Edition 48 - June 1997

Artwork by: Peter Rothwell

Artwork: Judie Weedon


This issue is the final one in the eighth year of the Berrynarbor Newsletter - 48 in all! How time flies. My thanks to everyone who has contributed in any way, with articles and drawings and those people behind the scenes who have printed, collated and distributed. Thank you for making the task of editing a pleasure and, from your reactions, producing a newsletter you enjoy.

This month's cover showing Hammonds Farm is a welcome return to Peter Rothwell's talent and I hope we'll be seeing more of his work again in the future. Thanks, too, to all contributors - old and new - where would we be without you!

Items for the August issue will be needed by Friday, 11th July, so start thinking about YOUR contribution, NOW!

Judie - Ed



Last issue's selection of items 'From Middle Age'... obviously caused some amusement and it was nice to receive a letter from Molly Lawson of Haywards Heath - one of our far flung readers. Molly writes:

I am sure you will have heard that Miss Tullett passed away last October, and so after 30 years, our holidays at Whitley Cottage have ended, which for us is very sad, it had become our second home. We love Berrynarbor and have made many friends there over the years. We hope to pay the occasional visit, though it won't be the same without that dear little cottage we know so well.

We enjoyed the items on 'growing old', they rang a bell!! The following is on the same theme.

How to Know You're Growing Older

Everything hurts and what doesn't hurt, doesn't work.
The gleam in your eyes is from the sun hitting your bifocals.
You feel like the morning after and you haven't been anywhere.
Your little black book contains only names ending with M.D.
Your children begin to look middle-aged.
You finally reach the top of the ladder and find it leaning against the wrong wall.
Your mind makes contracts your body can't meet.
A dripping tap causes uncontrollable bladder urge.
You look forward to a dull evening.
Your favourite part of the newspaper is '20 years ago today'.
You tum out the lights for economy rather than romantic reasons.
You sit in a rocking chair and can't get it going.
Your knees buckle and your belt won't.
You regret all those mistakes you made resisting temptation.
You're 17 around the neck, 42 around the waist and 96 round the golf course.
Your back goes out more than you do.
A fortune teller offers to read your face.
Your pacemaker makes the garage door go up when you see a pretty girl.
The little old grey-haired lady you help across the street is your wife.
You sink your teeth into a steak and they stay there.
You have too much room in the house and not enough in the medicine cabinet
You get your exercise acting as a pallbearer for your friends who exercise.
You know all the answers but nobody asks you the questions!

Molly Lawson - Haywards Heath




Being so near to the Easter holiday, it was nice to welcome so many members, including two newcomers - Beryl Brewer and Marianna Holdsworth to the April meeting. Our speaker, Mrs. Margaret Kelland, a farmer's wife, spoke about 'Cooking Past', recalling the many ideas that started with her grandmother, and which she has tried to incorporate into present-day cooking. What a feast of samples she brought along - cream, butter, brawn, teddy-cakes, cheese, and marrow jam .... which went very nicely with the scones and cream for tea. I feel sure that Margaret's stall will not be overlooked when members visit the Market in future!

Members from Arlington, Bratton Fleming, Kentisbury and Shirwell joined us for the Annual Group Meeting on the 29th April, when Penny Blower was the Guest Speaker. She showed slides on 'Colour is Beautiful' and using three members as models, illustrated how colours can affect one's outlook, and how to make the best of oneself. Arlington won the competition, beating us by one point. So, congratulations to them and many thanks to Edna Barnes and Win Collins, my fellow competitors, for their excellent entries. Thanks also to Linda Brown for her floral arrangements in the hall, and all members for their help in making and serving refreshments.

In spite of the hail and bitter wind on 6th May, 25 members arrived, including a welcome by Irene Somerville. Settling down to discuss W.I. Resolutions, Win opened the proceedings with her subject 'Agenda 21', as always most interesting to listen to. This was followed by 'yours truly' with the query about 'Lindane' and its possible connection with breast cancer. Both resolutions were followed keenly, and after some discussion were voted on. Having had so many excellent speakers recently, it was now time to catch up on outstanding W.I. matters, including making arrangements for the Coffee Morning on 14th June in the Manor Hall, and in aid of the North Devon Hospice, and the educational outing on 1st July. I was interested to see what response I should get for knitting 'Teddies for Tragedies' and I was not disappointed. So, needles will soon be clicking away and as this project is for the children of the Third World, anyone reading this who would like to help too would be most welcome. I am hoping that Judie will find room for the pattern and that the Post Office will be our collecting point. The more we make, the more little ones will have something to cuddle.

Our June meeting will be on the 3rd when Mr. Green will speak on 'Not Just Books'. Visitors, as always, are very welcome.

Vi Kingdon - President

In gardens, woodlands or on rocky plains,
Its humble buds unheeded rise,
Colourful flowers may the Summer reign,
But the DAISY never dies.


Teddies for Tragedies

Can you help? Calling all knitters! Could you please spare an hour or two to knit a little teddy? Doctors who treat children in third world countries are asking for them, as they have found that children who have their own teddies to cuddle in their cots get better quicker. Each child keeps his own teddy and can take it home so the doctors need a continual supply. Full instructions are given below. They are simple and quick to make. If you can make a little bag for your teddies, that would be most welcome, but if not it doesn't matter.

Double knitting wool: Main colour - for head and paws. Trouser colour. Jumper colour. Scarf colour. Size 10 needles.

Cast on 10 stitches in main colour. Garter stitch 10 rows [all knit]. Change to trouser colour and knit 30 rows. Make another leg in the same way. Knit across all 20 stitches and work 16 rows. Change to jumper colour and knit 24 rows. Change to main colour for head and change to stocking stitch [1 row plain, I row purl] and work 5 1/2" Change to jumper colour. Continue the remainder of the teddy in reverse order.

Stitch down the sides of the head. With jumper colour pick up 8 stitches either side of the neck join [16 stitches in all] and knit 20 rows. Change to main colour for paws and knit 10 rows. Repeat for other arm.

Sew up teddy leaving an opening at the crotch. Sew diagonal top corners for ears before stuffing. Please only stuff with polyester or other safe padding. Foam rubber is not recommended as babies may chew it. Run a thread through the knitting around the neck to draw it in.

Sew a happy face on the teddy using stem stitch or back stitch for the mouth.

Scarf: cast on 75 stitches and knit 4 rows. Cast off. Tie scarf round teddy's neck and sew firmly to the back of the neck. Do not sew down at the front.

Please do not deviate from this pattern as all teddies should look the same. Bags: made from material with a drawstring at the top. Finished size 10" x 13". Please do not use elastic.

Knitted teddies first went to the Sudan in 1986, and to Peru where they were delivered from the back of mules by the Emergency Care for Children team. Another consignment went to orphanages in Uganda and the Bishop of Taunton took teddies when he visited mission hospitals in Zambia. After the hurricane in Jamaica and the terrible earthquake in Armenia, teddies comforted the children who had lost everything. Children in Romania, too, have benefited from a teddy to cuddle at night.

Knitted Teddies bring comfort and hope to children around the World.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A belated warm welcome to Jeremy and Julia Stark who moved into Hagginton Hill from Ashford, Barnstaple, in February.

Jeremy is an accountant working in Barnstaple and Julia, who used to be a teacher, is now fully occupied looking after their three daughters and doing up the house.

Reluctant to leave their friends and having settled in well, Jessica [8] and Juliet [6] continue to attend Southmead School at Braunton, and Eloise [3] is now attending Berrynarbor Pre-School. We hope you will all be very happy in Berrynarbor.

We wish Grace and Nipper every happiness in their new home at Withycombe, Combe Martin, but it is not 'good-bye' as Grace will continue to keep our loos spotless and both will be regular visitors to the village.



This year, Combe Martin celebrates 20 years of twinning with Cormelle le Royal. We still have many founder members, but as the years have gone by, families have grown up and people moved from the area. We are, therefore, looking to welcome new members, with or without families, to the Association, either in Combe Martin or the surrounding parishes. Cormelle is growing a lot faster than Combe Martin and there are several families who would like a 'link'. I can assure you that it is great fun, you are 'royally' entertained and you don't have to speak French! It's surprising what you can achieve with a dictionary, sign language and a lot of laughs to communicate! A little French can help, but most 'twins' have a smattering of English. We visit France one year, and they retum to us the next. During the year we have several social and fund-raising events.

Our anniversary celebrations will be held on the week-end of 19th and 20th September. If you would like to join us or to learn a bit more about us before making a decision, please contact me and I shall be happy to have a chat and convince you how you can make new friends and have a trip abroad!

Jill Sidebottom
1 Westboume Terrace, Combe Martin - 882378 [evenings]



I should like to express my sincere thanks to all the residents of Berrynarbor who voted for me in the Devon County Council Election on 1st May, and for all the support and help I received during the campaign. I am sorry that I was unsuccessful in winning the seat on the Council but feel that the anti-government tide was against me. I would love to have had the chance to be your Representative, and can assure you that I would have given it my all had I been elected. Nevertheless, many thanks for your confidence in me, and I wish Mike Knight well as he serves the people of Combe Martin Rural Ward over the next four years.


Maureen Lovering

A big THANK YOU ... firstly to 'Town Crier' Alan. I had a word in his ear that I was desperate for a driver whilst I was 'wristicapped' recently. This brought instant response from Alan, John and Tony, who, in tum, for the next few weeks drove me safely and with kindness and courtesy around the far reaches of the south west. Thanks to all. Thanks, too, to Pat, Marion and Marilyn for their forbearance in allowing their husbands to skive [sorry, drive!] instead of gardening, decorating, car cleaning and other sundry chores. And, of course, thanks too to Doreen who also 'chaufeurred' me. It's great to be independent once more, but in my solo drives I can't help remembering the interesting conversations and chivalry of these modem-day Sir [and Lady] Galahads. Now I'm reduced to talking to the dog!

PP of DC

I should like to thank everyone who supported the Spring Sale held in the Manor Hall on 26th April, and for the generous donations received. The sum of £210 was raised which has been donated to animal welfare.

Mrs. K. Bond - Ludleigh House


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Easter Day - we were pleased to welcome a large congregation into church on Easter Sunday. The church was beautifully decorated and the Sunday School had made a lovely Easter garden. Thank you everyone for all your efforts.

A special thank you to all those who rallied round and helped to keep our services going so successfully during the absence of Preb. Eppingstone and our organist, Reg Gosling. We are glad to have them both back with us enjoying better health.

Family Services with the Sunday School will be on 15th June and 20th July, at 10.30 a.m. Please come along and join us for a lively service if you can.

The 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion Service will recommence during the summer. It will be held on the second Sunday of the month during June, July and August. We need a congregation if this service is to continue.

Fund Raising - the magnificent sum of £125.82 was raised at the Coffee Morning held on 1st May. Thank you once again to all those people who contributed to it in any way.

Gift Day this year will be held on Wednesday, 25th June [Sunday, 29th June, will be St. Peter's Day]. Letters and envelopes will be distributed round the 'village the week before and the Rector, Preb. and members of the P.C.C. will be at the lych gate all day from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. to receive your gifts. We are making a special appeal this year for the church heaters which are in need of replacement before next winter.

Flower Festival - plans are well underway for the Flower Festival to be held at the end of July. The theme will be 'Wedding Anniversaries' and the arrangers will be hard at work on Wednesday and Thursday, 23rd and 24th July. The Festival will last from Friday, 25th July through Monday, 28th July, and the church will be open all day, every day, although obviously normal services will continue. On the Thursday evening there will be a special Preview with wine and cheese and tickets will be on sale price £2.00. On Sunday, Sung Eucharist will be celebrated as usual at 10.30 a.m. and in the evening there will be Songs of Praise at 6.30 p.m. with Christians Together.

Another date for your diary: Tuesday, 19th August, St. Peter's Summer Fayre.

Our grateful thanks for the welcome additions which have been made to the church over the past few months. The priest's desk in front of the pulpit has been refurbished. A short box pew, kindly donated to us by the Church of St. Philip and St. James, Ilfracombe, has replaced a spare chair. Tapestry pew runners and a kneeler have been worked by members of the church and Mr. Bulled has made a new flower stand for us. All this has been donated in memory of Sally Johnson. Sally particularly enjoyed her garden and flower arranging and we shall think of her when we look at the pulpit flowers.

Also, we now have a loop system for the benefit of those with hearing aids. Once we are used to it, it should prove a great asset. How frustrating it must be not to hear the whole of the service and to have to ask afterwards about what has been said! Again, a large part of the cost has been met by a generous gift from Leslie Prater, Alan's brother.





By the time you receive this newsletter [which was complete and ready for distribution], most villagers will have heard the tragic news that 'Our Preb. ' died suddenly on Sunday morning, whilst at church. He will be greatly missed and we shall all be thinking of Peggy and her family at this very sad time.

Peggy would like to thank everyone for the wonderful care and support and many messages of sympathy she has already received. Due to the holiday and the need for a post mortem, the funeral will be delayed, but everyone will be advised of the details once arrangements have been made.


David Beagley


1. Feeling
8. Flowers that grow on you
9. Fawn
11. Foetus
12. Flexibility
13. Fraternity
14. Fester
17. Finish
18. Feel
21. Failed to follow suit
23. Fresh
24. Facing out
25. Female Relative
26. Failing rectified


2. Duck
3. Ding Dong'ed
4. Day before
5. Danced on it
6. Designated
7. Dumbfounded
10. Deity of Norseland
12. Dome over the earth?
15. Dilatory
16. Delighter
19. Drink
20. Deciphers
22. Decider of Bond winners
24. Desire

Solution in Article 34.


"The Devil's Footprints"

Following on the success of the video 'North Devon Ghosts and Haunting', Mark Norman casts the net wider with a series of articles on Devon Mysteries.

During the night of 8th February, 1855, whilst a heavy fall of snow lay on the ground, a continuous path of footprints appeared. This would be distinctly unremarkable if it were not for two points: firstly that the trail stretched for 100 miles, from Teignmouth to Exmouth, and secondly, that it traversed roads, fields, walls, gardens and even the rooftops of houses.

The explanation for this curious happening has never been found, but folklore says that it was the Devil on his travels - descriptions of the time tell of the prints looking as if they were branded with a hot iron.

Whatever left the marks would appear to have been bi-pedal. The prints represented a donkey's hoof - 4" long by 2 3/4" wide - but unusually the marks appeared in a single line. What is most important is that the size and shape of each print, and the distance between them, was identical in each and every parish.

If this was a hoax, it was an extremely clever one. It is a remarkable feat to go out and fake a geometric design in a field of wheat without being spotted, but to lay a 100 mile trail unknown to the general public would take incredible skill, planning and teamwork... even with the quieter nightlife of the 19th century.

Contemporary writers attempted, unsatisfactorily, to proffer solutions. A correspondent in The Illustrated London News [24.2.1855] pointed out that it could not have been an animal because of the distance, the single line of tracks and the fact that the tracks crossed a 2-mile wide estuary at one point before continuing on the other side. But he couldn't say what it was.

A writer in the Exeter Flying Post [1.3.1855] suggested the tracks belonged to the ghost of St. Nicholas - unhappy because the villagers wouldn't sing to his honour in the church.

Professor Owen in the Illustrated London News identified a drawing of the prints as a badger's hind-foot, but could not explain the length of the trail . Other explanations included: a stray swan, an escaped kangaroo, two cranes subsequently shot at Otterton, and a catamountain [a forerunner of the Exmoor Beast perhaps?].

Hoax or just unsolved? The mystery remains and probably always will, But an interesting note to close on: the night of 7th February, 1855, saw a lecture by Mr. Plumtre of Dawlish to the Teignmouth Useful Knowledge Society on the topic: 'The Influence of Superstition on Natural History'.

The video "North Devon Ghosts and Hauntings" is available direct from Viewfinder Video on 883358. A new evening course entitled "Ghosts and Unsolved Mysteries" starts at Ilfracombe College in the Autumn.

Mark Norman


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Saturday, 3rd May, was the big 'Five O' for Pat and John Gale of Moorings, Watermouth, who celebrated their Golden Wedding with their family and friends at the Woolacombe Bay Hotel. Warmest congratulations and best wishes to you both.

Colin and Barbara Fudge are delighted to have become grandparents for the second time this year. Their daughter, Susan, and her husband, Paul, presented them with a grand-daughter, Isabella, on the 17th April. Weighing in at 7 lbs 1 oz, Isabella will, no doubt, soon become a happy holidaymaker in Berrynarbor, like the rest of the family.

Tom and Inge Bartlett announce with joy the arrival of their first grandchild, Omar Zahir Bin Jainal. The new baby, a son for Angela and Jainal, weighed in at 10 lbs 10 oz on the 8th April. Having met his German great-grandmother and great-aunt, Omar has now returned with his parents to Singapore.

Colin and Doreen Harding are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their fifth grandchild. Robert William, son of Lisa and Kim Dove-Dixon of Chalfont St. Giles, and brother of Adam and Sophie, put in his appearance on the 25th April, weighing 8 lbs 9 oz.

Congratulations and very best wishes to you all!



Get well wishes to everyone who has not been well recently, and to all those who have either had a spell in hospital or joined the ranks of the 'in' folk and broken something! We hope that Ivy and Walter White, Ginny Neale, Mish Pesic, Brian and Angela Boyd and Kayleigh Richards are now well on the way to full recovery.

Mrs. Taskis of Breezes, Barton Lane, had a short spell in hospital and having recovered well has now moved to Wildebrook Nursing Home in Ilfracombe. We hope she will be very happy in her new home.


OGDEN NASH [1902-1971]

American author whose numerous volumes of humorous verse are characterised by puns and unorthodox rhymes. His work displays remarkable skill and ranges in tone from acid satire to genial nonsense.

The Cow
The cow is of the bovine ilk;
One end is moo, the other, milk.
The Octopus
Tell me, O octopus, I begs,
Is those things arms, or is they legs
I marvel at thee, Octopus;
If I were thou, I'd call me Us.

The Duck
Behold the duck.
It does not cluck.
A cluck it lacks
It quacks.
It is specially fond
Of a puddle or pond.
When it dines or sups,
It bottoms ups.

The Pig
The pig, if I am not mistaken,
Supplies us sausage, ham and bacon.
Let others say his heart is big -
I call it stupid of the pig.

The Firefly
The firefly's flame
Is something for which science has no name.
I can think of nothing eerier
Than flying around with an unidentified glow on a person's posteerier.

The Eel
I don't mind eels
Except as meals
And the way they feels.

The Termite
Some Primal termite knocked on wood
And tasted it, and found it good,
And that is why your cousin May
Fell through the parlour floor today.

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes




Once again a big thank you to everyone who has supported our recent fund-raising events.

Our next event will be a Sports Day involving all of the Pre-School children. It will be held on Friday, 20th June, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon and we shall be serving cream teas and other refreshments, and, of course, there will be a cake stall!

A reminder to parents that the 1997 Berrynarbor Summer Play Scheme will be operating from 28th July to 29th August. Each session will be from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m., Monday to Friday, and will cost £4.00 per session, or £3.50 if all 5 mornings are booked. All 3 to 10 year olds will be welcome. Anyone wishing for further information or to register their child, should contact the Pre-School or ring Karen on 883093 [evenings].

Berrynarbor Pre-School have vacancies for 3-5 year olds [under 3's must be accompanied]. Sessions are held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, from 9.15 to 11.45 a.m. Our Parent and Toddler Group [for under 3's] is held on Friday mornings from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Anyone Interested is welcome to visit the sessions or call Karen [as above].


available [delivered] at a cost of
£7.50 per box

To order and/or for further information
Contact: Vi Davies [882696]

Each box contains a selection of fresh organic vegetables and fruit
[potatoes, cabbages, carrots, onions, avocados, apples, oranges, lettuce, etc., etc.]
Delivered weekly, fortnightly or to your requirements.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


The Rectory
Combe Martin

Dear Friends,

The other day I heard a true story about a skilled musician who played the flute. He had been invited to play a few solos in a local concert and so decided to get down to some serious practice. He set up his music stand, picked up his flute and prepared to play. Imagine his horror when nothing happened. No sound. He tried again. He checked the flute. No music. You can imagine the shock!

Then quietly, he began to analyse what he was doing and realised what had gone wrong. The flute was fine, the problem lay with him. He had been getting careless. Instead of sitting, or standing straight, his arms just so, he had begun to slump. His hands weren't right, and had gradually twisted the angle at which he held the flute. When he blew over the hole in the mouthpiece, the angle was wrong and the music had gone. He corrected his stance and everything was fine again.

Sounds just like Christian living! It's not that we give up, or reject it. We just get careless. We still go to Church or Chapel, pray, read our Bible, but without the attention and care we used to have. We live without really thinking, and suddenly we are shocked into the realisation that nothing's happening. We blame the flute, the prayer, the faith, but so often the answer is in our own hands. We need to get back to the discipline of thoughtful, careful discipleship, which requires time and effort. We need to recall our Lord's words, when he said:

'Jesus answered, The Lord your God is the only Lord: love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength."' [Mark 12:29-30, N.E.B.]

And remember, he goes on to tell us to love our neighbour as ourselves.

With all good wishes,

Your Friend and Rector,

Keith Wyer



They climbed on ladders towards God,
With winch and pulley hoisted hewn rock into heaven,
Inhabited sky with hammers, defied gravity,
Deified stone, took up God's house to meet Him,
And came down to their suppers and small beer;
Every night slept, lay with their smelly wives,
Quarrelled and cuffed the children, lied,
Spat, sang, were happy or unhappy,
And every day took to the ladders again;
Impeded the rights of way of another summer's
Swallows, grew greyer, shakier, became less Inclined
To fix a neighbour's roof of a fine evening,
Saw naves sprout arches, clerestories soar,
Cursed the loud fancy glaziers for their luck,
Somehow escaped the plague, got rheumatism,
Decided it was time to give it up,
To leave the spire to others; stood in the crowd
Well back from the vestments at the consecration,
Envied the fat bishop his warm boots,
Cocked up a squint eye and said, "I bloody did that."

John Ormond
From Requiem and Celebration

Illustrated by: Nigel Mason


Calling all young Authors and Artists!

Forth From His Den
Forth from his den to steal he stole.
His bag of chink he chunk,
And many a wicked smile he smole,
And many a wink he wunk


Who is it? What is it? What is he doing? Either describe or draw what YOU think this short poem is about. There will be prizes for the best entries Under 12 and Under 8, and they will also appear in the next edition of the Newsletter.

Please put your entry [drawings should be on paper no bigger than 5 1/2" x 8" in black and white only], with a note of your name, age and address, in an envelope and hand it in either at the Post Office or Chicane by Friday, 27th June. We look forward to reading about or seeing your ideas.


Fund Raiser in aid of Calvert Trust

Plants + Bric-a-brac + Raffle + Cake Stall +Tea and Biscuits
Gardens Open for Viewing [for details please see posters nearer the time]

Donations of time, items or money will be most welcome.
Contact Mary Hughes [882580] after 4th June.

The Exmoor Calvert Trust is a residential Centre located in scenic surroundings at Wistlandpound, where anyone with a disability and their family can have a holiday. The Centre, which is beautifully appointed with excellent facilities, offers a very special holiday with many activities, including swimming [in their own heated pool], sailing, climbing, archery and riding.

Like every charity, fund-raising and their Friends are very important. Please support our village's event and if you are interested in becoming a Friend, please contact the Chairman, Graham Longdon [01237-431684].



[A Journeyman Returned]

A Police car and a screammg siren? - No! But
what do I see at 12.30 a.m. as I sit by the sea ...
The flickering lights from various heights
from 'cross the hill from Summerhill - what delights.
No sound at all - but with straining the ears
the twittering brook in motion appears
it's distant accord telling me I'm still here.
And what's this? Veined silhouette of the trees
in bright lights stand still in the night, Oh,
a car coming down Hagglnton Hill ... Now it's gone -
No more Disturbances Please!
And now, as the clouds pull away
the moon breaks through to display in full splendour
a 'Christmas Postcard' of Berrynarbor from sender -
like a gift from above, like Peace from a dove
received by this temporary lender.
Total tranquillity now, not a single sound has this
Journeyman found; then, a tomcat cries and a
night bird flies - no more painful human shrieks abound.
Such a gracious picture as this giving copious respite
and bliss - so loving and moving it be coming back
to the nurturing sea.
Neon lights, traffic fights, street crime, blacks v. whites
- never a pleasure reality!
So, rising again the moon to proclaim, a victory won not
in vain ... After years, and learning - and plenty of yearning
A Journeyman has finally returned.

Mike Prentice


Artwork: Peter Rothwell

Management Committee

Our AGM was held on Tuesday, 5th May, 1997. The existing Committee were re-elected by those members of the public present. Therefore, for the coming year the Management Committee is as follows:

  • Chairman: Brian Mountain
  • Secretary: Vi Davies
  • Treasurer: Tom Tucker
    • Loma Bowden [Parish Council Representative]
    • Ann Hinchliffe [Bookings Secretary]
    • Pat Sayer
    • John Hood

We were asked to provide a book to be kept in the kitchen in which users of the Hall can record breakages, accidents, complaints, suggestions, etc. This will be available shortly and hirers of the Hall are asked to make use of it to record any comments as a feed-back to the Management Committee.

A feasibility study is being undertaken to investigate all aspects of the Manor Hall [state of repair, finances, heating, usage, etc.]. All regular hirers of the Hall and hopefully all households in the village will receive a questionnaire asking for your views on the Hall. If you do not receive one through your door, extra copies will be available in the Post Office. Please take the opportunity of expressing your opinions. Once the information has been correlated, we intend to hold an open day in the Hall on Saturday, 12th July, so that everyone can come along and see what the future for the Hall may be.





Chairman: Graham Andrews
Vice-Chairman: Brian Fryer

Northern Devon Community Mediation

The Parish Council has received details of this new service provided by Dartington North Devon Trust. The scheme offers help where there is a dispute between neighbours, and where both parties are willing to accept mediation by a trained volunteer. The mediator will listen to what both parties have to say about the problem, but will not judge who is to blame or tell people what to do. Instead, he or she will assist both parties to negotiate over the issues that divide them. Mediation is quicker and cheaper than going to court. The service is free to all users. Experience has shown that nine out of ten mediations end in agreement. Enquiries can be made by post to Dartington North Devon Trust, 4 Taw Vale, Barnstaple, EX32 8NJ, or telephone 475280 asking for 'Community Mediation'.


The Parish Council has for sale a petrol-engined Tandu PRO 255 Brushcutter,
with 'cowhorn' handle. It may be inspected at the home of Cllr. Len Coleman
Swan Cottage [opposite The Globe], telephone 883763. The Council gives no
warranty as to its condition, and it is offered for sale 'as seen'

Sealed tenders must be delivered to John Vince, Clerk to the Council,
Holly Lodge, Home Park Road, lifracombe, EX34 8JT, to arrive no later than Tuesday, 17th June, 1997.
Envelopes must be endorsed 'TENDER FOR BRUSHCUTTER'




This summer term sees a lot of activity as usual. We have the Summer Fete on Tuesday, 15th July, at 6.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall. We have our own school Sports Day on 17th July and the Area Small Schools Sports on 18th June, this year to be held at Kentisbury Primary School. Let's hope the weather holds out! !

There have been two opportunities for a few children to take part in dance performances. Some went with Mrs. Fabian to dance in a North Devon Schools production at Pilton School. It was a dance they choreographed themselves called 'Crazy Golf'. Another group went to the North Devon College and danced with students who had to perform with children from the community as part of their coursework. Both dances were performed very well and the children really enjoyed the experiences.

Mr. Constant and his class are going to the North Devon Leisure Centre to take part in a day's activities. It ties up with their project for this term entitled 'healthy living'. There is also a residential trip planned for 30th June to 4th July when many children are spending 5 days in Shropshire. I'm sure a good time will be had by all! Look out for the next issue to find out how they all got on ...

is taking place on
15TH JULY at 6.30 p.m.
in the Manor Hall and Play Area

Hog Roast, Money Raffle, Cider, Children Dancing,
Bouncy Castle, Stalls, Games, Tombola, Refreshments, Jugglers, Face-painting


ST. JAMES [The Greater]

One day, Mary Zebedee said to the Lord Jesus Christ,

"Sir, when you are crowned King and on the throne, may my two boys,
James and John, be appointed to rule on either side of you?"

"That appointment my Father will make himself," said Jesus.

Mary had reason to seek preferment for her sons. Jesus had only to speak once and they followed Him immediately. He took them everywhere - when he healed St. Peter's mother-in-law, at the raising of Jairus's daughter, and together with St. Peter to witness the Transfiguration.

James was not always politically correct. One day when a village were not prepared to accept the Lord and His Apostles, James was anxious to send down fire from heaven, but Jesus stopped him. Like the other Apostles, James was in the Garden of Olives and he, like the others, fell asleep.

In the Acts of the Holy Apostles we read that King Herod Agrippa had James murdered - or martyred if you prefer. His body was put on a ship and cast off, when it drifted all the way to Spain, where he had done incredible missionary work. God revealed his grave in AD 800 and his body was taken to Compostela - one of the most famous places of pilgrimage. In AD 939, the Moors attacked and demanded a yearly ransom of one hundred virgins. St. James appeared to King Ramirez, first in a dream and on the day of battle, mounted on a white horse waving a white standard, and the Christians were saved and victorious. His symbols are a pilgrim's staff and scallop-shells.

Preb. Epp.

The Virgin and Child with Saints
[attributed to GIOVANNI Martini early 16th Century]

The full title of this picture, purchased by the National Gallery in 1867 is 'Altar piece: the Virgin and Child with St. George and St. James the Greater and a Donor'.

St. James the Greater is on the left, introducing the donor, whilst St. George is shown as a knight on horseback. James is the patron saint of Spain and is most often represented with a pilgrim's staff and broad-brimmed hat, as well as a gourd for carrying water and a scallop shell. The shell is worn by pilgrims to Compostela.


The Virgin and Child with Saints George,
James the Greater and a Donor

by Giovanni Martini da Udine
Date made, probably about 1500-25, Oil on wood
Bought, 1867
Inventory number NG778

© The National Gallery, London
Licenced under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0



Cllrs. Loma Bowden and Ray Ludlow represented Berrynarbor at the North East Devon Parish Consultation Forum held at Kentisbury on 18th March. Fourteen parishes were Invited to the Forum and the agenda covered many subjects, ranging from village halls, public conveniences, council tax, parish enhancement funds through to corporate strategy and budgets.

North Devon District Council Assistant Director [Customer Services], John Davies, presented a report outlining the strategy, aims and objectives of the District Council, promising more communication, greater open-mindedness and meaningful discussions with the parishes. An A to Z of District Council Services produced by John Davies, which also lists all the internal telephone numbers of departments within the Civic Centre, Barnstaple, has been placed in our Post Office, and is available upon request for inspection by parishioners.

Also available for public inspection at the Post Office is 'The Call Directory' produced by Northern Devon Council for Voluntary Service, which gives details of various help agencies.

Ray Ludlow



We were recently in Berrynarbor seeking information about Jacks family, who were residents of Berrynarbor in 1757. The name was Tristam Watts from Berra Farm in the area. The Rowlands, at the Post Office, were very helpful in assisting us to locate church records, etc. During our visit to North Devon, we found family still living at Dean Farm in Goodleigh!

Jack and I come from Lake Arrowhead, California, where we run a bed and breakfast business on the lakeside at an altitude of 5,600 feet.

The people of Devon are so lovely - friendly and helpful. What a wonderful place for a Quest!

Dorothy Stone



A stroll up West Challacombe Lane and back to Combe Martin via the cliff path is ideal for the enjoyment of wild flowers in spring and early summer. And half way along this walk there awaits an architectural and historic gem.

Beyond the last house and over the stream, the high banks of West Challacombe Lane were snowy with stitchwort and May blossom. Away to the right is a quiet valley where foxes feel free to venture out in daylight. Our steps were accompanied by much rustling and chirruping in the hedges

At the top of the lane is West Challacombe Farm, a collection of slate and pantiled roofs and rendered stone rubble and cob walls. This is an important building, currently being restored by the National Trust.

In the Department of the Environment listing it is described as, "a remarkably fine example of a small manor house, unspoilt since the nineteenth century"; fifteenth century in origin, extended in the seventeenth century and "containing earlier interior features of considerable interest."

The two-storey front entrance porch has mullion windows and a semi-circular arched doorway with a stone panel above it bearing a heraldic crest.

In "Out of the World and into Combe Martin" by Combe Martin Local History Group, it says, "There is certainly no other house like it in Combe Martin and medieval houses with fine timbered roofs of this quality and size are rare anywhere."

Last year, during the course of the renovation work, experts discovered that the oldest parts of the building had been constructed at least a hundred years earlier than previously thought.

At an abrupt angle to the left of the farm is a steep and rocky lane, running with water even after the long spell of dry weather. From this one emerges with the peak of Little Hangman towering above and Wild Pear Beach far below.

From here may be seen the most stunning views of Combe Martin Bay. In contrast with the uncompromising bleakness and barrenness of the Hangmen, the terrain along the cliff tops to Combe Martin via Lester Point is gentle with farmland bordering the path.

This difference is reflected in the profusion and variety of flowers: wood sorrel and violets in the shady parts, campions where it is more exposed and bluebells spilling over the cliffs.

Sue H

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes



A state-of-the-art computer at Barnstaple Library is now giving the public a chance to use maps in a new way. Farmers can quickly find a field number, or measure land. Plus, no matter how awkwardly shaped your garden is, Map View will allow you to measure your perimeter easily.

Map View was developed by D.C.C's Graham Miles. Graham has put the whole of Devon's Ordnance Survey mapping on just two CD-ROMs. The programme is impressively flexible, allowing the user to add or take away features like boundaries, houses and roads, which can be viewed at any scale. The system is so successful that Devon is selling it to other counties, including Dorset. It can now be seen in Barnstaple Library's Local Studies Centre and Westcountry Studies Library in Exeter. North Devon Local Studies Librarian, Jamie Campbell, said: 'Map View is a great step forward. It gives us access to detailed mapping that we just could not get before. If it is in Devon and the Ordnance Survey have published it, then it is on Map View.'

If you are interested in Map View, contact Jamie Campbell at the N.D. Local Studies Centre, Library and Record Office, Tuly Street, Barnstaple, EX31 1EL or telephone 388607.



Following publication of the last newsletter, which was both the April and Easter issue, I was just wondering how the date for Easter is fixed and why it is a 'movable feast'. I was delighted to have my questions answered by Rainer Jost who handed me a paper cutting from 29th March, 1997, which read:

Churches of the World to Unify Easter Day

Christian churches across the world are proposing to unify the day on which Easter is celebrated in the East and the West after the millennium.

Churches in every country will be receiving consultation documents following an agreement reached by delegates at a conference in Aleppo, Syria, organised by the World Council of Churches and the Middle East Council of Churches.

Easter is traditionally celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon after the March equinox, but different ways of calculating the date have meant that Eastern and Western churches almost always mark the festival on separate week-ends.

Under the new proposals, Easter would be decided by a precise astronomical calculation, using Jerusalem as the single meridian.

Canon John Halliburton, of St. Paul's Cathedral, who is part of the group organising the consultation process, said yesterday that Easter would fall for both East and West churches on April 15th, 2001, and "that is the day we are suggesting the new standardised system should be introduced. "



1stCollege and Primary School: Return after Half-term
Badminton Club, Manor Hall
2ndW.I. Meeting: 'Not Just Books' - Mr. Green
5thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
6thSt. Peter's: Meeting re. Flower Festival, 2.30 p.m. in the Church
8thSt. Peter's: Holy Communion, 8.00 a.m.
9thBadminton Club, Manor Hall
10thParish Council Meeting 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
11thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
12thU3A Luncheon, Sandy Cove Hotel: John Blackburn and Colleague - Morris Dancing
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
14thW.I. Coffee Morning in aid of Hospice Funds, Manor Hall, 10.30 a.m.
15thSt. Peter's: Family Service with Sunday School
16thBadminton Club, Manor Hall
19thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
20thBerrynarbor Pre-School Sports, 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon
23rdBadminton Club, Manor Hall
25thSt. Peter's: Gift Day
Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
26thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
29thSt. Peter's Day
30thBadminton Club, Manor Hall
1stW.I. Trip Out! Meet at Church Steps at 2.00 p.m.
3rdWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
7thBadminton Club, Manor Hall
8thParish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
9thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
10thU3A Luncheon, Collingwood Hotel: Ian Threlkeld - Diving Round Lundy
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
12thManor Hall Management Committee: Open Day at Manor Hall
13thSt. Peter's: Holy Communion, 8.00 a.m.
14thBadminton Club, Manor Hall
15thPrimary School Summer Fete, Manor Hall, 6.30 p.m.
17thPrimary School Sports Day
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
20thSt. Peter's: Family Service with Sunday School
Calvert Trust Fund Raising Event and Open Gardens, 2.30 p.m. Manor Hall
21stBadminton Club, Manor Hall
23rdCollege and Primary School: End of Summer Term
Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
24th<Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
25thto 28th, inclusive: St. Peter's - Flower Festival, 'Wedding Anniversaries'
28ththrough to 29th August: Pre-School Summer Playscheme, 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. daily
31stWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
5thBerry Revels Night
6thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
7thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
10thSt. Peter's: Holy Communion, 8.00 a.m.


Artwork: Angela Bartlett

Castle Hill, Berrynarbor. 52733 and Castle Hill Farm, 6.

The first view shown here of Castle Hill was published by E.A Sweetman & Son Ltd. of Tunbridge Wells and is postmarked 1953, but probably taken around 1951-2. It shows to the left Moules Farm with its farm buildings in the foreground, whilst the white fronted building is Castle Hill Farm with Castle Hill Cottages, with their gabled windows, continuing as a terrace up Castle Hill.


The second photographic postcard was produced by William Garratt just prior to the outbreak of the Second World War [c1938-9] and is postmarked 1941. The card not only shows the best old photographic view of Castle Hill Farm but also the Richards' farm, Moules Farm, can be seen on the left. From the way that the windows are all wide open, the photograph must have been taken on a particularly hot summer's day! !


Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, May 1997

I am delighted to have received information about North Lee Farm following my article in the last issue, which will be included in the August Newsletter.



Illustration by: Judie Weedon

Many readers, both young and old, will have been enchanted by the story of Greyfriars Bobby brought to life in the Walt Disney film of that name. However, for those not familiar with the true story of this little Skye terrier, it is an incredible one told in a charming book - well worth reading - by Eleanor Atkinson.

Bobby and his shepherd master, Auld Jock, would attend the weekly grassmarkets in Edinburgh, always having their lunch at the Tavern, opposite Greyfriars Churchyard, where the Landlord, Mr. Traill, would feed Bobby. Not wishing to be buried in a pauper's grave, Auld Jock saved his money so that he could be buried in the Kirkyard [along with many famous Scots] and when he died in 1858, Bobby followed the remains of his master to the churchyard and lingered near the spot until his death in 1872. By day he played with the local orphan children and ate at the tavern, but every night he returned faithfully to sleep by his master's grave.

James Brown, the graveyard caretaker, and his wife, and Mr Traill watched over Bobby, particularly as dogs were not permitted in the graveyard. Bobby also fell foul of the law as he did not possess a Licence, but the orphans raised the necessary money which the Lord Provost then put to other good works, himself giving Bobby the Freedom of the City of Edinburgh and a leather collar inscribed, "Greyfriars Bobby from the Lord Provost 1867 Licenced"

Lady Burdett-Coutts a 'grand leddy' - took a great interest in Bobby and declared that 'when Bobby dies, I want him laid in the grave with his master'. This she did. She also erected a monument 'Bobby does not need a monument, but I think we need one of him, that future generations may never forget what the love of a dog may mean, to himself and to us.'

Set in bronze, Bobby looks through the kirkyard gate and the monument is also a fountain with a low basin, at curb level, for dogs and other animals, and a higher one for humans.



Butchers Broom

The Butchers Broom owes it's name to the days when in dried form it was used to both clean the butcher's block and then protect the hanged meat from mice. In a decoction it can mend broken bones or when dried, shredded and worn as a protective garland, it will offer a 'most profitable protection against headaches'.