Edition 30 - June 1994

Artwork by: Debbie Cook
Common on farmlands and in urban areas, the hedgehog, Britain's only spinal mammal, is rare on moors and in conifer forests. Its staple diet is beetles, caterpillars and worms, but a bowl of bread and milk, or more preferably cat food, helps garden hedgehogs fatten up for their winter hibernation in a sheltered nest of leaves and grass. The young, 3 to 5, are born initially blind in June or July, and sprout a few bristly spines within hours. Hedgehogs are mainly active at night.
The front cover, Debbie's latest delightful wildlife pen and ink drawing, makes this not really very endearing creature far more so, although children [of all ages!] enjoy and remember with pleasure two all-time favourite hedgehogs - Beatrix Potter's Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, "an excellent clear-starcher" and Alison Utley's Fuzzypeg in the tales of Little Grey Rabbit.

A well-attended April meeting welcomed the return of Margaret Tyrrell after a lengthy absence owing to a stroke, but we were disappointed that the speaker - Mrs. Margaret Pover - was unable to come as she was not well. It was decided that the Resolutions for the Triennial Meeting, to be held in June, should be debated and voted upon. Very interesting comments were forthcoming and Win Collins, our delegate, will be voting accordingly.
On the 21st April, 15 members went to the Group Meeting at Bratton Fleming for a really entertaining evening when Ray Budd an ex-member of the Minstrels - spoke of his early days in the profession and rendered several ballads - wonderful voice! After refreshments, competition results found us joint 3rd with Kentisbury, and many thanks to Doris, Edna and Peggy for their efforts.
Our May Meeting was a most informative talk on Crime Prevention Col. Bob Gilliat. Everyone was attentive and the afternoon passed all too quickly. As there was not time to arrange a stall, a collection was made for the League of Friends of the Tyrrell Hospital Summer Fair, and thanks to everyone's generosity £41 was raised. Several members hope to support the Fair on the 4th June.
A busy time as on the 5th May, 37 members and friends visited Dunsford. Although it rained here most of the day, they were lucky and enjoyed the Bluebell Walk followed by an excellent cream tea!
Our next meeting will be on the 7th June when we hope to welcome Shirwell Bell Ringers and visitors, too, are always welcome - £1, including refreshments and raffle. The July meeting will be an educational trip to Exmoor Bird Gardens, so we shall not meet again at the Manor Hall until September. We wish everyone a happy and successful season' and look forward to seeing you at the various fetes.
Vi Kingdon - President
The beauty of each tree - each dainty flower,
The fragrance of the rose and new mown lawn,
Dear Lord, we thank you for each waking hour,
That you have given us, since we were born.

The Chairman of the Parish Council for the new Municipal year is Mrs. Jenny Taylor, last year's Vice-Chairman, and last year's Chairman, Graham Andrews, will now serve as Vice-Chairman.
Claude's Garden, at the junction of Barton Lane and Castle Hill, was officially opened on Friday, 22nd April, by Cllr. Mike Edmunds, Immediate Past Chairman of the North Devon District Council. The Parish Council and members of the Richards Family hope that it will be a quiet spot, in the centre of the Village, which will be enjoyed by both residents and visitors.
There has been an excellent response to the Emergency Plan questionnaires and thank you to all who completed and returned them. If you have not done so, can we urge you to do so NOW. It is hoped that there will never be an emergency in the Parish, but should there be so, the more information that is available, the better we shall be equipped to deal with it. If you did not receive a questionnaire, or have lost it, please contact one of your local Councillors or 'phone the Clerk, John Vince, on 862362.
"Love and Marriage"
When planning a wedding there are many things to consider. Firstly, what time of the year?
"Marry in May, rue for aye"
The following bit of folklore spells out the fortunes of the other months of the year!

Illustration by: Paul Swailes
Marriage when the year is new
Is always loving, kind and true.
When in February birds to mate,
You too may wed, or dread your fate.
If you marry when March winds do blow,
Both joy and sorrow you will know.
Marry in April if you can,
It promises joy for maid and man,
But marry in the month of May,
And you will surely rue the day.
Marry in June when the roses blow,
And over land and sea you'll go.
They who in warm July do wed,
Must labour always for their bread.
Whoever wed in August be,
Many a change in life will see.
But marry in September's shine,
Your living will be rich and fine.
If in October you do marry,
Love will come but riches tarry.
If you wed in bleak November,
Only joy will come, remember.
When December's snow fall thick and fast,
Marriage and love will surely last.
Solomon Grundy was "Married on Wednesday", the best day of all according to the following rhyme:
Monday for health,
Tuesday for wealth,
Wednesday the best day of all;
Thursday for losses,
Friday for crosses,
Saturday, no luck at all!
"Marry in haste and repent at leisure"
Wise advice, but readers of H.G. Wells's 'History of Mr. Polly' will surely remember the haste with which the unsuspecting Mr. Polly found himself with Miriam at the altar and the speed at which the wedding ceremony itself was conducted!
'The officiating clergy sighed deeply, began, and married them
wearily and without any hitch.
"D 'bloved we gath'd gether sighto' Gard 'n face this
con'gation join gather Man Woom Ho Mat-mony whichis on 'bl state stooted by
Gard in times man in cency. " ...
"Wiltou lover, comfer, oner keeper sickness and health ...
Say I will. "
Mr. Polly moistened his lips. "I will, " he said
hoarsely. Miriam, nearly inaudibly, answered some similar demand.
Then the Clergyman said: "Who gi's Mom mad' t this
"Pete arf me, " said the clergyman to Mr. Polly.
"Take thee Mirum wed wife -
"Take thee Mi' m wed wife, " said Mr. Polly.
"Have hold this day ford."
"Have hold this day ford. "
"Betworse, richypoo, "
"Betworse, richypoo.. . "
Then came Miriam's turn.
"Lego hands, " said the clergyman,
"gothering? No! On book. So! Here! Pete arf me 'Wis ring Ivy wed. '"'
"Wis ring Ivy wed ..."
So it went on, blurred and hurried, like the momentary vision of a very beautiful thing seen through the smoke of a passing train ...'
Poor Mr. Polly! 'It was astounding. She was his wife!'
Worn on her wedding day
Something borrowed, something blue
Something old and something new
so the custom goes, will bring a bride good luck.
Then, of course, come the different anniversaries, and few observe any but the 25th Silver and 50th Gold. The following list is not without variants:
2nd - Paper
3rd - Leather
4th - Flower or Fruit
5th - Wooden
6th - Iron or Sugar Candy
7th - Woollen
8th - Bronze or Electrical Appliance
9th - Copper or Pottery
10th - Tin
11th - Steel
12th - Silk and Fine Linen
14th - Ivory
15th - Crystal
20th - China
25th - Silver
30th - Pearl
35th - Coral
40th - Ruby
45th - Sapphire
50th - Golden
55th - Emerald
60th - Diamond

1. Theoretical land for sallor (8)
5. Cutting tool (4)
8. At the top (4)
9. Tangled rope can be put right by surgeon (8)
10. Mocks where we once resided (7)
12. The previous answer is this clue (5)
13. A powerful element with cd (6)
15. Hyphenated (6)
17. Rest upright (5)
18. Airy music (7)
22. Slow mixing of ceremony before 10% of Dime (8)
23. Double barrelled cheap air gune (4)
24. Study a hole intently (4)
25. Woolgathering castles in the air (8)
1. Leave whilst orchestra is still playing (7)
2. Rapes with a sharp weapon (5)
3. Be positive at the pole (5)
4. A long long journey (4)
6. Head cub corrupted (7)
7. Choose the answer (5)
11. Part of a horrid read (5)
12. Drag along (5)
14. He intones in church (7)
16. Propriety (7)
17. This is bound to keep things together (5)
19. Access the records (5)
20. He tried to duck out on Plymouth Ho. (5)
21. A legal document whichever vay you look at it (4)
Solution in Article 19.
NOW AND THEN71 Sterridge
Summer 1993

[C1904] Old Berrynarbor - View No. 4 Newsletter, April 1990
When only one leg of a pair of tights is laddered, cut it off and save what is left until you can match it with another of the same colour. Wear both one legged tights at once and you have a comfortable and economical ' new' pair!

- 3/4 lb Mince
- 1 Chopped Onion
- Tsp. Tarragon [optional]
- Tin ITALIAN Tomatoes
- 2 Tins ITALIAN Tomato Puree
Brown meat in a very little oil, fry the onion but do not brown. Put both in saucepan on low heat. Add tomatoes and puree; mix well and cook slowly - simmer for as long as you like. Strain off surplus liquid.
Make thin pancakes and fill with mixture. Cover with grated cheese and put under grill until melted. Serve with chips, new potatoes or salad.
A very tasty recipe!

The wedding will take place in Darwin on Saturday, 8th October. All relatives and friends welcome at the Church. If you are unable to make the journey, they will be coming home for Christmas, when a Marriage Blessing will be held in St. Peter's Church, Berrynarbor - date to be confirmed.
Sally B

There will be a Coffee Morning on Thursday, 9th June 10.00 to 12.00 noon. Cake Stall * Bric-a-Brac * Raffle * Proceeds for the expenses of the Flower Festival.
Wednesday, 29th June Our Patronal Festival - a Gift Day will be held [all day] and the Rector, supported by the Churchwardens and Parochial Church Councillors, will be at the Lychgate waiting for your generous gifts.
SUMMER FAIR on Tuesday, 26th July Every stall you can think of! All the fun of the fair! Lots of competitions and draws and brilliant refreshments!
BELL ROPES SPECIAL FUND our ringers deserve only the very best and the present ropes need to be replaced at a cost of approximately £500 - depending on the length of time it will take us to raise the money in various ways. At the back of the Church you will find envelopes to make us a present, or donations may be given to Church Councillors and the Wardens.
My thanks to the Parochial Church Council for their generous gift to the Newsletter, which was very much appreciated; and also to the Parish Council for their encouragement and continued financial support.

The A.G.M. was held on 3rd May with only ONE member of the public in attendance! Letters were sent to 12 groups using the Hall concerning the A.G.M. Agenda and Staging, and only one response was received. The Committee assumes, therefore, that we are doing a 'good job' in managing your Village Hall. Officers for the coming year are:
- Chairman: Brian Mountain [883032]
- Recording Secretary: Lorna Bowden
- Corresponding Secretary: Vi Davies [882696]
- Treasurer: Tom Tucker [883881)
- Committee: Ginny Neale, Pat Sayer, Ann Hinchliffe, Joy Morrow
We have purchased a dehumidifier for the Hall. Instructions/guidelines for its use will follow in the fall. A new bench has been sited outside the Hall in memory of Bill Tyrrell, long-time friend and member of the Manor Hall Management Committee. Also, please note the new tubs. They have been lovingly planted out by Josef Belka and acquired by Anne and Vi Davies with funds from the Committee.
THE BERRY REVELS will be held on Tuesday, 2nd August, at 6.30 p.m. This is the MAJOR fund-raiser for the Hall, so please support this event in any way you can. Donations of raffle prizes, baked goods, help with stalls, etc., ARE MOST WELCOME. Contact Anne Hinchliffe [883708] or Ginny Neale [882447] if you can help. Thanks.
Remember the HORTICULTURAL AND ART SHOW on Saturday, 3rd September. Details in August Newsletter. PLEASE, PLEASE, any artist's about - enter your work in the Show!
Quick Quote
Nature can cope with man's need - but not with man's greed.
Sunday School Quotes
This term, we are teaching the children the Ten Commandments. On discussing 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Murder', one little boy who had been listening intently, very solemnly declared: 'My cat's a murderer because he kills mice'!
On another occasion we were discussing where God lives and a little girl informed us that she thought God lived in her bathroom. Asked why, she said: 'My dad keeps knocking on the door and shouting, 'My God, are you still in there?'!
Sally B and Joy M
Coffee Morning at Fuchsia Cottage on THURSDAY, 23rd JUNE, 10.30 a.m. until Noon. Raffle, Bring-and-Buy, Baked Goods. Proceeds in aid of Berrynarbor Chapel. Come one and all! [If wet, in Manor Hall]
Mailing List - There are currently 25 people on the Mailing List to receive copies of the Newsletter. If you know of anyone who might like to receive a copy, please give their name and address in either at the Post Office or to Chicane, Sterridge Valley.
Welcome To - Gary and Miska, who have moved in to Dormer Cottage in the centre of the Village. Miss Muffets Tea Room is now open for business and we wish them both luck in their new home.
Congratulations - to Trudy Draper and Brian 'Rocky' Lethaby whose marriage was Blessed at St. Peter's Church on the 14th May, and who are currently spending their honeymoon in America. We wish you both every happiness.
Happy Birthday - Many happy returns to Barbara Pickup who will be 90 years young on the 1st July.
The Cow Parsley

My job is done, I've shed my seed,
My beauty's waned tho' but a weed.
I now prepare my roots to sleep,
So please dear soul for I don't weep,
For winter's cruel and chilly clime
Gives way to spring a warmer time,
Through frost and snow and winds so high,
I'll rise again towards the sky,
Though folk tread, and treat me harshly,
Thus my lot, a mere cow-parsley.
The House Martin
We ate so well before we left to fly across the sea,
Three thousand strong and each of us determined as can be,
North at first then north west o'er fields and mountains
Non-stop we flew, we fed on wing, but some fell from the
Onwards, onwards, flap and glide, to stop is certain death
Thro' wind and rain and night so cold I barely take my
My home is Kent, not too long now with Channel there below,
I'm half my weight, my wings do ache. The lights of Dover
I cross the cliffs with rising sun and soon detect my
I circle round, have food and drink and then fly to my
My nest is there, it looks intact but wait - it holds a
A sparrow bold, I chase him out, he goes, he wants no

D. J. Devo

Valentine's Day
Celebration [?]
Manor Hall, 13th
February 1923

I have only recently obtained this photographic postcard and I am hoping that some of our truly ' local' senior citizens can identify several of the many children and adults in this wonderful picture. I am justifiably always disappointed at the lack of response to sought-after information, but really hope that on this occasion you will contact me.
This leads me on to the second picture which shows the "Old Manor House and Manor Hall." This postcard was produced by Photochrom Company Limited of Tunbridge Wells about 1920-21, and it is interesting to note the differences from that of the present time. It can be seen that at the south end wall there were windows on the ground and first floor end wall. The east facing wall, roof and first floor remain identical, but on the ground floor the entrance door is on the left where, from the lintel marks, there had been an original window. Where the door is now, the wall had been completely filled in, under a very large lintel, indicating how impressive in size the original 'Elizabethan' entrance door(s) had been. The only difference in the Manor Hall is the gas light over the door, which looks similar to the lamp over the church Lych Gate at the same period of time [View No. 27, February Newsletter].

Inside the Manor Hall, a board states "The Manor Hall, Old Manor House & Parish Room were acquired for the people of Berry-Narbor in March 1947 by the Parish Council: Chairman: F. J. Richards, Esq. C.C. Clerk: C. N. Conibear Esq." Another small plaque requests: "Village Room Please keep this room tidy and replace the chairs when you leave Thank You August 1941"
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, May 1994

The Manor Hall and Men's Institute 1992
Illustration by: Helen Armstead

Many people will know from the National Press, that Ilfracombe College received a good report from the 20 Government Inspectors who visited for a week in February and studied, in detail, all aspects of the working of the school.
May I take this opportunity to congratulate Alan Bacon, all his staff and students on their hard work.
Keith Brown
Chairman, Ilfracombe
College P.T.A.
Look out for the College Community Education Report which will be printed in the local newspapers - it is very complimentary.
Good Luck! to all Village students at the College in your forthcoming 'A' Level and G.C.S.E. Examinations.

The children have been involved in a variety of activities in recent weeks. Several from Years 3-6 represented the school at the Ilfracombe Area School Swimming Gala, and were very successful, with more children than ever qualifying for finals in their heats. Other sporting activities have included football and netball matches against Georgeham Primary School.
We have welcomed two theatre groups - the Imago Theatre from the North Devon College presented a thought-provoking play called 'Bullyache' for our older children, while the Jigsaw Theatre performed the entertaining 'Priscilla The Pirate' for the younger ones.
All the children participated in National Spring Clean Week and each class went on a 'litter pick' in different areas of the Village. The week was a great success and helped to make the children more aware of their environment.
Following the performance of The Spectrum and The Musical Box Fairy by our group of dancers at the Queen's Theatre in February, we are thrilled that the group have been invited to perform at the Devon County Show in Exeter as part of Devon Youth Music's presentation.
Berrynarbor is the only primary school from North Devon performing at the Show. It promises to be an exciting day for the children involved and a real reward for the group who worked so hard choreographing their own dance.
Advance Notice We look forward to seeing you at the P.T.A. Summer Fete on Tuesday, 19th July.
David Chaplin
Congratulations and Very Best Wishes to Rachel Taylor who will be marrying Michael [Miki] Sprosen at Tavistock Registry Office on Saturday, 4th June, at 11.30 a.m.
Recycling Pavilion - Congratulations! Your support for the Pavilion has placed it in 2nd only, in the league of small parishes, to Georgeham. A 20% increase in our efforts would put Berrynarbor in 1st position.
Badminton Club - Badminton Club has now finished for the summer - it will commence again on Monday, 5th September. New members very welcome: contact Mary Hughes [882580].
FOR SALE - PUMPKINS! - Pumpkin plants, at £1.00 will soon be available from The Globe. Buy yours NOW ready for entry in the Competitions for the Biggest and Best Dressed and for taking part in the Hill Roll and Rounders Match sometime in October.
Money raised from these events will go to Children in Need.
Pumpkin plants, at £1.00 each, will soon be available from The Globe.
Buy yours NOW ready for entry in the Competitions for the Biggest and Best Dressed and for taking part in the Hill Roll and Rounders Match sometime in October.
Money raised from these events will go to Children in Need.
Across the moors, past the quarries,
Down the narrow winding lanes,
Wild flowers flourish in all their colours,
The Sterridge Valley calling my name.
To my second home I'm going,
To my Mum and Family In the Valley.
Just one more bend and Riversdale awaits,
Mum is standing by the cottage gates.
A happy smile, a loving hug. "We're here"
With my family in the Valley.

Flossie, Brucie, Bilco - Oh, what a mess
Kettle on, a cup of tea; Pat's arrived,
"Mum, make that three."
"Hello, Rosie, my how you've grown.
Rosie, no, that's Flossie's bone"
With my family in the Valley.
Put dressing-gown and slippers on.
Off downstairs, "Good morning, Mum,"
It's such a glorious day
To spend with my family in the Valley.

Rosie's by hers, Toby and Sammy are late.
But look, here come Margaret and Ray,
With Toby and Sammy, "A beautiful day. "
"You haven't just got out of your bed?
I've been up for hours, my fuchsias I've fed."
Cheek from my family in the Valley.
Jeans and sweater, look my best.
A lunch-time snack; watch Home and Away,
Where is it going, my first day?
With my family in the Valley.

Joan and Toby in their garden, "Hello. "
Past the cottages, so neat and clean,
Colours and blooms in the gardens to be seen.
"Hello", nice day," to all on our way
To the village - second half of my day.
Post Office, friendly chat and a joke or two,
"Hello Fergie, how are you?"
With my family In the Valley.
Past cottages with fragrant roses grown on,
Riversdale we pass on by, a beauty beholden,
It brings tears to my eyes.
We walk up the Valley, so peaceful and serene,
Hydrangeas from Eunice and Bernard's wall do lean.
"Hello, Vi." "It's a lovely day, Kath."
Jill and Rainer in their garden with Amber.
More hugs and laughter and a few cracked ribs ,
"Come in for tea and a gander . "
Tea with my family in the Valley.

"Good evening, lovely day", more family I know.
A beautiful sunset, it's now getting dark,
Here comes Judie with Poppy,
Floss knows her bark.
Stop for a chat, "Come over tonight."
"Thank you, we'd love to, around about eight."
Riversdale Cottage's lights welcome us home - missed 'Neighbours'.
I'm tired but so happy, all thanks to my Mum,
From my day with my family in the beautiful Sterridge Valley.
Love you, Mum.
Illustrations by: Debbie Cook
You will be certain of a warm welcome if you would like to have a taste of twinning on 14th July [Bastille Day]. There will be an evening Barbeque at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Batley, 9 Belmont Avenue, Combe Martin [or if wet, in St. John's Hall].
In May, we Twinners went to stay with our 'twin' families in Cormelles-le-Royal, Normandy. Each person paid £59 for coach and ferry. We quickly appreciated that this is a special year for the French who celebrate "Jubile de la Liberte" [D-Day, 6th June, 1944]. We saw the new memorial to General Eisenhower at Bayeux and also the new Peace Gardens designed by organisations from all over the world [including Devon County and South Hams Councils] near to the Caen Memorial Museum [1939-1945].
Next year the Cormelloise come to us for the 6th-9th May because 8th May is our Bank Holiday to commemorate V.E. Day [Victory in Europe] 1945.
On 30th July there will be a Carnival fund-raising barbeque on Combe Martin beach.
The annual family subscription remains at £5. If you are interested, then please contact Jim Batley [882865] or Berni Smoczynska [882156] .
Graham Andrews

We have again entered this competition and very much hope to have another superb display. Vi and Anne Davies have now nearly completed the 'official' planting and the tubs, etc., will be put out once it has turned a little warmer.
Judging will be in July, so please don't forget your own displays of tubs, baskets [and gardens], etc. Vi and Anne ask that if you have a display near you, that when watering your own arrangements, you give them a 'drop' too. Thank you.
"I heard a bell-note
floating to the sun;
It gave significance
to lichened stone ..."
John Betjeman
On a day in mid-April, when wintry weather was still being forecast for the rest of the country, it was unexpectedly sunny and dry in North Devon. Disenchanted with waterlogged footpaths and slipping over in the mud, we decided to opt for terra firma and explore the lanes around Ashford.
We headed first for the church, St. Peters. Its interior is an absolute delight. Although the church was rebuilt in 1854, it contains a fascinating collection of medieval woodwork, with a great variety of carved patterns. Bench ends have been 'recycled' and incorporated in the pulpit. There are box pews and some of the original oil lamps. The door frame with its double ogee is very unusual and attractive.
R.D. Blackmore, the author of "Lorna Doone", spent some of his childhood in the village as his father, the Rev. J. Blackmore, was the Rector at the time of the church rebuilding and his memorial, beside the altar, includes some rather plaintive wording. [Blackmore's novel, "Maid of Sker", is partly located at nearby Heanton Court, disguised as 'Narnton Court'.]

Ashford Church c 1916 Photograph - Tom Bartlett
There is another memorial to a Frances Drake - note the 'e' in Frances, for this is not the famous mariner! [Among the names in the churchyard there were also a lot of duplicates of those of famous people.]
The church is on a steep hillside and its churchyard looks southwards over the Taw Estuary. Here the bell tower is reached by exterior stone steps at the rear of the church. Two small tortoiseshell butterflies had been tempted out of hibernation by the sudden sunshine and flitted about a warm bank.
Jack-by-the-hedge, with its small white flowers and heart-shaped leaves, was growing among the bluebells in the churchyard. Its other name is garlic mustard as it possesses the flavour and aroma of garlic. It is also, with lady's smock, one of the main food plants of the caterpillar of the orange tip butterfly, which feeds on its pods in June.
But whereas the latter is very much a plant of damp meadows, Jack-by-the-hedge is associated with the dry bases of hedges.
On cue an orange tip butterfly appeared - a male, white with a large bright orange patch on the outer part of each forewing. [The female is white with grey-tipped wings. Both have a green mottled pattern on the underside of the wings, which looks like lichen.]
Reluctantly, we left this sunny haven. Along the roadside were a lot of alexanders and alkanet, bush vetch and, growing on the shaded hedge banks, cuckoo pint, the wild arum, with its arrow-shaped leaves and pale green pointed spathe wrapped around the purple spadix. Its roots contain a high concentration of starch, which used to be extracted and made into a food called Portland sago. [The toxins present in the plant were supposed to have been destroyed in the drying process.]
In Medieval times, the starch from the roots was used in laundering but the herbalist, Gerard, observed that this was "most hurtfull for the hands of the laundresse that have the handling of it, for it chappeth, blistereth and maketh the hands rough and rugged and withall smarting."
On a corner at the bottom of the hill was a quaint cob and weatherboarded barn. Along Strand Lane is Oxleigh House, a large house, the roof of which is surmounted by a bell, used originally to summon the estate workers. At the edge of the village is a house whose architect must have been influenced by Voysey, the great architect of the Arts and Crafts School, for its design bears many of Voysey's hallmarks - horizontal windows close under the eaves, with their exposed rafters, creamy white roughcast walls, broad chimneys and a generously proportioned entrance.
We returned via Adder Lane, stopping to look at the Victorian Gothic former schoolhouse, now the church hall.
Sue H
15th June, 1994
Relax beside the River Sterridge and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of Win's country garden whilst being served a traditional strawberry tea.
Tickets are available from Win Sanders or Ray Ludlow for this delightful occasion at the home of Win Sanders, The Lee House, Berrynarbor. Teas will be served between 2.30 and 4.30 p.m. Should the weather be inclement, teas will be served in the Manor Hall.
All proceeds from this event will be donated to the North Devon Conservative Association.


As the result of our interest in wool, spinning and weaving, the North Devon Spinners recently invited Margaret and Tony Shuffrey to come and talk to us on their many visits over the past eight years to the Navajo Indian Weavers of North America. They are invited to visit their homes to watch and fully study their rug making craft.
It was interesting for us to note they twisted the wool used for the rug making with a large spindle. Spinning wheels were not used for this purpose.
The Shuffrey's brought a small and rugged upright loom for a demonstration and we were amazed at the beautiful designs produced on it.
They now have many friends amongst the Navajo Weavers and their slides cover not only the weavers in their homes, but also the dramatically beautiful scenery, especially in Monument Valley, with dramatic rock formations and mountains that look like gigantic tapestries.
The other craft in which the Indians excel is silver and turquoise jewellery and Tony had made several traditional style necklaces, rings and bracelets. After two o'clock, we opened this meeting to the public and I hope the people who joined us enjoyed the afternoon as much as we did.
Their talk and slides will help us to understand these people and their craft and how they are adjusting to the inevitable changes in their traditional way of life.
Kathy Arscott
JUNE | |
1st | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. |
2nd | Corpus Christi - Holy Communion, 10.00 a.m. |
5th | Trinity I, Pentecost Il, St. Boniface. D-Day Anniversary |
6th | College and Primary School return after Half-Term. Deanery Eucharist, Parracombe 7.30 p.m. |
7th | W.I. Meeting: Shirwell Bellringers |
8th | St. Peter's Fete Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Vestry |
9th | St. Peter's Coffee Morning, 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon |
11th | Victorian Week, Ilfracombe, commences |
14th | Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall 7.30 p.m. |
15th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. Win's Garden Party, 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. |
16th | U3A Luncheon - Victorian Week: Collingwood Hotel
- Mrs. Joy Slocombe, Ilfracombe Museum Ilfracombe College Sports Day |
17th | P.C.C. Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Vestry |
23rd | Coffee Morning at Fuchsia Cottage, 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon |
26th | Deanery Evensong, Swimbridge - 3.00 p.m. Christians Together, Combe Martin Methodist Church |
28th | to 30th Studio Theatre 'A Thriller' |
29th | St. Peter - our Patronal Festival [Gift Day] Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. |
30th | Holy Communion of St. Peter, 10.00 a.m. |
JULY | |
3rd | National Youth Arts Festival, Ilfracombe - all week |
4th | Flower Festival Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Vestry |
5th | W.I. Meeting: Visit to Exmoor Bird Gardens |
6th | Muddiford and Milltown Morris Men at The Sawmill, 7.45 p.m. & The Globe, 9.00 p.m. |
12th | Parish Council Meeting, . Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
14th | U3A Luncheon - Granville Hotel: Mrs. Houndsworth "Relief in Calcutta" |
18th | Chapter Meeting, 1.00 p.m. Lee Abbey Tea Cottage |
19th | Primary School P.T.A. Summer Fete |
22nd | College and Primary School Break Up |
26th | St. Peter's Church Summer Fair |
2nd | Berry Revels, 6.30 p.m. |

- 8 oz Raisins
- 4 oz Soft Brown Sugar
- 1/3 Pint Cold Strained Tea
- 8 oz Self-raising Flour
- 1tsp Ground Nutmeg, Cinnamon and Cloves
- Finely grated zest of 1 Orange
- 1 Egg
- Pour the cold tea over the dried fruit and brown sugar in a large basin. Leave for 12-24 hours.
- Grease and line a standard-sized loaf tin.
- Sift the flour and ground spices together in another bowl .
- Add the orange zest and lightly beaten egg to the fruit and sugar mixture.
- Stir in the sifted flour and spice. Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly. Spoon into the greased and lined loaf tin. Spread the mixture evenly.
- Place in the centre of a moderate oven - 325F and bake for 1.5 hours.
- Allow to cool in the tin for 20 minutes. Turn out and leave until cold.
Serve sliced thinly and buttered the next day.
This tea bread keeps well in a tin with a tightly fitting lid.

My thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue - some new, some old, some regular! - and especially to Debbie and Paul for their illustrations. I must also thank the kind folk who have slipped me donations to assist with printing costs.
Due to summer holidays, the printing date for the August issue will be brought forward. so PLEASE, hand in your contributions a little earlier - to the Post Office or chicane by FRIDAY 8TH JULY AT THE LATEST. Thank you