No. 106 - February 2007

A Happy New Year and I hope everyone had a good Christmas.
Our rather dreary, but not cold, weather continues into 2007. However, the mornings and evenings in particular are drawing out, the bulbs and shoots are coming along and the birds are more cheerful - spring must be on its way!
The Christmas Greetings sent via the Newsletter was most successful and will probably be repeated this year. Rather than robbing the Manor Hall Card Distribution, takings for that and the Coffee Morning were up, and the Newsletter was able to pass over a cheque for £106. Thank you to everyone who participated.
I should also like to thank the person who kindly left a 2007 calendar of Australian Gardens for me at the Shop, with a message that they'd e-mail me. So far no word, but their kind thought was very much appreciated.
This issue sees the 100th contribution from Sue, our Local Walker. Thank you so much, Sue, for your continued support and encouragement and thank you Paul for the fitting illustrations for the Walks. Other milestones have been passed recently. December saw the 50th article from Tony Beauclerk and Sue and Simon's 'Weather or Not' covering November and December is their 50th report. Thank you all and well done!
I have had the pleasure recently of hearing from several people via the web site and it has been particularly nice to hear from Don Thirkell - who lived in the Valley - and Sonia Duckett from Middle Lee. Both say they have old photographs of the village - we look forward to seeing them!
Our printer, Len, has gone into 'glorious Technicolor', so let's give it a try and see how it goes.
With daffodils and other spring flowers not yet readily available, lilies are still in the shops, and so we have them on our cover - a delightful depiction from Paul and my thanks go to him and everyone else who has contributed to another article-packed issue.
There seem to be quite a few events coming up to put in your diary for February and March, so add to them that items for the April and Easter Newsletter are welcome as soon as possible and by MONDAY, 12TH MARCH [a little earlier than usual] please at the latest. Thanks.
Judie - Ed
The list
of readers subscribing to receive their Newsletter by post continues to grow
with nearly a quarter of readers receiving it this way. If anyone else would like to receive their
copy by post, please do contact me.
Details are:
simplify finances, the Newsletter year runs from February to December. The current annual cost for postage and
envelopes is £3.50 and donations towards the cost of the Newsletter itself -
approximately 50p per issue - would be most welcome and appreciated. Subscriptions for 2006 are, therefore, now

many years now, Newsletters have begun with the report from our Women's
Institute. Sadly, as reported in the
December issue, there has been a split.
early January, the members who wished to remain in the W.I. met and after much
deliberation were unable to form a committee.
A compromise was reached to join Woolacombe W.I. [on the 3rd Thursday in
the month]. We have already met with
them and have received a warm welcome.
The accounts balance has been sent to Linda Brown
wish both groups luck and perhaps some time in the future, a W.I. will be
re-established here in the Village.
the time you read this, the first meeting of the above Club will have taken
place. It is to be held on the 25th
January and it is hoped that ladies, previous members of the Women's Institute
and others, will attend when the future programme of meetings, outings,
subscriptions, etc., will be discussed.
monthly meetings will run on similar lines to the W.I. but there will be more
time for discussion and may be the occasional competition. It is hoped to continue with the sales
table, and tea, coffee and biscuits will be offered during the meeting.
hope to be able to report in the next Newsletter that the new Club is off to a
flying start! Come on ladies, give it a
go! In
the meantime watch out for posters giving details of the next meeting.
New Year to you all!
Doreen Prater

when soft voices die,
in the memory;
when sweet violets sicken,
within the sense they quicken.
leaves, when the rose is dead,
heap'd for the beloved's bed;
And so
thy thoughts, when thou are gone,
itself shall slumber on.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
William GORDON
those of us in the village who knew or remember Gordon, it was sad to learn
that he had died at the age of 86, on the 19th November. A much
loved father, grandfather and great-grandfather, he will be sadly missed by all
his family.
thoughts are with his partner Grace, his two sons Derek and Bernard and their
families, and his four daughters Joan, Christine, Pam and Patsy and their
funeral took place at St. Peter's on the 27th November and the church was
filled with his family and many friends and neighbours from Berrynarbor, Combe
Martin and Ilfracombe.
family would like to thank everyone for their cards and kind messages of
sympathy, and all those who came to say 'goodbye'. Donations in his memory amounted to over
£500, to be shared between the North Devon Hospice Care Trust and Cancer
learnt with sadness that Alf had passed away on the 12th December and our
thoughts are with his sons Charlie and Martin.
is with regret that we have to report the death of Alfred Bulled, aged 69, on
the 12th December. Alf had lived in
received in his memory amounted to nearly £500, which was donated to the North
Devon Hospice.

church was packed and all the stops were pulled out for the Service of Carols
it was time to pack away the crib and the tree for another year. Our thanks to everyone who helped with the
decorating - the flowers, as always, were lovely, in no small part due to the
generosity of those who regularly make donations - you know who you are.
season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on the 21st February. There will be Lent boxes at the back of the
church for the Bible Society to be returned at Easter. Mothering
Sunday will brighten the atmosphere on 18th March, when we shall be joined by
the children who will help in handing bunches of flowers around the
congregation. Easter
is quite early this year with Easter Day on 8th April, preceded by Palm Sunday
on the 1st. More details next time.
Lunches at The Globe will be held on Wednesdays 28th February and 28th March and new
members are always welcome. Please
telephone me [883881] in the first instance.
Mary Tucker
1st Sunday | 11.00 a.m. | Songs of Praise* |
2nd Sunday | 11.00 a.m. | Sung Eucharist & Holy Communion |
3rd Sunday | 11.00 a.m. | Village Service |
4th Sunday | 11.00 a.m. | Sung Eucharist & Holy Communion by Extension |
5th Sunday | 11.00 a.m. | Please see the Notice Board |
* Songs of Praise: Your favourite hymns by request. Please let Stuart know your choice in advance - Tel: 882447.
Berrynarbor: Fenella Boxall
[01271] 882675 e-mail: back_in_your_box@hotmail.com
HELP! What have I let myself in for? Just a quick note to ease myself into the
position as your latest Community News Officer.
have been living in the village for seven years so know what an active place it
is, with darts, dominoes, skittles, badminton, keep fit and short mat bowls
played on a regular basis. There are
lively committees for the Carnival Club, Manor Hall, Britain in Bloom, the
Community Enterprise Shop, Parish Council and Friends of Berrynarbor Primary
School, as well as regular meetings of the Wine Club, Book Club, Friendship
Club; there is the Church Choir and Bell
Ringers and up until now, the Women's Institute. And last but by no means least, our
wonderful Pre- and Primary Schools, keeping the village young and on its toes.
please let me know what you are all up to by calling, e-mailing or better still
popping up to Sloley Farm for a coffee.
If you have something to brag, boast, bitch or bawl about, let me know
and I'll try and put all the village in the 'know'. Without you and your help - and apologies to
anyone I have left out - I know nurrrrrthing!
look forward to hearing from you and a very happy 2007.

A Further
Story for the Young and Young at Heart
story, about happenings at Combe Martin, goes back a long way. As you may recall [Newsletter No. 88 February
2004], our mermaid who was playing in the sea and on the beaches is called

Illustrated by: Debbie Cook
day, Marina and Peter were sitting on a rock near the Camel's Head, chatting
about old times.
smiled at Peter and reminded him, "I haven't forgotten when you jumped on
their wet cement and had to wash your feet in the rock pool beside the
walkway. The cement made the water all
cloudy and I put a little spell on it so that it would
always look cloudy. People today often
wonder why that is so."
Trebble was standing by the railings at
Mary cried out loud, "My locket, oh my locket's come undone and fallen
into the river." The river Umber
was flowing fast into the sea and it quickly carried her locket, with its gold
chain, away and out of sight.
chance, Marina and Peter were sitting on a rock right under the place where
Mary had been feeding the gulls and had seen the locket fall into the
water. Quickly,
mermaid and the pixie were both awake early next morning. The tide was fairly low and just lapping at
the breakwater. They searched and
searched all over the Combe Martin and Newberry beaches. They were just about to give up when
suddenly Peter, who had been hopping from rock to rock on the breakwater, cried
out, "I think I've found it!"
enough, there was the locket down between the rocks, a little too far for our
pixie friend to reach. Luckily, our two
little friends found a strong piece of driftwood and were
able to lever the rock sufficiently to pluck the locket out.
morning, although it was her birthday, Mary was unhappy, she was missing her
locket. She went to the front door and
began to pick up her cards that the postman had delivered and as she picked up
the last envelope, there was her locket! "How
on earth did that get there?" she cried. Well
we know, don't we!
Tony Beauclerk -
you to those who sent in answers to the 'first line' quiz - once you had hit on
the song or carol, it was pretty obvious if you were right and those of you who
sent in your answers all got 30/30.
Well done to Jen and Chris Caswell, Marian Delve, Alex Blagdon and Dave
Westcott. Apparently others struggled a
bit and for you the answers were:
- Have yourself a merry little Christmas
- The First Noel the Angel did say
- God rest ye merry gentlemen
- It came upon a midnight clear
- Silent night, holy night, All is calm, all is bright
- On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me
- Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fah, lah, etc.
- You better watch out, you better not cry
- Joy to the world the Lord has come
- I saw mummy kissing Santa Claus
- Hark the herald angels sing
- All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth
- Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh
- We three kings of orient are
- I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
- Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
- Oh little town of Bethlehem
- Sleigh bells ring, are you listening
- We wish you a merry Christmas
- Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul
- Rocking around the Christmas tree
- Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
- I'll have a blue Christmas without you
- Come they tell me par rum pa pum pum
- Away in a manger
- Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king*
- Oh the weather outside is frightful
- Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
- Go tell it on the mountain
- Ding dong merrily on high
* Although everyone got this right, in
fact, the first line of this song is:
Said the night wind to the little lamb, 'Do you see what I see?'

first week of November was a bit of a shock with temperatures dropping away to
a low of -0.4 Deg C on the 2nd. There were
sharp frosts every night with bright, crisp and warm sunny days. After that the temperatures rose but
unsettled weather set in with rain on most days and almost continual strong
winds. The total rain for the month
was 206mm [8 1/4"] of which 45mm [1 13/16"] fell on one day. This made it the wettest month of the
Our records show the rainfall for
November ranges from 59mm [2 3/8"] to 311mm [12 1/2"].
maximum temperature of 14.9 Deg C was [apart from 2000 which only achieved 14.5 Deg C]
the lowest November maximum since before 1994, generally the maximum has been
at least 15 Deg C and last year reached 17.4 Deg C.
The minimum temperature of -0.4 Deg C was also down on the average.
maximum gust of wind was 38 knots which again was the strongest gust recorded
in November since before 1994, apart from 200 when wind speeds reached 40
started as November left off - very windy and wet but then a high pressure
system arrived and dominated the weather from the 18th, the winds dropped right
away to nothing and it was dry until the 27th when the wind started to pick up
again and the month ended as it began.
December was the second wettest month of the year, with a total rainfall
of 155mm [6 1/4"]. Both the maximum
temperature of 13.7 Deg C and the minimum of -1.1 Deg C were slightly up on the average.
maximum wind speed of 36 knots was not the strongest wind we have recorded in
December, but was above the average.
spite of the wet gloomy weather, Chicane recorded more sunshine hours [24.78]
in November than any of the previous years, the closest being last year with
20.67 hours. In December, there were
only ten days of recordable sun, giving a total of only 6.34 hours, down on the
previous two years] [7.77 and 8.54 respectively] but double what we had in
2003, which was also a wet month.
Please remember we are in a deep valley!
back over the years, the wettest year was the first that we recorded in 1994
with 2032mm [80"], the next five years each averaged over 1500mm [59
1/16"], then 2000 was another very wet year with 2005mm [78
15/16"]. Since then, however,
apart from 2002 which was average, the rainfall has been diminishing and this
year was the driest yet with a total of only 1054mm [41 1/2"].
barometric pressures were about average for the year with a high of 1042mbs on
22nd December and a low of 985mbs on 19th October.
take this opportunity to wish everybody a Happy New Year.
Simon and Sue

the Christmas period, a person or persons unknown entered the Penn Curzon Room
and removed from the fuse box, which is inside a cupboard, all the fuses. The result was that Sure Start could not
operate in the room and we had a bill from the electrician for finding the
fault and replacing the fuses! The bill
for this came to £40.00 and it would be very nice if a cheque could be sent to
the Manor Hall Committee to cover this expense.
a lighter tone, we had another very successful Christmas Card Distribution and
Coffee Morning, raising £250, some £70 more than last year. This included a very welcome sum of £106
from the greetings given in the Newsletter.
We also have a special parking bay marked out for the disabled and I
should ask all car users to respect this area.
must thank all Hall users for their forbearance following the fire in the
boiler room, and finally I can announce that we have appointed Charlotte Fryer as our new cleaner
for the Manor Hall and wish her all the best in her new task.
Bob Hobson - Chairman, Manor Hall Committee

2.30 p.m. at
painting, drawing, sewing, embroidery, knitting, lace-making or any other hobby or craft
Why not come and join us?
Indulge yourself working on your favourite pastime
in company of others
£1.00 a session including
Tea, Coffee and Biscuits Everyone welcome

was with sadness that, after ten years living here, Hazel and Ken Gosham left
Bowden Farm Cottage just before Christmas to move to Hampshire to be nearer
their son.
and Ken were keen bowlers at Combe Martin and enjoyed art classes but will,
perhaps, be remembered more for their wonderful support of and entries in the
Horticultural and Craft Show. Ken was
renowned for his home-made wine and walked off with the Watermouth Castle Cup
five times and the Best in Show Cup twice - and his fruit and vegetables took a
lot of beating! Meanwhile, Hazel's
green fingers secured her the Lethaby Cup for Potted
Plants twice and the Manor Stores Rose Bowl for Cut Flowers three times.
will be keeping in touch via the Newsletter but would like to thank villagers
for their friendship, especially their very good neighbours Maddy,
Julie and Mike.
are also sorry to have lost Gail and Graham Davis and family who have moved to
Ilfracombe. Chris and Geoff Taylor are
also off to pastures new. Chris says
that their new 'compartment' in Pilton will only be an interim measure as their
intention, hopefully, is to return to the village.
Farm Cottage is now home to Lyn and Holly;
Penrose to Katie Rowles and Michael Lyne, and Venture Cottage to Denise
Inskip and Daniel Reynolds.
and Daniel, who come from Ampthill in Bedfordshire, have been renting a place
Denise, a florist by trade, and
Daniel, a builder and landscape gardener, are keen gardeners and plan to follow
Chris and Geoff's footsteps and take part in the
Cottage at Goosewell has been home to Catherine and David Allen for some time
now and we are sorry not to have welcomed them sooner!
have come to the south west from Stokenewington in
twins have now 'grown and flown' - their son is in
enjoy a variety of hobbies. David is in
to motor bikes, cycling and walking and is a keen musician, playing an
assortment of instruments and would, we understand, have liked to have made music
his career. Catherine also enjoys
walking and is a keen gardener, currently creating their own cottage
garden, but she also derives pleasure from the indoor hobbies of sewing,
knitting and both dabbles in and looks at art.
everyone leaving and everyone coming to the village, we wish you luck and
happiness in your new homes.

The Fox and Hounds at Eggesford on Saturday, 13th January, was the
setting for the small, but with family and friends, wedding of Jenny Bailey and
Lee Beer. Jenny, the youngest daughter
of Brian and Ann, and Lee were attended by Elaine Gubb with their
two-year-old son Louis as pageboy. A
lovely day finished by guests enjoying the music of the Make Me Smile band.
Jenny and Lee are enjoying a holiday in
Jenny and Lee, we wish you
both health and happiness for your future life together.

Congratulations to
Sandy and Ann on the birth of their first grandchild. Lachlan Alexander Anderson, son of David and
Amy, was born in
warm welcome to the little one and best wishes to the proud parents and

This friendly and informal group, run by parents for parents, meets on
Friday mornings during term time in the Manor Hall, from
Toddlers participate in:
painting, mess play, toy library, music and dance, construction,
dressing up and water play and there are visiting acts.
you are interested and would like more information, please ring Kay
Barry on 883008 or call in one Friday morning.

Sue and Alan Richards are delighted to
announce the engagement of their daughter Nicki to Tim Schneider of Helston. Nicki is a Primary School teacher in
Our congratulations and very best wishes to you both.

end of the Autumn Term was as exciting and eventful as usual at

Whole Group Collage
1 had a special visit to
Christmas Fayre was well attended and thank you to everyone in the village who
supported us by coming along and donating items for sale.
annual Christingle workshop and service in the church was again a very special
event, especially when we light the candles and turn out the lights - there is
a wonderful hush and all you can see are little faces lit by candlelight in
quiet reflection. Once again, our
Christmas Service was also a great hit with the children's musical input, art
work, singing, drama and prayers.
thanks to the Friends of Berrynarbor who again put on a Christmas Tea on the
last day of term in the Manor Hall, and a special visitor came to visit as
well. We played some party games and
the children had a great time.
our whole-school focus on developing musical skills, we invited two groups to
work with the children and staff during last term. Junk Band came along to develop a
performance for parents using old discarded oil containers and beaters made
from tennis balls, as well as pots and pans and large sections of water mains
pipes! We also invited a music tutor
from a group called Drum Crazy who specialise in teaching children songs and
drumming skills from
Mrs. Karen Crutchfield - Head Teacher
Friends of Berrynarbor School held a Dance in the Barn at Sloley Farm just
before Christmas with music provided by The Parcel of Rogues. A successful, but chilly, evening, enjoyed
by all, which raised some £250 to be given to The Children's Liver Foundation
and the School's Music Fund. A big
thank you to everyone who attended.
3 spent last term working in small groups with a specialist Art Teacher, kindly
seconded by
Artist: Anna
Artist: Robbie
Artist: Bethan Gamble

much has been happening but we hope you enjoyed the Christmas tree in the
centre of the village - the lights provided by
should like to thank Derek Phillips for the donation of £200 for the help given
by members of our team at the Classic Moto-Cross des Nations meet on the 2nd
and 3rd September. It has been agreed
with Derek that £100 should go to the School to help with their gardening club.
shall be having our first meeting in February and the date will be announced on
one of our 'blooming' posters! Hope you
can join us in 2007.

and early spring is a good time for home-grown leeks. This recipe makes a lovely and easy soup
with a bit of left over Stilton from Christmas.
Leek and Stilton Soup
- 1/2 lb Leeks [weighed after washing and trimming]
- 2oz butter
- 1 pint vegetable stock
- 2oz Stilton
- 1 medium chopped onion
- 1/4 pint milk
- salt and pepper
the washed leeks in to 1 inch slices and sweat them in the butter in a large
saucepan on a low heat for about 10 minutes with the lid on. Stir them two or three times during this
time. Add the stock and milk and simmer
for another 10 minutes with the lid off.
Remove from the heat and allow to cool.
When cooled blitz in a processor or liquidiser adding the crumbled
Stilton. Reheat gently. This is lovely served with crunchy croutons
topped with a little more crumbled Stilton and popped in the oven until the
cheese is melted.
You may
like to follow the soup with
Date and Walnut Cake with Brandy Syrup
is another cake that doubles as a pudding when served warm. It is light and moist and yummy. You can omit the brandy if you must.
- 2oz [50g] butter or margarine
- 1 free-range egg beaten
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 2 1/2 oz [60g] chopped dates
- 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 2oz [50g] golden caster sugar
- 4oz [110g] plain flour
- 2oz [50g] chopped walnuts
- 4 fluid oz [110ml] boiling water
For the syrup
- 2oz [50g] sugar
- 3 fl oz [75ml] water
- 2 fl oz [55ml] brandy
- 1 dessert spoon butter
- 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
Place half the dates in a bowl with
the bicarbonate of soda and cover with the boiling water. Set aside and allow to cool. Cream the butter and caster sugar together
until pale and fluffy and then beat in the egg little by little. Sift the flour with the baking powder and
fold in to the butter mix. Next add the
nuts and the unsoaked dates followed by the cooled soaked dates along with the
water. Fold together until well
mixed. Pour into a well greased 7"
or 8" loose-bottomed cake tin and bake for 30 to 40 minutes at 190 Deg C or
gas mark 5.
prepare the syrup. Boil the water,
sugar and butter together for 5 minutes, then add the brandy and vanilla
the cake is cooked and still hot, prick it all over and pour over the warm
syrup. Eat and
enjoy hot or cold.
Wendy Applegate

lots of good news to report this month!
Firstly, our planning permission has come through for the new shop. It will be a single storey unit in the car
park. Some people have been concerned
that it will not have a flat over.
Estimates showed that the second storey would have doubled the costs and
grants for accommodation were not available.
The additional borrowing costs would have been prohibitive.
far we have been awarded grants totalling £87,000. This means that we now have the money to
start building - hopefully in a few months' time. It's not the end of the story though . . .
we still need to borrow a considerable sum and raise about £6,000 from village
events. We should welcome any
suggestions and help in fund raising.
Please speak to Jackie or any committee member with your ideas.
spite of the opening of the Ilfracombe Tesco, in 2006 we managed to just about
break even . . . but to make the new shop viable, we need to increase our
sales. Jackie has introduced an
excellent range of foods and gifts and to help our customers even more . . .
We can
take orders for:
MEAT - Ivan Clarke or
Westgate Angus
Village Bakery
Please give us 48 hours' notice . . . and if these are regular orders, Jackie
will be even happier!
continue to be very grateful to all our volunteers who do a great job. There are still spaces though, either on
regular dates or for those willing to help in an emergency. Again, please let Jackie know.
is going to be an exciting and eventful year for the Shop. Please help make it the success we all want!
Fellow Villagers,
village Shop and Post Office has now been in village hands for over two years
and until TESCO opened in Ilfracombe, it was showing continual growth.
have just received the agreement from Devon Renaissance that they will let us
have a grant of £68,000, which together with the Plunket Grant of £20,000,
means we are now in a position to move to the 2nd phase - the building of the
new shop in the village car park.
the sales rate, since the opening of TESCO, is not enough to make sufficient
profit to keep the shop open - close but not close enough.
support from the majority of the village has been immense:
- £10,000 plus in shares bought
- A very supportive Parish Council
- Approximately 40 volunteers, who have for over two years come out in rain or shine to work in the shop
is a plea to everyone in the village who does not use the shop to use it just a
little - £5 to £10 spent in the shop each week will be more than enough to
enable the shop to remain open and to flourish.
village Shop and Post Office is not only an essential lifeline to many people
in Berrynarbor, but is very much a major part of what makes Berrynarbor the
desirable place it is to live and thus in turn increases the value of our
Please Please use the shop or we all risk losing it.
Anderson - Chairman
Berrynarbor Community Enterprise Ltd.

The meeting on
Tuesday, 9th January began with a presentation by Alex Parke and Sandy Anderson
to explain the new proposals for the village shop, and the recent planning
application. This was a very
interesting and informative discussion in which Councillors were given the
opportunity to ask questions. Our
thanks to Sandy and Alex for attending the meeting.
Claude's Garden
Yellow Lines (
Parish and District Council Elections
Sussex - Chairman
The 2007 programme of events is:
- Wednesday, 4th April - Easter Bingo
- Sunday, 17th June - Strawberry Fayre Tables can be booked by telephoning John Fletcher on 883924 Charity & Local Organisations: £5.00 and Commercial: £8.00 per table
- W/c Saturday, 4th August - Carnival Week
- Wednesday, 31 st October - Halloween Procession
Philip Larkin
Lambs that learn to walk in snow
When their bleating clouds the air
Meet a vast unwelcome, know
Nothing but a sunless glare.
Newly stumbling to and fro
All they find, outside the fold,
Is a wretched width of cold.
As they wait beside the ewe,
Her fleeces wetly caked, there lies
Hidden round them, waiting too,
Earth's immeasurable surprise.
They could not grasp it if they knew,
What so soon will wake and grow
Utterly unlike the snow.

Artwork by: Nigel Mason
Philip Larkin
Born in Coventry in 1922, Philip Larkin was the only son and younger child of Sydney and Eva Larkin. He attended King Henry VIII School in Coventry where he contributed regularly to the school magazine, becoming Joint Editor.
Failing his army eyesight test, he was able to complete his degree at St. John's College Oxford uninterrupted by the war, gaining a First Class Honours degree in English in 1943.
Failing also to enter the Civil Service, he took a post as Librarian atw Wellington in Shropshire. From there he became Assistant Librarian at the University College of Leicester, Sub-Librarian at Queen's University Belfast and finally Librarian to the University of Hull.
Whilst writing his many poems and novels, Larkin's work was acknowledged in many ways:
In 1945 he received the Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry and in 1975 he was made a CBE. He received the German Shakespeare-Preis, became Chairman of the Booker Prize Panel and was made both Companion of Literature and an Honorary Fellow of The Library Association. He served on the Literature Panel of the Arts Council, was made a Professor by the University of Hull and elected to the Board of the British Library.
In 1984 he declined succeeding Sir John Betjeman as Poet Laureate, being unwilling to accept the attention associated with the post, and received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University. In 1985 he was awarded the Order of Companion of Honour but was unable to receive it personally due to ill health.
He died in the December of that year at the age of 63.
Larkin's 'Selected Letters', published in October 1992, proved to be the literary event of the year.

Come and see the monstrous, theatrical and ultra Bohemian Bliss family in action, after they discover that they have all invited guests for the week-end and each has been promised the Japanese Room. This is the start of Coward's sparkling masterpiece, written in only 3 days. He regarded Hay Fever as his best comedy. Set in the 1920's, it is a tale of self-absorbed parents - she an actress, he a writer - and the son and daughter, who at one moment can be charming and affable, and at the next, rude and opinionated. Be amazed at the way their guests have to suffer indignities and humiliation over the week-end, which all adds to the humour of the piece!
See it at llfracombe College at 7.45 p.m. on Wednesday 28th February to Friday 2nd March. Tickets - £6.00 -from Alan Jackson, shoe repairer, High Street, llfracombe, on the door, or telephone Anne Bacon on 882193.
Do you like theatre, but have no transport
and can't always get there?
Do you have mobility problems, a disability
that prevents you
from getting out and about or
perhaps you don't feel safe driving at
should like to provide a minibus service that runs door to door to The Landmark
or Queen's Theatres. The service will
cover the Woolacombe, Berrynarbor, Ilfracombe and Combe Martin areas. We need a minimum of 10 people for each show
for the service to run and the maximum cost will be £5.50.
If you would like to use this
service, you need to register [for free].
The forms to do so are available at the Shop or Chicane and these
should be completed and returned to Kat Wheeler, The Marketing Department, The
Landmark Theatre,

Despite running for over 16 years, the
Christmas meeting saw a first for the Circle when we had a vineyard owner visit
us from
January meeting was a resounding success with our first ever "Wine Man's
Bluff'. Seven teams of six members had
to identify the correct description for each of six wines sampled. Our panel of three experts, Tony, Brian and
John, were referred to as A, B and C and made the evening memorable! The winning team, named 'Piston Broke', each
went home with a bottle of
next two meetings, on the 21st February and 21st March, will be presentations,
by Brett Stevens of the Fabulous Wine Company and James Nancarrow
of Majestic Wines respectively.
members will be warmly welcomed but, due to licensing regulations, it is important
to contact the Secretary or Treasurer at least 24 hours before your first
meeting. Meetings
are held on the third Wednesday of the month at
Tom Bartlett - Publicity [883408]
acknowledgements to Clapham and Dwyer]
B - for honey
C - for th'ighlanders
D - for salmon fishing
E - for sigh
F - for vescence
G - for putting your shirt on
H - for experience
I - for a pretty girl
J - fa oranges
K - for a cuppa
L - for leather
M - pha sis
O - for the wings of a dove
P - for soup
Q - for a bus
R - fa mo
S - for certain
T - for two
U - for mutton
V - for l'amour
W - for a tenner
X - for breakfast
Y - for goodness sake!
Z - pher breezes
[like C & D, I had to resort to the American 'zee' - couldn't find anything to go with zed].
Come and
join us, dispel those winter blues!
ballroom dancing classes, light-hearted, fun and gentle keep fit
led by
and Alan
enquiries: telephone [01271] 889393
Carol Ann Duffy
Into the half-pound box of Moonlight
my small hand crept,
There was an electrifying rustle.
There was a dark and glamorous scent.
Into my open, religious mouth
the first Marzipan Moment went.
Down in the crinkly second layer
five finger-piglets snuffled
among the Hazelnut Whirl,
the Caramel Swirl,
the Black Cherry and Almond Truffle.
I chomped, I gorged,
I stuffed my face,
till only the Coffee Cream
was left for the owner of the box -
tough luck, ....
oh, and half an Orange Supreme.

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
[1804 - 1866
Whig MP for Armagh and benefactor of the Rhenish Tower, Lynmouth
a friend passed on to me a tourist booklet called '
has many picturesque buildings and charming cottages and an unspoilt
waterfront. On the quay stands the
[Rhenish] tower which General Rawdon built in the nineteenth century in
imitation of the towers of the
Rhenish Tower, Lynmouth
by Simon Cobb - own work
Licenced under CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
interest is aroused. Who was General
Rawdon? Why was the tower built? What was the connection with the
been a fascinating "delve" although fairly difficult to get information and had
it not been for tremendous help from Brian Pearce, Exmoor Park's Research and
Information Officer, I doubt if I could have found enough to make an article!
Dawson Rawdon was born in 1804 into an aristocratic family: Rawdon was the
family name of the Earls Rawdon, Earls of Moira and Marquess of Hastings. Many of his ancestors were well known army
officers including one who fought in the American War of Independence. He
followed the family tradition until on the 3rd May 1840 The Connaught Guardian
reported that "Colonel Rawdon,
Coldstream Guards, has left Stanhope to canvass the electors of Armagh in the
Whig interest. . .The gallant colonel has the interest of his stepson, Lord
In the 1830's he had married Lady Cremorne, a
member of the aristocratic
gallant Colonel" was appointed Whig MP for
the 1860's, Rawdon had retired as an MP and in the Monaghan Directory of 1862
was listed as a magistrate of that county and appears to have been promoted to
Major General. [I say 'appears to' but
is it possible I wonder to continue rising through the ranks when no longer a
serving officer?] By now he was living
mainly at his wife's family seat, Dartrey [also known as Dawson Grove] in
all this going on in his life, little is known of Col Rawdon's connection with
Lynmouth! However, we do know that he owned Clooneavin, overlooking the harbour
and now holiday apartments. The property was built for the Rev William Halliday
in 1826. He moved out four years later when he started to build Glenthorne. It
is thought that Colonel Rawdon moved in then, possibly using it as a holiday
retreat, and renamed it, Clooneavin meaning 'happy rest' in Gaelic. About this time, it was reported
that a bath house had been erected in Lynmouth.
This had a classical facade like the one in Ilfracombe and stood on the
site of the present Bath Hotel.
[Unfortunately the hotel is closed until February or I might have got
more information]. Around 1832 a short
tower was erected on the shingle beach to hold a tank of sea water to supply
the bath house. The quay must have been
added later as photographs and paintings circa 1890 still show it on the beach.
the next few years, people complained that the water tower was an eyesore and
around 1850 John Rawdon paid for a castellated top to be added. As he had no business interests in the bath
house, it is thought that he did it to improve the view from Clooneavin. There is a story that inspiration for the
design came from a painting owned by
disastrous 1952 floods demolished the tower.
Today a stone plaque on the wall states that it was rebuilt in April
1954. A ceremonial fire beacon has
replaced the arc light. Is this progress?
There is one final record of the influence of General Rawdon. In 1861, Robert Roe, Lord of the Manor erected a chained toll gate at the Lynmouth
end of what is now the A39 to Watersmeet and appointed a toll collector. He hadn't paid anything towards the road but
as he owned the land, felt entitled to do this. This was a serious threat to the local economy and residents broke the
gate down. They then appointed the
feisty General to fight the toll. He
agreed, saying that he would fight to 'assist the weak when they are right
against the strong when they are wrong'.
Using his influence as a former MP he won the case. He died on
of DC
2nd December, the Men's Institute held their Annual Presentation evening at The
Globe. A very enjoyable evening was had
by everyone present. The Chairman,
Gordon Hughes, presented prizes to the following winners:
Winner | Runner Up | |
Summer League | Kevin Brooks | |
Handicap Singles | John Hood | Martin Lancey |
Scratch Singles | Maurice Draper | Martin Lancey |
Winter League | Mark Adams | Peter Pell |
Doubles Winners | John Fanner & Martin Lancey | Kevin Brooks & Gerry James |
Highest Break | Maurice Draper | |
Ray Toms Cup | Maurice Draper |
thanks to The Globe Management and Staff for a very enjoyable evening.
John Huxtable

Today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday and all is well.
The secret of success is the capacity to survive failure.
Noel Coward

A fund-raising even in aid of Devon Air Ambulance
When - Saturday, 14th April
Where - The Pavilion Room, The Landmark Theatre, lIfracombe
Time - 8.00 to 11.00 p.m.
Dancing To - The Random Band from Birmingham with a reputation for getting everyone up on their feet!
Tickets - £10.00 from Don and Helen [01271] 889028
details of the February meeting and the books to read please watch out for
posters around the village. See you
18th and 25th: Snowdrop Sundays, Garden
Tea Room Open
24th: Propagation Workshop & Lunch*
3rd: Propagation Workshop & Lunch*
17th & 24th: Camellia Workshop, Talk
and Lunch*
18th: Mothering Sunday Lunch*
essential. Further information
available from: Patricia Stout on [01271] 342528. www.marwoodhillgarden.co.uk

Manor Hall
10.00 TO
and Stalls
or Tea and a Pancake
another year really gone by since we clicked our knitting needles and indulged
in delicious pancakes?
knitters are invited to join in this fun morning, knitting strips for the
Hospice and hopefully raising money for them too. As usual, you will need size 4mm [8] needles
and a supply of double knitting wool and be at the Hall ready to start knitting
at 10.00. This is a sponsored event and
sponsor forms are available at the Shop or Chicane. Last year we raised the magnificent sum of
£752 - can we do that again [hard task] or do even better?
Whilst the knitters work, others can come along and enjoy coffee and a pancake. Val, Sally and their helpers will again be slaving in the kitchen and although there is currently no Sunday School, the money they raise will benefit the children of our church.
3rd | St. Peter's Church: Advent Sunday, 'Songs of Praise' N.D. Hospice: Light Up a Light Service, Holy Trinity Church 6.30 p.m. |
7th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. |
11th | Globe Quiz Night, 8.30 p.m. |
13th | Parish Council Meeting, Penn Curzon Room, 7.00 p.m. |
14th | St. Valentine's Day |
16th | 'Off the Peg' Fashion Show, The Sawmill Inn, 7.00 p.m. |
17th | 'All You Can Eat' Night - Mexican - The Sawmill Inn |
18th | Marwood Hill Gardens: Snowdrop Sunday |
19th | College and Primary School: Half Term to Friday, 23rd February |
20th | Shrove Tuesday - Great North Devon Knit In & Pancake Coffee Morning, Manor Hall, 10.00 to 12.00 noon |
21st | Ash Wednesday - Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. Wine Circle, 8.00 p.m., Manor Hall: Presentation by Brett Stevens of Fabulous Wine Company |
24th | Marwood Hill Gardens: Propagation Workshop and Lunch |
25th | Marwood Hill Gardens: Snowdrop Sunday Quiz Night at The Globe, 8.30 p.m. |
28th | Friendship Lunch at The Globe, 12.00 noon onwards Friday, 2nd March, inc., 'Hay Fever', llfracombe College, 7.45 p.m. |
3rd | Marwood Hill Gardens: Propagation Workshop & Lunch |
7th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. |
9th | BBC presents 'In the Beginning', Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. |
10th | BBC presents 'In the Beginning', Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m. |
11th | The Globe Quiz Night, 8.30 p.m. |
13th | Parish Council Meeting, Penn Curzon Room, 7.00 p.m. |
17th | Marwood Hill Gardens: Camellia Workshop, Talk and Lunch |
18th | Mothering Sunday Lunch at The Globe and Sawmill Inn and Marwood Hill Gardens |
21st | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. Wine Circle, 8.00 p.m., Manor Hall: Presentation by James Nancarrow, Magestic Wines. |
24th | Gardeners' and Crafters' Lunch: Manor Hall, 11.30 a.m. onwards 'All You Can Eat' Night - Italian - The Sawmill |
25th | The Globe Quiz Night, 8.30 p.m. |
28th | Friendship Lunch at The Globe, 12.00 noon onwards |
1st | Palm Sunday |
4th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.20 a.m. |
5th | College & Primary School: End of Spring Term |
Manor Hall Diary:
Mondays | Craft Group, 2.30 p.m. Badminton, 7.30 p.m. |
Tuesdays | 2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners 10.00 a.m. onwards Yoga, 7.00 p.m. |
Wednesdays | Body Work Out, 11.30 a.m. |
Thursdays | Whist Drive, 7.30 p.m. |
Fridays | Short Mat Bowls, 7.00 p.m. |
Sundays | Short Mat Bowls, 2.00 p.m. |
Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)
11.30 - 11.45 a.m. | Sandy Cove |
11.50 - 12.05 p.m. | Barton Lane |
1.15 - 1.40 p.m. | The Square |
1.45 - 2.05 p.m. | Sterridge Valley |

of 'Oh no, not that time again' can be heard!
But yes, the organising group are already thinking ahead to this year's
event which will be on - please make a note - SATURDAY, 1ST SEPTEMBER.
of the subjects for classes in the Art and Photography Sections will hopefully
be available in the April Newsletter, giving artists and photographers plenty
of time to work on their entries.
the meantime, to raise money to help with the costs of running the Show, there
will be a Gardeners' and Crafters' Lunch at the Manor Hall on
SATURDAY, 24TH MARCH, from mid-morning.
along for a coffee and then stay for lunch:
Soup and Crusty Bread
Jacket Potato and Salad Garnish
out for posters giving more details nearer the time, but please keep the date
free. Your support for this 'Fun Lunch'
and the Show will be very much appreciated.

the time this Newsletter is popped through your letterbox or you pick it up
from the Shop, we shall be at least six weeks past the shortest day; although in the weeks immediately following
it, any difference to the evening sky can seem negligible. But with late December and early January
seeing an accumulation of overcast days, the difference has been almost
unnoticeable. Most of these days have
been accompanied by wet weather, something which has led to me wasting a lot of
time whilst waiting for a respite from the rain in order to take the dogs for
their walk. And when it has abated, the
respite was brief! For, no sooner had I
shut the front gate when up blew the wind once more bringing swathes of drizzle
with each gust.
dull, damp and windy days do, however, have their compensations. Fortunate to have a view of

Illustration by: Peter Rothwell
fact that winter robs the trees of their leaves, and so prevents them from
providing any shelter from the rain, is of little significance to the
ducks. They, of course, love the water. For us, however, the yearning for drier and
warmer days can, particularly at this time of year, be a strong one. Whilst the lengthening days may not be a
guarantee of better weather, one can rest assured that they will at least bring
with them a wider variety of sights and smells to the countryside. It is
a scene which, due to the amount of recent dreary days, I have found hard to
picture. To help, I have been looking
at photographs of spring wild flowers and summer scenes, beneficial up to a
point, for I am a person who likes to look forward not backward.
however, has helped remind me of what is to come. On drawing back the curtains I discovered,
for once, a brighter day outside! Not a
beautiful sunny day, for most of the sky was still covered in cloud, but unlike
the low, grey cloud of recent weeks, the sky was instead a mass of white - with
occasional patches of a certain colour I hadn't seen in the sky for some
time! It was time to get outside before
the weather changed back again. After a
quick gulp of tea, a quick 'click' of Bourton's harness [he even sits and
raises the correct leg to go through the required loop] and a not-so-quick hunt
for Gifford's collar [I know he is terribly pleased with himself when he
fetches things, but I wish he'd leave his collar where I put it] and finally we
were off up the lane.
everything seemed so much brighter - even the puddles, reflecting the white of
the sky above. The dogs, too, seemed to
have a spring in their step, their paws splish-splashing with every stride. True, everything around was still very
sodden. In the field, the white patches
on the Friesian cows highlighted mud kicked up by their hoofs. On the far side of the field, a lone cow
stood ankle-deep in the gushing Wilder Brook, drinking the water whilst washing
her feet.
the trees beside the field came a sound unheard of late in such cheery tones -
birdsong! A great tit giving out his
'tea-cher, tea-cher' call; a
fast-trilling song from a blue tit. Closer
to hand, was the melodic tune of a robin and in the hedgerow up ahead, the
distinctive 'churr' of a wren.
the sound of the wind blowing through the naked branches took precedence. A cooler wind, its fresh feel upon my
cheeks, was invigorating and a refreshing change to the recent mild
temperatures. Heading back home, the
breeze brought with it a vanilla fragrance wafting down the lane: courtesy of winter heliotrope, the only wild
flower to adorn the lane during these early weeks of the year.
my return, I heard a loud 'crack' behind me.
I turned to see a magpie flying off, his beak laden with twigs - it's
obviously that time of year again.
Walking the path leading round to our back garden, I noticed another sign of things to come: daffodil spears poking through the front lawn
and on opening the back gate, I discovered more bird activity: a blue tit in the rhododendron bush eyeing up
the nearby bird box. I quickly made the
dogs sit and remained dead still.
Moments later it perched itself on the hole of the bird box, gave his
partner's potential home a long and
thorough look before flying off into the hedgerow. His actions brought a smile to my face. Soon, hopefully, the bird box will be home
to an expectant mother. And then,
beneath the hedgerow, I noticed a sight which
brought pleasure to my heart - the first snowdrop in flower. Soon the lawn will be a carpet of them. If the weather forecast is right, today's
fine day is a one off. Tomorrow the
drizzle, dullness and dreariness returns.
But the memories of today will keep me going, helping me to look forward
to all that nature has to offer in the months ahead.
Steve McCarthy
A farmer has thirteen sheep but only twelve fields. He wishes to put only one sheep in each field and not have any over or dispose of any. This is how he does it:
Tony B - Colchester

The Rectory
Combe Martin
Dear Friends,
I had a digital camera at Christmas. It's a very 'posh' one, with 10 mega-pixel
capacity and inter-changeable lens! Impressed,
aah? Not only can you have wide-angle
to telephoto in one lens, but you can also have macro lens capability as well. This little camera also has the ability, by
pressing a little button, to focus automatically and a red light flashes when
this is done!
If it's too dark, the flashgun pops
up automatically and fires so that the perfect shot is recorded. I can
then view the photograph at the back of the camera and 'zoom in' on any part of
the photograph to make sure I want to keep it.
If I don't, I just delete it and carry on. I think it even tells me the time anywhere in
the world, but I've not yet
discovered if it can make me a cup of tea.
I was thinking, wouldn't it be
marvellous if we could just focus in on God by pressing a button? But I suppose if we didn't like what we saw,
or didn't like the message, we could just press a button and delete it and carry
on. But God isn't like that. He is
not an object to be photographed in that way. He is more of a presence or sensation.
Sometimes when we go into a Church, we 'sense' his presence and his peace.
Sometimes when we see a wonderful view or a fantastic sunset, we feel a sense
of awe and wonder. Sometimes we get a sense of his love when
somebody does something for us we didn't expect. I suppose that's the problem really, the fact
that God isn't static, like a photograph, but dynamic and active and trying all
sorts of different methods of communication to reach
It is not just a question of seeing, hearing, touching, but of being
aware all the time. The wonderful photographs that we take just capture our
subject at one moment of time. The
views or the person we've photographed have been there for a long time, it's just
that we have seen something that has attracted our attention at that particular
moment. God has always been here, and he
is trying different ways of attracting our attention. Perhaps like the keen photographer who always
has his camera with him, we too ought to be on the look out for God in our
everyday world.
With all
good wishes,
Your Friend and Rector,
Keith Wyer

very early picture of the lake at
Vince has taken this picture from the north end looking toward the village and
with no buildings in sight gives us a truly atmospheric and rural picture.
This picture comes from a photograph
album of Miss Iris Hibbert entitled 'Watermouth 1910-1913' and shows a Mr.
Setchell, complete with dog, being rowed in the lake or in
The final photograph shows Major Williams, flanked by 'Sister' in the
long jacket and Iris Hibbert. Both
photographs, I believe, have been taken in 1915-16 when
I should like to thank Pam for her informative article on Walter William
Bassett [1863-1907] in the December issue. Looking through my postcards of
We know from the information in Pam's article that this postcard must
have been taken prior to 1944 and I should like to think it was taken in1927
from the number given. Tom
Tower Cottage, January
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com
December newsletter was of particular interest to my wife and me as we spent
our honeymoon at
had an Illustrated London News with a picture of the Ferris Wheel on the front
cover and details of a court case concerning the Bassett's, but I was too young
to understand - it was very complicated.
Mrs. Penn Curzon presented my brother Patrick with a pair of cuff links
[which I still have] and the British Legion gave him a wrist watch when he
received the D.F.M.
prior to the start of the war, Mr. Parry reported my brother to the police for
flying around the church tower - gosh, what a lot of stories I have to tell!
the best to you all in Berrynarbor for 2007.
Don Thirkell -

Well done Terry and Graham for raising £775.25 from being waxed on the 10th December! £150 was used to buy presents for the annual Kids Christmas Party held at The Globe, and £625.25 has gone to Devon Air Ambulance.
2 for 1 Meals at the Sawmill, every night and Saturday lunchtimes throughout February and March.
Valentine's Day, Wednesday 14th February: Bookings now being taken. At The Globe: choose table service, a la carte served in the Dining Room, or pub food and specials in the bar. At the Sawmill: choose from the pub food menu or the specials board.
Fashion Show: 'Off the Peg' Fashion Show at The Sawmill on Friday, 16th February. Doors open 7.00 p.m., Show starts 7.30 p.m. Tickets, £5.00 each to include a glass of wine, available from The Globe, the Sawmill Inn and Goodenough's in Ilfracombe. Proceeds to Devon Air Ambulance.
All You Can Eat Nights: £9.00 per head at the Sawmil! Inn. Booking advised.
Saturday, 17th February - Mexican
Saturday, 24th March - Italian
Sunday Lunches: Traditional Roasts served 12.00 to 2.00 p.m. every Sunday at both pubs. Globe £5.95 Sawmill Carvery £7.25
Mothering Sunday, 18th March: Book early for this one, it gets very busy. Quiz Nights: Every fortnight at The Globe, 8.30 p.m. start. The first February Quiz will be on Sunday, 11th.
Parties: If you have a special occasion coming up and would like menus and prices, please contact Karen on 882259. We can cater for birthdays, christenings, kids' parties, etc. With choices of buffet menus or set menus. Both pubs are able to offer midnight licence with guests leaving by 1.00 a.m. Disco/karaoke prices supplied on request or use of skittle alley, etc. can be available.
To book for any of the above, our telephone numbers are:
- Ye Olde Globe - [01271] 882465
- The Sawmill Inn - [01271] 882259
folk are these here, gatherers of shellfish and laver and
to wrecked vessels."
Charles Kingsley 1849
When Charles
Kingsley wrote about the 'wild folk' who lived in the vicinity of
kestrels hunting over Potter's Hill on the breezy January morning, lived up to
their poetic name - windhover. The
round hill at the end of the

Illustration by: Paul Swailes
Warren, which stretches for two miles between the splendid beach and Woolacombe
Down, was once a golf course. The
fragrant Burnet Rose grows abundantly there.
It has neat cream flowers and small crinkly leaves. As late as November last year we had found
Burnet Roses still in bloom on the
the plant only occurs in one small area of the more extensive Braunton Burrows. There
were a few new shoots of cleavers and fumitory and the small quarries along the
way were ablaze with gorse. Always, at
whatever time of year, somewhere there is gorse in flower. Hence the saying, "Kissing goes out of
fashion when the gorse stops blooming".
Vention we took the lane down to Putsborough Sand where there is a large
outcrop of red sandstone called Black Rock.
above the edge of the beach, among the row of white, flat roofed Art Deco
houses, is the Grey House; its stone
walls and slate hipped roof half hidden between cedars and palms.
the Atlantic rollers, this was once home to the parents of the writer and
broadcaster Daniel Farson. His mother,
Eve, was a niece of Bram Stoker, the author of 'Dracula' and his American
father, Negley, was a journalist who had reported the rise of Hitler for the
Chicago Daily News. Henry Williamson wrote of him, "Dear
Negley Farson, whose smile is like the sea and sands
Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
Sue H
[Berry Broadcasting Company]
[with a cast of 1000's - well 20 or 30!]
THE MANOR HALL - 8.00 p.m.
Raffle, Fish 'n' Chips, Ice Creams and Bar
Tickets: £6.00
available at The Globe and Village Shop from the end of
"The Best Berrynarbor Village
Productions of 2007"
by The Women's Monthly
It starts at 8.00, so don't be late! And bring a friend!
All Profits to Local Charities
Gary is threatening that this will be the last Show - Don't miss it!