Edition 37 - August 1995

Artwork by: Nigel Mason

Artwork: Judie Weedon


Unbelievably, this issue starts the 7th year of the Newsletter. During this time we have discovered a wealth of talent within the village. Gifted artists - Helen Armstead, Debbie Cook, David Duncan, Neil Redwood, Peter Rothwell and Nigel Mason, who has provided the delightful wrap-round cover for this issue, and not forgetting the delightful contributions from pupils of the Primary School. Tom Bartlett, Lorna Bowden and latterly Terry Babbington, have filled us in on Berrynarbor of the past, and if you have followed in the footsteps of our "Local Walker", you will have learnt much of the flora and fauna of our area as well as gained an intriguing insight into many of our local beauty spots and historic churches. Perhaps you have puzzled over Dave Beagley's crosswords. There have been original poems, recipes, travel memories, accounts of the 'doings' of various organisations so many contributors, so many contributions and I, and the readers, thank you ALL for without you, there would be no Newsletter.

My thanks must also go to my colleagues at Ilfracombe College: to Alan Bacon for his support and encouragement, Paul Swailes for his lovely illustrations, especially of the poems, Maggie Randles who has supplied me with some wonderfully apt poems, and the printers Colin and Mark. Behind the scenes and not to be forgotten are Barbara Pickup and Marion Billett, the collators, and, of course, Alan and Nora and Sue Day who kindly distribute each issue with the papers.

Financially, thanks go to the Parish Council for their continued support, to the holders of the Coffee Mornings and YOU for your donations.

Let's keep it going and discover even more talent - it's certainly there! Items for October will be needed by mid-September, Friday, 15th, latest please. Thanks.




The Badminton Club recommences at 7.30 p.m. on MONDAY, 4th SEPTEMBER. New members are always welcome.




What a happy occasion our meeting on 6th June was - so many members wanting to wish "our Bobbie" every happiness for her 90th birthday. She arrived accompanied by her niece, Beryl Lake, and with two other visitors, everyone settled down to listen to the guest speaker, Rev. Jim Bates. What an interesting account he gave of Ilfracombe in the Victorian times and up to the present day - the slides were excellent. I guess if we look up more when in the High Street, we shall be able to appreciate that architecture for ourselves, but 'off-season' might be a better time! The welcome 'cuppa' time found Bobbie cutting her special cake made by Doreen Prater [many thanks, Doreen] , who also judged the Flower of the Month competition won by Betty Brown with a peony.

The 4th July saw 32 members and friends enjoying an afternoon visiting St. John's Nursery, where the tills rang merrily [!] and then on to the Mount Sandford House, Landkey, where we were greeted by Mrs. Sheila White, who showed us round her beautiful garden - nearly two acres. The sun might have deserted us but the colourful blooms more than compensated. After touring the garden, everyone was ready for the excellent tea awaiting them.

Members are reminded of the Coffee Morning on 16th August There will be a variety of stalls - home produce, plants, nearly new, books, bric-a-brac and bring and buy. Ivy and Margaret, as always, will be managing the raffle, which is to include a 35mm camera. Our next meeting will be on 5th September when 'yours truly' will give a light-hearted talk entitled "What's Up Doc?" The competition will be A Well-Tried Remedy - should prove interesting! On 10th September, the Federation's 75th Anniversary will be celebrated with a Garden Party on Ilfracombe Sea Front from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. - Come Listen to the Band.

Vi Kingdon - President

Kind Hearts are the Garden,
Kind Thoughts are the Roots,
Kind Words are the Flowers,
Kind Deeds are the Fruit.



I love at eventide to walk alone
Down narrow lanes oerhung with dewy thorn
Where from the long grass underneath the snail
Jet black creeps out and sprouts his timid horn
I love to muse oer meadows newly mown
Where withering grass perfumes the sultry air
Where bees search round with sad and weary drone
In vain for flowers that bloomed but newly there
While in the juicey corn the hidden quail
Cries 'wet my foot' and hid as thoughts unborn
The fairy like and seldom-seen land rail
Utters 'craik craik' like voices underground
Right glad to meet the evenings dewy veil
And see the light fade into glooms around

John Clare

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


A warm welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Powell who have moved to Green Lees, Barton Hill, from Northamptonshire, where for the last 30 years they have been running their local Post Office and Stores, and to Sue and Derek Brooks who have arrived at Threeways, Hagginton Hill, from Oxfordshire.





It is sad to report that Stanley died peacefully at home on Saturday, 3rd June. Stanley retired to Berrynarbor 33 years ago after working for the then Chingford Council, London. He took an active part in village life, being a member of the Men's Institute and a Parish Councillor. Stanley was also a staunch worker and supporter of the local Conservative Association.

Stanley and Una first met through their church in Altrincham, Cheshire, when they were in their early teens, but due to family commitments, their lives went separate ways, but happily they got together again and had been married for 14 years.

Our thoughts are with Una and Stanley's family.




The members of our Parish Council for 1995-96 are:

Chairman:Jenny Taylor[862205]
Vice Chairman:Graham Andrews[883385]
 Lorna Bowden[883559]
 Len Coleman[883763]
 Ann Hinchliffe[883708]
 Bud Rice[882051]
 Richard Bowden[883887]
 Brian Fryer[882564]
 Ray Ludlow[883693]

Our County Councillor is Mike Knight [882692] and District Councillors, Peter Spencer [882634] and Yvette Gubb [882364].



Some residents are experiencing problems with refuse sacks being ripped open by animals or birds. Because the times of refuse collections may vary, the District Council asks residents to put refuse out for collection by 8.00 a.m. However, the contract requires the operatives to clear up and remove any spilt refuse from torn sacks. If this is not being done, householders should ring and report this to the Customer Services Unit of the District Council on 388314 or 388321.


Artwork: Steve Angold [Aged 10]


Gift Day raised £425.44 towards Church Funds. Although this was less than last year, the Rector, Preb. and P.C.C. found the day well worthwhile, not least for all the personal contact made.

Fund raising will continue during August starting with the Summer Fayre on the 8th. Please come and enjoy yourselves. Any gifts for the various stalls and prizes for the raffle and tombola will be most welcome. Reg Gosling is arranging another Musical Evening to be held in the Church on Friday, 25th August, at 7.30 p.m. This is always a popular event - so much talent to be found in a small village.

V.J. DAY - Sunday, 20th August The Rector will be conducting a special Thanksgiving Service in the church at 10.30 a.m. Everyone welcome. This service will take the place of the Eucharist and Holy Communion, which will be celebrated at 8.00 a.m. If you can't make the Thanksgiving Service there will be one at Combe Martin at 3.00 p.m. and if you can't make that, there will be an outdoor service at Preacher's Rock, Ilfracombe, about 7.30 p.m.

Harvest will be celebrated a week later than usual this year - on Sunday, 8th October, with Evensong and Supper on the following Wednesday: final details in the next Newsletter. We hope to welcome soon the Rev. Philip Slater at Lynton and Mr. Peter Ellis as Pastor in the Methodist Church in Combe Martin.


The Eucharist, 10.30 a.m

Evensong, Combe Martin, 6.30 p.m. [once a month the Christians Together go from Church to Church, and there is no Evensong]

Holy Communion
Thursdays, 10.00 a.m.
2nd Sunday each month, 8.00 a.m.

The Rector, the Rev. Keith Wyer [883203] and Prebendary Eppingstone [882802) will discuss Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Bereavements and SHOULD be invited to come and pray with the sick.

Prayer and Bible Study, Combe Martin, every Thursday, 7.30 p.m.


David Beagley


1. State Jacks 8,5
7. Compensation for more clothes 7
9. Mountebank 5
10. Once upon a time 3
11. Do mine erupt, to overpower 8
14. Undercover operator 6,5
17. Drug not in a pan 8
19. A definite article 3
21. Obscure 5
22. "Clang went the trolley" 7
23. Decorated in winter 9,4


1. Neither good nor bad in France 6
2. "Frog he went a wooing" 7
3. Finished bowling 4
4. What pays the ferry man 8
5. A view of the bend 5
6. Blaspheme under oath 5
8. Not long to final selection 5,4
12. To comsume 3
13. Damaging waves 8
14. Where 13 can be seen 3
15. Observer 7
16. For the final journey 6
17. Municipal 5
18. West african river 5
20. Shatter the first prt for headgear 4

Solution in Article 33.



Best wishes, we hope you soon feel better, to anyone presently 'under the weather'. It is good to report that Laurel Draper and Barbara Pickup are home again after recent stays in hospital, we hope you both continue to progress.



Barbara would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their good wishes, cards and flowers, not only when she was in hospital, but also for her 91st birthday.

Bobbie Hacker would also like to say "Thank you to all friends from Berrynarbor, Combe Martin and Ilfracombe, for the lovely cards and gifts sent to me on my 90th Birthday - very much appreciated." She also sends this little ditty which she hopes will amuse:


Measles, they are horrid,
Mumps are rather bad,
Scarlet fever's dreadful, but
Toothache drives you mad.
It takes you and shakes you
And your face is twice the size,
Your cheek is round the corner
And you haven't any eyes.
If only I was clever
I would go and take it out,
Put it on the table
And turn it round about.
I'd smother it with toffee
And sticky currant cake,
And then for twenty hours
I would sit and watch it ache!

Joy Morrow thanks one and all for going along to the Garden Coffee Morning at Fuchsia Cottage, when £265 was raised for Chapel funds. Village support is wonderful, she says, as are dear friends, and a special thanks to Ray and Margaret Ludlow on behalf of the U.R.C.


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


  • The 25th of May saw a romantic trip to Gretna Green where Debra Harding and Gary Baddick 'tied the knot'.

  • Honeymoons in Egypt and Turkey followed the weddings at St. Peter's of Harvey Steed and Julie Hodgkins on the 3rd, and Helen Hannam and Mark Payne on the 17th June.

  • Harvey, who hails from Ilfracombe, and Julie who came originally from the Midlands, live at Croft Lee. Both work in advertising, Julie with Brayleino at Filleigh, and Harvey for Conrad in Barnstaple. Julie would especially like to thank Sue Clarke for the beautiful flowers.

  • Helen, a past pupil of the primary school, and Mark met through their work and now live in Exeter. Helen is a Nurse Manager of a unit in Tiverton, and Mark a Senior House Parent of a similar unit in Exeter. Both help people with learning difficulties to prepare themselves to live within the community.



Marigold Skin Cleanser

  • 2 tbs of marigold petals
  • 1/2 pt boiling water

Put the petals into a small pan and add the boiling water. Simmer gently for 5 minutes. Cool, strain and bottle. This cleanser will keep for a week in the 'fridge. Use as a skin tonic, softener, moisturiser by rubbing into the skin.

Relaxing Bath Herbs

Mint, Thyme, Sage, Rosemary, Lemon Balm, Lemon Verbena, Lavender Flowers, Camomile Flowers

Make a mixture of some or all of the herbs and then make some muslin bags [like a lavender bag] and fill them with the herbs. When running a bath, place a bag in the bath. Discard after use. This herb bag will provide a relaxant for tired muscles.



I was interested in the article in the Newsletter on place names in the village, especially as Middle Cock Hill was mentioned, it being our home for nigh on 30 years. The deeds I have only go back as far as 1844 when an Andrew Clogg, Yeoman of Heanton Punchardon, rented the small holding of 13 acres, 2 rods and 18 poles to his son, Richard Clogg, for £6 a year. In 1330 it was known as Kochull, in 1422 Cuckold Hill and later, in about 1690, Cuckoo Hill, and I imagine that lazy pronunciation it became Cock Hill. Facing the house is Cuckoo Hill, O/S No. 1046, part of Woolscott Barton, from which the place took its name. The barn and cottage [now in ruins] are much older than the house, and someone who still lives in the village was born in the cottage.

Nowhere can I find any reference to anyone called Cockhill, but I am still searching. The Records Office has no deeds or record pre-dating the deed I hold [1844], but they think the small holding known as Cock Hill was tenanted from Woolscott Barton or the Pyne Coffine estate at East Down, which owned Woolscott until it was sold to the Curzon Bassetts by the Rev. John Pyne Coffine. Woolscott is a good example of how names change - in 1288 it was the Manor of Wurfardescote and in 1370, the Manor of Walfardiscote.

Laurie Harvey


West Country Poets - Ted Hughes

The last poet in this series of West Country poets is Ted Hughes, not a Devonian by birth but by 'adoption', since he now lives in North Devon, and as well as writing about Devon, he concerns himself with conservation issues in the County.

He was born in Yorkshire in 1930 and educated at Mexborough Grammar School and Pembroke College, Cambridge. In 1956 he married the American poet, Sylvia Plath, and was appointed Poet Laureate in 1984, successor to poets like Ben Jonson, Wordsworth, Tennyson, John Masefield and John Betjeman.

The post of Poet Laureate is technically an officer of the Royal Household, whose duty it is to write odes for royal occasions. The duty is no longer enforced - just as well, perhaps, can you image an ode 'For a Royal Trial Separation'!

Much of his poetry is concerned with animals and his strong sense of the beauty and violence of the natural world. His first collection was the Lark in the Rain [1957], but he also writes topographical poetry about landscape. Many people will be familiar with his writing for children - The Iron Man and Tales of the Early World.


The swallow of summer, she toils all summer,
A blue-dark knot of glittering voltage,
A whiplash swimmer, a fish of the air.
But the serpent of cars that crawls through the dust
In shimmering exhaust
Searching to slake
Its fever in ocean
Will play and be idle or else it will bust
The swallow of summer, the barbed harpoon,
She flings from the furnace, a rainbow of purples,
Dips her glow in the pond and is perfect.
But the serpent of cars that collapsed on the beach
Disgorges its organs
A scamper of colours
Which roll like tomatoes
Nude as tomatoes
With sand in their creases
To cringe in the sparkle of rollers and screech.
The swallow of summer, the seamstress of summer,
She scissors the blue into shapes and she sews it,
She draws a long thread and she knots it at corners.
But the holiday people
Are laid out like wounded
Flat as in ovens
Roasting and basting
With faces of torment as space burns them blue.
Their heads are transistors
Their teeth grit on sand grains
Their lost kids are squalling
While man-eating flies
Jab electric shock needles but what can they do?
They can climb in their cars with raw bodies, raw faces
And start up the serpent
And headache it homeward
A car full of squabbles
And sobbing and stickiness
With sand in their crannies
Inhaling petroleum
That pours from the foxgloves
While the evening swallow
The swallow of summer, cartwheeling through crimson,
Touches the honey-slow river and turning
Returns to the hand stretched from under the eaves -
A boomerang of rejoicing shadow.

  Illustrated by: Paul Swailes



Last issue's front cover line drawing of the village by Peter Rothwell has caught the attention of the Community Council of Devon at County Hall, who have asked to use it within the text of their Annual Report. Well done, Peter, you're putting us on the map!

Congratulations to Sharon Toye who has gained a First Class Honours degree in Social History from the University of Exeter.

From Thursday, 14th September, the Community Department of the College will be running a term's Waterpainting class under the direction of Della Riley. Anyone interested should enrol through the College. The informal Thursday evening Painting Group will start again after Christmas.

Lammas Day, as shown in the Calendar, is on the 1st August. The word Lammas is the medieval form of the Anglo-Saxon Loaf Mass. This was a religious ceremony during which a loaf of bread made from flour derived from the first-ripened wheat of the season, together with a sheaf of that wheat, was consecrated. Though now a religious ceremony, it undoubtedly originated in pre-Christian times when seed-time and harvest were recurrent mysterious features of the community's life and vaguely associated in the communal mind with fertility rites and the worship of the life-giving sun. Inevitably it later came to be associated with the institution of the Harvest Festival, the older name for which was Festival of First Fruits.



No Job Too Small


Ter. (01271) 883150



Manor Hall, 6.00 p.m.




Gorgeous weather, a charming hostess and a beautiful garden - all the essential ingredients for an English summer Garden Party, enjoyed by everyone that visited Win Sanders' home for a Strawberry Tea at the end of June. So many friends and supporters telephoned to reserve tickets, that the original expected number of guests was soon exceeded and additional supplies of cream and strawberries were hurriedly obtained. Changes of plan often cause problems and some guest may have noticed a 'hiccup' with the raffle, for which the organisers offer most sincere apologies! Graham Andrews captivated everyone with a rapturous account of current Parliamentary affairs . Thank you to everyone who came and to Win for hosting such an enjoyable and successful afternoon.

Ray Ludlow



Once again our intrepid walker, Ron Toms, will be setting off on Saturday, 16th September, to visit the churches in our neighbourhood. This year the proceeds of the walk will be given entirely to the United Reformed Church.

Ron will shortly be walking almost as far in his efforts to raise sponsorship - so, please give him your generous support. If he does not manage to call at YOUR door but you would like to make a pledge, please ring him on 883150.



There will be a Summer Sale of good clothes, books, shoes, gifts and bric-a-brac at the Manor Hall on Saturday, 12th August, at 2.30 p.m. Please come along and buy - all proceeds to animal charities. More books and bric-a-brac are needed, so if you can help, please contact Mrs. Bond, Ludleigh House, Hagginton Hill, telephone 882507.


Saturday, 30th September

Old slides of Berrynarbor will be shown in the Manor Hall by Mr. John Sharp on Saturday evening, commencing at 7.30 p.m.

There will be no charge for admission, but donations may be given for the Manor Hall Restoration Fund. Refreshments will be provided by the Manor Hall Management Committee. Senior Citizens are given a particular invitation, and anyone needing transport to and from the Manor Hall should ring Cllr. Jenny Taylor on Ilfracombe 862205.


"The lonely sea and the sky"

One Sunday in mid-June, we headed for the coast path above Wringapeak to observe the sea birds which gather there. These high, steep cliffs near Woody Bay are a Site of Special Scientific Interest and an important breeding site for auks and gannets.

Guillemots were bustling to and fro, with their whirring flight and legs dangling when about to land. Flotillas of razorbills were on the water, diving for fish and using their half-open wings to swim under water.

Both birds are types of auk, looking rather like small penguins. They form large, mixed colonies on precipitous cliffs on the northern and western coasts of Britain, laying their eggs directly onto rock ledges, without making a nest. Their winters are spent at sea.

Guillemots are dark brown above and white beneath, with slender pointed bills, whereas a razorbill has a black back and head and short thick neck. The bill is very distinctive - broad and flat sided with vertical grooves and white markings across it.

In each case, a single egg is laid which is incubated for about thirty-six days. At three weeks old, the young guillemots and razorbills leave the ledge, though still unable to fly. They simply jump straight down into the water [sometimes receiving a bruising on the way down] where the parents continue to look after them.

After a while, we were able to distinguish three gannets flying low and direct over the sea, alternately flapping and gliding; magnificent birds with a wing span of nearly six feet - mostly white but with creamy yellow heads and necks and conspicuous long black tips to the narrow wings The powerful, long pointed beak is bluish tinged and the tail is long and wedge shaped. Although large, the gannet is lightly built and beautifully streamlined.

One started to wheel majestically, then plunged, arrow-shaped, headlong into the sea. [A gannet can descend more than a hundred feet after a fish]. A peculiar looking bird came into view, mottled black, grey and brown and speckled with white. This turned out to be an immature gannet in its second year.

The gannet nests in about thirty colonies, around the coasts of north western Europe and of these, the British and Irish birds form over seventy per cent of the total world gannet population.

A single egg is laid on a nest of seaweed, tufts of grass or thrift. At ten weeks of age, the young gannet weighs more than its parents. The excess fat is useful as the young bird is abandoned to fend for itself. While still unable to fly, it launches itself from the cliff and swims a great distance before rising into the air for the first time. In the autumn, the gannets disperse widely across the Atlantic and North Sea.

Witnessing the activities of these birds, on the water and in the air, was a fascinating experience. Our walk also included a view of the waterfall, formed by a stream arising near Martinhoe, which cascades over a high ridge, crosses the path and disappears to the beach below, between the boulders of a narrow gorge.

Drifts of Welsh poppies bloomed alongside the waterfall. Although called 'Welsh', these delicate, pale yellow flowers with deeply lobed and toothed leaves, are natives of the South West of England and Ireland as well as Wales. They favour damp, shady, rocky places and are the only species of meconopsis to be found growing wild in Western Europe.

"... that light blue eye a gannet clearly, a solan. *
In June, my solan should dive up, white, and stab the air. " - Robin Munro

* An old Scots word for gannet

Sue H



A Coffee Morning will be held at Ivy Richards's home, Southerly, on Thursday, 24th August, from 10.00 a.m. until 12.00 noon. Bring and Buy, Raffle. Proceeds to the Church.

The Harvest Festival will be held on 24th September when the Rev. Bates will be taking the service. There will be no Monday Service, but during the morning, from 10.00 until 12.00 o'clock, there will be a Sale of Produce.



Everything is changing. People are taking the comedians seriously and the politicians are a joke.

Will Rogers




This is a copy of an original poster, measuring approx. 15" x 10", giving details of the letting of Little Ruggaton Farm, the tenants at that time being Messrs. Huxtable. The notice was issued on the 20th September 1882 by Messrs. Harding & Son of Barnstaple. This highly prized [by me] poster was given to me by a friend who found it at an Ephemera Auction in London. The paper is quite fragile and has, in fact, been torn in half, but all the details are quite clear. Does anybody know the outcome of this notice and any details of its subsequent tenants and history? I should be very pleased to hear from you, or you could contact Judie instead if you prefer.

Many thanks to those of you who responded to my picture of the Hunt. It was interesting to read your memories. As yet I have no response to the funeral of Capt. Bassett, but I imagine it is too far back for anyone to have any personal knowledge.

Terry Babbington
38 Park Road, Thundersley, Essex. SS7 3PP
[01268] 758757



Some plants are harmful if eaten, others may cause skin reactions if handled.

In the Home - Angels trumpets, mistletoe, oleander, rosy periwinkle and seeds [e.g. castor oil plant] are all harmful if eaten; German primula and umbrella tree are harmful to handle, whilst lantana, leopard lily, bulbs [e.g. daffodils, hyacinths, etc.] and cut flowers [daffodils, narcissus, monkshood] are harmful if eaten or handled.

In the Garden - Harmful if eaten are autumn crocus, foxglove, laburnum, lily of the valley, lupine, pokeweed and yew. Rue, cupressus leylandii are harmful to touch and euphorbia, daphne and monkshood should not be eaten or handled.

In the Countryside - DO NOT EAT black bryony, black, woody or deadly nightshade, cherry laurel, horse chestnut, hemlock or lords and ladies, & DO NOT TOUCH giant hogweed.

Young children are obviously most at risk as they often put things in their mouths; older children are curious and often tempted by attractive berries or using plant stems as pea-shooters, and even adults can mistake harmful plants for edible ones. If you suspect poisoning from eating plants or berries, DO NOT make the person sick, but seek immediate medical treatment, taking a sample of the plant. Symptoms may appear several hours later.

For skin or eye irritation, wash the affected area with clear water and if in doubt, seek medical advice. Protect yourself and your family by learning to recognise harmful plants and berries; by discouraging children from playing with plants and berries and when working in the garden, wear gloves or wash your hands after touching plants .



A 4-point reminder to minimise sun skin damage:

  • Avoid mid-day sun [between 11.00 a.m. & 3.00 p.m.]
  • Seek natural shade - under trees or other shelter
  • Wear clothing as a sunscreen - T-shirts, long-sleeved shirts and hats
  • Use a broad spectrum sun screen of factor 15 or above

As you may be aware, the warm weather has produced a 'tick' explosion. Take care, especially when walking in long grass or bracken, to wear sensible shoes and long socks or trousers and keep a wary eye open for adders basking in the sun!



Saturday, 2nd September


Please enter and support this Show. Entry Forms and Schedules will be available from the Post Office, Willis & Sons [Combe Martin], Glenbridge [Sterridge Valley] and Devon Cottage [Hagginton Hill] from Monday, 14th August.

Support for such local village shows has been declining of late, but entries for OUR last year's Show, however, were GOOD, and this year we hope they will be even better! If you are unable to exhibit, please come along and support the event, buy a raffle ticket and enjoy a cup of tea, even bid at the Auction - you will be sure of a warm welcome. Hope to see you all there.

Linda Brown - Show Chairman

Illustration by: Peter Rothwell



The wind sang to the cornfields
A happy little song,
And this is what he whispered,
"The harvest won't be long."
The wind sang to the windmill
A merry little tune.
The windmill answered gaily,
"The harvest's coming soon. "
The Whispering of the poppies
Through the cornfields steals along,
They are joining with the fairies
Singing harvest's merry song.

Eunice Fallon



1stLammas Day
3rdWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
8thSt. Peter's Summer Fayre, Manor Hall, 6.00 p.m.
9thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
10thHoly Communion, 10.00 a.m.
U3A Luncheon: Collingwood Hotel, Ilfracombe, Michael Baddick - The Air Ambulance
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
12thSummer Sale, Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m.
14thVictory Over Japan Week
Entry Forms and Schedules for Horticultural and Craft Show available
16thW.I. Summer Coffee Morning, 10.30 a.m. Manor Hall
17thChristians Together in Combe Martin Town Hall for visiting Evangelical Choir
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
19thV.J. Celebration: Ilfracombe Royal British Legion - Stalls and Tattoo
20thV.J. Day Thanksgiving Service, 10.30 a.m.
23rdMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
24thU.R.C. Coffee Morning, Southerly, 10.00 a.m.
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
25thSt. Peter's Church: Musical evening, 7.30 p.m.
30thEntries for Horticultural & Craft Show Close
31stWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
2ndHorticultural and Art Show - see Posters for complete details
4thBadminton Club Recommences, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
5thW.I. Meeting: 'What's Up Doc? ' - Vi Kingdon
6thCollege and Primary School: Start of Autumn Term
Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
7thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
10thW. I. 75th Anniversary Garden Party, Ilfracombe, 3.00 p.m.
11thBadminton Club, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
12thParish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
14thU3A Luncheon: Carlton Hotel, Ilfracombe Mr. Green - "Not Just Books"
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
18thBadminton Club, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
19thW.I. Annual Party for Members of Ilfracombe Disabled Fellowship
20thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
21stWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m. Ember Day
23rdEmber Day
24thU.R.C. Harvest Festival, 6.00 p.m.
25thU.R.C. Sale of Produce, 10.00 - 12.00 noon
Badminton Club, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
28th Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
30thOld Berrynarbor Slide Show, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
2ndBadminton Club, 7.30 p.m. , Manor Hall
Diocesan Conference, Paignton
4thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
5thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
8thSt. Peter's Church - Harvest Service

Please note that the date of St. Peter's Music Evening has been changed to TUESDAY, 22nd AUGUST




Artwork: Angela Bartlett



This relatively modern postcard was produced between the mid '50's to early '60's and shows the asbestos-type house, Fuji, at the foot of Hagginton Hill. This was completely rebuilt and extended in the late 70's early '80's for Andy West, who now lives in the Old Rectory.

On the right we have Rose Cottage, which when sold with a large proportion of Watermouth Estate on 17th August, 1920, at the Bridge Hall, Barnstaple, appeared as Lot 63, "No. 32, Duckpool - an excellent tiled Cottage with large garden, orchard and premises". On the left can be seen Nos. 30 and 31, known as Ellis Cottage and then in the occupation of Mr. W. Sloley, which sold for £205. The houses on the south west side of Hagginton Hill were sold off in the same sale as Lots 65 to 73, House Nos. 17 to 29 inclusive.

An interesting photographic postcard which really shows the great change to that part of the village over the last 30 years, with more houses built on the north east side of Hagginton Hill and, of course, Lee Haven built by Bill Greenaway in the mid '60's. I should be very grateful if anyone can give me a more specific date for this photograph, and any further information.

Finally, may I again appeal for old photographs or postcards of Berrynarbor, or sadly there will be no further "Old Berrynarbor Views" - it's up to you all now. I don't mind carrying out the research and writing the article, but without your support this could be the LAST!

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, July 1995



Yes, I'm tired. For several years I've been blaming it on middle-age, poor blood, lack of vitamins, air pollution, saccharine, obesity, dieting and another dozen things that make you wonder if life is really worth living. But, I find it isn't any of these!

I am tired because I am overworked. The population of this country is 55 million. 25 million are retired - that leaves 30 million to do the work. There are 19 million at school - that leaves 11 million to do the work. Out of this, 2 million are unemployed and 4 million are employed by the Government - that leaves 5 million to do the work. 1 Million are in the armed forces which leaves 4 million. From that, 3 million are employed by County and District council - leaving just 1 million to do the work.

There are 620,000 people in hospitals and 379, 998 in prisons. That leaves 2 people to do the work. YOU and ME. And you are sitting on your backside reading this.

No wonder I'm ...... tired!

from PC of DC