Edition 110 - October 2007

The Men's Institue Cup

Artwork by: Primary School - Various

Caitlin Burgess - Class 1 [aged 6]

Kitty May Barten - Class 1 [aged 6]

Erza Crutchfield - Class 1 [aged 6]

Artwork: Judie Weedon


It has become a tradition that the cover of the October issue is provided by the pupils of our Primary School. This year, under the guidance of staff, the subject for their work was the Horticultural Show's theme of 'Music'. The winners received their awards and cups at the Show where their pictures were on display. Thank you to them all and to all the pupils for their colourful and imaginative work. Apologies to Keelan and Mia, the lovely silver on their pictures does not unfortunately scan on to the computer.

Weather - that inevitable topic of conversation! Well, the rain did eventually stop and we have enjoyed a few weeks of warm and sunny, but rather autumnal days. There is a nip in the air in the evenings, which have definitely drawn in.

Our thoughts have been with the Ozelton family following the kitchen fire at The Globe. Work is well in hand and we hope that 'normal service will be resumed as soon as possible'. Good luck and best wishes. We also send our very best wishes to all those in the village who are not feeling 'fighting fit' at present - we hope you will soon be feeling better.

The next few weeks look as if they are going to be busy, with various Christmas fairs, auction, road shows and other village activities - so make a note of the dates in your diaries and go along to give your support to these events - many to help others as well as our Community Shop.

As always, my sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue. Unbelievably, the next one will be December and Christmas - can another year nearly be over? Contributions, especially Christmassy ones, are always welcome early but items will be required by Monday, 12th November at the latest please. For those of you wishing to send your Christmas greetings to friends and neighbours via the Newsletter - and I hope many of you will do this again, perhaps even more - please let me have your message and a donation towards Manor Hall funds as soon as possible and again by the 12th November latest. Thank you.

Articles and messages may be left either at the Shop or Chicane.

Judie - Ed



After the August break, the Autumn Meetings began on September 4th when Helen Latham gave an interesting talk about her life in the 20's and 30's. She was educated at a convent school where she learnt to read, write and behave impeccably - but little else! Fearing that she might be put to work as a "skivvy", she went to live with her aunt and uncle. During this period she was introduced to life in the theatre but her aunt guided her towards the more rewarding profession of nursing. After training and working on the wards in hospitals, she became an industrial nurse and eventually married the son of the managing director!

The raffle was won by Mavis Pesic and birthday cards were given to Joan Garbett, Ann Hinchliffe and Margaret Weller.

On 2nd October Mrs. Cooke will be demonstrating Hedgerow Baskets, and a Cookery Demonstration will be given at the meeting on the 6th November. The Meeting on 4th December will be a Christmas party. Trips have been arranged for shopping in Exeter on Monday, 12th November and to "Dunster by Candlelight" on Friday, 7th December. Once again members are looking forward to a Christmas Lunch at The Lodge on Monday 17th December.

Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 2.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall - all welcome.

Doreen Prater


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Everyone rallied round to make the best of the inclement evening for the Summer Fayre on 14th August. Stall holders and those running the various attractions were kept busy, as were those providing hot drinks, and a special mention for Ivan and family who as always braved the elements to do a brilliant job on the barbecue. Our thanks go to everyone who supported us in so many different ways. Gifts poured in and the china/bric-a-brac stall did particularly well with 'new' stock for sale. By the time all expenses had been paid, £836 was raised towards church funds.

Congratulations and praise all round were the order of the Bank Holiday week-end when the Flower Festival was held in the church. The theme was 'Creation' and included not only set pieces based on verses from Genesis, but also displays featuring the creative arts. Visitors were most impressed commenting on the imagination and professionalism displayed and also saying how refreshingly unique it was against the backdrop of a small village church. Our thanks to Sue Wright and the St. Peter's team of flower arrangers and also to Ilfracombe Floral Art Club - we could not have staged the event without them. Once again Judie kindly produced the informative leaflets and others gave up time to steward the church. Donations over the week-end, including proceeds from the wine and cheese evening, came to £408.50. Expenses were met from the generosity of the Ilfracombe Club, individual donations and St. Peter's Flower Fund.

The task of redecoration of the interior walls of the church has begun. There will be upheaval and some inconvenience over the next few weeks and the church will not always be open for safety reasons, but services will continue as normal.

The special Candle Service for remembering loved ones, family and friends, at All Saints will be held on Sunday, 4th November at 11.00 a.m. This service is open to everyone as always, and tea or coffee will be served afterwards. Remembrance Day falls on Sunday, 11th November this year and the Service will begin in church at 10.45 a.m. ready to process to the War Memorial for 11.00 a.m.

We have been thinking of the Ozelton family as they deal with the aftermath of the fire at The Globe. In spite of everything, they gave thought to the Friendship Lunches and in August we all went to the Sawmill Inn where we were well looked after and served lovely meals, which everyone enjoyed. We shall be there again in September but hope to return to The Globe later in the year. Our last two lunches for 2007 will be held on Wednesdays 31st October and 28th November.

The PCC has just received a cheque for £130 from Lee Lodge, part of Fremington Homes. Staff and residents held an Open Day and Cream Tea on 29th August in support of the church and attracted a lot of visitors who were very impressed. We should like to thank everyone involved and wish Lee Lodge every success in their new venture.

Mary Tucker



Advance Notice

This autumn, when taking cuttings, dividing perennials, planting bulbs or sowing seeds, please do a few extra and keep them for


To be held on May Bank Holiday 2008

Proceeds to Berrynarbor Community Shop

and also...

A heartfelt plea [once again] from those environmentally and ecologically friendly folk who like to hang their washing on the line [or even garden comfortably] to the pyromaniacs amongst us. With autumn and garden clearance, do have a thought for your neighbours and restrain that urge to have a bonfire until later in the afternoon or evening.


Berrynarbor Parish Council

Time is running out for Tenders for [a] Maintenance of Seats and Shelters and [b] Grass Cutting, Garden Maintenance, Footpath Clearance, etc. for the year commencing 1st April 2008. Suitably experienced contractors who wish to tender should write NOW to Mrs. Sue Squire, Clerk to the Council, Haxlea, 2 Threeways, Bratton Fleming, Barnstaple, EX31 4TG or e-mail to susan.squire@virgin.net.

Tender documents must be for the Council's consideration by Saturday, 6th October 2007.




August was a fairly quiet month. The Council met to determine the various planning applications and deal with correspondence and it was agreed unanimously to request a Parish Survey to determine local housing needs. This will take place in the near future.

Claude's Garden The new lawns have been seeded by Councillor Clive Richards, our thanks to him; we now look forward to the next stage.

Would anyone like to donate a bench in memory of a loved one? We have had to remove the bench from the Manor Hall as it was unsafe and beyond repair.

The Public Toilets have caused problems this last month. I apologise for any inconvenience and would like to thank those people who allowed others into their own homes to use their facilities. Thank you to Richard Lewis for sorting out a very unpleasant situation and Brian Davies for all his help.

Hedges encroaching onto the highway are in some places a danger to both walkers and motorists. Please look at your own property and take the appropriate action.

Thank you to the Berry in Bloom Group for all their hard work. The village looked lovely, and it was disappointing not to be placed this year, but I understand from other competitors, that the judging was rather unusual!

Sue Sussex - Chairman

District Councillor Sue Sussex will be holding a surgery at Combe Martin Parish Hall on Saturday, 27th October, from 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon, together with District Council Leader Michael Harrison. They will be there to answer your questions and help with any problems that you feel you have regarding council matters.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends,

Did you see that repeat programme on the television the other month about those who have been awarded the V.C. for bravery over and above that expected by a British serviceman?

It was a fascinating programme highlighting the courage of soldiers, sailors and airmen. The thing that struck me about all these brave men is that you would probably just pass them by in the street without realizing their brave history. They were all unassuming men. They were not glory seekers.

The main person in the programme happened to be the presenter's father-in-law who was at Arnhem and his exploits defied even the Hollywood film-makers wildest dreams, knocking out Tiger tanks single handed while defending his wounded companions. His story was exceptional, and his daughter didn't even know about it until after his death. Her photograph of him showed him smiling behind his civilian work desk. If you walked into the office, you probably wouldn't even notice him. I think it was the humility of all those featured in the programme that impressed me.

Then last week on the BBC they did a series on "Carers" - how one woman was caring day and night for her husband who had Alzheimer's said that she had "lost" her husband years ago, and now was his carer not his wife. There were tears in her eyes as she spoke. It was out of love for him that she cared for him, although he did not even recognize her.

Then there were the children who are carers, who look after relatives before going to school, then dash home when school is over to carry on caring until the next school day begins. They have lost their childhood. Again, there was no "song and dance" about the situation, they just got on with the task in hand in a most unassuming way.

All this part of the real world is in sharp contrast to those who make the headlines in giving large donations to party politics and get a seat in the House of Lords as a result. God definitely sides with the lowly and humble who just get on with their caring and concern. That's why All Saints tide is so important in the Church. It reminds us not only of the great saints who were put to death for their faith, shining examples of Christ's love in action, but also the unnamed millions of Christians who have quietly got on with their lives of caring for others. They are saints too, although they would never admit it. A saint is someone who makes it easier to believe in God, and it's easier to believe in a loving caring God when his children are loving and caring also. That is just one of the messages in the festival of All Saints.

With all good wishes,
Your Friend and Rector

Keith Wyer



When I was a young man, a friend's girlfriend won some money in a competition. At the time she had quite an ordinary job and seeing an opportunity to move up the earning ladder, she took herself on a typing and business course. On completion, she landed herself a nice secretarial post. I admire people like her.

In another instance, my friend John worked for a firm sharpening lawnmowers. The pressure for that firm became so much that John set up doing the same work from his mother's garage. His mother helped him by cleaning the cylinders prior to them being sharpened. When they were done, she would give them a coat of paint to smarten them up. Soon John had built up a big business, even sharpening gang mowers for several local councils.

For my time at school - as I've written before - I was not a model pupil. I learned imperial measures - no good now. I learned pounds, shillings and pence - no good now. I learned Geography, where all the coal mines, potteries, steel manufacturing, etc. were - not so now.

How things have changed. We now do all sorts of things we never did before. Decorating, tree cutting, tilling, gardening, plumbing, etc.

Although I have worked for the same investment firm since 1962, in my spare time I took up amateur film making. Sadly video took this over and I lost interest. However, I did manage to win the local club fiction competition and three stars in the Ten Best - an international annual event.

In my late forties, I was very fascinated by electronic organs and would listen to other people playing in music shops or go to concerts. I thought I should like to do that! So, I bought a Hammond and went for lessons, firstly to Steve Cliff and later to a concert pianist, Trevor Cordwell - both good teachers but I turned the tables a little when I taught Trevor to swim!

At that time, only one of the leading colleges did examinations for the electronic organ - the Victoria College of Music, London. A small college which had been in existence for over a hundred years. On the 10th January 1982, I gained my C.T., V.C.M., which is a teacher diploma. You never know what you can do until you try.

On bumping into Tom Bartlett on one of our visits and telling him some of my experiences, he said: "Why don't you write it down?" Well, I did, and here I am.

Love to Berrynarbor and everyone there.

Tony Beauclerk - Colchester




Manchester, on the 13th April, saw the arrival, weighing 7lbs 3 1/2oz, of Ashley George Beer. Ashley, a brother for Samuel, is the son of Kate [Bridle] and Adrian and a second grandson for Phil and Lynne.

Keith and Jane are delighted to announce that Edward George Jones, a son for Mark and Emily, was born on the 29th July 2007. Weighing 8lbs 15 1/2oz, a brother for Katie and Lauren, he makes the eighth grandchild for Keith and Jane.

Bernard and June are proud grandparents once again and happy to announce that Keenan has a new baby brother, Cormac Regan Pickford weighed in at 7 1/2lbs on the 13th September, a second son for Clare and Justin.

We wish all the little ones a warm welcome and congratulate the parents and grandparents. Best wishes to you all.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


July continued much as June left off - the rain wasn't quite as torrential but it was still pretty wet and the temperatures were well down for the time of year. In fact the thermometer didn't rise above 20 Deg C until the 15th, St. Swithin's Day, when we also had 11mm [7/16"] of rain which didn't bode well for a dryer spell! We didn't quite get forty days and nights of rain, but it sometimes seemed like it and there were twenty days in the month when there was rain in the gauge.

We were lucky here on the 20th when the Midlands and Gloucestershire suffered so badly - we had only a couple of light drizzly showers which produced no recordable rain. The total rainfall for the month was 199mm [7 7/8"] which made it the wettest July that we have recorded by a long way, the nearest was in 2003 when we recorded 140mm [5 1/2"]. The wettest day was the 26th with 35mm [1 5/8"]. The Met. Office average for the period from the beginning of May to the 23rd July was 387mm [15 1/4"] which made it the wettest early summer since records began - here for the same period we recorded 424mm [16 3/4"].

It was a cool month with a maximum temperature of only 21.8 Deg C and in the whole month there were only seven days which topped 21 Deg C. July 1998 with a maximum of 22.5 Deg C was the only other year that we have not recorded at least 24 Deg C in the month and most years the temperature has reached the high 20's or even up into the 30's. The minimum temperature of 9 Deg C was, however, if anything slightly up on the average. The month was fairly windy with a maximum gust of 32 knots, the strongest we have had in July. August was an improvement on July, but the first three weeks were still fairly unsettled with some days pretty wet. On the 20th we recorded 15mm [9/16"] in about an hour! From the 22nd, high pressure became established and we had no further rain giving a total for the month of 94mm [33/4"] which is not particularly wet for August. We have recorded several years which have topped 100mm [4"].

It was a cool month with a maximum temperature of 24.8 Deg C, the lowest we have recorded for an August. The minimum of 8.7 Deg C was about average. Finally, the highest wind gust of 27 knots was also the strongest we have recorded in an August.

It is official that it has been the wettest summer since records of 1914 and looking back at our records this year, in June, July and August we recorded a total of 444mm [17 5/8"], which is the highest we have recorded for these three months. In 1997 we had 403mm [16"] and the following year 337mm [13 15/16"], but all other years the total has been well under 300mm [12"].

Chicane's sunshine hours confirm the miserable summer. July in particular, with 150.97 hours, was well down on previous years. August with 160.81 was well down on last year but very similar to 2004 and 2005.

September has started much better and the watering can has come into use again, but we are not complaining!

Simon and Sue



To describe the invitation to meet the Royal Family at Buckingham Palace: Well, as the event was scheduled from 3.00 to 6.00 p.m., on 10th July, Claire and I took a late morning First Great Western train to London. It was a pleasant, sunny day [for a change] and we were chaperoned into the Palace via the main front gates. These are the golden and black gates that most people are familiar with. From here we were led through fairly heavy security where we had to produce passports and no photography was allowed. On through the central courtyard and into the main body of the Palace. This is where the reception hall was, leading to the great stairways - opulence abounding everywhere with royal portraits and paintings adorning the walls, great statues and urns, fine antique furniture and gilded decoration throughout. From here we passed through into the Royal Gardens via the rear terraces.

Wow, what gardens! Some 40 acres in size with a large 3 acre lake in the middle of which was home to a variety of wildlife. We wondered what stories these gardens could tell . . . There were 3 large marquees set up on the main lawn - one for the royals, one for the diplomats and one for us mere mortals! Several small bands were playing and as one stopped, another started up.

In heading to the 'mere mortals' marquee, there was limitless food and drink on offer and at 5 o'clock, the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Camilla, and the Dukes of Kent and Gloucester - amongst others - emerged from the Palace to the sound of the National Anthem. We got to shake hands and rub shoulders and met interesting folk there for a variety of reasons - the Services, someone who had worked to improve sports in this country, the Deputy Lieutenant of London and a hospice trustee!

To burn off some of the food we had just eaten, we took a walk around the gardens. We speculated as to who might have played on the Royal Tennis courts situated in the corner of the gardens at Hyde Park. What fine grounds - fantastically maintained!

I recall waking up momentarily and looking out through the train window at the sun setting somewhere over fields near Didcot - the train moving on at the end of a fine, memorable day.

Buckingham Palace - c1808
Rudolf Ackermann

Michael & Claire Prentice


Brian Wright

Solution in Article 22.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


We have now put a new power line in to the kitchen to enable us to install a new water heater and taps for the sink unit, and exchange the gas cooker for an electric one, which should prove to be safer than its predecessor.

On Saturday, 13th October, we are holding a Quiz in the Manor Hall in conjunction with Exmoor Zoo. The money raised will be shared between the BIAZA Rainforest in Madagascar and the Manor Hall. We hope that everyone, especially user groups, will form teams to compete in this exciting new event.



Saturday, 13th October at 7.30 p.m.
Manor Hall, Berrynarbor

Meet it! Greet it! Eat it!

A unique quiz evening to raise money for the Manor Hall and the BIAZA Rainforest Reserve Project

Each team of 3 adults will be asked to make a E5 entry donation and please feel free to bring along a bottle of wine - you may well need it! Some of the insects you have to eat, or foodstuffs, cannot be guaranteed free of anything!

To register a team, please 'phone Margaret Weller on 882928 or ring 01598 763352.

Ant and Dec regret that due to a prior engagement, they will not be able to attend.




Summer is past and so is another Show! In spite of the strange weather this year - from spring right through - and the 'I've nothing in the garden' mumblings of our regular horticultural entrants, it turned out to be as colourful and well supported as ever. Thank you all!

The Home Cooking table was literally 'groaning' with goodies and the Art and Handicrafts sections were also well supported, particularly by the Junior entrants, whose models and other work, especially using recycled items, were most imaginative. Well done! Mention must be made of the Prentice family - Sarah, Olivia and Sam - who between them put in over 50 entries!

It was a pleasure to welcome Sue Carey, the Headteacher of our Primary School, who presented the awards.

An arrangement, entitled Nutcracker Suite, of pink rosebuds and white chrysanthemums, together with a 'sugar plum' by Judie Weedon won the Globe Cup for Floral Art. In her first show, Barbara Jordan won the Walls Cup for Home Cooking with a mouth-watering chicken terrine, whilst Flora Braund's 4 fairy cakes - beautifully decorated with a bird, a bee, a bat and a butterfly - gave her the Junior Prize. And they were good, I know I ate them!

The array of handicrafts, from knitting and embroidery to model making and woodwork, was most impressive. The Davis Cup was won by Margaret Mangnall with her applique work Japanese Lady, whilst Olivia Prentice's little Ladybird won the Junior prize.

Jack Gingell's chair made of oak, sweet chestnut and tulip wood was the undisputable winner of the Watermouth Cup, as were Poppy and Lewis Andrews model 'Heads' in the Junior Section. However, Sheila Stanley's model fancy cakes [1st in their class] looked good enough to eat:

"Cooking is really not my thing
Maybe the worst you ever tasted
Give me paper, some paint and string
And my skills will not be wasted.
Can't Bake - Can Fake!"

Slightly down on artistic entries this year, the George Hippisley Cup was awarded to John Thorndycroft and the Junior Prize to Jasmine Pearce.

Bruce Roberts - a regular visitor to the village - took the Vi Kingdon award for Photography with his close up of a bee on a purple thistle [his stag beetle on a pink rose was equally special], and Samuel Pearce the Junior Prize.

For the fourth year running, the Derrick Kingdon Cup for Fruit and Vegetables went to Tony Summers for his Tomatoes - what happened to the onions this year, Tony? - and Sarah Prentice's apples gave her the Junior award.

With an incredible and fierce-looking cactus, Tom Bartlett is the proud owner of the Lethaby Cup for Potted Plants and Dave Vincent's magnificent Dahlias gave him the Manor Stores Rose Bowl for Cut Flowers. Sarah Prentice's entry of roses won her the Junior Award.

The Primary School winners, whose pictures are on the cover, were:

  • Class 1: [The Men's Institute Cup] - 1st Caitlin Burgess, 2nd Kitty May Barten, 3rd Ezra Crutchfield
  • Class 2: [the Manor Hall Cup] - 1st Keelan Hookway, 2nd Ellie Gray Joint, 3rd Mia Kenna and Issy Barten
  • Class 3: [Mayflower Dish] - 1st Lewis Andrews, 2nd Skye Chivers, Joint 3rd Henry Dally and Henry Moore

The final awards:

  • The Management Committee Cup for Best in Show Horticultural Exhibit: - Tom Bartlett
  • The Ray Ludlow Award for Best in Show Non-Horticultural Exhibit: - Jack Gingell
  • The Watermouth Castle Cup for the Best Exhibit on a Musical Theme: - Judie Weedon
  • The Junior Rose Bowl for the Entrant with the Highest Cumulative Score: - Sarah Prentice

Following the presentation of awards, flowers, fruit and vegetables, cakes, jams and home-made wine went under the auctioneer's hammer, raising £70 for the Community Shop.

So, thanks to all the entrants, the judges who gave time and thought to every entry, the afternoon visitors and the auction bidders, as well as everyone who stayed on to help clear away - another Show to remember!

The Organising Committee



The gathering of the sudden storm
Signals change in seasonal expectation
Gone the dreams of summer days.
Bring on the harvest celebration

Blood red berries cluster where May blossom blew
Boughs laden with bright precious jewels
Thorn leaves tilt their skirts to the westerly wind
And North Wood sighs with the kiss of autumn

The storm-seed, sown to the west
Spun from the momentum of colliding forces
Spawn of distant cyclonic systems And herald of the equinox

Morning light, bright, for a time
Compressed, the more intense
Beneath leaden grey cumulus towers
Gilds the binding cliffs and the dark moor's edge

Gale driven seas in inexorable procession March eastward the channel length To test their oceanic power Against the shores of the Severn Sea.

Written & Illustrated by: Peter Rothwell



Lying some ten miles off the nearest point on the North Devon coast, its eastern side washed by the Bristol Channel and its western slopes open to the heavier rise and fall of Atlantic rollers, Lundy is one of the finest places in Britain to watch birds. Mostly famed for its Puffins, which still breed there in small numbers, Lundy attracts migrating birds in sometimes huge numbers and, as a result, is a magnet for birdwatchers from far and wide.

We - that is the Tims of Harpers Mill - have been visiting Lundy for more than 50 years between us. The idea to write a new book on the island's birds first struck in 1999. Initially we contacted former Lundy Warden Nick Dymond to ask if he had any plans to update his own book on Lundy's birds, published by Devon Bird Watching & Preservation Society in 1980. At that stage Nick was part way through revising the text but, as he put it, 'running out of steam' and with many other things on his plate. Nick kindly forwarded his notes, giving us a great starting point. In the intervening years, as well as scouring every Lundy Field Society (LFS) Annual Report, Devon Bird Report and the surviving LFS logbooks from the island, we have researched every scrap of information we could find. This included a fascinating visit to the Alexander Ornithological Library in Oxford to delve into a variety of very old, rare or otherwise specialised references.

Most of the work has been done in our spare time, but, conscious of the years passing by, we began to step on the accelerator in 2005 until finally, in February this year, we completed the manuscript. Since then we've been polishing it and adding bird records for 2007. We took the book to the printer, Short Run Press Limited of Exeter, on 29th August. As chance would have it, on that very day a Water Rail chick was found in Millcombe - proof that Water Rails had bred for the first time ever on the island. Happily we were able to include the news at proof stage and Water Rail became the 68th species known to have nested on Lundy.

The Birds of Lundy itself fledged on 29th September at a launch at RM Young (Bookseller) in South Molton.

The goals we set ourselves in preparing the book were:

  • To produce an up-to-date account of the ornithology of Lundy, with a review of historical records and an account of all bird species that have occurred on the island since the founding of the LFS in 1946 and the commencement of daily records in 1947.
  • To raise awareness of the Devon Bird Watching & Preservation Society and the Lundy Field Society and promote their roles in the research and conservation of birds and the natural environment, both in Devon and on Lundy.
  • To invest any proceeds made from sales of the book in bird-related conservation work on Lundy.
  • To promote awareness and appreciation of Lundy's conservation value and its importance as a prime 'ecotourism' destination and birdwatching venue.
  • To stimulate enhanced recording of birds and other wildlife on Lundy.

Manx Shearwaters by: Mike Langman

Whether we succeed in all of these objectives only time will tell. The immediate result is a detailed account of the 317 species that currently make up the Lundy bird list, plus a further 36 species which for various reasons do not qualify for the full list. Internationally renowned biologist Hugh Boyd, who began his ornithological career as LFS Warden in 1948/49, has penned the book's foreword. [Health permitting, Hugh will be staying with us on the island this October.]

As well as writing the book, we also published it on behalf of Devon Birds and the LFS. Both organisations contributed grants to cover the printing costs, and we are grateful also to several other individuals and organisations that have supported the book financially. All are acknowledged within the books 319 pages, which are enlivened by 20 colour photographs and more than 100 line drawings by Devon wildlife artist Mike Langman. The book is available in two formats: a paperback which retails at £18.95 and a limited edition hardback at £35.00. All proceeds from sales will go to conservation on the island. A paperback copy is available for view in the Berrynarbor Community Shop, and orders for copies may be placed; a percentage of each book sold will go to the Shop.

For more information visit www.birdsoflundy.org.uk or contact us on 882965 [daytime] or 883807 [evenings and weekends].

If you have thought about going to Lundy but have yet to do so, we hope that The Birds of Lundy might inspire you to step onto the island boat, MS Oldenburg, and off at the other end onto the Landing Bay jetty. Aside from the birds, a place of peace and tranquillity awaits you.

Tim Davis & Tim Jones

Manx Shearwaters are breeding on Lundy in increasing numbers following eradication of the rat population.




Dave & Rose Vincent have been at Smythen Farm since November so this introduction is somewhat late! However, we are delighted that they have moved to Berrynarbor from Cullompton and are already part of the village.

Dave was brought up in the farming world by his father and has been working in this field, together with building, ever since. Before her family arrived, Rose worked in the retail trade and later learnt the art of the holistic range of therapies. They are both now, they say, semi-retired!

Between them they have seven children and thirteen grandchildren - not so many in comparison to their family of animals: mother and daughter Bess and Bonnie, the spaniels, and their 'inherited' cat Pants. Then there are 'lots' of chipmunks, two rescue pigeons, nine call ducks and 25 chickens - no wonder they have eggs for sale!

Dave enjoys working the land and is a very keen gardener - and good, too, as we discovered from his many entries in the Horticultural Show - his dahlias were magnificent! Whilst Dave is in the garden, Rose relaxes by drawing and painting and they both, fairly obviously, enjoy bird watching and nature in general.

Just missing being welcomed in the August issue, April and Jim Gilby moved a long way - from Combe Martin! - to No. 8 Berrynarbor Park at the end of July.

April, a North Devonian in that she has lived here for more than 30 years, worked for a long time in the banking system but is now assisting on the rental side of a property centre in Ilfracombe. Meanwhile Jim, originally from the London area, is semi-retired but assisting at Loverings in Combe Martin. April says she hopes to join him in semi-retirement before too long!

Between them they have 3 sons and a daughter, all of whom have flown the nest and are making their own way in the world.

Although with the recent move and working there is not much time for hobbies, April skittles for The Pack of Cards and Jim plays darts for the Royal Marine. They also enjoy their motor caravan - have roof, will travel!

Jack and Mary Gingell are currently living with Richard and Hempster Farm has become home to Nathan and Juliette Holland and their sons Connor who is 4, and Fergus who is just 8 weeks. Nathan's mother will also be joining them.

The 4-legged members of the family are Tom, Jack and Mary's cat that has stayed on at the farm to supervise operations, and Uma, their 'Snoodle' dog. A snoodle is a cross between a schnauzer and a poodle.

Banbury has been home until their move, although Nathan has been coming to the south west and Exmoor - often camping - since he was a boy and it was his hope to live down here one day.

The plan is to farm Hempster in due course but they are currently taking time out to settle in and hobbies and Juliette's skills as a seamstress - wedding dresses a speciality - have been put, temporarily, on hold. However, they hope to find time to become acquainted with the village and to take part in some of the many events and activities.

Geoff and Judith Adam are now resident in the newly-named Flowerdew Cottage, or No. 43. From East Grinstead in West Sussex, they have been coming to North Devon for more than 30 years.

They have a son and a daughter: Katrina lives in Shefffield where she teaches Physics, and Paul and his new wife, Lisa, live in Ryegate. Currently 'grounded', but itching to explore, is their cat Harrison, or Harry for short.

Judith enjoys painting, drawing and other creative activities in her spare time, and together they enjoy gardening, photography and walking - body permitting, as Judith says! She tells us more about herself and Geoff in her introduction which follows.

We extend a warm welcome to you all and wish you health and happiness in your new homes.

As many of you will have seen, the village was invaded by two, large, maroon removal lorries and four maroon-shirted men on the 4th and 5th September - we had arrived! Geoff and I have been coming to North Devon for almost 32 years: during this time, four families - long-standing friends - have moved from the south-east to Landkey, Woolacombe, Monkleigh and Braunton. When both of us became self-employed last year, it made complete sense to relocate and join them.

Geoff is a Freelance Marketing Advisor [hates the term 'consultant'] and I am an English tutor. A trained journalist, he has been involved with all aspects of marketing, which include PR, advertising, corporate events and is also a business turn-around man. This career began with the A.A. [cars, not drink!] and ended as Marketing Director for the Port of London. He now has the pleasure of working from home rather than using the infamous M25 to his London office, when he wasn't travelling the world.

In the '90's, with our two children almost through schooling, I became a mature undergraduate at a London university and had the joy of studying two favourite subjects, English and Art, for three years. I went on to take a certificate to teach English to Foreign Students and my Certificate of Education. Since graduating, I have had the pleasure of teaching numerous learners: from four years old to septuagenarians - their successes have been extremely rewarding, so I hope that I may have the satisfaction of helping you and yours.

We have been greeted with warmth and friendliness from day one, and are looking forward, tremendously, to being active community members of this beautiful village in 'Glorious Devon'.

Geoff and Judith



Memories of Old Berrynarbor from Vera Lewis [nee Ley]

This photograph, taken about 1923, shows my sister Evelyn, who was five years older than me, and our cousin, May Coaker [who was like an older sister to us] taken outside No. 5 Goosewell.

May lived with our grandparents at No. 6. She had a good singing voice and sang at concerts at the Manor Hall.

A popular song at that time was Sweet Molly Malone for which she dressed as an Irish fisher girl. She also sang duets with Gladys Jones who lived at 14 Hagginton Hill.

The picture below is of Orchard House in 1928. When my father, Tom Ley, bought the land and property, there was an old barn, plus other buildings.

In the front there was an orchard and my father and his men turned the property into a six bedroom house. The low building on the right is a part of the old building and I don't know why it was left. He had the apple trees uprooted [on the left of the picture] and laid out the flower garden, lawns and also grew lots of vegetables. When I was twelve, I remember helping him plant the bamboo at the entrance.

My father died in 1931 at the age of 49. He, Evelyn and I all sang in the Church Choir and went to church twice a day.

My cousin May had her wedding reception at Orchard House in 1928 but she sadly died four years later with TB at the age of 27. My sister Evelyn's wedding to Bill Challacombe was also held there in 1935. My wedding was the third in 1937.

From 1932 to 1939 we catered for holiday visitors, serving three meals a day, which was very hard work! We lived on at Orchard House with my mother and when the War came, the house was full of evacuees. Some stayed longer than others and Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrison stayed for about three years - they had spent holidays with us. Mr. Harrison was very fond of children and used to organise parties and concerts for them in the Manor Hall. He was called up for service about 1944 and served in Burma.

In 1944, my mother tired of having families staying with us for very little pay, so she gave them time to find other accommodation, and we moved to Ilfracombe in June of that year. She stayed with us until her death in 1951. In 1952 my sister and I sold Orchard House to Mr. and Mrs. Fogg.

This is Olive Balkwill, who was the Infant Teacher at the Primary School for about five years, from 1927 to 1931. She lodged with us. This snap of her was taken sitting on the gate of the side entrance to Orchard House.

Olive Balkwill took this snap of me, with a bicycle that was given to me by Mr. Fisher on my fourteenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher lived at The Lodge.

Interestingly, there has only been one birth at Orchard House in its 80 years, and that was my daughter, Wendy.



Artwork: Helen Weedon


Autumn is upon us, yet it seems only yesterday that Blackthorn and Hawthorn were awash with white blossom. Now they are a mass of berries.

The arrival of fruit within the Devon hedgerows is a stark reminder that our countryside's flowering season is, in the main, coming to an end and for me personally, the signal to halt my wildflower surveys upon the Cairn, for this year at least.

  This season's surveys have been different in that I have been far from alone, the result, indirectly, from carrying out research for my book on the Cairn at Ilfracombe museum. Ensconced in an old newspaper, I was approached by the curator regarding the work of the Cairn Conservation Carers [the curator also being the leader of the Third Ilfracombe Girl Guides].

"It's just that I have a few girls who need to complete their Service to the Community and it must be an activity that will be of benefit. Can you help?"

My mind instantly recalled the previous year's wildflower surveys and, more to the point, the time it took me to undertake a comparatively small area. More eyes would hopefully mean a bigger area covered. And so it was arranged that on the first Sunday of every month between May and September, three Girl Guides, along with their leader, would meet me outside the gates of the Pall Europe factory. From there we were to wander along the Old Railway Line as far as Slade Bridge, then walk up the path that zig-zagged through the western side of Cairn woods, taking in the cleared area around the old shelter, before reaching the open plateau of Cairn Top. The route took in various habitats: scrubland, path verges, wooded borders, open and enclosed woodland, and open grassland. By taking in these different habitats I hoped that the Girl Guides would get to see a variety of species. I was not to be disappointed. In all, an amazing 96 wildflowers were recorded.

  In order to give the Girl Guides the opportunity to scan the identification books, the actual recording was done by me. The books themselves caused amusement. Keen at first to use those that were colour coded, the girls soon came to realise that this did not always make recognition any easier. "If it's a pink flower, then it's bound to be in the blue section" became a standing joke. As did the phrase "never plan to do anything outside on the first Sunday in the month", for it rained on every survey, even in August when we started the walk in brilliant sunshine, and for the first time, actually felt warm. How we mocked one of the Guides for packing her gloves and raincoat! And how she laughed when, an hour later, the rest of us were drenched and cold!

For me, the survey had three rewards. Firstly, such an extensive record would not have been possible without the added help. Secondly, it was nice to see how on the last survey the Guides no longer needed their books to recognise species which had regularly been in flower. But better still, at the presentation of certificates and appreciation gifts, which took place at one of their meetings, younger Guides could be heard calling out: "When do next year's surveys begin?"

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

Steve McCarthy




A weed is a flower
In the wrong place.
By God's good grace
I shall grow, my seed,
To be a flower,
Not a weed.

Caroline Molyneux



It seems we are now steaming ahead with the new shop project following the virtually unanimous vote by share-holders to proceed with the building. The important thing now is to ensure that it is not only built, but remains viable and that can only occur if we use it.

From moving here in 1978, it has always impressed me how community spirited Berrynarbor is. Not just the fetes and barbecues, horticultural show, wine circle and annual variety show etc, but the manner in which virtually everyone is prepared to help a friend or neighbour should they need assistance in any form. However, what many seem to forget is that those same friends and neighbours may be dependent on the survival of the shop for much of their shopping or postal needs, particularly if they are not car drivers so unable to get to the main shopping centres. It is therefore just as important to support them by helping ensure that the shop survives.

We all know that shopping at Tesco's or Sainsbury's is convenient because you get free parking and can wheel your trolley straight to your car. You will be able to do the same once the shop has been built, but have you ever considered that right now, with a bit of organising, you can save even more time by shopping in the village? If you phone through your order to the shop it can be picked out ready for you, so that you only have to pull up outside, pay for it and load it into the car - even more convenient and saving petrol as well!

Why not do as a few in the village already do; phone through your vegetable order by 4.00 p.m. and the shop can order exactly what you need. It will be ready for collection the next morning and will be mainly local produce!

Shareholders have done their bit by putting up the capital to enable the shop to get started, but share capital alone cannot keep it running. Two years' trading has proved that the shop is viable and the committee has obtained the funding and planning consents needed to enable a new shop to be built. Now it is up to all of us to ensure that it thrives.

No one expects people to do their main weekly shop there, but we can all find occasion to buy a few items per week where any difference in price to the big supermarkets is minimal. In fact, there are quite a few items that are as cheap as or even cheaper than Tesco's.

If you already use the shop, see if you can manage say £5.00 per week more than at present. If you do not currently use the shop, please try to spend say £10.00 per household per week - bread, milk, newspapers and a few vegetables is all it takes.

The shop is a valuable village asset, helping to make Berrynarbor the wonderful place to live that the visitors all envy us for.





With a bit of luck, by the time you read this the first sod for our new Shop will have been turned! However, we still need to balance the books with fund raising activities in the village, so dates for your diary so far are:


Doors at the Manor Hall will be open from 6.45 p.m. when Chris Hampton of Hampton & Littlewood, Auctioneers and Valuers, Exeter, will be host for the evening.

For just £6.00, Chris will talk about antiques in general and give valuations; there will be cheese and wine, and later coffee or tea. So, look around your home and search the attic for one or two items and antiques [spouses don't count!], and bring them along for Chris to discuss and value.

If you would like to know more about this fun evening and if in your search you come across a nice item you would be willing to donate for the raffle or, perhaps, that Chris could auction, please don't hesitate to contact Pam Parke on 883758.

Proceeds of the evening will be shared between Macmillan Cancer Support and our new Community Shop. Tickets will be on sale from our Shop, Sue's of Combe Martin, Mike Turton in Ilfracombe or on the door.

Do come along to this very special new event and bring something and someone with you!



This will again be held in the Manor Hall - a great addition to the festive season - and will feature food and drink [including mulled wine and mincepies] as well as great gift ideas for Christmas. Entry is free, so do come along and support it. Posters, giving times, etc., for both these events will remind you of them in good time!

Whilst on the subject of fund-raising, a big thank you to the Horticultural & Craft Show organisers who following a very successful show on 1st September, donated the £70 taken at the auction to the new Shop.

Meanwhile, Jackie is continuing to bring in new goodies. The pre-packed smoked haddock and trout, peppered mackerel, fresh haddock and pates [including the yummy, if anti-social garlic one!] are all proving popular. If you see Jackie looking glum in the next few weeks and months, it may be because her son Tom is shortly off to Afghanistan with the Coldstream Guards. We wish him a safe return - and soon!

Fruit Salad owner, Marion, has finally decided to hang up her jam kettle. We wish her and her husband a long and happy retirement - her delicious jams and chutneys will be missed. The last few are in the shop, but you'd better hurry if you want any!

Finally, we hope that you like the 'Recipe of the Week' [or even month if we're overloaded with work!]. Those of you who haven't noticed, they are in the rack just beyond the newspapers and, naturally, most of the ingredients are available in the shop.




The Wine Circle season is nearly upon us and we look forward to welcoming friends old and new to our monthly meetings.

For those new to the village, this is a wine appreciation society which meets every third Wednesday of the month [except December when it is the second] in the Manor Hall at 8.0 p.m. from October to May. The aim of the group is to further our knowledge and enjoyment of wines by talks and tastings.

Programme 2007/2008

  • October 17th Majestic of Barnstaple
  • November 21st Brett Stevens of The Fabulous Wine Company, Barnstaple
  • December 12th Christmas Food & Drink - presenter Tony Summers
  • January 16th Call My Wine Bluff - A new panel game!

The remainder of 2008 is yet to be completely organised as we are awaiting confirmation of their preferred dates from two of the presenters from within the wine trade but it will include favourites Andy Cloutman of Quay West Wines, committee member John Hood and the witty and innovative Jan Tonkin.

Presentations are informal, friendly and highly sociable occasions, which normally include a taste of six wines, three white and three red. Membership is £3.00 and meetings are normally £4.00, depending on the presentation. To comply with licensing regulations, it is important that anyone wishing to become a member gets in touch with either the Secretary or Treasurer at least 24 hours before the meeting they are attending.

Anyone requiring more information or wishing to become a member is invited to contact one of the following:

Alex Parke, Chairman 883758; Tony Summers, Secretary 883600 or Jill McCrae, Treasurer, 882121.



Since the introduction of the florin a century and a half ago [1/10th of £1], we've come a long way along this road. Now our cash is fully decimalised [having abandoned the 1/2p] although, thank goodness, we have as yet refused the Euro.

We have [almost] abandoned Fahrenheit in favour of Centigrade [I refuse to use that silly word Celsius, which commemorates an idiot who wanted 100 Deg as freezing point and 0 Deg as boiling point.

We have learnt to cope with grammes, kilos, litres, etc., and even hectares.

Can decimalisation go further?

It can, if what I hear from Brussels is correct. A proposal is now before the EU Commission to decimalise Time!

Of course we have had decades, centuries and millennia and at the other end of the scale tenths of a second, as well as milli-seconds and nano-seconds, so Time is already partly decimalised, but these proposals go much further.

The standard unit of time will remain the Day, i.e. the average period of the earth's rotation, but will be renamed the Jour to please the French and secure their co-operation. The Jour will be divided into 10 decijours, replacing hours - so now we'll have still more cause to complain there aren't enough in a day! The decijour will be divided into centijours replacing minutes, these again sub-divided into millijours, replacing seconds, while tenths of a second become microjours. Expanding the other way, 10 Jours will make a Decajour, replacing the week - no complaints now that there aren't enough days in the week - and 10 Decajours a Hectojour, replacing the months - too much month at the end of the salary! Naturally, this will affect the calendar, which will now only have 10 sheets in a Kilojour, saving a considerable amount of paper and thus benefiting the ecology.

On the other hand, astrologers must do some complicated calculations to readjust the Zodiac. Another effect will be on the date. If we go back to nought, according to my calculations, we are now in Kilojour 735 AD or thereabouts, so there's a long wait before we can celebrate the first millennium, never mind the second.

And if by now you are beginning to feel one leg slightly longer, let me apologise for gently pulling it!

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes


The above is an elaboration of a spoof from a draughtsman colleague at the time of currency decimalisation.


Artwork: Harry Weedon


At last we have had a bit of sunshine again and amazingly there is still a good show from the hanging baskets in the centre of the village, but on the whole it has been a slightly disappointing year for us. The results of the Best Kept Village competition saw us slipping from second last year with 97/100 points to a nowhere with 93 points this year. I think this mainly came from our bad luck at having an early judging when the weather was so bad and we had not got round to planting out the containers or 'spring cleaning' the village. Never mind, we are not deterred and are determined to do better next year. The results of the Britain in Bloom competition have yet to be announced.

Hundreds of polyanthus plugs have arrived and been potted up by Phil ready for the winter bedding displays, and that will be the next ask to be completed. But in the meantime, we continue to do the litter picks [on the last one some holiday makers joined in!] and have work parties to tidy up. Do not forget - all are welcome to join and enjoy the tea break afterwards.


Artwork: Angela Bartlett

Recipe for October


I think this is a lovely time of year and part of the mellow fruitfulness of autumn is usually a glut of plums. This is a deliciously moist cake that lasts for ages:

  • 12oz [350g] Self-raising Flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 6oz [175g] hard Margarine or Butter
  • 3oz [75g] + 2 tablespoons Soft Brown Sugar
  • 3oz [75g] Sultanas
  • 1lb Plums
  • 6 tablespoons Golden Syrup
  • 3 Large Free-range Eggs
  1. Sift the flour, salt and 1 teaspoon of the cinnamon into a large mixing bowl. Rub in the margarine/butter using your fingers until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Now stir in the sugar and sultanas.
  2. Cut the plums in half and discard the stones, reserving 10 halves for the top. Chop the rest roughly. Put the Golden Syrup and eggs into another bowl and beat together. Now combine the dry ingredients and the egg mixture with the chopped plums.
  3. Spoon the mixture into an 8 inch [20cm] greased and lined cake tin. Arrange the halved plums on the top and sprinkle the remaining 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and the remaining 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.
  4. Bake for approximately 2 hours at gas mark 4, 350 Deg F [180 Deg C] until the cake does not leave an impression when you press it with your fingers.
  5. Allow to cool in the tin. Wrap in foil and leave for two days to mature before eating. It will keep for at least a week and taste better every day!

Wendy Applegate




[24.10.1854 - 26.03.1932]

Founder of the Plunkett Foundation


National Photo Company Collection
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Sir Horace Curzon Plunkett - cattle rancher, MP, authority on Irish affairs, pioneer of the agricultural co-operative movement and - of importance to our community shop - Founder of the Plunkett Foundation.

As you may know, although villagers have been very generous, building our new shop is only possible because of grants. For these we have to thank Devon Renaissance, North Devon District Council and The Plunkett Foundation.

Plunkett is not a common name. Oliver Plunkett goes down in history as the one-time Catholic Bishop of Armagh, Primate of All-Ireland, who on the most absurd evidence was charged with treason and martyred at Tyburn on 1st July 1681. He was canonized as a saint in October 1975. Was there a connection?

Fenella and I were delighted to get a 'phone call from Maureen Plunkett from Lynton, a descendant who had seen publicity in the North Devon Journal, and was helpful in giving background information. Yes indeed! Saint Oliver Plunkett was an ancestor of Horace Plunkett and to this day there is an Oliver Plunkett in the family.

Horace Curzon Plunkett was born in Sherborne, Dorset, the 6th child of Baron Dunsany of Co Meath, Ireland. Educated at Eton and Oxford, he then spent 10 years cattle ranching in the foothills of America's Rocky Mountains. On his father's death, he returned to Ireland where he pioneered co-operation in agriculture, focussing particularly on dairy farmers in the south of Ireland. At that time they were still suffering from the effects of the Great Famine and initially were suspicious of a landlord and Protestant, but once they realised the benefits of controlling production and marketing of their products, he was able to set up an organisation of affiliated dairy co-operatives or 'creameries'. The 33 initial members quickly escalated to 243. This was the beginning of agricultural co-operatives.

Meanwhile in 1892 he was elected MP for Dublin South and from his seat in Westminster badgered the government on the poor state of Irish agriculture. By the turn of the century, the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland was formed with Plunkett as Vice President. [As you see, titles were just as unwieldy a century ago!]

On 21st December 1918, Horace Plunkett, by now 65 years old, wrote in his diary: "Most of the day with Adams. Agreed to make him and A D Hall trustees of my new rural reconstruction bequest and donation." Just 3 weeks later he wrote again: "Founded the Horace Plunkett Foundation with a first endowment of £5,000 and made it a recipient of a provision in my will." He was then able to watch his ideas of "Better farming, better business, better living" take root. Ever since then, the Foundation has given practical help to rural communities throughout the British Isles and overseas.

Returning to the man himself, according to "A Man Ahead of his Time" he was "an extraordinary figure: a combination of the idealist with a man of business; a poor public speaker, yet a great publicist; a man of strong family affections who never married; a man who drove his subordinates hard yet inspired in many a great devotion; an aristocrat of great charm and exquisite manners..." Not a bad CV!

In 1923, during the Civil War, Kilteragh, his splendid home on the outskirts of Dublin was burned down by Nationalists, which destroyed many valuable works of art. This was a great blow to Sir Horace and he moved permanently to England where he continued the work of his Foundation - and learnt to fly at the age of 75! He paid his last visit to Ireland in 1930 and died in Weybridge, Surrey on 26th March 1932.

It is impossible in a short article to include all this great man's achievements, but one of his many legacies is a thriving Foundation whose logo still bears the name "Plunkett" and a strap line Improving livelihoods through co-operative and social enterprise.

And this is why all of us in this village should be thankful for his life, social conscience and enterprise. Our new shop has benefited by a grant of £20,000

PP of DC.




Phil and Lynne will again be providing delicious Christmas Evening Meals between the 1st and 22nd December, So plan your visit and book in good time - don't be disappointed! Menus will be available from the Lodge shortly.



2nd Ladies Group: Manor Hall, 2.00 p.m. - Mrs. Cooke, Hedgerow Baskets
3rd Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m.
9th Parish Council Meeting, 7.00 p.m., Penn Curzon Room
13th Bush Tucker Quiz Night, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
17th Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m.
Wine Circle: Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. Magestic Wines of Barnstaple
19th Primary School & College: Non-Pupil Day
20th A Grand Auction of Promises, Manor Hall, 11.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
22nd to Friday, 26th October inc: Primary School & College - Half Term
27th Cllr. Sue Sussex - Surgery at Combe Martin Parish Hall, 10-12 noon
31st Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m.
Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon onwards
3rd to 23rd November: Darwin Gallery open 1.00 to 5.00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays
4th St. Peter's Church: Candle Service for Loved Ones, 11.00 a.m.
6th Ladies' Group: Manor Hall, 2.00 p.m. Cookery Demonstration.
9th Antiques Road Show, Manor Hall, 6.45 p.m. for 7.30 p.m.
11th Remembrance Sunday - St. Peter's Church: Service 10.45 a.m.
12th Ladies' Group: Exeter Shopping Trip
13th Parish Council Meeting, 7.00 p.m., Penn Curzon Room
14th Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m.
21st Wine Circle: Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. Brett Stevens of The Fabulous Wine Company, Barnstaple
24th Christmas Fair 2007, Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
28th Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m.
Friendship Lunch: The Globe, from 12.00 noon onwards
4th Ladies' Group : Christmas Party
7th Ladies' Group : Visit to 'Dunster by Candlelight'
8th German-Style Christmas Market, Manor Hall - see posters

Manor Hall Diary:

MondaysCraft Group, 2.30 p.m.
Badminton, 7.30 p.m.
Tuesdays2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners
Yoga, 7.00 p.m.
WednesdaysSimply Dancing, 7.00-9.00 p.m. [except from Oct. to May, inc. the 3rd Wednesday each month]
FridaysShort Mat Bowls, 7.00 p.m. *
SundaysShort Mat Bowls, 2.00 p.m. *

[* winter time only]

Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)

11.20 - 12.05 a.m.Sandy Cove
1.15 - 1.35 p.m.The Square
1.45 - 2.05 p.m.Sterridge Valley



North Devon Journal, 2nd July 1857:


"Welcome Home! On Saturday last this village was the scene of great rejoicing on the occasion of the return to his paternal home of Lieut. Francis Gully of the 31st Regiment, son of the Rev. Thomas Slade-Gully rector of the parish, after eleven years service in the East Indies. The gallant officer was greeted with bell ringing and the discharge of artillery, and the villagers generally testified their joy at his return and their regard for their worthy rector and his much-respected family. Our correspondent writes: 'Such rejoicing was not witnessed in Berry before.'"

North Devon Journal, September 1857:

"Stealing by a Servant - Mary Ann Moon, a girl belonging to Berrynarbor, was taken before N. Vye Esq. on Wednesday last week, charged with stealing a handkerchief, and other articles, the property of a lady lodging at Mrs. Lammas's, Montpelier Terrace. She was remanded to the Petty Sessions at Combe Martin on Monday, when she was convicted and sentenced to three months' imprisonment."

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage



A huge thank you to all who have already supported our 'Willow's Wheels' campaign, including the fete in Combe Martin on 4th August. We raised over £800, far exceeding our expectations. It was a truly humbling experience for all involved.

Since then there has been a sponsored 'Coast to Coast' Cycle Ride, from llfracombe to Plymouth, when 12 Combe Martin cyclists raised £3,000 and Woolacombe and Mortehoe W.I. raised £750 with a Cheese and Wine Evening.

More events are planned: The Rockets will be playing at the Osborne Hotel in Ilfracombe in November, and there is the Berrynarbor Christmas Fair on the 24th November and the Grand Auction of Promises on the 20th October we'll keep you posted!

The fund currently stands at £ 6,500, so thank you all again for your wonderful help and support.

Louise Lancey



to be held at Berrynarbor Manor Hall on Saturday, 20th October, 11.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.

Fun and Games for All
Coffee, Light Lunches, Cream Teas
Table Top Auction [to include a Christmas Hamper]
Bottles of Wine
Cake Stall
Christmas Present Items

For Auction to the Highest Bidder at 1.00 p.m.

  • A tree felling by Roger Luckham [already sold at £100]
  • A House Clean by Dun and Dusted
  • A Gardening Consultation with Jane Vanstone
  • Breakfast for 4 at Bessemer Thatch
  • A Photographic Portrait by Jane Perrin of llfracombe
  • A Pleasure Trip in Ivan's Boat
  • Dinner for 2 at Bessemer Thatch
  • A M.O.T. by Graham Davies at Car Care Centre
  • A Physiotherapy Session or Massage with Phil Shedden
  • A Car Ride or Taxi Trip with Gerry James
  • A Meal Cooked in your Own Home by London Chef, Mark Goodenough
  • Hedge Cutting from Richard Gingell
  • A 4-week Family Holiday at Smythen Farm Cottages
And many more!

Until April this year, little Willow Lancey lived with her parents, Martin and Louise, and her big sister Holly in Birdswell, Berrynarbor. She needs a new wheelchair before she starts school in January next year. The family have just moved to East Down so that Willow will have flatter ground on which to use her wheelchair, and to enable the family to build a ground floor room for her.


Any offers of help on the day or raffle prizes, cakes, items for the table top auction or promises, etc., or if anyone would like to set up a craft stall, please contact JANE JONES on [01271] 883295



A Scent of Honey and the Ascent of Peter Rock

There was a heady scent of honey wafting up from the bell heather and ling as we made our way along the coast path to Peter Rock, high above Heddon's Mouth.

It was early September. The sea was blue and unruffled. As we started our walk with Trentishoe Down's bleak, dark presence looming above us, we were cheered by the sight of the Balmoral passing by. She looks at her most serene when viewed from these lofty Exmoor cliffs.

There were a few unseasonal foxgloves and sea campions still in bloom. We stopped to watch as the waves washed over a grey seal lying on a rock in Elwill Bay, far below. Eventually it swam ashore to one of the hidden caves. Beyond could be seen the two pyramidal rock stacks called the Mare and Colt.

At beautiful East Cleave, where the path divides, we turned left for Peter Rock. This is raven country and it is also one of the most vertiginous and rugged sections of our local coast path. Someone who does not enjoy heights would probably feel very uncomfortable here. Otherwise, this wild terrain is quite exciting.

As we turned a steep corner we saw a female Dartford Warbler perched on a gorse bush, flicking her long tail - her colours a little duller than the male. Several times she disappeared in the clumps of heather soon to re-emerge long enough for us to observe the jewel-like ruby eye with its distinct red eye-ring.

Once exclusively a bird of lowland heaths, the Dartford Warbler has settled on Exmoor during the last decade. Whereas only one was recorded in North Devon in 1997, five years later in 2002 numbers had risen to nineteen. Soon the dense woodland of the Heddon Valley, the scree slopes, water meadows and the river itself came into view, as if mapped out hundreds of feet below. We followed the path inland and sat among shiny golden moss, with blueberry and scarlet rowan on either side, overlooking this spectacular view. A Small Copper butterfly landed on a scabious flower. There were isolated spikes of golden rod. We were surprised to see near the horizon, the steam of a train at the restored Woody Bay Station.

On returning, when we reached the dramatic North Cleave Gut, we took the footpath across the field to Trentishoe Lane where, about its sunny hedgerows, there were butterflies aplenty - Painted Ladies, Gatekeepers and Small Heaths.

A fluffy, spotted pheasant chick tottered down the bank joining its two siblings and their anxious mother squeaking and chirping in the dry ditch. I suppose she was a pheasant but with a warm russet colouring to her neck and shoulders and a red patch on her face near the eye, she did not look like a typical hen pheasant and the markings on her back were also more streaked.

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

Sue H


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Silver Street, Berrynarbor, View 109

Helen C. Armstead drew this sketch of Silver Street, Berrynarbor, just one of four sketches she drew which were reproduced as plain back postcards in 1982, and sold from the Manor Stores for several years. Helen was married before the Second World War and lived in Sussex. Sadly, her husband died at Dunkirk. She was left alone to bring up her young son, Richard, and they moved to Court Cottage, Berrynarbor. She continued to live there until the late '90's when with failing health she moved to a residential home in Lynton and then to Heanton, where she died on the 18th May 2002. Very sadly she outlived both her son Richard and grandson, William.

Always active, Helen was a regular member of the Berrynarbor Badminton Club. She very much enjoyed painting and sketching, most of which was carried out around the village. She was a person with a very strong character who really loved her garden and her dogs, and also had very happy memories of holidays on the Isles of Scilly.

The sketch of Silver Street shows Little Gables, the National School, the Butcher's Shop - Cutts End - the cottage beside it, No. 60 and beyond No. 61, the home of Betty Brookes. On the left is what was Claude Richards' Dairy, now forming part of Dunchideock Cottage.

Helen's three other sketches reproduced as postcards were St. Peter's Church, Berrynarbor, which was drawn from the west and showed Tower Cottage; The Village, Berrynarbor showing the Square, Bessemer Thatch and Dormer Cottage, now known as Miss Muffets Tea Rooms and finally, a sketch of Watermouth Castle from the Cove.

My photograph shows Helen outside her beloved Court Cottage, together with her golden Labrador Bonnie.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, September 2007
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com




It's great to be back at the beginning of a new academic year. We are working to a new timetable this term and have lots of exciting and inspiring projects and activities planned. The children have settled back into school well and Year 2 is enjoying their new classroom.

Nine of our Year 6 pupils have moved on to secondary education. We are pleased to welcome six new pupils in to our Reception Class, three more are due to start after Christmas. We have one place available in our Reception group, one in Year 5 and one in Year 1. Could you please convey this information to anyone you may know who is looking for a place for their child.

Driving and parking in Berrynarbor Village - a number of concerns are still being expressed at the speeds people drive through the village. The safety of everyone is important - to avoid congestion, we are urging our parents and visitors to use the free car park and not the roadway by the church.

A very big thank you for the wonderful support at our School Fayre in July. £1,880 was raised towards school funds.

We shall be holding our Harvest Festival on the 26th September at Moules Farm, Castle Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Richards have very kindly given permission for us to hold it in their field, but if the weather is not good, we shall use their barn. We shall be supporting the Drop-In Centre for the Homeless in Barnstaple and donations of tinned items [ring-pull if possible, beans, soups, vegetables, desserts, etc.] would be most welcome. We should also like to receive fresh produce which will be auctioned at the end of the service, proceeds from this to go to Water Aid.

I was delighted to be invited to present the prizes at the Horticultural Show at the beginning of September. Such wonderful support and an exceedingly high standard of entries. Our children enjoyed preparing their entries and we were excited at how well we did in the prize and trophy stakes! These events take a lot of planning and organising and Berrynarbor is very lucky to have such a wonderful team dedicated to making the Show such a success.

Mrs. Lucas will be holding the Evening Dinner in December for the Berrynarbor Senior Citizens. Please keep a look out for details which will be available in the Community Shop.

Another big thank you, for all the Tesco Computers for Schools vouchers which were dropped in to the Community Shop for us. We have collected 10,890 this year, which is a great achievement for a small school like ours and have carried these forward to next year's scheme - we now have a total of 17,911 including last year's vouchers.

Susan Carey - Headteacher

Berrynarbor VC Primary School [01271] 883493.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


We should like to thank everyone who very kindly offered their help following the fire at The Globe. Particular thanks to Chris and Wendy for taking mum in for a much needed coffee. We are hoping to have the kitchen open by mid-October.

The Quiz Nights have started again and so far have been very well attended. Everyone is welcome, so join us once a fortnight at 8.30 p.m. to test your knowledge. Next Quiz: Sunday, 7th October.

The next 'All You Can Eat' Night at The Sawmill is on Saturday, 3rd November. Karl and John will be cooking Asian dishes to include Thai, Indian and Chinese. Booking is advised so 'phone 882259 to reserve your table.

Christmas menus will be available soon from both pubs or phone and let us know if you would like the menus posting to you. Lady skittlers, don't forget to use your discount for carvery at The Sawmill as advertised in your books.



The Village Barbecue on Sunday, 23rd September, which due to the inclement weather had to be held at Sloley Farm Barn, raised the sum of £342 [with more to come] to be shared between the North Devon Hospice and the Children's Ward, Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre, Blantyre, Malawi. A further £200 is to be sent to the North Devon Hospice from the sale of plants at Middle Lee. It is hoped to give an update on Malawi in the next issue.