Edition 20 - October 1992

Artwork by: Debbie Cook

Congratulations to all students from the village on their recent G.C.S.E. and 'A' Level successes.
Ben Fanner is off to Surrey University to study for a BSc degree in Civil Engineering, Katharine Parmigiani and Sharyn Toye are both going to study for a BA in History - Katharine at the School of Oriental Studies in London and Sharyn at Exeter University - and Karen Sayer will go to Cheltenham to study Art following a year off, part of Which she is spending in Australia. Good luck to you all!
Sharyn also received one of the 'A' Level Mathematics prizes at the College's recent Presentation Evening, and Charlotte Parmigiani the G.C.S.E. Chemistry [Effort] prize.

The Wine Appreciation Group starts its winter season on Wednesday, 21st October, at 8.00 p.m. at the Manor HalL. There will be a tasting of the 3 Iitre boxed wines available from wine shops and supermarkets. The Decanter Wine magazine had 6 masters of wine taste 42 different wines and the best 6 will be available from 17th October.
On Wednesday, 18th November, Mr. Street, Manager of Thresher Wines, Barnstaple, will be bringing along some of the new and high quality French regional wines which are outside the appelation controlle classification, but represent good value for money.
The December meeting on Wednesday, 16th, gives the opportunity to taste Australia's finest wines for Christmas.
There is a £3.00 contribution per person to the cost of the wines and any wine enthusiast welcome. For further information please telephone Alan Richardson on 882831.
Don't forget - South Molton Recycling call in the village on the FIRST Wednesday of EVERY month, between 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. at the Manor Hall. They will accept newspapers [please separate from magazines], tins and glass bottles, etc.

Although no official meeting was held in August, 34 members and friends enjoyed an evening visit to Dr. Smart's beautiful gardens followed by an excellent supper prepared by Marwood W.I. The "Summer Special" on the 18th enabled us to send £100 to the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf. My grateful thanks to all who supported the event and especially Kath for an enthralling slide show.
Members and two visitors welcomed Nicola Oliver to the meeting on 1st September. She gave a most interesting account of the Tarka Trail project, illustrated with lovely slides of the area concerned. Most were surprised to learn that it was in the region of 190 miles, so more than a packed lunch would be needed to venture forth! However, several members were interested in the bicycle route from Barnstaple.
Our next meeting is on 6th October when members will be able to tell their own stories concerning favourite past-times. Arrangements will be made for the 20th when we are hosting the Chichester Group Meeting.
The November meeting is the Annual Meeting and a shopping trip to Exeter is proposed for 18th November, with the Christmas Social afternoon on 1st December.
Vi Kingdon
With Autumn comes the colours bold,
Red, russet, brown and gold.
Leaves flutter down, birds fly away,
Harvest safely gathered - thanks to God we pray.
Can you unlock the mystery of the 'strange' keys? Have you, by any chance, handed in the wrong set of keys to the Post Office? If so, please pop in and see Maureen or Graham.

Combe Martin & District Friends
Our grateful thanks to all who collected for the House-to-house collection and to all who contributed. The total raised was £82.84.
The Annual Autumn Fayre will be held at the Town Hall, Combe Martin, on Saturday, 31st October, from 12.00 noon to 4.00 p.m. Ploughman's lunches will be served, and there will be the usual stalls, refreshments, raffle, etc. A warm welcome is extended to friends from Berrynarbor.
Una Parsons
Window Cleaning - Strimming - Chimney Sweeping
4 Birdswell Cottages
Tel: 883150
Carpenter, Painter
& Decorator
General Maintenance,
Window & Door Repairs, etc.
Winter Services will start at 3.00 p.m. from 4th October. Everyone welcome.
On Saturday, 10th October, we shall be holding a Jumble Sale in the Manor Hall from 2.00 p.m. If anyone has any jumble, please ring Mrs. Toms on 883150.
On Saturday, 12th September, a group of walkers from the Churches and Chapels of Berrynarbor and Combe Martin completed their annual sponsored effort to raise money for Historic Churches in Devon, and many churches have cause to be thankful for the benefits they have received from this and similar walks throughout Devon.
Berrynarbor's well-known participant - Mr. Ron Toms of the United Reform Chapel - this year exceeded his own previous collection record by gathering sponsorship for over £500 - a magnificent solo effort!
His Chapel will benefit by £250 and the other half will go to the maintenance of Devon's Historic Churches in need. Grateful thanks to all concerned and especially Ron!
Win Collins
Our heartfelt thoughts and sympathies go to Win and Dennis on the tragic loss of their grandson, David.
Ron Toms would like to thank everyone who sponsored him for his Historic Walk for Devon Churches and for all the friendship and kindness he received on his travels round the village seeking sponsorship.
Phil and Lynne would like to thank everyone who has helped with this year's Globe carnival float, especially Mr. and Mrs. Mountain [to whom we extend a very warm welcome to the village] who allowed the float to be kept dry in their barn at Sloley Farm. The float gained the Best Pub Entry in the Combe Martin Carnival and First Prize in their class, Topical, in both Ilfracombe and Barnstaple Carnivals. Any ideas for next year's float would be very welcome. Watch out, Bridgewater Carnival, we're on our way!
Nicola Richards, 13 years, has just been selected to represent Devon at Cheltenham in the Inter-Counties Meeting on 13th September. This is the first year she has been eligible to run in the Devon team at track events due to her age. However, she has run for the County at Cross-Country level on several occasions and was 3rd in for the County at Gateshead in the National Inter-Counties Championship.
Competing is not a new thing for Nicola. She is a team member of the North Devon Athletics Club. Her distance is 800m and her personal best time is 2:25.6, which is a National Grade 2 standard. She has another year in this age group to achieve Grade 1, a mere .6 off her time.
As well as running for the County she has also represented Devon Schools at Cross-Country and Track. In the first year at Ilfracombe College, she was reserve for the Devon Schools Cross-Country.
This year she had the honour of representing Devon at the English Schools Track & Field Championship in Hull, Humberside, and is the first girl to be selected from Ilfracombe College to run a track event. Nicola has been Devon County Champion in the past and holds the Silver position this year.
Alan Richards
East Hagginton
P.S. This is no new thing to our house. Jamie has achieved all these things in the past four years and has now retired at the ripe old age of 15!
At the Inter-Counties Meeting on 13th September [a six-county meeting], Nicola ran the 800m for Devon and came 3rd. Congratulat ions. Well done, Nicola!
"Humour is the blossom on the nettle. " Coleridge

Communion at Home
Prebendary Eppingstone offers Communion at home for the elderly or house-bound [for health reasons]. But if he isn't told, he doesn't know!
Harvest Thanksgiving
The Harvest Thanksgiving Service is at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday, 4th October, and Harvest Evensong at 6.30 p.m. at Combe Martin. Harvest Evensong at St. Peter's is on Wednesday, 7th October, at 7.00 p.m., followed by the Harvest Supper in the Manor Hall at approximately 8.00 p.m. The presentation of the Best Kept Village Award will be made during the evening. Tickets, £2.00 and Children £1.00 are on sale from the Post Office until Tuesday, 6th. [Please bring your own cutlery.] On the Thursday there will be a sale of the produce for the starving people of Somalia after Holy Communion.
Sunday, 1st November, All Saints Day, and Monday, 2nd November All Souls Day: We shall remember all our Faithful Departed at the Eucharist, 10.30 a.m. and again on Thursday, 5th. Please add the names of your families to the list in the Church.
Remembrance Sunday, 8th November: Holy Communion at 8.00 a.m. The British Legion Service at 10.30 a.m. There will be a full Parade Service in Combe Martin at 2.30 p.m. Poppies will be available from the Church and Post Office.
If any member of The Royal British Legion would be willing to support the Poppy Day Appeal, please make yourselves known to Preb. Eppingstone.
* Eucharist every Sunday 10.30 a.m. Sunday School every Sunday in term time. Holy Communion every Thursday, 10.00 a.m. 2nd Sunday only, Holy Communion 8.00 a.m. Evensong, Combe Martin Parish Church, 6.30 p.m. *
Clog Dancing
Clog Dancing is a name for several types of traditional dancing styles which are performed in clogs.

In the U.S.A. and Canada, it is used to describe a type of dancing [also called Flat Footing] which originated in the Apallachian Mountains and is now popular in the U.K. North West Morris dancing is probably the most widely aeen style of 'clog dancing' and it is performed by teams of both men and women. The dances are mostly from Lancashire and Cheshire, and a dance is usually named after a particular town or village, e.g. Runcorn in Cheshire or Clitheroe in Lancashire.
Clogs were the footwear used by working people in the mills and down the pits of the North West counties. But working people also wore clogs on the Sabbath Day and had a special best pair for Sunday. The clogs had bottoms made of alder or beech and were often extracted and fashioned by gypsies. The uppers were made of leather, calf hide being used for the best pair. Working clogs insulated the feet against cold floors and were also waterproof.
Clogs are also worn for "step dancing" A step dance often originated and developed from working sounds such as the rhythmic clack of machinery in a mill or the monotonous thumping of the engine of a canal boat. Step dancing is usually performed individually, although it can be performed by groups of two, three or more. It is widespread in the U.K. with styles being accredited to Yorkshire, Lancashire, Lakeland, Wales, Dartmoor and Exmoor - to name but a few.
Step dancers usually use clogs with nothing protecting the wooden sole and heel, and so sounds spectacular when performed on wooden boards . North West Morris dancing clogs normally have rubbers to protect the wood against wear in the streets. Irons, somewhat like horse-shoes, used to be worn and on a cobbled street would emit sparks.
Clog dance teams have danced in North Devon since 1979 when the Ilfracombe Cloggies were formed at the College. The team performs North West Morris and step dance routines. Other clog teams are The Red Petticoats and Devon Violets. The Ilfracombe Cloggies may be seen during the summer months dancing along the Ilfracombe seafront and this summer took part in the Sidmouth Folk Art Festival in August.
Fred Ward
Combe Martin
Do you know of any local customs such as clog dancing? If so, it would be very much appreciated if you could find time to tell us about them.
Illustrated by: Debbie Cook

The summer months have been busy wedding-wise. Congratulations to:
- Lisa Harding and Kim Dove-Dixon
- Tracey Yeo and Jason Davies
- Joanne Johnson and Marcus Saunders
- Hilary Baber and Mark Adams
- Helen Weedon and Kamal Miah
Good luck and best wishes for your future happiness to you all.
Christmas is coming early this year! A reminder that once again the Manor Hall Committee will be organising the distribution of Christmas cards for a charity contribution of 10p per card. The collecting box will be in the Post Office from 14th December and the final sorting and distribution will be on Sunday morning, 20th December at the Manor Hall. Alan Richardson on 882831 would be very pleased to hear from anyone who would like to help.

It is lovely to see Lorna Price back home again following her successful hip replacement operation and we look forward to seeing her out and about very soon.
Best wishes, too, to Bob Adams after his recent spell in hospital and Margaret Andrews who has now had the plaster off her leg following her recent accident.

1. 'Briary Cave, Watermouth' Ilfracombe No. 7275
This picture painted by the accomplished West Country artist, R. Warren Vernon, for the postcard publishers, Raphael Tuck & Sons, was one of their 'oilette' real art series.

On the reverse side, the description reads: This grand natural tunnel is reached from Holesborough and by the fern covered headlands of Widmouth Head and Burrow Nose. Sea-birds build here, and delicate ferns find a footing on the rocks, the seaward opening of the Cave framing a magnificent view of open water.
2. 'Small Mouth Cave' No. 16401 by Stengei
This very old picture of Small Mouth Cave was taken prior to 1903-4 as the postcard has an undivided back allowing only the address on the reverse side. The card was printed in common with most cards of this time in Saxony [German] with this particular card being printed in their 'Works in Dresden' .

3. 'At Watermouth' No. 72
This picture was taken by Garratt of Bristol and is a particularly good photograph of Small Mouth Cave taken probably prior to the First World War breaking out in 1914.

4. 'Watermouth Caves', Martin Cross Series No. 6
This photographic postcard was taken by the Minehead Photographer, J. H. Martin Cross A.R.P.S., around the mid-thirties. The picture frames the 'Egg Rocks' at Broadsands as well as the Hangman Hills above Combe Martin stretching upward towards Holdstone Down.

Tom Bartlett,
Tower Cottage, September 1992
"The sun blazed
while the thunder yet added a boom:
A wagtail flickered
bright over the mill-pond's gloom:
Less than the cooing
in the alder isles of the pool
Sounded the thunder
through that plunge of waters cool.
Edward Thomas
It is always a great treat at any time of year to walk from Hillsford Bridge along the Hoaroak Water to Watersmeet and then along the valley of the East Lyn River to Lynmouth. Despite weather forecasts for still more rain, we set off for this old favourite on the first Saturday in September and were lucky to avoid showers altogether.
Having crossed Hillsford Bridge [where there is a National Trust car park], enter the path by the gate on the left. The original tree which gave its name to the Hoaroak Water died of old age around 1658. Four years later a replacement was planted and this one is believed to have lived until 1916. The word ' hoar' is derived from ' ore' meaning a boundary.
After half-a-mile, look out for a splendid view of a dramatic waterfall. Soon one descends to Watersmeet where the Hoaroak Water joins the East Lyn. Keep to the right of the river for a short distance and cross the graceful Chiselcombe stone bridge built in 1957 by a Lynton builder to the design of an Exeter architect.
Near Myrtleberry, a romantically sited house with doves and fowls and bee hives, I was pleased to see mimulus still flowering. Also known as monkey flower, it was forming bright yellow patches on the water among the rocks. The flowers have reddish brown freckles and were introduced to this country in the early 19th Century from the damp and foggy Aleutian Islands off Alaska. The plant soon began to naturalise in Wales and then spread throughout the British Isles, especially favouring upland rivers. The botanist, Richard Mabey, writes: "of all garden escapes, I cannot think of one which has blended so thoroughly and pleasingly into our natural landscape."
Just past Shepherd's Bush Pool and before crossing Blackpool Bridge, you will see set into the rock a stoneware Attree Bros. ginger beer bottle, marking the site of the former Lynrock Mineral Water Factory, swept away in the flood of 1952.
This river set in its deep and wooded gorge is the territory of two special birds: the dipper and the grey wagtail. Both are associated with fast flowing rivers in hill country and are very interesting to watch. Fortunately for Berrynarbor residents, they can occasionally be seen on the River Sterridge but the East Lyn and Hoaroak Water have been dubbed 'dipper and wagtail country', and on this particular walk we had about ten sightings of each.
A dipper can be recognised by its white throat and bib as it curtseys on a boulder before disappearing under the water. Its back and wings are brownish black but its head and underside are lighter chestnut brown. It is a stocky bird with a short, cocked tail.
Its name make the grey wagtail sound rather a dull bird and yet apart from its flitting, undulating flight, it is most conspicuous for its beautiful lemon yellow underparts, at their brightest in the summer. The very long and mobile tail feathers and the upper parts are blue-grey. [The male's spring plumage includes a black throat patch.] It must be one of our most handsome and graceful birds.
If you are walking in this valley between April and July look out for Euphorbia Hyberna, the Irish spurge. This, too, is special - very special. The Concise British Flora says that it is locally common in woods in South West Ireland and very rare in woods in South West England - in fact so rare that Watersmeet claims to be one of only two places where It can be found in mainland Britain.
As you reach Lynmouth, the path passes through some sloping riverside gardens with seats dedicated to the memory of people who have enjoyed the area - one to a Mr. Tart, another to a Farmer Onions.
Sue H
Tuesday, 20th October 7.30 p.m. MUNICH UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA conducted by Julian Gibbons. A rare opportunity to see a full symphony orchestra in Ilfracombe! The concert forms part of their national tour and includes Mozart 's Clarinet Concerto and Mendelssohn's Italian Symphony. Tickets: £4.00 and £2.00 available from The Lantern 865824
Saturday, 24th October A VICTORIAN WALK Following the successful publication of his book, "Victorian Ilfracombe", Michael Laithwaite is leading a short walk highlighting the best surviving features of this period. You will never look at Ilfracombe in the same way again! Walk starts from The Lantern at 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. £1.00
Saturday, 31st October SKIN THE PEELER Folk music at its best! A great evening. 7.30 p.m. Tickets £3.50 [£2.50 and £2.00].
An opportunity for everyone to admire some of the finest views in a village which has a wonderful selection. Everyone is welcome and anyone with an interest in Twinning will find some like minds.
Coffee, Book Sale, Bring and Buy and a Raffle, together with good company at
TREE TOPS, OLD COAST ROAD - 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon
See, as you pass through, the new road system built by the Engineers. Plenty of parking.
Graham Andrews

Slowly they pass as all seasons must
Months of summer sun and rain
Now we have another September
And Harvest time again.
The fields of gold and green and brown
Unfold for many a mile
With gentle hills and a shady tree
To rest awhile.
The ripe red fruit in the orchard now
The tree with boughs bent low
From pippin fair to blackberry bush
In the wild hedgerow.
The warm brown earth her increase yields
Of fruit and grain and flower
Now gathered in by willing hands
Each sunlit hour.
Throughout the golden harvest days
By garden wall and cottage door
Michaelmas daisies mauve & purple
Bloom once more,
So here's to the labourer in the field
Through spring, summer and fall
And praises be to the great Creator
Watching over all.
Combe Martin
Thank you, Miss Parkin, for your delightful seasonal poem,
thank you, Paul Swailes, for another charming illustration.

Best Kept Village Award
Once again Congratulations to Berrynarbor for winning the Runners-Up Award for large villages in North Devon! This award will be presented at the Harvest Supper on 7th October at the Manor Hall, and will be made by Mrs. Rachael Thomas, Countryside Commissioner. Mrs. Jean Allen, Hon. Organiser of this competition will be in attendance. The competition is sponsored by the Council for the Protection of Rural England and our continued success [awards from 1985-92] brings many visitors to our village - so keep up the good standard and pick up litter when you find it and continue to "maintain your own special patch". The judging results are in the Post Office and the bus shelter.
Britain in Bloom
Berrynarbor has won the Gordon Ford Cup for Britain in Bloom 1992 - well done, Berrynarbor! Watch for details in the Post Office for any award event.
Heddy and Josef Belka, Joy Morrow and Roy Perry have advised the Parish Council that they will be stepping down/aside from this competition. This small team has entered the village in the event since 1987 and now feel the time has come to give others an opportunity to participate. Berrynarbor has won awards every year, including the Mary Mortimer Trophy in 1990 and 1991 [for villages under 800 population], and now the Gordon Ford Cup.
Anyone interested in this project should please contact Mr. John Vince, Clerk to the Parish Council, Holly Lodge, Horne Park Road, Ilfracombe. Tel: 862362. The team will be very happy to offer any advice.
Berry Revels Evening 1992
£865 was raised for village hall funds and it was "all right on the night" - weatherwise. A great deal of effort went into the event and special thanks to Ginny Neale, Vi Davies and Linda Denzey for "tying up" all the details, but it takes everyone workinq together to make an event like this succeed ... so thank you, everyone. Ideas welcome for next year!
Horticultural Show and Art Show
Even though Mother Nature wasn't exactly co-operating for this year's show, we had 327 entries [546 in 1991] and 41 people joined in the fun compared to 91 in 1991!! Mr. David Chaplin, the new Headteacher of Berrynarbor Primary School, presented the following cups:
Globe Cup [Flower Arranging]
Walls Cup [Home Cooking]
Davis Cup [Handicrafts]
P.T.A. Cup [Top class]
Men's Institute Cup [Middle Class]
Watermouth Castle Cup [Infant Class]
George Hippisley Cup [Art]
Vi Kingdon Cup [Photography]
Derrick Kingdon Cup [Fruit/Vegetable]
Lethaby Cup [Potted Plants]
Manor Stores Cup [Cut Flowers]
Management Committee Cup [Best in Show]
Sue Wright
Vi Kingdon
Ginny Neale
Gregory Pearson
Adam Pilkington
Mark Middlemass
June Perry
Joy Morrow
Iain McCrae
Jenny Taylor
Michael Morrow
Iain McCrae
Approximately £140 was raised for village hall funds - thanks to everyone's generosity.
A great big thank you to ALL who helped with this event, we couldn't have done it without you. Special thanks to Judie Weedon [printing schedules, etc.], Jenny Taylor [morale], and Maggie Allen [booking in, etc.]. Please do support this event in the future [or we may lose yet another part of village life]. The event takes place on the first Saturday in September and needs YOUR entries, so start growing, cooking, knitting, stitching, painting and picture snapping NOW. Any suggestions are very WELCOME to make the Show more successful - ideas for the schedules, volunteers for the event, etc. The schedule is printed in early July so IDEAS/COMMENTS are needed early but make them now whilst they are still fresh in your mind. ART WORK is desperately needed. Here's hoping we have a show in 1993.
Joy Morrow on behalf of the Manor Hall Management
Dear Customers
As from Saturday, 26th September, 1992, all business from Berrynarbor will be transferred to our Lynton shop for the winter period.
We are continuing door-to-door service in the village through the winter, just ring 0598 52208 or the shop, 882361, and your order will be delivered to your door the same day. Shopping lists of our range of goods are available on request. It is hoped these arrangements meet with your approval, but if you have any queries or worries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
We very much look forward to your continued support and would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please remember, just ring 0598 52208 for all your FRESH MEAT, COOKED MEATS, CHEESES AND DELICATESSEN PRODUCTS.
Family Butcher
5 Queen Street,
Lynton 0598-52208
60a The Village,
Berrynarbor 882361
It is sad to see one of our two shops closing for the winter. Are we as a village giving our shops the support they need? They are the lifeline for many, especially elderly, residents who do not have the means to go to the supermarkets in Barnstaple. Better support could help to keep prices down!
David Beales, Health Promotion Officer, Northern Devon Health Care, has written in connection with the Heart Cycle Project. The North Devon Health Promotion Department is co-ordinating the local 'Heart Cycle' project, promoting the individual and community health benefits of cycling.
As part of the project they are trying to encourage as many people as possible to fill in a questionnaire about cycling.
If you, or any members of your family, are keen cyclists and would like to help this project by completing a questionnaire, please collect a copy from Chicane or ring 883544 for a copy to be sent to you.
3rd | Coffee Morning and Book Sale, Tree Tops, Old Coast Road, 10.30-12.00 noon. |
4th | Harvest Thanksgiving, 10.30 a.m., Harvest Evensong at Combe Martin, 6.30 p.m. U.R.C. Sunday Services, 3.00 p.m. [for winter] |
5th | Badminton Club Enquiries: Mary Hughes [882580] |
6th | School Harvest Service, St. Peter's Church. W.I. Meeting: "My Favourite Past-time", Members. |
7th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.South Molton Recycling. Harvest Evensong, 7.00 p.m. Harvest Supper in Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. College: Governors Annual Report to Parents and P.T.A. A.G.M., 7.30 p.m. |
8th | Sale of Produce [School and Church] for Somalia
after Holy Communion. U3A Luncheon: Valley of Rocks Hotel, Lynton - The Devon Care Trust, Mr. J. W. Moore, J.P. |
10th | U.R.C. Jumble Sale, Manor Hall 2.00 p.m. |
12th | Badminton Club |
13th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. |
18th | Christians Together, 6.30 p.m. [Venue to be announced] |
19th | Badminton Club |
20th | W.I. Chichester Group Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
21st | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. Wine Appreciation Group - Tasting of Boxed Wines, 8.00 p.m. Manor Hall, Contribution £3.00. Munich University Symphony Orchestra, The Lantern, Ilfracombe, 7.30 p.m. |
22nd | Farewell and Presentation to the Rector and Dorothy, Manor Hall. (Time to be announced) |
24th | "A Victorian Walk", The Lantern, 2.00 p.m. |
26th | to 30th October: College and Primary School Half
Term Badminton Club |
31st | Hospice Care Trust [North Devon]:
Annual Autumn Fayre, 12.00 noon to 4.00 p.m. Town Hall, Combe Martin. "Skin the Peeler", The Lantern, Ilfracombe, 7.30 p.m. |
1st | All Saints Day |
2nd | All Souls Day. Badminton Club |
3rd | W.I. Annual Meeting |
4th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. South Molton Recycling |
8th | Remembrance Sunday: Holy Communion 8.00 a.m.The British Legion Service, 10.30 a.m. Parade Service, Combe Martin, 2.30 p.m. |
9th | Badminton Club |
10th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. |
12th | U3A Luncheon: Watersmeet Hotel, Woolacombe - "Working with Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother", Mr. G. M. Dunn, MVO. |
16th | Badminton Club |
18th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. Proposed W. I. Shopping Trip to Exeter. Wine Appreciation Group - French Regional Wines, 8.00 p.m. Manor Hall, Contribution £3.00. |
23rd | Badminton Club |
30th | Badminton Club |
1st | W.I. Christmas Social Afternoon |
2nd | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. South Mol ton Recycling. |
My friend is a rather old-fashioned lady, always quite delicate and elegant, especially in her language. She and her husband were planning a week's vacation in Wales, so she wrote to the particular campground and asked for a reservation.
She wanted to make sure that the campground was fully equipped, but didn't quite know how to ask about the toilet facilities. She just couldn't bring herself to write the word "toilet" in her letter. After much deliberation, she finally came up with the old-fashioned term "water closet". When she wrote that down she thought she was being too forward, so she started all over again, rewrote the entire letter and referred to the bathroom commode merely as the WC. "Does the campground have its own WC? " is what she wrote.
Well, the campground owner wasn't old-fashioned at all, and when he got the letter he couldn't figure out what the woman was talking about. That WC really stumped him. After worrying about it for a while, he showed the letter to several campers, but they couldn't imagine what the lady meant either. The campground owner finally came to the conclusion that the lady must be asking about the location of the Wesleyan Chapel, then he sat down and wrote the following reply:
"Dear Madam,
I regret very much the delay in answering your letter, but I now take the pleasure of informing you that the WC is located two miles north of the campground and is capable of seating 250 people at one time. I admit it is quite a distance away if you are in the habit of going regularly, but no doubt you will be pleased to know that a great number of people take their lunches along and make a day of it. They usually arrive early and stay late. The last time my wife and I went it was six years ago and it was so crowded that we had to stand up the whole time we were there. It may interest you to know that right now there is a supper planned to raise money to buy more seats. They are going to hold it in the basement of the WC.
I would like to say it pains me very much not being able to go more often but it surely is no lack of desire on my part. As we grow older, it seems to be more of an effort, particularly in cold weather. If you decide to come down to our campground, perhaps I could go with you the first time you go, sit with you and introduce you to all the other folks. Remember, this is a friendly community."!!
J.M. [with tongue in cheek!]

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this Autumn issue of our Newsletter, especially Debbie for "Brock" on the front cover, Miss Parkin for her poem and Fred Ward for telling us about Clog Dancing.
The next issue will be the December and Christmas edition and items should be in by the middle of November please. Following the series on Country Ways, it would be nice to learn some Country Customs - do you know of any of particular relevance for Christmas? All the usual items, too. 'Local' advertising [for a small contribution to newsletter funds] always welcome.