Edition 14 - October 1991

Artwork by: Paul Swailes

Well done Berrynarbor! Another record set of entries - 546, topping the previous record in 1986 of 471 entries. 91 people entered into the "fun" this year.
Mr. Alan Beer, Parks Officer, N.D.D.C., presented the 1991 Britain in Bloom Award - the Mary Mortimer Trophy [for villages under 800 population]. This is the second year running we have been awarded this trophy - the highest in our division. Mr. Beer also presented the following Show cups:
- The Globe Cup [Floral Art] - Sue Wright
- The Walls Cup [Home Cooking] - Yvonne Davey
- The Davis Cup [Handicrafts] - Alf Turner
- The P.T.A. Cup [Children's Entry] - Charlotte Fryer
- Men's Institute Cup [Children's Entry] - Sam Newell
- Watermouth Castle Cup [Horne-made Wine] - Bernard Allen
- George Hippisley Cup [Art] - Brendan Finucane
- Vi Kingdon Award [Photography] - Tom Bartlett
- Derrick Kingdon Cup [Fruit & Veg.] - Sarah Sanders
- Lethaby Cup [Pot Plants] - Margaret Ludlow
- Manor Stores Rose Bowl [Cut Flowers] - Lynnne Bridle
- Management Committee Cup [Best in Show] - Bernard Allen
Thanks to everyone's kind generosity in supporting the Show - by coming, drinking tea, buying raffle tickets and produce, etc. - we should see a profit of over £200 for Hall funds.
If you would like to be involved in any way in the planning of the 1992 Show, please contact me before 1st January, as it takes time and thought. We should like some new ideas and new people to be involved in this village event - even your comments in writing would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you to everyone who helped in any way - the list would be endless. It takes a lot of willing hands to mount a show like this every year!
Joy Morrow
on behalf of the Manor
Hall Management Committee
Perhaps the BIGGEST THANK YOU of all should go to Joy herself. Joy puts such a lot of hard work and effort into events run in the village and it is often her enthusiasm that makes things happen. We all appreciate all that you do, Joy. Not only does Joy help organise and run the Horticultural Show, she puts tremendous effort into the Best Kept Village and Britain in Bloom entries. Thank you, Joy.

As mentioned earlier, the village once again won the Mary Mortimer Trophy [presented at the Horticultural Show and now on display at the Post Office]. Special thanks to: Ginny Neale, Barbara Simmons, Win Wicks and Hedy Belka for weeding, etc; Ron Toms for cutting the hedge and tidying the wall on Birdswell Lane; Mrs. Warburton for watering the niche trough; Mr. Tucker for cutting the grass on Sandy Cove Corner; John Huxtable, Vic Cornish and Roy Perry for being the bucket brigade at Sawmills entrance; to Josef for growing the plants, and Roy and June for helping with the planting; BUT most important, to all of you who keep your properties tidy and in bloom all the year round - it does pay dividends. As I say, "Well done Berrynarbor!"
**** Berrynarbor [Britain] in Bloom 1992 is in question. Can you help? Contact 882531 after the 7th October.
Joy Morrow
- 1985 - Winners
- 1986 - Runners-Up
- 1987 -
- 1991 Runners-Up again & Pertwee Bowl*
- 1988 - Winners & Pertwee Bowl*
- 1989 - Runners-Up
- 1990 - Runners-Up
* Pertwee Bowl - Best of Past Winners
The awards will be presented by Dr. and Mrs. Allen of the Council for the Protection of Rural England at the Harvest Supper on 9th October. Please support this event and once again, "Well done Berrynarbor".
Joy Morrow

Summer Fete
Again a big thank you to everyone who helped to make the evening such a success. The final total was just over £900 - a record.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services and Supper
- Friday, 14th October The Church will be decorated in the morning. Please being your gifts of flowers, fruit and vegetables so that the Church will look its best on the Sunday.
- Sunday, 6th October 10.30 a.m. Harvest Thanksgiving Service and Eucharist.
- Wednesday, 9th October 7.00 p.m. Harvest Evensong followed by Supper at 8.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall. During Evensong, the new tapestry kneelers will be blessed.
Tickets for the Supper - £2.00 for adults and £1.00 for children - will be on sale at the Post Office and after Sunday Services in church.
Collections and proceeds from the Supper will go this year to the Tear Fund [Africa] Appeal: Roots of Hunger. Presentation of the Best Kept Village Awards will also be made at the Supper.

Church Clock
Everyone is pleased to see the Church Clock working again. We had not anticipated that it would be out of commission for so long, but now it has been cleaned and the automatic winder fitted. We should like to this opportunity to thank all the people who have climbed the tower steps and ladders to wind the clock in the past, latterly Reg Gosling and in particular Reg Davis will continue to look after the clock and ensure that it keeps good time!
Mary Tucker
We are sad to report the deaths of two previous residents of Berrynarbor. Firstly, Mrs. Alice Huxtable, wife of the late Joseph Bowden Huxtable. For many years Alice and Joseph lived in the cottages at the bottom of Pitt Hill and Joseph worked at Ruggaton. The couple moved to Ilfracombe, where they remained for the rest of their lives.
Secondly, Ephraim Street who was born and brought up in Berrynarbor and went to the school here. For a time, he and his wife, Millie, lived at Rose Cottage, again at the bottom of Pitt Hill, before moving to Ilfracombe. Many local residents and those from Ilfracombe and farther afield, will remember Ephraim with warmth and affection as for 40 years he was the green-keeper at Ilfracombe Golf Club. We extend to his widow, Millie, and his family our sympathy in their sad loss.
Illustration by: Helen Armstead

This friendly and cheerful group Is open to all who love wine and good food. Meetings are held at 8.00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month at the Manor Hall. The next, meeting will be on the 16th October with wine and food from Italy, and the November's meeting will be on the 20th, when Pam and Alex Parke will Introduce the wines of New Zealand.
Enquiries to: Alan Richardson [882831]
The Royal Mail might have recently increased their rate of 'first class post' to a staggering 24p, but there will be no increase on the first class distribution of Christmas Cards in Berrynarbor, the price will remain at 10p.
Youth Club recommences on 1st October, with lots of support from parents, and with myself as Leader. All local children in the age group 7 to 17 years are welcome. I should like to thank parents who are helping with the Autumn Programme and ask anyone who is willing to help with the Spring Programme to contact me on [0271] 865361.
Pat Martin
- Tuesday, 1st October: 7.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.
LOG INN for Fun and Games
Pool * Table Tennis * Ballpool * Mini Skittles * Pop/ Videos - Tuesday, 15th October: 7.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.
Games Hall - Mask-making for Hallowe'en
Penn Curzon Room - Over 12's * Pool and Pop Music - Thursday, 31st October: 7.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.
Fancy Dress Hallowe'en * Village Trick or Treating * All Ages
Over 12' s * Pool and Pop Music - Tuesday, 5th November: 7.00 p.m. start
Members MUST be accompanied by an adult.
Please bring 1 or 2 large fireworks only.
Hot dog provided free to youth club members; on sale to adults and friends. - Tuesday, 19th November: 7.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.
Hall - Games and Christmas Preparations (cards, crackers)
Penn Curzon Room - Over 12 s * Pool and Pop Music - Thursday, 5th December:
Fun night for all ages * Meet at Pool * Parents Welcome - Saturday, 14th December: 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon
To be held at the Manor Hall - Details Later - Tuesday, 17th December: - from 7.00 p.m.
SUBS 50p PER SESSION - Parents wishing to, may collect younger children at 8.00p.m.
The dandelion is a versatile, culinary plant. Wine can be made from the flowers, the leaves may be used as a salad and the roots provide a very good coffee substitute. This is supposed to stimulate the general metabolism and improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver, but because it is free from caffeine, it does not increase the heart rate or cause wakefulness. It is also alleged to be beneficial against gout and rheumatism.
Dandelion Coffee
Dig the roots in the autumn when they are at their thickest [October is best]. Trim off the leaves and any wispy bits and wash and scrub the roots thoroughly, but do not peel them. Dry them thoroughly - in the sun if possible.
Chop into short lengths - about an inch - spread them onto a baking tray and, for approximately half an hour, roast them at 400 deg F until they are dark brown and brittle.
When cooled, grind fairly coarsely in a coffee grinder. The 'coffee' is now ready to use but I find that it is worth returning the ground roots to the oven at 350 deg F for a further seven minutes for a more robust flavour.
The usual methods of coffee-making are not suitable for dandelion cdffee. Instead, simply put six tablespoons of the ground coffee with one-and-a-half pints of water into a saucepan. Bring to the boil. Simmer gently for ten minutes and then strain into a warm jug and serve in the usual way.
Badminton Club has recommenced on Monday evenings, 8.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall.

It was nice, after the summer break, to welcome so many members - and a visitor - to listen to our guest speaker, Jenny Mock, who with her guide dog gave an interesting talk on the work of the Association. Jenny's lovely companion won many hearts. Doggy poems were read out and I must congratulate Margaret Kemp, Margaret Tyrell, Edna Barnes and Betty Turner for their efforts, so good that they were all "winners" .
Ivy Richards told members of her intended Coffee Morning on 8th October at her home, proceeds for the Berrynarbor Newsletter - a worthy cause that I feel sure will be fully supported, as most want to show their appreciation to Judie and her helpers for producing such an interesting publication.
The next meeting is on 1st October when the topic will be W. I. Reminiscences.
- 24th October - Group Meeting at Shirwell, 7.30 p.m.
- 5th November - W.I. Annual Meeting
- 19th November - Proposed Christmas Shopping Trip
- 30th November - Coffee Morning, Manor Hall, 10.30 a.m. in aid of Listening Dogs for the Deaf
Guide Dogs for the Blind - 60th Anniversary 1991 [a dedication to these wonderful dogs]:
Ever faithful, steadfast and true,
Constant, dutiful, who else but you.
Safely guiding faltering feet,
Through busy thoroughfare or street.
Silent, patient, gentle, sure,
Ignoring every doggy lure.
Knowing naught of praise or prize,
Acting as your owners' eyes.
Gently loved and trusted friend,
Priceless service to the end.
Surely in that life to be,
An honoured place is set for thee.
Vi Kingdon - President
I am most grateful to Ivy Richards who answered my plea and has kindly offered to hold a Coffee Morning in aid of funds for printing the Newsletter. It will be held at her home, Southerly, Castle Hill, on Tuesday 8th October, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon. Coffee and Biscuits will cost 50p, and there will be a Raffle and Bring and Buy Stall. Tickets will be available at the Post Office in advance or just pay on arrival. Please be there!
If, like me, you are working and cannot be there, please buy a ticket anyway.
I am sure the Morning will be a success and I thank Ivy and her helpers for their generous support.
- Question: What is the difference between ignorance and apathy?
- Answer: I don't know and I don't care.
The Christians Together in Combe Martin and Berrynarbor have invited the Rev. Roy Weaver to lead all the children, and the Sunday Schools in particular, on Sunday, 20th October, from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m., with a break for refreshments, for talks, activities, hymns and prayers, in Combe Martin Town Hall. All parents and friends are also invited to come to the Town Hall to see, to share, to talk. Those of us who have Church Services first will go there later. Come and Go as you see fit.
R.O.H. Eppingstone - Curate
Lynne and Phil would like to thank everyone who donated flowers and helped with the Globe's Carnival Float, which was a great success taking a First Prize in Combe Martin and a Third in Ilfracombe.
In the February 1991 issue, Sally Barten wrote of Rachel Fanner's incredibly cruel luck when an insect burrowed into her ear, causing irreparable damage. We now hear:
Rachel has just undergone another operation to try to restore her hearing, but unfortunately it has not been successful, so she remains profoundly deaf. She does, however, seem to be coming to terms with her disability, although uncertain as yet as to what her future holds. Her sister, Janet, flew out to be with her for a month in July and they spent some time with Wendy, so for the first time in many years, the three sisters were together. Rachel still has much love for music and has written a song about her deafness - Janet says the tune is very lively.
Sally Barten
but it's like no other place.
Where words become superfluous
like sound without a face.
But now that I am here,
the best of it I'll make,
And think of what I'm missing
well it gives me quite a break.
From the many words we utter
as we mumble and we mutter.
That's the benefit of deafness
I don't hear the turgid clutter
of communication, desperation, frustrating stutter,
In the beauty of my silent ear.
So instead of trying to fight
the never-ending prittle prattle,
I enjoy the inner quiet
non-existent tittle tattle.
Like a railway line that's silent
from the clicking clacking rattle
In the beauty of my silent ear.
Communique is always here
but it doesn't need a voice.
The actions of a love
requires no single noise.
So forget the shouting loud and clear
forget the fighting feud.
And turn to your inner, silent ear
and enjoy your solitude.
as they garble and they fumble
with the words that start to crumble
as their mouths turn round to mumble.
I don't need the never-ending
condescending repetition
In the beauty of my silent ear.
There will always be all kind of words
A never-ending babble
That reduces all the things I hear
to a load of useless rabble.
And speaking fast to my deaf ear
becomes a mindless gabble.
I don't need to listen any more.
So remember my advantage
When you turn to me and smile.
I can read your lips
but only when you speak of things worthwhile.
'Cos life's too short to fill with things
of which I'll quickly tire.
I'll turn my ever silent ear.
My beautiful but silent ear.
Rachel Fanner

Congratulations to Paul and Jackie Lethaby on the birth of their second grandson, Joe. Best wishes to the proud parents, Nicky and Paul, and big brother Luca.
College Congratulations
Congratulations to all students from the Village and College on excellent 'A' Level and G. C. S.E. exam results. The College pass rate for 'A' Levels was 84.6% [well above the national average of 77.6%]. There were 1,347 passes at G.C.S.E. [from a year of 190 students] , 554 passes at Grade C or above.
Especial congratulations to James Anderson who will shortly be off to Oriel College, Oxford, to study for an Honours Degree in Physics; to Vicki Barrington taking a B.A. Hons. Degree in Modern Languages [German and Italian] at Anglia Polytechnic, Cambridge, and Fiona Duncan, a Joint Honours Degree in Geography and Sociology at St. Mary's College, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham. Our best wishes go with them all in their new ventures.
Congratulations also to the many pupils recognised at the recent College Presentation Evening: Seonaid Anderson was awarded the G.C.S.E. Effort Prize for Physics, whilst brother James took the 'A' Level Physics Excellence Prize; Jamie Richards received a Distinction in Sport award for Cross-Country; Vicki Barrington and John Gubb both received Special Merit Awards - Vicky for 'her enthusiastic and positive attitude to her 'A' Level German studies' and John 'a quiet and unassuming member of Year 11 . His determination and perseverance impressed us. His gentle personality and courteous manner added to the ethos of the group.' Katharine Parmigiani received the Chamber of Commerce Cup for Business and Related Studies. Well done!

Congratulations to the Primary School Team who came a very close Second in the Area Police Quiz, losing by only 1 point in the Final. The team's prize was a day out with the Police.
A Parents' Newsletter is circulated in the first week of each month during term time. If anyone from the Village would like to use this newsletter as a means of publicising an event or information, please give the details to the school during the last week of each month.
The P.T.A. A.G.M. will be held on Tuesday, 8th October.

Sunday School has restarted after the summer break. Our outing this year was to the Miniature Pony Park at Mullacott - we enjoyed a picnic, tractor ride, pony rides and there were lots of animals to see and touch. Fortunately, the rain held off until we were leaving.
We have a busy term ahead - Harvest Thanksgiving in October, and before long Christmas will be here [probably the most popular time with the children] so do come along and join us in the Penn Curzon Room at 10.30 a.m. for an hour every Sunday.
Sally Barten & Ann Davies
True Story:
- At Sunday School a few weeks ago, one little boy was very
hoarse and could hardly speak. After a while, Charlotte very seriously asked:
'Sally, did you pray very hard today so Ben couldn't make much noise?'
My Favourite Prayer:
- God give me work
Till my life shall end,
And life
Till my work is done.
Sally B
Did you know that across the South West there are over 500 children who are not expected to achieve adulthood? To help them and their families by offering respite care, and terminal care, a small hospice is to be created. The nearest such facility at present is at Oxford.
To provide support for this wonderful work, there will be:
at Treetops, Old
Coast Road
[the home of Graham
& Margaret Andrews]
10.30 a.m. to 12 noon
Bring and Buy - Raffle
Everybody Welcome
If you are unable to be present, your donation will be welcome

We shall be having live bands playing in the public bar, regularly throughout the winter. Watch for posters giving details.
We have been holding Raffles throughout the summer months, which will now continue in the form of a Christmas Draw. All proceeds are going towards a Christmas Party which we are giving for children attending Berrynarbor School. The Draw will take place on Saturday, 14th December. There are lots of great prizes, including a weekend's Bed and Breakfast for two in Tintagel!
The Christmas Fayre menu starts on Monday, 2nd December - we recommend that you book early to avoid disappointment [especially groups/clubs].
As from the 2nd November, we shall also be having a Disco in the pub every Saturday evening. No admission charge - everyone welcome!
The old water wheel pit has been used by tourists as a 'wishing well'. The money has been donated to the Ilfracombe and Combe Martin Health Centres.
A bit of stone
with seaweed spread
Where gulls come
to be lonely.
Dylan Thomas
The walks in the Woody Bay area must be among the most popular in North Devon, drawing people from all over the country. A good starting point is the small car park about a quarter of a mile past Martinhoe Church, on the left-hand side of the road. From this a pleasant green track drops steeply between banks of heather and brambles.
On reaching the road below, we ignored the bridleway on the left and followed the road past the National Trust car park and took the next Left. Just beyond the house called 'Wringapeak' at a sharp bend in the road, is a path which leads one through West Woodybay Wood and along the cliffs to Highveer Point, with views stretching all the way from Foreland Point Lighthouse to Watermouth.
It was a not too hot day in August. There were purple pods on the brook and in the shady wooded places, the elegant white flowered Enchanter's Nightshade and yellow cow-wheat [a semi-parasite] were prolific. On hotter summer days than this, we had encountered adders and green hairstreak butterflies.
However, earlier in the year there had been a great treat when a red deer hind had trotted across the lane just ahead of us. She quickly disappeared among the trees and while we watched some squirrels and jays, hoping to catch a further glimpse of her, a large, red rump came into view a few yards away and soon a stag was revealed with an impressive set of antlers. For about twenty minutes we were lucky enough to watch him slowly moving about, grazing and scratching, glancing sometimes in our direction, apparently unconcerned.
When you emerge from West Woodybay Wood, look out for a pulpit of rock far below on which there is invariably a cormorant standing with wings outstretched to dry. While peering down on this, a mewing cry caused us to look upwards at two buzzards circling while two more took off from a crag.
Soon one reaches a special feature of this walk - the Hollow Brook waterfall. After negotiating the stepping stones and avoiding getting wet feet, the stretch to Highveer Point is an ideal place for observing birds. Twice a piping noise heralded oyster catchers flying low and keeping close to the coastline. A kestrel hovered for some time below the Roman fort.
From Highveer Point you may go on to Heddon's Mouth or Hunter's Inn and there are alternative routes back to Martinhoe to choose from. But we were short of time and went back the way we had come, enjoying seeing the coast-line in reverse.
We were rewarded by the sight of a ring ouzel, between the waterfall and the edge of the wood. A summer visitor and frequenter of moors and mountains, it looks like a blackbird but has a distinctive white crescent on its breast.
Sue H

Aerial View of Sandy Cove Hotel 7518

This view was taken by Pan-Aero Pictures of Kingston-on-Thames around 1930, when there was only one bungalow on Barton Lane, and on the main road only Channel View House and Seacliffe Bungalow are to be seen. The views from the sea-facing windows of Sandy Cove Hotel are really breathtaking, with the Hangman Hills and Holdstone and the Welsh Coast visible on clear days.
The Sandy Cove House was originally built for Mr. Singer of Singer Sewing Machines as a private residence in about 1923/24. The house and grounds were purchased by Mr. Rapkin, who opened it as a Hotel and it has remained a hotel right through to the present time. It is logical to suppose the Marina, depicted in this photographic postcard by Garratt of Bristol, was also built for Mr. Singer. Note the diving boards, complete with ladder to ascend and also the slide on the left, descending straight into the pool. The children in the foreground can be seen playing in the water with large sets of bouyancy bags and the water could be said to be changed twice in 24 hours!

The present owners, Michael and Daphne Darlington, purchased Sandy Cove way back in 1978, and moved in with their three daughters, Dawn, Linda and Claire. Dawn married Richard Gilson the following year and since then they have been increasingly involved in the running of the hotel and managing it, under Michael and Daphne's direction, since 1984-5.
As the other two daughters grew up, so did the level of operations, with at least two further business establishments, one at Lynmouth and one at Ilfracombe, named Sandpiper Inns.
To my knowledge, the Sandy Cove Hotel was the first hotel in Devon to offer regular, weekly Scandinavian "Smorgasbrod" dinner dances, which were extremely popular in the late '70 's and '80's, with people travelling from all over North Devon, as couples and in parties, to participate. I am sure we wish the Darlingtons and the Gilsons continued success.
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, September 1991
1st | W.I. Meeting - W.I. Reminiscences. Youth Club, 7.00 - 8.30 p.m. Log Inn |
2nd | South Molton Recycling, 11.00 to 1.00 p.m. |
4th | a.m. Decoration of St. Peter's for Harvest Thanksgiving |
6th | 10.30 a.m. Harvest Thanksgiving & Eucharist |
8th | Coffee Morning at Southerly, 10.00 to 12.00 noon College P. T. A. AGM and Governors' Annual Report Primary School P.T. A. AGM |
9th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. 7.00 p.m. Harvest Evensong and Supper |
10th | U3A Luncheon, Valley of the Rocks Hotel, Lynmouth - Rep. from RAF "The Role of the R.A.F. Chivenor" |
15th | Youth Club, 7.00-8.30 p.m. Manor Hall - Mask Making |
16th | Wine Appreciation Group, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. |
18th | Coffee Morning, Children's Hospice [S.W.] , Tree Tops, 10.30 a.m. - 12.00 noon |
20th | "Christians Together", Combe Martin Town Hall, 11.00 a m. - 1.00 p.m. |
23rd | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
24th | W.I. Group Meeting, Shirwell, 7.30 p.m. |
26th | Hospice Care Autumn Fayre, Combe Martin Town Hall, 12.00 noon to 4.00 p.m. |
28th | to 1st November [inc.], College and School Half Term. |
31st | Youth Club, 7.00-8.30 p.m. Manor Hall, Hallowe'en |
5th | W.I. Annual Meeting. Youth Club Bonfire Night, 7.00 p.m. Log Inn. |
6th | South Molton Recycling, 11.00 to 1.00 p.m. Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
14th | U3A Luncheon, Watersmeet Hotel, Woolacombe - Members' Reminiscences |
15th | Items for next Newsletter to Post Office, PLEASE! |
19th | Proposed W.I. Christmas Shopping Trip. Youth Club 7.00 - 8.30 p.m. , Manor Hall - Christmas Preparations |
20th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. Wine Appreciation Group, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. |
22nd | Barnstaple Hospice Care "Promise Auction", Park Hotel, Barnstaple |
30th | W.I. Coffee Morning, Manor Hall, 10.30 a.m. |
2nd | to 6th, Ilfracombe College Musical Society "Iolanthe", Pavilion Theatre, Ilfracombe, 7.30 p.m. |
4th | South Molton Recycling, 11.00 - 1.00 p.m. |
5th | Youth Club, Ilfracombe Swimming Pool |
The Island
washed by waves continually,
I lay in the sun on a grassy cliff
smelt the salt and a tangy whiff
of bay and sweet-fern. Sea birds flew
in wheeling arcs in the double blue
of sky and sea, while far below
the tides in rhythmic ebb and flow
sucked at pebbles on the beach.
Lapped by silence, out of reach
of city crowds and stridency
peace companioned me.
Christina Rainsford