Edition 10 - February 1991

Artwork by: Paul Swailes

The Neighbourhood Watch meeting in November attracted an excellent turn out and it was unanimously agreed to establish such a scheme within the village.
A second meeting in January, attended by Dave Parsons, our new local Community Policeman from Combe Martin, established a team of Co-ordinators and Contacts, having first divided the village into two sections East and West.
Over the next few weeks, if not already, the Contact for your specific section [as shown below] will be calling to explain more and to invite you to join the Scheme. It was agreed that there would be a one-off membership fee of £1.00 per household, and this would offset the costs of erecting signs at the five entrances to the village and supplying engraving equipment for use by members.
- Norman Richards, Moules Farm, Castle Hill [882594]
- Birdswell - Inge Bartlett, Tower Cottage [883408]
- Barton Lane [Village end] - Sylvia Berry, Berryridge [882577]
- Barton Lane [Sandy Cove] - Alan Richardson, Sherrards [882831]
- Castle Hill - Norman Richards, Moules Farm [882594]
- New Road [Main Road] - Jill McCrae, Channel View [882121]
- Bill Berry, Rivendell, Mill Lane [883356]
Contacts :
- Pitt Hill/Mill Lane - Bill Berry [as above]
- The Village - Phil Bridle, The Globe [882465]
- Silver Street/ Rectory Hill - Gary Songhurst, Wild Violets [883244]
- Sterridge Valley [Cherry Tree Cottage to Venture Cottage inc. Cockhill, etc] - John Weaver, The Cedars [882301]
- East side [Parson's Pightle to Lower Rows] - Ray Ludlow Glenbridge [883693]
- West side [Orchard House to No. '71] - Bernard Allan Bali-Hai [882491]
- The Lees - Margaret King, Lee Haven [883105]
- Hagginton Hill: Tony Bond, Ludley [882507] and [Bridge to bottom of hill] - Linda Bulled, 15 Hagginton Hill [883806]
- Goosewell - Mr. Elliott, 10 Goosewell [881656]

The Wine Appreciation Group meets on the third Wednesday of the month. For details of the February and March meetings, see the "AT-A-GLANCE DIARY". Enquiries to: Alan Richardson, Sherrards, Barton Lane 1882831].

The whole village was stunned end saddened by Andrew's sudden, tragic death just few days before his seventeenth birthday. Everyone's thoughts and sympathy are with Stuart, Ginny, Katie and all the family at this very sad time.
The incredible congregation - filling our beautiful church was testament to the affection and respect in which Andrew and his family are held by everyone, especially the very many friends and colleagues Andrew had made through his extremely successful sporting activities.

Street Lighting If you see a street light that doesn't work, or requires attention, help us do something about it - either contact the Clerk on 883541 or dial 100 and ask for FREEFONE DEVON STREETLIGHTING giving the exact location of the light.
The Council are asking for tenders to cut and strim the Children's Playground, also land owned by the Council at the corner of Castle Hill and Barton Lane - further information can be obtained from the Clerk.
You will be glad to know that the Charity Distribution of Christmas Cards went well with the over 55's as reliable as ever, doing all the work! A total of 630 cards were delivered, resulting in £63.00 for the Manor Hall funds.
Alan Richardson
The Men's Institute held their Christmas party on Friday, 14th December. Carol singing, lead by Preb. Eppinestone and Gerry Marangone was accompanied by Phil Bridle on the organ. Refreshments were provided by Jackie and John Weaver and Josef Belka organised the draw and decorated the room.At the end of a very enjoyable evening, the Chairman, Brian Boyd, thanked everyone who had helped in any way whatsoever.
John Huxtable
The Annual Dinner will be held at The Sandy Cove Hotel on Wednesday, 6th March, 1991, at 8.00 p.m.
'What a wonderful community spirit the village offers' - that was the feeling following the Youth Club's Christmas Variety Show. So many people helped and the children would like to say a big 'thank you' to the following people:
- The Parents for supporting and helping.
- The Management Committee for paying the hire charge of the stage.
- Lulu and Bud Rice who transported the stage.
- Penny and Jeff Gove who kindly video'd the Variety Show.
- Lynne and Phil at The Globe who supplied the microphones and amps [wasn't it wonderful to hear the children]
- Stuart Neale for his time and music. Like so many of the children involved, Stuart had not been well, but he did a wonderful job without any dress rehearsal.
Thanks to everyone who came and supported the children, I think you'll agree when I say, 'They're a wonderful bunch of kids'.
Ann Davies
Our thoughts are with Stuart, Ginny and Katie at this very sad time.
OPEN LETTER TO PP of DC [ex MLF] from MK of Combe Martin, County Councillor.
You were right, you did buy a house on HAGGINTON HILL [tho' LB of RC SV, a member of BPC contends that the old name was HEANTON HILL and had been for years.] I have spoken to TP of DCC and the sign will be amended - hopefully this millenium! BPC are not guilty, it is a County Council sign.
Mike Knight, County Councillor [882692]
PP of DC's letter about the spelling of Hagginton Hill made me recall the creative spelling of Berrynarbor and Sterridge Valley, which have appeared typed on envelopes and on computer printouts.
The latter has at times become Steeridge, Storrage, Storage and Sterrage Valley; but most impressively of all, we have received letters addressed to the St. Erridge Valley!
Berrynarbor causes great problems. Most commonly an intrusive 'u' appears before the final letter. The local papers frequently fall into this trap! It often quite picturesquely splits into two words, appropriately suggesting trees and the sea - Berry Arbor, Berry Harbour and once it was plain Berry in the county of North Harbour! Amazingly, that interpretation of the address found its way successfully through the post and delivered without delay!

The Committee has arranged:
- Monday 18th February in Combe Martin Parish Church Hall at 7.30 p.m. "Evening of Entertainment". Tickets - including Light Supper, £2.50. Raffle
- Friday, 1st March at The Dolphin Inn, Combe Martin at 8.00 p.m. "A 60's and 70's Evening" Tickets including finger buffet, £3.50. For tickets, please telephone 883458
- also

Forthcoming Events
Saturday, 16th February - Men's Institute Social Dance and Buffet - Club Members
Saturday, 23rd February - Darts, Pool and Skittles v. Exmoor Sandpiper. Free buffet for players. Spectators and players welcome.

Congratulations to Karl Ozelton from the Sawmill Inn on being the first college student accepted for Work Experience at The Savoy, London. Karl who is training to be a chef will be at The Savoy for a four-week period.
Vi Kingdon has been presented with a Green Award certificate from the North Devon Conservation Society for the restoration work carried out on the Tap House and Fruit and Vegetable Store at No. 71.
Our best wishes to Debra Thornton and Stephen Johnson on their forthcoming marriage at St. Peter's Church on the 16th March.

Preparing members for the Christmas festivities, what a great party they had on 4th December! The table looked very festive with contributions from the retiring Committee; Reg Gosling provided the music, Ivy Richards sang solo, and everyone joined in the carols. The competitions "Know your Adverts" was won by Beryl Phillips. Leaving for home, everyone received a wee gift [donated by another member] - Thank you Sylvia Yates and Jean Priest for organising this.
A very successful Coffee, Morning in aid of Hospice Care was held on the 8th December and raised £141.36. Many thanks for help and support given, because it was not a good morning, weatherwise.
Tuesday, 18th December, found 33 of us enjoying a Christmas Lunch at Ye Olde Globe, and as always, "Didn't they do us proud!" A special birthday card was signed by ail members for Gwen Squire's birthday on the 20th, and a message was read from Betty Parker. The 'free lunch' draw was won by Rosemary Gaydon.
It gave me great pleasure to welcome so many members and two visitors Vida Butler and Kathleen Bond - to our first meeting of 1991. The subject of the talk was "Living in a Silent World", the story of a deaf child growing into manhood, and from comments made I gather that everyone found it interesting. A competition for the prettiest earrings was won by Betty Turner and Vi Goodman won the raffle.
For 5th February we look forward to a slide show given by Dina Sefton, "Walk About Down Under", and our March meeting on the 5th will welcome a Beautician from Banbury's. Visitors, at 50p, are always welcome.
Vi Kingdon - President
Two eyes to see the sunset's glow,
Two ears to hear all I should know.
Oh God, forgive me a if I whine,
I'm blest, indeed, the world is mine.

What's on at
Every Wednesday evening we have a Games Night in the pub. Pool, Skittles, Quiz, etc., all starting at 8.00 p.m. Players pay 50p each and the winner gets the takings!
Try your luck in our Valentine Draw. Drawn at 9.30 p.m. on Monday, 11th February. Only 50p per entry. First Prize: A VALENTINE DINNER FOR 2 IN OUR RESTAURANT.
If you're not lucky enough to win the first prize, why not book a table anyway. Details of the menu from the Sawmills. *Free bottle of wine for parties of four or more*
24 Hour Pool - 24 Hour Skittles: Start 8.00 p.m. Friday, 22nd February; Finish 8.00 p.m. Saturday, 23rd February. In aid of Ilfracombe & Combe Martin Health Centres. Get your sponsor form from the Sawmill Inn.
Monthly theme menu in the Restaurant our first menu will be Italian on Wednesday, 13th March. By reservation only.
Bookings now being taken for your special functions. Parties from 10 to 100 catered for, Dinners, Buffets, Discos, etc. Our Chef, Mike, will cater for your exact requirements.
For any enquiries or bookings, telephone Edith or Don on 882259.
There will be a Slide Show on Old Berrynarbor and Postcard Views of North Devon by Tom Bartlett on Wednesday, 13th February at 7.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall.
Admission: Adults £1.00, Children 50p. Refreshments and Raffle proceeds to go to the Andrew Neale Memorial Fund.

A great big thank you to Alan Richardson and his team of helpers for the £63.00 raised by them via the Berrynarbor Charity Christmas Card Distribution. The money has been donated to the Manor Hall. Thank you one and all for supporting this project.
Manor Hall - Housekeeping Guidelines Keys available from the Post Office. Please leave rooms neat and orderly and as follows:
Main Hall
- Stack chairs in groups of 4 [plastic chairs one side and wooden chairs the other side]
- New tables to end of Hall
- Small tables to toilet end of Bassett Room
- Sweep floors.
Penn Curzon Room
- 12 chairs, 2 stacks of 6.
- Turn off extractor fan. if used.
- Please unplug electric kettle
Kitchen [it's new; let's keep it that way]
- Turn on extractor fan before boiling water.
- Turn off all switches [e.g. extractor fan, water heater, lights]
- Put dishes in proper place in cupboard
- Wipe down all surfaces.
General Please ensure that all lights, heaters are off [especially lights in loos] before leaving.
All the above measures will help us to keep our running costs in hand. Any problems or concerns, please report to:
- Roy Perry [Chairman] 883209
- Joy Morrow [Hall Bookings] 882531
The Manor Hall Management Committee is requesting tenders for repairs to and redecorating of the Manor Hall. Please contact Vi Davies; Leeside [882596] for specifications, obtainable from 25th to 28th February.
Joy Morrow

Did you know that this Society now has a Museum? Opening is planned for early summer.
Any artefacts/photographs/documents appropriate to the Combe Martin area will be most gratefully received [either as gifts or permanent/ temporary loan].
Volunteers are needed to man the Museum during the season [short sessions only] .
For further information please contact:
- Tom Bartlett [883408]
- Daphne Challacombe [883332]
- Michael and Hilary Beaumont [8820363
For sowing; just
As sweet and dry was the ground
As tobacco-dust.
I tasted deep the hour
Between the far
Owl's chuckling first soft cry
And the first star.
A long stretched hour it was;
Nothing undone
Remained: the early seeds
All safely sown.
And now, hark at the rain,
Windless and light,
Half a kiss, half a tear,
Saying good-night. Edward Thomas Dedicated to the new gardening season?!

At the Carol Service held in the Church on Sunday, 20th December, Berrynarbor Sunday School re-enacted the lovely Nativity Story: Elaine was the Reader; Jancy and Charlotte, Mary and Joseph; Lucia a very pretty Angel; Ben, Katie and Fran became three splendid Kings, and Victoria and Helen the shepherds. John Gubb was his usual reliable, strong help with all the props. Prizes for the Best Attendance for 1990 were presented by Rector Williams: 1st Prize going to Katie Gubb, with Benjamin Sanders a close 2nd. The Sunday School have made a very attractive kneeler for the Church - their names are on the back and we hope in years to come, they will proudly show it to their own children. Please, any children out there, come and join us on Sundays at 10.30 for an hour in the Penn Curzon Room - our loyal few are a great joy to us, but we would love some more.SALLY BARTEN & ANN DAVIES.
P.S. The heater has been repaired!!18

"The Village, Berrynarbor"

Tower Cottage, January 1991



An explanation of the following poems: On the morning of 16th January - when the U.N. deadline had passed - and the Gulf and other events were on the children's minds, I gave the older children [10 and 11 year olds] the opportunity to put in writing what was on their minds. These poems were some of the results.
Pam Cruse - Headteacher
Gulf War
Thought there might be a war
I hope that Sadam gets out of Kuwait
And then there won't be any more.
Some children are frightened some children are scared
Because thear fathers are at war
Some think they will die
Some think they won't
They can't wait till he walks through the door.
I am glad my dad is not at war
There's no danger he will die
If my dad was in the Gulf
I know I'd start to cry. Paul Newell
Day after day
Crying and sleeping
It'll never go away.
Why didn't we help them
Why leave it to now?
We want to help them
But how?
Annekar helped
She helps everyone
She's done great things
And everbody rings with help.
Blue Peter raised money
To buy them equipment
They sent it over in lorries
So that we don't feel so sorry.
We're going to raise some money
We are going to have a sale
All the money we'll send to Blue Peter
To add to there money mountain.
Melanie Lane
With nothing at all to do
People dying people crying
There might even be war too
I cried once one sad day
When one of our chickens had to go away
We had to take him to the vet
but he'll be comfortable I bet
but these things have to happen
At least we can have a good cry
We've got friends around us
When something has to die
Oh dear the worrys in the world
You wish you can put them all right.
But some problems are so big you can't do anything,
And think about it all night. Nicolle Denzey
Blue Peter Bring and Buy Sale
MONDAY, 11TH FEBRUARY in aid of the Romanian Orphan Appeal
Children and adults are invited to 'bring and buy' at the
Manor Hall from 2.30 p.m.
Memories of the Past
Our 'Memories' morning when we invited people to tell us about the village and school from 1930 to 1960 unfortunately clashed with a W.I. outing. However, some people were able to come or send things for, the children to see. It was a really valuable morning, the children heard first-hand about what it was like at the school in the 1930's and '40's. We are very grateful to the ladies who came along. The children are anxious to extend this experience. There might be something YOU could tell us, so please consider joining us at our next Memories' Morning on Wednesday, 13th March, between 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon. 'Phone the school if you would like more details.
Perhaps these extracts from the School Log Book might jog your memory.
- 28.01.36 - School closed today on account of His Majesty's Funeral.
- 18.09.36 - School closed on account of Barnstaple Fair.
- 06.04.37 - This school is now a Junior School. The Senior Children having been transferred to the new Senior School at Combe Martin.
- 20.02.41 - Evacuees arrived from Bristol yesterday - 26 children with teacher.
- 22.04.41 - 104 children on register.
- 05.05.43 - During the Wings for Victory Week, the school group collected £2060.11s.
- 17.09.43 - School closed for 3 weeks for the Harvest.
- 24.04.44 - The school collected £1300 during 'Salute the Soldier' week.
- 11.05.45. - School re-opened this morning after being closed two days for 'Victory'.
Of Six Churches in various Combe Martin churches every Thursday, 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. using B.B.C. Service and Discussion. United Reform Church and St. Peter's every Friday, 3.00 p.m. commencing in the UR Church.22
As he came towards me I could see he had something on his mind. "Hey, Mrs. Wood, he growled with feeling, "You're summat to do with health ain't you?" Well I suppose that's one way of describing it." I replied. "I'm on the Community Health Council. What's your problem?" His health problems, whilst important, were at that moment secondary; his main complaint lay in what he saw as the treatment he had received, was receiving, was going to receive - or not, as the case might be. Furthermore, he was not talking of just medical treatment! Community Health Council members should not themselves deal with personal complaints, so I directed him towards the office at 24 Castle Street, Barnstaple [Tel: 73739] where professional staff listen and advise on the best course of action. Confidentiality is all important, I was able to reassure him. He still speaks to me, so I assume that the outcome of his visit was satisfactory to him and, if to him, then satisfactory also to the Community Health Council. But what is the Community Health Council? These Councils were set up in 1974 to act as 'Watchdogs' over the Health Service and to whom the public could bring their complaints or views on the NHS. They have a right and duty to visit and report on Health Service establishments. As well as District Health Authority services, they keep a watching brief on GP's, Dentists and Opticians, responsibility for whom is borne by the Family Health Services Authority. The North Devon Council has 18 members who represent local voluntary organisations, Local Authorities and the Regional Health Authority. There is a full-time Secretary and Assistant Secretary. The Council meets regularly to discuss matters of health and to carry out investigations into aspects of health care, relevant to North Devon. The Office is open to receive complaints and to give out advice -and information. So, whatever your state of health, come to one of our monthly meetings, which are always open to the public - you will always be given a chance to air your views, but it is suggested you speak to the secretary beforehand - or call at the Office between 10.00 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. You will always receive a sympathetic hearing. I am your local member.Kaye Wood - N.D. District Councillor
Mrs. K. Wood,
Moory Lodge,
Moory Meadow,
Combe Martin. Tel: 882325
REMEMBER - it's your Health Service!
The P.T.A. SOCIAL/DANCE will be held at the Log Inn, Watermouth, on SATURDAY, 16TH MARCH, 1991. Tickets will be £3.50 each and will include Chicken 'n' Chips and a Sweet. Dancing will be to a Disco. Numbers will be limited. Tickets will be available shortly from school - so get your tickets in good time! A CAR BOOT SALE will be held at the Willowtree Car Park, Wilder Road, Ilfracombe, on SUNDAY, 24TH MARCH, at 2.00 p.m. Proceeds in aid of Berrynarbor P. T. A. Anyone interested should contact Mrs. S. Sanders for further details. [883271]24
[or The Unwanted
Sally Barten
What cruel luck! We hope that the second operation was successful and send Rachel love and best wishes for a speedy recovery and look forward to a postponed visit before too long.25
Most of us care about the needs of others - just reading this article may lead you to want to hear more about the Sue Ryder Foundation. The Sue Ryder Homes provide security or specific treatment wherever human need can be identified and when something practical can be done, that care is extended to young, old, ill, disabled or simply those who are alone. The funds necessary are raised mainly through the work of the Charity Shops, and we are always pleased to hear of anyone who has any unwanted items they would like to donate and feel sure we have many items of interest for sale. In the llfracombe Shop at present there is a great range of stock at unbelievably low prices - most items are £1or less. Why not look in and pick up a bargain and support this very worthwhile cause. These are just a few reasons that may make you want to know more about the Sue Ryder Foundation - it is a charity that benefits people and it goes where there is a need. See you in the Shop! For further information or to arrange collection, contact Marion Billett at Riversdale Cottage, Sterridge Valley, or telephone Ilfracombe 863019.26

When I wrote my piece for the Christmas Edition, the debate was about the selection of a new Prime Minister, and perhaps we did not expect the change to have a great impact on Local Government. However, in the event, there has been a very dramatic opportunity for quite fundamental re-thinking. Michael Heseltine in his campaign made an issue of the Community Charge. When appointments were made, this was to the Dept. the Environment, with a remit to carryout a review of the charge and of Local Government generally. Just after that was announced, there was a meeting of the District Council Finance Committee and a request for even more staff to work in the Revenue Department which determines the rebates and collects the money. The cost of collecting this charge and the Business Rate is nearly £1,000,000. A quite horrific sum for North Devon. The straw that broke the camel's back had landed and it was my motion that the District Council should advise the Review that the charge should be abolished that won the vote in that Finance Committee and later at the Policy Committee and finally at Council. But the issue cannot be left there and I have been able to address a meeting of group leaders of my party in the West Country and then go on Friday, 18th, January to Birmingham to a National Group Leaders' Meeting with both Michael Heseltine and Michael Portillo. There are plans for further support by way of relief in the new financial year, but no amount of tinkering will suffice, there must be some amputation! Meetings attended 19th November to 20th January - 54. Radon At a recent Parish Council Meeting I was asked if Radon Gas was suspected in the village. I am pleased to say that a test has been carried out and the result was negative. It seems we are a low-risk area.Graham E. Andrews
Tel: 883385
District & Parish
The University of the Third Age recently welcomed Miss Lorraine from Lynton to their meeting and were enthralled by her talk and full of admiration for her work in Romania. She is collecting clothes [for all ages - and please don't forget the men!] , blankets and toys for the children, which she personally takes to Romania. If you can help in any way, please contact Kath Arscott [883278] or Win Sanders [883745] who will be happy to receive your contributions and take them to Miss Lorraine.

Another bumper issue thanks to all your contributions. In fact the 'At-A-Glance Diary' has had to be printed separately - easier to keep handy! Please keep writing and have your 'news & views' for April in the box at the Post Office by the 15th March at the latest. Thanks.Judie Weedon
A good brisk walk for a winter's afternoon is the circular route up Hagginton Hill, through Goosewell, along the Old Barnstaple Road, parallel to the Gratton Plantation, and back over the fields to the Sterridge Valley. Wellington boots are recommended for this walk, as part of the footpath across the fields above Higher Rows, passes beside a stream and is usually a sticky quagmire. In early January, as we walked under the bridge at the top of Hagginton Hill, a weasel darted for cover. Soon there will be a fine display of snowdrops in the hedge just past East Hagginton Farm. We paused to look at some lambs in a field above Hele, when a sudden sound beside us turned out to be a buzzard taking off from behind the hedge. It wheeled and mewed, appearing and disappearing, gaining height but eventually dropping down into the field opposite the Barnstaple signpost. Turn left here. The field at the corner of the road junction was flooded, giving the impression of a big lake, over which a flock of black-headed gulls made a dramatic sight, a constantly changing pattern of silver and white. These are small, compact gulls with red bills and legs. The dark head colouring is absent though in winter. The road is a straight one with sweeping views of Ilfracombe and the sea. [Hele is only a mile's walk away]. Soon after you reach the end of the narrow strip of copse, which lines the road, look out for the footpath sign on the left, opposite the drive to Trayne Farm. Climbing over a stone stile you enter a high field, which is a good place to observe kestrels hovering and plummeting and in early summer tiny creamy white field pansies, with purple tips to their petals, grow among the grass. The path crosses this field and down another to a wooden bridge over a stream; then along the tops of two more fields to the short track which meets the road opposite Lower Rows. It was in the last but one of these fields that one Sunday in January we came face to face with a fox, its coat brilliant and lush. We froze and stared for a few moments, then it sauntered along by the stile, stopped and stared again before walking off slowly into the dense bracken.Sue H
4th | Badminton, 8.00 p.m. |
5th | W. I. Meeting: "Walk About Down Under" |
6th | South Molton Recycling Collection, 11.00-1.00
p.m. College: Year 11 Parents' Evening with Subject Teachers, 7.00 p.m. |
8th | Parochial Church Council, 2.30 p.m. |
11th | Primary School Blue Peter Bring and Buy, 2.30
p.m. Manor Hall. Badminton, 8.00 p.m. |
12th | Shrove Tuesday [Pancakes!] Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. |
13th | Ash Wednesday, Holy Communion 10.00 a.m. Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. Lent Service, Combe Martin, p.m. Slide Show - Tom Bartlett Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. |
14th | U3A Luncheon, Granville Hotel, Ilfracombe. A.G.M. Alan Bailey, "A Dream of High Places" 12.45 p.m. |
15th | to 22nd, inclusive, College & School Half Term [Primary School from 14th Feb.] |
16th | Men's Institute Social and Buffet at The Globe |
17th | Pavilion Theatre, Ilfracombe - A Victorian Fashion Show, 3.00 p.m. |
18th | Badminton, 8.00 p.m. Combe Martin Hospice Care: "Evening of Entertainment" 7.30 p.m. |
20th | Wine Appreciation Group: Wines of Washington & Oregon States, U.S.A. Talk and Tastings by Dr. Brian Malcolm. Contribution £2.50 |
22nd | 24-hour Sponsored Skittles at Sawmill Inn |
23rd | Globe v Exmoor Sandpiper [Darts, Pool, Skittles], The Globe |
24th | Pavilion Theatre, Ilfracombe [Carousel]: Talk on Victorian Fashions 1860-1890, 3.00 p.m. United Service, St. Mary's R.C. Church, 6.30 p.m. |
25th | Specifications for repair of Manor Hall available
to 28th February. Badminton, 8.00 p.m. Joint P.C.C. Meeting with Combe Martin [New Deaner] |
27th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.50 p.m. College: Year 11 Parents' Evening Post 16 Opportunities, 7.30 p.m. |
1st | Combe Martin Hospice Care: 60's & 70's Evening, 8.00 p.m. |
4th | Badminton, 8.00 p.m. |
5th | W. I. Meeting: Beautician from Banbury's |
6th | South Molton Recycling Collection, 11.00-1.00
p.m. Men's Institute Annual Dinner, 8.00 p.m. |
10th | Mothering Sunday, Holy Communion 8.00 a.m. Family Service and Sunday School, 10.30 a.m. |
11th | Badminton, 8.00 p.m. |
12th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. |
13th | "Memories" Coffee Morning at Primary
School, 10.00-12.00 noon. Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. Italian Evening at the Sawmill Inn |
14th | U3A Luncheon, Carlton Hotel, Ilfracombe. Miss Mary Irwin, "Experiences in India" |
15th | Non-pupil Day at College Annual Parochial Church Meeting, 2.30 p.m. |
16th | Primary School PTA Social/Dance, Log Inn, Watermouth. |
17th | Passion Sunday - United Service, Baptist Church 6.30 p.m. |
18th | Badminton, 8.00 p.m. |
20th | Wine Appreciation Group: The Wines of Bulgaria - Talk and Tastings by Michael Morrow. Contribution £2.50. |
24th | Palm Sunday - Blessing of the Palms at the
Eucharist, 10.30 a.m. Berrynarbor PTA Car Boot Sale, 2.00 p.m. Ilfracombe. |
25th | Badminton, 8.00 p.m. |
26th | College: 6th Form Parents' Evening, 7.00 p.m. |
27th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
28th | Maundy Thursday, Holy Communion 7.00 p.m. School & College break up. Summer Term commences 15th April. |
29th | Good Friday Stations of the Cross, R.C. Church,
10.00 a.m. and Procession of Witness. St. Peter's Good Friday Service, 2.00 p.m. |
30th | Blessing of Passover Candle and Service of Light, 7.00 p.m. |
31st | Easter Sunday Holy Communion, 8.00 a.m. The Eucharist, 10.30 a.m., Evensong Combe Martin Parish Church. British Summer Time begins. |
1st | Easter Monday |
3rd | South Molton Recycling Collection, 11.00 to 1.00 p.m. |
7th | Pavilion Theatre, Ilfracombe Orchard Theatre: A Midsummer Night's Dream, 7.30 p.m. |