Edition 28 - February 1994

Artwork by: Debbie Cook

Artwork: Judie Weedon


First I must make my apologies! I am sorry that the December issue was late, thereby missing one or two dates, and that the printed cover did not do justice to the artistic work of the members of the Sunday School.

I'm afraid that my knowledge of the printing world is sadly lacking and unfortunately the budget only allowed for very basic reproduction. Thus the delicate drawings and subtle colours of the pictures was lost. Now I know the requirements, perhaps we'll have better luck next time!

Debbie's pen and ink cover drawings also lose something in the printing and I wish you could share with me the delight of the 'originals' - you feel you could stroke the shiny fur of this month's sleepy little dormouse, and I am sure I speak for everyone when I say thank you, Debbie.

I must also pay tribute to the other regular contributors - Paul Swailes for his illustrations, Tom Bartlett for 'Old Berrynarbor' and other articles, and our intrepid ' local walker' , who had to wait for it to stop raining before doing the practical part, and everyone who lets me know what the various groups are up to. Without your help there would be no newsletter.

So, how about pulling YOUR weight and submitting that recipe, tip, article or favourite poem for the Easter-April issue? Items should be at the Post Office or Chicane by the middle of March.

Dormouse is the name given to a group of small rodents, or gnawing animals, about the size of mice but with fairly bushy tails a little shorter than their bodies. The name means "the mouse that sleeps" and those that live in cooler climes do sleep through the winter, in comfortable nests in hollow trees or underground after fattening up in the autumn.

Dormice are sometimes confused with squirrels but the main difference is that squirrels are day creatures and dormice wake up in the evening and go about at night. They live in trees and, like squirrels, sit up on their hind legs holding their food - nuts, fruits, buds - in their front paws.

Judie - Ed




Members welcomed Dr. Joyce Vale - Chairman, W.I. Devon Federation, who was on an informal visit - to their Christmas Social afternoon. She kindly judged the miniature dried flower arrangements - no easy task - but Peggy Gingell was announced the winner and will represent Berrynarbor in the Group Competition at Bratton Fleming in April. After the reading of seasonal poems and a sing-a-long-a-PhiI-and-Gary, a jolly afternoon was brought to a close with each member taking a wee present home. As always, the Globe did us proud for our annual Lunch on the 14th December. Our heartfelt thanks to one and all for making it such a festive and happy occasion.

Two ex-members who had recently died were remembered with affection. Vera Cowperthwaite was a founder member of the Institute and a well-loved Berrynarbor resident and headmistress of the primary school, and Beryl Elliott, although living in Ilfracombe, was an active member until she and her husband started the Elliott Gallery in Braunton. Vera and Beryl will be sadly missed.

The 4th January saw 24 members attend the New Year Meeting and everyone was enthralled with the slides of Antarctica and the Chilean fiords and the informative talk given by Kath Arscott. We are indeed very lucky to have a member who enjoys travelling and is happy to share her pleasure with us. Kath is an excellent photographer, who once again had a photo accepted for the 1994 W.I. Calendar ... good luck for the next one!

We hope, at our meeting on the 1st February, to meet Mr. Danny Reynolds from the Exmoor Bird Gardens, and, as always, visitors will be very welcome.

Vi Kingdon - President

May all the days before you,
Be full of promise fair,
The very best of fortune,
With good health and love to share.


Artwork: Paul Swailes



The Eucharist, 10.30 a.m

Evensong, Combe Martin, 6.30 p.m. [once a month the Christians Together go from Church to Church, and there is no Evensong]

Holy Communion
Thursdays, 10.00 a.m.
2nd Sunday each month, 8.00 a.m.

The Rector, the Rev. Keith Wyer [883203] and Prebendary Eppingstone [882802) will discuss Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Bereavements and SHOULD be invited to come and pray with the sick.

Prayer and Bible Study, Combe Martin, every Thursday, 7.30 p.m.

Fr. Jack Pack, the Roman Catholic Priest of Combe Martin, will be inducted at Lynton at 7.15 p.m. On the following Wednesday, 9th February, there will be a "Nostalgic" Film Evening at Combe Martin Church Hall. The Rector and Curate are available for the Sacrament of Penance on Shrove Tuesday, 15th February.




Following the plea for additional help, we now have two new Co-ordinators and a new Contact. Ray Ludlow and Bob Froud have joined Dave Duncan and Bill Berry as Co-ordinators, and Graham Sanders is the new Contact.

Dave Duncan
Bob Froud
Bill Berry
Ray Ludlow
Graham Sanders

882141 - Castle Hill
883466 - Barton Lane
883356 - Mill Park
883693 - Sterridge Valley
883271 - Lee Cottage

As a village we are lucky to have a thriving Neighbourhood Watch and residents of the Sterridge Valley count themselves luckier still to have Ray Ludlow keeping an eye open for them. He does an excellent job whilst they are usually away enjoying themselves on holiday! Thank you, Ray.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Farewell to Viv and Gerry Osmond who have moved to Barnstaple, and welcome to Fred and Linda Brown who have moved from Aldershot to take up residence at Devon Cottage, Hagginton Hill.

Brookmead, Castle Hill, is the new home of Emma and Robin Pickering who have moved down from Stoke on Trent for Robin to take up his post of Lecturer at the North Devon College

It is understood that Mark and Hilary Adams have moved to Combe Martin but are hoping, at some stage, to return to the village. Their house at Croft Lee is now home to Julie, Harvey and Charlotte.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffon have moved in to Gloria, Amanda and Esther's old home at Bramley Hedge, Barton Lane.

We wish all those leaving good luck in their new homes and extend a warm welcome to all newcomers to the village.



No Job Too Small


Tel: (01271) 883150


Berrynarbor Branch

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, 12th February, 1994, at the Manor Hall, commencing with a Coffee Morning at 10.30 a.m., followed by the members only A.G.M. at 11.30 a.m.

Our prospective Parliamentary Candidate MARK WATKINS and his wife, NICOLA, have kindly accepted an invitation to this meeting. Our members, member's friends and all others are asked to attend this very important meeting with the opportunity for informal discussion.

Please note that the date has been revised from that published in the previous Newsletter in order that we may all benefit from Mark and Nicola's visit.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Congratulations and best wishes to Richard Bowden and Jane Cox on their forthcoming marriage at St. Peter's Church on the 5th March. Jane, who comes from East Down, is Manager of the Tors Hotel at Lynmouth, and Richard is a Carpenter. Both are walking enthusiasts and they will be spending their honeymoon walking in the Peak and Lake Districts - hopefully with better weather than we are getting at present! Health and happiness to you both.


Congratulations to Mark and Sharon on your Engagement in the New Year.
With love and Best Wishes from Mum, Dad and Brother, Andy.
Barton Lane, Berrynarbor.

And our Best Wishes Too!

Belated congratulations to Reg and Betty Davis on the birth of their grand-daughter, Gracie, in October [and congratulations to mum and dad, Graham and Gail, as well!]. Gracie has already found fame and embarked upon an acting career, taking the part of the baby Jesus in the crib at the Christmas Carol Service.




When you have found the Walt Disney film titles and characters, put your answers on a postcard or piece of paper and hand it in for the box at the Post Office or to Chicane. Please make sure that you give your name and address [in block capitals] and also state if you are 12 years old or under. All entries should be received by Monday, 28th February.



I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed - and gazed - but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

William Wordsworth


Illustrated by: Paul Swailes




Disposal of Bulky Household Items

A skip will be provided again in the Car Park in Castle Hill during the week-end commencing Friday, 11th March, for the disposal of any bulky household items. The Parish Council would also like to remind residents of the Recycling Pavilion, in the Car Park, for the disposal and recycling of glass jars and bottles, food tins and drink cans [washed!], newspapers, magazines, textiles, aluminium foil and plastic bottles [squashed].

North Devon Police Consultative Committee

This Committee meets quarterly in various parts of North Devon and on Tuesday, 15th March, 1994, it will be holding its meeting in the Manor Hall in Berrynarbor, at the invitation of the Parish Council. The meeting starts at 7.00 p.m. and the public are warmly invited to attend. If you would like further information on the topics covered at the quarterly meetings, the Parish Council 's representative on the Committee is Councillor Jenny Taylor, whose 'phone number is 862205.

Britain in Bloom Competition

Up until 1992, Berrynarbor entered the Britain in Bloom competition, with a fair degree of success and obvious benefits to both residents and visitors from the various floral efforts. The small committee which had been responsible for the village's entry, and for co-ordinating and maintaining displays, felt that the time had come for others to share the task. No-one came forward and the village was unable to enter in 1993. Unless a new committee can be formed, this will happen in 1994 and a substantial grant which is available from the District Council will not be able to be taken up.

If you would be willing to be a member of a small committee, without necessarily taking full responsibility yourself, or if you would like more information, please ring the Clerk of the Parish Council, John Vince, on 862362.



My old cat stretches out his arm
To say, "I and you" .
He thinks the future threatens harm;
I feel it too.
The flexing paw to reassure
Myself and creature asserts, in feline comfiture,
Our frail, shared nature.

Robert Gittings


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Thank you one and all for your generous support! The Christmas Charity Post raised £75 for Hall funds.

A REMINDER .. please USE the new fans when you use the heating in the Hall as they will CIRCULATE the HEAT and help, to some extent, the condensation problem caused by the cold stone walls.

PLEASE report any problems or damage you notice in regard to the Hall complex to any one of the following: Brian Mountain [Chairman] - 883032, Joy Morrow [Booking Agent] - 882531 or Vi Davies [Secretary] - 882696.

We are accepting tenders for the siting and placing of a wooden bench near the Hall, which will involve some cement work. Please contact Brian Mountain [883032] for details by 21st February.

HELP .. do you have, or know anyone who may have, a dehumidifier they would loan for a week to the Hall? We should be happy to pay rental on same. Please contact Brian or Joy if you can help. Thank you.

Joy Morrow



It was hoped to be able to report that Margaret Tyrrell was now home again, but sadly this has had to be postponed following a fall in the hospital in which she broke her hip. We are thinking of you, Margaret, get well and we hope you will be out of hospital soon.



".. selfhood begins with a walking away and love is proved in the letting go."

C. Day Lewis



I am delighted to be able to inform you that I have exceeded my target for the hearing aid equipment!

So, on behalf of the deaf people who will benefit, my very grateful thanks to all who donated.

Freda Sharp




The Combe Martin & District Friends' Support Group are holding an evening on 'The Fauna and Flora of Exmoor', presented by Mr. Alan Worth, at the Manor Hall, Berrynarbor, on Saturday, 26th March, at 7.30 p.m. Proceeds in aid of the North Devon Hospice Care Trust.

Una Parsons - Secretary


Artwork: Angela Bartlett

The Lych Gate, St. Peter's Church


This photographic postcard was taken by a photographer working for the Photochrom Company Ltd. Of Tunbridge Wells, about 1920-21, and is one of approximately ten postcards produced by them at that time.

A Lych Gate is a wooden structure with a roof and open sides placed at the entrance to churchyards to provide space for the reception of a coffin. The word 'lych' is Saxon and means a corpse. The lych gate here at Berrynarbor is all the more important because of the slate inscription set into the roof gable over the gate which reads:

March 13th
Ano Dm. 1671

The Rev. George Westcott was Rector here from 1630 until 1674 and he, like most North Devon clergy, was a true Loyalist. His second wife, Grace Wychalse, was the sister of John Wychalse, the Parliamentary Commissioner given the task of ejecting Loyalist clergy!

Berrynarbor, and St. Peter's Church in particular, can be thankful that through this union of marriage, he escaped being sequestered and this is possibly why the church's fine 16th Century plate has survived and the church did not suffer so much destruction as others.

Within our church, on the south wall of the chancel, is a memorial slab to: "Mary, only daughter of George Westcott, Pastor of the Church, and of Frances his wife, died 1648, aged 7." It bears the following inscription:

"This Mary - gold to here doth show,
MARIE, worth gold lies neer below.
Cut downe by death the fair'st-giltflowr,
Flourish, and fade doth in an hour
The Marygold in sunshine spread
(When cloudie) closd doth bow the head
This orient plant retains its guise
With splendent Sol to set and rise

"Een so this virgin Marie-Rose
In life soon nipt, in death fresh growes
With Christ her light shee set in paine
By Christ her Lord shee'll rise againe
When shee shall shine more bright by farr
Then any twinckling radiant starre
Far bee assured that by deaths dart
MARY enjoyes the better part."

Returning to the present time, the only sign of the large lamp over the lych gate is a leaden plug set into the hole where formerly a small gas pipe protruded giving the former lamp 'life'. I wonder if any of our senior residents can remember who used to light it, and whether it was used on weekdays as well as Sundays?

Now we are lit again and I hope, like me, you have seen and enjoyed the introduction of the floodlighting of the tower and the brightening up of our village centre at night. My thanks to all responsible.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, February 1994



We should like to thank everyone for supporting our Coffee Morning and hope you enjoyed the play. Our thanks to the Sawmills, the Globe and the Post Office for their donations of raffle prizes.

On Wednesday, 9th March, we shall be holding a meeting in the Manor Hall at 8.00 p.m., when we shall need a new Chairman and Secretary. If you are interested in joining the Committee or would like to help in any way, please do come along.

Now spring is on the way, don't throw things out as you spring clean! Remember, the Playgroup have a Jumble Sale in early March [please see the posters] - save it for us! If you ring Jennie or Julie, on 882167 or 883235, we shall pick up any unwanted items and store them.



Victorian Christmas Concert

Parents, grandparents, family and friends alike found themselves drawn into festive celebrations with a music hall flavour at the school Christmas Concert this year.

Acts ranged from a daredevil escapologist, who 'wasn't to be opened until Christmas', through Groucho Marx, a strong man upstaged by his little helper, to the sand dancers in their grandads' shirts and a mummified ventriloquist dummy. All were linked together by songs, recitations, tumbling, dancing, musical interludes and a very versatile M.C. With all this, the evening was a guaranteed success.

Staff, adult helpers and children alike deserve congratulations for their efforts in producing such a professional display, especially at this most tiring time of the year. The audience certainly left having been entertained by excellent performances by all.

Very Proud Parents




The Wine Circle had a well-attended meeting, over 40 members present, in December when Chris Long presented Christmas Wines as only Chris Long could!

Our January meeting drew only 28 members but as it was a 'members' favourite wines ' evening, it was amazing how the evening progressed with those present consuming no less than 23 full bottles of wine!! Those wines ranged from dry white to full-bodied and rich red, from countries as far apart as Chile, Australia, South Africa and Romania. The evening was a resounding success and members thanked Secretary, Tony Summers, who had chaired and presented the session so ably.

Andy Hodge of Drink Link will be presenting Australian wines on Wednesday, 16th February, in the Manor Hall at 8.00 p.m., whilst on the 11th March - same place, same time - there will be a presentation on Spanish wines.

Why not come and join us at one or both of the above evenings. You will be sure of a warm welcome and may have to walk/roll your way home!

Tom Bartlett




Thank you to everyone who supported the Coffee Morning before Christmas - we raised a tremendous £338.18 for school funds. Many parents and members of the community also commented on the Christmas decorations, particularly the stained-glass windows.

Our Christmas Victorian Music Hall performance was enjoyed by many villagers and every child in the school was involved.

The children enjoyed a visit by Theatre Alibi from the Northcott Theatre in Exeter and the term finished with a Christmas party in the Manor Hall. An end of term Assembly was also held in the church with the Rector.

Many of you will know that Mrs. Vera Cowperthwaite, a previous headteacher at the school, passed away at the end of last year. Donations amounting to over £170 were received in her memory and this will be used to provide two additional wooden bench seats for the playground.

This term, the children are studying a history topic which includes the period of the Second World War. We have already travelled by train to Exeter to visit the Rougemont House Museum. If anyone has memories of what Berrynarbor was like in wartime and you would be willing to share these with a group of children, then we should be very happy to hear from you.

The parent-Teacher Association continues to give wonderful support to the school. A very successful skittles evening was held at Ye Olde Globe in December and another is planned for 25th February. The pottery kiln, provided by the P. T. A. , has been installed and has already been used successfully.

David Chaplin


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Following the success of last year's War Time Night, the Carnival Club and friends will be presenting a GANG SHOW on 11th March at the Manor Hall. Starting at 7.30 p.m., the theme of the show will be Broadway Musicals. The audience are asked to dress up as Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Cubs, Brownies, etc.

Tickets will shortly be on sale at the Globe and are £l.50, including bangers and mash and beans!

If the Brownies, Cubs, etc., require alcoholic drinks from the bar, they should please bring proof of age!!

Hope to see you all there.



Within a short distance of the centre of Bideford there are two small lakes which attract large numbers of ducks and gulls at this time of year; less common birds can often be seen there.

The Kenwith Valley lakes were developed as part of a flood prevention scheme and are being managed by the Devon Birdwatching and Preservation Society. More than forty species of birds have been recorded at the Kenwith Reserve, which may be reached via Northam Road [near the junction with Kingsley Road].

Whenever we have strolled around the first lake, we have found that the coots and moorhens are far less shy here than elsewhere, and are content to venture quite close to the path.

But, on our last visit, we noticed three birds which were not being gregarious at all and keeping always to the middle of the lake, well away from the edge. At frequent intervals they would disappear and eventually emerge some distance away. It was very much a case of 'now you see us - now you don't!

These secretive birds were dabchicks or little grebes; very dark brown with chestnut coloured cheeks and throats. The plumage is much lighter in winter, however, and the throat becomes white.

Public access is restricted to the second lake but beside a mass of teazles there is a hide, from which to view it. Swans can usually be seen on both lakes, but it is only by this quieter one that you may see a swan on its nest or a heron fishing at the water's edge.

One February we saw some gadwalls there. A little smaller than a mallard duck, the gadwall is a fairly uncommon winter visitor. The male is greyish brown with very fine black vermicular markings and a grey beak. The female resembles a female mallard but like the male, she can be identified by a white patch on the wing.

Sue H




As funds are running low at present, Ivy Richards has kindly offered to have a Coffee Morning in her home, Southerly, Castle Hill, on Thursday, 3rd March, from 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon. There will be a bring and buy stall and a raffle and hopefully hordes of coffee drinkers!

Remember - if YOU attend the Coffee Morning and spend just £1.00, it will pay for YOUR newsletter for a whole year. So, please do make a note of the date and do your very best to attend. Thank you.



Wednesday, 9th February, 7.30 p.m. A recital by the international pianist, IMOGEN COOPER. Tickets £10, £8, £6 and £4 [students half price]. The programme includes Brahms and Schumann.

Thursday, 17th to Saturday, 19th February, 7.15 p.m. GANG SHOW '94 - a lively variety show suitable for all the family with a huge cast of Brownies, Cubs, Scouts and Guides. Tickets £5 and £4 [concessions £3.95 and £2.95].



1stW. I. Meeting: Mr. Danny Reynolds - Exmoor Bird Gardens
2ndPurification and Candlemas
3rdCandlemas Holy Communion, 10.00 a.m.
Fr. Jack Pack's Induction, Lynton, 7.15 p.m.
7thBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
8thParish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
9thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
Nostalgic Film Evening, Combe Martin Church Hall
12thNorth Devon Conservative Association Coffee Morning and A.G.M., 10.30 a.m. Manor Hall
14thAll Week - College and Primary School Half Term
Valentine's Day
The 15th Clergy Conference, Woolacombe
15thShrove Tuesday - don't forget the pancakes I
16thAsh Wednesday. Holy Communion, 10.00 a.m. Invitation to URC Holy Communion in Combe Martin in the evening
Wine Circle, 8.00 p.m. Manor Hall: Australian Wines - Andy Hodge
21stBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
23rdMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
Lent Service, St. Peter's, 2.30 p.m.
27thChristians Together, St. Peter's, 6.30 p.m.
28thBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
1stW.I. Meeting: Mr. John Wills - Visiting Baker
2ndLent Service, U.R.C., 2.30 p.m.
7thBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
8thParish Council Meeting: Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
9thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
Lent Service, St. Peter's, 2.30 p.m.
Playgroup Meeting, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m.
11thto 13th Skip for bulky household items in Car Park
13thMothering Sunday: Holy Communion, 8.00 a.m. Family Service, 10.30 a.m.
14thBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
15thNorth Devon Police Consultative Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
16thLent service, U.R.C., 2.30 p.m.
Wine Circle, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. Wines from Spain
17thHoly Communion of St. Patrick, 10.00 a.m.
20thChristians Together: Baptist Church, 6.30 p.m.
23rdLent Service, St. Peter's, 2.30 p.m.
24thHoly Communion of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
25thPrimary School and College break up for Easter
26th"The Flora and Fauna of Exmoor" , Manor Hall,7.30 p.m.
27thBritish Summer Time begins, 3.00 a.m.
Palm Sunday: Blessing and Distribution of Palm Crosses at the Eucharist, 10.30 a.m.
28thBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
31st Thursday: Holy Communion, 10.00 a.m.
1stGood Friday: St. Peter's, 2.00 p.m.
2ndHoly Saturday Service, Combe Martin
3rdEaster Sunday
4thBank Holiday Monday
5thW.I. Meeting: Mrs. Margaret Pover - Life as an Air Hostess


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


  • 6 oz/175g margarine
  • 6 oz/175g caster sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 6 oz/175g plain flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • grated rind of 1 lemon
  • 6 oz/175g butter
  • 12 oz/325g icing sugar
  • yellow vegetable colouring
  • brown vegetable colouring

Cream the margarine and sugar until they are light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each one. Sift the flour and baking powder and fold this into the creamed mixture with the lemon rind. Spoon the mixture into one 8in/20cm and one 6in/ 15cm sponge tin, each lined with greased greaseproof paper. Bake in a moderately hot oven (400 deg F/200 deg C, gas mark 6) for about 20 minutes, but check the smaller sponge first and remove when it is golden and slightly shrunk from the sides of the tin. The larger cake will probably need 5 to 10 minutes more cooking.

Cook for a few minutes in the tins, then turn on to wire racks. Cream the butter until it is light and fluffy. Sift in the icing sugar and continue beating until the mixture is fluffy again. Add a little yellow and brown colouring, drop by drop, to give the icing a straw colour. Spread a little on the centre of the larger cake then top with the small one. Cover them completely with the remaining icing. Mark with a knife into a pattern. Tie a ribbon round the hat and decorate with flowers,

Freezes well.