Edition 7 - August 1990

Artwork by: Helen Armstead

If newspapers are to be of use, they should be bundled and put into black sacks to keep them dry.
Magazines and other periodicals which are stapled together [e.g. Radio and TV Times, coloured supplements, etc., as well as papers like Exchange and Mart] should be kept totally separate.
Cardboard cartons are also useful, but again please keep them separate and flatten them.

South Molton Recycling collect from the Village on the FIRST Wednesday EACH MONTH, between 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m.
Items may be taken and left at the side of the Penn Curzon Room [thanks to the kind permission of the Management Committee] NOT EARLIER than the Tuesday evening on the day before the collection, and before 11.00 a.m. on the day.
Please DO NOT leave items if it is obvious that the collection has already been made.
Thank you.
Many thanks for the kind concern shown by the people of the village over Toby's heart-attack.
Joan & Toby Wood
Thanks have been expressed to Ray Carter for getting rid of the nettles and providing the village with a new 'duck pool'!
Very many thanks to Helen Armstead for the delightful 'wrap-around' cover of this issue depicting Watermouth Castle and harbour, and for her other 'covers', which are much appreciated. Last issue's drawing of the heron at the edge of the Sterridge at Sawmills attracted many compliments, especially since with the recent work, the once tree-lined stream looks very different today.
Thank you to the readers who heeded the plea for contributions - an excellent response and if your article doesn't appear this issue, please don't be offended and keep the articles coming!
GAS COOKER in very good condition: £25.00 Please contact Joy Morrow [882531]
Readers will be pleased to learn that the rate for this year's Berrynarbor Christmas Card Post will remain unaltered at 10p per card.

Due to recent burglaries in the parish, the Council are asking if parishioners might like to give consideration to having the the "Neighbourhood Watch Scheme" in Berrynarbor.
Any persons interested, please 'phone Betty Davis, Parish Clerk [883541] or leave your name at the Manor Stores, you will then be contacted.

To Peggy and Laurie Harvey on the birth of their eighth grand-child Lloyd, who put in an appearance on the 9th July and weighed in at 7 lbs 9 oz. Congratulations and best wishes, too, to the proud parents, Liz and Andrew Harvey-Bryant.
To Sally Billett, winner of the Victorian Bathing Belle competition.
To Tanja Jost of 'Hillside Cottage' who has gained a B.A. degree in International Business Management. Using the 4 languages she has studied, Tanja has recently taken up a globe-trotting position in marketing with AEG Olympia based at their Head Office in Wilhelmshaven.
Kim hopes to follow in her sister's footsteps and returns from Italy to commence at Bucks College in the autumn to study for an H.N.D. in Languages and International Office Management.
To James Weedon on gaining a B.Sc. [2:1] in Computer Science and Software Engineering from the University of Birmingham. James will be taking up a position with international company, SD-Scicon Limited, at Wavendon; Bucks, in September.

This friendly and cheerful group is open to all who love wine and good food. Meetings are held monthly at 8.00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month at the Manor Hall, Berrynarbor. The 1990-91 season begins on Wednesday, 17th October with a talk and tastings on "Fine Clarets" by Mr. Tony Stone. Book this and the 3rd Wednesday in the month in your diary NOW.

At the June meeting, members related stories connected with items handed down, in many cases from grandparents. A most interesting afternoon and a special thank you to new members who participated. Kath Arscott has had one of her photographs accepted for the W.I. Calendar 1991 - Fauna and Flora being the subject. Having been taken in the Sterridge Valley it is truly a Berrynarbor effort and in congratulating Kath, we hope that she will enjoy representing the Institute at the D.F.W.I. Birthday Lunch in Exeter on 20th August. The following Tuesday, 12th, being Ilfracombe Victorian Week, 30 members - many in period costume - visited Watermouth Castle. What a lovely afternoon - the sun shone, visitors were appreciative, cameras clicked and the castle, as always, a source of interest and beauty. Congratulations ladies - you did Berrynarbor proud and enhanced the memory of yesteryear. One must compliment you, especially Ethel Tidbury for expertise with the needle and thank you, Geoff Priest, for recording the afternoon with your two cameras.
Members were fortunate at the July meeting, for after welcoming three visitors, V.C.O. Mrs B. Tarren, Vi Davies and Brenda Walton, they were given an account by Margaret Hill of her trip to London to attend the A.G.M ... very graphic and being her first visit to such an occasion, a moving one, especially singing the National Anthem in the presence of the Queen. This was followed by a talk and demonstration on Wholefood Cookery by John and Sheila Eschle - mouthwatering dishes were tasted by members and methinks that the Angel Wholefood Diner in Ilfracombe will be frequented in the near future by many who have not already dined there. My thanks to Joy Morrow and her helpers for arranging the tea.
There will be no meeting in August, so in wishing one and all a 'happy holiday', I look forward to seeing everyone at the September meeting when we hope Margarette Lucas will give us some idea about Personal Colour Analysis.
Don't forget the 'Bottle Stall' at the Berry Revels on 14th August - more bottles needed PLEASE.
The moments bloom again.
The past is like the good brown earth,
And future like the sun and rain.
Vi Kingdon - President
As September comes round again with quieter roads and weather [hopefully] idea. for walking or cycling - keep a free day on SATURDAY; 8TH SEPTEMBER to join in our local effort.
All round the country, people who do not want to see their lovely old churches and chapels fall into disrepair and decay through lack of funds, gather together on this day and join in a sponsored walk-run-cycle or pony-ride on behalf of the Historic Churches Fund.
The aim is to have an interesting day visiting as many churches and chapels as you can - wherever you are.
Housewives : Get a sponsor form and while you are in Ilfracombe or Barnstaple doing your week-end shopping, call in at a few churches on your way - possibly buildings which you have never visited before, with lovely architecture and interesting historical features.
Youngsters and Youth Club members - get out your bikes or go in a group - have a picnic on the way - get out into the villages and visit the lovely old churches there. Or join us locally in visiting Ilfracombe, Combe Martin and our own village churches here in Berrynarbor. See how many you can visit on this day!
Most of the churches and chapels will be manned by people who can tell you about the history of their church and who will welcome you and possibly provide a refreshing drink.
All the money you raise from your sponsorship will go initially to the Devon Historic Churches Fund, then half will come back to the church or chapel of your choice and the other half will be kept for grants through the D.H.C. Fund to churches and chapels who are in need and who apply.
Several churches and chapels in our own area have been given grants in this way over the past couple of years.
We shall look out for you on the road - so have a FUN DAY and join us on
SATURDAY, 8TH SEPTEMBER. 10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. Good walking, cycling or riding!!
Sponsor forms from:
Win Collins,
Red Tiles,
Barton Lane [883588]
Preb. Eppingstone
Parsons Pightle
Sterridge Valley
Ron Toms
Win Collins
After a very successful Coffee Morning at Easter, the Youth Club has been able to purchase games equipment to the value of £90 - thanks to everyone who supported it and to the effort that everyone put into making the bonnets - over 40 in all which made the judging very difficult. Thank you Helen Armstead.
While on the subject of thanks, we should very much like to thank Lynne and Phil [The Globe], who kindly donated £45 with which we have bought a basketball set.
We had a trip to Cascades at Croyde, which was enjoyed by everyone and also a lovely evening at The Globe when a lot of parents joined us. Youth Club has now finished until the Autumn, when we hope to start rehearsing for our Christmas Variety Show.

Berry Revels Evening, Tuesday 14th August, 6.30 - 9.00 pm Manor Hall. Any donations [raffle prizes, cakes (or any baked goods), help on the day, ideas , bottles, tombola prizes, etc.] will be gratefully accepted. Contact Joy Morrow, Fuchsia Cottage [882531]. Your help is needed too!
Berry Revels Craft Fair, Wednesday, 15th August, 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Manor Hall. Refreshments served. Come along and bring your friends and visitors - do your Christmas shopping early!
Berrynarbor Horticultural and Art Show, Saturday, 8th September, 2.00 p.m. Manor Hall. Watch for schedules in mid-August at the Post Office, Manor Stores and Butchers. Please support this event!! Especially the flower, wine and art sections.
The above three events are in aid of our Village Hall. The kitchen project is in hand and work should begin around the middle of August. The next major project is portable staging so your support is needed. Any donations will be very welcome.
Would anyone having any information regarding the damage to the gas heater near the kitchen please contact one of the Committee Members. Thank you.
Thank you to everyone who helped make my Coffee Morning such a success, especially Alan Denzey and Ron Toms for their 'labour of love'. £141.50 was raised in aid of the Chapel in Berrynarbor.
Joy Morrow

Capel Cottage,
Berrynarbor. 120. Garratt [c1925]

This must be one of the most photographed cottages in Berrynarbor. It has also been called "Wayside Cottage" [c1908] and "Rayburn Cottage" [c1920]. In about 1903/4, Mrs. Snell lived here, as a widow, with her four children, Arthur, Nelly, Walter and Mabel. Mrs. Snell took in the washing for the Reverend and Mrs. Churchill at the Vicarage. Later, Sir Reginald Beatty Wolseley and his wife, Lady Marion Elizabeth Wolseley, lived here until he died on the 9th July, 1933, at the age of 61. Lady Marion was completely heartbroken and followed her husband's coffin, dressed in white. Through tragic circumstances, she followed him less than a year later on the 23rd June, 1934. Her feelings are reflected in the inscription on his grave - where she, too, is buried - which has a pillow as its headstone and lies just inside the top gate of the churchyard.
"In tender memory of my beloved husband, Reginald Beatty Wolseley, 10th Baronet of Mount Wolseley, who went above 6th July 1933 aged 61
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. St. John 14.27 M.E.W."
The tiled roof showing on the left is where the village Blacksmith, Sam Harding, lived.
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, July 1990
I wonder how many readers have come across "White's 1850 Devon"? If you have, you will know that this Directory of 1850 "has long been recognised and used as one of the major source books for the local historian in Devon. It is a veritable mine of information on towns and villages, industries and agriculture, ports and inland communications, customs and charities. Much can be learnt even from the list of traders and leading citizens in each town and village."
Reproduced below, by kind permission of David and Charles, Publishers, Newton Abbot, Devon, from White's Devon by William White, 1850, is the entry for Berrynarbor.
In compiling this Directory, as in the compilation of his other directories [Suffolk 1844/1855, Norfolk 1845, Lincolnshire 1856, Yorkshire I & Il 1837 and Hampshire 1859] William White and his assistants claim that "every parish and almost every house in this extensive county has been visited."
Little is known about William White except that his involvement with directories began in Newcastle in 1829. He moved to Sheffield in 1830 and began publishing on his own account, mainly covering the northern and eastern parts of England. His Devonshire Directory was his first venture outside these areas, but the reason for this was unknown. At some time, William White was joined by his son, also William, who took over on his father's death in 1868. However, he did not survive his father long, dying two years later in 1870, when the business was taken over by his brother.

It is interesting to note from the entry that many of the names given are the same as those of today's residents, presumably they may be their great-great [or even great] - grandparents! Although I cannot claim any of them to be my relatives, I can, however, claim that William White was my great-great-grandfather; my mother, Barbara Pickup, nee White, being his great-granddaughter. As a family, we have no further information on him, but a copy of his portrait [the original being in the possession of a distant cousin] hangs in our sitting room.

White's Directory is now out of print - a reprint was published in 1968, but copies are available in the local libraries and an original, published in 1850, is in the Ilfracombe Museum.
Judie Weedon

You will have seen in the last edition of the Newsletter, a request for some new items for inclusion. My intention is to make this a regular report on my activities in the District Council and on some of the other public bodies I am privileged to have been appointed to.
What better time to start than at the Annual District Council Meeting in May, when all the Chairmanships and other positions are elected for the year ahead. My job last year was to Chair the Board of Works that runs the District Labour Unit and it was pleasing to be reappointed.
In the widest sense, perhaps two of the more interesting days were:
- A meeting with Michael Portillo, the Minister with responsibility for the Community Charge. There is a gap between the views of Local and Central Government on this charge, but while we both agree it is far too high, there is hope that a way can be found to reduce it.
- The Government have appointed me as one of only 10 members of the South West Water Company's Customer Service Committee, and we gathered to hear the results of trials held in various venues across the country on the metering of water supplies. There is a long way to go yet on this exercise and as yet no commitment has been made to any new way of charging us all for our water services.
From a local point of view, the most important issue to arise was a prolonged debate on the future of the Big Meadow Camping Site. The present proprietor is anxious for touring caravans to be allowed on the site.
District Councillors on a site visit called for an Officer Report and that came out against the admission of caravans.
Our own Berrynarbor Parish Council were strongly supportive of the Officer view, but a District Council Working Party meeting on Friday, 13th July, are to recommend the Parent Planning Committee change the long-standing policy.
My view is that the present policy is correct in this very important and highly visible place. Your opinion is important and I should be delighted to hear from you or, of course you could write to the Director of Planning at the Civic Centre, Barnstaple.
Graham E. Andrews
District & Parish
Councillor Tel: Combe Martin
Meetings attended 21.5.90 to 15.07.90: 69
The section of coast path behind the coastguard cottages to Rillage Point, around Samson's Bay and onto Widmouth Head, overlooking Watermouth, provides a short; easy walk on fairly level ground, from which an interesting variety of plants and birds may be observed.
On an unusually windy afternoon in late June, we set out from the picnic area/ opposite the golf course where cars may be left. One soon gets off the road and onto a path parallel to it along which grow ox-eye daisies, mallow, St. John's wort, hemp agrimony, tufted vetch; yellow toadflax and meadow sweet.
Heading seawards from the coastguard station, in the short grass, we found a colony of spotted orchids with lady's bedstraw and cinquefoil.
From here we caught sight of a cormorant on a rock. Later, as we rounded Samson's Bay, we were to see another in flight. On another rock at Rillage Point were two great black-backed gulls.
On the cliffs the sea pinks had mostly 'gone over' but there was Scurvy grass, furry yellow kidney vetch and a few graceful sea campions and blue sheep's bit.
Along the path around Samson's Bay were wild roses, restharrow and bird's foot trefoil, and perching on top of small trees and shrubs were several linnets and stonechats. The latter with their pretty plumage - chestnut pink chests and black heads with a white half collar - often drew our attention by their distinctive sound [like stones being tapped together]. And of course, there were the ubiquitous jackdaws!
On reaching the fence before heading off around Widmouth Head, you will discover a spectacular view of Watermouth Harbour and Combe Martin Bay with the Hangman. This must be one of the best views of Watermouth and the Warren. Looking to the right, we could see the llamas sharing a field with sheep and cows.
If you decide to turn back here rather than proceed with the steeper section of the path, you will have found plenty of nature and scenery to enjoy.

Eucharist, 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion [2nd Sunday only], 8.00 a.m, Thursday, 10.00 a.m. [Communion at home by request to Preb. R. Eppingstone]. Evensong, St. Peter Ad Vincula, Combe Martin 6.30 p.m.
- 5th August - Prayers for the Queen Mother at the Eucharist
- 7th August - CHURCH FAYRE for local charities, 6.00 p.m. Manor Hall. Too many stalls, entertainments & competitions to list, but Dear Churchpeople, your contributions of goods and prizes to P.C.C. soonest, please.
- 11th-12th August - Preb. Eppingstone will say prayers at the Tattoo in Ilfracombe & hopes you'll be there.
- 14th Sept - Preb. and Mrs. Eppingstone on holiday for two weeks. The Rev. and Mrs. Dean-Hall in residence and taking services.
- 30th Sept - The Harvest Thanksgiving. ROHE hopes you will leave lots and lots of vegetables and fruit for him to arrange when he gets home on the Friday.
- 3rd Oct - Harvest Evensong and Supper
1st | South Molton Recycling Collection, 11.00-10.00 p.m. Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
7th | Church Fayre, Manor Hall, 6.00 p.m. |
11th/12th | Royal British Legion Tattoo, Ilfracombe. |
10th | Berry Revels, Manor Hall, 6.30 - 9.00 p.m. |
15th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. Berry Revels Craft Fair, 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. |
26th | Ilfracombe Rugby Club Fayre National. Radio Car Championship Meeting, Brimlands, Ilfracombe, 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. |
29th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
1st | Whimple Ringers; Peal, 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. |
4th | W. I. Meeting - Personal Colour Analysis, Margarette Lucas |
5th | School & College - Start of Autumn Term. South Molton Recycling Collection, 11.00- 1.00 p.m. |
8th | Devon Historic Churches Trust Sponsored Event,
10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Horticultural & Art Show, Manor Hall, 2.00 p.m. |
9th | Deanery Synod, Lee Abbey, 2.30 p.m. |
10th | Badminton Club Recommences, 7.30 p.m. Manor Hall |
11th | Parish Council Meeting; 7.15 p.m. |
12th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. Annual Party for Ilfracombe Disabled Club |
14th | Ilfracombe College Presentation Evening, 8.00 p.m. Everyone welcome! |
20th | W.I. Theatre Trip to Hall '70, Woolacombe. |
26th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
30th | Harvest Thanksgiving |
2nd | W. I. Meeting - Slide Show [France], Mr. and Mrs. Howard |
3rd | South Molton Recycling Collection, 11.00-1.00
p.m. Harvest Evensong and Supper |
17th | Wine Appreciation Group recommences. |
18th | W.I. Group Meeting at Loxhore, 7.30 p.m. |

The School is hoping to make up a local record of life in Berrynarbor, so that future generations can learn from the experiences and knowledge of people in the village now. If you have memories of Berrynarbor and its environs which you would be prepared to share with the children, please write a note to the school giving us your name and address so that one of the children can invite you to come to the school to talk with him or her in order that they can write your memories for our 'Berrynarbor in the Past' book.
We envisage the book having four sections - Pre-War Berrynarbor, Wartime Berrynarbor, Recent Past [since the War] and Berrynarbor School.
We hope that you can summon up some of your memories - sad, amusing, interesting; and everyday events from all walks of life - to help the children learn about our area in this century. The book will be preserved in the most permanent way possible for use a long time into the future.
Please pass on this plea for help to any of your friends and relatives who live outside the village and if they cannot visit, a letter would be most appreciated.
We hope to see lots of people in the autumn for a cup of coffee and a chat and you might even meet some old friends who share your memories! Please contribute if you possibly can.
Pam Cruse
Best Kept Village Once again we have reached the finals. Thanks to all who do their 'bit' to keep it so nice. Let's hope we can go one better this year, and make it a FIRST!
Sunday School The outing on Sunday, 15th July, was to Watermouth Castle and what a wonderful time they had - panning for gold, down in the dungeons, waffles and tea and lots of fun in the music room. They would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Haines and their staff for making the visit so memorable and such fun.
Congratulations to Ivan and Bill Huxtable of Woolscott Farm who are justifiably proud to have sold a small herd of 10 cattle [8 Devons] to Mr. Thomas of Brightley Barton, Umberleigh, who was the Champion Cattle Judge at the Royal Smithfield Show.

Thank you again to this issue's contributors, and although there are some articles in hand for the October issue, don't sit back - keep writing!
Congratulations, Thanks, For Sale and Wanted, Snippets, etc. are always welcome, so pop 'the gossip' in the boxes in the Post Office and Manor Stores for the October Issue by the 15th September at the latest, as well as that article telling us about your holiday, hobby or humorous happening!
Enquiries to:
Reduced rates for senior citizens

Served hot or cold, with warmed wholemeal bread, this makes a delicious light lunch or supper for 4
- 1 medium lettuce
- 15g [1/2 oz] butter
- 1 small onion, finely chopped
- 5ml [1 tsp] chopped mint
- 15g [1/2 oz] flour
- 300ml [1/2 pt] milk
- 150ml [1/4 pt] chicken stock
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 60ml [4tbsp] single cream or fromage frais
- Sprigs of fresh mint to garnish
Recipe tested in a 650-watt oven. Adjust the timings accordingly.
Wash and shred the lettuce finely. Melt the butter in a large micro-proof bowl on high for 1 minute. Add the onion. Cover and cook on high for 4 minutes until softened, stirring once. Add the lettuce and mint. Cover and cook on high for 4 minutes, stirring once. Stir in flour, then gradually add the milk and stock. Cook on high for 6 minutes, stirring twice, until thickened. Allow to stand for 3 minutes. Pour into a liquidiser or food processor, blend until smooth. Or pass through a fine sieve. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper according to taste. Stir in single cream or fromage fraise. Cook on high for a further 5 minutes, stirring twice, until heated through. Garnish with fresh mint leaves to serve.