Edition 2 - October 1989

Artwork by: David Duncan


We have searched so near and far,
And at last have found our Shangri-La .
Such peace and quiet is hard to find,
The Lord above has been so kind.
Our garden's flat and oh! so green,
Bordered by a little stream.
The hills rise up, from the green lush ground,
Birds and bees are the only sound.
The little village is a real delight -
Miss Muffet's Tea Rooms on the right.
Down the lane, the Olde Globe Inn,
Tasty food, or a glass of gin.
The old church tower with the clock set high,
Chimes the hour as you pass it by.
The only thing it seems to say, is
"Do not worry, there's another day."
All along the leafy lanes, wild flowers nod and smile,
Then they wave us on again to walk another mile.
We wish the years would roll away, and make us young once more,
We should love to spend a life time here, before the closing door.
It is too late to spread our roots like the old oak tree,
But we know within our hearts, the best is yet to be.

Rosaline Camfield
Sterridge Valley


Artwork: David Duncan


The Harvest Service will be held on Wednesday, 11th October, at 7.00 p.m. This will be followed by the Harvest Supper, at approximately 8.00 p.m., when the Best Kept Village awards will be presented. Tickets for the Supper will be available from both the Manor Stores and the Post Office.

On Sunday, 12th November, the Annual Remembrance Day Service will commence at 10.30 a.m. followed by the laying of wreaths at the War Memorial.




Woolscott Cleave [Sterridge Valley]

For several months the Council has received complaints that a person, or persons, have been depositing builders' rubble in the above woods.

To try and overcome this problem, the Forestry Commission fenced off the area. Unfortunately, the offenders are very persistent; failing to remove the fencing although it- has been severely flattened - they are now tipping rubble through the other access.

The Council are asking for the co-operation of parishioners in trying to trace the owner of any vehicle seen depositing rubbish.

Betty Davis
Clerk to the Parish Council


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


You will need for 6 servings:

  • 1/2 pint water
  • 1/4 pint Port
  • 2 lbs hard cooking pears
  • 12 oz granulated sugar
  • 1 " stick cinnamon
  • 1 small lemon
  • 2 cloves

If you are fortunate enough to come by some really hard cooking pears, do as our grandmothers did and bake them long and very slowly in port flavoured syrup. The resulting mahogany coloured pears were a speciality of Barnstaple Fair.

Put the water, port, sugar, thinly pared lemon rind, lemon juice and spices into a pan and heat gently until dissolved. Meanwhile, peel, halve and core the pears and drop them into the hot syrup. Bring to the boil, transfer to a deep casserole, cover tightly and cook in a slow oven [290 Deg F, 150 Deg C, Gas mark 1] until tender. The time will vary from 14 to 6 hours, depending on the pears, but cooking time can be spread over several days if more convenient. Serve cold with clotted cream.




After the summer break, how nice to welcome members and visitors to the September meeting, also the speaker, Mr. Ian Tansley [Area Librarian], who thanked US for giving him the opportunity to visit our beautiful village. His talk was informative and members hope to visit Barnstaple Library at a future date.

Our next meeting will be on 3rd October when the speaker will be one of our own members, Mrs. Joan McCallam. Her subject will be "Flowers for Fun". Entries will also be judged to represent our Institute at the Group Meeting to be held at Lynton on the 25th October - more about that in the next issue.

Members would like to compliment all concerned with the first Newsletter, and to wish it continued success.

Mrs. Jean Cumings During the year, members enjoy outings to many places of interest, and how nice it is to sit back in the coach - all arrangements made. Spare a thought though, for the groundwork, contacting venues, coach companies, etc., making lists of would-be travellers, last minute cancellations and the many 'phone calls to fill places. Our Jean is a WONDER, and we can but hope that this personal 'Thank You' will compensate for the headaches and sleepless nights.

Bless you Jean and THANKS

It is said that travel broadens the mind,
But sitting can broaden the 'beam',
W. I. have found the ideal answer,
"Keep Fit" with Joy and Jean.

Vi Kingdon



The Sunday Services will be at 3 o'clock starting on Sunday, 1st October. On Monday, 2nd October, our Women's Guild starts at 2.30 p.m. and we should welcome anyone who would like to come along.

We are holding a Jumble Sale on Saturday, 14th October, at 2.30 p.m. and should be pleased to receive any jumble or items for the White Elephant Stall.

Ron Toms would like to thank everyone who sponsored him for his walk for Devon Historic Churches - he raised £275.25.



If you enjoy a game of whist, why not join us for a friendly game on Thursday evenings at 7.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall? The prizes are modest, but the company is friendly and good-humoured. Any profits go to the Manor Hall Funds.

Lorna Bowden


If you were in the village on Wednesday, 20th February, 1924, you may have attended the Whist Drive and Dance organised by the Liberal Association, when a profit of £1.15.9 1/2d was realised.

Apart from the usual arrangements for such a function, coal had to be purchased for the fire, oil for the lamps and "a band and/or singers" were to be engaged. The piano had to be brought from the Parish Room, probably on a hand-cart, for which a hiring fee of 10/- had to be paid. Mrs. Brooks received 2/6d. for services that evening, which included lighting the fire and tending the lamps.

The Liberal Association, 1924

President :
Mr. Samuel Bowden
V-President :Rev. Hayter
Chairman :Mr. Fred Rice
Secretaries :Mrs. Lizzie Bowden
Miss Audrey Richards [Mrs. Bill Willis]
Treasurer :Mr. Reg Huxtable
Committee :Miss Bessie Bowden
Miss Emmie Hancock [Mrs. J. Huxtable, Woolscott]
Miss Lilly Bowden
Miss Polly Huxtable
Miss Lillian Veale [Headmistress]
Miss Alice Huggins
Mr. R. Richards [my grandfather, Dick]
Mr. Fred Richards
Mr. Lyster Bowden
Mr. Claude Richards [Senior]
Mr. Len Bowden

Lorna Bowden



On Friday 15th September, the Men's Institute held a special evening at which a cheque for £200.20 was presented to Mrs. Carol MCormack, Director of the North Devon Scanner Appeal. This money was raised by Institute members over a 14 month period, via raffles, etc. The organisers were Ray Toms and Ivan Clark. Well done Berrynarbor Men' s Institute!

Whilst on the subject of congratulations ...


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


To DEBBIE RICE and ANDREW NOALL on their forthcoming marriage at St. Peter's Church on the 30th September, and to BOBBY BOWDEN and JANE ROTTENBURY on their marriage to take place at St. Peter's Church on the 7th October.

We wish both couples every happiness for the future.

Our best wishes go to CHRISTOPHER BOWDENand SAMANTHA JONES on their recent engagement.

To ROB and SHIRLEY MUMMERY on the birth of their tiny daughter, CHARLOTTE, who weighed in on the 8th June at 1lb 12oz. Charlotte has now just reached her expected date of arrival and weighs a healthy 6 lbs. Our thoughts have been with them over the past anxious months and hope that it will not be long before Charlotte is able to go home. Rob and the Jaycees runners must also be congratulated on their recent sponsored run which raised £1100 for the Special Care Baby Unit at Barnstaple.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Congratulations are also in order for the students from the village on their recent successes at G.C.S.E.

Also to the A Level students -

  • ROLAND BARTLETT, who is now taking a one-year Art Foundation Course at the North Devon College
  • KATHRYN CHANTLER, who is going to St. Martin's College, Lancaster, to take a B.A. degree in Geography
  • JEREMY KING, who is off to Brighton Polytechnic to study Civil Engineering
  • KIM JOST, now in Italy for a year learning to speak the language even more fluently! and
  • IAN REDWOOD, who will be taking an H.N.D. in Business Studies at the Polytechnic, of East London

Following courses in Higher Education, congratulations also to:

  • JULIE KING, has completed a B.Tec course in Business and Finance at the North Devon College and is now looking for employment
  • KEITH REDWOOD, having completed a one-year Foundation Accountancy course at Plymouth Polytechnic, is off to Huddersfield Polytechnic to pursue a 4-year sandwich degree in Computers in Business
  • HELEN WEEDON, has completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and has just taken up her first post teaching Dance and Art at Denbigh High School, Luton



The long, hot summer has been responsible not only for a fine crop of blackberries, but also for a not-so fine outburst of poetry in the village. It all began with my finding a bag of those luscious berries outside my front door, together with a note:

"The fairies thought that you might like
These blackberries we picked last night."

Intrigued, I asked one of our visitors, "Do you know anything of blackberry picking fairies?" From his expression it was obvious he didn't! A second visitor was disappointed to find it was not the opening to a Devon fairytale. Light dawned - it was the style and kind thought of a good friend. A 'phone call revealed I was wrong again.

I made bramble Jelly next day. That evening I returned to find a second bag of blackberries on the doorstep and another note:

"lt ain't no fairy with dainty wings,
Just a clumsy lass wot falls over things!
But no fairy nor elf will ever beat me
At blackberry picking as you will see.
Please accept these fruits from - an O. A. P."

Now, I've not penned a poem since the daft days of limericks, but couldn't resist dashing off:

"The fairies - instead of watching 'telly'
Turned blackberries into bramble jelly! Magic!
What's more the glorious dawn revealed
Some mushrooms in the field.
The fairies took no time to send
These country fruits to my kind friend."

... and delivered it to said 'kind friend' with a jar of juicy jelly and a fistful of field fungi.

The fairies then had a field day. A sweetly scented posy of roses arrived with:

"The village fairies have dried their wings,
They use silver birch pegs for these delicate things!
Now they are flying all over the place,
Chasing the swallow - quite a race.
Whilst having a breather they picked these roses
Which they then turned into delightful posies.
These they offer to Middle Lee
For sending mushrooms and jelly for tea."

We called a truce - well, I did. I couldn't better that. The only person to get nothing out of this 'cultural exchange' - other than a good laugh - was GRACE, yes, Nipper's Grace.

Three days later she asked if l'd found the blackberries. What a good fairy!

Pam Parke



The Historic Churches Fund Sponsored Walk/Cycle held on 9th September raised the sum of over £375 from the village. £275 of this was raised by RON TOMS - a magnificent effort. The rest was raised by walkers from St. Peter's Walkers and cyclists. John, Elaine and Katie Gubb raised £6 by cycling. Half the total amount will go to the participants' churches and the other half to the Historic Churches Trust Fund.

Win Collins



The residents of Watermouth get very distressed each spring when the new broods of ducklings are mercilessly picked off by the herons, crows and seagulls, leaving a depleted duck population. This year, Eric and Peggy Dobson of the Old Coach House, with the co-operation of Alf Turner, have succeeded in raising Il ducks in their garden.

It has been a traumatic experience netting the tiniest broods - 4 white and 7 brown; consultations with Slimbridge; endless hours spent feeding, watering and cleaning up after them. At one point, they spent the colder nights in the bathroom! Finally, the day arrived when Il happy, healthy little ducks seemed ready to face the world.

A solemn procession led them to the Castle lawn. They took to the water like true ducks - splashing, roiling, opening their wings - it was a joy to watch them. however, they had a few adversaries to face - the resident wild ducks, apparently not recognising their own offspring, launched fierce attacks on them. The human onlookers indignantly chased them off. The Dobson ducks soon found that if they defended as a group, they could chase the attackers away and peace was quickly restored, with them occupying the smaller pond and the wild ducks staying around the larger lake.

We were congratulating ourselves that all was well when a wretched water spaniel appeared and plunged in to chase them. Their new found wings rose to the occasion and they all flew out of the pond. That was enough to arouse Eric and Peggy's parental concern, and they declared they were taking them home again! It was not difficult to persuade the brood to proceed thankfully to the safety of their pen and Eric's fine-supply of chick feed.

Next morning, with Eric, they set out again and this time successfully stayed out all night. They even made sorties into the large lake and established a sitting-out place on the bridge. It seemed they had finally left home and Eric could turn his attention to his new brood of tiny ducklings.

Not so, however! A cold wet day followed, with a few holiday visitors on the Castle lawn generously giving their picnics to the ducks. Obviously feeding upside down in the lake was not enough for ducks raised with lavish supplies of chick feed. They made their own way home that evening; up the lane, turn left, then right, through the courtyard into the rear of the garden and thankfully into their pen. Naturally a good feed was provided - so these wise little ducks have discovered how to butter their bread - one way or another!

Patricia Gale

Illustration by: Kevin McLintock



WANTED: Jumble and items for the White Elephant Stall for the URC Sale on Saturday, 14th October.

Village news for the North Devon Journal. Items to Joy Morrow by Friday each week or by 'phone 882531.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Horticultural and Art Show. Despite the long, hot summer of 1989, there was a magnificent 382 entries to this year's Show. Thank you to all who participated in any way, large or small.

People working together is what it is all about. Proceeds from the auction, door, raffle, refreshments and lucky draws totalled £176.85. Funds will be used in aid of Hall Projects, such as the new kitchen.

The following cups were awarded :

  • Walls Cup [Domestic] - Mrs. J. Fubini
  • Davis Cup [Handicrafts] - Mrs. J. Fubini
  • P. T. A. Cup L Children 's Exhibit] - Charlotte Fryer
  • Men's Institute Cup [Children's Exhibit completed in the Hall] - Sara Lewis
  • Watermouth Castle Cup [Home-made Wine] - Mr. J. B. Allen
  • George Hippisley Cup [Art] - Mrs. June Perry
  • VI Kingdon Award [Photography] - Mrs. Hedy Belka
  • Derrick W. Kingdon Cup [Fruit & Vegetables] - Mr. Josef Belka
  • Lethaby Cup [Pot -Plants] - Mrs. Jill McCrae
  • Manor Stores Rose Bowl [Cut Flowers] - Ray Toms
  • Management Committee Cup [Best Entry in Show] - Mrs. J. Fubini for her entry of a handspun, finely knitted wedding veil

The Berry Revels Evening was once again a great success. Again, thank you to EVERYONE who worked so hard for this event which raised £853.56 for Manor Hall Funds, to help with the new kitchen. The Craft Market was also a success and was enjoyed by many locals and visitors. A sum of £61 was raised. It is hoped that these two events will 'happen' again next year.

Thank you Jenny Taylor for arranging the Crafts, and Terri Chantler for the paper work.

Britain in Bloom. The Clem Preece Memorial Award for community effort was presented to the village. This is a Britain in Bloom West Country Tourist Board award, and it is a lovely cut-glass flower bowl - currently on display in the Manor Stores, but will rotate with the Post Office and Miss Muffet's.

Now for 1990! A short meeting will be held on TUESDAY, 17TH OCTOBER at 10.30 a.m. in the Bassett Room. Volunteers most welcome - come along and help where you can. The village is to be congratulated and to quote the B in B judge "An exceptionally attractive village with a very fine community spirit."

Best Kept Village 1989. We were placed Runners Up, with a total of 99 points - you can't get closer to 100 than that! As the judge said, 'It was extremely difficult to find fault with any aspect of this very well-cared-for village. The display of flowers in private and commercial premises was outstanding.' Do come along to the Harvest Supper for the presentation of the N.D.D.C. Cup for combined villages, A first!

Joy Morrow



MondayKeep Fit [afternoon]
Badminton [evening]
Tuesday2nd & 4th each month - North Devon Spinners, Penn Curzon Room, 2.00 - 5.00 p.m.
1st & 3rd each month Youth Club. 6.30 - 8.00 p.m. 7 - 11 year olds. 8.00 - 10.00 p.m. Seniors
2nd each month - Parish Council Meeting, 7.15 p.m.
Painting Class, 7.30 p.m. Penn Curzon Room
WednesdayCeramics Class - Old Court
Brownies, Manor Hall, 6.30 - 8.00 p.m.
ThursdayWhist Club, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. Details from Lorna Bowden [883559]
FridaySpring and Summer - Sequence Dance Club



1stUnited Reformed Church [Chapel] commence Winter Services at 3.00 p.m.
2ndU.R.C. Women's Guild, 2.30 p.m.
Keep Fit 2.15 p.m.
Ilfracombe Community College classes commence this week
3rdW.I. Meeting.
Youth Club
4thCeramics Class starts. Enquiries to Jean Carter [882369]
10thNorth Devon Spinners, 2.00 - 5.00 p.m.
Parish Council Meeting, 7.15 p.m.
11thMobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m.
Harvest Service, 7.00 p.m.
Harvest Supper, 8.00 p.m.
12thU3A Luncheon, Collingwood Hotel, Ilfracombe.
13thto 15th Skips for Household Waste in Car Park
14thU.R.C. Jumble sale, 2.30 p.m.
17thBritain in Bloom 1990 Meeting, 10.30 a.m. Bassett Room.
Youth Club.
18thWine Appreciation Group, 8.00 p.m. Manor Hall.
19thSlide Show "In Search of a Canadian Homestead"
Mrs K.Arscott, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
Admission 50p Raffle, Refreshments
Proceeds for N.D. Scanner Appeal
24thNorth Devon Spinners, 2.00 - 5.00 p.m.
25thMobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m.
W.I. Group Meeting at Lynton
1stSouth Molton Recycling Collection
2ndWine Appreciation Group, 8.00 p.m. Manor Hall
7thW.I. Annual Meeting.
Youth Club
8thMobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m.
9thU3A Luncheon, Pavilion Restaurant, Woolacombe.
12thAnnual Remembrance Day Service, 10.30 a.m.
14thNorth Devon Spinners, Penn Curzon Room, 2.00-5.00 p.m.
Parish Council Meeting, Penn Curzon Room, 7.15 p.m.
21stYouth Club
22ndMobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m.
20thNorth Devon Spinners, Penn Curzon Room, 2.00-5.00 p.m.
5thYouth Club
6thSouth Molton Recycling Collection
Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m.



Two small skips will arrive in the Main Car Park on FRIDAY, 13TH OCTOBER, and remain there until Sunday evening, for the disposal of large items of household waste. Please make good use of this facility.



Following letters received from Linda Bulled and Barbara Simmons, as well as many enquiries and requests for the collecting of items to be recycled, arrangements have been made on a temporary trial basis with the South Molton Recycling Centre.

Suggestions for the siting of a bottle bank in the car park have been discouraged, since this land belongs to the District Council and going on the condition of such banks elsewhere, they are both unsightly and often surrounded by mess and broken glass.

The village is, therefore, looking for a dry, weatherproof place where recyclable items can be stored whilst awaiting collection - or, in fact, a collecting point. If anyone has a redundant garage, shed or barn [or an area that could be used as a collection point, once a month] that they would be willing to offer for this purpose, their generosity would be most appreciated. Please contact either Margaret King or Judie Weedon [883544].

South Molton Recycling have agreed to visit the village on the first Wednesday in each month, provided that there is sufficient for them to make their journey worthwhile. Their first collection will be on WEDNESDAY, 1ST NOVEMBER during the morning after 11.00 a.m. For this occasion ONLY, the Management Committee have kindly agreed that items may be taken to the area on the left of the drive up to the Manor Hall, immediately at the side of the Penn Curzon Room, on either Tuesday, 31st October, or the Wednesday itself. Items MUST NOT be left there either before or after these days. Please keep the area as tidy as possible.

The following items may be used again :

  • Milk Bottle tops and cooking foil, etc. Drink cans [coke, beer cans, etc.] and food and pet food tins. Please ensure they are thoroughly washed out
  • Newpapers and magazines, but please NO telephone directories or mail order catalogues. Paper should be kept as dry as possible and may be collected in cardboard boxes, bundled with string or in black sacks.
  • Bottles, glass jars, etc. [again thoroughly washed]

South Molton ask that glass be placed in cardboard boxes ONLY [not sacks], and tins in sacks.

It is very much hoped that everyone will take advantage of these arrangements to keep our village 'green' and that a storage site will be forthcoming. Details of the next collection on the 6th December will be given In the next Newsletter or displayed at the Manor Store and Post Office.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Judie Weedon.



Born and brought up in Greenwich, 'Dave' enlisted on the 2nd August 1932 with the Royal Engineering Corps at the Duke of York's Military School at Dover, having left school at the age of 15. He had an impeccable service record, remaining with the Engineers until his retirement, 25 years later, in July 1957, with the rank of Staff Sergeant.

Dave's first involvement with Berrynarbor came during the War when he came to Watermouth with the PLUTO project - Pipe Line Under the Ocean. The pipeline was laid across the Bristol Channel, from Wales to Watermouth Harbour, and finally up towards Mill Park, where the fuel lines ended and fuel oil originating in Wales was drawn off into road tankers for distribution. It was during this time that Dave met and married Vi Toms in St. Peter's Church. Based on the success of the Pluto project, a pipeline was laid across the English Channel to France, which assisted our troops after D Day, when Dave and his battalion were torpedoed and he and just a few comrades became the only survivors. His only son, Terry, was born in 1949 and attended our local school before going to Combe Martin. Following in his father's footsteps, Terry studied engineering and worked in Kuwait, but now lives locally with his wife and three children and has a very successful business in Barnstaple.

Upon leaving the Engineers, Dave spent some time at Liberty's in Regent Street, before returning to Berrynarbor in 1960. He then spent probably four of his happiest years teaching children to swim at the Ilfracombe Swimming Baths, which at that time were behind the Holiday Inn [llfracombe Hotel] both buildings having now been demolished. Leaving this job in 1964, he commenced employment with Mr. Norman in building and doing odd jobs around the village, but in the early '70's, he joined EDL Engineering, Where he remained until his retirement in 1984.

Dave Goodman served the Berrynarbor community unstintingly as a Parish Councillor from about 1970 until his sad death on the 3rd April, 1987. He must have been the Chairman of the Footpaths Committee for the majority of the time he spent on the Council, and his highlight was receiving an official invitation to the Buckingham Palace Garden Party during his year as Chairman of the Parish Council. Dave was a keen member of the local British Legion, and Remembrance Sunday was a very special day for him, when he would act as Standard Bearer - displaying his War medals - and more often than not, presented the Legion's wreath of poppies at the War Memorial just inside the church lych gate. An act he performed with great pride.

Dave often gave his time and energy to assist the youngsters of the village in sports, etc., and often acted as an informal "special constable".

He was always interested in gardening and originally tilled and grew flowers and vegetables on the plot of land beside the Manor Hall, and when it was converted into a children's playpark, he took over the large plot of land behind the Chapel, where he grew prize flowers and vegetables. His gardening gave him great pleasure.

Sadly, shortly after his retirement, illness struck Dave and for the next three years his health was very 'up and down' often with him having to fight for his breath.

Dave will always be remembered by the many visitors for his cheerfulness and willingness to help and speak to them, and he was sadly missed from the village centre.

Note : I again apologise for any inaccuracies in the above article, and would welcome any further information. I am now looking for information and any pictures/ photographs of "Uncle" Jack Draper, for a similar profile in the Christmas issue. Thanks .

Tom Bartlett


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


This view, one of many taken between c1904 and 1934 by the accomplished Bristol photographer, Garratt, shows the village street 'with the edge of a thatched Bessemer Thatch on the left, and Dormer House in the foreground. Dormer House is where David and Vi Goodman lived and brought up their son Terry.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, September 1989


Artwork: Judie Weedon

POSTSCRIPT Very many thanks to all contributors to this, our second Berrynarbor Newsletter. The response has been most encouraging and there are even an article or two in hand for the next issue.

The next issue, due out in early December, will be our Christmas Issue. So seasonal articles, poems, recipes, etc., please by WEDNESDAY, 15TH NOVEMBER, via the Manor Stores, Post Office or direct to Margaret King or Judie Weedon. We should also like news of the different activities in the village and don 't forget to make use of the "Sales and Wants" column.

Keep those contributions coming!