Edition 5 - April 1990

Artwork by: Nicolle Denzey [Age 9]


Illustration by: Ashley Lane
A project recently undertaken by pupils at our Primary School was to design a Cover for this Issue - April [Easter] - of the Newsletter. Many excellent pictures were submitted and it was very difficult to choose the winners. however, with the kind help of Helen Armstead, Barbara Pickup, the Art Staff at the College and others, a choice was made.
The overall winner, whose picture appears on our Front Cover, is Nicolle Denzey [9] of Lee View, with Ashley Lane [8], a very close second.
Congratulations to all the artists, but especially Nicolle and Ashley and the other Runners-up [see pictures in centre spread] : Lloyd Gove , Michael Jackson [8], Katie Neale [10], Jeff Bowden [7], Marcus Holley [8] and Daniel Franklin [9] .
A delightful entry from Edward Bowden [10] - perhaps not as topical as the other entries - will appear on the cover of a Newsletter later in the year.
Copies of the Newsletter [which is free] are always available, to those who do not have their newspapers delivered, from the Post Office, Manor Stores, Butchers and the Globe. If you know of anyone who has 'missed' their copy, please let them know where to collect one.

After welcoming two new members and presenting Joan Adams with a gift for her Golden Wedding and birthday, members were transported from a dull, wet afternoon in Berrynarbor to the beauties and wonders of Iceland. Kath Arscott's slides and most informative talk were well received. The Institute's Charity of the. Year for this year will be the Hospice Care Trust, so it is hoped that our first venture - a Mini Market on 17th March will raise a goodly sum. However, the W.I. also needs funds, so there will be a Coffee Morning in the Manor Hall on 28th April at 10.30 a.m. for same.
As Richard Howe [Radio Devon]- the proposed speaker for the March meeting - had been sent on an assignment to Romania, Margaret Kemp kindly stepped in and gave a lively account of family anecdotes amazing how other folk's disasters always seem to raise a laugh when retold! There was a Birthday Tea, the Institute celebrating 28 years - and cakes were provided by the Committee. Many thanks to one and all, especially Margaret for standing in at the last moment.
3rd April - James RaviIious of the Beaford Centre. Slides and Talk.
Spring is but a sigh away,
A dream in the sky, we see each day,
As our birds fly back, home to stay,
Oh yes, Spring is but a sigh away.
A Very Happy Easter to ALL.
Vi Kingdon - President
The Sequence Dance Club restarts every Friday from 6th April. Manor Hall, 7.30 to 10.30 p.m. Any queries, 'phone Stanley Lineham, 882762.
Wednesday, 25th April ANTIQUE ROADSHOW with Mark Parkhouse . £1 per item - limit of 2 items per person. 6.30 p.m. onwards, Combe Martin Town Hall. Refreshments - Raffle
Saturday, 5th May Return visit of HAVERING MUSIC MAKERS Town Hall, Combe Martin, 7.30 p.m. Tickets £2.00, Concessions £1.50. Refreshments - Raffle.
[Two good opportunities for W. I. members to support this year's charity]
Kiln Car Park, Combe Martin
We are always looking for news of coming local events, especially shows, fetes, exhibitions, etc. If YOU let us knows it may help by attracting visitors thus raising extra cash or interest. Notices will be posted on a board inside the Centre from Whitsun to the end of September, or otherwise in the Cross Street window.
Please put any notJices in the letterbox on the car park side or contact me on 882634 or 8833190. My colleague, Yvonne Davey, will also be glad to help.
Dear Editor,
This item is not pressing but if you have a little space to spare, I'd be pleased if you could fit it in. I like the Berrynarbor Newsletter [Berryite?] very much ... having brought out the first and second editions of the Shammickite a number of years ago, and I think your newsletter is most interesting as I know a number of Berryites.
Peter Spencer
Information Centre, Combe Martin
Thank you, Peter, for your kind words. How about it? Should we give our Newsletter a name? Any suggestions should be put in the Collecting Boxes.

The Regular Services:
- Holy Communion on the 3rd Sunday of the month, 8.00 a.m.
- The Eucharist every Sunday, 10.30 a.m.
- Sunday School every Sunday, 10.30 a.m.
- Interdenominational Evensong at St. Peter's Ad Vincula, Combe Martin, 6.30 p.m.
- Holy Communion, every Thursday, 10.00 a.m.
Maundy Thursday The Holy Oils will be blessed by the Diocesan Bishop in Exeter Cathedral, 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion, 7.00 p.m.
Good Friday Procession of Witness for all the churches of Combe Martin and Berrynarbor begins at 10.30 a.m. at the Roman Catholic Church, stops at 3 other churches and ends at the beach. Transport back again will be available for the elderly. Devotional Service, 2.00, to 3.00 p.m. The ladies will be decorating the Church for Easter from 4.00pm on Good Friday and on Holy Saturday. WOULD YOU PLEASE GIVE US GIFTS OF FLOWERS FOR THESE DECORATIONS.
- 7th May - Church open for visiting ringers from 14.00 p.m.
- 10th May - Archdeacon's Visitation: receiving Churchwarden's and Sidesmen's Promises at Combe Martin, 7.30 p.m.
- Preb. and Peggy Eppingstone on holiday until 26.5.90.
- 14th May - Deanery Clergy Chapter Meeting, Shirwell at 12.00 noon.
- 17th May - Preb. Eppingstone's Annual Sermon in Exeter Cathedral, 11.15 a.m.
The Badminton Club meets every Monday in the Manor Hall at 7.30 p.m. Enquiries to Mary Hughes [882580]. [There is a possibility that the Club may cease during the summer months if there is a lack of support.]

The Wine Appreciation Group will be holding their last meeting for the 1989-90 season on the 18th April. They will restart on the 3rd Wednesday in October. Details of the Group may be obtained from Alan Richardson [882831].

The Manor Hall Management Committee will be holding their Annual General Meeting at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 25th in the Penn-Curzon Room. Everyone welcome. Discussion will take place on the Kitchen Project and any other item of interest relating to the Manor Hall.

Applications have been completed, so LET'S ALL DO OUR 'BIT' whatever that might be - picking up litter when we see it, tidying our own little patches, lending a helping hand when needed, etc. All these deeds add to making Berrynarbor a pleasant village to live in. Spring is almost here!
Joy Morrow
Congratulations to Ben Fanner and Eden Davis who have been chosen to represent North Devon on an Expedition to the Pyrenees in July. In order to raise the necessary funds to undertake this venture, they are organising a Jumble Sale to be held in the Manor Hall on Saturday, 28th April, at 2.30 p.m. Please send your jumble and also support the sale.
There will be a Slideshow on Berrynarbor on Wednesday, 11th April, when Tom Bartlett's latest postcard book on North Devon [South Molton and Around] will be introduced. Adults £1.00, Children 50p. Refreshments & Raffle proceeds to go to the Church Bells Fund.
Did you know that if you lived in Berrynarbor and had less than 15/- a week, you would be allowed to compete in the village vegetable show for big money prizes? Well, yes you would, but there are one or two snags. First of all you would have to be at least 150 years old, and also of good character!
In 1837 there was established "The Ilfracombe, Berrynarbor, Combe Martin, Trentishoe, Kentisbury, West Down and Morthoe Cottage Garden Society". At a meeting of local gentlemen and clergy, it was resolved that "A society be formed for the purpose of bettering the conditions of the Working Classes by holding out rewards for Industry, Prudence, Forethought and Cleanliness, and at the same time improving the garden produce of the Cottager". It was, therefore, decided that "All persons in the above Parishes not gaining more than fifteen shillings per week by their labour are eligible to be exhibiting members."
Exhibitions were held in June and September for 9 years when there seems to have been a 12 month break followed by 3 more active years. After this, records cease, not only in this Society, but also in the equally well-intentioned one at Barnstaple, which, starting in about 1840 with an even more impressive committee, offered even bigger prizes. The programmes were a delight - they were beautifully printed on expensive paper with a typically Victorian attention to detail. Copied from one of the few remaining sheets is a list of classes, both like and unlike those that we might use today.
- 4 Artichokes - 2 shillings
- 30 Heads Asparagus - 3 shillings
- 1/2 peck Beans - 2 shillings
- 2 Cabbage - 2 shillings
- 12 Carrots - 2 shillings
- 2 Cauliflowers - 2 shillings
- 2 Cucumbers - 2 shillings
- Bundle of Herbs - 3 shillings
- 2 Lettuce - 3 shillings
- 12 Onions - 2 shillings
- Bunch of Parsley - 2 shillings
- 1/2 peck of Pees - 3 shillings
- 1/2 peck of Potatoes - Kidney - 3 shillings
- 1/2 peck of Potatoes - Round - 3 shillings
- 1/2 peck Forty Fold Blue* - 3 shillings
- A Basket of Summer Spinach - 2 shillings
A premium of 10/- is offered by Thomas Downes, Esq. for the best specimen in pot of Maidenhead Fern.
"When the committee think it expedient, Rewards may be given for Cleanliness and Neatness in the dwelling of the cottager, also for a neat and well cultivated garden, regard being paid in all cases to the Religious and Moral conduct of the Parties."
We may well wonder what happened after 1850 when the last existing catalogue was produced. The prizes were worth winning and nearly every cottage had a garden. Perhaps there were more Chiefs than Indians!
*What are they? Do you know?
Peter Hinchliffe
[with grateful thanks
to Barnstaple Records Office]
For Manor Hall Project - WHITE SHEETS [in reasonable condition] for making table cloths. If you can help, please contact Ginnie Neale at the Manor Stores.
For St. Peter's Church - FLOWERS for Good Friday.

It was with sadness that the village said a fond farewell to Sid and Flo Russell on their recent move, but we wish them all the very best in their new home in Ilfracombe and look forward to their visiting the village.

Dear Josef,
Thank you so much Josef for giving up your beard for the North Devon Scanner Appeal. All the sponsorships, and the collections and the tin shaking has brought in £515 for the Scanner Appeal and we are so proud of you Josef for making this enormous sacrifice for the sake of your community.
Thank you, Josef, very much
Yours sincerely,
Carol A McCormack
... and a 'thank you' from Josef to everybody who helped and contributed, especially Carol and Noel.
1 PH on a F!




"In Berrynarbor.57."

This is yet another superb view taken by the celebrated Bristol photographer, John William Garratt, about 1904, on his first of several visits to our village. Taken outside 71, Higher Sterrage Valley [Vi Kingdon's) , it shows the two Street sisters, Tilley and Dorcas, feeding their ducks and chickens. Mr. Ephraim Street and his wife, Susan, lived here with their 9 children - Mary Jane, Richard, William, Ellen, Elizabeth Anne, Caroline, Edward, John, Matilda and Dorcas. The tap house on the right, which supplied water to all the nearby cottages, has been lovingly restored by Vi and now sports a new roof. In the background is 69, Barn Cottage [Kath Arscott's] , the home of Will Blake until around 1922.
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, March 1990
*Reprints of this postcard are now available from the Manor Stores.

Congratulations to:
There are to be two weddings at St. Peter's Church during April and we send our best wishes and every happiness in the future to
Chilie Barton and Donald Davies [from Clevedon] who are getting married on the 18th May, and Karen Hookway and Michael Ridd [from Ilfracombe] who get married three days later on the 21st April.
It was good to learn that Len Bowden is now out of hospital and home again and progressing well. We miss seeing him around the village and hope that his recovery continues to progress.
"Many thanks for the 'Ultimate Test', it was great fun and I hope there will be more [although I did think of suing for loss of sleep at one time (18 & 34)]!
Judging by the 'village chat' there have been many more brains exercised. Many thanks."
Bill Berry
"The Ultimate Test helped to pass a very wet and windy afternoon. My congratulations to the compilers and to the winner. You got me beat on two, so improvised - should raise a laugh if nothing else!"
Vi Kingdon
FW 2 or 3 AGT [M 18:20]* .... the topic of conversation in the village since BN4 [it gets you after a while] arrived on our doorstep, has been THE ULTIMATE TEST. Whose sadistic mind dreamed up this torture, anyway?
No longer, puffing up Pitt Hill does one exchange pleasantries. Instead, its "Did you get 1001 AN?" "What, here? Last night? Really? Or, if the gales have subsided, "18H on a GC this morning, George?" Well, its more healthy than 15M on a DMC.
In The Globe - that fount of all village knowledge - a voice from the dartboard mutters "11P in an FT". "So what", says the 'inner sanctum' "21P in a TTM to you." "Anyone seen the 12 D of C?" calls the group by the bar. Twelve decks of cards? Has Paul Daniels taken up residence? "65 the A to R" mutters Fred ominously. He's long been angling for the reins of Dad's farm. To get everyone back into a happier drinking mood, Phil strikes up a chord of 3BM [SHTR]. No, its not a rude version - I don't think.
At the end of the day, instead of a quiet relaxing few moments reading of the world's crises and spices, we settle down to 24H in a D, which I suppose is more calming than 999 is PFA. As for 7L and 5F ... are the compilers of the UT sure of their facts? Shouldn't it be 5L and 2F, or even 5L and a few F? Or are we on the wrong tack ... or loaves ... or fishes ... altogether?
On the point of falling asleep, I have an inspiration. "How many planets are there?" I ask my better half. Sleepily, and a bit crossly, but correctly, he replies "9". Good, that gets rid of 9P in the SS.
We go to the Wine Circle. Gradually the wine fumes loosen Kate's tongue - in vino veritas. Now I know 88PK. I enlist help further afield. Nottingham, Kidderminster, Ilfracombe [where?]. Phone calls in reply don't start with "Hi! How are you?", but "I know 29D in a LY". O.K. wise guy ... so your birthday happens to be 1.3.36. Now we all know how old you are. May I suggest a bulk issue of the next edition? Then the whole country will be at rest.
Incidentally, if there is an all-correct entry handed in on the 15th March, I reckon it will be an 8th W of the W!
P.S. The better half has just read the above and commented, "12 D of C is Days of Christmas, you know." Truly? Just jesting!
P.P.S.* If you've not guessed, or are too exhausted to care, the answer from Matthew, Ch 18 v 20, "For where two or three are gathered together" ...
Note from the Editor
The UT appears to have given a lot of people endless [!] hours of pleasure [?] and has certainly been the talking point in the village and further afield over the past few weeks. Reports have come in that answers have been found in Milton Keynes, Croydon, Derby, Newcastle, Birmingham, Andover and Bognor Regis. Thank you to those who not only 'chatted' about it, but put pen to paper and sent in their entries. A bet was won here! "You'll be lucky if you get 5 back!" The response was far greater.
There were some ingenious answers. Only one person got 1PH on a F - the answer is depicted on Page 8. Answers came as "1 Public Holiday on a Friday", "1 Pair of Hands on a Face", "1 President's Head on a Franc". "1 Pollen Head on a Flower" and "l Pole Halyard on a Flag". Certainly, the 12D of C could be the "Disciples of Christ", but the real answer has a more seasonal ring.
"1 Handle on an Umbrella", "88 Pint Keg", "9 Pins in a Skittle Strike" and "One Ton on a Motor Cycle" were almost as good as the mathematical inspiration of "3 times Thirtyseven is One Hundred and Eleven", or "64 Seats on a Commercial Bus" - have you ever counted them?
Without exception, 7L and 5F was given as "7 Loaves and 5 Fishes", but as PP of MLF says, this is not right, according to the Gospels, so what is it? The compiler of the UT, "1 D 83 LB.C.M.C. " does not give the answers, but as it is thought to originate in the States, is this purely a case of exaggeration? [No offence, Joy!] Anyway, your sleepless nights are not yet over. Can someone please come up with the answer? From the original test [first given to me in 1984], 4 questions still remain a mystery [although I believe I know the answer to No. 2]. Can YOU solve them?
- 1000W that a P is W
- 96T in EFL
- 3L on M
- 17C have CT
Now for the winners! Excluding those 'L & F', 4 entries had 33 correct. They are:
- JEAN CHUGG [Brinscott Farm]
- JENNY HOLLEY [Langleigh House],
- MARION BILLELT [Riversdale] and
- TONY and JO SCARRATT [llfracombe].
How about if everyone thought up one clue themselves and popped it and the answer in the Newsletter Collection boxes? We could have another Test in the future! Start thinking.
- 26 Letters of the Alphabet.
- 7 Wonders of the World.
- 1001 Arabian Nights.
- 12 Signs of the Zodiac.
- 54 Cards in a Deck.
- 9 Planets in the Solar System.
- 88 Piano Keys.
- 13 Stripes on the American Flag.
- 32 Degrees Farenheit at which Water Freezes.
- 18 Holes on a Golf Course.
- 90 Degrees in a Right Angle.
- 200 Pounds for Passing Go in Monopoly.
- 7 Sides on a Fifty Pence Piece.
- Quarts in a Gallon.
- 3 Blind Mice [See How They Run] .
- 24 Hours in a Day.
- 1 Horn on a Unicorn.
- 5 Digits in a Zip Code.
- 57 Heinz Varieties.
- 11 Players in a Football Team.
- 1 Prancing Horse on a Ferrari.
- 29 Days in February in a Leap Year.
- 64 Squares on a Chess Board.
- 40 Days and Nights of the Great Flood.
- 76 Trombones in the Big Parade.
- 147 is Maximum Break at Snooker.
- 125 Trains go Inter City.
- 3 Trebble Top [Twenty] is One Hundred and Eighty.
- 21 Points in a Table Tennis Match.
- 65 the Age to Retire.
- ????
- 12 Days of Christmas.
- 15 Men on a Dead Man's Chest.
- 0 [no] Tail on a Manx Cat.
- 999 is Police, Fire, Ambulance.
1st | Passion Sunday, Eucharist, 10.30 a.m. |
3rd | W. I. Meeting: James Ravilious [Beaford Centre] |
4th | South Molton Recycling Collection, 11.00 - 1.00
p.m. Lent Service, Combe Martin Parish Church, 7.00 p.m. |
5th | U3A Luncheon: Sandy Cove Hotel - Mrs. Killard-Leavey "Fishing for Lobsters" |
6th | School and College break up for Easter. Sequence Dance Club restarts, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
8th | Palm Sunday Blessing & Distribution of Palm Crosses before the Eucharist |
10th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.15 p.m. |
11th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. Lent Service, Combe Martin, 7.00 p.m. Slide Show, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
12th | Maundy Thursday |
13th | Good Friday - Procession of Witness, 10.30 a.m. |
14th | Blessing of the Paschal Candles, Combe Martin, 6.00 p.m. 15th Easter Sunday: Holy Communion 8.00 a.m. Eucharist 10.30 a.m. , Evensong [Combe Martin] 6.30 p.m. |
17th | Stoke-on-Trent Ringers Peal, 3.00 to 3.30 p.m. |
18th | Wine Appreciation Group: The Wines of Germany - Talk Slides and Tastings. Alan Richardson. Contribution £2.50 |
22nd | Low Sunday: United Churches Service, 6.30 p.m. Methodist Church |
25th | School & College return for Summer Term. Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. Manor Hall Management Committee AGM, 7.30 p.m. Antique Road Show, Combe Martin Town Hall, 6.30 p.m. on |
28th | Manor Hall : 10.30 a.m. W. I. Coffee Morning 2.30 p.m. Jumble Sale [Pyrenees Expedition] |
MAY | |
1st | W.I. Meeting: Discussion of National AGM Resolutions |
2nd | South Molton Recycling Collection, 11.0-1.00 |
5th | Havering Music Makers, Combe Martin Town hall, 7.30 p.m. |
7th | May Day Bank Holiday. Service of Thanksgiving for Church Repairs 5.30 p.m. |
8th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.15 p.m. |
9th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
10th | U3A Luncheon :Torrs Hotel, Lymmouth - Stephen Mulberry "Operation Neptune" |
23rd | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
24th | Ascension Day Holy Communion, 10.00 a.m. |
28th | to 1st June, Half Term for School & College |
31st | St. Peter's Coffee Morning |
JUNE | |
5th | W. I. Meeting - "Getting to Know You" |
6th | South Molton Recycling, Mobile Library |
Advance Date 28th June - Garden Coffee Morning, Fuchsia Cottage
JUNE ISSUE OF NEWSLETTER Please keep the Articles coming [and news of people and happenings, etc.] and put them, together with your latest UT answers plus your own new one, in the Collection Boxes in either the Manor Stores or Post Office by Tuesday, 15th May, at the latest.

Evelyn Challacombe [formerly of Berrynarbor] sadly died on 24th February, 1990. We extend our sympathy to her daughters, Daphne and Betty, her family and friends, and are grateful to her sister, Vera, for the following article.
Evelyn was born in 1911 at Goosewell, one of four children and daughter of Thomas Ley [Builder, Under- taker and Farrier] and niece of James Ley of Hole Farm. Both brothers were Church Wardens at Berrynarbor for a number of years.
Evelyn went to Berrynarbor School until she was 11, and then to the school in Ilfracombe. For many years she sang in the church choir and took part in concerts held in the Manor Hall, singing duets with Gladys Nunn [Jones]. A favourite was "Little Grey home in the West". Ethel Richards would be at the piano, and Evelyn accompanied her father on the piano when he sang numerous comic songs - a great favourite with village folk.
The family moved to Orchard House, Sterridge Valley in 1927, Thomas Ley having turned an old barn into the house, with a sawmill at the back. Evelyn's first job was at Pugsley's [Drapers] in Ilfracombe, but after a few years she took charge of George Creek's drapery shop at Seaside, Combe Martin, walking down to Combe Martin and back each day.
Ballroom dancing was a great love of hers and after dancing lessons from a Madame Lovett, many happy evenings were spent at the Manor Hall. Fancy Dress Balls were very exciting and great occasions, especially when Mrs. Penn-Curzon, from Watermouth Castle, would arrive about 9 0'clock - in gorgeous dinner gowns - to judge the costumes. Evelyn won first prize at one such Ball with "The Mad Hatter" from Alice in Wonderland.
She married Bill Challacombe at Berrynarbor Church in 1935, when the Rev. Churchill [a dear friend of the family] took the service. It was a pretty wedding, and since it was a Monday, Miss Veale, the Headmistress of the primary school, allowed the children outside to see the newly married couple come out of church. She and Bill had two daughters, Daphne and Betty, and they lived at "Holdstone" in Buzzacott Lane, Combe Martin. Evelyn helped her husband and his parents to run a market garden until their retirement. Whilst living at Combe Martin, she helped with several charities and served on the Parish Council, and before and after the War took part. in many Combe Martin Carnivals and helped with decorating floats. One of her greatest pleasures in retirement was walking their dogs.
Vera Lewis [Ley]

Bill and Evelyn Challacombe in the garden of Orchard House on their Wedding Day, 25th November, 1935 [note the bamboos, still there today]
More information on the Challacombe Family can be found in the very interesting book, "Out of the World and into Combe Martin" recently published by the Combe Martin Local History Group, which is available from members of the Group and Combe Martin Post Office.