Edition 65 - April 2000

Artwork by: Debbie Rigler Cook

Artwork: Judie Weedon


In the last issue, I gave advance notice of a display of the work of our Newsletter artists to be held in May. Arrangements are now well in hand and a poster giving more details appears elsewhere in this issue.

'A Country Collection' will be an opportunity for you to see more of Debbie's, Peter's, Nigel's and Paul's own work - not just the beautiful illustrations they contribute to the Newsletter - which will be on view in the Manor Hall on Saturday, 6th May and again on Sunday, 7th May. The price of entry will cover the costs involved in hiring and setting up screens, etc. There will be four separate sessions, 3 on the Saturday and I on the Sunday morning. At each there will be refreshments appropriate to the time of day included in the price.

I do hope you will ALL make the time to come and see - and perhaps even buy - what I am sure is to be a fascinating exhibition. If you have guests, either paying or friends and relatives, please encourage them to come and encourage everyone else you know too! Thanks. See YOU there!

Contributions have flowed in again - thanks. Keep them coming and for the June issue they will need to be at Chicane or the Post Office by MONDAY, 15th MAY, at the latest please.

With best wishes for Easter.

Judie - Ed



Seals are aquatic carnivorous mammals with streamlined bodies covered in thick blubber for insulation. The limbs are in the form of flippers - the hind flippers give the thrust for swimming and can be brought forward under the body for 'walking'. The front flippers are the most important, especially for swimming.

The common seal, depicted on the cover for us by Debbie, is about 2 metres in length with the female slightly smaller than the male. The colour is variable, from grey-yellow to dark brown and the body is usually marked with darker spots. The nostrils, when seen from the front, form a distinct 'V'.

Their habitat is the shallow coastal waters and estuaries of north west Europe and they feed mainly on fish, squid, molluscs and crustaceans.




After discussing W.I. business at the meeting on the 1st February, members welcomed Len Coleman who gave a graphic insight to the workings and funding of the R.N.L.I. by volunteers - the cost of each lifeboat being met by donations, collections, sales, etc. He explained that the majority of call-outs were from novice sailors who had not heeded the Seaman's Code. The Helicopter Service was a very welcome addition at all times. The talk ended with a pictorial account of the lifeboat in action. There were questions and answers during the tea break, after which Rosemary Gaydon gave the Vote of Thanks. Ethel Tidbury won the Seashore Shell competition.

Members attended Margaret Tyrrell's memorial service at St. Peter's Church. Margaret - a Past President, had been a very brave lady battling against ill health for some years and sympathies were expressed to her family.

The weather may have been dull and dreary on the 7th March, but 23 members enjoyed the warmth and excellent tea prepared by the staff of the Sandy Cove Hotel - many thanks to them for making our Anniversary outing so special.

The future programme was discussed and the next meeting, on 4th April, will commence at 2.15 p.m. The speakers will be Doreen and Michael Cubitt, who will talk on their '30 years running a Bird Sanctuary'. Visitors are always welcome.

In conclusion, with the latest batch of Teddies for Tragedies on their way, the total knitted and sent is now over 400. Many thanks to all knitters and to the anonymous person who left me some much appreciated 'filling'.

The new century seems to be like the old one, flying by faster than ever, or is it, as I have been told, me getting slower! Whatever, may I wish one and all a very happy Easter from all the members of Berrynarbor W.I.

Vi Kingdon -- President

Up in the woods a little bird sang,
And the echo it seemed to say,
That all will be well in the future,
If you laugh at your troubles today.

Please note that the Coffee Morning at Southerley to be held on 6th April has had to be postponed until further notice.





The village was saddened to hear that Margaret - a very courageous lady who had fought against ill health so bravely for so long - had passed away on the 7th Februaty 2000. To her son Bill and his wife Bridget and their two children, Rebecca and Henry, we extend our sincere sympathy in their loss.

Remembering my Friend

I first met Mrs. Tyrrell and her husband in 1983. It was a lovely sunny day and Mr. T. made the coffee and the three of us, or should I say four as Julie, their beloved cocker spaniel was looking on, sat chatting over what help I could give. Mr. T. apologised profusely at the additional decor, which looked a bit like lace all round the room! At that time, Mrs. T. was recovering from her first stroke. I remember thinking what a wonderful, determined lady! She demonstrated to me how she was able to walk with the aid of her stick and exercising with a ball in the palm of her hand to regain its mobility.

After our introduction, every day was just as wonderful. Mrs. T. made slow but sure progress in her recovery and Mr. T. continued with his tender loving care of his beloved Margaret. We, Laura and I, enjoyed many memorable days at Lower Rowes Farm. While I cared for Mrs. T, Laura would help Mr. T. in the garden. On one occasion the help got a little too enthusiastic when Laura disappeared in to the distance on a runaway sit-on mower, with Mr. T. in hot pursuit discovering how fast he could run!

As the years went by, Mrs. T., with her amazing determination, lived a fulfilled life with her darling Bill. They took a holiday in the Windward Islands, about which they talked for many months after. Sadly, Mr. T. died in 1988 and now, on her own, Mrs. T. decided to move - first to Woodmead and then Fallbrook in Barton Lane. Unfortunately, in 1993 she suffered another stroke from which she never fully recovered, but she continued to demonstrate her remarkable fighting spirit to the end.

I shall treasure these memories of my very dear friend who will always hold a place in my heart.



"He has achieved success who has given well,
laughed often and loved much.
Who has gained the respect of intelligent men
and the love of little children,
who has filled his niche and left the world
better than he found it."

Those of us who remember Dora, of Selway, Yeoford, were sad to learn that she had passed away peacefully after a short stay in hospital resulting from a fall. A Memorial Service held at St. Peter's was followed by interment of her ashes in the family grave, alongside her younger brother, Ron, who died at the age of 25 in 1941 "Posted to a Higher Squadron ", her father Harry who died in 1962 and her mother Alma Anna [known to so many of us here as 'Granny Gray'] who died in September 1986 aged 97 years. A much loved mother and grandmother, Dora will be so missed by her family, Ron, Marian, Rachel, Becky and Adrian, who we are thinking about at this time of sadness.

Having suffered from the ordeals of the First World War, Harry Gray and his wife Alma, moved to Ilfracombe in 1924 when Dora was 10, and after a short time took over the Darnley Hotel which the family continued to run for 45 years. Dora attended Ilfracombe Grammar School and when she left worked for a while in banking in London, although her great love was always cooking, at which she was extremely good, as many have borne witness!


Dora with her father, mother and brother Ron

As a young child and later, Dora spent time here in the village, with her grandparents and her cousin, Ivy [Richards], attending the Chapel twice on a Sunday where she played the organ - and walking down with the family from Cockhill in 'crocodile' fashion, lit, on darker evenings, by a lantern at the front and one at the back of the line!

After leaving Darnley, Dora and Granny Gray joined Ron and Marian and their family at Holmesdale in Woolacombe and then in 1974 they all moved to Bessemer Thatch, where they stayed for 16 years, moving to Georgeham and then Yeoford in 1990.

"A lovely lady remembered with affection "


Artwork: Helen Armstead


Services during April

  • 2nd April: Mothering Sunday - our special Family Service with the Sunday School and this year we shall also be dedicating the Village Millennium Plates. All families are invited to come and join us. There will be a shortened Communion Service afterwards for those who wish to stay.

  • 9th April: Sung Eucharist as usual.

  • 16th April: Palm Sunday - Family Service with distribution of Palm Crosses and again a shortened Communion Service afterwards.

  • 21st April: Good Friday - a quiet hour of Devotion with hymns, readings and prayers, 2.00 to 3.00 p.m.

  • 23rd April: EASTER DAY - A Communion Service for all the village when, as always, everyone is welcome to come and join us. We shall have our usual fourth Sunday Village Service followed by Holy Communion.

  • 30th April: Sung Eucharist as usual.

All Sunday Services begin at 11.00 a.m.

The church will be decorated for Easter on Good Friday after 4.00 p.m. Anyone who is able to provide flowers [white or yellow] or who would like to make a donation, please contact Betty Davis on 883541.

Looking forward to May: the PCC will be holding a Coffee Morning on Thursday, 4th May, in the Manor Hall from 10.30 a.m. onwards. There will be a raffle, cake stall and bring and buy stall. Offers of help will be most welcome and also gifts for the various stalls.

Tower Fund - At the end of 1999, the Tower Fund stood at almost £20,000 [£19,774 to be exact!] a magnificent effort. Our application for funding from English Heritage is still under consideration, and one of their architects is due to make an inspection.

Friendship Lunches at The Globe - These lunches are proving very popular and the latest will have been held on Wednesday, 29th March. We are not planning one in April and the date for the May lunch has yet to be fixed. However, plenty of notice will be given. Anyone from the village is welcome to come and we choose our own meal from the menu and pay as we go.

Mary Tucker



As a Churchwarden of St. Peter's Church, I should like to express our thanks [although belated] to the ringers, old and new, for their peal of bells rung for the Millennium Celebrations and for continuing to delight us each Sunday.

Our bells were installed in 1722 and are considered part of our heritage; the ringers give their time freely, not only ringing to call us to church on Sunday mornings, but are also always prepared to ring for weddings and national occasions, such as the forthcoming celebrations for the Queen Mother's 100th birthday.

Having lived in Berrynarbor for the past 45 years, I feel privileged to be able to call this my home, but have found over the years that the traditions of the village must be respected.

Betty Davis


Bicclescombe Park

The Club is making a special effort this year to encourage the public to participate in the sport. There is an Open Day on Sunday, 9th May, from 10.30 to 4.00 p.m. Junior events will start from 10.30 a.m. with adult events from 1.30 p.m. This will include racket testing and free coaching, plus free refreshments! So why not pop along and bring the family and friends.

Coaching courses start in April for both juniors and seniors of all abilities, provided by qualified L.T.A. coaches. If you are interested in joining the Club or would like to learn more, please contact the Club Secretary, Lyndon White, Overdale, Buzzacott Lane, Combe Martin, EX34 ONL Tel: 01271-882750.



Oh, to be in England
Now that April's there,
And whoever wakes in England
Sees, some morning, unaware,
That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf,
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough
In England now!

And after April, when May follows,
And the whitethroat builds, and all the swallows!
Hark, where my blossomed pear-tree in the hedge
Leans to the field and scatters on the clover
Blossoms and dewdrops - at the bent spray's edge -
That's the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over,
Lest you should think he never could recapture
The first fine careless rapture!
And though the fields look rough with hoary dew,
All will be gay when noontide wakes anew
The buttercups, the little children's dower
Far brighter than this gaudy melon-flower!

Robert Browning [1812-1889]

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends,

Springtime is one of nature's pointers to the resurrection.

A few years ago I heard a parable based upon an imaginary conversation of several nymphs. It went something like this:

One day a couple of water nymphs noticed that after quite a long time the older nymphs rose one by one from off the bottom of the pond up to the surface that marked the boundary of their world. The older nymphs just disappeared but their dead bodies dropped back down to the bottom of the pond.

"I wonder if there is life after death?" said one nymph.

"Of course not!" said another. "This is the only life there is, silly."

"I'm not so sure," said another "After all, there is light up there and there just might be another world waiting for us."

"I know," said the eldest, "I'm very old now and I might have to make the journey any moment now. I tell you what. When I get up there, and there is life, I'll come back and tell you."

"Great!" said the others. "That will settle it one way or the other."

The very next day, the eldest nymph felt drawn towards the surface. When he arrived at the there, he experienced a unique sensation and found himself out on the surface equipped with wings to fly away in the sun. He was just about to fly away when he noticed his former body sinking back down to the floor of the pond. "I had better go back and tell my friends that there is a wonderful world up here. But wait a minute. Why tell them? They will discover it for themselves quite naturally."

He flew off and his friends were convinced that there was no 'life after death'.

Good job Jesus came back, or we might be in the same boat!

With all good wishes,
Your Friend and Rector,

Keith Wyer


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A very warm welcome to all our newcomers.

Moving into the village itself, to Whitecote, are Jill and Tim Massey. Jill and Tim, who originally came to North Devon in 1984 from Stoke-on-Trent, via London, Scotland and North Wales, have been running the very successful Wheel Farm Country Cottages. They are currently taking a well earned break and drawing breath before deciding on their next venture!

Wheel Farm is a totally new venture from supermarket, delicatessen and florist businesses for John and Christine Robertson. John and Christine, who have come westwards from Potten End near Berkhamsted in Hertfordshire, have two daughters one living in London, the other in Hemel Hempstead.

'A dream come true' is how Jeremy Sanson described the move he, his wife Liz and 3-year old daughter Jessica have made from Esher in Surrey to Widmouth House and Cottages. The 'holiday business' is a new enterprise for them too - Liz was in Management Training before motherhood and Jeremy an IT Consultant in London.

Green Leas, of late home to Angela and George Powell who have returned to Towcester, Northamptonshire, is now home to Naomi and Nick Carter. With their family Nathaniel, Elysha and baby Joshua, they moved from Bicester in Oxfordshire to Combe Martin a year ago, and have now moved here to Berrynarbor. Nick is a self-employed plumber specialising in bathroom installations.

Our best wishes to you all in your new homes and ventures - we hope you will be very happy here in Berrynarbor.

We were sorry to lose Mary Leckie of Deane, Barton Lane, in February, but she has not moved far. We are glad to know that she is now in 'Caring Hands' and happy in her new home. We wish you well, Mary.



Clumsy little fingers trying to fit square pegs into round holes,
frowns of concentration, howls of aggravation, toys thrown in
frustration then gradually widening smiles of triumph as problems
are overcome. They are much loved.

From The Nature and Natures of Children - Wendy Barber

Congratulations to Naomi and Nick Carter - our new arrivals at Green Leas - on the birth of their son, Joshua, on the 8th March 2000, weighing in at 10 lbs, a brother for Nathaniel and Elysha.

David and Rita Duncan are pleased to announce the birth of another grandchild. This time to Fiona and Nick Lynch on the 19th December 1999, a precious son, Patrick Robert Duncan Lynch, weight 8 lbs 3 oz, and all doing well. Welcome little boy to our family.

Also as a wonderful surprise on Christmas Day, Rebecca and Daniel announced their engagement. Congratulations to our lovely daughters and their partners.

We take this opportunity of wishing all our friends in Berrynarbor a Happy Millennium Year. Great memories.

Rita and Dave

Congratulations Rita and Dave and our very best wishes to you.



This is the time of year when DIY enthusiasts are particularly active with an increase in fire service calls, ranging from fires caused by paint stripping blow torches to electrical goods which may have been stored in damp garages and sheds over winter.

Before starting your DIY always check:

  • that you have the correct tools for the job and the task is within your capabilities
  • that children and pets are safe and all obstructions removed
  • that when repairing/installing electrical appliances, the power is turned off at the mains; that extension cables are fully unwound [to prevent overheating] and never use multi-way adapters with high amperage tools
  • that flammable liquids are used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and stored safely away from the house, and that the work area is properly ventilated, especially when using adhesives that any spills are dealt with immediately - remove overalls and clean them thoroughly

N.B. Gas appliances should only be repaired by an approved contractor

If you follow these simple rules, hopefully fires and tragedies will be kept to a minimum.

It won't be long now before the smell of barbecues wafts on the warm, summer evenings' breezes! So, to enjoy your al fresco meal in safety, please remember to:

  • Keep young children well away from the barbecue, which if portable should be stood on an even surface, away from the house, fences or sheds
  • NEVER use petrol! Only approved lighter fuels which must be applied before lighting
  • Don't forget to light your charcoal an hour before it is needed for cooking and do not use too much
  • Take care when cooking fatty foods and never pour oil onto the food when it is cooking. If you are the chef, try not to drink too much!!
  • Never try to re-ignite the charcoal - start the process again properly
  • When you have finished cooking, extinguish the burning coals and leave from between I and 3 hours before checking that the fire is completely out.

Safe Barbecuing!



Overlooking the sea, at the end of the ridge dividing Berrynarbor and Combe Martin, is the location of the oldest known home in the village. It is shown on maps as 'The Castle' (not to be confused with Watermouth Castle), but this is a misleading title. It was probably a small, defended farmstead, occupied by perhaps one or two families.

As part of my studies at Bristol University, John Lihou and I undertook to research The Castle and try to find out if anything remains of it today. On visiting the site it was apparent that no signs were visible above ground.

Extract from 1888 OS Map 25" to the Mile

However, documentary research revealed that up until the late 1950's there had been earthworks upstanding; these can be seen on air photographs taken in the 1940's and 1950's and on older Ordnance Survey maps. To discover if any remains survived below ground, we borrowed some geophysics equipment from the university. The instrument we used was a magnetometer, this detects changes in the magnetic orientation of the soil and thereby allows you to see where buried ditches exist and will also detect any traces of burning. The results were fascinating: not only did the line of the ditch shown on old maps and the air photographs show up, but so did a second ditch, lying inside the first. This second earthwork must have disappeared long ago, since there are no records of it. In addition, the interior of the inner enclosure showed evidence of burning, perhaps caused by heaths.

Although it is not possible to say when it was first occupied, or finally abandoned, other similar sites exist throughout the South West and it is probable that it dates from the Iron Age, over two thousand years ago.

The occupants would have been farmers, probably concentrating on rearing livestock, but they would also have grown vegetables and may have fished from Combe Martin harbour. Settlements of this period were often defended, to protect the occupants and their livestock, from both wild animals, such as wolves, and also from other people. Being so close to the coast could have had the disadvantage of making the settlement vulnerable to raiding parties, perhaps coming across from Wales. However, the location had been carefully chosen: on a south facing slope, hidden away and yet with good views of the surrounding landscape, particularly the natural harbour at Combe Martin. The cliffs behind the homestead would have made an excellent spot from which to keep watch over the harbour below. Not content with this naturally defensive position, they built a double set of earthen banks and ditches around their home. It is likely that timber palisades would have been set along the top of the banks. The house, or houses (although there could not have been space for more than two), would have been round in shape and constructed from timbers interwoven with wattles and sealed with daub, the roof would have been thatched and conical. The hearth would have been in the centre, with the smoke able to escape through a simple hole in the roof. Such houses have been excavated elsewhere and reconstructions have shown that they are surprisingly spacious and comfortable.

Today all above ground remains of the settlement are gone, but the location, hidden away and overlooking the harbour can still be appreciated. The land now belongs to Richard Gingell, but previously belonged to the Richards family, who still occupy the nearby farm. Like much of the land in the village, it once belonged to Watermouth Castle and was sold off in the 1920's. It is quite possible that the land has been continuously farmed since the Iron Age and it is interesting to speculate whether nearby Home Barton is the latest in a continuous line of dwellings stretching back into prehistory.

Tanya Walls

P.S. If anyone in the village can help with any further information on the site or has an old photograph or something, I should love to hear from you. Please either contact my parents Keith and Margaret - or Judie. Thank you. If you would like to know more about the research, my parents have a copy of the Report.

Note: Richard Gingell would be happy for people to go up to look at the site' but please DO NOT do this without contacting him first.




At the public meeting held on 20th February to finalise the business and disband the Committee, the Audited Accounts were presented, and it was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously that they be adopted. After setting aside £100 to facilitate the mounting of the Millennium Plates on the church wall, the remaining £500 was allocated as follows:

  • £150 to be shared equally between the Playgroup, Sunday School and Youth Club
  • £200 to Berrynarbor in Bloom for 2 stone troughs for the Square
  • £50 for a Millennium tree to be planted in Claude's Garden
  • £100 for the provision of a memento in the Berry Down area

The meeting closed with a vote of thanks by Graham Andrews, on behalf of the village, to the Committee and it's Chairman, Neil Morris.



I hope that everyone who sees the Tapestry, which is to be hung in the Manor Hall, will find it interesting. It has taken me nearly a year to complete and by Christmas I was getting a little panicky! I couldn't think how to finish it and make it more personal to our village. My daughter, Rachel, home with her family from Australia for the wonderful New Year Reunion, suggested the names of women who have contributed their time and talents to the well-being of Berrynarbor - you will see the names around the inner square of the tapestry:

In earlier times . . .

    The names BERRY and BASSETT have long been associated with Berrynarbor, as Lords of the Manor and owners of estates including Watermouth. In the early part of the 19C, the Bassett's built the Castle on the foundation of a very much older building and Mrs. PENN-CURZON, whose portrait hangs in the Manor Hall, was the last hereditary owner of the Castle and Estate.


    Lilian HUXTABLE, mother of John, who was not only a staunch member of the W.I., but who, in her own quiet way, did a lot of good in the village. Mary LEWIS, wife of Rector William Lewis, was the founder of St. Peter's Church Choir. Diminutive in stature but not in spirit and generous, she encouraged the children to join the Choir and their annual Christmas Concerts were much enjoyed. Muriel RICHARDS, sister of Lorna Price, whose dedicated teaching, especially of the 3 R's, at our Primary School, set so many young people on a sound educational path. For many years, Connie LONG ran, with her family, The Globe - a most gracious and hospitable Landlady.

And now ...

    Betty DAVIS whose heart has always been in our Church and Village, for many years serving as a Churchwarden and Treasurer to the Parochial Church Council, and Clerk to the Parish Council. During the many years that Lorna BOWDEN served on the Parish Council, her love of the area and its past ensured that as a Councillor and personally, she championed for what was 'best for the village and the individual'. Sally FANNER who, with thought for everyone and with her family, ran the Manor Stores for sixteen years, serving the needs of all villagers. And finally, Barbara GUBB - a wonderful friend to so many, who dispenses her own special brand of TLC.

Of course I am very aware that there are many, many more women who in their own way have helped to keep this village community alive and caring. It would take a very big picture to depict them - a never ending tapestry in fact! And no offence to you menfolk - how would we cope without you?! But

The hand that rocks the cradle rules Berrynabor!

The Tapestry is dedicated to my beloved father, Richard Barten, who loved Berrynarbor and the people within it.

Sally B.



Thank you, thank you, thank you. Firstly to the Millennium Committee for accepting the Tapestry so graciously and for the magnificent bouquet of flowers delivered to me by Michael Bowden - I have never seen him carrying flowers before: potatoes, soil, stone and logs maybe, but flowers? He carried it off with great aplomb and charm.

Secondly to the Millennium Committee for the £50 donation to the Sunday School Funds from the monies left after the Celebrations.

And thirdly, to the Millennium Committee itself, to Chairman Neil Morris for his dedicated hard work and organisation, and to everyone who made the events and celebrations so special for us all. Thank you.

Sally B.

Colin and Doreen Harding would like to thank everyone for the help and support given to them and Lisa and her family when their son-in-law, Kim, suffered a very nasty accident this time last year. They are delighted to report that Kim has made a complete recovery and is now flying again.



The jungle is still in the heat of the day,
High in the trees birds chatter away.
On the ground there are animals of various types,
Including a big cat with black and orange stripes.
He is a hunter with an appetite for flesh,
He must eat today and it needs to be fresh.
The carnivorous machine doesn't stand tall,
But low on the ground and ready to maul.
A single zebra strays from the herd's protection,
This lonely beast would make a tasty selection.
The hunter's smell tells him lunch is nearing,
His prey stands vulnerable in a clearing.
The hunter moves slowly, prowling and steady,
His lightning fast reflexes are always ready.
His tense body is like a coiled spring,
The element of surprise is everything.
He seizes the moment and charges out,
The jungle animals begin to shout.
The zebra flees like a startled bird,
His only chance to return to the herd.
The smell of fear sets the hunter's heart pounding,
And his muscular legs make his speed astounding.
With a well timed leap and hardly a sound,
His powerful claws bring the beast to the ground.
Vice like jaws clamp around the throat,
His hairs stand proud on his camouflaged coat.
Lacerating, flesh ripping, blood flowing ever warmer,
Death is waiting just around the corner.
With a victorious roar that could awaken the dead,
His once white stalactites are bloodstained red.
As others look on he guards his kill,
Stuffing himself 'til he's had his fill.
Eager vultures circle high, waiting for their turn,
As the midday sun begins to burn.
Mouth gaping wide, he gives a contented yawn,
Under a shady tree he sleeps until dawn.

James Marangone [13]

This poem has been written by James, our eldest grandson, for a competition for a Poem by children from all the schools in their area for children between 13 and 15 years of age, to be published in a Children's Book of Poems. James's poem was chosen out of all the school to be sent for publishing.

James and Dominic are the sons of Andrew and Christine and they live in Warlingham, Surrey. You will see Andrew's name in the credits of all the Michael Barrymore shows as he is the Editor. He is currently working on the shows 'Kids Say the Funniest Things' due to be broadcast in the summer.

June and Gerry



'The centuries - some say six - that have passed away since the Manor House of the village, now called Berry Narbor, from the two families of Berry and Narbert, was begun, have seen many realisations of the foregoing lines. There is hardly any record of the families beyond two monuments in the adjoining church; that to the Narbert family has its inscription undecipherable from the decay of the slate-slab; the one belonging to the Berrys, near the pulpit, is of a more costly character, and has a certain quaintness and force of character in the kneeling figures. But no doubt it represents a generation long after the original inmates of the house; they probably began in a humble way, and gradually grew in wealth and importance.

'So we need not linger on the thought of those who have passed away, as now the building itself is passing away, with its 'fractured arches' and its damaged roof. What is still left is extremely interesting; the more so because the 'unimaginable touch of time' is playing such havoc with what remains. Another twenty years, I should say, will find nothing, save utter heaps of ruin, unless steps are taken to preserve the present fragments.


Picture in Manor Hall reproduced by Peter Rothwell

"An old manor house built by the Berry family in the time of the Plantagenets,
Berry Narbor, Nr. Ilfracombe July 1861 "

'Having then no technical knowledge of architecture, I cannot pretend to do more than give a general notice of what I can see with unprofessional eyes.

'The ground rooms occupied by the present tenant are internally devoid of interest, the panelling and ornamentation of the walls having been almost entirely removed. I am told that the bedrooms have still vestiges, in their coloured cornices, etc., of former wealth and magnificence. There is nothing in the downstair apartments to notice beyond their fair proportions and loftiness. The largest in the part which fronts one probably served in days of yore for a sitting or withdrawing room. To form an idea of the fair stateliness of the building in its palmy epochs a stranger must pass under the archway, still beautiful even in decay and ruin, running at right angles to the front. The door has remains of what I believe is called the napkin-patterns carving. He will be led through a passage - rooms on the right hand being now occupied by the appurtenances of a farm --into a court, the shape nearly of a parallelogram. There on his left is the wreck of a fine room, which I should imagine to have been the banqueting or dining-hall, with a large fireplace, of the same length with the open space. There is a date on the wall above, 1634; but that does not, I suppose, say more than that in 1634 something was done to the building, either in the way of repairs or additions. There are the remains of smaller apartments at the other end of the court; probably superior offices and servants' rooms, with small windows; picturesque, but not suggestive of much light. The greater part of the building is not earlier, and probably later, than James I's reign, although some of it is undoubtedly much older. There is a slanting loophole just inside the arch of which I have spoken, which is exactly of the same character as the Hagioscopes we see remaining in many churches. If it was intended for the same purpose, viz., to give a view of the mass, when elevated, as it was carried into the church, it would, I conclude, betoken an antiquity much beyond James I's time. The buildings that now obscure the view are undeniably modern. Within the recollection of the oldest inhabitant there was an uninterrupted path, leading up from the house to the churchyard, and there is still the mark in the wall where the entrance has been closed up. The dwelling was occupied, I am told, for three winters by the grandfather of the present owner; i.e. within the last hundred years.

'There are spaces where escutcheons and coats of arms once were, and at the finials of some of the windows there are monograms or letters B - referring no doubt to the family of Berry or Bury. The roof has been raised by placing brickwork on the original wall. Why bricks, which are not common, should have been used I do not know. The stone of which the rest of the building has been built must have been carefully chosen, for a great deal of it is in excellent preservation; the corners as sharp as when first chiseled. The arches are still pleasant to the eye from the beauty of their lines, although 'dissolution' is sinking them 'from high to low', and chance-sown flowers crown them at their will - valerian, wall-flowers, and others. Perhaps the decay of old age, when the object has been fair, more touches the feelings than the full flush of maturity. And none, I think, can look upon such a fair wreck as the Manor House of Berry Narbor without being touched; without picturing it filled with family life, and all that belongs to family life - births and marriages and deaths, as the generations have come and gone.'

Extract from The Manor House, Berry Narbor by Rev. Treasurer Hawker, M.A. and read at Ilfracombe, July 1879.

Submitted for inclusion by Mike Lane.



Many villagers will have known Trio, our three-legged Doberman. Indeed, his fame spread far and wide! John Mabin of The Lodge kindly gave us an extract from a German guidebook in which he is mentioned as a village institution! Sadly, Trio died on 24th January at the age of 12+ [he was a rescue dog so we didn't know his true age]. He was a great character, a loyal companion and a much-loved friend.

Len and June Coleman



If you receive a telephone call from someone who states he is an AT & T Service Technician [or similar] conducting a test on your telephone line IGNORE IT. They will say that to complete the test you must press nine, zero, the hash sign [90#] and then hang up.

To do this gives full access to your phone line which allows them to place long distance or chat line calls billed to your account! The information has been checked out by the Police and is correct. Do not press 90# for anyone and please pass this information on to friends, relatives, etc. It could cost someone a lot of money.




We cannot believe that nearly three months have already gone by in this Millennium and Judie will be after us for our report!

January and February passed without a covering of snow although we think we noticed just a few flakes here in the village on the 16th February - if you blinked you would have missed them!

January was quite a dry month with only 77mm of rain [3"] compared with 240mm [9 1/2"] last year. Temperatures were down a little on 1999, particularly on the 27th when we recorded a low of-4.3 Deg C.

February made up for the dry January with 230mm [9 1/4"] of rain.

Temperatures were also up, reaching 12.0 Deg C on the 6th. The wind was quite consistent throughout February, but we dodged anything too severe as the maximum recorded was 33 knots on the 12th.

Well it is encouraging to see the days drawing out - it won't be long before we can mow the lawns after tea!

Sue and Simon



Dear Friends,

I often play a simple word game, repeating a short sentence but changing the stress of the words and so altering the emphasis of what is being said.

Try for example, 'I would like a cup of tea'. See how the meaning changes by the different ways you can say the words.

Another example is to be found in the Easter account in John's Gospel with Mary Magdalene's words after finding the empty tomb, "I've seen the Lord!"

"I've seen the Lord!" - Me, Mary -- it's true!
"I've seen the Lord!" -- Me, Mary, with my own eyes - it's true!
"I've seen the Lord!" - Me, Mary, with my own eyes, I've seen Jesus our Master - it's true!
"I've seen the Lord!" - Me, Mary, with my own eyes, I've seen Jesus our Master, Jesus the Lord he's alive - it's true

And how did Mary speak the words? With excitement? Bewilderment? Determination? Joy?

How will we repeat the joyous shout on Easter Morning as we share in worship?

"He is risen!"
"He is risen indeed - Hallelujah!"

May the joy of Easter fill your hearts.

Peter Ellis, Methodist Pastor - Wesley Manse
Combe Martin




Greetings from all of us at the Primary School. We are pleased to see the first signs of spring around the school with daffodils and other green shoots poking through the ground. The lighter mornings and evenings have been a real bonus as well and we are looking forward to getting back down on the village field to start our football club again after a short lay-off.

We are in the final throes of preparation for OFSTED inspection and the staff have been working very hard to make the place look its best for the inspection week. We are still enjoying being a four-class school, even if this is only until the end of the summer, and the place seems really busy and full of life!

The children have been involved in a variety of projects - brick laying at the North Devon College, our Concert at The Landmark Theatre in Ilfracombe, as part of the Millennium Celebrations, and the on-going project with the Devon Artists in School Scheme. The Year 5 children are making a musical piece based on the sounds they can capture and record from their surroundings, in school and around the village. The scheme also uses computer technology and musical instruments. We are all looking forward to hearing the finished piece and it will be performed live at The Landmark in early April.

April already! How the year is flying by! We hope you like the artwork supplied by the children in this issue - 'observational drawing' -and we look forward to informing you of the exciting projects for the school in the next Newsletter. Until then, beware of roving bands of musicians armed with computers!

Simon Bell - Headteacher

A Feather - Shane Clarke

Fish Dish - Hetti Danger

Fish Dish - Evie Hay



STUDIO THEATRE Ilfracombe College will, by popular request, be restaging two performances of Larry Fabian's 'The First Noel' at The Landmark Theatre on Thursday and Friday, 4th and 5th May 2000 at 8.15 p.m. Friday matinee at 2.30 p.m.

Also during May and again at The Landmark Theatre, Young Studio Theatre are presenting 'Dracula Spectacula', Wednesday 17th to Friday 19th May, 7.30 p.m.

Please put these dates in your diary and for further information see the posters.

LOSS OF TELEVISION TRANSMISSION In the event of a loss of signal from the aerial in the village, your help in notifying the fact would be appreciated. Please either ring Len Coleman, Chairman of the Parish Council, or report the matter to the BBC on 01752029201 or West Country [Carlton] on 324244.

VILLAGE NEBULISER During 1998 the Village raised money to buy 2 nebulisers, one of which stayed in the village for use by asthma sufferers. This has remained in my cupboard ever since it was delivered! Recently, while attending the asthma clinic with my children I discussed the use of home nebulisation with the specialist nurse who informed me that the current opinion is that if nebulisation is necessary, then the patient needs to be seen by a doctor, therefore rendering the nebuliser here useless and I expect the response from other surgeries would be the same.

In the 18 months I have 'housed' the nebuliser I have not been approached to loan it to anyone, and J feel that it is a waste of an expensive piece of equipment for which people kindly donated money.

I feel it would be more beneficial if it was donated [or loaned] to a local medical centre or hospital, but this is not a decision I can make so I should welcome any ideas or feedback from villagers. Please contact me on 883484, Nicola Cornish, Breezes, Barton Lane.

BERRYNARBOR TODDLERS Calling all owners of toddlers and/or babies! We should very much like to restart our Friday morning Toddler Group. We have a lovely big hall with lots of great toys to play with and coffee and biscuits for mums/grannies, etc. If you are interested, please ring Julia on 882783.

BERRYNARBOR PRE-SCHOOL would like to say a big 'thank you' to the Millennium Committee who very kindly donated £50 to the Pre-School. The money will be spent on a new carpet.

BERRY IN BLOOM The Jumble sale on 11th March for Berry in Bloom and the Carnival Float was very successful, raising the sum of £123. We should like to say 'thank you' to all who helped and contributed. We shall be having a planting up afternoon sometime in June and look forward to an army of voluntary helpers, as last year - but more about this in the next Newsletter.

BEST KEPT VILLAGE we have again entered this competition and everyone is asked to do their bit if we are to keep up our excellent record. Two reminders: dog owners, please remember to 'scoop the poop' or exercise your pooch in the field designated for this purpose. Recently there seems to have been rather a build-up of mess! Secondly, when clearing away the winter debris to tidy up, a plea to pyromaniacs! If you REALLY must have a bonfire, please give some thought to your neighbours and keep your fire raising to the evenings so that we can enjoy being in our gardens, especially on sunny days. Burn your sticks after half-six! [The legal time for bonfires] Thank you.



in your own home

Word Processing - Desk Top Publishing - Internet


Phone or Fax: [01271] 883758 Damson Cottage, Berrynarbor


"Stepping Out ..."

It was a charming scene. Two young tabby cats were curled up on a sunny bank, surrounded by hens. There were peacocks and guinea fowl strutting about too. We were walking down the lane to Tarr Steps, invariably described as one of the showpieces or 'honey pots' of the moor.

It was only mid-February but plenty more people had been drawn to the famous clapper bridge across the River Barle, considered the finest of its kind in the country.

Nuthatches were flitting from tree to tree in the car park, ignoring people entirely - one of our prettiest small birds and always a joy to see.

The precise age of Tarr Steps is uncertain. It is generally believed to be medieval but there are claims that it is much older [Bronze Age even]. The stone causeway is 180 feet long, comprised of massive slabs which average seven feet in length and three and a half feet in width.

It was destroyed in the flood of August 1952 but the stones were recovered and the bridge rebuilt. Recently it had suffered major storm damage but has already been restored. Upstream we passed the debris trap, a contraption which had been placed across the river to help protect the ancient monument.

We walked along the Barle through Knaplock Wood; the path coinciding with a section of the Two Moors' Way, a long distance walk from Ivybridge in the south to Lynton via Dartmoor and Exmoor. The route was devised in 1976 as a celebration of the 2,700 miles of rural footpaths in the county of Devon and as a reminder of the mariners, Celtic saints, itinerant traders and farm workers who had used these rights of way in the past.

There was a flash of lemon yellow as two grey wagtails darted down the river. We reached a long section where flat weathered stones formed a natural pavement.

On the way back we clambered up through Liscombe Wood where there was a lot of movement and birdsong. Stopping quietly beside an oak tree we watched a wren popping in and out of a heap of rotting, fallen wood; a tree creeper making its way steadily up a trunk, its toes splayed out like stars; a pair of dunnocks, great tits, several blackbirds and a host of long tailed tits and chaffinches.

In a steep field high above Tarr Steps, we were pleased to encounter two thrushes; one a song thrush and the other a mistle thrush. As they were only a few yards apart and standing quite still, it was a useful opportunity to compare the two.

The mistle thrush [the largest member of the thrush family] is about two and a half inches longer than the song thrush, with a greyer back and more boldly spotted breast. The under surfaces of its wings are white [noticeable in flight] whereas the song thrush's are sandy coloured. It is alert and wary with a distinctive, upright stance. Its old country name was the storm cock because of its habit of perching high up in the tree tops on rainy, windy days and singing loudly.

The mistletoe berries, which give the bird its name and form part of its diet [along with insects and worms, slugs, snails and grubs] are very glutinous. The thrush's bill becomes sticky, so it wipes it against some tree bark and in this way the parasite mistletoe plant is able to implant its seeds in a new host tree. Unfortunately, since there are fewer orchards, there has also been less mistletoe, which is especially associated with apple trees.

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

Sue H



My shoes are new and squeaky shoes,
They're shiny, creaky shoes,
I wish I had my leaky shoes
That my mother threw away.
I liked my old brown leaky shoes
Much better than these creaky shoes,
These shiny, creaky, squeaky shoes
I've got to wear today.



Artwork: Paul Swailes


Sorting through old papers in the Manor Hall, I came across a letter from a lady in Ilfracombe, dated 10th September 1978. She wrote:

"Just a line to say how thrilled we were by our surprise successes at the Horticultural Show yesterday. It was just by chance that we collected our entry forms and schedule and had such a lot of fun on Friday evening and Saturday morning preparing all the fuchsias and deciding which ones to pick and enter. As we've never ever entered a show before, we weren't too sure just what to bring".

"I was quite overcome to find that I had won the best exhibit in the Show with my embroidery - worth all the eye-straining hours of work that went into it to win such an award."

1978 was the first Horticultural and Craft Show to be held in Berrynarbor. This year, success could be yours. So, schedule your planting to be at its best for the first Saturday in September!

After at least a dozen years, Eunice and Bernard Allen have decided enough is enough and will not be running the plant stall at the Berry Revels this August. If I go on too much about all the hard work and planning required in running a successful plant stall, we'll never get anyone else to take it on! I will just say thank you both very much indeed for your efforts.

Please, is there anyone out there who would like to run the plant stall? We should also like you gardeners to plant up a few extra pots for sale on the stall. With a good supply of plants, the selling should be the easy part.

On behalf of the Management Committee and the village as a whole, a big thank you to Sally Barten for her beautifully worked Millennium Tapestry which is to be hung in the Hall beneath the clock.

Finally, the Annual General Meeting this year will be held in the Manor Hall at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 3rd May 2000. All are invited to attend.

John Hood - Chairman



Saturday, 11th March 2000

What a wonderful night, it was Star Trek in every way - the moon and stars shone so brightly there was hardly need for a torch, except to see the mud, which was DEEP. What it would have been like if it had rained does not bear thinking about!

How often the youth of today are criticised, but we noted that 90% of the trekkers were probably under thirty years of age and all walking for charity. Many thanks to all our sponsors.

Pam and Alex Park, Margaret and Keith Walls



  • Only in Britain - can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance
  • Only in Britain - are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink
  • Only in Britain - do supermarkets make the sick people walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front
  • Only in Britain - do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries and a DIET Coke
  • Only in Britain - do banks leave both doors open and chain the pens to the counters
  • Only in Britain - do we leave cars worth thousands of pounds on the drive and put our junk in the garage
  • Only in Britain - do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won't miss a call from someone we didn't want to talk to in the first place
  • Only in Britain - do we buy hot dogs in packs of ten and buns in packs of eight
  • Only in Britain - do we use the word 'politics' to describe the process of Government - 'poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

Unearthed by PP of DC


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Berrynarbor Road, Watermouth

Taken by William Garratt, the Bristol Photographer, around 1907 and given the number 67, this photographic postcard shows a 'dingle' type carriage stopped beside the Water Fountain before continuing on into the village. The fountain, given by Mrs. Bassett of Watermouth Castle bears the following inscription: "June 22nd 1897 This Fountain was erected by Mrs. Basset of Watermouth in Commemoration of the 60th Year of the Reign of Queen Victoria. She wrought her people lasting good June 22nd 1901 "

On close inspection of this picture, the chain with a metal drinking cup can be seen hanging down on the right-hand side of the fountain. All that remains today is part of the chain and the fixing point. Water was free-flowing through the nozzle at the front into the trough for horses and overflowing water drained off through the back and into the stream behind. So the water was continually changed and fresh.

The roof of Watermouth Castle Saw Mills can be seen just behind the occupant of the dingle. The road to the left took traffic towards the Castle and Ilfracombe, whilst on the right it would then turn immediately left, hugging the coast. The 'new road' was built in 1919 because of the large landslip at Golden Cove. Note the dusty state of the roads which remained as 'rolled stone' until the introduction of tarmacadam around 1919.

I should like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to Neil Morris for all the effort and work he put in as Chairman of the Millennium Committee and I feel sure that everyone is proud of our Millennium Fountain in the Square. Also to our hard working Editor, Judie, without whom there would be no village newsletter!

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, March 2000

and now ...

I refer to the Puzzlement [in last August's issue] regarding the dates inscribed on the fountain. The anniversary of the 60th year of Queen Victoria's accession would have been 20th June 1897 not 22nd June. The final line of the inscription and the date Jan. 22nd 1901 appear to have been added later, presumably following her death on that date. Has anyone any theory on the error with dates?




I've just found your web site and as I started to read it, tears were starting to run down my face. I grew up around Berrynarbor in the 70's and remember making 'the pact' to return on a specific day to meet up, but I'm ashamed to say I forgot the date - I thought it was to be in the summer. If I had known, I should have flown back from Canada to be there as I can picture their faces and the whole lot of them trying to fit into the bus shelter! We had a lot of fun back in those days - it's funny the strange forms of entertainment you can think up when you're young and bored with no money and Combe Martin's a long walk away!

I was sorry to read the sad news of Herbert Parkin. He was a good man and will be missed. If possible, could you please forward my condolences to Alan, Steve, Michael, Gillian and their sister and their families. I remember one of Herbert's cows breaking my nose when I was helping Steve with the milking - kicked me in the face and right out of the shippen door. Herbert laughed when he heard - I guess it was kind of funny!

I was hoping that you could possibly help me get in touch with some old friends and with that in mind I'll sound off a few names. I should love to hear from Rachel [Fanner]. We dated for a while in our teens and always stayed best friends, often sitting and remembering old times. Rachel was everyone's friend and the village would not have been the same without her.

I moved down from London with my family when I was 10 to Longlands Farm in Combe Martin, but when my parents separated I moved with my mother to Berry Down. Having no farm work, I started helping out on other farms and after a while I virtually moved in with the Chugg Family at Brinscott and almost became one of the family. Kingsley was really one of a kind, I learnt more from him than any other person I've ever met. He was like a father to me - those years were the best of my life and I still think of them all as family. I was later lured by more wages - to London but came back to help out for a while when Kingsley passed away.

Then there's Phil Desmond, Kev Bowen [from Combe Martin], the Bowden boys, the Richards, Leanne Hughes, Dave Sawyer, Robert, Tim ... the list goes on.

I should love to hear from them if you could pass on my e-mail and snail mail address: krobinson@jackunioncorp.com or 5137 King Street East, Caledon East, Ontario, Canada LON 1EO

As you can see, I now live just outside Toronto, Canada, and run a car dealership [the time spent working for Barry Saunders in Combe Martin on those Land Rovers was not wasted - I now sell and repair them here]. I hope to return home some time in 2000, but as yet a date has not been set.

Kevin Robinson

Old Friends: Please answer Kevin's plea and contact him. If anyone would like to use my e-mail facility, please contact me.




As has been recounted in previous issues, the Pipe Line Under the Ocean was a scheme to supply fuel directly from the south coast to the beach heads in Normandy. It had been estimated that at least 14,000 vehicles would be landed on D-Day itself, with the total reaching 95,000 some twelve days later.

To fuel these vehicles would have involved dozens of vulnerable ocean tankers - the solution was, therefore, an underwater fuel pipeline. Testing took place in the winter of 1942-43 between Wales and North Devon, originally at Westward Ho!, but after storms had proved problematic on the open beaches, then at Watermouth Cove.

On the 2nd February 1943, the Swansea end was damaged and had to be relaid, but on the 4th April, 36,000 gallons of fuel a day were being pumped. The pumps and storage tanks were disguised in barns, banks and underground.

* The photograph shows petrol tankers collecting fuel from Mill Park.
* See also the articles 'The Pipeline' Tony Beauclerk and 'PLUTO' Don Taylor in the April 1998 issue.

Jimmy Brooks


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


One evening during the war, my half-brother Gerald came home from his job at North Lee Farm with the tiniest of lambs. He said it had been born prematurely and the ewe did not want to look after it.

The lamb was so small, you could hold it in one hand. It was very weak and we all thought it would not survive the night. My mother, who was so good in these matters, took over and placed the little creature on an old blanket by the fire. Its eyes were partly closed and it seemed hardly able to raise its head. Looking in the kitchen cupboard, my mother found an old baby's bottle and a packet with a teat in it; probably left behind when a friend and her baby had stayed with us.

She warmed some milk and offered it to our new and rather unusual pet. The little lamb slowly started to feed. "I'll stay up and see if I can get it through the night," said my mother. After several feeds through the night and to everyone's delight, Baa - as we decided to call her- was still alive and looking a little better by the morning.

An orphan lamb - Moules Farm 1972
Left - Sally Richards, Right - Helen Weedon

As each day went by, Baa picked up strength and put on weight. Gerald, my mother, my sister Jean and I developed a fondness for this lovely creature. We found an old dog collar for her and started taking her for walks. Sometimes she would be tethered on the lawn, but would get free and come knocking at the back door with her hoof. When she did this, she might be given a bottle and soon she got to associate 'knocking at the door and a bottle'.

We kept Baa for as long as we could, as one of the family pets, but of course she grew so much that her time with us had to come to an end.

Tony Beauclerk - Colchester

Illustrations by: Debbie Rigler Cook



1stBerry at 60's and 70's, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
2ndMothering Sunday St. Peter's Church: Family Service with the Sunday School, 11.00 a.m.
4thW.I. Meeting, 2.15 p.m., Manor Hall: '30 Years Running a Bird Sanctuary', Talk and Slides by Doreen and Michael Cubitt
9thSt. Peter's Church: Sung Eucharist, 11.00 a.m.
11thParish Council Meeting, Manor Hall: 7.00 p.m. A.G.M. followed by normal meeting
12thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
13thCollege and Primary School: End of Spring Term
W.I. Chichester Group Meeting, Bratton Fleming , 7.30 p.m.
16thPalm Sunday St. Peter's Church: Family Service, 11.00 a.m.
21stGOOD FRIDAY United Services - 10.00 a.m. Stations of the Cross, St. Mary's RC Church; 10.40 a.m. 'The Nails', Methodist Church;
2.00 - 3.00 p.m. St. Peter's Church, Hour of Devotion
23rdEASTER SUNDAY St. Peter's Church: Easter Day Communion,
11.00 a.m. United Services - 6.30 p.m. St. Mary's RC Church, Preacher: Rev. Keith Wyer
24thEaster Monday
26thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
30thSt. Peter's Church: Sung Eucharist, 11.00 a.m.
1stMay Day Bank Holiday
2ndCollege and Primary School: Start of Summer Term
3rdManor Hall Management Committee A.G.M., Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
4thPCC Coffee Morning, Manor Hall, 10.30 a.m. onwards
4th and 5th April: Studio Theatre - The First Noel at The Landmark, 8.15 p.m.
6thand 7th: A Country Collection Art Display, Manor Hall - Morning Coffee, Afternoon Tea, Evening Drinks
7thArt Display and Morning Coffee
9thParish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. Manor Hall
10thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
11thIlfracombe College: Annual Summer Concert - All welcome
17thto 19th: Young Studio Theatre, Dracula Spectacula, 7.30 p.m. The Landmark
24thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
29thSpring Bank Holiday to Friday, 2nd June, inc., College and Primary School: Half Term
6thW.I. Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Manor Hall -- 'Unexplained Phenomena', Talk by Peter Christie
7thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.

Manor Hall:

Mondays - Badminton
Tuesdays - Yoga, 7.00 p.m.
Thursdays - Whist Drive, 7.30 p.m.



The past year has been relatively uneventful apart from the Millennium Celebrations which were so ably organised by the Millennium Committee [and magnificently supported by the village] and we are indebted to them for the results.

Unfortunately, on 23rd December we had a repeat of the flooding in Silver Street experiences a few years ago. This caused substantial damage to properties and severe inconvenience to the owners of these properties. We have pursued this matter with the District Council and it is to be hoped that the remedial works being undertaken will prevent any recurrence of this problem.

Once again the Council's Annual General Meeting is upon us and this will take place on Tuesday, 11th April, 7.00 p.m. at the Manor Hall. Please come and give us your comments, ideas [and complaints] for the benefit of our lovely village.

Len Coleman - Chairman


Berrynarbor Broadcasting Company present their Show 2000

BERRY AT 60'S & 70'S

Manor Hall, 7.30 for 8.00 p.m.

Friday, 31st March and Saturday, 1st April 2000

You may not be too late - get your ticket NOW!