Edition 73 - August 2001

Artwork by: Debbie Riger Cook


Border Collie originated in the border country between the north of England and Scotland. The breed, which has also been known as the Working Collie, Farm Collie and English Collie, is very old, with references going back as far as 1570. The breed was first called the 'Border Collie' in 1915. The first trials were held in Bala, Wales, in 1873 and in the United States, trials began in 1880.

Usually black with white markings, a dense and harsh outercoat, standing 18-20" tall and weighing 30-50 lbs, the Border Collie has been used for more than 300 years to herd cattle and sheep.

Typical border collies are 'workaholics', happiest when they have a job to do - obedience, agility or any of the other active occupations and dog sports, they excel. They herd livestock, birds, other dogs, cats, squirrels, rabbits, and often lawn movers, vacuum cleaners, brooms, rakes and anything else that moves! Unfortunately, they also tend to be car chasers and many have lost their lives early under the wheels of a car.

Border collies are highly intelligent, quick to learn and herd with lowered heads, eyeing the sheep with an intense stare and 'heading' or 'gathering' rather than 'heeling', running wide round the flock and returning them to the shepherd.

Border collies are always underfoot, waiting for something to happen! They are affectionate and people-orientated, but slow to mature, remaining puppies for 2 to 3 years at least, and often retaining their youthfulness and energy at the age of 10 or11 years or more.


Artwork: Judie Weedon


My thanks to Debbie for the Border Collie cover - the second in our dog series... and everyone else who has kindly contributed to this issue. Just to keep you on your toes, items for the next issue - October - will be need by Wednesday, 12th September at the latest please, and it would be lovely to hear from YOU!

Apologies to anyone who was either missing or had a blank page in the June issue, hopefully this is only a slight hiccup. Ilfracombe College, who kindly print the newsletter, have recently invested in a wonderful machine that collates, staples and folds, handling our 400+ copies in just over an hour. This as you can imagine, has cut the production time very considerably, probably by a complete day. However, it not so easy to catch the 'rogue' copies, so if you do find your copy is incomplete, please take another from the Post Office, Globe or Sawmill Inn, or give me a ring - particularly those of you who receive a copy by post.

As you know, the Newsletter now has its own website [www.berrynarbor-news.co.uk] and parts of each issue will go 'on line', probably about a week after circulation. If you have any concerns about your contribution or other information that appears, please DO contact me as soon as possible.

Sadly, due to the foot and mouth epidemic, the Best Kept Village competition has been cancelled this year, but by the time you read this, our entry - Berrynarbor in Bloom will have been judged. On a recent holiday in Ireland, on a visit to the beautifully kept Japanese Garden, part of the Irish National Stud at Tully, Kildare, we found their notice most apt.

Where Litter Lies, Beauty Dies

Whether you will be catering for visitors or preparing to be visitors yourself, enjoy the rest of the summer.

Judie - Ed



The Committee, together with the Shamwick Art Group, are currently holding their annual

Art Exhibition
at Combe Martin Primary School

The Exhibition will continue until Saturday, 11th August, and the school is open
Monday to Saturday from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. and Sunday from 2.00 to 5.00 p.m.

Admission free - Everyone welcome

Once again, October will be a PINK month
Awareness of Breast Cancer





Gannet's Rock Illustration by: Peter Rothwell for C.R. Chanter's
'Lundy Island a Monograph'

On 5th June, members welcomed Mr. Michael Bale - a lifelong lover of Lundy Island - as their speaker on that subject. Together with slides, both past and present, he gave a most interesting description of its ruggedness and beauty. The Norse word Lundy means puffin, a resident bird but sadly in decline owing, it is thought, to rats poaching their eggs. The RSPB are hoping to solve this problem for the remaining pairs. If you love walking or want a tranquil holiday, Lundy is the place to visit! A well-received talk echoed in the vote of thanks given by Kath Arscott. Win Collins won the competition for Flower of the Month, and Ethel Tidbury the raffle.

The 7th June was Election Day and our Coffee Morning. Many thanks to all who supported the occasion and for the generous gifts given for the stall and raffle; also to the helpers, especially those in the kitchen. At the end of the morning, and after expenses, we raised £120 for funds and Eunice did well with her Cheshire cards.

Four doggies decided that the WI should be represented at the Pets' Service on the 1st July, so Margaret, Marian, Di and myself sallied forth to keep them company. A most enjoyable event thank you, Rector Keith Wyer, for organising it.

The years certainly seem to fly by because once again it was our pleasure, on the 3rd July, to welcome members of Ilfracombe Disabled Association to their annual tea. As always, members excelled themselves with the variety of sandwiches and cakes, but not forgetting the favourite scone, jam and cream! The floral table decorations, all beautifully made by Linda Brown, set the scene. There was a raffle prize for everyone, Ethel provided a Nearly New stall and Eunice had the Cheshire Home cards always popular with the ladies. Happy smiling faces waving from the coach and everyone saying how much they had enjoyed the afternoon, made it all worth while. My thanks to all the members who worked so hard to make it all possible.

Our outing on the 17th July will be our last meeting until 4th September. However, I expect we will see each other at the various fetes, where an extra hand is always welcome. The knitters will be pleased to know that 3 dozen jumpers and some socks and teddies have been sent on the first leg of their journey ... thank you all.

In conclusion, every good wish to all readers, enjoy the summer and may it be a successful time for all events.

    August - the holiday month,
    Children home from school.
    Carnivals, summer fetes, cream teas and barbecues
    To be enjoyed by all.
    Gardeners busy, lawns to be mowed,
    Produce nurtured for entering September's Village Show.

Vi Kingdon - President




Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there; I did not die.


Sid, we send you our love our sympathy and thoughts are with you and all the family following Flo's death, on the 8th June 2001, after 72 years of married life together. A beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother, she will be sorely missed.

The oldest of nine children, Flo had good training in bringing up a large family, but this only enhanced her great love of children, who gravitated to her naturally. Flo also loved gardens - she was particularly fond of roses - and birds, who benefited from her excellent cooking skills, she baked cakes solely for them!

Well-known for her generosity, Flo was always willing to share what she had, however little, and was often caught slipping a coin to the grandchildren when their parents weren't looking!

Following an accident in her adolescence, when she had her leg crushed. Flo suffered in latter years with painful arthritis, but she always remained cheerful and her religious beliefs helped her through the hard times.

The Chapel at the Crematorium was packed, not only with members of' her large family and staff from Pinehurst, where she and Sid have lived for the last years, but with friends and neighbours from Berrynarbor - we all remember Flo and Sid with great affection.


Everyone, those who did not know her as well as those who did, were stunned and shocked to learn of Liz's tragic death on the 21st of June.

A lover of the arts, especially the theatre, Liz will be particularly remembered for her involvement in setting up the National Youth Arts Festival and the Victorian Celebrations.

Her husband, Jon Bell, Deputy Principal and Head of the Community Department at Ilfracombe College, has been responsible, amongst so many other things, for the introduction of community magazines and newsletters - our own included. Their daughter, Poppy, whose artistic work has appeared in our newsletter, was until last September, a pupil at our Primary School.

Liz's smile and cheerful presence will be sorely missed in our community and our thoughts are with Jon, Poppy and her parents at this time of sadness.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A very successful GIFT DAY was held on Wednesday, 27th June. Thank you to all who helped by distributing letters and envelopes round the village. A total of £1,170 has been handed in to date, with many giving a bit extra this year to boost the Tower Fund. Thank you all for your continued support and generosity.

As I write, the scaffolding is at last going up and repairs will start in the next few days. While work is in progress, the path round the west end of the church will be closed, for safety reasons, but there is still access, of course, to the churchyard and the church will be open during the day as usual. However, the bells cannot be rung and the spotlight has been switched off. Work will last for a minimum of 12 weeks.

We are looking at a cost of £50,000 plus VAT. [The Chancellor in his March budget promised a grant that would reduce VAT on repairs to listed churches from 17.5% to 5% for work started after 1st April 2001, but details have yet to be finalised.] This sum will include refurbishing the clock faces and up-dating the lightning conductors.

At present the Tower Fund stands at £24,150. We still have some way to go but generous donations are still coming in and we are looking forward to our next fund-raising event.

The St. Peter's SUMMER FAYRE will be held on TUESDAY, 14th AUGUST, 6.30 p.m. onwards at the Manor Hall. We shall be grateful for gifts for the various stalls: cakes, books, toys, good bric-a-brac, china and glass, plants and produce and also for prizes for the raffle, tombola and hoop-la. Please give me a ring [883881] if you have anything to be collected and helpers on the day are always welcome.

A VOTE OF THANKS on behalf of us all to the team of FLOWER ARRANGERS responsible for the displays in church throughout the year. A big thank you, as well, to all those who regularly give flowers or make a donation towards the cost. They are very much appreciated. Betty Davis has just put up the rota of helpers to the end of the year on the board in the church porch, and there are three or four gaps! Is there anyone who would like to fill in a space? It would involve arranging the flowers just once - to last a fortnight - and going in now and then to water them. Please give Betty a ring [883541] if you can help.

Special Services during August and September:

  • Sunday, 5th August: 11.00 a.m. Family Service. There will be a Teddy Bear's Picnic in church, so don't forget to come along and bring your teddy!
  • Sunday, 30th September: 11.00 a.m. Harvest Thanksgiving Family Communion.

The Harvest Supper and Auction will be on Wednesday, 3rd October, beginning with Evensong at 6.30 p.m.

After a break for August, the next Friendship Lunch will be at the Globe on Wednesday, 5th September, 12.30 p.m. onwards.

Mary Tucker


Hand-bell Ringers at St. Peter's

What a delight it was to listen to the inspired hand-bell ringing in our Church on 24th June. Performed by a team of only four Americans from the far Mid-West, the mastery of their instruments was such that we could only applaud in wonder at their skill.

Sometimes holding two harmonising bells in one hand while maintaining perfect time, they played the whole gamut of the sweet toned range and moved easily from solemn concordance to spirited exuberance.

The Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah contained not only the four voice parts but, throughout, strong elements of the instrumental accompaniment. In all, a true and rare tour de force.

Peter H.


The Pets' Service

The Special Family Pet Service on Sunday, 1st July, was a great success! Two guinea-pigs, two dwarf lop-eared rabbits, a lilac point cat and ten dogs gathered for the service, led by our Rector, Keith Wyer.

It all went purrfectly and the owners and their friends all kept to heel and even the journalists played ball!

In response to his plea for choristers in the last newsletter, Stuart was, perhaps, slightly bemused by his newest recruits the exuberant barking baritone of Ben and the dulcat tones of the Siamese soprano, singing from her shady spot under the trees. You may well be hearing more of this duo in church soon!

Many thanks to Phil for his posters and the Parish Council for the use of the recreation field.

Photographs taken at the event by the photographer from the Journal will shortly be on display in the church. Should you wish to buy copies [or photos of any other church event] please apply to the Journal Office in the High Street, Barnstaple, quoting 'Pet Service, Berrynarbor, 1/7/01' or whatever the event and date are.

Margaret Andrews - Reader in Training




We welcomed Peter and Shayna to our Sunday School in June - we hope they will enjoy their time with us.

This month our project has been "All Creatures of Our God and King" the most important animal of all being the Donkey. Jessica explained beautifully why that was how the donkey carried Mary safely into Bethlehem prior to Jesus's birth, and later carrying Jesus in triumph into Jerusalem.

The Pet Service held in the Recreation Field was great fun the children [and adults] brought along dogs, guinea-pigs, rabbits and a cat. The Rector's dog was particularly appreciative of Stuart's music, by joining in the singing!

On 5th August at the Family Service, the Rector has asked as many children as possible to bring their Teddy Bears along for a big surprise. so come along and join in. Sunday School will then be breaking up for the holidays and we shall restart on 9th September.

Doubtful True Story!

A minister, arriving as a visiting speaker to a neighbouring church, decided to take a very informal approach with the children. Word had reached him of the strict and pious atmosphere of the Sunday School, and he decided he would introduce a refreshing change of approach.

Sitting on the edge of a desk, wearing an open-necked shirt, he leaned confidentially towards the children. "Can anyone tell me," he asked them, "What is small, grey, eats nuts and has a large, bushy tail?" There was a long silence and then a small boy put up his hand and said, "I know the answer should be Jesus, but it sounds like a squirrel to me!"

Sally B, Val, Julia, Tania and Sarah


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A warm welcome to our newcomers to the village - we hope you will all be very happy here.

To Cecil and Ina Hodkinson, Pip's parents, who have moved into the extension that we have built on the house in Barton Lane. Originally from Coventry, Cecil and Ina have lived in North Devon since 1952, in Georgeham, Braunton and more recently [for about 32 years] in Ilfracombe.

They ran their own business, Studio Ceramics, in Braunton for 43 years, designing and making their speciality gold lustre pottery, until finally being persuaded it was time to retire two and a half years ago at a sprightly 88!

Cecil has always taken a keen interest in classical music, particularly the piano, having been a very good pianist himself. His other deep interest is photography, as he was one of the pioneers in the art of colour printing before the advent of colour film. Unfortunately, he suffered a slight stroke 18 months ago which makes walking difficult, except for very short distances, so we are hoping that living next door will make life much easier for them both, keeping their independence but with us available to help whenever needed.

Pip and Tony

To Shane and Sandra Roach and their two children, Peter and Shayna, the new incumbents of Parson's Pightle.

Shane, son of Peter and Sheila at Cutts End, returned to this country from Port Elizabeth, South Africa, in January, followed shortly by Sandra and the children. Shane has spent the last 25 years out in South Africa, dividing his time between Pretoria and Port Elizabeth, and where he met and married Sandra.

They are all settling in well. Peter and Shayna have enjoyed their first few weeks at the Primary School and have already joined the Sunday School; Sandra, a nursing sister, is about to take up a post at Tispane, and Shane is working as a Warehouse Supervisor. They are enjoying living here and intend to stay!

To Freda Hillier, step-mother of Brian, who has moved next-door-but-two, to No. 12 Berrynarbor Park. Freda, who moved in at the end of June, has come, together with her small, elderly poodle, Muffet, from New Milton in Hampshire. A dog-lover - she is a qualified dog trimmer - Freda is now retired and enjoying indulging in her hobby of water-colour painting.

Also new to the Park are Brian and Judy Jones from Sandhurst, Camberley in Surrey, who have moved into No. 11. After holidaying in Kentisbury some four years ago, followed by a stay on Hagginton Hill, they have decided to retire here.

Judy has retired from her career as a secretary, but Brian will continue in semi-retirement with his building, painting and decorating business.

Their family consists of three daughters and a son, and three grandchildren. They both enjoy walking and whilst Brian hopes to fit in more fishing, Judy will be getting out her paints and easel. Ticky, their black and white cat, is hoping to re-join them soon.



The Men's Institute held their Presentation Evening on the 30th May.

Trophies were presented by the Chairman, Gordon Hughes. Winners were:

League WinnerGerry Marangone
Runners Up[equal] John Hood and Tim Mabin
Scratch SinglesRoger Luckham
Runner UpTony Summers
Handicap SinglesJohn Huxtable
Runner UpIvan Clarke
Doubles WinnersTony Summers and Mark Adams
Runners UpKevin Brooks and Roger Luckham
Highest BreakTony Summers [33]
Summer League 2000Kevin Brooks
Runner UpMark Adams

John Huxtable



Eye halve a speeling chequer
It came with my pea sea.
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a quay and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write,
It shows me strait a weigh
As soon as a mist ache is maid,
It nose bee fore two long,
And eye can put the error rite
It's rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it,
I am shore yaw pleased two no,
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.


Alex Parke
[but Sauce unknown]



"Get well, we hope you'll soon be feeling better" is the message for everyone not feeling 100%, but especially Maureen Cooper, Neil Morris and Mary Hughes after their spells in hospital, and Gladys Toms and Doreen Spear [late of Croft Lee] who are currently in the Tyrrell Hospital. We also send our very best wish to Robbie - we are thinking of you.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The marriage took place on 9th June of Kim, youngest daughter of Rainer and Jill to Mark Barber. Blessed with glorious weather, the bride was transported to and from St. Peter's Church in a carriage - as used in the series of 'Pride and Prejudice' - drawn by a pair of extremely well behaved horses. The reception was held in a marquee in the field opposite Hillside Cottage, and was a resounding hit with guests who included family and friends from England, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, U.S.A., Turkey and Germany! Kim, who has been employed by B.A. since completing studies in Buckinghamshire, had a double celebration - her 30th birthday. She and Mark spent their honeymoon in Southern Italy and are now settling down to married life in Oxfordshire.

Meanwhile, sister Tanja has moved temporarily from Australia to the United States to set up and run her joint computer business, worldlingo.com. The system is now available on all Microsoft systems and will be the official language translator for the World Cup in Japan.

Parents, Rainer and Jill, like so many local people, have been experiencing the knock-on effect of the foot and mouth epidemic at the Brass Rubbing Centre in Lynmouth. It is good, therefore, that Rainer's flowerpot men who have lifted and raised a few smiles with locals and visitors for many years, but particularly this year as they have become a feature for Britain in Bloom.



Berrynarbor Village Garden Trail, 8th July 2001

Ann and Vi would like to express their thanks to all the helpers at the above event and those who made cakes, gave raffle prizes and donations and opened their gardens to the public.

Thanks also to Wendy and Colin of Bessemer Thatch, whose idea it was; Jeane and Bob of Miss Muffets, who came to the rescue with emergency provisions; Lynne and Phil at The Globe and Nora and Alan at the Post Office. Especial thanks to Phil and Chris Walden for their hospitality in rounding off the day with a barbecue at Cherry Tree Cottage. All helped to make this a very successful day. We hope to do the same again next year anyone interested, please get in touch!!

The Retreat, Sterridge Valley

May I, through the newsletter, say thank you for the many cards, flowers and presents I received on my 80th Birthday from family and friends.

Special thanks to my niece Joan, Marlene, Tracey, Paula and Alex [I much enjoyed your very humorous card, Alex - so you think I'm a little fat cuddly bear with a saucepan on my head! Congratulations on getting your very own front door and key - good luck, I love you lots]. Last but not least, Mary and Tom Tucker and June and Gerry Marangone, for all their TLC, and the local ambulance crews for their on-going help and care. What a great lot of folks they are, never grumbling!

Alice Dummett


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Oh life, deal tenderly with those so young.
In dreams let them be folded with a song.
Tread all their days till childhood forsake them,
And, since you must, gently to sorrow awake them.

Belated good wishes to Linda and George Camplin on the birth of their second grandchild, and a second great-grandchild for Ethel. Caitlin Elizabeth, a daughter for Tracy and Darren Burgess, was born on the 27th April. weighing 6 lbs 13 oz.

Bill and Jill of Riversdale Cottage are very happy to welcome their latest grandchild, a daughter for Wendy and Gary. Leah Sophie, a baby sister for Dominic, was born on the 27th of May and weighed 9 lb 11 oz.

New arrival - to Janet and RJ, a beautiful son - Fergus Norman McLean- born on 4th June, weight 8 lbs 7 1/2 oz, a bonny red-headed brother for Rory and another very welcome grandson for Grannie Sally B.

Tom and Inge Bartlett are proud and happy to announce the arrival of their second grandchild, a baby girl for their daughter Angela and her husband Jainal, Liyana, a sister for Omar, weighed 7 1/2 lbs when she was born on the 8th of June out in Singapore.

Jean and Jim Constantine are delighted to announce the arrival of their second grandchild, a son for Sue and Andy. Charles Andrew, to be known as Charlie, was born on the 28th June and weighed 7lbs 3 oz.

Keith and Jane of Rose Cottage arc pleased to announce the arrival of two granddaughters. Katie Ellen [Jones] was born on the 27th May, weighing 9 lbs 10 oz to parents Mark and Emily. Molly Jane [Haynes] was born on the 11th July, weighing 7 lbs 8 oz, a daughter for Ben and Lisa.

Our congratulations and very best wishes to you all.



Since the end of June, over half of the County's footpath network is open again to local residents and visitors, but to enjoy the beautiful countryside and help farmers and landowners, please ALWAYS follow this advice:

Farmyard and Livestock: If you have handled livestock within 7 days, please stay off all other farmland; do not go near and never touch, handle or feed livestock and if you come across them unexpectedly, move away slowly or retrace your route. Paths through farmyards may still be closed. Walkers and Riders: Make sure you start your walk or ride with clean equipment, footwear and clothing. Do not leave waste or litter and stay on the paths, leaving all gates as you find them. Use the disinfectant where provided. Dogs: MUST be kept on short leads where there are livestock present. Within the infected area, do not take dogs on land where there are cattle.

Remember: If you use routes which are closed, you could be fined up to £5,000. For more information, including a list of re-opened footpaths and bridleways and maps of the area, see www.devon.gov.uk.



Verse in Devonshire Dialect
Written and Illustrated by Lynda Waller

Spreading Dung

Aint nothin quite so good'n pure
As real old farmyard-type manure.
Mc fav'rit job is spreadin it -
Wiv cider too, to ulp the wit.
Im gwain around me field an back
And then I sees me neighbour, Zac.
I offers ee a drop o' booze . . .
Us drinks the lot an az a snooze -
Lied out like babies cross the track.
An then us wakes up, me an Zac,
An tells the same ole yarns, an us
Is laughin tull us nurly busts!
Us ed a lovely time - twuz rich
But then I yers the Missus scritch!
I jumps up quick an grabs me at -
Ops in me tractor like a cat
An off l goes - mus check the cows
An feed the sheep an . . . milk the sows!
Some'ow I gets ome safe an sound ...
Me poor ole aid be spinnin round.
I sort o' valls . . . agin the door . . .
Next thing, I'm lied out on the vloor
The missus lookin down at me.
I sez, "I've comed infer me tay!"
Ur looks right nasty at me then
An sez ur'll slowly count t' ten.
Tiz when ur get t' number dree
I tries t' git up on me knee.
Betime ur scritches number vour
I'm sprawlin all about the vloor.
Ur counts on up t' eight I s'pose
T' tull the truth I ardly knows,
But when ur gets t' number nine
I minds ur callin me a swine.
But arter that I knows n' more . . .
Until I wakes up later . . . corrr!

The Ten foot Gate

I'm in me combine arvester
jus drivin down the road
C'lectin cars fer miles be'hind
and feelin really good.
I stops beside me field
unties me gate an chucks it back
An then I climbs back in me seat
and gives mesulf the sack.
Y'see, me combine arvester
as got a twulve foot cut -
An so a ten foot, op'n gate
might jus as wull be shut!
When all they cars be cleared
[I s'pose twull take'um aff the day]
I thinks I'll use the wider gate
out round by t'other way.
I settles down t' wait -
and pours mesulf some nice cold tay.
And then I sees this fancy woman
starin up at me.
Ur asts me if I noticed
ow there's twenty cars queued up.
I sez, "I'm sorry Missus,
but I on y l got one cup!"

About the Author/lllustrator

Lynda Waller was born on a farm in Devon in 1954. She spent the main part of her childhood on there as the middle one of three children. She attended Tiverton Grammar School and later moved with the family to Tiverton. She has been writing since her teens, mostly in the form of short stories, older children's pony fiction and humorous rural verse. For some years she was a member of Tiverton and then Crediton Writers' Circles, and has published poems and illustrations in local magazines. In August 1994, she and her sister, Joss, jointly exhibited their paintings at the Tiverton Museum. 'Farmer Uggett' is her first book of verse.




The last two months have flown by taking with them the longest day, and already it is time to look at the weather for May and June.

The first thing that stands out is the drop in rainfall, with only 34mm [1 3/8"] in May, making it the driest month since July 1999 when we recorded only 27mm [1 "+]. This gave us more bright sunny days and an average high temperature of 19.6 Deg C, although on the 7th May the thermometer dropped to 2.8 Deg C overnight. The wind speeds were about normal.

June continued sunny with a rainfall of 50mm [2"], which makes a total for this year of 617mm [24 1/2"]. It was windier than May, although here in the Valley, we did not record anything over 24 knots. The temperature peaked on the 26th with a high of 32.4 Deg C.

The rain at the end of June will have done the gardens some good, but let's hope the fine weather soon returns to help destroy the foot and mouth and also to encourage more holidaymakers to come and enjoy our beautiful area.

Sue and Simon


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends,

There was once an atheist who came to North Devon for his holidays. One day he went for a walk along the coastal path towards Woody Bay.

Unfortunately, he strayed too near the edge and started to fall the thousand or so feet towards the sea. Suddenly, he caught hold of a small tree that was growing out of the cliff face. There he was, dangling between the sky and the sea. He realised that he could not hold on for ever and shouted for help, but got no reply. Eventually feeling very weak, he shouted up to heaven:

"Is anyone up there? If there is a God, please help me!"

A voice boomed across the sea: "Everyone says that in your position." "No, God, I really mean it. If you save me I will tell everyone I meet about you. Honest! "

"All right, my son, I will save you."

"Thank you God, I will always believe in you, now. Right, what do you want me to do?"

God answered, "Just let go, and I will save you."

"Let go of the branch?" yelled the distraught man. "Do you think I'm crazy?" After a few minutes thought he added, "Is there anyone else up there?"

It is said that when Moses threw his staff into the Red Sea, the expected miracle did not occur. It was only when the first man stepped into the sea that the waves receded and the waters divided to allow the safe passage of the Jews. I think this has a lot to do with a small word called "faith".

With all good wishes,

Your Friend and Rector,

Keith Wyer



'On the Waterfront'

A Sunday afternoon in mid-summer - a cool breeze and not too much sun - ideal weather for walking. Our route was the Tarka Trail between Braunton and Barnstaple and we were heading for one of North Devon's newest and most attractive landmarks, which was officially opened in February.

Following part of the former llfracombe to Barnstaple railway line, it's an easy, level walk along the Taw estuary.

Between Velator and Wrafton, a pond can be glimpsed through the bushes, home to a variety of wild fowl during the winter months. In the field opposite, the shallow patches of water had disappeared where in May we had watched ducklings and moorhen chicks being supervised by attentive parent birds.

At Chivenor the trail passed beneath a stone bridge, the underside of its arch faced with bricks. A whole field of broad bean plants made an unusual spectacle with their black and white flowers. Speckled young robins moved about the oak branches, their breast plumage just beginning to show red.

A ringlet butterfly flew past the teazles and purple betony; a dark butterfly which does not wait for the sun to shine in order to be active.

On the beach near Heanton Court, a black cat wandered among the boats moored there. From here there is a good view across the estuary to Freminghton Quay.

A sturdy, stone built hide has been provided opposite Penhill Point. The tide was out and the birds had arranged themselves into distinct groups - twenty cormorants on Bassett's Ridge, a couple of dozen shelduck beyond, six herons stood in the water. Curlews busied themselves on the shore. Clumps of rubbery rock samphire pushed out from the concreted bank. On the beach were small patches of march samphire [glasswort] and sea lavender.

The Ashford lime kiln is a handsome, multi-chambered structure, carefully restored about fifteen years ago. The seat beside it makes another convenient place to stop and observe life on the estuary. Nearby there were several swans and oystercatchers and the Canada geese swimming past 'en bloc' formed a neat pattern of light and dark.

Near Barnstaple we came across four common sandpipers in a narrow inlet of water; the light brown and white summer visitors bobbing their heads as they climbed onto the bank.

Soon that new landmark [I mentioned at the beginning] could be seen; the Yeo Bridge, spanning the River Yeo at the point where it meets the River Taw, providing cyclists and walkers with a direct link from the Tarka Trail to the town centre. This is also part of the National Cycle Network.

A swing bridge was the solution chosen in order to allow the passage of boats between the Taw and the River Yeo Quay. The bridge is opened using sophisticated mechanical and electrical equipment. It is operated remotely from a control room, involving CCTV cameras and phone links.

Three metres wide, the bridge spans just over eighteen metres between abutments of reinforced concrete and steel piles driven into the underlying bedrock.

The County Council engineer and the architect responsible for the design work are Nick Jennings and Nick Johnson. In view of its scale and intended use, the aim was for the bridge to have 'a jewel like quality' whilst 'being in harmony with its immediate surroundings' and achieving a visually exciting experience for users.

There was also a historic precedent for the choice of a swing bridge. The Barnstaple to Ilfracombe railway line had crossed the river by means of a heavy wrought iron swing bridge, the Pottington Swing Bridge [known locally as Pill Bridge]. After the closure of the railway line, this bridge was eventually dismantled.

The Rivers Taw and Yeo had been busy waterways and when open the original bridge had given shipping access to Rolle Quay and Pilton Wharf. It required considerable time and effort to open it. Four men were needed to swing the bridge manually by means of a turnstile operating a rack and pinion gear. The swing gear resembled a turntable, revolving through 180 degrees.

The new swing bridge is a great asset to the area. Apart from its practical function of getting walkers and cyclists across the River Yeo safely, its gently curving construction of timber and steel is beautiful to look at and it sits well in the landscape [and townscape].

With its boat-like form, use of materials and unique operational features, it is a happy blend of technology with an organic appearance; aesthetically welcoming. The elliptical lights on tall poles, which lean towards the bridge at each end, are graceful and elegant.

This new construction makes a bold and confident statement, rather than harking back to a previous age or mimicking some false notion of 'heritage' and so far, it appears to be proving popular with locals and visitors alike.

I am very grateful to Mr. David Netherway of Devon County Council's Environment Directorate, for providing me with the historical and technical data on the project.

Illustration by: Paul Swailes

Sue H


Brian Wright Beagley

Solution in Article 36.


Artwork: Angela Bartlett



I was about 14 at the time and it was the start of the summer school holidays. Bob Becker, of Woodlands, Combe Martin, had become a good friend, and we talked about what we could do for a change from swimming and meandering around or doing a bit of cycling.

"I know, let's go camping," I said, but Bob replied that his bike was out of order and anyway he didn't have a tent.

"My family have a tent, though its about thirty years old, and we've got a tandem."

"So that's it," enthused Bob, "We could go to my relatives at Friendship Farm at Challacombe." I thought, 'heck that's a bit of a push up there', but then when you're young, anything is possible. We asked our mums about food and they were willing to let us have some baked beans, Spam, porridge and bread [and, of course, anything else we could sneak!].

The venture was arranged for the following Saturday. Bob arrived at our house with a rucksack, two large woven bags, a heavy coat and pockets stuffed with all sorts of things. I had my share, including a wooden and canvas camp bed, which although only for one, we could alternate from sleeping on the ground sheet. It took a while to strap or fix everything on to the tandem with the camp bed tied onto one of the crossbars. Setting off, the whole thing looked like a small travelling shop!

It was a difficult ride - mostly pushing uphill - although we did have a 3-speed [quite an advantage in those days]. We at last arrived at Friendship Farm and after a brief chat with Bob's uncle, were directed to a nearby field. We pitched the green canvas tent and despite its age, it seemed in good condition.

Bob's uncle gave us some old newspapers and told us to help ourselves to any firewood we could find. We found some wood and stored it in the tent to keep it dry, organised the sleeping arrangements, and made a drink and sandwiches before turning in for an early night.

Illustration by: Paul Swailes

Naturally, we lay awake talking and presently there was a strange snuffling noise coming from outside. I shone a torch and there was Ben, the farm sheepdog, trying to get his nose through the flysheet.

"I'd better let him in," I said, to which Bob replied that he was no doubt cold. So Ben was let in and soon settled down. When morning came, he was off again back to the farm, but I think he left a few of his little friends as we both seemed a bit 'itchy'! To top this, a large slug had made its way on to my pillow!

"Heck!" said Bob as he opened the fly flap, "The sky's gone pink!"

"Come off it", I replied, "Pink and red are the opposite of green and it's you being in the tent that's caused it."

"OK, clever clogs" was all Bob said.

Well, the rain set in and we spent a lot of time cramped up in that little tent. In the evening, being young and daring, we talked about going for a drink at the local pub, and for two 14 year olds the idea was, at least, a bit cheeky! When we got there, the publican, who must have been a little short-sighted, didn't hesitate in serving us a half-pint of scrumpy, to be consumed between us. Bob took one gulp and said, without conviction, "Smashing." I tried a sip but put it straight back on the table commenting, "It looks like disinfectant and tastes like varnish." "Never mind," quipped Bob, "If you drink enough you'll have a fine finish!"

The next morning the weather was a little better and after breakfasting on porridge cooked on our wood fire, we decided that as everything in the tent was rather damp, an airing would be in order. Amongst other things, the camp bed with Bob's eiderdown was put by the still-glowing embers. Just then a gust of wind caught the eiderdown, blowing it onto the fire. Quick as lightning, we rushed over to stop it burning but too late, although we stamped on it there was a large hole! Feathers started to fly just as Bob's uncle appeared asking, "You haven't been after my chickens have you? Oh no, I see you've had an accident. "

At that point it started to rain again and it went on all day. We argued about going home in the morning. I was fed up and wanted out, but Bob, always being optimistic, said it was bound to brighten up soon. I won, however, and we returned to our respective homes the next day. I think secretly that Bob was glad to get home - it rained continuously for the next week!

Tony Beauclerk, Colchester


Working Advocacy in North Devon

Time 4 You Befriending Scheme has been set up by Working Advocacy in North Devon, a user led mental health charity, and funded for 3 years by the National Lottery Charities Board.

The scheme aims to provide support and companionship for people who are isolated and often feel excluded from their community because they are experiencing mental health problems.

The scheme will offer trained volunteers to assist and support people on a one to one basis in a variety of ways, dependant on the individual. Such activities may include helping to access leisure, education and employment opportunities, support with going out/attending appointments or simply providing companionship and a listening ear. The scheme will initially cover Bideford, Barnstaple and Ilfracombe areas.

Time 4 You are looking for volunteers of all ages who are willing to give an hour or so a week to visit a client, for at least 6 months. No experience is necessary as training is provided, but we are looking for people who can communicate well and enjoy meeting people.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or would like to know more about the scheme, please contact: Becky Allsopp, Co-ordinator on [01271] 372830

WAND's Mental Health Telephone Support Line is open on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday evenings, 8.00 p.m. to 12.00 midnight. The number is 0808-800 0312 [freephone].



'Traditional' Devon Butcher and Licensed Game Dealer

Corn-fed Free Range Chickens
Home-made Pies, Cooked Meats and Sausages
Locally farmed and slaughtered Meat
Meat sent by Post

Regular Deliveries to Berrynarbor and Combe Martin
146 High Street, Ilfracombe Tel: [01217] 863643


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Residents and visitors alike are always assured of a warm welcome at Ye Olde Globe - good grog, good grub!

The annual carnival float is still under construction but will be setting out shortly for Combe Martin on the 8th August, Ilfracombe on the 23rd August and Barnstaple on the 15th September. Good luck - you have a reputation to maintain! If you cannot get to the carnivals, the float will be leaving the Globe on each occasion early in the evening.

Quiz Nights are in temporary abeyance, but will begin again on Sunday, 30th September.


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


'In France they are famed for rich wine sauce, in our family we use elderberry cordial to the same ends in beef stews, fruit pies, or in jellies, diluted as a hot drink, or with fizzy water as a refreshing summer drink. It is one of the most valuable culinary gifts of the year. Don't strip the bushes bare though, just take a little from each bush, so as not to deprive the birds. '

  • 1 lb of fruit, including stalks
  • 1 pint of water
  • 1 lb of sugar

Wash the heads of elderberries carefully and put them complete into a pan with the water. Slowly bring them to the boil, and simmer for 30-40 minutes. Strain through a wire sieve and return to the pan adding 1 lb of sugar for each pint of liquid. Dissolve the sugar gently without boiling. Put the liquid into bottles. Plastic bottles are useful as the air can be squeezed out for storage in a cool dark place or the fridge.

Add one or two tablespoons to casseroles, stews, fruit pies, etc. or dilute to taste with water.



Studio Theatre are presenting two one-act plays and a selection from the musicals, at the Landmark Theatre:

  • Sundays 5th and 19th August: 'Love Among the Lentils' by Alan Bennett. One of the six monologues, Talking Heads, Susan, the vicar's wife, tells her story that is in turn touching, very funny and always real, 'Words of Advice' by Fay Weldon. A couple in a shaky marriage try to sort out their differences by consulting the members of their families, but their visits stir up more than their problems!

  • Sundays 12th August and 2nd September, the selection from the musicals called 'Stage by Stage' a wonderful presentation of local talent, singing, dancing and acting in a most professional way. Entrancing!

All the shows commence at 1.00 p.m. and last approximately one hour. Tickets: £3.50 Family Tickets £10.00.

Do come and spend an enjoyable hour with Studio Theatre.



Leonard Clark

A nip in the air today, and autumn
Playing hide and seek with summer;
Winter takes a first grip on plant, insect, bird.
Last blackberry flowers fade,
And fruit, moving from green to red,
Dangles foot long purple clusters
Over downy hedgerows, wasps go numb,
Fall drowsy on dropped plums, honey and smoky wax
Perfume the spidered loft, barley shines.
Swifts on curved wings wheel overhead
Printing broad arrows on the leaden sky;
And now I catch the echo of the far north wind
And over the shorn and stubbled land
The dreaded hawk hovers, and a cloud of peewits cry.

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes



One thing that my mother and I have always wanted to do is to fly in a helicopter. A visit to Madeira and there was the chance to realise our dream.

So, here we are standing by the harbour, waiting for the helicopter to arrive. Is that it? Are we really going up in something that small, making that much noise? Before any doubts could creep in, we are being ushered to the helicopter - four passengers and the pilot. We are strapped in, headphones adjusted and with the roar of the engine, we are up and away.

Or rather I am up and away, but I am not too sure where my tummy has got to or whether I really want to be up here in this tiny metal container. But before I can even begin to think of any doubts, I hear the pilot pointing out something to us and here we are sweeping across the harbour and coming face to face with a cliff. "Don't worry", says the pilot as we hover, seeming inches from the cliff face, "We are going up and over this cliff." Is he kidding? All the way up there? And even as I am thinking, we are up and over and swooping down into a valley and up and over a hill and into another valley.

And suddenly it's wonderful! We are up with the birds, flying, hovering, swooping. Such joy! The pilot is telling us, showing us, but I don't pay him too much attention, it is all so fantastic and delightful, and I have utter faith in him and no worries when we see another hill, another cliff face.

All too soon it is the end of our flight. We are swooping down across the harbour and on to our landing pad. But what an experience! And my mother? Her comment was that she would love to do it again, perhaps in a bigger helicopter to compare. You bet we will go given the chance. Meanwhile, I wonder - how much do flying lessons cost?

Marion Carter - Berrynarbor Park


Artwork: Paul Swailes


  • Chairman - John Hood
  • Vice-chairman - Mike Lane
  • Treasurer - Debbie Luckham
  • Minute Secretary - Chris Jesson
  • Committee - Sylvia Baker, Ann Davies, Julia Fairchild, Ann Hinchliffe, Alice Wilson
  • Representing the P.C - Mary Malin

    The Committee would like to thank the South Molton Singers, now known as 'Harmonica', for their wonderful rendition of 'Give our Regards to Broadway' which was generously performed in aid of the Manor Hall and Cancer Care. A most enjoyable evening was had by all. Thank you to the villagers who attended the event and all those who helped on the night. We look forward to Harmonica's next production.

    This year, as a change from the usual Revels Fete, we are holding a Barn Dance. We shall still be having a BBQ and full bar [not just cider!] and there will be a bouncy castle for the children, skittles and a few other stalls. The fun starts at 6.30 p.m. as usual, and Hot Punch with Fred Ward will be providing the music.

    We really need your support this year. The Manor Hall is a wonderful facility for the village and we have a wide variety of activities going on throughout the year. But the rents just cover the running costs, it is fundraising that pays for large maintenance jobs and improvements to the Hall. So, come and join us on Tuesday, 31st July - support the Hall and help make it a GREAT Evening!



TUESDAY, 31ST JULY - 6.30 p.m. 11.00 p.m.


And don't forget the Horticultural and Craft Show on Saturday, 1st September. Schedules and Entry Forms will be available shortly from the Post Office, Glenbridge and Devon Cottage. Entries close on Wednesday, 29th August.



Artwork by: Debbie Rigler Cook


Artwork: Helen Weedon


Whilst living in Brighton I attended a creative writing evening course. At the end of the first lesson the teacher, who was rather eccentric, suddenly exclaimed: "Take heed, my dear students, if you want to become a writer, you must get in touch with your senses. So go and smell the air! Hear the sounds! And taste the wind!"

With that, she slammed shut her folders, whisked them up tight against her chest and skipped out of the room, taking long strides as she went. The motion caused her long crimson hair and full-length lilac dress to flow everywhere.

We all sat there momentarily stunned ... and concerned - is this how we would all turn out? One lady looked particularly worried: she had arrived straight from her office job and was now staring down at the smart black suit she had on. By the end of the course, would she be expected to have dyed it pink with yellow carnations sewn on? Before we had a chance to catch our breath, Ms Megasseola [that's a made-up name, straight out of a period romantic novel I'm sure, popped her head round the doorway, "And I forgot to say ... that's your homework." With that she disappeared again.

"What's our homework?" we all queried. "Seeing the sights and tasting the wind", we presumed. "And where am I going to find the time to do that?" I quietly thought to myself.

As it happened, the next day was my day off from work and I needed to do some shopping. Getting the bus into town was fine; but road works in the town centre meant a probable long wait for my bus home. So, my retail therapy complete, I stood in the already long bus queue and got on with my "homework".

First I 'saw the sights': faces of frustration in an ever-growing bus queue, to match the line of cars with drivers' angry eyes; two metal poles sticking out of the ground, once supporting wooden slats that gave seated rest for a weary shopper; symmetrical artwork on the windows of a shop's double door, which they now call graffiti.

Next I 'heard the sounds', or in this case one sound: a recipe of car engines, shouting voices, trampling heels and pneumatic drills that, when all mixed together, concoct a lovely din.

Next I 'smelt the air': trying hard to differentiate the scent of a car's fumes and a bus's fumes. Finally, I 'tasted the wind': and almost choked!

The whole experience left me quite uptight. Ironical, really, seeing as I had gone on the course to reduce some of the stress I was having at work.

Eighteen months on, however, it's a different story. Now living in Devon, I regularly stop in rural locations to get in-touch with my senses, and feel much better for it.

Only the other day, I stood on Holdstone Down and first concentrated on what I could see. A deep blue sky with cotton wool clouds casting shadows on the white horses of the Bristol Channel below. Sun shining down on the coastline of Wales, with the huge Brecon Mountains towering behind it. Then I listened intently. To the skylark above, continually singing his high-pitched song. To the sound of propellers on a light aircraft somewhere in the distance. To the wind as it rushed over the top of the grass below me. Then I took a deep breath and realised that here, even on top of Holdstone Down with no flowers around me, the grasses and branches of the forthcoming heather had a smell of their own. And what is it about coastal air? Even its taste is clean and fresh!

So go on, try it! The next time you have a worry on your mind, one that just won't leave you alone, go out and find a spot and just spend time getting in touch with your senses; because all the time you are thinking about it, you are thinking about your troubles.

Illustration by: Peter Rothwell

Stephen McCarthy


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Hopefully, I won't be talking too soon, but we've had some lovely weather during June and July, and although we have had a spell of rain, it seems to have cleared up again now, so let's hope it continues through August. Hope that all is well and that everyone is getting geared up for the six weeks of mayhem, When the kids break up and declare that they are 'bored' after two days off school!

We have been open for breakfasts for a while now and have had quite a few visitors using this facility - occasionally, the odd local pops in for elevenses and a quiet read of the papers. Some mornings we've had the builders making a bit of noise, but this cannot be avoided and they've been working really hard to get the place finished. They are a good fun bunch, which makes it more interesting, although they do drink a lot of coffee!

Don has been home for a few weeks and hasn't stopped doing 'jobs' but we did have a long list for him to come home to! He is also sporting a new, aerodynamic haircut, inspired by his son late one evening when Karl decided it was time for a change so out came the clippers and Karl, Don, Wayne and a Uni friend of Karl's, all got a "No. 2". There was a lot of encouragement, I may add, from Edith, who suggested Don should have a go!

During the summer we have entertainment on several nights of the week: Mondays is Balloon Magic, which is popular with the kids; Tuesdays will be varying Live Entertainment acts during August. Wednesday daytime we are having a Teddy Bears' Picnic Activity afternoon for children between 18 months and 5 years, from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. All are welcome and we shall be having games, stories and small competitions for the little ones. In the evening, it will be Quiz Night, where for a £l per question sheet, you will have the chance to test your knowledge and raise money towards the children's Christmas Party, as well as the possibility of winning a £10 food/drinks voucher to be redeemed at anytime at The Sawmills. Thursday will see the return of 'Ain't Misbehavin', the female vocal trio who perform a wide variety of favourites, old and new. Saturday will have Starstruck Karaoke, which is always a good night out even if you don't want to sing, watching others is guaranteed a laugh!

We hope you will come and see us and check out our new room and better beer garden.

All the very best from everyone at
The Old Sawmill Inn.



There Was an Old Man with a Beard

There was an old man with a beard,
Who said, 'It is just as I feared!
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!'

Edward Lear, 1812-1888



23rdto 11th August: Annual Art Exhibition, Combe Martin Primary School [see advertisement for details]
31stBerry Barn Dance, Manor Hall, 6.30 p.m.
1stMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
5thSt. Peter's Church: Family Service, 11.00 a.m. and Teddy Bears' Picnic!
Studio Theatre at The Landmark, 1.00 p.m.
11thFinal day of Art Show at Combe Martin Primary School
12thStudio Theatre at The Landmark, Selection from the Musicals, 1.00 p.m.
14thSt. Peter's Church Summer Fare, Manor Hall, 6.30 p.m. onwards
15thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
19thStudio Theatre at The Landmark, 1.00 p.m.
29thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
Entries close for the Horticultural and Craft Show
1stHorticultural and Craft Show, Manor Hall, 2.00 p.m.
2ndStudio Theatre at The Landmark, Selection from the Musicals, 1.00 p.m.
4thW.I. Meeting, 2.30 p.m. at the Manor Hall: Watermouth Castle - Mr. P. Christie. Visitors welcome.
5thPrimary School and College: Start of Autumn Term
Friendship Lunch at The Globe, 12.30 p.m.
11thParish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
12thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
26thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
30thSt. Peter's Church: Harvest Thanksgiving Family Communion, 11.00 a.m.
The Globe: Quiz Night
OCTOBER - Pink Month - Breast Cancer Awareness
2ndW.I. Meeting, 2.30 p.m., Manor Hall: Shipwreck - Raparee Cove, Mr. M. Barrow
3rdSt. Peter's Church: Harvest Evensong, 6.30 p.m. followed by Harvest Supper and Auction, Manor Hall.

Manor Hall Diary:

MondaysBadminton, 7.30 p.m.
Tuesdays2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners
Yoga, 7.00 p.m.
ThursdaysWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m.
FridaysShort Mat Bowls, 7.00 p.m.
SundaysShort Mat Bowls, 2.00 p.m.

Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)

11.30 - 11.45 a.m.Sandy Cove
11.50 - 12.05 p.m.Barton Lane
1.15 - 1.40 p.m.The Square
1.45 - 2.05 p.m.Sterridge Valley




Greetings once again from the Primary School. As I write this piece it is raining outside - good for the gardens but not so good for our Fete this evening! I'm sure that with your support we shall have just as successful an event as in years past.

This is a very happy time of year and we have really enjoyed the fine weather and different activities we have been able to carry out in and around the village. It is also tinged with sadness as we say farewell to our Year 6 and celebrate their contribution to the life of the school.

The staff and governors have worked hard this year, trying to bring as many positive experiences as possible to the children, and we should like to thank you for playing your part and helping us to be part of the community.

We hope you enjoy 'Friends', the work of Year 2 pupils.

A happy and restful summer to you all!

Simon Bell - Headteacher

Best Friends

Would a Best Friend
Hurt you deliberately
Go off with another Friend
Borrow some money and not pay you back
Mine did
Would a best Friend say
Take a showing toy out of your tray
Not sit next to you in class
Not be partners with you any more
Mine did
Would a Best Friend
Tern up and say hurt me back
Go off with you again and
pay you back
Mine did
Would a best Friend say
Sorry I bulled you in the playground
Sorry I went off with another Friend
I thought you didn't like me
And would a Best Friend simply say
Never mind that's OK
I did

Becky [Walls]

Me and my mate Arran, we:
play on our Bikes,
play on the PlayStation,
Tell each other secrets,
and play on our skateboard.

When we bike ride
we do jumps off muddy mounds

Me and my mate Steven, we:
we play on our scooters,
play on our skate boards,
play the PlayStation,
and play soccer.

On our scooters we see who does the best tricks.

Me and my mate Kamran, we:
Skate Board
Bike ride
play soccer
and scooter.

When we skate board
we see who can do the highest jump.

Me and my mate Kieron, we:
play on the PlayStation,
play on our skate boards,
and play foot ball.

When we play on the PlayStation
we always play on TEKEN2
and we always play on 2 player
on Team Battle Mode.

Sam K. [Kinsella]

Me and my mate William, we:

play war games
we play on the PlayStation
Run from William's sister
Then I have to go back home
After I watch T.V.

Me and my mate William, we:

Spy on my dogs
Make ant farms
We wrestle
Then William has to go back home
And has his tea

Harvey [Hudson]

Best friends are there for you
Best friends help you in Art
Best friends give you presents
Best friends help you.
Best friends give surprises
Best friends take care for you
Best friends don't tell lies
Best friends give you sweets

Emma [Elstone]

Two Friends

Me and Stephanie are friends
We share our secrets
And we play with each other at fetes
We have style
We have glamour
We share each others clothes
We go out on our bikes and sometimes I give her a roes
But all I can say is we will never break up!
But when we talk Mr. Wood says tut! tut!

Georgia [D'Anger]

Would a best friend say
Sorry I was spying on you
Sorry I ganged up on you
Sorry I said I don't like you
Mine did
And would a best friend say, simply
Never mind that's O.K
I did

William [Matthews]


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Peggy and Laurie [Dad] Harvey- Congratulations and very best wishes to you both on the momentous occasion of your Golden Wedding


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Pink Heather and Gardens, Berrynarbor

This photographic postcard of 'Pink Heather and Gardens' and showing to the right of' the house, two chalets, would have been taken by a photographer commissioned by Frith's of Reigate in the very early 1960's.

Whilst my parents had moved to Tower Cottage in 1965, Inge and I had moved to Ilfracombe in 1964. I believe it was in either 1965 or 1966 that my parents introduced us to the wonderful cream teas at Pink Heather in the Sterridge Valley. They were legendary, with people from all over this part of North Devon making a visit during the week-end afternoons. Both Jack and Jill Songhurst would be preparing and serving, ably assisted at that time by their son Graham.

©Copyright The Francis Frith Collection

The Songhursts purchased Pink Heather shortly after the last World War, possibly from the Floyds. Jack Songhurst was a carpenter and professional French Polisher and I always remember the wonderful and well-polished tables, chairs, antique furniture and particularly fine examples of three-legged chairs. Jill was a staunch supporter of our local Tyrrell Hospital and raised many hundred of pounds for the Hospital League of Friends by holding her famous Thursday waffle afternoons and evenings.

Again in the early 1960's, Mr. Noble, an architect who lived at Donnybrook, applied for and got permission to up-grade Pink Heather and an extension - the dining room _ was added. At the same time, the Songhursts applied for a licence to sell liquor.

From the rear of the house there was a covered passageway leading to a pre-fabricated building which contained 6 small letting bedrooms, including two honeymoon suites - all with little privacy!

The Sterridge Valley from above Higher Rows Farm and Jan's Barn, and with Pink Heather in the centre.
The covered passage from the house to the bedrooms is just visible.

Following the death of her husband and later her son, Jill ran the business for a short while before becoming a resident in a home in Ilfracombe, where she still lives today.

In 1990, pink Heather was put on the market, declaring itself to be a Property with 9 bedrooms [!] and purchased by the Walls. A tremendous amount of work was undertaken - the extension on the front was demolished as it was in a very bad state of repair, and the cottage returned to its 2 up 2 down original state. The outbuildings were also demolished, including the two chalets which came to light when the bramble patch was attacked! They have been replaced by today's two 'letting' cottages.

Matthew and Karen brought up their children there whilst work was progressing and after they moved into the village, Pink Heather became home to Bernard and June O'Regan. Bernard and June opened up their garden for the recent Berrynarbor Village Garden Trail, which was so successful. They were able to show how their many terraces contain fish ponds, flowers, shrubs and trees, plus an area for vegetables - organic of course - whilst across the road they have their car park and natural bog garden and stream.

My thanks to Keith Walls for his help and finally, I wonder if anyone has any photographs taken of Jack, Jill and Graham inside or outside their cottage or on the terraces. Please do get in touch if you do.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, July 2001
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com



  • Berry Barn Dance - Tuesday, 31 st July, Manor Hall, 6.30 p.m. onwards
  • St. Peter's Fayre - Tuesday, 14th August, Manor Hall, 6.30 p.m.
  • Horticultural & Craft Show - Saturday, 1st September, Manor Hall, 2.00 p.m. Entries Close: Wednesday, 29th August