What makes a perfect summer's day?
What makes the day sublime?
From dawn to dusk, the magic's there,
There is no special time.
A hazy sunshine greets the day
With bird song clear and true;
Then slowly lifts the morning mist
And shows a sky so blue.
The sun beats down at noon of day,
Reflecting everywhere;
Encompassing the atmosphere
With light beyond compare.
Flowers lift their eager heads
To capture warmth and light;
Children frolic at their play
With laughter sweet and bright.
Now a breeze disturbs the trees
Her sweet breath gentle now,
Tempering the heat of day
And cooling fevered brow.
The summer evening lingers on,
Reluctantly it fades;
The sky is tinted brightly now
With a galaxy of shades.
From apricot to amber,
From bronze to fiery red,
They streak the far horizon
As the sun goes to her bed.
What makes a perfect summer's day?
What makes the day sublime?
The process is in God's good hands,
From start to end of time.

Bettina Brown - Combe Martin

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes



It's spring again in England
This country of my birth
Tiny shoots appearing
Pushing through the earth
This fertile land becomes alive
As winter frosts recede
Trees begin to blossom
Farmers sow their seed
Throughout the land this temperate clime
Pervades each dale and hill
The thirsty earth absorbs the gentle rain
And drinks it's fill
'Tis April and the sun is warm
Interspersed with showers
Soon a wealth of colours bloom
When maytime shows her flowers
It's springtime in this lovely land
The country of my birth
A land of mists and gentle rain
Of flowers profuse there is no death
There's nowhere in this wide wide world
That I would rather be
Than in my English homeland
With my English cup of tea

Bettina Brown
Combe Martin



What a joy is Christmas to people far and wide
A tribute to our Saviour though on the cross he died
To prove he was the Son of God, to make us understand
That when we feel despondent He will give a helping hand.
So when we celebrate the day with frivolity and cheer
We must also keep in mind our Saviour always near
Who gave His life to try to make the world a better place
To give faith and hope and sanctity to all the human race.

Bettina Brown
The Robins, Combe Martin



Tinsel trees are all aglow
Holly wreathes hang on the door
Robin comes to say 'Hello'
It's Christmas!
Children's faces beaming bright
With expectation and delight
For presents hiding out of sight
It's Christmas!
And so at church we kneel and pray
And think of that eventful day
When Jesus in a manger lay
That's Christmas!

Bettina Brown - Combe Martin



From apricot to amber
From bronze to palest gold,
The leaves are falling softly
Their story as of old.
Through the ages seasons change
In England's beauteous land,
Nature wields her paintbrush
With a clear and practised hand.

The stark white brush of winter
The tender green of spring,
All have their special magic
All have their songs to sing.
But a walk along the country lanes,
When leaves begin to fall,
The vibrant shades of Autumn
Paint a picture best of all.

Bettina Brown - Combe Martin



'Tis Christmas Eve and dusk is creeping softly with the breeze,
Then one by one the fairy lights shine forth on Christmas trees,
Glancing through a lighted window as I hurry by,
I glimpse a cheerful gathering of children reaching high,
To decorate the Christmas tree, their faces beaming bright -
A lovey tableau standing out in an ethereal light.
The snow is falling softly now - a quietness fills the air,
I pass as a church and see a crib with Jesus lying there.
Fondly Mother Mary and the Three Wise Men look down,
I look more closely and see a tiny, jewelled crown,
A halo bright around His head, a sweet contented smile,
I feel the peace and sanctity and I linger for a while.
The snow is falling thicker now, the bells begin to ring,
'Tis Christmas and I hear the choir and people sing
The carols. and the hymns of praise to worship Him most high,
I join the throng and am no more a simple passer by.

Bettina Brown
Combe Martin



Illustrated by: Paul Swailes

Bettina Brown
Five Turnings, Combe Martin