Edition 68 - October 2000

Artwork by: Peter Rothwell

Artwork: Judie Weedon


Here we are, summer nearly gone, the shorter evenings and winter closing in! Don't forget, the clocks go back at the end of the month.

This issue's cover is of Lundy and is one of Peter Rothwell's captivating illustrations for John R. Chanter's book, 'Lundy Island a Monograph'.

My thanks to the organisers of St. Peter's Fayre and the Berry Revels for allowing me and Jill a 'table' for the Newsletter at which to sell Debbie's cards and prints, notelets and provide the Nature Quiz. The sale of these items, donations both by post and in the collecting boxes and a most generous cheque from Napps following the first of their summer Bar-B-Q's, has swollen funds by the magnificent sum of over £200. Thank you all, but especial thanks to Mike, Julie and Gemma.

With less than a hundred shopping days to Christmas [!], the next issue will be December and the Festive Season and copy will be welcome as soon as possible and not later than MONDAY 13TH NOVEMBER please. In the meantime, I must once again thank Peter, Paul and Debbie for their illustrations and all the regular and new contributors to this issue.




On 25th July, 21 members and friends went on an afternoon mystery trip, which culminated at Malmsmead. What a delightful journey - quiet roads and hedgerows ablaze with colour. On arrival, Lorna Doone's Shop proved quite a magnet, and several purchases were made. Tea was served in the garden, with quite a few little birds hoping for a few crumbs and even a Jack Russell who, we were told, walked over two fields most days to see what was on offer! Time passed quickly and the afternoon was only marred by Ivy Richards's accident when getting on the coach - those steps are too high. With her leg bandaged by our driver, we called in at the Health Centre on our way home. It must have been painful and Ivy was very brave. We all hope that the wound has healed by now, Ivy, as we have heard that you had to make several visits to the Health Centre.

2nd September the village Horticultural and Craft Show. Thanks to the organisers and helpers - Linda Brown and Ann Hinchliffe being just two of them for an attractive occasion. Entries might have been down but the quality was excellent, in spite of the heavy rain of the day before. Credit to all the exhibitors for a colourful selection. Congratulations to Kath Waller whose crotchet matinee jacket gained her a First Prize - an excellent result as Kath has only just learnt the craft. A few W.I. members entered, but we hope for more next year.

A well attended meeting on the 5th September, including three visitors, welcomed Rosemary Wedlake with her wonderful collection of hats, dating back to Victorian times and up to the present day. She modelled the hats as she talked, which was quite amusing, and some of the styles brought back happy memories. She judged Win Collins winner of the Flower of the Month competition.

Our next meeting will be on the 3rd October when Doreen Prater will be telling us of her visit to the Passion Play at Oberammergau, and names will be taken for the Chichester Group Social Evening at Shirwell on the 19th October.

Members were asked to note that the A.G.M. on the 7th November will be starting at 2.00 p.m. to enable the planting of the W.I. Millennium Tree in Claude's Garden at 3 0'clock. Agenda 21 items will be on display in the Hall.

In conclusion, there are quite a number of newcomers to the village and we invite them to join us - visitors are always welcome at our meetings which take place at the Manor Hall at 2.30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of every month.

Cheerio for now.

Vi Kingdon, President

Mother Nature's at her paintbox,
Pastel shades have had their day.
Gold, red, russet, brown and yellow
The in-colours when Autumn plans to stay.
But as the leaves begin to fall, Winter white will cloak us all.

Illustration by: Paul Swailes



How sorry we all were to hear about Una Warburton's unfortunate accident.

Following a stay in hospital in Barnstaple, Una has now been transferred to the Tyrrell in Ilfracombe and we send her our very best wishes, as we do to Ivy Richards.





It was a shock to everyone to learn that Ray had died suddenly whilst working in his garden on the evening of 18th July, and our thoughts have been, and continue to be, with Margaret and little Toby at this very sad time.

Ray and Margaret retired from Maidenhead to Berrynarbor some eleven years ago. It wasn't long before Ray, in his quiet and unassuming way, became involved with our community. He was a Parish Councillor and our Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator. As a committed member of the Crime Prevention Panel, he would help the campaign against car and contents theft by visiting car parks, particularly in the summer months. Many of our older residents benefited from his help with their paperwork and finances and a particular pleasure for him was assisting Len Coleman with his collections for the Lifeboat.

When not attending to the needs of his garden, from which he derived much pleasure, Ray was interested in motor vehicles and their restoration, especially motor bikes and mopeds, and carving models in wood.

Ray was a gentleman who would do anything for anyone - nothing was too much trouble - and he will be very much missed by his many friends and neighbours.

Thank you all for the many cards and letters of sympathy, and for your help and support following Ray's death. Also, to everyone who attended his funeral - he would have been surprised but delighted at how many of you went to bid him farewell. The wonderful sum of £518 has been donated to the Lifeboat in his memory. My especial thanks to Keith Wyer, Mr. Williams and Inspector Harris and members of Ilfracombe Police Force.



Talking of Berrynarbor's centenarians in the August issue, mention should have been made of May, a former resident of the village, who celebrated her 100th Birthday in January 1999, and this was marked by an article in the April issue. Sadly, we now report that eighteen months later she has died at the grand age of 101 and a half, and our thoughts are with her family at this time of sadness.


Those who remember the Post Office in the days of Dennis and Sylvia Barton will be sad to learn that Dennis died on the 31st August, and our thoughts are with his daughter and son, Sarah and Simon.



Berry in Bloom

Ann and Vi would like to thank everyone in Berrynarbor who helped to make the village so 'blooming' wonderful!

Below is a copy of a letter of thanks received by Ann Hinchliffe for the Card sent on behalf of the village, together with the village booklet and a copy of the newsletter to mark Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother's 100th Birthday on 4th August 2000.

Clarence House
6th September 2000

Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother wishes me to thank you for your kind message and the gift you have sent on the occasion of her 100th birthday.

The Queen Mother has asked me to say that the greetings she has received from all over the world have meant a great deal to Her Majesty, who is most appreciative of them.

During her long life Queen Elizabeth has always been encouraged by, and felt grateful for, the friendship and support of many people, and would like now to send you her best wishes and thanks.

Elizabeth Grimthorpe



We have three large house plants looking for a good home:

  • a Rubber Plant 7' tall
  • a Yucca [2 stems] 4' tall, and a
  • Swiss Cheese Plant, 6' tall by about 4' across

Seems a shame to get rid of them, but they do take up a lot of room! Any volunteers, please ring John Hood on 883105.



On behalf of all the members of our Classic Motorcycle Club, I should like to thank the residents of Berrynarbor, Combe Martin and the surrounding area, for their help over the weekends of 3rd June and 19th August, when we ran our two Classic Scrambles.

I hope we didn't cause too much of a disruption to your way of life, with the heavy traffic and, of course, the noise. We tried to keep it to a minimum but we do realise that what is music to some people's ears, is a dreadful racket to others! To those people we do apologise.

Our Club was formed at the beginning of this year with three aims: to promote our sport, to assist tourism in North Devon and to assist local charities.

We managed to find an excellent track at Sloley Park, thanks to Derek Phillips, and it has been well received by riders from all over the country, all wanting to come down to North Devon to ride on one of the top three tracks in the country - their description, not mine! They have also been overwhelmed by the hospitality they have received from the local people, especially at our first meeting in June when everyone had to be towed in by tractor, all done in a friendly way not to be found everywhere in the country. In fact, so impressed were they by everything this year, the Club has been invited to run a round of the British Championship next year. We have yet to decide whether to accept the offer.

I know of at least 20 riders who booked bed and breakfast in the area on the weekends of our scrambles - that may not be many but I am sure it will increase as word gets around of what a lovely place Berrynarbor is to spend a weekend or even longer.

In spite of the fact that the Club started from scratch at the beginning of the year with nothing - and it costs approximately £s;1100 to put on each scramble thanks to the support of the local people of North Devon, we find ourselves in a position to be able to hand over a substantial sum of money to the Children's Hospice South West.

The Club hopes to run two more scrambles next year at Sloley Park [dates not yet set, but hopefully much the same as this year]. The first one will be in aid of the local St. John Ambulance Brigade and we invite YOU to submit the name of another local charity for us to consider for our second event of 2001.

Thank you once again for your support.

Graham Brown - Club Chairman
Tel. [01237] 470267


Artwork: Helen Armstead


Summer Fayre

8.00 a.m. on a beautiful summer's morning saw us once again up on the main road putting out signs and banners for the Church Summer Fayre in the evening. By 6.30 p.m., after many comings and goings throughout the day to the Manor Hall, all was in place and early arrivals were already beginning to try their luck on the skittles, tombola, etc., and to make their purchases. After a very busy and enjoyable evening, the PCC were able to declare a profit of £1,000. Our grateful thanks to all those who supported us, contributing in so many different ways and giving us so much time and effort. Without you there would have been no Fayre!

To date, a total of £1921 has been raised during the year, including Gift Day and a Coffee Morning held in May. To finish up the year, the PCC will be holding another Coffee Morning on Thursday, 2nd November, in the Manor Hall, beginning at 10.30 a.m. Please come along and join us: there will be the usual stalls - cakes, bric-a-brac and raffle, and any gifts will be received gladly.

The Harvest Festival will take place at the very beginning of October and then our services will follow the normal pattern. We are, however, looking forward to a number of weddings and christenings!

Remembrance Sunday will fall on 12th November this year - please see the posters for the time of Service.

Harvest Festival 2000
Sunday, 1st October

Family Communion, 11.00 a.m.
Wednesday, 4th October
Evensong, 6.30 p.m., followed by Supper in the Manor Hall

Supper Tickets on sale at the Post Office


Ilfracombe & District
6 Church Street, Ilfracombe Tel: 862131

Age Concern offers advice and information to all senior citizens. Can we help you? If we don't know the answer, we usually know someone who does!

Our Office is open Monday to Friday, 10.00 a.m to 12.00 noon and 1.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.



Brian Wright

Solution in Article 36.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Our best wishes to Don and Edith Ozelton from Sawmills. Don has begun a two year contract based in China, and Edith left in mid-August to join him. Although they will miss their grandson Callum's first birthday at the end of October [happy birthday, Callum!], they will be back for a brief visit at Christmas.

We should like to say a big Thank You to everybody who made us feel so welcome in Berrynarbor The last five years have been a very happy time for us both and we shall look back on it with lovely memories. We shall continue to visit Berrynarbor as we still have our caravan there, and look forward to seeing you all again soon. Our very best wishes.

Marilyn and Tony

We should like to thank you for the kinds words of welcome in the August edition Berrynarbor News. It is the first time that we have ever been welcomed anywhere, although, in fairness, we have never lived in a proper village environment before.

Our appreciation must also go to the many people who have made us feel so 'at home' here in Berrynarbor. We already seem to know so many folks to pass the time of day with or to stop and have a chat about dogs or what have you. It is true to say that in 3 months here we know more people than we did in 5 years at our last home!

Now, what can we say about the village? There is something indefinable about Berrynarbor that makes one feel that you have 'come home'. It would be easy to wax lyrical about the enfolding arms of the surrounding hills, or the sweet tinkling of the brook as it winds its way down the valley, not to mention the buzzards soaring majestically overhead, but in plain simple terms it just feels 'right'. We love the place and so do our family members who have visited

Brian and Di Hillier

Although we welcomed Mary and Brian Shillaker at the end of last year, we are delighted that they are now in full residence at Rockton in the Valley. Mary and Brian have retired here from Washingborough in Lincolnshire and have already been spied partaking of one of their favourite pastimes - walking!

After an interim stop at Parson's Pightle, Mick and Lorna have moved into their new home at Wood Park, and Lorna [senior] has now settled in to her beautiful new auntie-annexe. Happiness to you all in your new homes.

Movement has continued up at Berrynarbor Park. Marion Carter and her mother, Daisy, have now moved into No. 10. They have retired here from Norfolk via Weston-Super-Mare, where Marion was an Administrator with North Somerset Council. Previously she was a school librarian and a secretary. It is understood that Daisy has been retired now for a little while - no longer hot off the press printing magazines, diaries and calendars! The family includes a daughter and son - brother and sister - who live in Bristol and Essex. Completing the household here are Charlie, a Cavalier King Charles, and Thomas, a large fluffy ginger Tom!

No. 2 [ex Tony and Marilyn] is now home to Liz and Roger Paget, whilst No. 3 [ex Joan and Malcolm] is home to Lisa Shelley.

Although moving from Swindon, Liz and Roger have spent more time in Malmesbury, where Liz's family had a pub and where she was brought up.

Roger was born in Wales and later went to boarding school in Trowbridge. Until his retirement, he was originally a welder but latterly a supervisor for motorway maintenance. With a husband spending a lot of time away to work on 'M's' all over the country, Liz stayed at home to look after their three children: Jill and her husband Keith have two children - Evie and Rowan, brother Jeremy and his wife Sue also have two children - Samuel and Lucy and younger brother Robin, and his partner Alison, are currently wandering the Far East on a year's back-packing trek of the world.

After twenty-five years in Germany - and saying that she would not return to the UK, but if she did it would have to be to the West Country - Lisa has retired here via a brief sojourn in Cornwall! She was born in Colchester and with her father in the RAF, spent much time on the move. Lisa's line of business was computer documentation for a company with its head office in Swindon. Her son, and his German wife, live in Germany.

A warm welcome to you all - we hope you will be very happy here in the village and wish you long and healthy retirements.

No. 2 and No. 3 the Park are, however, really the stamping ground of the canine and feline members of the households, and Lisa will, with her own illustrations, tell you all about them. Thank you, Lisa.

Poem and Illustration by: Lisa Shelley

Berrynarbor Park numbers two and three -
A spaniel settlement one can see. 
Three cats are also residing there
So an introduction is only fair.
Two American cockers named Meg and Max,
Are cute little Yankees should you ask.
Their cat's a girl, for goodness sake
But to confuse they call her Jake.
Paget is the family name,
Liz and Roger from Swindon came.
Now they're a familiar sight,
Those Yanks pull Roger with such might.
He growls at them but they grow bolder,
Show no concern for his injured shoulder.
Liz calls to them their meal is ready,
How can he hold those beasties steady?
Next door lives Purdy and two Siamese
And Lisa Shelley if you please.
Purdy is an English cocker,
Savka and Cika, two Siamese shockers.
This wicked pair enjoy it when
They hide from Lisa seeking them.
With eyes turned in two directions
She has no chance in cat detection.
A cat-sure fence has been erected
And by these felines well inspected.
All spaniels have appealing eyes,
And Purdy is becoming wise;
Though very young she knows the gaze
Will bring her praise for 'winning ways'.
It works on us who have two legs
But I'm not so sure with Max and Meg.
When they meet they think, "Cor blimey,
Look if it ain't our littley Limey"!
So now we've made our presentation
And I hope some humour shown,
We say then without hesitation
"We really all do feel at home'."


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


I don't know what Sue and Simon will be reporting on the weather for this past summer, but it certainly was of no help to the Management Committee!

The Berry Revels was a doubtful starter - all day, while preparations were being made, it rained or shone at regular intervals. We decided to go ahead and although numbers attending were down, those who did come along appeared to enjoy themselves. It was particularly uncomfortable for those who tended attractions staged out of doors, so while I thank everyone who helped at the event, there is special appreciation for those who toiled outside.

The weather also conspired against us for the Horticultural and Craft Show. There were heavy rain showers on the days preceding the Show, so of course the flowers suffered, as did the fruit and vegetables.

The number of entries was only slightly less than last year and the judges were very complimentary about those who did compete.

The Show next year will be again on the first Saturday in September. Let's hope for better weather, but remember - it's the same for everyone!

My thanks to Linda Brown, Secretary of the Horticultural and Craft Show, for her organisation and who, this year, also presented the awards. They went as follows:

The Globe CupFloral ArtWendy Burchell
The Walls CupHome CookingVi Kingdon
The Davis CupHandicraftsAngela Richards
The Watermouth CupHandicraftsJohn Weaver
The Watermouth Castle CupWineKen Gosham
The George Hippisley CupArtMary Hughes
The Vi Kingdon AwardPhotographyColin Harding
The Derrick Kingdon CupFruit and VegetablesIain McCrae
The Lethaby CupPotted PlantsBaddick Family
The Manor Stores Rose BowlCut FlowersSylvia Baker
Management Committee CupBest in ShowAngela Richards

John Hood - Chairman

May I thank the following people who kindly helped me before and after the Horticultural Show 2000 - Judie who printed schedules, posters, etc., Alan and Nora for accepting entries, John and Marion Hood who helped with the hall lay-out, Margaret Ludlow who stoically spent four hours writing exhibitors' cards, Sylvia Baker who made a great hostess for our visiting judges, Ann Hinchliffe for running the raffle and Debbie Luckham for dealing with the refreshments in the afternoon after a busy morning. Everyone's efforts were very much appreciated.

Linda Brown

Nature Quiz

It was interesting to see who was prepared to have a go at the Quiz held at the Church Fayre and Berry Revels! The winner was Gill Jones from Pershore [late of Combe Martin] who was staying down here on holiday with her family, with a total of 13 points. The runners up were Ann Davies with 12 points and Tony Summers with 10. Sam and Anna Bowden [with a little help from granny!] were the U12 winners.

Of the hedgerow flowers - greater stitchwort, honesty, cow parsley and campion - most people recognised cow parsley. Likewise the red admiral and peacock butterflies, with the swallowtail less known and the painted lady named by only two.

'Big foot, middle foot and little foot' was a good try at the footprints! Nearly everyone identified the deer, but the badger, fox and hedgehog proved harder. The redstart got mistaken for a robin and the skylark outwitted all but three people. Everyone named the thrush and the wagtail, but only one person [but not the same person] knew that it was a mistle thrush and a grey wagtail.

The chanterelle fungus [available from all supermarkets!] proved elusive, but the majority caught the pike. Oarweed [or tangle] went completely unrecognised and the oyster collected just three pearls! Thank you all for taking part.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


This beautiful scene on the banks of Loch Lomond was the setting for the wedding of James Weedon and Emma Pearson, who comes from Giffnock near Glasgow. The ceremony and reception were held at the Cameron House Hotel on Sunday, 13th August. The bride was 'piped' in on her father's arm and the groom's father was his Best Man!

A lovely family wedding with a few close friends and a quarter of the guests ranging in age from eight months to eight years!

James and Emma, who are both in the software business - James with his own company and Emma with Abbey National - have recently moved into their new home in Milton Keynes.

Congratulations and very best wishes to you both.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Congratulations also go to:

  • Nichola Richards who has graduated from the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, with a 2:1 BA Honours degree in Recreation and Leisure Management. Nichola is now returning to Cardiff to take a PGCE in Secondary Physical Education and Mathematics.
  • Katie Neale who has been awarded a 2:1 BA Honours degree in Primary Education, Qualified Teacher Status, from Oxford Brookes University. Katie, whose graduation took place in Oxford on the 6th September, is now teaching at Weyfield School, Guildford. Although teaching subjects across the board, Katie's specialist subject is Art.



When making Pat Thorpe's luscious lemon cake [recipe in August issue], please do not try to cook it twice, just allow it to COOL completely!

Pat, and her husband Brian, have now returned to Torquay where Pat, we understand has been in hospital. We send you both our best wishes.

* 2023 Update - the recipe in edition 67 was corrected during the uploading of the edition to this site!


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


  • 6 oz plain flour
  • 4 oz sugar
  • 3 oz golden syrup
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tsp ginger or to taste
  • 1/4 pint milk
  • 3 oz black treacle [molasses]
  • 3 oz butter
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • dried fruit [optional] taste

Sift the flour. Add all the other ingredients, including the unbeaten egg, and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a shallow, well-greased cake tin and bake in a moderate oven for 20 minutes.

Another delicious recipe with the compliments of Lee Gibbins of Holford, Somerset.



Following Tom's article in the last issue, I received several phone calls identifying the gentleman in the photographs. All told me that it was Jim Draper, husband of Maude and stepfather to John Vallance, who had grown up here and attended the primary school. Kenny Richards, a school pal along with Mick Bowden and others, was able to put me in touch with John, and it was lovely to chat with him about the time he spent here.

Now, firmly on our mailing list, John said how lucky he felt, as an ex Londoner, to have been given the opportunity to live in such a lovely village and experience country life, and he very kindly wrote to me as follows:

I can help you about the pictures of 30 Pitt Hill, which was my home from 1945 to 1971. The gentleman was my stepfather, James Gilbert Draper. He started his life in North Devon at Combe Martin, owning a fish and chip shop opposite Irwin's Garage. He came to Berrynarbor with his wife, Eve, to live in Fuchsia Cottage, next to the Olde Globe. Fuchsia Cottage was a guest house and Jim also had a tailors workshop, employing my mother as a seamstress. We became good friends with both Eve and Jim, and for my mother, being a single parent, it was a great help. Eve was also friendly with a Mrs. Stevens who lived in Combe Martin, mother of the film star Terry Thomas, and I believe there are still links with him.

Sadly, Eve died and my stepfather, lost without her, eventually married my mother. He sold Fuchsia Cottage and moved in with us at Pitt Hill. They were offered the opportunity to buy the cottage and half an acre of land for £400, from the owner Mr. Watts. I felt it was a good deal, but being young, they didn't listen to me! I eventually bought the property from Mr. Richardson in 1969 and sold it six months later. When my stepfather moved in with us, to carry on his tailoring, he built a workshop in the garden behind.

The lady in the picture was my mother and the "Let's Be Gay" notice was a variety show as stated. My stepfather had a contract to alter the costumes of the artists. George Thomas was the compere of the show and I understand that Ronnie Corbett was in one of the company summer shows as a song and dance man.

Standing with my stepfather and beside the car is Mr. Knights from Sutton Coldfield in Warwickshire, and the little girl is his daughter. The family used to visit us each year but like all things, we have now lost contact.



I wonder if we can be as lucky identifying some of the pupils in the picture below. This photograph, showing Mrs. Cowperthwaite and the top class of our primary school c1961/2 has been 'discovered' by Judith Maunder. Judith's brother, John Goldsworthy, is second from the left in the back row - can you name any of the other pupils or put an actual date to the photo? Do please let me know if you can some faces look very familiar!



Peter H

Winter clenches like a buckled belt
The ring of seasons tolled
By comfortable pagan feasts.
It stills and sets earth's dancing round,
Chills and frets the frost flowered ground
While waiting seeds and grubs, closebound
Beneath the sullen soil compound
Young life, survival's strife postponed.
A toppling turn, a quarter tilt towards the sun
And rainbow drenched dew jewelled
Meadows spring with unsheathed shades of green
While flowers, forced by warmth and light
To blaze, perfume the air and seize the flight
Of early bees to propagate in bright
Excess while preening birds pipe in delight
And mount the west wind's light caress.
In constant summer, humming with the mumbling,
Of a million biting mites on tranquil days
Oppresses overnight and, by turn may drench
Or scorch and touch extremes where records lie
Live long enough and different markers vie
For place. The years without a cuckoo's cry
Or when, before late hosts a solitary butterfly
Sipped scented nectar from a rose remain in memory.
Then streaming sunsets gild the furze
And sear the incandescent foxgloves
On russet warm brown bracken covered hills
Straw pack the fragrant codling and prepare
For autumn's sporting strife. The ripped and shrieking hare
The breathless sobbing fox, despairing deer
Exhausted, turned, dragged down in fear,
Despatched, preserve the country way of life...

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes



The Annual Presentation Evening was held at the Institute and in the absence of the Chairman, Gordon Hughes, the trophies were presented by Josef Belka. Congratulations to you all - the winners were:

WinnerRunner Up
Doubles:Mark Adams & John BoxallKevin Brooks & Keith Walls
Handicap Singles:John HoodRoger Luckham
Scratch Singles:Maurice DraperNoel Stokes
League Winner: Tony SummersKevin Brooks
Summer League:Kevin BrooksMaurice Draper
Highest Break:Roger Luckham [break of 38]
Evening Competition:Tim Mabin

John Huxtable



Tenders for 2001/2002

The Parish Council will be inviting tenders in October for

[a] Maintenance of Seats and Shelters
[b] Grass cutting, Garden Maintenance, Footpath Clearance, etc.
For the year commencing 1st April 2001

Suitably experienced contractors who wish to tender should write to: Mrs. Sue Squire, Clerk to the Council
Haxlea, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, Barnstaple, EX31 4TG for tender documents by Friday, 13th October 2000



Millenium Mugs - last call! - If you missed out previously but would now like a village Millennium Mug, please place your order at the Post Office NOW! This will be the last opportunity to purchase one.

The Duncans Drop In! - Although Rita and David keep in touch via the newsletter, it was lovely to see them here in the village again and we send our best wishes to you both and all the family.

Ceramic Classes - Classes - for the experienced and beginners have recommenced for the autumn. If you are interested and would like further details, please contact Julie on 882557.

Mast for Mobiles - You may be unaware that, with planning consent, equipment for mobile telephone companies is being installed on the television mast in the village. If you would like to know more, please ring Kath on 882805.

The Crop of Lupins - Richard Mabey in "The Flowering of Britain" 1980 wrote:

One new crop [an edible variety of the normally poisonous lupin] has been through the entire gamut that it is possible for a plant to play, beginning as a wildflower, then taken into gardens, escaping again as a naturalised 'weed' and now being deliberately grown as a source of vegetable protein.

It will be as fascinating to see how a field of lupin appears to us through this welter of associations as it will be to see which weeds turn out to be its close companions.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Time has flown by and we are now looking at the two main summer months. July was marginally dryer than last year and we recorded variable amounts of precipitation on 15 days [20 days last year], with a monthly total of 111mm [4 1/2"] compared with 116mm [4 5/8"]. Some of this rain came in pretty heavy downpours, with 31mm [11/4"] falling on the 4th. Ten days of nice dry weather ended abruptly at lunchtime on the 27th, when we had a shower which produced 7mm [1/4"] in just 15 minutes! The temperatures in July were nothing special, with a maximum of 26.4 Deg C on the 20th.

August has been a disappointing month although it has given the veg. a chance to mature after a slow start [it hasn't helped the sweet peas, they have suffered badly this year]. The average temperature was about the same as for last year, although the maximum of 25.2 Deg C on 24th was not as high as then when we recorded 27.4 Deg C on the 2nd. The average wind speeds were up slightly, reaching 21 knots in the Valley on the 9th.In spite of the fact that there were few days in August that were totally dry [only 7], the total rainfall to the 30th was only 78mm [3 1/8"] as opposed to 143 [5 3/4"] in August 1999.

Thanks Judie for the graphics in the last newsletter - let's hope we get more smiles in September and October.

Sue and Simon




We should like to take on another delivery agent for newspapers and magazines, particularly for Thursdays and Saturdays, though other days could also be worked. Until we find someone, we can deliver throughout the village but it is a very tight schedule. If anyone has a particular need for delivery by a specific time, we can try and accommodate this.

Could we please ask that everyone helps by accepting delivery at their gate? If you could provide a tube or box for the papers, it will then not be necessary to get out of the van.

If you think you could help us with deliveries, please give us a ring or pop in and see us.

The flood prevention work is now 99% complete - just the gas leak to finish off now. The threat to the Post Office from loss of business when Pensions and Benefit payments reduce is still with us. However, the banking arrangements for cheque cashing and payments in with Lloyds, Barclays and the Co-op Bank are working well. There is no need to travel to or park in Ilfracombe just for money!

The Wine Circle took a trip to the Camel Valley, Cornish Vineyard and we have a small stock of Cornish wines - beautifully fresh and fruity - including a superb bubbly. These can also be ordered for Christmas, together with smoked salmon, trout, mackerel and game breasts from Kath Arscott's family smokery near Wadebridge.

Alan and Nora




We are back in full swing again after a relaxing summer break. A lot seems to have happened whilst we were away. The building work to install the new drainage system has all but been completed, and the children have a new all-weather surface on the playground. We hope that you enjoyed the children's work displayed at the Horticultural Show. The hanging baskets presented for the Berrynarbor in Bloom competition really enhanced the look of our building. Thank you to those who maintained them!

A new school year always brings with it a lot of exciting events and this one is no exception! We already have plans for a Christmas Show, a Book Fair, and a visit from a theatre company who will be performing 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' for the children.

More from us in the next issue, in the meantime we hope you stay mobile and enjoy the latest artistic efforts of the children.

Best wishes,

Simon Bell - Headteacher

Vole - Eloise Maloney - Year 5

Jackdaw - Tim Bird - Year 5

Magpie - Jessica Hodgkiss - Year 6

Rat - Alice Fry - Year 5


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends,

It's Harvest Festival time again when we sing "We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land." Last month, someone handed me a letter, which I now share with you [I have amended it slightly].

Makes you think

Let's see, I think it started when Madeline O'Hare complained she didn't want any prayers in our schools, and we said OK.

Then someone said you'd better not read the Bible in school, the Bible that says thou shat not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbour as yourself. And we said OK.

Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't slap our children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem. And we said, an expert should know what he's talking about, so we won't slap them anymore.

Then the education department said that teachers and headteachers had better not discipline our children when they misbehave. And the school governors, acting on government advice, said 'no member in this school had better touch a student when they misbehave because we don't want any bad publicity, and we don't want to be sued! And we accepted their reasoning.

Then someone said, 'Let's let our daughters have abortions if they want and they won't even have to tell their parents. ' And we said, that's a grand idea.

Then some of our top elected officials said it doesn't matter what we do in private as long as we do our jobs. And agreeing with them, we said it doesn't matter to me what anyone, including the President of the United States, does in private as long as I have a job and the economy is good.

And then someone said 'Let's print magazines with pictures of nude adults and call it wholesome down-to-earth appreciation of the humanform. And we said, we have no objection to that.

And someone else took that appreciation a step further and published pictures of nude children and then stepped further still by making them available on the internet. And we said, they're entitled to their free speech.

And the entertainment industry said, let's make TV shows and films that promote profanity, violence and illicit sex. And let's record music that encourages rape, drugs, murder, suicide, etc. And we said, it's just entertainment, it has no adverse effect and nobody takes it seriously anyway, so go right ahead.

Therefore, now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience; why they don't know right from wrong; and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their class-mates and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. It probably has a great deal to do with .... we reap what we sow.

What we think, say, do; or not say, or not do, will affect the future for good or bad. Let us make sure that the seeds we sow are the 'good seeds' of God's kingdom, here on earth.

With all good wishes,
Your Friend and Rector,

Keith Wyer


[Youth Action]

You may have read in the local press or heard it on the local radio that the Help at Hand Community Volunteer Project is threatened with closure at the end of the year. Donations to support their premises in Portland Street, their workers and materials are urgently needed. For this purpose they have launched their

£4 Appeal

Although they do not get paid, Help at Hand volunteers have given over 40,000 hours of voluntary action to the local community - clearing and enhancing the Score Valley Cemetery, improving the Children's Play Area 'Secret Garden', cleaning the beach at Hele, assisting the Calvert Trust, Canine Defence League, Arlington Folk Festival, the National Youth Arts Festival, St, John Ambulance Brigade and many more, as well as befriending the elderly and caring for the garden at Burrow House.

£4 will fund one hour of voluntary support. Please show YOUR support for our branch of this nationally acclaimed youth project, and allow them to continue helping our community,

Thank you.

Donations may be handed in or sent to: The £4 Appeal, Help at Hand, 3 Portland Street, Ilfracombe or to: Judie Weedon, Chicane, Berrynarbor



On the 60th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain, it has been suggested that I might pen a few lines about my recollections of that time. They vary from high drama to sheer farce on occasions!

I learned to fly on the Gipsy Moth aeroplane as a member of the RAF Volunteer Reserve. On completion of our training, my colleagues and I took delivery of our Spitfires and were told we were now fighter pilots! In order to confirm this, we were also issued with handbooks [resembling car drivers' manuals] entitled "Spitfire - Hints on Take Off and Landing".

One incident I particularly recall was in August 1940 when I was lining up on three ME 109's and I saw a Spitfire in front of me which then pulled round behind me. "Good," I thought, "Help at last." You can imagine the shock when he opened fire and I was riddled with bullets which cut my rudder cable and damaged the port elevator. I thought "B----y hell, what do I do now? Do I stick with it or bale out?" I was above cloud and wondered how the elevator control would behave at a lower, more turbulent altitude. I took a header over the side and finished about 8000 feet, swaying over Kent. I side-slipped and just missed a farmhouse, coming to rest in a plum tree. I looked down and saw an irate farmer with a shotgun pointed at me, more concerned with his plum harvest than me! "I was saving those plums," he kept shouting!

Another amusing incident was when a ferry pilot, delivering an aeroplane overshot the runway and perimeter track, and up-ended it in the CO's garden - the CO was Al Deere and I can assure you he was not a happy man!

In conclusion, I should like to dedicate this little piece to the memory of my friends and all other RAF pilots who did not return, to whom we all owe a great debt.




We are sorry to announce that from the 1st November 2000 we are raising our charges for passengers. The charges have not changed since 1996, but the price of petrol has risen drastically.

The new charges will be:

  • Barnstaple - Return - £5.00, increase of 30p
  • Ilfracombe - Return - £2.80, increase of 20p
  • Between the London Inn & Newberry Farm to Health Centre - Return - £1.40, increase of 10p
  • Berrynarbor to Health Centre - Return - £1.40, increase of 20p



The owl and the astronaut
Sailed through space
In their intergalactic ship
They kept hunger at bay
With three pills a day
And drank through a protein drip.
The owl dreamed of mince
And slices of quince
And remarked how life had gone flat;
'It may be all right
To fly faster than light
But I preferred the boat and the cat.'
Gareth Owen

Illustrated by: Debbie Rigler Cook



"Fireworks are dangerous and can be lethal" is the message from the County Fire and Rescue Service. The utmost care is necessary both in their storage and handling and use, whether you are organising a display for family, friends or the general public.


  • keep fireworks in a closed metal box and take them out one at a time
  • follow the manufacturer's instructions on each firework. Read them by torchlight - NEVER a naked flame.
  • light fireworks at arm's length using a safety firework lighter or fuse wick stand back after lighting
  • NEVER go back to a firework once lit - it may go off in your face - keep a bucket of water handy
  • used fireworks should be collected after the display with care. Douse with water, bury or place in a metal container
  • keep children under control and keep pets indoors


If you must light a bonfire in connection with a fireworks display, then:

  • site well away from houses, garages, sheds, fences, overhead cables, trees and shrubs AND ALWAYS AWAY FROM FIREWORKS
  • before lighting the fire check that no pets or children are hiding inside it
  • build the stack so that it is stable and will not collapse outwards or to one side
  • NEVER use flammable liquids - paraffin or petrol - to light the fire
  • Don't burn foam-filled furniture, aerosols and tins of paint or bottles
  • keep everyone away from the fire - especially children, who MUST be supervised all the time
  • for an emergency, keep buckets of water, the garden hose or a fire extinguisher ready
  • pour water on the embers before leaving


We all want to be warm in the winter, especially at home, but checking on things like electric blankets and fires are a MUST before using them again after the summer break.

If you are buying an electric blanket, make sure it conforms with BEAB or BSEN 60967 Approval. Keep it dry and flat and have it serviced every 2 [or 31 years by the manufacturer. Never use an over-blanket under you, nor an under-blanket over you and always switch off and unplug an under-blanket before you get into bed. Some over-blankets may be safely left on, but check the instructions. Now is the time to get your blanket checked - all heating appliances need regular maintenance and proper care to avoid them becoming dangerous.

  • Electric heaters must be fitted with the right fuse and a guard to avoid contact with clothes or children. Don't trail leads [which must not be frayed or damaged] under rugs or across the floor where they can be tripped over, possibly pulling the fire over at the same time.
  • Central heating boilers should be regularly checked and serviced.
  • Chimneys for open fires need regular sweeping.
  • Paraffin heaters need to be checked and thoroughly cleaned. Filling should always be done in the open air and once lit, the heater should not be moved. Portable gas heaters need to be well maintained and periodically checked over by a qualified gas engineer. If a leak is detected, extinguish all naked lights and cigarettes, turn off the cylinder at the main valve and take the heater outside. It must then be serviced and repaired. Change cylinders in the open air if possible and store them outside away from frost and direct sunlight.
  • All portable heaters should be secured in position to prevent them being accidentally knocked over.
  • ALWAYS use a fireguard and never leave a heater unattended. NEVER leave children in a room with an unguarded heater.

You may think that the smell of a fire or the smoke will alert you to danger but this is not the case at all. BE SAFE FIT A SMOKE ALARM. NOW!

If you already have a smoke alarm, it should be maintained and tested regularly. Once a year it should be cleaned and dusted and the battery changed. When you change the clocks back, change the battery!



The English have been burning effigies to mark Guy Fawkes Day for almost 400 years. The practice of burning effigies on the night of November 5th was started in 1606, just one year after the failed Gunpowder Plot. In these first bonfires, called 'bone fires' at the time, it was not the bones or effigies of Guy Fawkes which were burned, but those of the Pope. It was not until 1806, two centuries later, that the people started burning effigies of Guy Fawkes.

Today, some communities still throw dummies of both Guy Fawkes and the Pope on the bonfire.

Born in York and a Protestant by birth, Guy Fawkes [1570-1606] became a Roman Catholic after the marriage of his widowed mother to a man of Catholic sympathies. In 1593 he enlisted in the Spanish army in Flanders and in 1596 participated in the capture of the city of Calais by the Spanish in their war with Henry IV of France. With Thomas Winter and others, he became implicated in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament as a protest against the anti-Roman Catholic laws. On the night of 4-5th November 1605, he was caught in a cellar beneath the House of Lords and arrested. Under torture, he disclosed the names of his accomplices, and with them was hanged.


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


In my article in the August issue, Don and I cycled to Barnstaple. These two photographs, from the Tom Bartlett collection - the first dated c1912 and the second c1926 - show the boathouse where we hired a boat and rowed upstream.

'We made for the river by the moored there was an old craft like a Noah's ark with the boat repairing shed in the middle.'

The Nostril
[with apologies and thanks to Norman Sloley]

What a funny title you may say. Read on and all will be revealed.

If you know Combe Martin I'm sure you will know the Camel's head and the Camel's eye. Well now, as a lad in the 'forties, Norman used to go at low tide to where you would imagine the Camel's nostril might be. It was here that there was a hollow - not exactly a cave - but in it was a silvery seam. Norman would take a hammer and chisel and chip out some of the silver. Mr. Begree had a jeweller's shop in Combe Martin and Norman wondered if he might be interested. Sure enough he was and he offered him 8d [approx. 4p] for each lot he brought him. He never got more than this however much he brought.

Mr. Begree would crunch up the stuff and stick a little on small, flat stones and sell them for 2/6d. [12 1/2p] as a souvenir of Combe Martin. Both were happy with this arrangement and Norman would go off and buy his Woodbines with his share.

Norman also told me of a man who bought a silver ring from Mr. Begree, together with some of the ore. He had the ore melted down and made into a little jewel shape which was mounted on the ring.

Tony Beauclerk - Colchester

It is was lovely to see Betty and Tony recently when they were on holiday down here. Tony wonders if anyone can help him with an act of bravery that took place about 1945, when a lad called Peter Latimer saved a boy [or maybe dog] who was down here on holiday with his family. The boy had fallen down the shaft at the back of the cave known as the camel's eye. If you can, please give me a call. Thanks. Ed.



We should like to thank new-found friends and neighbours for their support in our first season. You have made us feel extremely welcome.

Despite the drop in visitor numbers to the County this year, we still feel that our new venture has proven to be successful. So much so that we were often fully booked in the evenings and sadly had to turn many away.

Due to our popularity, we have decided to open on the first and third Fridays and Saturdays of the winter months for evening meals only, commencing on Friday 3rd November and Saturday 4th November.

We are flexible and are available for private group bookings, and are considering the occasional theme night and Christmas dinners. Contact us on 883014. We should like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff for their loyal support.

Look forward to seeing you.

Bob and Jeane




2.00 p.m.


Please bring any jumble to the Hall on the morning of the sale, or contact Vi Davies on 882696.

All proceeds in aid of Berry in Bloom and the Carnival Float








The programme for the 2000-2001 season is now complete and begins on 18th October with 'South America Revisited', presented by Tony Summers. It will be a Wine Specialist's Night on the 15th November, which will be by ticket only - price £6.00. The Christmas Special Food and Drink will again be by ticket only and will be held on Tuesday, 13th December.

Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month [except December] at the Manor Hall, Berrynarbor, and commence at 8.00 p.m. Member's annual subscription remains at just £2.00, with a £3.00 charge per evening unless stated otherwise.

For more information contact:

  • Chairman: Alex Parke [883758]
  • Secretary: Tony Summers [883600] or
  • Publicity: Tom Bartlett [883408]



'Vulture Culture'

Langleigh Lane was buzzing with bees in late summer. There was an abundance of yellow toadflax, the aromatic grey flowers of mugwort and the yellow-green blossom of wood sage.

At the top of the lane we came out onto the dizzying heights and airiness of the Torrs, taking a slight detour from the main path to sit on a cliff top which is a favourite hunting ground for falcons.

We did not have to wait long. Soon a kestrel was going through her paces, hovering, dropping suddenly, a short flight, then repeating the process. Another kestrel was silhouetted against the sky, perched on a rocky outcrop.

An anchor-shaped peregrine made a sudden appearance but it was quickly out of sight again, being capable of flying faster than any other bird.

Further on where sheep graze and shelter under gorse bushes, we saw a family of pheasants emerge, one by one, from the seclusion of one of these prickly dens and make a wary and slow processing along a low stone bank.

Another stop, this time to search the sky for white cruciform-shaped birds with long black wing tips.

After a few minutes of staring out to sea, we saw two gannets flying very direct down the Bristol Channel. A third passed by in the opposite direction. Then it wheeled round in a great sweeping curve and plunged into the sea. It can see a fish from a height of fifty feet and plunge at a speed of sixty miles an hour. Its head is specially designed with 'air bags' and subcutaneous fat to deal with the impact of this 'power dive'. And yet, for all this sophistication, the gannet resembled an ancient dinosaur bird, in shape and size.

Any walk, anywhere, has the possibility of the unexpected. There are things you look out for according to the time of year, terrain, et cetera, but the serendipity factor - that is one of the charms of walking.

We had reached Flat Point [above Lee] where there are little streams with watercress growing in them. Suddenly, what appeared to be an exceptionally large buzzard, brown but with a light coloured head, was flying in from the sea, heading towards. Jesses dangled from one leg.

It landed nearby in a little gap between rocks and bracken. A sheep walked up to it and nudged it gently and then the vulture and the sheep stood together almost shoulder to shoulder for about half an hour. The vulture had dark brown wings [with a four foot span]. The head, which appears bald in photographs, is actually covered in white down and the face is pink. A long neck and hooked beak completed the ensemble.

Her pose reminded me of those church lecterns in the form of eagles. Seeing vultures on television, I had always found them sinister but this hooded vulture, a native of southern Africa, appeared very serene and dignified - well, endearing.

While someone went to inform Combe Martin Wildlife Park of the current whereabouts of their famous escapee, I was left to keep an eye on her! Visitors walking the coast path were all intrigued to see the vulture there, high above the sea in this beautiful but unusual setting. One couple wondered whether the cheese sandwiches in their rucksack could be used to entice her, so that we could catch her ourselves!

She briefly took off but after a short flight, returned. She seemed to be in good condition and enjoying her freedom. Later that week she was seen in a tree at Woolacombe and eventually moved to Wales, where she has been touring ever since.

Earlier this year we witnessed a paraglider landing at the edge of the golf course. When we had completed our walk, we met the 'bird man' in the car park near the coastguard cottages. We were surprised to hear that he had flown all the way from Dunkeswell on the Blackdown Hills and was waiting for someone to collect him. He had not expected to cover such a distance and was in a state of slightly stunned elation!

We wondered what sort of reaction he got from buzzards flying past. He said they did seem rather curious but not threatening. However, when paragliding in the mountains of northern Spain, he had attracted the attention of griffon vultures and that was rather disturbing. You never know what you might meet!

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

Sue H



Hallowe'en is the name applied to the evening of 31st October, preceding the Christian feast of Hallowmas, Allhallows or All Saints' Day.

The rituals of Hallowe'en are thought to have originated from the ancient Druids who believed that on that evening, the lord of the dead called forth evil spirits! The Druids lit great fires, for the purpose of warding off these evil spirits. For the ancient Celts, Hallowe'en was the last evening of the year and they too believed that the spirits of the dead revisited their earthly homes. After the Romans conquered Britain, they added the customs of their harvest festival held on 1st November in honour of Pomona, goddess of the fruits of trees.

Traces of the Roman festival survived until modern times in Scotland and Wales and the concept of ghosts and witches is still common and the harvest customs are still kept in both Great Britain and the United States in the playing of games involving fruit, such as ducking for apples. Of similar origin is the use of hollowed-out pumpkins carved to resemble grotesque faces and lit by candles placed inside. These are called jack-o'-lanterns and it is said that one set on porches or windowsills casts a spell of protection over the household whilst the spirits of the dead are roaming!

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes




As is normal, the Council did not meet in August although a planning meeting was held on the 3rd. Eight members of the public were in attendance and our first act was to invite them to join the members of the Council present in a minute's silence as a tribute to and in remembrance of our friend and colleague, Ray Ludlow. The planning applications discussed were for the installation of mobile 'phone equipment on the transmitting tower and the erection of wind turbine generators on Hore Down - details of which are given in the Minutes of the meeting.

Minutes of the September meeting are not yet to hand but at that meeting we were sadly obliged to co-opt a new Councillor. Three very good candidates had put themselves forward for selection and Graham Andrews was voted in. We now look forward to being able, once more, to make use of his years of valuable experience.

Ann Hinchliffe - Chairman


[may be sung to the tune of 'Oranges and Lemons']

'Help' cried Red Sally
'I am stuck in the Valley'.
'How did she get stuck?'
Asked a Combe Martin Bay duck.
'By growing too big',
Said an Ilfracombe pig.
'What was her fill?'
Asked the Hagginton Hill.
'All of my cream teas',
Said a cottage in The Lees.
'What will be her doom?'
Asked the waves of Woolacombe.
'Let's starve her 'til Sunday',
Said the Island of Lundy.
'She might get too thin',
Said the old Hunters Inn.
We have a good plan',
Said Little and Big Hangman.
'What might that be?'
Asked the fuchsias of Lee.
To grant her a wish,'
Said a Watermouth fish.
'Free me from the Valley
Is my wish', cried Red Sally.
'But a promise you must say',
Said the trees of Woody Bay.
'To look after these lands',
Said the bright Saunton Sands.
'From the streams to the harbour',
Said the hills of Berrynarbor.
'I'll care for you all',
Red Sally cried out her call.
Now you'll live for ever',
Said the Exmoor root heather.
'How do you know?'
Asked the church at Mortehoe.
'Look at us!' the fields said
'We have all turned deep red.'
For Red Sally had a rebirth
And is now Mother Earth!

Stephen McCarthy


Buy your
and support your local

12p each from
Eunice Allen, Bali-Hai, Sterridge Valley
Call or 'phone 882491

Birthday and other Cards - 25p each


Eunice would be delighted to collect all old greetings cards [of any kind] for recycling



Berrynarbor Primary school boasts an active and successful Parent Teacher Association that has over the years given unstinting financial backing to the school. The organisation is supported by parents, families, friends, villagers and teachers, in fact anyone who is prepared to contribute to the education of the pupils in a practical way. Over the years, the Friends have purchased many items for the school, including books, computer software, television, video and audio equipment and it has provided the funds for the furnishing of a kitchen area for cookery classes and a kiln room. In the playground, the Friends have provided all the equipment and have helped to create an 'Environmental Area'. A number of visiting artists, poets and writers have been able to undertake project work with the children through its support. The pupils have benefited tremendously as a result of these experiences, facilities and resources.

The main fund raising event is the annual July Fete, a wonderful occasion enjoyed by pupils, their families and friends. Villagers like to get involved with running the fete and its reputation has grown to the extent that visitors often book their holiday to coincide. It has become so successful [raising in excess of £2,700 last year] that the Friends have had to register as a Charity. Through the unstinting efforts of a dedicated group of parents, the Fete can boast a wide variety of attractions, such as stalls, games and excellent refreshments, not to mention the mouth-watering culinary feast - the hog roast. As you can see, it is well worth getting involved.

The fact that the Fete is so successful enables the Friends to concentrate all their efforts on this one event. The committee has functioned very efficiently and effectively in recent years and it is hoped that the organisation that has been established will benefit the new committee after the appointment of new officers in October. The Friends also play a role in bringing parents and pupils together by running discos and twice a year the Manor Hall becomes their very own 'club'. The fact that nearly all the pupils take this opportunity to go 'clubbing' proves the popularity of these occasions.

Three times a year the Friends get their opportunity for a social evening as the PTA meetings are held in Ye Olde Globe. There is a warm welcome for anyone who would like to come along and support the committee and as many of the currently serving officers and their supporters no longer have children at the school, the responsibility for the future success of the organisation will pass into new hands.

The Friends have for many years now contributed in a very significant way to the quality of experience that the pupils of Berrynarbor Primary School enjoy. Only with your continuing support will this happy state of affairs prevail.

Come and join us on 17th October at 7.30 p.m. in the school and find out more!

Sally Rothwell - Chair
Liz Reynolds - Treasurer
Debbie Luckham - Secretary



1stSt. Peter's Church: Harvest Thanksgiving Service - Family Communion, 11.00 a.m.
3rdW.I. Meeting, 2.30 p.m., Manor Hall: Doreen Prater - Passion Play
4thSt. Peter's Church: Harvest Evensong, 6.30 p.m. followed by Harvest Supper in the Manor Hall
10thParish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
11thMobile Library in the Village from 11.30 a.m.
18thWine Circle, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. South America Revisited - Tony Summers
19thW.I. Chichester Group Social Evening at Shirwell
20thCollege and Primary School Non-Pupil Day
23rdto Friday, 27 October, inc: College and Primary School Half Term
25thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
29thEnd of British Summer Time - Clocks go back 1 hour at 2.00 a.m.
2ndPCC Coffee Morning, Manor Hall, 10.30 a.m.
7thW.l. Meeting, 2.00 p.m., Manor Hall: AGM [Planting of Millennium Tree in Claude's Garden, 3.00 p.m.]
8thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
11thJumble Sale, Manor Hall, 2.00 p.m.
12thRemembrance Sunday
14thParish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
15thWine Circle, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. Wine Specialist's Night £6.00 by ticket only
22ndMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
5thW.l. Meeting, Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m.
6thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.

Manor Hall:

TuesdaysYoga, 7.00 p.m.
ThursdaysWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m.
FridaysShort Mat Bowls, 7.00 - 10.00 p.m.
SundayShort Mat Bowls, 2.00 - 5.00 p.m.

Mobile Library:

11.30 - 11.45 a.m.Sandy Cove
11.50 - 12.05 p.m.Barton Lane
1.15 - 1.40 p.m. The Square
1.45 - 2.05 p.m. Sterridge Valley

Library Assistant: Jacqui Mackenzie


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Watermouth Bay

For this Newsletter I am showing two views taken by A.J. Vince of Ilfracombe around 1904-1908. The first is taken from the field above Big Meadow and the second from what is now Napps Camp site. They both show clearly the footpath running right through and breaking up the large field. Note particularly just how enclosed the footpath was with high fencing.

The view is still as beautiful today but, of course, has vastly changed, largely due to tourism taking over from agriculture. One can only speculate who the Victorian-clad fine lady can be. Was she perhaps living or staying at Watermouth Castle or could she have been a friend of the photographer. Sadly, it is unlikely that we shall ever know!

The almost landlocked entrance to Watermouth Harbour is known as Burrow Nose on the right headland beyond the Martello tower/dove cote, and Widmouth Head on the left. The hard and jagged cuts into the coastline in the foreground give us Watermouth Cove with its famous Briary and Smallmouth Caves. In the second view, the turrets/chimneys of Watermouth Castle, built between 1825 and 1840, can just be seen on the left - these may not be visible when reproduced - nor the short breakwater in the harbour which remains to this day.

My thanks to everyone who contacted Judie or me relating to my article in the August issue.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, September 2000
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com



The London Blitz, the bombs and rockets
The Fear, the gloom, the empty pockets,
Winston Churchill's fat cigar,
No petrol for the motor car,
Blackout curtains, ration books,
Worry, stress, on tenterhooks,
The warning siren - helter skelter
Down the nearest air-raid shelter,
Barrage balloons, plump silvery grey
Guarding us each night and day,
Dads and hubbies gone off to fight,
Protecting us with all their might,
Some returned - but some were lost,
Most homes had to count the cost.
Black-edged photos of dear, brave men
Never to be seen again.
Bombed out houses, piles of rubble,
Those were desperate times of trouble.
The White Cliffs of Dover - We'll meet again
And still more men going off on the train. 
Evacuation, the wrench and the tears -
More new partings - same old fears.
'Dig for Victory', 'Walls have ears'
Common phrases during those years.
'Careless talk costs lives', was one -
I didn't know any secrets - none!
The Desert Rats, El Alamein,
The Spitfire and the Hurricane,
Wrens and sailors, the Royal Fleet,
Air Raid Wardens up our street,
All these things and so much more
In my childhood memories store.

Illustration by: Helen Armstead

Wendy Barber