Edition 76 - February 2002

Artwork by: Paul Swailes

Artwork: Judie Weedon


I hope you all had a happy and peaceful Christmas - now over for another year except for paying off the plastic cards! The days are beginning to draw out, bulbs are beginning to shoot and yes, spring is on its way!

The cow is of the bovine ilk;
One end is moo, the other, milk.

Ogden Nash

If you are wondering about the significance of Paul Swailes's ten cows on the cover, turn over to the back page and for further enlightenment, you will need to go to the Show, so why not book your tickets NOW!

Over the last year we've welcomed quite a few newcomers to our village and if you are not already aware, the Newsletter is a bi-monthly publication. Usually available on the Thursday nearest to the first of the month of issue, it is kindly delivered with the newspapers by our Post Office and Sue's of Combe Martin, who hold extra copies, also available from The Globe and The Old Sawmill Inn. There is no charge, but donations are always welcome!

Articles for inclusion are required mid-month preceding publication, so items for the April 2002 issue will be appreciated and needed as soon as possible and by Wednesday, 13th March, at the LATEST please. Thank you.

My thanks to all contributors new, old and regular - and my best wishes to everyone for the coming year.





Members welcomed Mr. Green, our genial speaker from the North Devon Library, to our December meeting. As always, he gave an interesting insight to 'Christmas Past' , reading from his collection of interviews with senior citizens, bringing back many memories for members who added their own anecdotes - [the fun of stirring the puddings and making other goodies, and not forgetting the colourfuJ paper chains which were not put up too early for fear of them coming unstuck and adorning someone. My poor dad was a victim once and he was not amused until he looked in the mirror - he did look rather sweet! Money may not have been plentiful, but there was no shortage of love, laughter and faith.

A special tea followed, with cakes and mince pies, the latter by way of the competition. But they were so good that everyone was voted a winner and the fact that there was not a crumb left in sight, spoke for itself! Even the Christmas decoration was won jointly, by Win Collins and Beryl Brewer - congratulations, ladies! So, with a gift to take home to put under the tree, the afternoon made a lovely start to the festive season.

The annual lunch at The Globe was, as always, a treat, with warmth, friendship and an excellent lunch. Our thanks to Phil and Lynne and all the staff. There were five raffle prizes to be won and good wishes were read out from Betty Parker, Brenda Walton and Jean Oxley. A tribute was given to Olive Kent, who was celebrating her 89th birthday. However, we also remembered two members who had recently died - Gladys Toms, who together with her husband Ron, was always a keen supporter of village activities, and Jean Cumings, remembered well by non-members for her Keep Fit classes. A lady full of enthusiasm who loved to involve everyone - some of us remembered our acting parts in her 'Captain Beakey and His Band' playlets! Of course, we sympathise with their passing, but are grateful for the privilege of having known them as WI members.

Our speaker, on the first day of the new year, Mr. Peter Sanders, explained the activities of the Prince's Trust. Many questions were asked, which proved the interest shown, especially considering the late night that most had had welcoming in 2002! Marion Carter gave the vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to Mr. Sanders for giving up his Bank Holiday to visit us. He, like us, welcomed a hot cup of tea, particularly as the Hall, minus two heaters, was not very warm. Joan Berry won the raffle - another first timer.

At our next meeting on 5th February, we hope to learn more about our friendly Flowerpot Men from their creator, Rainer Jost. Visitors are always welcome, the Manor Hall at 2.30 p.m.

The March meeting, on the 5th, will be our 40th Birthday - details of the afternoon will follow.

Vi Kingdon - President


May all the days before you
Be full of promise and fair;
The very best of fortune
Be with you everywhere.




It has not been the happiest of times recently and it is with much sadness that we report the following deaths.

"Those we cherish never truly leave us they live on in the
kindness they showed and the love they brought into our lives."

GLADYS TOMS 1917-2001

Gladys passed away peacefully on the 23rd November. She was a well loved, busy and active member of our village. Always cheerful, with a ready smile and an infectious giggle, Gladys is and will continue to be sadly missed by so many, affirmed by St. Peter's, bursting at the seams, at her funeral on the 29th November. Our sympathy and thoughts remain with Ron, her husband of 58 very happy years, her son Ray and her daughter Sheila, her husband Tony and their sons Craig and Darren.

Gladys and Ron
in their courting days

Celebrating their Golden Wedding
in October 1993

Gladys was born in Great Linford in Buckinghamshire but moved to Sudbury in Middlesex when she was four. After leaving school, she worked at the Energen Biscuit factory in Willesden.

Holidaying in Berrynarbor with her lifelong friend, Pauline Wright [nee Draper and sister of Laurel], she met Ron, their courtship surviving inspite of the 'holiday romance' and the distance involved. They married in Wembley Baptist Church, with Bob Richards as Best Man, in 1943, moving here to live, first on Hagginton Hill and then at Birdswell Cottages. Gladys was a loving and much-loved mother to her two children, Ray and Sheila, and Nan to her grandsons Craig and Darren.

Always enjoying the activities of the village, Gladys was a member of the WI and for 30 years she and Ron were caretakers of the village United Reformed Church.

Ron, Ray, Sheila and all the family would like to thank everyone for their sympathy, support and caring, for the many messages and everyone at St. Peter's who came to bid Gladys farewell from the village where she had been so happy.


It is with sadness that we report the death of Kathleen, just before Christmas, on the 16th December. The sister of twins Mildred and Audrey [Tucker] and sister-in-law of Tom Tucker, Kathleen and her family loved the village and were great supporters of our Newsletter. Their grandparents, Thomas and Bessie Toms, lived at Brookvale in the Valley. Mildred died in 1996 and Audrey in 2000, and our thoughts are with Tom at this sad time.


A much loved mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and great-grandmother and friend to so many in the village, Vi passed away at the Tyrrell Hospital on the 7th January. Our thoughts have been with her during her illness and are with her daughter Gladys, and sons Wilfred and Terry and their families at their time of loss.

Vi in her little front garden that she loved so much. Passers by would always compliment her on her flowers.

Ida Violet Evelyn Toms was born in the Sterridge Valley in May 1919, daughter of Lizzie and Daniel and sister of Reg. In the late 1920's, the Toms family moved to Middle Lee Farm and later to Dormer Cottage [now Miss Muffets] in the early 1930's, due to her father's ill health. Middle Lee and Dormer Cottage were both successfully run as tea rooms, with a reputation far and wide for their Devon cream teas!

On her mother's death in 1989, Vi gave up Dormer Cottage and moved into her cottage, No. 44 The Village.

Vi and Dave, off to the
Palace Garden Party - July 1980

Vi met her husband, David, during the War when he was serving with the Royal Engineers stationed at Watermouth working on PLUTO [pipe line under the ocean] - the oil transportation scheme. Dave was demobbed after 25 years' service in 1957 when he became very involved in local work, particularly on the Council. until his death in 1986. There are many people who still have fond memories of Dave teaching them to swim in the seawater pool at Ilfracombe.

Vi's brother Reg worked in the aircraft trade and travelled extensively, even living abroad, but Violet loved Berrynarbor and never wanted to go away from home - other than staying with her family. She only went away a few times, one of them being the highlight of her life, when she and Dave were invited to Buckingham Palace:

    "The Lord Chamberlain is commanded by Her Majesty to invite the Chairman of Berrynarbor District Council and Mrs. Goodman to a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on Thursday, 10th July.

Violet leaves two sons and a daughter, seven grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren, but there are still members of the Toms family living in Berrynarbor - Ron and Raymond.


Gladys, Wilfred and Terry and their families would like to thank the people of Berrynarbor for their kind messages of sympathy and support and the very many people who attended Vi's funeral, inspite of the unpleasant weather.

And now we have learnt, just before going to print, that we have lost both Josef and Jill Songhurst.


Josef's passing leaves a big gap in the village. To many, both villagers and visitors, Josef was The Village!! His activities, including his garden and the produce from his allotment, his involvement in the Britain in Bloom Committee, the Craft and Horticultural Show and the Men's Institute, added to the welcome and friendship he gave everyone. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Hedi, their daughter and three sons and their three grandchildren. We are thinking of you all.


Sadly, Jill passed away on the 17th January at Wilderbrook Nursing Home, where she had been since 1989, just short of her 90th birthday. Jill, who with her husband Jack and son Graham - both who sadly pre-deceased her, ran the Tea Rooms at Pink Heather. Jill, a diminutive figure, was always cheerful, and was a fund-raiser 'extraordinaire' , particularly for the Tyrrell Hospital in Ilfracombe. Her Tuesday charity Waffle Evenings drew locals and visitors alike, and there will be many people, living far and wide, who have happy memories of her hospitality on summer evenings!

Our sympathy is also with June O' Regan and Joyce Mabin, who have both recently lost their fathers. Our thoughts are with you both and your families.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Christmas Coffee Morning on the 22nd December was well attended and the Card Distribution well supported. I lost count when we passed the 1,000 mark, so the help of those who undertook the deliveries, was very much appreciated! Many thanks to all who turned up and who helped. It was a great start to Christmas.

Although we announced in the summer that Tom Tucker was joining the Committee in order to undertake the bookkeeping work for us, he will not be taking over until April. This is the start of the new financial year, by which time we shall be fully computerised.

Debbie Luckham is continuing as Diary Secretary, so all bookings and enquiries re. the availability of facilities should be directed to her.

John Hood - Chairman



[or Motorcyclists of Berrynarbor]

Following the piece in the December issue, an initial meeting took place on Wednesday, 16th January. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 13th February, 8.00 p.m. at The Globe. If you would like more details, please contact Brian Hillier on 882388. All bikers welcome!



The Globe on the 8th December saw members of the Men's Institute and their guests celebrating their Annual Dinner. Special thanks to Lynne, Phil and their staff for a perfect meal and evening, thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present.

John Huxtable

Congratulations and very best wishes to John, who this year will be celebrating 50 years of continuous membership of the Institute.


Artwork: Alvary Scott


Christmas again worked its magic and our services were enjoyed by all, thanks to the efforts and hard work of so many. The church was beautifully decorated, a lot of the flowers being donated in memory. The Family Services with the Sunday School and Choir were particularly well attended: the children singing 'Away in a Manger' and the Choir's unaccompanied rendition of 'The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy', were not to be missed.

Collections for the Children's Society amounted to £232. At the moment, one of the Society's main concerns is the number of child runaways, some of whom are only 8 or 9 years old, and setting up a pattern of leaving home and being returned, which continues through their young life.

Ash Wednesday falls on the 13th February this year, and there will be Holy Communion in church at 10.00 a.m. Lent Boxes for the Bible Society will be available at the back of the church, to be returned at Easter.

Special services during March:

  • 10th March - Mothering Sunday Family Service
  • 24th March - Palm Sunday, Sung Eucharist
  • 29th March - Good Friday, a quiet hour of devotion will begin at 2.00 p.m.
  • 31st March - Easter Day, Family Communion

Please look out for posters for details and times of services.

The Friendship Lunches will continue at The Globe and we shall endeavour to keep to the last Wednesday in the month: 27th February [March to be announced later].

Mary Tucker



Ilfracombe and District
6 Church Street, Ilfracombe Tel: 862131


Our office is open Monday to Friday 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon and 1.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.

We offer advice and information to all senior citizens




A couple of very busy months and we are now preparing for the New Term commencing on Sunday, 13th January.

On November 14th, the Bishop of Crediton confirmed nine parishioners, including four of our Sunday School children. Ryan, Peter, Jessica and Juliet behaved with dignity and sincerity, it was a wonderful service.

On the 19th and 23rd December, the Sunday School performed 'The Lamb's Tale'. Fergus was our baby Jesus this year - who will produce the baby for next Christmas? Special thanks to Tania for the script and Julia Stark for taking on the Direction, and, of course, all the children for playing their roles with such enthusiasm.

On 5th January we all had a great time at the Pantomime - even Neil - we told him he would enjoy it, 'Oh yes, you will' , and oh yes, he did!

As mentioned, a new term begins on 13th January and Becky has come up with some brilliant ideas, so watch out in the Children's Corner for our next project.

Pancake Day is on Tuesday, 12th February. Come and enjoy Coffee and Pancakes at the Manor Hall, instead of Berry Home - there will be more room and it will be more accessible for people without transport. Hope to see you then.

True Story [With apologies in advance to the Rector, Stuart and the Choir.]

The Bishop was astonished to hear a little girl say that you had to be brave to go to church. "Why do you say that?" he asked.

"Well I heard my uncle tell my aunt last that there was a canon in the pulpit, the choir murdered the anthem and the organist drowned the choir"!

Happy New Year

Sally, Val, Sarah, Julia F, Tania, Julia S and Becky

[Thank you Sally for managing to send this in from the luxury of your suite at the Pilton Hilton! Get well, soon. Ed.]



The European Commission have just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the EU rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty's Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5 year phase-in plan that would be known as 'EuroEnglish'.

In the first year, 's' will replace the soft 'c'. Sertainly this will make sivil servants jump with joy. The hard 'c' will be dropped in favour of the 'K'. This should klear up konfusion and keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome 'ph' will be replaced with the 'f'. This will make words like 'fotograf' 20% shorter.

In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

Governments will enkourage the removal of double leters, which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of the silent 'e's in the language is disgrasful, and they should go away.

By the fourth yar, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing 'th' with and 'z' - 'W' with 'v'.

During ze fifz yar, ze unesesary 'o' kan be dropd from vords kontaining 'ou' and similar changes vud of kurs be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters, After zis fifz yar, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls or difkultis and evrivun vil find it ezi to understand ech ozer.


Aknolegment for ze abov is gratfuly givn to ze Plymoz Caligrafers Newsleter -- vich in turn pinchd it from ze' Peterboro Skribs' and God nows ver zey fond it!



AVP of DC [Alex Parke]


The Cancer Research Campaign - Combe Martin Branch


Thursday, 14th February, 10.30 a.m.

Methodist Church, Combe Martin



At 10.45 p.m. on Monday, 10th December 2001, a white MG Metro motor car, previously stolen from Barnstaple that evening, was crashed into a wall in Silver Street, Berrynarbor. At that time, 5 youths were witnessed to get out of the vehicle. A short time later, a group of youths were disturbed in Birdswell Lane breaking into a Vauxhall motor car.

Witnesses have already come forward from within the village, but the Investigating Officer is appealing for any other persons in the village at that time who saw or heard anything unusual, to please contact him at Barnstaple Police Station.

All information will be treated with the strictest confidence. The enquiries are still on-going and a lot of police work has yet to be done. If you can help, please contact: DC Mick Fry on [01271] 335256.




Our next production will be Young Studio Theatre's Musical "ALICE". Great entertainment from an enthusiastic cast. Their past performances, 'Dracula' and 'The Revenge of Sherlock Holmes' were highly successful.

So do come along and enjoy this musical approach to an old favourite. At The Landmark Theatre on Thursday, 14th February at 7.30 p.m. and Friday, 15th February at 1.30 p.m. and at 7.30 p.m. Seats £5.00 [£4.00], Young person's ticket £2.50.

Our March production is a comedy by Alan Ayckbourn, 'A Chorus of Disapproval', to be held in the Studio Theatre from 12th to 15th March. See the posters for further details.



The following extracts from a local newspaper from the early 1900's have been sent in by Vera Lewis [Ley] from Epsom, whose family lived both at Goosewell and later at Orchard House.

'To augment the prize fund of K Company of the 4th V.B.D.R. a concert was given in the Temperance Hall, which had been decorated by Sgt. Major Instructor Dennis and Colr.Sgt. Pugsley. Among the items deserving of notice was the splendid rendition of 'Eileen A!annah' by Mrs. Manning and Miss Copner's 'When Jack and I were Children'. Miss Bray gained much applause for 'Mary was a Housemaid', as also did Miss Saunders for 'Turham Toll'. The novelties of the entertainment were a skirt dance and a hornpipe by Miss G. Chalacombe, and a whistling solo by Captain Cooke. Mr. Brown received well merited applause for his recitation in the Devonshire dialect, and so did Mr. Bray for his piccolo solo. Mrs. Page, Corpl. Goss and Pte. Goss each sang a pleasing song. Mr. Page as a nigger caused roars of laughter by his songs and topical allusions. Much of the success of the entertainment was due to Mrs. Gubb as the accompanist. The company's band under Bandmaster S. Pearse, played selections. The funds of the company benefited by about £4.10s.'

'A highly successful entertainment, in aid of the Church choir fund, was given at the Temperance Hall on Wednesday evening. The various items were well carried out, the choir rending plantation songs in a very creditable manner, reflecting great credit on the organist Miss Bray. The play entitled 'A Rise in Life' under the management of Mr. Alfred Brown, provoked roars of laughter and was very cleverly acted by the various performers. '

Taking part were Vera's father and uncle, George and Tom Ley [Jnr.]. The Reverend Churchill's contribution was 'In Memory of our Queen', and since Queen Victoria died in January 1901, the event must have been shortly after her death. Queen Victoria died in the 64th year of her reign - the end of an era. She had reigned three years longer and was three days older at the time of her death than George III. She was survived by 6 children, 40 grandchildren, 37 great grandchildren, including four future monarchs Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, January 2002
: tomandinge40@gmail.com



Although the main celebrations for the Queen's Golden Jubilee will be marked in June, including an additional public holiday on Monday, 3rd June the 4th June being the Spring Bank Holiday [thus allowing a 4-day celebration], the actual anniversary of her accession to the throne is the 6th February.

Between May and July, the Queen plans to travel within the UK, including a visit to the South West, will open and close the Commonwealth Games to be held in Manchester from 25th July to 4th August, and attend the National Service of Thanksgiving in St. Paul's Cathedral on the 4th June.

When Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth II on the 6th February, Winston Churchhill was Prime Minister and Harry S. Truman President of the United States. Here, tea, sugar, butter, cooking fats and sweets were still rationed. The new cinema releases included 'The Lavender Hill Mob', 'Singing in the Rain' and 'High Noon'. The bank rate was raised from 2% to 4% and there were no motorways, computers, supermarkets or frozen foods. It was the first year in which more television sets were sold than radios, but there was only one, black and white, channel! The only broadcasting authority was the BBC - no, not Gary's Group! Hi-fi and videos were yet to come.

Her coronation took place on the 2nd June the following year, 1953, and the outside broadcast of the event began the surge in the popularity of television. It was, of course, in the days just preceding the coronation that the expedition led by Sir John Hunt conquered Mount Everest, with Edmund Hilary and Sherpa Tenzing reaching the 29,002 foot summit on the 29th May.

Our Parish Council are marking the Jubilee with the refurbishment of the drinking fountain down by the Old Sawmill. The fountain was 'erected by Mrs. Bassett of Watermouth in commemoration of the 60th Year of the Reign of Queen Victoria' in June1897.

Whether there will be other events to mark the occasion remains to be seen, but if you would like to organise something or have any ideas, please contact the Parish Council.

* Did you receive a December Newsletter? There seems to be a surfeit, so if you didn't get a copy and would like one, please contact me on 883544. Ed.*



We know of "Hamlin Town by famous Brunswick City"
But there's a little more beyond this ancient ditty
"For folks who put him in a passion
Pied Piper piped in another fashion".
Now one young rat survived that hike
And Pied Piper taught him to play the pipe
My great-grandpa was a gay young frisker
And taught me all in the twitch of a whisker.
This secret charm is what I've got
To draw behind me men of pot
A lovely village lies in Devon
By ill repute a flower pot heaven.
Painters and builders you've done your job
Now join in Ratty's frivolous mob
Of course, like me, there's one exception
The Fuchsia Miss evades attention.
I know it may not suit this ditty
You must agree though she's so pretty.
They've all done well as I am told
But then, you know, one year is old
If they stay here they'll crack and break
So comes the promise I can make
Of happiness as in a dream
They'll all go on the Ground Force Team.

Lisa Shelley



What is a coincidence? Life is full of them. You go into the post office and meet a fellow villager. It is a coincidence because you are both there at the same time, but it is not really 'a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection', as it says in the dictionary; nor does it have any significant consequence. Some coincidences have real consequences. Some are fortunate - a couple meet who haven't seen each other for years, and a few months later they marry. Some are tragic - two cars coincide at a cross road and someone is injured. If only one of the drivers had taken 30 seconds longer to start his car! Now those would be real coincidences.

One may well think that life is made or broken by coincidence and the art of living is being able to cope with it. My coincidences may be remarkable but are fortunately far less serious.

Some years ago when living in Donegal, Pam and I were flying from Heathrow to Heraklion for a holiday in Crete. Not long after take-off, an attractive girl came down the plane, leant over my seat and said, "Hello Alex, how nice to see you again!" She had been my assistant until a couple of years earlier. Later in the week, I stepped over a pair of legs on the beach and a voice said, "Hello Alex, I see we still use the same tailor!" [M & S, of course] - I had met him on a management training course five years earlier. Finally, we went to visit a disused leper colony on the extreme north east of the island. It was very hot and a glamorous lady in a bikini and a large sun hat was sitting on a rock. She said [you've guessed], "It is Alex, isn't it? How are you after all these years?" We had last met many years earlier on the back seat of a car when we were both 19! Pam's response to these meetings was, "I hope we don't meet anyone else you know, or you would have been in your pram!"

To bring things more up to date, on a recent holiday in Cyprus, we were staying in a nice hotel in Paphos for a week. On the first day we went to a resort called Lakki, 50 miles away and well known for its fish restaurants. We were lunching in one of these, overlooking the harbour, when two familiar figures came walking past. It was Phil and Lynne from The Globe! Of course we called out and greeted each other. Just then, Phil said, "You'll never believe this!" and from the other direction came Ivan and June Clarke and their three boys. All of us were in Cyprus completely independently. Needless to say, we took photographs as proof. If the chance of meeting a group of fellow villagers on a holiday 2000 miles from home is say 1 in 10,000, the chance of meeting two groups at the same time must be 1 in 100,000,000!

The story was 'capped' a few days later after our return home. We went to Ilfracombe for an early morning swim and as Pam was about to leave the pool, a woman, she didn't really know, said, "Did you enjoy your holiday in Cyprus?" Then, "I saw you outside the George Hotel in Paphos a week ago!"

AVP of DC [Alex Parke]


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Although they are not moving far, Graham and Margaret Andrews will be leaving our Parish when they move, later this month, to Moory Meadow in Combe Martin.

After living in the Valley for nearly six years, Peter and Louise Howard and baby Annie, who will be celebrating her first birthday at the end of January, have also moved to Combe Martin, to Buzzacott Lane. We wish you all every happiness in your new homes.

John and Jacqui Weaver's long awaited visa has now arrived and they are off, at the end of February, to Oz to live in Australind 180kms south of Perth, Western Australia - just up the road from Bob and Judy in Bunbury [who in their Christmas card say 'Hello and Happy New Year to all the folk in Berry']. John and Jacqui are looking forward to warmer lazy days, eating alfresco, swimming and fishing in the ocean, walking in the bush and being nearer to family for a while; but they will miss tranquil Berrynarbor and the friends they have made over the past sixteen years and hope there will still be a place for them in four years' time when their visa runs out.

The good wishes of everyone in the Village go with you both and we hope to have news of you, from time to time, for inclusion in the Newsletter [which will now be winging its way to another destination 'down under'!]. We can, however, welcome some newcomers:

Richard and Sheila Patterson originated from Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, but moved west three years ago and have come to Sloley Cottage via Arlington and Chapelton. Richard is a gardener and handyman and Sheila works in Barnstaple for Quay Events.

Glenthorne, Cross Park, is now home to Trudy Draper, her daughter Shannon and son, Rocky. Shannon is currently at school in Ilfracombe, but hopefully she and Rocky will start at our Primary School next September.

A very warm welcome to you all. Good luck in your new homes, we hope you will be very happy here in Berrynarbor.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends,

Is a glass half full or half empty? How you answer that question will probably indicate how you look at the world. Are we in the depths of winter, or can you see signs of spring? Can we only see trouble in the world, or can we see signs of hope, love and care? Do we get depressed when we have to attend so many funerals, or do we see the love and support of God and so many people around us, that it gives us the strength to carry on?

We all have ups and downs in this life, and sometimes it's easier to be more negative than positive, but if we have eyes 'to see' [as Jesus would put it], we can witness to the signs of God's love for us in the world and in other people around us. The signs of Spring are here [in our garden the bulbs are coming up, there are primroses in flower, and to be honest, we've had roses in bloom all the time, and, of course, the grass needs cutting!] There are also signs of God's love for us evident in the care and consideration shown us by others in the village. The signs of spiritual growth are evident in the increase of numbers of people worshipping in Church, the thriving Sunday School, and not least in the nine candidates who were Confirmed by the Bishop of Crediton just before Christmas.

From the Christian point of view, we must always 'look on the bright side of life' [as one song puts it], not because we want to live in a make-believe world, because we quite clearly do not; but because in the last analysis our lives and the whole creation stems from God and he is in control of his creation, and that nothing, whatever life throws at us, can separate us from the love of God as revealed in his Son, Jesus Christ. As the writer of Deuteronomy 33:27 puts it: 'The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.'

With all good wishes,
Your Friend and Rector,

Keith Wyer



One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand - one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it. "LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied, "My precious Child, I love you and I would never leave you.

During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Author Unknown

The Berrynarbor Prayer Team has been set up to pray for anyone or anything that is asked of them, in complete confidentiality. If you would like us to pray for you or anything that is dear to you, then please contact Theresa Crockett on 882631. If you reach our answer phone, then please leave just your name and number and I will call you back.




Artwork by: Paul Swailes

2002 has arrived and we hope everyone has enjoyed the festive season. As we write this, we are looking out on a beautiful, frosty, sunny morning.

First a look back at November and December's weather. The rainfall for November totalled 158mm [6 1/4"] with 43mm [1 3/4"] falling on the 30th - the wettest day of the year. It was a drier month than November 2000 when we recorded nearly twice the rainfall with a total of 311mm [12 1/8"]. The month did produce a surprise on the 8th, when snow was seen falling and winds gusted up to 28 knots in the Valley, resulting in a wind chill of -9 Deg C around midday.

December started wet and mild but by the 7th the cool, frosty weather had set in with beautiful bright days and quite cold nights. The rainfall was again down on last year with only 89mm [3 1/2"] compared to 219mm [8 1/4"].

2001 was a much better year than 2000. The total rainfall was 1324mm [52"], which was the dryest year since we started recording the rainfall in 1994. The dryest month was May with 34mm [1 3/8"].

Temperatures were up a little reaching 31.3 Deg C on the 26th June, the highest since 11th August 1995 when it reached 32.4 Deg C. The lowest temperature was -5 Deg C on 31st December, which was the lowest since 29th January 1998, when it fell to -5.1 Deg C. We recorded a wind chill factor of -11 Deg C on the 11th January and again on the 20th February.

Snow fell, albeit in very small quantities, on 7 days only.

The barograph reached a high of 1042mb on the 18th February after falling to a low of 979mb on the 2nd January.

We wish everyone a happy and peaceful New Year.

Sue and Simon



Artwork: Harry Weedon


The Berrynarbor in Bloom theme this year will be a celebration of the Queen's Jubilee, with flower arrangements in red, white and blue. If you would like to follow this theme yourselves, that would be great perhaps you could even add a touch of gold!



Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is mystery, Today is a gift


Brian Wright

Solution in Article 38.




The next two meetings of the Wine Circle will be on Wednesdays, 20th February when Jan Tonkin will be holding his Special Wine evening, and the 20th March when Tony Summers will be introducing Wines from Bordeaux. Meetings commence at 8.00 p.m. at the Manor Hall.




Greetings from our Primary School and a Happy New Year to you all! It was a great pleasure to see so many at the School Pantomime and the Christmas Bazaar last term. Thank you for your kind comments, we are really pleased you enjoyed these events.

The school is bustling its way through another busy term, and with Easter coming early this year, we have a lot to fit in! We are making sure our usual provision for the Arts, Music and Drama is catered for and I hope you will be able to visit our 'Smarties Art' competition in February. This will be in the Manor Hall and posters will go up shortly, advertisting the event. All the children received their own set of watercolours this term - we hope to do our bit in creating the next generation of budding artists!

This issue features some observational drawings from our museum exhibits, for you to enjoy.

Simon Bell - Headteacher

Stephanie Rice - Year 5

Japanese Figure
Amy Newell - Year 5

Ashante Figure
Robert Draper - Year 5

African Figure
Charlotte Ross - Year 5

Spencer Brown - Year 5

Victorian Boy Doll
Amy Smith - Year 5



The Christmas cold-cough-flu bug seems to be hanging on a bit, but hopefully sufferers will be feeling better soon.

As the last issue was about to be circulated, so Nora was being rushed into hospital. Thankfully, her emergency operation went well and she is back home and behind the counter again! Look after yourself, Nora.

Also 'inmates' at the district hospital are Olive Kent and Sally Barten. Frank has now returned home again and we send him our best wishes and sympathy on Vi's death.

Olive was taken in on New Year's bay, having collapsed, but is now doing well positively pink-cheeked and bushy-tailed and keeping the rest of Alexander Ward in good spirits, so we hear!

We were all so sorry to hear that Sally had had an accident in which she sustained a broken hip, and we all hope that she is feeling a little more comfortable by now and will be home again soon - you are missed! We also wish Win well in her new home at St. Michael's - she, too, will be missing you.

Another accident to report! Mike Turton is progressing well -- but it will take time -- following a most unpleasant confrontation with a giant corned beef tin! We were sorry to learn of your misfortune Mike, and look forward to hearing that you are back in the shop before too long.

It is nice to report that Betty Dudley Ward's eye continues to improve and we are sorry to learn that Ivy White has not been so good hopefully she is out of hospital and home again now.

We send you all our good wishes for speedy recoveries and our thoughts are particularly with Rebecca, Lulu and Bud and Charlotte and Stephanie at this difficult time.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


On a much happier note, it I s good to announce a new arrival!

To Graeme and Angela Ogilvie [nee Summers], a bonny wee bairn, Alexander Callum, weighing in at 71bs 20z at St. Margaret's Maternity Unit, Bristol, on the 31st December 2001, missing the New Year by less than two hours.

Needless to say, grandparents Pip and Tony and great grandparents, Alma Summers and Cecil and Ina Hodkinson are ecstatic!



Sitting in front of our blazing open fire over a cold Christmas, the bush fires in Australia, although horrific as shown on television and in the newspapers, were somehow remote. The following letter from my cousin who lives just outside Sydney, really brought it home and I hope you will find it as interesting and moving as Ken and I did.


From the Week-end edition 29-30 December 2001, Sydney Paper:

    Fire doesn't surprise Australians. It's terrible, but it's natural. We grow up knowing the country burns. We forget a lot we learnt in primary school, but not the first, white impression of Australia as a continent on fire. All up on the east coast, Captain Cook reported columns of smoke.

    For most of us, bushfires are still just that: something far off in the distance.

    Then a fire bursts into our street, our paddocks or our backyard and all we have ever learnt about fire - the history lessons, the Greek myths, the religious rhetoric, is suddenly and absolutely irrelevant. An advancing wall of flame is the real thing.

    Yet we have to admit a sneaking admiration for fire... Even when its doing it's worst, there's something magnificent about fire. That's why sightseers are such a hazard when the country is alight.

29th December - It was very touching to hear your concern the other night. We are so exhausted from a house full of evacuees and their frightened dogs, we are not really thinking straight yet. Too anxious to eat properly, if at all; too frightened to sleep, even if the children [daughter and grandchildren] were not on top of you too afraid to sleep alone, needing the comfort of mum. All safe for us and Andrew's family now. There is nothing left to burn. Only the almighty task of getting rid of the acrid smell which hits you as soon as you open the door to anywhere. Cinders, ash, leaves and charred twigs have invaded everything. All the washing still has a smell of smoke, even when clean. Trees have fallen twice unexpectedly taking out the electricity, which means the food goes off and the pumps won't pump water till emergency generators can be started. Most families can't afford them anyway.

Andrew has everything available to use but the heat when at its worst evaporates great bursts of hose water before it reaches the ground on to the fire. 20 of his 25 acres were burned out, but the 5 acres around the house were bare or short grass. When the 'spot' fires from the 60 foot wall of flame in the gums plopped down into the grass, they drove the tractor with the water tank behind while another hosed the patches out before they got a hold. Some of these were up to the edge of the building. When Bruce was escorted in a fire van with boxes of food and eskys of drink, the 14 year old fell into his arms sobbing, "I can hear the cows crying grampa" - a dairy herd was cornered.

Three houses 3 blocks away from us were burned. The practice of divided roads with shrubs and small trees along a median strip and deeply mulched, made a ribbon in which the fire travelled from the bush into a totally built-up area. Crowds left their Xmas dinner to watch the helicopters 'bucket' up the water from the flood mitigation ponds, swimming pools or the Nepean river and then dump it on the seat of the fire. The 14 and 16 year olds became men overnight. Anne, 11, worked beside me cooking, packing, checking and saving my poor old legs in a million ways. Heather was like a caged animal unable to do anything for worry while comforting the 3 1/2 year old and agitated dogs. Our border collie/Newfoundland has taken 3 days to recover from the invasion by people and beast. He just won't move away from us - pathetic.

We have had to put out several extra feeding and watering stations for the parrots and galahs, butcherbirds, etc. The old kooka has vanished. The blackbirds usually so active and comforting in song at daybreak and dusk, are silent tho' still flitting about.

Sat. [29th) 4.00 p.m. - I cannot raise my friend, she must have been evacuated but cannot get through with her van and dog trailer here. Robin, Mike and boys are home at Kurrajong waiting. House closed, downpipes plugged, gutters full of water, bushfire kit ready and the WAIT ... helicopters overhead again. News. Police. Rescue and water bombers.

Sun. 5 p.m. - The Lord and Mother Nature have blessed us. No howling, blustery westerlies and lightning, no following howling southerly. 290 instead of 390 and Bushies have had more time to backburn, a dangerous operation that can often cause as many problems as they are fighting.

My friend is safe still. She turned up this morning with her uninsured dog trailer full of the most valuable treasures and returned to her home. TO WAIT

9 p.m. Last news Rob and Mike and boys were filling gutters again with water and damping down the surrounds. They watched several helicopters lifting water from their local high school dam and dumping it at the seat of the fire and trying to stop spot fires in inaccessible places. 'Spot' fires are clumps of leaves burning on gum tops then blown distances of up to a mile in a fireball. This means that everyone has to be on guard for one that falls on or near their house. Am so uptight I keep leaving words and letters out!

Monday 38 Deg C - Same story of waiting and refilling gutters and wetting down.

Tuesday - The howling westerlies have come! 1000 more fighters coming from Victoria and more from South Australia and Queensland. WORST CASE SCENARIO. Huge new fires in National Park 15Km from city centre.

'Sightseers' flocking to see and causing problems for fighters trying to get to fire front. Crowd behaviour is appalling, I can't believe it. Friends on south coast evacuated even tho the fire burned out a home behind them Xmas day. It is coming from another direction. Cannot raise Robin and all. Radio names all the streets near them evacuated. Helicopters still dumping. Woman falls 5 metres off roof while hosing down and spotting. Air lifted to hospital with serious head and spinal injuries. Have had pains in the chest ever since worrying it was Rob. 9.15 p.m. Rob rang in. Present crisis over wind so strong, the burning turned at an angle narrowing the front. They are down a gully and the flames burn more slowly downward, thus helping. If the wind turns south, they will be back to worst case because it will burn uphill in a remnant of rainforest. Hundreds occupying halls near Richmond Air Force base till allowed back home.

Wed. 38 Deg C - Howling, gusting winds making conditions so dangerous some firefighters have had to be withdrawn. South coast friends allowed back early this morning, burnt up to front fence. I cannot stop coughing even tho house closed up and fire many miles away now. Hospitalised asthmatics not as serious as last fires '94, so they must have learned to handle their problem. Cannot raise Robin. Five more big gum trees have crashed in Andrew's 'forest' since 29th. One man was killed on his way home from fire fighting. He got a flat and was changing it when a 'whopper' fell on him. Poor b...

Wed. 10.00 p.m. - The crisis is over for Rob but she now has a house full of evacuees - 'her' fire travelled to Bowen Mountain and 600 were evacuated. Many cannot get home further up the mountain because of road blocks, so have turned up at Rob's. She had to shop this a.m. and stock up to feed the multitudes. Ah well, if it ain't one crisis it's another!

One thousand are in each community hall at Nowra and the overflow sent to a beach, the only place left at Sussex Inlet 2 hours south from here, only road could be travelled - to the beach. Several homes went but it is all out of control now, so tomorrow we'll hear the worst. Women advanced in pregnancy evacuated by boat.

I hope I haven't bored you to sobs - writing has actually helped me it is far too hot to do any chores outdoors and there is a limit to what you can be bothered doing inside!

P.S. Kooka is back!

I am pleased to report that the crisis has passed, thanks to some much wanted rain; homes are safe but the land destroyed.


Further Verse in Devonshire Dialect
by Lynda Waller


Did I ever tell ee bout the time
The missus ed a jackdaw, tame?
Ur found this zoaked bedreggled chick-
I should'a ringed iz ruddy neck.
Ur dried un off an saut un up
An ed'n drinkin out a cup.
The dug wuz ordered out the ouze
An I wuz told t'shut me face.
Ur though the worlds of thic there burd
Sich silly talk y' never yered.
"An oo's iz Mummy's darlin Jack."
Yuk - twere anough t'make ee sick!
With thic there ruddy burd out loose
I couldn't sup a jar in peace.
Ee'd keep on swearin, gitt'n louder
An so l'd ev t 'share me cider.
The missus used to let un op
All up and down the table top.
Ee'd cock iz aid one side an wait
Fer aff a chance t' rob me plate.
Ur made a master fool of ee
Like what ur never makes o'me
An if I ast fer jackdaw roast
Ur'd say ur's married to a beast!
Th'ol thing, ee used to squawk like ell-
Jus like a fire engine bell.
One time I sellotaped iz beak
So's I could yer me own sulf spaik.
Ee used t' perch right on me shoulder
An then ee'd drop a gurt big bolder.
An when I jus cleaned up me jacket
Ee'd cetch me wiv another packet!
One day the missus sez ur's gwain
T' shop fer vittles in the town.
Ur id the sellotape out back
An lef me babysitt'n Jack.
No sooner ed ur left the ouze
When Jack starts kickin up a fuss.
There's me all set t'watch the match,
An ee all set t 'make a spaich!
"You evil little burd!" I sez,
"A nasty piece o' wurk you is."
I upped and fetched a jar o' juice
Cuz shout 'n weren't no ruddy use!
Twuz like I'd turned the wireless off -
Ole Jack went quiet sure anough.
Ee sidles up an climbs me jar
An ulps izulf t'cider there.
Y' never seed a burd s' daft
I feels mesulf all gitt'n soft.
An so I let 'n bide - why not.
An fills mesulf another pot.
The match wuz good - our lads wuz game 
An then I yers the missus ome ...
Next thing ur starts t' rant an rave,
An screams fer me t' pack an leave!
Twuz then me 'eart felt proper bad ...
Cuz there wuz Jack stood on iz aid
Wiv tail stuck up frum out the jar
Ee'd leaned in just that bit too far!
Now, cuz I want to keep me wife
I gives th'ol thing the kiss o' life.
First time y' seed a farmer yet
What takes daid birds t' see the vet.

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

Lynda Waller - Lynda Waller is just completing and publishing her third Farmer Uggett Book of Verse in Devonshire Dialect - the first was Farmer Uggett, the second Farmer Uggett and Plumber Sloath. These booklets, beautifully illustrated by the author, are available at £3.00 each from Kelly Publications, 6 Redlands, Tiverton, EX16 4DH, or telephone Lynda on 01884 259526.



In July, Allan and I completed one of his long time ambitions. We drove across the USA and back. We started in Washington D.C. and drove west for 4072 miles; as you will gather, by a scenic route, to the Pacific coast at Florence, Oregon, then up the coast to Portland and using a different route, drove back.

We picked up a Mitsubishi Montero (Shogun) when we arrived in Washington and drove into the Blue Ridge Mountains for our first night. The next day we drove west again on route 60 through the Allegheny Mountains in West Virginia and on into Kentucky, 458 miles that day. Some of the central reservations along the freeways were planted with the most glorious red poppies. Day three was our longest day, we drove 484 miles and even managed to do some sightseeing. We visited a town called 'Santa Claus' and sent postcards to our grandchildren and then went on to see the Memorial to Lewis and Clark, the explorers who opened up the American north west. This is at the confluence of the Missouri and the Mississippi Rivers, near to St Louis. Just before we stopped for the night, we were caught in the most terrible rain, hail and electrical storm. It was 4.30 in the afternoon and completely dark and the rain and hail so heavy all the traffic on the freeway came to a standstill.

Following a route set out in a wonderful book about seeing America on two lane highways, we followed some of the old Santa Fe Trail on route 50. Our book had christened it the 'Loneliest Road'. It took us through interesting places like Council Grove with its history of Pioneers, the Tall Grass Prairie and a place called Kinsley that is 1561 miles from New York and 1561 miles from San Francisco, and on to Dodge City, where the famous Boot Hill Cemetery is. We then crossed more prairie and in places you can still see the ruts from the old wagon wheels. We then travelled on to Pueblo, our book said it was at the foot of the Rocky Mountains but the cloud base was so low we wondered if we were in the right place. 1859 miles so far!

The next day started bright and clear and from our hotel we had our first glimpse of the snow clad peaks. We progressed further into the mountains, heading towards Denver, our plan was to visit the Rocky Mountain National Park. We visited a place called Royal Gorge, very commercial and not a bit to our liking but it did have what they claim to be the world's highest suspension bridge. This is because the surrounding landscape is at over 5000 feet not because it is a particularly high bridge! After taking advice from one of the local tourist information ladies, we went up Monarch Mountain and took a Gondola ride to the summit. The sun was shining but at 12000ft up on the Continental Divide the wind was cold. We then spent a super afternoon driving on through the mountains in lovely sunshine. But oh dear, next morning there was 6 inches of snow to clear from our car and our planned trip for that day was impassable. That being so, we set off west again over a 12000ft pass towards Vail and although the roads had been cleared and salted the spray from the big trucks was freezing on the windscreen it was quite scary. We drove on, on the now clear roads, through a very spectacular valley to Glenwood Springs where we enjoyed a very relaxing break in the hot pools. Later that day, when we visited the Colorado National Monument, the temperature was around 28 Deg C. It really was a day of contrasts.

On now into Utah, and the temperature even higher, where we had a wonderful scenic flight over Canyonlands. This National Park is mostly inaccessible by road and was amazing viewed from the air. Apparently Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid hid out in this area. Our overnight stop was in a town called Moab. In the 1950's it produced a large amount of the world's Uranium but now is a busy centre for Tourism. We then went to Arches National Park where the landscape is dotted with wonderful natural stone arches. Then on across some pretty barren country to a town called Helper that was created as a coal and steel town to help the war effort in the 1940's, but sadly now the only evidence in the small town is a museum of old equipment. On then to Salt Lake City for a short visit. Besides visiting the Mormon Tabernacle and walking around city, we went to 'This is the Place' Park which got its name because as the pilgrims came over the mountains, down what is now called Immigration Canyon and rested, Brigham Young said 'This is the Place'. It overlooks what is now a very large city.

Next day we crossed the incredible Bonneville Salt Flats, where Donald Campbell did his land speed trials. The landscape white as far as you could see in all directions. Then north for a while into Idaho where we stopped for a couple of days to visit with some friends in Boise the state capital. When we left there we again travelled north for a short while before turning west and into Oregon, travelling through the Cascade Mountains and finally down to the coast at Florence. The wind by the Pacific was icy - I think it was coming straight from Alaska!

Driving up the beautiful Pacific Coast Highway we enjoyed visiting places like Cape Perpetua and Cape Foulweather, so named by Captain Cook, but for us it was a lovely day and the views were spectacular. Then on to Seaside and Fort Clatsop, the winter quarters of Lewis and Clark, before turning east to take the scenic byway up the great Columbia River. Although it was a dull day, there was much to see - waterfalls in abundance and bridges that looked as though they were made from 'Meccano' crossing high above the river. There were also Dams, Locks and Hydro-electric plants all taking nothing away from the wonderful scenery.

We continued eastward to northern Idaho and back into the Rockies on what turned out to be a miserable, wet, Sunday evening. Monday was not much better but the rain was not quite so heavy. We were now traveling northeast in order to get through the mountains, the road took us up the Lochsa (an Indian word for white water) river. As the road hugged the river bank we found these funny little cabins which turned out to be cable cars to get to the houses hidden in the trees on the other side, real getting away from it all! Later that day we swam in Lolo Hot Springs, 5000ft up in the mountains with snow all around us. Moving on down into Missoula Montana, the most northerly place on our trip, to spend the night. The next state was Wyoming and our visit to The Yellowstone National Park. 5384 miles so far.

Before we actually entered the Park we spent a couple of hours White Water Rafting on the Yellowstone River. We spent two nights at Mammoth Hot Springs, no swim here as the water is too hot, and two nights at Old Faithful. The first day we drove around the upper Loop and saw what is called the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone and again some pretty incredible scenery. On then to the Geyser Basin to see geysers with names like Daisy, one of our favourites, Grotto, Castle, Pink Cone and of course Old Faithful itself. There are also mud pools and bubbling springs. It was a real treat to see all these wonderful natural sights. We left the Park passing the Yellowstone Lake surrounded by snow clad mountains. On to Cody and a visit to the Buffalo Bill Museum and then through Shell Canyon at 9000ft before dropping down to the Prairie.

The next place on our agenda was Devils Tower National Monument - a truly awesome rock standing 1200ft above a most unusual landscape where the ground underneath the grass was really red. That night we stayed in Deadwood, no 'stage coach' to get around on, just a trolley bus! But before we left next morning we did go and visit the graves of Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickock, side by side in Mount Moriah Cemetery.

On then to Mount Rushmore, the four Presidents carved into the mountain and Custer State Park, by way of the new Sculpture in the mountains, Crazy Horse, as you will guess by the name it is an Indian. It has been in progress for about 50 years and think it will be another 50 before it is finished. It was then on through the Badlands, a very strange landscape where nothing much grows. From there we were followed by the storm that we could see brewing to the southwest, it eventually caught up with us and at one point the hail was about six inches deep on the road. That night we stopped at Chamberlain on the Missouri River, having done 6631 miles to date.

From there we drove to Marshall, Minnesota to spend four relaxing days with friends. Next stop was in Rochester with another friend. Then we were back on the road again and following the Mississippi. After a Paddle Boat trip from La Crosse we took the Great River Road south for a while before turning east again, through Iowa and Illinios and by-passing Chicago, to find Lake Michigan. The next day we were travelling through rich rural farmland where there were Amish and Mennonite communities, and staying overnight in a town with a lovely Indian name, Wapakoneta. In the town there was a Space Museum dedicated to the home-town boy, Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon. Then once again we joined route 50, 'the loneliest road' , and it took us back into West Virginia and once again through the Allegheny Mountains. We are really on the last leg now, just back over the Blue Ridge Mountains and back to Washington D.C. A total of 8300 miles!

Heather Maynard [formerly of Glaziers Haggington Hill]


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Becky Walls has continued to build on the success of her gymnastics results of 2000. The first competition of 2001 was in March at the annual North Devon Schools Championships held at Edgehill College. Representing Berrynarbor School for the second year, Becky picked up the overall Silver Medal.

Next came the Broadmeadow Championships in Teignmouth where Becky put in a good performance but did not secure any medal positions. In October came the Exeter Challenge with over 40 girls in her age group. Becky achieved a Gold Medal on the Beam, a Bronze Medal on the Vault and the overall Silver Medal of the Competition, just .5 of a point behind the winner, who was also from Becky's gymnastics club. Finally, she gained a Distinction in her Grade VI examination held at her local club, Barum Gymnastics.

Barum Gymnastics Club is held three nights a week at The Park School in Barnstaple. For information call [01271] 883202. Well done, Becky!


If Debbie can pass on her computer skills, can Roger pass on a few tips about studying form and what is in a name, please? The village was united in its delight at Roger and Debbie's recent incredible winning streak congratulations and best wishes to you both and the family. Enjoy yourselves!

That, we understand, is what they are doing, but even more generously, Debbie and a party of friends and children are off shortly to take in the delights of Disneyland Florida. Have a wonderful time. Roger and Debbie would like, through the newsletter, to thank everyone for the happy reaction to their exciting news.



Following Tony's article 'What the Manor Hall Meant to Me' in the April issue, an e-mail has been received from a website viewer - James Yeandle Hignell. James writes:

    'recently came across your newsletter and reference to the Rev. Yeandle-Hignell. I remember the incident well and wonder if there are many people still in the village who also remember that time. I am his son and I also had a bad car accident while trying to walk to Ilfracombe, before we moved to Oxford in 1942. I was 8 years old at the time and only have a few memories to share, but I do remember the Rectory quite well. If anyone is interested, should be glad to correspond.'

If anyone would like to take up James's offer, please contact Judie on 883544.




So that Alan and Nora can play even more golf and participate in more windsurfing, the Post Office Stores has been put on the market. Although interest has been considerable, no firm offers have been made and alternatives to outright sale are now being considered.

It might be possible to continue as at present, for a while, by taking on a reliable newspaper person so that Alan's deliveries can be shared. If you are interested, or know of anyone else who might be, please contact Alan or Nora as soon as possible.




A sincere thank you to so many people from the village who supported the Bureau's Christmas Concert at Arlington Court. A great evening, which raised over £550 for the Bureau plus a £50 donation to the Trust. Sadly, no decision on future core funding through DCC/Social Services has yet been made and the Bureau will be unable to continue its valuable work if this is not forthcoming. But funds will still be necessary, even for a 'winding up' operation, so the next fundraising event will be


[Gary Songhurst, Lew Baglow, Blue Cresswell and Ricky Knight]

The Elderly Brothers will be at the Landmark Theatre Pavilion on Friday, 8th March at 8.30 p.m. We hope everyone will again support this event. Look out for posters giving details but in the meantime, keep the date FREE!

Speaking of volunteering, if anyone would be interested in learning more about stewarding for the National Trust at Arlington, a Coffee Morning is being held there on Wednesday, 13th February, from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. This will be an informal get together to learn more about what will be happening at the Court this coming season and anyone interested is welcome. If you think you might be interested and would like to know more, please ring either Sue Kemp [882890] or Judie [883544].

With funding for the Volunteer Bureau uncertain and its continuation under threat, it seems ironic to be including this advertisement for a new Community Group Meeting government volunteering initiative - does the 'left hand' of the 'powers that be' have any idea what the 'right hand' is doing?!



Ilfracombe, Combe Martin & Berrynarbor

Community Group Meeting

Berrynarbor Manor Hall - Thursday 28th February 2002
7 - 8pm

This is your opportunity to come along and share your ideas/views/concerns about issues around Berrynarbor; it's facilities and development.

Sure Start would value YOUR contribution on YOUR community.

Everyone Welcome

Tea and Coffee provided

If you would like further details telephone
Irene Greaves or Ann Davies 865825





'Strangers on the Shore'

You don't have to be interested in wild life to enjoy the spectacle created by the movement of flocks of birds on the estuary.

The changing patterns of colour and form were lit by the intense winter sunshine. It was a cold enough day for a covering of snow on the Welsh mountains and distant hills, but the sky was bright blue and reflected in the waters of the Taw, with a glittering of silver, it provided a perfect foil for the display taking place.

A large flock was storming towards Isley Marsh. At first the birds looked totally black and grey but as they came closer a white chevron could be seen at the rear and on landing the white line on the sides of the neck became clear. These Brent geese are the smallest, darkest and most maritime of the European geese.

Standing now among the largely white shelduck, the Brent geese looked very handsome. Being a similar size [about two feet] the Brent geese and the shelduck looked well together; the dark green heads, red bills and chestnut brown 'belts' of the latter providing some additional flickering colour.

A flock of lapwings billowed, while on the water were teal and the slightly larger wigeon; the pearl-grey drakes having a brown, rounded head, pinkish breast and the most distinctive feature - a blond, slightly bulging forehead and crown. These are dabbling ducks feeding on the surface and grazing on aquatic plants. The summer is spent on the northern tundra [their range stretching from Iceland to the Pacific coast].

Standing on the shore, conspicuous for its bulk and all-white plumage, was a spoonbill - long black legs and a very long black spatula-shaped bill with a yellow tip. We first saw a spoonbill about five years ago. We were on Horsey Island causeway when we became aware of something very large flying low over our heads. Looking up we were amazed to see a heron-sized white bird, neck outstretched with the unmistakable spoon-shaped bill. We did not know that these remarkable looking birds are regular winter visitors to North Devon.

As we continued our walk along the coast from Isley Marsh, we came across another spoonbill standing in a gully and surrounded by redshank and ringed plovers. It was a juvenile bird with a pale greyish-pink bill. As it waded through the shallow water, it swept its bill from side to side, describing an arc, equivalent to a quarter of a circle. Spoonbills feed on crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants and insects and, less frequently, fish and small frogs.

Spoonbills may clatter their bills when agitated but this one seemed to ignore the people and dogs walking past. As the tide came in it flew off to join the other spoonbill. When we returned, we found that three more adults had arrived, so that five were now assembled on the marsh.

Unlike the little egret, which is graceful and on the move most of the time, the spoonbills seem content to stand still for long periods of time on one leg, often tucking their bills under their wings to reduce heat loss by decreasing the surface area of their bodies. They do not breed in this country, mainly nesting in South Eastern Europe, South and Central Asia and East Africa, with isolated breeding colonies in Spain, Holland and Hungary.

There is a romance in seeing the Brent geese and other migrants and in considering the long and arduous journeys they have taken, the difficult conditions they have endured and the bleak lands to which some will be returning.

P.S. The egret has landed on the River Sterridge! For some years now little egrets have been a common sight on the estuary and the marsh. Several at a time may often be seen at Barnstaple. However, until the beginning of this year I was not aware of little egrets visiting the River Sterridge.

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

For three days in succession, one was standing in the river between Mill Park and the junction with the main road. As the river is close at this point, the egret could be seen from a passing car. It has also been seen on a bank near the lake; flying across the road; perching in trees near the Old Sawmill and in the river at Big Meadow. So keep a look out for the snowy white bird with feet.

Sue H


Artwork: Angela Bartlett



Some time around 1937-8, our family bought a Pathe cine camera. The film, which was only 9.5mm wide, nevertheless gave good results. I remember scenes of tobogganing down Seaford Head one Christmas, walking along Seaford beach and sailing our boats on a pond at Brentwood, But one scene that stays vivid was in our back garden. I had filled a tin bath with water and set our wind up motor boat going around. Then I had a good idea to give my pet white mouse a boat ride. I fetched Mickey [for what other name would a mouse have?], wound up the boat and sat him aboard. He seemed to enjoy it, with his tail trailing in the water. Meanwhile, Bill our black spaniel sat looking on and drooling!

Due to the war, the camera was put away in a sock drawer and not used again for many a year. My interest in film continued, with Saturday morning cinema showing Edgar Kennedy, Flash Gordon and American sing-a-long bouncing ball films. There was not much singing though as most of the songs were not known to us!

Moving to Berrynarbor in 1939, my interest continued with the Scala Cinema in Ilfracombe High Street and the new cinema in Northfield Road. The film showing that summer at the Scala was 'The Mikado' - fascinating as had played the executioner's sword carrier in an amateur production.

At the Scala you knew when the programme was about to begin as a man would walk down the aisle to behind a low curtain and start winding the stage curtains open. They never did get rid of that stain down the screen though - probably caused by rain coming in!

When I was about 14, I was sitting at the end of a row in the balcony when an usherette who was quite old - about 16! - started chatting to me. "Move over one," she said and sat down next to me. We continued to talk and then a lad appeared [he was about 17]. "Move over one again," she said, and he sat down. Her attention turned from me and before long they were kissing and cuddling. It turned out that he was not only her boyfriend, but the projectionist. But he had to disappear before long as the film reels only lasted for 10 minutes and he had to switch over and reload! I often had chats with the girl, but she left to work as a cashier in the butcher's shop.

The New Cinema in Northfield Road was a conversion rather than a purpose-built one - I believe it had been a church or Masonic hall. It was smaller with only a 'few steps up' balcony. The projector box had been built at the back and when the projectionist opened the door to come out for a smoke, you would hear the loud clatter of the projector [no doubt a Kalee].

At that time, I was at school with a lad called Parry whose father ran the cinema and once when I was at his house in Hele, his mother offered us sweets, off ration! Apparently they were intended for sale at the cinema but due to poor storing, had deteriorated. They might not have been fit for the public but there were certainly OK by us!

Both cinemas closed some years ago, with residential buildings on the Scala site but the New Cinema remained empty.

There was some film production work to be learned when Gabriel Pascal filmed some of 'Caesar and Cleopatra' in the 1940's, with a motor boat built up with struts and painted canvas to look like a Roman galleon. Things were scaled down with model soldiers, about 2 feet tall, standing on the deck. What intrigued me was the way the oars worked - they were not only pivoted at the usual rowlock position, but at the handles to a long pole. A man stood at each end, holding the pole and moving it up and down and all the oars would move in unison. A model of Alexandria was mounted on a stand and smoke cartridges gave the impression of the city being on fire. From time to time the stars of the film could be seen and I believe, but don't know if they took up the offer, the Home Guard were approached to be Roman soldier 'extras' at Saunton Sands.

Then there were the other film shows. Down at Seaside in Combe Martin, Mr. Knight had a mobile cinema showing Ministry of Information films. The translucent screen was at the back of the vehicle, which itself was a converted Rolls Royce! Since there was little traffic, you could stand in the road to watch.

Finally I must mention 'Pettits Popular Pictures'. The posters would advertise the films to be shown at the Manor Hall and a 9.5mm sound Projector would be set up amongst the audience at the stage end of the Manor Hall and the screen at the other - not good presentation to me. The lights were turned off and the old gentleman would start the projector. Films were interrupted by frequent breakdowns, but the George Formby Comedies went down well. I think the man running these shows lived in the van in which he carried his equipment, and he probably travelled around a lot of villages in the West Country.

Tony Beauclerk - Colchester

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes


Artwork: Helen Weedon


For many of us the early months of the year can be our worst time. Winter, having been with us since November, now seems to hang in the air making the hot balmy days of summer seem a life-time away. Even as I write this article, a grey veil of cloud is covering the sky seeming to suffocate the countryside of the brightness and colour it needs.

Medical experts now say that it also prevents us from getting the light we need to keep our spirits high. "Seasonal adjustment disorder" they call it, or "SAD" for short. Yet it is this same seasonal adjustment that makes these early months my favourite time of year; for the season, or to be more precise the seasonal daylight, is on the increase.

On midwinter's day I climbed the Cairn nature reserve to witness the sun dipping behind a clump of trees on a hilltop near Higher Mullacott Farm. I checked my old watch face, long parted from its strap but still kept safe amongst warm tissue in my coat pocket. Its hands read ten to four. I smiled back at it, knowing tomorrow I should witness the sun setting a little later.

These subtle increases in daylight have other positive effects at this time of year. Sensing that the tide of the shortening days has turned, snowdrops and narcissi poke baby tentacles out of the ground to see if it is safe to come up. Wild garlic also push out early leaves, blowing in late winter winds to test the air's temperature and see when it will be safe to force other leaves out; then they can dramatically announce their annual arrival with pungent aromas.

Encouraged by winter sunshine, hedgerows show the slightest signs of new growth, a reminder that we shall soon once again be admiring the splendour of their primroses. Over the next few weeks, those same hedgerows will house fields for newly born lambs, skipping as they run and shaking their tails as they suck on the warmth of their mother's milk; and like us, they too will be basking in the warmth of early spring sunshine.

The trees around are also reminding us that brighter days are on the way. Already blossom can be seen on the winter flowering prunus; and if you look closely other trees are already pushing out baby buds from beneath their winter coats. SAD? Oh yes, I've definitely got SAD. That's why this is my favourite time of year; but then what I am suffering from is a "Spring Approaching Discovery". And the good news is it's infectious; just look at the countryside around you and you will soon catch the bug. What's more, it can make even the dullest of days at this time of year seem bright.

Steve McCarthy

Illustrated by: Helen Armstead



5th W.I. Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Manor Hall: Flowerpot Men - Rainer Jost
6th Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II's Accession to the Throne
12th Sunday School Coffee & Pancake Morning, Manor Hall, 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
13th Ash Wednesday - St. Peter's Church: Holy Communion, 10.00 a.m.
Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
MOB at The Globe, 8.00 p.m.
14th Cancer Research Campaign Valentine Coffee Morning, Methodist Church, Combe Martin, 10.30 a.m.
Young Studio Theatre, 'Alice', 1.30 and 7.30 p.m. The Landmark
15th Young Studio Theatre, 'Alice', 7.30 p.m. The Landmark
16th Berry in Bloom & Carnival Float - Jumble Sale, Manor Hall, 2.00 p.m.
18th to 22nd [inc.] Primary School & College, Half Term
20th Wine Circle, 8.00 p.m., Manor Hall: Jan Tonkin's Special Wine Evening
27th Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
Friendship Lunch, The Globe
28th Sure Start Community Group Meeting, 7-8.00 p.m., Manor Hall
5th W.I. Meeting : 40th Birthday - details to follows
10th St. Peter's Church: Mothering Sunday Family Service
12th 15th Studio Theatre, 'A Chorus of Disapproval'
Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
13th Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
Deadline for Newsletter Items for April issue.
20th Wine Circle, 8 p.m., Manor Hall: Wines from Bordeaux, Tony Summers
24th St. Peter's Church: Palm Sunday - Sung Eucharist
27th Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
Primary School and College: End of Spring Term
29th GOOD FRIDAY St. Peter's Church: Hour of Devotion, 2.00 p.m.
31st EASTER SUNDAY St. Peter's Church: Family Communion
British Summer Time begins
1st Bank Holiday Monday
2nd W.I. Meeting, 2.30 p.m., Manor Hall

Manor Hall Diary:

MondaysBadminton, 7.30 p.m.
TuesdaysYoga, 7.00 p.m.
ThursdaysWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m.
FridaysShort Mat Bowls, 7.00 p.m.
SundaysShort Mat Bowls, 2.00 p.m.

Mobile Library:

Assistant Jacqui Mackenzie
11.30 - 11.45 a.m.Sandy Cove
1.15 - 1.40 p.m.The Square
11.50 - 12.05 p.m.Barton Lane
1.45 - 2.05 p.m.Sterridge Valley


Artwork: Paul Swailes


We have been in The Globe for 19 Christmas's and now feel it's time to slow down. We have enjoyed our time at the pub and should like to thank all of our loyal customers and friends, past and present, for their patronage over the years.

We're sure we'll miss you all, but we shall be living only a few steps away from The Globe, so it will still be very much our 'local' and we shall enjoy playing our darts, skittles and pool, as well as helping with the Carnival Float.

May we wish all success to the Ozelton family when they take over shortly. Thank you all once again.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


We hope you had a good Christmas and a happy start to the New Year. You should have recovered from New Year's Eve's festivities by now, but drinking till 4.00 a.m. [or 6.00 a.m. in some cases!] does take its toll - you'll surely agree! The 2 for 1 offer has come to an end, but it will almost certainly be reintroduced in October.

As February is going to be quite a busy month for us, we haven't got too much planned, but it will soon be Valentine's Day and we shall be doing a special menu for the 14th, 15th and 16th - booking is advised.

By now you will all have heard the news that we shall be taking over The Globe at the beginning of February. We are really excited about this new venture and sincerely hope that you will give us your support. Edith and Karl will be your regular hosts, with the rest of us being around from time to time. Don will continue to work in China for the time being, but is looking forward to pulling a pint or two of mild when he returns home every three months. We don't plan any big changes but we do hope to refresh a few activities that have recently not taken place and also introduce some new ones ourselves. If you have ideas of your own, do please let us know we've already had some input from customers, old and new, so thank you for your enthusiasm and support.

We should like to wish Phil and Lynne a happy retirement [!], and look forward to seeing them enjoying life 'on the other side of the bar'.

With good wishes for the rest of 2002 and hope to see you soon, in either [or both] pubs.

All at the Sawmills


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


The Globe Inn - Berrynarbor

This first card shows the exterior of "Ye Olde Globe Inn" around 1930, when Charlie Blackmore took over from Charlie Cornish, who had been the landlord since 1921. Charlie Blackmore was a popular landlord who produced a series of postcards of the Globe Inn, including one of his beloved Parrot "George" who often supped beer on the bar [as shown in the August 1991 Newsletter No. 13].

The second picture is one of those he produced and shows the Kitchen Bar which, apart from the furniture, remains virtually unchanged.

The final picture produced by E.A. Sweetman & Son, Ltd. of Tunbridge Wells was taken around 1950. The exterior is virtually unchanged with the exception of the telephone line coming in on the left and overhead electricity wires coming to the right hand side. The Bar sign beside the door gives the opening and closing times for weekdays and Sunday.

Since 1973 there have been several Landlords at the Globe but for me Phil and Lynne Bridle have been the most popular. Two very hard workers, going to bed late but having to rise quite early due to restocking deliveries and preparing for the day ahead. A previous landlord had made his views well known and certainly did not put himself out for the locals, and skittles and darts teams did not exist at all. Fortunately, that all changed with Phil and Lynne and the Globe featured once more in all the darts and skittles leagues of North Devon. Some years back, Phil and a few others started the tradition which has continued to the present time, of producing a first class super float entry for the North Devon Carnivals. Over the years it became just that, taking months of hard work to complete, and winning virtually every accolade at all the Carnivals, more often than not coming away with the Best Overall trophy.

We must not forget their welcome and friendly attitude towards children, and their parents, providing a special area complete with games, adventure play area and an outside play area. We can also remember Thursdays during the summer season when cars would roll up and there would be a queue waiting for the Globe to open. This was for a special children's night when Phil on the organ and Gary would get all the children, and some of the parents, singing and reciting, "We love Berry, Berry, Berry, Berry" etc.

Lynne has always provided a very comprehensive menu, loved by visitors and locals alike, especially her Sunday Roasts, the only complaint we received from visitors staying with us was that their portions were enormous and they were embarrassed to leave such tasty food on their plates!

There have been Quiz Nights, especially the Quiz held on Boxing Day, and the popular Friendship Lunches, held for the elderly residents. Phil regularly played the organ at the evening services at the Chapel until its closure and has, on occasions, stepped in as organist at St. Peter's Church. How many people, I wonder, realise that our Rector, Keith Wyer, has taken Communion [and hopefully will continue to] in the Globe for those parishioners who can no longer manage the climb up the church steps!

I finish by thanking Phil, Lynne, their two daughters Kate and Sarah and of course all their helpers, many of whom have been youngsters, including our own, from the village.

We shall miss you both but look forward to the Globe continuing to the standard and in the traditions you have set. I am sure that everyone in the village and many people living in North Devon join me in thanking you for all you have done for us over the last two decades.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, January 2002
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com


Artwork by: Paul Swailes