Edition 46 - February 1997

Artwork by: Nigel Mason

Artwork: Judie Weedon


A happy new year to you all. I hope everyone had a good Christmas and managed to stay clear of the unwelcome 'bug'. To those who succumbed, however, I hope you will be feeling better soon although it hangs on a bit! Once again I must thank all those people who have sent donations and everyone who purchased the Christmas cards and notelets - a healthy profit of £120 has boosted funds further.

Contributions for this issue have literally been pouring in - I think this could be the bumper issue to outdo all bumper issues! Thank you. Especial thanks to Nigel for the front [wrap-round] cover and Paul for his illustrations.

April is the next issue and hopefully this will be out before Easter, so contributions please by Friday, 14th March, at the latest.





On 3rd December, with the Festive season in mind, a lively discussion ensued about 'Christmas Past and Present', with the emphasis for most on the past. An assortment of cakes were served for tea and on the way home everyone took part in the Lucky Dip.

Twenty-four of us met up again on the 16th for our annual Lunch at The Globe. As always, an excellent meal was served in a warm and friendly atmosphere, with the sing-a-long that followed rendered in true W.I. fashion - time went all too quickly. With seasonal greetings echoing around the village, it was off to our homes, knowing that we should all be meeting up again, with those who were unable to be with us, at the January meeting.

It might have been cold outside on the 7th January, but a well-attended meeting warmly greeted Mr. Phillip Roberts, who gave a most interesting account of his work with the Tarka Home Trust, helping the autistic young folk. What dedication and patience. Everyone was most moved and that was ably expressed in Margaret Kemp's vote of thanks

Sadly it was 'au revoir' to Joan Adams who is moving to Exmouth. We shall miss her, and give grateful thanks to her for remembering birthdays every month for so many years, latterly with the help of Ethel. We wish her every happiness in her new home and hope she keeps her promise to revisit us and Berrynarbor whenever possible.

On the 4th February, Kath Arscott will again be taking us on one of her journeys via those wonderful slides and factual dialogue. Visitors, as always, are most welcome, so why not come and join us?

Vi Kingdon - President

A Thought for the New Year

Two things make for happiness,
The giving and the taking;
It does not come by chance,
But is something of our making.
So kind thoughts and deeds can bring
Harmony that money cannot buy,
And happiness that deepens
As the year goes by.




It is sad to report the deaths of Maud, Reg and George and our thoughts are with their families.


Maud passed away on the 30th November after her three and a half weeks' stay in the N.D.D.H. following her initial heart attack. On many occasions in hospital, Maud voiced her wishes to write a letter in this Newsletter to thank everyone for the cards, visits and the countless good wishes. We, the family, told her there was plenty of time to do that and it would be more appropriate to do so when she was recovering at home.

Alas, this was not to be. It leaves us only to reiterate those thanks and to add that we should like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who attended the funeral service, gave floral tributes or donations to the British Heart Foundation, and also for the numerous messages of sympathy. A special thanks to the Rev. Keith Wyer for his meaningful service. Maud, not a great church-goer, was uplifted by his visit in hospital.

Maud is, and will be, deeply missed by us all. No doubt, for a long time to come, you will think of her out in her garden every time you pass by.

Maurice, Brian and Tony Draper


Vi Goodman received the sad news that her brother, Reg, had passed away on Rodwell Farm Nursing Home on the 10th January, at the age of 81 following a long illness.

Reg, son of the late Elizabeth and Daniel Toms, came from a very old Berrynarbor family who farmed Middle Lee before moving to Dormer House. He attended Berrynarbor School, leaving when he was 14 to work for Royal Red Garages. Five years later he joined Imperial Airways [now British Airways] as an engineer and his career with them took him all over the world. Passing many exams, he became a very skilled engineer, working on a variety of aircraft.

Reg, whose wife Winnie died ten years ago, leaves two sons, Cheren and Alan, to whom, as well as Vi, we extend our sympathy.


George Diamond, who recently passed away at the age of 85, came to Berrynarbor as a young man from South Devon. Part of his working life was spent at Hill Barton and Stowford. He married Kate Down of Higher Rowes. George, who retired to Combe Martin, was a member of the Berrynarbor bell-ringing team for many years.

Our sympathy goes also to Joy and Michael [Morrow] following the sudden sad death of Joy's father on Christmas Day. We are thinking of you.


Artwork: Steve Angold [Aged 10]


Christmas, as always, proved to be lively, warm and welcoming at St. Peter's. Once again our thanks to all those who made the church look so lovely and helped make the services run smoothly. We were particularly glad to see so many families in church, firstly for the School's Christmas Play and then for the traditional Carol Service. The cards delivered all round the village were designed by the Sunday School and were much appreciated. Collections over Christmas for the Children's Society amounted to £159.43.

Over the next few weeks we shall be without Prebendary Eppingstone in church. Our thoughts and prayers will be with him and Peggy and we trust he will be back with us soon. The Rector has made arrangements to keep our services going as normal. He will take the service himself on three Sundays during February and on two Sundays in March. Miss Daphne Goodwin, the Reader from Combe Martin, will be with us on the remaining Sundays and we hope Preb. will be back on Easter Day, 30th March. The Thursday mid-week service will be as usual with the Rector officiating.

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 12th February. [Don't forget Sally's Pancake Day Coffee Morning on Shrove Tuesday.] Please look out for notices giving details of special services. The Family Service will be on the first Sunday in Lent, 16th February at 10.30 a.m.

The Christians Together Evening Service will again be held in Berrynarbor on Sunday, 23rd February, at 6.30 p.m. Do come and join us: you will find a friendly, welcoming atmosphere, good singing and fellowship and there will be coffee and biscuits afterwards. Everyone can feel comfortable with the service, which takes the form of a simple Evensong, with lay people from all the different churches taking part. Looking forward to March, there will be something special on almost every Sunday:

  • 9th March - Mothering Sunday with the distribution of posies and the Sunday School taking part
  • 16th March - Family Service, 10.30 a.m.
  • 23rd March - Palm Sunday with the distribution and blessing of Palm crosses
  • 30th March - Easter Day when all who are confirmed should come to join us at the altar

In addition, we shall meet in church on Good Friday in the afternoon for an hour of quiet prayer with readings and hymns.

The church will be decorated for Easter late on Friday afternoon and Saturday, 28th and 29th March. Flowers may be left at the church from 4.00 p.m. on Friday, or please contact Betty Davis [883541]. Colours will be predominantly white and yellow.

Mary Tucker




We have now re-grouped for our Spring Term following a busy Christmas. At the Family Service in December, the children dressed, sang and behaved like Angels, and then always fresh, always moving, at the Carol Service came the Christmas Story bringing the real meaning of Christmas to us all. The Rector presented the children with their Good Attendance Prizes - Katie Gubb once again received First Prize - she has not missed a single Sunday School class for 3 years, this must be a record; Eleasha was a close runner up. Well done to you both and to all the other children who received a prize.

The year finished on a high note with a visit to the pantomime 'Sleeping Beauty', enjoyed by adults and children alike. I should like to take this opportunity to thank Pat and Ellie for all their organisation and hard work while I was enjoying time with my family and soaking up the sunshine in Australia.

We are now preparing for Easter, but before that have our annual fund raising event at Berry Home - Pancakes and Coffee on Shrove Tuesday, 11th February, with raffle and cake stall, 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Please come and support Berrynarbor Sunday School.

More things that children say! When little Tom's grandmother died, his mother wasn't sure how she should best break the news to him. That night, when they were having tea together, she said, "Tom, I've got some sad news to tell you, we won't be seeing Grannie any more." "Oh," said Tom, "Why's that?" His mother fidgeted uneasily, "Well, Tom," she said, "She's gone to live with God:" "Crumbs," said Tom, "How posh! "

Happy New Year

Sally B, Pat and Ellie


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Warmest congratulations to Maggie and Graham on the birth of their twin son and daughter, Jake and Halli [Foster-Ramdsen] on the 23rd October. Jake weighed in at 4 lbs 5 1/2 oz and Halli topped him by 1/2 oz at 4 lbs 6 oz. Maggie, who is the violinist with the 'Parcel of Rogues', now has two more strings to her bow!

Celia and Laurel Draper are delighted to announce the arrival of their second grand-daughter, Hollie Lauren, who was born on the 27th December and weighed 7 1/2 lbs. Hollie is the daughter of Lisa and Mark Willis who live in Combe Martin. Congratulations and best wishes to you all.

Congratulations to Barbara and Colin Fudge who have joined the ranks of grandparents with the birth of their first grand-daughter, Alexandra, on the 2nd January, weighing 7 lbs. Alexandra is the daughter of Barbara and Colin's son, Rick, and his wife Jill, who live near Liverpool. Our best wishes to you all.



At the time of going to print, news has just come through that Preb. Eppingstone has had his hip replacement operation and that all is progressing satisfactorily. We send him, and Peggy, our best wishes and look forward to seeing him around and about again very soon.

A get well soon message to Peter West and Toby Woods, both of whom have made recent hospital visits, and it is good to report that Vida Butler is recovering well from her recent accident.

    "May I, through the Newsletter, thank all the kind people who came to my aid on the 4th December, when I skidded off the road and overturned my car, rolling down the steep garden of Widmouth Farm.

    It was very comforting to find people coming to my rescue so quickly, and I am pleased to say that my injuries were not too bad and I am well on the way to a full recovery.

    A special thanks to the gentleman from Castle Hill and the two Postmen who stayed with me until the ambulance arrived.

    I have a fringed bedspread and a 'doggy' duvet belonging to someone. If they could ring me on 883249, I would return them with pleasure. "




A sincere thank you to everyone who so generously bought Christmas Cards to
support the Leonard Cheshire Foundation Home at Westmead, Braunton.
You helped to raise the magnificent total of £232.00.

I shall now be delighted to collect your old cards - Christmas and all other
greeting cards - so that they can be made into new ones.

Cards - Greetings, Birthday, Anniversary, etc. - will be on sale throughout the year.

Eunice Allen - Tel: 882491


Manor Hall, Berrynarbor, 2.30 p.m.

in aid of Children's Hospice South West

in aid of Britain [Berrynarbor] in Bloom

Contributions of jumble and white elephant items are wanted.
Please contact Vi Davies [882696] if you would like items collected, or they may
be dropped off at the Manor Hall between 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon on the day
of the Sale.


The Berry Concert Cast proudly present their 1997 Show



at the Manor Hall, Berrynarbor Commencing at 7.30 p.m.

Tickets, price £3.50, available from the Post Office or The Sawmills
Limited Seating



Many churches are dedicated to St. Sebastian and many more churches show stained glass windows in his memory. He lived in the 3rd Century and his faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ was totally unconditional.

He was a professional soldier in the reign of Diocletian. The time came when persecution was ordered again and this persecution was as merciless as the persecution of the Jews under the Nazis. Sebastian heard that Marcus and Marcellinius had been arrested by the Prefect Nicostratus and handed over to the Jailer Claudius for proclaiming the Faith. He went to Nicostratus and Claudius and put forward our Faith and the change that Christianity brings about in the lives of the converted. He spoke so powerfully, filled by God the Holy Ghost, that not only the Prefect and Jailer were persuaded, but sixteen others also, and the Christians were released.

Sebastian proved himself an excellent soldier and was promoted to the Praetorian Guard. Then Diocletian heard that Sebastian spoke for Christians time and again, and ordered that the archers execute him [it is this that is depicted in the churches]. Sebastian survived, appealed to and rebuked the Emperor who came to visit him; and the bodyguards then clubbed him to death. When the plague raged, many sought his intercession and were healed. His symbol, of course, is the Arrow

Preb. Epp.

Antonio del Pollaiuolo [c1432-98] and his brother, Piero [1441-96] were painters, sculptors, goldsmiths, engravers and designers, active in Florence in the 15th Century. Antonio is thought to be the more accomplished and the first Renaissance artist to make a serious study of anatomy.

The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian [1475] in the National Gallery in London, is considered a joint work and was commissioned as the altarpiece of the Oratory of St. Sebastian built by the Pucci family in SS Annunziata, one of the most important churches in Florence.


The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian

by Antonio del Pollaiuolo and Piero del Pollaiuolo
completed 1475, Oil on wood
Bought, 1857
Inventory number NG292

© The National Gallery, London
Licenced under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A 'warm welcome to all newcomers to the Village:

To Val and David Hann who have moved in to Croft Lee. Val, who taught at Ilfracombe College, and David both work for the Social Services, and have lived in North Devon since 1973 when they moved to Wheel Farm and opened their home to many successful events for the Primary School P.T.A. After leaving Wheel Farm, they have lived in Combe Martin, Lynton and Ilfracombe, but are happy to be back in the village again. They have three sons: Jeremy - a doctor, Simon - a teacher [both members of the Berrynarbor Football Team - see February's newsletter last year] and Ben, who is with the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary based in Barnstaple.

A belated welcome, since they moved in to Croft Lee in May last year, to Janet of Reynolds Florists of Ilfracombe, and Lee who works for Pall Ilfracombe. Lee and Janet have moved from Ilfracombe and both attended Ilfracombe College. With no other information available at the moment, we also welcome to Croft Lee, Kim and James.

Mill Park House is receiving some welcome t.l.c. from its new owners, Dawn and Art Jameson. Dawn and Art have moved from West Sussex, near Gatwick Airport, where they ran a large and very busy guesthouse, and are now thinking in terms of semi-retirement taking in a few bed and breakfast guests! Art was born in Scotland but lived in Canada for thirty-five years [hence the accent] and was a Chief Steward for Canadian Airlines. He and Dawn met through their work, as Dawn, too, worked for Canadian Airlines at Gatwick. Their joint family includes six children [with a son and a daughter in Canada and the United States], nine grand-children, and not forgetting their two dogs. Art enjoys making home-made wine and picture framing and relaxes by making Canadian Quilts. We hope that you will both be very happy and that your family will enjoy visiting you here in Berrynarbor.

It is sad to say good-bye to Joan Adams who has moved to South Devon. We shall miss her and wish her every happiness in her new home.

"Dear Friends and Neighbours,

After living in Berrynarbor for 30 years I am leaving to live in a small flat in Exmouth near to my son, John. Thank you all for your friendship and help and I wish you all a Happy New Year for 1997. I expect to visit Berrynarbor as often as possible and hope when you come to Exmouth you will visit me at 27 Chester House, Imperial Road, Exmouth."

Cherry Hinton will be the new home of Doreen and Alan Prater and we wish you, too, every happiness in your new home.


David Beagley


1. Moody, Hypersensative. 13.
7. Changing jobs by mail. 7.
9. Perch for the night. 5.
10. A lyrical poem. 3.
11. Sunday trading means shops can. 4,4.
14. They go round doors. 11.
17. Stores of shells. 8.
19. Muslem chief. 3.
21. Plea of being elsewhere. 5.
22. Extend by force. 7.
23. A detailed map is this. 13.


1. He holds the lead. 3,3.
2. He could rub you up the wrong way. 7.
3. Prepare for publishing. 4.
4. Unpatriotic people want to be this. 8.
5. Popular ex-politician of N.Devon. 5.
6. Ancient Roman language. 5.
8. Large Moose. 9.
12. Printers measure of type length. 3.
13. Singing the Canticles. 8.
14. The breath of life. 3.
15. Can be pulled out but springs back. 7.
16. U.S. painter & film maker. 6.
17. Separately. 5.
18. To give short measure. 5.
20. A curved structure. 4.

Solution in Article 21.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The proceeds from the village Christmas Card Delivery and sherry and mince pie morning were £137. We delivered over 900 cards [almost 200 more than last year!]. Our thanks to the deliverers who walked off the excesses of Christmas in advance, to Vi and Ann for the pies and to those who donated raffle prizes.

Villagers will be pleased to know that staging has been ordered for the Hall and will be delivered during January - our thanks to the village Concert Group who have offered a generous donation towards the cost. Due to certain problems which occurred last year, we have had to apply to the District Council for a theatre licence, which necessitated submitting a detailed seating plan for approval. After discussions with the Fire Officer, the indications are that we shall be granted a licence to seat a maximum of 200 at any theatrical type performance. However, the plan which we have submitted will have to be strictly adhered to by anyone hiring the Hall for such a performance, as will certain other conditions which have been imposed upon us. These conditions will be discussed with each organisation likely to be using the Hall for this type of event. It must be remembered that the Council/Fire Officer may carry out a 'spot check' at any event and any contravention of the regulations may result in the performance being cancelled! We shall shortly be ordering more chairs.

In the spring of last year we ordered two dozen tea cloths for use in the kitchen. These have all disappeared and more have had to be purchased. During November, the 'honesty' box used to collect money for the History/Cookery books was taken and similarly, during early December, a large quantity of washing up liquid went missing. If anyone can throw any light on these strange happenings, please let a member of the Committee know.

Finally, the Management Committee wish all 'Berryites' a peaceful and prosperous 1997.



Well, I've been and I'm back - and once again my most sincere thanks to all of you who contributed in any way to getting me airborne.

From the moment I left Heathrow runway, my adventure had begun - many, many hours later I arrived in Darwin at 5.00 a.m. Rachel met me and took me back to her home, where I waited impatiently for my granddaughter, Molly, to waken. Soon a sleepy little girl in pink was carried downstairs it was love at first sight! The first time we had met and she is almost a year old. I spent three wonderful weeks with this beautiful, happy little girl. Her mum and dad are totally involved in her busy, daily routine and I quickly became part of the team. On my last day there we celebrated Molly's 1st birthday - I volunteered to ice the birthday cake, not realising that at 35 Deg C icing does not stay on a cake! But it certainly stuck to Molly, her cousins and friends - 17 in all! Quite a day.

The next day I'm off on my travels again - it was a wrench to leave them but then Wendy, my eldest daughter, is waiting in Brisbane. A smaller plane this time and only a five hour flight. By now I was quite blase about all this travelling, and can even negotiate the cupboard-size toilets without any major disasters - no mean feat that!

The rest of my holiday was spent with Wendy - full of fun and energy; thought I might get a bit of a rest here - should have known better! Off we went on a whirlwind tour of other family gatherings, barbecues, swimming, shopping and macadamia ice cream [lots of it]. Decorating their Christmas tree just wearing swimsuits was a first for me - it seemed so strange but I have the photos to prove it!

All too soon it was time to leave this 'Sunshine State' - it is hard to say good-bye to ones you love so far away, but I left content that they were happy and well, leading their own lives and we shall all meet again one day. The wonderful memories I have sustain me through this time because of the many kind, thoughtful people in Berrynarbor who made this visit possible for me.

Sally B.



Since arriving in Combe Martin in the summer of last year, it has been very encouraging to discover how Christians from different traditions work so well together in the context of the local churches and community. Whilst none of us would claim to be perfect, recognising that none of us have all the answers and we all have so much to learn from one another, we also realise that much is being accomplished.

In recent weeks we have been able to share in a united carol service and enjoy an evening of relaxation at a New Year social. As I write, the January united evening service is still to be held, but more are planned for the coming months, and on Ash Wednesday there will be a united communion service. The three resident Ministers in Combe Martin take it in turns to conduct an act of worship in our village school once a week. There are also regular meetings of the local clergy to share times of thinking together and planning together, as well as to pray together. And talking of prayer reminds me to say that church members meet together once a month to pray for our churches, our community and the wider concerns we have for our nation and world.

Through Lent this year we are running a 5-week series to be held in the Parish Church Hall, Combe Martin, and everyone is welcome at 7.30 p.m., beginning on Thursday, 20th February and concluding on Thursday, 20th March. Based on audio tapes under the title 'Jesus', we hear as though first-hand, accounts of Jesus's life, work and ministry. There will be opportunity for discussion, fellowship and some light refreshment as well, so why not come and share in these 5 meetings which we believe will be so worthwhile?

Finally, we wish Preb. Eppingstone a speedy recovery following his operation for a replacement hip joint and look forward to the day when once again he is able to take up his ministry.

Rev. J. Alan L. Edward - Baptist Minister
Combe Martin



The Post Office Christmas Raffle - raised £51 which was donated equally to the Children's Hospice South West and the Salvation Army. The prize winners were: Brian Mountain, Peter West, Anita Cornish, Ian McCrae and the Salvation Army, the winning ticket for the Christmas pudding being in the Army's name! Thank you for your support.

Thanks - from Ray and Marion Bolton of Erdington, readers on our mailing list: "A few lines to thank you for the lovely news that comes to us, and the pictures - all of them are lovely. It is so nice to keep in touch with somewhere you are welcome and have a lovely holiday as well. "

Congratulations - to the new Principal of Ilfracombe College, David Humphries, who took up his post at the beginning of January. David, his wife Hilary and their three boys are moving from Cumbria and we welcome them and hope they will be very happy here in North Devon.



Chapter II

For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;

The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;

The Old Testament


Illustration by: Paul Swailes



"Enjoy your carrot juice", smirked a colleague on hearing that Yvonne and I were going to a Health Farm - or Hydro as it's now called. Little did she know that one of the reasons for breaking a lifetime's habit of avoiding such places was that this one advertised 3 course lunches, 4 course dinners and 'fine wine if you so desire'!

Having sent for details, we were overwhelmed by the choice of treatments: Gommage? Cathodermie? Vital Evidence? Phytologie Experience? What on earth were they? And did we need them anyway?

We needn't have worried, of course. A telephone call soon sorted out our treatments, and we both opted for a relaxing back, neck and scalp massage, pedicure and make-up lesson.

On arrival, an immediate offer to park the car for us was welcome. Ragdale Hall, just north of Leicester, was mentioned in the Domesday Book, but looked more Victorian Gothic to me. You may have seen it on the BBC holiday programme in early January [coincidentally, shown whilst we were there] when Monty Don visited it. He went there in the summer. During our visit, all was blanketed with several inches of snow. As a result, I can't speak for the outdoor activities which include tennis, croquet, pitch and putt, archery, clay pigeon shooting, cycling and beautiful gardens apparently.

What I can vouch for is the charm of the staff, excellence of the cuisine, comfort of the bedrooms and public rooms and thorough pampering of the visitors.

Sadly, we could spare only two nights away, but as these spread from early afternoon on arrival and departure after lunch on the third day, it seemed longer. On reflection, because of the shortness of the stay and the novelty, we tried to cram in far too many activities and treatments. After being 'on the go' for most of our one full day, at 4.00 p.m. we still managed an hour's 'line dancing', an hour's much needed yoga, a jacuzzi and a pedicure before dinner .... and then sat in on a talk on dowsing before collapsing into bed - exhausted! But any stress was self-inflicted by the formidable programme we'd set ourselves.

Our fellow guests were delightful: largely women, and, we couldn't help noticing, well, large! But all had a sense of humour and a good tale to tell. They were from places as diverse as Orkney, Guernsey and Ireland, with a fair smattering of local 'day' guests.

On the way home, I was very conscious of the unfamiliar weight of mascara on my eyelashes [removed only with oodles of cotton wool and cleaner], but the other benefits were much longer lasting. Would we go again? We could certainly get used to the life, and now we have a benchmark, we could perhaps try one nearer home.

Has anyone had experience of Cedar Falls?

PP of DC and YD of RE


or Another Grannie Back from Oz

It started by chance in an Ilfracombe newsagents. The proprietor was looking at a travel brochure and commented, "that can't be bad!" It was a charter flight to Melbourne - this was interesting! We had thought for a long time of making a trip there to see our daughter and family, and there it was on a plate. Decisions and bookings were made and after much form filling and other arrangements, we found ourselves at Gatwick, after a pleasant journey, thanks to Sue and Simon.

The flight was long [25 hours] but made easier with in-flight films and a continuous supply of food and drink. I just wish my legs had been a little shorter, they would have fitted the seat better! After stops at Dubai, Singapore and Adelaide, we found ourselves in Melbourne, tired and full of trepidation as we had not seen our daughter and son-in-law for 22 years and our four grandchildren not at all! 'Phone calls and letters cannot take the place of personal contact, so we expected a little 'strangeness'. We need not have worried, it was as though we had not been apart.

So began a very happy and interesting holiday. We saw everything of local interest; the markets were an education, especially the food ones. We went with the children to see a gold mine and watched them panning for gold dust with some success - I cheated and bought my gold sample in a bottle! The weather, strangely, was not as warm as we had expected. It was very cool for an Australian spring and that suited us, but not our daughter. Shortly after we left, the temperatures were in the 90/100's.

All good things come to an end and so came the time to depart. We left Melbourne with many impressions - how wide the roads were, how well planned the housing estates [all bungalows individually designed] and how much building was in progress... it looked a thriving city.

We had taken with us some photographs of Berrynarbor and to the locals who had never been over here, they were fascinating, "such a small, quaint village".

We brought back some good memories but are happy to be back in "that small, quaint village"!

Joan and Bill Berry





We say Good-bye to Sam and Em who have left Cutts End for a new home in Bideford.

100 Years Ago - Report from the Ilfracombe Chronicle dated 13th February 1897:

    'Berrynarbor - Mrs. Bassett, Watermouth Castle, has kindly given hot dinners to all the children attending the village school during the cold weather, and is continuing her thoughtful kindness, which is much appreciated.'

Elaine and John - are delighted to announce the Engagement of their daughter, Elise, to Paul Smith of New South Wales, Australia.

News Items - It is not always possible to keep up with village news, so if you, or someone you know, has something to celebrate, be congratulated on or has not been well, please let us know by popping a note in the box at the Post Office.

A Reminder [and this is not a hint!] - that the Newsletter has its own account with Nationwide in Ilfracombe, and any cheques should be made payable to 'Berrynarbor Newsletter'. Thank you.


Berrynarbor Park

How many villagers, strolling down the Sterridge Valley for their Sunday afternoon constitutional, are aware that on passing through Two Rocks, a sharp left turn would take them up the hill to the small and very friendly community of Berrynarbor Park. Berrynarbor Caravan and Trailer Park was bought, in 1980, by brothers Ian and Simon Kemp, from the late Mrs. Hilda Smith and her son, Paul.

Berrynarbor had been known to us since we were children - we stayed here with our parents at South Lee in Coronation Year! When we started boating and yachting in the early '60's, we made many visits to The Globe when we were stormbound or otherwise on our frequent passages through and around the Bristol Channel. Kate and I were married in 1972, so the boat trips now had a crew of three, and it was on one of these trips at the May Day celebrations in Padstow in 1976 that a decision was made to sell up the family ironmongery and hardware businesses in the Midlands, and move to the West Country. After exhaustive searches, we kept returning to the Ilfracombe area, where we had many sailing friends, and eventually negotiated for the purchase of the Park.

Initially, Simon and I came down and lived in a caravan on the Park, whilst Kate remained in Leamington until our cottage was sold. Our parents also decided to come and live in the village, so Hector and Margaret made their home in Barton Lane. A little later Kate's parents, Alec and Hilda, moved into a bungalow in Combe Martin so both families became firmly established in Devon. When the cottage was sold, Kate moved in to the caravan and Simon went to live with his parents until he married Sue [nee Berry] in May 1988 and they moved in to Wood Park.

In the early years here we put in services to the caravan plots, improved the Park roads and built a bungalow and reception, from which to operate the business. Since then we have continued the improvements planting out many different trees and shrubs. We have upgraded all the static holiday pitches and connected water, drainage and electricity supplies to each of them. The static caravans are mainly privately owned and used exclusively by the owners families, many of whom have made good friends here and enjoy meeting and socialising together during their leisure time at the Park. We have retained a small number of hirefleet caravans for weekly or fortnightly rental. We no longer cater for tents but still have facilities for tourer vans for short or long stays.

A few years ago we started to site modern twin unit park homes for all year round occupation and we now have the start of a very friendly community of retired or semi-retired people living here. For those of you who do not already know them, we should like to introduce you: they are John and Barbara Wood, Joan and Malcolm Garbett, Roy and Maureen Bacon, Tony and Marilyn Mascall and Peter and Margaret Kerr.

Ian and Kate and Simon and Sue Kemp

Part of the Park from the field, known to locals as 'Brockolls' [or badger holes]

Having a caravan on the Park, Marilyn and Tony found it harder to go home to Northampton each time and so in October 1996 they moved down permanently, together with their elderly cocker spaniel. Tony, a fork lift truck driver, is now retired and enjoys fishing, whilst Marilyn enjoys 'just being here' and passes the time knitting, sewing and reading. They have a son and three daughters and two grandchildren.

After seeing an advertisement in a mobile home magazine, Joan and Malcolm moved from Chasetown, near Lichfield in Staffordshire, and will have been here three years this May. Malcolm, a retired stonemason and Joan, a retired comptometer operator [not quite so hi-tec as today!], have three children and three grandchildren. They can frequently be seen setting off in their matching anoraks and walking boots for a morning or afternoon of fresh air - a hobby they both enjoy - after which Malcolm, a keen photographer, is happy to potter in the garden or relax reading as Joan plays her electronic organ and keyboard, sews or indulges in her hobby of wine-tasting!

John and Barbara and their 'Westie', Holly, are the longest residents, having moved from Birmingham in May 1992 after holidaying in the area for more than thirty years. John, a retired newspaper printer, and Barbara have four daughters. The 4 D'S - Dawn, Debra, Diane and Donna - have between them presented John and Barbara with seven grandchildren.

Holidaying in the area, Roy and Maureen 'discovered' the Park and in April 1995 left Dunkeswell, East Devon, to move in, together with Beattie their German shepherd dog and Rusty, their ginger tom. Roy and Maureen, a retired maintenance builder and semi-retired housekeeper, came from Hertfordshire before moving to Devon, have a family of four - three boys and a girl, and six grandchildren - two girls and four boys. Like Joan and Malcolm, they enjoy walking, bird watching and all wild-life [of the feathered and 4-footed variety!], as well as a good game of darts.

Peter and Margaret, like Marilyn and Tony, had a caravan here for four years before deciding to move in in 1996. Peter, a telephone engineer, and Margaret, a building society manager, enjoy family life with their three daughters. Tara, the eldest, works for B.A; like her mother, Lisa, who is married, is a building society manager and the youngest, Gemma, is still at home and works for the employment service. Completing the family is Kizzie, a Yorkshire terrier. Peter and Margaret enjoy a drink at 'the local' after a day of either gardening, walking or doing-it-yourself.

The Rectory from the Park and Brockolls

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

Also up the hill but not on the Park itself, Fred and Vida Butler, Nipper [the poodle] and Tess [a young grey and white cat] have lived at Mandalay for over ten years, after retiring from the hotel trade in 1986. Vida helps out at Watermouth Castle in the summer and is Treasurer - and conductor of their Choir - of the llfracombe Torrs TWG. Together Fred and Vida enjoy music and art and crafts, and whilst Fred enjoys his golf and darts, Vida plays a mean game of skittles!

Thank you all for putting yourselves on the map!


Artwork: Angela Bartlett

Watermouth Castle - A.R. Quinton

For this first issue of 1997 I have chosen this card of a water colour painting by A.R. Quinton of Watermouth Castle, published by J. Salmon. As I have already given descriptions and history of the Castle, on this occasion I am going to deal with the artist.

Alfred Robert Quinton was born in Peckham, London, on the 23rd October, 1853, the youngest of seven children. His headmaster at Hornsey School set him on his artistic career, when at the age of 14 he was presented with a book written by George Barnard entitled 'Drawing from Nature - instruction in sketching from elementary studies to finished views'. He gained his award for 'working hard' and it was a treasured possession for the rest of his life.

Quinton studied first at Heatherley Arts School, then worked as an engraver in London, but soon took to painting seriously, concentrating on oils and signing himself as A. Quinton, and thereafter as ARQ or A.R. Quinton. His last known oil painting was dated 1885, and from 1874 he was a regular exhibitor at various London societies and galleries. It was only later that he devoted his time to water colours and black and white drawings.

In 1880, Quinton had a studio in Fleet Street, London, but later that year he moved to Lincoln's Inn to a studio he shared with an artist of his own age, Henry Bailey, who specialised in water colour landscapes. Quinton was a very well travelled man, collecting many sketches and lantern slides throughout Europe. His trips to Spain in the 1880's were particularly pleasurable to him, and it was while returning by ship from Malaga that he met Elizabeth Annie Crompton, whom he married in May 1885 at Bolton. They lived first in Holloway and then East Finchley before eventually settling in Salisbury Avenue, Church End, Finchley, in 1912. This was a large eleven-roomed house, set amongst fields, which remained in the Quinton family until 1974! Quinton was writing about his travels in England and abroad using his illustrations whenever possible, thereby consolidating his reputation as an artist. As he travelled everywhere by bicycle, his title 'Lands End to John O'Groats on a Bicycle' was very apt for an article serialised from 4th May to 12th October, 1895, in the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. It recounted the journey undertaken by Quinton and his friend 'B' [probably Henry Bailey] in 1894. To quote: "Our idea was to tour leisurely from end to end, to enjoy the varied scenery which our native land presents in such variety to those who care to see it, and to study the life and character which we might meet on the road." This journey was typical of the Victorian desire to travel and see the world first hand. Quinton provided 71 illustrations for 'The Cottages and Village Life of Rural England' by P.H. Ditchfield, published in 1912. Some of these scenes were later produced as postcards by Raphael Tuck & Sons.

A.R. Quinton would be away from home for about three months of the year, and the whole family would often spend holidays 'on location' seeing the countryside by bicycle. The rest of the year he would work in his studio. His water-colours were used in many books and magazines, and he was amassing a large number of paintings which were commissioned and sold privately in the 1870-80's. At that time he would be lucky to receive 15 guineas for a painting, but by 1920 his larger canvases, 4' x 5' would fetch about 100 guineas!

It was in 1911, at the age of 58, that his association with J. Salmon began when Mr. Salmon noticed a display, in the Art Department of Selfridges, of cottages and country scenes in Worcestershire. The South Downs, New Forest and North Devon were areas first covered for the commercial market, and from then on Salmon took whatever Quinton could produce. He was slightly restricted during World War I, but come 1919 it was 'all systems go' again! His postcard work was devoted almost entirely to England and Wales, with the exception of a set of 12 Edinburgh scenes, and in 1922, a set of 12 scenes of Ostend. He painted up to the day before his death, at the age of 81, on 10th December, 1934. On his easel was an unfinished view of Sidmouth. There are several cards which seem to have been commenced by ARQ but underneath his signature are the initials of C.T. Howard, so one can only presume there were several unfinished Quinton paintings.

I believe that there are over 1800 water colour paintings produced by A.R. Quinton, all of which give the appearance of a colour photograph, such was his ability. The card of Watermouth Castle, in common with several others of North Devon, was probably painted by him around 1912-13, just prior to the First World War. Many postcard collectors collect just A.R. Quinton cards which cover the entire United Kingdom, and my collection contains a large number depicting scenes in Devon and Cornwall.

A Happy New Year 1997 to all readers.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, January 1997



For those in the village who do not know me, my name is Carole Smallridge and I live at 'Hillcrest', Barton Lane, with my husband, Mike, and children Scott [15] and Jack [8]. We have lived here for 9 years now, having moved up from our first home in Combe Martin. I was born in the small cottage hospital [which is no longer] at Bicclescombe in Ilfracombe in 1955 and was one of the first teenagers to start in the then brand new comprehensive school now known as Ilfracombe College. I married Mike in 1979 and eighteen years later, here we are in Berrynarbor.

The story behind me becoming Dolly Parton and appearing on television is simply that I saw a feature on the GMTV shown one morning in late November asking if anyone would like to look like a famous star for a day. I wrote to ask if they would consider me for a Star Style Make Over, and yes, I did say I should like to look like Dolly Parton, and why not? After all, she is a superstar, has a good voice [plus one or two other points of interest] and when she goes out no-one could say that she was not dressed for the occasion.

I mentioned in my letter that 1996 had not been a good year for me health-wise and that after two major operations to remove a large tumour from around my spine, it would be nice to end the year on a happier note.

For over twenty years I have suffered with pain, especially around my right shoulder, and after trying faith healers, osteopaths, herbal remedies, chiropractors and the normal medical route, with no relief, two years ago, when I was pretty fed up with the whole thing, I did a bungee jump, yes, I said a bungee jump! I hoped it might make the pain go away. But no luck. Finally things came to a head and a MRI scan revealed a large tumour which would not have shown on any normal X-ray. After two operations, I was very relieved to find that it was quite a rare but benign tumour, not seen very often in the medical world.

Back to Dolly. The telephone rang a week before Christmas and I was asked if I should like to go to London and become Dolly. Mike came with me and we had a very enjoyable time; the people were very nice and friendly. If you saw the programme, you may have noticed how worried I look in places - I was not used to being in front of television cameras and those very bright lights which showed every line on my face!

I was happy with the end result and for a few moments I really was the famous DOLLY PARTON.

Carole Smallridge

Thank you, Carole, for sharing your experience with us. We hope that your back problems are now over and that you will continue to make a complete recovery.



3rdBadminton Club, Manor Hall
4thW.I. Meeting: Travels with Kath Arscott - Slides and Talk
5thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
6thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
10thCollege and Primary School: Half Term
Badminton Club, Manor Hall
11thShrove Tuesday: Pancakes at Berry Home, 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
12thAsh Wednesday
13thU3A Luncheon: A.G.M. Granville Hotel, Ilfracombe
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
14thSt. Valentine's Day
16thSt. Peter's: Family Service, 10.30 a.m.
17thBadminton Club, Manor Hall
19thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
Wine Circle: Blind Tasting - Jan & Mike, 8.00 p.m., Manor Hall
20thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
21stWine Tasting Evening at The Sawmills
22ndJumble Sale, Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m. - Children's Hospice South West
Quiz Night at The Sawmills
23rdChristians Together Service at St. Peter's, 6.30 p.m.
24thBadminton Club, Manor Hall
27thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
3rdBadminton Club, Manor Hall
4thW.I. Meeting: 35th Birthday. Reviewing his New Book - Harry Clement
5thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
6thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
9thMothering Sunday
10thBadminton Club, Manor Hall
11thParish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
13thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
14thBerry Goes on Holiday - Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
15thBerry Goes on Holiday - Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
16thSt. Peter's: Family Service, 10.30 a.m.
17thBadminton Club, Manor Hall
19thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
Wine Circle: Wine Presentation by Jolly's, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m.
20thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
22ndJumble Sale: Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m. - Berrynarbor in Bloom
23rdSt. Peter's: Palm Sunday Service, 10.30 a.m.
24thBadminton Club, Manor Hall
26thCollege and Primary School: End of Spring Term
27thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
30thEASTER SUNDAY St. Peter's: Service, 10.30 a.m.
31stEaster Monday - Bank Holiday
1stW. I. Meeting: Cookery, Past and Present - Mrs. Kelland
2ndWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
3rdMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Don, Edith, Karen, Sean, Karl and staff would like to wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and thank all of our customers for an excellent '96.

The usual events [and some new ones] and promotion nights held throughout the year went very well, from the 60's Night Party in February to the Leprechaun Night in September, from the St. Patrick's Day Guinness Night to the Bonfire Night Quiz.

We shall be doing lots more this year too, so look out for posters in the pub and in the village [bus shelter and Post Office].

As usual, the Christmas period was a good one, with something on nearly every night - the annual Games Night and Quiz Night, the Christmas Carols Sing-a-Long the Parcel of Rogues, and a new event emerged this year in the form of a Mr. and Mrs. Competition!! It got a bit risque towards the end, but hey, we're all adults! Well done, Alan, for a great idea.

The second annual Children's Christmas Party went very well too and I think all the children had fun. I must thank everyone who helped out, but a big THANK YOU to Gary, Nigel and Mary-Jane for providing the entertainment, to Father Christmas for finding time to drop in, to Edith and Don for providing the food, to Alan for donating gifts, to Berrynarbor Playgroup for the loan of a certain gentleman's red outfit, and of course to everyone who bought raffle tickets and gave money throughout the year to raise funds for the present and sweets.

So, with one year behind us, let's get cracking with 1997.

Coming Events:

  • Friday, 14th February - Valentine's Day - book your table [in the bar or dining room] EARLY for this special night
  • Friday, 21st February - Wine Tasting - we've got Catherine back for another evening [different wines to try], £3.50 per person. Please let me know in advance if you will be coming, places will be limited.
  • Saturday, 22nd February - Quiz Night - everyone welcome. Teams of 2-5, 50p entry per person [funds for Children's Christmas Party 1997].

That's all I've got planned so far but more to come!

Cheers, Karen


"The Wild West"

Last year the Council for the Protection of Rural England suggested that only three 'tranquil areas' of England survive - parts of the country untouched by motorways, heavy industry and urban blight - and that these are the Marches of Shropshire and Herefordshire, the North Pennines and North Devon.

Our 'local walk' this time was a little further afield, but still in Devon -just - on the far western shores of North Devon; the wild and rugged coast south of Hartland Quay. First we visited Squire Orchard's Pleasure House, a cliff top tower originally built as a lookout for Barbary pirates and later converted to a folly and summer house. From it there is a view along the valley of the Abbey River to Hartland Abbey.

Then past the Old Rocket Apparatus House, where rescue gear was kept and on to the road leading down to Hartland Quay, where coal, lime and timber were once imported and corn and malt were exported. The quay was built in 1566 but eventually washed away after severe gales in the late 19th Century.

We took the coast path to the south, passing St. John's Well where water seeping from the rock was believed to have healing properties for eye ailments. On St. Catherine's Tor the route goes through a rare example of a geographical phenomenon called a 'sea dissected valley' or a valley 'captured by the sea'. It is a pleasant area of springy turf partly enclosed by stone walls, where in medieval times the monks of Hartland Abbey kept a swannery and a stream known as Margery Water flowed, running out to sea at Hartland Quay. Nowadays, the stream cascades to the beach as a waterfall beside the Tor.

Lundy Island is only eleven miles away - its lighthouses and church tower clearly visible - and there are also panoramic views of the Cornish coast. A special feature of the cliffs is the formation of the rock strata which twist from the horizontal to the vertical.

Next came the steep descent to Speke's Mill Mouth, a noted beauty spot where a waterfall drops 54 feet from 160 feet above sea level, then runs along a trough for 130 feet before finally tumbling to the sea in three separate falls.

After pausing to admire this spectacle, we turned inland along the valley track, turning left on to a road near Lymebridge and finally taking a green lane from Kernstone Cross to Stoke, where we visited St. Nectan's, the parish church of Hartland though not situated at Hartland itself.

St. Nectan's
from the Tom Bartlett Postcard Collection

This remote church has the tallest tower in North Devon [and the second highest in Devon as a whole]. At a 128 feet, the tower has served as a landmark for miles for seafarers. St. Nectan was a missionary from Wales, murdered in the 6th Century and a massive medieval statue of him stands in a niche on the east face of the tower, as seen on the postcard.

Still more superlatives attach themselves to this church, nicknamed 'the Cathedral of North Devon'. Its ornate 15th Century screen is the largest in Devon - 45 1/2 feet long and 12 1/2 feet high, with a 5 foot ten inch wide gallery on top.

There are steps leading to a priest's room, complete with fireplace, above the North porch, called Pope's Chamber [Pope being the name of the last Abbot of Hartland]. Used as a store for armour in Tudor and Stuart times, it is now a tiny museum. The Norman font is decorated with bold zigzags and arches and from its corners four carved heads, depicting those saved by baptism, look down on the upturned faces of the unbaptized below. Of more recent interest is a memorial tablet on the north wall to Sir Alan Lane, the founder of Penguin Books, who introduced the paperback book to this country.

Hartland is linked to Berrynarbor in the words of an old folk song, comparing the relative merits of their churches: 'Hartland for length, Berrynarbor for strength, Combe Martin for beauty. '


The Font, St. Nectan's, Hartland
from the Tom Bartlett Postcard Collection

Sue H



Name the Towns and Cities in the British Isles:

1. One Hundred?13. Was one of the U.S. Presidents
2. Animal Cover Clipped Together14. Small Mammals to Inter
3. Convenience with Weight15. Conflict with a Circle and a Weight
4. Molly's Wheeler16. In Front
5. A Stronghold with a Prince17. Shopping in Area with Fruit
6. Transport Thread18. Small Handle
7. Female help with Hard Rock19. Candle Burner
8. Cattle Crossing20. Salmon Sent
9. Where Lace is Made21. Mix with Heather
10. No People Here22. Witches Attempt
11. Sounds like the Group and Head of Faculty23. Whether follows a Humorous Fellow
12. Frame or Body of a Vessel24. A Rifle

Can you remember the pre-decimal currency? Try your hand at this account to make your total money add up correctly.

One Stone___
One Bike___
Part of a Monkey's Leg___
Moon, Sun, Pluto___
To Hit Repeatedly___
50% Panties___
Royal Head gear ___
Unwell Sea Creature___
Man's Name___
Total. 32.16.8 1/2.

Eunice Allen

For the answers, see article Article 32.



Over the last few months, your local Band has been going from strength to strength, and many of you have been asking what we have been doing, what we plan to do, and where are we playing next?

As many of you already know, there are four Berrynarbor residents in the band, plus two others - who are obviously both desperate to move to the village!!

  • Gary Songhurst - guitars and vocals
  • Nigel Mason - guitars, whistle and vocals
  • Mary-Jane Newell - rhythm and vocals
  • Pete Newell - bodhran, whistle and vocals
  • Mags Foster - violin and vocals
  • Blue Cresswell - drums but no vocals [is NOT allowed to sing!]

As Mags has just given birth to delightful twins, we all decided that to keep playing we needed to enrol another fiddler in her absence. We approached Jay Pratt, another experienced violinist, and he has done the job with real dedication and obvious pleasure. With Mags back now, he is still showing up at our gigs to listen and support.

The band have played gigs from Falmouth to Weymouth on the south coast; from Glastonbury to South Wales on the north coast, and have gone to Ireland twice, where we achieved real recognition of our ability, even being played on Irish radio as possible stars of the future.

So far we have produced one album of songs and we are in the process of getting the next one ready. For those of you who have yet to hear us, we play a blend of traditional folk melodies, our own compositions and some cover versions. We are sure our future is looking sound as we all love the sort of music we play

Our music can be heard locally - check the Gig Guide in the North Devon Journal or look in the Berrynarbor Post Office for details of future gigs - or buy the tape of our first album, 'Let the Women Stand' [£5.00] from the Sawmills or the Post Office, or any member of the band you happen to meet. Some CD's may still be available. You should also be on the look out for the CD/tape of the next collection so that you can hear our latest work in the comfort of your own home, or car, or wherever else you may want to hear it! !

All of us in the band feel really good about the way our 'career' is going - we hope you do too and look forward to seeing you at our gigs!

Parcel of Rogues



I've been staying with my grandma,
And although I love her dearly,
Unlike me, she really seems
To look at things so queerly.
She always thinks that every day,
Is special, no matter whether
It rains or snows, shines or blows,
In fact any kind of weather.
When outdoor fun is ruined by
A heavy shower provoking,
She'll pat my head and say
"You see the dry earth needs a soaking"
When I think the day too warm
For any kind of pleasure,
She says, "The grain has grown an inch,
I can see without a measure."
Now when I fret about the wind
That has set everything whirring,
She just looks at me and says
"Tut! Tut! The close air needs a stirring."
Even when the drifts are piling high,
And fence posts are scarcely peeping,
How beneath the blanket white,"
Says she, "The little flowers are keeping."
As I grow up I hope like Gran,
I'll understand more clearly,
How nice t'would be if more of us,
Could view LIFE so queerly!

Vi Kingdon

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes


Artwork: Angela Bartlett



  • 1lb Large Tender Prunes
  • 3/4 Pint Milkless Tea
  • 1 Pint White Vinegar
  • 1 lb Sugar
  • 10 Allspice Berries
  • 1 Teaspoon Cloves
  • 1" Cinnamon stick
  • Blade of Mace
  1. Put the prunes into a bowl and cover with the tea. Soak overnight and then simmer in the tea until the prunes are plump.
  2. In another pan, boil the vinegar, sugar and spices together for 5 minutes.
  3. Add the prunes and cooking liquid and continue simmering for 7 minutes.
  4. Lift out the prunes with a slotted spoon and put into small preserving jars.
  5. Bring the cooking liquid to the boil, pour over the prunes to cover them and seal the jars tightly.

These prunes keep for year and are very good wiith fat meats, such as pork, ham or goose.


  • 1 lb Mushrooms
  • 2 oz Butter
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Pinch of Ground Nutmeg
  • 2 oz Clarified Butter

The best mushrooms to use for this dish are the large open caps - field or horse mushrooms are particularly good.

  1. Trim the ends of the stems and then pull off the stems and cut each one into two.
  2. Wipe the mushrooms clean, but do not wash them as they absorb water which spoils their texture and flavour and destroys the keeping quality of the preserve.
  3. Cut the mushrooms in quarters.
  4. Melt the butter in a thick saucepan and add the mushroom caps and stems. Shake the pan gently over low heat for 3 minutes.
  5. Season well and continue simmering and shaking the pan until the mushrooms are very soft.
  6. Drain the mushrooms [the liquid is excellent for soup or gravy]. Leave until cold and press into small pots.
  7. Pour on melted clarified butter.
  8. Serve cold with toast, or store in the refrigerator [up to 3 days] or in the freezer [up to 2 months] for adding to recipes together with the butter in which they are preserved.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Congratulation's to the following pupils of Jan Hay of Harper's Mill, who have recently passed their Grade 1 Piano Exam with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music:

  • Alice Goodwin [Merit] - Alice [10] is a pupil at Combe Martin Primary School
  • Emily Prideaux - Emily [10] attends Berrynarbor PrimarySchool
  • Becky Rice [Merit] - Becky [11] is a student at Ilfracombe College


Quiz Answers - from Article 27

1. Singleton2. Barnstaple3. Luton
4. Barrow5. Princetown6. Carlisle
7. Maidstone8. Cowbridge/Bulford9. Nottingham/Honiton
10. Nomansland11. Aberdeen12. Hull
13. Washington14. Shrewsbury15. Warrington
16. Leeds17. Market Rasen18. Little Lever
19. Wick20. Fishguard21. Stirling
22. Coventry23. Cardiff24. Winchester
One Stone [14lbs]1400
One Bike [Penny farthing]1 1/4
Part of a Monkey's Leg [Ape knee] 1/2
Moon, Sun, Pluto [3 far things] 3/4
To Hit Repeatedly [To pound] 200
Leatherworker [Tanner]6
50% Panties [Half a knicker] 100
Royal Head gear [Crown]50
Unwell Sea Creature [Sick squid]600
Man's Name [Bob]10
Singer [Tenor]1000
Total. 32.16.8 1/2.


To finish this issue, a short poem by Ogden Nash which I hope will put a smile on the face of those currently 'under the weather'


A mighty creature is the germ,
Though smaller than the pachyderm.
His customary dwelling place
Is deep within the human race.
His childish pride he often pleases
By giving people strange diseases.
Do you, my poppet, feel infirm?
You probably contain a germ.