Sunday School
Religious education for children and young people in the parish.
Holidays have begun! For the Sunday
School anyway. The end of term was
celebrated in church where a Puppet Show had been arranged - it was fantastic
and enjoyed by children and adults alike!
the service, a quick exit by the children who ran into the Manor Hall, where
the food had been laid out - locusts spring to mind! Thankfully it was a dry, sunny day, so the children could play
in the park after a good feed.
a more serious note, Sunday School is lacking numbers. Once the children become teenagers, they
tend to do other things, so we are sending out a S.O.S. [Save Our Sunday
School] for more children and more helpers, so we can keep our School
all wish you a sunshiny summer.
Children's Letters to God:
Dear God,
Maybe Cain and Abel would not kill each other so much if they had their own rooms. It works with my brother.
Love LarryDear God,
I bet it is very hard for you to love everybody in the whole world. There are only 4 people in our family and I can never do it.
Love Jen
little girl, dressed in her Sunday best, was running as fast as she could,
trying not to be late for Sunday School.
As she ran she prayed: "Dear Lord, please don't let me be
late! Dear Lord, please don't let me
be late." While
she was running and praying, she tripped on a curb and fell, getting her
clothes dirty and tearing her dress.
She got up, brushed herself off and started running again! Once more she prayed: "Dear Lord, please don't let me be
late, but please don't shove me either!"
On this occasion there is little to report from the Sunday School. Members attended the Family/Village Service on the 7th May and will again attend on the 2nd July. This will be the last meeting for the summer term.
Following the success of last year's outing to Crealy Adventure Theme Park, we shall again be returning to spend a day of fun during the summer holiday - a treat the children richly deserve.
Children's Thoughts of Heaven:
- Tim - How high up is it because sometimes my nose bleeds.
- Sue - Heaven is all the love in the world collected in one place.
They say that spring has arrived! Well, I haven't seen it yet, I know I'm slow so perhaps it's whizzed by me and I've not noticed, but I'm sure I'm not alone in longing to see and feel some sunshine.
Anyway, life goes on regardless of the weather and people came out in force to our Pancake Day last month. This year we cleared, after expenses, £160, a record so far. £20 of this has been donated to the Cardiac Recovery Unit at the North Devon District Hospital - one of the two treadmills has broken down and needs to be replaced, costing several thousand pounds. This unit is so important in helping patients after a heart attack or severe accident - it gives confidence and mobility under trained supervision to get their lives back on track again.
A very big thank you this year to our cooks Janet Gibbins and Rachel Thompson, I have been told that the pancakes were so much better this year! Sincere thanks also to Val, Sarah, Mary, June, Sylvia and Judie for her unfailing support with all the extra's, e.g. tables up and down, cloths, flowers, all the details that contribute to its success. Our thanks also to the Spinners, who tuck themselves down at one end of the Hall, Tuesday is their regular meeting day, but they kindly make way for us. Our ladies and children were also there, knitting and nattering for the Hospice - a busy hive of industry.
The children are now practising a play organised by Val for Mothering Sunday and we hope that many mums, aunts, God mums, grandmas, etc., will be in church on that day to be presented with their little posies of flowers that the children so love to give out.
Easter soon follows, another joyful occasion, particularly with the promise of an Easter egg at the end of the Service! Surely by then it will be warmer.
We all wish you a happy, joyous Eastertide, and leave you with a child's thoughts about Heaven and Hell.
"It's always dark in Hell. You never know who's going to grab you or what you will step in"!
from Andrew and Sally
Our story begins, as we have been told
By Mrs. Price, a hundred and one years old,
That one hundred years before us now,
Berrynarbor, a farming village, and how
The children would walk to school, forth and back
All their belongings brought home in a sack.
The Headmaster, of course, was Mister Toms,
Who'd cross the slipper across their bums!
Unless they were good, respectful, polite
Just like these lovelies before you tonight!
To teach, back then, there were sixty to seventy.
Huxtables, Bowdens and Richards were three
Of the names that are still in our pretty place
Representing the village and its present face.
No cars back then, a charabanc would be
The only way of visiting to see
Barnstaple market, especially at Christmas
The annual highlight for a local lass.
Upon the hill in the castle beyond
Were the family of Bassetts, who were very fond
Of the locals and villagers and Rector Churchill,
Whose job, of course, was this church to fill.
The family would enter and he would meet,
Walk with them and guide them to their seat.
For the Christmas Service, always important
To celebrate the birth of Jesus, the infant
See Mary and Joseph here now alive
Just as the Nativity in nineteen o five.
Illustrated by: Debbie Rigler Cook
I was rather sad not to get up to our church to hear this magnificent poem read and see the children, but I am still involved and Val keeps me in touch. Over Christmas I either saw or heard from many Sunday School children, past and present, which was lovely.
Love and best wishes to you all for 2006.
Christmas now over, a new year begun, here are some dates to put in your new diaries:
- PANCAKE DAY - Tuesday 28th February, 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon in the Manor Hall - please come and join us. All profits are for the Sunday School and a charity of the children's choice.
- MOTHERING SUNDAY - 26th March, in church at 11.00 a.m.
- FAMILY SERVICES - the first Sunday of each month
The Christmas Play organised by Val and her helpers, with this wonderful poem written by Rachel, was a great success, and dedicated to Auntie Lorna Price - a dignified lady, passionate and knowledgeable about Berrynarbor, who sadly passed away in January.
The children and adults thoroughly enjoyed the Harvest Supper, delicious food, lovingly prepared, all our plates were empty, some having been filled more than once! A special thanks to Caolan, who carrying a tray nearly as big as himself, helped to clear all the tables, not stopping 'til all was done. The children are now preparing for Remembrance Day and Advent, with a Christmas play being organised.
It is with regret that I have had to resign from Sunday School - after 20 years the children need a break from me, and I just cannot catch them any more! At the Harvest Supper I was presented with a stone cockerel and a pot already planted up with daffodil bulbs. So, Thank You to the children and all my loyal helpers, who will continue as before.
It has been a tremendous privilege to see so many children over the years grow in body and spirit, some now married with children themselves. So children, you know where I live, I will always be pleased to see you and know that I am your friend.
With love from
True Story: Lucy, going to Communion with her grandma, says in a loud whisper, "Grandma I haven't had any breakfast, please can I have your bread?"!
A favourite piece of verse, copied by me from the Chemotherapy Unit at Charing Cross Hospital in 1984:
Yesterday is already a dream,
and tomorrow is only a vision,
but today, well lived,
makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
On behalf of the children, the parents and the village, thank you Sally for all the tender, loving care you have given over so many years.
Sunday School has commenced again for the Autumn Term, run very ably by Val, Sarah, Julia and Rachel.
The outing to Crealy Park was very successful, the children and adults had a lovely day. Thank you to all who organised and helped in any way. The Carnival Float, again very ably organised from start to finish by Sarah, won 3rd Prize - a great achievement - and so enjoyed by the children. Thanks to Edith and The Globe for topping up their energy supply with refreshments on their return.
A lot of people to thank, especially from myself - not very mobile at present. For the past three months my home has been awash with family and friends, cleaning, shopping, making me laugh 'til it hurts, getting me up in the morning when I didn't want to, and putting me to bed also when I didn't want to! But I am improving and hope to be around the village again soon, which I have missed, and getting to the church and choir practice. But I did get to the Concert on 22nd August - a mixture of music by young and not-so-young. A special 'Thank You' to Stuart, his skill and encouragement in bringing out the musical talents in this village is remarkable. He made a lot of people very happy that evening.
To finish, a child's letter to God:
Dear God,
I like the Lord's Prayer best of all. Did you have to write it a lot? Or did you get it right the first time? I have to write everything I ever write over again.
Love Louis
Love Sally and the Sunday School
Unfortunately, Sally is suffering with back problems - a very painful slipped disc - and has not been able to put pen to paper for this issue. However, she tells me that Sunday School has now broken up for the summer holidays and will resume in September on the first Sunday, that is the 4th.
The children all had a wonderful day out at Crealy Park and are working hard, under Sarah's direction, on their float for the Combe Martin Carnival, when, as in this year's BBC Show, they will be Fagin's Gang from 'Oliver'.
We wish them all a happy summer break and send our very best wishes to Sally and hope she will be feeling more comfortable soon.
May began with our Family Service. Tia and Ella read the lesson about the Good Shepherd, and Anne and Aimee a poem called 'Little Lamb', while the other children held up a collage they had made with sheep and wolves and, of course, the Good Shepherd.
We have had two very generous donations to our funds - one from the Combe Martin Carnival Committee and the other from Gary 'Songbird' and the BBC, for which we thank them very much. We have decided to have an outing to Creeley Park on the 12th June, so we pray for a fine day and that we finish the day with the same number as we started!
This made me think of my dear Aunt Kitty Barten, who ran a Sunday School many, many years ago in Braintree, Essex. They went by coach to Southend, meeting up with several other Sunday schools for the day. On returning to Braintree, she counted the children back off the coach - no, she hadn't lost one, but gained one! A child from another school had got on to her coach. She then had to take this child back by taxi, at great expense and stress!
Sarah will be organising our Carnival Float again - so much hard work, but the children love it, particularly the ride down Combe Martin's street with hot food to follow at The Globe.
And so Sunday School plods on with seventeen children and cheerful, willing helpers - I am now seeing children of children that I used to teach - yes, that's how old I am!
Sally and the Young Ones
A Child's Letter to God
Dear God,
My name is Simon, that's from the Bible. I am eight and a half and we live across the street from the park. I have a dog called Buster. I used to have a hamster, but he got out and ran away. I am small for my age. My hobbies are swimming, bowling, my chemistry set, reading, coin collecting and tropical fish [right now I have three kinds].
Well I guess I said a mouthful. Goodbye.
Always a friend,
The Shrove Tuesday Pancake and Coffee Morning was a great success, boosting our funds to the tune of £150. The children took part in the Mothering Sunday service, performing a small play and giving out cards and flowers to all mothers and ladies in church, and lessons were read by Ella and Lucy.
Our members now number seventeen and except for the very youngest, all took part as Workhouse children in the recent BBC's production of 'A Twist on Oliver' - and didn't they do well!
Easter will be over by the time you read this and the Sunday School will be taking part in the service on Easter Sunday, displaying their Easter Garden and each child receiving an Easter egg. Sunday school has now broken up for Easter but will be resuming on Sunday, 10th April.
We hope you all had a happy Easter.
Story: A small boy was given 20p, in two 10p coins, to take to Sunday School - one to put in the collection and the other to buy himself some sweets on his way home. Skipping along the road, he tripped and the coins flew out of his hand and rolled down the road, one dropping into a nearby drain. The boy looked up skywards and announced, "Sorry, God, there goes your 10p"!
If you were in Berrynarbor church on 22nd December you will have experienced the real meaning of Christmas. The church was nearly full. The beautiful music, reading, choir, congregation and Sunday School all combined to make it such a joyous occasion. The Sunday School performed and sang about how Christmas is celebrated in Holland - produced and directed by Val, who spent Christmases there some years ago. All the children then received a gift presented by our Rector.
We have regrouped for the Spring Term, a busy time with Eastertide not far away. Before that we shall be in church for the Family Service on 6th February, swiftly followed by Shrove Tuesday on the 8th, when Coffee and Pancakes will be served in the Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon and proceeds from the pancakes will be for our funds. Sharing the Hall with us are the Spinners - Tuesday is their regular meeting day - so we thank them for moving into a smaller area to accommodate us, but they can have a pancake for free! Also sharing the Hall will be the Sponsored Knit-in for the North Devon Hospice - so please come along and support us all.
The children will be singing 'Food, Glorious Food' at the BBC show on the 11th and 12th March - sung with relish, food being a favourite topic for us! Before that, the 6th March is Mothering Sunday when we'll be in church presenting mums, Godmothers, aunties and friends with bunches of flowers. Easter Sunday on 27th March will also find us there, celebrating the climax of the Christian Year - they may get Easter eggs too!
Joke: A small boy asked his parents if he could have a bicycle for Christmas. His dad had to say 'No' but added, 'If you pray hard you may have a little brother to play with soon.' The little boy did pray but soon tired of it. Eventually his father took him upstairs to show him not one, but two baby brothers with whom he could play. 'Now aren't you glad that you prayed for a baby brother?' he said. 'Yes' came the reply doubtfully, 'But aren't you glad I stopped praying when I did?'
Love from Sally, Val, Sarah, Julia, Rachel and 17 younger ones!
Val would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their help and support when Neil was in hospital in October. And may we take this opportunity to send get well wishes to everyone 'under the weather', particularly Mavis and Betty, Tony and Iain, and all those who have suffered from the flu-like cold that has been going round the village. Lyn would also like to thank everyone who was concerned about her a . . . following her pre-Christmas fall!
This Term Sunday School is being very ably looked after by Sarah, Val and Rachel and I rejoined them on Remembrance Sunday when the children placed their poppies at the Memorial and observed the two minute silence.
The Nativity Play rehearsals are under way and I understand a little different this year. The children will be acting this on Wednesday, 22nd December in St. Peter's at 6.30 p.m., so do join us at the Carol Service that evening.
Val and Neil, with Mary's help, boosted our funds at the Bazaar in October and we shall be selling Christmas items in the Manor Hall on the 18th December. We all wish you a joyful Christmas and hope, peace and happiness for 2005.
True Story
A granny, trying to get her 3-year old grandson bathed, hair washed and to bed, was meeting with great resistance - he didn't want a bath and most definitely did not want to go to bed. In desperation, she told him: 'Alfie, don't forget Father Christmas is watching all the children to make sure they are being good.' 5-year old sister, Chloe, listening in to all this, pipes up, 'And so is God!'
With love from all at Berrynarbor Sunday School
P.S. I should like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the 'get well' cards and to thank everyone who visited me in hospital, took me there, and brought me home again, have shopped, cleaned, gardened and generally cared for me - I could not have managed without you all. I'm gradually getting more mobile and looking forward to getting out and about again.
Sally B
Sally is currently in hospital having a new knee - we wish her well [as we do anyone else in hospital, just out of or going in to hospital, or just feeling below par] and look forward to having her home and skipping around again!She tells me that the new Sunday School term began well, with 15 disciples returning after the summer break. During that break, the Sunday School took part in not only the Combe Martin Carnival, with their float of 'Joseph and his coat of many colours', but also 'Our Village' the Flower Festival at St. Peter's from the 5th to 8th August.

The photos show their contribution, depicting the village in the 1970's and showing the Manor Stores with its bow-fronted shop window. These beautiful scaled models were made by the late Helen Armstead.
The Sunday School will be taking part in St. Peter's Harvest Festival celebrations.
Sunday School finishes this term with a Bar-B-Q at Sarah's. The new term will commence on 12th September at 11.00 a.m. in the Penn Curzon Room, but we will not be idle during the holidays: we have a stall at the Summer Fayre on 27th July, then the Flower Festival in August, when we shall be decorating the children's corner in the church, swiftly followed by Combe Martin Carnival on 11th August. This year our float will be 'Joseph and his coat of many colours'. So, under Sarah's watchful eye, we shall all be getting 'plastered' again! Please come and cheer us on, a lot of work and effort goes into our float.
On 27th June, the children performed a short play about Peter, Jesus' favourite disciple, to celebrate our Patronal Festival. Ella very ably played Peter, with Ryan as Jesus. The other children were disciples or fish .and we finished with the song 'We Will Make You Fishers of Men', the children processing around the church collecting members of the congregation on the way.
I have had a letter from the Stark family, who have moved to France, thanking Berrynarbor Sunday School for the happy times that Jessica, Juliet and Eloise spent with us - we wish them well in their new adventure and we miss the girls very much, always so enthusiastic in Sunday School. We welcome Aimee who has recently joined us and hope she will enjoy our Sundays together.
We all wish you happy, sunny days to rest and refresh until we meet again.
Joke: I can't help admiring one little boy who summed up the problem of evil memorably. His pious grandmother caught him beating up his sister. 'Billy', she said, leaning over him and shaking her finger. 'It was Satan who told you to scratch Amy's face. 'Perhaps it was,' said Billy, 'But it was my idea to kick her in the shins'!
Sally B
At Sunday School we are well into our spring/summer term. With a joyous Easter behind us, we are looking forward to a summer break, but for now we are working hard learning about Jesus's disciples - what a mixed group the first 12 were, like us all really, but gathered together, a strength and unity emerges. Each child is playing a disciple - Kiefer in particular is a very dramatic Judas. We shall be producing a play for our Patronal Festival on the 27th June, at 10.00 a.m. in church, with the emphasis, of course, on Peter. So do come along and see the children in action, I can promise you 15 minutes of delight!
Anna and Gemma have joined us and are showing great enthusiasm. There is always room for more, so any boys and girls out there who would like to give us a try, do come along. You will receive a warm, noisy welcome!
Not a True Story!
A man was caught in a flood and was sitting on the roof of his house. Two men came by in a boat to rescue him, but he waved them away shouting: "No, the Lord will save me." One hour later, another boat came along, but again the man said: "No, the Lord will save me."
Eventually, a helicopter arrived, but the man insisted: "The Lord will save me." Unfortunately he drowned and at the gates of Heaven he asked St. Peter: "Why didn't the Lord save me?" St. Peter replied: "For crying out loud, he sent two boats and a helicopter, what more do you want?"!
Love from all of us at the Sunday School
March has arrived along with masses of beautiful daffodils, but still very cold. Our children, now numbering 14, continue to meet regularly on Sunday mornings. We have two new recruits, Rocky and Shannon - we welcome them and hope they will enjoy their time with us.
Since Christmas we have been learning about children from the Bible and we are now getting ready for Mothering Sunday, for which we have a play about Mums prepared, and Easter.
Our Pancake Day was a tremendous success raising £176.56 for Sunday School funds. The children deserve a treat to blow away the winter cobwebs, so we shall be organising something during the Easter holidays. Thank you to our helpers, so many to mention but you know who you are - it just couldn't happen without you all. With the combined knit-in for the Hospice and the Spinners, the Hall was bursting at the seams, a very happy morning and it was great to see a lot of the school children too.
So we hope to see you in church on Mothering Sunday and Easter Sunday, at 11.00 a.m. We shall be preparing the Easter Garden on Good Friday in church at 10.00 a.m. If anyone would like to join us, please do. We get in a bit of a mess but the children love it!
True Story
At Sunday school, one young boy was fascinated by the story of the Creation. He was particularly interested in Eve being made from one of Adam's ribs. Later, at home, he started to clutch his side, groaning and pulling faces. His mother, rather alarmed, asked him if he was feeling ill.
He replied, "I think I am having a wife!"
Berrynarbor Sunday School wishes you a joyful Eastertide.
2004, a New Year, a new start and new changes. As we know, Sunday Services in both Combe Martin and Berrynarbor will commence at 10.00 a.m. At Berrynarbor Sunday School we shall be keeping to our usual 11.00 a.m. start, for some of our mums getting children up, washed, dressed and fed is a major task, already gone through on school days. We shall, of course, meet in church on festivals and other special occasions, but I personally shall be sorry to miss our regular Family Service, which, due to other commitments over the past six months, has been poorly attended. I had hoped these problems would now be resolved, but we shall soldier on. A change can be a challenge, a shot in the arm, but we must encourage our children and ensure they come to church as the most important part of their Christian understanding.
True Story
A bishop, resplendent in his purple robes, including his impressive crook, was talking to a group of young children about the Good Shepherd. When he had finished he asked: "Now children, do you know who I am?"
After a moment's silence, one child ventured, "Little Bo Peep?"
With love to you all from Berrynarbor Sunday School for a happy, hopeful and kind 2004.
Sally Barten
Christmas seems to come earlier every year - although, of course, the month and date never change! But many shops and the media advertise their wares and decorate their windows sometimes in September. I have just returned from Australia where carols and Christmas trees in 35 Deg C were rather strange. Two of my daughters who live there agree that Christmas in the heat is never quite the same - perhaps it is their childhood memories of Berrynarbor Christmases, carol singing wrapped up against the cold, Midnight Mass in a chilly church [it was very cold in the church in those days], the traditional roast turkey and Christmas pud. I don't know what the temperature was in Bethlehem, but I always imagine it cold in contrast to the warm dry stable, but whatever the temperature, the wonderful story is still the same.
Sunday School numbers fluctuate, some of our older children having moved on, and we shall miss them, but thank them for their tremendous input and loyalty over many years. We welcome Jess and Luca, and hope they will enjoy their time with us. Not only do we try to have an informal hour guiding them along the ways of Christianity, but we also learn such a lot from them - their open vision, hope and optimism are so heart-lifting. Come and see them in action at the Carol Service in Berrynarbor Church on Wednesday, 17th December. We welcome any children to join us, 11.00 a.m. every Sunday in the Penn Curzon Room, except the first Sunday in the month when we meet in the church for the Family Service.
"God gave us memories that we might have roses in December"
We wish you a joyful, beautiful Christmas, with love from Berrynarbor Sunday School.
Sally Barten
Our summer break is over, so back to Sunday School.
We were kept very busy during the holidays - under Sarah's instructions, encouragement, patience and faith, building our Carnival Float, so it was papier-mache time again! This year our theme was The Life of Moses - bulrushes, mask, lots of locusts, frogs and fish, Moses, slaves, a princess with hand maidens, two sphinx, one pyramid, and a partridge in a pear tree!
A magnificent achievement resulting in 3rd prize - some of the younger ones also entered the Raft and Wheelbarrow races. So a very sincere thank you to Sarah, without her we would never have got plastered, yet again! Also thanks to Graham for driving us safely down Combe Martin's long street, Tania for loaning us Graham, Nigel for pyramid painting, Sylvia for digging up and delivering bulrushes, Charlotte [now a grown-up ex Sunday school pupil] for cheerful and willing help, Joyce and Sandra for costumes, Gary for not grumbling when bits of wood and paint mysteriously vanished from his workshop, Be Barten for her pyramid scenic masterpiece, and all the children who kept us going and awake, covering us, the garden, the cat and themselves with gold paint, all friends and neighbours who gave, or missed, hundreds of hydrangeas without complaint, and last but by no means least, dear Edith from The Globe who so kindly organised and served hot food and drink for us all on our triumphant return! Get well soon Edith, you are in our thoughts and prayers, we cannot manage without you.
So, New Term, Harvest Festival - we have much to be thankful for; the sun has shone and our children have grown strong, brown and free in this village, a caring supportive community.
Bye for now.
Sally B and Berrynarbor Sunday School
P.S. By the time you read this, I shall have been banished to Australia!
Summer Holidays are here, we finished last Sunday at the Teddy Bears' Picnic, the Rector leading the children around the church with their sea-faring bears. The Rector had drawn symbols, including the fish to explain how in those days one had to keep their Faith secret, unless you didn't mind having your head chopped off! Why do children enjoy a bit of gore? That piece of information certainly went down well, as after church, one or two thought it a splendid idea to de-capitate all Sunday School teachers!
Now, with Sarah's artistic flair and imagination we shall be building our float for the Carnival - we have enough cardboard now, so thank you to all those who have given so generously! Come and cheer us on at the Carnival procession in Combe Martin on 13th August.
The Church Fete is on 12th August. If you have any children's toys or books, etc., to sell, please let me know on 882746. Funds raised will go towards better lighting in the church - Stuart does find it difficult playing the organ, especially when he is showing off using both hands and holding a torch! Anyone got a miner's helmet?
Val, Sarah, Julia, Juliet and myself are looking forward to a rest and the children are looking forward to a break from us! Next term begins on 7th September in church for the Family Service at 11.00 a.m.
Believe it or Not! A young missionary served in a remote part of Africa with few resources. But he did manage to convert some of the natives. One day, unarmed, he was walking through the bush when he was confronted by a lion. He knelt in prayer, hands clasped and after a few moments opened one eye and saw that the lion, too, was kneeling down and had his paws clasped. "My goodness," said the missionary in relief, "Are you a Christian too?" "Yes, I am," the lion replied, "l was just saying Grace."
Sally Barten
Pancake Day was very successful, raising just over £90 for Sunday School funds. Thank you so much to all my loyal helpers - it couldn't happen without you and also the cake and marmalade making ladies - home-made produce is always very popular and sells like 'hot cakes'. Thank you, too, to our Rector who gave up part of his day off to come for a pancake always so supportive of our Sunday School.
We are working towards Mothering Sunday on 30th March - the children love to give their Mums flowers and cards. Could be a slight problem this year as the clocks go forward the night before, so we shall probably all arrive either an hour too early or too late, I can never remember which way round it is!
Easter is not far away - another favourite time for us and I like to believe it's not just because of chocolate eggs.
The children are also taking part in Gary's show, playing woodland animals. They have been made very welcome to join in the fun in what has become a Berrynarbor tradition.
School Assembly
Rory's Prayer: Thank you God for my parents, thank you God for my Grandad and Grannie, and thank you God for not giving me nits!!
All for now.
Sally, Val, Sarah, Julia, Juliet and Children
Christmas over, a new year begun with a very cold start, but a few bulbs are poking their heads through the hard ground, bringing assurances of warmer days ahead.
The Sunday School's performance of Baboushka was a great success, despite a problem with the microphones. Congratulations to Juliet for all her hard work in its production. All the children played their various roles with enthusiasm, particularly Eloise who was a very realistic house-proud Baboushka - well done all of you.
The children's party went with a swing; Edith and Karen put on a wonderful spread and we thank them for such a variety of food and for allowing 30 children to swarm all over The Globe!
Now a new term has commenced. Our next date to remember is Pancake Day, to be held again this year in the Manor Hall, on the 4th March at 10.30 a.m.
True Story
The beginners dancing class was giving a display. For the final item, the children had to perform something of their own choosing. The first little girl gave her impression of a butterfly, the next interpreted a swan, another a deer and so on. Last was five year old Irene - she baffled everyone by wobbling from side to side and finally disappearing into the wings with a big lurch.
Stumped, the dancing teacher asked what she was representing. With a triumphant, gappy smile, Irene answered, 'A loose tooth!'
A happy, healthy and peaceful New Year to you all - from the Sunday School.
Sally B
A very busy month ahead, lots to do, little time, you know the feeling! So for now just a few dates for your diaries.
- Wednesday, 18th - December Carol Service, 6.30 p.m. at St. Peter's, with NATIVITY PLAY
- Sunday, 22nd December - Repeat of Nativity Play at St. Peter's 11.00 a.m.
- Saturday, 4th January - Sunday School PARTY in Manor Hall
Christmas Carols
Christmas time is carol time. There are many lovely carols and we all have our favourites. I read a story about this carol many years ago: I saw Three Ships come sailing in On Christmas Day in the morning.
It makes a pretty picture, and one to kindle the imagination, for there are three ships which have real significance for us at this season.
One is WORSHIP: most definitely a Christmas ship. In writing of the first Christmas, St. Matthew mentioned it: "And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his Mother, and fell down and worshipped Him." Another ship that comes sailing in at Christmas is FRIEND-SHIP: for this is a time when we think of our friends and send greetings to those near and far away. The third ship is STEWARD-SHIP: a steward is one who is trusted to serve. Serving was something that He who came at Christmas was most emphatic about.
May these three ships come sailing into your hearts and homes this Christmas, bringing their precious gifts of joy and peace.
True Stories!
At the start of the Christmas Nativity Play, five children were to come on, in order, holding cards which spelt 'HELLO',
Unfortunately, the child with the fifth letter became confused and went on first!!
The nursery school children were asked to draw pictures of Jesus birthplace. One of them drew Mary, Joseph, and Jesus in the manger and an enormously fat man. The teacher asked the child who the large gentleman was, and was told, "Oh, that's round John Virgin"!
Happy Christmas and with love to you all from Berrynarbor Sunday School: Sally, Val, Sarah, Julia, Jessica, Juliet, Eloise, Gracie, Ella, Lucy, Ryan, Keifer, Tia, Caolin, Peter, Shanya, Harriet, Emily, Liberty, Rory, Callum and a new little boy who joined us last week, but whoso name escapes me at the time of writing this! Sorry, what'isname! No, I remember, it's Jack!
Children are back at school and Sunday School, after a busy summer holiday.
The Church was crowded for the Teddy Bears' Picnic, a service thoroughly enjoyed by all ages. Bears of all shapes and sizes, carried or dragged by their owners, also of all shapes and sizes, processed around the church and after a talk by Chief Bear, we all tucked into teddy bear biscuits. The music played by Stuart and his pack of musical bears entertained us with their skill on the kazoo, aided and abetted by Mic and Silke, a couple of Hanover bears who padded into Berrynarbor for a fortnight of madness - no car, barely a change of clothing, but carrying between them a tenor horn, saxophone, accordion and guitar, and voices. Their reputation spread rapidly and they entertained visitors to A Country Collection in the Manor Hall.
The Sunday School then switched their attention to Combe Martin Carnival - our entry being Noah's Ark. This was very ably organised by Sarah Darch and following her instructions we painted, stapled, stitched, drilled and papier mache'ed - if you stood still too long you could be turned into a giraffe, dove or raven. Some of us returned home completely plastered! Sadly, the flour and water kind. Sally from Ducky Pool in conversation with Sally from Berry Home, let slip that she was a painter. Within minutes a paint brush was thrust into her hand, and she found herself painting the Ark - it later emerged that she is an artist of the oil and canvas sort!! A big thank you to her, Gary and Joyce, Graham and Tania for the loan of the trailer and Graham for towing the float with all the children dressed as animals in the Ark, carefully and safely along Combe Martin's long main street. Thanks also to Edith and Don at The Globe, who on our triumphant return to Berrynarbor [we won first prize in the original entry section] tired, cold and very hungry, provided us with hot food. Never has anything tasted so good! So well done Berrynarbor Sunday School, and especially to Sarah, a great community effort. I have just been informed that Combe Martin Carnival Committee is donating £50 to us, so a very big thank you to them too.
Harvest will soon be here, so we are busy working on that theme. A very good attendance, but always room for more children. We do have a lot of fun, so join us if you can - 11.00 a.m. in the Penn Curzon Room every Sunday, except the first one in each month, when we meet in church.
A child's observation of Noah: 'Noah was the man who danced before the Ark, but first sent the bird away.'
A child's letter to God: 'Dear God, It rained for our whole holiday and is my father mad! He said some things about you that people are not supposed to say, but I hope you will not hurt him anyway. Your friend. But I am not going to tell you who I am.'
Bye for now
Sally, Val, Sarah and Julia
The month of May began on a jubilant note - the village ablaze with flags and red, white and blue flowers. The Church was full of smiley people, breath-taking music and singing, and the beautiful arrangements of yellow and gold flowers set the church aglow.
And then came the children! Ella, the Queen, serene and proud processed down the aisle to Stuart's majestic Fanfare composition. Ryan, the Bishop, and Keifer holding the orb and sceptre greeted her at the chancel steps. The ladies in waiting, all in their pretty dresses and sparkling tiaras held Ella's velvet train. We all held our breath when Ryan placed the crown on Ella's head [this was tricky as it was rather big for her and knowing Ryan, well...], but all was well.
Stuart with his three stalwart percussionists began the National Anthem - we all managed the first verse easily, the second verse fair only, but a third verse? The Choir saved us all, the descant - another of Stuart's compositions - sent tingles down the spine.
Eloise, so tiny in stature that she could hardly be seen behind the lectern, read the lesson, clearly confident and so well that all could hear.
The next day at the Jubilee Celebrations, the Sunday School repeated the Coronation outside the Manor Hall, while inside a great feast was ready - balloons, flags and plenty of food! A very big 'thank you' to Ann Davis and all her helpers for such hard work and organisation, another one of those 'Memories to Hold' the community spirit in Berrynarbor will always reign.
Sunday School breaks up after the Teddy Bears Picnic on 21st July.
A rather late but very big 'thank you' to the Berrynarbor Broadcasting Company for their donation of £150 to our Sunday School - we have lots of plans, possibly a Float of Noah's Ark in the Carnival, a Christmas Party and more books, etc., for when we regroup on 8th September.
A letter and a prayer to God
Dear God,
In Sunday School they told us what you do. Who does it when you are on holiday?
Love Jane.
Everyone can sympathise with the desperate and doomed prayer of the schoolboy emerging from a geography exam: Dear God, please, please, make Paris the capital of Turkey!
All for now.
Sally, Val, Sarah and Julia
The 'pretend' Christening of twin dolls was carried out with great assurance by the children - congratulations especially to Juliet who played the Rector and organised us all so well! Thank you also to Tia, who stepped in at the last moment to be a Step-Mum - Shanya, who was playing the Mum unfortunately developed chickenpox - get well soon, Shanya.
The Children's Corner carries on the Baptismal theme with some thoughtful artwork and photographs of christenings. One photo shows Rector Blake in 1962 christening about 20 children of all ages. Other photos of babies show their babies now being christened!
Our next projects are the Jubilee Celebrations on 2nd June, Father's Day on 16th June, the Pets' Service on 7th July and followed by the Teddy Bears' Picnic on 21st July - so quite a lot going on before our summer break.
Twin Tales
Minister to little boy: 'l hear that God has brought you two lovely twin brothers.'
Little boy: "Yes, and what's more, He knows where their school fees will be coming from, I heard Daddy say so.'
The Vicar announced that they would be having an additional font placed in the church so that babies could be baptised at both ends!
Bye for now.
Sally B, Val, Julia, Sarah, Becky and Jessica
A very busy Pancake Morning raised £111.75. A cheque for £20 has been sent to Little Bridge House, the Children's Hospice, and the remaining money, after expenses, will be used for items required by the Sunday School.
Mothering Sunday was very well attended. The children dressed in the National Costumes of different countries and sang 'I'd Like to build the world a home in perfect harmony' to show that all women, be it mothers, grannies, aunties or Godmothers unite in keeping all children safe. The children will be joining the choir from our Primary School in Gary's Show, singing this song again.
It will be Easter next and we shall be constructing the Easter Garden and decorating the Children's Corner.
On the 5th May at the Family Service, we shall be holding a 'pretend' Christening with the casting and production by some of our older children. This was Becky's great idea and if successful we shall go on to produce a Confirmation, Wedding and Funeral. Being a small community, all these events touch our lives often, and many times I have been thankful for the help and kindness shown to me, and to my rescue once again they came.
On 9th January the earth moved in llfracombe, quite high on the Richter Scale - no, it wasn't an earthquake, it was me! A very large and very friendly dog jumped up at me and down I went, breaking my hip. I am making a too slow recovery, but without the care and kindness of family, friends and neighbours, I couldn't have coped at home.
Stuart and the Choir have to be mentioned! Ginny and Stuart visited me in hospital, proudly carrying a player and cassette of the choir singing especially for me. I felt very moved, and expected to hear a beautiful anthem full of emotion. I couldn't have been more wrong - what burst forth was 'The sun has got his hat on, hip, hip, hooray! ! ! I laughed so much I fell out of bed and broke the other one - I didn't really, just pulling your leg.
My thanks again to Val, Sarah, Julia and Becky for keeping the Sunday School going with such enthusiasm.
Two Little Tales
- from the Parish News: We are delighted to report that the Choir raised £120 for the building fund during their recent sponsored sing. This included £10 not to do it again! [Just getting my own back, Stuart!]
- 8-year old Peter was at the Christening ceremony for his new baby brother. Afterwards, the Rector jokingly asked Peter if he could take the new baby home with him. "Oh, no," replied Peter, shocked. "We bought him - you only get to wash him!"
Bye for now.
Sally B, Val, Sarah, Julia and Becky
A couple of very busy months and we are now preparing for the New Term commencing on Sunday, 13th January.
On November 14th, the Bishop of Crediton confirmed nine parishioners, including four of our Sunday School children. Ryan, Peter, Jessica and Juliet behaved with dignity and sincerity, it was a wonderful service.

On the 19th and 23rd December, the Sunday School performed 'The Lamb's Tale'. Fergus was our baby Jesus this year - who will produce the baby for next Christmas? Special thanks to Tania for the script and Julia Stark for taking on the Direction, and, of course, all the children for playing their roles with such enthusiasm.
On 5th January we all had a great time at the Pantomime - even Neil - we told him he would enjoy it, 'Oh yes, you will' , and oh yes, he did!
As mentioned, a new term begins on 13th January and Becky has come up with some brilliant ideas, so watch out in the Children's Corner for our next project.
Pancake Day is on Tuesday, 12th February. Come and enjoy Coffee and Pancakes at the Manor Hall, instead of Berry Home - there will be more room and it will be more accessible for people without transport. Hope to see you then.
True Story [With apologies in advance to the Rector, Stuart and the Choir.]
The Bishop was astonished to hear a little girl say that you had to be brave to go to church. "Why do you say that?" he asked.
"Well I heard my uncle tell my aunt last that there was a canon in the pulpit, the choir murdered the anthem and the organist drowned the choir"!
Happy New Year
Sally, Val, Sarah, Julia F, Tania, Julia S and Becky
[Thank you Sally for managing to send this in from the luxury of your suite at the Pilton Hilton! Get well, soon. Ed.]
Christmas is coming and the children are getting excited - the familiar Nativity Story never loses its wonder.
We are busy making Christmas Cards to sell for Sunday School Funds, preparing a Christmas Scene for the Children's Corner in the Church, and making scenery for our play to be held at the Carol Service on the 19th December at 6.30 p.m., and again at the Crib Service on the Sunday before Christmas at 11.00 a.m. Both performances will be in St. Peter's, so if you enjoyed 'The Fox's Tale' last year, come and see 'The Lamb's Tale' this year.
Becky has joined the helpers making us six in number now - she has so many good ideas. We aim to have regular meetings to pool ideas and share the responsibility, we now have 18 children.
A very big THANK YOU to the PCC for their generous donation for us all to go to the Pantomime again this year - a well deserved reward for the children [and the adults think not bad either!].
Two Nativity Stories - True of Coursel
At a Sunday School Nativity Play, three young children were cast as the Kings. Presenting their gifts at the stable, the first said: "Gold" the second, "Myrrh" and the third, "And Frank sent this."
The following lines are quoted from a children's Nativity Play when Mary and Joseph approach the Innkeeper who tells them there is no room at the Inn.
- Joseph: "But my wife is pregnant."
- Innkeeper: "Well, it's not my fault."
- Joseph: "It's not my fault either!"
Bye for now.
Sally B. Tania, Sarah, Julia, Val and Becky
Grrr! I can't bear it - Sunday morning and I thought Grreat, I'm going to have a lie in. But no, my young master grabs my paw and off we go to a place called 'church'.

Well! The bare cheek of it, before I can get my bearings, lots of other bears arrive with their owners, young and old, big and little, some look a bit tatty and threadbare. However, the bears were much more interesting and we begun to have fun, just like a picnic. We sung and danced around the church, led by the Chief Bear and then we all settled down to listen to a story about loving and sharing. Chief Bear then gave us some chocolate animals to share with the humans. My master's Grannie and her friend next door [neither answer to Goldilocks but are quite bearable], baked, with their bare hands, 150 gingerbread Teddy Bear biscuits, which we also shared with other bear owners. And so back home, a little tired, but no longer grizzly and bearing up well. AND, I'm told, there is honey for tea!
Barely Necessary
- Teacher: Now Jenny, can you tell me the name of a well-known animal that supplies us with food and clothing?
- Jenny: Yes, Daddy!
Bye for now,
Sally B, Val, Julia, Sarah and Tania
We welcomed Peter and Shayna to our Sunday School in June - we hope they will enjoy their time with us.
This month our project has been "All Creatures of Our God and King" the most important animal of all being the Donkey. Jessica explained beautifully why that was how the donkey carried Mary safely into Bethlehem prior to Jesus's birth, and later carrying Jesus in triumph into Jerusalem.
The Pet Service held in the Recreation Field was great fun the children [and adults] brought along dogs, guinea-pigs, rabbits and a cat. The Rector's dog was particularly appreciative of Stuart's music, by joining in the singing!
On 5th August at the Family Service, the Rector has asked as many children as possible to bring their Teddy Bears along for a big surprise. so come along and join in. Sunday School will then be breaking up for the holidays and we shall restart on 9th September.
Doubtful True Story!
A minister, arriving as a visiting speaker to a neighbouring church, decided to take a very informal approach with the children. Word had reached him of the strict and pious atmosphere of the Sunday School, and he decided he would introduce a refreshing change of approach.
Sitting on the edge of a desk, wearing an open-necked shirt, he leaned confidentially towards the children. "Can anyone tell me," he asked them, "What is small, grey, eats nuts and has a large, bushy tail?" There was a long silence and then a small boy put up his hand and said, "I know the answer should be Jesus, but it sounds like a squirrel to me!"
Sally B, Val, Julia, Tania and Sarah
On Good Friday, Val, Sarah, Becky, Jessica, Juliet, Eloise and I launched ourselves into the church to prepare the Easter Garden, and change the Children's Corner into the Easter Story. Their imagination and enthusiasm are a joy to see. Stuart was practising on the organ, so we did a sort of 'sing-along' to our labours. As I was tidying up and sweeping around Stuart, I reminded him about the little boy having been to church earlier in the day; when he returned home his Gran asked him if he had seen God in the church. He replied that he hadn't, but he had seen His Wife scrubbing the floor!
The Easter Day Service was glorious. The children sang 'Were You There?' with great sensitivity - it was very moving. They each received an Easter Egg and at the end of the service, the Rector judged the best-dressed Egg, ones they had made at home. Again, the imagination used was amazing and it was a difficult choice, but the eventual winner was Jessica.
On 16th May, the children came to Berry Home to watch 'The Miracle Maker', a video for young children, followed by a party as a treat for them as a very special 'thank you' for all their hard work and loyalty this year. 14 children and 5 adults watched the first half of the film before we broke off for food and a lot of fun! We shall watch the second half of the video later in the summer. I'm sure all of you who have heard the children sing, read the lessons and seen their paintings, etc., will agree it is well deserved.
From Australia - Dust to Dust
On the way home from church, a little boy asked his mother:
- "Is it true, mummy, that we are made from dust?"
- "Yes, darling."
- "And do you go back to dust again when you die?"
- "Well, the outside of us does, anyway."
- "Then, in that case", the little boy said earnestly, "I think there's someone under my bed, but I'm not sure whether they're coming or going."
Sally B, Val, Sarah, Tania and Julia
In preparation for Lent, we filled up on pancakes at Berry Home on Shrove Tuesday and funds raised for the Sunday School amounted to over £131. £25 of this has been donated to Mencap. Many, many thanks to all helpers - their time and energy so freely and cheerfully given - and also to all the generous donations, cakes and marmalade and prizes for the raffle - quite a boozy one, 5 bottles of wine!
The children have addressed Lent with a mixture of ideas, the usual giving up of sweets and chocolate down to opting out of school! "I like lessons so much it will be good for me not to go." Well, it may be good for the teacher but I don't think this lad has quite grasped the idea of Lent yet!
We are practising hard for our performance of Matchstalk Men in Gary's village Show and we are also preparing for Mothering Sunday and Easter Sunday - we shall be in church on both these occasions.
Traditionally on Mothers' Day, the children show their mums love and give flowers - happily all of our Sunday School children have loving and caring mums, but we know of some children who tragically do not anymore, and our hearts go out to them. May all mums, grannies, great-grannies, godmothers, sisters, aunties, nieces, friends and neighbours look out for all children, protect and keep them safe.
True Story: Mums can get very tired, but when they least expect it something will make it all worthwhile. One mother was tucking up her little boy, after a particularly trying day, when he suddenly said, "I don't know who taught you to be a mummy, but they did a really good job"!
Sally B
And what, I wonder, did you give up for Lent?
Congratulations to the children for their splendid performances of 'The Fox's Tale' at Christmas - I'm sure all of you who saw it, thought it was wonderful too. Congratulations also to Jessica, Juliet and Eloise for 100% attendance in 2000, and to Gracie, a very close runner up.
Now a new year or a new term has begun - a time for new beginnings, hopes and dreams. Sometimes it can all go wrong and we become disappointed and disillusioned, but we have promised to be honest, caring and kind to one another and to ourselves. The children have likened it to measles, mumps and chickenpox - it's very contagious - so watch out, our 'germs' are about!
You can find us in the Penn Curzon Room on Sundays at 11.00 a.m., except for the third Sunday of each month when we shall be participating in the Family Service.
Twenty-one of us went to 'hiss' and 'boo' at the Pantomime, Aladdin, on 6th January, and we had a lovely noisy time! Our thanks to the Parochial Church Council for funding the children's tickets.
True Story:
One excited little boy ran home from Sunday School to tell his mum and dad that he had a very important speaking part in the Nativity Play. His proud parents thought - could he be Joseph, or even a king?
"Oh, no," he said, "I'm going to be a mouse."
His mum asked, "What words do you have to learn then, dear?" "Eek", he said.
Sally B
Sunday School is thriving with 12 children now. Their enthusiasm and imagination are very infectious, a different kind of 'Happy Hour'!
Now, are you getting anxious about Christmas? The expense, the shopping, the cooking, so much to do. Well forget it for a while, come and see Christmas through the eyes of a child, or in this case the eyes of a Fox - we guarantee you will enjoy it, and its free!
Sunday School will be performing The Fox's Tale at Berrynarbor Church on Wednesday, 20th December, at 6.30 p.m. and again on Sunday, 24th December at 11.00 a.m. So DO COME and let us wish you a Very Happy Christmas.
Sally B, Becki, Val, Julia and Children
True Story
A father came home from work to find his small son busily drawing with a crayon. "What picture are you drawing?" he asked. "God," said the boy. The father smiled. "You can't draw God," he said, "No one knows what he looks like." 'They will soon, " said his son, bending to his task.
Sunday School has now re-started - same place, but different time. Penn Curzon Room at 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon. We need YOU! Please join us, you will be very welcome.
Marion and Sally B
Story: A little boy was given two separate 10p pieces by his mother to take to Sunday school - one to put in the collection and the other to buy some sweets on his way home. Skipping along the road he tripped and dropped the coins. One rolled down a nearby drain. The boy looked up to heaven and said, "Sorry God, there goes your 10p."
Our Pancake Coffee Morning was very successful and the total amount raised was £116.71p. Once again my grateful thanks to all who helped, and donated raffle prizes, cakes, preserves and bric-a-brac. All the delicious cakes, jams and marmalades sold and other items were passed on to the Pre-School Coffee Morning.
This year our donation of £10.00 has gone to a little known condition called ERBS PALSY. This is damage to peripheral nerves at birth, and affects usually the arm and hand. My little grandson, Rory Devon, has just undergone nerve transplant surgery to his left arm, which was severely affected at birth. He is in a plaster cast, encasing head, shoulders and arm, for 6 weeks, and then comes intensive physiotherapy to help restore movement to his hand and arm.
Janet, R.J. and Rory arrived here yesterday from London, where we are all convinced that in Berrynarbor he will grow strong. We should like to thank all you caring people for your prayers, loving words and kind deeds through this very anxious time.
Sally B.
Sunday School has re-started for 1998 in the Penn Curzon Room, 10.30 to 11.30 a.m. every Sunday except for the 3rd Sunday in each month when we are in church for the Family Service - any children out there, please join us. The P.C.C. treated the children to the excellent Pantomime 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.
Our annual Fund Raising event will be on 24th February at Berry Home - Lemon and Maple Syrup Pancakes, Coffee or Tea, 50p. Cake stall, Bric-a-Brac and Raffle. 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Please come if you can - you are under no obligation to eat my pancakes!
The Rector has presented the children with their Attendance Prizes - Katie Gubb coming first again, with Peter Hiscox a very close second. They performed a Christmas play entitled 'A Christmas Star Called Hazel' at the Carol Service which was repeated, by popular request, at the Family Service. Eloise Maloney was 'the star called Hazel' and her career must surely be in Drama - a wonderful performance.
My sincere thanks to Ellie, who despite studying for a degree, nursing at the Tyrrell Hospital plus three lovely children, still manages to take Sunday School on alternate Sundays, as I, due to hour shifts and age, can only manage every other week now!!
The children very persistently bring their jokes, the latest is:
- Little Robin's mother was very worried when she was asked by the Headmistress to go and see her because Robin had been very naughty.
- "What's he done? " she asked when she got to school.
- "He wee'd in the swimming pool", said the Headmistress.
- "But all little boys do that, " said Robin's mum.
- "Not from the top diving board, they don't!"
Sally B.
Sunday School has recommenced after the summer, 10.30 to 11.30 a.m. in the Penn Curzon Room. Everyone welcome. Do come.
Sally B.
We have now re-grouped for our Spring Term following a busy Christmas. At the Family Service in December, the children dressed, sang and behaved like Angels, and then always fresh, always moving, at the Carol Service came the Christmas Story bringing the real meaning of Christmas to us all. The Rector presented the children with their Good Attendance Prizes - Katie Gubb once again received First Prize - she has not missed a single Sunday School class for 3 years, this must be a record; Eleasha was a close runner up. Well done to you both and to all the other children who received a prize.
The year finished on a high note with a visit to the pantomime 'Sleeping Beauty', enjoyed by adults and children alike. I should like to take this opportunity to thank Pat and Ellie for all their organisation and hard work while I was enjoying time with my family and soaking up the sunshine in Australia.
We are now preparing for Easter, but before that have our annual fund raising event at Berry Home - Pancakes and Coffee on Shrove Tuesday, 11th February, with raffle and cake stall, 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Please come and support Berrynarbor Sunday School.
More things that children say! When little Tom's grandmother died, his mother wasn't sure how she should best break the news to him. That night, when they were having tea together, she said, "Tom, I've got some sad news to tell you, we won't be seeing Grannie any more." "Oh," said Tom, "Why's that?" His mother fidgeted uneasily, "Well, Tom," she said, "She's gone to live with God:" "Crumbs," said Tom, "How posh! "
Happy New Year
Sally B, Pat and Ellie
It was a very proud day for the Sunday School on 28th April, 1996, when Pat Robinson, Katie Gubb and Peter Hiscox were Confirmed at St. Peter's, together with other children and adults from nearby parishes. The Bishop of Exeter led the Confirmation Service and afterwards tea and biscuits were served in the Manor Hall, when the Communicants could personally speak to the Bishop, receive a Prayer Book and have their photograph taken.
Preb. and Peggy Eppingstone were presented with a rose bush and card from Berrynarbor Sunday School to congratulate and thank them for their love and care to us all over the last 10 years.
"When the children were asked: 'What does a Bishop do?' one child answered, 'Moves diagonally across the board'!"
Sally Barten
The day was COLD but the pancakes were HOT. Thank you to all who supported the Sunday School at their Pancake Coffee Morning. £120 was raised. Special 'hugs' to Rainer Jost for his kind gift of the flowerpot man to our raffle - which raised over £70.
We welcome William, Rachel, Eloise and Lydia to Sunday School. We are busy preparing for the Mothering Sunday and Easter Services, and await our new activity materials. Do you know of someone who might like to join the Sunday School? If so, please contact Sally [882746] or Joy [882532].
Shrove Tuesday,
20th February

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
Everyone is welcome at Sally's "Berry Home" for Coffee and Pancakes [50p] which will be served from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., with the draw for the raffle taking place at 12.15 p.m.
The star attraction of the Raffle will be Rainer Jost's latest flowerpot man, which he has kindly made and given to raise funds for the Sunday School. This latest creation, pictured here, and to be displayed in the Post Office, will be ready for planting out in early March.
Should you be unable to partake of pancakes, but would like to support the Sunday School, raffle tickets will be on sale beforehand and may be obtained from Sally [882746], Joy [882531] and the Post Office.
Please give generously!
The Sunday School collected their Palm Crosses from Preb. Eppingstone in church on Palm Sunday and on Good Friday, Katie and Peter came to Berry Home and created the most beautiful Easter Garden ever - it was made with much love and care - but the difficult part was transporting it to the church without mishap! This was achieved with a lot of "up a bit, left a bit, down a bit, mind the step and do you know the garden's on my foot? - No, but if you hum it I might remember how it goes", etc., etc.!!
The Easter Sunday Service was a joyful time. The Rector had hidden Easter Eggs around the church, which all the children had to hunt and find, each hiding place being significant to the Easter message. The children really do understand now why Easter Eggs should be hollow, and the meaning of New Life.They were presented with more eggs by the Rector and I was very proud of one member who quietly gave her egg to a little handicapped boy in the congregation.
We're now back in full swing until the summer holidays and we welcomed a new member last Sunday, Eleasha McDonald, who has recently moved with her family to the Village.
I should like to thank Charlotte and Jacqui for their help and support whilst Joy is away and also the offers of help from Ann Hinchliffe when she is free from her many other church duties.
Having talked of eggs, this quotation is very apt: "Faith is putting all your eggs in God's basket and counting your blessings before they've hatched."
Sally B
The Pancake and Coffee Morning at Berry Home was very well supported and has raised £100 for Sunday School funds - £50 of this has just been spent on some new books. Joy and I thank everybody who gave raffle prizes, cakes, bric-a-brac and helped in any way, particularly the kitchen staff!
We couldn't drum up any enthusiasm for a Pancake Race [perhaps the pancakes were too heavy!]. As it was a school day, the children were unable to attend, but they had their pancake race and tossing at Sunday School the following Sunday and a few pancakes remain on the Manor Hall roof keeping out the rain!!
We have also sent a donation of £10 to Comic Relief from the proceeds:
"Waiter! Waiter! Will the pancakes be long? "
"No, sir, I expect they'll be round as usual. " [groan]
"More coffee or tea, sir?"
"If that was coffee, I'll have tea. If it was tea, I'll
have coffee." [double groan!!]
Sally B.
The children, Joy and I have had a very busy term. We are now able to divide the class for part of our hour, the age range being from 4 to 14 years, and we hope by this to encourage and keep the older children with us longer, they are very interested and articulate about 'grown up' issues and have really surprised me by their understanding and hopes for their futures. We welcome three new members - Peter, Phoebe and Evie - who have settled in well with our little group.
At the Christmas Carol Service on Wednesday, 21st December, we shall be taking part with our offering of "The Very Special Visitors" and hope that you will be able to come along. The children will also be presented with their prizes for good attendance.
Joy and Sally B.
The Sunday school teacher was telling her class about the birth of the Baby Jesus. When she came to the bit about there being no room at the inn, one little boy shot up his hand and said, "Well, I blame Joseph, miss, he should have booked."!
We shall be breaking up for the summer holidays on 17th July and will meet again on 11th September, Penn Curzon Room, 10.30 to 11.30 a.m. As I am not too well at the moment and Joy will be away, we have decided not to have an Outing this year, but at Christmas we shall go to a Pantomime - so please let's have some more children joining us in September so there will be plenty to shout "He's behind you !" in December!
Another Sunday School quote: One Sunday there was only one little boy amongst several girls and he was getting teased, but well able to cope. He was asked, "How do you know that you are a boy?" Joy and I held our breath for what seemed a very long time whilst he thought about it. He then said, "Because I wear shorts of course." The feeling of relief was immense!
Little Boy's Prayer
Dear God, take care of my family, take care of the whole world, and please, God, take care of yourself or we're all sunk.
Sally B and Joy
The following poem is printed on the wall of the chemotherapy ward at Charing Cross Hospital:
Look to this day for it is life,
the very life of life,
For yesterday is already a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision.
But today, well lived, makes every dream a dream of happiness,
And every vision a vision of hope.
I do not know the author of this beautiful poem.
Sally B
Best wishes Sally - Get well soon.
A little late but still important was our Nativity Tableau at the Carol Service. It was a wonderful start to the Christmas Festivities. To the sounds of cows mooing, sheep baaaing and a baby crying, the children told the story. Gracie was our 'real' baby Jesus, despite one little boy scathingly saying, "but Sally, it's a little girl!" Mary vas played by Lucia and Joseph by Charlotte; Katie was the Angel Gabriel with little angel, Lauren. The Three Kings were Ben, Heidi and Joshua, with Edward, Geoffrey, Matthew, Sebastian and Ryan tending the sheep. Thank you, children and helpers, for such a special occasion.
Our other major event so far this year was our Coffee and Pancake Morning held on Shrove Tuesday at Berry Home - I made 50 pancakes and with a raffle, cake stall and white elephant, we raised £90.35p for the Church Floodlighting Scheme. Despite the weather, it was a very enjoyable morning. The children raced around the garden tossing pancakes - a couple of adults couldn't resist joining too! It all ended in a snowball fight!
We still meet every Sunday, except for school holidays, 10.30 to 11.30 in the Penn Curzon Room, so please children, come if you can - we have some fun and Berrynarbor Sunday School's future depends on you.
Sally Barten and Joy Morrow
After the juice has been extracted from a lemon, don't throw it away. It makes an ideal cosmetic for the elbows! Elbows fit neatly into the halves of lemon which soften and lighten the skin. They will also remove stains from discoloured hands after gardening.
Sunday School has restarted after the summer break. Our outing this year was to the Miniature Pony Park at Mullacott - we enjoyed a picnic, tractor ride, pony rides and there were lots of animals to see and touch. Fortunately, the rain held off until we were leaving.
We have a busy term ahead - Harvest Thanksgiving in October, and before long Christmas will be here [probably the most popular time with the children] so do come along and join us in the Penn Curzon Room at 10.30 a.m. for an hour every Sunday.
Sally Barten & Ann Davies
True Story:
- At Sunday School a few weeks ago, one little boy was very
hoarse and could hardly speak. After a while, Charlotte very seriously asked:
'Sally, did you pray very hard today so Ben couldn't make much noise?'
My Favourite Prayer:
- God give me work
Till my life shall end,
And life
Till my work is done.
Sally B
At the Carol Service held in the Church on Sunday, 20th December, Berrynarbor Sunday School re-enacted the lovely Nativity Story: Elaine was the Reader; Jancy and Charlotte, Mary and Joseph; Lucia a very pretty Angel; Ben, Katie and Fran became three splendid Kings, and Victoria and Helen the shepherds. John Gubb was his usual reliable, strong help with all the props. Prizes for the Best Attendance for 1990 were presented by Rector Williams: 1st Prize going to Katie Gubb, with Benjamin Sanders a close 2nd. The Sunday School have made a very attractive kneeler for the Church - their names are on the back and we hope in years to come, they will proudly show it to their own children. Please, any children out there, come and join us on Sundays at 10.30 for an hour in the Penn Curzon Room - our loyal few are a great joy to us, but we would love some more.SALLY BARTEN & ANN DAVIES.
P.S. The heater has been repaired!!18
At the Carol Service on the 31st December, the Sunday School sang 3 carols, with readings from Elaine [Gubb], Amy [Lewis], Nicolle [Denzey] and Laura [Wilton]. Two prizes were presented by Father John for the highest attendance for the year. First Prize was won by Elaine [Gubb] and 2nd Prize by sister Katie, who was only 1 point behind.
Everyone was treated by the Parochial Church Council to a visit to the Pantomime, where much cheering, hissing and booing went on = a great time was had by all.
Our project for this term has already begun, with a member choosing a child from another country each week. We find the country on the map and learn as much as we can about them. Why not come along and chose a child yourself? 10.30 a.m. every Sunday in the Penn Curzon Room.
Sally Barten, Ann Davis & Elise Fanner
Berrynarbor Sunday School has been in existence now for two and a half years. Several people helped to get it off the ground Ann Davies, Shaun Cooper, Miss Miller, Elise Fanner and myself. It is currently being run by Elise and myself.
We meet every Sunday, except during school holidays, at 10.30 a.m. for about an hour. There will be a stall at the Church Fete on the 24th August, when we shall be showing off our work, and will hopefully encourage more children to join. Our outing this year will be held on 30th July, when we shall be spending most of the day at the Monkey Sanctuary Wildlife Park at Combe Martin. I aim to return with the same number of children that we start out with!
The highlight for us this year was the Baptism of Katie Gubb on Sunday, 16th July, and the Baptism of John and Elaine Gubb followed by their Confirmation, with Amy Lewis, on Thursday, 20th July, by the Bishop of Crediton, who also blessed the Lady Chapel, built with loving care by our friend, Lewis Smith. This was followed by a buffet in the Manor Hall attended by over 100 parishioners and friends - a most enjoyable evening.
Please encourage your children to come to Sunday School - details can be obtained from Elise [882139] or myself [882746].
Sally Barten