Edition 35 - April 1995

Artwork by: Peter Rothwell

Thank you! Thanks to everyone for heeding my plea in the last issue - your contributions since then and support of the Coffee Morning have been magnificent!
Donations in the Post Office and through the post have amounted to just over £60 and £120 was raised at the Coffee Morning. I thank you all, but especially Vi and Anne for arranging the Coffee Morning and their helpers, Joy, Ivy, Margaret, Jancy and Ron.
The cover's refreshing depiction of Bessemer Thatch is the talented work of Peter Rothwell, whose drawings have also recently enhanced the Church and Globe News. Pete, who lives up Hagginton Hill, lectures in Art at the North Devon College. I thank him and the many contributors to this issue - talent certainly abounds in our Village, you just have to "discover" it!
So, keep the articles, etc., coming and I shall look forward to another selection in May - and by Friday, 12th, please - either at the Post Office or here at Chicane.
Judie - Ed

It was a real pleasure to welcome so many members and two visitors to the February meeting. Joy Morrow was the guest speaker, and what an entertaining afternoon she gave us - explaining the strict training that goes into becoming a clown and showing the art of the make-up which can take up to an hour for an actual performance.
Everyone was most impressed and grateful thanks given. The Novelty Hat, which won Ethel Tidsbury the competition, was worn by Joy with pride, adding that extra bit of colour to a colourful costume.
The 33rd Birthday of the Institute was celebrated on 7th March, and we had two visitors for the occasion. Maggie Bland was thanked for a lovely fruit cake, and members who had entered the competition - four small iced cakes - also came in for appreciation. The winners were Rosemary Gaydon and Win Collins.
Margaret Power then gave an interesting and illuminating talk on life as an Air Hostess in the 1960's. A selection of hats and uniforms were on show and the journey through 'time', from "take-off" to "landing" was first class.
Our next meeting will be on 4th April, when we hope to welcome Mr. Michael Hesman who will show slides and give a talk all about Exmoor. As always, visitors will be very welcome. The Group meeting will be held at East Down on 26th April and the meeting on the 2nd May will discuss Resolutions for the A.G. M.
On behalf of members, a very Happy Easter to one and all.
Vi Kingdon - President
The years are threaded with remembered days,
Strung like beads upon a Rosary,
Forget them not, count them, and give praise,
They are Time's most precious legacy.

Tenders are invited for re-roofing the Manor Hall. Full details can be obtained from Dave Beagley, 882002.
The Committee invite members of the public to attend their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, 2nd May, in the Penn Curzon Room at 7.30 p.m.
Berrynarbor School Kitchen is looking for someone to stand in for the Cook in case of illness. If anybody is interested, please call in to see me in the kitchen between 10.00 a.m. and 1.30 p.m., or ring me on 882344.
Thank you.
Angela Lewis
It's only eighteen inches between a pat on the back and a kick in the pants.
E. Joseph Cossman
David Beagley
1. It wont if you dont believe him 4
3. Sounds as if he usually wears a raincoat 8
8. Rubbish 7
10. "Therefore I am" 5
11. Top circus electricians? 4,4,3
13. Come down on top of a fire 6
15. Buttocks 6
17. Passes on information 11
20. High point for a horse 5
21. Put in a very short person 7
22. Getting rid of out-buildings 8
23. He buys shares for top deer 4
1. Lookout 8
2. Oscillated 5
4. Exonerates refiner 6
5. Spanish Yellow Bird Isles 3,8
6. One mist wets another 7
7. Meno for a musician 4
9. Low spirited 4,7
12 Cricketer for sloping grounds 3,3
14. Push it under 7
16. Put aside as an amen 6
18. Characteristic 5
19. Wicked little devils. 4
Solution in Article 23.

Easter Services
The service on Good Friday will be held in the Church at 2.00 p.m. and we shall be joined by members of the U.R.C. On Easter Day, there will be Holy Communion at 8.00 a.m. and the 10.30 a.m. service will take the form of a Family Eucharist. The Sunday School will be joining us and other children and parents are invited to come too. This promises to be a happy, lively service and we hope you will all come and join in our celebrations and fill the Church.
Decorating the Church will begin late Friday afternoon, finishing on Saturday morning. White and yellow flowers are used and if you would like to give flowers, please let Betty Davis know [883541] or bring them to the Church on Friday.
The P.C.C. will be holding a Coffee Morning on Thursday, 4th May [Election Day], 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon in the Manor Hall. Proceeds will go towards covering expenses for thig year's Summer Fayre. Any gifts will be much appreciated - raffle prizes, cakes, 'white elephant' items, etc.
V.E. Day Celebrations: A Thanksgiving service is planned on Monday, 8th May. Details to be announced later.
The Eucharist, 10.30 a.m
Evensong, Combe Martin, 6.30 p.m. [once a month the Christians Together go from Church to Church, and there is no Evensong]
Holy Communion
Thursdays, 10.00 a.m.
2nd Sunday each month, 8.00 a.m.
The Rector, the Rev. Keith Wyer [883203] and Prebendary Eppingstone [882802) will discuss Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Bereavements and SHOULD be invited to come and pray with the sick.
Prayer and Bible Study, Combe Martin, every Thursday, 7.30 p.m.
Mary Tucker

Yes, there really are winners! Congratulations to Angela Lewis who has won a Star Prize of the Week in a "Take a Break" competition. Angela's prize is an 8 day holiday for two, plus £300 spending money, in the United States. She and Richard will fly out in September, having been able to choose a date to coincide with their 20th wedding anniversary. They will visit Memphis and Nashville and the trip will include a visit to Gracelands, home of the legendary Elvis Presley, and the Grand Ole Oprey, the high spot of Country and Western music. We hope you both have a wonderful time and look forward to hearing all about it on your return!
Congratulations to Sarah [nee Songhurst] and Barry Filer on the birth of their son, Keifer Richard Gary, on the 18th February. Keifer, a baby brother for Ryan, weighed in at 7 lb 14 oz.
Alan and Doreen Prater were delighted to announce at their 60th Birthday celebrations, the engagement of their daughter, Judith, to Charlie Bulled, and wish them every happiness in the future. Congratulations to you all.
Michael Wyer, son of Keith, our Rector, and Sheila has the distinction of being offered a place at Trinity College, Cambridge, to read Maths with Computer Science. He has also won a Sir Francis Chichester bursary to take a 3-week Outward Bound Course in the Lake District.
Well done, Michael!
Now that the winter's gone, the earth hath lost
Her snow-white robes; and no more the frost
Candies the grass, or casts an icy cream
Upon the silver lake or crystal stream;
But the warm sun thaws the benumbed earth,
And makes it tender; gives a sacred birth
To the dead swallow; wakes in hollow tree
The drowsy cuckoo and the bumble-bee.
Now do a choir of chirping minstrels bring
In triumph to the world, the youthful Spring:
The valleys, hills and woods, in rich array,
Welcome the coming of the longed for May.
Thomas Carew
Spring, the Travelling Man, has been here,
Here in the glen;
He must have passed by in the grey of the dawn,
When only the robin and wren
Were awake,
Watching out with their bright little eyes
In the midst of the brake.
The rabbits, maybe, heard him pass,
Stepping light on the grass,
Whistling careless and gay at the break o' the day.
Then the blackthorn to give him delight
Put on raiment of white;
And, all for his sake,
The gorse on the hill, where he rested an hour,
Grew bright with a splendour of flower.
Winifred M. Letts

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
MAGPIE versus MAGPIE - the Last Word!
Is it any wonder we are confused? So often we are given conflicting information from the 'powers that be' on major and minor issues affecting our everyday lives.
It would appear that here is a case in point. Information obtained by Gerald [Nipper] Bray and Brian Jones, from the R.S.P.B. and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, and Police information all differ. So, you will have to make of it what you will - the decision of whether you are 'for or against' the killing of magpies and other birds is your personal choice.
Gerald says, "that although magpies do take the eggs and nestlings of songbirds, and can devastate an urban area where nesting sites are limited, it has never been proved that they have had any real effect in rural areas. Intensive farming may, in the past, have taken its toll, but certainly not today and if something is affecting the songbird population, then I feel we should look for some other cause - maybe in the increase in grey squirrels!!"
Case closed! And no, we are not going to start on the sequel "Squirrel versus Squirrel"!

The Pancake and Coffee Morning at Berry Home was very well supported and has raised £100 for Sunday School funds - £50 of this has just been spent on some new books. Joy and I thank everybody who gave raffle prizes, cakes, bric-a-brac and helped in any way, particularly the kitchen staff!
We couldn't drum up any enthusiasm for a Pancake Race [perhaps the pancakes were too heavy!]. As it was a school day, the children were unable to attend, but they had their pancake race and tossing at Sunday School the following Sunday and a few pancakes remain on the Manor Hall roof keeping out the rain!!
We have also sent a donation of £10 to Comic Relief from the proceeds:
"Waiter! Waiter! Will the pancakes be long? "
"No, sir, I expect they'll be round as usual. " [groan]
"More coffee or tea, sir?"
"If that was coffee, I'll have tea. If it was tea, I'll
have coffee." [double groan!!]
Sally B.
No Job Too Small
Ter. (01271) 883150

The whole village was very sad to learn of Bob's death, after a long fight, on the 22nd February, his 81st birthday. Bob and Joan moved to Berrynarbor 27 years ago and until his retirement, at 62, Bob worked as an electrical engineer for S.W. E. B. Our thoughts are with Joan and her family.
A Message from Joan
I was very touched by the number of friends, neighbours, golfers and ex-colleagues who came to Bob' s funeral on such a very wet day. I thank everyone who came to give me and my family support and sympathy and to make donations to the Hospice Care Trust. Bob died from cancer, having had it for 5 years, during which time he had many operations and hospital stays. He was always optimistic about his health which kept him out and about almost to the end. We had 55 happy years of marriage.

The children have recently played football and netball against Parracombe Primary School; footballers won by a tremendous 9 goals to 1, while the netball match was eventually won by Parracombe after an excellent game.
The school hosted a visit by two classes from Yeo Valley Primary School in Barnstaple, who came to study the village. Our children helped to show the visitors around and the Yeo Valley children very much enjoyed their visit to Berrynarbor.
Our choir group have visited the Susan Day Residential Home in Ilfracombe to entertain the residents with a selection of well-known songs, which brought back memories for the residents, who really appreciated the children's singing.
A small group of pupils from Years 5 and 6 are joining Combe Martin pupils on a visit to France, where a full programme of visits during the week includes the Bayeux Tapestry and Mont St. Michel.
Advance Notice - The School will be holding an Art Exhibition in the Manor Hall where you will be able to view some of the children's work from this year. This will be on Wednesday morning, 24th May, and all villagers and friends will be very welcome. More details and posters nearer the time.

Sterrage Valley .
2. Near llfracombe

This very early photographic postcard was produced by A.J. Vince of Ilfracombe c1908, and has been taken from the rising bank, approximately where Pink Heather is today. Lower Rowes Farm can just be seen in the dell where the road turns to continue through the Sterrage Valley (and on up past what is now Venture Cottage and No. 77 - or to those ignorant, like the Editor, "Knackershole" and behind it can be seen the hedgerow lines of the steep track leading up past Woodlands Cottage and to Middle Cockhill Farm. Note the compacted and scraped state of the road and the tell-tale evidence of recent transport - horses!!
A.J. Vince was a talented photographer whose work unfortunately seemed unable to bring out the character obtained when a scene comes to life with the addition of children, groups of people or animals, as we see in the many pictures taken by Garratt. However, Vince took several photographs of Berrynarbor and an even larger number of Watermouth Castle, Cove and Caves, Broadsands and Egg Rocks. I should be particularly pleased to hear from anyone who has any of Vince's cards of the village.
Following my request in the December issue, Lorna Price has given me the following information about those who were lost in the last War:
- JANE MALCOLM lived with her parents at the Old Court and apparently fell from a balcony in Africa whilst serving as a Nursing Sister.
- Both PETER and TREVOR MEADOWS moved with their parents into Berrynarbor just prior to the start of World War II. Trained as pilots in the R.A.F at Chivenor, both sadly died in the Battle of Britain.
- ERIC ZAPLETAL came from Czechoslovakia and married a Miss Miller of Berrynarbor. He trained as a rear-gunner on one of the large R.A.F. bombers, and perished sadly in the same manner as so many rear-gunners.
- PATRICK THIRKELL attended Berrynarbor School and gained his D.F.M. whilst serving in the War.
- RAYMOND BROOKMAN joined the Navy and went down with his vessel, "SS Gloria", somewhere in Norwegian waters.
My thanks to Lorna for her help and if anyone else can add to this information, please contact me.
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, March 1995
Tel: [01271] 865139
24 hour answering machine available C.I.B.T.A.C./City and Guild/N.V.Q.
Professional and Fully Qualified Personal Treatment in the comfort of your home
Hair Care
- Wet Cut, Blow Dry or Set from £6.00
- Highlights, Lowlights or Perm from £16.00
- Gents - Wet Cut from £5.00
- Beard Trim from £3.00
Beauty Care
- Manicure and Massage from £5.50
- Pedicure, Spa and Massage from £6.50
- Waxing from £4.00
- Facial Care from £3.50
- Top-to-Toe Specials from £32.00
Hair Design - Braiding and weaving for that special occasion, Weddings and Anniversaries a speciality
*Beauty Bonuses
Try to eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of Vitamin C, which helps to prevent small veins and capillaries from weakening. Vitamin E will help to keep skin in peak condition. Avoid artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings, as they may cause allergies.
Cut down on alcohol as this may have an adverse reaction to the skin and can cause fragile blood vessels to surface. Try to drink about 8 glasses of water daily.
Avoid using perfumed soaps, they may leave the skin dry and taut. Cleanse, tone and moisturise gently daily. This may improve skin colour, texture and glow and prevent dry, blemished or wrinkled skin. Try to use a moisturizer with an ultra-violet filter to protect from wind, rain and sunshine. Massage is a wonderful gift which stimulates the natural oils in our skin, generates natural warmth, increasing circulation and lymphatic drainage - it is relaxing, which is very beneficial for stress. Try to cut down or stop smoking as this may make the skin and eyes look grey and lines around the mouth and eyes may become more prominent.
*Hairdressing Hints
Hair is not living, but it can be made to look alive by the following:
Keep hair trimmed regularly [every 6 weeks] * Use the correct shampoo and a separate conditioner * Always pour the shampoo from the bottle into the palm of your hand before applying to your scalp, never directly from the bottle onto your hair * Massage the scalp with your fingertips, without scratching * Always rinse your hair until it squeaks * Use mousses, gel, sprays, etc. , evenly and sparingly - they may protect against heat, rain and wind - and brush out completely * Use a pure bristle hair brush.
Reductions: Senior Citizens 10%, Under 18 years 20%. Special Seminars available: £1.00 per head all proceeds to Charity. Any distance - a small call-out charge for areas over a 3 mile radius of Ilfracombe - Minimum Charge £5.00.
What a lot of entries! You obviously enjoyed this competition and have asked me to pass on your thanks to Doreen - it helped to pass many a wet and windy evening. So many correct entries were submitted, that the names were put in a hat and the winner drawn for me by Nora at the Post Office. And the winner: BARBARA AND LEW SIMMONS
The answers were:
- Wallflower, Iris, Dandelion, Daisy,
Violet, Primrose, Marigold, Gardenia, Freesia, Love-in-a-mist, Phlox,
Chrysanthemum, Buttercup, Alyssum, Sweet William, Lavender, Foxglove, Harebell,
Begonia, Viola, Hollyhock, Lupin, Orchid, Catmint, Lily of the Valley,
Coltsfoot, Sunflower, Anemone, Celandine, Forget-me-not, Petunia, Candytuft,
Rose, Snapdragon, Snowdrop, Cowslip, Poppy, Heather, Tulip, Pansy, Carnation,
Lilac, Thistle, Broom and Star of Bethlehem.
One interesting entry came all the way from York!
Stanley Barnes writes:
"I am sending in my answers, just to add to your number of replies. I was in Berrynarbor in February, staying at 55 The Village with my cousin, Mrs. D. Grinnall, who owns the house. Earlier, it was the home of our grandparents, Samuel and Ellen Harding [he was the village blacksmith] .
"I lived in Berrynarbor during the First World War until 1919 - I was born in 1915 and my mother moved from Surrey to the village to be near her parents during the War while my father was away in the Army.
"We lived in one of the cottages alongside the farm once owned by Ivor Richards. When we returned to Surrey, so I am told, it was with a really true and strong Devon accent, but alas it soon went, as at between 4 and 5 years old, I soon acquired Surrey speech!
"I still enjoy staying in Berrynarbor, though visits are not too frequent. Good wishes to all. "
The covers of the Newsletters give me great pleasure - if only I was so talented! Has Debbie thought about illustrating the stoat? We have one regularly visiting our garden.
We also have 2 badgers who come for their supper on our patio every evening; 2 mallard ducks return every spring; 2 rooks live in the beech tree; 2 squirrels regularly raid the bird table and 2 pheasants parade around the lawns. It's a little like the Ark - the animals come in 2 by 2, but we love it! The hedgehogs and rabbits also visit us and we've even had a fox. The birds are prolific and include all the tits, finches, wrens, sparrows, robins, rooks, crows, jackdaws, magpies, jays, herons, seagulls, tree creepers, nuthatches, green and red spotted woodpeckers, owls and buzzards.
I think we must be living in a wild life park! Maybe it will give Debbie some ideas for her illustrations.
Vida Butler - Mandalay
West County Poets -
by Birth
Patricia Beer was born shortly after World War I and grew up in Withycombe Raleigh near Exmouth. Her mother, a schoolteacher, and her father, a railway clerk, were fiercely ambitious for their two daughters.
Patricia was educated at Exmouth Grammar School, Exeter University and St. Hilda's College, Oxford. She then worked in Italy for 7 years before returning to lecture in English at Goldsmiths College, London. After her marriage in 1964, she returned to live again in Devon, and to write her poetry.

This morning in vivid
Sun, as the gulls flew in,
Their bold shadows advanced
And landed on the stone
Some time before they did.
The mist has come uphill
Now, bringing the river
With it. White, hemlock-cold
Rising. I have never
Seen the valley so full.
It is still day. There might be
Be some life left. Somewhere
Farmers may be ploughing
In a bubble of clear
Air, a pocket of sight.
And though with their valiant
Shadows stripped off them, though
Hidden from what they kill,
The gulls are there somehow.
Not a beak less brilliant

Perhaps the strongest influence on her writing was her religious up-bringing - as a member of the Plymouth Brethren which is reflected in much of her poetry. As a child she was allowed to "read no books unless someone was saved in it". Despite this, she decided when she was only 8 that she was going to be a poet and be famous.
She has published several books of Poetry, a novel - Moon's Ottery, a book of Literary Criticism and an autobiography of her childhood - Mrs. Beer's House.

Meetings are held on the third Thursday each month at Combe Martin Methodist Hall, 7.30 p.m., with EVERYONE welcome. At the next meeting on Thursday, 20th April, Peter Ferguson will be giving an illustrated talk on the history and restoration of Queen Anne's Walk, Barnstaple. On the 18th May, Frances Griffiths is giving an illustrated talk on Archaeology from the Air. Further information from Tom Bartlett [883408] or Secretary, Eileen Hobson [882353].

Support for these meetings has grown as each month has gone by and we have welcomed new members not only from Berrynarbor, but also from all corners of North Devon. Our last meeting of the present programme is on 19th April, when Andy Hodge of Drink Link will be introducing new wines to members, preceded by the A.G. M. Do remember, new members are always welcome. Further information from: Alex Parke [883758], Tony Summers [883600] or Tom Bartlett [883408].

When I was a child I spake as a child, but now I'm a man I've put away childish things - all that is except my model train set, which is the second of my Collections which I promised [threatened] to tell you about. Stored in a back room I have a large model railway layout representing Barry Junction and the station for the great holiday resort of Barry Island. I began building this some 12 years ago and it is interesting to me now that the through-route out of Barry Island led to Barry Dock, the Bristol Channel Ferries and Ilfracombe!
I model in 00 scale [developed particularly by Horny Dublo before World War II]. This is a strange mixture of 4mm to 1 ft for the locomotives and rolling stock, but 3.5mm for the track. The rest of the world uses 3.5mm for both and calls it HO scale. Other popular scales are 3 1/2 gauge, 'O' N and Z. Naturally, being a British layout, my locomotives and carriages are also British, but I haven't limited myself to any particular time in railway history, nor to any special operating area. Indeed, the benefit of having a layout of a seaside station is that holiday specials can arrive from almost anywhere in the U.K., so that London and North Eastern trains can arrive and cool down alongside Great Western tank engines, or, if considered to be historical steam specials' they can operate satisfactorily alongside their modern diesel counterparts.
My interest extends to building and repainting the locomotives and coaches, etc. In 00 scale they are large enough for carving and cutting up with a craft knife, and I improve the detail. I like my locomotives to be "as new" and pristine clean, a far from realistic situation, but then my memories include a large slice of Crewe Junction and Chester, where, as a boy, I enjoyed seeing reconditioned and repainted locomotives coming out of "Crewe Works", absolutely gleaming in red, blue, green or shiny black. I therefore often repaint items I've bought secondhand and have a great backlog of items to work on, but this seldom stops me from acquiring more at jumble sales, swap meets or even by private purchase.

I'm well aware that any such reworking can destroy the value of a rare classic, and that everyone sheltering a childhood train set in their attic has a wholly incorrect expectation, fanned up by the Antiques Road Show, that such items are worth a fortune. In practice, anything that has been played with by children is almost certainly well spoiled and a good repaint will enhance the value. High values depend on rarity and tender loving care, careful protection in a display cabinet and the accompaniment of a pristine box with manual and packing. I'd be more than happy to look over any cherished items from attics up and down the village, and advise or even buy.
Personally, I prefer to use my childhood things and believe in risking wear and tear, derailments and even head-on crashes! I find that watching the trains go by, even if they only go round and round to pass by again far too frequently for realism, is somehow calming and enthralling and the basis of a fascinating hobby, which is far too difficult and exasperating for children.
Some day soon I hope to have my layout operating again or even have thoughts of expanding it into the garden for longer trains with greater operating potential In the meantime, my display cabinet will have to suffice.
Alan Rowlands
Quick Quote
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
Mark Twain
I should like to introduce myself as a far-flung reader of the Newsletter who is a keen collector of anything relating to Berrynarbor - I have every issue of the Newsletter - particularly postcards. My interest goes back several years and was sparked off by the many enjoyable holidays spent in the village since about 1964, when I was a boy of 10. More recently I have enjoyed coming with my wife and three daughters, but sadly visits have been curtailed of late due to ill-health, but hopefully things will be different this year. My collection of Berrynarbor and Watermouth cards has grown to about 400 and along the way I have accumulated quite a few duplicates surplus to my collection. If anybody is interested, I should be glad to provide a list on request. I prefer to swap rather than sell, but am open to negotiation! If you are interested or would just like to 'talk postcards' please contact me - I should welcome all communications.

I hope you will enjoy my first contribution, a postcard-sized photograph of the Hunt meeting outside the Globe. There is nothing on the card to suggest when it was taken, who the people are or what hunt it is. Judging from the wintry-looking trees on the brow of Hagginton Hill, it is most likely a fox hunt, but what Pack? It was possibly taken in the 1950's and perhaps someone might get a clue from the brewers - Arnold and Hancock. Can anybody shed any light at all on this picture or the subject? Does the hunt still meet in Berrynarbor? I should be glad to receive any information, however small.
Terry Babbington
38 Park Road
Thundersley, Essex, SS7 3PP
Tel: 01268-758757
*Beggars can't be choosers, but I am sure that many of you, like me, wish that we could improve on the quality of reproduction of the old postcards and photographs . However, so that you can see them more clearly and with the hope that you may be able to identify subjects, Alan and Nora have kindly agreed that I may display better prints in the post Office.
Farewell and Welcome - Having been in a state of flux for some time, sadly Steve and Margaret King have now finally left the village, returning to their earlier haunts of West Sussex. We wish them and their family all the very best and look forward to return visits soon.
We welcome to The Haven, John and Marion Hood. John is interested in Reflexology which he says is "generally accepted as an excellent way of relieving stress. It is also a complementary therapy which can have beneficial effects with other, often long-standing, complaints." If you think reflexology may help you, or if you would like to know more about it, please 'phone John on 883105.
Berrynarbor Playgroup would like to thank Julie Parkhouse, "Top to Toe" mobile Hair and Beauty therapist, for the Demonstration and Fundraising night which raised £12.00.
Get Well Wishes - Bett Brooks is now well on the way to full recovery after a spell in hospital. She would like to say: "Thank you to everyone who visited me while in hospital and since I have been home, for all the cards, presents and good wishes." Win White is home again having spent five weeks in hospital following a fall in which she broke her hip. She, too, is progressing well. Also in hospital are Mrs. Melhuish [Newberry Farm, late of The Haven] and Grace Slade, who has had a hip replacement op in Bristol. Get well soon. If you saw Pete Newell on the stage recently, you might be forgiven for thinking he'd been "swinging the lead". It is great to see you back in action, Pete, and in fine form when "Berry Went to Sea".
A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped make the Valentine's Day Lunch so successful. £285.00 was raised on the day and an additional £80 given in memory of Eva Morrow made a total of £365 to be donated to Cancer Research. Thanks to Gerry Marangone & "Uncle Reg" for the super entertainment; to the ladies in the kitchen and on the draw, Ray and Margaret Ludlow for their support in planning the event and Phil and Lynne for the loan of crockery and cutlery. Berrynarbor is wonderful! Thank you.
Joy Morrow
Berrynarbor Pre-School - If you would like your active three year-old to join a Pre-School, why not consider Berrynarbor? Supervised by two fully qualified staff, a maximum class of 12 pupils enjoy a pleasant, caring and friendly atmosphere. Contact Jackie and Hilary: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9.15 to 11.45 a.m. Spaces available for January 1996. Early registration advised.
J. Duncan-Hughes, NNEB, Supervisor
The Lodge - As a result of our Charity Opening Night and Jumble Sale, £310 was presented to Ilfracombe Lions Club for the Roy Castle Cause for Hope Appeal. The appeal target is £12 million, of which £3 million has already been raised. The building of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Research Centre in Liverpool will begin this summer. We should like to thank everyone who gave prizes and jumble and supported us for what we think is a very worthwhile cause. THANK YOU.
Judith, Doreen & Alan
"I dream'd that
as I wander'd by the way
Bare winter suddenly
was changed to Spring ..."
On a bright but breezy Sunday morning in mid-March, we were glad that it was not snowing or hailing as we climbed up the hill to the church of All Saints at High Bray.
The high steep banks were ablaze with glossy celandines. Appropriately, the Dorset name for this flower is "spring messenger". The word celandine is traced back to the Greek "chelidon", meaning a swallow and it is known as swallow-wort in America. The lesser celandine was Wordsworth's favourite flower and it was therefore decided that it would be a suitable decoration for his tomb. But, unfortunately, the flower actually carved on his monument is the greater celandine - no relation to the 'lesser', but a member of the poppy family.
I was pleased to see so many of the true wild daffodils growing along the verges of the lane; a flower found especially in the South West and sometimes called the Lent Lily because of its time of flowering. The petals are pale lemon colour and point forward around the trumpet which is a slightly deeper yellow. The naturalist, Richard Mabey, says, "their essential quality is a lightness and freshness quite absent from the more opulent garden varieties."
The churchyard has dramatic views all around - of the Bray valley quarries, of Exmoor [the boundary of which is just a mile away] and of the village of Brayford itself. Pale mauve crocuses grew abundantly in the churchyard and there were some mellow grey stone buildings nearby.
There is a pleasant walk south from the church along Barton Lane and down through some woods to Newton Bridge. On a shady bank there were still a large number of snow drops in full bloom. And, already there were a few early stitchworts scattered about. A modest but attractive white star-like flower, it has some quaint alternative names, including adder's meat and thunder flower.
This plant is very weather sensitive. To protect the pollen, the flowers droop forwards at the onset of rain. A superstition made children afraid to pick them in case adders bit them.
The herbalist, Gerard, in 1597 explained how the stitchwort got its name - because it "cured the pain in the side, stitches and such like" if it were drunk in wine mixed with the powder of acorns.
We returned to Brayford, described by the 16th Century antiquary, John Leland as "a poore village caulid Brayforde". But this description is perhaps not surprising as at that time people tended not to like the more remote places surrounded by wild countryside.
We finished our exploration of Brayford with a very enjoyable walk beside the clear, sparkling waters of the River Bray, as it meanders through water meadows; then from the hamlet of Little Bray we took the track, through Wort Wood, which traces the course of the river from above.

Neighbourhood Watch - Acting Inspector Hunter from Ilfracombe Police Station reported at the March Parish Council Meeting that crime figures in the last 3 months covered by Ilfracombe [which includes Berrynarbor] had fallen from 215 in the previous corresponding period 12 months ago to a total of 156, with burglaries falling from 74 to 37. The local Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator is Bill Berry who can be contacted on 882577.
Western Morning News Calendar - Photographic Competition. To have Berrynarbor represented in the 1997 or future Calendars [1996 will be available this Easter!], pictures need to be selected from a photographic competition held between Easter and the end of August each year. The competition is open to anyone and the First Prize is £250 and £25 for each photograph used. Rules and entry forms are printed at regular intervals in the Western Morning News and Evening Herald, or copies can be obtained, after Easter, from the Western Morning News Office, telephone 01752 765500.
Annual Parish Meeting - The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 11th April, at 7.00 p.m., followed by the regular monthly Parish Council Meeting. All residents are very welcome to attend.
Over the years, many people in the area have asked for help with reading, writing, spelling and maths. There are satisfied 'customers' walking about who received the help they needed from Marie Spencer and her team of volunteer tutors. This service is free and entirely confidential, which is why you may not have heard about it.
Many people are deeply embarrassed to have these problems - we are told we should be able to spell when we leave school! However, recent surveys have shown that up to 1 in 4 school leavers still have problems, even though schools and colleges have programmes of extra support built into their curriculum. Many people left school long ago; had a disrupted childhood or just were not lucky enough with their schooling and have been left frustrated and insecure. Some left school able to cope, but never kept their reading and writing skills in practice - and what you don't use: you lose!
Marie and her colleagues give friendly, respectful help and lots of practice to build up your confidence. No-one will hear that a local person is receiving help unless they wish to tell everyone.
Once again the village has done itself proud by putting on a show that brought an impressively large number of the local community together to work towards what, on the night, turned out to be a production full of all you would expect from the enthusiastic combination of performers, back-stage crew, front-of-house team and the many anonymous and unsung helpers and tolerant friends and relatives.
It would be unfair to pick any single performance from such a great team effort but from this reviewer's point of view, the highlight of an evening full of special moments, was the high slapstick of the beautifully timed and choreographed "If I were not upon the Sea" routine. Your reviewer can tell you that the energy and gusto that went into the final night's rendition of this piece left him with serious concerns for the physical welfare of some of the participants.
I feel that the performance summed up all that was best in the show and made a mockery of the idea of an 'amateur' production - this particular piece wag professional in every respect.
So another year's production comes to an end - the Manor Hall, transformed for a short time, returns to a more settled routine, with sincere apologies for any disruption. We, who were involved, have another year's worth of memories - of the ups and downs, the joy and the pain, the successes and the dramas and of that feeling of apprehension and panic that you swear you will never put yourself through again - 'til next year comes around and Gary asks that oh so innocent question, "Could you just do a little something?"
The village is a bigger and better place because of the shared experience as either performer or audience and word is about that it is a very special place in which to live - there are many that envy the spirit that makes the Berry Shows possible.
Here's to the next one - and a huge thank you to all who made it possible.
Augustus - March 1995
What a night to remember
The Globe was "all at sea",
We were being entertained once more
By the usual 'twenty three'?
The talented folk we've come to know,
Had given their time to put on this show.
And those who saw it I know very well
All enjoyed it and thought it was swell.
On the village's behalf,
We'd like to thank all who took part,
And thought we'd let you know,
We're eagerly looking forward to next year's Show!
Vi Davies
Whilst trekking on the Moor from Malmsmead on the night of 11th March, my thoughts kept returning to the "goings-on" at the Manor Hall. For we had been there the previous evening to witness Gary Songhurst's spectacular production of "Berry Goes to Sea". What entertainment! We were only sorry we missed the two previous shows and future ones will be a definite must!
So much talent in Berrynarbor, such polished performances - it would be invidious to single out any one, but the whole troupe gave great pleasure and one realises how important are the musicians and the back stage crew in a production of this calibre - those talking mop-heads had a lot to say for themselves!
I began to wonder if there were any similarities between the two nights' experiences? Well certainly I had found it difficult to recognise some of the characters and probably under my woolly hat and thick coating of mud, I was not instantly recognisable. Mud! Oh well, that is the nature of the moor after the unprecedented rainfall this winter. The course was 14 miles - up and down hills, over streams and rivers, through slurry and mud [who said, "mud, glorious mud"? ] . To keep our minds and not just our feet active, there were questions to be answered between checkpoints. Our team of 6 Lady Bog-hoppers were under the stars, but no way could we steer a course by them - we were totally dependent on map and compass.
A flash of light pierced the darkness - no, it was not the lighthouse at Foreland Point, but some other walker's powerful torch. But mentally I was back at the Manor Hall, watching that super slick routine "If I was not upon the Sea". Yes, I thought, if I were not upon the moor, I could be sitting cosily in the Manor Hall watching it all over again! No, no, I wouldn't miss Star-Trek, there's nothing like a bit of fresh air with good company!
The Ilfracombe Rotary Club's organisation which enables over 80 teams of 4 to 6 sponsored walkers to safely walk an unknown course of 14 miles on Exmoor with the expectation of raising around £14, 000 for charity, is greatly admired.
Both shows gave us enjoyable, and in the case of the Manor Hall, unexpected, refreshments. No matter how much we might have thought rum punch a good idea for the walkers, it was not forthcoming!
The Army helped the Rotary Club with the radio links to the check-points and I looked in vain for a "Modern Major General", but it had been good to see him at Berrynarbor.
Star Trek - we certainly trekked and stumbled, slipped and slithered but it was not until after midnight that the stars revealed themselves, together with a glorious moon. Of course, I knew where they had been - there on the stage in Berrynarbor. Every one of them!
Thank you to you all.
Jill McCrae
Core some Cox's orange pippins and stuff them with marzipan. Butter the outside of the apples and put them into a buttered dish. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake 350-375F/180-190C for 20-30 minutes. Serve with cream.
"Let us not speak, for the love we bear one another -
Let us hold hands and look."
She, such a very ordinary little woman;
He, such a thumping crook;
But both, for a moment, little lower than the angels
In the tea shop's ingle-nook.
John Betjeman
1st | Britain in Bloom Coffee Morning, 10.00-12.00, Manor Hall |
2nd | Passion Sunday |
3rd | Badminton Club, 8.00 p.m. |
4th | W.I. Meeting: Michael Hesman - Exmoor |
5th | Mobile Library in village from 11.55 a.m. Lent Service, U.RC., 2.30 p.m. |
6th | College: End of Spring Term. Christians Together Lent Service, 7.30 p.m. Combe Martin Church Hall. Whist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall |
7th | Primary School: End of Spring Term. Ilfracombe College PTA Easter Bingo, The Lantern, 7.00 p.m., Eyes Down, 8.00 pm |
9th | Palm Sunday: Eucharist, 10.30 a.m. Distribution of Palm Crosses |
10th | Badminton Club, 8.00 p.m. |
11th | Annual Parish Meeting, 7.00 p.m., Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall |
13th | Maundy Thursday, Holy Communion, 10.00 a.m. Whist Drive 7.30 p.m. Manor Hall |
14th | Good Friday: Christians Together, St. Mary's
Combe Martin. Good Friday Service, 2.00 p.m. |
16th | Easter Day: Holy Communion 8.00 a.m. Family Eucharist,
10.30 a.m. Special Service, Combe Martin 6.30 p.m. |
17th | Bank Holiday |
19th | Mobile Library in village from 11.55 a.m. Wine Circle, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. - A.G.M. and Andy Hodge - New Wines |
20th | Combe Martin Historical Society, Combe Martin
Methodist Hall, 7.30 p.m: Peter Ferguson - Queen Anne's Walk. Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
24th | College: Start of Summer Term. Badminton Club, 8.00 p.m. |
25th | Primary School: Start of Summer Term. |
26th | W.I. Group Meeting, East Down, 7.30 p.m. Combe Martin Museum A.G.M., Methodist Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
27th | Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
MAY | |
1st | Badminton Club, 8.00 a.m. |
2nd | W.I. Meeting: A.G.M. Resolutions - Discussion.
Manor Hall Management Committee A.G.M., Penn Curzon Room, 7.30 p.m. |
3rd | Mobile Library in village from 11.55 a.m. |
4th | St. Peter's Coffee Morning, Manor Hall, 10.00 to
12.00 Noon Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
8th | May Day [V.E. Day] Bank Holiday |
9th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall |
11th | Whist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall |
15th | Badminton, 8.00 p.m. |
17th | Mobile Library in village from 11.55 a.m. |
18th | Combe Martin Historical Society, Methodist Church Hall, 7.30 p.m.: Frances Griffiths - Archaeology from the Air |
19th | Ilfracombe College Summer Music Concert |
20th | Methodist Church Coffee Morning for Christian Aid |
21st | Rogation Sunday |
22nd | Badminton Club, 8.00 p.m. |
24th | Primary School Art Exhibition, Manor Hall, a.m. |
25th | Ascension Day: Holy Communion, 10.00 a.m. |
28th | Christians Together, Combe Martin, 6.30 p.m. |
29th | College and Primary School: Half Term [all week] Spring Bank Holiday. |
31st | Mobile Library in village from 11.55 a.m. |
JUNE | |
1st | Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
5th | Badminton Club, 8.00 p.m. |