Edition 127 - August 2010
Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook

... and here we are 21 years later!
The fact that it has continued is very much due to everyone who has contributed over the years, and especially those who have committed themselves to many issues, particularly our artists, local walker and Tom, who has written for every issue, his first article being a tribute to the late Lewis Smith [1916-1989].
Nothing changes! My thanks to everyone who has contributed to this birthday issue and items for the October one will be welcome as soon as possible and by Monday, 13th September, at the latest please.
There are also several events going on in the village over the next couple of months. Firstly, the two village fetes, St. Peter's Summer Fayre on the 3rd August, and the Manor Hall Berry Revels on the 17th, and secondly ...
Coming of Age Celebrations for the Newsletter will be taking place on Saturday, 7th August, in the Manor Hall: Cream Tea and Birthday Cake for everyone in the afternoon, from 3.00 p.m., and a Murder Mystery and Supper in the evening, 7.00 to 7.30 p.m. For catering purposes, the evening will be by ticket only and numbers limited, so get yours in good time! Details are given on the posters around the village and on page 33 of this Newsletter. Please bring your own booze!
I look forward to seeing YOU at one or both occasions.
A very warm welcome to any newcomers to the village and, as always, we send our very best wishes to those who are either in or have been in hospital, or are unwell and not feeling at their best.
Thank you all for your continued support for, and hopefully enjoyment of, Our Newsletter - Happy Birthday!
Judie - Ed

The first important thing
to say this month is " Happy 21st" to the Berrynarbor Newsletter and
a big " Thank You " for all the help and support given to reporting
Manor Hall Matters over the years.
Next, comes a " Must Not Miss" date for
your diary and that is Tuesday 17th
August for the 2010 Berry Revels Evening Fete . . . Please come along and
lend your support on the night, but meantime, howsabout turning out some of
that unwanted bric-a-brac or books that are now ready for others to read and
enjoy. Bring them along to Manor Hall
earlier in the day! If you have any
ideas for new fund-raiser stalls for the fete then please make them known, or,
better still, why not volunteer to set up and run a stall that evening for
Manor Hall funds.
Decorating works to the outside of windows are now
complete and I hope you think the buildings are now looking in good shape. The last lap will be some attention to the
woodwork on the front porch which will hopefully be finished by the time you're
reading this!
The User Group Questionnaires
are now analysed and we're beginning discussions with the various trades
to cost out options to improve both the lighting and heating, as well as
exploring whether grants might still be available in these difficult budget-cutting
times! We're also exploring options to improve the
kitchen area . . . more news to follow!
See you at the "Berry
Colin - Chairman
Twelve members and three
visitors attended the Meeting on 1st June. Tim Davis, of Harpers Mill, came along to
tell us about the bird sightings in the
Some birds, like the robin, wren and dunnock can be seen all
year round, while the fieldfare and redwing [both thrushes] are winter visitors
and the swallow, swift and willow warbler summer visitors. The majority of birds seen in gardens are,
in fact, all woodland birds but as the woodlands have been replaced by housing,
gardens have become increasingly important in helping the species that have
successfully adapted, to survive. Birds
that prefer the coniferous woodlands are goldfinches and siskins, where they
both winter and breed and chiffchaffs, blackcap and whitethroat are summer
visitors from African wintering grounds.
The most common birds of
prey seen in the village and valley are the buzzard, sparrow hawk and tawny
owl. Red kites can sometimes be seen flying over
the village owing to reintroduction programmes.
Tim illustrated his talk
with a disc of the various birds together with the different birdsongs, some
were very melodious - but others not!
I should like to thank Tim for giving me the above
information recently as I had mislaid my notes.
I appreciate his assistance as he had only
just come home from holiday and had lots of e-mails to answer!
Member, Margaret Crabbe, was the speaker on 6th July. She had been due to speak at our January
Meeting that had been cancelled due to the bad weather. Her subject matter was the Special
Constabulary, the origins of which date back several hundred years to Anglo
Saxon times when the people policed themselves. In 1673 King Charles II ruled that any
citizen might be sworn in as a temporary peace-officer for a special occasion,
particularly when there was a threat of great disturbances.
The government passed a
Special Constables Act in 1831 and this Act still forms the basis of the
constitution today. There were no women
special police officers in 1831 and if any man refused to serve he could be
fined five pounds! Today the Special
Constabulary is a voluntary, part time organisation , paying only expenses and
is a closely integrated part of police forces around the
It was into this organisation that Margaret joined in 1969. She gave us a very amusing insight into her
experiences. After leaving college she became personal
assistant to a managing director but felt she would like another interest as
well. An uncle was a special constable
and suggested she joined, so she went to the local police station, made
enquiries and came away with an application form. After an interview with the Inspector she was
subsequently sworn in at the Magistrates' Court. Her next step was collecting the uniform. She set off to the
Her first duty was at Wells Carnival and, with no training, found
herself controlling traffic at a cross roads.
During the first few months she
heard language she had never heard before!
In March 1970 she went to Canons
Grove for practical training. As a female "special" she was often required
to look after children, with whom she had little experience being an only child
herself. The City of
As usual the Meeting ended with tea, biscuits and chat. The raffle was won by Joyce Simpson. There is no Meeting in August. Stephen Davies from Citizens Advice Bureau
will be coming on 7th September and Deri Rundle talks about
Water Aid in
The Group congratulates the Newsletter on 21 successful years
and thanks Judie for all her hard work putting it together.
Doreen Prater
Lee Memorial Hall, Saturday 31st July to Sunday, 15th August inc.
Open daily, 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Free admission, ample car parking, light lunches, cream teas and refreshments available all day, every day.
Come and visit our beautiful village and enjoy the varied display of local art and craft work, with an opportunity to purchase unique items to treasure for gifts for friends and family.
We look forward to seeing you there!

The village was saddened in late May and early June following
the deaths of Edna Barnes, Dan Weller, Maurice Fry and Michael Bain.
We were all sorry to learn that Edna had passed away at the
end of May. A cheerful lady who
supported many village events and a stalwart member of the Ladies' Group, she
will be sadly missed by us all and our thoughts and sympathy go out to her son
In Memory of Edna
Edna of
Edna continued to join in the various village activities and
made many friends. She loved going on
outings, to meetings and indulging in pub lunches and cream teas, and was very
appreciative of all the car lifts that made life easier for her.
I should like to express my deep and sincere thanks to
everyone who gave my mother care and kindness over the years - carers, doctors,
nurses, neighbours and friends. I
should also like to thank all those who sent letters, cards of condolence and
made donations to Arthritis Research.
Thank you all.
David Barnes
We were shocked and saddened to learn that Dan had passed
away on the 3rd June, and our thoughts have been with Margaret at this time of
Dan Weller
'Always Look on the Bright
Side of Life'
Thanks to Judie's hard work producing our delightful
Newsletter, I have this opportunity to say thank you for all the wonderful
warmth and support which surrounded me and helped me cope at such a sad and
stressful time - Never to be forgotten.

Maurice's sudden death on the 3rd June, just short of
celebrating his 90th birthday saddened us all.
Our thoughts are with his wife Joan and daughters Margaret
and Angel, his five grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and his one
Maurice and Joan, with their daughters, moved to Sloley Farm,
which Maurice farmed for many years, from Brendon in 1958. When he had to give up farming, in the early
1980's, due to ill health, he and Joan moved into Little Oakland, the bungalow
they had built next to Sloley.
In his leisure time and retirement, Maurice turned his hand
to wood-working, making tables, chairs, stools and other pieces of
furniture. He also enjoyed riding and
until comparatively recently, he could be seen, accompanied by his niece
Elizabeth, riding up the
His funeral at St. Peter's was attended by his family and
many friends and neighbours.
Joan and the family would like to thank everyone for their
kind messages and cards and for attending Maurice's funeral. Especial thanks to the Rev. Keith Wyer for a
beautiful service and Brian Baker for the funeral arrangements.
It was sad to learn that Michael, of Longsawte, Newberry
Close, had passed away in the
Following the service taken by the Archdeacon of Barnstaple,
David Gunn-Johnson, at St. Peter's on the 18th July, the Rev. Margaret Howard
conducted a lovely service in memory of the late Betty Dudley-Ward, followed by
the interment of her ashes.
Betty, fondly known in the village as 'Matron', having been
Matron of the Susan Day Home in Ilfracombe, lived here for 40 years before
moving to a residential home in Longhope, Gloucestershire, near to her niece
Members of her family were joined by friends and neighbours
to say their final farewells. A
wonderful 'carer' of both the young and elderly, it is fitting that Betty rests
beside the children's playground, with a view over the Chapel to her home beyond.


The month of June ended on a sad note as we said farewell to
Rector Keith expressing our appreciation of his 18 years' ministry with
us at the presentation party in the Manor Hall and his last service in Combe
Martin, when the church was full. We
wish Keith and Christine every happiness in their retirement.
The churchwardens and
Over the past few months there have been many charity and
fund raising events in the village and as always, people have given very
generously. The Christian Aid
collection in Berrynarbor raised £93, with an additional £45 from the
collection at the Christians Together service on 27th June. In the event, this well-attended service was
led by Reader Mike Taylor and the preacher was Philip Young from the Baptist
church. The total collection for Combe
Martin and Berrynarbor came to £519.45.
Members of the
And don't forget to come along to the Summer Fayre on
Tuesday, 3rd August,
Looking ahead we anticipate celebrating the Harvest Festival
on Sunday, 3rd October, with the Supper on Wednesday, 6th October. Friendship Lunches at The Globe will continue during the
summer and will be held on Wednesdays 25th August and 22nd September.
Happy 21st Birthday to the Newsletter - see you on the 7th
Mary Tucker
Keith's Farewell
Combe Martin and Berrynarbor came together at the Manor Hall
on Saturday, 19th June, to say farewell to our Rector Keith, and wish him well
for his retirement.
The Hall was full and the tables literally 'groaned' under
the weight of the delicious food, kindly provided by the ladies of both
parishes. After enjoying the savouries
and sweets, Stuart Neale spoke on behalf of everyone, thanking Keith for
everything he had done for us all over the past eighteen years and
wishing him and his wife, Christine, health and happiness in their new life
Stuart unveiled Keith's present - a beautiful engraved silver
chalice and communion plate and a cheque for £1,725, and flowers were given to
Christine thanking her for her support. Keith responded in his own humorous inimitable way, bringing,
as always, a smile to faces - he will be sadly missed.
Keith's last service at St.
Peter's - at least for twelve months - was taken on the following day, Fathers'
During August Steve Eddy, from the Exmoor Zoo, will be running:
Children's Activities:
- 9th August - Playing with Fire - Pyrography
- 17th August - Something for Nothing - Recycling
- 23rd August - Animals in Danger
Sail Loft Talks, 7.30 p.m.
- 2nd August - Kester Webb, The Valley of the Rocks, Lynton
- 6th September - Steve Mulberry, National Trust on the North Devon Coast
- 4th October - Moose Boyer, The Shops of Combe Martin
In Living Memory - a new series of talks when local villagers relate memories of the past.
- 15th September, 2.30 to 3.30 p.m., Una Parsons: Memories of a Community.
For further information and full details: Call at the Museum or ring 889031

To the Editor:
Congratulations on reaching the 21st anniversary of the
Newsletter and your Editorship and on the achievement of more than two decades
of community news gathering and presentation.
The summer of 1989, when the Newsletter came into being,
seems a long time ago and yet paradoxically the intervening years have sped
At that point towards the end of the 1980's, the Iron Curtain
was still in place; the Berlin Wall had
yet to come down; the
Throughout all the changes and upheavals that followed that
summer of the first Berrynarbor Newsletter, it has recorded its births, deaths,
comings and goings, weather, issued its recipes, crosswords, poems, drawings,
local history, parish council and church reports, etc. A beacon of continuity in a turbulent
world. Well done!
Letter from Pebbles

As you know, I am a Labradoodle and we 'doodles' just love
people! I have to learn how to ignore
them until I am allowed to say hello, even when people are smiling at me. It just seems like bad manners but I know I
can't race over to people once I am partnered with someone in a wheelchair. My puppy parent is teaching me to check with
her before I do my wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, licky, lick, lick hello!
I am learning the taskwork quite quickly and have impressed
everyone with my picking up skills, particularly with small items - it is my
speciality! We were in a shop recently
and I was just settling down when I noticed a teeny weeny plastic size marker
that goes on hangers on the floor.
Being a tidy girl, I gently picked it up and gave it to my puppy
parent. Both she and the shop assistant
smiled and said I was very clever!
Part of being an assistance dog is the ability to sit quietly
in public places, such as restaurants, so I am being taken regularly to all
sorts of noisy places to make sure I am well behaved. I always am, except at a birthday party
where I decided to join in when they all sang 'happy birthday'!



According to the Met Office, 2010 has been the driest first
six months of the year since 1929. Our
records don't go back quite that far, but it has certainly been our driest start to the year
with only 321mm [12 5/8"] up to the end of June. The next nearest was in 2006 when we had
389mm [15 5/16"]. At the other end of the scale, the most rain
that we have recorded in the same period is 1003mm [39 5/16"] in 1994 -
that did go on to be a very wet year.
Artwork: Paul Swailes
The first three weeks of May were cool and we had to wait
until the 21st/22nd before we had the first 24 hour period this year when the
temperature did not fall back into single figures. The warmest day of the month was the 23rd
when the temperature reached 27 Deg C, then after the 26th the temperature fell
back again and the wind became cooler as it went back to the North East. The minimum temperature was 1.9 Deg C and there
was a wind chill of -2 Deg C. It was one of
the driest Mays that we have ever recorded with only 27mm [1 1/16"] of
rain and the above average 173.72 hours of sunshine reflected this. The strongest gust of wind was 20 knots from
the South West on the 29th.
In June we recorded 24mm [15/16"],
our second driest June and that rain fell on only seven days through the
month. It was generally warm and across
the county temperatures were above average.
We recorded a maximum of 24.6 Deg C which was actually below average for us
although the hours of sunshine were well up on previous years at 207.77 hours. The minimum of 7.1 Deg C was about normal and
winds were fairly light, reaching a maximum of 18 knots on the 10th from the
If at the end of our last report we were worrying that summer
might be like the previous three years - wet, now we are
wondering when the hosepipe ban will be brought in!
Simon and Sue
The Gardens are currently full of colour with the astilbes making a stunning display. Come and see for yourself! The Tea Room and Plant Centre are open from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
'Tea Room Treats' - the second printing of our Recipe Book giving the recipes of some of the scrumptious cakes made in our Tea Room, is now available at £3.50 - a lovely little gift for friends and family!
All day on Friday, 24th September, we'll again be taking part in the Macmillan Biggest Coffee Morning, and hope you will drop in to support this very worth while cause. Admission to the Tea Room only is free.
Looking a long way ahead - but it's never too early to think about it - we shall again be providing Christmas Meals, especially for groups, and in October we plan to hold some craft type workshops. Look out for details in the next Newsletter or visit our website: www.marwoodhillgarden.co.uk


Whilst having breakfast in our conservatory on the 17th July,
we were suddenly amazed at seeing a small bird, extremely beautiful and with a
long tail that we could not recognise.
It was feeding on the ground with the sparrows. During the day we took photographs and fed
it on the lawn with very fine bird seed mixture. We searched through our bird books but other
than our own belief that it looked as if it was part of the dove family, could
not find it. However, that evening,
with the help of a friend's book of World Birds, we discovered that our little
bird was a Diamond Dove!
The diamond dove is a resident of
As, surprisingly, our
'diamond dove' hasn't a ring on either of its two small legs, we think it may
have escaped from a private collection and if anyone has lost such a bird, or
knows of someone who has, they should contact us.
Nearly everyone who visited our garden as part of the village
Tom and Inge Bartlett

Most young people when they reach their late teens want to
get mobile. In my case, due to
financial restrictions, I was not able to afford an old banger, like my
contemporaries, so I had to look elsewhere.
Electric bicycles were not invented but there came on the market what
were called 'clip ons'. These 'clip
ons' were engines that were fitted to ordinary bicycles.
If I remember correctly, the first was the mini motor. This was a complete motor with a built in
petrol tank that fitted over the rear wheel.
It had a cable to the handle bars where there was a grip which when
pulled into place clicked so as to hold the engine with its roller down on the
back tyre. In wet weather, the roller
was inclined to slip and it was hard wearing on the tyre.
Other versions were the Cyclemaster which had the engine
built into the back wheel, thus avoiding wear and tear on the tyre. Then there was the Velocette or Velo Solo
which fitted on the front. I think this
had the roller type drive. So far, they
were all two-stroke engines requiring a mixture of petrol and oil. Speeds were roughly up to about 30 miles per
hour - you had to have a speedometer! The
Cucciolo was made by the Italian firm Ducati - I believe cucciolo is Italian
for 'little pup'. The Lohan was diesel
and fitted like the Cucciolo.

I soon exchanged my mini motor for the Cucciolo. This was a superby 4-stroke machine which
fitted below where the pedals usually were.
It had its own free wheel built in and two pre-elected gears. The engine was cast in aluminium and had an
oil sump which took about a pint of oil.
I was very pleased with this but was soon wanting more
speed! The answer came to me if I had a
fixed wheel sprocket on the back wheel, then I could have a 3-speed Sturmey
Archer on it. with gears 1 and 2 on the
engine and the three gears on the back, it made all the difference. So 6 gears in all and I could climb any hill
or alternatively go up to 40 miles per hour!
With no special springing and only bicycle brakes, I was playing with
danger. Eventually, due I think to
shock inertia, the cycle frame broke, although it was repaired with a slide on
piece of tube welded in place.
I must mention that to use any of the 'clip ons' you had to
take a motor cycle test and had to display 'L' plates until you passed. The
licence was about 17 shillings [85p] and insurance about £2.
On having a word with a collector of these 'clip ons', I
learned that they are now worth up to £3,000 depending on the make and
condition, etc.
Tony Beauclerk - Stowupland
The following is a song remembered from campfire sing-songs of long ago. Each verse is sung to a different tune, finishing on a rousing 'Rule Britannia'.
The Tale of an Egg

Where stand the White Swan Hotel,
And 'twas there I'd an egg for my breakfast
And I knew as I opened the shell . . . .
That the egg was an egg of the old brigade,
Though it had changed and altered.
There it stood quite undismayed
As in accents low it faltered . . . .
"I'm humming, I'm humming,
I'm not new-laid, I know."
Then turning to the gasping waiter,
I said, "Joe . . . .
"I don't suppose this egg has been laid
For months and months and months.
Its call up papers have been delayed
For months and months and months.
It was laid, I s'pose you know, by some extinct dodo
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years ago."
I threw it through the window.
There it lay, ' till next day,
Till the dustman came to clear the bits away.
He wrapped it up in his tarpaulin jacket,
He thought for his tea it would do.
He ate it and, early next morning,
His widow his club money withdrew.
So please remember
No matter what you've paid,
Eggs are never, never, never
Quite new-laid!
Excavating for a mine,
Dwelt a miner, forty-niner
And his daughter, Clementine.
Chorus - between each verse:
Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling Clementine,
Thou art lost and gone for ever,
Dreadful sorry, Clementine.
Light she was and like a fairy,
And her shoes were number nine.
Herring boxes, without topses,
Sandals were for Clementine.
Every morning just at nine.
Caught her foot against a splinter,
Fell into the foaming brine
Ruby lips above the water,
Blowing bubbles, mighty fine,
But, alas, I was no swimmer,
So I lost my Clementine
How I loved her, how I loved her,
How I loved my Clementine.
When alive I used to hug her,
Now she's dead, I draw the line.
Where the myrtle boughs entwine,
Grow the roses in the posies,
Fertilised by Clementine.
Then that miner, forty-niner,
He began to peak and pine,
Thought he oughter join his daughter,
Now he's with his Clementine
How I missed her, how I missed her,
How I missed my Clementine.
But I kissed her little sister
And forgot my Clementine.
I learnt this song from my dear mother, who said she first heard it sung by a clergyman, which rather shocked her, I think. I believe it to be a parody on the rather slushy sentimentality of late Victorian days, but have no idea who the poet was.
Wikipedia says: Clementine is an American western folk ballad usually credited to Percy Montrose [1884] although it is sometimes attributed to Barker Bradford. It is believed to have been based on another song, 'Down by the River Liv'd a Maiden' by H.S. Thompson [1863]. The miner forty-niner refers to the 1849 Gold Rush.
Little Brown Jug
This is another from my mother. I have no idea who wrote it or when, but it sounds traditional.
Little Brown Jug is a song written by Joseph Winner in 1869. It was originally published by Eastburn, Winner's middle name. A drinking song, it remained well known as a folk song into the early 20th century and like any songs that refer to drinking alcoholic beverages, it enjoyed new popularity during the Prohibition era. In 1939 Glenn Miller recorded and broadcast his swing instrumental arrangement of the tune with great success.
Credited "Eastburn", pseudonym for Joseph Eastburn Winner (d. 1918)
who was also the publisher.
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
In a little log hut we call our own.
She loves gin and I love rum.
I tell you what, we've lots of fun.
Ha, ha, ha, you and me
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!
Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!
Tis you who make my friends my foes,
Tis you who make me wear old clothes.
But seeing you're so near my nose
Tip her up and down she goes.
Ha, ha, ha, you and me
Little brown jug, don't I love thee!
Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee,
Little brown jug, don't I love thee
2 of several verses
GLEN MILLER 1904-1944
The music of Glen Miller and his Orchestra has become
inextricably associated with the Second World War and the mood, spirit and
social history of the era. The
recordings which have been preserved are taken from the CBS radio starring Glen
Miller and sponsored by Chesterfield Cigarettes, which were broadcast from 1939
to 1942, and naturally cover a substantial chunk of the war years. The recordings admirably capture the flavour
of the period.

Ad on page 27 of May 16, 1942 Billboard magazine,
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Born in
He started touring with various small bands and then landed a
job with Ben Pollack's group in
The radio was king in the 1940's and recordings of that
period very much serve to recreate a bygone era, where families sat round the
radio, glued to their regular bit of entertainment and news, and able to hear
the very biggest stars of the day.
In the autumn of 1944, with the Allied Forces secured in
The aircraft disappeared over the
A great loss to music, Glenn Miller was at the height of his
career and only 40 years of age.

St. Peter's Church on the 29th May saw the wedding of Sue
Wright and Stuart Neale. Sue was
attended by a fellow golfer and flower arranger, Barbara [Clatworthy], and
Bobby [Bowden] was Stuart's Best Man.
Following the service, the reception was held in the Manor Hall. Their honeymoon holiday was spent on the
We wish them both every happiness.
Sue and Stuart would like to take this opportunity to thank
everybody for their kindness, but especially Keith Wyer - they feel very
privileged that their wedding was the last he conducted before his retirement -
and the choirs of both St. Peter's and St. Peter ad Vincula, who sang during
the signing of the register.
Tall nettles cover up, as they have done
These many springs, the rusty harrow, the plough
Long worn out, and the roller made of stone;
Only the elm butt tops the nettles now.
This corner of the farmyard I like most:
As well as any bloom upon a flower
I like the dust on the nettles, never lost
Except to prove the sweetness of a shower.
Edward Thomas

Judy Jones

Saturday and Sunday, 4th and 5th September, 11.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
In 2009, our 25th anniversary year, we were delighted to open our gardens to the public for the first time under the National Garden Scheme. With our 5 acres of beautiful grounds, and being the first hospice in the country to do this, there was considerable interest from the community and we welcomed over 500 people over two week-ends.
This year we have a new addition in the shape of our Physic Garden. The ornamental garden is unique in the country as it is dedicated to plants and herbs that have medicinal values. As well as this, we have a Mazzard cherry orchard, a kitchen garden, two ponds, a rose garden, beautiful lawns, winter borders and a Retreat Garden for quiet contemplation.
Cream teas and other refreshments will be available at our Terrace Cafe which overlooks our gardens, and there will be a plant sale and the chance to share tips with our Kew-trained gardener, Colin Porter.
Entry is just £3.00 and we hope that many visitors from Berrynarbor will come and join us at some time during the week-end. We look forward to seeing you!
A very big thank you to everyone who was involved in any way,
those who were able to come and those who generously donated. That, and the beautiful weather, all made
for a fantastic event. I was able to
report at that time that £613 had been raised, but further donations have
brought it to over £700!
Thank you to Alan and Issy who work so hard in the planning
and on the day. All the other willing
helpers, Sharon, Chris, Marion, Margaret and friends and neighbours who live on
Berrynarbor Park who help so much in setting up. It all makes for a great tribute to Brian
Di Hillier

You may already know that our Chairman, Sandy Anderson, has
accepted a job in
A notice board now faces you as you walk towards the shop
door giving an update on the latest goodies, very often local fruit and
vegetables. It's worth taking a look on
your way in. And, thinking of 'local', we are constantly on the look out
for local products, and having some success.
If you find a local food that you think might be of interest, do have a
word with Anita or Debbie.
Plants and books donated by you are helping funds, so thank
you to anyone who has given either.
We get many compliments from visitors about the quality and
reasonable pricing in our shop, which is good.
If you haven't been in recently, why not call? You may have a pleasant surprise.
Happy shopping!
PP of DC
The mind is like a parachute.
It does not work if it's not open.
Frank Zappa

My name is Skitty and I am four years old. I've been here in Berrynarbor with my foster mum for almost two months now. I came back into the care of Cats Protection, as the last home I went to sadly didn't work out for me. I was originally homed with my mum, who has settled very well into her new life, but unfortunately, as there were other cats already living there as well as several large dogs, I was unable to feel safe and secure and spent most of my time hiding under the kitchen table. It was felt best that I came to live here so that I could have some space to myself and some peace and quiet.
Although when I first arrived here I was very frightened of everything, I have slowly begun to settle down and am beginning to gain a little bit of confidence. I now feel able to leave my bed and sit outside on the shelf in my pen. My foster mum watches me every day and has seen me washing myself and scent rubbing, all good signs that I am behaving as a normal little cat should. She also spends lots of quiet time stroking me and talking to me whilst I am in my bed. I'm getting used to this now and I purred for her for the first time two weeks ago. I'm a very clean girl, and will use my litter tray when I think that nobody is watching me. I also prefer to eat my food when I think that I am by myself.
I am looking for a very special home. It needs to be somewhere very quiet and away from busy roads. My foster mum thinks that I also need to be with people who understand that I need patience and time to continue to help me to trust and feel secure. This means that I will need to be the only pet in the household, and that any children that I live with are old enough to understand my needs. At the moment, because I am adapting to change, I am a proper "mum's girl" and I tend to get worried when my foster dad comes in to feed me. My foster mum thinks that this is because I just need to get used to one thing at a time before I can feel happy. She is also confident that given time to settle I will make a very loving and loyal little companion.
Could you be that special someone for me?
Please speak to my foster carers if you think that you could help me. Contact Denny on [01271] 882724. Thank you.

Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The other day I took some time off to do more digging into
the Devil's Dictionary, that interesting publication by Ambrose Bierce, who was
also known as 'The American Swift'. The
caustic and cynical definitions survive the test of time and continue to bring
delight to those readers who prefer dry wines to sweet, sense to sentiment, wit
to humour and plain English to slang.
Enjoy some more of the gems from this remarkable book -
- Actually : Perhaps, possibly
- Auctioneer : A man who proclaims with a hammer
that he has picked a pocket with his tongue
- Court
Fool : The Plaintiff
- Dentist : A conjurer who, putting metal
into your mouth, pulls coins out of your pocket
- Envelope : The coffin of a document; the
scabbard of a bill; the husk of a
remittance; the bed-gown of a
- Erudition : Dust shaken out of a book into an
empty skull
- Forefinger : The finger commonly used in
pointing out two malefactors
- Frog : A reptile with edible
- Ghost : The outward and visible sign
of an inward fear
- Habit : A shackle for the free
- Hospitality : The virtue which induces us to feed
and lodge certain persons who are not in need of food and lodging
- Illustrious : Suitably placed for the shafts of
malice, envy and detraction.
- Impiety : Your irreverence toward my
- Influence : In politics, a visionary quo given
in exchange for a substantial quid

The excessively dry weather has kept the 'blooming' team very
busy, especially with watering! All the tubs and planters have been planted
up, some for the second time this year because of a few disasters! We
have been busy weeding, cutting back and litter picking, yet there still seems
a lot to do. We are waiting for the
judging of
The two
Thanks to everyone involved in the two events which raised a
sum of over £700.
On a lovely day, the

Elderflower and Lime
Drizzle Cake
This cake proved very popular at the
- 300g/10.5oz butter or margarine
- 300g/10.5oz caster sugar
- 4 free range eggs lightly beaten
- 100g/3.5oz plain flour
- A good pinch of salt
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 200g/7oz ground almonds
- Finely grated zest of 2 limes
- 2tbsp elderflower cordial
For the syrup
First prepare a 23cm/9inch spring-form or loose bottomed cake
tin. Grease the tin and line with baking parchment.
Beat the butter and sugar in an electric mixer until pale and
fluffy. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder
together, and gradually add the egg to the butter and sugar, beating well after
each addition. If it starts to curdle
add a little of the flour. Using a large metal spoon, fold in the rest
of the flour and the almonds and then stir in the zest and the elderflower
cordial. Spoon the batter into the
prepared tin and bake in a preheated oven at 170C Deg /340 Deg F/gas mark 3 1/2 for
50minutes, or until a skewer inserted in to the centre comes out clean [test
after 45 minutes]. If the surface is getting too brown, cover
with foil.
Leave the cake in the tin and while still hot pierce all over
with a skewer to make holes. Stir the sugar and lime juice together until
the sugar is half dissolved. Add the 4
tablespoons of cordial and pour slowly over the cake allowing the syrup to
slowly sink in to the holes. Leave to cool completely in the tin, remove
carefully - the cake will be a bit moist - and sprinkle liberally with icing
Lovely! Wendy Applegate 25

You might have noticed recently a lot of very fit ladies walking round the village with a glazed, but determined, look on their faces. That look of determination is due to them concentrating on their pelvic floor muscles! This is just part of a strict fitness regime they have been following throughout the year.
Look closer and you will also notice their fabulous six packs, washboard stomachs, ram rod straight backs and a definite spring in their step. That is because they have been attending the Pilates based keep-fit workout in the village, every Wednesday morning in the Manor Hall. As the summer progresses, you will notice them disporting short sun frocks and 'itsy bitsy teeny weeny' bikinis, polka dotted as well as striped!
And, of course, they will be rejoining in the autumn term to maintain the body beautiful should their waist lines have increased a millimetre over the summer! Classes will be restarting on Wednesday, 8th September, at 9.00 a.m. Come along, no special gear needed except to wear loose clothing, and join in and share the pain - no, the fun!
Taken by a well qualified and experienced tutor, for more details please ring Valerie on [01271] 343944.


Early spring had seen its wooded paths lined with the bright
sunshine flowers of lesser celandine. As
the strips of yellow faded, so its woodland floor became carpeted with
bluebells. The advent of summer had
then seen the pinks of herb Robert, hedge woundwort, red campion and foxgloves
take hold.
All are wild flowers seen year in and year out upon the
Cairn. The same could not be said,
however, for the twayblade. With no one
alive today having ever witnessed it anywhere upon the area's 28 acres, the
orchid had passed into folklore history.
Only one person, in fact, could lay claim to spotting it -Joan
Robertson, the Cairn's Devon Wildlife Trust Warden between 1974 and 1995.
The orchid's name is derived from its characteristic two
broad leaves [tway blades] which grow at ground level. The small flowers, which grow to between 30cm
and 60cm high, are usually green. Had
Joan mistaken the orchid for a species of grass? Unlikely, hers was a reliable source of
information, especially if to do with the Cairn. So it came as no surprise when the orchid was
rediscovered by Cairn Conservation Carer volunteers whilst undertaking a
wildflower survey in early summer. After an absence of at least fifteen years,
the Cairn and the orchid had once again been reunited.
of a different sort will of course be part of the events taking place on
Saturday 7th August when the Berrynarbor Newsletter
celebrates its 21st birthday. Like any celebration, it will bring together
both strangers and acquaintances, in
particular reuniting people with connections past and present with the village
or the Newsletter. I look forward to
seeing you there and may I take this opportunity to congratulate the Newsletter
on its coming of age!
The Newsletter's birthday party is to take place in the Manor
Hall, a venue which has been and still is frequently used for village
occasions. One such event was the Berrynarbor Craft Fayre. Last year Judie kindly invited me to have a
stall where I could promote my book, "A Doorstep Discovery - Twelve Months on the Cairn",
which I had recently written. At the event I was pleased to meet up with
Farmer Fred, a fellow rural-tale- teller who wrote for Combe Martin's Shammickite
magazine. We spent the day discussing
countryside stories, including those I had written in my book.
Farmer Fred asked if I had contacted Aubrey Dyer who, having
lived in Slade for many years, would no doubt have many a tale to tell about
the Cairn. I told him I had indeed been
in touch and that many of Aubrey's stories had been included in the book. Farmer Fred went on to say how he hadn't seen
Aubrey for over 60 years, yet within hours of the remark the two were reunited
once more when by chance Aubrey walked into the same fish and chip restaurant
where Farmer Fred was eating!
I was saddened to hear of Farmer Fred's recent passing. He brought great pleasure to many people
through the amusing tales he told of his time as a farmer and I should like to
dedicate this article to him. "Fred" was not, of course, his real
name; and, in the end, many people no doubt knew who he actually was. But then, for Joe, secretly letting on to
people that he was the "Farmer Fred" of the Shammickite magazine gave
him as much pleasure as writing the articles themselves!
[10th October 1909
Market Gardener, Nurseryman and Pioneer of British Blueberries
Blueberry Pie according
to our American cousins is THE ultimate pudding [think of mother's apple
pie!]. We British never saw them before
1960 - and then only a few did! Now
that has all changed, because of the enterprise of the Trehane family, and
blueberries are now in every supermarket, let alone our own village shop. They are available all year round: May onwards is covered by
Our English crop is available from July to
September. From October to April, the
southern hemisphere takes over:
Wild blueberries had been gathered by
Native Americans for centuries: juice
was used to relieve coughs - and as an excellent dye for cloth and baskets;
dried blueberries were added to soups and stews and also crushed and rubbed
into meat for flavour; tea made from the leaves was thought to be good for the
blood. When the Pilgrims from
Our year-round berries were originally cultivated from the
wild in
So how did blueberries travel from
David Trehane was born at Charlton just outside Shaftsbury on
By then, he was farming 120 acres as a market garden, selling
to shops in the
In 1968 David Trehane retired to
The family's entrepreneurial skills have also continued. In 2000, the estate suffered a vicious
3-minute hailstorm just before harvest, resulting in a reduction in quality of
60% of the crop. Some would have thrown
the damaged fruit on the ground at harvest time, but not the Trehanes! They turned the fruit into pies, cookies,
cakes, jams and juice, and used Farmers Markets to sell their "spoils", which
they continue to do every weekend along the south coast.
David Trehane died on 22nd April 2000 aged 91. The results of his life's work continue for
all of us to enjoy, and for his family to continue to develop.
I am grateful to Jennifer and Jeremy Trehane for all their
helpful information. If you would like
more advice or information on blueberries, go to www.dorset-blueberry.com. Plants are available all year round.
PP of DC
Why not pick up a leaflet in our shop on recipes for blueberries?
At 94 you are permitted to spread your birthday over a couple
of days, so Ron did! Family, friends
and neighbours visited him at Lee Lodge on the 14th and 15th July to celebrate
the occasion and enjoy the goodies kindly put on by the staff for him.
Ron would like to thank everyone for coming, from the
village, Combe Martin and Ilfracombe, and for the many cards - 80+ in all - and
presents. He had a lovely time seeing
everyone and was so pleased that his daughter Sheila and her husband Tony were
able to be there too. He would also
like to thank the party of children from the Primary School who came to sing
'Happy Birthday' and deliver the many cards they had made.
But most of all Ron would like
to thank the staff at Lee Lodge, not only for the wonderful spread and cake
they provided and the welcome given to all his visitors, but for looking after
him so well. He is very happy and at
home with them all. Happy birthday Ron
and a Happy Birthday, too, to Ursula. Bless you both.

out your child has a heart condition is a shocking and devastating experience
were touched by the kindness and generosity shown by everyone involved in
making this evening possible. A total of £1000 was raised which I know will
make such a difference to
Sarah, John, Charlie and Sam

Berrynarbor Parish Council
would like to congratulate the Berrynarbor News on its 21st Birthday. Councillors appreciate all the work
which is done to ensure that each edition is prepared, printed and goes out on
time, and for the valuable way it keeps villagers in touch with what is
happening, or has happened, especially those who are not able to get out and
meet folk quite so much these days. The importance of a publication such
as this is valued and sincere thanks go to Judie for all her time and effort
over the years in this connection. Judie - we hope you will continue to
infinity - and beyond!
It cannot have escaped villagers' notice that we have been
experiencing enormous problems with the company who have supplied and the
contractors who installed the Play Area. It would not be an
understatement to say that it has been a nightmare from start to finish with
the Parish Council repeatedly contacting the manufacturers, arranging 2 site
meetings with the South West Representative, and two very strong letters being
sent by the Parish Council to the manufacturers. I won't bore you with
the details, suffice to say that the matter continues to be ongoing with
negotiations now taking place regarding the finished product and compensation
for all the hassle caused, disruption to village life, lack of amenities for
residents and visitors, failure to clear rubbish away and reimbursement for
sand and turf purchased by the Parish Council in an effort to speed up the
completion when it was found that the area was far from satisfactory.
Councillors would like to thank everyone for their patience over the
months and wish to assure everyone that everything that could be done to speed
up the completion was done. It is realised that this was a major project
for the village and one which should have been celebrated and we are truly
sorry that it did not work out as we had hoped and planned. We do,
however, hope that people are enjoying the new facilities and that the problems
encountered since the beginning of the year will soon be a distant memory.
This is a good place to advise that there is a vacancy for a
Parish Councillor on the Parish Council, following the resignation of Ann
Hinchliffe. We are a friendly team who meet on the second Tuesday of the
month at
Sue Squire
Parish Clerk. 01598 710526
Lady Smile
When we had last
descended Trentishoe Down to reach the hidden path called Ladies Mile, the
steep slopes had been blackened by recent fire, making it bleak and forbidding. But now it was transformed. The fresh green 'croziers'
of the new bracken were pushing through the peaty soil and between them, a
mixture of milkwort, tormentil and bedstraw,
around which flitted small heath butterflies.
Among the small heaths were a few green hairstreaks. I had come to this rough terrain in
mid-June especially in the hopes of finding these small butterflies. When landing on a flower, it perches with
closed wings and it's the hind wings which are the attractive part of this
butterfly. They appear to have been
shaded in by a soft green chalk.

Green hairstreaks are on the wing for a relatively short time
and if I have not seen one by the end of June, I know I am likely to have to
wait 'til the following year. Last year
I went over the Torrs where one or two green hairstreaks can usually be found
in June but I searched in vain. Some
way off we had noticed a lady walking her dog, stoop to take a photograph. Later, as we completed our circuit she
caught us up and told us that she liked taking
photographs of insects. It was a new
hobby We mentioned we'd been looking
out for green hairstreaks. She showed
us the photograph she had taken of a butterfly that afternoon and asked us what
it was. It was - of course - a green
As we approached Ladies Mile the hill became steeper and it
was easier to go down backwards on all fours as one slid on the gravelly stones
underfoot. In this sort of situation I
start to wonder why it is possible to walk up a steep path with confidence but
going down there is a fear of slipping and falling. Yet it is the same hill. There is probably a logical explanation or
maybe it is psychological after all - irrational trepidation.
Reaching the path through the narrow strip of woodland, we
were rewarded by brief glimpses of a pair of grizzled skippers, difficult to
see as they darted among the leaves in the dappled light and shade, with their
chequered pattern of black and white.
The caterpillars feed on the leaves of wild strawberry and various
members of the rose family.
In a little sunny clearing, by a glowing copper beech, we
found a small flock of the scarce pearl-bordered fritillaries, a butterfly we
had never seen before. They were attracted to a patch of slender thistles. With their bright orange colouring, they
have the pattern of black spots and veins on the upper wings typical of the
fritillary family.
On the hind wings,
however, there is a row of pearl-like patches.
The pearl-bordered fritillary is a butterfly of woodland and scrubby
coastal grassland where gorse is regularly burnt back [swaling]. The eggs are laid on violets. The butterfly has declined severely since
the 1950's. It is found more in
Illustrations by: Paul Swailes
Sue H
Many of the photographic postcards that I've used to
illustrate my 'Old Berrynarbor' articles were the work of John William Garratt.
He was born on
Station Road, Ashley Down, Bristol
We can assume that Garratt lived with his parents, probably
John and Mary Jane moved to 'Stepleton View',
- 1898 Alfred Gregory
- 1899-1902 John William Garratt
- 1903-1904 John William Garratt, Artist
- 1905-1947 *John William Garratt, Photographer
* As already stated, Garratt died in October
1946, so the entry was not amended!
Horfield Barracks, Bristol
Their daughter, Alice Mary, was born on
Garratt has left a permanent photographic record and is known
to have taken and published approximately:
- 1800 postcards of the Bristol area
- 130 postcards of Cliff College, Calver, Sheffield
- 180 postcards of Berrynarbor, Devon
- 50 postcards of Bath
- 12 postcards of Saltash
- 6 postcards of Ilfracombe and 6 postcards of Woolacombe
Cliton Park, Bristol
In my collection I have a single six-view postcard of
Bedruthan Steps,
Garratt was a master at composing his photographs always
attempting to include children and adults.
We should remember that in those early days, he had to get participants
to stand absolutely still for up to two minutes whilst he took the photograph
on large, glass plates - no rolls of film or digital cameras in those days!
I must thank the late Alan Richardson for obtaining copies of
various Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates for John William Garratt.
Tower Cottage

We said goodbye to Miss Vickery on the last day of term. She has been the temporary KS2 teacher
during Mrs. Carey's absence, and we should like to thank her for her
contributions to and support of our school.
Mr. Trefor Jones has been appointed Years 3 and 4 teacher
from September and we welcome him to our school.
The School Fete took place on the 16th July and despite the
weather turning to heavy rain half way through the evening, our
Our End of Year Service took place in the church on the last
day of term. This is a special time
when we say farewell to our Year 6 leavers and wish them well in the next stage
of their education. A memorable
occasion for everyone.
Many of our children are learning to play a musical
instrument. We now have three teachers
- Mrs. Barrow, Miss Collingham and Mrs. Jones - offering music lessons which
can take place in school either during or after the school day. So far our teachers are able to provide lessons
for piano, keyboard, oboe, saxophone, singing, music theory, recorder,
clarinet, violin, cello, viola and flute.
Stowford Farm Meadows have once again kindly offered us the
use of one of their fields for our Wild Night Out. We are starting the new academic year off
with this exciting opportunity.
We consider swimming to be an important skill for all
children in our school. Unfortunately
the school is unable to pay the full cost of the lessons and so we have to ask
for parental contributions. Our lessons
go beyond the National Curriculum requirement and our children swim more often
than many other schools. In an attempt
to minimise the cost further, we have booked swimming lessons for all children
in the Autumn Term. A coach has been
booked to shuttle children between school and the pool, giving us a total
saving of more than 25% on transport compared to last year.
Looking well ahead, once again the whole school will be going to see Aladdin
at the Queen's Theatre in Barnstaple
in December.
Enjoy the pictures children in Class 1 drew of the hanging
baskets they saw whilst walking around the village.
Newell, Acting Head-Teacher


Quiz Nights at The Globe have now finished for the summer but will resume on Sunday, 5th September at 8.30 p.m.
Both pubs are now open ALL DAY from 12.00 noon, serving food from 12.00 to 9.00 p.m. The last day for All Day Opening will be on Monday, 30th August, after which our usual opening hours will be 12.00 noon to 2.30 p.m. and 6.00 to 11.00 p.m.
We are now serving a range of coffees, such as Latte, Cappuccino and Cafe Mocha, made with freshly ground coffee beans.
We are offering FREE SQUASH for kids during our afternoon sessions at The Globe this summer, so between 2.00 and 5.00 p.m., bring the kids to play in the playground whilst you relax with a latte ... mmmlush! A jug of squash is free with purchases over £3.00.
3rd | St. Peter's Church: Summer Fayre, 6.30 p.m. Manor Hall. |
4th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. |
7th | NEWSLETTER BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS: 3.00 p.m. Cream Tea. Evening Murder Mystery, 7.00 for 7.30 p.m. |
17th | Manor Hall Berry Revels, 6.30 p.m. |
18th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.00 a.m. |
23rd | Horticultural & Craft Show: Last day for entries, 6.00 p.m. |
25th | Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon onwards |
27th | Horticultural & Craft Show: Entries can be submitted, 7.00-8.30 p.m. |
28th | Horticultural & Craft Show: Entries by 10.30 a.m. Hall open for Show at 2.00 p.m. |
1st | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. |
2nd | Primary School: Start of Autumn Term |
3rd | College: Years 7, 11 & 13 Start of Autumn Term |
4th | And 5th: N.D. Hospice, Open Gardens, 12.00 noon to 4.30 p.m. |
5th | First Autumn Quiz Night, The Globe, 8.30 p.m. |
6th | College: Autumn Term begins for all Years [inc. 7, 11 & 13] |
7th | Ladies' Group, 2.00 p.m. Manor Hall: Stephen Davies, Citizens Advice Bureau |
8th | Pilates/Work Out recommences, 9.00 a.m. Manor Hall |
14th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.00 p.m., Penn Curzon Room |
15th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. |
22nd | Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon onward |
29th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. |
3rd | St. Peter's Church: Harvest Festival |
5th | Ladies' Group, Manor Hall, 2 p.m: Deri Rundle, Water Aid in Rwanda |
6th | St. Peter's Church: Harvest Festival Supper |
Manor Hall Diary:
Mondays | Upholstery, 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Craft Group, 1.30 p.m. onwards Badminton, 7.30 p.m. |
Tuesdays | 2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners Yoga, 7.00 p.m. |
Wednesdays | Pilates Body Workout, 9.00 a.m. |
Fridays | Term time only: Toddlers Soft Play and Activity |
Penn Curzon Room | Term time only: Monday - Friday
Mornings: Berrynarbor Pre-School
Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)
11.20 - 12.30 p.m. | Car Park |
1.40 - 2.05 p.m. | Sterridge Valley |

Schedules and Entry Forms for the Show to be held on
Saturday, 28th August, in the Manor Hall, are included with this
Newsletter. Extra copies are available
from the Shop, Sue's of Combe Martin, The Globe and the Sawmill Inn.

Illustration by: Debbie Cook
Open to residents, non-residents and visitors, we hope that
everyone, including all the youngsters, will try to put in at least one entry,
but more preferably! Importantly, no
one is looking for perfect items, just the enjoyment of joining in this village
event. Remember, just because you have
ticked a class on the entry form, it does not mean that you have to submit an
entry - so, go on, tick as many as you can!
Whether you enter something or not, do come along on the day of the
Show, from
How are your spuds and sunflowers going? Hopefully OK. Bring your potatoes, still in the pot but
minus any foliage, and your sunflower head placed in a jar or vase, along to
the Hall, either on Friday evening, from
So, LOTS and LOTS of entries please, and lots of visitors for
the Show, Prize Giving and Auction. See
you there.
Yvonne, Jack, Pip, Tony, Linda and
Judie As
mentioned in the June Newsletter, Linda, together with her family, have agreed
to take on the running of the Show from the present group, so this
long-standing and special village event looks set to continue. Thank you Linda, Tracy and Darren. However, they are anxious that it does not
become a 'family affair' and would like to hear from one or two people who would be happy to
join them. They are prepared to do the
admin. donkeywork but hope to have other people to put in ideas, etc. If you think you could help, please do
contact Linda on 883322, she would love to hear from you!
The Organising Group

Berrynarbor Sewing Group
This very early and
fantastic photograph of the Berrynarbor Sewing Group was taken c1890-95, and in
the front row, the pretty young lady, third from left, is Blanche Bowden. Sadly Blanche, who had married William H. Bowden in 1899,
died on
Blanche Pretoria, who married Sidney
Dummett, was born and lived all her 94 years at South Lee until her death on

A few of the group 120 years later!
The second picture shows Blanche Dummett with young Sonia Duckett [nee Stoddart] and their dog, Bounce, at South Lee Farm.
I am indebted to Sonia, who in 1948-9, having first been
scrubbed, was brought by train from a Church of England home in
The third picture is of the wedding of Ron Dyer and Gladys,
daughter of Violet Toms, 1956, grouped on the cobbled steps by the lych gate at
St. Peter's. From left to right: Sonia, bridesmaid and best man unknown, Ron,
Gladys, Ruby Draper and a young Sheila Toms [daughter of Ron and Gladys]. Behind Sheila is William Bowden with his
third wife holding her hat whilst talking to Mrs. Toms, the bride's

I wonder if anyone knows the family name of Blanche Bowden,
also the missing names on the Wedding photograph. Please let me know if you do.
* the missing names from the wedding were provided in Edition 128. See here.
Tower Cottage, July
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com

Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook