Edition 157 - August 2015
For the cover - scenes of and from Napps - I
am again grateful to Sue and Mike Richards of Napps for their sponsorship,
especially of summer covers, over the last eight years. Thank you both very much.

For the cover - scenes of and from Napps - I am again grateful to Sue and Mike Richards of Napps for their sponsorship, especially of summer covers, over the last eight years. Thank you both very much.
In August 2005 I repeated the August Editorial of 1995, and I wrote . . .
Unbelievably, this issue starts the 7th year of the Newsletter. During this time we have discovered a wealth of talent within the village. Gifted artists - Helen Armstead, Debbie Cook, David Duncan, Neil Redwood, Peter Rothwell, Paul Swailes and Nigel Mason, not forgetting the delightful contributions from pupils at the Primary School. Tom Bartlett and Lorna Bowden have filled us in on Berrynarbor of the past, and if you have followed in the steps of our 'Local Walker', you will have learnt much of the flora and fauna of our area, as well as gained an intriguing insight into many of our local beauty spots and historic churches. Perhaps you have puzzled over Dave Beagley's crosswords. There have been original poems, recipes, travel memories, accounts of the 'doings' of the various organisations . . . and I and the readers, thank you ALL for without you, there would be no Newsletter.
... and the same goes for today - nothing changes! Yes, one or two things do. We are now starting the 17th year and sadly we no longer have Helen Armstead with us. David and Neil have moved to pastures new, as has Dave, but Brian has stepped most ably in to carry on our Crossword Corner. Tom, Lorna and the Local Walker continue to delight us with their offerings and have been joined by regular contributions from Tony, Steve, Sue and Simon and the bi-monthly letter from our Rector, Keith. The many organisations and groups, which have grown, continue to keep us up to date with their 'doings'! So let's keep going - only another two issues before we reach our 100th - and discover more talent still!
... and now, following on from 1995 and 2005, I am writing twenty years on as we start the 27th year of the Newsletter! During the last ten years we have gained but sadly lost contributions from our two late Oldies, Walter and Trevor, but we continue to enjoy the illustrations of Paul, Debbie and Peter, and offerings from Tom, Lorna, the Local Walker, Tony, Steve, Sue and Simon, and Dave has stepped in again to puzzle us with his crosswords as well as print the newsletter. In addition, we have been testing and tasting Wendy's delicious recipes and learnt some intriguing facts about Pam's Movers and Shakers. The local groups and organisations keep us up to date but sadly for the time being, we have lost the letter from our Rector.
So I repeat the message: I and the readers thank you all for without you there would be no Newsletter!
And, as usual, the request to keep going and items and articles for the October issue will be welcome as soon as possible and by Thursday, 10th September please at the latest.
The summer weather has been somewhat mixed but hopefully it will favour the Berry Revels, the Church Fayre and the All Day Village Celebration Party - enjoy!
Judie - Ed

is sad to report that two strong contributors to our community have recently
passed away.
1927 - 2015
I have
fought the good fight,
I have
finished the race,
I have
kept the faith.
we learnt that Laurie, following a long illness borne cheerfully and bravely,
had passed away peacefully at home on the 10th June at the age of 88 years.
much loved and loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, he
will be sadly missed by all his family and all those who knew him.
Service of Celebration for his life held at the Parish Church of St. Philip and St. James,
Ilfracombe, was just that. A full
church in full voice and many happy memories - a fitting tribute.
thoughts are with Peggy, Clarissa, Martin and Elisabeth and all the family at
this time of heartache.
was born in North London to working class parents, the middle child with two
sisters. Even as a child he had a
steady disregard for anyone in authority and got the cane most mornings for
being late to school. He felt the pain was worth the price just to
mess around in the stream a bit longer!
joined the Navy in 1944 and served for two years. He longed to see action but was posted to an
aircraft carrier that never left port!
working life was varied and colourful.
As well as taking a course in farming at Bicton College, he made false
teeth, drove lorries and a mobile grocery van before setting up in a tiny shop
in Ilfracombe that expanded to today's highly successful King's Carpets. In the early years he sold carpets by day
and fitted them by night.
his tribute, Martin compared Laurie's life to a fifty pence piece with its
seven sides - there was more to his life than met the eye.
- A dedicated father and grandfather who drove his car at speed whilst lighting his pipe
- An entrepreneur and businessman
- A good farmer who cared for his animals and stacked his bales higher than anyone else only to see them fall over
- A general builder and handyman
- A world traveller
- A valuable charity worker especially for the Rotary Club
- A man with a real appreciation of classical music, opera and the Dutch School of Painting
at Laurie's heart was his unshakable Christian faith. A founding member of the Gideon's in North
Devon, he preached in many chapels, was Vicar's Warden at St. Philip and St.
James for 11 years and was also a bell ringer.
final message to those present at his funeral followed words taken from the
For the wages of sin is death
but the gift of God is eternal life through
Christ Jesus.
you accept the gift or do you want to receive the wages?
19th May 1940 - 11th June 2015
It was with sadness we
learnt that Richard, owner of Watermouth Castle, had passed away quietly on the
11th June. Following his cremation at
Barnstaple, St. Peter's Church was filled with family and many friends for the
Service of Celebration conducted by our Rev. Keith Wyer. Like the
service for Laurie, it was a joyful occasion with many happy memories and
favourite hymns.

Watermouth Castle by Alan Walker, CC BY-SA 2.0
via Wikimedia Commons
A much loved husband,
father and grandfather, Richard will be greatly missed and our thoughts are
with Christine, Jonathan, Antonie and Rachel and all the family, including his
eight grandsons, at this time of sadness.
Those who knew or came into
contact with Richard over the many years he lived at the Castle will know he
was not easily forgotten, with his booming voice and crazy stories of his many
businesses in catering and vending - he was remembered with affection by
everyone who met him.
Richard came to Watermouth
Castle from Lincolnshire with his first wife Ann and their children in 1977 buying
the almost derelict Castle for just £50,000.00! His original plan was to open a boutique-style
hotel but the local Tourist Association advised him that North Devon was, at
that time, very short of places for tourists to visit. So Richard set about turning Watermouth
Castle into one of North Devon's premier tourist attractions. He was an avid and compulsive collector! Over the years he accumulated a great
variety of antiques, slot machines and Victoriana. He also recycled everything
long before it was fashionable to do so.
The gardens are now a
delight, filled with rides, suitable for all ages, and with play areas and
mini-golf, it is very easy to spend many hours at Watermouth Castle and not see
everything. All of this achieved by a lot
of foresight, unbelievable hard work and unfaltering dedication by Richard and
his sons.
Richard, a well-known face
of Ilfracombe Rotary Club, could often be seen with his miniature fairground
organ at local fetes and carnivals raising money for local organisations.
Locals and visitors alike,
grandparents, parents and children of all ages, some parents now themselves,
have much to thank Richard for - endless hours of fun at Watermouth Castle -
It's Cool in the Castle!
Death is nothing at all.
I have only slipped away into the
next room.
I am I and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other,
that we are still.
Why should I be out of mind
because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you for an interval.
Somewhere very near, just
around the corner.
All is well.


May was a fairly cool and often windy
month. The highest temperature we
recorded was only 19 Deg C which made it the first May when we haven't seen
temperatures of at least 21 Deg C. The
minimum temperature of 4.1 Deg C was average as was the wind chill of -2 Deg C. The recorded hours of sunshine at 201.79,
however, was well above previous years and the wind was another May record for
us with a maximum gust of 39 knots (45mph) on the 5th. The total rainfall was 83mm which made it a
dry month but nothing exceptional.
The first of June is the first
meteorological day of summer. It was
chilly and showery with gales forecast and then wet. By 7.00 a.m. the next morning 35 mm of rain
had fallen making it the wettest twenty four hour period of the year so
far. The rest of the month stayed fairly
dry with a total of 63mm. The windiest
day was the 2nd with gusts up to 33 knots [38mph] but then the winds eased
again. It was another cool month with
the thermometer struggling to get into the twenties until the last day
when we enjoyed a mini -one day! - heat wave and the temperature soared to 28.6 Deg C, the hottest
day of the year so far. The sunshine
hours at 171.34 were fairly average.
The first six months of the year have
been fairly uneventful. We have had 548mm of rain in
the gauge compared to 679mm last year and 422mm in 2013. Hopefully this July will follow the pattern
of the last two and continue dry - time will tell.
Simon and Sue

on the pursuit of happiness:
"Happiness will be found by valuing many small
moments and not by aching for perfect circumstances."
Jude Kelly [Artistic Director of the Southbank Centre]

recent meeting with the new Archdeacon Rev. Mark Butchers was attended by PCC
members from both Berrynarbor and Combe Martin churches with the view of
exploring various ways of moving forward during this difficult time without a
Rector for our two parishes.
meeting was extremely encouraging and it was made clear by Rev. Mark that he
desired a speedy solution to our present situation and has set up a platform
for positive meetings with clergy from other parishes to explore ways of
resolving our immediate problems.
Rev. Mark is a man of action, and further meetings have been held which we hope
will bring a positive outcome for us all.
As Acting Chairman of our PCC, I hope I shall be in the position to
announce encouraging news by the time the next issue of the Newsletter is
are extremely grateful for the great support from George Billington and also
visiting clergy over the last couple of months, and are hopeful that this will
continue in the months ahead.
was hoped that our Primary School, following positive discussions with
Headteacher Sue Carey, would be involved in a special School Church Service
before the children break up for the summer holidays, but due to various
commitments and the school syllabus, this will have to be delayed until the
Day was very successful and £707 was donated to the church thanks to the
generosity of you all and rest assured, the money raised will be directed
towards the running of our beautiful church, especially in mind that every five
years we have to engage [under Diocesan rules] a Church Architect to inspect
the whole fabric of the building, including electrical items, heating, lighting
and fire inspections. This costs a lot
of money in addition to other outgoings related to regular payments for the
church's annual energy consumption. The
inspection is due this coming September!
have now provided two new wheelie bins [one black and one green]located near
the lych gate and water tank/tap respectfully.
There are notices on both bins to advise residents and visitors what
items should be placed in them and as most people should be aware, the black
bin is for general household rubbish and the green one for decayed flowers and
foliage only. It seems, however, that
some people do not read notices, or dare I say it, don't mind where they place
their rubbish. A reminder that the
plastic or wrappers surrounding flowers should be placed in the black bin, not
the green one! PLEASE do try to help us
look after the churchyard by doing the right thing, as you would at home.
Church Fayre is not far away and we look forward to a successful evening on
TUESDAY, 18TH AUGUST, commencing at 5.30 p.m.
As usual there will be many sideshows and stalls for residents and
visitors to enjoy and our jolly George B.
and his team of helpers will again be running the super BBQ!
save any books, CD's, DVD's, games, bric-a-brac, etc., and contact me [883893]
or any member of the PCC if you would like items collected.
a sad note, we have to report an attempted break-in to the church vestry. Thankfully, the culprit[s] didn't manage to
get in and apart from minor damage to the vestry doors, they left empty
handed. The incident was reported to the
Police but it is unlikely that they will be able to trace the offender[s]. So, we
just request that we all be vigilant and report anything suspicious in the
we must thank Matthew and his team for keeping the churchyard in good order,
our intrepid bell ringers who turn out virtually every Sunday - and at other
times as well, for weddings and funerals - our flower ladies and everyone on
the cleaning rota who help to keep St. Peter's such a beautiful church. We are proud of you all!
Forthcoming Events:
- Church
Fayre - Tuesday,
18th August, 5.30-9.00 p.m.
- Harvest
Sunday Service - Sunday, 4th October,
11.00 a.m.
- Harvest
Supper - Wednesday,
7th October, Manor Hall, 6.30 for 7.00 p.m.
- Friendship
Lunches - Wednesdays 26th August and 30th
September, 12.00 noon at The Globe
for the Harvest Supper will be available from the Church and the Village
Shop. Everyone is welcome at the
Friendship Lunches - please bring a friend with you!
Stuart Neale

We should like to thank all who
supported and were involved with the Great Plant Sale held in May. It was a great success and a most enjoyable
afternoon, raising around £600 towards the continuity of the Community Shop.
Thanks to the contributors of plants
which were so appreciated, also to Jigsaw and Goodenough's for the addition of
so many beautiful plants which made such wonderful displays, to everyone who
donated to the prize draw and for donations made on the day. Not forgetting those who supported the sale
through buying plants and enjoying tea and cakes.
to all who helped on the day, making teas and coffees, setting up and clearing
the hall, donating goods such as yummy cakes!
Such events could not happen without your hard work, thank you all.
We now have a superb range of curry sauce packs from the
award winning Anglo Indian Chef in Bideford
Make a top-class restaurant-quality curry sauce at home
Indian Chef curry's unique base sauce enables you to
create your own authentic, Indian restaurant curry sauce packed with flavour.
Made with our specially blended spices, freshly ground to our unique recipe.
Easy to cook - we provide all the spices, you just provide a few basic
ingredients to create the best curry sauce you've ever made. Don't believe it?
Try one."

Plus ... come and see our NEW range of
special offers, this month:-
Capri Sun 2 for £1.39 - Lucozade 2 for £1.39
McVitie's biscuits 2 packs for
£1.49 - Maryland Cookies 2 packs for
Hula Hoop Pufts 3 bags for £1.00
girls at Lee Lodge put on another wonderful afternoon of music and refreshments
to celebrate Ron's Birthday, his 99th!
would like to thank them all for making it such a wonderful occasion and all
those who joined him to celebrate this special day would like to thank them
too. Ron would also like to thank
everyone who came, sent him cards and gave him presents - so many cards it was
hard to find somewhere to display them all!
During the afternoon there was a raffle,
flowers, fruit and vegetables for sale and a bric-a-brac stall.
The staff would like to thank everyone
for their support in helping to raise £170 which will go to providing the
residents with Christmas celebrations and Lunch.



and public meeting held on 3rd June
Thanks go to the large number of people
who came along to the AGM and public meeting in June. After the AGM formalities, those present
went through a design exercise to see how and where improved facilities for the
hall might be created - not an easy exercise as when one thing is changed or
moved it affects everything else!
Hopefully the summing up of suggestions and answers to questions will
have helped to clarify the design issues.
We think we are close to a final floorplan which will give improved
toilets, a much larger kitchen, the same main hall area as now and hopefully an
additional facility such as a separate meeting room. This has been sent to all user groups
initially, for their comments.
Further thanks are due to the many
people who took the trouble to complete our questionnaire in April, and to our
team of people who did all the delivery and collection of forms. About 68% of people responded, which is good
for a survey of this kind. This survey is an important component of our lottery
application planned for later this year, as we need to establish the needs and
preferences of the village across a whole spectrum of issues such as health,
neighbourliness, adult education and so on.
of the Hall
We have just received the report
on the history and archaeology of the hall, commissioned from Richard Parker,
archaeology consultant from Exeter. This will act as a heritage statement in
planning law, to help with our eventual planning and listed building applications.
This makes very interesting reading - a copy has gone to the village history
society for their information.
Hall Management Committee
This year's Revels take place on 4th August.
Please come along and support the Hall -
Bar, BBQ, Auction, Fun and Games, and Stalls in the Hall.
This year, the Berry Revels will extend the previously tried and successful, fund-raising AUCTION.
We have received many good donations from sponsors, so some will be offered at a Fete Auction leaving others for the Grand Raffle. It will be held midway through the evening.
A list of items to be auctioned is given on the posters around the village and copies of the list are available from the Shop. They include such items as accommodation at John Fowler Holiday Parks, Key Pitts Quads and entry to Watermouth Castle.
To ensure that everyone in the village has a fair chance, SEALED BIDS in envelopes for these major items will be accepted at the Community Shop and Briar Cottage [opposite the school] before the Revels, and MUST be presented by 6,00 p.m. on Monday, 3rd August. The bid must give the name of the bidder, an address, telephone number or e-mail address, the amount of the bid, together with a signature certifying willingness to pay. Bidding forms are available at the Shop.
Further donations for both the Auction and Raffle will be very welcome either on the night or in advance at Briar Cottage.
Alan Rowlands

1907 Geoff Gough was a farm worker who lived at Hele and was on his way to work
at a farm near Watermouth.
was winter time and as he descended the hill down the road to Watermouth he
looked to his left and with no leaves on the trees, he could easily see the
tide was out and he could hardly believe his eyes! There, right in the centre of the harbour
was a huge and strange creature. It
somehow reminded him of the ideas people have of Scotland's Loch Ness
Monster. But whatever it was, it was

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
monster was quite motionless and appeared to be dead.
he arrived at the farm he told Farmer James of what he had seen. Farmer James doubted his story but said he
would go with him to have a look.
they went and when Farmer James saw the monster, he was just as amazed.
the word spread around and people from Berrynarbor, Combe Martin, Ilfracombe
and every little hamlet came to have a look.
Everyone kept a safe distance, not knowing whether the creature was
sleeping or dead.
tide came in and went out, but still the monster remained there.
the council were informed and sent their officials to have a look and decide
what action to take, which would, of course, be the next day.
the next morning before it was light, crowds of people gathered along the road
and headland to see what was going to happen.
As the dawn began to break and lighten the scene, people strained their
eyes to see the monster.
There were gasps of "Oh no!" as everyone
could see that the monster had gone!
It was never seen again but for years the monster was often talked about.
Tony Beauclerk - Stowmarket

"Wine is
inspiring and adds greatly to the
joy of
I'll drink to that! Seriously, wine tasting, for the Circle as a
group, ceased in May. However, I suspect that our members have managed to raise
a glass or two since then, as summer seems to be a season of socialising! Our end-of-season meeting always begins
with the AGM, once over a presentation was made to our Treasurer: Jill McCrae. A
lovely lady and one with staying power - she has been in charge of the money
since 1993!
We were fortunate to have a professional
with us for our last evening of the 2014-15 season. Brett Stephens represents Hallgarten Druitt
& Novum wines. Their website
describes who they are: Hallgarten
Druitt is a historic name in UK wine, importing wines from family-run producers
for over 80 years. Novum has been hand
picking wines for the . . . London
on-trade since 2004.
Brett's topic was Emerging Regions and
we were treated to an international variety: proving that the net has
introduced, truly, a World-Wide-Web of producers for us all. Our
wines were Croatian, Greek, Indian and Spanish. Produce from the latter may be seen on shop
shelves, but currently, the others are not regular stock. It was
interesting to taste a dry white wine all the way from West Istria and to
sample an award-winning Dindori Reserve Shiraz, produced in the Sula Vineyards,
180km from Mumbai! Both of these wines
were £10.
The 2015-16 season starts on Wednesday
October 21st and runs until May 2016. As this goes to print, I am fairly certain
that we shall taste Italian wines, courtesy of Majestic, presented by their new
Manager, Jack
Hicks. He took a business trip to Italy
earlier this year, so I'm sure we shall be given a sextet with character,
delivered by a young and enthusiastic professional.
We meet at the Manor Hall at 8.00 p.m. If you like your wine, do join us. If you
are a non-wine drinking partner, do come along too, there is no monthly fee for
you, but you can still enjoy the camaraderie and perhaps meet some more
Adam - Secretary
and Promotional Co-ordinator
The History Society last met on 17th
June. Topics discussed and researched
recently have included web sites for Bishop John Jewel, churchyard records,
Newsletter references to the village and the Records Office collection of
Berrynarbor's old documents.
We are enjoying a summer recess, but
will be looking for and at facts relating to our beautiful old buildings, such
as the church, The Globe and various cottages.
We reform on Wednesday, September 23rd at The Globe, 8.00 p.m.
If you are interested in learning about
this village and joining us we'd be very happy to see you.
Important News for all Patients of
Warwick and Waterside Practices
Important News for all Patients of
Warwick and Waterside Practices
The GPs in Warwick and Waterside Practices have decided that the two practices will merge together to form one new larger practice. The plan is that the merger will take place on 1 April 2016.
As you can imagine, this is not a decision that has been taken lightly. The GPs strongly believe that coming together into one practice will strengthen our position locally in anticipation of the considerable changes that are coming to the NHS and enable us to explore new opportunities that will benefit all our patients.
The GPs have set out their Vision for the new practice and this will inform all our future decisions:
- "To improve and develop all that you value in General Practice, whilst working in a larger business structure in order to operate more effectively in the new NHS."
Much work lies ahead of us prior to this time in making sure that we put in place all the necessary safeguards to ensure that the change goes ahead as smoothly as possible, and with as little impact on our patients as we can manage. We will keep you regularly informed about progress with the merger over the coming months.


starts again at the Manor Hall on Monday, 7th September at 7.30 p.m. Membership is £3.00 per season plus a charge
of £2.00 for each evening session. Please
come long and enjoy the fun. We have
some spare rackets and beginners are welcome.

At Lee
from Saturday, 1st August to Sunday, 16th August in the Memorial Hall from 11.00 a.m.
to 5.00 p.m. each day.
Come and visit us in our delightful
village and browse a wide selection of beautiful arts and crafts all created by
local artists with an opportunity to purchase unique and unusual items either
as a gift or as a treat for yourself!
Delicious refreshments available
throughout the exhibition also a wonderful patchwork quilt offered as first
prize in the grand draw along with other lovely prizes.
Free admission and ample parking with
disabled access if required next to the Memorial Hall. Everyone welcome -
we look forward to seeing you all.

Summer is in full swing and the Berry
Bloomers have been in full swing too. Firstly the Open Garden Trail in June was a
great success - the
weather was excellent, the gardens lovely and as usual the teas scrumptious. This event is such good value for locals and
holiday makers alike. Where else can you see nine or
ten lovely gardens and have a cream tea as well and all for £5.50? Let's
hope that the Sterridge Valley Garden Trail on Sunday 6th of September is also
blessed with fine weather and lots of visitors.
We made almost £450.00 and thanks
goes to all those involved in any way.
Well. all the £450.00 has been spent and
more on the hanging baskets and plants for the tubs around the village and we
hope that you are all loving the displays.
It was the Britain in Bloom judging on July 14th and we hope the judges
were impressed with the flowers as well, but it isn't just flowers that they
are judging us on, as community involvement and tidiness are just as
important. We await the results but I am very hopeful
that we get gold.
Wendy Applegate

Meringue Cake
This cake is a little fiddlier than
other recipes but SO worth it for a special occasion. It is
perfect for tea in the garden in summer.
If you don't like lemon curd you could fill it with fresh strawberries
the cake
- 100g plain flour
- 3 tablespoons ground almonds
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 125g unsalted butter at room temperature
- 100g caster sugar
- 4 large free range eggs, separated
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Zest of 2 lemons
- 4 tablespoons full fat milk
the meringue
- Quarter teaspoon cream of tartar
- 200g granulated sugar
- 175ml double cream
- Good quality shop bought lemon curd (or make your own)
- Icing sugar to serve
Preheat the oven to 180 Deg C/350 Deg F/gas mark
4. Line two 8 inch cake tins with baking
parchment and grease well.
a mixing bowl sift the flour, ground almonds, baking powder and a good pinch of
salt. In a separate bowl beat the butter
and caster sugar with
an electric hand beater until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg yolks, vanilla extract and
lemon zest until well combined. Add the
flour mix in three separate additions, alternating with the milk. Divide the batter between the two tins and
smooth the tops. Set aside.
In a clean bowl and with clean beaters
whisk the egg whites, cream of tartar and a pinch of salt until soft peaks
form. Gradually whisk in the granulated
sugar and whisk until stiff peaks form.
Spoon half the meringue on top of each batter filled cake tin and bake
for 25 - 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Cool the cakes in the tins but on a wire
To serve, whip the cream until soft
peaks are formed. Run a knife round each
tin and remove the cakes. Spread the
cream over the meringue on one of the cakes and dollop the lemon curd [or sliced
strawberries] over it. Gently place the other cake on top, meringue
side up and dust with icing sugar.
Serve with a flourish and enjoy.
Wendy Applegate

Summer Entertainment
Monday Nights, 7.00/7.30 p.m. Captain Coconut
Thursday Nights, from approx.. 9.00 p.m. Live Music
- August 6th: The Knowleberries
- August 13th: Zamba - Caribbean Party
- August 20th: Such & Vincent
- August 27th: Johnny Cash Tribute followed by Motown and Rock 'n' Roll. Booking advised.
When accompanied by an adult, Kids Eat Free at The Globe, Mondays to Fridays. 12.00 to 4.00 p.m. until September.
Please see poster for Terms and conditions of this offer.
The Sunday Quiz Nights start again on Sunday, 6th September.

In January 2011 I discovered a path near
to where I lived, a path described in my last two articles. Its creation came about through both natural
and human intervention. Nature was the
originator when a small river began burrowing its way into the earth, gradually
cutting in
between two sloping fields. Over
millions of years a passageway was formed.
This river would eventually divert its course. However, boggy ground
lay ahead, perhaps the sign of a natural spring; for just beyond a new stream
was born, one that would continue the channelling left off by its fluid big
brother. In time arching trees grew out
of the top of the high banks allowing Mother Nature to construct one of her
natural long tunnels. But this was a
subway man could only enter when Mother Nature chose as it required the summer
heat from her sun to dry out the stream before the ground could be tolerable
for human feet.

Man then intervened, gullies were dug
out and embankments built up so that a permanent parallel bond was established between
waterway and pathway. In time even a
diversion would be erected, courtesy of a ridge of earth allowing the walker to
avoid the area of constant sodden ground.
But where were the walkers? In fact, so sparse were my encounters that I
began to feel the path was my own. And
so it came to pass that I started to christen certain points along the
way. Little did I realise at the time
that most of these were to have one thing in common, above them were breaks in
the overhanging trees. And so, as spring
arrived and then spring turned into summer, these pockets of daylight provided
bursts of wildflowers that challenged the dominance of plants that love to
flourish in shady and damp conditions.
Spring alone demonstrated this. By early May the deep cutting was loaded
with the pungent aroma of garlic, the path being lined with ramsons' nodding
white flowers as far as I could see.
The occasional primrose or cluster of bluebells stemmed the flow but it
was only at Borderbay Bridge that both plants had an opportunity to steal the
limelight. It was a clever act, a line
of bluebells running along the edge of
the path whilst a line of primroses ran along the top of the concrete
embankment. Where they met at a
forty-five degree angle, a lone white garlic mustard plant stood directly at
the tip of the yellow and blue arrow. It
was as though the three plants were providing a natural pointer to guide any
walker across the bridge.
Of course, by the beginning of August
all of these plants had gone - even the ramsons' odious left-over! Greenery abounded by the way of ferns,
nettles, dock, goosegrass and bramble. This last mentioned plant was, however, in
blossom - for it is a weed of both waste grounds and woods. Both enchanters nightshade and wood avens
were also enjoying the shade on offer, whilst meadowsweet, marsh thistles and
hemlock took advantage of the dampness and water; and where there were breaks
in the overhanging trees, plants such as foxgloves and meadow buttercups made the most of the daylight
But perhaps I shall save the exact
details until next time and take you on a walk once more from Jacob's Foot to
the Old Farm Gate, taking in the wildflowers along the way. For then it will be October, a nice time to
think back and reflect upon the flora that summer provides in our
countryside. For now, enjoy the rest
of what the season has to offer!
Left hand illustration by: Paul Swailes

As part of a short memoir
writing course at Newcastle University, we had to choose a poem and the one I
chose was Blackberry Picking by Seamus Heaney:
Late August, given heavy rain and sun
For a full week, the blackberries would ripen.
At first, just one, a glossy purple clot
Among others, red, green, hard as a knot.
You ate that first one and its flesh was sweet
Like thickened wine: summer's blood was in it
Leaving stains upon the tongue and lust for
Picking. Then red ones inked up and that hunger
Sent us out with milk cans, pea tins, jam-pots
Where briars scratched and wet grass bleached our boots.
Round hayfields, cornfields and potato-drills
We trekked and picked until the cans were full,
Until the tinkling bottom had been covered
With green ones, and on top big dark blobs burned
Like a plate of eyes. Our hands were peppered
With thorn pricks, our palms sticky as Bluebeard's.
We hoarded the fresh berries in the byre.
But when the bath was filled we found a fur,
A rat-grey fungus, glutting on our cache.
The juice was stinking too. Once off the bush
The fruit fermented, the sweet flesh would turn sour.
I always felt like crying. It wasn't fair
That all the lovely canfuls smelt of rot.
Each year I hoped they'd keep, knew they would not.
Seamus Heaney

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

There were two places to pick brambles
on Amerside Law when I was a girl: along the drive and in the Oaky Woods. The latter were by far the most exciting.
I can see the Oaky Woods now on sunny
autumn days. The colours were marvellous
as we walked up the Top Field, down through the Bull Field and through the
little wicket over the burn at the bottom of the wood.
This was a magical place with ferns,
long grass, dense undergrowth, magnificent beech trees and rare orchids at
certain times of the year. In the spring
it smelt of onions. As kids we went
there to jump on the dense rhodies which lined the drive in honour of a past
royal visit. The drive had white stones
and a line of grass down the middle as it wound its way through the wood. There were secret entries into the wood
where sheep tracks lay, and deep ditches flowing into dark, hidden burns. Ferns and bracken everywhere. The oak tree on the edge of the Deer Park was
a favourite place. It was gnarled and
twisted and offered niches to sit and feel quite alone.

But I digress. The brambles.
They were everywhere. Big
luscious brambles just waiting for the pot.
They climbed along the old wall in the middle of the wood and we went
with our wellies, long trousers and long sleeves. You just had to be covered up because of the
dense undergrowth and the prickles.

When the time came we would set off
together. Mother wore her pinny and a
headscarf, and had a basket with bright blue plastic piping, I kept that basket for years. We took all kinds of empty cartons. Who could collect the most to tip into the
big basket? If we were too early we
only found hard red berries and the odd exciting black, but if we timed it
right the berries were large lush and blue black. If they were really ready you could pull them
off their stalks and leave a perfect white pyramid behind. Sometimes we took a picnic with banana
sandwiches and scones and butter, then we would sit in the long grass hidden
from the world. Such a private place in
those days and we felt it all belonged to us.
As I grew older I would ride my
pony through that wood jumping over ditches and bending below trees, but it was
never as exciting as a day out brambling.
again down the side of the top field. We could see mother's knitting bag hanging in
the window of the sitting room. Floral Linen with the needles sticking
out. The house was always so full and
warm and friendly. Back into the kitchen
and the warmth of the old Raeburn stove.
The next day was just as exciting with the big copper jam pot on the
stove. A muslin bag hanging on the wooden clothes
horse in the back kitchen for draining and the wonderful smell of boiling
jam. All through the winter, white bread, thick slices, home-made butter and bramble jam or jelly. No wonder I chose this poem.
I felt none of the sadness that Heaney stresses
in his last lines at the time of the brambles.
None went mouldy, all were rich and enjoyed. Now I
feel some sadness of folks long gone but their richness lives on just like the
taste of the brambles on a slice of thick white bread. Nowadays, just Like Heaney, I take my
grandsons to pick brambles in the field behind their house in County Galway. The brambles wind along an old stone wall and
are just as luscious as those in the Oaky Wood so far away. No need then for nostalgia!!
Alison via Sue - Tenerife
Illustration: Paul
September 25th, the Club is holding a black tie Anniversary Dinner at the
Barnstaple Hotel. Tickets cost £26 and include a
3-course sit down meal and disco.
Blackmoor Gate are calling on all past,
present and future members to attend this auspicious evening. If anyone has any old photographs or
other memorabilia for display on the night, please could they contact the club
Tickets are available from any of the
following members:

At the time of writing, another school
year is rapidly drawing to a close and Years 5 and 6 are busy with final
rehearsals for Pirates of the Curry Bean, which they are performing on 16th July
at the Landmark Theatre. Last week they were juggling rehearsals with
Bikeability Training. You might have
seen them on their bicycles out and about in the village as they completed
their level two training.
This has been a busy term with various
sporting events. Our own School Sports
Day on Friday 3rd July was blessed with lovely weather and the children enjoyed
participating in the different races. Many
thanks to everyone who helped out at this, particularly the Year 12 students
from Ilfracombe Academy. Other events ranged from Cross Country at
Arlington Court for Years 3 and 4 to a Mini Olympics in Ilfracombe for our
youngest children.
We have been making the most of the
summer days with gardening activities in the school grounds as well as day
trips out and about in North Devon that have linked into the topics the
children have been learning about. Year
5 have had a series of Forest Schools, and Years 3 and 4 travelled to Exeter
for a music festival where they enjoyed trying out different musical
instruments. We also enjoyed a visit to the Landmark
Theatre to see the Essex Dance Company who are always inspirational.
This year's residential trips took Class
3 to Beam House in Torrington where they enjoyed outdoor activities; Class 4 went to London where they saw the
sights and went to the theatre.
Next week we shall be saying farewell to
Poppy, Rogan, Josh, Reuben, Tolly, Taylor, Karina, Conor, Joshua, Holly, Emily,
Lydia and Tyler. They have been a fantastic Year 6 group, setting
an excellent example to the younger children - we are very proud of their many
achievements. We shall miss having them
in our school family but wish them all the best for the future.
Carey - Head Teacher
School has a very old clock that sadly hasn't been working for a very long time
and we should desperately love to be able to put it back up when our building
work has been completed. Is
there anyone who could help or who knows someone that would be able to repair
our antique? If so, we should love to
hear from you!
be on holiday for the next few weeks, but if you can help, please contact the
school [01271] 883493 on our return on the 3rd September.
The random scattering of ashes in Church
of England churchyards is not permitted as in many English churchyards there is
a designated area set aside for the internment of ashes, which is preceded by a
short service conducted by a Minister of the Church of England. The relative/s of the bereaved have the right
to erect a small headstone or plaque with suitable inscription in memory of the
Church of England churchyards for the
most part are the property of the landowner, usually the Church of England,
although a small number are owned by a Parish Council or County Council.
Here in Berrynarbor, the churchyard is
owned by the Church of England under the auspices of the Diocese of
Exeter. In turn, Berrynarbor churchyard
is maintained under the direction of Berrynarbor PCC, and within the new
churchyard - the old churchyard was declared full many years ago - there is an
area set aside for the internment of ashes.
This is immediately on the left hand side of the path as one enters this
churchyard. There are three rows of
small headstones in memory of loved ones.
Why, you may ask, am I mentioning
this? On two occasions - one very
recently - it was found that a small pile of ashes [not ex-barbeque or other]
had been left behind the Church which were being blown by the prevailing wind,
covering some headstones in the process!
This is not acceptable and deeply insulting to those families who have
loved ones buried in the vicinity.
As you may be aware from comments in my
articles concerning St. Peter's Church, I have,
during this difficult period of interregnum, had to organise weddings,
funerals, baptisms, etc., and should be very happy to advise and assist any
resident who wishes to allocate a plot for family internment of ashes in the
new churchyard.
Stuart Neale
I never knew him when he could walk, and because I had always known him in his chair that wasn't what made him a special person for me - it was his enthusiasm for life.
He had been a tall man, as he proved to me one day by using my aunt, nearly six feet tall, and myself then four feet, as an uneven pair of crutches, he hoisted himself from the sitting position and for a few ungainly moments towered over me his head bowed beneath the low ceiling of their home. He lived in a tiny cottage which always seemed too small to contain him, using only the three downstairs rooms, never seeing upstairs, he used the chair so deftly that it seemed a part of him and not an alien contraption.
To go down the lane to his home was always an adventure and to find him at the end was the best experience of all. The cottage was at the end of a narrow lane, facing up the road to an old stone church, with its tower where the bells rang joyfully on Sundays. The lane was shady with tall elm trees which overshadowed the cottages and neglected farm. The farmer was old and the farm had run to seed. The duck pond was green and slimey, the yard muddy, and the animals unruled would spend most of their time in the lane. It always delighted us to find a family of pigs rootling in the hedge, or to meet a cow, placidly chewing cud, in the middle of the road.
"Always reminds me of India." He would say. Then I would hear some more colourful reminiscences of that intriguing country. I was walking the unfamiliar streets, smelling the hot odour of dung, the scent of spice and hot curry. I mingled with the people thronging the market place, heard their strange language and the bells of the sacred cows. His description of the sacrificing of the bulls would make me shudder but always I wanted to know more. He seemed, to me, like India, another world, remote yet very close, young yet very old and wise.
The garden of the cottage rambled unchecked into a large apple orchard and in October we would gather the apples. I was often his legs and now I climbed the trees nimbly, a monkey-child, somehow always managing to grow just enough to reach the highest apple, always the roundest, reddest and most succulent. And because, like Uncle, it brought out the best effort in me, the most prized. He sorted the apples, big ones for family and friends, medium ones for the hospital, where he had spent a great deal of time, and small ones for the pigs. It was during a stay in hospital that he had become the caller for the ward's numerous bingo games. I joined in gleefully when he called the numbers, intrigued by their cheeky names.
One evening after a day in the orchard, my aunt being out, I was given the task of cooking supper. Though quite capable of doing it, he knew that for me it would be an enjoyable responsibility to produce a meal. My cooking had reached the heights with bacon, eggs and fried bread. This repast I served royally and we both enjoyed it, or so I thought. I felt that he couldn't have eaten anything tastier. It wasn't until years later I learnt that fried bread always upset his stomach and my feeling for him welled up more strongly. He had been such a gracious to an unsure girl, rather than hurt my feelings he had made himself sick.
There were the excursions we took together to visit some of the oldest churches in the countryside. He wasn't a religious man, in the conventional way, but he loved churches as long as they were old, interesting and empty. It was the ones with old brasses which we visited, he would have written to the vicar asking permission to rub the brass, which was precious and had to be protected. He was the supervisor, selector of churches, and I was the brass rubber, his hand and knee, and under his expert tutelage rubbed the brass. Through him I came to know many knights, not fairy story ones, but real knights who had lived in mediaeval times, who had pledged their lives to chivalry, fought in the Wars of the Roses, and had romantic names and quaint little dogs which lay in heraldic shapes at their feet. I learned a little of the intricacies of armour and gained a slight appreciation for Latin, a subject which in school bored me terribly. In those quiet churches he infused in me a longing for a faith, desire for a belief greater and longer lasting than mankind with all its institutions.
Riding in his car with him driving, using just his hands to manipulate the special devices fixed to the clutch, brakes and accelerator, was always a thrill. He was, I felt, a thwarted racing driver and with my undisguised admiration sitting beside him he would give his desire for speed and the car a free rein. One day we raced the train. On a stretch of highway the railway ran parallel to the road, and we challenged the brisk moving train, as it disappeared behind woods, reappeared to cross fields and sank into cuttings. We raced behind in its wake. It left us unimpressed by its victory. We knew we had taken on a strong competitor and that a Morris Minor could never be a threat to such a smoke blowing monster. We celebrated though, and my under-age pair of legs were allowed by special permission of the publican at 'The Starling' to go into the bar and buy a pint of 'mild and bitter' for him and a packet of Smith's crisps for myself. And sitting under the trees, by that country pub, we would discuss life.
When I was sixteen, and not very sweet, and shy, I would sit beside him in the car with his bouncing 18 month old boy on my lap, and he would embarrass me, bring a blush to my face, and yet at the same time make me feel an attractive young woman. As the car passed the male pedestrians he would say, "Did you see the way that man looked at me? He is very envious, he can't understand how I come to have such a young and beautiful wife." Underneath my awkward age, I loved him for it, for making me feel grown-up.
He was the first person to make me feel an equal. I have since wondered, maybe in a way he was a lucky man, nobody expected him to be aggressive or competitive any more, and therefore, he could without losing any dignity or stature in men's eyes be simply the gentle yet strong personality which was truly him, and the man I loved, admired and respected so much.
The time has long since passed when I can thank him personally but I do hope that there is a place where we can meet again, we have so much to discuss.
[1882 - 1964]
Exmoor Photographer
If you are a regular watcher of BBC
Countryfile, you may remember way back in January 2013, Julia Bradbury visited
Exmoor, where she discovered Alfred Vowles, a renowned Exmoor photographer of
the 1900's.

During his travels, he recorded the
people, buildings and working life of Exmoor, in fact any rural event that
could make him a shilling! Much of his work was put onto postcards.
Alfred Vowles [commonly known as AV] was
born in the hamlet of Stone Alperton, not far from Cheddar, to a farming
family, and was one of eleven children.
Sadly, his father died when he was only three years old which left the
family in dire circumstances.
Nevertheless, in later life he wrote of having a happy and loving
In the early 1900's a family friend
found him a job with Eastman Kodak in London.
This was a great experience and he travelled to Berlin, Moscow and St
Petersburg, taking photos of all his travels.
When he returned to England, he resumed his country life, but needing an
income he gave lectures and lantern slide shows. He then got a job as an assistant
photographer, travelling around Somerset and Devon, firstly by bike and later
on his Bradbury motor bike. It wasn't
an easy life, and his dark room was anything available - stable or chicken
Later he settled in a horse-drawn
caravan on Exmoor and so produced his record of Exmoor life from 1910 to 1947.
In 1945, well timed at 3.00 p.m. on May
8th, as Churchill declared to the nation "This is your Day...",
AV raised the Union Jack to celebrate Victory in Europe on Dunkery Beacon -
probably the highest flown flag on that momentous day.
In 1947 he became the third husband of
Dorothy Una Ratcliffe. She was a Yorkshire poet and playwright and
had an interesting life. In 1909 she
married Charles Ratcliffe, heir and nephew of chemical magnate Edward Allen
Brotherton [later Lord Brotherton of Wakefield]. It was not a happy marriage. He played her false and had many mistresses,
eventually passing on to her a sexually transmitted disease, the cure for which
meant that she couldn't have any children.
She returned home to her parents who sent her back, saying that marriage
was forever, good or bad. She then left
her husband and whilst on holiday in the hills above Ripon during the 1920's
she met Alfred, then a young, successful photographer.
They became friends -
more than friends according to her then secretary - but she ended their brief
relationship, mindful of Uncle Edward's political career, marking its passing
with a poem:
Let love die bravely
Beautiful and holy
And never know the ache
Of changing slowly
On a cruise in the late 1920's, she met
the real love of her life, Noel
McGregor-Phillips. When Uncle died in
1930 she felt free to sue for divorce from her errant husband, but gallantly
let Charles sue her for adultery. She
was madly in love with Noel and they spent a few weekends away together to give
her husband every opportunity to sue. When Charles sent in a detective to catch
them, they were such a lovely couple that the chambermaids "lied though their
teeth" to save them! They were finally
divorced and she married Noel, a happy time that lasted only 11 years before he
Before Dorothy would marry her old
friend in1947, she curiously made him change his name to Phillips in honour of
her great love, and kept that name for the Acorn Bank in Cumbria and then
retired with him to a Georgian house in Edinburgh.
Alfred Vowles died in 1964. His name might not be familiar in British
photographic history, yet it is said that his work influenced the direction of
photography as an art form in its own right.
He is also said to have portrayed Exmoor in photography as well as R. D.
Blackmore [Lorna Doone] did in literature.
That's quite a recommendation.
And a hundred years on, he is very much
remembered by the Exmoor Society. Every
other year they mount the Alfred Vowles Photographic Competition. The next one is in 2016 and covers the
categories of:
- Heritage
- People at Work
- Landscape
The closing date for entry is 31st
December 2015. There is a small
financial prize for the winner of each category and the Alfred Vowles Trophy is
awarded to the overall winner to hold for a period of two years. So, why not
get snapping this summer? All details
are on their website: exmoorsociety.com then look for awards and
competition. Good luck!
The Barle at Tarr Steps, by Alfred Vowles
As a footnote, the Countryfile team
have to film much of their work well in advance. As part of the Alfred Vowles item, Julia
Bradbury was filmed in December 2012 at Tarr Steps, a favourite spot for
AV. Three days later the Steps were
washed away during massive floods so that when the production was filmed in
January 2013 . . . oh dear there was little to see! Fortunately, the Steps are now back to their
former glory, and some of AV's images were used in that re-building.
PP of DC
"Some of
the ponies have been known to bite"

Illustration by: Paul Swailes
Warned the Captain of the
Oldenburg as we were about to disembark on Lundy Island - together with other
safety instructions like "Don't go too near the edge of the cliffs" and "If
you're not back at the landing stage by five-thirty the boat goes without you."
arrival I followed the track along the eastern side of the island as far as the
ruins of Quarry Cottages near the Quarter Wall. There was a strong cold wind that day and
I'd passed a group of pigs huddled together to keep warm, half buried in a pile
of straw and looking quit cosy.
the Quarter Wall point I crossed the island heading for Jenny's Cove on the
western side where I hoped to see puffins.
on a boulder, finishing her picnic lunch, a helpful lady from Okehampton
patiently pointed out where three puffins stood on a cliff ledge among the more
numerous guillemots.
that gull standing by itself? Well,
below that, to the left of that clump of sea pinks and to the right of the rock
covered with yellow lichen."
looked and looked but could find no puffins.
She explained again. Eventually
I located them: their red legs making
them stand out from the other auks. I
had 'til then been looking at the wrong gull and the wrong lump of rock and sea
accomplished I continued southwards enjoying the sight of the Soay sheep,
pretty and primitive, with their lambs trotting about the grassy cliff slopes.
As visibility was good I decided to treat
myself to the view from the top of the old lighthouse. On our last visit to Lundy the rain and low
cloud had been so dense that we could not see the lighthouse until we were
actually touching its granite walls so there had been no point climbing the
hundred and forty-seven steps.
is a magnificent building ninety-six feet high constructed in 1819 at a cost of
thirty-six pounds. Now used to accommodate
visitors - Anthony Gormley stayed there recently when his sculpture,
commemorating fifty years of the
Landmark Trust [which administers the island] was installed.

Illustrations by: Peter Rothwell

Anxious not to miss the boat I started
the descent to the Landing Bay. A
forest of telescopes blocked the path below Melcombe
"What've you spotted - a yellow-browed
warbler?" I asked facetiously. [It's
usually a yellow-browed warbler!]
Better than that," they all chorused, "A golden oriole." I heard its call three times among the trees
but I did not catch sight of it though I was assured it had actually been seen
and the cry was not just someone doing a
cunning impersonation of the rare bird.
waiting to board the boat for the return journey to Ilfracombe I watched a
gannet diving in the bay and a grey seal's head appearing and disappearing
close to the shore.
ship of the Grimaldi Line was on the horizon and I pondered how it was fine to
go to sea for a few hours once in a while but how grim and hard a life it must
be working on a merchant vessel for months on end, a long way from home,
covering vast distances of ocean.
Sue H


The good news is that the
Pre-school will be returning in September!
We shall be starting again on Monday, 7th September and there
are still spaces available for children of all ages in any of our sessions.
sessions from Monday to Friday daily are: Morning
Session, 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon, Afternoon Session:12.00 noon to 3.00 p.m.
Our Breakfast Club runs daily from 8.00
to 9.00 a.m. for children aged 2 to 11, and includes a breakfast. All children are walked over to the Primary
School in time for morning registration.
more details or to book a place, please ring me on 07807093644 and in the
meantime we wish everyone a lovely summer holiday.

I was fortunate to obtain this postcard
within the last couple of years from an Exeter Postcard Fair. It shows the Welcome Home Social held in the
Manor Hall in 1946, following the end of World War II in 1945. I am indebted to both Bett Brooks and
Maurice Draper who have been able to name the majority of the people
shown. If there is anyone who can help fill the
gaps, please contact either Judie or myself.
Thank you.
Note the large banner LONG LIVE THE KING
which, of course, was for King George VI, also all the bunting and the words Welcome Home on the stage behind the sailor.
Row: ?, Bill Smith [Middle Lee Farm,
son of 'Parky' Smith], Les Bowen [Sterridge Valley, opp. Pump House], Gary
Huxtable [top Barton Lane], ?, ? [sailor] ?, Les
Thomas, Butcher [Shop next to School], ?, Jack Brooks Father of Jim Brooks, ?
Kenny Huxtable [top Barton Lane, NE side], Reg Leigh [Lee View], Christopher
Huxtable [Middle Cockhill], George Dymond, Winnie Draper, Joan Horren
[Sterridge Valley], Sheila Draper, sister of Winnie,
later Sheila Runyard, ?, Frank Challacombe [Hagginton Hill], ? Hedges, evacuee
from Bristol
Row: ?, Rev.
Horace Mylchreest, Rector 1942-1951], Mrs.
Mylchreest, Mr. Lynsey, Church Verger [Barton Lane]. ?,
Sid Perrin [Combe Martin]. William [Bill] Thomas, William [Bill]Bowden [South Lee Farm], Lewis [Whippet] Smith
Bartlett Tom's postcard of the Welcome Home Social
1946 in the August issue has stirred memories and brought up new names as well
as correcting others. It
is thought that the men in the two back rows were in the forces [were the
ladies, too?], and the front row councillors and members of the church. Given,
but not there, are Bill Smith and Les Bowen.
Those shown as Gary and Christopher Huxtable are most likely Huxtables,
but not Gary or Christopher. It is
thought that Sheila Draper is in fact her sister Winnie, and Sheila is not
pictured. Joan Horren is Joan Orrin. The
lady on the right of the Rev. Mylchreest [far left of the picture] is Mrs. Mylchreest and the lady on
his left is Kathleen Richards. Other
thoughts are that the man in the centre of the front row is Charlie Ewings and on his left
Fred Rice [not Sid Perrin] and that it is Capt. Adams not Lewis Smith on
the far right of the picture. To
the right of the sailor is Bill Richards.
Between Winnie Draper and Frank Challacombe is possibly Stanley Jones and
the man shown as Hedges is George Hobbs. Can
anyone else confirm names or tell us more? 34
Tower Cottage, July 2015


Schedules and Entry Forms for the Show
to be held on Saturday, 29th August in the Manor Hall are available from the Shop,
Sue's of Combe Martin and The Globe.
Open to residents, non-residents and
visitors, we hope that everyone, including all the youngsters, will try to put
in at least one entry, but more preferably! Importantly, no
one is looking for perfect items, just the enjoyment of joining in this village
event. Remember, just
because you have ticked a class on the entry form, it does not mean that you have
to submit an entry - so, go on, tick as many as you can! Whether
you enter something or not, do come along on the day of the Show, from 2.00
p.m. to view all the exhibits and to take part in the raffle.
How are your spuds and sunflowers
going? Hopefully OK. Bring your potatoes, still in the pot but
minus any foliage, and your sunflower head placed in a jar or vase, along to
the Hall, either on Friday evening, from 7.00 to 8.30 p.m. or Saturday morning,
from 9.00 to 10.30 a.m. Please make sure your pot or jar is clearly labelled
with your name and stating if you are a junior. Your haul
[and pot] may be collected, for later consumption, during the afternoon, and
your sunflower! Uncollected potatoes will be deemed free to
So, LOTS and LOTS of entries please, and lots of visitors for the Show, Prize Giving and
Raffle. See you there.
Linda, Karen, Yvonne, Pip, Charlotte, and Debs - The Organising Group

Garden & Garden Tea Room Open 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Plant Nursery and Sales 12.00 noon to 5.00 p.m. Looking for a present? Why not buy a Gift Voucher or Season Ticket?
Friday 25th September: Macmillan Fund Raiser Garden Tea Room All Day
The Gardens Close for this year on Wednesday, 30th September. Please contact us for October times, Gifts or for Venue Hire for Private Events. Tel: 01271 342528

Stitching, Sewing & Hobbycrafts,
Westpoint, Exeter
A Must Show for all Avid
Arrangements have been
made for a 14/16 seater Minibus to go from Berrynarbor to the Show on
Thursday, 24th September 2015
The cost, including
entry, will be approximately £17.00
Coach will leave about
9.00-9.30 a.m. going via Combe Martin and Barnstaple and returning about
4.00-4.30 p.m.
Find all the latest
supplies and ideas in the world of stitching and creative crafts. Free workshops, demonstrations and talks.
If you would like to book
a seat, please contact either Fran on [01271] 882727 or
Judie on
[01271] 883544

at both the June and July meetings were given by the Police, County and
District Councillors and matters concerning the Play Areas, Footpaths, Manor
Hall and School were discussed.
receiving attention included the bus shelter at Barton Lane, the Millennium
Fountain, the public toilets, the purchase of the telephone boxes at Berry Down
and Silver Street and the bus service through the village.
regard to the siting of the play equipment in the recreation field, a
sub-committee was formed and this matter was discussed at length at both
meetings. The Council voted in favour
of the temporary removal of the basket swing and hedge planting for screening. This matter is on-going.
and Minutes
As a result, there are now various facilities in place to assist
parishioners when there is a risk of flooding.
At the entrance to the car park at Castle Hill, on the left hand side
there is a bunker containing a dumpy bag of sand. This is for use to fill sandbags in an
emergency and not for general use. Behind the Community Shop, there is a store containing a shovel and a
cone to use to help fill the sandbags [when up-turned]. The sandbags are also in the store. Near the emergency sand bunker there is a grit bin containing salt to be
used when conditions are slippery. It is
not for the private use of individuals to clear their paths and driveways.
For icy conditions throughout the Parish, there are various grit bins
for use and our Snow Warden, Mr Clive Richards, will also ensure that gritting
takes place.
Contact number for Steve Hill: [ 01271] 882647.
Wish List!
The next two meetings of the Parish
Council are on Tuesdays the 11th August and 8th September to which parishioners
are welcome.
ADAM STANBURY, Stapleton Farm, Combe Martin, EX34 0NY. Tel: 01271 882252. e-mail:
Chairman. Emergency Plan OfficerMRS SIAN BARTEN, Lydford Farm, Watermouth, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SJ. Tel: 01271 862222 e-mail:
Vice ChairmanMRS JENNY BEER, 2 Woodpark, Sterridge Valley, Berrynarbor, EX34 9TD. e-mail:
Recreation Field Play Area Inspection OfficerMRS JULIA FAIRCHILD, 1 Woodpark, Sterridge Valley, Berrynarbor, EX34 9TD. Tel: 01271 882783 e-mail:
Deputy Footpath Officer. Officer appointed to check InvoicesSTEVE HILL, Mill Park Touring Site, Mill Lane, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SH. Tel:01271 882647. e-mail:
Emergency Plan Officer. PC Rep. on the Combe Martin & District Tourism AssociationDAVID KENNEDY, Brackenberry House, Hagginton Hill, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SB. Tel: [Mobile] 07791 781283.
Emergency Plan OfficerMRS DENNY REYNOLDS, Venture Cottage, Sterridge Valley, Berrynarbor, EX34 9TB. e-mail:
Representative on the Manor Hall Management CommitteeMRS LINDA THOMAS, Long Acre, Barton Lane, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SU. Tel: 01271 883345. e-mail:
Highways Liaison Officer & Tree Warden. Manor Hall Play Area Inspection OfficerMRS CLARE WHITE, Copper Beech, Sterridge Valley, Berrynarbor. EX34 9TB. Tel: 01271 882959/07825314475.e-mail:
Parish Paths Partnership Footpath WardenPARISH CLERK: MRS SUE SQUIRE, Haxlea, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, Barnstaple, EX31 4TG. Telephone: 01598 710526.e-mail:
sue@suesquire.com COUNTY COUNCILLOR: Mrs Andrea Davis, Southwinds Cottage, Kentisbury, Barnstaple, EX31 4NH. Telephone: 01271 883865. e-mail: andrea.davis@devon.gov.uk
- MRS YVETTE GUBB, Homeleigh, Woodlands,
Combe Martin, EX34 0AT. Telephone: 01271 882364. e-mail: yvette.gubb@northdevon.gov.uk
- JOHN LOVERING, Woodlands Court,
Woodlands, Combe Martin, EX34 0AS. e-mail: ohn.lovering@northdevon.gov.uk
- MRS YVETTE GUBB, Homeleigh, Woodlands,
Combe Martin, EX34 0AT. Telephone: 01271 882364. e-mail: yvette.gubb@northdevon.gov.uk
Barton Lane, Berrynarbor, EX34 9SU.
Telephone: 01271 883406.
The Parish Council
normally meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall.
1st | - 16th August: Arts & Crafts Fair, Lee. Daily, 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. |
4th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m. Manor Hall, Berry Revels, 5.30 p.m. |
11th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.00 p.m., Manor Hall |
18th | St. Peter's Church: Church Fayre, Manor Hall, 5.30 p.m. |
28th | Horticultural & Craft Show: Entries, Manor Hall, 7.00-8.30 p.m. |
29th | Horticultural & Craft Show: Entries, Manor Hall, 9.00-10.30 a.m. Show, 2.00 p.m. |
1st | Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m. |
3rd | Ilfracombe Academy and Berrynarbor Primary School: Start of Autumn Term |
5th | All Day Village Celebration Party! |
6th | Open Gardens, Sterridge Valley, 1.30 p.m. Teas 3.00 p.m. Manor Hall |
7th | Berrynarbor Pre-school: Start of Autumn Term. Badminton Club recommences, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
8th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.00 p.m. Manor Hall |
23rd | History Society, Globe, 8.00 p.m. |
25th | Marwood Hill Gardens: Macmillan Fund Raiser, all day |
29th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m. |
4th | St. Peter's Church: Harvest Festival Service, 11.00 a.m. |
7th | St. Peter's Church: Harvest Supper, Manor Hall, 6.30 p.m. |
Manor Hall Diary | |
Mondays | Upholstery, 9.00 to 1.00 p.m.Craft Group, 1.45 p.m. Badminton, 7.30 p.m. |
Tuesdays | N.D. Spinners [2nd & 4th] Yoga, 7.00 p.m. 3rd: Craft Art Group, 9.30 a.m. |
Wednesdays | Pilates Body Workout, 9.00 a.m. School p.m. |
Thursdays | Watercolour Painting 10.00 a.m. [10 week terms] |
Fridays | Toddlers Soft Play and Activity a.m. Primary School p.m. |
Penn Curzon Room | Pre-School: Daily - Term time
only Breakfast Club for ages 2-11, Daily 8.00 a.m. Morning Session: 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon Afternoon Session: 12.00 noon to 3.00 p.m. |
Mobile Library | |
Village Shop: 11.40-12.10 p.m. Sterridge Valley: 12.25-12.55 p.m. |
School, Pre-School and Toddler Group - Term Time only
de la Mare
At secret daybreak they had met -
Chill mist beneath the welling light
Screening the marshes green and wet -
An ardent legion wild for flight.
Each preened and sleeked an arrowlike wing;
Their eager throats with lapsing cries
Praising whatever fate might bring -
Cold wave, or Africa's paradise.
Unventured, trackless leagues of air,
England's sweet summer narrowing on,
Her lovely pastures: nought their care -
Only this ardour to be gone.
A tiny, elflike, ecstatic host ...
And 'neath them, on the highway's crust,
Like some small mute belated ghost,
A sparrow pecking in the dust.