Edition 109 - August 2007

Artwork by: Nigel Mason

Artwork: Judie Weedon


Why did I mention rain last time? So, a little was needed but not the torrential downpours we've been experiencing. In spite of the weather, most village events have been able to go ahead except for the village Barbecue. Open Gardens survived and the School Fete was blessed with a beautiful day and evening, the incredibly heavy rain holding off until all was cleared away.

Enough of the weather! Out with this issue is the Schedule and Entry Forms for the Horticultural and Craft Show to be held on Saturday, 1st September in the Manor Hall. Open to residents and non-residents of the village, the organising group hope that everyone will try to put in at least one entry [and more preferably] as well as coming along to the Hall in the afternoon to view the exhibits. All details are given in the Schedule [extra copies will be available from the Shop, the Globe or Sawmill] but if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact one of the organisers.

Apologies to those receiving their newsletter by post [except those living locally] that the Schedule is not included. However, do give me a ring on [01271] 883544 if you would like a copy sent. LOTS and LOTS of entries please and lots of visitors for the Show, the Prize Giving and the Auction.

Again my thanks to all contributors, but especial thanks to Nigel for his colour covers of Watermouth and Hangman from Napps, which has been very generously sponsored by Mike and Sue Richards. Thank you all.

The next issue will be October with autumn unbelievably creeping up on us. Contributions will be needed as soon as possible and by mid-September, Monday 17th, at the latest.

Although it is really far too early to be thinking of the festive season, following the success of last year's Christmas Messages in the December issue [when rather than robbing the Manor Hall Card Distribution, takings were up and the Newsletter passed over a cheque for more than £100], before purchasing your cards, remember this way of sending greetings to your friends and neighbours.

August will continue to be busy: the Church Fayre, a Flower Festival at St. Peter's and the first outing of our village Carnival Float and gardeners, crafters, cooks, photographers, artists, etc., preparing for the Show. Good luck to you all.

Judie - Ed



The June Meeting was well attended when Di Hillier spoke about the Mission Aviation Fellowship. This is a Christian Agency whose mission is to fly light aircraft in developing countries so that people in remote areas can receive the help they need. The Mission has been flying since 1945 and nowadays over 130 aircraft operate in more than 30 countries. Geoff, Di and Brian's son, works for the Fellowship and this has meant living, with his family, in various parts of the developing world.

Keith Pugsley came to the July Meeting. He gave an interesting and amusing account of his entry into the Plymouth to Banjal Challenge. This involved travelling from North Devon to Gambia, with a friend, in an old banger. Certainly a feat of endurance and all for charity. Finally the banger was sold in Gambia and the return journey was made by plane. They encountered a lot of red tape and corruption en route but felt proud of their achievement. Keith is now in the process of writing a book about their experiences.

There were two raffle prizes this month won by Vi Davies and Edna Barnes.

On Tuesday, 10th July, 21 members visited the Calvert Trust. They were shown the various facilities provided for the disabled on holiday with their families. Included is swimming, in a heated indoor pool, horse riding, abseiling and canoeing on the lake. They are cared for by a dedicated team. After partaking of an excellent cream tea, some members walked down to the lake - fortunately it did not rain!

There will be no meeting in August.

The next two Meetings take place on Tuesday 4th September when Helen Latham will tell us about 'Life in the 20's' and Tuesday 2nd October when Mrs. R. Cooke's subject will be 'Hedgerow Baskets'. Both meetings take place at 2.0 p.m. in the Manor Hall.






Margart Elsie [Peggy] Gingell [1915-2007] passed away peacefully on the 28th June, shortly after a stroke at her flat in Essex, where she had moved after leaving the village to be near her daughter. She had many happy memories of her 15 years in the village. Much missed by her family and friends in Berrynarbor and elsewhere.


How sad it was to hear that having just moved in to the bungalow he had built, Andrew passed away on the 17th May, peacefully and happy in the knowledge that their home was finished. His funeral and burial took place at St. Peter's on the 15th June.

Our thoughts and condolences are with Iris, his sister Sue and all the family.


It was with sadness the village learnt that Reg had passed away, having been unwell for some time, on the 10th July. Many friends and villagers joined the family to say their farewells at his funeral at St. Peter's on the 16th July - a wonderful service taken by Keith Wyer. Reg was, of course, our Organist and Choir Master for many years.

Reg and music are synonymous. His love of music began as a young chorister at the Chapel Royal, Hampton Court, continuing all through his life.

He was a composer, not only of church music - he set the Communion Service for St. Peter's to music - but also orchestral scores. On one occasion, learning from his publisher Weinberger that he was due royalties, he was heard to remark that he would then be able to buy Anne a new hat!

Reg possibly reached more homes musically than most people, having written the theme tune for the BBC's Nine O'Clock News which was used for many years. A long term employee of the BBC, when Reg and Anne moved to Berrynarbor he would commute to London, spending one week here and then a week in the big city. He was involved in the early black and white days of television, recording many programmes. If you ever get a chance to see a re-run of 'Muffin the Mule', which was recorded in a church in the East End, according to Reg if you listen hard enough you'll hear the rumble of the No. 10 bus in the background!

Perhaps not generally known, Reg was colour blind. This was a useful asset during the war when he was able to 'look past' camouflage when identifying objects, but it became a problem when colour television was introduced. However, with care Reg was able to pull the wool over the BBC's eyes and they remained unaware of the fact.

A very generous man, Reg gave so much to so many: his music at weddings, for worship and even at funerals, made them something special to remember.

He will be sadly missed by so many and our thoughts are with Anne, their son, and all the family at this time of sadness.

I should like to thank you all for your kindness and support at this sad time following Reg's death, but especially Keith for the beautiful service and my sister who has always been here for me.




I should like to thank all my friends in Berrynarbor who prayed, visited and sent me cards. I am getting better now that I am at the Tyspane Nursing Home. I should especially like to thank Yvonne, my wonderful neighbour and friend who is my 'rock' and looks after Sherrards. Love to all.


Thank you to everyone who remembered my 91st birthday - your kind cards, gifts and thoughts are much appreciated.



Artwork: David Duncan


Just over £200 was collected for Christian Aid from the house-to-house collection in Berrynarbor. Once again, thank you all for your generosity and to those who gave their time delivering and collecting envelopes. Christians Together in Combe Martin and Berrynarbor gave a commendable total of £796.

Gift Day: a rewarding day was spent at the lychgate on Wednesday, 27th June. A steady flow of people came along to make their gift and have a chat. To date £1,283 has been raised for the Building Fund and our grateful thanks go to everyone for their continued support. If you were away and missed us on the day, it is still not too late to hand your envelope to the Rector or any member of the PCC.

Preparations for the church Summer Fayre on the 14th August are now in hand. If you would like to help or have a new idea for a side-show or stall, we should be glad to hear from you. Our stock of bric-a-brac is low at the moment, so good saleable items would be very welcome, also books, cakes, plants and prizes for the raffle, tombola, etc. Please get in touch with any member of the PCC or ring Mary Tucker [883881] for collection.

Services will follow their normal pattern through the summer but there will be a special Family Songs of Praise at 11.00 a.m. on Sunday, 26th August during the Flower Festival. Then the Harvest Festival will be celebrated on Sunday, 30th September with a Family Communion at 11.00 a.m. The church will be decorated the Friday and Saturday before and gifts of flowers and produce will be much appreciated. The Supper will take place the following Wednesday, 3rd October, preceded by Evensong. Please look out for posters nearer the time.

Friendship Lunches will continue at The Globe and will be on Wednesdays 29th August and 26th September, 12.00 noon onwards.

Mary Tucker




St. Peter's Church, Berrynabor
Friday, 24th to Monday , 27th August
Open Daily from 9.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.

Cheese & Wine Preview Evening
Thursday, 23rd August, at 7.30 p.m.
Tickets, £2.50, available from the Shop or on the door

Tea, Coffee & Light Refreshments available every day

Donations to the Flower Fund or offers of garden flowers would be greatly appreaticated.

Please contact Sue Wright on 883893.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


After the glorious weather we had in April, May was a disappointment, fairly cool and wet. The maximum temperature was 21.5 Deg C, which was the lowest maximum for May since 1994, when we recorded 21 Deg C. The minimum temperature of 3.1 Deg C was fairly average and on the 28th we recorded a wind chill of -4 Deg C, which also was not unusual. The rainfall was spread through most of the month with two days having 27mm [1 1/6"] each. The total rain for the month was 133mm [5 5/16"] which although not a record [we have recorded three wetter Mays] was higher than normal. Wind speeds were about average with a maximum gust of 28 knots.

June was a month of two halves, the first thirteen days were warm with light winds, daytime temperatures averaged 21.6 Deg C and there were only two days on which any rain fell, and that was only light. The rest of the month was a washout with lows queuing up across the Atlantic. Temperatures were a bit lower with the average daytime at 19.4 Deg C and also stronger winds, but the main feature was the rain with only one dry day up to the end of the month although we obviously got off very lightly compared to many parts of the country.

The total rainfall for the month was 151mm [6"]. Nationally, it was the wettest June since records began and in South Devon the wettest since 1915, but here we did record slightly more rain - 162mm [6 3/8"] - in 1998. The strongest gust of wind was 30 knots which was the highest in June since 1994.

Chicane recorded 141.65 hours of sunshine in May which surprisingly was up on last May and only slightly down on 2005, but June's 155.85 hours was well down on the previous four years, the closest being 162.52 hours in 2005. Last June the recorded hours were 191.89!

The total rainfall for the first six months of the year was 671mm [26 3/8"]. Out of the last fourteen years we have only had five years with more rain in the same period.

July has not started much better, the poor gardens are suffering and a bit of dry weather would be very welcome now.

Simon and Sue



The Berrynarbor Upholstery Group has been meeting in the Manor Hall on Monday mornings for several years now, with many people learning traditional upholstery techniques from Steve Hinchliffe, a man with great upholstery ability and infinite patience with us students. Unfortunately, in January of this year, Steve dropped a bombshell - he was having to change jobs and would no longer be running the course. However, several of us had been learning from Steve for two or three years and between us had completed the renovation of various types of old furniture. Discussing the situation and the demise of the course, we decided that we did not wish to stop with projects still ongoing, so we would see how we got on by ourselves, pooling our knowledge to solve each other's problems.

We do not have an instructor, but have been able to purchase two extremely good instructional CD's which cover a large range of renovation projects in great detail with countless photographs and links to other pages for detail on how to do the various stitches, buttoning, tacking, etc. Installed on a lap-top, we have in effect, a virtual instructor to back up the rest of us.



Six months later and I am pleased to report that it is working extremely well, with each of us finishing existing work and starting other pieces. Since Steve left, we have seen an armchair, a nursing chair, two captain's chairs, a rocking chair, caned stool and a chaise longue being completed, together with several antique dining chairs. The group now works independently, simply turning up when we can and between us paying for the cost of the hall - varying between £1 and £2 each per week.

Anyone interested in joining would be most welcome - ring Tony Summers on 883600 for more information, or just turn up on a Monday morning at the Manor Hall, bringing your piece of furniture with you. We'll then try to assist you to decide how best to tackle your project using traditional techniques that Steve showed us.

Tony Summers


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Adelaide College, Marlborough Road

My schooling in North Devon from 1939 to 1945 was firstly at the old Ilfracombe Grammar School, then to a tutor, then back to the Grammar School and finally to Adelaide College.

Adelaide College was, I think, in Highfield Road and was really two schools. The one on the right-hand side was a converted mansion which housed the girls' school and accommodation for the boarders.

On the left-hand side was a large building [still there], which was the boys' school. As you entered there were the toilets and place to hang coats and a very large room where all ages and classes were taught, with a staircase to a smaller room, which was used occasionally for exams, etc.

Heating was provided in both rooms by means of coke stoves. Everywhere had bare boards. The Principal was Miss Warrell Bowring, and her sister, Miss Ella, who looked after the domestic side - cooking the lunches and cleaning, etc. Miss Keeble taught Geography and Maths and Mr. A.H. Stevenson was the Headmaster.

Lunch was eaten around a very large table over the road at the main house and Miss Warrell Bowring would sit at the head. There was no speaking unless she spoke to you first. After lunch we returned to the room across the road. Until we started lessons and our 'lookout' saw Mr. Stevenson pushing his bicycle up the hill, it was bedlam! Paper darts flew everywhere and we played football - I managed to break a window which cost me ten shillings [50p]. Once the lookout saw Mr. Stevenson was getting near, whoever was wearing his gown put it back and a silence fell over the room. By the time he arrived we were sitting at our desks as good as gold! If caught doing anything untoward, several strokes of the cane in front of everyone was the punishment.

The coke stove was fascinating in that we would overload it, making the lid red hot and on one occasion someone put a bullet in it, which on exploding made the circular lid jump up. The stove in the upstairs room was often knocked from its mountings [but replaced], when those inside would barricade themselves in and those outside would force the door open.

One winter, the wooden gymnasium in the grounds collapsed due to a heavy fall of snow but we did have the use of a nice tennis court. Miss Warrell Bowring would take singing lessons and there were exercises to music.

So that the boys and girls could get to know one another, a dance was held in the big house. The music was provided by an even-then very old gramophone complete with horn, which was loud enough for us all to enjoy.

Despite all I have written, concentration was on the three 'R's' and as far as I know, everyone who attended the College left with sufficient education to make a good job of their lives.

Sadly, the old school was sold off and houses now occupy the site, but in my memory it was a fine old mansion with flowing lawns and beautiful gardens.

My last memory of Miss Warrell Bowring was when I visited her after the War and she treated me to some of her home-made stinging nettle beer - not to be recommended!

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

Tony Beauclerk - Colchester


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Keith and Margaret Walls are delighted to announce that their family has just officially increased by two!

On Wednesday, 11th July at St. Peter Port in Guernsey, their daughter Tania and her husband John became the legal adoptive parents, after four years, of brother and sister, Lance [10] and Imogen [8]. A family party followed the court ceremony. Good luck and best wishes to you all.

Ivy Richards was recently reminiscing about her youth and remembered how when she was just five years old she would walk from Cockhill, together with Jimmy Huxtable from Woolscott, down the Valley and up to the village school, with her lunch in a little basket. How different it is today!

However, today, like all the family, Ivy is very proud of her great-granddaughter, Kirsti Richards. Kirsti is with the Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps and has recently passed out of her Phase 2 training as a Medical Technician at Aldershot as the top student of her intake. Currently based in Norfolk, she is undertaking further training as a Physical Training Instructor, whilst waiting for the unit to go out to Iraq. Well done, Kirsti! Good luck for the future and take care!

Gingerbread Goodies!

Congratulations to all the knitters, especially those from the village, who contributed to the success of the Knitted Gingerbread House. If you haven't visited Atlantic Village recently, do go over and see it for yourself - it's wonderful! It will be on view there until the end of September, when it will tour the country. Donations will be shared between the North Devon Hospice and Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital.


OF THIS . . . AND THAT . . .

Craft Group: The Monday Craft Group will not be meeting during August, but will get together on the first Monday in September, 3rd, 2.30 p.m. at the Manor Hall. Everyone is welcome. £1.00 per session including tea/coffee and biscuits. Come along and join this friendly group whilst allowing yourself to enjoy a couple of hours working on whatever craft/needlework/painting/lace, etc., on which you are currently working.

Berrynarbor Wine Circle [founded 1988]: The first meeting of the new season will be held on Wednesday, 17th October, 8.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall.

Heaven & Hell [seen on the wall of a Swiss cafe near Magalluf, Mallorca]:

  • Heaven is where the police are British, the cooks French, the mechanics German, the lovers Italian and all is organised by the Swiss.
  • Hell is where the police are German, the cooks British, the mechanics French, the lovers Swiss and all is organised by the Italians.





Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

I'm giving up smoking, again!
And I'm sure I'll suffer the pain.
You can't smoke inside,
So outside you hide,
Though it may be pouring with rain.

I'm giving up smoking, again!
But I'm sure it won't be a joke.
This craving is bad,
For I've smoked since a lad
I'll go mad if I can't have a smoke.

This time I'll do it, I've said this before,
And I'll say it again and again.
When others have tried,
I'd just deride
And then I would laugh like a drain!

Six months later - I've succeeded at last!
The habit is done now, I know.
When I go for beer,
The air is so clear
And my pocket is more full of dough.

So come on you people, try to give up!
Give it, please give it a chance.
They say it is dangerous, dirty and death.
I've run out of rhyme, so I'll finish this time
With good health, wealth and good breath!


NB: Our way, which was over forty years ago, was only to light up after the time of the previous day. For example, Monday: first one 9.00 a.m. Tuesday: first one after 9.00 a.m. - it might be 9.30 a.m., but it could be 10.00 a.m. Thursday: don't light up until after 10.00 a.m. and so on.

Eventually, we 'forgot' to smoke. Once you give up, don't be tempted again for if you have just one or two, you will have all the old difficulties to overcome again.

Tony Beauclerk



It might have been windy but at least it wasn't raining as eight teams of 4, battled it out in the inaugural Berrynarbor Community Shop Golf Open.  Up for grabs was the Sandy Anderson Shield, very kindly donated by the man himself.

The eventual winners were The Midlers, comprising Sandy and Mick Gadd, Clive Abbott and Robin Downer who with 102 points just beat The Berry Bandits All [husband and wife duos Rowland and Hobson] who came in with 101 points. It was good to see some junior members out there, namely Samuel Bowden and William Mathews who had a cracking score of 28 points.  Sue Wright took the ladies' prize and Malcolm Sayer the gentlemen's.

Well done to John for organising it and thereby raising £416 towards the new shop build.  Thanks to Steve Walls, Eileen Hobson, Nora Rowlands and Roger Luckham for donating prizes, Ursula, my mum, for once again letting me bully her into running the raffle and of course all those daft enough to compete and support.   And don't forget, you can purchase special souvenir golf balls in the shop for just £2 each - excellent birthday and Christmas presents!

The winning team: Mick, Clive, Sandy & Robin, with Nora & Organiser John Boxall

The Runners-Up: Nora, Alan, Bob and Eileen


Brian Wright

Solution in Article 19.




by Ian Kirk from Broadstone, Dorset, UK
Licenced under CC 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Trevor's query about his ditty in the June issue sent Mark Adams off 'surfing the net' for answers and he found many versions - some with more verses and others all slightly different, together with some interesting facts.

This old children's nursery rhyme has no specific historical association but the carrion crow itself has many connections with Celtic mythology. Irish goddesses of battle were represented by the carrion crow and are identified with war and death, an obvious reflection of its tendency to eat carrion, dead and decaying flesh, plenty of which was found in the aftermath of battles.

The following version is mentioned in Samuel Pepys' Diary on Wednesday, 22nd January 1661:

The carrion crow he sat upon an oak
And he spied an old tailor a cutting out a cloak.
Heigho! The carrion crow

The carrion crow he began for to rave
And he called the tailor a lousy knave.
Heigho! The carrion crow

Wife, go fetch me my arrow and my bow
I'll have a shot at that carrion crow.
Heigho! The carrion crow

The tailor he shot, and he missed his mark
But he shot the old sow through the heart.
Heigho! The carrion crow

Wife, go fetch me some treacle in a spoon
For the old sow's in a terrible swoon.
Heigho! The carrion crow

The old sow died, and the bells they did toll
And the little pigs prayed for the old sow's soul.
Heigho! The carrion crow

Never mind said the tailor, I don't care a flea
There'll be still black puddings, souse and chitterlings for tea.
Heigho! The carrion crow

The carrion crow, or hooded crow as it is known in Ireland and north and western Scotland, is found throughout the British Isles. It used to be said that if you saw a flock of crows in a field, they were rooks.

This is not so as crows can gather in large winter feeding flocks and at roosts. However, unlike rooks, they do not breed colonies. Common in towns and parks, where rooks rarely go, they nest in trees and also on cliff ledges.



It was a pity that more readers did not come to the Manor Hall over the week-end of 23rd-24th June to support the Newsletter and the artists who so kindly give their time and talents to make it 'special' by illustrating it for us. However, those who did brave the somewhat inclement weather had a good time.

Treated to seeing more of the work of Debbie, Nigel, Peter and Paul - and in some cases purchasing original work - they indulged in lovely home-made cakes, soup and cream teas, and for those who 'viewed' on the Saturday night, a glass of wine as they discussed the works and tried to fathom the whereabouts of some of Tom's postcards of the village.

Attracting special interest was a display of some of the work members of the Craft Group are participating in on Monday afternoons, and 'Pictures at an Exhibition' - favourite pictures of six villagers from their own homes, together with a write-up of the reasons for their choice. They ranged from the evocative smells of spices produced by an oil painting of an Arab street to snowy owls and birds made entirely from feathers [except for their legs, beaks and eyes!], a delightful sketch of the Manor Hall circa 1861and views of our own Post Office and Shop and Windsor Castle.

Thank you to everyone who supported the event in any way and especial thanks to Jan, who worked like a Trojan all week-end. Newsletter funds have been given a further boost and a cheque for £100 was sent to the Children's Hospice South West.

Finally, to the four artists for finding time in their busy lives to put on this exhibition, a big THANK YOU.





Claude's Garden - remains an on-going project, with this weather not helping at all. It is hoped that the first stage, the reseeding of the grass area, will be done A.S.A.P. Thanks to Councillor Clive Richards who has undertaken to do the job.

Watermouth Footpaths - We are waiting to be informed as to the progress from the Public Rights of Way Section at County Hall, Exeter.

Councillor Richard Gingell had a meeting with the Highways Officer and County Councillor Andrea Davis to discuses the on-going problems on our village roads, the majority of the issues have been addressed with others still in the pipe line.

The Dog Exercise Field - Would all dog owners using this area please clear up after their dog as cutting the grass has become a very unpleasant task.

Sue Sussex - Chairman


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Manor Hall is used by many groups of people and we rely on everyone using the Hall to leave it in a tidy condition, with chairs and tables put back in their original position.

We are making progress, slowly, with some changes to the kitchen and a new power supply will be required so that we may install a new electric cooker and reorganise the hot water system for the sink and supply new taps.

In October we are having a new fund-raising event hopefully on Saturday, 13th October. This will be a quiz night called 'Bush Tucker Night' held with the help of Exmoor Zoo - more information next time but please put the date in your diary for a fun night out.

Bob Hobson - Chairman




Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Caroline Bartlett, youngest daughter of Inge and Tom, was married to Otto Kummer in November 2006. The well-attended Blessing Service was held on Saturday, 26th May 2007 at The Mayflower in Bermuda, a truly magnificent setting with a backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean. Caroline has been living and working in Bermuda for eleven years, where she met Otto.

Otto, who originates from Bavaria, Germany, has been living in Bermuda for 20 years and was last year granted Residency. A well-known Master Chef, he has prepared meals for Tony and Cherie Blair as well as Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. Caroline set up and manages the spa, La Serena, for the Reefs Hotel, and in its second year was awarded the coveted Gold Medallion for the best spa in Bermuda.

Married at St. Peter's Church on Saturday, 26th May, were Tania Morris and Jonathan [Tom] Trinder. Tania, Neil's daughter, is a Marketing Manager who comes from Devon and Tom, who is in publishing, comes from Essex. The bridesmaids included Val and Neil's granddaughters, Ella, Lucy, Eve and Alice. Following a reception at the Woolacombe Bay, the newlyweds flew off to Thailand before returning to their home in Bourne End, Buckinghamshire.

The bells of St. Peter's rang out again on the afternoon of 20th June to celebrate the marriage of Michael Richards of Napps and Sue Cowie.

Having lived overseas for many years and working in an administrative capacity, Sue met Michael whilst visiting her parents here. Given away by her father and with Bernie Newton, a lifelong friend of Michael's since childhood, the newlyweds returned to Napps for the reception on an appropriately decorated tractor and trailer! With the season underway and with Sue helping with the administration of the site, plans for the honeymoon holiday have been postponed until September.

Saturday, 14th July, was the Wedding Day of Elaine Gubb and Geoffrey Barnett. Elaine, who arrived at St. Peter's by Standard Fordson tractor and trailer, is the daughter of Chris and Barbara of South Lee, and Geoffrey son of Pat and Richard Barnett of Whitney. A big thank you to Bobby Bowden for his expertise as driver and Michael Bowden for his 'whispering technique' for the tractor's 'crank' start outside the church, also Vic who was their back-up team with his grey 'Fergie'. The reception was at South Lee and the couple are now touring Scotland for their honeymoon.

We send you all our very best wishes for health and happiness in your future lives together.



Michael has been invited to Buckingham Palace to a Royal Garden Party - to meet Her Majesty and other members of the Royal Family - in July.

This is mainly in recognition of his many years of voluntary charity work. In his younger years, Michael used to run Fun Runs and Marathons and do other sponsored events for a number of Charities. More recently he has been involved in a voluntary capacity in the administration and organisation of fund-raising and even lobbying for a number of charities including Oxfam, Medecins Sans Frontieres, Age Concern, The Bible Society, Christian Premier Radio and Christian Aid amongst others. He has also been involved with a number of local Youth Clubs. The invitation has been supported by several of these main charities.

Looking forward to donning his morning suit, Michael jokes, "When the Queen 'phoned I recognised her voice immediately although I didn't know whether the barking was from our own dogs or the corgis. I asked the Queen to save a few cucumber sandwiches for me in case I was late!"

In fact, both of us will be going up to Buckingham Palace in early July and are looking forward to it. Michael says, "Of course I am chuffed. This is a nice thing for our family. We have Brothers and Sisters across the world who are in need more than we can ever imagine, so it's good to help out a little here and there."

Claire [Prentice]

Congratulations Michael, we'll look forward to reading about your special day in the next Newsletter.




Phew! It seems like only yesterday that I was writing for the village news and a whole half term has nearly whizzed by already. Once again it has been a busy time for the children and staff here at Berrynarbor VC Primary School.

We are all very proud to announce that our Year 6 children all did brilliantly in their recent national tests. All of them achieved the nationally expected level of attainment [level 4] in Mathematics, English and Science and many achieved level 5's. These super results reflect the hard work and commitment of all of the pupils and their families. I know the children would like me to thank Mrs. Lucas in particular for her help and support - she really is one in a million!

But of course we don't just teach children English, Maths and Science at Berrynarbor VC. I think some classes have been learning away from the classroom more than they have been in it this term [and have got wet on more days than they have stayed dry!]. Year 6 have been to the area Life Skills event where they learnt about keeping themselves and others safe. They were taught by experts from the police, health service, fire service, St John Ambulance and coast guard who packed a huge amount of information into just two hours. A few weeks later Years 5 and 6 were off again, this time to Oceanfest where they spent an active day on the beach. The children were really impressed with the air show and must have enjoyed the sand because they bought most of the beach back with them to spread around school!

Class 3's classroom was transformed into a one-night-only Berrynarbor Bistro and the children in Years 5 and 6 served their parents a delicious three course meal which they had all helped to prepare and cook. The children waited at the tables dressed smarty in black and white with bow ties for the boys. We all had a brilliant night and we were once again very proud of the children.

Last week Year 6 undertook cycle training. Mrs Draper, one of our parents, supported by another parent and Chair of Governors, Katie Simpson, taught the children who all passed.

Classes 1 and 2 have both enjoyed a day at Watermouth Castle, courtesy of the Haines family, as a treat for all of their hard work and good behaviour. The children walked to the castle in double quick time to arrive for a picnic lunch before exploring the sights, sounds, rides and many delights of the castle and its gardens. It was a very happy, if tired, group of ice- cream smeared children [and grown-ups] that met the parents at the end of the day.

33 children from KS2 came to school one weekend to raise money for Child Line. They took part in the Giant Sleep Over and brought their sleeping bags to school to spend the night sleeping [eventually ?!] on the classroom floor. They had such fun that night that when Mrs Hodder came into cook us breakfast early on Sunday morning, she couldn't get in as we were all still fast asleep! Thankfully, she enjoyed the peace and tranquillity of the village and came back later to cook us a tasty breakfast.

A team of children from Class 2 entered the West Down 5-a-side football tournament at the end of June. They had trained hard and did very well on the day. They played against some much bigger children but showed great resilience and a fabulous sporting attitude. The team was coached by one of our dads - Mr Scott Balment - who continues to voluntarily coach the children in a variety of sporting disciplines.

Our Sports Day finally happened following two cancellations due to inclement weather. All the children took part in at least one of the 36 events. Our PTA worked as diligently as ever to erect shelters for the classes and provide refreshments for the supporters and Mrs Balment and Mrs Barton organised medals and certificates for the children. The morning was enjoyed by all and it was great to see so many people supporting the children in their sporting efforts.

The whole school visited the Landmark Theatre to watch the Essex Dancers. A vibrant and energetic 45 minutes later we were all inspired by what can be achieved when children work together. A few days later our Class 3 children were performing themselves in a musical show - The Sound of Music.

The children have worked with an artist to create a second outdoor sculpture. They worked collaboratively to produce a multicoloured turtle which now looks very much at home hanging on the wall outside Class 2 - please come and have a look.

Perfect weather made our School Fayre another great success. Lots of friends and families turned out to peruse the many stalls, take their chance on the games and raffles and help our hard working PTA to raise an impressive £1879.56 [gross]. Our PTA has kindly agreed to use the funds to help us upgrade our ICT facilities. A very big thank you from us all to the dedicated team of organisers for their hard work, to the many businesses and individuals who contributed prizes and items for sale and to everyone who came along and spent their money!

We are hoping to continue to offer a rich variety of learning experiences to our children and are moving to topic based learning in the afternoons next year. This learning can be greatly enriched by the children seeing real things and meeting a variety of people. If you have suggestions of how we can develop the curriculum or if you have skills or memories that you would like to share with the children we should love to hear from you. In particular we are on the hunt for wooded areas near to school that we could use to extend our Forest Schools programme to the younger children.

As the end of the term draws near we wish farewell and good luck to our Year 6's as they move on to secondary education. We are confident that they will do well and look forward to hearing about their exciting new grown-up lives when they come back to visit us. Ella, Henry, George, Anna, Shayna, Alex, Gemma, Robbie and Sarah - you will be missed by us all and we wish you every success in your futures.

And a final note to say thank you to all the parents and members of the community who have done so much to support the children and staff this year. I have been here for nearly a whole term now and really feel that Berrynarbor VC Primary is a very special place to be.

Sue Carey - Headteacher




Thank you so much for the support that you have given to the North Devon Hospice over the years. We do rely on local support and thanks to you we are now able to help around 80 local people every day. I have worked for the Hospice for nearly ten years now and have seen some very positive changes as we have grown in how we are able to support local people who need the specialist care of the North Devon Hospice.

We have a team of individuals who give talks and any of them would be delighted to come to any meeting you may have in your village, whether it be WI, Church Group, School or any other, to talk about the work of the Hospice. It really is a wonderful place and something we should all be very proud of. In the words of Stuart, one of our invaluable volunteers, "It is a warm, loving, caring place that gives support and time away from the stresses and strains of living with problems we face." It is not what you expect.

If you would like to have a talk about the work of the Hospice, please call Alison Hunt on [01271] 347206 or write to the North Devon Hospice, Deer Park Road, Newport, Barnstaple, EX31OHU. Talks can be arranged for any time of the day or evening.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A belated but nevertheless warm welcome to Malcolm and Rachael Woodhead who moved in to Croft Lee earlier in March having lived in the area for a year although they originate from Newcastle. Malcolm is an Arts Technician and Rachael has been covering for a Maternity Leave in the Drama Department at Ilfracombe College. In the autumn she will be commuting to a teaching post in the Bristol area.

When they have time they enjoy walking and outdoor pursuits, particularly surfing, but are currently having to spend some DIY time on their home.

There are newcomers at the Park: Phil and Christine Pocock and Ellen Acutt.

Ellen, at No. 12a replacing Lyn and Brian who have gone to Barnstaple, has in fact been here since April having come from Hampton in Middlesex for a more leisurely way of life - not so, she is currently working for the season at Stowford Meadows! Ellen has, she says, done many jobs but latterly she was a Receptionist for Social Services.

She has two children - Robert and Ashley. Robert lives in New Zealand and has two sons, whilst Ashley is living in Surbiton.

For hobbies Ellen enjoys pottering in her garden, walking, reading, needlework [especially embroidery], socialising and a nice glass of wine!

Phil and Christine, friends of Theresa and Paul for more than thirty years, are the new residents at No. 22. Phil, a retired electrician, and Chris, whose working life has mainly been in the retail trade, have come from Shepton Mallet, where they have lived for the last six years.

The family comprises of their son Owen, his wife Jacqueline and their two daughters Jemma and Lauren, and their daughters Trudi and Emma. Visiting the family means trekking to Hampshire, but fortunately they all live within a few miles of each other.

Phil and Christine's favourite pastime is walking - we can offer them plenty of good walks! - and they enjoy gardening and a bit of DIY.

Lisa and Mark Eggleton have forsaken windswept Baggy Point for a more tranquil residence in the Sterridge Valley. Lisa, a nurse in the Intensive Care unit of the North Devon District Hospital and Mark, a landscape gardener whose work covers the NHS sites, are now living at Brookvale.

A local lad from Braunton, Mark is a keen surfer, riding the waves, whilst Lisa, who comes from Winchester, Hampshire, prefers to ride with a saddle!

The last week in July will see a house 'swap' underway. Sadly, Martin and Louise Lancey and their daughters Holly and Willow, will be leaving Cedar Lodge in Birdswell Lane and moving to Shortacombe Lodge in East down, where Martin plans, we understand, to rear livestock - pigs, etc. However, they assure us that they will remain part of the village with Holly still attending the Primary School and Martin attending to the many jobs that need doing here!

Moving from Shortacombe Lodge to Cedar Lodge, we welcome Penny Bonvoisin. Penny and her late husband, Tony, who sadly died last year, were in the bottled water business, running Dartmoor Water. Now sold and renamed, bottles of Devon Hills can be seen on most supermarket shelves.

With three step-sons, who live in Simonsbath, further off in Wales and further still in Switzerland - each with two children - Penny has six grandchildren. Her constant companion is her wonderful cat Tiwe [pronounced Teewee]. This venerable old gentleman will be 18 in August.

Although she hasn't done any latterly, Penny is an ardent sailor and loves sailing, as well as enjoying walking and gardening. Skittles is also a favourite pastime, so if you are short on your team she would love to hear from you.

To all our newcomers and to Martin and Louise, we wish you luck and happiness in your new homes.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Johann Sebastian Bach

Elias Gottlob Haussmann
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends

Isn't life unfair! You do your best and nobody cares! You know you have the talent, the experience and all the qualifications for the job, and someone inferior gets the post.

It reminds me of J.S. Bach when he applied for a post as Director of Music. He had to send a sample of his work to show if he could produce church music. As a result, he produced what some critics have claimed is the greatest piece of music ever composed, the B Minor Mass. The score is breathtaking and the whole piece takes about two hours to complete. There is a double choir with organ and orchestra and soloists. It truly is a heavenly piece of music which is a favourite with many people.

Sad to think that Bach never heard it in its entirety, and he didn't even get the job! Instead, he was at St. Thomas' and continued to compose music every week for the choir, and later generations of choir boys used to take his music out of the cupboard to wrap up their sandwiches! We will never know how much music was lost.

Yet Bach, even when he went blind, continued to do his best although he was regarded as 'old fashioned' by his musical sons. Despite the disappointments, he continued to finish all his work with the words: "To God be the Glory".

Even if no-one else knows how good you are, God does, so at least you've got one friend who does care.

With all good wishes,
Your Friend and Rector

Keith Wyer



A favourite Poem - Trev

Good people all, of every sort,
Give ear unto my song;
And if you find it wondrous short,
It cannot hold you long.

In Islington there lived a man,
Of whom the world might say,
That still a godly race he ran,
he went to pray.

A kind and gentle heart he had,
To comfort friends and foes;
The naked every day he clad,
When he put on his clothes.

And in that town a dog was found,
As many dogs there be,
Both mongrel
, puppy, whelp and hound
And curs of low degree.

This dog and man at first were friends;
But when a pique began,
dog, to gain some private ends,
Went mad and bit the man.

Around from all the neighbouring streets
The wondering neighbours ran,
And swore the dog had lost his wits
To bite so good a man.

The wound it seemed both sore and sad
To every Christian eye;
And while they swore the dog was mad,
They swore the man would die.

But soon a wonder came to light,
That showed the rogues they lied:
The man recovered of the bite,
The dog it was that died.

Oliver Goldsmith


nach einem Gemölde von P. Krömer herausgegeben von Friedrich Bruckmann Verlag München.
public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Oliver Goldsmith was born in Roscommon, Ireland, in 1728 and died in London in 1774. An ungainly and bad mannered young man, Goldsmith studied at Trinity College, Dublin, after which he was on the point of emigrating to America but missed his ship! Had that not happened, school students over the years might not find that their course prescribed reading The Vicar of Wakefield or play-lovers enjoy the absurdities of She Stoops to Conquer.

After his failed departure for America, he was first given money to study law, but gambled it away, and then to study medicine, at which he pretended interest but wanderlust took over and he became a tramp, barely existing on the pittance he raised from playing his flute!

He became a literary hack in London in 1756, but carelessness, intemperance and gambling put him into debt when he should have been prosperous. It was at this low time in his life that his famous comedy was written, inspired, it is believed, by an incident in his own youth.


Artwork: Helen Weedon


As some of you may know, I am currently writing a book on the Cairn in Ilfracombe. The response I had from my request for information was fantastic. Anecdotes poured in, plus sketches and old photographs. One person even gave me her ten-year record of wildflower observations. It has been six months since that initial request but new material still keeps coming in, with one lady in particular having taken it upon herself to keep a look out for old records.

Recently, without any real explanation, she handed me a small hardback book, its cover a green material similar to that of my old school hymnbook. Hymns, however, were not its subject matter, reflected in the gold lettering which read "Naturalists Journal". Turning the jacket I perused the first and only page with printed lettering: "The Terston Naturalists Journal. A convenient Note Book for keeping a permanent bound record of observations in continuous Diary Form. Index at End."

Below this was the publisher, George Waterston and Sons Ltd of Edinburgh and London, but no publishing date; although the words "seven shillings and sixpence" at the foot of the page (the "and sixpence" made out beneath a faded sticker), dated the book to pre-decimalisation.

Immediately, I flicked to the index at the back in anticipation of finding the book owner's alphabetical list of observations from the Cairn. Instead I found an address book style index, which only had the pale blue horizontal lines on the "A" page. Under "B" I at least found handwriting of a traditional style, characterised by scrolled uppercase letters. Yet the page heading showed it had been written in a more modern age: "Beauty - defined in Concise Oxford Dictionary 1995". Beneath were its definitions plus other references to the word "beauty". Clearly the rear of the book had not been used for naturalist's observations. But what of the front?

I quickly leafed the pages, my fingers halting on page three. Here at last was evidence of the book's intended use. I noted the date at the top of the page, the 30th May 1956, and began reading what I was still assuming were lists of observations from the Cairn. Many of the wildflowers were those that I too had recorded like Herb Robert and Kidney Vetch. Oxeye Daisy was also listed, a flower that grows along the old railway line rather than on the Cairn itself. Perhaps the observer included the railway cutting bordering the Cairn even though the line was in use? Then I noticed at the foot of the list: "Sycamore [to be replaced by Horse chestnut]". Surely the Cairn didn't have a problem with sycamores becoming a dominant species back in the 1950's, an era when the woodland had its own allocated council workforce? Flicking back two pages I realised I should have read the first page to begin with! At the top of the page, in that lovely traditional handwriting, it read: "North Devon Flora", and beneath it one key word: "Berrynarbor". Any idea as to who the observer was?

Steve McCarthy

N.B. Also on page one it reads: "on table - 24.5.56". A further recording is made on page three on 15.6.56. Page 4 includes "top shelf as 15.6.56. second shelf as 15.6.56 except for genista." Further recordings are also made on 28.6.56, 6.7.56 and 13.7.56. Page 5 only reads "copolite = fossilised dropping of anything".

If anyone can help Steve unravel the mystery, please contact him, either direct or through Judie on 883544.


Artwork: Harry Weedon


Well, what can we say! Having had the sunniest and driest spring, summer is turning out to be a total washout. This has made it very hard for all the gardeners and no doubt the farmers too. The planting in the tubs has refused to flower and the hanging baskets are being blown to pieces! However, with the litter picks and a lot of hard work from the trusty band of 'bloomers', when the Britain in Bloom judge came in the first week in July, he seemed very pleased, but we don't get the results until September.

The judging for the Best Kept Village is on-going with judges doing spot checks, so please keep up the good work. Again, we will know the results in September.

The two Open Gardens events were also affected by the weather. The first in the Sterridge Valley was reasonably fine in the afternoon for the garden visitors, but it poured with rain during the BBQ held afterwards at Ken and Judie's. Well done to them both for their hard work and for Phil, aided and abetted by Ken, for cooking in the rain. Did we enjoy it though? Yes, we did!

The day of the Village Open Gardens dawned to pouring rain and we considered cancelling it, but it cleared up later and we went ahead. The numbers were definitely down but the hardy viewers were treated to wonderful displays of flowers and a lovely tea, thanks to Lynne, Phil and helpers at The Lodge. Needless to say, this time we cancelled the BBQ to follow. The two events raised just over £400.

Many thanks to all those who opened their gardens, those who provided food for the yummy teas, transported chairs, etc., and made the events successful despite the weather.


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


There are many recipes for Lemon Drizzle Cake but this is the recipe I have made for countless fetes, cake stalls, litter picks, etc. It is very easy and freezes well.

  • 6oz/175g Butter/Margarine
  • 6oz/175g Caster Sugar
  • 6oz/175g Self Raising Flour
  • 3 Free Range Eggs
  • Zest of 1 Lemon
  • Juice of 2 Lemons
  • 1 tablespoon Milk
  • Icing Sugar

Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one by one, with a little of the sifted flour to stop the mixture from curdling. Add the zest of the lemon and beat in. Now fold in the sifted flour with the milk. Spoon into a loose bottomed 8 inch cake tin lined with greaseproof paper.

Bake for 30-35 minutes at 180 Deg /gas mark 4 until firm to the touch. While the cake is baking, warm the juice of 1 1/2 lemons with 2oz icing sugar until melted. When the cake is cooked, prick it all over while still warm and pour over the lemon syrup.

Allow the cake to cool. Mix 3oz icing sugar with some of the remaining lemon juice until you have a pouring [not too thin] icing and drizzle all over the cake.

Wendy Applegate




We move forward at last - confident but not complacent!

Our architect is very shortly due to deliver the building regulation plans for the new shop. As soon as we have them we will send them out to several building firms for quotations with the aim of starting building in September. We already have designs for the interior; the new selling area will be as large as the whole of our existing premises, so there will be chance for an even better range of stock and facilities.

Do we know if the post office will survive the government closures? No, we cannot know that for certain until January or February 2008, but the committee keeps in close contact with the Post Office. We know the criteria by which they assess post offices and we expect to be considered very favourably. In any case, we have been urged to go ahead as soon as possible by Devon Renaissance [the source of our main grant], which we have to spend before the end of the financial year if we don't want to lose it. North Devon District Council is also very supportive, and has been all along.

It would certainly be a crying shame if the whole plan fell through after all the hard work put in by Jackie, the volunteers and the Committee.

To raise the final money, fund raising activities will be needed and we hope that you will support these. The first one, the Golf Open Day, happened on July 6th and thanks to the hard work of John Boxall and those who participated, £420 was added to the building fund coffers. The bookstall and 'Build a brick' box are also adding useful amounts. Thanks to all who contribute.

PP of DC



[4.1.1871 - 18.1.1955]

Inventor of the vacuum cleaner

A chance remark by Stephen Fry on a recent "Quite Interesting" TV programme that Hubert Cecil Booth invented the vacuum cleaner made me prick up my ears. Where did Hoover fit in? I found it 'quite interesting'!

The history of the carpet cleaner goes back to 1811 when a patent was granted to James Hume for a mechanical sweeper, but no practical appliance appeared until 1842 and then it was used for street cleaning. From this idea evolved the first domestic model "The Champion" 1876 - one is exhibited at Watermouth castle. In the same year, the "Grand Rapids" were invented by Melville R Bissell and shortly afterwards the "Ewbank" appeared in Britain, selling for ten shillings. Yes, the names and products - largely unchanged - continue to this day.

So what about Mr Booth? Well, born in Gloucester, he trained as a mechanical and civil engineer. Starting work as a draughtsman, he worked on the design of engines for two Royal Navy battleships. In 1894 he was commissioned to work on a Ferris Wheel at Earls Court and guess what? He worked on other Ferris wheels in Blackpool, Paris and VIENNA - so he would have known Walter Basset of Watermouth Castle. [See December 2006 Newsletter]. During his long career, he designed several factories and bridges as well as inventing domestic appliances, including the Teasmade.

However, in 1901 he saw a demonstration for cleaning railway carriages at St Pancras Railway Station. The machine used compressed air, which just blew a cloud of dust around. He saw instantly that rather than blowing the dust around, the system should be reversed and the dust sucked up. He tested his idea by putting a damp handkerchief on a chair and sucking in the dust. The amount of dust caught on the outside of the cloth proved the system was effective!

On August 30th1901, Booth was granted the patent for his new invention, and formed his "British Vacuum Cleaner Company" [BVC], not for selling machines but for going to people's houses to clean carpets and curtains. His workmen, clad in white drill suits, would arrive in a large four-wheeled horse drawn carriage, with a petrol-driven vacuum pump [electricity was still a novelty] and several hundred feet of tubes. You can see a 1905 model in the National Science Museum. Sometimes, if the property was over a shop, the hose had to be fed in through a first floor window [see illustration]. Such was the novelty in London Society that the hostess would throw 'Vacuum cleaner parties' where, as guests sipped their tea, they lifted their feet for Booth's men to vacuum the carpet! When Booth gave a demonstration at the Royal Mint, he was stopped on his way out: inadvertently he hadn't emptied the dust bag, which by now contained a large amount of gold dust!

His machines had a boost when they were used to vacuum the blue carpets laid in Westminster Abbey for the coronation of Edward VII in 1902. Shortly afterwards he demonstrated his cleaner to the King at Buckingham Palace, resulting in installations there and at Windsor Castle. For this he was awarded a Royal Warrant of Appointment to His Majesty. Otherwise, until 1906 he provided a cleaning service only.

Others tried to get in to this lucrative market by producing vacuum cleaners without a large engine to run them. To combat this, Booth produced the Trolley Vac in 1904. It was a heavy box on wheels and for demonstrating purposes could be fitted with a short length of glass tube set into the hose to prove that the machine was doing its job - and we all thought Dyson was new. It had six separate attachments and sold at 35 gns. Neither this machine nor its rivals were light enough to be moved easily and non-electric ones had to have a person operating the bellows whilst the other used the hose. An example is in Watermouth Castle. There was even a model with the bellows fixed to a rocking chair so that grandpa could rock and the housewife use the hose! At last, by 1906, he went all out to sell his machines.

But what was needed was a machine operated by one person only, which could be mass-produced. In 1907 James Murray Spangler of Ohio invented the first domestic upright vacuum cleaner in desperation because of an allergy to dust. Originally he used an old fan motor attached to a soapbox stapled to a broom handle. He used a flour bag as a dust collector. In 1908 he patented "The Spangler", the first portable upright electric cleaner with a cloth filter bag, a carpet brush and cleaning attachments. One of his first sales was to his cousin who was married to a leather manufacturer named William Henry Hoover. Hoover saw the potential and Spangler sold the rights to him. The rest, as they say, is history - although 'Spanglering' does have a certain ring to it!

Meanwhile, our friend Mr Booth continued to expand his businesses. In 1901 he had formed an engineering consultancy, which he later merged with BVC to become the British Vacuum Cleaner and Engineering Company. In 1926 he decided to brand all his domestic vacuum cleaners under the famous "Goblin" trade name. Legend has it that he chose the name because the wife of one of his company directors was heard to remark that the cleaner was 'goblin' up the dirt'!

1937 saw a new factory at Leatherhead, previously a film studio for the likes of Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks. By 1939 the domestic market was increasing by nearly 1/2 million a year, helped by hire purchase and in that year Goblin established sales and service depots throughout Britain.

Henry Booth in later years wrote an autobiographical book entitled The Origin of the Vacuum Cleaner. He died in 1955.

Next time you visit Watermouth Castle, the fine collection of early carpet sweepers is worth a browse - and a thought spared for Henry Booth. I am indebted to the Castle for their help, and for the loan of a delightful book: Antique Household Gadgets and Appliances c.1860 to 1930 by David de Haan and illustrated by Mary Sims and Mary Camidge.

PP of DC

Note: I hope you enjoy reading these articles as much as I enjoy researching them. If not, tell Judie! I have several more lined up and think it might be an idea to continue the series entitling it "Movers and Shakers". If so, this is Number 10.



Courses will be starting again in September both here in the village and at the Community Centre in Combe Martin. Classes include: Introduction to using Pastels and Creative Pastels, Mosaic [Taster], Drawing and Painting, Floristry, Various Computer Courses, Digital Imaging, Introduction to Family History, Move on English, CIEH in Food Safety and Emergency First Aid [all at Combe Martin] and Pilates Keep Fit [separate to All Round Body Work Out advertised earlier] and Creative Writing. For more details or to book your place, please telephone [01271] 864171.



A gentle, friendly, progressive fitness course in many forms of Keep Fit, including Pilates.

Learn how to use your body and exercise correctly, strengthening and toning all parts of the body. Especially useful for those suffering from back or joint problems.

For all ages and ability, led by qualified and experienced instructor.


Starting on
at the Manor Hall at 9 o'clock

Wear trainers and loose fitting clothing. £3.50 per hourly session

For further details, please ring Valerie on 01598-763250 or Why not come along to the first session for a 'taster'?


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The bands that we had in July as part of the Combe Martin Music Festival were a great success and we will definitely be taking part again next year. Thank you to those who came to support these nights.

We are open for Breakfast at the Sawmill, 9.00 a.m. to 12 noon on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays throughout the school holidays. The Sawmill is also open every day from 12 noon until 11.00 p.m., serving food daily from 12 noon to 9.00 p.m. throughout the holidays.

Quiz Nights at The Globe start again on Sunday, 9th September, at 8.30 p.m.

All You Can Eat Nights/Special Offers/A la Carte Specials, etc., will all start again in September and will be advertised nearer the time.

Hoping you all have a lovely summer from everyone at The Globe & Sawmill.



14th St. Peter's Church: Annual Fayre, Manor Hall, 6.30 p.m.
15th Parish Council Meeting, 7.00 p.m. Penn Curzon Room
18th BBC 'Bit of a Do', Sloley Farm, 8.30 p.m. Everyone welcome.
23rd St. Peter's Church: Flower Festival Cheese & Wine Preview, 7.30 p.m. Tickets: £2.50
24th to 27th inc. St. Peter's Church: 'Creation', Flower Festival, 9.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. daily
26th St. Peter's Church: Family Songs of Praise, 11.00 a.m.
27th Horticultural & Craft Show: Entries close at 6.00 p.m.
29th Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon onwards
1st Horticultural & Craft Show: Entries by 10.30 am. Show: 2.00 p.m.
4th Primary School & College: Start of Autumn Term
Ladies' Group, 2.00 p.m., Manor Hall: Helen Latham - Life in the '20's.
9th Car Boot Sale, Blackmoor Gate Market: 11.00/12.00 noon
The Globe: Quiz Nights recommence, 8.30 p.m.
11th Parish Council Meeting, 7.00 p.m., Penn Curzon Room
17th Deadline for Articles for the October Newsletter
26th Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.00 noon onwards
28th The Biggest Coffee Morning in the World: Manor Hall, 10.00 a.m. 12.00 noon [Macmillan Cancer Support]
30th St. Peter's Church: Harvest Festival, Family Communion, 11.00 a.m.
2nd Ladies' Group, 2.00 p.m., Manor Hall: Mrs. R. Cooke - Hedgerow Baskets
3rd St. Peter's Church: Harvest Festival Supper

Manor Hall Diary:

MondaysCraft Group, 2.30 p.m.
Badminton, 7.30 p.m.
Tuesdays2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners 10.00 a.m. onwards
Yoga, 7.00 p.m.
WednesdaysSimply Dancing, 7.00-9.00 p.m. [except from Oct. to May, inc. the 3rd Wednesday each month]
ThursdaysWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m.
FridaysShort Mat Bowls, 7.00 p.m. *
SundaysShort Mat Bowls, 2.00 p.m. *

[* winter time only]

Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)

11.20 - 12.05 a.m.Sandy Cove
1.15 - 1.35 p.m.The Square
1.45 - 2.05 p.m.Sterridge Valley



Small blue is beautiful!

Traipsing over the vast expanse of the Braunton Burrows in mid-summer, it was wildlife on a small scale which most caught my eye.

Near Flagpole Dune a crowd of common blue butterflies fluttered over carpets of bird's-foot trefoil. Nicknamed 'eggs and bacon' because of the yellow flowers streaked with red, this is an important plant for the common blue which feeds on the nectar and lays its eggs on the leaves.

Blue butterflies have been likened to tiny scraps of sky, fallen to earth and on the move. Stopping to watch the common blue butterflies, we were delighted to find among them a few small [or little] blue butterflies with the pretty Latin name Cupido minimus.

This is a scarce species and Braunton Burrows has the only colony of small blue butterflies in North Deon. The male is greyish black with silvery blue scales near the body. The female is dark brown. The underwings are silver grey with tiny black dots [lacking the orange markings found on the underwings of the common blue]. They for only ten to fourteen days, laying their eggs in the flowers of the kidney vetch.

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes

Underfoot were short, tiny-flowered plants; patches of storksbill, eyebright and scarlet pimpernel. There was cantaury, our commonest native gentian; neat pink flowers with yellow centres.

Along the Northern Boundary Track I have never before seen so many poplar leaf beetles. The handsome shiny red beetles were clinging to the willow scrub, several to a twig. They are about three times the size of a ladybird but minus the spots.

Here also were large numbers of dark green fritillaries. Contrary to their name, these powerful fliers are actually bright golden butterflies with dark markings. The green refers only to the greenish tints on the underside of the wings. They, too, are classified as a 'scarce' species.

We reached the narrow pond on Soay Plain, a haven for dragonflies. There was a libellula with its broad pale blue abdomen, a type of darter dragonfly.

Then came into view several emperor dragonflies; large hawkers with rapid flight. The males have a long blue abdomen. The females are green. They are capable of hovering and flying backwards and can move each pair of wings alternatively, lending greater flying power. It will prey on other dragonflies.

The dunes are high and imposing. There is a wonderful sense of space and freedom but there is also a concentration of small delights in the variety of insects which live there.

Sue H




would like to thank the people of


By Holding


at Sloley Farm Barn at 8.30 p.m.
on Saturday, 18th August
Bring your own booze [plastic cups provided]

Admission Free! Live Band Disco Pig Roast



"The Biggest Coffee Morning in the World"


10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon
Manor Hall, Berrynarbor

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Artwork: Angela Bartlett


'Berrynarbour' - View 108

This picture of the village taken by Francis Frith around 1892 must be one of the earliest photographs of Berrynarbor and below I point out why I also think it is one of the most interesting. In the centre, note how No. 63 Silver Street, Brookside, is thatched, as is Jacobswell on the right and Bessemer Thatch on the left. Jacobswell, just to the west of Hillcrest [No. 55], was at a much later date turned into the small row of cottages now known as Ferndale, Jacobs Well and The Olives - all slated. On the corner is No. 54, now known as Dunchideock which was where Claude Richards lived and had his dairy.

The National School building can be seen clearly, complete with its bell hanging from the small archway constructed on the roof. Bessemer Thatch at that time consisted of three separate cottages - Nos. 47, 48 and 49 - with Grey Gables on the corner [No. 50]. Nearly all the cottages had their own piggeries and hen houses, plainly visible at the back of Bessemer Thatch.

Most of the available land was cultivated, shown in front and behind the cottages on Hagginton Hill. The photograph must have been taken during the winter months as the very large trees are all without leaves. The height of the trees around the Church of St. Peter must be at least 50' or 60' knowing the height of the tower. Below the church tower, No. 51 - Tower Cottage, can be seen with chimneys at either end of the roof. The Manor House, now the Penn Curzon Room and Men's Institute can be seen but, of course, no Manor Hall since it was not built until 1913-14. The Old Court and Chapel are clearly visible, as is the Globe Public House, complete with its lime washed retaining wall on to Pitt Hill.

Hagginton Hill at this time shows a great space between the lower and higher group of cottages, with Grattons standing on its own at the top.

Finally, I have been asked to enquire for information about a wrought iron sign of BERRYNARBOR which is supposed to have been made by Sam Harding, Blacksmith. I am led to believe that the sign was seen, even after the Second World War, and I would appreciate any information. Thanks.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, July 2007
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com


Artwork by: Nigel Mason