Edition 16 - February 1992

Artwork by: Debbie Cook
The delightful cover for this Newsletter is the talented work of Debbie Cook.
Debbie is a self-employed illustrator, mainly producing the artwork for Christmas and birthday cards for companies such as Royle, Athena, Nigel Quiney and Oxfam. Last year, she designed two Christmas Cards for 'Friends of the Earth' and other jobs include poster and print designs and calendars.Currently, Debbie is working on a set of limited edition plates which have the theme of Cats in Patchwork. Most of her designs are usually of cats and dogs [or both!] in watercolour and pencil, so working in black and white for our cover was a pleasant change for her and hopefully we can look forward to more illustrations since she has kindly offered her help. Thank you, Debbie.
Debbie and her parents, Margaret and Derrick, moved here from Yorkshire in 1989, as a temporary base until they bought a house somewhere in the area. However, she says that they have found Berrynarbor such a beautiful village, the area so attractive and the people so nice, that they have yet to find anywhere that they would rather move to! The three years they have been here have flown by and although Debbie's 'studio' is reduced to a table in a small corner of the bedroom, ridiculously overflowing with magazines, books and art materials, there's nowhere else she'd rather work!
Miss Muffets Coffee Morning June and Roy would like to thank all the helpers and the many people who supported the Coffee Morning, and the donators of raffle prizes and bring-and-buy items. £140.50p was raised for the Children's Hospice South West. Thanks to all.
Fiona Duncan would like to say a big 'thank you' to everyone who gave her 'jobs' and helped her to raise the deposit [plus] for her forthcoming trip at Easter when she will be helping to take handicapped children to Lourdes.
The Christmas Card Charity Distribution 1991 raised just over £60 for Manor Hall Funds. Many thanks to all those who helped:
- Sorters - Keith Walls, Stan Linehan, Alex Parke and Tom Bartlett;
- Deliverers - The Camplin family, the Anderson family, Kath Arscott, Toby and Joan Wood, Peter and Anne Hinchliffe, Jill Jones, Ann Pennington and Laura, Pam and Alex Parke and Iain and Jill McCrae.

Congratulations to June and Ivan Clarke on the birth of their third son. Young Greg weighed in on the 9th of January, 1992, at just over 7 lbs, a brother for Ben and Shane.
Our congratulations and very best wishes for their future happiness to Sarah Songhurst and Alistair Beal [from Newcastle] who will be getting married at St. Peter's Church on the 28th March.

We are sad to report the death on 2nd January, 1992, of Mrs. Vera Whitehouse who would have celebrated her 87th birthday on the 12th January. Vera moved from her cottage, Brookside [or 63 Silver Street] to the Susan Day Home in Ilfracombe in 1989 and was latterly at Edenmore.
Vera and her husband, Fred, moved to Berrynarbor from Hagley, Birmingham, shortly after their marriage in 1948. Fred, who was 22 years her senior, was in the Church Choir for many years and both were stalwarts of the Church. Sadly, Vera's younger sister, "Bill " died only 10 days later and our thoughts are with their families and Vera's nephews and nieces at this sad time.

The Trust will be holding an afternoon of Slides and Commentary by Major Stevenson at the Combe Martin Methodist Church Hall on Wednesday, 19th February, 1992, at 2.30 p.m. Tickets, to include afternoon tea, are £1.00. Everyone welcome.
FOR SALE: Horse manure, £1.00 per [fertiliser] bag, delivered - contact Emily Gove on 882856 or On-A-Hill Garage.

- 4 oz Kissing
- 4 oz Love
- 1/2 oz Teasing
- 1/2 oz squeezing
- 4 Sweet Lips pressed well together
- Baked well in a Young Man's Arms
- Served Hot in the Dark
Found in an old 1915 Autograph Book
Marion Billett

A great big thank you to Alan Richardson and his team of 'elves', who masterminded the charity Christmas Card distribution. The project raised £60 for hall funds and we plan to use some of the money for Christmas Tree decorations for 1992.
The Management team is discussing several issues at present including portable staging or rostra, new curtains, redecorating the main hall and repointing the outside of the Penn Curzon section and repairs to the stone mullions on the main hall windows. The issue of staging is a complex and expensive item, from £400 to £2,000. We have a storage problem for any new item acquired, so very careful consideration must be given to all items. We should like some input from YOU on this issue, since it is so expensive. The Committee needs justification for the expenditure - How often will it be used? and by whom? Please make your thoughts known by contacting a committee member in writing with your name and telephone number.
Any questions and comments relevant to the Management or the use of the Hall complex, can be put in writing to the Secretary [Vi Davies, Lee Side] prior to our monthly meetings - the 1st Tuesday in each month. Our A.G. M. will be held in April - open to the public. Please watch for the date!
Joy Morrow [882531]
The Men's Institute will be holding their Annual Dinner for Members and Wives/Guests on Saturday, 28th March, 1992, 7.30 for 8.00 p.m. at the Park Hotel, Barnstaple. Tickets will be approximately £13.00 per head.
Anyone interested in attending should please contact Josef Belka - 883126.

The Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday at 10.30 a.m. Evensong is sung for Berrynarbor and Combe Martin in Combe Martin every Sunday, 6.00 p.m. Holy Communion is celebrated every Thursday morning at 10.00 a.m. Prebendary Eppingstone welcomes invitations to give Holy Communion at home to those who cannot come to Church or to pray with the sick.
On 4th March, we are planning a Joint Service with the Methodists in St. Peter ad Vincula in the evening, to include the Imposition of Ashes.
On Mothering Sunday, the Family Service will be at 10.30 a.m. and will include Mrs. Cruse and children from the Primary School, and Sally Barten and children from the Sunday School, the whole congregation and a Baptism. All parents, grandparents, friends and children are specially and particularly invited.
[Don't forget, British Summer Time begins and clocks go forward one hour, so don't be late!]
Other calendar dates are given in the At-A-Glance Diary.
R. O. H. Eppingstone
Pomanders are oranges stuck with cloves and rolled in spices. They were often carried in Elizabethan and earlier - times, as their pleasant scent not only kept less pleasant smells at bay, but they were thought to prevent infection. Pomander literally means apple or ball of amber, and was so called because ambergris was the fixative commonly used at that time. Rich people used pomanders made of filigree silver or gold filled with sweet-smelling spices. There is an excellent collection of these In the Victoria and Albert Museum.

To make a pomander ball, choose a thin-skinned firm orange. First make holes with a steel knitting needle or similar implement, and stick a clove in each hole. At the top of the orange, insert a piece of bent wire or a hairpin, to which a ribbon can be tied when the pomander is dried. Alternatively, leave two clear bands round the orange without cloves, around which a ribbon can be tied.
Take care when piercing the holes for the cloves not to make too orderly rows, as this can result in the skin splitting; however, at the same time, the result should look regular. After 'sticking' the orange with cloves, roll it in a mixture of equal parts of ground orris root and ground cinnamon until thickly coated. Wrap it carefully in tissue paper and store it in a warm place [the airing cupboard!] for 2 to 3 weeks until absolutely dry. The surplus powder can then be shaken off and used again, and the pomander decorated with ribbon. While it is drying, examine it from time to time - if the drying is too quick, it will shrivel, but if it is too long it will mildew.
Pomanders may be made from any citrus fruits, including apples. However, apples do present problems.

The best news the school has to share is that after 145 years of outdoor lavatories [flush ones and the earlier other type!] , we hope, by September 1992, to have new warm, light, comfortable, hygienic indoor ones! !
In September we shall open the school so that anyone can come in and see our new toilet and cloakroom block. The Governors have petitioned long and hard for this improvement and we are more than delighted that their requests have at last been acted upon.
As mentioned in the last issue, the children are looking at the life and work in Berrynarbor in Wartime and beyond. Any help would still be appreciated, if you have any photographs or memories you can share, please contact the school [883493].To this end, a Coffee Morning will be held at the School on Tuesday, 11th February, from 10.00 to 11.45 a.m. The pupils ask, "We should like anyone to come and talk to two or three of us so that we can ask questions and take notes to use in class. We don't want to know about soldiers and fighting but about how people in the towns and villages of England managed during the War. There are no books that can tell us the things we want to know.
We will keep all the information in our History File which we will pass on to children in future. "
The children would like to know more about Britain 1930 to 1990 and would like to talk to anyone who lived anywhere in Britain between 1939 and 1945.
The War
The war is here,
There's lots of fear,
Bombs coming down like rain,
Everyone's running,
Their feelings are pain.
My granma was there,
She knows the fear,
She couldn't bear,
The siren screams she could hear.
Jeff Bowden [9 years]
Now the war is here,
Everyone's in fear,
Through day till night,
The men will fight,
My dad might write.
Now the war is here,
Everyone's in fear,
Mum's worrying about my dad,
It drives her mad,
Because there is a war,
Outside my mothers door
Evacuees in trains,
To a different place
Away from home.
Now the war is here,
Everyone's in fear,
My mothers crying,
Men are dying,
While we're hiding in a shelter.
Ashley Lane & Steven Booth [age 10]

Telephone : 0271 882308
We should like to express our sincere thanks to all who signed our Petition recently, with regards to the new road and our access. We take this opportunity to inform you of developments - when our current stocks of petrol/diesel expire, we shall cease to have petrol pumps. However, we shall still be trading from ON-A-HILL for MOT testing, servicing, etc. , and our repair facilities will be enhanced by our appointment as a Lucas Ignition Centre.
We should like to thank all those who have supported us over these past fourteen years and look forward to being able to meet all your Motoring needs of the future.
Geoff and Penny Gove

"The Cottage , Berrynarbor" Garratt c 1904-8

Now known as "The Old Court", this fine old property has the distinction of being listed under BERRYNARBOR in Devon's directories since the 1856 edition of Kelly's, when Mrs. Nickle was resident and when the then two public houses, The Globe and The Unicorn, were both listed. In 1870, James William Palmer, Esq. was in residence, but by 1878 Mrs. Sarah Ann Fursdon had taken over, to be replaced by Mrs. Hannah Slade Gully some time after 1893. Two sisters, Misses Hooper, were listed as the residents in 1897 and 1902, but by the 1906 listing, Mrs. Harris had taken over and remained until the property was purchased in the Watermouth Estate sale of 1920, with completion on Lady Day, 25th March, 1921.
The Sale details were:
"LOT 145 A charmingly situated slated detached private residence, known as Court Cottage [No. 52] situate in the village of Berrynarbor, in the occupation of Mrs. Harris, whose tenancy expires at Michaelmas next, comprising: A Porch Entrance, Entrance Hall, Morning Room, Drawing Room, Dining Room, Back Lobby, Kitchen, Back Kitchen, Larder, Pantry, W.C., Five Bedrooms, Two Dressing Rooms, Two Boxrooms, Upstairs W.C. &c.
Lawn, flower and vegetable gardens, tool shed, poultry house, stable, coach house or garage, coal house &c.
Front, side and back entrances, two staircases, verandah. The whole containing 2 roods:
A conveniently-arranged five bedroomed tiled Cottage, with potato house and wash house, No. 53, situate adjoining the grounds of Court Cottage, as now in the occupation of Mr. T. Latham as a Quarterly Tenant.
The apportioned Tithe on this lot is 4s. [4 shillings, 20p]. The timber to be taken in the sum of £5.0s.0d. There is a water tap, W.C. and bath on this lot, and also a tap in the tiled cottage. The right to maintain the stop-tap, and pipe through the Garden is reserved. "
Lot 45 above was sold for £850 and was presumably purchased by Leigh S. Stoney, who was recorded as the inhabitant in Kelly's for 1923, 1926 and 1930. In 1939 it was listed in the occupation Of Miss Helen Malcolm and called "Old Court Guest House". Alfred Duchesne was listed as the occupant of "The Olde Cottage" in the directories from 1926 to 1939.
During the 1950's, Old Court Guest House was taken over by Miss Marguerite De-Munck and remained a guest house until her death in the mid-'80's, finally going under the auctioneer's hammer in the Marlborough Club in Ilfracombe to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carter and family. Fortunately, the new owners have spent a great deal of time and money on improvements, both inside and outside this fine, listed building. The photograph shows the practical and fine glass panelled and closed porch the property once boasted and part of the Manor House [now the Men's snooker room] can be seen in the background.
Happy New Year to You All.
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, January 1992

The Church will be holding a Coffee Morning on SATURDAY, 28TH MARCH, at the Manor Hall, from 10.30 a.m. to 12 Noon. Bring and Buy Stall, Cakes and Raffle. Proceeds for Church Funds.

What a festive atmosphere welcomed members to the December meeting; the Manor Hall Christmas Tree, the refreshment table laden with "goodies" prepared by the retiring Committee and the wonderful decorations made by members for the competition. To this we were able to welcome Mrs. Jean Cobley, the Devon Federation Chairman, who was full of praise for our attractive village and excellent Manor Hall.
Music was provided by Reg Gosling and Ivy Richards lead the Carol Singing. After a very difficult task, Mrs. Cobley voted Jean Priest winner of the competition, with Betty Turner and Joan Adams close runners-up. The Quiz was won by Kath Arscott and at the close of a very enjoyable afternoon, everyone took home a small gift given by another member.
On the 14th December, Joan Adams and Jean Priest attended the first one-day craft class at Shirwell and were most impressed and pleased with their nativity figures.
December 17th and 28 of us, as always, enjoyed our Christmas Lunch at The Globe. Once again the ladies were in fine voice, lead this time by Phil, and Maureen Pugsley was the lucky winner of a 'free' lunch. Messages were read out from Joan Jones and Brenda Walton and a warm 'thank you' from Jean Cobley. I was able to report that a cheque for £87.20 had been sent to the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf, and in thanking my own members for their help at the Coffee Morning, I should like to thank the village folk and Combe Martin W. I. for supporting us.
7th January welcomed members back after Christmas and Mrs. Joan Draper gave us an instructive talk and demonstration on "No Age Limit to Keeping Fit" . Our own Jean Cumings is hoping that it will have inspired members [and friends] to join her group starting on 6th February at 3.00 p.m. We look forward to Kath Arscott's slides on the 4th February - a real treat and visitors are welcome. Cost - 85p [sorry about the increase!]
Vi Kingdon - President
Yesterday's cares and its strife.
This is the time for remembering
The joys and blessings of life.
- 24th February - Kath Arscott, 'Holiday Memories'
- 3rd March - Wendy Peacock, 'Knowing about Antiques'
We have no time to stand and stare?
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
W.H. Davies
It was not to be! Our very own Crufts entrant, Lourdace Burberry at Sterridge [or Bracken for short] , owned and trained by Jan and Bill Gammon, was taken ill the week of the Show and was sadly unable to attend Crufts. Fortunately she has now recovered and we wish her, and Jan, Bill and their other Gordon Setter, Gypsy, every luck in qualifying for Crufts 1993.
"I hear lake
water lapping with low sounds by the shore"
W. B. Yeats
If the possibility of being surrounded by raucous birds with large wing spans, flying incessantly over your head and perching In every available tree top, appeals to you, then how about spending an exhilarating February afternoon at the heronry in the grounds of Arlington Court?
On entering the estate from the path opposite the car park, first go left and then turn right past a small pond. Walk through the woods beside a stream. [This tranquil area is known as 'The Wilderness'].
As we emerged from the Wilderness on a very frosty but brightly sunny Saturday morning in early January, a fox crossed our path. We walked down the steep field, grazed by Shetland ponies, to Smallacombe Bridge.
This bridge crosses the River Yeo, which was dammed a hundred and forty years ago to form an attractive lake. By turning right after crossing the bridge, the lake is soon reached. Continue along this path although it is a cul-de-sac - for the best views of the herons. The heron was the heraldic creature of the Chichester family and sculptures of them are to be seen on gate posts and buildings on the estate.
On several visits towards the end of February there have been more birds than we could count, with as many as eighteen herons in one tree - a fascinating sight.
Half way along, look out for the beautiful vista, across the lake, of an urn set in a small clearing. A pair of tufted ducks were on the water nearby.
Two massive piers, one on each side of the lake, form an impressive feature and were built for a suspension bridge which was never completed. Nevertheless, the combination of stone, water and mature trees is very satisfying.
Make your way back and continue around the other side of the lake to the hide. From here we watched some teal [the smallest European duck] moving in and out of the rushes. The female is mottled brown and the drake is grey with a chestnut head and a distinctive long curved green eye-patch and a cream coloured patch on the under- side of the tail.
From the hide take the track to the right, which leads to a field. As we climbed left towards the house, several buzzards could be seen landing in the trees, standing on posts and on the ground. A flock of Jacob sheep made a skewbald procession along the top of the field.
Crossing the stile we approached the pond and as usual before leaving, visited the parish church of Arlington. Here there is a memorial by John Piper to Rosalie Chichester, the last member of the family to live at Arlington Court. Between the church and the ancient granary, elevated on straddle stones, wafted the scent of winter heliotrope. Keep a look out for peacocks, which like to congregate on the fence near the road. We did not see any on this occasion, but as we were leaving we noticed three nuthatches climbing some gnarled tree trunks and moving about the twisted roots. Slate blue above and salmon pink below, with a bold black eye stripe, this is a very enjoyable little bird to watch. Unlike woodpeckers and tree creepers, it can climb down trees as well as up. When the female nuthatch has selected a hole in a tree for her nest, she plasters the entrance with mud until there is just enough room for her to pass through.
Post Script: It would be very interesting to hear of any sightings of kingfishers in Berrynarbor, in order to build up an impression of how frequently they are to be found in the area. Date, approximate time of day and location would be the ideal information.
On New Year's Day, we saw one perched on a narrow bough overhanging the Sterridge. It remained motionless for some time, apart from occasionally turning its head, and eventually it dived into the river.
I look forward to reading your reports of sightings in the next issue.
[Editor's Note: Please record your sightings and either pop them in the box at the Post Office or my home, or give me a ring with the details - 883544.]
Sue H
The Kingfisher
And left thee all her lovely hues;
And, as her mother's name was Tears,
So runs it in thy blood to choose
For haunts the lonely pools, and keep
In company with trees that weep.
Go you and, with such glorious hues,
Live with proud Peacocks in green parks;
On lawns as smooth as shining glass,
Let every feather show its mark;
Get thee on boughs and clap thy wings
Before the windows of proud kings.
Nay, lovely Bird, thou art not vain;
Thou hast no proud ambitious mind;
I also love a quiet place
That's green, away from all mankind;
A lonely pool, and let a tree
Sigh with her bosom over me.
W.H. Davies
A general knowledge quiz to help you while away the long February evenings! If you would like to 'have a go' and hand in your answers to be put in the box in the Post Office, there will be a small prize for the winner. Answers in the next issue.
- How many dots on a dice?
- Name the five largest countries in the world.
- Name the railway stations on a Monopoly board.
- How many squares in a noughts and crosses game?
- How many metal rings on a dart board?
- Solve the following 'drink' anagrams:
- Lea
- Ensuings
- Glare
- Cartel
- Touts
- Ponder
- Why is Mr. B. I. Zzytt famous in London?
- After London, name the five largest cities in Britain.
- What are the following Anniversaries?
- 25th
- 40th
- 60th
- How many pieces in a domino set?
- How old would Marilyn Monroe have been in 1992?
- Solve these anagrams [with clues]:
- A stew, sir?
- Life's aim.
- Sea Term.
- What country is this?
- What were these? Acorn, Atlas, Hudson, Georgian and Nuffield
- Landrace, Tamworth and Gloucester Old Spots are all breeds of what?
2nd | St. Peter's Church - Presentation of Our Lord Jesus. |
4th | W. I. Meeting, "Holiday Memories" - Kath Arscott. |
5th | South Molton Recycling. Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. |
6th | Movement to Music - Penn Curzon Room, 3.00 p.m. Everyone welcome. |
11th | Coffee Morning at the Primary School, 10.00 a.m. Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. |
13th | U3A Luncheon, Granville Hotel, Ilfracombe. AGM. |
14th | St. Valentine's Day. Parochial Church Council. |
16th | Children's Special of Christians Together, Combe Martin Town Hall. |
19th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. North Devon Hospice Care Trust, 2.30 p.m. Methodist Church Hall, Combe Martin. Wine Appreciation Group - Fortified Wines of Portugal and Madeira, Dr. Brian Malcolm. 8.00 p.m. Contribution £3.00 To the 22nd - Studio Theatre present "The Entertainer" Ilfracombe College, 7.30 p.m. |
21st | to 28th [inclusive] College and Primary School Half Term. |
23rd | Christians Together Service, Combe Martin 6.30 p.m. |
3rd | W.I. Meeting, "Knowing About Antiques - Wendy Peacock. |
4th | Ash Wednesday - Holy Communion, 10.00 a.m. South Molton Recycling. Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. |
6th | Lent Service, 3.00 p.m. St. Peter's Church. |
10th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. |
12th | U3A Luncheon, Carlton Hotel, Ilfracombe - Rev. Jim Bates, "Wrenaissance in Architecture". |
13th | Lent Service, U. R.C. 3.00 p.m. Rev. Nowell. |
17th | Pavilion Theatre, Ilfracombe, "The Tempest" Orchard Theatre. 8.00 p.m. |
18th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. Wine Appreciation Group - Wines of Alsace, Alan Richardson. 8.00 p.m. Contribution £3.00. |
20th | Lent Service, 3.00 p.m. St. Peter's, Preb. Eppingstone. |
21st | Non-Pupil Day at College and Primary School. |
22nd | Christians Together - the Baptist Church, 6.30 p.m. |
25th | to 28th - Studio Theatre, Ilfracombe College: "Fen" and "Top Girls" 7.45 p.m. |
26th | Celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 10.00 a.m. |
27th | Lent Service, 3.00 p.m. U. R.C. Rev. Nowell. |
28th | U.R.C. Coffee Morning, Manor Hall, 10.30 to Noon. |
29th | Mothering Sunday - Holy Communion, 8.00 a.m.,
Family Service, 10.30 a.m. British Summer Time begins. |
1st | South Molton Recycling. Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. |
3rd | Lent Service, St. Peter's, 3.00 p.m. Preb.
Eppingstone. Betty Blackmore Show, Ilfracombe Pavilion, 7.30 p.m. |
4th | Betty Blackmore Show, 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. |

Many thanks to all this month's contributors. Items for this issue were rather slow coming in, but I hope it is only a general reflection of the time of year!
The next issue will be April and Easter and items and articles should be handed in at the Post Office [or at Chicane] on or before the 16th March. Thanks
I do hope there will be some 'Kingfisher spottings' and also some entries for the Quiz.
Chicane, Sterridge