Edition 138 - June 2012


For the cover and centre page, fitting the occasion, we are again indebted to Debbie Cook and her artistic talents. Debbie has produced the cover of so many of the 'special' Newsletter issues, much appreciated by us all.
This issue contains another set of varied articles for your enjoyment, many of which are currently pertinent, and thank you to everyone who has contributed in any way - writers and artists.
Articles for the August Newsletter, when it begins its 24th year, are welcome as soon as possible and by the deadline which is the 9th July please.
We send our best wishes and happiness in your new homes to all those who have left the village or come to join us, and a get well soon message to all those not feeling at their best just now.
A sincere thank you to the Parish Council for their continued generous support and grant of £500.
A final personal thank you, from Ken and myself, for the many cards and good wishes on the occasion of our Golden Wedding, for the help and support when Boston went AWOL but miraculously reappeared four weeks later, and your good wishes for Ken's recent spell in hospital. Thank you all.
Judie - Ed

Praise Life
and boughs break;
life while you walk and wake,
It is
only lent.
David Campbell
It was sad to learn that following a short stay at
Fremington and just a few days at the North Devon Hospice, Madelaine had
slipped away peacefully on the 27th March.
Her funeral took place at St. Peter's a week later when she was laid to
rest with her late husband Brian, who died seven years ago.
Madelaine and Brian purchased Orchard Park a few years
before they retired here in 1983.
Together they transformed it with great care, craftsmanship and taste, a
pleasurable task that kept them both very busy. Sadly, work was not finished when Brian
died, but Madelaine carried on and completed their dream home.
No longer acting as Brian's 'go for' and with workmen
helping to complete the house, Madelaine
had more time to spend on village activities, joining the Ladies Group -
unfortunately now defunct - and becoming a keen member of the 'Alley Cats', one
of the Globe's skittle teams. She was a
staunch supporter of our community shop, both old and new, having an order
delivered each week. She will be much
missed by her many village friends and acquaintances.
She will also be sadly missed by her family - her son Steven
and his wife Karen, daughter Laura and partner Dave, her grandsons Richard and
Michael and her great-grandchildren.
Our thoughts are with them all at this time of sorrow.
I was very sad, as I am sure readers will be too, to learn
that after a few days in hospital feeling unwell, Walter had passed away
suddenly but peacefully on the 28th April.
When I first met Walter at Lee Lodge he told me his family
boasted longevity, his mother and father both living to the age of 96, and he
was going to break that record! Sadly,
he fell just short of doing so.
An only child, he was born in London and attended Dulwich
College where he excelled at Maths and Latin, making his choice of career as a
Chartered Accountant an obvious one. He
was also an obvious choice to be Treasurer of the British
Automobile Racing Club for 12 years, was also a Rotarian, being President of
the Portslade Club in West Sussex in 1973, and a founder member of the Sussex
Film Society.
From the age of 7, Walter was a very keen stamp and coin
collector, was always interested in aircraft of all types and enjoyed gardening.
In 2003 he came to live with Sue and his son Malcolm at
Goosewell, before taking up residence at the newly established Lee Lodge. It was whilst he was there he began to
contribute items for the Newsletter and he continued to do so when he moved to
Burrow House in Ilfracombe a couple of years ago.
We'll miss his interesting and informative 'Whispers' but
how much more will he be missed by all his family. Our thoughts are with his sons Graham,
Malcolm and James, and daughter Mary, his four grandchildren and five

Easter began early with Class 3 from the School coming into
church on 29th March to give their presentation of 'Good News'. A lot of work and rehearsal had gone into
their enthusiastic performance which covered the Easter story as though it were
happening and being reported on the TV News, interspersed with lively songs.
The well-attended Palm Sunday Service was led by Celia
Withers who had us take a fresh look at the old familiar story and, on Good
Friday George Billington presided over the quiet hour of music and reflection
before the cross. Twice as many people
as usual came to this service and the trend was repeated on Easter Day with a
large congregation joining in the happy celebration with the Rector. The singing was led by a full choir who also
sang the 'Agnus Dei' by Karl Jenkins most beautifully.
Once again Sue Neale and her
team must be thanked for the lovely flower arrangements and thank you, too, to
those who made donations towards the cost.
We are looking forward to the celebration of the Queen's
Diamond Jubilee and the Flower Festival in the church. The Thanksgiving Service will be at 11.00
a.m. on Sunday, 3rd June. On Sunday,
24th June, Christians Together will be holding their Evening Service at 6.30
p.m. in Berrynarbor. This is always a
well-attended, joyous occasion so do come and join us. A collection will be taken up for Christian
St. Peter's Day falls on the 29th June and Gift Day will be
held on Wednesday, 27th. Once again
letters and envelopes will be delivered around the village and the Rector and
PCC members will be at the lych gate to receive donations, meet everyone and
have a chat.
Friendship Lunches at The Globe, from 12.00 noon, will be on
Wednesdays, 27th June and 25th July.
July is set to be the Wedding Season with three weddings
booked in over the month. Sunday
services will follow their normal pattern.
St. Peter's Annual PCC Meeting was held at the end of March
preceded by the Vestry Meeting for election of Churchwardens.
Stuart Neale agreed to stand
as Churchwarden for another year but there is still a vacancy for the second
post. It is important that this is
filled and efforts will continue over the coming year to find someone able to
take on the role.
The meeting continued with a review of the past year. The appointments and licensing of Rev. Chris
as Team Rector and Rev. Yvonne as Team Vicar were
the outstanding events of 2011 and an encouraging start has been made on
building up the North Devon Coast Team Ministry and getting the parishes
working together - not an easy task when there is such a wide
area to cover and so much travelling is involved. Growing links with the School are
particularly encouraging.
Thanks were extended to all those who give so generously of
their time to maintain all aspects of church life. Especially thanked was Sylvia Berry who has retired
from the PCC after 18 years' service.
We were pleased to welcome Teresa Crockett back on the Church Council after
a few years' break.
Mary Tucker

It is lovely to be
able to congratulate Debbie and Stuart, late of Bali Hai and now of Coastal
Kennels, on the birth of their daughter.Jessica Fern
was born on the 29th April weighing 7lbs 11 1/2oz. Mother and daughter doing well and father
congratulations, too, to Ron Toms who is very proud to announce the arrival of
his third great grandchild. Katie
Elizabeth Bolt arrived on the 2nd April, the first child of Craig and Jenny and
another very welcome grandchild for Sheila and Tony.
A warm welcome to the little ones
and best wishes to you all.


The first three months of this
year were the driest we have ever recorded with a total of only 185mm (7 5/16"), As we said in our previous report, we were
away until the 7th of March but between the 8th and the end of the month we recorded only 8mm
(5/16"). The middle of March was fairly
quiet with a lot of fog - chilly in the fog but warm when the sun broke through - then
the last week was more like summer with a maximum temperature on the 24th of
20.6 Deg C, the highest temperature that we have ever recorded in March. The lowest temperature was 1.9 Deg C on the
19th. Winds were light with a maximum
gust of 20 knots on the 9th. 98.71
hours of sunshine were recorded, up on most previous months although last year
we had 109.00 hours.

According to the Met. Office it was the
wettest April for over 100 years, but we got off lightly here with only 115mm
(4 9/16" ), less than we recorded in the April of 1994,1998,1999, 2000 and
2001. On the 18th the barometric
dropped to 979mb, the last time it was lower was in November 2010 when it fell
to 969mb. It was a cold month with a
maximum temperature of only 14.9 Deg C on the 30th, well down on average though the
minimum was about average at 1.6 Deg C.
There was a cold wind for a lot of the month which meant that the wind
chill was often in minus figures. On the
29th stormy weather was forecast, but
because of the wind direction from the north east we were sheltered and
only recorded 29 knots although the wind was up to storm force 10 in parts of
the county and gusting force 11 off the south coast. It wasn't just the wind strength that was a
problem, it was also very cold with a wind chill of -11 Deg C and we heard that there was snow at the
top of Porlock Hill. The 110.88 sunshine
hours were the lowest recorded in April apart from 2004 when it was only
We hope to be able to report some excellent
summer weather in the next report.
and Sue
Lorna and Michael wish to thank everyone who supported the
Car Fun Hunt during April. We hope you
enjoyed the trip and perhaps discovered new places in our lovely
countryside. I must admit we panicked when
we learnt the church at Kentisbury was covered in scaffolding! We rang Brenda Bowden who assured us the
church would remain open. We thank her
and the Wright family at The Barton for their forbearance of the influx of
visiting cars during April and wish them God Speed with their renovation
project. We also thank Debbie, Nita and
the volunteers at the Shop and Karen at The Globe for selling the forms and
Geoff Adam for printing them. We are
not sure of the final figure but we should raise £250 plus.
The winners, who answered all the questions correctly, were
Karen and Nick Hawke and Julie Sayer, c/o Wood Vale, Sterridge Valley - well
The answers are [and hopefully you remember the questions!]:
- Capel Cottage
- £2.50
- Hammonds
- Large spar-stone boulder balancing on rocky outcrop
- Diggers Cross
- Long Lane
- Brinscott Farm House
- Coil Cross
- Stone Combe
- 01271 882323
- Pond
- Tudor roses or flowers
- St. Thomas
- Shirwell
- Miss B. Bowden
- Roll of Honour shows 24 served, Cenotaph records 5 men died.
- 6
- Stone stairway [to nowhere]
- Dairy Farming
- 9 [the Barton is a Devon longhouse]
- [Blackmoor Gate] Railway Station
- Calvert Trust
- 1950-1957
- 22m - 72 ft
- 2.2km
- Oxygen, pumped in to kill algae
- Bess Hill
- Chichesters
- Brockham Bridge
- Re-Pyne Family, early Lords of the Manor
- [Ornate] Weather Vane
- Public Footpath
- Traditional hedge making, steeping or laying.
And we all thank Lorna and Michael for a great fun time and
hope they might do another car run before too long and take us to places we've
not visited before!

Following Lorna's February issue plea 'Where Are You Now?'
it is lovely to have heard from two more members of the Youth Club.at that
time. Thank you Rachael and Wendy.
For the past 12 years I have been living in Exeter on my own
but with support staff to help me. I do
several voluntary jobs during the week at a nursing home and two day centres
for the elderly. I love chatting to
older people! I see my mum every other
weekend, she lives in Crediton. I am 43
years old now. I have a boyfriend
now: I meet him at two evening clubs I
go to.
My sister Becky is married with three sons, in
Salisbury. She is 38 years old and a
Special Needs Teacher.
Rachael Delve
Marian Delve gives us news of Dawn, Denise and Julie Copp
who were fostered by Gerald and Phyllis Andreis. Gerald worked at Moules Farm and they lived
at Castle Cottage.
Denise now lives in care in Cullompton and Dawn in
Ilfracombe, as does Julie who has just moved into a 'sheltered' flat near the
Tyrell Hospital. She and Rachael are
still good friends.
Gerald sadly died several years ago and Phyllis earlier this
After reading Kevin's contribution to your wonderful Newsletter I
thought I would write to you myself. I remember the Youth Club
very well and Sally Richards taking pity on me and taking me under her wing as
I was too scared to go by myself.
As some of you already know,
I emigrated to Australia in 1981, ten days shy of my 21st birthday. I was
terrified and very excited at the same time.
On reaching Sydney - there was no international airport in Brisbane back
in those days - as we flew over that amazing city I couldn't work out what the blue dots were. As we
circled closer to the ground I realized with a gasp of surprise that they were swimming pools and that nearly every
back yard had one!

Wendy, Phil and Sue
I continued hairdressing
for a few years and travelled a lot. Then
I started to work in fashion retail. After
an accident on a jet ski when I broke my back, I had to give up as I couldn't
stand all day and I now work for a fashion agency where we represent national
and international designers. It's a great job and I work with a great bunch of
I am married to Ariu and
have two step children - Tamara who is 30 and Josh who is 28. Both are married to lovely people and we have
a great relationship. Josh and his wife
Amy are expecting their first, so we shall be grandparents in October.
We live in an old
Queenslander which we love and last year Sue Barrowcliffe
[Todd] and Phil Desmond came to stay for a long weekend. It was great to see
them and we had a great time catching up as it had been over thirty years since
I had seen them. I also stay in touch
with most of the gang via face book and still get to hear most of the village
news through the newsletter and all of my family who still live there.
We haven't been back since
Mum died but will try to get back this Christmas. I love coming home and Ariu
loves it too so will look forward to a catch up down at The Globe!
Wendy Sio [nee Fanner]

The Toddler Group
Bingo Night held on the 5th April at the Manor Hall made a grand total of £125
and we made a small amount of £18.50 on the Name the Teddy at the Tea following
the People Juice dance event. The teddy
was won by Christina Barrow who attends the Group with her children. Thank you all for your support.
Be Barten
What a great afternoon we had
raising money for the Hospice in Brian's memory. I should like to thank everyone who came
for a cream tea and supported the raffle and the delicious cake and produce
stall. Together with Issy's fund
raising event at Easter, we have raised £1,038.50! I am sure the Hospice will be delighted with
such an amazing amount.
On 20th March, whilst away with family, I received a text
from Judie that said their cat, Boston, had gone missing. Now I have come to know Bostie well, being
his 'babysitter' on the occasions when Ken and Judie have been away and know
that he was not a wanderer, in fact a home-loving cat. Consequently I was much concerned by his
Many of us know of cats and other pets that have gone
missing and the heartache of not knowing what might have happened. However, the Sterridge is a close-knit
community and with broadcasting the fact and asking neighbours to search sheds,
garages, etc., wherever a curious cat might become trapped, I felt sure he
would soon be found.

But the days drew out and Ken and Judie celebrated their
Golden Wedding without their beloved Boston but continued in their efforts to
trace him. In fact several times
neighbours reported having seen a black cat, to no avail. On one occasion, not being too sure if it
was Boston, for after several weeks they were aware he might be thinner and
disturbed, a check with the vet ascertained the cat's chip was not right. How heart-breaking, although it hadn't
really felt right.
When spending a few days at home, I arranged to pop over to
see Ken and Judie on Sunday, 15th April.
I drew up outside their home and sat in my car for a few moments, not
really wanting to walk into a home where I would not be greeted by a purring
Boston at the door. But wonder of
wonders, a very thin black cat was at Judie's heels, certainly with a welcome
for me. Although we all knew it was the
right cat this time, a trip to the vet for verification and a health check, he
had lost half his body weight, was needed.
Off they went and I went off to celebrate a friend's birthday taking the
good news with me. Half way through our
meal a text came through, 'Yes, it's him!' and gosh, how happy we all were!
As for Boston, where had he been and what tales could he
tell? A call from a neighbour that
morning had said there was a black cat caught in their oil tank pit, yowling
loudly. Judie went to check but didn't
dare to get her hopes too high. The cat
was proving difficult to persuade to come up the planks out of the pit, but as
Boston loved a bit of cheese, the neighbour went to get some but before she
arrived back the cat had managed to scramble out and was purring in Judie's
had to have 'house arrest' for a considerable
period, to feed little and often and use a much hated litter
tray. But my last chat with Judie
elicited the information that he was no longer grounded and putting on weight
and within half an hour of his first
excursion out had returned with a 'present' for them - a mouse! Long may that continue.
only cats could talk!

Councillors were pleased to welcome
Charlotte Fryer as a Parish Councillor. With her co-option the Council is
now up to full strength with 9 active and fully involved members working hard
for the Parish. The May Meeting was the Annual
Parish Council Meeting [AGM]. Councillor
Adam Stanbury was voted in as Chairman, with Councillor Dave Richards as Vice
Parishioners who have children under the age of 16 are
reminded to contact the Clerk if they have not already done so to register
their child or children to receive a £5 Jubilee Coin to commemorate the Queen's
Diamond Jubilee. The Parish Council are very grateful to County
Councillor Mrs Andrea Davis and District Councillors Mrs Julia Clark and Mrs
Yvette Gubb for their assistance in funding the bulk of the cost from their
Locality and Community Councillor Grant.
Councillors voted to donate the sum of £1,000.00 to the
Manor Hall and £500.00 to the Berrynarbor Newsletter.
The Parish Council has been awarded the maximum grant
towards the upkeep of the public toilets from North Devon Council as a result
of an application being made by the Clerk with full details of running expenses
supplied. All three public toilets will shortly have a dedicated sharps
box, an item which is becoming more familiar in public toilets.
Councillors are pursuing grants from the Active Villages
scheme for new goalposts and nets in the recreation field, footballs and a
basketball hoop and ball. Berrynarbor is one of 19 villages chosen to
benefit from this project. Other organisations are welcome to apply as
well. If you would like to see
additional facilities such as table tennis, judo, netball, keep fit, craft or
similar activities please get in touch as the funding also provides coaching
Sue Squire - Clerk to the Council
Word is spreading that good bargains can
be had at The Great Berrynarbor Plant Sale. The crowd waiting for the doors to open was
even bigger than last year! A
very brisk trade was done by all stalls and we raised over £460 for shop funds.
Thanks to all the gardeners of the
village who donated plants. Without your efforts we would not have a sale at
all. Also thanks to all those who
helped to set up stalls, make tea and to clear away afterwards.
There are some plants left and these
will be on sale at the Village Shop.

[1734 - 1808]

I wanted to link the Queen's Jubilee
with Movers and Shakers, yet I'd decided to
write about the man who invented toothbrushes . . . not
an easy connection! Yet Her Majesty must
have a Royal Appointment on toothbrushes, mustn't
Putting Royal Warrants into Google came up with a huge list of over 850 from
Abels Moving Services [removals and
storage services] to Yardley [toiletries and
personal products] via bagpipes, champagne, hairbrushes, foster mares for orphan
foals - and yes, GlaxoSmithKline [toothpaste]!
It could be that they also supply Dr Best toothbrushes [very big in
Germany], but I guess I'll never know!
To get down to William Addis who started
all this, around 1770. In Newgate Prison for inciting a riot, he
had little to do except eat, sleep and think - thinking involved what he would
do on his release from prison.
Associated Press
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
On his release from prison he went into
production in Whitechapel, East London and was a success.
Over the years, the business grew with
his son, also William, taking on the business after his death in 1808. By 1841, there were 60 staff, the brushes
were hand produced from bone and ivory with hair or bristle filaments and the
average retail price was 6d [2 1/2p]. The
bones used to make the handles were ox thigh and buttock bones. Just the centres of the bones were used, the
ends being sold to button manufacturers. Largely women in their own homes did the securing of the hair or
bristles. Badger hair was used for the more expensive brushes, but bristle from
hog, pig or boar was more commonplace.
In 1869, the first Addis toothbrush
handles were made by machine.
By World War I Addis were supplying
toothbrushes all over the world, and issued them to troops, thus creating a
national teeth-cleaning habit.
In 1938 nylon was invented. The Addis
family immediately contacted the UK licensee, ICI for permission to use it in
toothbrushes. And in 1940 Addis created
Wisdom toothbrushes, the first to have nylon bristles. These sold for two shillings [10p]. The Addis family bowed out in 1996, but what a
success story it has been.
In Britain, we now spend nearly
£250million pounds a year on toothbrushes. But what is interesting is that
although new designs and materials have emerged over the years, the toothbrush
has not changed all that much from the original one produced by William Addis
over 200 years ago.
And at the end of the day, who cares
what toothbrush Her Majesty uses - as long as she continues to keep up that
smile. God Bless Her!
of DC

Annual General Meeting for the Hall was held at the beginning of May and my
Report for the Financial Year 2011-12 reads as follows:
2012 is a significant year for Manor
Hall in that it is 65 years since the acquisition of the Manor House, Hall and Parish
Room from the Bassett Estate in February 1947.
We have gained the benefit of two new
members on the Committee, welcoming Lorna Bowden representing the Parish
Council and Natalie Stanbury the Pre-School and Toddler Group.
said goodbye to Craig Hodgen, Anna Scholes and Marion Carter and thanked them
for their help and support. We also
acknowledged the significant support we have had over the years from Tom Tucker
who passed away early in the year.
Cleaning has continued with Abbie Orr as
our one paid staff member and continue to operate without a paid Caretaker [since
2009] but keep open the option to recruit if the volunteer help were to cease.
The new kitchen was completed with the
final activities of decorating the walls and ceiling, as well as some carpentry
work. Decorating was also carried out
in the rear lobby and toilet areas attaching next to the Penn Curzon Room in
anticipation of an Ofsted Inspection.
number of our strip lights in various locations needed attention, and
replacement proved the answer. Some of
the PIR switches in various toilets were troublesome and were also replaced. The "Black Box" control unit to one of the overhead
heaters failed frustratingly soon after earlier replacement, and we were
grateful to the manufacturers for supplying a further unit at no charge!
Garden areas received a major cut back
thanks to Chris Townsend and Michael Bowden helped us with Hedge trimming.
We sourced new crockery to complement
the refurbished kitchen, and non-slip mats for the kitchen and front door areas
and have also secured a new beaded curtain as a deterrent at the front door
when our feathered friends return from their migration.
We have introduced a new Log Book for
Hall Users to record any Health and Safety issues and also to offer up any comments
about the Hall premises and its usage. We had one single accident report in the
year [Badminton], thankfully with no serious injury.
I'm pleased to report that all fire extinguishers
have had their annual service,
as have the fire alarm and emergency light circuits. Full testing of all electrical circuits is a
requirement every 5 years, and our system is scheduled for re-testing in May
The Berry Revels in August 2011 saw a record
result of over £2,000 and a profit over £1,500. The Christmas Coffee Morning was also well
supported and monies from these 2 dedicated Fundraisers plus some shared
results from the Beaford events, totalled 15% of our annual income and this has
again helped us offset our running costs and keep Hire Charges extremely
Overall, we're in good financial shape
with income exceeding expenditure, and we continue to have a good reserve,
funded primarily through a legacy left to us a few years ago. It's salient to point to an annual running
cost for the hall of over £12,000 which approximates to £40 per day including
days when we're without bookings! We
continued our established policy of small annual increments in Rental Rates in
September, keeping our charges very keen and competitive with local
We continue to enjoy the benefit of a
Grant from the Parish Council for which we are very grateful and going forward,
we're exploring the prospect of a grant from Fullabrook CIC as a potential
source of income for our Roof Restoration ideas, and Sports Aid grant to lead
to a rejuvenation of our sports hall flooring!
These have continued at a similar level
to previous years with good, regular usage across weekdays, but still untapped
capacity on Thursdays and weekends. Trials of bookings for Tai Chi and Bridge
didn't convert into regular slots due to inadequate support.
Our Booking Forms and systems comply
with Hallmark 2 standards, but users have to be reminded to return Confirmation
Slips to keep the system working, and avoid chance of double bookings. We're hoping that a recent trial of Bingo
might convert into a regular event under a series of sponsors.
2011-12 has been a satisfactory year for
the Hall and the present Committee in managing the resources of not only the
main hall but also Manor House & Parish Room.
I'd like to thank the present Committee
for their work of the last year and continued efforts in support of the Hall
and its on-going aim of providing a central resource and meeting place in the
Trinder - Chairman 2011-2012
The Hall will come into its own for the
Jubilee Celebrations - enjoy them! And
don't forget the Berry Revels to be held in August.

remembered by Trev
The Brook
I make a sudden sally,
And sparkle out among the fern,
To bicker down the valley;
By thirty hills I hurry down,
Or slip between the ridges,
By twenty thorps, a little town,
And half a hundred bridges.
Till last by Philip's farm I flow
To join the brimming river;
For men may come & men may go,
But I go on forever.
I chatter over stony ways
In little sharps and trebles;
I bubble into eddying bays,
I babble on the pebbles;
With many a curve my banks I fret
By, many a field and fallow,
And many a fairy foreland set
With willow-weed and mallow;
I chatter, chatter, as I flow
To join the brimming river;
For men may come, & men may go,
But I go on forever.
I wind about, and in and out,
With here a blossom sailing,
And here and there a lusty trout,
And here and there a grayling.

Illustrated by: Peter Rothwell
Upon me as I travel,
With many a silvery waterbreak
Above the golden gravel,
And draw them all along, and flow
To join the brimming river;
For men may come, & men may go,
But I go on forever.
I steal by lawns and grassy plots,
I slide by hazel covers;
I move the sweet forget-me-nots
That grow for happy lovers;
I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance,
Among my skimming swallows;
I make the netted sunbeam dance
Against my sandy shallows;
I murmur under moon and stars
In brambly wildernesses;
I linger by my shingly bars,
I loiter round my cresses;
And out again I curve and flow
To join the brimming river;
For men may come, & men may go,
But I go on forever.
Lord Tennyson
Under the
Greenwood Tree
Under the greenwood tree
Who loves to lie with me,
And turn his merry note
Unto the sweet bird's throat,
Come hither, come hither, come hither:
Here shall he see
No enemy
But winter and rough weather.
Who doth ambition shun,
And loves to live i' the sun,
Seeking the food he eats,
And pleas'd with what he gets,
Come hither, come hither, come hither:
Here shall he see
No enemy
But winter and rough weather.
William Shakespeare

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
Song of a Traveller
Of bird-song at morning and star-shine at night,
I will make a palace fit for you and me
Of green days in forests, and blue days at sea.
I will make my kitchen, and you shall keep your room,
Where white flows the river and bright blows the broom;
And you shall wash your linen and keep your body white
In rainfall at morning and dewfall at night.
And this shall be for music when no one else is near,
The fine song for singing, the rare song to hear!
That only I remember, that only you admire,
Of the broad road that stretches and the roadside fire.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Internet Archive Book Images
No restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons
from 'Through the Looking-glass'
Lewis Carroll,
"The sun was shining on the sea,
Shining with all his might:
He did his very best to make
The billows smooth and bright -
And this was odd, because it was
The middle of the night.
The moon was shining sulkily,
Because she thought the sun
Had got no business to be there
After the day was done -
"It's very rude of him," she said,
"To come and spoil the fun."
The sea was wet as wet could be,
The sands were dry as dry.
You could not see a cloud, because
No cloud was in the sky:
No birds were flying overhead -
There were no birds to fly.
The Walrus and the Carpenter
Were walking close at hand;
They wept like anything to see
Such quantities of sand:
If this were only cleared away,'
They said, it would be grand!'
If seven maids with seven mops
Swept it for half a year,
Do you suppose,' the Walrus said,
That they could get it clear?'
I doubt it,' said the Carpenter,
And shed a bitter tear.
O Oysters, come and walk with us!'
The Walrus did beseech.
A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk,
Along the briny beach:
We cannot do with more than four,
To give a hand to each.'
The eldest Oyster looked at him,
But never a word he said:
The eldest Oyster winked his eye,
And shook his heavy head -
Meaning to say he did not choose
To leave the oyster-bed.
But four young Oysters hurried up,
All eager for the treat:
Their coats were brushed, their faces washed,
Their shoes were clean and neat -
And this was odd, because, you know,
They hadn't any feet.
Four other Oysters followed them,
And yet another four;
And thick and fast they came at last,
And more, and more, and more -
All hopping through the frothy waves,
And scrambling to the shore.
The Walrus and the Carpenter
Walked on a mile or so,
And then they rested on a rock
Conveniently low:
And all the little Oysters stood
And waited in a row.
The time has come,' the Walrus said,
To talk of many things:
Of shoes - and ships - and sealing-wax -
Of cabbages - and kings -
And why the sea is boiling hot -
And whether pigs have wings.'
But wait a bit,' the Oysters cried,
Before we have our chat;
For some of us are out of breath,
And all of us are fat!'
No hurry!' said the Carpenter.
They thanked him much for that.
A loaf of bread,' the Walrus said,
Is what we chiefly need:
Pepper and vinegar besides
Are very good indeed -
Now if you're ready, Oysters dear,
We can begin to feed.'
But not on us!' the Oysters cried,
Turning a little blue.
After such kindness, that would be
A dismal thing to do!'
The night is fine,' the Walrus said.
Do you admire the view?
It was so kind of you to come!
And you are very nice!'
The Carpenter said nothing but
Cut us another slice:
I wish you were not quite so deaf -
I've had to ask you twice!'
It seems a shame,' the Walrus said,
To play them such a trick,
After we've brought them out so far,
And made them trot so quick!'
The Carpenter said nothing but
The butter's spread too thick!'
I weep for you,' the Walrus said:
I deeply sympathize.'
With sobs and tears he sorted out
Those of the largest size,
Holding his pocket-handkerchief
Before his streaming eyes.
O Oysters,' said the Carpenter,
You've had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?'
But answer came there none -
And this was scarcely odd, because
They'd eaten every one."
Hello to all my friends and
neighbours. I am back to Barn Cottage!
I want to give my thanks to everyone who
sent me lovely cards and enquired about my well-being - it was so encouraging
to me. I look forward to meeting you
all soon. Kind regards,
Kath Arscott
"A sense
of humour is a sense of proportion."
Norman St. John Stevens

Once I left school my adult life began and there were going
to be many changes over the next 67 years. I shall, no doubt, get my chronology wrong, but here are
just a few of the changes in those years:
the list is endless! Even the way we speak has changed. If you ask how someone is keeping, you get
the reply, "I'm good." What about "Would you like a cup of tea?" "Oh, go on then." Not yes please or no thank you! Then there is "Catch you later" or if you tell someone
something, they say, "I know." Even the crops farmers grow have changed and did I mention
economy bulbs, emulsion and lead-free paint?
People now eat with just a fork in their right hand and man has flown to
the moon! We have central heating and
very few coal fires. You can, no doubt, think of lots of things I haven't
mentioned - give it a try. I wonder if 'Beam me up
Scotty' will ever happen. Don't be too
sure it won't! Tony
Beauclerk - Stowmarket
NBC Television
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The wisteria arch is just about to burst
into bloom and there is lots to see in the Gardens at this time of year.
Don't forget, the Tea Room and Plant
Centre are open daily and entry is free for both if you haven't got time to go
round the Gardens. We'll be
celebrating the Diamond Jubilee in
conjunction with the village on the Bank
Holiday Tuesday afternoon, 5th June, when normal admission applies. There will be story-telling, fancy dress and
more - come and join us! Visit the
website for up-to-date information.
On Tuesday,
21st August, we are having the Folksy
Theatre to give an open air performance of Much Ado About Nothing, 6.30
p.m. Full details in the August
Newsletter, but keep this date free!
Tel: [01271] 342528 www.marwoodhillgarden.co.uk.

Illustration by: Debbie Cook

Over the years the Craft Group, and friends, have knitted a
variety of items for charity - including Easter chickens [to be filled with
cream eggs] for the Barnstaple Soroptimists, bonnets for premature babies,
squares for blankets for Women's Refuge, bunting for the Big Arts Day at
Swindon, miniature lifeboat men for the
RNLI, and of course, strips for the Hospice. Now we are knitting vests!
These are for the Spencer
Trust and will be sent to Kisiizi Hospital, Uganda. Each newly born baby is given two vests,
often its only clothing and as an incentive for the mothers to bring their
babies for the course of inoculations, they are promised two further vests when
the course is completed.
These vests are knitted in 2 x 2 rib,
which can expand quite easily and fit them from birth to two years old!

So knitters, would you like to knit a vest or two? The pattern is very simple:
- Odds and ends of coloured wool
- it says odds and ends but you will probably find you need about 100g. Any colour except plain white, which is not
a popular colour as it is for mourning.
- No. 9 or 3 knitting needles
- Medium crochet hook
- Cast on 80 stitches and rib 2
plain, 2 purl for 8".
- Cast on 14 stitches at the end
of the next two rows for the sleeves.
- Rib 16 rows.
- Rib 44, cast off 20, rib 44.
- Rib last 44 stitches for 31/2",
break off wool and knit the other shoulder in rib to match.
- Rib 44 stitches, cast on 20
stitches and then rib 44 stitches from the other shoulder.
- Rib 16 rows.
- Cast off 14 sleeve stiches at
beginning of next two rows.
- Rib until back matches front
and cast off.
- *Crochet round neck and put in
a crochet draw string, fastening at the back to prevent pulling out.
Any vests would be warmly received either at the craft group
Monday meetings [1.30-4.30 p.m.], with a member of the group or at the Shop.
* Don't worry if you don't
crochet, this can be done for you.
We look forward to sending a goodly batch
of vests from Berrynarbor!

Our March meeting was unfortunately too
late for the report to go in the April Newsletter, so although some weeks ago,
it should be mentioned that Pam and Alex Parke presented 'Wines That We
Like'. We began with a white Spanish
'fizz' and ended with a 'heavy' Portuguese 'Shiraz type'. In between we sampled other whites from New
Zealand and South Africa and an Argentinean and Lebanese red. Typically,
preferences varied; some white-wine drinkers enjoyed 'The Ned Black Label', a
Pinot Grigio from Marlborough, whilst others thought the 'Musar Hochar' from
the Bekaa Valley was 'rather good'. It
really was a case of 'each to their own'.
Even though our 'Circle' has been going
since 1988, new presentation ideas still occur.
April's meeting was 'Members' Choices'.
Proceedings began with Jonathan Peat
presenting a blind tasting of another 'Ned': a Sauvignon Blanc Trophy
winner. Members wrote an individual
assessment without discussion, and, therefore, avoided the usual 'peer pressure'. Most of us had decided that this white was
very 'gluggable'! Phil Brown's choice
was 'Wines with Cheese': The 'Yarg' then
the 'Dorset Blue Vinny' complemented the wines well. A French Sauvignon Blanc followed by our
first red, from Tuscany. Many red drinkers thought this 'Poggioargentiera' was
delicious. Popular in Italian
supermarkets, it was the dearest of the evening at £11.99 for one bottle at
Majestic. Raymond Blanc, in 'The Very
Hungry Frenchman', had revealed that his favourite grape was
Gewurtztraminer. Bill Scholes used this
revelation for his choice. Its bouquet of lychee, roses and Turkish Delight was
noticeable; however, many white wine palates, generally, found it too
sweet. Another 'Wines That We Like'
were French reds, presented by Len Boudier on this occasion. A 2006 mix of Merlot and Cab. Savignon preceded an example of the Solera process,
more usually used for sherries. This was
100% Grenache grape, aged by a percentage taken annually from 1999 to 2011 to
produce a bottle with the most bizarre label and name: 'Little James' Basket
Press'. Comments abounded on their
marketing but not their wine!
May is our last meeting of the
season. Members and wines were award
winners on this occasion, which began with a presentation to our Secretary Tony
Summers and his wife Pip, who have researched, organised, presented, cooked for
and supported meetings for the last twenty years. Flowers by Sue Neale and a case of Majestic
wine were, apparently, 'gratifying' for what Tony said has been 'a labour of
Jan Tonkin, seemingly synonymous with May, presented 'Everyone's a
Winner'. Our six wines had won an award
from either Decanter World Wine or Wine Magazine. Our first, from Lidl, was
champagne: a Commended and Bronze 'Decanter' winner in 2009, 10 and 11 and at
£14.99 is cheap for French 'bubbly', but was the dearest white, as the others
were £6.99 and £7.45: one French, the other a German Riesling, both from
Majestic. Two reds and a rose followed,
but the latter was a desert wine: a 3-year-old, half-bottle of a Croix Milhas:
a Rivesaltes Ambre from the Pays D'Herault region, courtesy of Tesco's. It had won a 'Silver' from 'Wine', had the
highest percentage, 16%, and was 'plum, prune, nuts' and purchasable at
Summer is ahead, we hope; time to sip
and sample with friends and family. Our
meetings are usually on the third Wednesday of the month and we shall meet
again at 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday 16th October, at the Manor Hall and look forward
to seeing new faces.


St. Dunstan's, a charity to help blind ex-servicemen and
women, was formed in 1915 during the First World War.
George and I were members and supporters of St. Dunstan's
and early in 2001 we received an invitation to the Palace to a Reception to
celebrate 85 years since its foundation.
I was very disappointed when the doctor said George was too
ill to go as I realised this was a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity. However, kind friends came to look after
George and I went off on the train to London.
In London coaches arrived from all over the country and
especially from Ovingdean in Sussex, the main residential home for blind
ex-servicemen and women. The coaches
took us through the main gates and then through the central archway into a
square where they parked.
We entered a large door leading to a grand staircase. I was pleased to have been put in charge of
an elderly, blind veteran who was in a wheelchair. The wheelchairs and carers were taken up to
the next floor in a lift, which had been installed for the Queen Mother.

We all arrived in the Picture Gallery just after 5
o'clock. The walls were hung with
massive paintings of previous monarchs and the floors covered with opulent
carpets in rich colours. It was amusing
that we were served with either white wine or gin and tonics - all being aware
that the veterans were not always able to cope with liquids in glasses and red
wine on those carpets did not bear thinking about!
The Queen, Prince Philip and Princess Alexandra arrived
about 7 o'clock and 'worked' the
three large rooms, talking to the guests. I was standing in the third room, behind the wheelchair of
the gentleman I was escorting. After
speaking to me, the Queen spent some time talking to the blind St. Dunstaner.
As she went to leave him and carry on with the 'meeting and
greeting', my friend in the wheelchair said, "To whom am I speaking?" She replied, not 'Your Queen or
Sovereign', but "Your Hostess". I shall never forget that moment.
N.B. St. Dunstan's has recently changed its name
to the Blind Veterans UK.
Yvonne Davey

On Sunday 3rd June - the special Service of Thanksgiving to mark the
Queen's Diamond Jubilee, 9.30 a.m. at Combe Martin [without the usual
Communion] and 11.00 a.m. at Berrynarbor.
Musical items and involvement from school children will take place.
Amongst prayers children will be praying is this prayer:
God our Father, you love all your children in this and every nation: we give
you thanks for Elizabeth our Queen at this time of Jubilee; give her your strength and protection, your love and your peace, that she may
joyfully serve you and her people all the days of her life; we ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Friend. Amen
The Queen is one of the most impressive religious leaders in Britain.
She says little in public about her Christianity, but what she does say -
usually at the end of her Christmas Day broadcast - is powerful in its
directness. Having discussed the
celebrations, tragedies and anxieties of the past year, the Queen affirms,
naturally but unflinchingly and with no attempt at religious relativism, her
faith in Jesus Christ. This is from her
message last Christmas Day:
"Finding hope in adversity is one of the themes of Christmas. Jesus was born into a world full of
fear. The angels came to frightened
shepherds with hope in their voices:
'Fear not', they urged, 'We bring you tidings of great joy, which shall
be to all people. For unto you is born
this day in the City of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.' Although we are capable of great acts of
kindness, history teaches us that we sometimes need saving from ourselves -
from our recklessness or our greed.
"God sent into the world a unique person - neither a philosopher nor a
general, important though they are, but a Saviour, with the power to forgive. Forgiveness lies at the
heart of the Christian faith. It can
heal broken families, it can restore friendships and it can reconcile divided
communities. It is in forgiveness that we feel the power of God's love."
In the face of a growing divide between faith and secularism, the
monarch delivered a staunch defence of the Church and religion. The Queen,
speaking to leaders of Britain's nine main religions on one of the first public
events to mark her Diamond Jubilee in February said the Church of England was
"woven into the fabric of this country" and had helped to build a better
society. The Queen took the unusual step
of highlighting the powerful role faith plays in society.
"The concept of our established Church is occasionally misunderstood
and, I believe, commonly under-appreciated,"
She said. "Its role is not to defend Anglicanism to the exclusion
of other religions. Instead, the Church has a duty to protect the free practice
of all faiths in this country."
believe our country is fortunate to have had such an impressive record of
dedicated service.
Please note our summer series on wonder and the creation will take place
on Tuesday evenings in June and July.
It is this dimension of wonder that is lacking today for so many. In the wake of the destruction of
civilisation after the First World War, the German sociologist Max Weber said
that a key feature of modern life was its drabness. We live in a world where uniformity and
sameness characterise things. Mass
production, mechanical and now electronic ways of living create distance and a
loss of aura that undermines things being special and wonderful. The loss of religion, as he saw it,
contributes to this since we try to have an explanation for everything and no
longer see the hand of God. Urban living
adds to this scene enormously for in the country, it is easier to glimpse a
sense of wonder.
One aspect of our church's Mission Action Plan is to try to create a
spirituality hub in North Devon. In
other words, we want to build on a sense of wonder that is there to be evoked,
especially when we look up. Exmoor has recently been granted Dark Sky status -
amongst the first anywhere in Europe.
Here is something to draw on. It
lends itself to pilgrimage, to a ministry of spiritual tourism and enhancing
the experience of those who live here.
More of this in due course but a start on this aspect of our Mission
Plan is intended for our summer series.
This will take two forms.
Firstly, our series of Countisbury epilogues on summer Sundays in July
and August will have the creation as its theme.
Speakers will be contributing to
this awareness and it makes for a great evening out, especially if the weather
is good to us as it was last year.
Seeing the sun die away and the coast in full throttle is very special.
Secondly, we will be laying on a summer series of seminars and Bible
study showing how "The heavens declare the glory of God." Seminars saying something about the cosmic
architecture and how it all came to be in place will be accompanied by biblical
material about the creation. A sub-text
of this subject is always "Is the Bible in conflict with modern science?" To accompany this emphasis, we want to
arrange some evening walks, guided by expert eyes and hands to make sense of
what we see when we look up. So come
along if you wonder what Genesis actually says, if science and faith are in
conflict or is their marriage the great event of the 21st century?
Best Wishes,
Rev. Chris

This is the time of year when we are at
our busiest with planting, trimming, weeding and generally trying to keep on
top of all the gardening jobs. The
hanging baskets arrive in late May in time for the Jubilee celebrations, but
this year with the watering system in place some of the work has been cut down.
We have had our first litter
pick of the year and very successful it was too, with twenty eight good souls
turning out on a lovely sunny day armed with bin bags and the promise of a
lovely cup of tea and slice of cake afterwards.
Thanks to all the new and regular 'pickers' and a special mention to
Martin our 'road sweeper' for taking all the bags of litter away for us. Please keep an eye out for our 'blooming'
posters with the date of the next litter pick.
Our fund raising this year is going
quite well with the coffee morning organised by Pat and Maureen at Fuchsia
cottage followed by the cake stall at the Easter Fayre organised by the
Horticultural and Craft Show committee. The Quiz and Supper Evening in the
Manor Hall was a great success and hopefully enjoyed by all who scratched their
heads over Phil Bridle's fiendish horticultural questions. Many thanks to everyone who helped run these
events and, of course, thank you to the good Berrynarbor folk for supporting
year the first of the two Open Gardens afternoons was on 20th
May for the Sterridge Valley. We were
very lucky that the weather was kind to us and the afternoon sunny and
warm. The Valley gardens were in all
their natural spring loveliness and as always Judie and Ken organised a delicious cream tea. We made about £250.00 so many thanks to
everyone who weeded, baked, or visited the gardens. The next Open Gardens afternoon
will be on the 9th September for the Village.
Wendy Applegate

Strawberry Tart

- 25g white chocolate chopped
- 100ml double cream
- 1 1/2-2 tablespoons icing sugar, to taste
- 350-400g firm but ripe strawberries hulled
- 2 tablespoons strawberry jam, warmed and sieved

For the sweet flan pastry
- 125g soft unsalted butter
- 90g caster sugar
1 large free-range egg lightly beaten - 250g plain flour, plus a little extra for dusting
For the pastry cream
- 175ml whole milk
- 75ml double cream
- 40g caster sugar
- 1 vanilla pod split lengthways (or 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract)
- 3 large egg yolks
- 20g corn flour
You will also need a shallow, round.
20cm loose bottomed tart tin
To make the pastry, place the butter and
sugar in a food processor and whiz until just combined. Add the egg and whiz for 30 seconds. Tip in the flour and process for a few
seconds until the dough just comes together (do NOT over process or the pastry
will be tough). Add a little cold water
if it seems too dry. Knead the dough
lightly on a floured surface and shape into a flat disc, wrap in cling film and
rest for at least 30 minutes in the fridge.
Roll out pastry on a floured surface into a large round the thickness of
a £1 coin. Use to line the tin, with
some pastry overhanging the tin. Rest in
the fridge for 30 minutes. Preheat the
oven to 190 Deg C, fan 170 Deg C, gas 5. Melt
the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of hot water then allow to cool
slightly. Line the pastry with baking
parchment and baking beans and bake blind for 15-20minutes until the sides are
set and slightly golden. Remove the
parchment and beans and return to the oven for 5 minutes. While still warm, trim the excess pastry from
the sides until level with the rim of the tin.
Brush the inside base and sides with the melted chocolate and leave to
cool and set in the tin.
For the pastry cream, put the milk,
cream and 1 tablespoon of the sugar into a heavy based saucepan over a low
heat. Scrape out the seeds from the
vanilla pod and add them to the pan along with the pod (or add the vanilla
extract). Slowly bring to a simmer. Meanwhile beat the egg yolks and remaining
sugar together in a bowl until smooth.
Whisk in the cornflour a third at a time
keeping the mixture smooth. When the
creamy milk is about to boil trickle it on to the egg mixture whisking all the
time. Strain the mixture back in to the
pan and return to a gentle heat, discard the vanilla pod. Stir continuously until thick and smooth, but
take care not to let it get too hot or it will curdle. If you get any lumps whisk briefly with a
balloon whisk. Pour through the strainer
into a bowl and stir now and then as it cools to prevent a skin forming. Whip the rest of the double cream with the
icing sugar and fold through when the pastry cream is cold.
Both the pastry case and the pastry
cream can be made the day before [keep the case in an air tight tin and the
pastry cream in the fridge].
On the day of serving remove
the pastry case from the tin and spoon in the pastry cream levelling it off
with a spatula. Thinly slice the
strawberries and arrange them over the cream in concentric circles. Lightly brush with warm strawberry jam to
Yummy - don't forget to invite me for
Wendy Applegate

May 1st 2012 and as part of her Jubilee tour The Queen and Prince Philip visit Salisbury.
It's a day for the whole of Wilshire to
celebrate. Now Swindon is a separate council, but it's part of the county
of Wiltshire, so we are invited as joint host. I was asked by our Leader, Cllr. Rod Bluh, to commission
an exhibition to be displayed in front of the great Cathedral in a jousting
style tent. So, me being me, I decided
this was the perfect opportunity to put into action an idea I'd had for a while
- to make a film by the people of
Swindon, for the people of Swindon, to show the world what Swindon is really
like. And I knew just the people who could make it

I was very nervous and excited. Unbelievably the rain stopped its torrential
downpour about an hour before she was due to our tent and the sun came out. There was a growing sense of excitement, the
crowd was building, the security was getting tighter - I had to show a pass and
get through three security checks just to go to the loo!

Richard chose to place the
chaise in a flower bed in the beautiful Old Town Gardens. The park keeper
wasn't too keen on the idea, worrying about his newly planted flowers! Richard chose to place a clock on the sofa in the flower bed
in the foreground, whilst he sat on a bench in the distance. The Queen
was clearly captivated with both the idea and the image and gave us a genuinely
warm smile!
Next up was a two minute extract of the film. A poignant section about Vince who runs a
shoe mending and engraving service. Recently he has been working on engraving
shell cases for the fallen soldiers repatriated at nearby Wootton Bassett. A glimpse of our prestigious British Modern
Art collection and unique stories of what Swindon means to be our home. And then she was gone, with a
smile and a thank you and a wave to the crowd . . . and we all let out a huge sigh of relief - it
had all gone so well!
Helen Miah

If you've not already heard, we have now
been accepted for selling lottery tickets. The 'official' bits will take a little time,
but we'll keep you informed. For
up-to-date information, why not join our e-mail update. All you need to do is
give your e-mail address to Anita or Deb when next in the shop.
Well-done Kath, for another outstanding
plant sale. Judging by the hordes of
folk in the Manor Hall at around 2.30 p.m., she and her 'gang' had done an excellent
job of advertising it. The outcome?
£473.05 - not bad for a Sunday afternoon! We'll look forward to the Great Plant Sale
2013, Kath.
And whilst on the subject of gardening,
we now sell large bags of compost at £5.99 a bag, or 3 for £15.
By now you will have noted that
postal rates went up on 30th April.
First Class from 46p to 60p, Second from 36p to 50p, and large envelopes
from 60p to 90p [1st] and from 56p to 60p [2nd]. But we
still have a superb selection of greetings cards that remain the same price!
BerryBay continues to thrive. A glance
when you are buying newspaper or milk might result in a gift for a friend.
big thank you from everyone to Deb and Tony for the very successful Auction of
Promises which raised an astonishing £1,500 for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee
started the evening off well with folk singing and there was no shortage of
buyers for the promises. Thanks must
also go to Judith who did all the organising and, of course, the donors who
made promises and those who bought them - well done to everyone involved!
And that's about it! We shall all be wishing Her Majesty well as
we celebrate her Diamond Jubilee with events on the 3rd and 4th June. The shop will open as usual on Sunday
[8.30-12.30] but will be open on Monday from 8.30-10am only.
Happy Celebration!
of DC

I can't believe we are well into the
summer term already. The Children enjoyed taking part in the
recent Mean Feet Dance event organised by Beaford Arts and despite the
weather everyone had a fun afternoon.
KS1 and KS2 children have recently had a
visit from the local Lifeguards. This is
quite an important talk for the children due to the area in which we live. Class 4 pupils will have completed their
SATS week in May.
They will
be enjoying a day out to the Ocean Fest in June.
This term will see class 3 heading to
Embercombe near Exeter for their residential.
It is the ultimate 'outdoor classroom'.
The children will have great fun learning new skills and old, stretch
their imaginations and have lots of fun in the outdoors.
Class 4's residential is to Bristol this
year, where they will be visiting the SS Great Britain, the Clifton Suspension
Bridge, watching 'Phantom of the Opera', plus lots more. Mrs Lucas works very hard to ensure the
children have a very fun-filled week.
The whole school will be taking part in
an Olympic Torch event being held at Brimlands rugby field. This will be a great opportunity for the
children to view the torch as it passes through and to take part in a fun day
of sporting activities.
To celebrate the Queen's Jubilee, the
children will be having a street party lunch at school.
Sports day this year will be held on
the first fine day, either Tuesday 19th June or Thursday 21st June.
The PTA will be holding their annual
Summer Fete on Friday 29th June
- please see posters for times. This is
usually a really big fundraiser for the school, so it would be lovely to see
lots of people there. All welcome!
If there are any gardeners who have a
glut of fruit or veg and would like to donate to our school kitchen, we should
be very grateful. This enables us to try
and keep our costs down!
Sue Carey
- Headteacher
'It's a shore thing.'

Illustration by: Peter Rothwell
When walking North Devon's wonderful variety of coast paths
I often try to work out the attraction of being within sight of the sea; whether gazing out over the vast expanse of
water from the high cliff tops of Exmoor or standing at a sandy shoreline.
Crossing the Burrows on a calm
and sunny day, the first view of the sea is always a revelation as if seen for
the first time. The smooth pale sand
and the sheer beauty of blue sea meeting blue sky; the intensity of the colour blue. On days like that the sight of the sea is
simultaneously soothing and exhilarating.
Adding to the strangely surreal atmosphere, a young boy sits
at the edge of the dunes playing a pipe and surrounded by goats! Happily, Sixty-six years after this
memorable scene was shot, that spectacular stretch of shore remains unspoilt.
Even on days when the sea is rough and pewter grey it still
exerts its magnetic pull. At Windy
Corner on Ilfracombe's sea front it can be difficult to remain upright as the
wind tries to force you back inland.
It was from there one late Sunday afternoon in April, as the
boats 'Osprey', 'Kingfisher' and 'Jay Jay' were doing a brisk trade in fishing
trips, that we noticed a large number of herring gulls circling over the sea -
but not around the fishing boats. Their
attention was concentrated on something round in the water close to the shore; the head of a grey seal. We watched it diving, catching and eating

Illustration by:
Paul Swailes
In his fascinating book, 'Land's Edge : A Coastal Memoir',
the Australian author and environmentalist, Tim Winton, muses on his liking to
be near the sea; to see it each day if
possible, despite not feeling any great restless need to travel on it. He concludes, 'The sea is as disturbing as
it is reassuring'.
Winton has a theory that west coasts tend to be lonely, wild
and remote; that they are often the
final frontiers whereas east coasts tend to be civilised, sociable and
sensible. This he considers applies to
the western and eastern coasts of Australia but he believes this contrast can
also be seen in west and east coasts elsewhere. So glory be to our wild and remote
coastline - our 'final frontier'.
Sue H
©A23y1,CC BY-SA 4.0
via Wikimedia Commons
A short while ago I read in the Telegraph of the death, at
the age of 90, of Peter Twiss, OBE, DSC.
Peter was a Test Pilot with Fairey Aviation in the 1950's and set the
world air-speed record at that time.
On reading this, my mind literally 'flew' back to March 10th
1956, which I could recall as though it was yesterday. I was at that time stationed on a radar base in East Anglia
and was 'manning' Cabin 3 with two National Service Airmen and another WRAF
We loved the early mornings when we could study the civil
aviation 'blips' on the screen, see if Prince Philip was flying in what was
called the 'purple' lane [very necessary to ensure our fighter squadrons kept
well out of his way!], and just enjoy the peace before the Fighter Command
Squadrons took off on NATO exercises in
that time of the Cold War.
We were suddenly aware that one 'blip' on our screen was
leaping along the South Coast much faster than anything else. The intercom between the Chief Controller's
Cabin and Cabin 3 suddenly came to life with the command "Get a speed on that
aircraft Cabin 3!" We were on the job!
British Aircraft Corporation BAC221 'WG774'
©Alan Wilson from Peterborough, Cambs, UK
CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
There were no computers in those days,
but we did have a thing called an ICAN calculator. This consisted of three or four cardboard
discs. The inner one gave wind speed
and direction [which we got from the Met. Office daily], another Radar gave us
the aircraft height, and we had the time/distance between the 'blips'. So, with this information and various
dubious mathematical calculations, we estimated the speed at approximately
1,130 m.p.h. On passing this
information on to the Chief Controller we got shouted at that it was
'absolutely rubbish' - on which we had to agree - but the moment had passed and
we had other things to do.
The next morning the Daily Mail had the headline: Peter Twiss breaks
the World Air Speed Record with speed of 1,132.2 m.p.h!
The intercom went
down again and the Chief Controller said: "I apologise Cabin 3." What a fluke, but it felt very good.
Peter Twiss was the last Britain
to hold the Air Speed Record as others then took the supersonic crown. But his achievement that day led the way for
the development of aviation, into Concorde, and civil aviation supersonic
travel, and we four were lucky enough to have been a few seconds of that day.
Yvonne Davey


25th August 2012
For all florists, artists and photographers the details for
your sections are:
- Red, White and Blue - 16" x 16" x 18"
- Coronation Crown - 16" x 16" x 18"
- Olympiad - 16" x 16" x18"
- Rock Garden
- 6" x 6" x 6"
Paintings should not exceed A3
[297mm x 420mm]
* Work may be in any medium in any of these subjects
Photographs must NOT exceed 5"
x 8" and may not be computer enhanced
- Red, White and Blue
- Crowning Glory
- Sunshine
- City Life
- Roof Top
- Movement
- New
Category - Anything Goes! This may be digitally/computer enhanced, so
let your imagination run wild!

Diamond Jubilee
In this the Queen's Diamond Jubilee issue I have chosen
three postcards depicting Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.
For Berrynarbor I have chosen Garratt's
photographic postcard entitled 'Berrynarbor Road Watermouth' taken by him
around 1907. It shows a dingle-type
carriage beside the Diamond Jubilee fountain.
The inscription on it read: 'June 22nd 1897 - This fountain was erected
by Mrs. Bassett- of Watermouth in Commemoration of the 60th Year of the Reign
of Queen Victoria. She wrought her
people lasting good. Jan. 22nd
The front of the fountain was renewed in 2002 but I am
pleased to see that the chain and fixing point remain on the right-hand side,
although the original drinking cup no longer exists. The fountain was fed by water from the
stream/mill leat upstream and was free-flowing
through a nozzle at the font. The water
flowed into the trough for horses and overflowing water drained off through the
back and into the stream and thus the water was continually changed and fresh.

The renewed inscription remains the
same with the additional wording: 'This
monument was refurbished in 2002 by Berrynarbor Parish Council to Commemorate
the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II'. What a shame, however, that running water,
whether from the stream or mains, has not been reconnected either then or in
this Diamond Jubilee year of our present Queen.
It appears that many villages and towns
in Devon erected drinking fountains/pumps in honour of Queen Victoria's Diamond
Jubilee. One of the most memorable must
be that in Bradworthy Square and for which Weighell of Launceston published the
postcard around 1904. The wording in
the diamond shaped inscription reads:
'1837 Erected by Public Subscription to Commemorate the Diamond Jubilee
of Her Majesty Queen Victoria by Permission of the Lord of the Manor 1897'.
The third postcard published by Francis Frith shows Queen
Victoria's impressive Diamond Jubilee statue on Castle Hill, Windsor, just
near the entrance to the Castle.
Tower Cottage, May 2012
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com
The Coronation

This is a picture of me [centre], with my mother and younger sister Sally to my right, taken on the day of the Coronation.
We lived in London
and we watched the Queen pass by in her open carriage on Hampstead Hill.
Jane Jones
The 1948 Olympics
I remember standing on the corner of our
street with my mother to watch the Olympic Torch relay pass and when it did, my
mum stopped the person carrying the torch and asked if I could hold it! This is the photo she took.
The torch is due to pass between
Ilfracombe and Combe Martin on the 21st May, and I shall be there to see it

Daan Noske/Anefo, CC0
via Wikimedia Commons
When the Olympics came to
London in 1948, the boarding houses at my school in Northwood were used for the
female athletes and I remember watching them train and use the outdoor swimming
'Blankers-Koen was the oldest woman in the Olympic track
events. The British team manager
dismissed her as being too old to compete.
In the Netherlands, critics believed she would be better employed
looking after her children. Her
detractors might have been even more vocal had they known that she was in the
early stages of pregnancy.
'She won four gold medals in eight days and it is probable
that she would have won six had she not been confined by the rules to competing
in three individual events.
'Blankers-Koen, who died aged 85 in 2004 having revisited
St. Helen's in 1988 to make a documentary about the Olympics was the first
mother to win an Olympic medal and the first and only woman to have won four
gold athletics medals at a single Olympics, a haul matched in Olympic history
by just two other male competitors. In
1999, the governing body of track and field sports, the IAAF, voted her the
greatest female athlete of the 20th century.'
from 'Girls in Green, A Portrait of St. Helen's, Northwood'- 2009
Judie Weedon
Combe Martin Friends
Group Needs You!
Please join us at the Royal Marine Pub on Friday 8th June at 10.30 am to meet Rebecca Worth of North Devon Hospice's fundraising team and find out more.
Would you like to support us by joining our Combe Martin friends group? You can find out how to run your own fundraising events with support or help at larger hospice organised events. Make new friends and have fun whilst helping the hospice to provide care and support for all the family.
Contact Rebecca Worth on 01271 347204 rebeccaworth@northdevonhospice.org.uk


Sunday 3rd June: Open Mic Night at The Globe, in the Bar, from 9.00 p.m.
Over the Jubilee Weekend The Globe will be Open All Day on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 2nd, 3rd and 4th June
Sunday, 10th June: Last Quiz Night - everyone welcome, 8.30 p.m. Quiz Nights will resume on Sunday 9th September
Sawmill Beer Festival
Friday 15th, Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th June
There will be lots of great Ales and Ciders for you to try over the 3 days. With stalls, Face Painting, Tombola, Raffle . . . and more
There's also great entertainment lined up from local bands and artists:
- Friday Night: Sam Dowden, Earth, Wind, Fire and Theft
- Saturday, from 3.00 pm Jemma and Gemma followed by OIiver Ivan, Chris Millington, The Damnation Game, The Padawans, Federal Blues Agency
- Sunday, from 3.00 p.m. Heidi Such and Darren Vincent, Wayne Green, Rated PG and to finish the week-end off: Zamba
Sunday is also Father's Day so why not treat dad to a day out:
Book a table for a Carvery and then stick around to enjoy the ales and the entertainment for the rest of the day.
We recommend that you book early for Sunday Lunch at either the Sawmill or The Globe for Father's Day to avoid disappointment.
The next Kid's Craft Afternoon at The Globe is Tuesday 26th June, from 3.20/3.30 p.m. until approximately 5.00 p.m. For children 3 to 11 years Places must be booked in advance as there are only 24 places available. Please 'phone us for more details.
- Wednesday 27th June: Exmoor Border Morris will be dancing at The Globe at 9.00 p.m.
Open Mic Nights will be weekly from 17th June.
As part of Combe Martin Music Festival: At the Sawmill
Saturday 7th July: 'Drenched' - soft rock
and Friday 13th July: Rhythm Room - a five piece Blues Band
With more and more pubs closing in nearby towns and villages, we should like to ask you to really show your support for your local pubs. We hope to see lots of you at these events but remember we are open every lunchtime and evening too . . . for a meal or just drinks/coffee with friends. See you soon.
The Ozeltons
AVON: I have just started as the Avon Rep for the area. If you would like me to drop a catalogue round to you, please contact me on [01271] 882465 or pop in to The Globe to pick one up.
JUNE | |
3rd | St. Peter's Church: Thanksgiving Service, 11.00 a.m. |
3rd-4th | St. Peter's Church: Flower Festival For Jubilee Celebrations please see article 22 |
11th | College & Primary School: Restart after Half Term |
12th | Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m. |
13th | Mobile Library in Village from 10.55 a.m. |
19th | Primary School Sports Day [if wet, 21st] |
21st | Primary School Reserve Sports Day |
24th | St. Peter's Church: Christians Together, 6.30 p.m. |
27th | St. Peter's Church: Gift Day. Mobile Library in Village from 10.55 a.m. Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon |
29th | Primary School: Summer Fete, Manor Hall, evening |
JULY | |
9th | Deadline for articles for August Newsletter |
10th | Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m. |
11th | Mobile Library in Village from 10.55 a.m. |
20th | College & Primary School: End of Summer Term |
25th | Mobile Library in Village from 10.55 a.m. Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon |
Manor Hall Diary:
Mondays | Upholstery, 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Craft Group, 1.30 p.m. onwards Badminton, 7.30 p.m. |
Tuesdays | 2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners Yoga, 7.00 p.m. |
Wednesdays | Pilates Body Workout, 9.00 a.m. |
Thursdays | Tai Chi, Manor Hall, 11.00 a.m. |
Fridays | Term time only: Toddlers Soft Play and Activity |
Penn Curzon Room | Term time only: Monday - Friday
Mornings: Berrynarbor Pre-School
Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)
10.45 - 11.30 a.m. | Village Shop |
11.45 - 12.15 p.m. | Sterridge Valley |