Edition 49 - August 1997

Artwork by: Debbie Cook


Mice can be divided into 'families' - Dormice [family gliridae], hamsters, voles, rats and mice [family muridae], which can be sub-divided into rats and mice [sub-family murinae] of which the harvest mouse is a member.

The harvest mouse is small with a long tail about 50-70mm, used to assist climbing, and a thick soft fur, russet brown above and white below. Its diet consists mainly of seeds, fruit and bulbs, but sometimes insects, particularly in summer. It is active both day and night and spends much more time underground in winter, although it does not hibernate. The summer nest, a spherical ball of woven grass, is usually attached to stems well above ground. Harvest mice remain in the thick cover of tall grass, reed beds and hedgerows and are not easy to see. Modem farming methods, through the removal of hedgerows, may be causing some reduction In their numbers, whilst the use of combine harvesters has made life difficult for them in the grain fields.


Artwork: Judie Weedon


My thanks to Debbie for her illustration of the harvest mouse on this month's cover and to everyone who has contributed to this issue. I hope that by the time you read it, the better summer weather will have returned, because the next issue will be October and autumn, with another winter setting in! Items for that issue should be ready please by Monday, 15th September. Best wishes for the success of the many summer fetes and events.



Berrynarbor Newsletter Notelets



Proceeds to Newsletter Funds

Village Views - Helen Armstead, Nigel Mason and Peter Rothwell
Nature Prints - Debbie Cook
Floral Illustrations - Helen Armstead and Paul Swailes

Available from the Post Office or Chicane




A well-attended meeting on the 2nd June found Mr. Green - a Special Service Librarian - explaining about the many services that can be obtained through the Library, which was most interesting and amusing. These include film shows, etc., to brighten up aftemoons in residential or nursing homes, and those people with special needs are most certainly catered for. Time went too quickly, but we hope to welcome Mr. Green again next year, when he will challenge us with a music quiz. It was a special tea that day as Una [94] and Bobbie [92] were celebrating their birthdays. These two ladies are truly wonderful and deserve the title 'young at heart'. Thank you, Una, for a splendid cake. I was given some colourful Teddies for Tragedies, and I understand there are more to come. Many thanks to one and all, especially Ethel, who must have sparks issuing from her knitting needles!

The Coffee Morning on 14th June in aid of the North Devon Hospice was a success raising over £100 for such a worthy cause. Many thanks to the members for their generous help and contributions to the stalls, and to everyone that came.

2nd July saw 24 members on a panoramic tour by our coach driver, Andy. The day was a little overcast but the sun did manage to breakthrough to highlight the scenery and the colourful garden at Westcott Barton, where we stopped for our tea. A visit to the Pottery followed a most enjoyable cream tea and purchases were made to take home. All in all, an afternoon which seemed to suit everyone.

There will be no official meeting in August although we shall, no doubt, meet up at the various Village events. Sylvia and I will be manning the Bottle Stall at the Berry Revels, so any contributions will be gratefully received! At the September meeting, on 2nd, we shall be welcoming Linda Darke from St. John's, who is coming to talk to us on 'Winter Gardens'. We shall also be finalising preparations for the Annual Party for members of the Ilfracombe Disabled Association to be held on the afternoon of 16th September.

Cheerio for now.

Vi Kingdon - President

There is a certain feeling
That all the world should hold,
That peace and joy of friendship,
Are worth much more than gold.





I would like to say a big thank you to all those friends who have shown me such kindness and support since the death of my dear Bernard, who was killed when his car crashed on 16th May. I did appreciate the offers of help, and it is lovely to know there are so many caring people in our village.

When we moved to North Devon in 1980, it was a home-coming for Bernard. He was baptised in St. Brannocks Church in Braunton. His mother was born in Braunton and learnt to play the organ at St. Peter's Church in Barnstaple. She used to play for the services at St. Anne's Church, Saunton - going out there with a pony and trap.

The Gaydons were a well-known family in Barnstaple - there is a street named after them in the town.

Although he died just five weeks before his 85th birthday, Bernard still enjoyed going out and about when I drove the car. The church was his great love and he never missed a Sunday Liturgy. He had served the church in many different ways all his life.

He died thinking he was going to the Liturgy in Exeter, but instead he was on his way to the Liturgy on High.



Bom in Germany in 1919, Rudolph Eppingstone was educated at Layton Park Quaker School. As a young man he hoped to follow his father - an eye specialist - in the medical profession. However, when war broke out he joined the R.A.F. and aspirations to become a pilot were thwarted when his skills as a 'moulder' were discovered and he found himself on the ground staff - based mainly in Egypt - repairing and testing the planes before the pilots were allowed to fly them. During this time he helped the Anglican Priest with the services and following the war assisted in an Arab hospital in Nazareth, where it was felt that he would make a better priest than a doctor!

He applied for and gained a place at Kelham - a High Anglican training school. Not becoming a member of that Religious Brotherhood, he was ordained first as a Deacon and a year later a Priest in Deptford, London. It was at this time that he met Peggy whilst on holiday at Hartrow Abbey in Somerset and they were married in 1955 in Sussex, where he was then Priest in Charge at Crawley New Town. He and Peggy lived there for four years and their daughter, Mary-Lou was born in 1958. Looking to move out of London, Rudolph was accepted by Mrs. Asquith, owner of the Clovelly Estate and daughter-in-law of the Liberal Prime Minister, as Rector of Clovelly. The family spent 19 very happy years there, during which time they could all be seen riding round the countryside, Rudolph on his ex-hunter, Jorrocks. The Bishop of Exeter then moved Rudolph to Beer in East Devon, to help revive the ailing position of the Church, a task he undertook and, working like a Trojan, achieved. It was here that he first became a loyal member of the R.A.O.B. When, in 1986, after eight years in Beer a decision was made to retire, he was offered Berrynarbor, with Parson's Pightle in exchange for part-time work.

Preb. Epp. was our gain and with his sudden, sad passing, our loss.

We'll miss Preb. He was "a proper chap". Always cheery, good humoured and thoughtful of others. During his fitter days, he would sometimes join us, in a peal in the tower. His love of the bells was reflected in the care of their upkeep and the understanding of the folk who ring them. We'll miss Preb. He was "a proper chap". We extend our sympathy to Peggy and the family.

Michael Bowden, Bill Huxtable, Bob Bacon, Ron and Andrew Philips,
David Yeo, Fred
and Margaret White

From Peggy Eppingstone

This is the only way I can reach out to all the many people who have helped and supported me with their love and prayers, letters and cards in this traumatic time.

There are no words to thank you enough for what you have done since my and your dear "Preb" left us. We can only take comfort that his going was exactly as he wished, in God's house, preparing to serve him.

And for those in the vestry on that fatal Sunday and the ladies who kept silent vigil with me in the church, they will never know the comfort they were.

With deepest love.


Our thoughts are with Rosemary and with Peggy and Mary-Lou and her family.



Samuel Palmer
'Coming from Evening Church'
The Tate Gallery, London

Samuel Palmer [1805-1881] Painter of pastoral landscape and the most important follower of William Blake whom he met in 1824. He was very precocious and exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1819, when he was only 14.

Palmer generally produced small-scale, detailed landscapes with human figures. Intense religious feelings run through all his work and are expressed through a oneness with the natural world which suggests that for him, Eden was never lost.


The Virgin and Child with Saints George,
James the Greater and a Donor

by Samuel Palmer 1805-1881
Tempera, chalk, gold, ink and graphite on gesso on paper
Purchased 1922

© Tate, London
Licenced under CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 (Unported)

Charles Causley
- Samuel Palmer's -
'Coming from Evening Church'

The heaven-reflecting, usual moon
Scarred by thin branches, flows between
The simple sky, its light half-gone, The
evening hills of risen green.
Safely below the mountain crest
A little clench of sheep holds fast.
The lean spire hovers like a mast
Over its hulk of leaves and moss
And those who, locked within a dream,
Make between church and cot their way
Beside the secret-springing stream
That turns towards an unknown sea;
And there is neither night nor day,
Sorrow nor pain, eternally

Illustration by: Paul Swailes


David Beagley


1. Animal like 7
5. Possession 5
8.Night Bird 3
9. Thingamybob 7
10. Pack Animal 5
11. Rough Stones 5
13. Big Bird 7
14. Artisans Skill 13
18. School Lessons 7
20. Well Balanced 5
23. Implied 5
21. Glance at Heaven 7 25. Radio Reciever 3
26. Following 5
27. No Tears 3,4


1. Biased Game 5
2. Tread and Riser 5
3. Look at 7
4. Hot Beef 4,2,7
5. Share out 5
6. Iberian 7
7. Like Miss Muffets 7
12. Motor Vehicle 3
14. Knob on top of Pillar 7
15. Fruit 7
16. Bunch of Flowers 7
17.Wrath 3
19. Peripheral 5
21. Abdomen 5
22. Dumbfounds 5

Solution in Article 14.




Congratulations to Emma and Iain Spear of Manor Cottage on the birth of their son, Oliver, on 19th June, weighing in at 7 lbs 11 oz. Best wishes to you all and to grandparents Dinah, Barry and David and Jill.

Pip and Tony Summers are delighted to announce the arrival of their grandson, Samuel James. Samuel, who weighed in on the 27th June at 10 lbs 4 oz, is the son of Caroline and Andy, and brother of Jasmine. Congratulations to you all.

Claire and Michael Prentice of Summerhill are proud to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Olivia Ellen. Making an early appearance, on the 30th June, Olivia weighed 6 lbs. Congratulations and best wishes to you all.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


It is a pleasure to report the recent engagement of Len Coleman and June Parmigiani. Our very best wishes to you both for your future happiness.

Our congratulations and best wishes also go to Jeremy King, younger son of Margaret and Steve, who married Lee-Ann Blevins at St. Richard's Church, Aldwick, Sussex, on the 31st May. Jeremy and Lee-Ann who live in St. Albans, hope to go to South Africa next year for a belated honeymoon.



Oh! what have I done to deserve it?
Sue has sold my milk.
Someone else is drinking the liquid,
that goes down as smooth as silk.
Alan thought I was the only
person that needed Gold Top,
but now Sue has found another
I hope he stocks more in his shop.
So today I must drink the white water
from bottles that sport the red caps that I hate
but tomorrow I'll be there quite early
to look for Gold Tops in the crate!




'Forth from his den to steal he stole
His bag of chink he chunk,
And many a wicked smile he smole,
And many a wink he wunk. '

Artwork by: Lauren Mason - Aged 7 (nearly 8)

Thank you, Lauren [of Staple Cottage, 46 the Village] for your 'fun' illustration of the little poem, which gives you the prize. Well done!


"Berry Pomeroy Castle"

Berry Pomeroy Castle, situated just outside Totnes, can probably hold the claim of the most haunted castle In Devon.

It consists of two buildings, one inside the other, and the fortified remains date from circa 1300, although it was almost certainly not the first building to stand on the site. The name is taken from the Pomeroy family who came to these shores from France.

The most significant tale relating to Berry Pomeroy Castle is that of the ghost of Lady Margaret de Pomeroy - a "harbinger of death" spirit. Margaret and her sister, Eleanor, were in love with the same man. The latter, mistress of the castle, was jealous of her sister who was younger and more beautiful. In one version of the story, she shut her sister in the dungeons, starving her to death. It is because of this that Margaret still walks the castle ramparts on certain nights.

Seeing Margaret's ghost is supposed to foretell of imminent death. Reports of this go back many years, but the case that brought it to prominence again was that of a doctor, Sir Walter Farquar, who wrote of it in his memoirs. He was attending the wife of the castle steward and as he waited in the parlour, a young lady entered the room in great distress, passed him by and walked up the stairs. He enquired many times if he could help her, but received no replies.

Some days later, after attending to the steward's wife, he asked the steward about the young lady. The man's face paled and he wailed that now he knew that his wife would die. The doctor rebuked him, assuring him that she was well on the way to recovery. The steward was unconvinced, and rightly so, for sure enough that night a message was sent to the doctor that she had passed on. I'll leave you to work out who the young lady was that the doctor saw!

It is said that Lady Margaret stands on the ruins of the staircase. She beckons the unknowing visitor to her, but between her and the 'victim' is a large chasm where the staircase has fallen away, and it is into this that they will fall to their death.

There are a number of other stories related to the castle. Many people who visit describe the sense of loneliness, and even evil, there. Photographs have been taken showing shadowy figures, and the children and animals cry to be taken away from some areas of the ruins.

Edna of Torquay told a story of friends who had approached the castle from below, walking past derelict cottages, people in rags and ruined barns. They felt a real sense of evil about the place. One of the party, in fact, turned back to the car. Several days later, out of fascination for what they had observed, they returned to the place and were astounded by what they saw. The cottages were restored and painted, gardens kept and tidy and barns roofed and full of corn. So what had they seen before? Visions of past times? A mirage? It was a hot, still day.

The phenomenon of 'phantom cottages' is not uncommon in this area and is something that can be examined in the future. In the meantime, there are many other stories of Berry Pomeroy that can be told, but these we will have to save for the next issue!

Mark Norman



A very enjoyable evening was held in the Institute on 23rd June for the Annual Trophy Presentation. Prizes were presented by the Chairman, Gordon Hughes.

WinnerRunner Up
LeagueIvan Clarke[equal]: Gordon Hughes, John Huxtable and Roger Luckham
Scratch Singles
[Leonard Bowden Shield]
Maurice Draper Mark Adams
Handicap SinglesMaurice DraperMatthew Walls
Highest BreakMaurice Draper
DoublesIvan Clarke and Tony SummersKevin Brooks and Matthew Walls
Three Red CompetitionIvan Clarke and Vic Cornish

John Huxtable



One of the great strengths of Christian witness in this area is that churches, through their members, are able to achieve so much in working and worshipping together. Whilst the situation is not unique to Combe Martin and Berrynarbor, it does emphasise the fact that churches representing various communities of Christian faith can and do come together, not from a position of weakness, but on the basis of strength drawn from common basic beliefs

This was surely in the mind and heart, as well as upon the lips, of Preb. Rudolph Eppingstone when he preached in April at the monthly united evening service. He passionately strove to bring Christians of different churches, denominations and traditions together. With his sudden passing from amongst us, we are to that extent at the very least, the poorer.

Of course we shall continue to promote those events and ministries in which we can share together, and in so doing proclaim the Good News which is centred in Jesus Christ. There is such a rich diversity of emphasis in our worship, work and witness that Christians have a very real need to share with each other and learn from one another. As we do so, our spiritual life is quickened, our understanding is enhanced and our motive for mission is stimulated.

Rev. J. Alan L. Edwards
[Baptist Minister, Combe Martin]



Get well wishes to Mr. Goldsmith of Spindrift and to Margaret Kemp who has been in hospital following a fall in Ilfracombe.



Artwork: Angela Bartlett


"Camping at Berrynarbor"

With all the sun and warm weather we have been having, or should I say not having, I decided that for our summer [August] issue I couldn't find a more appropriate photographic postcard than the one shown here.

William Garratt took this picture probably around 1937-39, just prior to the outset of the Second World War. We see that at that time, camping was carried out in the field we now know as the 'Berrynarbor Playing Field', whilst in the field beyond and opposite Middle and South Lee Farms, a car and early caravan can just be seen! This shows that even before the last War, tourism was taking an ever increasing role in the economy of Berrynarbor, and making inroads into the traditional farming that had been the mainstay of the village since the Middle Ages.

The Rectory was built in 1860 as a replacement for the very small Vicarage/Glebe House situated where 'Wild Violets' now stands. The last vicar to occupy Glebe House was the Rev. T. Slade Gully who died on Whit Sunday, 27th May, 1860, having been Vicar for 35 years. His Obituary in the North Devon Journal of 31st May, confirms that the Glebe Estate was of 160 acres and that Berrynarbor was thought to be one of the richest livings in Devon"! His Successor, the Rev. Walter Fursdon, must have largely paid for the new Rectory and he moved into it upon its completion later that year. The Rev. Fursdon remained in office as the Vicar of St. Peter's until his death on 2nd March, 1876. His wife, Sarah Anna, died on the 7th March, 1915, outliving him by almost 40 years.

In response to my request for further information relating to North Lee Farm [View No. 46 - April 1997], I received a very nice letter from Rosslyn Hammet [nee Huxtable] who gave me the following information:

I was very interested in the picture of 'North Lee', my home for 30 odd years. My great grandfather, Richard Huxtable, and his wife, Susan, were tenants there. My grandfather, William Huxtable, and his wife, Isabella, bought 'North Lee' from Watermouth Castle for £1,100, as stated, and farmed there until he became ill with cancer. He died in 1938. At the start of his illness, my father Stanley Huxtable took over the farm and it continued as a farm until approximately 1948, when he too became ill. My mother tried to continue, but when father became bed-ridden, she had to sell some of the fields and the livestock, but she kept the field known as 'Pitt Meadow' [later sold to the Council for sewerage purposes] and the fields immediately behind the house, plus the various outbuildings and large garden in the front. The garden was in use as a Tea Garden' during the summer before the War. The garden was known to me as 'The Moostage' [not sure of the meaning or spelling] and a 'Hayrick' always stood in one corner. My father died on the 21st February, 1950, and my mother and I continued to live at North Lee, the ground at the rear was let to Gordon Newton and as time went by we sold the garden and outbuildings to Tom Greenaway. I left Berrynarbor in 1969 to live in Ilfracombe and my mother sold North Lee to Edna Barber in 1973. My father's sister, Lilian Chapple, also lives in Ilfracombe and we think the little boy in the photograph is either Alfred Huxtable, youngest son of Richard and Susan, or John Snell, who was also brought up by them when his mother died.

Rosslyn Hammet [nee Huxtable]

Thank you Rosslyn for taking the time and trouble to respond to my request.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, June 1997


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A warm welcome to the new owners of the Rectory, Gillian and Richard who come from Essex and are both helicopter flying instructors. They plan to offer cream teas and bed and breakfast facilities in the near future. Good luck to you both!

Good luck to the Mildenhall-Ward family who are moving to Woolscott Barton, and a warm welcome to Jo, Mike and Ted Lane who have moved into Brookside Cottage. Jo, a Receptionist, and Mike, an ex-teacher, have also moved from Essex. We hope you will all be very happy here in the village.

Paul and Jacky Lethaby have recently moved house and we wish them well in their new home, Glen Coe, also in Kentisbury.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Due to the ever-increasing costs of repairs to electrical and other fittings, the Committee have decided that ball games will no longer be allowed in the Manor Hall.

By the time you read this, we shall have had our Open Day, during which ideas for future uses of the Hall will have been on display with the hope that villagers will have come along to give their views. [Only 7 questionnaires were returned!] After the Open Day, the Committee will meet with the Parish Council and decisions will be made based on reactions of the local people. More on this subject at a later date.

Please remember the


starting at 6.30 p.m. All the usual stalls, side-shows, etc., and we hope that the
British Legion Youth Band will come marching in! Come along, enjoy
yourselves and spend your money! All proceeds go to the upkeep and
maintenance of YOUR Hall.



Tenders for Construction of Cobbled Channels

The Parish Council has received grant approvals to enable further lengths of cobbled channels to be constructed in the Village centre. Suitably experienced contractors who wish to tender for the supply and laying of cobbles are invited to submit their names, by the 31st August, to the Clerk to the Parish Council, John Vince, at Holly Lodge, Horne Park Road, llfracombe, EX34 8JT.








[Times are approximate]



Illustration by: Paul Swailes

The Committee are looking forward to entries from a wide range of interests - if you can't cook, surely you can take photographs! or, if you can't grow veg. surely you can knit! It's difficult to encompass everyone's hobbies, but the intention of the Show is to bring the villagers and visitors together for a pleasant afternoon. Please don't let us down - be brave, we'd love to see you all.

Schedules will be available in early August.

Linda Brown - Chairman



As villagers will know, the United Reformed Church will be closing shortly and members would like to thank all friends who have helped us in the past.

I should like to thank the many people who have sponsored me on my walks on behalf of the Church.

Ron Toms


Artwork: David Duncan


Gift Day stayed fine for us and the Rector and members of the P.C.C. spent a fruitful day at the lych-gate meeting and exchanging news with everyone who came along. £562 has been donated so far [slightly more than last year] and it is still not too late to return your envelope if you were unable to bring it along on the day.

The Coffee Morning held on 3rd July to raise money to help pay for the costs of the Flower Festival made a profit of £163. Thank you to everyone who helped and came along to support us to achieve this excellent result.

The Summer Fayre will be held on Tuesday, 19th August, in the Manor Hall, starting at 6.30 p.m. We are appealing once again for gifts and prizes for all the stalls and side-shows. And we hope you will all come and join us for an enjoyable evening.

A couple of Reminders: There is a Prayer Folder at the back of the Church for the use of everyone. Please write a message in there if you would like prayers said for yourself, a member of your family, a friend or anything that concerns you specially. Also, please remember the shelf which has been provided in the comer by the font. Anyone may place flowers there and perhaps a card in memory of a loved one.

Our Services will continue as usual during the coming months, except the 8.00 a.m. service on the second Sunday of the month has had to be cancelled. Please come and join us whenever you can on Thursdays at 10.00 a.m. and Sundays at 10.30 a.m. Our next Family Service will be on Sunday, 17th August, and again on Sunday, 21st September.

Looking forward to October - the Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday, 5th October with Evensong followed by the Harvest Supper on Wednesday, 8th October. The Church will be decorated on Friday, 3rd October and gifts of flowers and produce should be brought to the Church that morning or the day before - Thursday.

Mary Tucker


The Year 1 Class with Miss Richards - Berrynarbor Primary School,
Autumn 1970

Left to right:

    Back Row: Ian Huxtable, Charles Bulled, Jackie Baldwin, Janet Fanner, Paula Yeo, Tanya Walls, Nicola Songhurst
    Seated: Debra Harding, Kate Watts, Andrew Peddle, David Irwin, Alexis Falconer, Sarah Bowen, Helen Weedon
    Front Row: Ian Carr, Julia Stanbury, John Froud, Steven Parkin, Stephen Carr

Muriel Richards - Apart from two short spells at Parracombe and Instow, Muriel devoted forty years of her life to the children of Berrynarbor. She graduated from pupil to 'pupil teacher', a kind of apprenticeship, under the guidance of Miss Veal. She had a keen, intelligent mind, a love of children and a gift to impart knowledge. She is fondly remembered by the hundreds of pupils who passed through her hands.

Ian Huxtable - Ian, originally from Bowden Farm, Muddiford, still lives locally at Stoke Rivers. After gaining City and Guilds qualifications, he has been working for the last ten years as a Welder with Selkirks. News of other members of the family is that both Gillian and Janet qualified as nurses and are both now married with two children each. Brother Michael, who also has two children, works as an A.I. - the nearest to a farming occupation! - whilst David, the youngest is currently a 'late' graduate, reading for a Geography degree at Cambridge.

Charles Bulled - Charles, whose parents live at Berry Down, did not stay long at the Primary School before going to Combe Martin and then on the Braunton School and Community College. He now lives in the village with Judith and their son, Liam, and runs his own business - West Country Property Maintenance.

Jackie Baldwin - Jackie is now living in Okehampton with her husband, Ed, a keen golfer who was recently very put out when Jackie, a novice at the game, won her first cup! [He's still waiting to win his!] For the last eight years, Jackie has been working for a dairy research company producing new recipes for products before they are taken on for manufacture by the companies supplying superstores. She is currently setting up experimental new lines using yoghurt as a base for confectionery.

Janet Fanner - After completing a B.Ed. Science degree, Janet is now teaching Science to 7 to 9 year olds in London, where she lives with her husband R.J. Janet is expecting their first baby in August and we wish her well and look forward to hearing the good news.

Paula Yeo - Paula took a course in Sociology and Art at the North Devon College, which was followed by a variety of jobs, including a four year spell running a restaurant in Barnstaple with her mother, Marlene, but her real talent lies in design work. Cycling, aerobics and cake decoration keep her busy and she and her husband, Stewart, share their home in Swimbridge with three mad boxers [the 4-legged variety]! Paula is shortly starting a new job designing kitchens and bathrooms, and we wish her well.

Tanya Walls - Tanya has been living in Bath since gaining her first degree in English and History there. A 'Peter Pan' student, Tanya has followed this with a TEFL degree - teaching English as a foreign language, a P.G.C.E., and is currently studying part-time for a degree in Archaeology. She has financed her studies by both taking guided tours of Bath and 'digging' hard on the many interesting sites in and around Bath, and presently by helping to care for adults with learning difficulties at a centre in Bath.

Nicola Songhurst - Nicola, a star of our Berrynarbor Shows, lives in the village with her husband, Spencer, and their three children, Jessica, Stevie and Zack. She spent a year working locally on a farm following a general horticultural course at Bicton College, South Devon, and then worked for a while at Coutant Lambda in Ilfracombe. As well as looking after her family, Nicola now helps out locally with a couple of part-time jobs.

Debra Harding - Debra, who lives with her husband, Gary, and their two children, Alexander and Lauren in Braunton took a secretarial course at the North Devon College and has worked, on and off, ever since for the Inland Revenue in Barnstaple, now on a part-time basis thanks to her baby-minder, Granny Doreen.

Kate Watts - Kate and her brother, Nigel, both attended the Primary School but left to move to Peterborough and contact has since been lost can anyone help out?

Andrew Peddle - Andrew, whose parents still live at Berry Down, now lives at Landkey where he is employed in the building trade. He and his wife, Tanya, have a little girl, Robyn, and are expecting their second child in September. We hope to hear of the good news.

David Irwin - David, who still lives with his parents in Berrynarbor, has had a varied career since leaving school - work on the family farm, a short spell in the Army, time in the hotel trade and working on the QE2, were not for him! A member of the Institute of Travel and Tourism and the Institute of Entertainment and Arts Management, David was House Manager at the Queen's Theatre in Barnstaple and for the last five years has been Manager of the Pavilion Theatre, Ilfracombe. With the building of the new theatre and imminent close of the Pavilion, we wish David well in whatever the future holds for him.

Alexis Falconer - After leaving the Primary School, Alexis moved with her family to Cornwall, returning to Ilfracombe in 1980 and later taking a secretarial course at the North Devon College. Various jobs have followed including the running of the Ilfracombe Book Shop for her father. Her daughter, Amy, was bom in 1992 and she returned to work in a 'temping' capacity in January of this year. Alexis lives in Ilfracombe and in her leisure time enjoys reading and embroidery.

Sarah Bowen - Sarah, who lives in Barnstaple with her son, Shane [2 1/2] completed a Business Studies course at the North Devon College and worked for some years as an Accounts Clerk for a fruit company in Barnstaple. She has just returned to work part-time and her parents, Stella and Les, look after young Shane.

Helen Weedon - Having taken a Performance Arts degree at Middlesex University, followed by a P.G.C.E. in Dance at Bedford College, Helen began teaching in Luton where she met her husband, Kamal. She and Kamal and their little boys, Joshim and Korim, now live in Yeovil where Helen is a Dance Lecturer at Yeovil College of F.E. Whilst in Luton she formed the South Bedfordshire Youth Dance Company, "Full Tilt" and in 1991 founded and directs "Co. Rythmik Dance Company" in Yeovil, which provides talented young dancers with the opportunity to create and perform in a professional environment.

Stephen and Ian Carr - After completing a Business Studies course at the North Devon College, Stephen Started work with Mole Valley Farmers. For the last six years he has been with Philip Dennis [frozen foods] at Mullacott, where he started as a representative but is now Manager. He and his wife, Monica, live in Braunton.

Ian followed a course at Bicton Agricultural College and for three years worked for Dalgetty in Cheshire as a buyer. He has since changed directions - firstly by moving south to Ringwood and secondly a change in career as he now works for a Fine Arts company, this time buying paintings by British artists from all over the UK. Although based in Ringwood, he, too, has a house in Braunton where he spends his week-ends. The twins live in Braunton to be near Saunton Golf Club, where they play regularly, both off a handicap of 10!

Julia Stanbury - After leaving school with thoughts of eventually going into the Police Force, Julia took a two year Business Studies course at the North Devon College, after which she forgot the Police and went into banking, with Barclays! She has worked in their branches at Exmouth, Cullompton, Crediton, Bideford and Barnstaple, where she is now. Julia lives in Combe Martin and she fer fiance Neil Philips. She and her finance plan to marry this September. We wish them both well.

John Froud - After school, John followed his father, Bob, into electronics, completing an HND at Bristol, where he then worked for McDonald Douglass, setting up computerised network systems in the South of England, including the Police Headquarters at Middlemoor and the West Country Ambulance. He is currently living in South London, where he has been installing systems in the Bank and Stock Exchange area of the City, with his wife whom he met at University. John and Karen, a speech therapist now studying for her Masters Degree at University College, were married on the 19th September, 1991 - a rare palindromic date [19.9.1991]. Nice one, John!

Steven Parkin - Like Ian Huxtable, works for Selkirks [have they ever met up?] and lives in Barnstaple with his wife, Anne-Marie and their six children - 5 boys and 1 girl.

Congratulations to you all on your achievements and good luck for the future. Many thanks to all the parents for their help in 'finding' you all!



5thBerry Revels, Manor Hall, 6.30 p.m.
6thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
7thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
11thOpen Meeting re: Manor Hall Project Costings
14thU3A Luncheon: Carlton Hotel, Ilfracombe - Behind the 'Seams' at the Royal Ballet, Mrs. Paula Morante
Whist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
17thSt. Peter's: Family Service, 10.30 a.m.
19thSt. Peter's: Summer Fayre, 6.30 p.m., Manor Hall
20thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
21stWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
28thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
31stUnited "Songs of Praise", Combe Martin Baptist Church, 6.30 p.m. Everyone welcome
2ndW.I. Meeting: Your Garden in Winter - Linda Darke
3rdCollege and Primary School: Start of Autumn Term
Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
Entries close for Horticultural and Craft Show
4thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
6thHorticultural and Craft Show, Manor Hall, 2.00 p.m.
Exhibits to Manor Hall before 9.30 a.m.
9thParish Council Meeting 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
11thU3A Luncheon: Saunton Sands Hotel - "Collecting in General and Lamps in Particular", Peter Robins
Whist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
15thNewsletter Items for the October issue to the Post Office/Chicane
16thW.I. Party for the Ilfracombe Disabled Association, 2.15 p.m.
17thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
18thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
21stSt. Peter's: Family Service, 10.30 a.m.
25thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
1stMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
2ndWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
5thSt. Peter's: Harvest Festival
7thW.l. Meeting: Reflexology - Mr. J. Hood



"What spires, what farms are those?" - A.E. Housman

Meadowsweet foamed, the long blue flowers of tufted vetch cascaded down the banks, with yellow toadflax and red clover, beside the lanes which skirt Codden Hill, above Bishop's Tawton.

At the site of the disused quarry yellowhammers, beautiful in their bright plumage, drew our attention by their distinctive song, repeated over and over from nearby posts and branches.

We took the rough track, which leads to Codden Beacon. Soon it turned at a right angle and there, trotting up the track ahead of us, was a fox. They seem to be out and about during daylight hours a lot this summer.

At the summit is a fine monument designed by the Architect, Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, who created the Italianate village of Portmeirion on the Welsh coast. The monument was dedicated in 1971 by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Crediton and is in memory of Caroline Thorpe "who lived close by ... and loved this hill"

The hard landscaping around the base of the monument forms a compass and indicates some of the many villages which can be seen, as well as Hartland Point, Saunton, Lundy, Dartmoor and Exmoor - even Bodmin Moor, for there are distant views around the whole 360 degrees.

Closer to, there are good views of Barnstaple Bridge and the terraces and bleak grey 'walls' of the massive Venn Quarries; a scattering of farms and more than a dozen churches. [It is an interesting exercise to search out their various towers and spires and to identify them.]

Codden Hill is an exposed place and although it was late June, there was a bitter and unrelenting wind blowing. A linnet with rosy chest and brow landed on the fence.

On one side of the monument was a field of barley, with scarlet pimpernel and forget-me-nots at the edge, and on the other side, sloping away out of sight, a field of flax.

Over it a flock of skylarks perpetually took off from and landed among the delicate sky-blue flowers of the flax, shimmering, forming and reforming patches of blue then green under the influence of the strong breeze.

We scrambled down the much steeper and narrower track, through bracken, on the other side of the hill, emerging at Codden Hill Cross on the outskirts of the village. We had often looked across to Codden Hill from round and about Barnstaple, but had never climbed up it until this year. We are glad to have 'discovered' this fascinating viewpoint.

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

Sue H


Artwork: Paul Swailes


As a result of discussions held with villagers who came to our Open Day on 12th July, the Committee has decided to proceed with the following:

  • Structural repairs to roof, gutters, windows, stonework, etc.
  • Improved heating system
  • Improved lighting system
  • Cloakroom facility and extra toilets for the Main Hall
  • Improvements to Penn Curzon Room to provide extra facilities for the Pre-School and a well-appointed Meeting Room
  • Access for the Handicapped
  • Environmental improvements to the areas around the outside of the Hall
  • By popular demand, no changes are envisaged to the room above the Penn Curzon Room.

The next stage is to cost the project. Unfortunately, there is a tight time schedule because a grant application would have to be submitted by the 1st September 1997 to take advantage of monies available from the Millennium Fund for improving Village Halls. It must be remembered that our application for funds may not be successful, but if it is, villagers would have to raise 1/6th of the funds required with the remainder coming from various grant sources.

A meeting will be held in the Hall on Monday, 11th August, to discuss the costings for the project and to finally agree to submit the application for funds. This will be an open meeting and all villagers are welcome to come along.

In the meantime, if anyone has any comments on the above proposals, please contact our Chairman, Brian Mountain, on 883032



When God made the earth and sky,
The flowers and the trees,
He then made all the animals,
And all the birds and bees.
And when His work was finished,
Not one was quite the same,
He said "I'll walk this earth of mine
And give each one a name."
And so he travelled land and sea,
And everywhere he went,
A little creature followed Him
Until it's strength was spent.
When all were named upon the earth
And in the sky and sea,
The little creature said, "Dear Lord,
There's not one left for me."
The Father smiled, and softly said,
"I've left you to the end.
I've turned my name back to front,
And called you 'DOG, my friend. "

From Esme and Scamp - Author Unknown