Berry Bikers
The Bikers of Berrynarbor. Meets, ride-outs and more.
On a beautiful sunny Saturday in June we held the last Bikey's Bash, for a number of reasons it has to be the last.
We held our first one in August 2009, just a few months after Brian died in North Devon Hospice. I mentioned to Issy that I thought I would do a cream tea, never dreaming that when Issy said "Will you let me do it?" that it would get to be such an event!
I wanted to do something to help the Hospice for all the love and care they had shown Brian, and indeed all the family.
Well, the heavens opened that day! A number of people crammed inside and some hardy souls braved the elements and huddled under umbrellas intended to shield them from the sun.
We were ready for that the next year as I purchased a gazebo. We haven't had a wet one since of course, although it has sheltered folks from the wind! Each year has been a lovely tribute to Brian - those of you who knew him will know he was always cheerful and smiling, even in the face of terminal illness, It has certainly been a labour of love from all those in the team. Thank you for all you have done, especially to those who didn't have the privilege of knowing him, it has been very special for me and the family.
My particular thanks go to Issy and Alan, it wouldn't have happened without you, your hard work and generosity. Anyone who was lucky enough to win one of Issy's hampers will know all about that! Thanks to the whole team: Marion who sold many draw tickets, Margaret who slaved away in the kitchen, Kath and Brian who served, to you all who brought prizes and a special mention of Ethel who always produced a work of art with her knitting needles, you are a wonder to us all. And of course thanks to Sharon and Chris, and Geoff and Karen who travelled long distances to be here. To neighbours who cheerfully came loaded down with chairs and tables, and to Richard who did all sorts and to you all for coming. We raised this year £1,150.
After Brian died we had the opportunity to start a Brian Hillier Living Memories Fund. Set up by the Hospice, any money given is credited to that fund for the badly needed cash so that others can benefit from all they do in that fantastic place. I have just been given the up to date figure for that fund and it stands at this time at £7,845.22p. The large part of this is of course, money raised through The Bash, what a memorial, I don't think Brian would have believed it!
My thanks to the couple who came on their 'Bike', that was special and Brian would have loved it.
On Saturday the 8th June we shall be holding the 5th Bikey's Bash at 9 Berrynarbor Park, Berrynarbor. We shall start at around 2.00 p.m. until 5.00 p.m.
The first of these events was held a few months after Brian died and we have had one each year. All profits go to the North Devon Hospice who gave him such loving care and are credited to 'The Brian Hillier Living Memories Fund' and the Hospice uses this for their costs, It is a lovely way to keep reminding ourselves of what a special person he was. The event is named as it is because of Brian's love of motor cycles - he was always known as Bikey to his Grandchildren, We have raised quite a good sum of money over that time.

The afternoon only happens because there is a fantastic team who are always willing. It starts with Issy and Alan. Issy works as a catering manager in the NHS up in Warwickshire. She talks nicely to her reps who provide the goodies. She has also worked very hard for the past two Easters when they choose a Hospice to support and raise as much cash as they can in an Easter Draw [lots of chocolate!] The winner of this competition gets an extra £50 from the Board. Issy doesn't let us down, her chosen Hospice is the North Devon and she has won both years. So, the wonderful news is that our fund for this year currently stands at almost £400 before we have the Cream Tea. We should love to surpass last year's total which was over a £1,000.
The delicious CREAM TEA is the highlight, but we have a super prize draw, the First prize being Issy's stunning hamper of goodies and lots of other lovely things too. We sell cakes, and there is a beautiful knitted doll made by Ethel's talented hands, We want you to guess the name of this lovely 'Miss'.
Sadly this will be the last time we shall hold this event. Please come and make it go with a bang for our last effort.
My thanks to all the team who will be delighted to make you welcome, and take your cash!
Di Hillier
The first ride-outs of the season were a little disappointing in that for two of them , no-one turned up except me! And the trip to Hartland Quay was enjoyed by just Darren and myself.
It is good to know that Tim's Norton is back on the road and looking and sounding great. He is 'running-in' at the present time, and I am sure there will be many memorable rides in the future.
Due to health reasons, I cannot be sure of leading rides for the foreseeable future, so there are no plans made. We shall ride when two or more contact each other to arrange something, but we should like to extend this offer to any visiting Bikers who would like to share a ride with one of us through the lovely countryside which we can enjoy all year round. The initial point of contact is 882388.
We're gunning for you, Brian, and send you our very best wishes.
Well it's Spring again, so we had better lay some plans for the ever youthful Bikers! With the better weather coming it is time to dust down the bike and plan for some pleasurable riding. Some of us have had the odd ride out on our own during the winter, but it will be nice to get together again in a more sociable manner. So, here are some proposed dates:-
- April 3rd - Hill Climb at Hartland Quay: Leave at 10 am rear of the Globe.
- April 13th - Evening Ride: Leave at 6 pm sharp, rear of the Globe.
- April 30th - Breakfast Run: Leave at 7.30 am, rear of the Globe.
- May 15th - Hill Climb at Wiscombe: Leave at 9.30 am, Globe. This will be a slightly longer ride taking in some lovely countryside towards Sidmouth.
- May 25th - Evening Ride: Leave at 6 pm sharp, the Globe.
We especially welcome new riders, regardless of machine type or size. Advice is always available for the less experienced and our aim is just to enjoy ourselves in the company of like minded people. There are no fees, and each rider is responsible for his/her own safety.
Our annual Christmas Dinner was held at The Lodge and a most enjoyable evening was had by all. Eleven attended and the food was well up to the usual high standard to which we have become accustomed from Phil and Lyn.
So another year has gone by and we are all still in one piece and still riding our bikes! Tim is now back on the road with his Norton, and very nice it sounds too. We enjoyed some good riding through the year, breakfast runs are always fun once the effort has been made to get up early! But what of the year ahead?
Really we need more members, not everyone can be available for all events, as we have other commitments. So here is a personal invitation to any other rider in the village or surroundings to get in touch with us and at least give group riding a try. The size and age of machine does not really matter, what is important is to share our sport and to ride with and talk to like-minded people.
Notices of events will be put up in the Post Office window and during the winter months rides may be organised at short notice so that we can take advantage of any suitable weather conditions.
I wish you all a safe and pleasurable New Year.
There is nothing to report this time as we have not met recently. However, we shall be holding our Annual Christmas Dinner on Friday, 10th December at The Lodge Country Hotel and it is hoped to have a Breakfast Run in the New Year. Watch out for a poster in the shop giving details.
Talking of bikes, Derek and the village have for several years now hosted the Atlantic Classic Motorcycle Club's national event at Sloley Park. It was, therefore, a lovely surprise when Derek called recently with a cheque for £50 from the Club for the Newsletter. This generous gift is much appreciated. Graham Brown, the Club Chairman, has asked me to convey seasonal greetings to all readers from his Club's members.
August and September have been quite quiet really, although some members have enjoyed impromptu rides and several of us attended the Classic Scramble at Sloley Park.
The 7th September was a lovely day and three riders set off at 6 o'clock for an evening ride across Exmoor. The countryside looked absolutely wonderful, and with little traffic about we enjoyed a most pleasant 90 mile trip. Sadly, this will be the last semi-light evening, but we hope to arrange a Breakfast Run in the near future. Watch the poster in the Community Shop window for up to date information.
June was a rather quiet month really, mainly due to members having other commitments. The proposed day run on the 19th had to be cancelled, or rather postponed, as we hope it will take place in September, and the Breakfast Run kindly organised by Steve, fell foul to weather and lack of numbers.
The only planned event in July was the Evening Run across Exmoor. Check the Diary for future dates -in addition to those listed, there are a couple of Hill Climbs which we could attend if there is sufficient interest.
We still hope that visitors will join us when they can, and we also look forward to new members from Berrynarbor.
- 8th August - Road Racing at Keevil. Contact Brian for details. 11th August - Evening Run, 6.00 p.m. rear of The Globe
- 14th/15th August - International Scramble
- 21st August - Superbikes at Castle Combe
- 8th September - Evening Run, 6.00 p.m. rear of The Globe
25th/26th September - Superbike Week-end, Castle Combe
Our trip to Hartland Quay Hill Climb on the 28th March proved to be most enjoyable. The weather was warm and pleasant and we watched some interesting bikes performing on the hill.
Mid-April was our usual evening run and a ride to South Molton, Dulverton and then to Exford was stimulating and set us up for some refreshment at the White Horse. A ride home in the dark finished off a very pleasant evening.
The weather was far from kind when we set out for Wadebridge on the 17th and after running through some pretty torrential rain we questioned whether there would be any racing in those conditions. After consultation we decided to head south to Launceston and on to Okehampton for lunch. After that the weather improved and the journey home via Honiton, Cullompton, Tiverton and South Molton was on dry roads. When we reached Berrynarbor, we found that the weather here had been dry all day!
During the next three months we'll get in as many rides as we can, so watch the poster in the Post Office. In conclusion, a big welcome to Kevin who joined up with us in April - we look forward to his company on future.
- 9th June, Evening Run, 6.00 p.m. at rear of Globe;
- 19th June, possible All Day Run [watch for poster], and
- 14th July, Evening Run, 6.00 p.m. rear of Globe.
Our venue for the February meeting had to be changed at the last minute due to a clash of interests at Cook Island. Apologies to anyone who went there and found us gone! We did, however, have a well attended meeting at the Old Sawmill Inn.
The following week-end saw the Classic Bike Show at the Bath and West Showground, and although only two members braved the cold, it was an enjoyable ride and the show was very interesting.
Our March meeting was changed from a chat to a ride in the form of a Breakfast Run on Sunday, the 14th. The weather, unfortunately, was rather wet and windy, but a brisk ride, followed by breakfast at South Molton, made an enjoyable morning for those who braved the elements.
In April we are looking forward to some better weather, and our planned events are to be found in the Diary and also on the poster at the Post Office. There are several new riders in the village, and we do extend a most warm invitation for them to come and see what we are all about.
In December we met for our annual Christmas Dinner and thirteen of us enjoyed an excellent meal and a social evening together. It was an opportune time to welcome Steve Crockett into our group, although he had joined us for our ride to Exeter and a visit to Bridge Motorcycles earlier in the month.
The January meeting was just a 'pint and a chat' affair, but we enjoyed a good natter and our thanks to the Sawmill Inn for their hospitality.
In February, on the 11th, we are planning an evening of racing videos at Cook Island, Mullacott. If the weather conditions are favourable on the 15th, we hope to visit the Classic Bike Show at Shepton Mallet. There will also be a meeting on 10th March, but it may be possible to arrange a Sunday morning ride during the month if the weather [hopefully] improves!
Watch out for the poster in the Post Office for up-to-date information.
October and November meetings were 'Pint and a Chat' evenings with dreams of warm, sunny days to come. However, we hope to have a morning run to Bridge Motorcycles in Exeter on 6th December, leaving from Mill Park entrance at 8.30 a.m. All riders welcome. Liaise with Brian if the weather looks dodgy.
We are looking forward to our 2nd Annual Christmas Dinner to be held on 12th December, and this will conclude a very pleasant but undramatic year. Looking forward to 2004, we shall meet on 13th January at the Old Sawmill Inn for an evening of intelligent discussion!
August was a mixed month for us. We had an excellent Breakfast Run on the 2nd, when we set off for Dulverton via South Molton, Crediton and Tiverton; however, a closed road meant that we had to divert to Exeter before we could turn back to Bickleigh, Tiverton and then on to Dulverton where a fine breakfast awaited us at the Lion Hotel. A run across the moor finished a most enjoyable morning.
The evening run on the 6th was 'fogged' off ... in fact no one turned up except Brian and Geoff [the intrepid Hilliers] who did Woolacombe, Braunton and back to llfracombe for a fish and chip supper on the pier in lovely sunshine!
The 10th September was a damp day, but a greatly improved evening. We took a ride across Exmoor again, thence to the Little Chef at South Molton for refreshment. The sunset was fantastic and it remained warm [14 Deg C] and dry until we arrived home.
That is it for evening runs this year, so we shall meet for a chat instead. There is, of course, the Hill Climb at Hartland Quay, and we ought to get a group together to ride down there.
- 5th October - Hartland Quay Hill Climb [phone Brian for details]
- 8th October - Chat Evening at The Old Sawmill Inn, 7.30 p.m.
- 11th November - [TUESDAY] - Chat Evening at the Old Sawmill Inn, 7.30 p.m.
- December - No meeting, but Christmas Dinner, details to be arranged
Something, but nothing to do with bikes! Thanks to those responsible for cutting a decent path across the field by Rectory Hill. The improvement is appreciated by locals and visitors alike.
The longest day, 21st June, saw a group of riders leaving at 7.00 a.m. for a ride of about 100 miles and a good breakfast en route. We crossed Exmoor on this lovely sunny morning, passed through Wiveliscombe and on to Bampton, South Molton and Barnstaple, where we indulged our appetites. This event was enjoyed so much that, by popular request, we are doing another one on the 2nd August.
An evening ride on the 9th July took us to Minehead for a 15-minute stop, then on to Exford for refreshment at the White Horse. Again we were blessed with a wonderful evening and we all enjoyed ourselves immensely. We hope that some holiday riders will join us in August for our two planned rides [on the 2nd and 6th], and also look forward to the International Classic Scramble in mid-August.
Our April evening ride was thoroughly enjoyable and the weather was very kind to us. It became noticeably cooler as the sun went down, but a cup of tea in the Little Chef soon cheered us up for the run home. On 14th May, the sun shone on us again and although the turnout was poor, those who went had a great ride over Exmoor to Dulverton, then Tiverton and back home via the 'back roads'. Thanks to Darren for organising it. We are planning a breakfast run on the longest day, 21st June, starting at 7 o'clock and stopping for a proper breakfast somewhere on our 100 mile route. Any riders on holiday at that time will be more than welcome to join us - the countryside looks best in the early morning! Next normal evening ride will be on 11th June, followed by another on 9th July. Another date 20th July, Hill Climb at Gurston Down, time TBA.
The Biker's February meeting was the largest gathering so far. Sixteen assorted persons met at The Globe, where Paul White from ROSPA [and also our local bobby] gave an informative talk on Advanced Riding.
ROSPA run courses in Barnstaple and the skills learned on such courses help to make riders safer and more aware on the road.
Now we are into lighter evenings, our rides into the countryside have resumed. We normally leave from the rear of The Globe and all riders, regardless of machine, age or gender, are welcome. The March ride on the 15th to Bude was excellent.
The April Evening Ride will be on the 9th, Globe at 1800 hours and this will be followed on the 13th April with a visit to the Hill Climb at Wadebridge times, etc., to be advised. The May ride will be on the 14th and details will follow.
Bikers are advised to check details on the poster at the Post Office.
Members and their partners enjoyed an excellent Christmas Dinner together at The Globe on 13th December. It was good to have a social evening and the ladies steered the conversation away from bikes for at least some of the time!
January kicked off with a 'chat' evening and some plans were made for the coming year. Our first event is on 5th February when Paul White of ROSPA will be coming to discuss all matters relating to advanced riding techniques. We should welcome any other riders who have not previously joined us to come along and hear what Paul has to say.
If the weather permits, we plan to attend the Classic Bike Show at the Royal Bath and West Showground on 8th February - watch for the poster in the Post Office or ring Brian on 882388 for the current situation. On 23rd March there is a Hill Climb at Hartland Quay and a group will ride down there to watch the fun. Please contact Brian for details. March should see the resumption of our ride-outs, but due to dark evenings the first one will be on Saturday, 15th March at 1.30 p.m. Meet at the rear of The Globe.
With the dark evenings, our rides into the countryside have been curtailed. But it doesn't stop us talking!! A group met in The Globe in October and the meeting on the 13th November was at a different venue. Steve arranged for some motorcycling videos to be played on the big screen at Cook Island, so a good time was had by all.
On 13th December we are having our first Christmas Dinner at The Globe. We are all bringing our 'other halves', so we anticipate that there will be 12 of us sitting down together. Regrettably, 4 others will not be able to make it on this occasion.
We now look forward to 2003 and hope that some more new riders will come to join us and that the sun will shine on dry roads! Our first meeting of the New Year will be on 8th January when we shall meet at The Globe at 7.30 p.m.
On the 14th August, we enjoyed a very pleasant and warm ride around the coastline. This evening saw the largest gathering of machines yet - a total of 7 riders. We had hoped to have some visitors join us, but perhaps there were none on the local camping sites during that week. The traffic was quite heavy through Woolacombe, Croyde and Saunton, but this type of riding all adds to the skills which we try to develop. Thanks to Dave for planning our ride.
A lovely sunny evening in September saw six riders on five bikes set out for a superb ride organised by Steve. The route took us mainly over Exmoor where the heather was at its best and the views magnificent. The setting sun in our eyes made for some interesting riding, and a good time was had by all. We finished up at Cook Island for a chat and something to eat and drink. It was good to have Darren and Tracy, and Maurice join us for the first time
Diary Dates:
- 16th October - Maybe a ride out, but check with Brian on 882388
- 13th November - Meet at The Globe, 7.30 p.m. for a social evening
- 11th December - Christmas Meeting, meal together, 7.30 p.m.
You will note that we have given ourselves a new name, rather than MOB. This was a tongue in cheek name but it was felt that it could give the wrong impression to non-motorcyclists. We are not really hooligans, although many people perceive that all bikers are like Hell's Angels! [Shame, MOB was fun - but you can be BOB instead!]
The meeting on the 15th June took the form of an afternoon ride organised by Tim Massey. A varied and interesting route took us via Hunters Inn, Lynmouth and Porlock, where we enjoyed a cream tea before setting off across Exmoor, taking in some very narrow lanes, a ford and, it seemed, numerous farmyards! We all arrived back in Berrynarbor, somewhat wet but very happy with a pleasant afternoon ride. Thank you, Tim.
In July we were joined by Brian's son, Geoff, back home on leave from Mongolia and enjoying getting back on to some decent roads. The evening ride was out to Torrington and back via the Little Chef at South Molton. We welcomed Steve to the group and hope to see several new members over the next few months. Age and gender are not considerations, so if you ride any type of PTW [modern jargon!], do come along. Dates are in the Diary and there is a poster in the Post Office window.
[or Motorcyclists of Berrynarbor]On the 10th April, a group of 5 riders set out from The Globe for an evening ride. The oldest machine was a 1962 Norton 650, a lovely example of this proud marque, and the largest a 1200cc Triumph of the modern era. Our ride took us over Exmoor to Dulverton and then by lanes and secondary roads to the Little Chef at South Molton. Food, drink and a good chat completed our evening apart from the final run up the valley, arriving back in Berrynarbor about 9.00 p.m.
It was agreed that we should do the same thing while we had good weather, so a further ride took place on 8th May.
Unfortunately, some members could not make it, but a very nice ride was enjoyed, going via Wistlandpound Reservoir, Barnstaple, Chittlehampton and the ubiquitous Little Chef. We should very much like more riders to join us, regardless of experience, machine, age or sex! There is always a notice in the Post Office window - thanks, Alan - and the meeting is always on the 2nd Wednesday in the month. Thus, our next ride is planned for 12th June, followed by one on the 10th July. Both rides begin at 6.00 p.m. meeting at the rear of The Globe.
[or Motorcyclists of Berrynarbor]A further meeting of the Motorcyclists of Berrynarbor took place on 13th February and it is becoming obvious that this group is very much 'safety' orientated. Two of the members have already passed Advanced Tests, and two more are currently undergoing training with ROSPA. As responsible motorcyclists, we are all concerned with maintaining a good standard of riding and encouraging car drivers to be aware of our vulnerability. Motorcyclists sometimes get a bad press, but it is usually the case of the minority making it bad for the majority, as happens in many other activities. We want to help other, less experienced, riders and apart from discussion, we shall also be taking rides out, both as a training and social event.
Following the March meeting, April's will take place on the 10th when we shall be taking a ride out with a coffee stop. We'll meet at the back of The Globe and the ride will be approximately 60 miles, taken at a leisurely pace. All riders are welcome. The proposed starting time is 5.30 p.m. This can be confirmed nearer the date by 'phoning Brian on 882388.
Future plans include a longer day out [when the weather improves!] and trips to sporting events if members are interested. The May meeting will take place on the 8th, and June's will be on the 12th. Watch this space for further news.
[or Motorcyclists of Berrynarbor]Following the piece in the December issue, an initial meeting took place on Wednesday, 16th January. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 13th February, 8.00 p.m. at The Globe. If you would like more details, please contact Brian Hillier on 882388. All bikers welcome!