Edition 163 - August 2016
Artwork: Paul Swailes

Summer is over and for us here, it really hasn't been a great one weather-wise. Extraordinarily, only 50 miles away, around Taunton, they've had quite a good one. It's no wonder we live in a green and lush part of the country! So, with winter approaching, don't forget to put the clocks back an hour on the 29th/30th October - at least we get an extra hour in bed!
The cover, Lundy through the dunes at Woolacombe, is the work of our Artist in Residence, Paul, one of his beautiful illustrations for the poem, At Woolacombe and Mortehoe, on page 10. Thank you, Paul, not only for the illustrations in this issue, but for the many hundreds over the last 26 years, since issue No. 7
Here again I must thank all the contributors although it would be lovely to have some new ones to support our great regular writers.
We seem to suffer a lot of changes in the residents of our village and we wish all newcomers good luck and happiness in your new homes. Judging from the number of properties on the market, we'll be saying some good-byes with our best wishes to you too.
Sadly, not everyone is feeling too good and the weather does nothing to help, but we hope you will all be feeling better and very soon.
If you are reading this on the first or second day of its circulation, do look at the article about butterflies for the Children's Hospice and get your order in fast.
Also, don't forget that Gary's book - an amusing account of life in Berry before the flowerpot men - is available from the Shop, Globe and Sawmills.
We are privileged to be having the Military Wives Choir here at St. Peter's - tickets are now on sale at the Shop.
Finally, Christmas cards are already on sale in the shops, but if you would like to send your greetings via the messages in the Newsletter, details can be found on page 45 and messages should be received by Wednesday 9th November, which is also the deadline for articles and items for the December and Christmas issue, the final one of 2016.
Judie - Ed

We were away for the last week of May
and the first week of June so we have combined the rainfall for the two months
together because we have no way of separating some of the figures.
May started off cool and quite dry but
the temperature steadily rose and by the 6th we recorded a high of 25.1 DegC. By the 15th temperatures started to slip away
and did not get back into the twenties for the rest of the month. The lowest temperature recorded for the month
was 2 DegC on the 4th when we also had a slight ground frost. The 3rd produced a wind chill factor of 1 DegC
and the strongest gust of wind was 29mph on the 2nd.171.34 hours of sunshine were recorded which
was a bit down on last year's total of 201.79.
We arrived back home on the 7th June to
quite a heat wave and by the 9th the thermometer had reached 25.4 DegC which was
the peak for the month as after that temperatures dropped back in the main
below 20 DegC. Sunday the 19th was a damp and dismal day and by 7.00 a.m. on
Monday we had recorded 30mm of rain for the 24-hour period. Monday the 20th was the longest day and was
very wet and miserable. The combined
rainfall for May and June was 150mm [we estimate that 54mm fell in May and 96mm
in June]. We had a wind chill of 7 DegC on the 19th and a
maximum wind gust of 32mph on the 28th.
Overall June was pretty disappointing
although surprisingly the hours of sunshine recorded was 201.78 which was the
second highest recorded since 2003.
We could all do with a spell of settled
summer weather apart from the slugs and snails who seem to be enjoying most of
our plants, along with the rabbits most of which come chive flavoured!
and Sue


We still await the formal arrival of
our new Vicar, Michael Rogers, but the good news, at the time of writing, is
that we have received replies from two candidates for the House for Duty Priest
to support Michael. Interviews are to
be held on the 14th July, when it is hoped there will be a successful outcome
and that we shall be able to announce some really positive news in the very
near future.
Our new Treasurer Margaret Sowerby, and
her husband Roger, have been working very hard to get to grips with this
important role and have completely modernised the system to make life easier
all round. We are delighted, with the
full support of the PCC, that they have become part of the team.
Our annual Gift Day raised £817 and we
are extremely grateful to all those who gave donations. With major expenditure needed on the fabric
of the church on our list of priorities, these donations will be very helpful
A big thank you for all those who
supported the Flower Demonstration and Afternoon Tea - we managed to raise £180
towards the flowers for the Anniversaries 2016 Flower Festival, which by the
time you read this will have taken place and we hope it will have given much
pleasure to everyone who has supported this colourful event between the 22nd
and 25th July.
For a whole raft of reasons, mainly
logistical, we shall not be holding our Church Fayre this year. However, we shall be holding an alternative
event, hopefully in September, which we feel will be attractive to residents
and visitors alike. We shall be
advertising this event and its timing towards the end of August.
The Berrynarbor Choir, who meet on
Monday evenings from 7.30
p.m., are currently practising hard for Harvest Festival, Remembrance Sunday
and, of course, the premier event of the year, the Concert by the Military Wives'
Choir. This will be held in the church
on Friday, 4th November, when our Choir will be singing during the concert as
well as Berrynarbor School Choir. The
evening should be a wonderful one of musical entertainment. Judith Adam who has spent many months of
negotiation to book the Military Wives Choir will be advertising the Concert
during the autumn.
Services continue to follow the same format:
- 1st Sunday - Village Service
- 2nd Sunday - Holy Communion
- 3rd Sunday - Songs of Praise
- 4th Sunday - Holy Communion
Services commence at 11.00 a.m.
Harvest Festival Service will be on
Sunday, 2nd October, and the Harvest Festival Supper on Wednesday, 5th October,
6.30 for 7.00 p.m.
Friendship Lunches will be held in The
Globe, 12.00 for 12.30 p.m. on the last Wednesday of the month.
Stuart Neale


How sorry we were to learn that after a few weeks in
hospital, Mavis had passed away peacefully on the 23rd May. Her well-attended funeral on the 6th June
was a celebration of her happy and eventful life. Our thoughts are with her son Clive and
Bernard at this time of sadness. They,
like many of us in the village, especially members of the craft group, will
miss her cheerful and happy personality.
Clive and Bernard would like to take
this opportunity to thank everyone for their messages of sympathy and for
attending Mavis's funeral. Clive writes
My mum loved living in
Berrynarbor. She and her husband Mish
had first come to Devon in 1976, redesigning a lovely big house in West View
Avenue, Bideford, which overlooked the town and river from high above the Old
Barnstaple Road, and they were determined to enjoy the county Mish called
'Paradise' by visiting National Trust venues and discovering walks in beautiful
villages. So they had been regular
visitors to Berrynarbor prior to discovering Number 3 Wood Park for sale in
1993, and a wildly excited Mavis couldn't resist making it the last of her many
amazing property conversions! Creating
stunning homes and gardens was the passion of my mum's life.
Mavis Jones was born on 3rd June 1929
in Gravesend, Kent, to Albert and Doris, and had two younger siblings Barbara
and Tom. The family relocated to Grappenhall, near Warrington in Cheshire where, despite
Depression and War, my mum enjoyed a stable and loving home life. As a young post-war woman she adored
Hollywood fashions and Clark Gable, became a prolific shorthand typist and in
1948 eloped with my dad [Grayham Weaver] to Gretna
Green because her parents thought her too young to wed! And in typical soap-opera fashion, my
paternal grandmother Linda was in on the secret, offering valuable assistance
to the young couple! Cue family feud!
I came along in 1950, my parents having
moved to Shropshire where my father founded the very successful
design-engineering company Salop Designs.
My mum flourished in the 50's and 60's, putting her expert touch to
several houses including an ultra-modern purpose-built designer property and an
old 18-room village rectory in the Church Stretton hills [Hope Bowdler House], and my parents were extrovert social
animals, both solo and as a couple, who enjoyed life to the full, hosting
fabulous Christmas parties and the annual village fete. They were both involved in so many things,
my mum in particular having boundless energy.
Mum always made me feel loved, and this in turn gave me the confidence
to sail through Grammar School and University.
Tragedy struck twice, however, as mum
lost two young husbands in the space of five years. My dad died of a heart attack in 1967 [he
was just 39], and after mum remarried Bob Mason in 1968, he too was a
heart-attack victim in 1971, aged 47.
Mum always said that the happiest time of her life was when she was Mrs.
Mason. Bob was an Art Lecturer [Stoke
on Trent College], painter and sculptor, a sophisticated man of the world, and
they were very much in love. With mum
as his muse, Bob made a life-size nude sculpture of her and painted a beautiful
portrait in oils of her; many of his other works decorated her house and garden
in Berrynarbor.
Moving back to her beloved Shropshire,
mum sought therapy another wonderful cottage conversion and found love again
with Mish Pesic, from
Yugoslavia, whom she met in 1974.
Although their plans to run a B & B never came to fruition, both
found work in the West Country [mum at Barnetts in
Bideford] and settled very quickly.
From 1993 to Mish's death in 2006, they could often be seen strolling
hand-in-hand through the village lanes, revelling in the rural scenery and
country air . . . maybe on warm balmy evenings they can still be glimpsed, who
Over the last decade mum greatly
enjoyed her Friday trips to Tesco, her Monday craft group sessions and the
occasions of opening her house and garden to the public. She often told me of the many nice people in
the area that she regularly chatted to and got to know - from Olive Kent, Linda
Brown, Alec Wigmore, Tony and Norma Holland and Ken
and Marion Woodward [regular visitors from Ilfracombe] to Anne, Bett, Joan and others from the bus, the lovely friends from
the craft group whom I met at her funeral, the ladies in the village shop,
lovely postman Neil . . . and, of course, Jenny and Lee Beer and their family
who so enhanced the quality of mum's later life. And then there were Judie Weedon and Anne
Bailey, angels of mercy whose input during mum's short period of decline cannot
be overestimated [a huge 'thank you' from me].
And, of course, there were many others - mum liked people, she was good
to be around and had a great sense of humour and fun, and I know that many of
you reading this will, like me, miss her, never forget her, and wish her well
wherever she may be.

June 1929 - 5th May 2016
Vera Mary Emily Greenaway was born at 38 The Village,
Berrynarbor in 1929 while her mother, Hilda Melhuish
was visiting parents George [Harry] Henry and Mary Jane Camp. Harry
Camp was a blacksmith and his 'smithy' was originally in Silver Street, a few doors
up from the village school.
Vera was brought up and went to school in Tedburn St Mary, a village near Crediton,
and it was there she met her future husband.
Apparently she did not take to Thomas [Tom] straight away as he used to
pull her hair when they were in class!
During school holidays a lot of time was
spent in Berrynarbor visiting grand-parents learning about cooking on a Bodley and watching Harry in his smithy workshop.It was
during these visits she was taught sewing and tailoring by her Aunt, Vera
Camp.Aunt Vera was a very accomplished
seamstress whose talents were employed by the landed gentry in the area, when
they required new outfits or garment fittings and alterations she was called upon
to visit them at home.
Tom, when not at school, was an extra
hand to local Tedburn St Mary farmers tilling crops,
harvesting, working with the horses and driving the very first tractor that
arrived in the area.The older farm
hands were very suspicious of this new technology!He kept
ferrets and used them with his dog to flush out and net rabbits for the
table.The skins were cleaned,
stretched, dried and sold on for extra income.
Vera left school at 14 years of age and
sometime after moved in with her grandparents and secured a job in Luxmoore's Department Store, High Street, Ilfracombe [now
Drapers Discount Store].Government Rationing was in place and coupons
were required when purchasing clothing, material, ribbons and lace.Items were wrapped in brown paper and string
in such a way that the string could be untied and brown paper unfolded for
reuse.Vera was very artistic and adept
at making all manner of items for customers and was especially renowned for
making wedding fascinators and hats out of 'end of reel' ribbons and
feathers.This 'make do and mend' ethos
remained with her all her life.
Meanwhile, Tom left school and became an
apprentice butcher in Tedburn St Mary.After two years he was called to National
Service and joined as a Royal Marine based at Lympstone
and Bickleigh Barracks, Plymouth.Tom and Vera began corresponding during this
time with Tom visiting Vera whenever he had a few days' leave.They became engaged, married on 6th November
1948 at Berrynarbor Church and took the train from Ilfracombe railway station
to Bournemouth for their honeymoon.
Tom had completed his National Service
and they returned to Tedburn St Mary to stay with
Vera's parents while he searched for a job.
He had been an apprentice
butcher in the village before being called up, but this job was no longer
available. He found work as a bus
conductor in Exeter and they moved to lodgings in the city where Vera became
extremely good at cooking meals on a single gas ring.
In 1950 Vera's grandparents offered them
the opportunity to move next door to them in Berrynarbor.Tom took an apprenticeship with a carpenter
and builder in Combe Martin on half pay and studied his books in the evenings.
Two children later and with another on
the way they made plans to move somewhere larger and Tom built a house at Pitt
Hill, Berrynarbor.By this time, they
had their own carpentry and building business and were employing workmen.They
took over the old Rawle Gammon & Baker building
in Combe Martin and ran it as a builders' merchants for several years before
developing the site and building houses and bungalows.Another move to Newberry Farm saw Tom return
to his farming roots and a camping and caravan site evolved in its beautiful
valley and seaside location within Berrynarbor Parish, but adjacent to Combe
Martin village.
Thirty years later and with thoughts of
slowing down, they helped their son set up his skip hire and recycling business
and moved to another countryside location to the south of Ilfracombe at Hore Down Gate.Vera
and Tom continued to take an active interest in their son's business until Tom
passed away in 2013 with Vera following three years later.
They had known each other practically
all their lives.Had lived and worked
together in near perfect harmony and created a warm and homely base for their
family and friends. A truly great
- 1927 - First transatlantic telephone call from New York City to London.
- 1928 - All women over the age of 21 get the vote. Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin.
- 1935 - The Lynton to Barnstaple Railway is closed.
- 1937 - George VI becomes King.
- 1939 - World War II begins and Government Rationing introduced.
- 1945 - Word War II ends.
- 1952 - The Lynmouth flood disaster occurs.
- 1953 - Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
- 1954 - Government Rationing formally ends.
- 1961 - First man in space.
- 1966 - England wins the football World cup.
- 1970 - Ilfracombe to Barnstaple railway closes.
- 1971 - Britain went decimal.
- 1974 - First domestic microwave cooker sold.
- 1988 - North Devon Link Road opens.
- 1997 - Diana, Princess of Wales, is killed in a car crash in Paris.

38 The Village

Harry Camp shoeing a horse outside his blacksmith shop
in Silver Street
June Greenaway

The Parish Council has some
administrative changes to report. We
have said goodbye to Mrs. Sue Squire who has clerked the Council for the last
16 years and we welcome Mrs. Victoria Woodhouse who is covering the role.
Please note that any communication should now be to the Clerk who is
contactable on vicki-_2@hotmail.co.uk.
As a consequence of these changes
agendas and minutes for the July meeting were not available by e-mail but were
advertised on our usual noticeboard.
The Parish Council is working hard to
get its website up and running in the meantime all the Parish Council agendas,
minutes and other Council information will be found on
For those who have been on our e-mailing
list please now access the agenda and minutes at your own convenience from this
The recreation field will soon have its
replacement benches in place along with steps down to the field and a lock up
shed for the school to store all their equipment in to save lugging it up and
down Pit Hill.
Parish Council is delighted to announce an extension to the existing dog
walking area into the neighbouring field. This was
decided upon after a massive response in favour from
our questionnaires in the shop and pub. Works have been requested to be done to make the field secure and safe
for this purpose. We shall announce
when these are completed and the field is open.
We are looking into different
funding/grant sources to improve various amenities around the village and will
keep you posted.
Sian Barten - Vice-Chairman
Berrynarbor Parish Council
Adam Stanbury [Chairman] 882252
Jenny Beer [jen.beer@btinternet.com]
Julia Fairchild [882783]
Denny Reynolds [inskip828@btinternet.com]
Adrian Coppin [882647]
David Kennedy [07791 781283]
Clare White [882959]
Victoria Woodhouse - Parish Clerk - [vicki_2@hotmail.co.uk]
County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering [john.lovering@northdevon.gov.uk]
Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

2016 AGM
Manor Hall AGM took place on 29th June this year, and the existing Trustees [committee
members] have been re-appointed.
are sorry to advise that Berry Revels will not be held this year. The committee members have other substantial
demands on their time at present and it is not possible to find the time to
plan and run the Revels. Unfortunately, we have to prioritise
the work to implement our constitutional proposals [see below], our grant
applications and other work.
booking conditions
the June newsletter we advised that a new returnable breakages deposit will be
levied for larger one off bookings. We have however become increasingly
frustrated at a number of recent hall users who have left behind large
quantities of rubbish. The hall does not have facilities to handle such rubbish
and so we are further broadening the rules regarding such deposits to cover a
wider range of issues than just 'breakages'.
conditions of booking for one off events are therefore being amended so that if
any booking conditions are not adhered to then the deposit will not be returned. This will apply, for
example, if rubbish is left behind.
changes will not affect regular users with their week by week events, although
the new terms will apply if a regular user wishes to hold a one-off event.
Work to
the Hall this summer
stated in the April newsletter, we are still progressing the work to the Manor
House wing - more details will be given when available. The work will mostly
involve implementing our structural engineer's recommendations to repair and stabilise the old (medieval) roof. Given the importance of
this work and our discussions about trustee liability, we want to proceed very
formally and have engaged PWH Surveyors of Barnstaple to produce contract
documents and manage the tender process.
Tenders for the work will be invited by early August.
are continuing with a number of grant applications for the repair and
renovation of the hall, and are delighted to advise of one early success - that
Fullabrook CIC has awarded us £10,000. This is not only a sizeable sum in itself, but as the Fullabrook CIC is run by local people it also shows substantial
local support, which in turn helps with other funding applications. This is
great news!
constitutional proposals for the Manor Hall Trust
the June newsletter, we summarized the proposal to convert the Manor hall Trust
into a new type of charity known as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation or CIO. This was the subject of a public
meeting called by the Parish Council and held on 7th June. That meeting was
extremely well attended and we thank everyone who came - the meeting was
overwhelmingly supportive of our proposals, including the transfer of title
from the Parish Council to the proposed new CIO. On the 14th June the Parish
Council then agreed the transfer of title, subject to the two buildings (the
hall and the Parish Room) being held on their original trusts. This means the
buildings would remain as charitable assets, held in trust for the inhabitants
of the village, which is what we have always said would be the case.
Nonetheless, so that this point is completely explicit, rather than implicit in
the way that charity law works, an appropriate clause has been inserted in our
draft CIO constitution, which is ready for submission to the Charity Commission
at the time of writing.
the draft CIO constitution we have also replicated the existing practices for
appointing hall committee members - that is electing some committee members at
the AGM, with others being nominated by key user groups (as established in the
original 1947 conveyance of the hall). We
thank the Parish Council for their considerable support on this issue.
Hall Management Committee

at the Manor Hall c1953
Back: Bruce Woolaway,
Gladys Toms, Gerald Bray, Ruby Draper, Jim Brooks, Hazel Russell
Norman Richards, Alistair Chalmers, Christopher Huxtable

The Great Berrynarbor Plant Sale
A very big thank you to everyone who
donated so many lovely plants and to those who came along to the plant sale at
the end of May making it a huge success.
We raised over £550 on the day
with more added from plant sales in the shop after the event.
day was really enjoyable and next year's booking has been made. Debbie and Trevor will certainly be doing
bacon rolls again!
Many thanks also to everyone who helped
on the day, your support is invaluable.

Weary Walkers Refuge
We are
pleased to say that we have invested in two bench seats where weary walkers can
sit and enjoy a
welcome rest and a coffee or tea.

Debbie's Pride
Our £1 section is growing and is now a
very important section in the shop; there are a very good range of branded
items covering many basic kitchen cupboard items, cleaning and personal hygiene

Gardens Open 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Plant Sales Open 11.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Garden Tea Room & Gift Shop Open 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
The Plant Sales Centre offers a wide range of top quality plants, from the usual to the unusual, all at very reasonable prices.
The Garden Tea Room has a wide selection of home-made local produce light meals and delicious cakes. Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome.
A wide variety of gifts can be found in the Gift Shop section of the Tea Room, from cards to jewellery, tea cosies to cushions. Want a gift with a difference? Why not come and see what is on offer here. Also Gift Vouchers for Plants, Cream Teas and Season Tickets.
Entry is FREE for visitors going to the Plant Centre and/or the Tea Room only.
Our second performance this year by Folksy Theatre is The Smartest GIANT in Town which takes place in the Gardens on Wednesday, 17th August at 6.30 p.m. For more information, prices and to book, please ring [01271[


On Friday, 15th July, celebrations took
place at Lee Lodge when Ron, our oldest life-long resident of Berrynarbor
reached his 100th Birthday. With his
card from the Queen, he celebrated the day with all his family.
We send him our congratulations, love
and very best wishes on this auspicious occasion - what an achievement!
The Saturday saw him and the family
taken to the Manor Hall by cart and two beautiful horses, Bob and Sam, where
the celebrations continued with a hall full of family and friends, who all
enjoyed a delicious cream tea. Many
thanks to all who worked so hard in so many ways to make the party go with a

The Family
[Photo by courtesy of the North Devon Gazette]

Passing The Globe with Bob and Sam
[Geoff Adam]
From Noel Reeve [nee
15 1916: George V was on the throne of England; Asquith was the Prime Minister;England was at war;
it was St Swithin's Day . . . and Ron Toms was
It is my great privilege and pleasure to
be standing here today to offer dear Ron our love and congratulations on this
momentous occasion.I have probably
known Ron longer than anyone here today, in fact since I was a one-year-old; so
start doing your maths!
Ron had left school and was helping his
step-father Jack Geen, who worked hedging and
ditching for the council - would like to see a few of his sort around
today.My father apparently stopped
his car and said to Ron "I would like a young lad like you to work at Home
Barton, to live in, help my wife Emma with harder tasks, fetching logs, coal
etc., and to work on the farm".Jack Geen said to Ron, "Fred Richards will be a hard task
master, so think very carefully about it."
Ron did. and he has often said "Yes he was a hard task master, but
always very fair!"Well, he came and
worked for my father ever after, and then for a further three generations - he
really became one of our very large family.
My earliest memories of Ron were walking
around with him looking for eggs that hens had laid everywhere except in their
hen house;learning
about wild flowers and feeding tame lambs with a bottle. My mother used to tap the kitchen window and
say, "I'm sending Noel out with you for a while, Ron." So poor Ron had me trailing around quite a
lot; apparently I shared his breakfast too!
About 15 years later, my niece Cheryl repeated the same
performance. So you see, Ron was a man
of many talents.On the farm he always
worked with horses and when our first tractor arrived, a bright orange Fordson in 1939, he diligently stuck to his horses and
never did drive that tractor!
Ron was born 100 years ago at Middle Lee
Farm and lived there with his
grandparents and mother until he was 7 years old, when I think his mother
married Jack Geen and they moved to Hagginton or Heant Hill!He went to Berrynarbor School where Miss
Veale was the Headmistress, and still was when I went to the same school. Even as a child, Ron worked quite hard.
When my eldest brother Brian married and
went to farm at West Down, father decided that Ron should go and live in with
him and help on his new farm. It didn't
last long, my mother missed Ron and all his help so much that he soon returned
to Home Barton and stayed until he met and married Gladys, who came from
Wembley in London. They married in 1943
in October.The wedding had to coincide
with work around the farm and early winter was a quieter period. My brother Bob accompanied Ron to London,
quite an adventure, and acted as his best man.
Ron and Gladys made their home in
the village, at first with Ron's parents and then some houses were built in Birdswell Lane built by the council for agricultural
workers.My father told Ron he could
have one of the houses, but he would like Ron to walk out into the village in
the late evenings to see that all was in order. Ron did this all his time in that house
where he and Gladys lived all their married life, nearly 60 years, and where
they brought up their two children, Sheila and Raymond.Ron and Gladys were stalwart members of the
Congregational Chapel and were caretakers there for many, many years.Ron had a wonderful garden in Birdswell Lane and grew all his own fruit and vegetables,
not a weed in sight!I remember he
looked after our garden at the farm too.
We just ate everything that was in season - I can't remember my mother
ever buying green grocery.
In later years he helped many people in
the village with their gardens too as well as helping in so many other
ways. He collected for charity, walking
miles for various organisations, and at the village
school he used to go and talk to the children about life in times gone by. Oh! and I mustn't forget the Home Guard, the
Dad's Army of Berrynarbor, and the Captain was a Bank Manager! Ron was involved of course, as were all the
young men of the village.They used to
do their manoeuvres around the farm and guard the
coastline along from Broadsands, rushing around with
bits of straw to camouflage their tin helmets.
We didn't see much of the war in Berrynarbor, but I am sure they would
have all fought for their village and their country.
In 1980, Ron was rewarded at the Devon
County Show for his long service to Agriculture with a mug and long service
certificate, which was so richly deserved.
Sadly, Gladys died in 2001 and Ron's son
Raymond only a year later when he was only 56, a great sadness. But Sheila has been a wonderful supportive
daughter, and you must be very proud of your Dad today. Ron is blessed with a
wonderful family of grandchildren and great-grandchildren
and is very happy in his lovely care home at Lee Lodge, just across the road
from his birthplace.
Ron, you are the most important person
in the village today;
we all love you and say thank you for your great contribution to
the life of Berrynarbor.It would be a
poorer place without you, but most of all, we wish you the happiest and the
healthiest 100th birthday!
Thank you Noel. I have always been aware that the Richards
family played a big part in Dad's adult life as you would expect having lived
and worked with them for so many years.

There are, of course, so many people who
have been involved in
dad's journey through the years;
relations, friends, neighbours, who sadly are
no longer with us, far too many to name, but we cannot mark this without a mention of mum, Gladys, who
shared 58 wonderful years of marriage with dad and Ray, my brother, they would
have loved to have been part of today.
Now a few words about Dad. There are lots
of attributes that make my dad so special, in my eyes anyway, he has always had
a good faith and remained positive. He
is a very honest, reliable and trustworthy person, a good influence in my life. One piece of advice he gave me before I started
my first job at the Post Office so many years ago, was "Always mind your P's
and Q's Sheila,"I
did and still do.
willing to help anybody, so much so that there were many times we had to have
our tea without dad because he had stopped to help some old lady on his way
back from work in Barton. Time meant nothing to Dad, he did
things at his own pace. I can see Mum
standing at the end of Birdswell Lane shouting
"Come on Ron the bus is in the village!" And even then our clocks were always set 10
minutes in advance!
mantra has been 'hard work never hurt anyone'.
Well, having worked for more than half his life, I think the proof of
that is sitting in front of us today.
isn't everyday somebody turns a century old.
I'm so glad you are one of the lucky few. It's a blessing to have you in our lives
before I finish I want to say a big thank you to Carol and the staff at Lee
Lodge for doing such a good job in looking after my dad for us over the past 8
years and counting.
special thank you to Michael Richards for arranging for the horses, and thank
you also to everyone here today for helping to make this a very special day for
dad. I think we should give him a
massive cheer.
Happy birthday dad.
Margaret Howard
Toms deserves a celebration of his 100th birthday in the community of
Berrynarbor where he has been a real citizen and self-giving inhabitant all his
life. As
Minister of the Chapel at Berrynarbor from 1970 to 1993, I was so blessed to
have Ron and his late wife Gladys as caretakers who not only looked after the
premises, but were involved in every aspect of the Chapel's life. We depended on them and knew we could.
What an ideal arrangement for him to be cared for at Lee Lodge and to be amongst people to whom he has given so much.
. . .and finally from Ron himself
Ron would like to take this opportunity
to thank all his family for being with him on his 100th Birthday, for making it
so special and for the surprise carriage ride to the Manor Hall driven by two
beautiful horses.Thank you, too, for
arranging the celebratory tea in the Manor Hall and to all the people, family
and friends from over the years, who came to enjoy it and wish him well.
His birthday card from the Queen took
pride of place amongst the many he received and he thanks everyone for their
cards, gifts and kind thoughts.
But finally, a very big thank you to all
the girls at Lee Lodge who take such wonderful care of him.

Throughout August we continue to be open all day, serving Breakfast, including our MEGA Breakfast, 9.30 a.m. to noon, Monday to Saturday. Our pubfood menu/cream teas are available all day, every day.
Following the success and lovely feedback after our Garden Party at the start of July, we have another afternoon of entertainment lined up for you in the Garden [weather permitting] on Friday, 5th August. Rakes Adrift will be playing 5.30-7.30 p.m. and then our regular Friday Night Music at 9.00 p.m. will be in the bar as usual.
So pop in soon whether for a pint or a coffee, a panini or a meal. We look forward to seeing you.
On Thursday, 25th August, the Red Petticoats will be dancing outside at 7.30 p.m.
Karen and the Team
No 1078912
WE? Friends of North Devon Families
(FOND Families) is a small charity working to relieve real hardship for
vulnerable families in this area for the last 20 years
WE DO? On the recommendations of
professionals in the field of family care, we give small grants, tens to
hundreds of pounds
We aim
to fill the gaps where need falls outside the funding rules of local
authorities and larger charities
We meet
monthly to consider grant applications, but when necessary we can act quickly
and release funds with a few phone calls
- A
holiday for a family where the breadwinner had a terminal illness
- Subscription
fees to sports clubs and social activities - active, socially involved
children are happier
- Decoration
for a community room
- A
washing machine for a struggling young family
- Group
Outings for isolated, deprived families to local attractions
- Shoes,
clothing, and bedding
- Safety
equipment in children's home.
Protective flooring
policy we do not give out specific details of the people we help. We intervene
so the child and their friends don't know how their fees were paid or support
given. However well intentioned,
children can be hurt with unintended gossip!
FOND Families
c/o 13 Pembroke lodge, Marlborough Road, Ilfracombe, EX34 8JL
Reg. Charity number 1078912

bell has been erected on the top of the school consequently the children have
been much more punctual this week.
The above is an extract from one of the
old school logs that came to light during our recent alterations and
refurbishment. It was entered on 22nd
May 1874. We have been fascinated by
the many and varied entries in the logs, all beautifully hand written, and
thought you might find some of them interesting, too. The following entries were found in the 1874
to 1930 log book.
Royal Events:
1910 May
20th Funeral of the late King Edward V11. School closed by order of Education Committee.
1911 June 16th School closed
for a week for the Coronation.
Absence from School
(quite a topical subject today):
April 12th Several of the elder children have been kept at home this
week planting potatoes.
With 1st July 2016 being 100th Anniversary of the Somme we looked to see whether there was an entry in the log:
July School closed 1st - 15th
for haymaking.
Earlier this year scarlet fever was
doing the rounds across the country and a few of our children went down with
it. Nowadays, with antibiotic treatment,
it is quickly contained and affected children are able to return to school
after 24 hours of treatment. It was a
very different matter in the early 1900s. Here are some gleanings from the log:
October 19th Many children kept away the excuse being the fear of scarlet
fever. November 21st School re-opened
after being closed 4 weeks for scarlet fever.
December/January School closed
for 4 weeks. 1905 Over April and May the school was closed for 9 weeks.
We probably imagine children to have
been very orderly and well-disciplined whilst at school back in the day, but
this entry suggests otherwise:
July 1st The children were kept in for 20 minutes for being noisy in their
arithmetic lessons.
What a fascinating glimpse of our school
and village history, but now to the present and current happenings.At the
time of writing, Class 4 are busy rehearsing their musical Robin and the
Sherwood Hoodies, a tale of tights, fights and footlights.
We held a Rainbow Fun Day for the
Wallace and Gromit Grand Appeal and raised £220.05 for Bristol Children's'
Hospital. Many thanks to all who
contributed to this.
We wish Year 6 pupils all the best as
they enter their new schools in the Autumn. They will be missed here for a
multitude of reasons, not least their care for the younger children. We hope you enjoy their artwork completed
earlier this term.
As we come to the end of another School
Year we should like to thank you, the village community, for all your support
and interest. With your help we have
recently ordered new balls, hoops and other sports equipment through the
Sainsbury's Active Kids vouchers scheme. Thank you so much. We hope you have a lovely summer.
Carey - Head Teacher
4 [Years 5 and 6} Art Work: We have
used brushes and acrylic paint to recreate the lino
printing style of Namibian artist John Muafangejo,
and are looking for somewhere to display them either in school or out and
about, if anywhere is interested?

A Swift Walk to Saltpill Duck Pond
We were
pleased to see the swifts flying over the pond as each year we notice fewer and
fewer of these summer visitors. Green-veined white butterflies and a
solitary speckled yellow moth flitted about pale blue flax flowers, growing among
patches of bird's-foot trefoil and bush vetch. There were mussel shells and fragments
of tiny crabs underfoot.
Saltpill Duck
Pond is now part of the Gaia Nature Reserve, following the philosophy of
scientist and environmentalist, James Lovelock who originated the Gaia concept.

The pond can be reached easily via the
Tarka Trail from Fremington Quay in the direction of Isley
Marsh and Yelland. Three new stiles have been erected
between the Trail and the path. With
the estuary on one side and the pond on the other, this provides a short walk
with two distinct habitats to enjoy at once;the cry of the curlew from the Taw
side;the sound of stonechats and
chiffchaffs in the bushes around the pond.

Illustrations by: Paul
The old iron railway viaduct over
Fremington Pill was undergoing major renovation work and had, according to the
information boards, been 'encapsulated' by scaffolding covered by some sort of
tarpaulin. Walkers and cyclists were still allowed
to cross the bridge and the effect was that of passing through a tunnel.
As we had approached Fremington Quay
the viaduct's unexpected transformation had been striking. It resembled one of the covered bridges of
Madison County, Iowa, as featured in the novel by Robert James Waller and filmed
starring Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood.
Sue H

food is the body of good living, wine is its soul.'
Fadiman [US Essayist etc.]
An AGM is the annual starting point,
always, for our May meetings. Tony
Summers, in typical Chairman fashion, kept to tradition, made it brief and
managed to conclude in 5-6 minutes: all matters addressed.
Portuguese wines are difficult to
locate; unusual in supermarkets!One of
their products, though, bears the claim to fame that it broke Majestic's
website recently!This and Laithwaites supplied our six wines.
Wine is produced throughout Portugal: 27
regions, all DOC.During Dr. Salazar's
government, growers' grapes were only sold to co-operatives and private growers
were excluded.EU membership has changed
this and private firms can own and sell where they please.
Vinho Verde is
a well-known Portuguese region. Our Aluado Alvarinho 2014, grew in
the Lisbon area and was £8.99. It was a
light and refreshing dry white.Oz
Clarke describes the Alvarinho grape as fresh with an
acid minerality to match grapefruit and apple blossom
scent.It smelled of lemons and peaches
. . . great for summer sipping or serving with light-tasting food: seafood or
Our next two were Porrais
Reserva 2013, a white from the Douro region and our
dearest at £11.99.It had spicy peach
and zingy lemon curd flavours . . . good with
fish.An Albarrada
Rosado 2014: deep pink, rich, dry and fruity, £7.99, was grown in the Alentejo region and touches, partially, the Spanish border.
Winegrower, Jose Neiva Correia, was dubbed 'aluado':
'moon crazy', because he dared to use
the Alicante Bouschet grape in pure form; usually, it
is added to the country's top reds.It
became a triple gold medal triumph, grown at his 12th century Quinta de Porta
Franco estate, thought to be the oldest vineyard in Alenquer,
the region surrounding Lisbon.Its
colour was deep, black red and had an intense, and savoury
aroma, best served with roasts.His Aluado Alicante Bouschet 2014 was
FOZ Touriga
Nacional 2013 won Decanter Trophy for Best regional Portuguese red under £15
and a 'must try!' It's £9.99 and
originates from the region, a mountainous area,
located between the river and the Serra da
Estrela.This mid ruby red would be
luscious with lamb.

TV chef and Yorkshire lad, James Martin,
of BBC'sSaturday
Kitchen claimed that the Porta 6, grown in the Alenquer
and Cadaval regions, north of Lisbon, a blend of
three grapes, was 'one of the nicest reds I've tasted in 10 years on this
show!'As a result, Majestic sold many
thousand' of bottles and the quest crashed their website! It has another claim to fame - its
This colourful,
crazy cartoon portrays a historic tram that runs around Lisbon's streets,
designed by a slightly eccentric German artist, Hanke
Vagt; his creations were sold to locals and tourists.Antonio Mendes Lopez went to great trouble to
find him and gain permission to use it as an eye-catching label for a very
popular red! Currently, it's £7.99 for
a Mix 6.
Wine Circle summer trips continue;in the past, we've
visited Eastcott and Yearlstone
Vineyards.We took a different view in
July, as we headed for Tapeley Park, Instow, for picnics, with wine of course! House tours are given by Tapeley's
owner, Hector Christie, but only for groups of between 20 and 30.We lunched on the sheltered Italian Terraces,
beneath his impressive 'pile' and were treated to blue skies and glorious
summer sunshine.
We were able to see parts of the
internal grandeur of his home, a property that has been in the family for 300
years, since the time of Queen Anne (1702-1714). The Clevlands were
its owners, but in 1855, one of their daughters, Agnes Clevland,
married William Langham Christie.
Hector, eldest son of Sir George and
Lady Mary Christie, is a 'character', cares passionately about varied matters,
including the exclusion of GM foods from our shops and believes that he is only
a caretaker of Tapeley; he is caring for
its contents.His home is cold,
deliberately; the lack of heating and drawn curtains may seem odd, but this has
protected Britain's second-largest collection of William Morris furniture.It looked like the day it was made - not a
crack in sight!The cabinets' beautiful
inlays were perfect and are magnificent examples by this 19th century
multi-talented master. The gold and
silver inlaid piano was breathtaking -a
baby grand, with an amazing sound.There
are some stunning ceilings and equally stunning porcelain: Minton and all
exquisite works of English and European artistic heritage.
Gather a score together, take a picnic,
head for Tapeley Park and enjoy the views from the house across to Bideford.Sit in the
Italian gardens, take pleasure in your food, wine and friends and you'll gain a
privileged view inside this splendid
local, privately-owned North Devon home.
Judith Adam

We have had another busy term
with visits to the Combe Martin Wildlife and Dinosaur park, the R.N.L.I and Coastguard. The children have learnt beach safety and
how to stay safe in the sun. We went on
a Big Toddle around the village and raised £121.50 for the Barnardo's
charity. This year the weather was kind
to us and we managed to get around the village without getting wet.The children enjoyed walking through the stream,
visiting the horses in the field and playing 'Pooh' sticks at the stream.
Our older children have also experienced
Primary School enjoying visits and Summer Club. We wish them all the very best for the
future and to continue to enjoy learning, making new friends and having
We enjoyed celebrating the Queen's
Birthday with the village and thank you to all who helped us on this
occasion. Lots of fun was had by all.
We're pleased to confirm that we raised £60.00 through all your clothes
collection.Please continue to hold on
to all unwanted clothes as we shall be organising another collection on our
return to Pre-school in September.
Donations: B&M Bargain Store kindly donated a large
gazebo that has been well used over the summer, keeping our children safe from
the sun [and the rain].They also
donated 2 children's benches and some artificial grass that is now in our
outside classroom area. We should like
to send them a BIG THANK you from all of us.
A note from
our Committee
are looking for anyone who would be willing to join our Committee. Without a
Committee the Pre-school would not be able to run and we are therefore seeking
people who would be committed to supporting the Pre-school in a voluntary role,
to undertake a DBS check and give general support. Please ask a committee member or a member of
staff for further information if you are interested. We have a Committee Meeting on Monday 19th
2016 and our AGM is on Monday 3rd October 2016.
We return to Pre-school on Monday 5th
September and we welcome all our new children and their
families and hope they enjoy their learning journey with us.
opening times are 8.30am - 4.00pm Monday to Friday.
We are flexible and have a range of session times to meet your
Preschool sessions | 8.30am or 9.00am - 12.00 noon | (AM) |
12.00 noon - 3.00pm or 3.30pm or 4.00pm | (PM) | |
8.30am or 9.00am -3.00pm or 3.30pm or 4.00pm | (ALL DAY) |
We are Ofsted registered and in receipt of the 2gether scheme and
Early Years Entitlement. We provide care and education for young
children between ages of 2 and 5.
Please visit us or call 07807 0903644 or email preschoolberrynarbor@gmail.com
for additional information
enjoy your summer break, from the staff at Preschool
Karen and Charlotte


Saturday, 3rd September
Schedules and Entry Forms for the Show are now available from the Shop;the Show is open to residents and non-residents of Berrynarbor.
The overall theme of the Show is Year of the English Garden.
The Show of entries in the Manor Hall is from 2.00 p.m.
Admission £1.50 [children 50p]
Light Refreshments - Raffle
Auction of Exhibits: 3.15 p.m.
Presentation of Cups: 3.45 p.m. [times are approximate]
Please keep the date free and give
thought to what YOU might enter - crafts, flowers, fruit, vegetables and,of course, home

Ashwick, Dulverton TA22 9QE
Tel: 01398 323093

Enjoy summer activity afternoons at the
Pony Centre every Thursday in August, 12.00 noon to 3.00 p.m., with children's
crafts, pony grooming, pony rides [minimum age 4 years] and cream teas.
The riding ponies are back for the
summer and bookings are now being taken for taster sessions and for trekking on
Over the past few months we have
successfully rehomed many ponies to foster homes and conservation grazing sites
throughout the country.
We are open to visitors between 10.00
a.m. and 4.00 p.m. on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
throughout the summer. website:www.exmoorponycentre.org.uk or info@exmoorponycentre.org.uk.

The theatre has always held a
fascination for me and particularly variety.
The music halls of yesteryear are all
gone and now the only End of Pier show is at Cromer in Norfolk.
For many years there were very good
shows at the Westcliff Theatre at Clacton in Essex. These were put on by three talented people, Francis Golightly
[Producer], Roy Cloughton [Organ] and Andrew Robley [Singer]. We
attended these shows every summer season for years. The comedians were so talented and funny we
came away literally aching with laughter - no dubbed in clapping or
applause. Shows in those days included
singers, dancers, conjurers, mouth organists, ventriloquists, tightrope and
trapeze and balancing acts. Unlike many
theatres now, they had curtains. I
could name three theatres which don't have curtains.
Now let's look at some of the stars of
a while ago. Do you remember Norman
Collier with the apparently faulty microphone?
Then there was Bob Monkhouse with "They laughed when I said I wanted to
be a comedian, huh, they're not laughing now."
Max Bygraves used to hold his hands up as
though begging with "I want to tell you a story."
Freddie [Parrot face Davies] was not
only funny but a good singer and I liked Jimmy Crickett's
sense of humour - "A lady said "Can you see me across the road?" I said, go over the road and I'll have a
Bernie Clifton riding an ostrich was
very clever and of course he too sang well.
Many years ago George Roby was advertised on the posters just by a pair
of very thick eyebrows. He was so well
Do you remember Don McClain and Ted
Durante and Hilda? A strong man act
with a girl where everything went wrong.
Their act could be performed anywhere in the world as it was totally
Dottie Wayne was another rather unusual
performer in that her act was simply whistling, but it was to very fast
classical music, and boy, could she do it.
Do you remember Joan Regan? She
has a very good voice.
Now to more local [Suffolk]
people. The 30's and 40's film actress,
Jean Kent, lived not far from here and died not long ago. Ian Lavender also lives not far away. Captain Mainwaring said to the German in
Dad's Army, "Don't tell him your name Pike."
Roy Hudd is also a local celebrity, seen about and always friendly.
Well, I've covered a few, but there are
many more. Some had hard lives, the
older ones staying in digs constantly, never really having homes of their own
as they were always going from one music hall to another.
I hope I've brought back some happy
memories to readers, but I must go now.
Tony Beauclerk -

Throughout the school summer break I often recall a friend
who managed a sandwich bar in North Devon. A small business, it relied heavily on the
income taken during what my friend called 'the silly six weeks'. Her profit margin at the end of this period
would vary considerably from year to year and was due to a number of factors.Yet it was the two weeks that followed on
from this 'silly spell' that ensured a steady, albeit less, guaranteed stream
of customers who she would see only during this fortnight. For this was the
time when, as one of these regular patrons dubbed it was 'the first opportunity
for the adults to come out and play since the children went back to work in
their classrooms'.
English: Vitagraph Inc., a subsidiary of Warner Bros. at the time of publication.
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
Early September was a time when we, too,
would have a holiday staying in our static caravan in the Sterridge Valley -
and for very much the same reason. This
is not to denounce the school summer break; on the contrary, it gifted us
memories of great family holidays that we shall forever treasure.But I also needed holidays when my surroundings
were less hectic, especially once I started a highly pressurised
job.It was not too long before our two
weeks away became three; how I would have coped with my job without this
vacation, along with other breaks in our 'van, I cannot imagine. But of one thing I am sure. The North Devon
countryside became a personal sanctuary - a place of healing that prepared me
for the next onslaught of reactive management in a job where, as one of my
colleagues was heard to remark, "You start every morning with a completed
jigsaw puzzle that is immediately broken to pieces and then spend all day
putting it back together again". At
least Berrynarbor enabled me to restore the frame that encased the puzzle.
As well as being my retreat, North Devon
also became my rural kindergarten where basic lessons were taught about the
extended definition of rural; lessons that were, in essence, a diversion from
my mind's racetrack where I was led to a gentle lane with a convalescent
Hold on. Was this not the case for the inpatients of
psychiatric hospitals built within the countryside surrounding London - those
very same people I labelled as being cast aside so as to be invisible to the
public eye? Maybe not, for London's own
institutions were already overcrowded. So
was it not better to be hospitalised, albeit
permanently in the tranquility of a rural setting? After all, I did make reference in my last
article to in-patients eventually forgetting the world beyond the boundaries of
their hospital grounds; a safe sanctuary for recuperation, just like North
Devon's rural border was for me.
This is not to necessarily a case of
defending these archaic mental hospitals, merely put forward as a counter
argument to my previous article.However,
the key factor in my view is that these institutions, whether or not they were
set in a calm and rural location, still provided care that was in the main
inappropriately permanent. It is for
this reason I feel there is a need in our society for convalescent care in
restful and pastoral surroundings; places where the mind is gently sedated not
by medication alone but also by the environment.
I shall finish with the first half of
the storyline to the film, Now, Voyager. It stars Bette Davis as Boston heiress
Charlotte Vale, an unwanted spinster daughter and neurotic mess, living under
the dictatorship of a dominant mother who undermines her self-confidence on a
daily basis. When her sister-in-law realises
Charlotte is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, she introduces her to a
psychiatrist who recommends a short period of convalescence in a sanatorium set
in a restful and rural setting. By the end of her stay she has rebuilt her self-belief
and is persuaded by her sister-in-law to take a cruise. On board she meets Jerry, played by Paul Henreid, a character with whom Charlotte becomes friendly and . . well, if you don't know the rest you will have to
watch the film - I should also advise having a box of tissues to hand!

Perhaps in this fast moving world we now
live in our society is rather like Charlotte's mother, for most of us have
lives that are powerfully dictated by constraints and commitments.I am,
therefore, astonished that it has taken a modern form of therapy to help our
brains find once more its inner peace; one that for many involves nature. But more of that next time.
Stephen McCarthy
[1550 - 20 July 1616],
2nd Earl of Tyrone [The Great Earl]
Once again, the poor Earl of Rone has been captured in Lady's Wood by the Grenadiers,
dragged down Combe Martin Street backwards on a donkey and drowned at sea. This August I thought it time to put the
record straight on a much disparaged earl. Having read at length Tom Brown's The Hunting
of the Earl of Rone, Combe Martin [very informative],
Wikipedia's Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone [very confusing], The Wild Man of the
Wood and the Hunting of the Earl of Rone: Tyrone in
English folk tradition by Hiram
Morgan, lecturer in history at University College, Cork, [good on folklore] Imeacht na nIarlai
Gaelic for Flight of the Earls ["by his countrymen he was held in the most profound reverence and
respect"], etc., I was grabbed by a cutting from Tyrone's bed -Mysterious Ireland and Britain: The
dark and romantic history of the Earl of Tyrone would of itself occupy a larger
space than these volumes afford!

Reputed Portrait of Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
So, I gave up!
But during my research, I found that
Combe Martin isn't the only place to celebrate the Earl of Tyrone's capture. By 1602 he was in a desperate situation. The English forces were on a 'slash and burn'
policy against O'Neill, so he, having burnt his own headquarters in Dungannon, Ulster, retreated into dense forests known as Glenconkeyne Woods, south of Londonderry. He hid here until he'd made peace once more
with the English. [He was such a
two-timer that Queen Elizabeth, even on her deathbed, was still grieving that
she'd been too generous with her forgiveness.]
where does 'Tyrone's bed' come from?By 1603, 'The Wild Man of the Woods' - alias
the unfortunate Earl of Tyrone - was hiding according to legend - not in Ulster
or Combe Martin, but in a romantic dell just outside Rochdale
in Lancashire. How did he get there? Don't ask! The story goes that a mysterious stranger had
been lurking for three months in the woods near Grislehurst
Hall, home of the Holt family. One day,
he saved Constance Holt, the 19-year old daughter of the house from drowning
and revived her on the river bank with a potion. She then saved him twice from capture. He returned to find her on her deathbed. Not so lucky this time! There is a detailed description on the
internet, just key in historyireland.com/earl-of-rone.
Finally we come to the Flight of the
Earls. I gave details in the newsletter
of August 2014.For those of you who don't remember the earlier [sorry!] article, I will just
repeat that the legend is based on the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell
fleeing on 14 September 1607 from the village of Rathmullan
in County Donegal, where we lived for 6 years during the late '70's-early
'80's. The story goes that he was
shipwrecked and landed on a small beach in Ilfracombe, now called Rapparee Cove. [A Rapparee, according to my Concise Oxford English
dictionary is a 17th
century Irish irregular soldier based on Gaelic rapaire - a short spike.]
The real story is that having once again
been pardoned this time by James I [VI of Scotland] - Queen Elizabeth having
died - Hugh O'Neill was waiting in Rathmullan with
Sir Arthur Chichester, to return to England to
confirm details of his pardon. Here we
come to a local connection. Sir Arthur was the second son of John Chichester, of Raleigh, Pilton, who was well-connected: a
naval officer, sheriff of Devon and MP for Barnstaple. Sir Arthur's mother, Gertrude Courtenay was a
member of the aristocracy, from Powderham Castle. During his career, Sir Arthur became an
English administrator in Ireland and eventually Lord Deputy of Ireland.
waiting with Chichester, Hugh was warned that he
would be arrested on arrival in England, and a French warship was already
waiting for him and Hugh Roe O'Donnell, Earl of Tyrconnell
to take them to safety. Their flight was
hurried and unprepared and they had to leave behind some of their closest
family members. O'Neill left without
his son, Conn, and O'Donnell embarked without his pregnant young wife. Neither would return to Ireland again.Of the
ninety-nine who travelled that night, less than half were Gaelic nobility.By
their departure they left Ulster open to confiscation of land and Plantation
They were heading for Coruna in Spain
but severe storms drove them off course and after twenty-one days they drifted
into French waters, arriving at Quilleboeuf in
Normandy - and there wasn't a donkey or Grenadier in sight! O'Neill was brought up an Anglican, but never
gave much thought to religion. For
convenience, however, he now supported the Catholics. Because of change on much of their journey to
Rome they were treated as heroes. They
were welcomed by Pope Paul IV in his Cavallo Palace,
Rome, on 4 May 1608.

Hunting the Earl of Rone in Combe Martin
Doc Rowe, CC BY-SA 4.0
via Wikimedia Commons.
Although their flight marked the end of
Gaelic rule in Ireland, it created a new phenomenon on the continent. Irish exiles were integrated into the legal
and medical professions, and the military. Also devout Irish Catholics could be educated
in the many new Irish Colleges for entry into the priesthood.
Coming back to the Earl of Tyrone, you
may have heard of 'The Red Hand of Ulster'. I was interested to read:
other memorable incidents illustrative of his character, it is said that
appearing in person to execute a treaty [after a bloody encounter] he was
requested to sign the terms. "Here's my signature" said he laying his bloody
hand on the deed "'tis the mark of the King of Ulster". Here tradition gravely
asserts was the 'bloody hand' the arms of Ulster."
who was Hugh O'Neill, the Earl of Rone, 'The Great
Earl' as he was also known? To get that
title, he had what to the English would have been a ropey start. His grandfather, Conn O'Neill, was granted
his earldom of Tyrone by Henry VIII. He
had an illegitimate son, Matthew O'Neill. Illegitimacy wasn't important in the Irish
legal system, so as long as Conn accepted Matthew and there were 5 degrees of
the same blood through the male line [how did they check that, I wonder?], thus
Hugh O'Neill was as entitled to the earldom as Conn's legitimate son, Shane.
These two men were in conflict over the title during which Matthew was killed. Nevertheless, by this time he had two sons:
Hugh and his older brother, Brian, who in these dangerous times was
assassinated by Shane's deputy.
So in September 1595, Hugh was elected
the 2nd - and last - Earl of Tyrone, becoming the most powerful lord in Ulster.
On a personal note, he married four
times, had a large number both of legitimate and illegitimate children
including 4 legitimate daughters, 4 legitimate sons and two more who were
illegitimate. Now I haven't time or
space to follow the lineage, but his descendants include Arthur Wellesley, 1stt
Duke of Wellington and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll.
Is it an act of treason, therefore, to
mount Hugh O'Neill's effigy back to front on a donkey and parade him through
the street of Combe Martin before drowning him in the sea? The warders from the Tower may be on their
I rest my case.
of DC
For more information see: The Hunting of the Earl of Rone.


A big thank you to everyone who came down on our pre-opening night, we were quite overwhelmed with your welcome to us and your support and enthusiasm for your new Sawmills.
At the time of writing we have been open for three weeks and have been very busy, soon to be busier once the campers arrive! Roasts for Sunday Lunch have started and we are looking forward to having a lot of fresh local fish available for our Specials menu.
If you have been trying to phone us please note the phone number has changed to [01271] 883388 and it is taking us a frustrating long time to get this altered on all the websites. It’s nice to see that this newsletter is more up to date than the web.
We hope everyone has great summer and hope to see you all soon.
Scott and Jenny
Lee Memorial Hall, EX34 8LW
Open daily from 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Beautiful local art and crafts for sale together with a lovely handmade quilt as first prize in the grand draw.
Delicious refreshments including homemade cakes and cream teas served throughout.
Free admission. Parking available next to the Hall with disabled access if required.
A popular annual event not to be missed, so put a note in your diary now – everyone will be made most welcome.
This is a new service for our patients and operates on most weekday mornings from 8.30 to 9.30 a.m. This is a Walk-in-Service so you can drop in and see us before you go to work or school! Please ask at Reception for more information.
Please come to the surgery for your flu vaccination. We offer this vaccination to the following groups:
- Patients aged 65 or over or
Patients who are under 65 with any of the following problems:
- Asthma or another chronic chest complaint.
- Heart problems
- Diabetes
- Kidney disease
- Liver Disease
- Neurological Disease
- A pregnant woman
- A carer
- If you suffer from a serious illness and have a reduced ability to fight infection
For patients who are at risk the best action is to have a flu vaccination every year, this year you may receive a personalised text message or telephone call promoting the service, just follow the instructions given in your message. We are not sending out letters to all patients to save on costs and paper but please give us a call or book online for your vaccination.
You can either telephone the surgery, after 11am (to avoid the busiest times) and ask our team for an appointment at one of our special flu clinics, or using SystmOnline book an online appointment. The Clinics are being held throughout September and October and we have listed the first ones below, more will follow.
Our Saturday morning Flu Clinic will be held on Saturday,1st October, 2016 at our main surgery site in Ilfracombe. Combe Martin Surgery Flu Clinic will be held on Wednesday, 28th September, 2016 between 2.00 and 5.00 p.m. Woolacombe Surgery will be holding their first clinic on Tuesday, 4th October, 2016
Please note that Saturday morning clinics are strictly for adult flu vaccinations only and are designated vaccination clinics with reception and nursing teams unable to deal with any other enquires such as prescriptions or appointments on the day. We will also be holding clinics especially for children ask our team about these dates
If you are unable to leave your home for medical reasons we can arrange for a District Nurse to administer your flu vaccination at home.
Please ring the surgery numbers below to arrange your appointment. Surgeries can be contacted by telephone on the following numbers
Ilfracombe: 01271 863119 or 01271 863840
Combe Martin: 01271 882406 Woolacombe: 01271 870276


The Berry in Bloom group were extremely
busy throughout May, June and early July getting the village planted and tidied
up ready for the judges who came on 6th July.
We were lucky that this year it didn't rain on the afternoon of the
judging, as it did the previous year.
Points are given for:
- Plant impact and design - the choice of plants etc. 20%
- Horticultural practice - the cultivation and maintenance and quality of plants 20%
- Community involvement - involving the public in community gardening 20%
- Development and continuity - evidence of on-going projects 10%
- Communication and education - making the community aware 10%
- Funding and Support - showing initiatives to secure funding 10%
- Local environmental quality - the care of signage, the absence of litter,dog fouling, graffiti etc. 10%
Last year we were awarded a GOLD, the highest award.Fingers crossed for this year.We get the results in early October.
The judging of the Our Outdoors [terrible
name, I think, for the new competition that was previously called Best Kept Village]
is ongoing throughout August when the judges will pay the village an incognito
visit.So all you wonderful people, please
keep up the good work.
ALSO, don’t forget the Village Open Garden Trail is on Sunday 14th August. Gardens open from1.30 p.m., stroll around the lovely village gardens and enjoy a wonderful cream tea with homemade cakes included in the entrance price of only £6.00. Teas served at The Lodge by Lynn and her team from 3.00 p.m.
Wendy Applegate

Cream Cake
Clotted Cream Salted Caramel Topping
The Sterridge Valley Open Garden Trail in
June was sadly a washout and although we covered our costs AND managed to make
a little profit we had a large tub of clotted cream left over, hence this
recipe for a cake almost as indulgent as the Mars Bar cake in the last Newsletter.
the cake
- 2 large free range eggs
- 225g white caster sugar
- 2 tsps quality vanilla essence
- 1 225g tub clotted cream
- A large pinch of salt
- 200g S/R flour
to making the cake remove the clotted cream from the fridge as for the cake it
needs to be at room temperature.]
the salted clotted cream caramel sauce
- 200g granulated sugar
- 80g salted butter
- 100g clotted cream
- 60ml double cream
- 2 tsps sea salt flakes
To garnish the cake, a few chunks of clotted
cream fudge, chopped
doubled the above quantities so I had extra sauce to use with a Banoffee cheesecake.]
For the Caramel Sauce
Start the caramel sauce by gently
heating the sugar in a heavy bottomed pan [choose a large pan as the other
ingredients will be added later].Stir
with a wooden spoon until it melts completely and begins to turn a caramel
Next add the butter and clotted cream
and stir carefully as obviously it is very hot at this stage.Take it off the heat and stir until the
butter and cream have melted completely and then stir in the double cream. Return
to the heat and bring to the boil for 1 minute then remove from heat and stir
in the salt flakes.Allow to cool.
For the Cake
Pre-heat the oven to 170
Spoon in half the clotted cream and
flour and gently fold in using a rubber spatula or a metal spoon - try not to
knock out any of the air. Fold in the remaining clotted cream and flour. Pour into the prepared tin, smooth the top
and bake for 40-50 minutes until golden and a skewer comes out clean.Remove from tin and cool on a wire rack.
Serve by pouring the sauce over each
slice of cake and add the crumbled clotted cream fudge and a dollop of - you've
guessed it clotted cream.
I found that the sauce was as thick as
butter cream icing when kept overnight in the fridge and was easy to spread on
top of the cake. This cake was a
definite winner at the last litter pick!
Wendy Applegate

VIEW NO. 162
This month I have chosen photographs and a postcard of the Old Sawmill Inn. I feel sure we should all like to welcome Scott and Jenny Evans who, with their sons Aaron and Dani, have recently reopened a totally refurbished Sawmill Inn.
The first two photographs show it
as Sawmill Cafe, which was open for afternoon cream teas, etc. Sadly, I
do not know the date but would imagine it to have been taken in the 1940's or
early 1950's, and note the rickety bridge over the stream. The third photographic postcard shows a young man 'holding up' the signpost
opposite the Sawmill on the A399 main road:
to Ilfracombe 3.5 miles and Combe Martin 1.5. whilst Lynton is 14 miles. The road to Berrynarbor reads 0.75 mile.

coloured four-view picture postcard has been taken in the late1960's/'70's and shows it when Mr. and
Mrs. W.U. Long were the proprietors of the 'Licensed Restaurant'. The telephone number for it was Combe Martin
2259 and it was only much later that all Combe Martin telephone numbers were
given the 88 prefix.

Tom Bartlett
Cottage, July 2016
Coincidently, the photo below recently came to me from Lorna who tells me that it is taken in front of the Sawmill Cafe in the early 1950's and shows the Chalmers twins, Malcolm and Theodore, together with Chris Huxtable, doing his National Service at that time, and second right John Valance. The aproned worker can only be named Bill! The Sawmill Tea Rooms have been rebuilt as the current cottage.

The Parish of Berrynarbor is one of the
largest in Devon. There is evidence
that people lived here from early times:
- The ancient tumuli on Berry Down and Century Lane. One excavated c1840 produced a clay pot containing cremated bones and ash of some important human, probably of the Dumnonii tribe who were spread around Devon in early times. The pot was decorated in the style of the Celtic Cornish people.
- The white ceremonial standing stones at Stonelands, now called Maddox Down, on Long Lane [the road from Berry Down to Easter Close]. These stones have disappeared over the last 100 years, probably for building purposes or gate posts. The last standing stone was shattered by lightening not very long ago. Damien Hirst has two large white rocks placed at the entrance lane to his home at Yellaton Farm, opposite Maddox Down.Probably the remains of the stones.
- The remains of an old Iron Age Fort over-looking the Channel on the right of Newberry Hill [the hill down to Combe Martin]. Locals called it Windsor Castle, I wonder why?
A very old clapper bridge which crosses the river
along the public footpath from Stowford Farm Meadows
to Bittadon on the Muddiford Road to Barnstaple.
- The Clapper Bridge at Tarr Steps
- Hillsborough, the large cliff-side hill at Hele is another Iron Age Fort site.
- The ancient 'ridge way' known as Slew Lane which runs from Iron Letters to Goosewell [the lane at the top of Hagginton Hill]. A name derived from a slough - old English for a wet, damp place.

Lorna Bowden
1st | to 14th - Lee Arts & Craft Exhibition & Fair, 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. |
2nd | Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m. |
7th | FOND Table Top Sale, Ilfracombe, 10.00 - 12.00 noon |
9th | Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m. |
14th | Berry in Bloom: Village Open Garden Trail from 1.30 p.m. |
17th | Marwood Hill Gardens, The Smartest Giant in Town, 6.30 p.m. |
24th | Friendship Lunch, The Globe, from 12.00 noon |
30th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m. |
1st | Primary School: Start of Autumn Term |
3rd | Berrynarbor Horticultural & Craft Show, Manor Hall, 2.00 p.m. |
5th | Berrynarbor Pre-School and Ilfracombe Academy: Start of Autumn Term |
10th | Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m. |
27th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m. |
28th | Friendship Lunch, The Globe from 12.00 noon |
2nd | St. Peter's Church: Harvest Festival Service, 11.00 a.m. |
5th | St. Peter's Church: Harvest Festival Supper, Manor Hall, 6.30 for 7.00 p.m. |
7th | Ilfracombe Academy: Non-Pupil Day |
Manor Hall Diary | |
Mondays | Upholstery, 9.00 to 1.00 p.m.Craft Group, 1.45 p.m. Badminton, 7.30 p.m. |
Tuesdays | N.D. Spinners [2nd & 4th] 3rd: Craft Art Group, 9.30 a.m. |
Wednesdays | Pilates Body Workout, 9.00 a.m. School p.m. |
Thursdays | Watercolour Painting 10.00 a.m. [10 week terms] |
Fridays | Toddlers Soft Play and Activity a.m. Primary School p.m. |
Penn Curzon Room | Pre-School: Daily - Term time only Morning Session: 8.30 - 12.00 or 1.00 p.m. Afternoon Session: 12.00 to 3.00 or 4.00 p.m. All Day: 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. |
Mobile Library | |
Village Shop: 11.40-12.10 p.m. Sterridge Valley: 12.25-12.55 p.m. |
School, Pre-School and Toddler Group - Term Time only