Edition 54 - June 1998

Artwork by: Nigel Mason



The 7th April saw another well-attended meeting listening to a most interesting speaker on Antiques and Collectibles - Madeline Robinson. Madeline had brought along small items of furniture, as well as china and 40's and 50's memorabilia, encouraging one and all to think about what they might have hidden in their lofts!

Ten members spent an enjoyable evening at Shirwell for the Chichester Group Meeting on 23rd April, where the main attraction was a fashion show. Linda Brown became one of the models who all did extremely well. The refreshments were excellent and I am pleased to add that we won the Group Competition - so earn a place on the Roll of Honour - all thanks to Linda, Beryl and Viv. We were also lucky in the raffle.

There were several absentees from the May meeting, due to the Bank Holiday, but still over 20 members arrived to discuss W.I. Resolutions for the Annual Meeting in June. Mrs. Sheila Hale, a V.C.O., and Alma Blackmore, a trainee V.C O. talked us through the two main issues - Child Carers and The Regeneration of Brown Field Sites, etc. Sheila's 19 month old grand-daughter was more interested in what was on the tea table than a lot of talk - very wise for a litle 'un!

The 7th May was our Coffee Morning at Ivy Richards' home - many thanks to everyone who supported us and to Ivy for providing such a lovely venue. Eunice was able to sell cards for the Cheshire Home and through everyone's generosity, there was nearly £50.00 to help W.I. funds.

Our next meeting will be on 2nd June, when Rosie Don will be introducing us to 'Gourmet Delights', and the July will be an Educational Trip. As usual, there will be no meeting in August.

With all good wishes for the summer season.

Vi Kingdon - President



Off we go together, our questing feet
Treading paths where the hills and valleys meet.
Time will tell us to rest,
When our feet have done their best.
Then we both will homeward wend,
To the place we love - my furry friend.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends,

We are at that time of the Christian Year when we think about the giving of the Holy Spirit. The other day, I came across some words by Corie ten Boon:

    'I have a glove here in my hand. The glove cannot do anything by itself, but when my hand is in it, it can do many things. True, it is not the glove but my hand in the glove that acts. We are gloves. It is the Holy Spirit in us which is that hand so that every finger is filled.

    'The question of Pentecost is not whether God is blessing our own plans and programmes but whether we are open to the great opportunities to which his Spirit calls us.

    'Once the Lord said to a faithful evangelist, "You have been working for me with the utmost sincerity, for seven years. All that time I have been waiting for the moment that I could start to work through you. "'

Let us pray that we will be open enough to allow our Lord's Spirit to work through us, starting NOW.

Your Friend and Rector,

Keith Wyer




It is with deep regret that we report the deaths of Gwen Squire, Leonard Dummett, Jeff Mayo and Betty Goodwin. Our sympathy and thoughts are with Angela, Alice, Diana and Margaret, and their families, at this time of sadness.


On behalf of Norman, my family and myself, I thank you all for your kind thoughts, cards, messages and support following the death of my mother, Gwen Squire, on the 15th April at the age of 93.

Mum will be remembered by many villagers when she and my father, Roland, ran the Berrynarbor Post Office in the early sixties. In her later years, she came back to live near us at Moules Farm and was a regular participant at coffee mornings, jumble sales and the like, usually behind the cake stall.

Following the sudden death of my brother, David, in 1989, she suffered a severe stroke and although confined to a wheelchair, she kept very cheerful. For the past seven years she had been in a residential home and had been in reasonable health, but a month before her death she deteriorated rapidly before sleeping peacefully away.

A loving and much loved Mum, Grannie and Great Grandma, she will be sadly missed.



After a short illness, Leonard passed away peacefully on the 15th April, at the age of 86. He was born in Berrynarbor, the youngest son of James and Louise Dummett, who had seven sons and three daughters - a family of ten! He was taught at Berrynarbor School by Miss Veale and was awarded a prize for his good attendance - a book he always treasured.

His working life was varied and began at Hammonds Farm helping the late Claude Richards senior. At this time he met Brian Richards, of Barton Farm, and the two enjoyed a long and happy friendship. Brian now lives at West Challacombe, Combe Martin. Len then worked with Albert and Reg Lovering at Loverings Garage for the late John Lovering Senior, driving their lorry and the private hire car, showing visitors the beauty spots of North Devon. In those days, a very handsome young man, he was well known as a local 'play boy'!

During the War he was an agricultural contractor, working over a wide area of North Devon - threshing in winter and ploughing and grass cutting in the summer. Many a time he was still working and heard the Combe Martin church clock strike midnight. He also did his bit for the War in the local Home Guard.

Len, with his brothers Jack and Lionel, George Diamond, 'Uncle' Jack Draper, Percy Thorn and Dicky Doughnut, was a bell ringer and in 1947 they won the Shield at West Down, with Len on the tenor bell. Len and Alice were married at Combe Martin Parish Church on the 4th October, 1948 and would have celebrated their Golden Wedding later this year. They moved to Elizabeth House which they ran as a guest house and Len spent a short time with Ilfracombe Council before retiring in 1969, when he and Alice moved to The Retreat. A happy retirement was spent gardening, walking the dog and many a happy hour was spent having a tipple of sherry with Granny [Rosie] Bray at Beech Hill.

It has been a great comfort to Alice and his sister, Doreen, to know how much Len was loved - a bright shining light has gone out - it will be greatly missed by many.


Following a long illness born with courage, Jeff, of Birdswell Lane, died suddenly on the 17th April. Diana and family would like to thank everyone who attended the funeral and for all the cards and messages of sympathy. We have been deeply moved by your kindness.

1910 - 1998

Betty and her husband, Cecil, came to live in Berrynarbor in 1965. After spending ten years in Barton Lane, they moved to New Road, where sadly Cecil died and Betty moved to her little cottage next to The Globe.

Betty died on the 5th May at the North Devon District Hospital, after several months in hospital.

Margaret, Keith and their children, Tanya, Louise and Matthew, would like to thank everyone for kindness and sympathy at their sad loss.



This letter is to thank all of you who supported me so well during the time of my mother's illness and death. It was so helpful and kind of you to send cards and telephone me as you did. It was wonderful to have some of you with me for the memorial service. Thank you, too, for all the things that you did for my mother during her illness and the good wishes that you sent to her. Of course we all know from when we are old enough to understand, that it is likely that we will lose our parents - this is the way of the world - but when that moment finally comes it is very difficult to accept that our parents are really gone. I still think of something I want to tell mother and just for one second I head toward the 'phone, and then I remember . . .

I read somewhere that death is not really taking our loved ones away from us but simply hiding them until we too pass on. I ask you all to remember my mother before her illness when she was always bright and cheerful and gave her best to whatever she was doing.

With all my love and many thanks

Mary-Lou Al-Saedy

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes



7.00 p.m. Tuesdays throughout the Year at
The Slade Community Centre, Ilfracombe
The Club would welcome Visitors and Beginners
If you are interested, please contact:
Mishel Pesic on 883861
Chris Taylor on 882724



The following request from Hilppa Loikkanen of Jarvenpaa has been received by several sources within the village. It would be lovely if we could help Hilppa to find her half-sister and if anyone has any information at all, if you contact me [Judie Weedon] on 883544, I will pass the details on. If we cannot help through the Newsletter, it might be possible for details to be given on the 'Where are you now?' spot on Radio 2.

Do you remember or know anyone who might remember a lone mother called JON MARJORIE NYHOLM, who lived in Berrynarbor at least in 1955 with her daughter SARAH LINDSAY [born 1949]? They had previously lived in Kenya where Sarah was born. My mother's maiden name was RICHMAN and she was married in Africa to a Finn, whom she divorced in 1955. I am now urgently looking for her daughter, who is my half-sister. Could you please put a word around the Village? Maybe someone has gone to the same school with Sarah? What became of her? Did she marry? I should be deeply grateful for any information anyone might be able to give me about her [or to her about me]. I am sending this letter to a few selected addresses obtained from the community information Internet pages of Devon County Council. Thankyou.

P.S. Is there any chance to get this in your Newsletter? That would be the best imaginable way to reach people, I suppose. The matter is of grave importance both to me and my half-sister and I'd be happy to keep you informed if anything turns up.



For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry.
For he is the servant of the Living God, duly and daily serving him,
For this is done by wreathing his body seven times round with elegant quickness.
For having done duty and received blessings he begins to consider himself
For first he looks upon his fore-paws to see if they are clean
For secondly he kicks up to clear away there.
For thirdly he works it upon stretch with the fore-paws extended.
For fourthly he sharpens his paws by wood
For fifthly he washes himself.
For sixthly he rolls upon wash.
For seventhly he fleas himself, that he may not be interrupted upon the beat.
For eighthly he rubs against a post.
For ninthly he looks up for his instructions.
For tenthly he goes in quest of food.
For having consider'd God and himself he will consider his neighbour.
For if he meets another cat he will kiss her in kindness.
For when he takes his prey he plays with it to give it a chance.
For when his day's work is done his business more properly begins
For he keeps the Lord's watch in the night against adversary.
For he counteracts the powers of darkness by his electrical skin and glaring eyes.
For he counteracts the Devil, who is death, by brisking about the life.
For he purrs in thankfulness, when God tells him he's a good Cat.
For every house is incomplete without him and a blessing is lacking in the spirit.


Illustrated by: Paul Swailes

Christopher Smart [Extract]


Artwork: Paul Swailes


It was sad to say 'good-bye' to Gary and Miska but lovely to have cream teas and a warm welcome once again on the menu at Miss Muffet's. Graham and Glenys Hatcher, who have moved from a small village near Dover in Kent, intend to put Miss Muffet back on her tuffet [and the map]! This is a new line of business for them - Glenys has given up her clerical job and Graham his job as a Sales Representative. They will shortly be opening up the lounge as a restaurant for early evening meals and Sunday lunches. We welcome them both and wish them every success in their new venture.

Breezes, Barton Lane, is the new home of Nicola and Michael Cornish who have moved, with their two children - William and Charlotte - and two cats from Stoke Rivers. Nicola is a Vet at the Mullacott Vetinary Hospital and Michael a Land Surveyor, who from necessity has now become a keen DIY man! We wish you all a very warm welcome and hope you will be happy here.



Come and join your local Yoga Class in the village and we learn the ancient art of stretching, breathing and letting go of stress in the body and mind.

I have been practising Yoga for nearly 20 years and have run classes in North Devon for 10 years. I welcome all age groups and levels of fitness, and don't forget that Yoga is for men too!!

Classes will run through the summer every Tuesday evening from 7.00 to 8.30 p.m. and cost just £3.00. There will be a break in June when I am on holiday and we may need to rearrange the time for the fetes later in the summer. Sessions usually consist of a short relaxation, some gentle breathing and stretching to prepare for traditional Yogasanas [Yoga postures] and finish with a longer relaxation - bring a blanket or sleeping bag. Please try to arrive 5 or 10 minutes before the class so that we can make a prompt start.

If you want more information, please give me a ring [882293] or just turn up on the night [no classes 16th & 23rd June. I look forward to seeing you, and if there is the demand, I should like to continue through the winter.

Sally Ornellas - 4 Croft Lea


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


and best wishes for your future happiness to

Richard and Lucy Barten

Married 8th May 1933 - 65 Years!
Parents of John, David and Sally
Grandparents of Chilie, Nick, Be, Steven, Paul, Mandy,
Wendy, Rachel, Janet, Amy and Emma
Great Grandparents of Peter, Reece, Jake, Shami, Kai, Joey, Molly and Rory
Much loved and admired by all your family and friends
Recovering from the party celebrations, Richard
was heard to say over his second glass of champagne,
'I could get quite addicted to this! '

James Weedon and Emma Pearson, from Glasgow, on
their recent engagement.

Christine Peach and Keith Wyer whose marriage on
Easter Tuesday was celebrated by a Blessing
at St. Peter's, Combe Martin, and a reception in Berrynarbor.
For two busy people, a few quiet days away in Looe and
Polperro in Cornwall made a nice break.

June Parmigiani and Len Coleman who celebrated their
marriage on the 22nd April.
But, it is understood things didn't all go smoothly - the 'Roller'
broke down on the way, but fortunately at a garage.
So it was a hired car that got them to the Registry Office on time!


The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends,

Christine and I have been overwhelmed by your good cards and presents, and words cannot begin to express our gratitude to you all for your generosity and support.

We must also publicly express our thanks to everyone who made the day so special. So many people were involved that to print your names would be like a "Who's Who" of Combe Martin and Berrynarbor. Parishioners helped with cooking, carving, making cakes and icing them, setting up tables, providing flower arrangements, transporting items from one parish to another, laying up tables, verging, singing, playing, ringing bells, clearing up, etc., etc. Preb. Andrew Jones made the service so special and personal that we shall always remember it. Heather and the Choir put the 'icing on the cake' as far as the service was concerned, and I cannot remember attending a service when there were three organists in attendance!

When we came into Church, I wondered whether there would be room for us. The place was packed! There were so many people there that I cannot possibly recall to mind all the faces. However, I did manage to get round most people at the Manor Hall. What a lovely, happy atmosphere there was. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, even though there were about two hundred people there. Thank you, for making the day so special.

To all of you, and especially to the readers of this magazine who were not able to be there but nevertheless contributed to the amazingly generous wedding present, THANK YOU VERY MUCH INDEED.



"Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date."

Blossom and birdsong. These were the main features of a stroll through Anchor Wood - a modest strip of woodland on sloping ground between Sticklepath and the River Taw.

As we approached the wood via the old railway line, willow warblers and chiffchaffs were active among the pussy willows, growing in the damp fringes of the track.

Both are summer visitors and almost identical, so it is difficult to tell them apart. The chiffchaff is more dingy and the willow warbler less dumpy. The chiffchaff is also said to be less lively, but both birds are great acrobats and hardly seem to stay still for a second.

Willow warblers [their old name was willow wren] usually have pale legs and chiffchaffs have dark ones - but on the other hand, sometimes it's the other way round! The best way to identify them is through their song; the distinctive 'chiff chaff chiff chiff chaff of the chiffchaff and the willow warbler's musical descending cascade of notes.

In an alcove near the entrance to the wood is the Dripping Well. Its calcareous water was once believed to have medicinal properties, including the power to restore sight.

My old 1934 Barnstaple Guide Book, in recommending the 'popular riverside walk to Anchor Wood' goes on to say, 'though the wood exists in name only, the trees having been cut down.' Seeing it today, a mere sixty years later, it is strange to imagine it without trees.

It was April and the ground beneath the trees was spangled with the white stars of wood anemones and stitchwort and the lemon yellow stars of celandines. Here and there were several examples of the pale lilac coloured wood anemones - something of a Devon speciality.

Greenfinches were twittering from tree tops, showing off their bright summer plumage. The loud and melodious song of blackbirds was everywhere.

As we ascended the hill, the blend of flowers altered. Now yellow archangel, with the silver chevrons on the leaves, and the white bells of triangular stalked garlic [or three-cornered leek] were plentiful - the latter, a much prettier plant than its name would suggest.

The bluebells were still at that stage when they look like spears of asparagus. At a time when it was a common practice for entertainers to provide items of food for their theatrical landladies to prepare for them after the show, an actor handed over a lamb cutlet and a bunch of asparagus to his landlady, before leaving for the theatre. When he returned to his digs later that night, he found a note from the landlady: 'Your lamb chop is in the oven and I've put the bluebells in a vase of water. '

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes


Artwork: Steve Angold [Aged 10]



Easter services were very well attended this year. A group of us gathered on Good Friday afternoon for a quiet hour of hymns, readings and prayers. There was a Christening on Easter Saturday and in the evening the new Easter Candle was brought back to the Church after the service of Easter Light in Combe Martin. This candle will be lit during services until the Ascension and then it will be used at Christenings throughout the year. On Easter Day our regular congregation was joined by many visitors and the Church was very nearly full.

Our thanks to the Sunday School for the Easter Garden so lovingly prepared and to all the ladies who did the flower arrangements - they were greatly admired and appreciated.

A successful Coffee Morning was held on 14th May, and £114 was raised for the Church. Our thanks to everyone who contributed in any way - we were pleased to see so many familiar faces and to welcome several visitors.

The Christians Together Evening Service on 28th June will be held in Berrynarbor at 6.30 p.m. I am sure you will remember the Songs of Praise which took place during the Flower Festival last year. This will be another chance for us all to join together in worship and it will also mark St. Peter's Day which falls on the 29th. Afterwards tea, coffee and biscuits will be served in the Manor Hall.

Monday, 29th June, will be GIFT DAY and as usual the Rector and members of the PCC will be at the lych-gate all day to receive your envelopes. A letter from the Rector will be delivered to every house in the village a week before.

The Gift Day Appeal and other fund-raising efforts this year will be for the upkeep of the churchyard. Last year £1,140 was spent by the PCC on routine maintenance and this year we shall need between £1,500 and £2,000. Does that sound a lot? In the old days, the grass was cut twice a year with a scythe, but now expectations have changed and the grass in both the old and new churchyards is being cut at least once a month from April to November. In addition, there are always 'one off' repairs, which crop up all the time.

Responsibility for the graves themselves rests with the families of the deceased, but now, in many cases, especially in the old churchyard, there is no-one left to care. It is the duty of the PCC to make sure that tomb-stones are maintained in a safe condition and that individual graves do not become an eye-sore. You can help by tidying your own family's grave if possible and by giving a donation towards the upkeep of the churchyard through your Gift Day envelope. And please support the Summer Fayre to be held in the Manor Hall on Tuesday, 4th August - our main event this year.

Mary Tucker




Good Luck to all students - to those taking their GCSE examinations and to those taking their A Level or University examinations. Best wishes to you all.

Belated Birthday Wishes with congratulations and love to three of our nonagenarians, Una [95], Lorna [94] and 'Robbie' [90].

Get Well Wishes to Win Sanders following an eye operation and Win Collins who has not been well and is temporarily housebound - we hope you, and anyone else who is currently 'below par', will be feeling better very soon.

Congratulations and best wishes to Edward Bowden who will be 'Passing Out' from Pirbright following his initial ten week training in the Coldstream Guards.

Parish Council Meeting - please note that the July meeting will be on WEDNESDAY, 15TH JULY, at 7.30 p.m.



'Is there anybody there?' said the Traveller,
Knocking on the moonlit door;
And his horse in the silence champed the grasses
Of the forest's ferny floor:
And a bird flew up out of the turret,
Above the Traveller's head:
And he smote upon the door again a second time;
'Is there anybody there?' he said.
But no one descended to the Traveller;
No head from the leaf-fringed sill
Leaned over and looked into his grey eyes,
Where he stood perplexed and still.
But only a host of phantom listeners
That dwelt in the lone house then
Stood listening in the quiet of the moonlight
To that voice from the world of men:
Stood thronging the faint moonbeams on the dark stair,
That goes down to the empty hall,
Hearkening in an air stirred and shaken
By the lonely Traveller's call.
And he felt in his heart their strangeness,
Their stillness answering his cry,
While his horse moved, cropping the dark turf,
'Neath the starred and leafy sky;
For he suddenly smote on the door, even
Louder, and lifted his head:-
'Tell them I came, and no one answered,
That I kept my word,' he said.
Never the least stir made the listeners,
Though every word he spake
Fell echoing through the shadowiness of the still house
From the one man left awake:
Ay, they heard his foot upon the stirrup,
And the sound of iron on stone,
And how the silence surged softly backward,
When the plunging hoofs were gone.

Walter de la Mare

Illustrated by: Nigel Mason


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for its living,
And a child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is merry and bright and good and gay.



Congratulations to Nathalie Denzey and Christopher Draper on the birth of their
son, Jack, on the 5th April, weighing 7 lbs 15 1/2 oz.
Love to you all - Dad, Mum and Nicolle

Abby Louise

Vi Goodman is delighted to announce the arrival of her fifth great-grandchild
born in Brunei on the 29th March. Abby Louise, who weighed in at 7 lbs 6 oz
is the daughter of Susan and Mark Jones.

Georgina Monique Pearl

Congratulations to Georgina Monique Pearl Alcock of Woodlands House, for
winning the Ilfracombe Boots Brave Baby Award 1998.

This is a national competition with each individual branch of Boots making an award. The winners are entered into a National Final. Baby Georgina is now better, but since she was born at the end of last August, she has spent a lot of time in and out of hospital. We wish her luck in the Final and hope to hear good news when the results are known in the near future.



David Beagley


6. Typily 12
8. Cloudy indistinct stars 7
9. Plea of being elsewhere 5
10. Pleasant 4
12. Accident 6
14. Prank 5
15. Shouted & Stormed 6
16. Card playing actors name 4
19. Wall painting 5
21. Title of respect 7
22. Act of being sorted out 12


1. Outer fortification 8
2. Hails 5
3. Castrated Bullock 5
4. Chord of 3 notes 7
5. Italian Wine 4
6. Puzzles 10
7. Almost an emulsion 10
11. Also 3
12. Central 3
13. Having mans features
8 14. Type of wind harp 7
17. Start 5
18. Edible inside parts 5
20. Scarce 4

Solution in Article 23.


Artwork: Paul Swailes

Management Committee

Village Hall AGM

The Management Committee held its AGM on 5th May. Unfortunately, the Chairman, Brian Mountain, was unable to attend but his report summarising the year's activities was read for him.

He noted that the year had been very busy and that a scheme for the renewal and development of the Hall and its facilities with 5/6th of the funding coming from outside sources, including the Millennium Fund, stemmed from the Parish Council. Unfortunately, at a public meeting the village rejected a proposal that 1/3rd of the village contribution be raised by a precept on the Council Tax and the whole scheme had to be abandoned.

The main problems which have not been solved are that more storage space has to be found now that we can offer a stage and facilities for functions.

More importantly, costly repairs will have to be undertaken including renewal and improvement to the lighting, an improved heating system, overcoming the condensation problems and dealing with the possibility that, because of leaks, the main water system may have to be renewed.

He expressed his thanks to the Committee for their dedicated work and his regret that the Horticultural Show had had to be cancelled due to the tragic death of Princess Diana. He announced his intention to stand down from the Committee for business reasons and extended his wishes for success to the new Committee. Finally, he urged us not to forget the Revels and Horticultural Show, on the 18th August and 5th September, respectively.

The Treasurer, Tom Tucker, then gave an up-to-date report on the finances which was followed by the announcement that he, too, was standing down from the Committee, together with Vi Davies and Pat Sayer. Two of the Committee places were filled by Graham Andrews and Denise Lane and the hope was expressed that the Committee would be joined by two users of the Hall 's facilities. New members would be involved in all aspects of village life as they would be asked to help with running the Hall as well as fund raising.

New Officers appointed were:

  • Chairman - Graham Andrews,
  • Vice-Chairman - John Hood,
  • Secretary - Ann Hinchliffe.

In conclusion, the Committee endorsed Brian Mountain's thanks to the retiring members.




It is proposed to involve everyone in the Parish, from the youngest to the oldest, in a day and a half of FREE celebrations to mark the Millennium. The suggested dates are the afternoon of Sunday, 1st January 2000, and all day and evening on Monday, 2nd January 2000.

Some suggestions on how to celebrate this event are: a children's activity/competition with the winner receiving a millennium cup - children's party - tea dance - bingo - exhibitions - entertainment - side shows - masked ball - food - wine.

Several village organisations have already been approached regarding support for the event and many have reacted positively to the idea. The following have either been contacted or will be shortly:

The Primary SchoolSt. Peter's ChurchThe Parish Council
The Men's InstituteThe Women's InstituteThe Pre-School
Manor Hall Management CommitteeWine CircleYouth Club
The GlobeBessemer ThatchThe Post Office
The LodgeSmythen Farm Holiday CottagesSandy Cove Hotel
Napps Camp SiteSawmillsBerrynarbor Caravan Park
Watermouth CastleWatermouth Holiday VillasWatermouth Cove Caravan Park
Mill ParkSpinnersMiddle Lee
Miss MuffetsTom Bartlett

A Millennium Box will be placed in the Post Office for all suggestions regarding events, fund-raising ideas, offers of support/donations, etc.

This is a whole village event and we should like to include everyone in some way. It is important, therefore, that we begin preparations NOW, so please do send in your suggestions by the end of June.

Further details in the next Newsletter.

Berrynarbor Millennium Committee





Wesley Manse
Combe Martin

May 1998

Dear Friends,

To-day is Father's Day. You will, no doubt, be thinking, 'Oh, no it's not! Father's Day is due to be celebrated on Sunday, 21st June.

I recently read a statistic contained in a National Opinion Poll report which states that '54% of fathers spend less than five minutes per week day with their children'. Of course, statistics are notorious for making things mean anything you want them to mean, according to how they are presented and interpreted, but just pause for a moment and think how many children represented by this survey have so little contact with their father. It set me thinking.

How long and how often are we in contact with God our heavenly father?

Do we pray regularly?
Do we read and meditate on God's word the Bible to find out God's will for us?
Do we live as though God is with us and is our constant companion?

We sometimes sing the hymn,

  • This is the day, this is the day
  • That the Lord has made,
  • We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Whether or not we celebrate Father's Day, let us remember that every day should be Our Heavenly Father's Day.

Yours in His service.

Peter Ellis - Pastor,
Combe Mardn Methodist Church



Although Midsummer Eve and Midsummer Day fall during June [23rd and 24th] neither has any real significance today. The former used to be associated with spirit watching, and when lovers sought to identify their future partners.

Romance and superstition have been linked through the ages. One old Devon rhyme tells:

  • An even leafed ash
  • And a four-leafed clover
  • You see your true love
  • Ere the day is over.

Young people in Okehampton had a more down-to-earth method of finding a partner, known as Giglet which fell on the Saturday after Christmas, when the young men of the town had the privilege of self-introduction to any spinster.

On the Moor above Okehampton is a granite cross marking Fitz's Well. At Easter, any young woman seeking a husband came here early in the morning to drink from the well on Easter Day. Local tradition said she would be married within twelve months.

Another romantic belief concerned Midsummer Day - a Devon maid without a potential husband would pluck a rose and wrap it in paper. Then, on Christmas morning she would wear it to church, hoping that a young man would take it from her, paving the way to a happy marriage.

Mark Norman






Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Louise Baddick

  • 1 sliced Lemon
  • 1 1/2 lbs Sugar
  • 10 Elderflower Heads [approx.]
  • 1 1/2 pints Cold Water [previously boiled]
  • 1 oz Tartaric Acid [Tartaric acid is derived from grapes]
  • Optional: 1 Camden Tablet for better preservation

Do not wash the elder flower heads as this removes the flavour. Place all ingredients together and leave for 24 hours, stirring periodically. Strain and bottle and dilute to taste.


Leader in Charge: Alf Gilbertson [883519]

The Youth Club has re-opened, but the future of the Club will depend on the interest shown. It needs a regular attendance of 10 plus members in order to meet running costs, so the Club's future depends on YOUR attendance. Use it or lose it!


Every Wednesday except the third Wednesday in the month
Membership: £1.00 Weekly Subscription: 50p

5.00 to 7.00 p.m. Age 7 and 8
7.00 to 10.00 p.m. Age 9 plus

It is hoped that Future Events may include:
A trip to Butlins
Exmoor Camp

If you would like more details, please contact Alf Gilbertson





  • Friday, 5th Coast and Country Walk - 1.00 p.m. Meet at the Mortehoe Cart Linhay Centre
  • Monday, 8th Rock Pool Ramble - 3.00 p.m. The Victorians' interest in sea life started in Ilfracombe. Meet at Tunnels Beaches to see what fascinated them so much.
  • Friday, 12th Snorkelling for Softies - 11.00 a.m. Meet at the slipway down to Lee Beach.
  • Thursday, 18th National Trust Walk- 10.00 a.m. Meet at the Mortehoe Cart Linhay Centre

The presence or absence of marine mammals is a good indicator of the ecological health of the seas immediately around us.

  • Tuesday, 23rd Rock Pool Ramble - 11.00 a.m. Meet outside the Tourist Information Centre in Combe Martin.
  • Thursday, 25th Rock Pool Ramble - 12.00 noon. Meet at the top of the path down onto Barricane Beach, Woolacombe.
  • Friday, 26th Rock Pool Ramble 1.00 p.m. Meet at Mortehoe Cart Linhay Centre for a 20 min. walk down on to Rockham Beach.

The basking shark is the second largest fish in the world, growing up to 15m long. Little is known about the life history and biology of this harmless giant which feeds entirely on the minute plankton.


  • Monday, 6th Coast and Country Walk - 12.00 noon. Meet at the Mortehoe Cart Linhay Centre.
  • Monday, 13th Rock Pool Ramble - 2.00 p.m. Meet at the top of the path onto Barricane Beach, Woolacombe.
  • Monday, 20th Snorkelling for Softies - 3.30 p.m. Meet at the Mortehoe Cart Linhay Centre for a 20 min. walk down to Rockham Beach.
  • Friday, 24th Rock Pool Ramble- 12.00 noon. Meet at the Tourist Information Combe Martin.
  • Thursday, 30th National Trust Walk 1.00 p.m. Meet at the Mortehoe Cart Linhay Centre.

Flat fish are the normal upright symmetrical shape for the first few weeks of their life, but then they settle on the sea bed, and one eye migrates over, so that both eyes are on one side of the head, and the blind side facing the sea bed.



2ndW.I. Meeting - Gourmet Delights: Rosie Don
4thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
9thParish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
10thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
11thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
18thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
21stFather's Day
24thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
25thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
27thJumble Sale, Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m.
28thSt. Peter's Church: Christians Together Evening Service, 6.30 p.m., led by Rev. Keith Wyer, Preacher Rev. Alan Edwards
29thSt. Peter's Church: Gift Day
2ndWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
7thW.I. Meeting: Educational Trip
8thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
9thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
15thWEDNESDAY! Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. Manor Hall
16thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
17thCollege and Primary School End of Summer Term
22ndMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
23rdWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
30thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
St. Peter's Church: Summer Fayre, Manor Hall
5thMobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m.
6thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.



'All In'

Replace the following words with another containing the 'all ', for example: Game [7] = Netball. The number in brackets is the number of letters in the word. There will be a prize for the first [or best] correct entry received by the end of June.

1.? [9]2.Spoken [6]
3.Part of Body [7]4.Tree [6]
5.Author [7]6.Logo [8]
7.Garment [7]8.Illness [8]
9.Absorb [7]10.Bandsman [4]
11.Kirov [6]12.Rampart [6]
13.Onion [8]14.Geegaw [6]
15.Furniture [7]16.Drang [5]
17.Heath [7]18.Loiter [8]
19,Furrow [9]20.? [7]





One of the best loved rare breeds, the Old Spot, was once nicknamed the 'Orchard Pig' because of its weakness for autumn foraging on the fallen apples of the country's orchards.



Raised on the rich by-products of the capital's 17th Century food and dairy industries, the Beauty was once the standard of fatstock perfection by which other breeds were judged.



The friendly, beautiful Gold Tip was once one of the country's rarest breeds. A poor contender for the demands of the commercial husbrandry, it is now almost certainly extinct.



Originally descended from the free ranging pigs of the New Forest, this hardy outdoor variety is reputed to be one of the few British breeds free from Chinese influence.



A fine white pig of good size whose name derives from its prominent lop ears. An ancient breed, these same large ears inhibit vision and help it keep happily within bounds.

Welsh Counties


Having narrowly escaped being absorbed into the breeding pool of the other large whites, the Old Glamorgan has retained its individuality and is one of the oldest surviving local breeds.

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes


Artwork: Angela Bartlett

Harpers Mill, Sterrage Valley

Card No. 440 was produced by Twiss Brothers, llfracombe, around 1908, and clearly shows there had been two largish cottages, one of which remains roofless, possibly the result of a fire to a cottage that was probably thatched.

The second was taken by Francis Frith around 1911 - note that Hagginton Hill can just be seen top centre of the card.

The final picture was produced by Hawke of Helston around 1927 and is one of the best photographic views of Harpers Mill that I have ever seen. Harpers Mill was sold in the Watermouth Estate Sale of 17th August 1920 as Lot 4 'Smythen Farm' and listed: ' 1097 [part] Old Cottage and Garden at Harpers Mill'

Nearby was a stone quarry and Mrs. Alma [Granny] Gray [nee Huxtable] explained to me some time before her death in 1986 at the age of 97, that the 'modem and larger section' of the Chapel [late U.R. Church] had been built from stone from the quarry near Harpers Mill, and that her father had blown up the slate stone using tubes of gunpowder that he made up as fuses which he then stuck into piles of gunpowder which he poured out under large rock faces in the quarry. He would light the fuse and run like hell!

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, May 1998


Artwork: Judie Weedon


I hope you have enjoyed this month's Newsletter and its colour supplement Spring Blooms in Berrynarbor - for which thanks go to Jim Williams and Rotapress of Combe Martin. I must also thank Nigel for his wrap-round cover and the centre page illustration, and Paul Swailes for his 'touches' that enhance so many articles. Should it not have been possible to include the photographs this time, they will form part of the August issue [including details of the pictures] and a reminder that items for that issue should be in to the Post Office or Chicane by Monday, 13th July, at the latest.

Thank you.
