Edition 199 - August 2022

Artwork: Paul Swailes

Artwork: Judie Weedon


First and foremost, I must thank Sue and Mike Richards of Napps, the view from which has been depicted by our Artist in Residence Paul, for again sponsoring the cover of this the August edition. Their long support of the Newsletter has been much appreciated! Thank you, too, Paul.

This is, I think, the first time that I have been editing a newsletter in a heatwave! The temperatures have never been as high as we live in darkened rooms with the windows closed. Keep safe from Covid - it's still here and around the village - and keep cool from the heat.

Thank goodness it has turned a bit cooler as I write this and there is even some gentle rain, but oh, the gardens are needing a good soaking! The wild fires around the country and the continent, especially London, are horrific!

It has been sad to say goodbye to some villagers but we also welcome newcomers and wish you all health and happiness in your new homes.

We also send good wishes to those suffering from Covid, other coughs and colds or are under the weather, we hope you will be feeling better really soon.

In my first editorial in 1989 I said "Keep those contributions coming!" and you have! Thank you to the regular contributors, our artists and all those who have put pen to paper for this issue and over the years - without you there would be no Newsletter, but please keep them coming for just one more time. Items for Issue 200, the final under my reins, will be welcome as soon as possible and by Friday, 9th September latest.

Thank you.

Judie [Ed.]



Artwork: Helen Armstead


We were pleased to attend Rev. Mark's Installation at a special service on 13th June at Pip & Jim's Church. The Bishop of Exeter hosted the Service together with clergy from the surrounding area. Following the Service, ministers and the congregation gathered in the Church Hall to enjoy an excellent buffet which was contributed by the ladies from Berrynarbor, Combe Martin and Pip & Jim's churches.

We hope to see Rev. Mark take services in St. Peter's, Berrynarbor, very soon and that all services will be able to return to a normal and regular pattern. Mark has suggested that the commencement of church services should change to 9.30 a.m. Sundays, easing his timing schedule when taking services at St. Peter's, Combe Martin. We realise that this earlier time may be inconvenient for some people, but it will make travelling a lot easier for Mark and will also give additional time for parishioners to spend at home or elsewhere for the remainder of the day.

Our Gift Day was a huge success once again and the sunny weather was a real bonus. A huge range of teddy bears and other cuddly toys were abseiled from the Church Tower and all the children from Berrynarbor School and Pre-School were awarded certificates on the day. A huge big thank you to Kevin Brooks, Richard Barrett, Gareth Cornell, Beverley Grant, Tom Oliver and other volunteers for their efforts at the top and by the church tower in keeping the fun going for the children all morning. We raised the sum of £300.50 for this special day!

Church weddings have featured recently and we send our sincere good wishes to all the married couples for a happy time together in the years ahead!

On a sad note, we send our deepest sympathy to Kevin and family upon the passing of Betty Brooks, our long serving Church caretaker, who died peacefully in North Devon Hospital recently. Betty was a real character and will be sadly missed by the church community, residents in Berrynarbor and beyond. A special memorial service for Betty will be held in Berrynarbor church in the near future.

Finally, we pray for all those who are sick in our village, and especially at this time for all the refugees fleeing the war zone throughout the Ukraine and hope that families that have been separated from loved ones are reunited once again.

Note - Please be aware that we have had to move the black and green wheelie bins to the right of the top gate to ease the collection in Barton Lane by N.D. Council and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Sue Neale

Lost Property

Some three weeks ago a very large light brown tarpaulin/gazebo cover was left in the church porch, which is now kept safely in our vestry.

We have no idea who this belongs to, but perhaps it was left over from the Queen's Jubilee celebrations or even a wedding party? Please contact Sue Neale on 01271-883893 if you are the owner or perhaps know to whom it might belong. Thank you.






11.3.1982 - 19.5.2022

The village was stunned by the sudden and tragic passing of Kris on the 19th May and our thoughts are with Jane and Keith and all the family and his many friends at this time of sadness.

Kris, whose nickname was Chinny, moved here from Surrey with Jane and Keith to Rose Cottage some 27 years ago when he was 13. Attending Ilfracombe College, he soon made many friends, both here and in Combe Martin and Ilfracombe. A lot of time was spent surfing - anywhere there was surf - but mainly at Woolacombe and especially with his very good friend Rob Watkins. He and Rob always remained in touch, whether Kris was in Devon or in Surrey with his brothers and sisters.

Kris loved living down here and said that if he had children, he would always want to bring them up in Devon.

Although not always enjoying the best of health, at the time of his death, Kris had a lovely new flat and a happy relationship with his girlfriend - he was in a good place!

His red-themed funeral in Surrey was a tribute to his lifelong love and support of Liverpool Football Club. A party to celebrate his life with his many friends here was held at the Castle Inn in Combe Martin.

A larger-than-life character who made an impression wherever he went, Kris will be missed by so many, but never forgotten.

Jane and Keith would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their love and support at this time, and for the very generous donations given in Kris's memory for Belle's Place in Ilfracombe. They would also like to thank the staff at the Castle Inn and Bobbie's Bakes for a wonderful send-off party.

19.5.1933 - 31.5.2022

"Now don't go making a fuss and don't go yabberin' on, I've heard you before Jerry! There's no need for it! And with my ashes, don't mess about and don't go wasting money. You can go up to the churchyard one night and put my ashes in with Queen!"

Those were my orders direct from John, re-emphasised many times over the years and especially during the past few months. My response, "If you think I'm messing about in a churchyard late at night with a shovel, then think again!!" He could not help but smile, but he was entirely sincere, mainly because he never wanted to put us out or cause us any bother. He never did!

By the time this is published his ashes will have been interred within Queenie's grave, fulfilling his wishes, properly, with no late-night excursions on my part. There's no way that he didn't deserve a proper and fitting send off.

John Henry Clark was born at Twitchen Farm, West Anstey, to Lily and Percival Clark, on the 19th May 1933. Over the course of the next five years, he was joined by sisters Rose and Beryl. He was affectionately known as Joe to his parents and siblings; this as his mother had originally wanted to have him Christened Joseph.

Being born on the edge of Exmoor into a farming/country family, John was a man of the land and learned the practical skills from an early age that would carry him through for the rest of his life. A gifted horseman in his early years, helping his father who was Groom to the local Hunt on Exmoor, farm labourer and latterly professional gardener and groundsman in and around Ilfracombe until his retirement.

A confirmed cider drinker from an early age, he said that he was weaned on cider as he never liked milk. He attended firstly Oakford, then West Anstey and South Molton schools, although he wasn't a huge fan of school. Often, if he didn't feel like it, he didn't go to school, especially latterly when he would contrive to miss the school bus, sometimes inveigling/bribing my mum's help, much to her annoyance. "Oh, the bus must have been early it didn't come!" he would tell his mother, my mum agreeing through gritted teeth! He would rather stay home and help his dad with the horses. Mum soon put her foot down though and didn't go along any more with his skiving, meaning John had no excuse but to go to school.

His mischievous side would often land him in some bother, both with teachers and the local policeman. If in trouble at school and being kept behind, he would find a way to escape, usually hopping out through a window and heading homeward. Late one night, when cycling home without any lights on, the local bobby shouted out 'Where's your lights?" "Next to me liver!" was John's response as he cycled onwards. Not long afterwards, there was a firm hand on his shoulder and a stern "Less of your cheek in future!" The Policeman knew full well who the culprit was.

A school photo of his class, taken at South Molton School, shows evidence of yet more mischievousness! John, stood at the back, decided to flick the ear of a boy in front. Result - as the photo was taken, most of the kids are looking back to see what the commotion was all about! Leaving school at 14, he initially continued to work with his dad and horses before finding employment with a landowner at Skilgate, near Morebath.

When his National Service came in 1950, due to his knowledge and experience with horses, his employer told him that he would be wasted in the Infantry, and through his brother, who was a Colonel in the Cavalry, pulled some high-level strings. John was subsequently drafted into the 3rd The King's Own Hussars. He enjoyed the discipline of the Army and loved his 3 years of Service. Primarily based in Germany, he was the personal groom to one of the British Army's top show jumpers, Captain Dallas. Show jumping events took John across much of Western Europe, including Berlin. After only a few months, he was made Lance-Corporal. He later said he regretted not signing on for longer, but at the time, being a young man, he said he wasn't thinking with his head!

Soon after returning to civilian life and whilst working on his aunt and uncle's farm at Comyn, Ilfracombe, he met a local Berrynarbor girl, Queenie. They soon married and their home together was 1 Birdswell in Berry. In 1970, John joined North Devon District Council, working as a Gardner and Groundsman. His primary responsibility was maintaining the gardens/grounds around the seafront and planting the various floral display beds which Ilfracombe was especially known for during the '70's and '80's.

Sadly, he lost his beloved Queenie in 1986, which devastated him. He threw himself into his work and gradually became even more involved in local activities around Berrynarbor, helping and taking part, in the local BBC variety shows, carnivals and becoming a mean darts player, often beating players 20 plus years younger, much to their astonishment, their having misjudged the 'old man'. John had an impressive collection of darts trophies won over the years. I believe that the BBC Dad's Army sketch is still one of local legend to this day!

When not being busy, which was usually never, he loved reading, listening to music - Country and Western and the like, doing word puzzles and wood working. He maintained his home and garden in immaculate shape. He could also be found either at Ye Olde Globe or Sawmills, most often with his mates Derek and Mitch, telling yarns or just putting the world to rights, with a cider or whiskey in hand, getting more raucous as the night went on.

In the early '00's he underwent two hip replacements, was then diagnosed with bowel cancer followed by a brush with lung cancer. He took the treatments on the chin and blew us away with his resilience and fortitude in dealing with each challenge he faced. His last battle was with oesophageal cancer, its awful advance made it very difficult for him to enjoy food and latterly to eat at all. Although frustrated, he never complained and still maintained a very good sense of humour right to the end. Over the years, with attending hospital for treatments and check-ups, he became well known to the staff.

Last November, after John had been diagnosed, I had to book an appointment for him. "Oh, we know John Clark and his beans!" "His beans?" "Yes, he would bring us in runner beans when he came for his appointments in the past." That was John through and through.

He was still driving up until Lockdown 2020 when he left Berry for a small, wardened flat in Barnstaple. He had realised that a large home and garden was too much and he was frustrated that he could no longer manage. His body may have been giving up, but his mind wasn't.

John was straight-talking, no nonsense and great fun to be around; reducing many to tears of laughter just by his sharp tongue and wit, me included, right up to his last few days. Those who met him, would find him hilarious. Everyone will have their own memories of John and of who he was and what he meant to them.

On his 89th birthday, he was moved from Alexandra Ward to Capener Ward. He had asked me to take in cake to share with the nurses on his birthday. He was disappointed that he was moved and couldn't share with the nurses who had looked after him initially. He ordered me to take the cake down to Alexandra Ward and give to the nurses, "Aw, isn't he cute" was the response. He smiled broadly when I told him what had been said. He was still thinking of others and that made him happy.

Overall, he was a fantastic Uncle and mentor, to whom I looked up and respected right from an early age. I shall miss him, will never forget him but will still laugh when thinking of the hilarious things he would come out with. Whilst I agree with everything everyone else has said, I would describe him in one word - LEGEND! He'll be a hard act to follow.


John's village friends were so sorry to learn that he had passed away at the end of May and our thoughts are with his sister, his nephew Jerry and all his family at this sad time.


It was with much sadness the village learnt that Bet had passed away peacefully at the North Devon District Hospital on Friday, 24th June, at the age of 92.

Her funeral, attended by so many and taken by our past Rector, Keith Wyer, on a bright and sunny day was, although sad, a happy occasion, full of laughter and fun - Bet would have approved!

A much-loved and loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, our thoughts, at this time, are with David and Kevin and all her family, as well as her many friends especially in the village.

May the roads rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Artwork by: Judie Weedon




May and June 2022

Here is my next report for May and June. My attention is continuing to be drawn to our lack of rainfall as you will see from the following figures. I was away in Scotland at the end of May and early June, so I have no observed records for that period, only the automatic recorded information.

The 1st of May was a little warmer than the last few days of April. There was total cloud cover, the temperature was 8.4˚C just after midnight and reached 10.9˚C by 1600hrs. At 0300 hrs. it started to rain, the first rain for eleven days producing 8.8mm by the end of the day. The wind was light and from the S.W. with a maximum gust of 10mph at 1800hrs. The barometer started the day at 1026.5mbars. and fell to 1021.1 by midnight. The sun didn't manage to show all day!

Looking at the month's figures the highest temperature was on the 17th at 1400hrs 21.7˚C [average 25.23˚C] the lowest 5.2˚C at 0300hrs on the 30th (average 3.45˚C] The maximum wind speed was 35mph on the 20th from the SW [average 33.38mph], the lowest wind chill was on the 30tth at 5.3˚C [average 1.13˚C]. The wettest day was the 11th with 17.8mm and total rain for May 51.2mm [average 77.89mm]. The running total for 2022 stands at 269.2mm. The barometer ranged between a low of 1002.5mbars on the 23rd and the highest on 8th at 1027.7mbars. The best day for sunshine was also the 8th with 7.95 hours and a total for May of 146.39 hours [average 164.23]. The humidity was highest on the 7th at 95% and lowest on the 8th at 52%.

The Old Forge, Inverie, Knoydart

Looking at June, as mentioned earlier I was on holiday in Scotland. During my visit I made a trip on a lovely day to the small village of Inverie on the west coast, it claims to have the most isolated pub on the U.K. mainland. [For more info look online].

The 1st June the temperature reached 17.1˚C at 1900hrs. with a low of 6.6˚C at 0200hrs. The wind was from the SW with a maximum gust of 13mph at 1700hrs. There was no rainfall, the barometer started the day at 1016.3mbars rising to 1019.7mbars by the end of the day. The sun managed to shine for 8.41hours.

Moving on to the month overall, the highest temperature was 25.7˚C at 1200hrs on the 17th [average 27.2˚C] and a low of 5.1˚C at 0500hrs on the 2nd [average 6.70˚C]. The highest gust of wind was 28mph from the SW at 2000hrs. on the 24th [average 29.12mph] and on the 2nd at 0500hrs a wind chill of 4.4˚C [average 6.42˚C]. The wettest day was the 25th with 10.8mm in the gauge, total for the month was 50.6mm [average 74.79mm]. The total for the year so far of 319.8mm is my lowest on record since 1994. In 2010 it was close at 321.0mm, 2019 at 377mm and 2006 at 389.0mm. The barometer ranged from a low of 998.0mbars at 1800hrs on the 24th to a high 1027.0mbars at 1100hrs on the 13th. The best day for sunshine was the 22nd with 8.70hrs and a total for the month of 155.39hrs [average 171.27hrs]. The humidity ranged from 94% at 0800hrs on the 2nd to 48% at 1700hrs on the 2nd. This is unusual to happen on the same day!

Looking overall it appears to have been drier and cooler than normal, we shall have to wait and see what happens in the second half of 2022?

I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer, take care.





Our Community Shop is delighted to announce that it has a new bread supplier - the wonderful East and West Bakery who are based in Butcher's Row in Barnstaple. They have been supplying the North Devon community for over 20 years and we are sure you will be delighted with the quality of the bread and the amount of choice on offer. They cater for all tastes and preferences. They will be delivering to the shop on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. A full list of the loaves and other baked items on offer is available in the shop and orders can be taken. Just make sure your order is in a day in advance of when you need it to guarantee its availability. If you can't visit, orders can be phoned through to our shop on 883215.

The American chef and cookbook author James Beard once said that 'good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods and good bread with fresh butter the greatest of feasts'. He's quite right, of course, but why stop there? Instead of a feast, we can offer you a banquet! We have the perfect accompaniments for that bread [and butter] with a fabulous range and choice of local cheeses and sliced meats for that summer picnic. You'll find them in the delicatessen section of our cabinets. We are often complimented on the quality and variety of the dozens of cheeses we offer - what's your favourite?

And talking of summer - hasn't it been a bit warm lately? Check out our cold drinks' cabinets. Whether your tipple is one of our very popular wines, beers and ciders or you'd rather go the non-alcoholic route, we have your cooling drink of choice. It's also the perfect time for ice cream. Whether it's an individual treat you want, or one of our popular family-sized tubs of Farmer Tom's locally made ice cream, you'll find them in the freezer cabinet.

Visitors Ahoy!

Yes, it's that time of year again! Schools have broken up and we are expecting the village campsites and local B&B's to be humming with visitors for the next four or five weeks. We shall make them very welcome. With the number of covid cases continuing to rise across the country, we shall still be asking all customers to use the anti-bacterial hand dispenser, wear masks and keep their social distancing. But while we can politely ask, we cannot insist. So, if you see unmasked visitors in our shop, just be careful. We want everyone to stay safe and well.

Help - Your Shop Needs You

There has been a lot of covid around the village and this has thinned out our small army of shop volunteers. Please, if you can spare us a morning or an afternoon then please let the shop know.

We're a friendly bunch and you don't need to have experience of working in a shop. It's not complicated and training and assistance will be given.

Note: For a really traditional cream tea, East & West's cut rounds are just the job! You will, however, need to order them at least a day in advance.




It seems a while ago now but how lovely was it to see the community come together to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Thank you to all those involved directly and indirectly for organising, supporting and volunteering their time to put on these events and make it a memorable celebration. 

The Parish Council has recently hosted its annual defibrillator training which was delivered by the Assistant Community Responder Officer from the South Western Ambulance Service whom we must thank for such informative and potentially lifesaving training and thank you to those that attended and supported the training.     

The Parish Council has recently adopted a Policy for Pre-Planning Application Meetings with Developers and has already received presentations from two developers looking at potential development sites within the village.  The first was land off Pitt Lane and the second was at Moules Farm.  These proposals were in their infancy and whilst the Parish Council will not express any views at pre-application stage, it does provide an opportunity for the community to raise concerns and ask questions at an early stage in the planning process.

The Council is pleased to be able to continue to provide small financial donations and grants to local charities and community causes and has recently agreed a donation of £100 to Go North Devon which provide and operate the Cancer Care Car service in the area.  The service supports patients who need to get to hospital for chemotherapy and other oncology appointments and is a safety net for those that need and use the service.  Go North Devon are looking to raise £61,000 to ensure the service continues throughout 2022/2023 and are looking for any volunteers who might be able to undertake some fundraising in aid of the charity, if that is you, please do contact Go North Devon - they are happy to help with promotion.

Parish Clerk - Berrynarbor Parish Council

  • Chairman: Adam Stanbury
  • Vice Chairman: Adrian Coppin
  • Councillors: Gemma Bacon, Sian Barten, Jenny Beer, Andy Burch, Martin Johns, Jody Latham, Bernadette Joyce
  • Clerk to the Parish Council: Victoria Woodhouse - clerk@berrynarborparishclerk.gov.uk
  • County Councillor: Andrea Davis
  • District Councillor: Joe Tucker

  • 9

    Artwork: Paul Swailes

    Chairman's Report

    Finally, after two difficult years with us all having to deal with a dreadful pandemic, the hall welcomed groups and activities back in. The first of these events being our Summer Fete. It was still unable to be totally back to normal but none-the-less it was another successful fundraiser for the hall.

    In September the hall looked resplendent in fairy lights and flowers as it hosted a beautiful wedding for a village couple who had patiently waited almost two years after their intended date.

    In October we held another successful Fashion Show in conjunction with the Ilfracombe clothes shop Clathers. Lots of happy ladies enjoying a glass of Prosecco with friends while watching the local models strut their stuff!

    In the half term the Pre-school had a face lift with some new flooring, repainting and some general updating.

    Having had a few years without a Christmas Fayre, it was decided that we should run our own, so on Sunday 5th December the hall had several craft and gift stalls, refreshments and even a visit from Father Christmas. It was an enjoyable and well attended event particularly as covid restrictions and concerns were still present, and so it is hoped to repeat it again this year. December also saw the return of a Wreath Making session in the hall with many a splendid wreath and table decoration created with the skillful help of Sue Neale.

    It was a quiet start to the year with a handful of bookings outside the user groups. In April, Pam very kindly offered to start a monthly Coffee and Cakes Afternoon. It has proved very popular and a fantastic fundraiser so it is hoped to continue throughout the summer months.

    With the sad closure of our village pub, Karen came up with the good idea to have the Sunday Night Pub Quiz in the hall instead. This has also been very popular enabling people to get together for some light-hearted fun whilst raising funds for the hall.

    The Queen's Platinum Jubilee saw the hall as the main venue for the celebrations. The organising committee did an excellent job at devising a weekend that enabled all ages of our community to come together to celebrate this unique occasion.

    The extortionate rise in utility bills will unfortunately be a testing time for community buildings such as our hall but I have no doubt that with the continued hard work and dedication by the hall's Trustees, along with the fantastic support of the village, it will continue to provide a safe and pleasant place for all the residents to enjoy.

    Julia Fairchild - Chairman

    The Manor Hall had its AGM on Wednesday 15th June with a new Committee voted in. Julia stood down after five years as Chairman. Huge thanks were given to her for all her hard work during her 'reign'. It is acknowledged that she will be a hard act to follow, but I aim to do my best!

    Whilst the pub has been closed, the hall has hosted the fortnightly Sunday Quiz which has been enjoyed by many, including some visitors to the village who commented on our great community spirit. A special thank you to Karen, Phil and Lynn for leading on this. As you will see below, we also hope to host a fortnightly Pub Night to give us all a chance to socialise on a Friday evening.

    Pam and Jan's Coffee Afternoons are continuing to be a great success. Every month there has been a wonderful selection of home-made cakes thanks to the support of so many people in the village. You are quite a talented lot! If you have yet to contribute and would like to make a cake, please do let Pam know, and if you haven't been along yet, you really don't know what you're missing! The village celebrations for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee were enjoyed by all. How lovely it was to end a fabulous weekend with the Bring & Share and a sing-song in the hall.

    The rising energy costs are hitting us all hard and this includes the hall. We, the Trustees, will be working hard organising fund raising events, and with the continued support of the village we hope our lovely hall will be enjoyed for many more years to come. With that in mind, please see below dates for your diary:

    • Pub Night at the hall - Friday 5th August 6.00 to 10.00 p.m.
    • Coffee Afternoon - Wednesday 24th August 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.
    • Dinner/Dance - Saturday 1st October

    Hope to see you all there.

    If you would like to run a fund-raising event or have ideas to share, please let us know.

    Sharon Gleeson - Chairman [07823881455]>
    Bookings - yvonnefrancis10@gmail.com




    At Berrynarbor Pre-school, we provide care and education for young children between the ages of 2 and 5. We are now taking bookings for the next academic year.

    If you would like to book a place for your child/children then please call on 07932 851052 or email preschoolberrynarbor@gmail.com for more information.

    Our opening times are 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. We are flexible and have a range of session times to meet your needs

    • 8.30 a.m. or 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon a.m.
    • 12.00 noon - 3.00/3.30 or 4.00 p.m. p.m.
    • 8.30 or 9.00a.m. - 3.00/3.30/4.00 p.m. - All day

    We are Ofsted registered and in receipt of the 2-year-old funding and Early Years Entitlement. We are offering 30 hours free childcare to eligible families. Further information in regards to this funding can be found at 30 hours free childcare - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).

    This term we have been preparing our older children for their move to 'big' school and they all seem to have enjoyed their school visits. We wish them all the best as they start their new learning journey at their Primary Schools.

    Our Topic of Learning - The seaside

    The children have learnt about keeping our beaches clean and safe, protecting our seas and oceans from plastic and waste as well as keeping sun safe.

    We talked about all the different plastic found in and around the sea. We made a fish sculpture from recycled materials and placed this in our Children's Communication Corner. This led to many conversations with children and parents as well as visitors. The children made treasure boxes and placed many made items inside including treasure maps, painted pebbles, sea shell clay fossil and information from the RNLI. We should like to thank Be Barten for her kind donation of craft materials and boxes that enabled us to create these boxes and support the children's learning.

    Through games, stories and puzzles, the children learnt about some of the sea creatures and plants found on our shores, as well as others found deep in the oceans. Some children attended Yoga sessions with Lorna Donnelly. They listened well to instruction and took part in movement to stories as well as interpreted animal/sea creature movement such as the jelly fish, crab and shark.




    • Clothes Recycling - We wish to thank everyone who supported us and dropped off their unwanted clothes for our Bag2school fundraising scheme. We raised £92.00 which is brilliant.

    • Plant Sale - We managed to raise £81.00 through selling plants at Pre-school and thank everyone who made plant donations and those who made purchases.

    From all at Berrynarbor Pre-school

    We wish everyone a happy and safe summer and look forward
    to the new academic year in September.




    Brown puppies
    heads bobbing above the water
    turning, looking around
    inquisitive eyes
    friendly faces
    Larger black adults don't hang around
    watch for a moment then
    pulling their huge dark shiny mass
    out and over 
    - over and under 
    in one fast moment

    Virginia Evans


    Illustrated by: Paul Swailes



    We are a small [10-14] group pf average skill players who meet each Thursday at 2.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall.

    We should like to increase our membership
    and even learners would be welcomed.


    Then please telephone Keith on [01271] 883762




    Holiday deposit paid in 2019, taken in 2022, is, I'm sure, a familiar scenario of Covid-intervention for many! We hadn't visited Italy's lakes before; we waited until June to see Milan and something of Maggiore, Como and Garda.

    Our stay on Lake Garda, Italy's biggest, a mere 229 miles2, included a vineyard visit. There's nothing like personal recommendation for anything and Trip Advisor comments concur with ours: make a point of heading towards Desenzano. A few miles beyond this town is the winery of Montonale; I wish we'd driven there as we would have imported!

    This vineyard has history: in 1911, in the area of Lugana, described as 'a white-wine specific region' there was a small family farm, a couple of hectares [1 = 2.47 acres]. It evolved, but sadly, along the way, it involved a family dispute between nine brothers. The business closed, but Claudio, Roberto and Valentino Girelli, the fourth generation, restarted it in 2012.

    Their thirty hectares benefit from Garda's winds, their clay and silt soil and their individual but combined expertise: Claudio is their Administration Manager; Roberto the winemaker; and Valentino is the land-scientist. Interestingly, they use 'sexual confusion' and roses to prevent and detect bugs! The former relates to what look like red plastic ties on the vineyard wires, but these exude pheromones, which means a female bug won't lay her eggs inside the grapes. The roses are at every row, susceptible to another bug, so any damage would alert the owner-growers. This present-day science means an attractive absence of netting and pesticides!

    Lake Garda's basin is like a thermal reservoir and provides a mild climate all year round for their Turbiana, Trebbiano and Verdicchio grapes. They produce two whites, a fizz, a rose and two reds. We were fortunate, as we tried and enjoyed five of these six. One of their whites, Montunal Lugana, is 100% Turbiana grape; the revered magazine Decanter gave it 96 points recently! Their fizz, the Primessenza, had light bubbles and was not gassy at all. Their reds were as good as their whites.

    Since our return, over about three weeks, I have been in touch with Sara, our presenter, one of Montonale's hospitality staff. Her English is excellent and so is her perseverance. Between us, we have tried every which way to import 18 bottles of wine for a special Wine Circle presentation, using their wines, only. It would have been do-able, but for importation charges etc., courtesy of BREXIT and freight charges. You can buy through their UK importers, but every-which-way meant prohibitive prices, for us, in every direction. Sadly, this is as near as you're going to get to learning about their wines, unless of course, you take a trip to Desenzano!

    The Wine Circle season begins again in October, the third Wednesday in the month, 8.00 p.m. at the Manor Hall. Details will be given in the October issue of the Newsletter.

    Judith Adam - Promotional Co-ordinator



    Have you heard that Marwood Hill Gardens won big at Hampton Court Flower Show this year? Their beautiful and colourful volcano of Astilbes was awarded not only a RHS Gold Medal, but also the Best Plant Heritage Exhibit by the Judges.

    Visit yourselves and learn all about their National Collection of Astilbes started in 1990 and today is one of the largest collections anywhere in the world! The Gardens are also home to an abundance of gorgeous and colourful plants and flowers, including three other National Collections.

    Catch up over coffee and home-made cake or a cream tea in the picturesque Garden Tea Room or take a bit of Marwood magic home with you from our Walled Garden Nursery & Plant Sales. No bookings needed and dogs on leads welcome!

    Please check our website for more information: www.marwoodhillgarden.co.uk
    or call us on 01271 342528.


    David Beagley













































































































































































    1.  Gives off steam

    2.  Leaves out

    3.  Elementary

    4.  Political party

    10. Go up

    5. And

    11. Shy 6. Spanish prince
    12. Shiny 7. Get used to temperature
    13. Responsibility 8. Concerning
    15. Contractive tissue 9. Picnic drinking vessels! 7,4
    17. pH 14 14. A, B. C. . .
    19. Right 16. Sink something
    20. Sorrowful 18. Our planet
    23. Intelligent 21. Strong string
    24. Barrage balloon 22. Not so much
    25. Newspapers  
    26. Throw around
    Solution in Article 29.



    We can't afford to be complacent you know
    Or our special places will surely go.
    We already seem to have lost the pub;
    A place that once was, a central hub.
    The church, the school, both serve our community.
    Supporting one's faith and education; bringing unity.
    More of our facilities will be lost forever
    unless we work hard and pull together.
    Bills are rising it costs a lot
    but we need to hold onto what we've got.
    Coffee afternoons and quiz nights in the Manor Hall
    Go some way but don't pay it all.
    It's a large building to maintain and heat.
    Rising costs we all need to beat.
    And while we're at it don't forget the community shop.
    I would hate to see that be given the chop.
    We assume it'll be there forever and a day
    but we can't assume that, whatever you say.
    The shop needs our support our custom too.
    There's something we could, easily try to do.
    If each week, every villager spent, at least one pound
    the difference it would make could be profound.
    I would encourage you to give it a try.
    There's so many goodies you could choose to buy.
    Don't forget the post office that needs our business as well
    [I'm on a roll here as you can surely tell! ]
    I think you've got the picture; you know what you need to do.
    Hopefully this poem is speaking to each one of you.
    Let it be known that Berrynarbor is a community who pull together,
    Supporting our facilities so they're not lost forever.

    Pam Robinson


    Illustrated by: Paul Swailes





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    • I Mow Down The Competition
    • You Make The Call - I Do The Rest
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    Artwork: Helen Weedon


    Nigel Stone was Chief Executive at Exmoor National Park Authority for eighteen years from 1999. A keen photographer, he spent much of his leisure time capturing the moor's stunning and varied scenery. It was a pursuit that would eventually lead to a ground-breaking publication, Exploring Exmoor from Square One. In his book, Stone divides the National Park into a matrix of numbers and letters so that each square can be cross-referenced with accompanying pictures and text that highlight something of interest. By the end of the book the reader is left enriched with Stone's bountiful knowledge of Exmoor. For example, square K13 refers to a close-up image of the replacement for the original Cussacombe Post, erected to commemorate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. Stone explains the original post was replaced in 1977, the year of our current Queen's Silver Jubilee and that a plaque was installed for her Diamond Jubilee. (I wonder if another will be attached for her Platinum Jubilee?)

    Stone also mentions place names that reflect an Exmoor before roads, such as Sandyway, lying halfway between Withypool and North Molton, perhaps its unsurfaced track connected the two villages? There are pictures too of Exmoor's fords and packhorse bridges which take one back to a time before the motor vehicle. Going much further back in our history, Stone alerts the reader to enclosures on Exmoor that date back to the late Neolithic period and shows where monuments, cemeteries, barrows and cairn remains from the Bronze Age can be found. Within Exmoor's boundary there is also an Iron Age promontory fort as well as a fortlet believed to have been built in 50AD, seven years after the Roman invasion of Britain. Further evidence of Roman occupation on Exmoor includes archaeological investigations at Sherracombe Ford and sediments found on Anstey Common.

    Stone contemplates a battle that may have occurred between the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings at Wind Hill and shows where the Normans were present on the moor; forever keen to protect their land from invasion, the outline of a motte-and-bailey castle can be seen near Parracombe. Further west, on Exmoor's boundary, there is clear proof above ground of Combe Martin's mining history, with records showing that activity first occurred in the late thirteenth century. Clue's to mining within Devon's Exmoor can also be found near Heasley Mill which is thought to date back to the fourteenth century. Moving into medieval times, Stone provides evidence of deserted settlements and mentions Holywell Bridge, the origins of its name thought to have derived from the nearby site of a holy well. At North Furzehill, meanwhile, there are the remains of a ruined building which is part of a medieval mill.

    Confirmation of our ancestral farming is littered across the moor.

    In his book, Stone provides pictures of field patterns created as a result of the eighteenth and nineteenth century Inclosure Acts. He also shows early nineteenth century farmhouse remains and refers to place names such as Butter Hill which, he suggests, reflect the richness of the area for past grazing. He also mentions past engineering work such as the Payway Canal and Warren Canal, both partially built and which start close to the man-made damn, Pinkworthy Pond. Heading north-east from the damn towards the coast one begins to discover deep elongated cuttings into the earth, embankments, bridges and lines of scrub, all acting as historical reminders of the Barnstaple to Lynton railway line. In operation between 1898 and 1935, a reminder of its service within Exmoor National Park can be spotted at New Mill in the form of a dysfunctional and seemingly out-of-place railway bridge.

    The running of the line spanned the years of the First World War, with Exmoor offering its own timely reminders by way of coastal gun emplacements. Meanwhile, several areas on the moor were used for military training during the Second World War, including Brendon Common where the remains of 5-inch rockets have been uncovered.

    If you have an interest in our National Parks then Exploring Exmoor from Square One is undoubtedly a book for you. For it does not just refer to its layers of history, Stone also talks of the flora, fauna, woodland, landscapes, villages, night skies and, of course, its ponies. His aptitude for photography is also reflected in the quality of his pictures which, in my opinion, define the book as one that can be comfortably perused whilst enjoying a hot drink. My overview of the book only skims the surface of its content. What's more, I have ensured that the number of place names to which I make reference are limited; however, a keen observer may have noticed that these places are all in Devon, an area that accounts for only one third of Exmoor National Park. The other two thirds lay within Somerset, so to discover the wealth of information Stone provides across the border, you'll need to get hold of a copy!

    Having chronologically outlined some of the historical evidence that the book features, I should like to conclude this article with three sites that have either an unknown origin or involve legend and folklore. Firstly, the two standing stones on Lyn Down which, as a result of being moved from their original location, now means that their origins are unknown. Then there is Mole's Chamber, its name derived from the legend of Farmer Mole who, along with his horse, entered the mire and disappeared into the bog. Finally, there are the earthworks at Shoulsbury Castle which, according to folklore, was held by King Alfred in a battle against the Danes. A more popular opinion, however, is that the earthworks date from the Iron Age - but personally, I always prefer a good old folklore tale!

    Artwork: Paul Swailes

    Steve McCarthy





    We are delighted to say that after months of anticipation our big production at the Landmark Theatre was able to go ahead. This was the first time many of our children had performed onstage as part of a school production since 2019 - this means that our current Year 6 cohort last performed when they were in Year 3! Congratulations to Pine and Alder classes for a fantastic performance of "Star Warts - the Umpire Strikes Back". The show was full of fun, jokes, singing, dancing and the odd Star Wars reference thrown in. We were so impressed with each and every individual performance. It was wonderful to see every single child throw their heart and soul into the show. You rehearsed with endurance, performed with confidence and gave us so many moments to remember. Huge thanks go to staff, parents and children who made this production happen.

    Following our last update - we can let you know that SATS results are in and we couldn't be more thrilled. We had a wonderful set of results - with many above local and national average. Very well done to all our children taking part in formal assessment this year throughout the school - you should be very proud of yourselves!

    We held our Federation wide Music Concert and Art Gallery at the end of term. This was another event we have been able to continue with after a break due to COVID19. Many of our pupils performed individually and as classes - expertly led by Mrs. Barrow our Music Coordinator. We were hosted by Tim Baker, Head of Music at Ilfracombe Academy, with the Academy band treating us to a performance also! Parents then had the opportunity to view some super art work from the children - show casing the range of styles we have looked at over the last year. We also learned our contribution to the world record attempt for the largest postage stamp design competition successfully became a record!

    Year 5&6 took part in our Broadening Horizons event. This year we asked a broad range of people from all walks of life to talk about their careers and life experiences. We heard about adventures in the wilds of South America, heard about careers from a broad range of disciplines including social work, the arts, forensic science as well as public office. It is so important to us that our children see there is a great big world of opportunity outside our lovely village.

    Our mini fete was another opportunity to return to normality, with games in the playground and lots of tea, coffee and cake served, we raised almost £600 towards our lovely school.

    Finally, we want to say a fond farewell to our Y6 leavers. You have been a very special year and we shall miss you. We know you will continue to embody our values as you embark on the next step of your education.

    Our thanks go to staff, children and families for another year of hard work, commitment and fun. Have a great summer break and we look forward to welcoming our new Reception Year on the 1st September 2022!

    Best wishes to all our friends in the community.

    Su Carey, Faye Poynter and the whole Staff Team




    The people upstairs all practise ballet
    Their living room is a bowling alley
    Their bedroom is full of conducted tours.
    Their radio is louder than yours,
    They celebrate week-ends all the week.
    When they take a shower, your ceilings leak.
    They try to get their parties to mix
    By supplying their guests with Pogo sticks,
    And when their fun at last abates,
    They go to the bathroom on roller skates.
    I might love the people upstairs more
    If only they lived on another floor.

    Ogden Nash

    Illustrated by: Debbie Rigler Cook

    Ogen Nash

    Frederic Ogden Nash was an American poet well-known for his light verse of which he wrote over 500 pieces. With his unconventional rhyming schemes, he was acclaimed by The New York Times the country's best-known producer of humorous verse.

    Nash was born in Rye, New York on the 19th August 1902. Throughout his life he loved to rhyme: "I think in terms of rhyme and have done since I was six years old," he has said. Fond of crafting his own words wherever rhyming words didn't exist, he admitted that crafting rhymes was not always easy.

    Among his most popular poems is a series of many animal verses.

    The one-L lama, he's a priest.
    The two-L llama, he's a beast.
    And I will bet a silk pajama;
    There isn't any three-L lllama!

    Nash died in Baltimore on the 19th May 1971 10 days after suffering a stroke, and is buried in East Side Cemetery in North Hampton, New Hampshire.


    Ogden Nash at Biltmore Hotel
    Los Angeles, California

    Los Angeles Daily News, CC BY 4.0
    via Wikimedia Commons



    So, it's been a busy time in our house. Several visitors have come and gone and the Mrs. has been on a few trips away. I am slowly trusting her to come back to me but it's not easy. She wonders why I get so excited when she returns after going out, but I just can't help myself, I am so relieved each time she returns! I am a very level-headed dog but I know she needs me as much as I need her so it's important we stay together as much as we can.

    Walks in the village have been good, especially after my rant about clearing up. I enjoy trips to Hele Bay too, where I support the Mrs's exercise programme. Her arms are definitely gaining strength since she has been solely in charge of the ball-thrower.  I think she is slowly learning to keep up with me too. Recently though, she hasn't brought the ball-thrower, says it's too hot for me, which I am sure is just an excuse. She has taken to doing some odd things though. For example, getting up incredibly early, leaving the house in just her swimming costume and a big robe and meets her Berry Blue Boob Buddies, who are all wearing the same clothes! They all take off their robes and walk into the cold sea. Apparently, it's 'good for them' but I am not entirely convinced. Personally, I think they are all a little bit crazy, but who am I to judge? At least I get to enjoy moving stones in and out of the water's edge whilst they natter, giggle and sometimes squeal at the cold. I also get to hang out with Harley or Theo and Gracie.

    Getting together with friends is good. It's an important part of dog socialisation you know, and it works for you humans too. The Mrs. is always happy after spending time with her friends, whether it's in the cold sea, the Manor Hall or in friends' homes.  Recently I have been entertaining friends in my own home - well mainly the garden. Duggee and Derek, who don't have the best reputations, have been coming to play. I was a little nervous initially but they are fine. I think they like exploring. I would still advise you all to let them have their space in the dog field as the Mrs. says they may have special needs. They are very soft and gentle in their own home but get very anxious out and about and can come across very fierce.

    Us dogs, all have different temperaments, just like you humans you know. Dare I say it, but we are probably a little more transparent than you humans who sometimes say one thing and think another or can be happy one day and miserable the next. I personally think we are far more consistent. Duggee and Derek can be anxious. Nancy is bouncy, and River is fast. She comes to play and she doesn't stop running. Dora and Yogi have a tendency to be bossy. [Well, they like to put me in my place, even in my own garden.] Blooming cheek! Pip is a little bit tired and old. Storm is very tolerant and wise, whilst Bramble is just adorable. Yes, I do love her! And Finley? Well Finley is Finley. As for me I am a big softie who just wants everyone to love me and really don't understand when they don't.

    I hope this blog endears me to you even more. Stay safe in this hot weather and drink lots of water. Happy Summer!




    Planters Built
    General Repairs

    007950 925004


    Artwork: Harry Weedon


    Many Berrynarbor villagers will be aware that Colin and I are in the process of selling Bessemer Thatch and moving [temporarily] to a rented house in Ilfracombe, from where we shall be looking for a bungalow to retire to.    Yes, folk old age is catching up with us!

    This means that I shall be stepping down from my Berry in Bloom duties.  It has been a wonderful privilege to live in this lovely village and to help keep it ship-shape, and to have won GOLD in so many Britain in Bloom competitions, and so much fun to have worked with the Berry in Bloom team.   However, now is the time to pass the baton on.

    Next year, while the team is settling in, they have decided not to enter the competition but the tubs will be planted and there will be hanging baskets.  Sally Lakin from Barn Cottage, who with Dan, Oli and Jon have made the hanging baskets for the last two years, has agreed to organise this and she will be ably helped by Gill O'Reilly from The Cedars in the Sterridge Valley and others in the team.  Kate Stephenson from Lee View will be organising the litter pick sessions from the Manor Hall, with, of course as always, tea afterwards!

    I do hope that the village will support them and understand that things might be a bit different for a while, but remember, like myself, they will be doing it for the love of the Village. 

    Wendy Applegate

    I am sure I speak for all villagers when I say a very sincere and big thank you to Wendy - and Colin - for all they have done for the village, especially for the inspiration and hard work for Berry in Bloom resulting in so many Gold Awards, not to mention the endless supply of mouth-watering cakes and hospitality. Although they will continue to be part of the village, we wish them well in their next venture, and hope to look forward to seeing them living back in the village again very soon.

    Judie - Ed.


    Artwork: Angela Bartlett

    Artwork: Angela Bartlett

    Wendy Applegate


    Artwork: Angela Bartlett


    "But he isn't wearing anything at all!"


    Hans Christian Andersen
    by Christian Albrecht Jensen
    Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    The tale of two weavers promising an emperor a new suit of clothes that they say is invisible to all those who are stupid or incompetent, [except a small child], is the tale of the Emperor's New Clothes, one of the many fairy tales written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen.

    Andersen was born in Odense, Denmark on the 2nd April 1805. His parents, father Hans and mother Anne Marie - an illiterate washerwoman - were of poor means although they considered themselves belonging to a higher social class. It has been speculated but not proved, that Andersen was the illegitimate son of King christian VIII.

    During the time when his father died in 1816 and his mother remarried two years later, Andersen attended a local school for poor children, receiving only a basic eduation and having to support himself as an apprentice to a weaver and later a tailor. At 14 he moved to Copenhagen seeking employment as an actor. He had an excellent soprano voice and was accepted into the Royal Danish Theatre, but his voice soon changed and he began to focus on writing, at first poetry. The Director of the Theatre, Jonas Collins, seeing his potential took him under his wing, sending him to a grammar school and persuading King Frederick VI to pay for part of his education.

    Not a good student, he attended school at Eldsinore until 1927. He later said that his school years were the darkest and most bitter years of his life, having suffered abuse from one schoolmaster in whose home he lived, who said this treatment was to 'improve his character'. He was discouraged to write, leading to depression.


    The Emperor comes to see his new clothes
    Henry Justice Ford
    Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    In the following years Andersen travelled extensively in Europe, his writings, especially his fairy tales, acheving publication and widespread success. His attention, in the 1840's, returned briefly to the Theatre but with little success. By 1845 he was celebrated throughout Europe, although his native Denkark showed some resistance to his self-importance.

    His first visit to England was made in June 1847 when he enjoyed social success, meeting prominent people including Charles Dickens. The two authors, whose writings often depicted the hopeless poverty of the poor and underclass, respected each other's works.

    Some ten years later, Andersen visited England again, primarily to meet Dickens, but he out stayed his welcome, his planned brief visit turning into a five-week stay, much to the distress of Dickens' family. After he was told to leave, Dickens gradually stopped all correspondence to the great disappointment and confusion of Andersen.


    Grave, Copenhagen
    Tahney, CC BY-SA 3.0
    via Wikimedia Commons

    Andersen's love life was diverse, having affairs with both male and female friends and falling in love with unattainable women. Riborg Voigt was the unrequited love of his youth. A letter from her was found on his chest when he died, several decades after he first fell in love with her and after he presumably fell in love with others.

    In early 1872, when he was 67, Andersen severely hurt himself falling out of bed, from which he never really recovered, and shortly after started to show signs of liver cancer.

    He died on the 4th August 1875 at the home of his friends Moritz Melchior and his wife. Shortly before his death, he had consulted a composer about the music for his funeral, saying: "most of the people who will walk after me will be children, so make the beat keep time with little steps."

    He is buried at Assistens Cemetery in Copenhagen in a burial plot he originally shared with his friend and benefactor from the Royal Danish Theatre and his wife, but around 1920, a member of the Collin family had their tombstone moved, so that Han Christian Andersen's tombstone now stands alone.

    The Emperor's New Clothes, The Little Mermaid, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Red Shoes, The Princess and the Pea, The Snow Queen [on which Disney's Frozen is loosely based], Thumbelina and The Ugly Duckling are some of the best known and loved of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales, 16l8 in all, many of which have been made into films and stage musicals.

    Illustration by: Margaret Tarrant

    Judie Weedon



    1. Boils 4. Basic 10. Climb 11. Bashful 12. Lustrous 13. Onus 15. Muscle 17. Alkali 19. True 20. Pathetic 23. Sapient 24. Blimp 25. Press 26. Strew


    2.  Omits 3. Liberals 5. Also 6. Infanta 7. Acclimatise 8. About 9. Plastic cups 14. Alphabet 16. Scupper 18. Earth 21. Twine 22. Less



    "Ridicule is the only honourable weapon we have left against hypocracy."

    Muriel Spark

    Dame Muriel Sarah Spark DBE FRSE FRSL Was a Scottish novelist, short story writer, poet and essayist, writer of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. Born 1.2.1918 in Edinburgh, died 13.4. 2006 in Florence, Italy.

    "I value our insular position but I dread the day when we shall be reduced to a moral insularity."

    William Ewart Gladstone [1878]

    William Ewart Gladstone FRS FSS was a British statesman and Liberal politician. In a career lasting over 60 years, he served for 12 years as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, spread over four terms beginning in 1868 and ending in 1894. Born 29.12.1809 in Liverpool, died 19.5.1898 at Hawarden Castle, Wales.

    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

    Jimi Hendrix

    James Marshall, Jimi, Hendrix was an American guitarist, singer, and songwriter. Although his mainstream career spanned only four years, he is widely regarded as one of the most influential electric guitarists in the history of popular music, and one of the most celebrated musicians of the 20th century. Born 27.11.1942 in Washington, died 18.9.1970 in London.



    "Occupation - INNKEEPER

    [1950's article - original publication (no pun intended) unknown!]

    Mr A. J. Long of the Old Globe, Berrynarbor,
    near Ilfracombe, North Devon.

    "Businessman, philanthropist or actor? How would you describe an Innkeeper or at least, how would one describe Mr. A.J. Long of The Olde Globe at Berrynarbor? First and foremost how would you describe Berrynarbor? You could quote from a recent programme on Westward Television which featured the village in detail and say that it is "one of the prettiest of Devon villages and certainly the prettiest in North Devon." No doubt the claim is justifiable for Berrynarbor lies immediately above Combe Martin and very near to Ilfracombe, but this in itself is no recommendation. What does recommend the village is the Olde Globe, and it is the atmosphere it holds and the service it renders both to the community and to the travelling and visiting public which gives an inn this halo. Atmosphere and service depends, of course, on the Innkeeper and so we come back to Mr. Long. We rather fancy he has a strong sense of business acumen in his make-up but were this all he could not possibly make a successful publican - so what then has he besides? We would suggest a liking for the company of his fellows, a dry sense of humour and a wife who loves the life anyway and is ideally suited to it.

    "So there you have the successful Innkeeper, Mr. A.J. Long of the Olde Globe Berrynarbor, a man born in Northamptonshire and for 21 years in the employ of the Radio Corporation of America on the Thames embankment. He learned his job with H.M.V. at Hayes in Middlesex and with the R.C.A. was a commissioning engineer, a district engineer and area manager in that order. In their service he worked in the Midlands, in the Eastern Counties, the South West [at Exeter] and in London, besides travelling abroad in the U.S.A. and Canada. A businessman if ever there was one. Then came the 2nd World War, the revaluation of the dollar and great competition from British firms. Mr. Long decided that the South-West of England is easily the best place to live [as everybody who comes this way inevitably does] and having moreover obtained experience in running a pub with friends in Plymouth and Henley-in-Arden, Mr. Long decided that Innkeeping might hold a future for him.

    "And to Innkeeping he came via Arnold & Hancock, the brewery of Wiveliscombe, first of all to the Lion at Combe Martin, which being a very residential establishment was no sinecure to anyone new to the business. Then in 1952 to the Globe, Berrynarbor and it is here we can see what makes or breaks an innkeeper.

    "In summer the Globe is packed with visitors and no small wonder either for the inn contains a merry-go-round of five rooms open to each other but divided by various walls. One contains a built-in settle, where a thick cottage wall forms a curve around the fireplace, and another houses a 200-year-old Tudor refectory and a Hebrew prayer bench.

    "A third is dominated by a Will Crisp grandfather, which ticks as merrily as the day its pendulum was first swung in 1771, and the spacious central servery is given a nautical flavour with three copper ship's lights. This wisp of the sea extends into one of the sections where there are screwed-in tables and chairs, but the more powerful attraction of all is the Globe's prolific display of ornaments, old and not so old, that occupy every available space.

    "Swords of every shape and size, daggers, flintlock pistols, hand-carved plaques from Northern Italy, French armour, blowpipes, Brussels canes, and even a herb drier; each has its place, and the list could go on.

    The Globe attracts all sorts and conditions of men and such well-known personates as Sir Mortimer Wheeler, Terry Thomas, Kay Kavendish and Stanley Unwin have graced its bars.

    Two tall street lamps which once hissed gaslight on homegoing Midlanders at Solihull is one of Mr. Long's innovations at the Olde Globe. One is seen here, the other is at the back of the premises. Mr. Barry Pearce, is the whole-time barman. In summer, three extra bartenders are required to keep pace with the extra summer trade.

    "It's not just a visitor's house though, in winter, too, it's a popular rendezvous for residents and business people from Barnstaple and the district around. Mr. Long tells us that his primary purpose is to buy and sell the company's products but this we feel is a secondary purpose to him [though very proper when expressed to a brewery representative]! Mr. Long is really a warm-hearted man with a warm-hearted wife and what better qualification is there for a successful Innkeeper."


    Artwork: Angela Bartlett


    Illustrated by: Paul Swailes

    Yes, I did play truant when I was at school. Not only did I play truant, but I wanted to earn some money!

    There had been an honest scheme at the then Grammar School where children were given time off to help raise the potato harvest.

    This being so, I thought I could take time off from school and earn some money. The going rate was 9d per hour, so I approached a local farmer on those lines, he was agreeable.

    So, I was given the job of pulling mangle stumps in a field close to the road.

    Very close to the road unfortunately as I was working there a bus came along. Who should be on the bus, no other than my mother! She, of course, saw me and waved as she went by.

    When I got home, I can't tell you what she said!

    All the best to you all at Berry!

    Tony Beauclerk - Stowmarket




    [8th October 1937 -]

    Retired Photoprinter. Printer of our Newsletter
    [and former resident of Brookside and June Cottage, Berrynarbor]

    Our popular Newsletter, so sadly to close shortly unless some good soul will take the reins from Judie, [a difficult act to follow!] has for exactly eleven years been printed by David Beagley. He has moved and shaken a fair few in that time!

    His name doesn't derive from ancestors who bred beagle hounds. He tells me that the origin of Beagley goes back to before there were surnames in England. It originated in County Kerry in Ireland as O'Beaglaigh. One of them went to France as a mercenary in the French army that came to England in 1066 with William the Conqueror.

    O' Beaglaigh must have done quite well as he was awarded a shield for valour with the motto 'Jusque au Sang', meaning 'Until Blood'. The name was later anglicised to Beagley. Beat that!

    The story of our printer goes back a fair way, too. He was born in 1937 [a very good year and I should know - it's my year too!] in Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex. His parents, Albert and Dorothy, lived near what was to become a Battle of Britain Airfield during World War ll. At that time, his father had two jobs: a buyer for a furniture department and War Reserve Policeman on permanent night duty. In their home, their air raid shelter served as the dining table. [I'm reminded that as a small child I played 'house' with my cousin under our great aunt's 'dining table' in Birmingham, too.]

    Like many of his generation, he has vivid memories of some wartime events. For instance, David remembers watching a thousand bombers roaring overhead on their way to bomb a German city.

    For safety, he went to live with his grandparents in Henham near Bishops Stortford, and went to school there for a couple of years. After the war he did so well in his 11 plus exam that Essex sent him to board at the prestigious Bancroft's School in Woodford Green, Essex, and then he went to South West Technical College to study Chemistry, Physics and Maths. He left college aged 16.

    For the next forty-six years, he was employed by various well known photo printing companies. His first job was as an analytical chemist at the photographic company Ilford Ltd., who gave him a one-day release to complete his studies. Here he earned the princely sum of £3 a week. As he remembers, this was enough to live on: £1 to his mother for keep, £1 to his father to repay the loan for his motorcycle and £1 to spend - beer 6d, fish and chips 9d and a trip to the cinema 6d! Those were the days!

    Around this time, David met his wife-to-be, Anne. He was in the church choir and obviously made eyes at Anne, a guide, who was sitting in the front row. They married in 1960 and moved to Woodford Green.

    By this time, David was working as a research chemist for Ozalid, a company I don't know. It is registered in the US and in the late 1920's developed a type of paper to print images from patterns on film or other translucent materials. They chose their name as an anagram of 'DIAZOL', the substance used in the fabrication of this type of paper. Here his speciality was working on materials for large scale printing, including a polyester film, and necessitated his visiting customers with reps to explain the use of the film and its dyeline process. During this time he was awarded an extra qualification: Associate of the British Association of Chemists.

    Then he was poached by Polaroid with a higher salary, and a vast area to oversee: south of a line between The Wash and River Severn including the Channel Islands. This job entailed demonstrating specialised cameras to hospitals and medical facilities, and lasted for several years, during which they moved to Camberley in Surrey.

    One year David and Anne came to Ilfracombe for a holiday, and like a number of folk, fell in love with it. But they did more. They changed their lifestyle. Anne worked in various perfumery and essences laboratories in North London including Boake Roberts., but they both resigned their jobs and bought Sunnyholme Hotel in Torrs Park, half of a large house. They acquired the other half, renamed it the Beaufort Hotel, added 21 en suite bedrooms, a swimming pool and large car park, and ran it successfully as a family hotel for 13 years. They then retired and bought a large house, again in Ilfracombe, for themselves and Anne's mother. David twice became President of Ilfracombe Rotary Club, and Assistant District Governor and editor and printer of the District Newsletter.

    They have two children, Clare and Michael. Clare is a professional chef, who had her own restaurant in Ilfracombe, but now works for a large food company in Barnstaple. Her husband, Kelvin, is building themselves a home in Kerscott near Swimbridge. They have 3 children. If our Newsletter is continuing, their son, Michael, will qualify as another Mover and Shaker! He runs The Falcon Gymnastic Association in Barnstaple, travelling around the world with his competing gymnasts. He is married to Debbie and they have two children.

    So, David has led an interesting life. Because of his involvement with the photoprinting industry, he's always kept his hand in printing, even during his time managing the hotel. He and Anne now live in South Molton to be nearer their family, particularly their new great granddaughter.

    Apart from printing our Newsletter, he also prints South Molton's Britain in Bloom publications, the support of which is their main hobby. Over the years, David also printed several church magazines, which have now gone on line, and as you will see from his advert in the Newsletter, if you want any printing of posters, booklets, tickets or pictures, he's your man!

    And finally, are you an avid completer of David's Crossword Corner? The Telegraph has recently announced that its 30,000th crossword has just been printed and I doubt if he has reached that number - yet - but he compiled them for many years for the Rotary and District newsletter. That finished in the 1970's. And then he took on our Newsletter. What dedication!

    So, David, thank you for printing our Newsletter for so many years, and for giving me information about your life and family. May we wish both you and Anne many more active days in South Molton - and to remember happy times associated with the Berrynarbor Newsletter.

    PP of DC






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    30th To 7th August: Lee Arts & Crafts Fair [see page 19]
    5th Pub Night, Manor Hall, 6.00 to 10.00 p.m.
    9th Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
    14th Ferret Racing, Lee, from 1.00 p.m.
    23rd Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
    24th Coffee Afternoon, Manor Hall, 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.
    1st Primary School: Start of Autumn Term
    2nd Ilfracombe Academy: Start of Autumn Term
    13th Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
    15th To 25th: Appledore Book Festival
    20th Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
    28th Coffee Afternoon, Manor Hall, 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.
    1st Manor Hall, Dinner Dance - details to follow

    Manor Hall Diary
    MondaysUpholstery, 9.00 to 1.00 p.m.
    Craft Group, 1.45 p.m.
    Badminton, 7.30 p.m.
    Tuesdays1st and 3rd: Craft Art Group, 9.30 a.m.
    WednesdaysPilates Body Workout, 9.00 a.m.
    U3A Art 11.00 a.m.
    ThursdaysWatercolour Painting 10.00 a.m. [10 week terms]
    Bridge Club, 2.00 p.m.
    Fridays9.30-10.30 Yoga
    Penn Curzon RoomPre-School: Daily - Term time only
    Morning Session: 8.30/9.00 - 12.00 p.m.
    Afternoon Session: 12.00 to 3.00/3.30 or 4.00 p.m.
    All Day: 8.30/9.00 a.m. to 3.00/3.30/4.00 p.m.
    Mobile Library
    Village Shop: 11.55-12.20 p.m. Sterridge Valley: 12.35-13.00 p.m.



    Michaelmas Day is the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, celebrated on 29th September. St. Michael is the patron saint of the sea and maritime lands, of ships and boatmen, of horses and horsemen. He was the Angel who hurled Lucifer (the devil) down from Heaven for his treachery.


    Artwork: Angela Bartlett


    Pitt Hill

    For this issue I have chosen two early postcards of Pitt Hill. The first shows Fuchsia Cottage on the right, whilst opposite we see Forge Cottage, 37 Pitt Hill and finally the Old Post Office, with the steps leading up to the entrance.

    The card was addressed to Mrs. Hicks, 30 Egerton Road, St. Judes, Plymouth and is postmarked Berrynarbor May 14 1906 as well as Ilfracombe 5.45pm May 14 1906. The message reads:

    "DM I had this taken Good Friday have sent you one
    to see - hope you are all well with love from AH"

    Sadly I am unable to name the two people shown nor the couple being driven down the hill in a horse-drawn open carriage.

    The second postcard is another photograph taken by William Garratt, numbered 34, and shows the view up Pitt Hill. On the left is Fuchsia Cottage, No. 39. Note the sign for The Globe Inn.

    The young lady in the picture is Em Hicks and the following message is written on the address side of the card:

    "Dear Em I suppose you know that Em Harding is
    engaged. Will Poole told us but we don't know who to
    I expect you will recognise me in this picture from Em"

    Written in red ink, the card is addressed to Miss Hicks, 30 Egerton Rd, St. Judes, Plymouth. The two postmarks are Berrynarbor MR 23 1904 and Ilfracombe 7pm MR 23 04.

    Tom Bartlett
    Tower Cottage, July 2022
    e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com

    In his article for Edition 42, June 1996, View No. 41 - Berrynarbor Post Office - Tom wrote:

      The first entry relating to post in any directory for Berrynarbor is that in White's 1850 Directory for Devon, where the following information is given: FOOT POST: Geo. Burgess, to Ilfracombe. Foot post indicated that the named person would accept and deliver letters/post received from the named Postal Office, in this case Ilfracombe. George Burgess, a resident of Berrynarbor, would walk to Ilfracombe first thing in the morning and then walk back to Berrynarbor to deliver any post/letters he had picked up. He would walk in again in the afternoon, taking the post/letters from Berrynarbor for onward consignment.

      Roger Morgan in his book on Devon Post Offices stated that the Berrynarbor Village Post Office commenced in 1855 and remains to the present time. This is reinforced by Kelly's 1856 Directory, Billing's Directory, the Post Office Directory of 1866, Morris's Directory of 1870 and Harrod's 1878 Directory. Each gives William Hicks as either 'the receiver', the 'Sub-Master' or the 'Post Master'. William Hicks continues to be mentioned as Sub-Postmaster in all directories up to Kelly's 1902, when the following entry is given: "Post: M.O. 7 T.O., T.M.O., S.B.

      Express and Parcel Delivery & Annuity & Insurance Office - William Hicks, sub-postmaster. Letters through Ilfracombe, received at 8.45 a.m., despatched at 5.00 p.m. He is also listed as Parish Clerk and tailor.

      William Hicks was born in 1825 and died at the age of 80 in February 1905, having served as sub-postmaster for over half a century, and Church/Parish Clerk for 54 years! His wife, Jane, died a year earlier in 1904 at the age of 85, and their son, Thomas born in 1861, took over as sub-postmaster, a position he held until his death in August 1922. 

      The picture, taken by Garratt, shows the original Berrynarbor Post Office. It was included in the first Watermouth Estate Sale on 17th August, 1920, and under Lot 48 sold for 350 guineas, a figure that the then tenant and postmaster, Tom Hicks and his wife Sarah, could not afford.





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