Edition 126 - June 2010

Although spring has been a long time coming, the cold nights lingering well into May, we've been very lucky with a lot of sunny days and clear blue skies. As has become tradition, the June cover belongs to 'Napps'. Again I thank Mike and Sue Richards for sponsoring the cover and Peter for his original and delightful birds-eye-view of Napps.
I should like to take this opportunity to thank Keith for his 'Letters from the Rector' and support of the Newsletter and wish him and Chris health and happiness in his retirement and their new life ahead.
On behalf of Ken and myself, thank you all for your good wishes and kind thoughts during Ken's recent stay in hospital and his recuperation. And whilst giving thanks, I do so to all the contributors to another article-packed issue.
From humble beginnings, like Topsy our Newsletter has 'grow'd', and unbelievably comes of age with the August edition. There will be birthday celebrations on Saturday, 7th August - further details follow - but please be sure to make a note of the date and do your best to come and join in the fun.
As always, we welcome any newcomers to the village and wish them happiness in their new homes and good wishes go to anyone not feeling on top form at present.
Finally, the usual plea - items and articles for the special Birthday Issue will be welcome as soon as possible and by Wednesday, 14th July, at the very latest. Thanks.
Judie - Ed
The poet W.H. Auden said his preferred mode of government was: "Dictatorship tempered with assassination."
Was he being ironic?
The Speaker at the April Meeting was
Bernard Hill, known as
the Fox Man because of his ability to imitate wild animals to catch foxes.
He was born into a farming family in Langtree in 1932 and
during the war years loved to join his father trapping rabbits, which they sold
It was during the 1950's that Bernard discovered he had a
gift for making foxes come to him.
Before long he used his skills to help local farmers who were losing
lambs daily. Over the course of a few
weeks he had lured more than twenty foxes by imitating birds, mice and other
animals hunted by them.
His love of the countryside has not diminished since he was a
boy; he is a skilled Devon stone wall
builder, thatcher, rick maker and Devon hedge layer, to mention a few of his
attributes - no wonder he had no time to get married!
Fourteen members and three visitors attended the Meeting on 4th
May which was chaired by 'yours truly' as Janet Gibbins had to stand down due
to her many other commitments. Janet Gammon suggested an outing to Hartland Abbey in
June. Fifteen members were needed to
fill the minibus to make it viable but unfortunately numbers were not
forthcoming. She is now looking into an
outing to the Woody Bay Railway to include lunch and/or a cream tea. Members' cars could be used for this short
Tom Bartlett then showed slides of postcards of old
Berrynarbor. He and Inge came to
Ilfracombe in 1964 - they were the youngest hoteliers in the town. They
bought Tower Cottage in 1973 and moved there permanently a few years later.
Tom blames Inge for his interest in postcards as she bought
five for him from the market in 1971 and his collection now contains 56,000!! Mr. Garratt, the photographer, took nearly
200 photos of Berrynarbor - did he have a girlfriend in the village?! It was
interesting to see how it looked in the early 1900's - Miss Muffet's was a shop
and Langleigh House was the post office.
There was a photo of Jim Dart, the knife sharpener, who travelled around
the area staying a few days in each place.
Rosemary Gaydon thanked Tom for his interesting presentation
and the raffle was won by Janet Gammon. Tim Davis, from Harpers
Mill, will be speaking about birds in and around Berrynarbor on the 1st June
and Marilyn Richards explains acupuncture to us on 6th July.
As usual there will be no Meeting in August. Meetings
recommence on 7th September when Stephen Davies from the Citizens Advice Bureau
will be coming to talk to us. It would be nice to see a few more ladies at these Meetings.
so please come along - first Tuesday in
the month in the Manor Hall at
Doreen Prater

Oh all the time that e'er I spent,
I spent it in good company;
And any harm that e'er I've done,
I trust it was to none but me;
May those I've loved through all the years
Have memories now they'll recall;
So fill to me the parting glass,
Goodnight, and joy be with you all.
Oh all the comrades that e'er I had,
Are sorry for my going away;
And all the loved ones that e'er I had
Would wish me one more day to stay.
But since it falls unto my lot
That I should leave and you should not,
I'll gently rise and I'll softly call
Goodnight, and joy be with you all.
Of all good times that e'er we shared,
I leave to you fond memory;
And for all the friendship that e'er we had
I ask you to remember me;
And when you sit and stories tell,
I'll be with you and help recall;
So fill to me the parting glass,
God bless, and joy be with you all.
Toby died peacefully at home on the 2nd April. We, and the family, should like to thank the village for the
words of comfort and sympathy, and the cards and flowers we received.
Toby moved to Orchard House 35 years ago on retiring from farming. He enjoyed the village life, attending most
local events. He loved his painting
hobby, local history, wine making and gardening. He enjoyed the snooker club, meeting up with
Len Bowden, Don Arscott and many others, ending the night with a pint or
two. He was a founder member of the U3A
and the
It helps us to know that he was so well thought of by the
Joan and David
We have been thinking of Joan and David during the long time
they have looked after Toby - he could not have received more loving and supportive
care - and our thoughts continue to be with them and all the family at this sad
time following Toby's death on Good Friday.
Bless you all.

Following the superb service on Mothering Sunday, the church
was full again on Palm Sunday when the service was led by Rector Keith and the
school choir came in to join the village choir. Everyone was invited to join the procession
around the church after paper palm leaves had been scattered along the aisles
by the children and the palm crosses had been handed round. The popular Palm Sunday hymns were sung and
also a lively rendition of 'Jubilate'.
Special thanks to Mrs. Newell and school staff for their work with the
Easter Day was celebrated by about 60 adults and children, the
sun streaming through the windows at last, and the church once again bright
with flowers, thanks to Sue and her helpers, as everyone rejoiced in the
glorious Easter message.
There will be some changes to services at the end of June as
we say our farewells to Rector Keith on his retirement. He will celebrate his last Eucharist in
Berrynarbor at the
That evening, Christians Together will be holding their
Over the summer, services will continue as usual beginning at
St. Peter's continues to need funds and the
The observant will have noticed a cross
that has been erected in the churchyard by the tower. This cross has been given in memory of the
late Daisy Carter by her family and may be used by anyone in the parish. There are many living in the village who
have come from away and are not always able to visit family graves; others have interred or scattered ashes
elsewhere. A wish has been expressed
for a focal point where flowers could be laid on anniversaries and festivals. There is now a special spot thanks to Marion
and her family.
Christian Aid envelopes have been delivered around the
village. If you still have one which you
would like to return, please hand it in to the Community Shop or at
church. Donations from all the churches
will be presented at the Christians Together service on the 27th June. Friendship Lunches will be held at The Globe
on Wednesdays 23rd June and 28th July. All welcome.
Mary Tucker

Simon Tracey of SWT [South West Textiles] are a recycling company based in Ilfracombe who are helping the charity to raise funds by placing textile recycling banks out for the charity. They have recently placed a clothes recycling bank at Berrynarbor Post Office car park and would like to draw village folks' attention to it, so they can recycle, reduce landfill and help a worthy charity. The bank has the 'Dreams Come True' logo on it.
The unwanted clothes are sent to people less fortunate than ourselves, for example clothes go to Eastern Europe and shoes to Africa, where there is an acute shortage and they give the school children dignity and help prevent diseases, such as hookworm, entering the body through wounds in the feet.
A percentage of the money raised by this means comes back to SWT for them to fulfil the dreams of terminally ill children - meeting pop-star idols, swimming with dolphins or even a trip to Disney World. The cost of fulfilling dreams can be very little or quite a lot and can range from supplying specialist equipment to sending a family on a much needed holiday.
So, please use the bank at the Post Office to recycle your unwanted clothes, textiles, shoes, etc., to help others.
For more information visit: www.dctc.org.uk and www.south-west-textile.co.uk, or 'phone Simon on [01271] 879097 or 07891345965.
On Saturday, 19th June we are having a farewell 'Thank You' Party for the Rev. Keith Wyer. It will be in the form of a 'Bring and Share' Buffet, at the Manor Hall, starting at 7.30 p.m. This is a shared venture as Berrynarbor and Combe Martin are a United Benefice and Combe Martin Church Hall will not be big enough for the anticipated numbers.
On Sunday, 27th June, at 10.00 a.m., there will be a united service at St. Peter ad Vincula, Combe Martin. This will be a celebration of the Eucharist and will also be a celebration of Keith's ministry, being the 38th anniversary of his ordination. Also on the 27th, at 6.30 p.m. there is a Christians Together service at St. Peter's, Berrynarbor, to which all are welcome.
Everyone is welcome at either or both of these events as we show our appreciation for all that Keith has done. Because we have no idea of the number of people wishing to attend the celebration at the Manor Hall, entrance will be by ticket only. This may sound rather formal, but we have to abide by the fire, health and safety regulations, and the ladies who are supervising the refreshments could not possibly be expected to cope with hundreds of people from both communities suddenly descending on the Manor Hall! There will be no charge for tickets and these will be available from Berrynarbor Community Shop and Post Office.
We shall be making a collection towards a retirement gift for Keith who has been with us for eighteen years. Please give any donations in Berrynarbor to either Mary Tucker [Treasurer], Copper Beech, Sterridge Valley, or Stuart Neale [Warden], 23 Berrynarbor Park, Sterridge Valley, or Doreen Prater [Warden], 9 Wayfaring, St. John's, Barnstaple. Cheques should be made payable to St. Peter ad Vincula PCC and marked on the back with 'Gift for K. Wyer'.
Donations in Combe Martin should be given either to David Richards [Treasurer], Springside, Rews Close, or Mike Squire [Warden], 2 Orchard Close, Chapel Lane, or Janet Taylor [Warden], Vicary's Farthing, Buzzacott Lane.
Stuart Neale and Doreen Prater - Wardens, Berrynarbor
Michael Squire and Janet Taylor - Wardens, Combe Martin
The sale, held on May Bank Holiday, raised £545.00 for the Village Shop. I should like to thank everybody who donated plants - there was a fantastic variety and quantity. All plants not sold on the day have been made available from the Shop.
Also, a big thank you to those who gave their time on the day and, of course, all of you who bought plants. We look forward to another great sale next year.

The concert party, Tim Massey, Phil Bridle, Norma and Tony
Holland and three ladies from Ilfracombe and Lee, recently donated a cheque for
£600 to the Devon Air Ambulance Trust.
This excellent figure was raised during 2009 by performing at
Residential Homes, Day Care Centres, Pensioners' Clubs and W.I's.
This year we have decided to concentrate our fund-raising on
charities helping those in our local community suffering from various forms of
dementia. Initially, we shall be
supporting the Castle Cafe, Ilfracombe [featured in the April Newsletter] which
provides a friendly and informal cafe with a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere
for people with memory problems and their families. Meetings are held on the
4th Tuesday of every month, from
We are currently planning to set up a 'Singing for the Brain'
group in our area under the auspices of The Alzheimer's Society. Briefly, group singing provides a novel way
for people with dementia, along with their carers, to express themselves - a
means of accessing memories and an opportunity to interact creatively with
others. Even when many memories are
hard to retrieve, music can still be recalled thus creating a bond of unity
between the person with dementia and their carer.
'Singing for the Brain' was the subject of an excellent
documentary broadcast on
If anyone is aware of a patient and carer [or friend] who may
benefit from joining a local group, then please speak to us on [01271]
883989. Also, we are seeking the help
of volunteers to assist us for a couple of hours once a fortnight - either
singing with the group, helping with admin., fund raising, or more importantly,
making the tea!
Norma and Tony Holland
The Scheme, introduced in February has made good progress. It aims to help the residents of rural North Devon, including Berrynarbor, who have difficulty with transport. Eligible residents can purchase a book of vouchers with a travel value of £50 for just £5!
The Scheme is for young, elderly and disabled residents and vouchers are subsidised by DCC as a way of giving help to isolated people. If you would like more information about the Scheme or other projects that NDASP are currently working on please call [01271] 855951.

March was true to the old saying 'in like a lamb, out like a
lion'. It started off cold but calm and
dry. By the middle of the month it
became more like spring but then on the night of the 16th, the temperature
rose, the high pressure moved away and the winds went round to the south and
south west. Low after low arrived, bringing
more unsettled weather and the first rain of the month. The total was 94mm [3 3/4"], all of which
fell after the 16th, the wettest day being the 30th when 17mm [11/16"]
fell. The maximum temperature was 15 Deg C,
with a minimum of -2.3 Deg C, both of which were on the low side of average.
Overnight on the 30th and on the 31st there was a return to
winter with sleet and hail showers, gales, snow on high ground and a wind chill
of -12 Deg C on the 31st.
In the first three months of the year we recorded a total of
245mm [9 3/4"] which made this only the second driest first quarter of the
year we have ever recorded, in 2006 during the same period, we had only 195mm
[7 3/4"].
The recorded hours of sunshine at 88.78 were a bit up on the
April was another dry month with 16mm [5/8"] falling in
the first week followed by sixteen days without rain at all. We were away during the last week, to the
2nd May, so the total is not accurate but we had approximately 25mm [1"]
in the month. Although this was well
below average in April 2007, we recorded only 9mm [7/16"]. It was generally a bright sunny month but
with a frequent northerly or easterly direction to the wind, it was quite
chilly and there were many overnight frosts.
The temperature was generally a bit below average although it did rise
to a maximum of 23 Deg C at the end of the month.
The minimum was 1.5 Deg C and we had a wind chill of -5 Deg C.
Again the hours of sunshine were above average at 147.42 for
the month.
I don't think that we are alone in worrying that all this
calm, dry, sunny weather may come to an abrupt end as the summer arrives!
Simon and Sue

In April's issue we met our adopted puppy, born in
'Sit' and 'lie down' are obvious commands and 'settle down'
means she should relax and chill out!
'Tug, Tug' begins as play pulling on a toy, but will progress first to
pulling open a door by a rope and then by opening the door itself. 'Tug, Tug' also teaches the dog to remove
clothes by pulling gently at sleeves, shirts and socks, etc. They are taught to only use the edge of
their teeth so as not to hurt their 'partner'.
Picking up a plastic bowl is another early command. The puppy has to learn to pick the bowl up
from the opposite side [a bit like trying to drink out of the wrong side of a
glass to relieve hiccups!], because if they pick it up from the side nearest
them, it covers their face and they can't see.

We now have our second puppy, Ruby, who will be following
Pebbles in learning these commands.
She is a very cute yellow

Saturday, 8th May, was overcast and chilly, but at St. Peter's
Church and surrounded by family and friends, the warmth and happiness at the
wedding of Peter Pell and Jean Ede was palpable. Jean was escorted up the aisle by her two
sons, Darren and Ben, and
attended by her four granddaughters - Jasmin, Maddie, Lily and Lottie. Peter's Best Man, Tom, did a grand job even
if it was the first time he had undertaken such a duty and that photo he had of
Peter's past . . . well!
The reception took place at Ash Barton House at Braunton and
surprise, surprise, the newly weds spent a few days away at a golfing spa at St.
congratulations and best wishes to you both.

to Karl Ozelton who completed the London
Marathon in 5 hours 37 minutes, raising over £1,600 for the Well Child Charity.
would like to thank everyone for their support and sponsorship. He enjoyed the atmosphere of the event so
much that he has applied for a place in next year's event, when he will be
trying to beat his time!

June and Bernard are delighted to announce the safe arrival
of their fifth grandchild. Cassia
Imogen Pickford, a daughter for Claire and Justin, and baby sister for Keenan
and Cormack, was born on the 22nd April and weighed in at 7lbs 5oz.
Sue and Alan Richards of
warm welcome to the new arrivals and congratulations and best wishes to the
proud parents and grandparents.


The questionnaires from User Groups are still coming in, so
it's a bit early to report a full analysis, except to say that heating,
lighting and kitchen get a fair number of mentions! Hopefully the new Committee will have the
opportunity for a first discussion on all points at the June meeting.
Meantime, as I write this, work is about to start on external
decorating of windows using the same contractor who did the internal decorating
of the main hall last year. The
programme is likely to take 4-5 days but should not be disruptive on routine
use of the main Hall, Penn Curzon Room or Men's Institute.
Discussions are underway with Beaford Arts for events in
October and November time, but an earlier date for your diary is the Berry
Revels on Tuesday, 17th August when we shall be looking for help and input from
User Groups to run various stalls and we should like to introduce a number of
new activities if possible, to breathe some variety into the event. So your ideas and thoughts would be welcome
Finally, with the hint of summer around, a reminder that the
Manor Hall has 2 gazebos and a 'new in 2009' larger marquee-type shelter, so if
you're planning a big BBQ or family gathering in the garden, then these are
available for hire at a modest cost!
Colin - Chairman
Have you seen a missing sign? I have a large sign which I use for various village events, including the recent Plant Sale on Bank Holiday Monday. Unfortunately, it disappeared from the main road near the junction with Barton Lane before I could bring it in again.
If anyone has collected this sign, or knows of its whereabouts, please could they return it to me, or advise me where it is, so that it can be recovered and used again.
Basically it is an old roadwork sign that I repaired and repainted and put in upvc panels on which a dry wipe marker pen can be used - it makes a super visible sign for all village events.
Tony [Summers] 883600

Although voted the best in the South West
by the Countryside Commission, we didn't get into the top two of the 10 areas. Still, we plan to enter next time and who
knows? Third time lucky?
The herb trough mentioned in the last
issue has happened! A wide range of
herbs, already growing, will be ready for picking by customers in about two
weeks' time. Do have a look at the
variety and take advantage if you want a sprig of rosemary, sage, [various
types] thyme or any of the other delectables.
Thank you Berrynarbor in Bloom for this lovely idea.
We had 3 excellent fund
raising events over the Bank Holiday Weekend.
John Boxall teed off on the Friday with the Community Shop
Golf Tournament. Twelve teams turned
out in fairly atrocious weather to contest the Sandy Anderson Grocer's cup. Over £900 was raised for the shop. Well
done John.
On Saturday a sell out performance by 'Uninvited Guests' - a
troupe that were spotted by the Beaford Centre whilst performing at the
Edinburgh Fringe Festival - gave a night to remember. If you went you will know what happened, if
not [like me!] it was a chance to dedicate poems or songs to loved ones. The Manor Hall looked lovely and the smell of
narcissi got visitors in the right mood.
'Master Chefs', Jane Vanstone and Julia Fairchild, cooked for 40 guests
a fantastic meal of pate and venison casserole and Wendy Applegate's scrummy
puddings made everyone happy. The
evening raised about £400, which was divided between the Manor Hall and our
Not to be outdone, on Bank Holiday Monday the Manor Hall was
set for another event: The Great Plant Sale. Kath Thorndycroft and her team organised a
superb selection of plants and garden 'bits'. Thanks are due to her, to those who gave
plants and cakes, to the ones who produced the teas - and of course to the
buyers! The event raised over £550 and
this sum is still growing. You've probably seen [and maybe bought] some of the
plants in our new 'garden centre'. The
porch is proving popular and means that the local cauliflowers, and yummy asparagus,
strawberries and raspberries are selling well.
Paperbacks have also got their own space outside, with books to suit all
Pickled Crofter chutneys are now on sale - very local
as they are made in our village!
We hope that you managed to get at least one £5 voucher in
the bonus scheme. It was successful and we plan to repeat this idea later in
the year.
The Shop's 5th
As you see, it's been a
busy two months. For the next 3 or 4
months we hope we shall be welcoming visitors and taking food orders to
self-catering properties. But YOU will
still be there when they have returned home so are even more important. Do please keep shopping with us!
PP of DC
I have visited several establishments in the village for
brochures on hotels, eating places, bed and breakfast, guest houses, etc., and
have had considerable success from the owners.
If I have not got to you, or found you were out, please could
you take brochures or business cards to the Community Shop for inclusion in
this file, a cheap [£5 entry for shop funds] way of advertising your business.
We are also intending to add a page of business cards for
those in the village offering services such as plumbing, gardening, taxis,
printing, window cleaning, building, etc.
So please hand these in to the Shop, for the same fee, and they will be
displayed. Many thanks.
Yvonne Davey
26TH-27TH JUNE, 1.00 to 5.00 p.m.
Once again, for our 11th year, we have an Interesting selection of Gardens for you to explore.
Come and enjoy the variety of ideas and the pleasure of meeting interesting people on the way. The usual Plant Stall and Cream Teas will be available. [Any gifts of plants or pottery pots for sale always very welcome!]
All profits to our Parish Church Funds.

Pam Irwin
When walking in the
In these difficult times, do you wonder why water-power is
ignored as a source of energy? We have
plenty of rainfall feeding our rivers and streams. Surely, small unobtrusive turbines along the
length of our stream would go a fair way to supplying our local electrical
There are many streams and rivers in
Our own little stream, which rises above Ettiford Farm and is
fed by several tributaries on its way to Watermouth, powered at least three
mills along its course. I also know of
three farms, and suspect that there were more, that used their own waterwheels
for 'drashing', milling their corn and shearing sheep. One at Stowford, another at Wheel Farm and
Uncle Jimmy, Ivan and Bill Huxtable were still using theirs at Woolscott in the
1950's. The alternative was horse power
in a 'round house'. A lovely example
can be seen from the road at Widmouth Farm.

I don't know how old our mills are. They were not listed in the Domesday Returns
1085. We know the

Whereas previously local people would card, spin, weave and
tuck cloth for their own needs, they were now making cloth for a wider and
lucrative market. Because our 'roads'
were no more than rough, ancient, ridgeway tracks, most of the cloth was
exported from Barnstaple and Bideford by ship.
Tucking is an old
Of our three mills, I think Harper's Mill would have been a
tucking mill. It lacks the tall stature
of a corn mill and its enclosed position, at the head of a steep valley,
doesn't lend itself to dealing with long lengths of timber.

I have read that where there was a tucking mill, a family of
Tuckers lived nearby. 'Tucker' is a
I found the Tooker family well established in the 1500's
suggesting a much earlier settlement here.
Several were church wardens which indicates that they were educated and
held in high esteem by fellow parishioners - take a look at the plaque on the
lych-gate commemorating its reconstruction in 1671. It records George Westcott [Rector], Thomas
Tucker and John Reed [church wardens].
N.B. John Reed farmed at
The Tuckers were yeomen farmers. Men who owned and worked their own land. They paid tax to the Crown, 1/10th of their
income in tithes to the church and were beholden to the lord of the manor to
serve as foot soldiers in troubled times.
One branch of the family farmed at Bowden - '1706 Dorethy daughter of
John Tucker of Booden was Christened'.
It is possible that this family followed the Jewell's occupation of
Booden. They would have been familiar
with the Bowden Farm Screen! My father
always referred to the farm as Booden.
Berry Corn Mill is a special place to me. I write this in memory of a remarkable
woman, Jan Dyer, my 3 x great grandmother who worked the mill in the 1840's and
'50's. She lost her husband John soon
after taking over the mill, then her eldest son died. She soldiered on, raising her family and
keeping the mill going with hired help.
Her daughter Mary Ann married Benjamin Richards of Hammonds Farm in
1843. All the many descendants of that
union share her genes with me.
The last miller at Berry Mill was Ernest Smith. The photo shown here belongs to his grandson
Robin Kiff. Robin's mother, Evelyn,
would be one of the children near the water wheel.
On the mailing list for some time now and receiving her
Newsletter in
My sympathies to all on the nasty winter the northern
hemisphere has had to bear. Mind you,
us down under had constant 35-40 Deg heat!
I miss
My sadness over all these years is not being with my dogs and
horses but now I have acute bad news from the Prince of Wales' farm where my
Suffolk Punch horse Rizzla has been on loan to Prince Charles.

Suffolk Punch Horses Ploughing
©Amanda Slater from Coventry, England
CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Rizzla has developed some very nasty ailment in his hoof, or
bone, making him very lame and in pain.
They are wanting to destroy him!
Nige [Walker] used to ride him into the village bareback on a
regular basis, so some people may remember him - a beautiful chestnut colour
with blonde mane and tail. A heavy
working horse, of course, and the breed is in worrying decline. Apparently Princess Anne has a mare and has
bred some new stock, supplying Charles with a filly. My boy Rizzla [they renamed him 'Duke' as
they thought Rizzla not appropriate for royalty] was gelded many years ago
after he cleared five foot gates to rush out of the drive at Woodlands and
mounted a mare - in season - taking a tourist for a hack along the
Nige is devastated too, but he will go to Rizzla and be with
him at the end if that is what must happen.
On a happier note, my daughter Saffron and I plus another
English family from Bude put on a Mad Hatter's Tea Party for Easter Sunday,
with long trestle tables joined up in street-party style. Got out the damask cloths and candelabras,
made cakes, sandwiches and exotica.
People brought a plate so some very interesting food turned up. All the children were given chocolate eggs
and Saffron organised a treasure hunt.
We held the party in a huge
nearby park. The men had a sack race as
well as the children - such fun. Bye
for now . . .
Two days after writing to you I had a 'phone call from
Nige. He had contacted the veterinary
responsible for Rizzla who was unaware that he should need to be put down. Oh, I am so relieved. Nige will bring him back to Woodland House
if he has the means to look after him as he certainly has something awfully
wrong with his hoof/leg.
He will find out what,
but for now - reprieve!
I REMEMBER . . . .
The Local Characters' article in the April issue brought to
mind childhood memories.
I went to school with Tiddly Edwards and everyone would get
him to play his 'air guitar'. Like him,
I rode my bike over the heap of sand and ended up in hospital having stitches
put in my face by Dr. King.
We had plans passed to build a house in the field behind
Middle Lee, but funds did not run to that, but I planted some poplar cuttings
in the bank near the gate to stabilise the soil. These cuttings came from Dan Jones in the

Mr. Kamp was the blacksmith, just past Mr. Baker's village
shop, and we used to go down and watch him shoeing the horses.
Every now and then, Capt. James from Watermouth would arrange
for the school children to visit the shop and each was given an allowance of
sweets after filing in in an orderly fashion.
The trap we had for our donkey was the one that Mr. Irwin
[George's father] used to visit The Globe on Saturday evenings and is, I
believe, now on display at Miss Chichester's museum at
Don Thirkell - St. Columb
As from 24th May [now operational], services 33,34,35 and 36 - Ilfracombe Town/Slade/Lee Bay/ Berrynarbor - will be operated by Beacon Bus in place of Filer's Travel. Beacon will be operating a low-floor easy-access vehicle which will bring improvements for those with mobility difficulties, as well as people with shopping, luggage and buggies. No changes to routes or timetables.

There was just one topic on the lips of people in the park
after the 6th of May. Join in any conversation and one found the
same two questions being asked: "What
will happen?" and "Who can we blame?"
Yet the subject matter had nothing to do with politics,
although the issue under discussion had striking similarities with the election
ensuing debates, as they always are in

The ducks' temporary majority was the result of twenty or so
newly hatched mallard ducklings [this number varied depending on who provided
your statistics - another affinity with party politics!]. But with each passing night their numbers
dwindled. At the last count, only three
remained. The ducks' coalition had
One viewpoint not being put forward amongst the discussions
was whether the reduction was just part of the natural process. Was this because it had occurred in a public
rather than a natural surrounding? After all, would those same people be
perturbed if they came across a dead chick in a woodland? Possibly not; yet ironically their lack of
concern for some bird species at least, would be fully justified.
Take the blue tit. Every
year, one half of each breeding pair dies. This means that only one youngster from their
yearly brood needs to survive in order to keep the population steady. Yet up to ten fledglings will leave the nest. Nature,
however, takes its course ensuring that in most cases nine out of the ten do
not make it through to the following spring. Amazingly, the survival of more
than one chick would lead to our countryside being inundated with blue tits.
Whilst nature takes care to guarantee that numbers do not
increase, many of us do our bit to make sure that the blue tit population and
that of other bird species do not dwindle by providing opportunities for nest
building in our own gardens. This time
last year, however, I found myself doing more than just helping a pair of blue
tits raise a brood by providing a nest box.
Having delivered moss, grass and leaves to the box, the
female then perched herself comfortably on her nest. The male was then seen fastidiously delivering
food to her whilst she laid her eggs. Her
re-emergence to deliver food to the box herself [along with the sound of high
pitched calls] was a sure sign that her chicks had hatched. All too soon the chicks had matured enough
to peep out of the hole in order to take a glimpse of the world beyond their
Then, very early one morning, they fledged - except one, the
runt of the brood, so to speak. Pushing
its tiny little head out of the box, it called and it called. The minutes turned into hours. Yet the mother was nowhere to be seen. With starvation the only forecast, the
youngster accepted there was only one option, to take to the air.
Its attempt proved feeble. Now lying on the lawn and too weak to try a
second takeoff, the pitiful creature, whose tattered and incomplete feathers
made its species almost unidentifiable, seemed destined to become nourishment
for any lurking predator. Time, it seemed, for mankind to intervene.
Gently taking hold of the youngster, I placed it on the rim
of the nest box hole only for it to immediately attempt another unsuccessful
launch. So I tried again, and then again.
It seemed that instinct had kicked in, telling the youngster's minute
brain that having left the nest it was not supposed to return. I was therefore left with only one option. Gently picking it up once more, the fragile
fledgling allowed me to rest it upon a branch in our hedge, leaving it calling
once more for food, I walked back
inside and allowed nature to take its course.
A few days later I recognised that feeble looking fledgling
by its unkempt plumage which had still not fully formed. Its beak was once more wide open and calling, until,
that was, its mother arrived. Then all
fell silent whilst the youngster took in a scrumptious morsel
of food. Looking at it perched
contentedly upon a branch of our greengage tree, it was good to see how it had
already grown in size.
At least I had given this 'ugly duckling' an equal chance to
be the one member of the brood to survive into the following year. I wonder if he is still around?
Illustration by: Paul Swailes
Stephen McCarthy

Merry June
Hey ho hey!
All the earth is now atune,
Hey ho hey!
The birds now sing their sweetest lays
Among the verdant leafy sprays.
Soft music fills the summer air
And harmony is everywhere.
Hey ho for merry June, etc.
Remembered [I hope] from school-days many years ago!]
from Handel's Opera Semele [1744]
Where'er you walk, cool gales shall fan the glade;
Trees where you sit, shall crowd into a shade.
Where'er you tread, the blushing flow'rs shall rise,
And all things flourish where'er you turn your eyes.
Da Capo
[Italian term meaning from the beginning].
Semele is beloved of and in love with Jupiter. Words by
Newburg Hamilton, the Irish-born librettist of several works by
George Frederic Handel.

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
I have just spent a very nice holiday in
the Scottish Highlands - such beautiful scenery with snow capped mountains and
picturesque glens. I
joined a Filers' coach trip organised by Janet Gibbins. There
were 26 of us in total - a very congenial bunch of friends.
© Alan Sansbury from Liverpool, England,
CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Travelling on the various motorways, I was puzzled to see so
many Eddie Stobart lorries and even a goods train, and began to wonder 'Who is
this Eddie Stobart?' I have done a bit
of investigating and came up with the following.
Edward Stobart was
born in
By 1970 the company consisted of three main parts -
fertilizers, haulage and farm shop and Edward took over the haulage side and
the name 'Eddie Stobart' was born.
In 1976 Edward and his eight lorries moved to
By the year 2000 the company had 1,000 lorries and 24 storage
depots around the
The Stobart family is strongly religious and has donated much
of their wealth to local churches.
2002 Edward Stobart sold the company to his brother William. Eddie Stobart Ltd
is now a subsidiary of WA Developments International Ltd and it was announced
in 2006 that this company is to buy
What a success story!
Some of you may already know this but I hope the rest will find it
Doreen Prater

The Annual Parish Meeting was held on 13th April and Chaired
by Councillor Sue Sussex. In her Chairman's
report she gave an update on the playground and refurbishment of the Millennium
She thanked Councillors for all their hard work and members
of the parish who had helped with the installation of the playground
equipment. She also expressed thanks to
Judie Weedon for her hard work in connection with the Newsletter, the Manor
Hall Committee, Berry in Bloom for ensuring the village looks lovely for
visitors and locals, the Police - this Council is grateful to have a Police
presence at meetings - and finally to the Parish Clerk for keeping Councillors
up to date.
She paid tribute and gave sincere thanks to the community of
Berrynarbor, whether they had been paid to do work or work carried out on a
voluntary basis. She felt there was a
lot of goodwill in the village, with people giving a lot of their time. She concluded by saying the village has a
very good community spirit, quite a rarity these days.
Other reports were received from the Police, Footpath Warden,
the Manor Hall Management Committee, the Primary School Governing Body, County
Councillor Andrea Davis and District Councillor Sue Sussex. The Clerk presented the Accounts for the
year ended
At the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 11th May,
Councillor Sue Sussex sent her apologies and advised the meeting that she wished
to resign as Chairman. This post was
not filled at the meeting and Councillor Richard Gingell, who was elected Vice
Chairman, agreed to act as Chairman until the post was filled. Parish representatives were elected 'en
were continuing to resolve the problem with the play area surface, realising
that it is waiting to be used, and assure residents
that every effort is being made to get the work completed to a satisfactory
There is still a vacancy on the Council
following the resignation of Ann Hinchliffe.
If you would like to serve your community in this way, please send a
letter of application to the Parish Clerk who would be pleased to answer any questions you may have
about the role, as would any of the Councillors.
Sue Squire - Parish Clerk

William H - Year 5


Gary Foster was a likeable chap who lived in the town of
He would take Gladys a bunch of flowers, chocolates or some
other little treat to try to brighten up her life. Although usually clear headed about what was
going on, Gladys would some times make remarks which could not possibly be
On one of

On another occasion, Gladys related to him that late at
night, when she looked out, two men were on the back lawn, there was a shot and
one man seemed to be dragging the other in the direction of the summer
house. But it was so dark she couldn't
really be sure.
On a visit about a week later,
Matron smiled, "Oh, that one!" she said, "She
has also told that story to her doctor and the best thing to do is to say,
'yes, yes, yes' and go along with it". "Right ho, I'll do just that." The matter was not mentioned again.
Two years later, the betting shop next door-but-one to
Eventide had been shut up for over a week without even a notice on the door
giving the reason why. The proprietor,
Frank Gale, was a man known for his bad temper and heart problems.
Several people called at Chestham police station complaining
about the closure, so Inspector Channing decided they would have to
investigate. The front door was broken
down and the police went in and through to the back room. There, sitting in a chair, was Frank Gale
and it was obvious he had been dead for some time.
"Whilst we're here, I think we'll have a good look
round," remarked Inspector Channing.
On opening a drawer in a desk a revolver and a number of
diaries going back over several years were found. Flicking through the diaries, the Inspector
came across an entry for a couple of years back which read:
'Dealt with Fred
Bell.' He showed it to one of his
constables, saying "We'd better make
some local enquiries."
Gradually things began to fit together and upon visiting the
home, Aunt Gladys's story, retold by the Matron, the Doctor and Gary tied
up. It seemed that Fred Bell had owed
the betting shop a lot of money.
On examining the summer house at the home, the remains of
Fred bell were found underneath together with the bullet that corresponded with
the revolver.
Problem solved - what a pity they didn't believe Aunty
Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
Tony Beauclerk - Stowupland

Sail Loft Talks, 7.30 p.m. in the Sail Loft - Volunteers £1.00, Visitors £3.00.
- 14th June: Seashore Creatures - Paula Ferris of Coastwise
- 5th July: North Devon Coast , Areas of Outstanding Beauty - Linda Blanchard
- 2nd August: The Valley of the Rocks, Lynton - Kester Webb
Thursday, 10th June: Museum AGM, 7.30 p.m. All welcome - come and hear about the past year and future plans.
Wednesday, 14th July: North Coast U3A in the Sail Loft for a talk on the Barnstaple and Lynton Railway - 10.45 a.m. for morning coffee and biscuits. Non-U3A members welcome. £3.00.
Further information: 'phone the Museum on [01271] 889031.
SATURDAY, 3RD JULY2.00 to 5.00 p.m.
9 Berrynarbor Park
Cake Stall - Draw - Guess the Name Competition
By popular request, this will be the second fund-raising event for the Hospice in memory of Brian. So, please come along and share memories of Brian whilst helping the Hospice and the amazing work they do. This year we hope for better weather, but intend to have more outside cover - that should ensure we have sunshine!
Di Hillier


G - Year 6
To give our artists and photographers time to get working for
the Show, here, as promised, are the details:
- Oil
- Watercolour
- Any Other Medium
- Collage
- This Changing World
- Watching
- Travel
- In the Garden
- Sky Scapes
- Street Scene
As you are probably aware, the current organising group will
be stepping down after this year's Show - a breath of fresh air is needed! But all are more than willing to give help
and support to a new group. It seems we may be lucky and this year's event
won't be the last.
Linda Camplin, together with a couple of friends, is
interested in forming a new group. So,
if you think you could help too, please do give Linda a ring on 883322 and keep
this long-standing village event alive.
Schedules and Entry Forms for 2010 will be available with the
August Newsletter or from the Community Shop.

In April we had the pleasure of Brett Stevens from the
Fabulous Wine Company as our presenter and what a superb night it turned
out to be. Brett's wife, Jane,
volunteered to make some canapes to accompany each wine and show the relationship
between wine and food - how one can complement the other. Not a small undertaking when you consider
that we have between 35 and 40 people at most meetings, so for 6 different
wines to taste - I'll leave you to do the maths yourselves! And what
wonderful canapes they were, superbly matched to the wines, even to the last
one an Australian equivalent to vintage port - a fortified
At the May meeting, preceded
by the Circle's
As usual, Jan gave a very
interesting presentation on South African wines accompanied by slides and
videos from last year's holiday he and Mary spent there. As usual a great night
was had by all.
The Circle now takes a
break and the next meeting will be in October by which time the committee will
have decided upon themes and presenters for the new 'tasting season'. If you have any ideas or suggestions or fancy
doing a presentation yourself, please contact me so that this can be
incorporated. The new programme will be
sent out to all existing members in September, anyone else who is new to the
A. Nothing, it just waved!

Harry - aged 6
[and corny gags]
"Could you lend me a tenner for a week, old boy?" "What could a week-old boy do with a tenner?"
"My wife's got a terrible bad chest." "Dear me, is that her coughing?" "No, I'm making a rabbit hutch."
Paddy sets off to go bear-hunting. On the way to the hunting ground he comes to a road sign 'Bear Left'. So he turns round and goes back home.
Moses and Ike are sitting on the seaside promenade when a huge wave washes them off. As they float around waiting for rescue, Moses supports Ike as best he can until, tiring, he asks, "Ike, do you think you could float alone?" "Yoi, yoi," says Ike, "At a time like this you can talk business!"


Quiz Nights at The Globe will be on Sundays, 13th June and 4th July at 8.30 p.m. and Sunday, 25th July at 9.00 p.m.

[sponsored by EDDS Greengrocers]Saturday, 26th and Sunday 27th June
Entertainment throughout the afternoon and evening on both days between 3.00 and 11.00 p.m. to include:
Chris Millington, Rebecca Lambert, The Padawans, Federal Blues Agency, Parcel of Rogues, Falling Apart and The Chilli's
Great Entertainment!
Hog Roast, Trampolines and Activities for Kids,
Raffle and, of course, some great
We shall be having a collection on both days for the North Devon Hospice

- Thursday, 1st July: The Red Petticoats and Borderline Morris Dancers will perform at the Sawmill Inn and then at The Globe.
- Friday, 9th July: Live music at The Sawmill Inn - Steve Tuckers All Star Jazz Band, 9.00 p.m.
- Sunday, 11th July: Live Music at The Globe - Country Roads, 9.00 p.m.
- Sunday, 18th July: Live Music at The Sawmill Inn - The Ring of Fire, a Johnny Cash tribute Band, 9.00 p.m.

- Year 6
After a lovely but late show of tulips and daffodils
in the tubs around the village, we have replaced the spring flowers with summer
bedding, mainly geraniums that will require less watering
when we get that long awaited scorcher of a summer!
the great Berrynarbor Plant Sale we were donated lots of lupins, so these have
been planted at the Manor Hall and in the car park. However, we have done away with bedding at
the village shop and have planted herbs and edible flowers.
idea came about last summer when a customer wanted to buy a couple of sprigs of
mint for a Pimms or was it mint sauce or rosemary for lamb? Well, whatever, the idea of 'pick your own
herbs' has now come to fruition but please hold back for a while to allow the
herbs to grow a little and we hope you enjoy them.
year we are again opening the Berrynarbor gardens to raise funds. The
Litter picks will continue, so keep a look out for
our posters. The

and Nut Squares with Chocolate Drizzle
Something quick and easy to make for this busy time of the
year but sweet and yummy all the same.
- 200g/8oz porridge oats
- 25g/1oz desiccated coconut
- 140g/5oz butter
- 50g/2oz light muscovado sugar
- 5 tbsp golden syrup
- 175g/6oz of any mixed unsalted nuts
[such as pistachio, pecan, cashew] chunkily chopped
- 50g/2oz dried cranberries or cherries
Heat the oven to 180 Deg C/fan 160 Deg C/gas4. Butter
an 18 x 28cm cake tin and line the base with baking parchment. Mix
together the oats and coconut. Melt the
butter in a pan over a medium heat with the sugar and syrup. Stir gently until the sugar and butter has
melted. Take the pan off the heat and
stir in the oat mix, the nuts and fruit.
Leave to get cold and then add two thirds of the chocolate cut into biggish
chunks. Now tip the mixture on to the
paper in the tin and spread until even.
Bake for 25-30 minutes until pale golden. Mark into squares while still warm. When completely cold, cut all the way
through. Melt the remaining chocolate
and drizzle casually over the top of the bars.
These will keep for up to a week in an airtight tin.

Hello, I'm Peppa, a five-year-old springer spaniel rescue now living at Woodvale Cottage. I have a lovely garden to play and I especially like having a run on Woolacombe beach. I enjoy my walks up the Valley and around the village, so if you see me about, please give me a biscuit - I love treats!
'Bring forth May flowers.'
The anonymous rhyme, 'March winds and April showers. Bringeth vo'th May flowers' was collected by
Frederick Thomas Elworthy in his 'West
Somerset Word-Book' 1886. This spring the April showers had been strangely absent but
the grassy slopes above the Hoaroak Water at

Illustration by: Paul Swailes
We followed the path to Lynmouth. It was not long before we spotted the two
stars of these fast flowing, boulder strewn rivers - the dipper and the grey
We took the short detour to the waterfall. It was more impressive than I remembered it
to be but it gets less attention than the waterfall further along at
Watersmeet. Nearby were patches of wood anemone and the rare Irish spurge
[Euphorbia Hyberna], a handsome plant with yellow-green flowers. This is the only place in
Between Watersmeet and Lynmouth, 'Myrtleberry' had always been
a focus of cosy domesticity amid the grandeur of the deep gorge. But the hens and beehives had disappeared
from the tiny meadow across the river and the house and garden were completely
hidden behind high 'fortifications'.
However, a little further on, the stoneware ginger beer
bottle was still set into the rock, marking the site where the Lynrock Water
factory had been before it was swept away in the flood of 1952.
Along this stretch of the
Beyond the bridge the floral mixture changed - stitchwort,
yellow archangel and mauve bush vetch.
Green-veined white butterflies fluttered among the alkanet and
triangular-stalked garlic, growing at the gravelly edges of the river.
Green-veined white butterflies resemble the small white in
flight. But when they land the
grey-green vein pattern can be seen on the hind wings. In the females of the summer brood, the
veins are paler and less distinct. As we reached Lynmouth the numbers of grey wagtails
increased. The males showed the black
throat patch of their summer plumage;
perched on rocks, flicking their long tails; their bills crammed with flies.
Sue H

Our Summer Term has got off to a great start. This is always a really busy term with lots
of trips away and events taking place at school.
Classes 1 and 3 have started their 10 swimming sessions at
Ilfracombe Swimming Pool and Year 2 and 3 are having tri-golf lessons here at
school and will finish off with a tournament at Ilfracombe Golf club with other
local schools. Mark Davies is the
coach and he is spending many hours with all the schools, encouraging an
interest in golf.
On Thursday, 13th May, Class 3 spent a day at The Exmoor
Zoological Park with their teacher Miss Vickery. They had a talk from the Zoo Keeper about
the teeth and eating habits of animals, followed by a grand tour, picnic lunch
and ice-cream.
On Wednesday, 19th May, we were thrilled that the Tesco Great
School Run 2010 agreed to come to our school for the afternoon. They invited the local media to come along
and their Roadshow Team organised:
- Fun PE-style games and activities
- Music led aerobic warm up
- Mini fun run with inflatable start/finish gantry
From 24th to 28th May, Mrs. Lucas and Class 4 will be off on
their well-deserved residential trip to the Goblin Combe Environmental Centre
Whilst they are away on the 27th May, Classes 1 and 2 will be
spending a day at the Wildlife and
Dates for your Diary:
- Half Term will be from the 31st May to 4th June.
- Friday, 11th June, 6.00 p.m. Watermouth Castle Treasure Hunt and BBQ. This is a PTA annual fundraising event. The treasure hunt will take place around the castle followed by a BBQ on the front green. There is an optional 'knights and princesses' fancy dress. Cost - £5.00 per group of 4. Last year's event was a great success and raised lots of money. Further details will be available on the notice board at the Community Shop.
- Friday, 18th June, 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Years 5 and 6 attending Oceanfest at Croyde
- Tuesday, 22nd June, 1.00 p.m. Sports Day - Playing Field [Tuesday 29th June reserve date if the weather isn't good] The PTA will provide tea and cakes and cold drinks
- Monday 19th - Thursday 22nd July, a.m. only - Year 6 Bikeability Training
Mobile Phones - If you have any old mobile phones which you no longer require, please bring them in to school as we can obtain commission from a recycling company.
Tesco and Sainsbury's Vouchers - Please have a rummage. There is still time to hand in the current scheme's vouchers, either to the Shop or just pop them in to school please.
School Fete - our Fete will take place on Friday, 16th July, from 6.30 p.m. at the Manor Hall. An annual event not to be missed! EVERYONE welcome.
Pupils have been drawing flowers seen in the village. This one is by Billy - Year 5. Others are shown throughout the Newsletter.

Billy - Year 5
Thank you for your continued support.
Mary - Jane Newell - Acting Headteacher

Anna [6 1/2 years], who
lives in
When she read the newsletter article about Canine Partners
and puppy adoption, Anna wanted to help.
She made some colourful necklaces and bracelets and sold them to some of
our neighbours and friends - thank you to everyone for their support. She raised £10 - well done!
Pat and Malcolm

William Oughtred
copy by George Perfect Harding, after an engraving by Wenceslaus Hollar
watercolour, 19th century,
based on a work of 1644
Given by Arthur Hutchinson, 1936
NPG 2906a
© National Portrait Gallery, London
Licenced under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Albury St Peter and St Paul
©SuzanneKn at English Wikipedia
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
house was used as the location for the Scottish wedding in the film Four
Weddings and a Funeral. Buried under
the ruined chancel of the redundant Saxon church next door William Oughtred [1575-1660] who, as well as being parson there
for 50 years, was one of the leading mathematicians of his day. He invented the slide rule and the
multiplication sign [x]. He died from
joy when he heard of the restoration of Charles II to the throne.
- George Fox, preacher and founder of the Society of Friends, was born in Fenny
Drayton in 1624. On one of the many
occasions he was arrested, Fox bid the judge 'Quake at the word of God', and
from then on his followers were known as Quakers. Members have never used the term themselves, preferring to
be known as 'Friends'.
Quakers reject the religious authority of the established
church, believing that the Bible is the word of God and that he can be found in
every individual, so no mediation is needed from priest or doctrine. At Quaker services, no minister leads the
congregation but, instead, the silence is broken when someone feels moved by
the Holy Spirit to speak. Many Quakers have been
conscientious objectors and Quakers were amongst the first to speak out against
Well-known Quakers include - Abraham Darby [1678-1717] who
kick-started the Industrial Revolution when he discovered how to smelt iron
using coke; Edward Peace [1767-1858]
founder of the world's first passenger railway, the Stockton to Darlington, and
the first Quaker M.P; John Dalton
[1766-1844] father of atomic theory;
Thomas Hodgkin [1798-1866] pathologist who gave his name to
Hodgkin's Disease; Joseph Lister
[1827-1912] who pioneered the use of antiseptics in surgery; William Penn
[1644-1718] who founded Pennsylvania as a Quaker state; United States Presidents Herbert Hoover
[1874-1964] and Richard Nixon [1913-1994].
Household names founded by Quaker families include Wedgwood Pottery,
Lloyds Bank, Barclays Bank, Huntley and Palmer, Fry's, Cadbury's, Rowntree's,
Clark's Shoes and Bryant and May Matches.

George Fox
after Unknown artist
stipple engraving, published 1822
NPG D29213
© National Portrait Gallery, London
Licenced under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Coyau / Wikimedia Commons
- The
[19th August 1936
Co-founder of B&Q DIY Stores
a time I have stood in the queue at B&Q on a Wednesday, just one of the
hoard of grey heads waiting for their 10% discount, and never thought of how
the company got its name. So it came as
a shock to read in David Quayle's obituary, that he was 'Q' - not to be
confused with 007!
Nowadays, the idea of selling all home
improvement materials under one huge roof is commonplace, but before 'Q', any
amateur had to trail round builders' merchants and hardware stores - slowly -
trying to find what he or she wanted. When
Quayle was working for Marley Tiles in
Their first outlet was a 'minimarket'
using the back of a Triumph Herald and a Mini Clubman. This was in 1968, and it worked. Later that year, they spotted a 3,000 sq foot
former cinema in
They worked extremely hard. Their families operated the tills, whilst
they filled shelves, unloaded stock and served customers. Working a 66-hour week
they paid themselves only £90 per month but the result was that they had paid
off their overdraft in 6 months. Within
5 years they had opened a second store and their turnover was over £1 million.
David Quayle was the son of a RAF wing
commander, and his childhood was spent in RAF camps in
The two partners had very different
temperaments. Quayle had the ideas and
was the real salesman, whilst Block was steady and ran the day-to-day
operations. The men gradually drifted
apart and in 1976, when there were 13 stores, Block severed his interest in
B&Q and settled for a mere £400,000.
He concentrated on disastrous
experiments growing tomatoes in the
He remained as a director until 1982,
after which he became deputy chairman of Television South for 3 years. His next enterprise was investing in
Cityvision. The chain grew to over 600
stores in the
In the early 1990's he reverted to his
first interest - love of painting - and embarked on a two-year art course in
A well-known philanthropist, he set up
the Tramman Trust from some of the profits from B&Q. This helped many small causes, including
projects to improve the lives of needy children from inner cities. He
also backed
When Quayle and Block met in 1998 to pose
for photographs for the opening of the 285th B&Q store, they confessed that
although they each bought with their discount card from B&Q, neither of
them were any good at DIY - which they reckoned had helped them understand the
needs of their clients!
David Quayle loved to travel,
particularly cruising, but sadly his trip on the
Watching 'Location, Location, Location'
on TV last night, I caught a bit of the B&Q advert: '. . three little
words: B&Q'. Maybe, but it came about through five large
PP of DC
JUNE | |
4th | Primary School & College: End of Half Term |
8th | Parish Council Meeting, Penn Curzon Room, 7.00 p.m. |
9th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. |
19th | Farewell Party for Rector Keith, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. [ticket only] |
20th | Father's Day St. Peter's Church: 11.00 a.m. Final Eucharist with Rector Keith. Open Gardens, Sterridge Valley, from 1.30 p.m. |
22nd | Primary School Sports Day, Playing Field, 1.00 p.m. |
23rd | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon onwards |
26th | And 27th: Combe Martin Open Gardens, 1.00 - 5.00 p.m. |
27th | St. Peter ad Vincula, Combe Martin: 10.00 a.m. United Service - Celebration of Eucharist and Rector Keith's Ministry St. Peter's Church: 6.30 p.m. Christians Together |
29th | Primary School: Reserve Sports Day, Playing Field, 1.00 p.m. |
30th | St. Peter's Church: Gift Day |
JULY | |
3rd | Bikey's Bash, Cream Tea, 9 Berrynarbor Park, 2.00-5.00 p.m. And 4th: Flower Festival, St. Thomas's Kentisbury, 10.30 - 5.00pm |
6th | Ladies' Group, 2 pm., Manor Hall: Acupuncture - Marilyn Richards |
7th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. |
13th | Parish Council Meeting, Penn Curzon Room, 7.00 p.m. |
16th | Primary School Fete, Manor Hall, 6.30 p.m. |
18th | Open Gardens, The Village, from 1.30 p.m. |
21st | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. |
23rd | Primary School & College: End of Summer Term |
28th | Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon onwards |
3rd | St. Peter's Church: Summer Fayre, Manor Hall, 6.30 p.m. |
4th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. |
7th | Newsletter 21st Birthday Celebrations: Cream Tea, 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. Murder Mystery and Supper, 7.00 p.m. Manor Hall |
Manor Hall Diary:
Mondays | Upholstery, 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Craft Group, 1.30 p.m. onwards Badminton, 7.30 p.m. |
Tuesdays | 2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners Yoga, 7.00 p.m. |
Wednesdays | Pilates Body Workout, 9.00 a.m. |
Fridays | Term time only: Toddlers Soft Play and Activity |
Penn Curzon Room | Term time only: Monday - Friday
Mornings: Berrynarbor Pre-School
Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)
11.20 - 12.30 p.m. | Car Park |
1.40 - 2.05 p.m. | Sterridge Valley |

21 today and the key of the door will not be needed as the Manor Hall will be open for
everyone to come and join in the celebrations.
During the afternoon, from
For the evening, Debs, Alison and
Fenella have planned a murder mystery - The Mystery of the Extraordinary
Exploding Mouse. Following the discovery of a body and the
questioning of the suspects, there will be a two-course supper and coffee,
after which the culprit will be brought to justice.
Come and discover who's 'done in' and who's 'done it'! To assist with the catering, the evening
will be by ticket, £10.00 each, available nearer the time from the Shop or
It is hoped that you will
Any funds raised will ensure the Newsletter's future!

In Berrynarbor. 100
Linking up with Lorna's article about Berrynarbor Mills, for
this issue I have chosen another photograph taken and published in the early
1920's by John William Garratt.
The view shows what we now know as Mill Park Camping Site
with the east side of Berry Mills House seen in the centre. Of course, at this time it was being used
for farming but already some camping was taking place in the field beyond the
open barn. The card I have was sent to
a Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Ford
in Street,
- 'Ain't it grand to be bluming
well washing! It's far better camping
though! At the moment we are sprawled
out just behind the hedge under the hedge [under the cross on the other
side]. We are very lucky with our
pitch, just near the village store, water and all at hand. It was baking hot yesterday. We visited Combe Martin in the morning,
stayed home in the afternoon, I visited Ilfracombe at night. Just thinking about cooking dinner now. Love Bella.'
The list of Millers for Berry Mills from
1850 [White's Directory] up to 1939 [Kelly's Directory] are:
- 1850 - Jane Dyer
- 1856 - Thomas Pile
- 1866 - John Hancock, Jnr.
- 1878-1906 - John Jewell
- 1906-1923 - Ernest Smith [Lewis Smith's father]
- 1923-1926 - George Burgess
- 1926-1939 - James Chugg
The mill had an overshot water wheel
constructed of cast iron with wooden buckets and wheel diameter of 20' and
width of 5'. It was fed with water
running in a leat taken from the stream beyond North Lee Farm and running
alongside the road until it reached Berry Mills.
In the Watermouth Estate Sale of 1924,
Lot 6 describes: 'Berry Mills, a very
desirable Grist Mill and Dairy Farm comprising slated Dwelling House
containing: Sitting room, Kitchen, Back
Kitchen, Dairy and four Bedrooms, with Garden, Mill and water Wheel, Tiled
six-stall Shippen, Dutch Barn, Tiled Piggery, Tiled Shippen, Slated two-stall
Stable, Tiled Calf House and about 16 acres 2r 29p of Rich Watered Meadow,
Pasture and Woodlands, as now in the occupation of Mr. C.H. Burgess as a Yearly
Michaelmas Tenant.' James Chugg was the
At the foot of Hagginton Hill, both
North Lee Farm and the Linhey and out-buildings opposite can be clearly seen as
well as Middle Lee Farm in the distance.
At the top of the picture, Black's Farm and outbuildings can be
seen. The building showing at the top
of Hagginton Hill [top right] is probably 'Grattons'.
Tower Cottage, May 2010
e-mail: tombartlett44@hotmail.com

We look forward to seeing you here in the Gardens or in the Garden Tea Room, any day, any time between 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Or, of course, you may like to visit the Plant Centre with its wide variety of top class plants for sale.
The Wisteria walk currently looks stunning with the blooms of purple and white from the many varieties, as do the Candelabra Primulas. Towards the end of June and into July, the National Collection of Astilbes will be taking pride of place.
Why not indulge yourself? Firstly, with a delicious tea in the Tea Room [A Recipe Book of our home-made cakes is now available on sale], and secondly by taking advantage of our incredible value Season Ticket, just £20.00 for a whole year [minus your entry fee on the day of purchase]!