Edition 23 - April 1993

Artwork by: Helen Armstead

A well-attended meeting was held on 5th February, 1993, and several points were raised. There was a request for a break-down of the crime figures for 1992. P.C. Parsons has supplied the following information:
1992 Crime Figures - Berrynarbor | |
Burglary [dwelling] steal property* | 11 [2 detected] |
Burglary [dwelling] with intent to steal* | 1 |
Burglary [non-dwelling] steal property | 6 |
Burglary [non-dwelling] intent to steal | 2 |
Theft | 15 [1 detected] |
- Shoplifting | 1 |
- of Motor Vehicle | 2 |
- from Motor Vehicle | 6 |
Criminal Damage | 4 |
Possessing Controlled Drugs | 2 [2 detected] |
Fraudulent use of Vehicle Excise Licence | 1 [detected] |
Forgery | 1 [detected] |
Assault - occasioning actual bodily harm | 1 |
Possessing Offensive Weapon | 2 |
55 |
* N.B. Dwelling also refers to holiday caravans so the total number of offences will not all refer to houses.
These figures are a little disturbing as the total figure for the previous year was in the region of 30+.
It was suggested that we hold a meeting about twice a year, with a speaker on some aspect of Crime Prevention. The first of these has been arranged for Friday, 16th April, at 7.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall. Inspector D. Thomas will give a short talk on Crime Prevention, outline the way in which they investigate a crime and then hold an Open Forum. This will be a chance for you to ask any questions you wish. I should, however, ask that if there are any specific questions you would like answered, please let me know [862205] by Friday, 9th April, so that Inspector Thomas has time to come up with any facts and figures. The Police Consultative Committee have also been invited to hold one of their meetings in the Manor Hall - date to be fixed.
I should like to welcome Dave Duncan as our new Co-ordinator for Berrynarbor East and thank Bill Berry for 'holding the fort' for so long.
A message from our Co-ordinators:
If you see or hear anything suspicious - and that means anything, however trivial it may seem to you - RING THE POLICE and LET ONE OF THE CO-ORDINATORS KNOW. All Contacts have an ultra-violet marking pen for marking property. These are available for everyone's use.
Finally, below is the current list of Co-ordinators and Contacts.
Jenny Taylor
Berrynarbor East | |||
Co-ordinator: Dave Duncan - 882141 | |||
Contacts | |||
Birdswell | Inge Bartlett | 883408 | |
Barton Lane [Village End] | Sylvia Berry | 882577 | |
Barton Lane [Sandy Cove End] | Alan Richardson | 882831 | |
Castle Hill | Dave Duncan | 882141 | |
New Road [Main Road) | Jill McCrae | 882121 | |
The Village | Phil Bridle | 882465 | |
Berrynarbor West | |||
Co-ordinator: Bill Berry - 883356 | |||
Contacts | |||
Pitt Hill/Mill Lane | Bill Berry | 883356 | |
Silver Street/Rectory Hill | Gary Songhurst | 883244 | |
Sterridge Valley - Cherry Tree Cottage to Venture Cottage [inc. Cockhill] | John Weaver | 882301 | |
East Side - Parson's Pightle to Lower Rows | Ray Ludlow | 883693 | |
West Side - Orchard House to No. 71 | Bernard Allen | 882491 | |
The Lees | Margaret King | 883105 | |
Hagginton Hill - to Bridge | Tony Bond | 866156 | |
Goosewell | Jack Elliott | 866156 |

Two new members were welcomed at our February Meeting - Pam Arnold and Babette Cade. Betty Turner gave an account of her visit to the Threave Nursing Home to see Dina Sifton - it was hoped to arrange further visits and to keep in touch with letters.
The speaker, Mrs. Nicola Cornish, from Mullacott Veterinary Hospital, with the aid of slides, talked us through "A Day in the Life of a Vet". Certainly a very busy one - exacting but rewarding! Doris Upton won the ' Pet Snapshot' Competition.
March might have swept In cold and snowy, but the warmth of the well-attended meeting fully compensated for turning out. Two visitors joined us to enjoy the demonstration given by Vivian Fryer on the Art of Sugar-Craft and take up the Invitation to "have a go" making small roses. Tea was complemented by a selection of iced cakes - the competition having been won by Eunice Allen - all given by members for the 31st Birthday of the Institute. Thank you, ladies, and also Joan Cumings for the Birthday Card.
Two blankets have now been completed by Edna Barnes and friends for Hospice - many thanks to all concerned.
The meeting closed with the hope that everyone would be meeting again on 1st April at a Coffee Morning to be held at Ivy Richards, and then on 6th April when Mrs. Turner from The Body Shop would be the speaker. Our May meeting will be devoted to discussing Resolutions for the forthcoming A.G. M. in London. A very happy Easter to everyone.
Vi Kingdon - President
- 1st April Coffee Morning, Southerley, 10.30 a.m.
- 6th April Meeting: Mrs. Turner - The Body Shop
- 27th April Chichester Group Meeting: Lynton, 7.30 p.m,
- 4th May Meeting: Resolutions - Members' Discussion
Now Eastertime is here.
And may it keep on growing,
Everyday throughout the year.

- 8 oz Dates - chopped
- 10 fl. oz Water
- 1 lb Mixed Dried Fruit
- Grated rind of 1 Orange or Lemon
- 4 tbsp. Orange Juice
- Sifted together: 6 oz Plain Wholemeal Flour and 3 tsps Baking Powder
- 2 oz Ground Almonds [or substitute extra flour]
Grease and line a 2 lb loaf tin. Spoon the mixture into the tin and level the top. Bake at 325F/Gas Mark 3 for 1 1/2 hours. Test with a skewer. Cool for 10 minutes in the tin.
Berrynarbor Branch
The A.G. M. of the Branch was held in the Penn Curzon Room on Wednesday, 10th February, 1993. On completion of the official business, the election of Officers and Committee followed, with the following duly elected:
- Chairman: Mr. R. W. Ludlow
- Vice-chairman: Mr. A.D. Rice
- Secretary/Treasurer: Mrs. A.M. Bailey
There being no Committee nominations or retirements, the Branch Committee were duly re-elected en bloc.
During the forthcoming County Council Elections, the Branch Officers and Committee will actively support the local candidate - Graham Andrews. It is sincerely hoped that all members will also support Graham on Election Day.
Should there be any local matter of concern regarding the Association, please contact either the Chairman [883693] or the Association Headquarters, Barnstaple [43101].
Ray Ludlow - Chairman

A little Light on the Subject
Users of the Manor Hall will be happy to know that there is now an outside sensor light in place over the main entrance. Note that when leaving the Hall, there is a small ROUND TIME SWITCH on your left as you open the door PUSH this and you will have ' light' in the small porch area. These lights were purchased with proceeds from the Christmas Card delivery organised by Mr. Richardson - thank you, one and all.
Users of the Hall also note .... there is now HOT WATER in all toilets and the small sink area in the Penn Curzon Room. Please ensure that all taps are turned off.
We are hoping that the Main Hall will be redecorated over the Easter holiday. You will be notified if YOUR use of the Hall is affected.
From 29th March to 18th April, bookings of the Manor Hall should be made through the Post Office.
The Berry Revels [in aid of Hall funds] will be held on TUESDAY, 27TH JULY, 6.30 p.m. Help and Ideas NEEDED. Please contact Ginny Neale (882447) or Joy Morrow (882531). Items are required for the tombola - old jewellery soft toys and other small items - please contact Ginny or Joy.
A.G.M. Tuesday, 6th April, 7.30 p.m. Penn Curzon Room
At this yearly meeting of the Committee, we welcome any ideas or issues that need to be brought to the Committee's attention, for example:
- The future of the Committee. New members wanted.
- Long range use of the Hall complex and the Hall's future.
- Maintenance and decoration projects 1993-4.
- Items of concern to the public/organisations present at the meeting.
Please come along, and encourage your friends and neighbours as well, and get involved in the use and management of YOUR VILLAGE HALL.
Joy Morrow
"The River
hurried round the base of the cleave, on whose slopes stunted trees grew..."
Henry Williamson
We went further afield for this month's walk. A sunny Saturday in mid-February tempted us to walk along the River Barle, using Simonsbath as our starting point.
First passing through Birchcleave Wood - a beech wood despite its name and at 1300 feet, one of the highest in the country - we entered the most magnificent scenery. The Barle was below us and on the slope above, a flock of meadow pipits which had been disturbed, blended with the hillside as they landed again.
As we turned towards Flexbarrow, we saw a kestrel flying a little way ahead. It landed on one of the sparse trees and as we watched it, a buzzard landed on another tree a few yards further on. It was interesting to be able to view both birds simultaneously and compare them while they were briefly in repose.

Soon there was activity as both birds took off and met each other in flight. The kestrel dropped suddenly to catch a mouse.
At Wheal Eliza, the unsuccessful copper mine developed in the 1840's, the ruined buildings were covered by the pretty fern, maidenhead spleenwort. As we stood between the old mine and the river, gazing up at three buzzards which were crying out and biffing wing tips as they circled, the bright silver shape of Concorde appeared, passing over the valley low enough for a clear view of its distinctive 'nose'. To the sound of stonechats, we continued along the path.
On the way to Cow Castle, an Iron Age fort, we came across a large patch of frog spawn. The water of the Barle shone brilliantly and dippers darted up and down the river and bobbed on the rocks, their white bibs and rapid movements making the otherwise dark brown birds conspicuous.
If we had not seen any wild life on this walk, the beauty of the landscape would have been satisfying enough but we eventually lost count of the number of birds of prey which we encountered, and at Wheal Eliza and Cow Castle, the evidence of man's former exploits in this lonely and remote place, provided an additional fascination.
Although this is truly wild moorland terrain, the route we took through it has been very clearly [but discreetly] way-marked with yellow arrows which makes this a very straightforward and rewarding walk.
Sue H
From Sunday, 2nd May, we shall be starting our services at 6.00 p.m. All will be very welcome.
On SATURDAY, 17TH APRIL, we shall be holding an Easter Fair in the Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m. Cake and other stalls and refreshments. Contributions and visitors - all welcome!
The Pillars of the
Earth by Ken Follett
Published by Pan £5.99
or available from the Devon Library Service
Well known for his previous works, EYE OF THE NEEDLE and LIE DOWN WITH LIONS, Ken Follett has, in my view, excelled himself with this saga set in the Middle Ages.
The story starts with the hanging of an innocent man and the terrifying curse put on his persecutors by his lover. Amidst famine, religious strife and civil war, the tale spans a 40-year period and weaves in and around the building of a magnificent Gothic cathedral. You will love some characters, hate others, but never again will you be able to step inside a fine church without recalling details from this splendid book.
Don't be put off by its 1076 pages! This is truly one of those compelling books that evokes a sense of bereavement when the final page is reached.
Susan Joel - Ilfracombe (nee Wilde & formerly of Sandy Cove Hotel)
Ilfracombe Gazette - Saturday, 15th May, 1893
A tramp named Elizabeth Morrish, was sent to prison for seven days without hard labour, for vagrancy, by Messrs . J.C. Naish and C. H. Dickinson, Magistrates, sitting at the Town Hall, Ilfracombe, on Wednesday.
P.C. Newcombe, of Combe Martin, who proved the case, said he found the defendant in a linhay at Berrynarbor. She had undressed herself and was fast asleep. The defendant informed the bench she was on her way from Liverpool to Hastings.
Tom Bartlett

The first meeting of a Housegroup based on St. Peter's will be held at the home of Win and Dennis Collins, Red Tiles, Barton Lane, on Monday, 10th May, 2.30 p.m. You are invited to give your name to the Lay Chairman or the Churchwardens.
St. Peter's Summer Fayre A meeting will be held in the Vestry on 14th April, 2.30 p.m. to discuss the Summer Fayre. Anyone willing to help, please come along with your ideas, especially for new stalls. Money raised at the Fayre will go towards church repairs.
The Eucharist, 10.30 a.m
Evensong, Combe Martin, 6.00 p.m. [once a month the Christians Together go from Church to Church, and there is no Evensong.]
Holy Communion
Thursdays, 10.00 a.m.
2nd Sunday each month, 8.00 a.m.
The Rector, the Rev. Keith Wyer [883203] and Prebendary Eppingstone [882802) will discuss Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Bereavements and SHOULD be invited to come and pray with the sick.
Prayer and Bible Study, Combe Martin, every Thursday, 7.30 p.m.

The Combe Martin and District Friends of North Devon Hospice Care invite everyone to an ANTIQUES ROADSHOW with Mr. Mark Parkhouse on Wednesday evening, 12th May, at the Manor Hall. Notices will be displayed nearer the event giving further details.
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(0769) 80003)
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Combe Martin

This ancient ceremony held in Combe Martin is unique amongst British folk traditions. Local legend has it that the Earl is the Earl of Tyrone, who fled from Ireland in 1607, but comparing it with its European counterparts, there are indications that it may have started far earlier as a pre-Christian seasonal rite.
If the character of the legend is an Earl of Tyrone, then Hugh O'Neill [1540-16161 is the only possibility. Whilst appearing as an ally under the Government of Elizabeth I in Ireland, he signed the Declaration of James I. His loyalty was questioned and he was recalled to London, but it is said that after fleeing from Ireland to avoid the charge of treason, he was shipwrecked in the Bristol Channel. He survived to land at a cove between Combe Martin and Ilfracombe, known then and to this day as Rapparee, from where he went into hiding in the woods near Combe Martin, or Martinscombe as it was then called. A party of Grenadiers, sent out from Barnstaple, eventually captured him in Lady's Wood. He was taken to Exeter, tried, found guilty of treason and executed.
Over the centuries the ritual ceremony has undoubtedly altered, but the hunting took place annually for a week around Ascension Day up until 1837, when it was banned, possibly because of ' licentious and drunken behaviour ' - the route of the procession passing nine public houses, at each of which they would stop for "a not inconsiderable time"!
On Ascension Day itself, at 3.00 p.m. , the party would go up to Lady's Wood where there was a mock fight and the Earl captured by the Grenadiers. He was then taken back on a donkey - seated backwards - and at the edge of the village the procession would be joined by the Hobby Horse [covered with ribbons and pointed trappings] and the Fool, dressed in a smock and carrying a broom or besom.
Every so often the Grenadiers [dressed like soldiers and wearing tall, conical hats covered with ribbons] fired a volley into the air, at which the Earl would fall off the donkey amidst cheers from the crowd and the lamentations of the Horse and Fool. Revived by these two characters, the Earl would remount and the procession move on again.
Today's reconstruction first took place in 1970 and the Hunting covers the four days, Friday to Monday, of the Spring Bank Holiday week-end. On the Friday evening, the hunting party - the Grenadiers accompanied by the drums - sets off from Seaside and searches the nooks and crannies, including the pubs[!], all the way to the "Top George".
Saturday is the turn of the children and the procession includes the Earl, the Hobby Horse and the Fool. Their parade down the High Street is followed by a disco. On Saturday evening there is a Country Dance for everyone.
Having failed to find the Earl on the Friday evening, the Hunting Party has a second go and this time it includes the Drums, Musicians, Grenadiers, Hobby Horse and Fool, who 'visit' their way up from Sandaway to the "Top George", but still with no luck - they drown their sorrows on the way. So, on the Monday evening, the Grenadiers search Lady's Wood and there they find and capture the 'wanted' man. On their return to the village, they are joined by the main procession, including villagers and visitors. With the Earl riding a donkey, the procession wends its way down the main street, halting every so often for the ritual shooting of the Earl and his revival by the Horse and Fool [interspersed with liquid refreshments] until it finally reaches Seaside where the Earl is unceremoniously thrown into the sea. The event is rounded off with a rousing sing-song!
Times for this year's ceremony are given in the Diary and more detailed information can be found in the booklet "The Hunting of the Earl of Rone" by Tom Brown and available from the Top George Inn.
[My thanks to Jim Williams, Combe Martin, for his help with this article.]
* UPDATE: August 2022 - see also The Hunting of the Earl of Rone website.

The school welcomed Theatre Alibi from Exeter, who visited us in February to perform "The Goose". The children enjoyed the performance in the Manor Hall and the performers in the theatre group were impressed by the behaviour and response from the children.
Some children were busy last Autumn planting bulbs in the school grounds. We now have lots of daffodils growing in tubs and on the bank in the playground.
All the children recently entered a decorated egg competition organised by the National Farmers Union. The competition was judged by Joy Morrow and prize winners were Simon Hubery, Laura Desmond, Daryl Cox, James Martin, Peter Hiscox and Holly Peacock. These winning entries will now go forward to the next round of the competition at the Devon County Show.
A reminder that the school closes for Easter on Wednesday, 7th April and re-opens on Tuesday, 27th April for the Summer Term.
Get Well wishes to Bob Adams, Reg Gosling and Ted Stow. Bob and Ted, we understand are now both out of hospital, and Reg is expected home soon - hopefully before you read this. Best wishes, too, to Vi Goodman, who we hear has not been in the peak of good health recently.
Commiserations to Graham, our genial G.P.O. golfer, who is experiencing problems with his putting! Practice makes perfect, so they say - an excuse for a morning off!
Thank You May we extend a very warm thank you to everyone who helped bale us out on the day of the flood. Everyone' s help was much appreciated. We are now back to normal at home except it is much cleaner!
Richard and Angela Lewis


This month's postcard view [No. 51) is of St. Peter's Church taken by John William Garratt. Following my request in the last issue for information on the Rev. Churchill, I am indebted to Daphne Challacombe and her aunt, Vera Lewis [Ley] for the picture of Rev. Reginald Churchill and the following information:

"The Rev. Churchill came to Berrynarbor in 1884 and was our Rector for 54 years. My mother, Beatrice Bant, came from Cornwall in 1902 and was employed as parlour maid at the Vicarage until she married my father, Thomas Ley, in 1905. I think they employed four servants, one being the Cook, and also three gardeners to look after the Vicarage gardens and Glebelands. They were given a half day off a week and always went to church on Sunday evenings. They had to be back at the Rectory by 8.30 and if they had any boy friends they could serve them with cocoa in the kitchen before they had to leave promptly at 9.00 p.m.
"My first memory of the Rev. Churchill was seeing him arrive at Goosewell on a visiting trip on a motor bike and sidecar. He was dressed in black leather and goggles and I thought he was some kind of an airman! His only daughter, Miss Elsie, would ride round with him - she was always about with "Papa". Sadly, Mrs. Churchill did not enjoy good health so she preferred to live a very quiet life.
"I remember that later Miss Elsie taught us in Sunday School and one annual Sunday School treat was held in the grounds of the Rectory with a lovely tea served on the lawn. It always seemed to be sunny weather and the Rector would give 1/- [5 new pence], 6d and 3d to the winners of the various races held.
"In the mid 1920's he became the owner of a large black saloon car and Mr. Ernest Richards who lived with his wife in the cottage opposite Fuchsia Cottage, near The Globe, was the chauffeur. In fact Ernest Richards is John Huxtable's grandfather. In those days the Rector would always be classed as 'gentry ' [with the same ranking as the village squire] and he would receive approximately £1000 per annum, which would come from land tithes. In those days this was a very large amount of money.
"The Rev. Churchill would often take morning prayers and Scripture lessons in school. He always seemed very happy to do so and made sure we all learnt the Ten Commandments. I am sure that his teaching has guided us throughout our lives. He was a good friend to everyone and set such an example on the way to live. "
Thank you, Daphne and Vera, for your help. I am sure that there must be others of you out there who could add more about our Church, Vicarage and the Rev. Churchill and his family. Please, please contact me, there can only be further historical news with your help.
Tom BartlettTower Cottage, March 1993
Cherry Tree Cottage
Sterridge Valley
Dear Berrynarbor Express,
Charity Walk
Your readers will be pleased to hear that David Walden of Lynton [my son] left Bristol Avonmouth on Saturday, 13th February, and walked, via the River Avon, Kennet and Avon Canal and the Thames for 17 days and a total of 216 miles, arriving at Southend Pier, Essex, on Tuesday, 2nd March, where he was met by the Mayor of Southend and a representative of the North Devon Hospice Care Trust, for whom the "epic journey" was undertaken.
"Undertaken" is a good choice of word since the walk nearly killed him!
David is back home now and would like to thank all those generous folk that supported his effort. The amount collected is likely to be around £2,000 and the final total will be advised later.
Sir Ranulph Walden has asked for any donations of old shoes and socks to be sent to his home!
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Phyllis Walden
Did You Hear ...? Did anyone listen to the Saturday Night Theatre on Radio 4 on the 6th March? If you had, you might have found yourself fascinated by a play about this part of the world with references to The Globe, the Scarlet Pimpernel and many other local places. "Free Agent" was written by Danny Schiller [Ron Legge] an Old Boy of Ilfracombe Grammar School.
Barnstaple Mobile Library Fortnightly Library Times:
- Sandy Cove 11.55 a.m. - 12.10 p.m.
- Barton Lane 1.20 p.m. - 1.45 p.m.
- The Square 1.50 p.m. - 2.25 p.m.
- Sterridge Valley 2.30 p.m. - 2.40 p.m.
Belated Congratulations to Karen and Matthew on the birth Of their baby daughter, Rebecca, on the 1st October and good luck and best wishes to all three of you in your new home, the recently restored Pink Heather.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to Angela Duncan and Lance Higgs [from Pirton, near Hitchin] who will be getting married at St. Peter's on Saturday, 1st May.
For Sale Several 1 gallon demi-Johns [clear and brown glass]. No offer refused!
Joy Morrow - 882531
Pavilion Theatre, Ifracombe
Friday & Saturday 2nd and 3rd April 7.30 p.m.
Tickets: £3.00 and £2.50

[A Favourite of Mine - Vi Davies)
The inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person,
Having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words
But pour them all out, just as they are chaff and grain together
Knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them
Keep what is worth keeping
And then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.
George Eliot

Berrynarbor has once again entered the Best Kept Village Competition. This event is judged during May and June and we have NO NOTIFICATION OF JUST WHEN THE JUDGES MAY APPEAR. Villages are judged as they are on that day!!!
- Please pick up any LITTER when you see it and try not to put rubbish bags out the night before, as birds and animals often rip the bags and litter is spread about. Please help to keep areas where children play FREE Of DOG MESS. Please clean up after your dog - invest in a "pooper-scooper".
- Bases of walls and fences where there is no verge should be kept free of weeds.
- This competition is based on cleanliness, tidiness and the general state of good repair, such as gates, footpaths, public seats, bus shelters, churchyards, commercial and business premises, including signs and advertisements.
- Judges look for clear evidence of local commitment and initiative in the care and maintenance of the village. This item alone is worth 10 points on the judging schedule.
Good luck to one and all! Let's see if Berrynarbor can WIN this year. We have been runner-up every year except 1985 and 1988 when we won.
Any comments or suggestions please contact Joy Morrow [882531].
Thank you.
Joy Morrow

Community Shelter
5th March 1943
The evening began in fine style with nearly everyone dressed in uniforms ranging from evacuees to some very high ranking German P.O.W's! Nurses were in attendance [in case of a direct hit] and the Fire Brigade were there with hoses at the ready. The only worrying factor was the number of A.R.P. Wardens, we couldn't help wondering who was on duty. However, as soon as the siren sounded, a reassuring voice was heard to say, "Turn that ....dy light out!" Once in the shelter, the night's entertainment started with the 'bigish' band sound of the Billy Cotton Buds [Messrs. Bridle, Neale and Songhurst], followed by Bud Flanagan and Chesney Allen [Brian Holland and Jack Elliot], who gave a fine rendition of 'Underneath the Arches'. Noel Coward [Richard Lewis] was his usual sartorial self with his very British 'Mad Dogs and Englishmen' after which the audience were treated to the multi-talents of Miss Marlene Dietrich [Heather Levy] , who sang, amid wolf whistles, 'Lillie Marlene' and 'Falling in Love Again' . Mr. Stokes then led everyone in 'Sing-a-long-a-Noel' version of 'Bless 'em All'. The first half ended in right and proper fashion with Miss Vera Lynn [Barbara Woods] singing 'The White Cliffs of Dover' and 'We'll Meet Again' - there wasn't a dry eye in the shelter!
During the break, the NAAFI was opened and liberal helpings of rabbit pie and corned beef hash were enjoyed by all.
There was a foot-tapping guitar playing start to the second half of the festivities with Mr. Nigel Mason's solo version of 'The Continental' and the Berrynarbor Home Guard [Messrs. J.Brooks, H. Bowden, R. Richards, J.Clark and D. Phillips] then took the limelight with 'Who do you think you are kidding Mister Hitler?'. Later In the evening they saved the village from certain disaster by defusing an unexploded bomb, and later still this sterling band were seen marching, at musket point, two German Officers to the bar muttering "Buy us a pint an us'll let ee go". The room was filled with pathos when three London evacuees [Misses Lynne Bridle, Joyce Songhurst and Bet Brooks] and a rather obnoxious local lad [Anne Davies] plucked at everyone's heart strings with a song of woe about life away from home. We're not sure what it was Miss Bridie had hidden in the pocket of her navy blue knickers, but whatever it was, it was very active because she couldn't leave it alone!
Strangers from the Middle East then took the stand in the form of Wilson [Nigel Mason], Keppel [Mark Adams] and the delectable Betty [Tony Lynch) who gave us an insight into the mysteries of the Orient. Miss Shirley Temple [Richard Lewis] was so overcome by the occasion that she was seen in one video to be climbing up the wall!
The entertainment ended with three of our American cousins, Maxi [Marie Mason], Pattie [Olinda Holden] and Laverne [Jenny Holley], the Andrews Sisters, who gave a hearty rendition of 'Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree'. Everyone then joined in the patriotic finale.
Lynne, Phil and Gary would like to thank everyone who took part to make it such a super night and for all the advice, books, memorabilia, etc. But most of all, a very big thank you to Stuart Neale and the audience, who enabled us to make it an outstanding night.
P.S. The Carnival Float is better off by £112, and
P.P.S. If you have any old tins of odd coloured paint, we would appreciate them for the float.
From the enthusiastic comments and tales, the evening was obviously an OUTSTANDING success and lots of thanks to Phil, Lynne and Gary. The following are testament to that success.
"Thanks to Phil, Lynne and Gary for all the hard work they put into organising such a lovely evening at 'The Forty's Night' held at The Globe, Berrynarbor, making it a Night to Remember.'
Roger & Hilary Stevens
John & Barbara Wood
"Many thanks to Lynne, Phil, Gary and all the excellent performers at the Forties Night held at The Globe. It was a night that will be remembered and talked about for a long time, as it was so much enjoyed by ourselves and everyone who attended. "
Pat and Dave
Watermouth Villas
"Thank you Lynne and Phil for a super evening which must have brought back many nostalgic memories for the old timers and a very good evening for the not-so-old. It was amazing how everyone fell into the spirit of the event and the variety of uniforms, etc. was surprising.
"A thank you, too, for the entertainment - where did all the talent come from?! They were all terrific, as was the non-stop music and the incomparable M.C., which all combined to make a memorable evening.
"Many thanks too to the N.A.A.F.I. ladies and all the unseen helpers who did a wonderful job. With all the talent we have in the village, a STAGE DOOR CANTEEN at a later date??"
J and BB
P.S. After the rabbit pie, we think the rabbits in the area are going to have a thin time in future ...
Pumpkin Growing Competition
We are having a pumpkin growing competition, the proceeds of which will go to this year's Children in Need appeal, and will shortly be gelling plants. We shall have a weigh-in for the biggest, but don't worry if you haven't got a big 'one , there will be a best dressed' section as well.
Phil & Lynne
Forties Night at The Globe
It was unbelievable the talent they'd found.
Noel Coward was there and Vera Lynn
And Dad's Army making a bit of a din.
Marlene Dietrich was a great hit
And lovely Shirley Temple did 'his' bit.
Flanagan and Allen were also there
Underneath the Arches - a great pair.
The evacuees were throwing a paddy
Didn't like being away from Mommy and Daddy.
The Andrews Sisters showed us their charm
And the Sand Dance Group were an eyeful.
While Pte. Stokes did 'Bless 'em All'
And the Billy Cotton Buds Band were delightful.
There were soldiers, sailors and evacuees
Factory workers in dungarees .
Nurses, wardens and even a Hun
It all added to the fun.
Last but not least - GARY the host
Who really did deserve a toast.
He gave us his best and with all the rest
Made it a night to remember.
For those who couldn't make it
You really missed a treat.
So I'm hoping for your sake
There might be a repeat.
Thanks to all who entertained
And to Lynne and staff for the grub.
We 're all so very thankful
That we've got a lovely pub.
It really was such a delight
There should be one each Friday night!
Vi Davies

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
Bettina Brown
Five Turnings, Combe

We are sad to report the death of Kathleen Richards [late of Castle Hill] last Monday, 15th March at the grand age of 96. Kathleen, widow of Harold Richards, was organist at the Chapel for over 40 years, and for the last five years had been looked after at Belmont Grange in Ilfracombe. We extend our sympathies to Ivy, Norman and Angela and all members of her family.

I should like to take this opportunity to thank the Parish Council for their continued support and financial help with newsletter costs. Readers may be interested to know that some 400 copies are printed at a cost of approximately £50 an issue - that is about 12p per copy. 200 copies are distributed via the Post Office and Meakings, Combe Martin, and copies are always available from the Post Office, The Globe, Sawmills or direct from me at Chicane. Copies are sent to the local Libraries and another 25 are posted as far afield as Bristol, Exeter and West Sussex. If you know of anyone who has difficulty in obtaining a copy, a small donation to cover the postage could add their name to the mailing list.
Due to the recent increase in the size of the newsletter [which must be good so long as it doesn't get any bigger!], the account at the Anglia is looking rather sick (!) and even with the P.C' s donation, there will only be sufficient funds to cover the cost of this and the June issue. So, if anyone has any bright ideas on how to raise some money - and fairly quickly - I should be delighted to hear from you! [883544] Every little contribution in the collecting boxes helps.
A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to this 'bumper' issue - to Helen Armstead for the cover, to first-time contributors, to those who have contributed before and to the 'regulars' whose help has been the mainstay of our Newsletter. Keep 'em coming!
Contributions for the next issue, June, should be at the Post Office or direct to Chicane, Sterridge Valley, by mid-May, FRIDAY, 14TH MAY, at the latest.
Thank you.
Western Australia
- The State of Excitement
In the February newsletter, we left Karen on her way from 'The Premier State' , New South Wales, to Perth, Western Australia. She flew over Victoria and South Australia, 'The Festival State' , with lots of desert scenery to see en route. The flight took 5 hours, arriving 3 hours behind Sydney time. Whilst in Perth, Karen stayed with her Godmother's brother, Mike, who has lived there for many years and who organises performances of classical music - concerts and recitals - with orchestras and performers from all over the world. Many concerts are staged hundreds of miles from the city of Perth, using the outback stations' shearing sheds as the venue, so that families in the outback are able to enjoy these performances as well as the city dwellers. Karen worked in Mike's office and helped with the organisation of one recital of the "Misa Flemenca", performed in a Benedictine Chapel at New Norcia, five hours drive from Perth.
Compared with Sydney she found Perth much smaller and quieter and felt very cut off from the rest of the world and the rest of Australia! The wind there is very strong and nicknamed 'The Freemantle Doctor' because it blows off the sea and is very 'cooling'. Karen found this helpful when on her sight-seeing trips in and around Perth, visiting galleries, craft shops, museums and York historical county town, seeing all the buildings originally inhabited by the gold miners, visiting W. A. University campus with newly-made friends and on to Yanchep National Park with a walk amidst kangaroo and koala. In the evenings they would eat out at The Fat Bellies' Restaurant, or picnic in Kings Park overlooking the Swan River.
On the 12th February, Mike drove Karen to Bunbury and inland to the Jarri Forest, where she climbed the famous 'Gloucester Tree', some 90 metres high, and on to the Margaret River [about 200 miles from Perth] where the surrounding district is one of the most productive wine growing areas That night they went to an aboriginal play, 'Spiritual Dreaming' , starting at midnight and with brilliant songs, music and acting. The Festival of Perth, with street plays, jazz festivals and aboriginal plays, was on at the time, as were the State elections - everyone in 'Oz' has to vote or be fined!
One of Karen's favourite places was Rottnest Island, situated near the White Beaches of Perth in sheltered waters overlooking the Indian Ocean. This is an A class reserve with coral bays, turquoise waters and inhabited by the quokka, a relation of the kangaroo. Bike riding is the island's only transport.
Western Australia is a huge State, one-third of the total landmass of Australia. Other than Perth, there are only a few towns and service stations. After the recital at New Norcia, Karen and a friend drove to an emu farm. The scenery on the way was so varied, with bright yellows and red soils. It was an amazing experience - desert scenery, thousands of emus and the weather so hot that walking around breathing in air almost choked you, so dry that it was like walking in an oven, 45C in the shade!!! Karen arrived in Brisbane on the 21st February having flown back to Sydney and then on up to Brisbane. Here she joined another A.C.T.V. group (Australian Conservation Trust for Volunteers]. There were 20 volunteers in all - English, Swedish, Danish and Canadian - all sleeping in one house with 4 in a tent in the garden. The first night they all went to South Bank, a man-made beach and lagoon surrounded by palm trees, the most amazing sunset and the city lights twinkling as a back drop. It was an 'excellent' first night.
In Brisbane, Karen met up with friends she made on her first stint with A.C.T.V. and they plan to travel on to Fraser Island, take a bus direct to Cairns, situated near the Great Barrier Reef, where they hope to take a diving course before going out on the reef, and may be to even go white water rafting! After which it will be back to Sydney before heading off to New Zealand and home.
We wait with baited breath for her next letter from Queensland - 'The Sunshine State' .
Pat Sayer - Woodvale
1st | W.I. Coffee Morning, Southerley, Castle Hill, 10.30 a.m. |
2nd | to 3rd Betty Blackmore's 39th Variety Show, Pavilion Theatre, 7.30 p.m. |
4th | Palm Sunday, Blessing & Distribution of Palm Crosses at the Eucharist |
5th | Badminton Club |
6th | W. I. "The Body Shop", Mrs. Turner. Manor Hall Management Committee A.G. M., 7.30 p.m. |
7th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. School & College Break Up |
8th | Maundy Thursday: Holy Communion 7.00 p.m. |
9th | Good Friday: Christians Together, St. Mary's
R.C. Church, Combe Martin, 10.30 a.m. & March of Witness. 2.00 p.m. Service for URC and St, Peter's at St. Peter's |
10th | Holy Saturday: Service of Light, 6.00 p.m. Combe Martin Parish Church |
11th | EASTER SUNDAY: Holy Communion, 8.00 a.m. Eucharist, 10.30 a.m. |
12th | Bank Holiday Monday |
13th | Annual Parish Meeting, 7.00 p.m. followed by Parish Council Meeting |
14th | Christians Together Clergy, 10.45 a.m. at The
Manse. Summer Fayre Meeting, Vestry 2.30 p.m. |
16th | Neighbourhood Watch Meeting, 7.30 p.m. Manor Hall - Inspector D. Thomas |
17th | URC Easter Fair, Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m. |
21st | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. Wine Appreciation Group, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m.: Italy Revisited - Talk & Tasting, Alan Richardson. Contribution £3.00 [last meeting until October] |
23rd | St. George's Day: P. C.C. Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Vestry |
25th | Christians Together service, Methodist Church, 6.30 p.m. |
26th | College: Start of Summer Term. Badminton Club |
27th | Primary School: Start of Summer Term. W.I. Chichester Group Meeting, Lynton at 7.30 p.m. |
MAY | |
2nd | URC Summer Services start at 6.00 p.m. |
3rd | May Bank Holiday |
4th | W. I. Meeting - Resolutions for National A.G.M. |
5th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. |
6th | County Council Elections. Coffee Morning: Manor Hall 10.00-12.00 noon |
10th | Badminton Club |
11th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. Penn Curzon Room |
12th | Hospice Trust "Antiques Roadshow" , Manor Hall [evening] 16th Rogation Days begin |
17th | Badminton Club |
19th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. 20th Ascension Day: Holy Communion 10.00 a.m. |
24th | Badminton Club |
27th | Archdeacon's Visit - Lynton |
28th | Earl of Rone: Hunting Starts, 7.30 p.m. Seaside |
29th | Earl of Rone: Children's Procession & Disco, Country Dance Tickets - Family £5.50, Single £2.50 |
30th | Whit Sunday. Earl of Rone: Hunting Party Visits, 3.00 p.m. |
31st | to Friday, 4th June - College and School, Half
Term. Earl of Rone: Capture and Main Procession, 6.00 p.m. Spring Bank Holiday |