Edition 168 - June 2017

Although as I write this we have had a couple of very wet days, it was almost needed as we have enjoyed several weeks of nice, warm, sunny and dry weather, and unbelievably by the time you are reading this, we'll be just three weeks short of the longest day!
It has been a sad time in the village lately and our thoughts are with all those families affected. Our thoughts are also with everyone not feeling well and hope you will be better soon.
We extend a very warm welcome to all newcomers to the village and hope you will be very happy in your new homes.
My editorial is always a place of thanks and on this occasion, I must give my sincere thanks to our Parish Council, for their interest in the Newsletter and very generous financial support and encouragement. A reminder, however, that each copy costs approximately £1.50 and donations to ensure it continues are not only welcome, but also essential!
One observant reader noticed that Paul's February 2016's snowdrop cover had become April 2017's bluebell wood! Did anyone else spot this?
This issue's cover, again by Paul, shows Watermouth cove and harbour, one of his pictures on display in the recent Ilfracombe Art Trail. Don't forget, Paul's pictures - originals or prints, framed or not - are available to purchase. If you are interested, do please get in touch with me, either by 'phone or e-mail. It is hoped that there might be another display of Paul's work [and those of the two village art groups], later in the year. The Newsletter is extremely lucky to have its own Artist in Residence. Thank you, Paul.
More thanks! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this issue - keep the contributions coming! For August, when we start the 28th year, they should be at the Shop or Chicane or e-mailed to me as soon as possible and by Wednesday, 11th July at the latest. Thank you.
Let's hope that in the weeks ahead, we'll all benefit from some true summer weather with only just enough rain to keep the grass and blooms going! Utopia?
Judie - Ed

Our AGM, which took
place on the 28th March in the Vestry, was chaired by Canon Michael Rogers with
Rev. Bill Cole, our new House for Duty Priest, in attendance. The 2016 Annual Report was read by Stuart
Neale and approved. The Audited
accounts for 2016 were formally approved.
The position of Churchwarden was not filled and it was
agreed that all PCC members would share various small duties to cover this very
important role.All PCC members
serving during 2016 agreed to be re-elected
for 2017.We were very pleased to
welcome Pip Summers to our PCC team for this year.
Pip, who is a member of our church flower arranging team,
will make an important contribution to our committee. So that villagers and others in the
community know who we are and may feel the need to contact us on any matter
relating to St. Peter's, we list below the names of our committee members:
- Stuart Neale - Deputy PCC Chairman & Organist
- Jean Pell - Secretary
- Margaret Sowerby - Treasurer and Flower Team
- Jill McCrae - PCC Member
- Yvonne Davey - Joint Deanery Synod Representative
- Pip Summers - Flower Team
- Doreen Prater - Joint Deanery Synod Representative
- Sue Neale - Verger and Flower Team
A vote of thanks was made to all those who help clean the
church on a regular basis and to our wonderful team of bell-ringers who not
only ring for Sunday services but also for weddings and, when requested, for
village funerals.Special thanks go to
Bet Brooks who opens and closes the Church and regularly cleans brass plaques
and other items within, and Matthew Walls and family for cutting the churchyard
grass and other specialised gardening maintenance within both churchyards.
Graham Lucas continues to lead the Monday morning
schoolchildren's assembly which generates much enthusiasm all round, and his
dedication is much appreciated. Our
thoughts and prayers go out to all who are ill at this time.
Gift Day will be on Wednesday 21st June, and we hope that, as in previous
years, villagers will be generous in their support.This year we are combining this important day
by holding, weather permitting, a Teddy Bear Abseiling event from the top of
the church tower for all the schoolchildren, when they can see their own teddy
bears abseiling down special ropes from the church tower to receive a special
Teddy Bear Certificate commemorating
their own bear's abseiling feat! We
shall keep the time involved to a minimum so as not to impede upon the
children's education.This should be
lots of fun, and all parents that are able to attend are most welcome to come
and support their children.
Finally, and after much frustration, both black and green
wheelie bins will be sited together, where the green bin currently stands next
to the water tap and tank.We
sincerely hope that this move will finally put an end to the inconsiderate
person, or persons, placing plastic items and plastic film incorrectly into the
green bin.Watch this space folks!
Church Services for June and July
commencing at 11.00 a.m. are:
- 1st Sunday. . .
Village Service
- 2nd
Sunday . . .Holy Communion
- 3rd
Sunday. . .Songs of Praise
- 4th
Sunday. . .Holy Communion.
NB: for the 5th Sunday, that is 30th July, there
will be Joint Service at Jim's', Ilfracombe at 10.30 a.m.
Friendship Lunches will be held on the last
Wednesday of the month at The Globe, meeting at 12.00 for 12.30 p.m.
Stuart Neale


Regrettably, there is no report in this issue.
A big thank
you to Sue and Simon who have been keeping us up to date on our
weather since 1998, 110 reports in all!

'Wild Violet'
was born on the 2nd March 1923 - I'll leave you to work out her age! During the War she worked at Harris Lebus in
Totteham, her birth place, making Mosquito aircraft parts. It was here that she met Ernie Songhurst, who was working as a carpenter and
joined making mock-up tanks.
maiden name was Hurst, so when she married Ernie he added a song to her
name! Before they could marry, Ernie
was conscripted into the Army. Not to
be put off by a little thing like a war, mother decided she wanted to marry
before father went off. So she took
herself up to Bullford Camp and requested to see the C.O. Amazingly, he agreed and they were married
in Tottenham, spent one night together and the next day Earn was on his way to
Father was captured and mother spent her
nights listening to Lord Haw Haw and eventually she heard, to her relief, that
he was a prisoner of war.
They had
married in 1942 and the next time mother saw him it was 1945. For this reason they were after that pretty
much inseparable.
In 1957
father decided the family needed a change and we wound up in Berrynarbor. Mother used to take in guests and working in
the garden was one of her abiding passions, and in 1957 it needed abiding
passion to get it back into a garden.
She would walk to the shop every day, but for the last 17 years these
trips got less until she found it hard to walk at all.
died in 1982 and mother found herself alone again. Sadly, about 17 years ago she began to
suffer with vascular dementia and died this year leaving 1 child [me], 2
grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren.
Her ashes
were scattered with those of my father, her father and mother, and her sister,
in the garden of Wild Violets.Fair to
say, it was the end of an era but Wild Vi lives on.
Joyce and
I should like to thank all the people that came to Vi's funeral service. £100 was raised for the Dementia Society.
17.6.1947 - 18.3.2017
It was with shock and sadness that we learnt June had died
suddenly at home on the 18th March. and our thoughts are with her daughters
Katharine and Charlotte and their families at this time of sorrow. A loved and loving mother and grandmother
she will be sadly missed.
Many from the village attended her funeral on the 29th March
at which the following poignant poem was read and Katharine and Charlotte have
asked that it is shared in the Newsletter.
who leave us this great heritage of remembering joy.
They still live in our hearts,
in the happiness we knew
They still breathe,
in the lingering fragrance windblown, from their favourite flowers.
They still smile in the moonlight's silver
and laugh in the sunlight's sparkling gold.
They still speak in the echoes of words we've heard them say
again and again.
They still move,
in the rhythm of waving grasses, in the dance of the tossing branches.
They are not dead;
their memory is warm in our hearts, comfort in our sorrow.
They are not apart from us, but a part of us
for love is eternal,
and those we love shall be with us throughout all eternity.
28th November 1923 - 26th March 2017
Joan sadly passed away at the end of March at
the age of 93. Our thoughts at this
time of sadness are with all her family, but especially Linda and Stuart [Long
Acre], and Andy and Andrea [Cherry Ridge].
Joan's links to Berrynarbor go back to
her schooldays when she attended Adelaide Ladies College.She spent most of her working life as a
school secretary, firstly at Ilfracombe Grammar School, then as Bursar at
Ilfracombe Community College until she retired in the 1980's.
Her father, Captain Percival Adams,
retired to Berrynarbor after his service as Chief Armourer in the army
inspecting artillery, guns, and weapons and all armaments in the Near
East. The Adams family had strong links
to both Berrynarbor and Combe Martin.
Joan's eldest brother was Eddie Adams, an electrical engineer who ran
the only electric shop in Combe Martin, and brought the original TV signal to
the area by installing a mast where it currently stands on Park Hills. Her sister, Irene lived in Barton Lane since
1945, and Captain Adams ran the original On-a-Hill petrol station.He was a regular at The Globe, where a lot
of the family artefacts from their time in the Sudan and Egypt remain
today.Captain Adams was also a long
serving member of the Parish Council.
Each successive generation of the family were married and christened in St.
Peter's church.
During the war years, Joan became engaged to Sergeant Albert
West from Wandsworth, and during a happy but short marriage to Bert, they lived
with his parents and their two young children, Andy and Linda, in a 2 up 2 down
terrace around the corner from Wandsworth railway station.Sadly, Joan was widowed at 36, when Andy was
15 and Linda 12. The three of them
moved to Combe Martin to be closer to Joan's family where she was supported by
brother, Eddie Adams, and of course Irene and with Eddie's advice Joan bought Scaena
in1961. A few years later she met
Donald McCallam. They married in1963
and spent over 40 happy, busy years together, making friends all across the world
from New Zealand to Norway and all points in between. Five grandchildren came along followed by
ten great-grandchildren, the youngest one born in Canada just last September.
Joan loved the simple things in life and often picked
dandelion flowers and put them in water to save them from the mower before
Donald cut the grass because they were so beautiful. Her wealth was measured in friends and
friendships which she valued above all else.
She was a talented artist, poet and singer and got so much joy from
these and many other interests. She and
Donald had a thirst for travel and there are few places in the world where they
could not call upon friends for a bed for the night.Above all she was a people person and
nothing was too much trouble for her to help anyone out.Any hour of the day or night she and Donald
could be called upon.They spent many
years working as Samaritans on the night shift.Frequently, Andy and Linda would get up in
the morning for work and school to find a stranger either asleep on the couch
or tucking into a hearty breakfast, rescued from the previous night shift. Then off she and Donald would go to work!
Joan's house is a testament to every country ever
visited. She and Donald have summited
Everest flying over in a small plane, snorkelled the Great Barrier Reef,
visited the Forbidden City in China, and walked part of the Great Wall.They travelled to Russia and St. Petersburg,
adopted Titus a taxi driver and his family in Sri Lanka with whom she still corresponded
and regularly received gifts of spices and tea.
She has a French son Harry, and a Norwegian daughter Christine, who were
billeted for a year in Scaena whilst working as language students at Ilfracombe
College. Joan's cup was always half
full, never half empty. She led her
life with a positive approach to everything and everyone. She was always in charge of every situation
and had her way of getting things done.
She would share whatever she had no matter how little and was completely
resourceful. A founder member of the
North Devon Coast U3A, she also started the Combe Martin Gardening Club, which
is still going strong. Donald was a superb actor and they spent a good deal of
their time supporting, and giving their energies to the Studio Theatre in
A wife, mother, grandma
and great-grandma who made the most of every minute of every day with kind
words and deeds, friendship and unconditional love to the family, friends and
the wider community.
I have so many things to see and do.
You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears.
Be happy that we had so many beautiful years.
You can only guess how much you gave to me in happiness.
I thank you for the love you each have shown,
But now it's time I travelled on alone.
So grieve a while for me, if grieve you must.
Then let your grief be comforted by trust.
It's only for a while that we must part,
So bless the memories within your heart.
I won't be far away, for life goes on.
So if you need me, call and I will come.
Though you can't see or touch me, I'll be near.
And if you listen with your heart,
You'll hear all my love around you soft and clear.
And then, when you must come this way alone,
I'll greet you with a smile and say 'Welcome Home'.
June 1926 - April 2017
Many readers will remember Keith,
Ilfracombe's Photographer who, for many years, judged the photographic section
of our Horticultural and Craft Show. So
it was sad to learn that he had passed away peacefully on the 10th April, now
united with his beloved wife Ro who died just a year ago.
His funeral on the 4th May, attended by
so many local people, was testament to the respect and love in which he was
held. A much loved father, grandfather
and great-grandfather, he will be sadly missed by all his family, by his fellow
Rotarians, having been a member for more than 60 years, and his very many
Our thoughts at this time of sorrow are
with Andrea, Jonathan, James and Amy.
22.4.1947 - 25.4.2017
How sad it was to learn that Eve had
passed away peacefully at the North Devon District Hospital on the 25th April.
The beloved wife of Dave and sister to
John, a wonderful mum to Suzanne and Jamie, mum-in-law to Ali and Nicole, and
devoted granny to Rosalind, Frances, Anna, Thomas, Alex and Charlotte, Eve will
be sorely missed by them all and indeed by her many friends. Our thoughts are with them at this time of
Dave and the family would like to thank everyone for the
many cards and messages of sympathy they have received and for attending Eve's
funeral on the 9th May.
Open daily 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Tea Room to 4.30 p.m. Plant Sales 11.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Twelfth Night - Wednesday, 26th July 6.30 p.m.
Bring your folding chairs, blankets and picnics to watch
Folksy Theatre's production, with live music, bold characters and audience interaction. 'Phone for tickets on [01271] 342528
The Bog Garden and Candelabra Primula are currently looking lovely but there's always something for you to enjoy in the Gardens. Why not buy a Season Ticket and visit the Gardens throughout the year? £25 will buy you a single ticket and £40 for 2 people living at the same address.


This is busy time for the Manor Hall on
a number of fronts. Following the
structural work to the Manor House wing roof, the lock change to the main hall
and the new curtains in the hall, a few other things are underway.The Hall has had a one-off extensive clean
which will hopefully allow us to stay on top of cleaning from now on, and we
should like to thank Tony Kitchin for steam cleaning the stage curtains.
New cutlery has been bought to replace
that which used to be in the kitchen.
We now have 90 sets [i.e. knife/fork/dessert spoon/teaspoon] which
should suffice for most events.
However, only a small supply is being kept in the kitchen. Most of the new cutlery is stored elsewhere
so anyone booking the Hall and needing large amounts of cutlery will need to
make this clear when booking.
We are reviewing our approach to the
improvement of the Hall given the recent news that the Big Lottery has closed
one of the two Reaching Communities funding programmes towards which we were
working. This has happened without any
warning. Although the Big Lottery are
working on a replacement programme, at the present time no details of this have
been made available. The other Reaching
Communities Programme is still running, but has a smaller capital grant ceiling
of £100,000.Therefore, we are still
working on the latter, but the smaller level of funding involved means we
should look at the improvement of the Hall as a phased programme. The main immediate priorities for this are
the same as before, which is to deal with the floor problem and the inadequate
heating and insulation as a first phase.
In the meantime, to show some progress
and positive change, we are undertaking several other small but important
changes. Hence, the new curtains,
planned new lights and roof repairs noted below.
As this Newsletter is going to print, we
are organising the replacement of the eight fluorescent lighting tubes which
have acted as the main lights for a long time.
These are long overdue for renewal, and are being replaced with eight.
large, pendant lights, all dimmable.
For the time being these new lights and the existing sixteen spotlights
[which are already dimmable], should allow a variety of bright or low lighting
situations to suit a wide range of occasions.
We shall then review what else may be needed when we see how all this
at the Hall
The recent main Hall lock change went
smoothly but given the rather odd incidents over the last year, it is felt that
further security improvements are needed, at least as a precaution. So, at the time this Newsletter is going to
print, we shall be placing an order to install some CCTV coverage outside. We are also finalising details for some
additional movement activated lights at the front, which will be helpful for
evening events as well.
Roof Repairs
As stated above, we can't see funds
being available in the short term for a full re-roof of the main hall, so we
have been getting quotes for roof repairs that will stop the occasional leaks
we suffer from at present, plus stopping the water penetration to the chimney
above the old fireplace.
of the leaks come from the ridge tiles, so we plan to replace all the ridge
tiles, repair the chimney and generally overhaul the roof to replace/refix
damaged or loose slates. It would be
good to have this done over the summer or early autumn so that it's done before
winter. Those who use the hall in
winter will know that it isn't just heating that is a major problem, but the
complete absence of any insulation, and if at some point we are to insulate the
ceiling, then we need to have stopped any further water penetration.
Hall AGM, Wednesday 5th July
The Manor Hall AGM is set for 5th July
at 7.30 p.m. This is slightly later in
the summer than normal but we have needed to make sure the accounts for 2016/17
will be available. The main other
purpose of the AGM is to elect Committee Members. This may only be to serve for a short period
as the vesting deed to convert us from the existing charity to the new CIO
[Charitable Incorporated Organisation] is now signed and the transition is
underway. The AGM evening will,
therefore, include a short section which will technically be an AGM of the new
charity.This is similarly needed to
elect Committee Members to the new charity, which will carry on thereafter.
The new CIO, still a charity and holding
the Hall and Parish Room on the original Trusts, has a similar committee
structure to the one set up in 1947.
This means that five major hall users and/or village institutions will
have the right to appoint someone directly onto the management committee, much
as now. The five bodies are the Parish
Council, the Parochial Church Council, the School, the Men's Institute and
Berrynarbor Pre-school. There is also
provision for up to five people to be elected at the AGM, plus up to three
co-opted places.
On this point, we should like to thank
Eileen Hobson for her service on the Committee as she will be standing down at
the AGM.
Hall Management Committee
all visitors
Berrynarbor's new Visitors' Information
Kiosk is now complete. Housed in a
refurbished telephone box and sited in the car park next to the village shop,
it has been kitted out with local maps, leaflets for local attractions and
activities, and a noticeboard to publicise local events.
Shop Manager Debbie Thomas said: "We
should like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped to renovate the box,
especially Alan Eales and Stowford Meadow for their help in moving it to its
current position. We're also grateful
to the Parish Council for their donation towards the cost of the glass and the
customers who bought raffle tickets to help pay for it.
"Now we're looking to make our
information kiosk world famous. Visitors are being encouraged to take a photo
of themselves either inside or next to it and when they get home tag us
@Berrynarbor Community Shop and tell us where they are. We're going to see how many different and
far flung places we can get to by the end of the year.
"We want people to go on social media
and say: 'I've been to the Berrynarbor Visitors' Information Kiosk; have you?'"

Carol Heymer checks out the new Information Kiosk

Shop now
selling Tea and Cakes
Our village shop has taken delivery of a
new counter-top chiller display unit which is being used to show off the
delicious cakes and savouries now on offer.
The shop is also serving teas and
coffees and at their new picnic tables offer thirsty walkers and visitors a
chance to sit down and enjoy our village's hospitality.The recent dry spell and warm weather has
shown that these new offerings are proving to be a big hit with visitors. Here's to a beautiful summer!

year's Show will be held on Saturday, 19th August. The theme is in celebration of the 50th
Anniversary of the first Heart Transplant.
The Programme and Entry Forms will be available from the Shop at the end
of June.
Potatoes are already selling well, so if you would like to have a go at
producing the best haul, go to the Shop and purchase one for £1.00. Jigsaw have already started growing your
Sunflowers and they will also be available from the Shop for £1.00.
inspire your creativity, here are the subjects of the Floral Art, Art, and
Photography sections:
Floral Art
Accessories allowed in all classes.Maximum space allowed for classes 1, 2 and 3
is 16" x 16" x 18" high.
- True Love
based on a Love Poem
- In
Celebration of Vera Lynn - the Forces Sweetheart
- Queen of
- A
heart-shaped Table Decoration, miniature 6" x 6" x 6"
- A Romantic
- Lovely View
- The One You
- Painted
item on any surface other than paper, card or canvas
Photographs must be maximum 5" x 8", to be affixed to
white card or paper size A5 for display.
Entries limited to 2 per class.
- A Romantic
- Lovely View
- True Love
- For the
Love of Food
- The
- Romance
[anything goes, may be enhanced in any way]
In Aid of the British Heart Foundation
Design a Save your Heart Hanging Mobile to be judged by everyone visiting the Show. The winning entry will be the one which
attracts the most money from the general public by 3.00 p.m. on the day of the
Show. All money will go to the British
Heart Foundation.
Do you want to move
with less aches and pains or reduce the discomfort of a stiff back?
- Have you heard of Pilates? You may have been told to try Pilates before or maybe you've been told you need it.
- Is it something you have thought about but not yet investigated?
- Sometimes it just the fear of the unknown that stops us helping ourselves. I want to remove any excuses so that you can try Pilates and see if it's as good as everyone says.
- You can have a free taster class, all you have to do is fill in a form and take part.
Let me remove the unknown. My classes take 1 hour. You would find
men, women, young, old, flexible, inflexible, every shape and size in
class. Pilates certainly isn't just for
the super fit, although it will help them achieve their personal bests at their
chosen activity.
We start with a standing warm-up, then
we move down onto the mat. Pilates focuses on your breath, just breathing
in and out - my students say that it takes just enough concentration to stop
them thinking about their daily tasks.
We move, lengthen and stretch through the whole body, sometimes we use a
band to assist us. The key is that you work to your own pace. Slowly you
will see that you are more stable or stronger in an exercise as you start to

The results are more flexibility, better
spinal alignment, better balance - to
name just a few. I'm told that some of my students have given up their
regular visits to the chiropractor, the physiotherapist and the Bowen therapist
as Pilates provides the maintenance needed. Some students report better
sleep, feeling lighter, more relaxed and free from a particular ache.
Some report better scores at golf
as they have more powerful swings now!
One thing is for sure, you will become more
aware of your body, how you stand, sit, walk. This will help you reduce
the chance of injury.
Whatever your personal goal, let's see
how Pilates can get you there.
Take up a free taster class by calling
me on 07917 762227 or e-mail bev@postivepilates.co.uk to find out more.
The first free Taster Class will be on
Thursday, 15th June, at the Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m. but please contact me
Bev Grant
Positive Pilates
Call 07917 76222
e-mail: bev@positivepilates.co.uk

What wonderful weather we have had
through April and May. The children
have been making the most of it with many outdoor activities.
The Celebration of Learning for
Strawberry and Cranberry Classes at the end of last term was an evening Star
Gazing with their families. A great
time was had by all and everyone was very grateful for the telescopes that
someone had lent.They really enhanced
the experience.
On the first day of the new term they
went on a Spring Walk around the village.
One of the children said it was the best day ever.
Growing Grub is their topic this half
term, so part of the school garden will be an area where the children can grow
their own produce.There have been
Digging Days for each of the three Year Groups when parents and grandparents
came into school to work alongside the children in the garden.They are concentrating on growing edibles at
the moment, but will be looking ahead to refurbishing flowerbeds and
banks. If any of you have young shrubs,
perennials, etc., that might be suitable, then Mrs.
Wellings would love to hear from you.
Our older children in Key Stage 2 have
also been having a busy time with Football Tournaments, Speed Stacking and
other sporty things. As a treat for all
the hard work the children in Year 5 had done, they had a Wheelie Day early in
May when they brought scooters, bikes, wheelies and skateboards into
school. They had great fun in the
afternoon zooming around the playground.
During May, Years 2 & 6 had their
statutory assessments. We are proud of
the hard work they have put in and know, that although for some it is an
anxious time, they have all tried their best.
In the last issue of the Newsletter, we
mentioned our Question of the Week. Here are some more examples of the mind
teasers posed each week.
- Would you rather be brave and poor, or cowardly and rich?
- Can you ever know what it is like to be someone else?
- Is there more happiness or sadness in the world?
- Can you touch a rainbow?
- Can you cast a shadow in a dark room?
- Would you rather be an ant or a spider? Why?
Wednesday 26th April marked 20 Years of
Service at our school by Mrs. Sophie Bird, one of our Teaching Assistants.The depth of affection the children have for
her was evident in the way even the very youngest children managed to keep
secret the events planned for the day.
At the Morning Assembly there was a presentation of cards and gifts, and
at lunchtime we ate al-fresco together in the playground. This was followed by an afternoon of games
and sports on the playing field. To top
it all off the weather was glorious!
As we move into the second half of the
Summer Term, the children are looking forward to residential trips, sports day,
Elderberry Class performance and many other events. Year 6 children will be visiting their
future Secondary Schools and we shall have our September Intake visiting us
regularly each week.
We shall soon be counting and sending
off the Sainsbury's Active Kids vouchers, redeeming them for sports
equipment. If you have any lurking
around, please drop them into us.
annual School Fete will be held at the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 4th July. Please look for posters nearer the time.
One of our very valued Governors, Colin
Humphrey, has decided to retire from the Board of Governors here at West Berry
Federation. We thank Colin for all his
time and dedication while serving. This
leaves a vacancy for a Co-opted Governor.
The Board operates as one body across both Berrynarbor and West Down
Primary Schools. You don't need any
specific qualifications [full training is provided]. but you must be aged 18 or
over, with an interest in helping to monitor and raise standards even higher in
our already Outstanding schools. We are
very keen to recruit individuals with a range of skills on our Governing Board
and therefore welcome applications from all walks of life. If you would like more information please
e-mail our Clerk, Natalie Stanbury: stanburyn@westberryfederation.org.uk
or call Berrynarbor School [01271]
883493 or West Down School [01271] 863461.
Carey - Head Teacher

Berrynarbor Parish Council
Adam Stanbury [Chairman] 882252
Gemma Bacon [883341]
Jenny Beer
Julia Fairchild [882783]
Denny Reynolds
Sian Barten [882222]
Adrian Coppin [882647]
David Kennedy [07791 781283]
Clare White [882959]
Victoria Woodhouse - Parish Clerk - clerk@berrynarborparishcouncil.org.uk
County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering [john.lovering@northdevon.gov.uk]
Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]
Well it's
a new year for the Parish Council and our first report must be to congratulate
Councillor Adam Stanbury on his re-election as Chairman for 2017-2018 and
Councillor Mrs Sian Barten on her re-election as Vice-Chairman. Following on from these elections, it
might also be useful to note the election of the following representatives for
the year:
- Footpaths Officer - Councillor Mrs Julia Fairchild
- Deputy Footpaths Officer - Councillor Mrs Clare White
- Highway Liaison Officer & Tree Warden - Councillor Adrian Coppin
- Emergency Plan Officer - Councillor Adrian Coppin
- Combe Martin & District Tourism Association - Councillor Mrs Jenny Beer
- Berrynarbor Manor Hall - Councillor Mrs Denny Reynolds
- Play Area Inspections - Councillor Mrs Jenny Beer
- Councillor responsible for Planning Applications - Councillor Gemma Bacon
County Councillor
Congratulations to Andrea Davis on her recent re-election as our representative on the County Council.
Flood Wardens
Councillors Julia Fairchild and Jenny Beer have recently undertaken
Flood Warden training.There are
properties in Berrynarbor Parish at risk of flooding and the Flood Wardens hope
to develop a flood plan to identify potential risks.
Parish Council has been looking at the condition of the sand bunker in the car
park in Castle Hill, is aware that the condition of the container is not ideal
and is hoping to procure something a little more substantial and waterproof.
Parish Council is pleased to be able to continue to support local groups with
grants and donations and has already this year agreed to a grant of £1,000
towards the Berrynarbor Newsletter and is providing a stone planter by way of a
donation to Berry in Bloom.
Woodhouse - Clerk to the Parish Council
There are no laws against having a bonfire, but there
are laws for the nuisance they can cause.
cannot get rid of household waste by burning it. It can be composted or recycled.
You could
be fined if you light a bonfire and allow the smoke to drift across the road
and become a danger to traffic.
If a
neighbour's bonfire is causing a nuisance, the council can issue an abatement
notice that attracts a fine of £5,000 if not adhered to.
So, there
are no laws concerning bonfires. But
with summer approaching and gardening in full swing - as well as the washing on
the line - pyrotechnicians, please think before you light that fire. Save it for the evening or miserable days
when neighbours are not enjoying relaxing in their gardens or drying their

"A good book is like a garden carried in the pocket"
Arab Proverb
"He who plants a garden plants happiness."
Chinese Proverb

7TH JULY 2017
7.30 p.m.
Supported by Ilfracombe Junior School & Holy Trinity Church Choirs £12.50
Advance Tickets from Tinker Tailor, Alan Jackson & Hairport, Ilfracombe High Street or Phone David Beagley [01271] 866647

A First Taste of Education
Berrynarbor Pre-School we provide care and education for young children between
the ages of 2 and 5. Presently we have
spaces available and are now taking bookings for the next academic year.
If you
would like to book a place for your child/children, then please visit us or
call us on our NEW telephone number, 07932 851052, or e-mail preschoolberrynarbor@gmail.com for more information.
opening times are 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Monday to Friday We are flexible and have a range of session times to
meet your needs. For details please see the Manor Hall Diary later in
this Newsletter.
We are
Ofsted Registered and in receipt of the 2gether Scheme and Early Years
Entitlement. We are offering 30 hours'
free childcare to eligible families.
Further information regarding this funding can be found at www.gov.uk/government/publications/30-hours-free-childcare-eligibility.
Welcome Back to the Summer Term
We should like to say a very big thank you to Berry in
Bloom who kindly paid for our garden to have a much need make-over, and Wendy,
Alan, Andy, Greg, Barry, Geoff and Tony, who all kindly donated their
time. It is now a safe area for the
children to dig, grow their plants, as well as pick summer fruits -
blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, as well as explore - looking for
bugs and insects!
our flower pot person, now sits in pride of place overseeing the garden and
inspires the children to explore and watch nature. He was kindly donated to us by Greg Elstob.
Last term the children enjoyed the topic of
Looking at the Changes in our Seasons.
The story of Jack and the Beanstalk came to life with them making a
giant display of Jack climbing the beanstalk and planting their own magic bean
seeds, and WOW, didn't they grow! The
team from Berry in Bloom were very impressed and wanted to know what our secret
is - we don't know, you'll have to ask the children! These have been replanted in our new garden
and we shall continue to watch them grow and hopefully have some beans to
harvest later in the year.
children learnt about the life cycle of the frog. We were lucky enough to have some frogspawn
this year, allowing the children to monitor some of the changes and watch the
tadpoles develop. These tadpoles were
then put back into the pond to continue to grow into frogs.
The mural
created by the children using the earth pigments unique to North Devon is now
in place. The children are fascinated
by the textures and colours and they use their imagination to explain the
picture that they made in conjunction with our autumn term's topic
support the children's learning, this term we are looking at Going on Holiday,
based around travel, transport, travel agents and going round the world
visiting different countries. They will
be encouraged to listen to new stories, create their own passports and go on
many adventures as we explore the world.
This will
also give us the opportunity to work on our letters and sounds. Children are encouraged to sound out
familiar letters and sounds and begin to form recognisable letters or to make
patterns and put meanings to the marks they make. This is all based on the child's individual
stage of learning.
From all
the Staff at Berrynarbor Pre-School.
Sue, Karen, Charlotte and Lynne

Crossword Answers
Across - 1. Lance 4. Ahead 10. Ether 11. General 12. Sensible 13. Style 15. Tackle 17. Oberon 19. Oban 20. Straight 23. Abiding 24. Ideal 25. Cycle 26. Petty
Down - 2. Ashen 3. Carlisle 5. Hand 6. Aerator 7. Sensational 8. Agile 9. Alternately 14. Abrasive 16. Charity 18. Stage 21. Great 22. Fill

Charles Monrile was born in the little
Essex village of Stebbing. He went to a
small, private school in the village and later to a local grammar school, where
he was always made fun of by the other boys and often felt very downcast.
On leaving school he took a job at a
stockbroker's. He marvelled at the way
shares could rise and fall very rapidly.
He saw clients make or lose a fortune in a day or even within a few
Charles said to himself, "One day, I
shall make a fortune out of shares." He
worked for this firm for about three years and then decided to have a go on his
own. He soon found appropriate premises
in London and was gradually able to build up a fair clientele.His commissions brought in a good income and
one client in particular was Ann Cross.
She was beautiful and responded to his courting. They were soon going out together and he
learned that she was extremely wealthy.

After a while, business became less and
this worried him. What should he do?
A client deposited a large sum of money
with him and asked him to purchase a huge number of shares in a certain
company. When the client asked him
later had he bought the shares, he lied and said "Yes". In fact he had spent it on Ann Cross by
buying her two horses for her carriage as well as champagne.
He soon realised what a fool he had
been and that he would never be able to put his client's money back, whom he
knew would soon have the police after him!
He confided everything to Ann who,
because she loved him so much, said she would help him to get out of the
country for a while and later see how things would settle down. It was decided he should go to Madrid in
"Take lots of my jewellery," said Ann.
"Fill your pockets as you will have no time to get the right currencies."
Charles lost no time in getting
away. He bribed two men with a fishing
boat to take him across the channel and once in France he boarded a train -
without paying - to take him towards Spain.
After a few days, sometimes sleeping
rough, he was within sight of Madrid He
had been there for a week when word got round that this man always pays you in
diamonds or gold jewellery.
Soon the local police got to know of
this and they took him to the station to question him. They soon realised that he was the Charles
Monrile wanted for embezzlement. He was
arrested and put in prison to await being sent back to England.
Once back in England, he was tried at
the County Court and sent to prison for eighteen months. He was also made bankrupt. Ann knew all about this and as soon as he
was free, invited him to go and live with her.
She loved him so much that she would
give him anything he wanted. "How about
a large house?" she asked. "Oh! I should love that" he replied. Soon they were living in fine style - fine
carriages, fine clothes, servants, beautiful gardens. But there was one more thing that Charles
wanted. That was a family crest or coat
of arms. When he found out that a real
coat of arms or crest would have to be registered with the College of Arms, he
said, "I'm going to have one anyway!"
He found out that you can have a kind
of secondary crest, so he had one made by a jewellery firm. He later adored himself with it on his
walking stick, his coach and even on his house.
He thought back to his school
days;"If they could see me now!"
Charles and Ann got married. Ann died in 1922 and Charles in 1936.
Tony Beauclerk -
Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
"Blooms Berry":Wild Orchids in the Parish
Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
At the top of the hairpin bends near
Smythen Farm, beside the old barn called Bountree, was a little bluebell glade
and among the sea of blue were many magenta spikes of early purple
orchids. An exquisite sight. I do hope this colony of orchids has
survived but since the Keep Out notices and gates appeared there a few years
ago, it has not been possible to view them. A few still appear each spring on the
roadside verge opposite and last May I walked up there to take a look. There were just ten orchids.
Along the short track leading off the
road, about half way up the hill I discovered another dozen;the purple contrasting nicely with patches of
yellow pimpernels, a diminutive and creeping member of the primrose family. There were a couple more orchids down
the steep wooded slope opposite.
following month when walking into Combe Martin I was delighted to find a colony
of common spotted orchids on the high roadside bank between the bus shelter
[opposite the end of Barton Lane] and Newberry Close. I counted thirty-seven of these pink
orchids which form a more triangular spike than the looser arrangement of
florets of the early purples. With field scabious and wild strawberry
flowers nature had created a very pleasing garden. A few yards back blue meadow cranesbills had
naturalised along a field boundary with ox-eye daisies.
Suddenly a female sparrow-hawk had shot
out from the dark lane leading to the Sandy Cove;landed briefly in a tree before flying across
the road to the alarm of a flurry of small birds.
December The Devonshire Association published its magnum opus, A New Flora of
Devon. A mighty
tome literally - the book weighs half a stone and is a comprehensive and
beautifully presented guide to Devon's wild flowers and their habitats.
Sue H

Hooray, summer seems to be here at last,
after lots of dry, sunny weather, but definitely with a chilly wind. The tubs looked lovely in the spring
although nobody could see them for the six weeks of the road works that
coincided with the flowering, but that's all done now and the village is
looking great.
During this period, the group has been
hard at work helping the Pre-school
refurbish their small garden.This
needed some work from six of our beefy men and they have done a great job.Thank you to Alan, Andy, Greg, Tony, Barry
and Geoff. The children are keen to
grow some of their own fruit and vegetables and we are glad to help them.We also supplied them with gardening gloves
and litter pickers and they have undertaken the task of keeping the play park
area litter free. Well done children!
In the car park, the group has cut down
a huge winter flowering clematis that had outgrown the trellis on which it was
growing and opened up the area where the benches and tables are.
Down at the flower bed opposite the
Sawmills, we have removed two huge phormiums that had also outgrown their space
and had a good tidy up.
As we are not having Open Gardens this
year, we have decided to have a mini fete and tea party at the Lodge.Phil and
Lynn have a beautiful garden and a £5.00 entrance fee will get you a yummy
Berrynarbor cream tea with masses of cakes and scones and hopefully a sunny
afternoon socializing on the lawns.We
do hope you will support us and come along and enjoy yourselves on Sunday June the 25th from 2.00 p.m.
Judging for Berry in Bloom [Britain in
Bloom] is on 5th July.Wish us luck!
Wendy Applegate

and White Chocolate Blondies
These lovely white chocolate and
raspberry squares are SO easy to make.
They are ideal to keep in a tin or the freezer ready for when someone
pops round for tea.
- 190g butter melted and cooled
- 375g golden caster sugar
- 1and half tsp vanilla extract
- 3 free range eggs
- 260g plain flour
- 300g white chocolate broken into pieces
- 150g frozen or fresh raspberries
- 25g mini marshmallows
[The recipe says mini marshmallows BUT I had
more success with Bobby's marshmallows cut up, available from our shop, as they
melted nicely over the top of the Blondies.]
Preheat the oven to gas 4/180C/160C fan
and line the base and sides of a 20cm/8inch loose-bottomed square tin with
baking parchment.
In a large bowl, combine the melted
butter and sugar and mix well.Add the
vanilla extract and the eggs and mix well.
Then fold in the flour and white chocolate and finally, gently stir in
the raspberries until just combined.
Spoon the Blondie mix in to the lined
cake tin, making sure the corners of the tin are filled and level the
surface. Bake for one hour, covering
the top with foil if it starts to look too brown.
Remove from the oven and scatter the
marshmallows over the top.Return to the
oven and bake for a further ten minutes.
Remove and leave in the tin to cool completely. Once cooled, remove and cut into sixteen
I found these were a bit denser than
brownies, but white chocolate and raspberry denseness is good with me, yum!
Wendy Applegate
Did you know that as much as £5.5 million is wasted each year in Devon on unused medicines?
The same amount could pay for approximately
- 730 heart by-pass operations
- or 1,000 hip replacements
- or 2,235 knee replacements
- or 10,720 cataract operations
You can help us use this NHS money in Devon more wisely:
- Check - look at your supplies - order only the items that you need.
- Listen - to the advice from your doctor, nurse or pharmacist and take all
medicines as instructed on the label
- Tell - your doctor, nurse or pharmacist if your medicines are not agreeing
with you or you have stopped taking them
- Tick - using the counterfoil of the prescription, tick only the medicines you
need and remember, "tick in haste - medicines waste"
- Open - your bag of medication while at the pharmacy. If you have item[s]
not requested, or surplus to your needs for the next month, please
return these before leaving.
The same amount could pay for approximately
- 730 heart by-pass operations
- or 1,000 hip replacements
- or 2,235 knee replacements
- or 10,720 cataract operations
You can help us use this NHS money in Devon more wisely:
- Check - look at your supplies - order only the items that you need.
- Listen - to the advice from your doctor, nurse or pharmacist and take all medicines as instructed on the label
- Tell - your doctor, nurse or pharmacist if your medicines are not agreeing with you or you have stopped taking them
- Tick - using the counterfoil of the prescription, tick only the medicines you need and remember, "tick in haste - medicines waste"
- Open - your bag of medication while at the pharmacy. If you have item[s] not requested, or surplus to your needs for the next month, please return these before leaving.

William Henry Hudson was born in 1841
and spent his childhood along the shoreline of the Rio de la Plata [river of
silver] that separated Uruguay and Argentina.
Roaming the farms and ranches, he observed the surrounding wild flora
and fauna and in particular the birds that launched, flew over or came to roost
upon the area's vast plains.

William Henry Hudson
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
At the age of fifteen he contracted a
fever that affected his heart, something he felt would significantly reduce his
life expectancy.He was to eventually
live until aged eighty-one. One can
only speculate whether his concern drove him to consolidate his passion for
wildlife;having reached his late
twenties, no doubt to his surprise, he decided to move to London to become a
Compared to his contemporaries he was
very much a free spirit and soon became an advocate for the back-to-nature
movement. Spurred on by his enthusiasm,
he made copious notes of his observations which he subsequently combined into
essays. However, in complete contrast
to the majority of his fellow naturalists, Hudson became renowned for his skill
in portraying vivid pictures of his observations through short pieces of work.
One such piece is titled Geese - Great
Norfolk, from a collection, Adventures Among Birds, published in 1932. In it he describes how, over a two-week
period, he observed fifty or more geese come to roost with overloaded crops
full of corn. Then one evening, to his utter amazement, he saw at least four
thousand geese appear on the horizon "like
a great crimson globe hanging just below the black roof tops of Wells". Once above the flat sands, the gaggle
circled whilst waiting for stragglers to join before dramatically descending to
roost. Hudson describes the event as
"the most magnificent spectacle in
wild bird life I have ever witnessed in England".
The spectacle clearly aroused
Hudson. But this was only half of the
story. For on one evening prior to this
display he had noticed a lone injured goose standing some way from the
marshland. Unable to venture with its
counterparts to collect corn, Hudson's heart sank upon seeing the bird raise
its head towards the geese above, as they returned with their abundance of
corn. But it's hope of a small offering
from their takings was diminished as they came in to roost upon the marshland,
for it soon became clear that each individual was protective of their corn; and
when, on the evening of that magical spectacle, not one of over 4000 geese were
prepared to share a mere clutch of corn, the goose knew it was truly
ostracised. With that the lone creature
set off towards the sand.
The story coincides with my own recent
observations close to our bungalow.
Across the road are a pair of wood pigeons nesting within the row of
tall leylandii.Meanwhile, a collared
dove is sat upon her nest in our mahonia, content as we pass by only a few feet
away and safe in the knowledge that she is well camouflaged. However, this year there are a pair of
magpies hunting the area for eggs.
Their success appears to depend upon which breed of bird is patrolling
their patch. Get too close to the
dove's nest and an aggressive response is instigated that soon forces the
magpies to flee. But watch them enter
the leylandii and one sees a violent tossing of branches; one can only assume that the magpies are
willing to take the pigeons head on in their attempt to steal an egg - a trait
with which magpies are steadfastly labelled.
But let us end on a positive note and
return to William Hudson, someone who no doubt gained immense fulfilment and
reward from an unexpected life span which enabled him to absorb in his
Yet it is something that we can all do -
a point I have been raising in a number of recent issues. I do not doubt that a mere glance at the
calendar in your kitchen would reflect a wealth of commitments. Some will be compulsory, others through
There is, however, one commitment that
may not be on your calendar. It
requires personal discipline to ensure it is not pushed to one side;and. if carried out with frequency, would
become an integral part of your daily timetable - an opportunity to just sit
and be in the present moment, no matter how small that segment of time may
be. In my case, like Hudson, to be at
one with nature.

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

In March, quite by chance I heard a
Wine Talk one Saturday morning on Radio Devon and the presenter said he
regularly did presentations to clubs, groups, W.I's, etc. to spread his love of
wine. I therefore got in touch to
invite him to do a presentation for us, which he kindly accepted. He could not
do our normal meeting date of 19th April but could manage 26th. To say I twisted his arm off could be an
Nigel Pound is the boss of Totnes
Wines, a true independent wine merchant, and has been in the wine trade for
over 30 years. His presentation was
entitled A Few of My Current Favourites, and one could easily see, or taste,
why they were favourites;they were
brought us seven wines to sample, one more than we usually have and gave a
detailed description of each with many amusing anecdotes and tales associated
with them.
The wines
were a sparkling wine from Saumur made by the Champagne Method, not white wine
injected with carbon dioxide the way that Prosecco is. An Albarino from Galicia; an Italian white from the Veneto area and a
white Burgundy from Macon. The red
wines were a typical Bordeaux claret but from the Graves area south of Bordeaux
rather than the more usual Medoc;
Biberius Roble from Ribero del Duero and a merlot called Paisaje de
Tupungato from Mendoza in Argentina.
favourites on the night for those I spoke to seemed to be the Albarino of the
white wines and the Ribero del Duero of the reds but of course individuals may
have had their own, different preferences.
To listen
to someone who is an expert in his trade is always interesting and informative
and Nigel certainly was. One of the main
bits of knowledge to come from the evening was that if you tend to have a
headache after drinking wine, particularly red wine, it is probably not a hang
over, but from the sulphites that are added to preserve the wine. This is
particularly true of New World wines, as sulphur has to be added at virtually
every stage because of the climate and then the vast distances it has to travel
to get to us. Incidentally, it doesn't
travel already bottled, in most cases it comes in a container lined with an
enormous plastic bag then bottled in Europe, requiring yet more sulphur! The moral of the story is, if you want to
avoid headaches, only buy wine that was bottled on the estate. Also, NEVER buy what is called British
Wine. This is the commercial equivalent
of the DIY home brew wine kits of the 60's and 70's. It is grape concentrate from virtually
anywhere in Europe that is then fermented in the UK and bottled. Do not confuse it though with English wine
which is proper wine, grown and produced in England that can be superb but
usually expensive.
15 of our regulars were unable to attend, 50 people did and all had an
excellent social evening with many newcomers asking for details of how to
become regular members and even the presenter saying he would love to come
again. What a successful evening!
Tony Summers - Chairman
thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart.'
Ecclesiastes 9:7

May seems to appear in print a lot
currently, but May for us means the end of yet another season!We began our meeting with our AGM, which
our Chairman, Tony Summers, managed to complete in record time, literally, 3
minutes 15 seconds! Formal proceedings
complete, we were now able to taste his Wine and Food Pairings.Tony used Majestic's for the wine and
decided to see what Berry Brothers & Rudd would suggest for pairings.
We began with a dry sherry: La Gitana, a
Spanish Manzanilla. This was matched
with roasted and lightly salted almonds and marinated anchovies - delicious all
round!We followed this with a
Muscadet Sevre et Maine, 2015: a great summer-drinking option and good with
bi-valves, pan-roasted chicken, cheeses, fondue. Our third white was another Spaniard:
Albarino Caixas perfect with seafood, light dishes or as an aperitif.We sampled it with a chicken pate - a
delightful match.
Reds followed:Parilla 2014, by Vinalba of Argentina is a
Malbec, a perfect match with steak or grilled sausages.Santa Rita Medalla Real is a Cabernet
Sauvignon from the Maipo Valley in Chile and great with a soft creamy goat's
cheese. This combination was suggested
by a Majestic's staff member and it worked very well!Our final May tasting was a Cote du Rhone
Village, 2014: Les Hautes Vignes Cairanne, great with Tony's barbequed and
seasoned sausages.
The results were a resounding
success.There were no favourites as all
wines were enjoyed by most! The wines
were between £7.99 and £11.99 per bottle, the latter achieved as a reduction
due to their Mix 6 offer.
Holidays are on the horizon and,
therefore, we resume in October: Wednesday 18th, at the Manor Hall, to be
precise.New Berrynarborians will
receive a warm welcome and a drink!
Judith Adam- Secretary and Programme Co-ordinator

"Matthew encountered the stationmaster
locking up the ticket office preparatory to going home for supper, and asked
him if the five-thirty train would soon be along. "The five-thirty train has been in and gone
half an hour ago," answered that brisk official. "But there was a passenger dropped off for
you - a little girl. She's sitting out
there on the shingles.
"I'm not expecting a girl," said
Matthew blankly, "It's a boy I've come
for. He should be here." The stationmaster whistled. "Guess there's some mistake," he said."
So, Anne Shirley finds herself at Green
Gables with Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert.
Anne of Green Gables was the first novel
by Canadian author L.M. Montgomery.
George Fort Gibbs (1870-1942)
(Note: M. A. & W. A. J. Claus did not illustrate the cover)
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Lucy Maud Montgomery was born on Prince
Edward Island on the 30th November 1874.
Sadly, her mother died when she was only 21 months old and her father,
stricken with grief, gave custody to her maternal grandparents. Her early life was very lonely and
Montgomery credits this period in which she created many imaginary friends to
cope with her loneliness, for developing her creativity.

Lucy Maud Montgomery, 1884 (age 10)
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Anne of Green Gables was published in
1908 and was an immediate success, and this was followed by a further four
books about Anne, reflecting a lot of her own life - at college in
Charlottetown and working as a teacher in various Prince Edward Island
schools. She stopped writing about Anne
around 1920, saying that she had tired of the character, but returned some 15
years later to write Anne of Windy Willows and Anne of Ingleside.

Lucy Maud Montgomery
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
As a fashionable young woman with
'slim, good looks', she attracted many suitors but did not marry until
1911. With her husband, Ewen Macdonald
[1870-1943], a Presbyterian Minister, she moved to the Manse in Leaskdale,
where she wrote her next eleven books.
They had three sons, but sadly the second was still born. Coping with the duties of church life,
motherhood and her husband's deteriorating health, Montgomery suffered several
bouts of depression.
She was honoured as the first female in
Canada to be made a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in England, and was
invested with an O.B.E. in 1935.
She died on the 24th April, 1942, and was
buried at the Cavendish Community Cemetery.
It has been said that perhaps she took her own life.
During her lifetime she published 20
novels, over 500 short stories, an autobiography and a book of poetry.
Biographies of her life make interesting
reading as information regarding her life often differs.
There have been many films and
serialisations of Anne's story with a current new 9-episode one on Netflix,
which has received good reviews and although it mainly stays true to the book,
purists will not be happy that a bit has been added!The point was made that at that period in
history, orphans sent to a farm would often not have been treated well.
Judie Weedon

When I
was but a callow youth - wa'da you mean, I couldn't have been! I, like my mates, spent some time birds'
nesting in Watermouth Harbour.
At this
time, Monkey Island [Sexton's Burrows*] was home to a large colony of Oyster
Catchers. They used to dive bomb a
fella when he was near their nests.
As I
remember, the most prolific gulls were Common Gulls, the next common were the
Lesser and Greater Black Backed, and the least common, the Herring Gulls. How things have changed!

Illustrations:Paul Swailes
oyster catchers here are now non-existent, I can't remember the last time I saw
a common gull and the black backs are few and far between. But, the herring gulls have taken over. They have the unfortunate habit of taking
other gulls' eggs, although most gulls will do this but they seem to be more
successful. It just goes to show how
the strongest seem to survive, whether it be by driving the other gulls away,
or by rubbish dumps, or by pinching your fish 'n' chips. You have to say, as much as I dislike them,
they are survivors. Cheers.
*Sexton's Burrows
is a narrow rocky peninsular which forms a natural breakwater to the harbour of Watermouth Bay on the North
Devon coast.
Shite-hawk [also
spelled shitehawk] or shit-hawk or shitty hawk, is a slang name applied to
various birds of prey that exhibit scavenging behaviour, originally and primary
the black kite, although the term has also been applied to other birds such as
the herring gull.
I'd like to point out an error in
'MOVERS AND SHAKERS - NO. 68 - Edward Capern' by 'PP of DC'. The writer states that Lady Ilfra Goldberg
appeared on Spotlight to talk about Edward Capern; in fact I am the author who appeared on
Spotlight. I have just published 'The
Postman Poet', ISBN 0951687948, a book about Capern's life, and 'Poems by Edward
Capern, Selected by Liz Shakespeare', ISBN 0951687956.
Goldberg wrote a biography of Capern eight years ago which is now out of print.
I was in touch with Ilfra throughout the
three years I was writing the book and she was looking forward to coming to the
book and CD launch in Bideford on March 25th.
Sadly she died suddenly and unexpectedly just two weeks before. It is partly in view of this that I would
like the article to be corrected, if possible, to save any upset to her family.
With best wishes
Liz Shakespeare
Our apologies for this error. How sad to learn of Ilfra's sudden death.As Editor of the Newsletter, I should not want her family to be upset in any way by the article, which was written and published in good faith.
[1861 - 19 November 1935]
Tapeley Park, Instow
A year ago, Judith Adam arranged a visit
to Tapeley Park gardens, and a special visit to the house.
Here, we were entertained by Hector
Christie, who in his own words sees himself as 'caretaker', not owner of this
stately home with its Italianate gardens, and splendid views across the North
Devon coast to Lundy.

During his talk, he told us how he'd
acquired Tapeley. A builder, Captain
William Clevland, who spotted the site through his binoculars whilst sailing up
the Torridge estuary, built the original house in 1702. In 1855 it passed to the Christie family by
marriage and eventually Hector's aunt, Rosamund Christie, whose father founded
the famous opera at Glyndebourne, inherited and ran it frugally until her death
in 1988.
She was known fondly by locals for
conducting tours with her parrot perched on her head, but as Hector insists,
the Christies have always had an unconventional strain. After her death, Hector, aged 24, and his younger brother, Gus, inherited
between them both Glyndebourne and Tapeley Park. From an early age, Hector showed a passion
for farming and football, leaving his more responsible brother, Gus, to run the
opera house. Gus still runs
Glyndebourne very successfully. As Hector said later, he
never regretted his choice as the idea of catering for some of the world's most
famous singers would bring him out in spots!
He also mentioned an earlier Lady
Rosamund Christie, his Great Grandmother, for whom he had great
admiration. I hope I have her year of
birth right as several sites said it was unknown and one even gave it as
between 1839 and 1881!
Lady Rosamund was the daughter of Isaac
Newton Wallop, 5th
Earl of Portsmouth, and his wife Eveline, a Fortescue of Castle Hill,
Filleigh. Lady Rosamund first saw
Tapeley in 1881. Her home was the
splendid stately Eggesford House [which became a ruin, but has since been part restored] so she was not impressed,
writing in her diary:
"When I first saw Tapeley
it was the winter of 1881 before my marriage to Augustus Langham Christie. It was a Georgian stucco house, very plain
and dreary in appearance, for many of the front windows
had been blocked [to avoid the window tax presumably] and the sunk apertures painted
black with half drawn paint blinds, cord and tassels, looked very dull. The terrace walk
and garden did not exist and the drive approached between iron railings".
Augustus and Rosamund were married in
1882, but after only 3 months of marriage, she banished him to one of his other
properties, Saunton Court, because, according to Hector, "He used to kick the
furniture with his hobnailed boots" - presumably if something had upset him.
She began to transform Tapeley, hiring a
well-known architect, John Belcher to advise her on re-modelling the house in
Queen Anne style. He had designed many
London projects, including the Mappin and Webb building. The white stucco was removed to reveal the
red brick exterior, and the porticos and pediment added. The Dairy was restored and the beautiful
Italian Garden dug out. Because work
was paid for out of her housekeeping, the project lasted from1894 to 1916, but
the professional relationship between Lady Rosamund and John Belcher remained a
good one, and after his death she had a
plaque put on the wall in his memory.

To the interior was added a grand
staircase, whilst several good fireplaces and plaster ceilings were
retained. As an admirer of William
Morris, she spent her life bargain hunting at auctions with the result that
Tapeley housed the second largest collection of William Morris furniture in the
country and her searches led her to become especially friendly with Morris's
chief craftsman, George Jack.
Her husband Augustus died in 1930 and as
an act of revenge against his wife he bequeathed his estates to a distant
cousin in Canada, cutting out their son John.
Rosamund overturned the will in court on the grounds of his unsound mind
when he made the will.
She died on 19th November 1935,
having achieved a remarkable success of Tapeley house and gardens.
The gardens are open now until October
30th, and are well worth a visit to see the formal and informal terraces, the
walled kitchen garden and the permaculture garden planted with companion plants
for vegetables and fruit and using no chemical fertiliser, herbicides or
pesticides. Dogs on leads are welcome.
The house is open only for 20 or more
visitors and has to be booked at least three weeks in advance, but is a good
chance to find out more of the history and see some of the remarkable pieces of
William Morris furniture. All
information is available on the Tapeley website, including outdoor performances
of Pride and Prejudice in June and Peter Pan in August. Enjoy!
of DC
In the previous foraging article I
mentioned wild foods from fields, woods and hedgerows. This time I'd like to cover Lee stream, as I
shall refer to it, down to Watermouth Harbour and the seashore beyond. As there are very few edible plants that
grow in, or by, our stream, this one will cover flora and fauna. We have several different springs that feed
the main stream before it gets to South Lee.
The furthest from the sea starts just
before the road at Lynton Cross and the next at Bodstone Gullies,
near Berrydown Cross along with Rectory Stream heading almost down
from Rockville, now known as Buddicombe and not forgetting the Cockhill
and Lower Rows springs.
As a boy, I
explored almost every yard of these waterways and I do remember the odd
watercress bed, but if you wish to pick watercress, it must come from a
clean running water source free from all livestock.

This so called
modern superfood, which is very high in vitamin C, has been used for hundreds
of years to pepper up pottage and stews.
Today we tend to use it as a salad garnish, or make it into a wonderful
soup.It's at its best during the spring
and summer months.
Another very underrated plant that grows
alongside a river or in damp places in the spring is ramsons or wild
garlic.The young stems and leaves can
be finely chopped and used sparingly to flavour food. I have seen recently on television even the
starry white flowers and the little green seed heads used for flavour and
This might sound like a nature walk, but
back to the river!To my knowledge there are three main species
of fish in the stream. The first being
the freshwater bullhead or miller's thumb.
These are non-edible but a favourite of the heron and kingfisher. The second is the freshwater eel. Now Gary
mentions his and Mickey Mitcham's tussle with this creature of the deep, in A
Potted History of Berrynarbor, but prepared and cooked properly they are good
eating and quite a valuable fish.
The third is the brown trout, though why
it's called the brown trout, I will never know because it's probably
one of our most colourful fish. I first
learned to fish for these at the age of nine after watching a Combe Martin
lad fishing just below Mill Pond using a method called trotting or free lining,
using a small worm and without any weights.
Generally, our trout weigh about five ounces, but there are larger fish.
We have also migratory fish entering the
stream. Elvers, which I remember
congregating under the small harbour bridge in the boatyard at high tides
in spring and autumn, later maturing into large freshwater eels. Brook lamprey,
a small brown eel like fish the size of a pencil would spawn in groups just
below the bridge into Big Meadow, now Watermouth Valley Camping Park. These fish are not for eating.
In the 1960's, just below the entrance
bridge to Watermoth Cove, I caught a silver sea trout which was over a foot in
length, with beautiful pink flesh, referred to as harvest peal by the fishermen
of the Taw and Torridge. I'm sure they
could venture further up the stream to spawn, but only as far as Mill Pond weir
waterfall and they would also require sunlit gravel beds.
In the summer, at the low water mark on the
left hand side of the harbour, is a large sandbar where it was a good place to
catch brown sand shrimp wading up past your knees and using a traditional
wooden shrimp net. These cooked, peeled
and made into buttered potted shrimp are delicious on toast.
On the rocks close by, winkles can be
gathered. Although not popular today
because they are a bit fiddly, these were collected in large numbers in years
gone by. Like all seafood, they contain
lots of vitamins and minerals and winkles in particular, iodine, which helped
to combat the effects of goitres caused by poor quality well water.
I have eaten most types of shell fish
and molluscs, which I enjoy, but limpets I've only tried once! They are like eating an old school rubber!
Best to leave them on the rocks!
Large brown edible crab, prawns and the
occasional lobster can be found in the gullies and deeper crevices and larger
rock pools at very low water tides using a four foot crabbing iron crook and
prawn net.The best place for this is
Broadsands to Golden Cove but be careful, don't get cut off by the tide!
On most of our steep cliff headlands
grows rock samphire which needs simmering for half an hour with a small splash
of vinegar before eating. But a caution
on gathering this from Shakespeare's King Lear, "It's a dreadful
trade". For me marsh samphire is a
better plant to pick and eat! You can
find this at Crow Point near Braunton, or at Bossington Decoy, West
Porlock. Snip the top three inches off
the top with scissors, wash with fresh water, steam or boil for only a few
minutes and while still hot add butter and pepper. No added salt is needed. Best picking time is June to September.
Finally, I must mention seaweeds. They are such a useful group of plants and
can be used in many ways. From
fertiliser to beer and glass making, plus culinary use. Once again this 'super food' is being used
by celebrity chefs to create something special and charge accordingly!
The four that
can be found on our shores are sugar kelp, locally known as 'ore
tags'. When cutting these at low water,
make sure you pick the small younger fronds.
Finely chopped, fresh kelp can be added to salads, fish dishes and
omelettes. It can also be added to
savoury pies, tarts and even biscuits, as recently seen in a National
Trust shop in South Wales!
seaweed, is generally found in the deeper rock pools and contains natural
vegetable gelatines, used, in its natural state, to thicken soups, stews,
jellies and blancmange.
lettuce is a delicate green seaweed, almost cellophane like. Although not
plentiful, it can be found at Broadsands and at Lee Bay. It likes sheltered coves. I have never collected or eaten sea lettuce
but I understand it can be deep fried, fresh, in a light
tempura batter. Sounds good! I might try that!
Finally, we come to laver. It can be quite plentiful around our coast
and best picked off rocks or boulders between low and half tide marks. Love it
or loathe it, it's probably the most eaten seaweed in the world. It's picked and eaten from Spain to
Shetland, along the west coast, and many other countries in the world too. In Japan and North America, it is called
Nori and if you've ever eaten sushi, the dark outer coating of this rice and
fish dish is one hundred per cent laver, dried and pressed into paper form.
Japan actually imports some laver products from Gower, South Wales. In South Wales it's known and pronounced
as Lava Bread. I find their way of
cooking it very strong and salty. Once
cooked, if you wish it can have some oatmeal added and shaped into flattened
cakes, traditionally fried with fresh cockles, bacon and eggs for breakfast,
whereas we in North Devon prepare it a little differently.
Our own family way is to wash it
thoroughly in fresh water, squeeze almost dry, put it into a very large
saucepan. Add a third of a pint of malt
vinegar, half a teaspoon of ground white pepper and a knob of butter. Put as much laver in the pan as you can, it will
quickly reduce by two thirds, so add some more laver. Cook on a very low simmer, stir
regularly. Make sure it doesn't stick
to the pan, add a little water if needs be.
Cook for an hour and a quarter.
When cooked and cold it can be frozen but two heaped dessertspoons
served hot with a farmhouse hogs pudding, eggs and bacon on fried bread is as
good as it gets! A real North Devon
breakfast or 'Food of the Gods'.
Enjoy your foraging!
Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
A friend recently sent me a copy of A
Potted History of Berrynarbor which has stirred a host of memories of folk I
used to know over the years.
I didn't know Gary Songhurst but I do
remember Graham Songhurst in a school group photo taken about 1949 in the big
yard at Berry School. I remember his
mother, Jill Songhurst, and her Tea Gardens at Pink Heather. She was such a kind lady who cheerfully
raised funds for the Tyrrell Hospital League of Friends and campaigned to 'Keep
the Tyrrell' when it was threatened with closure in the 60's/70's when the new
hospital, NDDH, was planned to replace the North Devon Infirmary and Alexandra
Hospital, and smaller hospitals were under threat. Bicclescombe Maternity/Convalescent Home had
already closed.
Then memories of Farmer Lerwill, George
Hobbs, our postman, and his wife, and Mr. Graves, Miss Parry and the Draper
sisters, oh how they sung in their 'own
choir' at the back of the church, with the real choir up front in fits of
I remember one evening service in the
50's, it might have been the Harvest Service, when the Rev. Flamank was
hammering home his message from the pulpit when all of a sudden the pulpit gate
flew open and he fell down the steps!
He wasn't hurt, but I don't know how the choir managed to keep
going. The sidesmen, Jim Huxtable [father
of Bill and Ivan] of Woolscott Farm, and Len Bowden, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Jones and daughter Heather of Crofts Lee, amongst others, tried hard to stifle
their laughter. My grandmother, Mrs.
Ford, actually chuckled for she was quite a strict person but when taken by
surprise she was great fun. Sadly over
her last 8 or so years she became very
difficult - nowadays it would be called Alzheimer's but back then it was senile
Mrs. Flamank, the Rector's wife, was a
lady I shall never forget for her kindness and help. She recognised Gran's behaviour and insisted
on getting me help. I joined the Red
Cross when Mrs. Blackwell, who lived in Barton Lane, was Commandant of the
local branch, and she got me on to First Aid and Home Nursing courses and I
gained experience at the Tyrrell. She
introduced me to the local golf club and I was taught to play and the SSAFA
Health Visitor regularly helped me to get out of the situation at home. There was such a stigma in those days and
life was hell for those coping with it.
People could be so cruel and unkind to Gran - they were not happy
Tony's article in the April Newsletter
and Paul Swailes' line drawings evoked a host of other thoughts of Hagginton
Hill as seen from Barton Lane, the steep gardens and fields leading up to East
Hagginton Farm, past Grattons, the woods and after the farm up to Goosewell
where I lived with my grandparents. Our
cottages were a little way up before a row of cottages, opposite of which was a
field where a well provided water to us and East Hagginton.If the summer was hot and water ran short,
we had to take buckets down the lane to a pipe coming out of a wall which never
ran dry, and carry our water home. The
pipe was by the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leworthy and their two sons, Colin and
Eric. Next down were Mr. and Mrs.
Challacombe and their son Frank, followed by Gordon and Vera Newton and family
- Derek, Joan and Bernard. I remember
Joan became 'mother' to the family when Vera died.
Tony mentioned his school friends, one
being Don Blake, who with his mother and brother Ian, came from Wanstead to
next door to us during the late 1930's until after the war. I remember rosy cheeked Mrs. Blake,with Pip the dog, chatting over the garden
wall, The cottages had a large, smooth
grey slate step and I recall watching the boys and them teaching me snail
racing. We had a Pekinese dog that
slept on my pram but was not so popular with folk who wanted to see 'Ruth's
little girl'. I was very upset years
later when Babe was run over. Gran
refused to have another dog. Grampy had
his dog, Towser, and his ferrets out in the back shed. But I went twenty years before I had my big
dog. During my late teens I had a black
cat called Sooty that came from Mrs. Lilian Huxtable at 37 the Village, mother of
Betty and John, they were older than me and very kind. But Sooty was a wanderer and he sometimes
didn't return home for days. A good
'mouser' he would go over the fields and bring home all manner of prey.
Returning to the Blake family, I still
have the book they gave me in 1947 - Birds, Trees and Flowers. I remember the bright yellow covered
National Geographical magazines, Mrs. Blake was a great part of my young life
but it was shock and sadness when she died and Gran lost a friend. The boys kept in touch over the years, The last time I saw Don was in the mid
70's. We lost touch but at the end of
the 80's/90, I met a young man on a course called Andrew Blake and it turned
out to be Ian's son. Andrew was looking
for a career change and left to go to New Zealand. The Blake's were good people.
Sheila Twose -

A very big thank you to all who supported our fund raising event in the Manor Hall.
We made £500 - a fantastic amount and more than we had hoped. Thank you to all those who donated raffle prizes, plants, cakes, etc.
We'll be having another fun-raising do in the autumn, a Quiz at the George and Dragon, Ilfracombe - date to be confirmed.
Our next demonstration will be in September, so enjoy the summer break!
Sue Neale

Sports at Woolacombe

Although not Berrynarbor, I thought these views depicting tennis and rounders at the start of the last century, were appropriate with the summer sports season underway and Wimbledon in early July.
Today, the Barton Pharmacy stands on the rounded corner site. The spectators, mainly ladies in long dresses and hats, are peering over the wooden fence surround.

The second postcard, printed in Saxony
[Germany] c1903 by Stengel & Co. clearly shows the position of the tennis
courts and The Parade. The postcard has
been published by F. Beer of the Post Office and Library at Woolcombe, and has
a July 15 1909 Woolacombe postmark.

The third postcard shows "Rounders" being played on the beach and has a January 4 1909 Woolacombe postmark.
Note the large house on the left with columns, for a short time called White Breakers before reverting to its original name of Parade House.
house was built for Lady Chichester and her daughter Rosalie, who became the
sole heir of Arlington Court in 1881 on the death of her father Sir Bruce
requested to be taken to Parade House where she died in 1949.
Note in the postcard that there are
four ladies dressed in white, long dresses who are obviously also playing! Three white bell tents can be seen on the
The postcard below shows the 'View from the Golf Links Woolacombe'. This was the sixth of six views of Woolacombe published by William Garratt of Bristol. The Woolacombe Bay Hotel is shown in all its glory!

Tom Bartlett
Cottage, May 2017

Hi All, Some dates for your diary for events here at The Globe:
Sundays 4th and 18th June:
Our last 2 Quiz Nights of the Season
Friday, 9th June:
Rakes Adrift [4-piece folk band - accordion, banjo, fiddle, etc.] will be
playing in the bar from 9.00 p.m.
We shall have a selection of ales available over the week-end and
possibly some entertainment on Saturday night too. Tbc.
Saturday, 24th June:
All You Can Eat Night - Spanish £14 pp
Saturday, 22nd July:
All You Can Eat Night - Greek £14 pp
Discount of £2 per person if you book by the Monday preceding the
Friday, 7th July [weather permitting]
A Garden Party. with Live Music
from 5.30 p.m.
During the summer [from 28th July] we shall have Live Music every Friday night in the bar from 9/9.30 p.m.
And, of course, our regular events:
Sunday Roasts for £8.00 per adult
kids [under 10] eat for £1 when you buy an adult's meal at £8.00
Other kid's roasts [for 10 years and over and for extra children] are £4.95
Burger meal and drink for £10 every Wednesday
Curry and drink for £10 every Friday
Both eat in or take-away.
Hope to see you in YOUR village pub soon.
Karen and Team
JUNE | |
1st | & 2nd - Primary School & Ilfracombe Academy - end of Half Term |
6th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m. |
13th | Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m. |
14th | Berrynarbor Community Enterprise [Shop & PO] AGM, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. |
15th | Free Taster Pilates Class, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m. Please ring 07917 762227 beforehand |
21st | St. Peter's Church: Annual Gift Day & Teddy Abseiling Event |
25th | Berry in Bloom: Mini Fete and Tea Party, The Lodge, 2.00 p.m. on |
28th | Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon for 12.30 p.m. |
JULY | |
4th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m. Primary School Fete, Manor Hall |
5th | Manor Hall A.G.M. 7.30 p.m. |
11th | Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m. |
21st | Ilfracombe Academy: End of Summer Term |
25th | Primary School: End of Summer Term |
26th | Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon for 12.30 p.m. Twelfth Night, Folksy Theatre, Marwood Hill Gardens, 6.30 p.m. |
30th | Joint Church Service, St. Philip & St. James, Ilfracombe, 10.30 am |
1st | Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m. |
Manor Hall Diary | |
Mondays | Upholstery, 9.00 to 1.00 p.m.Craft Group, 1.45 p.m. Badminton, 7.30 p.m. |
Tuesdays | N.D. Spinners [2nd & 4th] 3rd: Craft Art Group, 9.30 a.m. |
Wednesdays | Pilates Body Workout, 9.00 a.m. Primary School p.m. |
Thursdays | Watercolour Painting 10.00 a.m. [10 week terms] |
Fridays | Toddlers Soft Play and Activity a.m. Primary School p.m. |
Penn Curzon Room | Pre-School: Daily - Term time only Morning Session: 8.30/9.00 - 12.00 p.m. Afternoon Session: 12.00 to 3.00/3.30/4.00 p.m. All Day: 8.30/9.00 a.m. to 3.00/3.30/4.00 p.m. |
Mobile Library | |
Village Shop: 11.40-12.10 p.m. Sterridge Valley: 12.25-12.55 p.m. |
School, Pre-School and Toddler Group - Term Time only