magnolias and rhododendrons to come into their own.



at Lee Village Meadow & Memorial Hall. Our theme this year celebrates all things farming! All the fun of a traditional village fayre with stalls, raffle, games and much more. From 2.00 to 4.30 p.m.with delicious refreshments served in the hall throughout. Car parking.

An enjoyable afternoon for all ages. An event not to be missed - we look forward to seeing you there!


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


The Village, Berrynarbor & Cottage at Berrynarbor

For this issue and appearing on the front and back covers, I have chosen two watercolour paintings of our village by the artist H. Hughes Richardson painted by him in 1922 for the art postcard publishers J. Salmon of Sevenoaks, Kent.

These were two of four of his watercolour paintings of the village and as well as being sold as individual postcards, all four could be purchased in a special display pack set entitled ' Picturesque Berrynarbor' for the sum of just 6d! This was described in my Old Berrynarbor No. 9 in February 1991. The other two paintings appeared as the covers for the June 2003 Newsletter.

'Cotttage and Roses' 'Cottage, Henton Hill, Berrynarbor'

The postcard for the front cover shows Silver Street before the arrival of tarmacadam and when our streets used to be regularly scraped clean. On the left is Berrynarbor National School opened in 1848 and where at that time 150 children were crammed in! Of particular note is the slate topped bell housing complete with a bronze bell. Sadly, both are now lost to the school and village and no one appears to know to where the bell vanished. The small fuchsia hedge and low railings against the road facing the school have long since disappeared. Just beyond the school is the blacksmith's shop then occupied by Sam Harding and beyond is No. 50, Little Gables, St. Peter's church steps can just be seen as well as the shelter.

To the right of the picture is the single storey building which became our Post Office on the 25th March 1921. Tom Hicks, the village Postmaster and his wife Sarah acquired the building of 62 Silver Street for £155.0s.0d. when they found they could not afford the original post office at 36 Pitt Hill when it sold for £350.0s.0d. at the auction of part of the Watermouth Estate held in Barnstaple on the 17th August 1920, with completion date of 25th March 1921.

Although I am almost certain I think the second picture, on the rear cover, is of the garden and front entrance of South Lee. I have a late postcard [about 1930's by William Garett entitled 'South Lee 8' which is similar.

All four paintings show how accomplished a watercolour artist H. Hughes Richardson was.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, March 2015
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com

H. Hughes Richardson

Herbert Henry Richardson was born in Worcester on the 16th December 1882.

In 1895 he was apprenticed to the Royal Worcester Porcelain Factory, as was his younger brother Francis Ernest, also a gifted artist. In terms of porcelain painters they were in very good company and the apprentice ship in porcelain floral design lasted until the family moved to Wales in the early 1900's.. During this time, Herbert attended the Worcester School of Art and Design.

In January 1908 Herbert married Kate Marion Hughes taking on her name as the one he was known as in artistic circles - H. Hughes Richardson. He and Marion had 8 children.

Many titled families commissioned his work including The Earl David Lloyd George, the Duke of Bedford and Dame Ellen Terry.

Marion died in 1946 and Herbert in 1964.




'Quiet Waters by'

Four years ago a derelict piece of ground in the middle of Swimbridge was transformed to create a streamside garden. It occupies a part of the churchyard of St. James' church, which had never been used for burials as it was too close to the stream.

Behind locked gates it had become overgrown with brambles. Villagers who were children in the 1940's and '50's remember squeezing through the railings to pick blackberries there. Forty years ago during the national 'Plant a Tree in '73' campaign, the parish council had planted trees and shrubs on the land. [You may recall the subsequent slogans 'Plant some more in '74' and 'Keep them alive in '75'.]

Unfortunately, by 2006 many of the Plant a Tree Year trees had died. The railings had rusted and the gates were still locked when the church and parish council decided to turn it into a public open space for everyone to enjoy, and thus Swimbridge Streamside Garden was born.

Work finally began in 2011. Designed by landscape architect, Peter Leaver with advice from the Devon Wildlife Trust, the garden incorporates plants which provide flowers to attract butterflies and bees or bear berries for birds. The hedges include native species such as hawthorn, spindle, holly, guilder rose and field maple. Mazzard trees have been planted - the wild cherry peculiar to North Devon.

An old granite roller from a local farm creates an unusual seat. Sculptor and mason, Gabriel Hummerstone has carved on it words from Psalm 23: ' In pastures green he leadeth me, the quiet waters by.' Sturdy benches have been made from a beech tree, blown down in a gale at Chittlehampton - called spalted beech referring to a pattern of dark markings caused by a fungus. A poem by pupils of Swimbridge Primary School has been carved into stepping stones along the path.

The stream itself is the Landkey Stream, also known as the Venn Stream. It rises on high ground to the north of the village, near Gunn, and flows via Riverton along the valley to Swimbridge and on to Landkey; then by Venn Quarry to join the River Taw at Bishops Tawton. It once powered several mills and a tannery.

When we walked along the stream last April a dipper sped past, with whirring wings, alerting us with its 'tsitt tsitt' call. Its flight is fast and direct, just above the water. It landed on a large stone with its characteristic bobbing motion, flicking its short tail.

A dipper [cinclus cinclus] can appear black and white when only glimpsed fleetingly but viewed at close quarters the head is dark brown shading to a grey-brown back and wings. Underneath it is bright chestnut brown. The most conspicuous feature is the large white bib across its throat and chest.

We watched it plunge into the water. It has the ability to swim under water using its wings. It can walk along the bottom of a river foraging for invertebrates. Its diet includes aquatic insects and their larvae, small crustaceans, molluscs and worms.

Swimbridge's streamside walk provides a gentle, level stroll at the centre of one of North Devon's most attractive villages. The last line of the children's poem carved on the stepping stones: 'mythical paradise, lush and green.'

Illustrations - Dippers by: Paul Swailes

Sue H


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Throughout April we shall be open on Saturdays and Sundays all day: 9.30 a.m. - 11.30 p.m. Then from 1st May we shall be open all day every day. Breakfasts are available during the morning but you don't have to eat, you could just pop in for a morning cuppa.

Live Music at Easter:

  • Friday 3rd April: Such & Vincent
  • Sunday 5th April: Obsidian Acoustic
  • Saturday 18th April: 40s Night with Tuxedo Function A 6 piece band with our village's very own Gary Songhurst, playing covers of Glenn Miller, The Andrews Sisters and more. Dress up and come along for a sing song or a dance.

Monthly All You Can Eat Nights:

  • 25th April - Indian [Early booking advised to take advantage
  • 30th May - Chinese [of the Earlybird Booking Discount

A Date for your Diary:
We shall be holding a BBQ and Garden Party here at The Globe on 11th July to raise money for Cancer Research. Hope you can all come!

Ye Olde Globe is proud to be sponsoring Geoff Adam with his Charity Naked Tractor Wash on Monday 4th May.

News from the Sawmill:
We have some great music lined up for this year's Beerfestival. The dates for your diary are Friday 19th and Saturday 20th June. Look out for posters nearer the time.




There will be Car Boot Sales at Blackmoor Gate Market Place on the following Bank Holiday Mondays:

  • 6th April
  • 4th May
  • 25th May

Sellers from 10.00 a.m.
Buyers from 1.00 a.m.

Refreshments Available
Proceeds to St. Thomas Church, Kentisbury, Funds



The Weather Vane

Reading the article in the Christmas issue about the replacement of the weather vane brought to mind a story my late mother - Phyllis nee Draper - told me.

Phyllis was one of the five children of William and Nellie Draper of No. 94 Berrynarbor [Jacobs Well]. There were four 'maids' and a boy Denzil.

Denzil served in the Royal Engineers during WW2. He and Mum were kindred spirits and according to their sisters Winnie, Margaret and Sheila, a pair of 'ellers'! Apparently when home on leave Denzil brought with him a pistol liberated from a German soldier, I guess it was a Luger. He and Phyllis decided to have some fun with it. They went to the bottom of the garden of 94 where he held a large Colman's mustard tin at arm's length and bade her take a shot. In true Annie Oakley style she did and sent the tin from his hand. However, he had rather a long thumbnail and she managed to trim a bit off! Once the dust and sound had settled, Denzil urged her to have a pop at the big hand on the church clock, which she hit easily.

Now to the point of the story, he then took pistol in hand and hit the weather vane. Mum always said there was a dent in the clock hand and a hole in the weather vane for years. I'm assuming this was the vane taken down 40 odd years ago. I wonder if there really was a hole in it?

Phil Rollings, Bristol

I have today returned home from a lovely week spent in your beautiful village of Berrynarbor. I have walked every nook and cranny and met many of your lovely residents, I have indulged in looking at all the beautiful houses, farms and cottages, and I agree that you really are the Best Kept Village.

BUT, I am so sad about something else I found on my walks and trundles, I am really shocked by how much dog mess is around your streets and path ways. I took my 2 dogs and my 10000 doggie bags and cleaned up after my fur-babies but I was shocked to spy that the offenders were many times your own local residents, letting their dogs run freely to mess up your lovely streets. I am not one to write like this normally, but was really astonished by the level of poop! I realise that of course the perpetrators may be wild animals, which may account for some, but for the majority, the offenders are dogs, and as it's not really the tourist season and not too many holidaymakers around, may I recommend you advise your lovely residents that they are really spoiling your beautiful village!

Mrs Lisa W.


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Peter and Wendy
Margaret Ogilvy (1912)

Internet Archive Book Images
No restrictions
via Wikimedia Commons

'Promise me you'll remember, you are BRAVER than you believe, STRONGER than you seem, and SMARTER than you think.'
A.A. Milne - Winnie the Pooh

'A person's a person, not matter how small.' Dr. Seuss

'No act of kindness, not matter how small, is ever wasted.'
Aesop - The Lion and the Mouse

'How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.'
A.A. Milne - Winnie the Pooh

'The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid.'
L. Frank Braum - The Wizard of Oz

'If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.'
Roald Dahl - The Twits

Ernest Howard Shepard (illustrator), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Ernest Howard Shepard (illustrator), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

'"Sometimes," said Pooh, "the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."'
A.A. Milne - Winnie the Pooh

'The moment where you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever being able to do it.'
J.M. Barrie - Peter Pan

'"Why did you do all that for me?" he asked, "I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you."
"You have been my friend" replied Charlotte. "that in itself if a tremendous thing."'
E.B. White - Charlotte's Web

'Piglet: "How do you spell love/"
Pooh: "You don't spell it, you feel it."
A.A. Milne - Winnie the Pooh

'There's no place like home.'
L. Frank Braum- The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz Jack Haley
Tin Man

MGM, Public domain
via Wikimedia Commons

Judie Weedon



3rd Good Friday St. Peter's Church: Hour of Devotion, 2.00 p.m.
5th Easter Sunday. St. Peter's Church: Service 11.00 a.m.
Exmoor Pony Centre Open 11.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
6th Car Boot Sale, Blackmoor Gate, 10.00 and 11.00 a.m.
13th Primary School & Ilfracombe Academy: Start of Summer Term
14th Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m.
Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
18th Berry in Bloom: Coffee Morning & Plant and Seed Swap, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon
22nd Wine Circle, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m.
24th Pre-School Spiritual Evening, Manor Hall, 7.00 - 10.00 p.m.
25th Under Western Skies, Art Exhibition, Manor Hall, 2.00 - 6.00 p.m.
26th Under Western Skies, Art Exhibition, Manor Hall, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.
4th Bank Holiday: Charity Car & Naked Tractor Wash from 10.00 a.m.
Car Boot Sale, Blackmoor Gate, 10.00 and 11.00 a.m.
7th General Election, District Council Elections, Parish Council Election
12th Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m.
Parish Council Meeting, 7.00 p.m., Manor Hall
20th Wine Circle, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m.
25th Bank Holiday: Primary School & Ilfracombe Academy - Half Term to 29th April, inc.
Great Berrynarbor Plant Sale, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. & 2.00 p.m.
Car Boot Sale, Blackmoor Gate, 10.00 and 11.00 a.m.

Manor Hall Diary
MondaysUpholstery, 9.00 to 1.00 p.m.
Craft Group, 1.45 p.m.
Badminton, 7.30 p.m.
TuesdaysN.D. Spinners [2nd & 4th]
3rd: Craft Art Group, 9.30 a.m.
WednesdaysPilates Body Workout, 9.00 a.m. School p.m.
ThursdaysWatercolour Painting 10.00 a.m. [10 week terms]
Line Dancing, 2.00 p.m.
FridaysToddlers Soft Play and Activity a.m.
Primary School p.m.
Penn Curzon RoomPre-School: Daily - Term time only
Breakfast Club for ages 2-11, Daily 8.00 a.m.
Morning Session: 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon
Afternoon Session: 12.00 noon to 3.00 p.m.
Mobile Library
Village Shop: 11.40-12.10 p.m. Sterridge Valley: 12.25-12.55 p.m.

School, Pre-School and Toddler Group - Term Time only