Edition 12 - June 1991

Artwork by: Tammi Pearson-Bish [Age 6]

A delightful selection of drawings for the cover of this Newsletter was submitted by pupils from our Primary School. On this occasion, pictures from the younger pupils were considered first and it was very difficult to pick out just one. Tami Pearson-Bish's 'View from the Church Steps' takes pride of place above, and the picture to the right was drawn by Loanna Chugg, who like Tammi is 6 years old.
A further selection provides a centre-fold and drawings from Lloyd Gove and Ashley Lane will appear on the cover of the August issue.
Congratulations and many thanks, however, to all the artists:
- Rosamond, Michael H, Michael J, Peter, Robert, James, Sophie, Katie, Laura, Jessica, Debbie, Alison, George, Jancy, Ian, Bethany, Holly, Lucy, Amy, Thomas, Stephen, Heidi , Nicolle, Owen, Marcus, Mark, Kerry, Freddie, Lindsey, Sarah, Joe, Jeff, Paul and Daniel


Congratulations to Sarah Rottenbury, youngest daughter of Dennis and Barbara Rottenbury of Bodstone Lodge, Berrynarbor, who appeared in the March edition of 'Platform Twentyfive', the TSW programme that interviews young people about their ambitions in life.
Sarah is a member of the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary, based at Newquay. She passed out from Chantmarle Police Training Centre, Dorset, last July.
Loanna Chugg
- GET WELL Get well soon and best wishes for a speedy recovery to anyone who is 'under the. weather' but especially Betty Davis, Gordon Hughes and Michael Morrow. We also hope that Bobby Hacker has recovered from her unfortunate accident when the wind blew her over.Get well wishes, also, to Terry Bebbington, who with his wife and family regularly visits and stays in our village for holidays.
- RETIREMENT Happy retirement wishes to Lorna Bowden who has retired from teaching, having taught at Combe Martin Primary School for the last 20 years. However, Lorna is not putting her feet up yet and has taken up part-time work of a different nature for the summer season.
- GOOD LUCK! Good luck and best wishes to all students from the village who are taking G.C.S.E., 'AS' or 'A' Level examinations over next few weeks.
- HOSPICE CARE Hospice Care have two forthcoming events: A Strawberry Tea at Middleton [home of Dr. and Mrs. Eames] Combe Martin, 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, 19TH JUNE; and on WEDNESDAY, 3RD JULY, Coffee and Ploughman's at Scaena [home of Joan and Donald McCallam] Combe Martin.
- UNITED REFORM CHURCH Sunday Services during the summer now start at 6.30 p.m. Anyone welcome. A Coffee Morning will be held in the Manor Hall on THURSDAY, 27th June 10.00 to 12.00 noon. Cake stall, bring and buy, raffle. Admission 50p. Proceeds in aid of, church funds.
- BADMINTON CLUB Badminton Club has now finished for the summer and will recommence on Monday, 9TH SEPTEMBER.
- THANKS Betty Davis would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the many cards, beautiful flowers and best wishes she has received during her stay in hospital.
I would like to thank everyone who voted for me at the Parish Council Election. I will do my very best to justify the confidence which you have shown in me.
Cllr. Bernard Allen
Mike Knight and Peter Spencer wish to thank all their supporters in Berrynarbor who gave them such a notable win in the Berrynarbor-Combe Martin Ward on the North Devon District Council. We would like to hear of any concerns of villagers and we assure them we shall do our best on behalf of all in Berrynarbor.
Mike Knight [882962] Peter Spencer [882684]
May we in turn, thank the retiring Parish and District Councillors - Bob Richards, Richard Stanbury, Graham Andrews and Kaye Wood - for all that they have done during their years serving the village and its residents, especially Bob, who has served as a Councillor and Chairman of the Parish Council for very many years.
The turnout for the local ballots on 2nd May was very good, with over 65% casting their vote.
Before Election Day, candidates put themselves about, calling on all and sundry in the hope of attracting those vital crosses. Inevitably, some will not gain sufficient and in the District election I was one to fall by the wayside.
However, In the Parish Council vote you were good enough to put me at the top of the Poll. My sincere thanks go to: everyone for the friendly reception that awaited me on the doorstep; those who worked at the delivery task and on election day; everyone who voted in my support and, of course, Margaret, my wife, who propped me up throughout in her cheerful way.
Sadly, Betty Davis is not able to continue as Parish Clerk. A notice appears below advertising the post, and as the Council have asked me to stand-in temporarily, it is my hope that a successor will soon be found.
Finally, it was a tremendous boost to the morale to be asked by my colleagues on the Parish Council to be their Chairman this year. I am most grateful to them.
Graham E. Andrews

Owing to the sudden illness and resignation of the Clerk, a vacancy exists for the post of Clerk to the Parish Council. This interesting part-time post attracts a salary currently around £400 p.a. Further information may be obtained from the Chairman on 883385. Applications should be made in writing to: The Chairman, Berrynarbor Parish Council, Treetops, Old Coast Road, Berrynarbor, llfracombe. EX34 9RZ by Friday, 7th June, 1991. Preference will be given to a suitable applicant resident in the Parish.
Graham E. Andrews - Acting Clerk
Also urgently needed, if the Youth Club is to continue, is someone willing to act as Leader. The Youth Club is very well supported by the parents, who are willing to assist a new leader. If anyone would like further information, please contact Ann Davies, 883837.
A suggestion has been put forward to invite readers to
contribute a pithy quote - something witty or wise [or preferably both] - or
even a country saying. So how about it? Pop your 'Quick Quote' [it need only be
a line or two] in the box in the Post Office. Here are a couple of seasonal
country sayings to start the ball rolling:
A swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay.
A swarm of bees in June is worth a silver spoon.
A swarm of bees In July is not worth a fly.
St. Swithin's Day, if it do rain,
For forty days it will remain.
St. Swithin's Day an it be fair,
For forty days t'will rain nae mair.

The village of Berrynarbor is so fortunate in having such a beautiful church at its focal point. It is, therefore, an ideal location for everyone in the vicinity to use as a meeting place, not only for prayer and thanksgivings but also as a centre for all to meet and share caring friendship with others.
During this decade of Evangelism, it behoves us all to try and understand the needs of others. How can this world expect to be at peace and how can we live in harmony unless in our own small way we come together as a Family Community.
The opportunity to introduce more social and leisure gatherings amongst ourselves could easily be arranged, were we all to meet regularly.
All are welcome - to any service - and we hope soon to enjoy coffee after the Sunday Service in order that we may have time to chat to each other and make welcome our visitors.
I know that the Rector and Preb. Eppingstone would be overjoyed to have your company.
A member of the Parish Church Council
The new Combe Martin Museum opens on Spring Bank holiday Monday, 27th May, and opening times for that week will be daily from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. and evenings from 7.00 p.m. From 4th June to 28th July, it will be open from 1.30 to 4.00 p.m. and after the 28th July, from 11.00 a.m. The Museum is situated below the Parade Car Park at Seaside. Entry: 40p adults, children and senior citizens at reduced rates. For special party visits, please contact the Museum Secretary, Hilary Beaumont, 882636.
The Muddiford and Milltown Morris Men this year celebrate their 10th Anniversary with a very full dancing programme during the summer months. The team will dance at Ye Olde Globe on 26th June at 7.45 p.m. and again on the 24th July at 9.00 p.m. In addition, we have been booked to appear at the P.T.A. Fete on the 30th July and the Berry Revels on the 6th August, and will make a late visit to the village on the 21st August.
The side's emblem is a Grey Heron with an eel in its beak. This is part of the coat-of-arms of the Chichester family from Arlington Court, and we are extremely grateful to them for allowing us to adopt this unusual insignia. The colours of the Baldricks [cross-belts] are said by some to represent the blue of the sky, and the gold of the sun. Some others say that the grey top hats represent the ashen faces of older members on practice nights. The white shirts and socks indicate purity. Originally, the side wore grey trousers, but as the men perspired, these shrunk to breeches and changed their colour to dark blue.
Since those early days, the side has become proficient in the differing traditions of Morris Dance. The repertoire includes Bampton, Fieldtown, Adderbury, Bledington and Border dances. Within the side are a gallant band of fellows with cut and sore hands who indulge in the art of 'Rapper' [sword-dancing]. The most popular dances that we do are called 'nearly' , followed by 'very nearly'.
David Duncan
Leonard Edward Bowden was born at Ruggaton on the 24th March, 1906, the youngest child of Samuel and Martha Bowden. His grandparents, Joseph and Mary Bowden, farmed Lower Rows and his great-grandparents, John and Sarah Bowden, farmed at Court Bowden. Before them was John and Prudence, and so the Bowden line goes back over the centuries into Berry Narbor's history.
At the age of five, Leonard went to school at Berry, where Mr. Brown was Headmaster. He left at the age of eleven to attend Ilfracombe Grammar School, walking the five miles, with other village children, via Henton and Hele. He was proud of having an article printed in the first edition of "The Old Issians" magazine.
When he left school, Leonard joined his father on the farm and in his milk retail business. He was a familiar figure around the district delivering milk with his trap and pony, Little Doll.

Relaxation from work in those days was a game of bowls on the little green below the Rectory. When it was decided to close the green and join the larger club at Combe Martin, Leonard, who deeply opposed the move, put away his woods and never played again.
When Edith Penn Curzon gave her permission for the upper rooms of the Old Manor House to be used as a social venue for the men of the parish, Leonard became one of the founder members of The Men's Institute. He served on the Committee for many years, working for the improvements that the club enjoys today. He loved a game of snooker and was proud to be the Club's President for many years.
During his life, Leonard served the community in many ways. He was a Parish Councillor for nearly fifty years and was one of the enthusiastic team who raised the funds to purchase the Manor Hall properties. He was a founder member of the Management Committee and worked with them, over the years, raising funds for the upkeep of these properties.
He was always very proud of the Parish's contribution to the Lynmouth Flood Disaster Fund, when councillors made a house-to-house collection.
He served on the Barnstaple District Council and was a governor of Combe Martin Secondary School. During the 1950's and '60's, he took an active part in the productions of the local drama group - The Village Players.
Perhaps he will be best remembered for his service to St. Peter's Church. He was a faithful member of the congregation, as well as fulfilling duties as Treasurer to the P.C.C., Sidesman and Church Warden. He was recently elected Church Warden Emeritus, a deserved recognition of over forty years of service to the Parish.
Valerie & Lorna Bowden
No. 11 - April 1991 The old barn referred to in 'Local Walks' in the view from Buddicombe, is the remains of Limpet Cottage at the end of Limpet Lane.
When my grandfather was a youth in the 1890's, an old couple called Nichols lived there. He used to love to tell the story of how he and some other young men in the Village blacked out the windows of the cottage whilst the couple slept. When old Mr. Nichols finally arose and opened the door, he shouted "Mary, Mary, the world's coming to an. end, the sun is rising in the west!
Lorna Bowden
No. 7 - August 1990 Looking back through the Newsletters I came across Tom Bartlett's account of Capel Cottage. It brought back childhood memories of how important the gentry's "dirty linen" was in supplementing the family income. Although in this instance, Mrs. Snell would not have been washing for the Rev. Churchill's family at that time. The job of laundress to the Rectory was tied to the tenancy of Rectory Cottage [Wild Violets) where in April 1904 my family came to live.
The laundry was an outhouse attached to the Temperance Hall, the ruins of which still remain behind Orchard House. It was here that social 'bun fights' such as the Harvest Supper, were held. Water for the tea was boiled in the laundry's copper boiler having first been pumped up from the well.
Mother was well qualified for her job as she had come to Watermouth Castle in 1897 from Lerryn in Cornwall, to take up the position of head laundress.
During this period, the Bassett family were still enjoying their heyday and parties of up to 20 house guests were a regular occurrence. It was the custom to change clothing according to the activities of the day, often three times a day - one didn't shoot in one's sailing garb! [Squire Bassett kept his own yacht in Watermouth Harbour.]
It was small wonder that the Castle laundry [the modern-day restaurant] was kept very busy six days a week and mother's skill with the goffering iron was in constant demand.
Lorna Price
2. Daddy Longlegs
3. Elm
4. Fox
5. Deadly Nightshade
6. Smooth Snake
7. Oak
8. Chicken
9. A leveret
10. Mistletoe
11. Crab
13. Heather
14. Ospreys
15. Goldcrest
16. Pike
17. Ha-Ha
18. Ferret
19. Squirrels
20. Churchyard
21. Foxglove.
8th - 16th June,

Once again in June, Ilfracombe will be recreating its traditions as a Victorian sea-side resort.
The event is rapidly becoming nationally known as one in which a whole community gets together for what has been described as a "week-long Victorian party". A souvenir brochure will be available from newsagents shortly before the event, but as usual, be assured there will be a whole range of activities and events to enjoy.
Horses and carriages, veteran cars and bicycles, traction engines and paddle steamers will be conveying people around and out of the town to sample the various delights and fancies on offer. Traders will be striving to give good old-fashioned service, but the main thing is to dress up and enjoy yourselves.
Jon Bell
National Youth Arts Festival
29th June to 5th

Ilfracombe seafront will be transformed by fire, acoustic music and spectacular sights during the evening of 3rd July. Welfare State International have been invited to work with young people during Festival week - their workshops will result in a procession through the town and a spectacular outdoor event at Wildersmouth Beach.
During the week there will be a wide range of shows on offer. London Fusion - a jazz dance group who perform with a live orchestra will appear in the main hall at The Lantern on Monday, 1st July. Participating youth groups [including the South Bedfordshire Youth Dance Group "New Beginnings" under the direction of Helen Weedon] will present dance, music, drama and visual arts. No booking is necessary and they usually only charge a small entrance fee. Please support this national arts event ... you'll have a great time!
Further information may be obtained by contacting 862419 and programmes will be available from the Library, The Lantern, and Ebberley House in the week before the Festival.
Penny Jackson

Rufus Dummett [11]

Jeffrey Dummett [8]

Robert Fry [9]

Gregory Pearson [7 3/4]

Melanie Lane [11]

Charlotte Fryer [9]
Excerpts from
Rubaiyat of Omar

Woke - and a thousand scatter'd into Clay:
And this first Summer Month that brings the Rose
Shall take Jamshyd and Kaikobad away.
Look to the Rose that blows about us - "Lo,
Laughing, " she says, "into the World I blow:
At once the silken Tassel of my Purse
Tear, and its Treasure on the Garden throw."
I sometimes think that never blows so red
The Rose as where some buried Caesar bled;
That every Hyacinth the Garden wears
Dropt in its Lap from some once lovely Head.

Gooseberries with Elderflower
- 1 lb gooseberries
- 4 oz caster sugar
- 1/2 pt water
- 2 heads of elderflower
The frothy cream blossoms of elderflowers are a pleasant sight along the hedgerows in early to mid-summer and the wine made from them has a deservedly high reputation. But a simple way to use these blooms is as a flavouring for gooseberries, which lends the delicate flavour of muscat grapes without masking the natural taste of the gooseberry.
Cut the elderflower clusters with one or two inches of stem attached. Shake the heads to dislodge any insects, but do not wash them as this removes much of the fragrance. Tie the heads in muslin to form a bag. Put the goose-berries [topped and tailed] in a pan with the bag of flowers resting on top. Cook, with lid on, until soft. Remove the bag and stir in the sugar immediately while the gooseberries are still hot. Use in a fool or pie, etc.


After welcoming members to the April meeting, it was my pleasure to introduce Mr. Alan Morton, a Water Bailiff, N.R.A., who gave an interesting talk, illustrated with slides, on the Life Cycle of the Salmon. As there was a cloudburst whilst we were watching the high leaps of the salmon, we had sound effects as well!
On the 18th April, 17 members attended the Group Meeting at East Down and I felt very proud when I received the shield for being joint winners with Loxhore for the competitions. Grateful thanks to Peggy Gingell [Easter Card] and Doris Upton [Bridesmaid's posy] and yours truly received complimentary remarks for her lemon curd! Three members won raffle prizes, so all in all, a very successful evening.
I was pleased to welcome two visitors and admit Brenda Walton as a member on 7th May. Win Collins's account of the Spring Council Meeting at Exeter was read and resolutions to go to the Triennial General Meeting were introduced and fully discussed by members. Final details of the trip to Taunton and the visit to Chambercombe Manor [in Victorian costume] were made.
Ivy Richards kindly offered 'Southerley' as the venue for a Coffee Morning in aid of "Hearing Dogs for the Deaf" on Tuesday, 9th July, 10.30 a.m. PLEASE COME and support this worthy cause.
Forthcoming meetings include a talk from a Tesco representative and cooking with yoghurt by Peter Duncan of Stapleton Farm. Visitors are always welcome.
Vi Kingdon President
Cut off from lively intercourse, they live their days alone.
Shut up inside the secret places of a quiet heart,
Remote from other people, isolated, set apart.
Yet there are compensations, for their peace is never stirred,
By jangled notes, disturbances, the loud & angry word.
They miss the world's sweet harmonies, the swish of leaves and wings,
Yet they're spared the pain of hearing harsh unpleasant things.
Last year the government announced its target to have 25% of household waste recycled by the end of the decade. A year later the country is recycling only 2.5% of its rubbish, roughly the same figure as 25 years ago in the mid-sixties.
Since the autumn of 1989, Berrynarbor has been one of the villages lucky enough to have its reusable rubbish - GLASS, PAPER, CARDBOARD, TINS, etc. collected each month by South Molton Recycling, a charitable organisation.
This is very convenient. It is so much easier to be able to take a variety of materials to one central point locally, than track down the various skips and bottle banks scattered about Barnstaple and Ilfracombe.
But why bother? There are several good reasons for recycling:
- Conservation of a finite resource [in the case of metals; for example]
- Saving of energy.
- Less strain on existing landfill sites and ultimately less new sites for rubbish dumps having to be found.
- Less money spent on fighting public enquiries when proposed new sites for rubbish dumps are contested.
- Less money paid in compensation or compulsory purchase.
- Less danger from the build-up of methane gas in landfill sites.
- Less environmental pollution [such as the contamination of water, etc.].
More 'talking rubbish' in the next issue!
Next Recycling Day: WEDNESDAY, 5TH JUNE.

"Landslip on
Combe Martin Road", January 1919

With the present main road between Ilfracombe/ Berrynarbor and Combe Martin reduced to single-line traffic, controlled by permanent traffic lights - due to fears of the road on the Combe Martin side of Sandy Cove Hotel falling away into the sea - the cards I have chosen are somewhat apt!
The landslip occurred about 10.00 p.m. on the 10th January, 1919, and these pictures were taken by Phillips & Lees of Ilfracombe the following morning. They show clearly the severed road and gas main just above the Old Coast Road between Watermouth Castle's sawmills and Sandy Cove.

The following is an extract from Page 3 Chronicle of the 11th January, 1919:
"Hundreds of Tons of Cliff Fall into the Sea"
"A serious landslide has occurred between Ilfracombe and Combe Martin, where a portion of the cliff road has collapsed, and some hundreds of tons of shale and limestone, of which the cliff is composed, have been carried into the sea. The road circles the cliff 250 feet above sea level at a spot just past Watermouth Castle known as Golden Cove. As a result of the landslide, the greater portion of the road width at a certain point has subsided. The road has been barricaded off for a distance of three-quarters of a mile, and traffic now proceeds to Combe Martin via Berrynarbor village. The damaged road contains the gas main which supplies Combe Martin from Ilfracombe and the gas supply to the former village was temporarily cut off owing to the damage to the pipe. The landslide occurred at night, and no damage to traffic resulted.
"At Barnstaple Rural District Council meeting Friday, Mr. R. Clogg recalled that some months ago he had drawn attention to the dangerous condition of the main road between Ilfracombe and Combe Martin.
"Since then committees and surveyors had visited the spot, but nothing had been done. The roadway at the point named had now fallen into the sea. The Ilfracombe and Combe Martin gas main had been broken, and Combe Martin was in darkness at night. It was a marvellous thing that no personal injury had resulted. He moved that the County Surveyor be asked to remake the road without delay.
"Mr. G.C. Davie seconded, and said the County Council had previously been appealed to take the matter in hand at once. Plans had been prepared for remaking the road further back from the coast...
"Mr. H. Isaac supported the diversion of the road, but said that the larger scheme referred to was unnecessary, and that the present scheme adopted by the County Council would suffice.
"Mr. W. T. Buckingham held that the County Council could not do more than it had already done. The only question was that of labour.
"On the suggestion of the Clerk [Mr. R. E. C. Balsdon], it was decided to ask the County Council to proceed with the work at once and to place the new road in such a position that there would be no danger."
Oh! How history can repeat itself, and to think that it was again the renewing of the gas main that brought to light the imminent danger, albeit that the danger of a further landslide had already been brought up in the '30's and land purchased to set aside for yet another new road!
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, May 1991
You will be aware of the problem we have with the Combe Martin to Ilfracombe road [A399]. The weakness of the cliff has caused stress marks to appear on the road surface just below the entrance to 'Greenleas'. The DCC has, for safety reasons, had to install traffic lights and to allow traffic to use only the landward side of the road.
At the Planning and Transportation Committee on the 10th April, 1991, the problem was reviewed as an emergency item and it was decided to divert the road from 'Windy Ridge' via the rear of 'Little Firs', 'On a Hill Garage' and thence behind the succeeding properties before rejoining the main road to Ilfracombe. This will cost in the region of £650,000. On the 26th June, 1991, the Committee will be presented with full details of the plan, costs and dates of the project.
I have received an assurance that the work will be completed in the shortest possible time, but the Officer does not envisage a start being made on the ground until September, with completion, hopefully, by the end of March 1992.
Mike Knight
County Councillor &
North Devon District Councillor
- Double-Drainer Stainless Steel Sink Top, 63" long, complete with Mixer Taps
- 2'9" wide Glass Panelled Exterior Door - Offers invited.
Please 'phone 882491
JUNE | |
2nd | Visit to Exeter Cathedral, Evensong 6.30 p.m. |
4th | W.I. Meeting - Shopping in the 1990's [Tesco Rep.] |
5th | South Molton Recycling, 11.00 - 1.00 p.n. Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
11th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m.. |
12th | W.I. Visit to Chambercombe Manor [Victorian Costume], 2.00 p.m. |
13th | U3A Luncheon, Collingwood Hotel, Ilfracombe - Elizabeth Baines 'Turning the Clock Back' |
19th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. Hospice Care Strawberry Tea, 3.00 p.m. |
26th | Muddiford & Milltown Morris Men, Ye Olde Globe, 7.45 p.m. |
27th | U.R. Church Coffee Morning, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon. |
29th | to 5th July National Youth Arts Festival - Ilfracombe. |
JULY | |
2nd | W.I. Meeting - Cooking with Yoghurt, Peter Duncan. |
3rd | South Molton Recycling, 11.00 - 1.00 p.m. Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. Hospice Care Coffee & Ploughman's at Scaena, 10.30 a.m., Procession & Outdoor Spectacular, Ilfracombe. |
7th | Gardens Open - Cherry Tree Cottage [Phil Walden] and Lee House [Win Sanders], 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. |
9th | W.I. Coffee Morning, Southerley, 10.30 a.m. Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. |
11th | U3A Luncheon, Granville Hotel, Ilfracombe - Mrs. Diane Antoniazzi, Citizens' Advice Bureau. |
13th | Muddiford & Milltown Morris Men Ceilidh, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. |
17th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
24th | School and College Break Up Craft Market, Manor Hall, Muddiford & Milltown Morris Men, Ye Olde Globe, 9.00 p.m. |
30th | P.T.A. Fete, Muddiford & Milltown Morris Men, 7.15 p.m. |
31st | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |

The annual school fetes have been a great success over recent years and have provided us with a great deal of much-needed equipment. We are always very appreciative of help given by local people in providing manpower and donations and for allowing us the use of essential facilities.
The Proceeds from last year's fete have been used to buy books, large classroom equipment, which is otherwise too expensive for our small budget, and large wooden play structures for the playground. This year's project is to re-fit and re-stock the school library.
Many thanks to everyone for their support of the village school.

Eight signs have now been installed, thanks to the help of Gary Songhurst, and it is hoped, funds permitting, to provide one or two more at a later date.
U.V. Security Marker Pens are now available and anyone wishing to use one to mark valuable items, etc. , should get in touch with their Contact person.
Bill Berry

Congratulations to the Globe's very successful Skittles and Darts teams on all their magnificent awards, but watch out, the ladies are out to do better than you next year!
Are there any golfers from the village interested in playing for the Globe Cup [sponsored by Ushers]? If so, please let either Phil, Lynne or Richard Lewis know. Matches will hopefully be played in September/ October.
Once again Gary and Phil will be entertaining the kids on Thursday evenings, 8.00 to 10.00 p.m. Everyone welcome.

Officers for 1991-2:
- Chairman - Roy Perry [883541]
- Secretary - Vi Davies [882696]
- Treasurer - To be elected
- Joy Morrow [882531]
- Ginny Neale [882447]
- Margaret Walls [883762]
- Parish Council - Lorna Bowden
The A.G.M. was attended by only 2 members of the public. Discussion was held regarding the new staging and re-decoration of the main hall and Penn Curzon room, which has been completely rewired; the toilets are now fitted with a time switch which automatically switches off after about 10 minutes, so be warned!
Berry Revels - this event may not happen this year! If you have concerns, comments, etc., please contact one of the Committee before Wednesday, 5th June.
Craft Markets - 2 are scheduled this summer, 24th July and 21st August. If you are interested in selling crafts at these events or know someone who might be, please contact Vi Davies on 882696.
Horticultural and Art Show - date is 7th September. Please, please plan to join in and enter. Art items end children's entries WANTED!
Britain in Bloom - Yes, we have entered!! Judging will be held in mid-July. Watch out for posters. Thanks to Josef and Hedy Belka, Roy and June Perry and Ron Toms.
Joy Morrow

Very many thanks to all contributors to this issue. Snippets, Sales & Wants, Quick Quotes items, articles and regular contributions for the August issue should be in the box at the Post Office or with me by 15th July at the latest please. Thank you.
'To the Lighthouse'
At times I sympathise with the little boy in Virginia Woolf's novel, who would implore, "Please Mama, when are we going to the lighthouse?"
The lane to Bull Point lighthouse, Mortehoe and the paths leading to Bennett's Mouth and Damage Cliffs are among my all-time favourite walks - and at regular intervals I have a deep yearning to explore this breathtaking area again.
The lane is reached via the road opposite the car park. It is a walk which starts by being confined by hedges, but a corner is turned and then another, and each time a spectacular new vista is revealed.
In April there was an abundance of yellow and white on all sides, owing to the density of the blackthorn blossom and the flowers on the gorse - and as it was a sunny day, a strong coconut aroma wafted from the gorse bushes.
To your left you will see a view of Lundy and Rockham Bay, a broad sweep of deep blue sea and sky on a good day [as this was]; a barn and a ruin of circular stone columns in the foreground. The fields dropping down to Rockham Bay are a good place to observe pheasants and rabbits.
A short distance on you will find yourself suddenly facing a completely different seascape; down a valley to the little cove called Bennett's Mouth and opposite, the Welsh coastline. Enjoy the view from the comfortable seat [of a somewhat organic design] on the other side of the gate on your left.
Just as we were approaching the lighthouse, we noticed two cormorants on a triangular outcrop of rock below. We were able to get close enough to see the white thigh patch which they display in the breeding season.
As we turned back, two lesser black-backed gulls landed on top of a silvery stack of rock. To the left of the lighthouse is a seat ideally situated for viewing Lundy and the Gower Peninsular simultaneously, but our route follows the path to the right, uphill at first but then dropping quite steeply down to Bennett's Mouth. [Look out for a brief sight of the coastguard cottages in the distance.]
Sea pinks were in tight bud; there were a few sea campions; patches of white scurvy grass on the cliffs and a stonechat perched on some gorse. Among the bladder wrack and whelk egg cases of the rocky cove was a large number of cuttlefish bones. Also, in this remote place, there were several cans and plastic bottles. A rock pipit and a pair of mallards moved quietly about the rock pools.
From the beach go back over the stile and walk inland along the valley, a really idyllic spot. Here there were brown speckled wood butterflies, with cream spots, clumps of primroses and a solitary holly blue butterfly. The short grass was liberally studded with violets. Along the stream were the sturdy leaves of yellow flag irises and the little pink flowers of montia sybirica [an alien species originally from North America]. The clear, high pitched song of willow warblers mingled with the sound of the water.
Ignore the steep path which branches off on the right-hand side and soon you wil find another seat - shortly afterward the path climbs to the right to meet up with the lane back to Mortehoe.
Have you heard this saying? "When gorse is out of blossom, kissing is out of fashion." Fortunately, there is always some gorse in blossom!
Sue H